Spring/Summer 2011


Spring/Summer 2011
Writing and Art Contest Focuses
on Contributions of Immigrants
Photo by Rodrigo Fuenzalida
Neighbors Link 10th
Anniversary Writing
and Art Contest
first place winner,
high school student
Johanna Costigan of
The Masters School,
on left. Here she
receives her award
from Neighbors Link
Executive Director,
Carola Otero Bracco.
Left to right: Co-Chairs Agnes Hassell (Chappaqua), Adriana
Murphy (Sleepy Hollow) and Nancy Strong (Armonk) at the
Neighbors Link 10th Anniversary kick-off planning event at
the home of Agnes and Gerald Hassell.
Gerald and Agnes Hassell
Janet Benton
Judy and Kim Davis
Carol and Jim Fallon
Agnes and Gerald Hassell
Susan and Paul Hirschbiel
Nancy and Jerry Kohlberg
Maya and Edward Manley
Jackie and Jim Mann
Debra and Jim Treyz
Spring/Summer 2011
Neighbors Link
OUR MISSION: To strengthen the whole community by actively enhancing the healthy integration of recent immigrants. OUR STRATEGY: To Educate, Empower, Employ
The Founding of a Dream: Neighbors Link Celebrates
its 10th Anniversary
Ed and Maya Manley
eighbors Link began as a dream. Part of that
dream was that new immigrants in Mount Kisco
would have a place to call home, to bond and develop–
individually and collectively–towards their human potential. The rest of the dream was that long-established
residents would get involved as partners, volunteering to
build a better world together.
We believed then and now that our common
humanity transcends all the imposed boundaries that
divide us, and that a community thrives and succeeds
only when its people develop and grow together
through social and economic diversity.
The road ahead was stalemated with typical controversy about immigration. Our simple goal throughout
the founding of Neighbors Link was to accept economic
reality and build an infrastructure of inclusiveness.
A small group of visionaries had faith in what was then
a nameless, placeless dream. It was their deep commitment
and generosity which ultimately gave
Thank You for Making the Neighbors Link Dream a Reality
To make a donation, please go to www.neighborslink.org
Left to right: Poppy Cummings (Bedford), Mary Bailly,
Alison Quinn and Marilyn Shapiro (all of Pound Ridge)
Congratulations to all the participants in the
Neighbors Link 10th Anniversary Writing and Art
Competition. The contest’s theme was
“How Immigrants Strengthen a Community.”
High School Student
Johanna Costigan, Dobbs Ferry, NY
Middle School Student
Matthew Mitamura, White Plains, NY
Middle School Students
Sam Reffold, Pelham, NY
Kiera Allen, Katonah, NY
THIRD PLACE WINNERS (Tie) – $25 each
Elementary School Students
Samantha Corado, 4th Grade, Mount Kisco, NY
Nicole Hidalgo, 3rd Grade, Mount Kisco, NY
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27 Columbus Avenue
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
Tel: 914-666-3410
Families in our Parenting Program worked with
ArtsWestchester artist Wilmer Orellana to create a fivepanel “cultural expression” mural. This montage of artistic
impressions of various Latin American cultures includes Brazil,
Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic.
In its first year, Family
Night gave recent immigrants the welcomed
opportunity to socialize and build community connections.
A computer class in the
early days of Neighbors Link
rise to Neighbors Link. (See tribute to our Founding Benefactors on back page.)
Converting a 5,000 square foot warehouse into a
community center, half the building would house program
space for English classes and economic development,
along with a Hiring Site. The other half would house the
WestCOP Mount Kisco Head Start preschool for children
of impoverished families which could no longer be
accommodated in our school system for lack of space.
The doors opened on April 1, 2001. Volunteers came
to teach classes and help with technology. New donors
came to bring small and large gifts of support. At first
they came by the dozens, and then by hundreds, all
wanting to help, to work, to get involved. Indeed, so
many friends wanted to help that a remarkable and distinguished group organized in support of our mission. Friends
of Neighbors Link was founded during the early years by
Continued on next page
Photo by Rodrigo Fuenzalida
Photo by Rodrigo Fuenzalida
Left to right:
Alfreda Aldridge
and Barbara
Cochran Kostman
(both of Briarcliff
Tickets: www.neighborslink.org or 914-666-3410 ext. 14
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Left to right: Esther Gates, Gwen Guthrie, Agnes Hassell
(all of Chappaqua) and Sharon Dittelman (Mount Kisco)
Photo by MaryAnn van Hengel
Friends of Neighbors Link
Plan May 7th Anniversary Gala
Now in its tenth year, Neighbors
Link has grown to serve thousands
of individuals who work hard to
learn the language and the culture
of their new home.
27 Columbus Avenue, Mount Kisco, NY 10549 • Tel 914-666-3410 • Fax 914-666-3430 • www.neighborslink.org
4/22/11 9:43 AM
Neighbors Link’s wide range of services has made it a national
model for healthy integration of recent immigrants.
group support and a means to earn supplemental income.
Funding for the class and materials was donated, while
community members brought used sewing machines
to equip the room. Colorful fabrics were shipped from
Guatemala so that students could turn out beautiful work
products to sell while training for their new futures.
Graduates from the Latin Sol sewing program have
gone on to use their new business and trade skills to help
support their families. Ana and Claudia, for example, have
opened their own storefront sewing business called AC
Design in Bedford Hills.
Like our clients who came to us from war and desolation, our community is now a model for transformation.
Visiting delegations from towns across the country come
110502_NewsletterSpring2011.indd 2
Women of the Latin Sol sewing class
assemble quilt squares created by children
of the Learning Links after-school program.
(Upper left) Barb Tatera of the Northern
Star Quilting Guild works with Latin Sol
teacher Mercedes Delgado and a student.
(Upper right) Learning Links coordinator
Rebecca Jamo guides students as they
design their quilt squares. (Lower right) A
smiling artist begins work on her creation.
(Lower left) Members of Latin Sol display
the assembled squares, prior to the process
of backing and quilting.
Community Quilt Project is a Labor of Love
Quiltmaking has long been a cooperative craft, with many hands making
light work. Recently the women of the Neighbors Link Latin Sol sewing class
undertook the making of a community quilt, to be auctioned off at the May
7th Festival de Primavera. Created from over fifty squares decorated by
students from the Learning Links after-school program, the spring-themed
quilt is bordered by cheerful green, yellow and blue fabric, with red hearts
in each corner.
Latin Sol class members met weekly on Thursday evenings to complete
the project in stages. The work was not difficult for these capable sewers,
but it did require focus—as well as many long hours of cutting, pinning and
machine sewing. Barb Tatera of the Northern Star Quilters Guild provided
guidance, sharing methods that varied from the group’s usual techniques
for making clothes and home goods. Ana Murales and Claudia Gomez from
AC Designs completed the final quilting.
The sewers finish the quilt face, then add
their names to the hearts that adorn its
four corners.
Tenth Anniversary Marks a Decade of Partnership and Progress
“Neighbors Link provides an invaluable service to
our community. While the Town/Village of Mount
Kisco has recognized Neighbors Link as the hiring
site for local residents to employ workers, I believe
the educational and training opportunities offered
at the facility will yield the greatest rewards.
Thank you to the caring and compassionate
people who support this worthy organization.”
J. Michael Cindrich, Mayor of Mount Kisco
“Neighbors Link is so fortunate to have the support and partnership of this enlightened community. Together we are leading the
country as a model of how communities can come together in
positive ways to educate and empower immigrant families.”
In an inspirational gathering that raised the roof at Fox
Associate Rabbi at Temple Shaaray Tefila of Northern
Lane High School’s Mary Lou Meese Theatre, area choirs
Westchester and President of the Northern Westchester
sang out in celebration of the tenth anniversary of NeighInterfaith Council emceed the event.
bors Link.
Participants and sponsors included The Antioch Baptist
On the afternoon of April 3rd, the Interfaith Choral
Church (Bedford Hills), Bedford Central School District,
Celebration drew hundreds of listeners who appreciBedford Presbyterian Church, Chappaqua Singers, Katoated the stirring
nah Presbyterian
music, as well
Church, Lutheran
as Neighbors
Church of the
Link’s message
of inclusion and
(Mount Kisco),
Neighbors Link
Set against a
Band, Pound
photo montage
Ridge Community
of Neighbors
Church, St. Mark’s
Link clients
Episcopal Church
engaged in
(Mount Kisco),
learning and
Temple Beth El
of Northern
choirs from
Westchester (Chapeight different The Neighbors Link Band performed traditional Latin favorites to a full house at the Fox Lane Theater. paqua), Temple
houses of worship performed, together with a group of
Shaaray Tefila of Northern Westchester (Bedford Corners)
singer-musicians from Neighbors Link. Jason Nevarez,
and United Methodist Church of Mount Kisco.
Special thanks to Rabbi David Greenberg, Rabbi Jason
Nevarez, Executive Director Barbara Merson and Alli Steinberg
of Temple Shaaray Tefila and Event Co-Chairs Cynthia Brill and
Love Wootten of Neighbors Link.
Photos by Rodrigo Fuenzalida
Photo by MaryAnn van Hengel
Sue Bicksler Taub, Audrey Kolloff, and Agnes Hassell.
to Neighbors Link in search of the secret. Their hope is
Without them, Neighbors Link could not have endured or
to transform their own troubled communities through
triumphed, and none of us
creating successful programs and community centers like
would have had so much fun
Neighbors Link.
along the way.
In the year of our 10th
English classes were
anniversary, we welcome our
offered three nights weekly
first Neighbors Link affiliby volunteer tutors, while
ate which opens this spring
BOCES conducted an ESL
in Stamford, Connecticut.
program every morning at
While the name and programour Hiring Site. In time our
ming objectives will follow
clients negotiated 6,000 jobs
the Mount Kisco model, this
annually through Neighbors
grassroots effort has been
Link, and our ESL program
undertaken by the Stamford
now provides 17 levelcommunity, with an emphaappropriate classes weekly.
sis on local involvement. The
All this, with the help of
Stamford organization will be
over 200 tutors and the
self-sustaining, supported
professional direction of
financially through locally
Westchester Community
raised funds, used locally, like
The Friends of Neighbors Link have served as the
the Mount Kisco archetype.
In the first year we set organization’s core volunteers and event organizers since its inception.
In spite of all the brokenness
up a café and social room so that newcomers would have
in our world, miracles like these still happen—and dreams
a place to be and belong. Bonding around issues of homelike Neighbors Link still come true.
sickness and hope, and networking for new jobs, is critical
to stabilizing lives in the early years of immigration.
Jack Miller
One of our first clients was day worker Colin Garcia,
Founder, Neighbors Link
an electrician and tailor from Guatemala. Seeking a way to
give back to Neighbors Link, Colin volunteered to teach
a professional sewing class for immigrant women needing
Interfaith Choirs Celebrate Neighbors Link Through Song
Photos by Marilyn Shapiro
Neighbors Link Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of
a Dream
(Continued from previous page
Families enjoyed an afternoon of music and celebration.
Unity and community took center stage at the April 3rd Interfaith Choral
Celebration honoring the tenth anniversary of Neighbors Link.
“The Mount Kisco Police Department has
reached out to Latino residents in the hope
of gaining trust and improving rapport so
that they are comfortable in calling the police
when in need and in reporting crimes without
hesitation or fear, whether as victims or witnesses. Neighbors Link has been integral to our
progress in this effort by providing pathways
of communication with Spanish-speaking
residents and in promoting an environment in
which information sharing and education takes place. I sincerely
hope we can maintain and strengthen our partnership with
Neighbors Link for the benefit of all Mount Kisco residents.”
Steven J. Anderson, Mount Kisco Chief of Police
Carola Otero Bracco, Executive Director of Neighbors Link
4/22/11 9:43 AM