2011 Iran Public Executions


2011 Iran Public Executions
Human Rights Center of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
Iran Public Executions
Human Rights Center of the National
Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
Iran hangs man in public
Fars state-run News Agency – Jan. 5, 2011
Moments ago, a man sentenced to retribution in the Kaj
Square murder case was hanged.
Yaqub, 32, who killed another man in front of dozens of
people was hanged at 6:16 am today based on his court
sentence with the presence of a group of people.
Iran hangs man in public
IRNA state-run News Agency, Mehr state-run News Agency – Jan. 24, 2011
The death sentence for a serial killer in Karaj was carried out at 6:40 am on Monday
in public in the Quds Square in this town after it was upheld by the Supreme Court.
According to reports, the death sentence for Omid Barg, 25, who was identified and
arrested in a northern city in Iran was issued by the 71st branch of the Tehran Penal
Iran hangs two men in public in Khoram Abad
Keyhan state-run Daily, Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 14, 2011
Two people were hanged in the Lorestan Province in Khoram Abad.
According to reports from the state-run Keyhan Daily which quoted the Public
Relations Office of the Lorestan Prosecutor‟s Office, Nourbakhsh A. and Ali Heidar
Z. were sentenced to death by the Delfan Revolutionary Court for providing and
distributing crack (the term used in Iran for a kind of heroin and not for crack
These two people were hanged in the campus of the Lorestan Professional Training
Complex in Khoram Abad.
Three people hanged in public in Shiraz
Official website of the Fars Province Judiciary, State-run Aftab News website,
BORNA state-run News Agency – Apr. 16, 2011
Three members of the Roshanfekr (Intellectual) gang who had committed armed
robbery, kidnapping and had killed two State Security Forces were hanged in public
today in the morning.
The members of this gang were arrested last May when intending to leave the
country to seek asylum in a European country.
Iran hangs man in public
Official website of the Fars Province Judiciary – Apr. 17, 2011
According to the Central News Unit, the sentence for a person who was convicted
of eight murders, armed robbery and armed clashes with security forces was carried
out in public. The Kazroun Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor said, „this sentence
was carried out after it was upheld by the Supreme Court‟.
Iran hangs four men in public in Hormozgan
Official website of the Hormozgan Province Judiciary, state-run Fars News Agency,
state-run Faryade Javan website, ISNA state-run News Agency– Apr. 21, 2011
Iran on Thursday hanged four men convicted of murder and rape, Fars news agency
reported, saying the executions were carried out in public in the southern port city
of Bandar Abbas.
The men were not identified and no additional information was given on the crimes
for which they were convicted.
Two juvenile offenders executed in Bandar Abbas public hangings
Amnesty International – Apr. 27, 2011
Amnesty International has condemned a sharp rise in the rate of executions in
public in Iran - which have included the first executions of juvenile offenders in the
world this year.
Since the start of 2011, up to 13 men have been hanged in public, compared to 14
such executions recorded by Amnesty International from official Iranian sources in
the whole of 2010. Eight of those executions have taken place since 16 April 2011.
On 20 April 2011, two juvenile offenders - identified only as “A.N” and “H.B” - were
among three individuals hanged in public in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran, after
being convicted over a rape and murder committed when they were only 17. A
fourth man was hanged at the same time for rape.
Iran publicly hangs man in Ashtian
ISNA state-run news agency – Apr. 30, 2011
The head of the Judiciary of the Province of Markazi, Ali Mozafari said that
according to a verdict by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court, the head of a
gang was sentenced to public execution on charges of enmity with God by multiple
armed robberies, armed resistance against government forces, terrorizing and
disrupting the security of the people, and providing and carrying firearms.
“After this sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court, the head of this gang was
hanged at dawn on April 30 in the Mosa Abad Village in the town of Ashtian”, he
Iran carries out another public hanging in Mahshahr
Official Website of the Khuzestan Province Judiciary – May 2, 2011
On Thursday April 28, a man convicted of smuggling narcotics in Mahshahr who
was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in this town was hanged after his
sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court.
The head of the Mahshahr Judiciary, Neimatollah Roshan Ravan said, “The suspect
named A.M was sentenced to death on charges of possessing two kilos and 407
grams of crack (the term used in Iran for a kind of heroin and not for crack cocaine)
by the Revolutionary Court and his sentence was carried out on Thursday April 28
in Mahshahr after it was upheld by the Supreme Court”.
“This sentence was carried out in public with the presence of a large number of
people in this town”, he added.
Iran hangs 3 prisoners in public and another prisoner in Yazd Prison
Official Yazd Judiciary Website – May 14, 2011
On the dawn of Thursday May 12, four rapists were hanged in the town of Yazd…
Notably, the execution sentence of three of these men was carried out in public
outside of the Yazd Central Prison while the other prisoner was hanged inside Yazd
Prison with the presence of judicial officials, after the usual legal and religious
Iran hangs 5 people in public
IRNA state-run news agency, Official website of the Fars Province Judiciary - May 26,
2011, May 27, 2011
AFP: Iran has hanged 12 men for offences including
murder, rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking,
including five who were executed in public, news agency
reports and a legal source said on Thursday.
The official IRNA news agency said 'serial killer' Mehdi Faraji, convicted of
murdering five middle-aged women who boarded his minibus, was hanged in public
in the city of Qazvin, northwest of the capital Tehran, on Thursday.
Two more men, Hamid Ranjbar and Hamid Reza Baqeri, were also hanged in public
after being convicted of armed robbery and abduction. They were executed in the
southern city of Shiraz.
Another two, Masoud Dehqan and Mehdi Alipour, were hanged in public in the
same city after being found guilty of rape, the IRNA report added.
Child used as executioner in the public hanging of Mehdi Faraji
Iran hangs two men in public in Kermanshah
AFP, Official Website of the Kermanshah Judiciary – May 29, 2011
Iran on Sunday hanged in public in the western city of Kermanshah two men
convicted of child rape, the official IRNA news agency reported.
The men sent to gallows were identified as P. Mohammadi Pashterizeh and A.
Iran hangs two men in public in north eastern province
Fars News Agency – Jun. 9, 2011
According to the Fars [state-run] daily, two rapists were hanged in the morning with
the presence of the people of Neishapour [in Khorasan Province]…
“Whenever there is benefit, the implementation of legal and divine laws will be
carried out in public without any considerations”, the head of the Neishapour
Judiciary said.
He also pointed to the crimes of those executed and said, “In the beginning of the
last [Persian] year, two people by the names of Mohammad M. aka Meisam and
Mokhtar A. went to a home in the Firouzeh Township under the guise of State
Security Forces and put a knife to the throat of the man of the family and forced
themselves in his home”.
“These people detained the man in a room and kidnapped his wife”…
“The interrogations and other legal affairs were quickly carried out and the 22 nd
branch of the provincial penal court sentenced them to death in public. After their
lawyer filed for an appeal, the 42nd branch of the Supreme Court upheld the
sentence. Their requests for amnesty were also refused by the Amnesty
Commission”, he added.
Iran hangs man in public in Fars Province
Asre Iran state-run website – Jun. 15, 2011
State-run website - According to the Central News Agency [Iranian state-run TV], the
Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Ney Riz [in the Fars Province] said, “This
man who was 25 years old had carried out a rape in 2009…”.
“He was arrested three days after the crime and his death sentence was upheld by the
6th branch of the Supreme Court. He was hanged in public today”.
Iran hangs 3 men in public in Zabol
IRIB News state-run website – Jun. 20, 2011
The Sistan and Baluchistan Public Affairs Department announced in a statement
that three men charged with adultery and armed robbery were executed today in
This statement reads in part: “Three convicts identified as Babolddin Barkazayi son
of Khavanin, Mohammad Pudineh son of Nazar and Valiollah Mir son of Nour
Ahmad were hanged in the morning on charges of adultery and armed robbery in
the town of Zabol…They were hanged on June 20 in public with the presence of the
residents of Zabol. Hopefully the implementation of the death sentence in public for
these dissidents will serve as a lesson for all those who intend to invade and attack
the honor of the people”.
Three prisoners hanged in public in Kermanshah
Aftab state-run website- Jul. 19, 2011
Video link from Human Rights Activists in Iran:
Three rapists were hanged in the Azadi Square in Kermanshah.
Their average age was 21 years old and they had kidnapped a 16 year old girl two
months ago and after raping her, filmed her for blackmail.
The Public and Revolutionary prosecutor of Kermanshah said, “These people were
sentenced to public execution on charges of complicity in adultery”.
“The implementation of such sentences in public is a warning to those who are after
committing crimes”, Mr. Maleki said.
Iran hangs 2 men in public, 3 in prison
AFP, state-run Mehr News Agency, Fars News Agency, ISNA News Agency, Javan
Online website, Are Iran website - Sept 13, 2011
Iran hanged five people on Tuesday, three of them for drug trafficking and two in
public for murder, local media reported.
In the capital, a 25-year-old convicted of murder after he confessed to stabbing a
fellow student to death in broad daylight in early July was sent to the gallows near
the scene of the crime, a bridge in northwest Tehran, the state television website
The man, who was identified only by his first name Kousha, had carried out the
crime after the victim spurned him, the website added.
In the southern town of Dashtestan, a man was hanged in public after being found
guilty of murdering four members of a family a year ago, the Fars news agency
In the central shrine city of Qom, Fars said that three convicted drug smugglers it
identified by the initials of M.M., A.B. and M.D. were hanged. It did not specify
whether the execution was carried out in public or in prison.
Iran hangs man in public
AFP - Sept 20, 2011
Iran on Tuesday publicly hanged a convicted murderer at a square in the capital
Tehran, local media reported.
The convict, Sajad Karimi, had confessed to shooting a doctor outside his practice in
a populous eastern neighbourhood of Tehran a year ago.
The doctor, a cardiologist and university lecturer, died shortly afterwards of his
Karimi had said he planned the revenge attack on the cardiologist, who had been his
mother's surgeon, following her death.
State-run daily boasts presence of ‘women and children’ for public execution
Fars state-run News Agency – Sep. 20, 2011
Fars state-run News Agency - According to the Fars reporter from Nabovat Square in
Tehran, all the arrangements have been made for the implementation of the death
sentence of Sajjad, the murderer of Dr. Sarabi…
According to this report, security forces have been stationed in the eastern side of
the Nabovat Square and in East Janbazan Street… the crowds coming to watch the
execution in the square are increasing.
The presence of some children and women amongst the people who have come to
this location so early in the morning attracts more attention.
Iran publicly hangs 17 year old boy amid his uncontrollable sobs
Fars state-run News Agency – Sep. 21, 2011
The death sentence for Alireza, the culprit of the murder of Rohollah Dadashi, one
of the strongest men in the world, was carried out in the morning in the location
where the crime was committed…
At 4:55 am, Rohollah Dadashi‟s murderer was brought to the site with a State
Security Forces van which was accompanied by two SSF cars and another
automobile carrying the victim‟s family…
After verses from the Quran were read out, the representative of the prosecutor read
out the sentence and described the public execution as an act of justice.
This sentence reads in part:
„With quick measures, the Judiciary examined the case carefully and legally in the
quickest time and the process to carry out the sentence was immediately carried out
according to the law‟…
Alireza M. was brought out from the van at 5:15 am for the death sentence. He was
wearing a dark blue sweater and pants…
Alireza was in an unstable mental condition at the time of the execution. His feet
shook on the pedestal twice and he was sobbing uncontrollably.
Alireza constantly cried out the names of [Shiite saints] begging for mercy. He even
called out the names of those close to him including his mother and asked the
family of the victim for mercy, but the sounds of his sobs were lost in the uproar of
the spectators.
Judiciary defends execution of minor
Khabar Online state-run website, Fars state-run News Agency – Sep. 21, 2011
The representative of the Prosecutor on the case of the murder of Roholllah
Dadashi said that the murderer of this athlete was mature from the standpoint of
sharia [law].
A few minutes after the execution of Alireza, the murderer of Rohollah Dadashi, Ali
Rezvanmanesh answered questions regarding the age of the murderer.
“The criterion for the law is puberty according to sharia [law] which is calculated
according to lunar years”, he said in answer to a question by the Fars reporter on if
the murderer was legally 18 years old.
“The murderer was older than 18 from this viewpoint and therefore there was no
legal or sharia restriction to carry out the death sentence”, he stressed.
“Of course, Alireza was about 2 months less than 18 in solar years and naturally the
criterion for the law is not solar years but rather we act according to sharia
Iran hangs 4 people in public in Isfahan
ISNA state-run News Agency – Oct. 12, 2011
The four main culprits in the crime of Khomeini Shahr were hanged in public on
the dawn of Wednesday...
According to the issued sentence which was upheld by the Supreme Court, the four
main culprits in this case were hanged in the Behesht Park in Khomeini Shahr.
[They were identified as] Abbas, 24, who had two criminal charges in the past
including kidnapping and having an illegitimate relationship in 2004 and 2008,
Rajab Ali know as Black Ali, single, 23, who had a criminal record for carrying a
machete, drinking alcohol and having an illegitimate relationship, Asghar, single,
20, who had criminal records for carrying a knife, drinking alcohol and having an
illegitimate relationship and Mansour, single, 25, with a criminal record of
kidnapping in 2005 who was sentenced to death on charges of adultery in this case.
Iran publicly hangs man in Marvdasht
Akhbar Fars state-run website, IRNA state-run News Agency, IRIB state-run website
– Oct. 12, 2011
The Marvdasht Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor said that a convict was hanged
in public on Wednesday morning on charges of sodomizing an 11 year old boy and
participating in a kidnapping.
“This evil person was sentenced to death for sodomy and 15 years of prison for
kidnapping”, Gholamhossein Chaman Sardar said.
The Marvdasht Governor, Commander of the Marvdasht Revolutionary Guards
Corps, head of the Marvdasht Judiciary and a large number of people participated in
the execution ceremony.
Iran publicly hangs man in Shiraz
AFP, Official website of the Fars Judiciary - Oct 19, 2011
Iran on Wednesday hanged a man in the southern city of Shiraz for murdering a
woman with an axe, the Fars news agency reported...
A local judiciary official said the victim's son had described the attack and helped
police shorten the list of suspects to the convict, identified only as Koroush A., Fars
Iran hangs man in public in Qarchak
AFP - Oct 26, 2011
Iran hanged a convicted sex murderer in public on Wednesday in the central town
of Qarchak, state television's website reported.
The man, who was identifed only by his first name and age Bakhshali, 25, was found
guilty of murdering an elderly woman before raping and killing her nine-year-old
grandchild, the report said.
Iran to publicly hang ‘narcotics smugglers’
Mehr state-run News Agency – Oct. 31, 2011
The head of the Anti-Narcotics Police said, “The heads and traffickers of shishe
[synthetic cocaine/meta-amphetamine] gangs will soon be publicly hanged”...
“In the near future, the elements and heads of shishe production and trafficking
gangs will receive the maximum punishment in public with the cooperation of the
judiciary”, Ali Movayedi said.
Iran publicly hangs man in Ilam
Mehr state-run News Agency, AFP - Nov 3, 2011
A man convicted of killing three relatives of the woman he wanted marry because
they rejected his proposal was hanged on Thursday in Iran, the official IRNA news
agency reported.
The man, identified by his initials Z.K., was executed [publicly] in the town of
Nourabad in western Iran. He was found guilty of killing the mother, brother and
sister of the woman after they turned down his wedding offer around two months
Iran hangs man in public
Tabnak state-run website – Nov. 12, 2011
The cases of four evil men who were sentenced to death on charges of rape were
closed in the towns of Qazvin and Norshahr [after they were hanged]...
The second case which was closed on Saturday morning was that of an evil man in
Noshahr. This man was arrested by the police in February of last year after a young
woman filed a complaint against him...
After being tried, he was sentenced to death on charges of rape, and 147 lashes and
29 years of prison on charges of troublemaking, armed robbery, and clashing with
“After the sentence was issued and upheld by the Supreme Court, this man was
hanged in public at 6:20 am across from the Bandar Gate in Noshahr”, Noshahr
Prosecutor Kiomars Hamzeh Souri said.
Iran hangs nine people including 3 in public
AFP, ISNA state-run News Agency, Asre Iran state-run website - Nov 29, 2011
Iran on Tuesday hanged three convicted rapists and six drug traffickers -- one of
them a woman -- in different cities, local media reported.
Two of the men, aged 23 and 25, were hanged in public in the western city of
Kermanshah, Fars news agency reported.
They were executed after being found guilty of raping a number of women, some of
them university students. They were not identified.
Fars also said five men and one woman were hanged on Tuesday for drug trafficking,
notably dealing in heroin. They were not identified either.
ISNA news agency also reported a young man convicted of rape and identified by
the initials M.S. was hanged publicly on Tuesday in the central town of Saveh, some
120 kilometers (72 miles) southwest of the capital.
Exection in Saveh
Exection in Saveh
Iran hangs man in public in Shahre Kord
ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 11, 2011
According to reports, a person [Kianoush Sh.K.G] was hanged in public with the
presence of the Shahre Kord Prosecutor, a group of judicial and security officials and
a large number of the people of Shahre Kord on charges of carrying out a
kidnapping and rape.
The Shahre Kord Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor, Ahmad-Reza Bahrami,
stressed that the Judiciary will deal seriously with criminals and law breakers.
“The issued sentence in the province‟s Penal Court was upheld in the 31 st branch of
the Supreme Court after the convict filed for an appeal and the sentence was carried
out with the approval of the head of the Judiciary after due process.
Man hanged in public despite being in critical condition
ISNA state-run News Agency, Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 16, 2011
The public execution for a prisoner was carried out on the dawn of Saturday
December 11 in the Danesh Square in Shahre Kord even while the prisoner needed
urgent medical attention.
According to state-run media, a prisoner identified as Kianoush Sh. who had cut his
wrists a few minutes before his execution was hanged in public despite heavily
He reportedly cut his vein with the sharp edge of his handcuffs.
Notably, in a handful of cases, the Iranian security system gives sedatives to prisoners
before carrying out the death sentence to prevent such incidents.
Iran publicly hangs two men in Fars Province
ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2011
The death sentence for two people convicted of kidnapping and rape was carried out
in public on Tuesday morning in the town of Rostam in the Fars Province.
According to reports, the convicts who were identified as Samer R. and Hossein M.
carried out a kidnapping and rape in May of this year and after their arrest, they
were sentenced to death in the 6th branch of the Penal Court in the town of
Kazroun in the fastest possible time...
After their death sentences were upheld in the 9th branch of the Supreme Court, the
agreement of the head of the Judiciary and after their requests for amnesty were
turned down by the Judiciary Amnesty Commission, these two [men] were hanged
in public with the presence of judiciary and security officials and a large number of
people from the town of Rostam.
Rostam is located in the west of Fars Province, 160 kilometers from Shiraz.
Iran publicly hangs man in Rasht
ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2011
According to reports, an infamous drug dealer in Rasht was executed at 8:30 am on
Tuesday in public after years of selling narcotics.
The Social Assistant of the Gilan State Security Forces Commander announced that
„Mohammad-Reza Tal, known as Reza Tal, was arrested... in April 2010‟.
Iran hangs two men in public in Qazvin
IRNA state-run News Agency, Mehr state-run News Agency – Dec. 29, 2011
The murders of four members of a family from Qazvin were publicly hanged in the
“These two murderers named Ali Nazari and Mohammad Mohammad Beigi who
were hanged today in Qazvin were convicted of the intentional murder of four
members of a family”, the Qazvin Public and Islamic Revolutionary Prosecutor told
reporters after the implementation of the death sentence...
“In this case, the judiciary issued the final sentence in one week‟s time and carried
out the sentence in the shortest possible time”, he added.
Ardabil judicial official says executing drug traffickers is Iran’s pride and honor
Aftab state-run website – Jul. 10, 2011
The Head of the Ardabil Judiciary said that the issuing and implementation of
execution sentences for drug traffickers is the Islamic Republic‟s pride.
“These sentences that are issued and implemented after legal procedures and with
the presence and defense of the suspects‟ lawyers are the pride of the Islamic
Republic”, Gholamali Rezayi said on Saturday in a session of the Legal and Judicial
Committee of the Coordination Council to Counter Narcotics in the Province.
“Western countries try to overshadow the implementation of death sentences for
drug traffickers with their psychological propaganda without knowing that we will
not conciliate with anyone on the issue of narcotics and will consider fighting with
narcotics our duty and will never back down until our last drop of blood”, he added.
Iranian MP: opponents of public hangings have been educated in the West
Fars state-run News Agency – Jul. 18, 2011
Nayereh Akhavan, the representative of the people of Isfahan said in Majlis {Iranian
Parliament} regarding sentences related to retribution [an eye for an eye, death
sentence] in public, “It seems that the implementation of such sentence is effective
in preventing some crimes”.
“The principle of handing out punishments and implementing them is to punish
criminals but in some cases, based on the decision of the judge seeing to the case,
such sentences are carried out in public”.
“One can definitely not ignore or deny the effects and results of such sentences in
public because it will definitely punish the criminal and also [act as a] warning for
those who are watching the scene”, Akhavan who is a member of the Judicial
Commission in the Majlis said.
In answer to a question that some people and specialists believe that the
implementation of the death sentence in public can hurt the spirit of citizens and
cause negative effects in them, Akhavani said, “These people have mostly been
educated in Western academies”.
SSF Commander: strict punishment effective in crime control
IRNA state-run News Agency – Jul. 19, 2011
The Commander of the State Security Forces said that strict rules are effective in
crime prevention especially in regard to [crimes committed] with knives…
“Today the punishment for the use of knives as an instrument for crime, which leads
either to injuries or murders, is heavy in our country and the punishments for the
offenders are actually pursued and implemented”…
“Either way, the sentence [for these crimes] is very heavy and maybe punishments are
not carried out in this way in other countries to this extent”, Ahmadi Moqadam
“Currently, the rate of the detection of murder and these kinds of crimes are very
high in the country, meaning that almost no one can escape the law. They might be
on the run for a while but in the end the law will catch up to them”.
“There are almost no murder cases in which the case has not been solved after a
couple of years or the offenders were not arrested therefore courts are held and
punishments are carried out”, he said.
Top Iranian cleric says criminals have to receive maximum punishment without
due process
Mehr state-run News Agency – Jul. 22, 2011
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi severely criticized the Judiciary and said that the
sentences passed by courts are lifeless [too light].
The religious authority of Shiites cited the repeated crimes by troublemakers and
said that sentences passed by the courts were lifeless. He asked Judicial officials to
run judicial [court] branches like the trials of Amir al-Momenin [revered Shiite
“An important problems that our judicial system has is that it follows the corrupt
western judicial system where a case is referred to the judiciary from the police
station and then the formalities of choosing a lawyer and then the lawyer‟s
recommendation to the criminal to deny all his clear and recorded initial
confessions and to accuse security officials of torture and then getting in line for a
few months then the issuing of an initial sentence, then the court of review and
finally the issuing of a lifeless sentence after months which is not only not deterrent
but rather emboldens the troublemakers”, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazai said.
“With this method of work, security will never be brought to the country and
troublemakers and security disrupters will not be put in their place, especially if their
crimes are organized by the enemies”, he added.
“We propose that judicial [courts] branches be established for this end like the trials
of Amir al-Momenin Ali with the presence of a number of brave religious officials
and [the procedures] be carried out with precision but with speed without
formalities and that at most in one week these criminals be given the maximum
punishment for their crimes so that others learn and the respected Majlis [Iranian
Parliament] also solve the legal problems”, he said.
Parliament member says execution is the ultimate democracy and calls Iranian
refugees traitors
Daneshju state-run News Agency, Nedaye Sabze Azadi website – Dec. 8, 2011
A member of the Law and Judicial Commission of the Majlis [Iranian Parliament]
criticized the report of the UN Special Human Rights Rapporteur and called „Qisas‟
[retribution, eye for an eye, execution] the ultimate democracy.
“Retribution is an option which Islam has given to families and this is the ultimate
democracy”, Salman Zaker said.
“We cannot count execution as one of the weak points of the Islamic government”,
he added.
“Ahmad Shahid has gathered his report from people who are guilty in the minds of
the Iranian people and the claims and testimonies of these people have no legal
value in the international community”.
“One cannot take heed of the claims of a person who has lost his independence and
has ran off to another country because in the minds of his people, this person is
known as a traitor and someone who has turned his back on his country”, he added.
Head of Iran Judiciary defends widespread executions
ISNA state-run News Agency, Digarban website, state-run Club of Young Reporters
– Dec. 21, 2011
Sadeq Larijani, the head of the Judiciary said that the international community has
become a tool in the hand of America and that the Islamic Republic is not „afraid‟ of
carrying out executions.
“Execution sentences... are carried out according to the law and religion and in some
cases have to be in public”.
“Retribution in Iran is very rare but the law gives this right to the family of the
victim and this is while in some western countries, they also accept retribution”,
Sadeq Larijani claimed.
Judicial official: result of 30 years of strict security measures is increase of crime
Khabar Online state-run website – Jul. 19, 2011
[Article by] Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr, Deputy of the
Social Protection and Crime Prevention Department of the
When crime rate in the society goes higher than the
standard level, it is the sign of a threat. I do want to discuss
the quantity of crimes, but we have indicators that act as a
gauge for the status of the society which shows that the state
of crime and perversion in the society is unacceptable and
we think that it has risen above the standard level…
There are two ways of dealing with crime; one is the simple minded, traditional and
old method or the punitive method in which the crime and the criminal are
judicially dealt with and we think that the problem has been solved. In the past,
these [measures] were carried out…
We have acted in such a way in the society for almost 30 years. We thought that to
fight crime, we have to deal with the criminal in a security, political or judicial way.
The result of this is a great increase in crime rate.
Official statistics show 12 percent increase in murders in Iran
Official website of the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization, Mehr state-run News
Agency – Jul. 23, 2011
Citing the latest statistics regarding fights, clashes and murders with knives, the
Legal Medicine Organization announced that three Iranians die on a daily basis with
a knife…
According to the Legal Medicine Organization‟s documents, in the past year, 1,093
people were killed with knives, which shows a 12 percent increase to 2009 in which
976 people were killed in this way. One thousand six hundred people get into fights
every day.
In the past 10 years, more than 5.8 million cases related to fights and clashes were
referred to the Legal Medicine Organization. In the last 10 years, last year had the
highest numbers of fights with 631,381 cases referred to the Organization.