Choles-FX - Integra Nutrition


Choles-FX - Integra Nutrition
2009/2010 Supplier
Award Winner
960 Augusta Court
Kelowna, BC
Effective cholesterol reduction
Effective LDL reduction
Increases HDL levels
Added factors for enhanced effect
Guaranteed Purity
Clinically demonstrated effectiveness
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing License
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
NHPD site licensed manufacturer
Cholesterol has a number of functions vital to our health and
is produced in the liver. Among these functions, approximately 80% of cholesterol produced is used to create bile.
The rest is used to form cell membranes, act as a precursor to
vitamin D and the testes and ovaries convert it to the reproductive hormones testosterone and estrogen.
cane wax. These compounds are collectively known as policosanol. The most prominent member is a molecule called
Studies have demonstrated that not only is policosanol as
effective as prescription cholesterol-lowering drugs in lowering cholesterol and LDL levels but unlike those drugs will
Cholesterol is transported through the blood and like oil and also increase HDL levels. They have also shown that policosawater, cholesterol and blood do not mix. LDL (low-density li- nol is safe and well tolerated in patients with hypercholesterpoprotein) is a molecular complex of cholesterol and triglyc- olemia and concomitant coronary factors.
erides that combines with proteins in such a way that the
substance can dissolve in the blood. As a result, LDL can be When policosanol and pravastatin were tested side-by-side
carried to every cell in the body where each cell can obtain in an 8-week study, 10 mg of policosanol reduced total chothe cholesterol it requires.
lesterol by 13.9% and LDL by 18.3%, while it increased HDL
by 18.4%. A 10mg dose of pravastatin yielded similar results
However, excess LDL accumulates on the inner walls of your - in two out of three measures, it reduced total cholesterol by
arteries and results in the formation of plaque. This leads to 11.8 % and LDL by 15.6%. Unlike policosanol, however, it did
atherosclerosis, which can eventually lead to heart attack not increase HDL levels.
and stroke. Hence, LDL, despite its vital role in maintaining
good health, is called “bad” cholesterol, which applies when Similar results were observed when policosanol was comthere’s too much of it and when your antioxidant defenses pared with simvastatin and lovastatin. In a policosanol vs.
are inadequate to prevent its oxidation.
simvastatin trial, these two agents (both at a dose of 10 mg/
day) reduced total cholesterol levels by 14.7% and 15.2%, reIn sharp contrast, HDL (high-density lipoprotein, or “good” spectively, while the LDL levels were reduced by 17.9% and
cholesterol) plays a protective role in cardiovascular health. 19.8%, respectively.
HDL is made in both the liver and the intestines. Once it
reaches the bloodstream, it takes up excess cholesterol from In that study, 27 patients completed the policosanol treatcells and from other lipoproteins and transports it to the liver ment, while 23 completed the treatment with simvastatin. At
for storage or excretion in the bile. It removes cholesterol the beginning of the trial, all 50 patients had total cholesterol
from arterial walls thereby helping to retard the develop- levels above 240 mg/dL, which is dangerously high. By the
ment of atherosclerosis. This is why high levels of HDL are end of the trial, however, seven patients treated with policodesirable.
sanol (26%) and six treated with simvastatin (26%) had levels
below 200 mg/dL, which is considered to be the threshold
The liver makes approximately 3 times as much cholesterol value for good (or bad) health. Eleven of the policosanol pa(600mg/day) as you consume in your diet. Therefore, dietary tients (41%) and eight of the simvastatin patients (35%) had
reductions in cholesterol would normally have a minimal ef- levels below 160 mg/dL, which is very good.
fect reducing blood cholesterol levels. An effective form of
treatment must therefore target the liver and its regulation Besides its cholesterol-lowering activity, policosanol is also
of cholesterol production.
associated with a number of other health benefits. For example, a 6-month trial involving 62 patients demonstrated
Statins are a group of compounds commonly used in pre- that policosanol improved the symptoms of intermittent
scription cholesterol-lowering drugs. They include lovas- claudication, a disease of the arteries that predominantly aftatin, pravastatin and simvastatin. They target an enzyme fects the legs and causes severe pain upon walking a short
called HMG-CoA reductase, essential for the normal produc- distance. Policosanol treatment increased walking distance
tion of cholesterol in the liver. Lovastatin occurs naturally in these patients by more than 50%.
in red rice yeast, a traditional food of Southeast Asia. In the
form of dietary supplements, red rice yeast provides many of It has also been reported that policosanol inhibits platelet
the benefits of the statin drugs.
aggregation in the blood, thus reducing the risk of thrombosis, or blood clots. Finally, policosanol improves exercise
Choles-FX is designed to lower cholesterol levels naturally response in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). This
and safely without the concerns associated with pharma- last effect may be related to the observation that policosanol
ceutical based statin drugs. The ingredients of Choles-FX are increases maximum oxygen uptake in CAD patients and thus
described as follows.
increases aerobic functional capacity.
Policosanol is a mixture of eight or nine higher aliphatic Red rice yeast (Red yeast rice) has been used in traditional
primary alcohols (long-chain alcohols) isolated from sugar Chinese herbology and Chinese medicine as far back as the
Tang Dynasty in China in 800 A.D. and taken internally to invigorate the
body, aid in digestion, and remove “blood blockages”.
Red rice yeast contains significant quantities of the HMG-CoA reductase
inhibitor lovastatin, a naturally-occurring statin. There is strong scientific evidence for its effect in lowering blood levels of total cholesterol,
low-density lipoprotein/LDL (“bad cholesterol”), and triglyceride levels. Liu et al (2006) published a meta-analysis of clinical trials and cited
93 published, controlled clinical trials. Total cholesterol decreased by
35 mg/dl, LDL-cholesterol by 28 mg/dl, triglycerides by 35 mg/dl, and
HDL-cholesterol increased by 6 mg/dl. Zhao et al reported on a fouryear trial in people with diabetes (J Cardio Pharmacol 2007;49:81-84).
There was a 40-50% reduction in cardio events and cardio deaths in the
treated group. Ye et al reported on a four-year trial in elderly Chinese
patients with heart disease (J Am Geriatr Soc 2007;55:1015-22). Deaths
were down 32%. (Mueller PS. Ann Intern Med 2006;145:474-5). An article in the June 15, 2008, issue of the American Journal of Cardiology
found that red yeast rice may provide benefits beyond those provided
by statins. The researchers reported that the benefits seemed to exceed
those reported with lovastatin alone.
Guggulipid comes from the guggal or guggul tree and has been used
in Ayurvedic medicine for nearly 3,000 years. It received regulatory approval in India in 1987 for the treatment of a range of conditions including obesity and lipid disorders and for lowering cholesterol. Although
the exact mechanism of action is not clearly known, US scientists have
found enough evidence to support its indication for high cholesterol.
Studies have shown that between 4 to 12 weeks, guggulipid can lower
blood cholesterol by 14-27% and triglycerides by 22-30% and increases
HDL by approximately 16%. (Szapary, P., et al, JAMA, 2003).
Niacin has been long known to have a positive effect on cholesterol
levels. In fact, it can raise HDL by 15 percent to 35 percent making it
one of the most effective agents for raising HDL cholesterol. In addition,
niacin also decreases your LDL and triglyceride levels. It is not clear
how niacin exerts its effects on cholesterol and triglyceride levels, but
it has been assumed that it may reduce the production of proteins that
transport cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Folic acid helps metabolize homocysteine into methionine and cysteine. Insufficient amounts of this B vitamin can lead to an increase
of homocysteine blood levels which can damage the inner surface of
blood vessels, promote blood clotting, and accelerate atherosclerosis.
In a large population study involving women, those who had the highest consumption of folic acid (usually in the form of multivitamins) had
fewer heart attacks than those who consumed the least amount of folic acid. The control of homocysteine levels by folic acid complements
the cholesterol lowering effect of Choles-FX for an overall benefit to
cardiovascular health.
Our Company
Integra Nutrition Inc. is the exclusive distributor of Alpha Science
products and has been servicing the health care professional since
1997. Our mission is to provide products of uncompromising quality
with unquestionable integrity.
Alpha Science is a pharmaceutical licensed manufacturer and is NHPD
(Natural Health Products Directorate) site licensed. As such, it has to
meet the highest standards set out by governmental health agencies.
This includes meeting the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
Further, Alpha Science also meets the highest standards set out by our
natural health care clientele. All our products are 100% natural and
contain no additives. Our products are regularly assayed for heavy
metal contamination and a complete certificate of analysis verifies the
purity and content of each ingredient.
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960 Augusta Court, Kelowna, BC