GITW 6 June 2015 - Grace Presbyterian Church Walnut Creek


GITW 6 June 2015 - Grace Presbyterian Church Walnut Creek
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A monthly publication for members and friends of Grace Presbyterian Church in Walnut Creek, California
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
---Prayer of St. Patrick
Dear Grace-filled Friends
Concert and
Saturday, June 20th at 7:00 PM
Dwight Stone on the Piano
Nika Rejto on the Flute
Popular favorites of their repertoire including "To the Top",
"A Voice from Afar" (duets), and "Whither Thou Goest" and
"Dolphins' World" (piano solo) will be featured, as well as the
original composition by Nika Rejto, "The Crystal Door".
Their recent CD "Amsterdam" will be available.
Come enjoy a fine musical evening with us.
Free admission; “love offerings” welcome.
Leslee and I will be traveling in the land of St. Patrick throughout the
month of June. Our exploration will begin in Dublin. We will head South to
Glendalough, explore the ruins related to St. Kevin and then to Cashel and
those of St Patrick. We hope to connect with locals at various B&Bs, churches,
and pubs. We will stay at Lough Eske Castle in Donegal. I am a direct
descendent of Sir Basel Brooke who received the castle and land from King
James I of England in 1621. It is now a five-star hotel, unfortunately there is not
a family rate. We will also enjoy the north coast and climb the steps of the
Giant’s Causeway before we head back to Dublin and fly home. We deeply
appreciate the elders of the Session who have approved this extended time
away for travel and enrichment.
While I am gone I am leaving you in good hands. Denia Segrest will
have just completed her internship with us and will stick around to provide
pastoral care and worship leadership. She will be preaching the first three
Sundays of June and hosting worship on June 28 when our missionaries to
Egypt, Steve and Cinda Gorman, will be present with you. On Sat. June 20
Karen Hastings-Flegel will be hosting a piano-flute concert presented by Dwight
Stone and Nika Rejto. After the concert the Discipleship Department has
organized a reception. Please plan on attending this special evening and
bring a friend.
Judy Williams, our office manager, (and minister’s prompter) has
instructed me to send weekly pictures and notes to be added to the bulletin so
that you can track our adventures and keep us in your prayers. I look forward
to sending you updates as we explore our Celtic Christian roots.
June 2015
Radical Hospitality...... 2
Concert .......................... 2
Outreach ........................ 2
Passionate Worship ..... 3
June Worship ................ 3
Adult Studies ................. 3
Calendar....................... 4
New Members ................. 5
Risk-Taking Mission ... 6
CCIC Update ................. 6
Pentecost Offering ........ 6
Playhouse Build ............ 6
Extravagant Generosity .. 7
Men’s Club.................... 7
Rummage Sale .............. 7
Amphion Concert .......... 7
10:00 AM Sanctuary
11:00 AM Fellowship Time
June office hours, see page 3
[email protected]
925-935-2100; Web
Roger Reaber
Pastoral Intern: Denia Segrest
Pastors Emeriti:
Charie Reid and Robert Williams
Music Director:
Karen Hastings-Flegel
Parish Associate: Diana Barkley
Office Manager: Judy Williams
Outreach Coord.: Florence Stone
Richard Carll
Asst. Treasurer:
Linda Neyer
Financial Scty: Jennifer Wallace
Submit articles by 6/15/15 for July
May you know Christ beside you, Christ within you, Christ before you,
and Christ behind you. And may God, who is Three, encourage and support
you all of your days.
Blessings, Roger
Donuts and Dusting…
Saturday, June 6, 9 to Noon
Concert and Reception
Saturday, June 20th at 7:00 PM
Dwight Stone on the Piano
Nika Rejto on the Flute
On Saturday evening Dwight Stone and Nika Rejto will present an evening of
original compositions for flute and piano, and for piano solo. This duo Nika Rejto,
flute, and Dwight Stone, piano, has charmed listeners in the Bay Area, and now
worldwide via the internet.
Stone's compositional style is enticing and inspiring, a different idiom,
modern yet pleasing, and acclaimed by audiences in the Bay Area, Los Angeles,
and Europe. His duet "Amsterdam" has proven to be immensely popular, and his
piano solo "Eye on the Prize" won first place in the recent Music Teachers'
Association of California State Composition Competition. Stone’s compositions
reflect his experience in all facets of music, including vocal, choral, brass,
orchestra, guitar and piano. An accomplished vocalist and performer on piano, and
a conductor, with nearly a dozen recordings to his credit, Stone adds, “It’s
especially nice to be recognized and acknowledged as a composer.”
Rejto is known for her sensitive interpretation and improvisational skill, she
has performed at numerous jazz festivals, and was awarded "Best Jazz Flutist" in
New York City in 2013. Dwight Stone and Nika Rejto appeared together at the
San Francisco Flute Festival in 2014, performing their original compositions. She
appears on twenty jazz CDs, including several featuring her own compositions,
and will be featured on the upcoming CD “Amsterdam” in collaboration with
Dwight Stone.
Popular favorites of their repertoire including "To the Top", "A Voice from
Afar" (duets), and "Whither Thou Goest" and "Dolphins' World" (piano solo) will
be featured, as well as the original composition by Nika Rejto, "The Crystal Door". Their recent CD "Amsterdam"
will be available. Come enjoy a fine musical evening with us. Free admission; “love offerings” welcome.
The Memorial Day Picnic and Concert was a fantastic
outreach event, as evidenced by the 160 people who attended. The
Fireside Room and courtyard were filled with tables, people, and
food. The concert featured a lovely presentation of patriotic
songs. Dick Carll played two piano pieces, one from World War
I, the other from World War II. For each song he provided the
historical background, as well as information about the composer.
Karen Hastings-Flegel played several wonderful pieces on the
organ. Various members read poetry, the choir sang , Julia Linde
played the piano, and Bob Williams providing an inspiring
benediction. Our guests really enjoy the event.
To date, about 40 people are signed up for the Living with
Gratitude Retreat. A var iety of activities will r einfor ce the
healthy, positive aspects of recognizing and acknowledging
gratitude on a daily, if not hourly, basis.
RFOG committee members Billie Lenox and
Janyce Gerber help with the food service.
There will be jobs big and
small, both indoors and outdoors.
Please come and help, even if you
can only come for part of the time.
Here are the list of jobs: dusting the
chairs in the Sanctuary, wiping the
chairs in the Oak room, polishing
the piano in the Oak room, spreading wood chips
around the campus. It is also National Donut Day so
we will have donuts in the morning, Thank you ahead
of time from the Business Department.
Submitted by Carol Parker
Save the date for a special Sunday
July 19th, 3 PM
Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social
Come and sing your favorite hymns
Amphion Music Club to perform
Sunday, June 28, 2015, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
at Grace Presbyterian Church
The Amphion Music Club is a Bay Area non-profit
organization devoted to bringing chamber music to
members and the public. The program consists of two
significant works by Antonin Dvorak, The Serenade for
Winds, Op. 44, and the Trio for Violin, Cello, and Piano,
the “Dumky,” Op. 90. All interested persons are invited,
and there is no charge. After the concert, refreshments
will be served in the courtyard.
The title “Dumky” (plural of “dumka”) describes the
style of all six of Dvorak’s movements, a dumka being a
Slavic or Ukranian folk song marked by abrupt changes
from doleful to exuberant.
Early in 1878, Dvorak attended a concert whose
program included Mozart’s Serenade in B flat major for
winds. He was so taken with the work that he began and
completed his Serenade within fourteen days. Dvorak’s
remarkable work used, in addition to wind instruments, a
cello and double bass.
The works include violin, cello, piano, oboe, clarinet,
bassoons, contrabassoon, horns and contrabass violin by
various professional artists.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see and hear this
elaborate production right in your own sanctuary. For more
information about Amphion go to
Men of Grace are planning a summer field trip
to Mare Island,
historic St. Peter's
Navy Chapel, and
Museum. For
information or to
help plan the trip
contact Robert Stark
at phone 945-7136.
Second Friday of the
month meetings will
not be held in June
and July and will resume in the Fall. The spring trip to
San Francisco Theological Seminary enabled ten
representing Grace Church to join returning alumni to
recall and celebrate their provisioning the march 50
years ago from Selma to Montgomery Alabama.
Preschool Rummage Sale
Saturday, June 13, 9 AM to 1:30 PM
Grace Preschool is hosting
its 2nd Annual Rummage Sale!
The sale will be open for
business on the sport court.
Would you like to donate?
Bring things to the preschool
classrooms from 9:30 AM to
11:30 AM June 10th-12th. The goods will be sorted
and stored here before the sale on June 13
Requirements for donations:
Please be sure that whatever you donate is in
good condition. For example, anything electronic/
battery operated should still be in working
order. Goods donated should also be clean.
When you drop off your donations we will
need you to stay, price, and sort your goods
accordingly. Stickers and pens to price things with
will be made available to you. Once your goods are
priced, they would need to be sorted in their
designated areas around the classroom. This is
crucial as we will not have enough volunteers to
do so for you.
All of the proceeds made will go directly to Grace
Cooperative Preschool. Any and all remaining items
leftover from the sale will be picked up at 2:00 PM
on Saturday by the United Cancer Research Society.
If you have any questions please contact
Marlene Hall (through June 9th).
Contra Costa Interfaith Coalition update for June
At our recent meeting it was reported that CCIC regularly goes beyond its original
mandate of helping furnish new living quarters for formerly homeless families and
individuals as well as the food boxes that Grace is involved with putting together
monthly. There are many individual stories of help being sought and provided: quick help
with a gift card to solve an emergency problem like a replacement tire so that a new job
can be reached by a father who can now feed his family; backs packs provided for the 4,
5, and 6th grade boys that often get forgotten when school begins and people generously
furnish back packs for the “little kids”; averted tragedies when a case worker discovered a
client has been forgotten by the system and has decided to give up living. All these things
happened this year and all were solved by CCIC getting involved beyond its calling.
Can you help? Yes. Donations to CCIC work can be as small as a gift card for $10 (and up, of course) delivered
individually to me to pass on for use in emergencies – I’ll be happy to see they get to the right people. You can be
part of God’s work – God is the only one who can turn misery into ministry according to the case worker that
successfully helped the “forgotten man” get back on his feet and again find joy in living. Churches can do great
things with annual donations, but we as individuals can do greater things because we are many.
By Sharon Lyons, CCIC Representative
Pentecost Report and Habitat for
Humanity Playhouse Build
Sunday, May 24.
To date over $2,600 was raised in the
offering for Pentecost to benefit Habitat
for Humanity. $275 was given towards
the effort by guests at the May 25th
Memorial Day picnic and concert.
The playhouse build was a grand
success and lot’s of fun. Many people
shared their talents and time with the help
of Habitat supervisor, Larry. Thank you
to all who donated toward the offering
and to those who helped build the
playhouses. One will be given to the
children of the Garden Park Apartments
and the other will be enjoyed by Grace
Cooperative Preschool. They are both
still works in progress. Stop by and
check them out.
Sunday Worship In June
Denia Segrest will be doing a 3-part series on Jesus statement in John 14:6,
" I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
June 7
I Am the Way
John 14:1-14
Proverbs 10:29, Genesis 18:19, Psalm 25:9-10, Deut. 5:32-33
June 14
I Am the Truth
John 14:1-14
John 16:12-15, John 8:31-36, John 1:14-17, Isaiah 59:14
June 21
I Am the Life
John 14:1-14
John 10:7-16, Psalm 23 (Bring a photo of your father or other
important man in your life to celebrate Father’s Day.)
June 28
Cinda and Steve Gorman will be at Grace to preach and talk about their Christian witness and work in
Egypt. We have been blessed to follow and support their ministry for the past three years. After
worship there will be a time for further conversation with them in the sanctuary.
Presbytery Meeting
Tuesday, June 9, 3 PM
Take advantage of an opportunity to attend a
Presbytery meeting in our own neighborhood when
the June 9th meeting will be
held at Lafayette Orinda
Presbyterian Church in
Come for part of the day or
the entire meeting which lasts
until about 9 PM. Dinner is
available for $10.
Grace Church office hours in June will be
9:30 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Thursday
and 9:30 AM to noon on Fridays. These hours will
be in effect for the month of June while Roger is on
Sabbatical. Doors will be locked at closing time.
If you need to come after hours, please
contact the office in advance.
Just a reminder… the quickest way for the
office to respond to your inquiry is by email:
[email protected]
Satisfied: Discovering Contentment
in a World of Consumption
Adult Education Course Continues
Sundays, at 11:25 a.m.
and Tuesdays, at 7 p.m.
Ends June 21st/23rd
In this sixsession video Bible
study we will
journey to the first
century and back
again with pastor
Jeff Manion of
Grand Rapids,
We will explore
cities like Ephesus,
Laodicea, and
Corinth and
discover that their daily challenges were very similar
to ours when it comes to living the contented,
satisfied life.
This study will help us explore the themes of
contentment and generosity as well as empower
us to overcome the devastating effects of living by
C—Conference Rm, 0—Oak Rm
F—Fireside Rm, S—Sanctuary
L—Library, 9—Rm 9
* No Communion in June
Sunday, June 7*
10AM Worship—S
11AM Fellowship—F
11:25 Adult Study—L
2PM PAS Concert—S
5PM PAS Teacher—S
7:30 AA—F
JUNE 2015
Sunday, June 14
10AM Worship—S
11AM Fellowship—F
11:25 Adult Study—L
2PM Guitar Society—L
1PM PAS Teacher—S
5PM PAS Teacher—S
7:30 AA—F
Monday, June 8
Monday, June 1
Monday, June 15
10AM Parkinson Movement-O 10AM Parkinson Movement-O
11AM Needlers—F
10AM Parkinson Movement-F
7PM Boy Scouts—O
6:30 Family of Women—F
7PM Boy Scouts—O
7PM Boy Scouts—O, L
Tuesday, June 2
10AM Power Prayer—C
700 Adult Study—L
7:30 SUBUD—F
Tuesday, June 9
10AM Power Prayer—C
11:45 Esther Circle—F
7:00 Adult Study—L
Wednesday, June 3
10AM Bible Study—L
10:30 Bridge—F
6:30 DA—F
6:30 Bell Choir—S
7:30—9 Vocal Choir—S
Wednesday, June 10
10AM Bible Study—L
10:30 Bridge—F
6:30 DA—F
6:30 Bell Choir—S
7:30—9 Vocal Choir—S
Thursday, June 4
9:30 Parkinson Yoga—O
7:45 AA—F
Thursday, June 11
9:30 Parkinson Yoga—O
7:45 AA—F
Friday, June 5
10AM ATC Bible Study—L
6PM Chess School—F, L, 9
6:30 PAS Teacher —S
Friday, June 12
9:30 Susanna Circle—F
10AM ATC Bible Study—L
12PM Youth Homes—O
Saturday, June 6
1:30 PAS Teacher —S
5:30 PAS Teacher—S, F
6:30 ATC Theology Class—L
Saturday, June 13
8-12 Preschool Rummage
Sale—Sport Court
11AM PAS Teacher—S
4PM PAS Teacher—S
6:30 ATC Theology Class—L
Tuesday, June 16
10AM Power Prayer—C
7PM Adult Study—L
7:30 SUBUD—F
7:30 Amphion Practice—S
Wednesday, June 17
10AM Bible Study—L
10:30 Bridge—F
6:30 DA—F
6:30 Bell Choir—S
7:30—9 Vocal Choir—S
Thursday, June 18
9:30 Parkinson Yoga—O
7:45 AA—F
Friday, June 19
10AM ATC Bible Study—L
Saturday, June 20
10AM Parkinson’s—O, L, F
6:30 ATC Theology Class—L
7PM Concert with Dwight
Sunday, June 21
Happy Father’s Day
10AM Worship—S
11AM Fellowship—F
11:25 Adult Study—L
2PM MTAC Concert—S
7:30 AA—F
Monday, June 22
10AM Parkinson Movement-F
11AM Needlers—F
7PM Boy Scouts—O, F
Tuesday, June 23
10AM Power Prayer—C
7PM Adult Study—L
7:30 Amphion Practice—S
Wednesday, June 24
10AM Bible Study—L
10:30 Bridge—F
6:30 DA—F
6:30 Bell Choir—S
7:30 Vocal Choir—S
Thursday, June 25
9:15 GITW Folding—L
9:30 Parkinson Yoga—O
6:30 Grace Partners—F
7:45 AA—F
Friday, June 26
10AM ATC Bible Study—L
10:30 PAS Concert—S
Saturday, June 27
All Day Seminar—O
4:00 PM PAS Teacher—S
5PM Grace Partners—F
6:30 ATC Theology Class—L
Sunday, June 28
10AM Worship—S
11AM Fellowship—F
12PM Amphion Concert—S
7:30 AA—F
Monday, June 29
10AM Parkinson Movement-F
7PM Boy Scouts—O, F
Tuesday, June 30
10AM Power Prayer—C
7:30 SUBUD—F
Grace welcomed four new members in May
Grace Church had the pleasure and privilege of welcoming four new
members last month. You will meet Betty and Don Maynard in a future
edition of Grace in the W orld.
Betty Adams was bor n in San Fr ancisco
and lived for a time on the Peninsula. She
grew up in the Catholic faith, but joined the
Presbyterian Church almost 50 years ago.
Betty served as a Deacon at Calvary
Presbyterian Church in San Francisco and an
Elder at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Palo
Alto. In past years, she also served the church
as Financial Secretary, and Clerk of Session.
Known as “Elizabeth the Organized,” she
had a career as a Publications Coordinator for
SRI International in Menlo Park. Since her
retirement, she has had more time to pursue her interests which include
genealogy, reading, knitting, quilting, jigsaw puzzles, cats, and the SF Giants.
Betty has already joined the Grace Needlers who knit scarves for service men
and women, and mothers and children of the Crisis Nursery.
Betty loves Grace Church for the similarity in size, statement of faith,
and mission work to the Palo Alto Covenant Presbyterian Church where
she was active for 28 years. Welcome Betty.
Marcia Peterson was bor n and r aised
in Mentor, Minnesota. After graduation from
Mentor High School, she graduated from
business school the following year. She married
Hans Melgaard and together they had four
children, Rebecca, Christine, Hans, and Timothy.
When her children were a little older, Marcia
returned to school and earned a BS in Technical
Communication from the University of Minnesota
and went on to a career as a Technical Writer.
In 2014 Marcia and her cockapoo terrier
Harry moved from Minnesota to Rossmoor to be nearer to her son Tim
who lives with his family in Walnut Creek. She is now a proud
grandmother to nine and great grandmother to one.
Marcia has many interests including participating on the steering
committee of the Wellness Group and being a member of the Volunteer
Exchange Board. She is interested in genealogy and has traced her
ancestors back to the Mayflower and even further back to Sweden,
Norway, and Germany. She published a book about her mother’s family
and is a member of Daughters of the American Revolution.
Marcia comes to Grace Church from the United Methodist Church
of Walnut Creek. Welcome Marcia!