13 Summer Saints Spirits - Saint Thomas Aquinas High School


13 Summer Saints Spirits - Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
Table of Contents
Alumni in Religious Vocation.............................3
Hall of Fame.......................................................4
A Brief History of STA.......................................7
Celebrating 25 Years...........................................8
Art Student Honored.......................................10
Class of 2013..................................................... 11
Alum Joins Dominican Order...........................12
Saint Thomas Aquinas Then and Now.............. 14
25 Year Book Order..........................................16
Alumni Story.................................................... 17
Mission Trips....................................................20
Saints Marrying Saints...................................... 21
Where are you Reading the Saints Spirit........... 21
All American....................................................22
Sister Schools....................................................23
Alumni Pop Quiz.............................................23
Sports Review...................................................24
Class Notes.......................................................26
Rosemary Maher Saints Walk for Life...............29
In Memoriam...................................................30
Class Reunions................................................. 31
Community Calendar
1�������������Class of 2013 Yearbook Signing & Ice Cream Social
9�������������Class of 2008 5-year reunion
10������������Saints Stampede 5K Walk/Run, Pancake Breakfast and
Family Fun Day
13�����������Freshman-Parent Gift Gathering for Extravaganza
14������������First Day of School
15�����������Feast of the Assumption All-School Mass*
16������������Sophomore-Parent Gift Gathering for Extravaganza
17������������Junior-Parent Gift Gathering for Extravaganza
24������������Senior-Parent Gift Gathering for Extravaganza
25�����������Class of 2017 Freshman Family Picnic
28�����������Parent Back-to-School Night
29�����������Mass of the Holy Spirit All-School Mass*
13�����������Blue & Gold Tailgate Kickoff
19������������Homecoming All-School Mass*
20�����������Homecoming Tailgate and Football Game vs. Salina
20-21�������Class of 2003 10-year reunion
21������������Class of 1963 50-year reunion
6�������������Open House
10������������Grandparents Day Mass*
The Saints Spirit magazine is a publication of the Saint
Thomas Aquinas Advancement Office. We welcome your
comments or questions. Call or write:
Bryan Thrasher
Director of Communications
[email protected]
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
11411 Pflumm Road
Overland Park, Kansas 66215-4816
William Ford, Ed.D.
Teresa Ahrens
Director of Special Events
Mary Bridget Kratofil
Director of Media Relations
Michon Quick
Director of Alumni & Constituent Relations
Cindy Winkler
Advancement Office Manager
Special thanks to Michelle Gress, photographer
1�������������All Saints All-School Mass*
1�������������President’s Tailgate before STA vs. Miege football game
7-9�����������Fall Musical All Shook Up
26�����������Thanksgiving All-School Mass*
11������������Performing Arts Department Christmas Concert
12������������Our Lady of Guadalupe All-School Mass*
20�����������First Day of Christmas Break
January 2014
6�������������Second Semester Begins
11������������Placement Test, Class of 2018
28�����������Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas Mass*
February 2014
5�������������Mass of Remembrance in the Chapel
8�������������Saints Trivia Challenge in the Gym
*All are welcome to attend All-School Masses at Saint Thomas
Aquinas! Please check the school website to confirm the date and
time. Most liturgies begin at 10:00 a.m. in the Gym.
Alumni in Religious Life
Alumni in Religious Vocation
On January 28, our school community celebrated the
feast day of our patron, St. Thomas Aquinas, at an all-school
Mass concelebrated by Archbishop Joseph Naumann and
our chaplain Father Andrew Strobl. In conjunction with
our 25th year-long celebration, it seemed an appropriate
occasion to honor in a special way our alumni who are
discerning God’s call to the religious life. May God bless
each one in his and her sacred ministry to His people!
Fr. Vince Huber, ‘00
Holy Order of Priests, Apostles of the Interior Life Ordination: June 18, 2011
Pamela McGown, ‘08
Servants of the Lord and Virgin Matara,
Washington D.C.
Walt Nelson, ‘97
3rd-year College at Conception Seminary College,
Conception, Missouri
Sr. Mary Magdalene of
Immaculate Conception, OP
(Carri Prewitt, ‘05)
Dominican Nuns Monastery of Summit, New Jersey (see
article, page 10-11)
Evan Tinker, ‘03
2nd-year Theology at Kenrick School of Theology,
St. Louis, Missouri
Max Wilber, ‘12
2nd-year College at Cardinal Glennon College,
St. Louis, Missouri
Jaime Zarse, ‘05
Diaconate Ordination: May 18, 2013, Theology at Kenrick
School of Theology, St. Louis, Missouri
(see Alumni News at right)
Carter Zielinski, ‘09
3rd-year College at Conception Seminary College,
Conception, Missouri
On the Cover, clockwise from top-right:
1) The 25th-Year celebration began in August 2012 with a prayer
and blessing before the inaugural Saints Stampede 5K CrossCountry Run/Walk. 2) Sporting KC professional soccer players and
STA alumni Michael Thomas, ‘06, and Kyle Miller, ‘07, kick off the
fall semester with a ribbon-cutting at the Saints Athletic Stadium’s
newly renovated field and facilities. 3) Dr. Bill Ford presents the
Legacy Award to Ben & Betty Zarda / MRZ Corporation at the 25th
Year Gala & Inaugural Hall of Fame Induction, March 2013. 4)
Alumni Cameron Russell, ‘97, and Shane Borth, ‘97, perform for
students during Saints Arts Week in May.
Look for more on the Saints 25th-Year celebration, pages 3-11.
The feast day Mass poster honoring Saint Thomas Aquinas alumni was
later placed in the chapel as a reminder to students to open their hearts
to God’s call for them to consider the religious life.
Jaime Zarse
On May 18, 2013,
alumnus Jaime Zarse,
‘05, and three other
seminarians from
the Archdiocese of
Kansas City in Kansas
were ordained to the
diaconate at Most Pure
Heart of Mary parish in
Topeka, Kansas.
The duties of a
Deacon Jaime Zarse, ‘05,
deacon can include
was vested by Fr. Mitchel
proclaiming the Gospel
Zimmerman, archdiocesan
and preaching at Mass, vocations director and STA
baptizing, witnessing
chaplain 2004- 2007.
marriages, and presiding
at funerals, liturgies
and graveside services. Deacon Zarse will return to his
studies with plans to be ordained to the Holy Order of
Priests on May 24, 2014.
Son of Alicia & Bob Zarse and brother of Josh Zarse,
‘08, Jordan Zarse, ‘10, Tessie Zarse, ‘12, and Tommy
Zarse - class of 2018, Jaime attended and played soccer
at Marquette University and University of Missouri
Kansas City before entering Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2010. The Zarse family
belongs to Prince of Peace parish in Olathe, Kansas.
Hall of Fame
Saints Inaugural Hall of Fame Event
honors new inductees
Also grandfathered
into the Hall of Fame
were those faculty
and staff who upon
retirement were
recipients of the
Marian Award for
The event was in conjunction with
long-time, faithful
the high school’s year-long celebration
Alumni children of Distinguished Service Award recipient Bob
service to Saint
that began last August and culminated
Frankovic and his wife Judy traveled from Texas, California and
Thomas Aquinas
Colorado to participate in the celebration. (Pictured left-to-right:
with the graduation of the class of
High School. They
Nathan and Lia Frankovic Cless, ‘04; Josh and Chris Frankovic
2013, the 25th since the school opened
include: Gennaro
Zaroor, ‘93; Judy and Bob Frankovic; and Michael Frankovic, ‘96.)
in fall 1988.
Mirocke (dec),
‘98, school chaplain Fr. Andrew
According to current president
Richard Scott (dec), Blake Mulvany,
Strobl, and alumni-parent and faculty
Dr. Bill Ford, “This year was an
Janiece Dye (dec), Sister Kathleen
member Sue Waters.
appropriate time to recognize patrons
Condry, OSU, Evelyn Boutte, Gail
who have been faithful friends of the
Prieb, Archbishop James P. Keleher,
The Saint Thomas Aquinas
school as well as a few of its many
Dennis and Geri Hord, James
chamber choir, under the direction
outstanding alumni.”
Enneking, Bonnie Patrick and Bob
of music teacher Joe Heidesch and
accompanied by senior John Bellau,
It was an evening of fond memories Aley.
‘13, sang several songs including the
that featured a crowd of the school’s
Members of the Inaugural Hall
school’s Alma Mater written by retired
past presidents, retired teachers,
of Fame Selection Committee were
music teacher Dennis Hord. A jazz
alumni, parents and friends of Saint
also recognized at the event. They are
combo comprised of Saints alumni
Thomas Aquinas High School.
alumni-parent and board member
Evan Maslak, ‘09, Austin Quick,
Members of the 2013 Inaugural Class
Bill Blaise, retired faculty member
‘07, and Paul Shinn, ‘06, performed
of the Saints Hall of Fame are:
and alumni-parent Jim Enneking,
during the reception. Alumni-parent
Distinguished Service Award -- Mac faculty member and alumni-parent
Mark Oppold served as Master of
Ayer, Robert Frankovic, Dave Goebel, Phil Farnan, school president Dr. Bill
Ceremonies. The event was organized
Ford, faculty member Kim Harrison,
Gail and Bob Foote, and Barb and
by the Saint Thomas Aquinas High
alumnus Tim Herre, ‘00, alumniJohn O’Donnell.
School Advancement Office with the
parent Cynthia Sabatini, alumna
Alumni Award -- Father Vince
help of Gala committee members,
Elizabeth Kisthardt Samples, ‘00,
Huber, class of 2000, Erica Thesing
past parents Jeanine (Mike) Cindrich,
alumna Amber Krumbholz Schrieber,
Kratofil, class of 1996, Mikey
Bit (Keith) Clark, Jean
Needleman, class of 2002, Benjamin
(Burry) Hinman, Anita
Schloegel, class of 1996, and Dr. Brigid
(Tim) Link, Nancy
Molen Sullivan, class of 1995.
(Troy) Reazin, and Mary
(Jim) Zeller.
Legacy Award -- The MRZ
Corporation, comprised of members
Nominations for
of the McAnany, Rieke and Zarda
the Saints Hall of
families of Shawnee, Kansas: Richard
Fame are accepted
(dec) and Betty McAnany, Leo and
on an ongoing basis.
Helen Rieke, Max, ‘39 (dec), and
Go to www.stasaints.
Frances (dec) Rieke, Tom, ‘52, and
net/HallofFame for
Mickey Nachbar Zarda, ‘53, and Ben,
program guidelines
MRZ Corporation, presented with the school’s first Legacy
‘45, and Betty Zarda.
and forms.
Award, was represented by Tim McAnany, Leo Rieke, ‘76,
Over 250 guests attended the
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
25th-year Gala & Inaugural Hall of
Fame held on Saturday, March 2, 2013,
at the Regnier Center of Johnson
County Community College.
Leon Rieke, Ben Zarda, ‘45, and Tom Zarda, ‘52.
Hall of Fame
Alumni inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Gala were Benjamin
Schloegel, class of 1996, Dr. Brigid Molen Sullivan, class of 1995, Erica
Thesing Kratofil, class of 1997, and Mikey Needleman, class of 2012.
Not pictured: Father Vince Huber, class of 2000.
The Hall of Fame Award features a print of the original acrylic
painting by Kansas City artist Mike Savage of Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School.
Retired counselor Bob Aley - pictured here with his wife Teresa and
STA chaplain Father Andrew Strobl - was one of ten Marian Award
recipients grandfathered into the Saints Hall of Fame.
Each Hall of Fame recipient, including
Distinguished Service honorees Gail and Bob
Foote, was honored with a short description
of their service and a video montage, followed
by an award-presentation by Saint Thomas
Aquinas president Dr. Bill Ford.
Dave Goebel, Distinguished
Service Award recipient and STA
Board chair for 13 years, and his
wife Jan have six children who
all graduated from Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School.
Debbie and Randy Huber accepted the Alumni
Award from Dr. Ford on behalf of their son
Father Vince Huber, ‘00, who is ministering
in Rome with his Order, the Apostles of the
Interior Life.
Mac Ayer represented the
spirit of volunteerism as
a Distinguished Service
Award recipient at the
inaugural Saints Hall of
John and Barb O’Donnell,
Distinguished Service honorees,
celebrated with family members
and friends at Johnson County
Community College and
afterwards at Tequila Harry’s
across the street.
The school’s chamber choir under the direction of music director Joe Heidesch provided fitting
entertainment for guests at the Saints 25th Year Gala & Inaugural Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fame
GALA: Celebrating 25 Years of Saints - March 2, 2013
Brief History of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Brief History of Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School
21st-Century Prepared
At the 25th Year Gala, Tom Zarda welcomed
esteemed guests from the “early years” in
Shawnee as well as many young alumni,
parents and friends who have collectively
worked to build the Communion of Saints and
position the school for the next 25 years and
A School Ignites
In the mid-1980’s, a soaring Catholic
population in southern Johnson County
prompted then-Archbishop The Most
Reverend Ignatius J. Strecker, D.D., to
build a new coeducational Archdiocesan
Catholic high school that would integrate
Aquinas High School located in Shawnee,
Kansas (1980-1988, and previously St.
Joseph, 1934-1980). While Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School adopted its own
identity, it also inherited a rich tradition
of dedicated Catholic families affiliated
with St. Joseph dating back to the 1930’s.
Since opening with an initial
enrollment of 447 students, Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School has maintained a
focus on four core values in all endeavors:
FAITH, EXCELLENCE (emphasizing
lifelong learning), SERVICE and
COMMUNITY. In its third decade, the
school currently enrolls 937 students with
5,638 alumni since 1989. Fulfilling the
mission of the school, Saints alumni and
students positively impact their parishes,
communities and the world through these
four core values.
Saint Thomas Aquinas remains
steadfast in serving all families
regardless of socio-economic or
academic capability. Parental
involvement has always been high
and is considered a component of
the school’s success. Another key
factor is the dedicated, supportive
faculty that encourages students
to live their faith in all things and
attain their God-given potential. The
school provides a demanding and
rigorous curriculum to ensure that
its 99-100% college-bound students are
well prepared to enter a highly competitive
post-secondary arena. Each year, over 50%
of graduating seniors receive academic
scholarships to at least 100 different
colleges and universities.
The school has been the recipient of the
state-wide academic recognition program,
the Governor’s Achievement Award,
five times since the award’s inception
in 2006. Saint Thomas Aquinas was
selected as a 2012 U.S. Department of
Education National Blue Ribbon School
of Excellence.
Strong Leadership
From the start, Saint Thomas
Aquinas has benefitted from exceptional
leadership. The school’s first president,
Blake Mulvany, was charged with opening
the new high school, and his competent
leadership grounded the school during
its first arduous days of policy forming.
He was succeeded in 1996 when Sister
Kathleen Condry, OSU, advanced her
position from principal at Saint Thomas
Aquinas to assume the role of president,
a position she held for two years and
capably steered the school for two years
until she left to assume a leadership
position with the Ursuline Sisters of
Since 1998, William P. Ford, Ed.D., has
served as president. Dr. Ford is a skilled
administrator noted for his integrity and
ability to continually raise the bar in order
to achieve excellence. He is past president
of the National Catholic Education
Association - Secondary Schools, a
membership organization that “provides
leadership, direction and service to fulfill
the evangelizing, catechizing and teaching
mission of the Church.”
Fiscal Prudence
Over the years, numerous facility
enhancements include the addition of
lower-level classrooms, 500-seat theater,
auxiliary gym, state-of-the-art science
classrooms, Chapel renovation, adjacent
building with additional classrooms,
athletic stadium and practice facilities.
Astute planning has also allowed
Saint Thomas Aquinas to keep stride in
the digital age. All building additions,
technology upgrades and classroom
renovations -- including wireless
connectivity, web-based applications,
laptops and classroom projection devices
-- incorporate cutting edge, progressive
educational innovations.
Through the generosity of many
donors as well as sound fiscal planning by
administration, Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School has been able to maintain
and enhance our quality facilities and
programs without the burden of incurring
or holding over long-term debt.
A Culture of Faith
Saint Thomas Aquinas has an
excellent reputation for its award-winning
programs in the areas of athletics, writing,
debate, forensics, performing arts, and
competitive scholastics. Over 65 clubs,
activities and athletic programs enable
a young person to explore interests and
experience growth and fulfillment in
a faith-based environment. Always at
the core of a Saint Thomas Aquinas
education is the challenge to make one’s
faith living, conscious and active. This
can be witnessed through the outstanding
community and nationally recognized
student outreach program that benefits
over 800 agencies in the Kansas City area
in any given, single year.
25 Years in Review
Celebrating 25 Years IN-REVIEW
August 24
August 11, 2012
The 25th-Year Celebration officially
began at the inaugural Saints
Stampede with a student-led Opening
Prayer and exciting Balloon Rosary
launch by the Teens for Life. The 5K
Run/Walk, Pancake Breakfast and
Family Fun Day was so popular with
young alumni, students, and present/
past families that the event will now
be held annually.
All-Years Soccer Alumni Event highlights included recognition of two
national championship teams (1994 and 2009), two professional Saints on the
MLS Sporting KC roster, and the amazingly successful boys soccer program
for the past 25 years. 41 Action News and Sports Radio 810 WHB contributor
Frank Boal, during a special halftime presentation, outlined the unprecedented
influence of the Saints Soccer program led by coaches Craig Ewing and Chuck
Hammons in Kansas City, the Midwest and on the national scene.
August 30
Twenty-four alumni and one member of the Class of 2014, each representing
the first 25 Years of Saints, joined students, faculty/staff and parents for the
year’s first all-school Mass of the Holy Spirit.
November 10
Saints Silverbration and “all things
silver” created the perfect setting for
Extravaganza 2012, a reminder of the
hard work and sacrifice our parents
make to provide their children with
the best, most well-rounded and goodvalued high school education around.
A special 25th-Year visit by
Archbishop Joseph Naumann
highlighted the evening’s celebration
as he recognized Dr. Bill Ford and the
STA faculty and staff for the timely
25th-Year designation by the U.S.
Department of Education as a Blue
Ribbon School of Excellence.
August 31
September 28
Crowned during halftime were the
25th Saints Homecoming King &
Queen, Michael Peck and
Hannah Pyle.
The Field Blessing & Dedication
of the new synthetic turf field
coincided with the Blue & Gold
Kickoff and a very-soggy-yet-victorious
first varsity football game of the
25 Years in review
February 2
January 28, 2013
Parents and family members of our alumni in religious life were
honored at the all-school Feast Day Mass celebrated by Archbishop
Naumann, who asked all students and parents to pray for religious
A sell-out with over 500 in attendance, the 4th
annual Saints Trivia Challenge attracted several
tables of Saints alumni, who were asked to stand
and be recognized, as well as current and alumniparents and friends -- all vying for the prestigious
winner’s trophy.
February 6
The annual Mass of Remembrance,
is a special way for members of the
community to remember loved ones,
especially those who have died in the
last year, at beautiful and intimate
Mass in the Chapel of the Immaculate
Conception at Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School. Guests are invited to enter
their loved ones’ names in the Saints
Book of Remembrance, which remains
in the Chapel throughout the year.
March 2
At the 25th Year Gala & Inaugural Hall
of Fame Induction, five alumni who embody
the mission of Saint Thomas Aquinas and five
individuals/couples who have demonstrated
outstanding commitment to our community
were recognized, as well as past recipients of the
Marian Award. A special Hall of Fame award
was presented this year to honor the MRZ
Corporation for its impact on the Catholic
community in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in
Kansas and specifically Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School.
April 27
April 27-28
The Saints Walk for Life
was renamed for STA pastparent and retired teacher
Rosemary Maher who
has devoted many years
to saving lives and pro-life
The 2013 Dinner Theater
paid tribute to the musicals of
the past 25 years, reflected in the
decorations, costumes and songs
performed since 1988 by the STA
Performing Arts department.
25 Years in Review
Enjoy This Magazine?
Your tax-deductible gift to the Saints Annual Fund helps
strengthen our Communion of Saints through alumni
programs such as this publication. Look for information in
your mail, or go to www.stasaints.net/SaintsAnnualFund. All
donors will be recognized in the 2013-14 Annual Report.
April 29 - May 3
The 25th-Year Arts Week provided opportunity
for students to learn about alumni Saints who are
successful in the Arts as well as the tradition of
patron Saints of the Arts. The week culminated
with the “Art of a Saint” Student Showcase
featuring student work in performing, visual,
practical and computer Arts, and a special
lunchtime performance by alumni Cameron
Russell, ‘97, and Shane Borth, ‘97, of the locally
popular Irish Rock band, ‘Flannigan’s Right Hook.’
Several alumni also helped organize “Alumni OpenMic & Karaoke Night” in the Commons as part of
the 25th-Year Arts Week.
Senior Erica Gammill honored for
outstanding digital art drawing
Award winning digital art photo* by Erica Gammill, ‘13, that received
national recognition from the Scholastic Art and Writing Award.
June 10
Many “regulars” and several new participants
including 30 alumni helped make the 25th-Year
Finale, the annual Mirocke Golf Classic, a day to
remember. Since 2008, 108 families have received
over $200,000 in assistance to be able to continue
Catholic secondary education at Saint Thomas
Representing the family of Gennaro Mirocke,
faculty member and football coach at St. Joseph,
Aquinas and Saint Thomas Aquinas High Schools
for 43 years, Coach Mirocke’s oldest son Tony
Mirocke thanked guests for carrying on the legacy
of helping others in need in our community.
Erica Gammill, as a senior at Saint Thomas Aquinas High
School, received two Honorable Mentions, one Silver Key and
two Gold Key Awards from a regional, five-state competition. She
was awarded the Silver Medal Award for Digital Art in the 2013
Scholastic Art and Writing Award sponsored by the Scholastic
Corporation and accepted the award at Carnegie Hall on May 31
in New York City.
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are the longest running,
most prestigious competition and largest source of scholarships for
creative teenagers in the United States. It has an impressive legacy
and a noteworthy roster of past winners including Andy Warhol,
Sylvia Plath, Truman Capote, Richard Avedon, Joyce Carol Oates
and many others.
*Note: digital art does not translate to print with the same depth
and quality - this award-winning picture appears three-dimensional on a
computer screen.
Iowa State
Jessica Satterfield
Drake University
May 2, 2013
Timothy Schaefer
Michael Swett
Dylan Michaels
Anna Hagenkord
Jack Herbic
Mary Hernandez
Ryan Weese
Community College
Haleigh Cindrich
Alexis Zuniga
Sarah Gabriel
Christopher Shinn
Lauren Huddlestun
Natalie Owens
Daniel Aiken
Daniel Robison
University of
Missouri, Kansas City
Caroline Baker
Kelsey Boschert
Julia Brown
Elisabeth Bregant
Michael Estes
Sabrina Soenksen
Hunter Swanson
Piper Williams
Washington University
in St. Louis
Kaley Dahlin
Hannah Pyle
Sarah Slaven
Nicholas Williams
University of
Central Missouri
John Bellau
Eric Carter
Christopher Galbreath
Michael Peck
Saint Louis
University of
University Missouri Columbia
Julie Bride
Adrienne Lister
Daniel Morin
Taylor Ruisch
Lauren Holley
Fashion Institute
of Technology
Jordan Barr
The University
of Arizona
Mel Clark
Molly Carroll
Drew Friedman
Madison Petrace
University of Tu
University of Ok
Patrick Martinsen
Daniel Schieszer
Jacob Stukel
Kelsey Cundith
Clara Higgins
Jonathan Holland
Maggie Mackey
Nicholas Slovikoski
University of
Phoebe Beachner
of Art and
Daniel Killilea
Arizona State
New York University
Taylor Holmes
The University of Texas, Austin
Murphy Marx
Texas Christian University
Kyle Mueller
ca out University
of South
ro h Carolina
Class of 2013 College Decisions
Catherine Kluempers
John Perz
Derek Rodgers
Benedictine College
Hannah Burkhart
Madeline Cullings
Emily Curran
Christina Metzger
Beth Stephan
Kelsey Schmidt Kristine Whitehead
Connor Shapiro
Pittsburgh State University
Jessica Heinz
Grace Koehler
Gavin Manley
Missouri State
Kyle Gress
Tyler Clement
Abby Kern
Noelle McDonald
Stephany Sehon
Creighton University
Jordan Chael
Madelaine Weissend
Missouri University of
Science and Technology University
Mathias Meade
Claire Carley
Tulane University
Emily Klimt
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Kansas City Kansas
Community College
Kansas State University
Moira Reilly
Rachel Hare
Katie Bartolac
Laura Roth Baker University
Maggie Hill
Regan Bellerive
Jordan Buscher
Kathryn Ryan
Jessica Boedeker Savannah Hlavacek
Andrew Dare
Kelsey Ryan
Madison Hopfinger
Virginia Bono
Nick Rysavy
Samantha Huber
Maggie Bourk
Eleanor Selanders
Cameron Jones
Morgan Britton
Johnson County
Leah Siebert
Melanie Keffer
Will Clark
Sydney Sneed
Chase Koster
Logan Cox
Patrick Spafford
Joseph Crane
Natalie Kutney
Alexis Leikam Colten Staudenmyer
Abbey Davied
Anthony Alvano
Nicholas Stec
Kyle Lickteig
Brian Everhart
Ashley Elliott
Joshua Stukel
Emily Lucas
Melissa Feuerborn
Grace Gooch
Michael Stukel
Melissa Maggio
Shannon Foley
Jordan Halsey
Matthew Martin
Erin Teahan
Bryan Foltz
Kevin McCarthy
Taylor Tyrrell
Austin Gilroy
Ellese Miller
Paul McCord
Samantha Vogt
Eric Nagle
Amanda Grant
Lauren Miller
John Prince
Andrew Walberg
Nicholas Greco
Mary O’Connell
Luke Weller
Madelin Greer
Joseph Pyle
Mary Piatchek
Brittany Werth
Samantha Greig
Joseph Radetic
Ryan Shortell
Kyle Ragusin
Ashton Wherry
Jessica Halsey
Kevin Whiteside
Nicholas Hammer
Jay Wichlinski
University of Tennessee,
Nicholas Baker
of Notre
e D
niv race
e UMary G
Margaret Orth
Caitlin Hedstrom
Paige Adamany
Taylor Patterson
Paul Hoffman
Jennifer Angles
Amy Peacock
John Hunt
Jayme Bartz
Casey Pigott
Kayla Hutchings
Ellen Bertels
Maggie Prange
Andrew Johnson
Nick Boyles
Megan Pruett
Lucas Johnson
Gina Carabetta
Anastasia Quigley
Katie Johnston
Daniel Cirotski
Elizabeth Reazin
Joseph Kennedy
Nathan Colling
Rachel Riggs
Andrew Klein
Robby Cowdrey
Sydney Klimas Matthew Rheinberger
Gage Crooks
Mary Rogler
David Korte
Austin Davis
Elizabeth Romme
Margaret Kovarik
Caroline Davis
Austin Scherzer
Sara Kuckelman
Logan Delaney
Evan Sherlock
Hannah Kwapiszeski
Alec Desch
Owen Sherlock
Thomas Lawson
Jacob Dotterweich
Jack Luther
Robert Skevington
Thomas Drew
Robert Smith
Rachel Mahon
T.J. Duffendack
Andrew Speckin
Kelley Ebeling
Morgan Matt
Jarred Stangohr
Sean McCabe
Megan Farrell
Katelyn Stewart
Hannah McDonald
Alec Frook
William McDonald
Devin Vickers
Erica Gammill
Evan Walsh
Regan McNary
Erin Gartland
Andrew Whealon
Brian Gier
Cooper Miller
John Ryan Wilson
Robert Morrie
Nicholas Grosdidier
Theresa Wynne
Regan Nachbar
Ashlen Hanson
Camille Nuti
Tyler Cordry
University of
Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Baile Winslow
Camille Brewer
Lindsey Whigham
Rocky Mountain College of Art
and Design
University of Northern Colorado
Loyola University
Daniel Henderson
Conor Logan
University of Denver
Rebekah Tyler
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Kansas
Callie Henning
Sara Lopez
John Hopkins
United States Naval
Benjamin Gartland
DePaul University
of hman
rsi uet
Design by Annie Schugart, Centerspread Editor
School News
Class of 2013
Final Stats
• 94% will attend a 4 yr college
• 10% (25) will attend a Catholic
• 30% will attend out of state colleges
• 19% will attend private institutions
• $12,120,471 awarded in Scholarship
opportunities to 155 students
• 18 students were awarded athletic
• 3 students were recognized as
Governor’s Scholars
•83 graduates scored a 28 or higher
on the ACT
•2 National Merit Finalists
•8 National Merit Commended
•Seniors were accepted at 131
different colleges
2013 End-of-Year
On May 21,
Saint Thomas
Aquinas High
School bid
farewell to
five members
of the
community at the year-end faculty/
staff Mass held in the Chapel. These
include French teacher Rebecca
Bock, social studies teacher Craig
Drummond, academic principal Dr.
Rebecca Heidlage, principal’s assistant
Stephanie Koch and German teacher
Judy Nickum. They were presented
with parting gifts and expressions of
gratitude from Dr. Bill Ford. Recently
ordained priest Father Daniel Schmitz
has been assigned to parochial vicar
of Prince of Peace Parish, Olathe, and
co-Chaplain of Thomas Aquinas High
School. Father Andrew Strobl will
remain as co-Chaplain for the 2013-14
school year.
Feature Saint
2005 Saint Thomas Aquinas
graduate Carri Prewitt joins
Dominican Order
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
alumna Carri Prewitt, ‘05, entered
the Dominican Nuns of Our Lady
of the Rosary Monastery in Summit,
New Jersey on March 18, 2009. The
former Saint received the habit and
the name “Sister Mary Magdalene
of Immaculate Conception” on
December 8, 2009 - the feast of the
Immaculate Conception. Two years
later on December 8, 2011, she made
her first profession of vows as a Nun
of the Order of Preachers (OP).
Sister Mary Magdalene of
Immaculate Conception is the
daughter of Tom and Kathleen
Prewitt, members of Holy Spirit
Parish in Overland Park. She and
her three siblings, Chris, ‘99, Kelly,
‘02, and Matthew attended Holy
Spirit Catholic School and Saint
Thomas Aquinas High School. As a
young girl, Sister Mary Magdalene
participated in an assortment of
sports including softball and volleyball
and she continued to play softball
in high school. She made a Kairos
retreat during her senior year, and also
traveled on mission trips and joined
the Saint Thomas Aquinas group who
participated in the March for Life rally
in Washington, D.C.
After graduating from STA, Carri
attended Pittsburg State University
where she studied Computer
Information Systems and Graphic
Design. During college she became
very involved with the campus
Newman Center and in her junior
year was elected President of the
Catholic ministry organization.
Something was tugging at her heart
to do more so she became involved
with outreach programs such as
teaching Totus Tuus, a summer
catechetical program for grades K-12
in the Diocese of Wichita during the
summer of 2008.
A miracle baby whose faith
kept growing
Kathleen Prewitt said her daughter
always seemed to be involved with
serving others and going on mission
trips. She recalls the stories of her
helping out after the devastating
2005 hurricane Katrina that hit the
Gulf Coast. It was during a mission
trip that Carri visited the Dominican
Nuns. Kathleen said she doesn’t know
of anything she did as a parent to
foster her daughter’s vocation. The
family would go to Mass together at
different churches or the Cathedral
which would spark wonderful
Sister Mary Magdalene of Immaculate
As the idea of a religious vocation
stirred Carri, Kathleen said, “I
Carri Prewitt’s senior year photo
witnessed her faith grow and saw the
impact she had on others.” She always
called Carri her “miracle baby.”
“She had emergency surgery when
she was 4 days old,” she explained.
“There were so many prayers. I
always felt and often told her that
she was destined for something
great -- she embodied so many good
characteristics. Also, Carri was such
a person of her word. When she was
quite young, maybe kindergarten, she
gave up ice cream for Lent and did not
even have a taste.
“She was always very compassionate
and thoughtful. She loved to read and
had a heart for understanding. When
she was young, she could tell you
everything about marine life as it was
a passionate interest -- that intensity
has turned to Catholicism! I see her
focusing that same passion on her
Fellow classmate and friend
from Pittsburg State, Jayme King
said, “Carri and I were in charge of
organizing group activities within our
Newman Club. She led Bible study
and helped organize and implement
fundraisers, volunteer opportunities
and social gatherings. She always made
learning about our faith exciting and
had the most wonderful stories.”
Discerning her vocation
According to the STA alumna,
when the idea of a religious life
entered her mind, Carri was afraid
and tried to push those thoughts
Feature Saint
aside -- but they kept surfacing over
and over. As she grew in faith, Carri
became more open and aware of what
God’s plan for her might be. She said
that only by God’s grace was she able
to let go of that fear of living life as a
religious and truly listen to what He
was asking.
“God knows you better than you
will ever know yourself,” she said.
“And only when we trust in His plan
can we be truly the happiest and
holiest following our vocation in life.
I didn’t think I could ever be this
happy, but I had to let go, step out of
A Day in the Life
of Sister Mary
Magdalene of
the Immaculate
Conception, OP
5:55—Lauds (morning prayer)
followed by Lectio/Prayer/Study
7:15—Holy Mass/
Thanksgiving(10min)/Terce (midmorning prayer)
11:30—Rosary & Sext (mid-day prayer)
12:00—Dinner (main meal of the day)
12:45—Optional Recreation
1:30—Profound Silence (Time for a
nap, prayer, reading, free time)
3:00—Office of Readings & None
(mid-afternoon prayer)
7:45—Community Recreation
8:40—Compline (night prayer)
Compline ends around 9 pm with
the Salve Regina. Lauds and Vespers
are the two bookends, the big hours
that hold the day together.
the boat first, let go of the fear and
trust Him.”
The Dominican
Nuns allow the
world to glimpse
their beautiful
monastery and
joyful community
on their website
www.nunsopsummit.org. They also
blog their daily activities which
allows Kathleen Prewitt to follow the
monastic nuns and her daughter.
“I am able to visit as often as I
can and try to go to the convent at
least once a year for about a week,”
Kathleen said. “The Dominican Nuns
are truly amazing, always joyful and I
leave feeling so enriched!”
Sacred Study a main focus of
Dominican Nuns
Our dynamic life of love is for the world a witness to the reconciliation
of all things in Christ preached by our brethren. In this way, a Dominican
monastery becomes a “holy preaching - a city set on a hill that cannot
be hidden.” Contemplatives have a double responsibility: to strengthen
preachers by their contemplation, and to form them by their thirst for
the Word. The cloister is consequently the place par excellence where the
mystery of holy preaching out to be lived.
The observance of enclosure is one of the gifts of the Church to
contemplative nuns. St. Dominic chose it for us in order that, free from
worldly affairs, we may have a holy leisure to devote ourselves entirely to
focusing on the mystery of God. Our constitutions say that, “this hidden
life should open their minds to the breadth and height and depth of the
love of God who sent his Son so that the whole world might be saved
through Him.” Enclosure is not an absolute; it is at the service of a life of
contemplation. We observe what is called Papal Enclosure-that is we observe
enclosure according to the norms of the Holy See for cloistered nuns. The
most recent norms, a document called *Verbi Sponsa*, permit entrance
and exit from the physical enclosure for certain needs of the monastic
Our enclosure provides us with the sacred space in which we learn to
become at home with seeking the Face of God and where we learn to
love our sisters in true friendship and fidelity. In the silence of enclosure
we touch the heart of the world. Devoting our lives totally to God we
perpetuate the gift which our father St. Dominic had of bearing sinners, the
down-trodden and the afflicted in the inmost sanctuary of his compassion.
It is a privileged place of love.
For Dominicans Sacred Study is a major part of our lives. Sacred Study
is born from attentive listening. For the nuns study is not about acquiring
academic degrees but about nourishing our life of contemplation. We
cannot love what we do not know. *Lectio Divina* is intimately connected
to study for Dominicans because it is ordained to a real dialogue with
God. Our whole life is harmoniously ordered to preserving the continual
remembrance of God. Such a life, if faithfully lived leads us to that perfect
love of God and neighbor which is effective in caring for and obtaining the
salvation of all people.
Sister Mary Magdalene of the Immaculate Conception, OP
Saint Thomas Aquinas Then and Now
Then And Now
Scouring photos from the past 25
years, especially ones of the school’s
early years, demonstrates how far we
have come -- and in some regards,
how much we are the same! The
school has grown from less than
500 students in 1988 to our largest
enrollment of 1,315 Saints in 2004-05.
The campus now includes a theater,
stadium, auxiliary gym, practice
fields, finished lower level, preschool/
child care, and updated classrooms,
Chapel and Commons. Our logo,
school uniforms, mascot and athletic
uniforms have been modified, but our
faculty is still outstanding and our
students still graduate well prepared
for college.
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
has been awarded the Governor’s
Achievement Award six times since
the program was initiated in Kansas
in 2006, and was also named a 2012
National Blue Ribbon School of
Excellence by the U.S. Department of
Education. Every four years a whole
new group of students populates the
school and each class has its own
character. Many faces among the
faculty, staff and administration have
also changed. Through it all, what
has been the important constant?
Our faith underlies all we do and
our mission that states our goals - a
Catholic faith community to challenge and
nurture young men and women to develop
their God-given spiritual, intellectual,
social and physical potential, and to
help them become life-long learners and
responsible citizens guided by Catholic
A lone woman stands at the
south end of the Commons in an
early photo taken before the 1991
installation of the two-toned tile floor.
In 2009, the deteriorating tile was
replaced with stained concrete that
features a huge Saints logo in the
The cafeteria in 1988 (left) was
all set for student lunches - can
you spot something no longer
offered in most school cafeterias
today? Checkout lines were
expanded to four this year and
thumbprint identification was
added to help students get in and
out faster. A separate salad bar
added in the mid “90s” is always a
popular item. Special theme-days
that feature a German, French,
Japanese and Spanish menu
give students a “taste” of other
Saint Thomas Aquinas Then and Now
The statue of Mary stands amid a few bushes and shrubs
in the Courtyard. What a difference between 1990 and
2013! The beautiful rosary garden added in 2012 creates a
lovely place for students to gather during lunch or prayerful
When the school opened the Chapel of the Immaculate
Conception, which anchored the northwest corner of the
building, offered a quiet place for prayer and Mass for
smaller groups. Over the years, the addition of the large
wood-carved cross above the altar,
stations of the cross, stained glass
windows, statues of Saint Thomas
Aquinas, St. Joseph and the
Blessed Mother along with new
seats and kneelers enhance the
beautiful space for worship and
prayer. The Chapel underwent
a major renovation in 2006 in
conjunction with the “Faith and
Reason” capital campaign.
In 1991, Drama and English teacher Gail
Prieb helps a student in the school library
that today has an altered look and feel.
Bookshelves now line the perimeter of the
room and computers allow students to do
online research. Technology has come a long
way in 25 years!
These are some of the pictures that
you will see in the “25 Years of
Saints” Memory Book that will be
out in the fall. Take a walk down
memory lane and enjoy this keepsake
book of treasured memories of our
“Communion of Saints.”
25 Years of Saints
Reserve your copy today!
Only $20, the “25 Years of Saints” Memory Book is a soft-bound, full-color collection
of photos, stories and events commemorating the first 25 years of
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School -- just in time for the 2013 holiday season.*
Do you have a picture or memory to share?
Contact Mary Bridget Kratofil at [email protected]
*Anticipated delivery in mid-November 2013.
Are you getting the Saints Tidbits?
Saint Thomas Aquinas sends out short emails to highlight
students, alumni and teachers. If you are not getting the emails,
Go to stasaints.net and click on Alumni Update
or Alumni Parent Update.
Alumni story
Change in major to geology
translates to job with Danish
Veronica Holton graduated from
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
in 2008 and headed to College of
Charleston in Charleston, South
Carolina. Four years and a Bachelor
of Science in Geology later, Veronica
accepted a full-time job working
for the Danish company EIVA that
provides software, hardware and
integrated solutions for “any seabedto-surface task in the offshore survey,
construction and services industry.”
According to Veronica, she entered
college not having a definite career
choice, but says her job with EIVA is
a perfect fit for her skills and interest.
She admits that she wasn’t sure where
a major in Geology would lead but she
loved studying “earth science.”
Q & A with
Veronica Holton
How did you get your job studying
and mapping the ocean for EIVA?
I was chosen for an internship
after the EIVA survey manager led
a training course at the College of
Charleston. A month and a half into
my internship, they offered me a
permanent position. I believe my field
work, research experience and marine
geology background set me apart from
other candidates.
What are your duties? I have been
testing our software and helping with
support as an intern and will continue
to do so as an employee. I will assist in
the integration of the EIVA software
and CARIS software to create a more
streamlined solution for the offshore
industry. I will also be sent out on
ships to ensure the software is set
up properly before a client begins a
job. In the photo
you can see that
the large pieces
are what make up
the wind turbines.
My task is to make
sure a component
of the company’s
software is working
properly. This is
what determines
where and when the
legs hit the sea floor Above, Veronica Holton is pictured in front of the Pacific Orca, a
sea-going vessel owned by Swire Blue Ocean.
and monitors their
(the legs) penetration
experiences of others. Explore the city
in the sea floor as well as making sure
in which you live, different regions of
offsets were properly in the system to
the US, the world! Don’t be afraid to
place the wind turbines in the exact
switch majors or career paths.
and proper position.
Discovering new fields of study
Was there a course in high school
will either confirm that a person is
that helped you be successful?
on the right path or perhaps lead
One of the most important skills I
to something new and exciting that
learned in high school was how to
could be a new career path or just
communicate through writing. Mrs.
something enjoyable. I intended
Waters’ English classes have helped
on studying political science when
me immensely throughout my college
I went to college, and then became
and professional careers.
fascinated with geology (which I was
What is the key to your success?
taking solely to satisfy my science
It’s nearly impossible to have only
requirement). I was hesitant to
one key to success as there are many
make such a drastic change, but it
factors that got me to where I am. I
was the best decision I ever made.
take advantage of the opportunities
I recommend not turning down
presented to me. I take risks and
opportunities because they are unpaid
welcome challenges. You learn a lot
or on a volunteer basis. Experience
about yourself this way, and most
is worth more than making a little
of the time you will be pleasantly
money. Most importantly, recommend
surprised. Last, but certainly not least, to be yourself! If you don’t follow
I’m not afraid to be myself. This has
your heart, the only person you will
given me the confidence to go out in
disappoint is yourself.
the world and follow my dreams.
Do you have any advice for a high
school student of how to find the
right job? Keep an open mind to
people, cultures, ideas, ways of life
and everything. Talk to people about
life. We have a lot to learn from the
(Veronica’s parents, George and Carolyn
Regan Holton, ‘73, visited their daughter
in Denmark this summer.)
Rebecca Heidlage, Ed.D. ends long career in education
by Mike Estes, ‘13
Catholic faith influenced
early life
A Chickasha, Oklahoma native,
Principal of Academic Services
Dr. Rebecca Heidlage has lived a life
of adventure and faith that is revealed
in many of her successes. As the
community says good-bye to this good
friend, mentor and administrator,
we asked her to reflect on her life’s
journey to the present.
Heidlage grew up with two brothers,
Dick and Robert, and two hardworking parents. Her father was a
banker whose success was built from
almost nothing. In the heat of the
Great Depression, he began a life-long
career in banking, preceded by any job
he could find, one being a $3-per-day
street worker in 1934. Dr. Heidlage
looks back at this and it humbles
her, helps her realize how lucky she
is, and pushes her to work hard like
her father. Chickasha was a primarily
Baptist town during Heidlage’s
childhood making the Catholic
community a close, tight-knit group.
Most of her family lived in town.
They, especially her grandmother,
instilled the importance of faith and
passed it down through generations.
Besides family, her Grandma Sullivan
was very devoted to two things in life:
the Church and her daily game of
poker. A fond memory is seeing her
grandmother pray the rosary during
an intense poker game! Many other
good memories surround the frequent
family reunions that would take place
at her grandma’s house.
Education was always very
important to Heidlage’s parents
who both had college degrees and
emphasized the importance of
higher education to their children.
In middle school, because of the
small size of her home town, most of
Rebecca’s classmates were her cousins
or in some way related to one other.
Heidlage’s graduating class, of which
she was valedictorian, consisted of
eight people. After high school, the
young scholar attended the all-girls
Mount St. Scholastica College in
Atchison, Kansas, and received a
degree in mathematics. (Years later
St. Benedict’s College merged with
Mount St. Scholastica and formed
what is now Benedictine College.)
Discerning God’s Will
Upon graduation from college,
Heidlage felt a calling to join a
religious community and entered
the Benedictine Sisters of Mount
St. Scholastica and remained a
Benedictine Sister for 25 years. When
she entered the Order, she would
not see her family and friends for
long periods of time unless there was
a death in the family. According to
Heidlage, this was one of the hardest
aspects of her decision to enter the
It was also an adjustment when she
needed to choose a name not claimed
by another Sister in the convent.
Because her real name “Martha” was
already taken, she became known as
“Sister Rebecca,” the name of her
aunt and godmother. During her years
as a nun, she was principal of the
Dr Heidlage at the 2013 graduation ceremony,
and with Kyle Gress, ‘13.
Mount Academy, a Catholic boarding
and day school in Atchison, for eight
years. Later on, she was a counselor at
O’Hara High School in Kansas City,
Missouri, for five years after which it
became clear to her that the life of a
religious was no longer her calling.
Because she was known as “Rebecca”
longer than “Martha,” she decided to
keep her religious name after leaving
the convent.
In 1992, she was hired at Saint
Thomas Aquinas as an academic
counselor, a position in which she
guided students with course selection,
academic goals and staying on track
to succeed academically. Later she
accepted the position of Assistant
Principal and later Academic
Heidlage readily attests that
education has been the primary
focus of her life - preparing herself
professionally for the educational
arena and then becoming an educator.
She earned a Masters degree in
Counseling from the University of
Kansas, a Masters in Administration
from the University of San Francisco,
and a Doctorate in Administration
from the University of Kansas. Her
countless hours and life-long
dedication to the field of education
have impacted the academic
superiority of the Saint Thomas
Aquinas community. STA President,
Dr. Bill Ford, said she brings a calm,
collected manner to any situation
no matter how difficult. This, added
to her strong organizational skills
and work ethic, have helped the
school maintain quality education
for all students.
A runner at heart
In the 1980s with a busy work day
schedule and the need to “unwind
and clear her mind,” Heidlage took
up running road races. Having
grown up before Title IX regulations
pushed open doors for more girls
to participate in sports, she had
no prior competitive running
experience. Rebecca clearly made up
for this as the years unfolded.
Heidlage has run 253 road races
all around the country for over 20
years. She enjoys setting personal
goals and attempting to meet them.
She has run four marathons - some
to raise money for cancer research
- in Washington D.C., Cape Cod,
Massachusetts, Portland, Oregon,
and San Diego, California.
Rebecca cites her favorite
running accomplishment as the
time she crossed the finish line in
Washington D.C., after 26.2 miles
of running and countless months
of training. Heidlage has also
engaged in many other adventurous
endeavors, including a 6.5 day float
trip through the Grand Canyon and
a 1,000 feet high hot air balloon
ride. One of her last races was a halfmarathon in Vancouver, B.C.
Though her running career may
have contributed to the need for
a total knee replacement in June
2012, she insists it was worth it
because her running years were
some of the best years of her life.
Auf Wiedersehen, Frau Nickum, wir
werden dich vermissen!
(translation: We will miss you!)
A group of former German students and
some family members of Judy Nickum joined
the Saint Thomas Aquinas faculty and staff at
the retirement luncheon on May 21 in honor of
her and principal Dr. Rebecca Heidlage. Fellow
teachers Karen Sturges and Lisa Stoecklein took
the podium to share personal statements about
Judy’s positive impact on her students and the
example she set as a teacher.
Judy (Carr) Nickum is the middle of three children, and only daughter,
born to Beth and Merle Carr of Wichita. She chose German as her college
major at UMKC because she had a knack for languages and also because her
paternal family was of Swedish descent and German was the closest language
in the school system. Judy also has a minor in European history. In college,
she planned to study in Giessen, Germany, but when her future husband, Roy
Nickum, proposed, he said, “Instead of going to Giessen, marry me and I’ll
take you to Germany after you graduate.” The couple was married in December
1970 and over the years has taken many trips to Europe, especially Germany, in
their 43 years of marriage. They are the parents of a daughter, Alicia, and a son,
Benjamin, and have two grandchildren.
Judy arrived at Saint Thomas Aquinas in fall 1990 and stayed 24 years because
as she says -- she loves the school, the students and the subject she taught. Most
of the teaching staff at Saint Thomas Aquinas pitches in to help with the many
clubs, organizations and activities surrounding the school, and Judy has been no
exception. She was the cheerleading sponsor for six years, served on the Rocks
committee, National Honor Society sponsor and started a student exchange
program with Glauchau, Germany, at Saint Thomas Aquinas in 1992. She was
sponsor of the German Club and also started the subject-area honor societies
with the German National Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Phi. She served on
the committee for foreign languages for the Archdiocese and later chaired this
committee. And in 24 years, she and Roy missed only a couple of Extravaganza
auctions at which they usually worked the bank.
According to former students, it is Judy’s excitement and multi-faceted
approach to teaching German that make her such a memorable teacher. She
immerses her students in the German culture as well as the language providing
explanations for idioms, dialects and words while placing them in historical
context. Since 1992, many students have accompanied her on trips over
Christmas break which allowed them to test their language skills. She always
strived to make German an interesting and fun language to study. German Club
field trips, lock-ins and movie nights are just some of the ways she supplemented
her classroom lessons.
So, what will retirement be like for Frau Nickum? Reading, gardening, biking,
sailing, traveling and playing piano are what Judy usually does in her spare time
and she plans to continue these. But she also plans to visit her grandchildren
and spend more time with family and volunteering at the library and church.
She also plans to substitute at Saint Thomas Aquinas when her replacement,
Judy’s former student and 2008 alumnus, Bryan Thelen needs one!
Mission Trips
Mission Trips
Senior Trip To Rome
Coincides With First Mass
of Pope Francis I As New
Church Leader
Pictured above is the group of 31 seniors and ten adults who
traveled to Rome, Italy, over Spring Break 2013. These seniors
had the unique opportunity to attend the inaugural Mass of
Pope Francis I. He even passed close by the STA group gathered
in St. Peter’s Square and stopped to acknowledge a child handed
to Kelsey Boschert, ‘13, by the infant’s parents for a blessing.
Attending the Pope’s first Mass required waking up at 3 a.m.,
but everyone was overjoyed to do so! On the pilgrimage, the
group also traveled to Florence and Assisi, the birthplace of St.
Francis. In Rome, they visited many of the significant landmarks
including the Colloseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon, Saint
Paul’s Outside the Walls, the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian,
and the Sistine Chapel. The group attended additional Masses
-- one celebrated by STA Chaplain Father Andrew and another
Italian language Mass. The journey was definitely a spiritual,
faith-building experience, one in which the students grew closer
to God and the Church. Viva la Papa!
Juniors On A Mission In
San Juan, Texas
Forty-five Saint Thomas Aquinas High School juniors
and five adults went on a Mission trip to San Juan,Texas
over spring break 2013. They rehabilitated three homes
and painted a community center. The group stayed at the
Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle where a miniretreat was held each evening.
Sophomores Help Relief
Efforts In New Orleans, LA.
A group of 40 sophomores and five adults traveled to
New Orleans over Spring Break 2013 to help families still
struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. With
crowbars and sledge hammers, the students tore down
two mobile homes and a brick house that were ruined in
the August 2005 storm. The group attended Mass where
they were asked to carry the gifts at the Offertory and the
Knights of Columbus offered to help pay for their dinner.
Saints Marrying Saints
Anderson - Shriver
Sarah Anderson, ‘08, and Nathaniel
Shriver, ‘08, were married on June 1,
2013, at Cure of Ars Catholic Church
in Leawood, Kansas. Sarah earned a
B.S. in Elementary Education with an
Endorsement in Middle School Math
in May 2013 from Emporia State
University. Nathan earned a B.S. in
Accounting in 2012 and a Master of
Accounting in May 2013 from Kansas
State University. The couple resides
in Denver, Colorado, where Nathan
works for KPMG Accounting Firm
and Sarah will teach second grade at
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.
The Shriver Family includes three generations and seven alumni. Above are Elsie DeNegri,
current Little Saint, Justin DeNegri, Courtney Shriver DeNegri, ‘04, Rose Shriver, ‘10, Sarah
Anderson Shriver, ‘08, Nathan Shriver, ‘08, Jane Dillbeck Shriver, ‘79, David Shriver, ‘73,
Bobby Shriver, ‘06.
The Anderson-Shriver wedding party -- Ryan Drilling, ‘08, Danielle Sperry, Alexander Crownover, Rose Shriver, ‘10, Ross Conner, ‘08, Andrea
Carroll, ‘08, Justin DeNegri, Courtney Shriver DeNegri, ‘04, Sarah Anderson Shriver, ‘08, Nathan Shriver, ‘08, Amy Anderson, ‘11, Bobby Shriver,
‘06, Jessica Teehan, ‘07, Matt Grothoff, ‘08, Miranda Meyer, Ryan Gleason.
Where are you reading the Saints Spirit Magazine?
Kelly Cotter Ingebritson, ‘96,
standing in front of the United
States Capitol, Spring 2013
Where are you reading the Saints Spirit
Magazine? While you are packing for your
next big trip, make sure to slip in the latest
copy of the Saints Spirit Magazine! Hold your
magazine and take a snap shot in front of the
Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Golden Gate Bridge,
a tropical island, the Great Wall of China,
Cinderella’s Castle...
wherever the wind blows
you! Just go to stasaints.
net and click on “Alumni
Update/Class Note” to
send us the photograph
and a brief description of
your adventure.
Alumni parents Karin Morgan, Pam
Frederes, Bit Clark and Teresa Ahrens
on the way to a live show of Dancing
with the Stars - a trip they purchased at
Extravaganza 2012!
All American
Three Saints soccer players named
The National Soccer Coaches
Association of America recognized not
one, not two, but three Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School students as
members of the organization’s AllAmerica programs during the 20122013 school year.
Kyle Gress, ‘13, was recognized as
the Saints’ fifth Boys Soccer AllAmerican, joining ranks with Sean
McCullough, ‘97, Michael Thomas,
‘07, Coleton Henning, ‘08, and
Sean Latz, ‘10. A goalkeeper for the
Saints, Kyle had a .88 Goals Against
Average (GAA) this year. He had
the 2nd lowest GAA in STA history
at .30 in 2010 when his defense
allowed only seven goals all year, an
STA record. Kyle has been part of
two state-title teams and the 2009
National Championship team, and
will attend college and play soccer
at Marquette University. He and his
parents, Michelle and Larry Gress, are
members of Church of the Ascension
parish where Kyle attended grade
school. Kyle has one older sister who
also graduated from STA, Amanda
Gress, ‘11.
Just a sophomore this year, Jamie
Kutey, class of 2015, was named AllAmerican by the NSCAA following
the spring 2013 girls soccer season -the fifth female Saint to win the award
along with Caroline Sweeney, ‘05,
Hannah Koesterer, ‘06, Erin Ellefson,
‘07, and Molly Khoury, ‘11. Jamie
already holds the 9th position on the
school’s Career Goals scoreboard after
her second season as a Saint, and 2nd
place as Most Points Scored in one
season. Jamie will travel to Orlando,
Florida, in August 2013 to receive her
award. The Kutey family belongs to
Prince of Peace parish. Jamie, her twin
brother Luke, class of 2015, and their
sisters Sydney, class of 2017, and Kate,
class of 2020, all attend(ed) Chisholm
Trail junior-high school.
Also following the spring girls
soccer season, Hannah Pyle, ‘13,
was named Academic All-American
by the NSCAA. This recognition is
only awarded to high school seniors,
and requires an unweighted GPA
above 3.75 as well as designation as
first-team All-State in the same year.
Hannah is the fourth leading alltime scorer for the Saints, and is a
four-time member of the Kansas 5A
State Championship team. Hannah
and her parents, Mary and
Ed Pyle, are members of Holy
Trinity parish where Hannah
attended grade school. She is
the youngest of five children, all
who have graduated from Saint
Thomas Aquinas: Elizabeth
Pyle Mortimer, ‘02, Michael
Pyle, ‘05, Madeline Pyle, ‘08,
Jonathan Pyle, ‘11, and Hannah.
Kyle Gress
Jamie Kutey
Sister Schools
A Special Day for Sister-Schools
On Friday, April 12, 2013, Saint
Thomas Aquinas High School
welcomed the Wichita Kapaun Mt.
Carmel Girls Soccer team, families
and fans to the Saints Athletic
Stadium for JV and varsity match-ups,
dinner and socializing.
The day before, the visiting
school’s namesake, Father Emil
Kapaun, posthumously received the
Congressional Medal of Honor for
his selfless acts of kindness during
the Korean War. Prior to the soccer
game, Saints soccer team member
and Student Council president
Natalie Kutney and faculty member
Joe Orrick (who previously taught
at KMC) offered a story and prayer,
commemorating the very special
occasion for the Kapaun Mt. Carmel
community. The Diocese of Wichita
and the Vatican are currently in the
formal process that could lead to
Father Kapaun’s canonization.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Chaplain Kapaun, pray for us.
The Saints Girls Soccer team welcomed the Crusaders from Wichita Kapaun Mt. Carmel just one
day after Fr. Emil Kapaun posthumously received the nation’s most prestigious honor.
Natalie Kutney, ‘13, and STA faculty member Joe Orrick presented to flowers to Kevin Arkin,
representative from Kapaun Mt. Carmel, prior to the Saints vs. Crusaders girls soccer game.
Alumni Pop Quiz - $100 prize!
Take our pop quiz (alumni only) by
going to the STA website
www.stasaints.net/alumpopquiz and
give us your answer! Correct entries
will be entered into a drawing for
$100 CASH.
QUESTION: Who wrote
the lyrics and composed
the musical arrangement
of the Saint Thomas
Aquinas Alma Mater?
Saint Thomas Aquinas ALMA MATER
We gather here together
As friends, we’re side-by-side,
To sing our Alma Mater
With unity and pride.
To her we will be faithful
and always will be true.
Forever loyal to STA
Her banner gold and blue.
Though years may separate us,
Our memories live on.
Her spirit ever present
Our strength and shield our song.
As we go down life’s pathway,
Our faith will keep us strong.
Amor Vincit Omnia, Love will conquer all.
One of the goals for the
school’s 25th year was to sing
the Alma Mater more often so
that students, parents, alumni,
faculty and staff would learn it
-- Mission accomplished!
Update your email/mailing address!
www.stasaints.net/alumniupdate or www.stasaints.net/parentupdate
Sports review 2012-2013
Cross Country
League: Girls 1st, Boys 1st
Regional: Girls 1st; Boys 1st
State: Girls 1st, Boys 2nd
EKL first team: Rachel Mahon, Bailee Cofer, Maddie
Hopfinger, Jennifer Angles, Elizabeth Romme,
Libby Reazin, Nick Boyles, Matthew Wilderson,
Daniel Aiken, Cole Friedman
All State: Rachel Mahon, Bailee Cofer, Maddie
Hopfinger, Jennifer Angles, Elizabeth Romme,
Emily Downey, Nick Boyes, Matthew Wilderson,
Daniel Aiken, Jack Luther
Coaches: Justin Wrigley (head), Boys Bauman, Chris
Ronan, Matt Hallauer, Jim Halling (asst.)
League: 1st
Season: 10-2
EKL first team: Dan Morin, OL and DL, Nick
Williams, DB
Coaches: Mike Thomas (head), Chris Johnson, Sean
Thompson, Tom Cretors, Dylan Slaven, Mike
McGraw, Dillen Jackle, Justin Gore, Tim Zarda
Girls Golf
Boys Soccer
League: 2nd
Regional: 5th
Season Record: 12-4-3
EKL first team: Kyle Gress, Kyle Lickteig, Nick
Hagenkord, Andrew Johnson and Robert
All NEKSCA: Kyle Gress, Kyle Lickteig, Nick
Hagenkord, Andrew Johnson
All Metro: Kyle Gress
All State: Kyle Gress, Kyle Lickteig, Nick Hagenkord
All Midwest Region Team: Kyle Gress
NSCAA All-American: Kyle Gress
Coaches: Craig Ewing (head); Chuck Hammons,
Brian White, Craig Drummond, Erik Jones, Ron
Brown (asst.)
Girls Tennis
League: 5th
Regional: 2nd
State: 6th
Boys Basketball
League: 4-10
Season: 9-11
EKL first team: Tyler Clement
Coaches: Sean Reilly (head), Bill Kolich, Damen
Brooks, Brian White, Chip Ahern, Jude Gerstner
Boys season - 6 wins
Girls season - 2 wins
Regional: Boys - 5th
Regional: Girls - 10th
Individual Boys Qualifier at state: Skylar Martin
Coach: Terry Droge
Boys Swimming
League: 6th
State: 15th
Team records broken or shared: Lauren Huddlestun
State Champion; Sarah Petty and Ciara O’Reilly
scored points with backside win.
All State team: Lauren Huddlestun
Coaches: David Shriver (head), Petra Shinn (asst.)
Team records broken or shared: Eric Carter - 200
Individual Medley, School record 2:05.65
Coaches: Rick Jenkins (head), Ashley Dower (asst.)
League: 1st
Regional: 2nd
State: 3rd
League: 1st (tie)
Season: 27-12
EKL first team: Carlyle Nusbaum, Brittany Thomas
All State: Carlye Nusbaum, Brittany Thomas
Coaches: Kim Bogart (head), Sarah Cretors, Anne
Wildeboor, Kerri Jennings (asst.)
Girls Basketball
Team records broken or shared: Isaac Dulgarian take downs - team and state record
EKL first team: Gabe Gooch, Jake Elbruder, Luke
Henes, Tyler Dickman, Zack Hoskins, Johnny
Perz, Isaac Dulgarian
Coaches: Lorne Parks (head), Tom Williams, Andy
Leiker, Mark Dulgarian, Phillip Henes, Randy
Ewing, Larry Parks, EJ Walter, Kirk Berggren
League: 1st
Regional: 1st
Team record: State champions for 6th straight year
EKL first team: Jordan Chael, Baile Winslow
All Metro 1st team: Jordan Chael, Baile Winslow
All State: Jordan Chael, Baile Winslow, Ashley Root
Coaches: Ryan Best (head); John Tompkins (asst.)
Season: 24-1
League: 1st (14-0)
Regional: 1st
State: 1st
EKL first team: Tia Weledji, Haleigh Cindrich
All State: Tia Weledji
Coaches: Rick Hetzel (head), Bob Harbour, Jon
Novacek, Justin Wrigley, Dylan Slaven (asst.)
Go to
to view individual
sports records!
Sports review 2012-2013
League record: 8-6
Season record: 14-8
Regional: 2nd
Coaches: Lorne Parks (head), Kevin Garvey, Brandon
Greeson, Michael Jacobs, Otis Miller, Brandon
Adams, John Hermsen, Bryce Kellerman (asst.)
Boys Golf
League: 5th
Regional: 3rd
State: 5th
All State: Austin Kruse
Coaches: Ryan Best (head), Mark Smith (asst.)
Girls Soccer
League: 1st
Regional/State: 1st
Team Records broken or shared: 13th state
championship, 4th straight. Jamie Kutey -24 goals
and 61 points in a season (2nd all time); Kelly
Sweeney - 17 assists in a season (2nd all time);
Ellen Loughman -.61 goals against (6th all time);
13 shutouts (3rd all time); Hannah Pyle - 4th all
time career scoring; 15th EKL title, 17th Regional
EKL first team: Hannah Pyle, Jamie Kutey, Natalie
Owens, Mary Disidore, Kelly Sweeney, Ellen
Loughman EKL Offensive Player of the Year Jamie Kutey
EKL Goalie of the Year - Ellen Loughman
All Region: Hannah Pyle, Jamie Kutey, Mary
Disidore, Kelly Sweeney, Ellen Loughman
Offensive Player of the Year - Hannah Pyle
5A Player of the Year - Jamie Kutey
NSCAA All American: Jamie Kutey, Hannah Pyle
NSCAA Academic All American: Hannah Pyle
Coaches: Craig Ewing (head), Chuck Hammons,
Erin Ellefson, Brian White, Erik Jones, Ron
Brown, Jessica Teahan, Bryan Turner (asst.)
Track and Field
Team records broken or shared: Brooklin Hinz
- season homeruns 7, 2013 team season record defensive double plays turned at 14, Lexie Zuniga
- career defensive record for consecutive games
caught at 93, Lexie Zuniga career defensive record
for innings caught at 599.7
EKL first team: Brooklin Hinz, pitcher; Molly Zych,
Coaches: Chris Orel (head), Craig Drummond, Kerri
Jennings, Eric Jones (asst.)
TBA at printing: All metro and state
Team records broken or shared: Tom Pyle - Boys
Long Jump - 22’02.00”
State results: 1600 M Run - Derek Engel 9th, Daniel
Aiken 10th; 3200 M Run - Daniel Aiken 5th,
Bryan Zack 7th; 4x100M Relay - Nick Williams,
Joe Pyle, Ben Moss, Bobby Morrie 13th; Long
jump - Tom Pyle 4th
Coaches: Craig Moss (head), Justin Gore, Rick
Hetzel, Dillen Jackle, Sean Reilly, Joe Sudduth,
Greg Wilson, Justin Wrigley (asst.)
League: 1st
Regional: 2nd
Season Record: 19-2
Girls Swimming
League: 4th
State: 2nd
Team record broken or shared: Sara Lopez - freestyle
EKL first team: Sara Lopez
All Metro: Sara Lopez, Holly Hanson
All State: Sara Lopez, Holly Hanson
Coaches: Rick Jenkins (head), Ashley Dower (asst.),
Emily Hoffman (diving)
Boys Tennis
League: 6th
Regional: 2nd
State: 7th
All State: Eric Robinson and Blake Jackson doubles
team placed 1st at regional and 3rd at state; Chris
Shinn and Scott Sheridan placed 5th at regional
All State Academic team: Eric Robinson
Coach: David Shriver (head) Daniel Shinn, Petra
Shinn (asst.)
League: 7th
Regional/Sub State: 6th
State: 20th
League: 1st
Regional: 2nd
State: 9th
Team records broken or shared: Bailee Cofer 1600M Run - 5:08.90
State results: 800M Run - Emily Downey 8th, Bailee
Cofer 9th, Rachel Mahon 10th; 1600M Run Bailee Cofer 3rd, Rachel Mahon 7th, Christina
Metzger 9th; 3200M Run - Bailee Cofer 4th,
Maddie Hopfinger 5th, Jennifer Angles 13th;
4x100M Relay - Molly Herbic, Megan English,
Alexis Leikam, Taylor Holmes 9th; 4x400M Relay
- Kate Drilling, Taylor Holmes, Makayla Bassi,
Rachel Mahon 7th; 4x800M Relay - Elizabeth
Romme, Becca Hare, Emily Downey, Maddie
Hopfinger 2nd; High jump - Shannon Teahan
13th, Shot Put - Catherine Kluempers 12th;
Javelin - Carlyle Nusbaum 6th, Maggie Jacobs 8th
Coaches: Craig Moss (head), Justin Gore, Rick
Hetzel, Dillen Jackle, Sean Reilly, Joe Sudduth,
Greg Wilson, Justin Wrigley (asst.)
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Class Notes
John Mullen is owner of the Mullen Coach,
LLC, which provides transportation services
to funeral directors and homes in Kansas City
and throughout the Midwest. He and his wife
Shannon reside in Shawnee, Kansas.
Kara Ferguson Cooper is a senior scientist at
MRI Global, one of the nation’s leading research
facilities based in Kansas City, Missouri. She
earned a Doctorate in Medical Microbiology and
Immunology from Creighton University after
first receiving a B.S. in Microbiology from Kansas
State University. She and her husband David live
in Overland Park, Kansas.
Bob Crowder is Vice President of Liability
Management with Swiss Re, a global re-insurer.
He and his wife Jen, an attorney with Bryan Cave,
reside in Overland Park, Kansas.
Joshua Glenn is a pilot with Delta Airlines.
Josh obtained a business degree from the
University of Colorado in 1999. He and his wife
Nicole were married September 1, 2012. The
couple resides in Olathe, Kansas.
Chris Kelly is an attorney with Kansas Citybased real estate company Reece & Nichols. He
and his wife Melinda were married September
25, 2009.
Brooke Chilen Kruger is the founder of
KC Partners, a San Francisco-based company
that links communications professionals with
employers seeking their services. She and her
husband Jeff live in San Francisco, California.
St. Joseph High School Class of 1958
What Are The Odds Of This Happening?
Coleman, John
Sulzen and Bob
Dehaemers all
graduated with
the St. Joseph
High School
Class of 1958.
They attended
school together
from 1st
grade through
12th grade,
preparing and
Bob, Carol and John celebrating St. Patty’s Day, Texas-style.
receiving the
sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation together at St. Joseph
Church in Shawnee. Their families lived less than a mile apart, and their
parents ran in the same social groups.
During those twelve years, Carol, John, and Bob did not particularly
“hang out,” yet Bob did take Carol to prom. After graduation, Carol and
Bob both attended separate nursing schools in the Kansas City area. John
joined the military and went to college, and he and Carol were married.
Carol and John Sulzen have lived in Arlington, Texas, for over 40 years. At
their 50th high school class reunion in 2008, the Sulzens reconnected with
classmate Bob Dehaemers, discovering that he too lives in Arlington, Texas,
just a few miles from their home. Bob settled in Arlington after serving in
the United States Air Force for many years.
Now these three friends visit often over dinner or at social functions,
inevitably discussing the “good old days of Shawnee.” They share many
memories and mementos (including grade-school Valentines, tucked away all
this time). This year the three Arlington Blue Streaks celebrated a milestone
together: 50 years each for both Bob and Carol as Professional Registered
Nurses. Most of all, the St. Joe ‘58 grads thank God for the blessing of
rekindled friendship in their lives.
Kerri Brackhahn Martin, ‘93, with her three children,
Colyn - high school junior, Madison age 10, and Ellie,
age 8.
Kerri Brackhahn Martin is a nurse at
Overland Park Regional Medical Center. She and
her husband Greg live in Raymore, Missouri, with
their three children.
Ryan Murphy has recently published a novel
for high-school aged readers, “When the Fireflies
Come Again,” now available from Amazon and
Barnes & Noble.
Kathleen “Katie” Swarts Natale is a chef
instructor for Le Cordon Bleu College of
Culinary Arts in Dallas, Texas. She and her
husband, Philip, were married in 2004; he is
general manager for the renowned Bob’s Steak &
Chop House restaurant at the Omni Dallas Hotel
in downtown Dallas.
Shannon Hayes Dacus is Human Resource
Manager for Kroger. She and her husband
Jeffrey were married on 12/12/12, and live in
Westminster, Colorado.
Daniel Wientzen graduated from Creighton
University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in
History. He earned his Doctorate of Osteopathic
Medicine from Des Moines University in 2006.
Dan lives in Decorah, Iowa, with his wife Sara,
son Landon - age 3, and daughter Meredith - age
1. Dan is a family physician with Gundersen
Health System. He has a great interest in
concussions and is working with local high
schools to develop comprehensive programs for
concussion education, evaluation and treatment.
Class Notes
Francine Goode is a fund manager at State
Street and lives in Kansas City, Missouri.
Janine DiVita, ‘03
Lauryn O’Hagan Haake graduated
from UMKC with a Bachelor of Business
Administration in 2000, and earned her MBA
in Management Information Systems from
Rockhurst University in 2005. Lauryn and her
husband Patrick live in Kansas City, Missouri,
with their four children ages 13, 9, 6 and 5
months. Lauryn is Vice President of Legal
Consulting at Duff & Phelps, and Patrick is
President/Owner of Graffiti Global Products,
maker of Graffiti DryErase Paints and Wall Skins.
As a Saint Thomas Aquinas
student, Janine participated in
Drill Team, Choir and Show
Choir and graduated with Summa
Cum Laude academic honors.
She had starring roles in the
Saint Thomas Aquinas musical
productions, appearing as Marian
the Librarian in The Music Man and
Laurey in Oklahoma.
Kelly Cotter Ingebritson works in government
relations with The Conservation Fund -- Western
Lands, promoting parks, recreation and the great
outdoors to members of Congress, their offices
and others in Washington, D.C. Kelly received
her Juris Doctor degree from the University of
Denver Sturm College of Law in 2008. She and
her husband Tom were married on September 3,
2011, and reside in Arlington Virginia.
Rebecca McJilton Bieker is a managing
member and owner of the company ‘She’s
a Pistol, LLC,’ Rebecca earned a degree in
Management and Human Relations in 2007 from
Mid-America Nazarene University where she also
received a Masters in Business Administration.
She and her husband Jon live in Gardner, Kansas.
Ben Lewis graduated with honors in 2011
from the University of San Francisco School of
Law in the area of International and Comparative
Law. He accepted a post-graduate fellowship in
refugee and asylum law based in Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania where he provided legal aid to east and
central African refugees. He is employed with
Asylum Access Tanzania as a legal advocate and
lives in Overland Park, Kansas.
Tim Puetz is a Presidential Management
Fellow at the National Institute of Health. He
obtained an undergraduate degree in 2012
from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. In
2006, he received a Master of Public Health
(MPH) degree and later his Doctorate from the
University of Georgia. Tim resides in Silver
Spring, Maryland.
Janine with Dr. Ford and 2003 classmates
Kelli Hughes, far left, and Ashley Quick
Fields after the production of SPAMALOT at
Starlight Theater in June 2013.
Janine DiVita began studying music, dance and voice here in Overland
Park at an early age. In addition to high school productions, she participated
in community theater while dreaming of becoming a performing arts
professional. After graduating from Saint
Thomas Aquinas, Janine attended the
University of Michigan where she won two
prestigious musical theater awards, the only
Michigan graduate ever to win both awards.
Within one year of graduating from college
and moving to New York City, Janine landed
two roles in off-Broadway productions, and
then made her Broadway debut as Rizzo in
the latest revival of Grease, starring opposite
American-Idol-heartthrob Ace Young.
Following Grease, Janine traveled the country
performing a wide range of leading roles at
reputable regional theatres and in the National Tour of Mel Brooks’ Young
Last spring, Janine returned to the Broadway stage as Reno in the hit
musical Anything Goes and the
revival of The Mystery of Edwin
Drood, in which she covered
three roles. In June 2013, Saints
alumni, parents and friends were
treated to Janine’s hometown
performance as the leading
“Lady of the Lake” in Monty
Python’s SPAMALOT at Kansas
City Starlight Theater. In her
spare time, Janine is a certified
kickboxing instructor.
Noelle Harvey Caldwell is employed with
Harvey & Caldwell, PA as a CPA. She and her
husband Daniel were married July 19, 2003 and
reside in Overland Park, Kansas. After obtaining
her B.A. in Business in 2002, Noelle received a
Master’s of Science in Accounting from UMKC
in 2007.
Chris Legler is a Program Manager of Global
Support Services at Perceptive Software. He and
his wife Lindsay were married May 9, 2009, and
live in Olathe, Kansas. Chris received a degree
in Human Resource Management, International
Business and Marketing from Kansas State
Burton Harding and his wife Casie moved
this winter to Mound City, Kansas, where Burton
opened a general law practice on Main Street.
He obtained his MBA and law degree from the
University of Kansas and was recognized by the
Kansas Bar Association for his community pro
bono work.
Emily Middendorf and Justin Smith were
married on June 9, 2012. She is employed at
Bank of the West as an ACSM and Justin is an
estimator at Burns & McDonnell.
Class Notes
Lynn Mayer is currently the youth minister
at Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park, Kansas.
Lynn earned her degree in Catechetics with a
minor in Theology from Franciscan University,
Steubenville, Ohio, in 2006. During summers
of her college years Lynn was a camp counselor
at Camp Tekakwitha. After college she joined
National Evangelical Team ministries (NET) in
West St. Paul, Minnesota. In 2009 Lynn accepted
the position of youth minister at Immaculate
Conception Dardenne Prairie parish in St. Louis.
She has been on the staff at Holy Spirit since
winter 2011.
Lindsey Kaminski Ballew is in her sixth year
as a 3rd Grade teacher at Holy Trinity Catholic
School in Lenexa. Her husband, Aaron, is a
Physics teacher with the Blue Valley School
District. Both Lindsey and Aaron graduated with
bachelors and masters degrees from Pittsburg
State University. The couple lives in Shawnee,
Kansas, with their 16-month-old son.
Jen Kinkade Bussen and her husband Patrick
were married July 23, 2011. Jen received a B.S.
in Animal Science in 2009 and a Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine degree in 2013 from Kansas
State University.
Jovana Mirabile, ‘07
Jovana Mirabile moved to New York
City after high school graduation
to attend Parsons School of Design.
She says that Saint Thomas Aquinas
equipped her with the confidence and
technical sewing skills that allowed her
Jovana with her parents, Jim & Vicki
to push her own creative boundaries
and be at the top of her class. While
at Parsons, Jovana won both a print design competition and a shoe design
competition that received distinction by being created in Italy for her senioryear collection. Upon graduation from Parsons School of Design in 2011,
Jovana was named Student of the Year.
At Parsons, Jovana founded the Fashion School Mentor Program - which
is still operational today - as a way to build community among students
within the very competitive school. Jovana’s career path expanded further
when upon graduation she accepted a three-month internship in London
with one of her favorite designers -- Matthew Williamson. Turning into
full-time employment, Jovana has now been working for the famous designer
in London for two years, involved with all aspects of the design process
including print, embroidery and accessory design and illustration.
Jovana recalls her days at Saint Thomas Aquinas with
fondness. “My high school years were some of the best years
of my life so far, and they have truly shaped who I am today.
From the supportive community to the amazing teachers to
the discipline, STA prepared me for a successful college and
after-college career. I was so blessed to have Mrs. Kephart as a
mentor for three years. Her patience and love of her students
is so admirable; she will always be a role model to me.”
Abby Geist is a Speech-Language Pathologist in
the Olathe (Kansas) School District.
Kerry Goebel graduated from the University
of Notre Dame with a degree in Management
Consulting, and recently moved back to Kansas
City after working for Accenture in Chicago,
Illinois. He and his brother Kevin Goebel have
joined their father, Dave Goebel, in a new
restaurant venture with Dallas-based Pie Five Pizza
Co. They will be opening their first franchise
location at 133rd & Metcalf in Overland Park,
Kansas, in early August.
Michael Reazin married Erin Barr on March
15, 2013. He earned a degree in Business from
the University of Kansas in 2010. The couple
resides in Dallas, Texas.
In memory of 2006 graduate Peter
Clevinger, who passed away last January 20,
2013, his family and friends are planning the
first annual “For Pete’s Sake” Memorial Golf
Tournament and Dinner -- Saturday, August
24, 2013, 11 a.m. at Hillcrest Country Club,
Kansas City, Missouri. Go to Facebook: “For
Pete’s Sake Golf Tournament” for registration,
beneficiary and volunteer information.
Ellesha LeCluyse lives in Cleveland, Ohio,
and will graduate with a law degree from Case
Western Reserve University in 2015. She received
her undergraduate degree in Life Science from
Kansas State University in 2012.
Tyson Merry was accepted into the
Manchester University School of Pharmacy’s
doctoral program and will begin her studies in
August 2013.
Rachel Austinfeld graduated from the
University of Kansas in 2012 with a degree in
Community Health, Business and Leadership
Studies. She now lives in San Diego, California,
where she is studying to be a Doctor of
Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Her
anticipated graduation date is 2017.
Kelsey Coplen graduated from the University
of Kansas in 2012 and was admitted to the
Nursing program at St. Mary’s University in
Leavenworth, to begin in August 2013.
Kaley Kane earned her bachelor of science
degree in Journalism with emphasis in strategic
communication from the University of Kansas in
2012. She is currently an account administrator
with the award-winning digital marketing
communications agency Intouch Solutions, and
lives in Prairie Village, Kansas.
Kelsey Butler was named Female ScholarAthlete of the Year at Lynn University in Boca
Raton, Florida at the annual Student-Athlete
Recognition Awards show on April 23, 2013.
In addition to excelling in the classroom as a
criminal justice major, she completes her fouryear playing career in (what sport?) with a school
record for most career saves. Following her
December 2012 graduation, she is continuing at
Lynn to complete her MBA in May 2014.
Jack Charles is aspring to be an author and has
several books in progress.
Jack Lodoly is pursuing a degree in Finance at
the University of Kansas, and is a member of the
Executive Board for Sigma Nu fraternity.
Nick Malley is studying Film and Media Studies
at the University of Kansas and has interned at
Wright/Laird Casting and Outpost Worldwide,
both in Kansas City, Missouri. Nick is president of
Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at KU.
Rosemary Maher Saints Walk for Life
Matt McAndrews,
After high
school, Matt
worked as an
in the
undergraduate theater department
at Stephens College in Columbia,
Missouri, working for his tuition
in the scene shop and attending
to all technical aspects of theatre
production. He transferred to
UMKC to complete his degree
and work locally as an actor and
technician at American Heartland
Theater, Kansas City Actors Guild,
Unicorn Theater, The Living
Room, and Kansas City Repertory
Utilizing skills from his
community-theater participation,
high school performances and
hands-on college experience,
Matt is currently pioneering a
scenic arts company in Kansas
City that specializes in ecofriendly stage production. “Green
Scenes” is devoted to cutting
the exorbitant cost of technical
theatre production by recycling
raw materials from large scale
productions and repurposing
In addition to developing his
growing business, Matt returned
to Stagecraft classes at his alma
mater, teaching students the basics
of stage carpentry and lighting.
Recent theater performances
include A Christmas Carol and
Carousel at the Kansas City
Repertory Theatre. This summer
Matt appeared in the Heart of
America Shakespeare Festival’s
production of As You Like It with
fellow Saints alumnus and 2008
classmate Phillip Shinn.
Saints Walk For Life
Named in Honor of
Pro-Life Advocate
Rosemary Maher
The Saints Walk for Life, newly named “The
Rosemary Maher Saints Walk for Life,” was held
on Saturday, April 27, 2013, in spite of a cold
drizzle that could not dampen the enthusiasm
of over 200 walkers. Through the generosity
of sponsors, walkers, supporters and the Teens
for Life Club which hosts the event, just over
$19,000 was raised for Advice and Aid Pregnancy
Center, Birthright, Grace Center, Kansans for
Life and Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic. Before the
walk began, the group was joined by Archbishop
Joseph Naumann to show his support for the
school’s pro-life fundraiser.
Prior to the Walk, Rosemary
Maher thanked the group of
participants, donors and volunteers
for their tireless support of Life!
Above: Father Andrew Strobl (far right), STA Chaplain, and all the family members of retired
faculty member Rosemary Maher gathered in the gym prior to the Walk to celebrate the re-naming
of the Saints Walk for Life in honor of Rosemary who established the Teens for Life student club
at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School and initiated the Saints Walk for Life in 1993.
Heading to the Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center during the
Rosemary Maher Saints Walk for Life 2013.
Above: Rosemary Maher’s grandson Matthew Martin (middle)
joined friends from the class of 2013, Joey Radetic and Andrew
Whealon, leaving STA at the beginning of the walk.
Leaving STA as the walk
began, Rosemary Maher
was all smiles with her son
Terry Maher (Teens for Life
president) with his son August
(in stroller). Also pictured are
grandchildren Katie Martin,
‘11, and John Siebes.
In Memoriam
Barbara Allison, age 77 of Overland Park,
passed away on March 13, 2013. She is the
mother of Stephanny Sauceda, the nurse
at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School.
She is survived by her husband, Bob, of 52
years, three daughters, six grandchildren
including Andrea Schwarzenberger (Brett
Whitacre), ‘95, Nicole (Jason) Weathers,
‘97, and Kelli (Derek) Cox, ‘98, and six
Joey Bauman, age 90 of Bern, Kansas,
passed away on April 19, 2013. He is
the father of faculty member Boyd (Lisa)
Bauman. He is survived by his wife, Milly,
of 65 years, five children, two siblings, 15
grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Henry “Hank” Bourquin, age 85 of
Shawnee, Kansas, passed away on May
9, 2013. He is the father of alumni/
STA parents Jim (Mimi) Bourquin, Basil
Bourquin, Mary Kay (Fausto) Mora, ‘77,
Julie (Samuel) Zollicker, ‘76, Joe (Lisa
Regan, ‘78) Bourquin, ‘77. He is survived by
his wife, Jane, of 62 years, his brother Butch
(Sandra Rieke, ‘58) Bourquin, ‘53, and
ten grandchildren including STA alumni
Hillary Bourquin, ‘08, Hank Bourquin,
‘11, Caroline Bourquin, class of 2014, Ana
Mora, ‘99, John Mora, ‘99, Beau Bourquin,
‘09, and Zach Bourquin, ‘09.
William Campbell, of Shawnee, Kansas,
passed away on March 21, 2013. He is
the father of STA junior student Casey
Campbell and husband of Julie Campbell.
Peter Clevinger, ‘06, age 25, Airman First
Class of San Antonio, Texas, passed away
on January 20, 2013. He is the son of Kathy
and Ralph Clevinger of Shawnee, Kansas,
brother of Aaron (Olivia) Clevinger, Kaylan
Clevinger, Monica (David, ‘02) Clevinger
Kissick, and uncle of Lucia Kissick. Peter
was a member of the state-champion
Saints Boys Soccer team for three years
and played soccer at Benedictine College
where he graduated in 2011 with a degree
in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Before enlisting to serve his country through
the Armed Forces, Peter owned a visual
communications business in the Kansas City
Wilfred Droge, age 76, of Kansas City,
Kansas, passed away on January 31, 2013.
He is the father of STA faculty member
Terry (Rebecca) Droge. He is survived by his
wife Sharon, five children, a daughter-in-law,
two siblings, 14 grandchildren and eight
Peter Downey, age 13 of Louisburg,
Kansas, passed away on March 4, 2013. He
is the son of Christine and David Downey,
‘79, and brother of Brock, Nicholas, Travis,
Andrew, Benjamin, Bridget, Rebecca and
Mark Humble, age 59 of Olathe, Kansas,
passed away on May 1, 2013. He is the
husband of Rhonda Humble, and father of
Brandon (Katie Leckner) Humble. Mark is
survived by his mother Margaret Humble,
and brothers Chris Humble, ‘71, Grant
Humble, ‘75, Matt Humble, ‘78, Paul
Humble, ‘79, John Humble, ‘86, and sister
Renee Humble, ‘73.
Margaret Hund, age 87 of Paxico, Kansas,
passed away on May 7, 2013. She is the
mother of faculty member Cathryn (Chris)
Hund Radiel, and Father Francis Hund
of Nativity Parish. She is survived by eight
children, 25 grandchildren and one greatgranddaughter, and was preceded in death
by her husband Wilfred Hund (1982).
David H. LaGue, age 88, of Kansas
City, Missouri, passed away on January 30,
2013. He is the father-in-law of STA faculty
member Mike (Nina LaGue) Thomas. David
is survived by his wife, Marie, of 68 years,
nine of their ten children, four brothers, and
71 grandchildren including Andrew (Sarah)
Thomas, ‘96, Julia (David) Blackford, ‘00,
and Rachelle (Mike) Martin, ‘98.
Patrick Leek, age 21 of Olathe, Kansas,
passed away on March 5, 2013. He is the son
of Sandra and Dr. James Leek, and brother
of Ernest Leek, ‘92, Esther Leek Veitch, ‘93,
Ann Leek Sherwin, ‘95, Mary Leek Stolz,
‘96, Andrew Leek, ‘98, Tom Leek, 99, Jane
Leek, ‘01, Rachel Leek, ‘07 (dec), Alex Leek
and STA senior Angela Leek, class of 2014.
James F. O’Malley, M.D., age 91, of
Leawood, Kansas, died on December 20,
2012. He is the father of staff member Mary
Bridget Kratofil, grandfather of Kate Kratofil
Koehnecke, ‘93, John Kratofil, ‘97, and Ann
Kratofil Warren, ‘99. James was predeceased
by his wife, Mary Kathryn, to whom he was
married 63 years. He is survived by five sons
and two daughters, 19 grandchildren and 22
Please contact Cindy Winkler in the
STA Advancement Office at
913-319-2425 or [email protected]
if you would like to recognize a deceased
loved one or submit a records-update.
R. Nick Pflumm, age 54, of Shawnee,
Kansas, died on May 12, 2013. He is the
husband of Donna Pflumm, ‘71, father
of Ashley Pflumm and Matthew Pflumm,
and step-father of Steven (Sarah) Ohmes,
‘94, and Jeffrey (Jill Glass) Ohmes, ‘97; son
of Ronald (Dee) Pflumm, ‘55, and Ardyn
(Rick) Erickson; brother of Garot (Marisol)
Pflumm, ‘83, and Lauri Guidry; brotherin-law of Kathy (Mike) Evans, ‘73, Phillip,
‘77, and Terri Thelen, ‘78, Bernadette
(Dave) Farra, ‘83, and son-in-law of Mary
and Donald (dec.) Thelen, Sr. Nick is also
survived by one granddaughter and four
step-grandchildren. Many of Nick’s cousins,
nieces and nephews are also graduates of
St. Joe, Aquinas and Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School.
Elysa Louise Rojas, age 2, of Denver
Colorado, passed away on January 28, 2013.
She is the daughter of Jaime and Jana Evers
Rojas, ‘97, and older sister of Isla Rojas,
all of Denver, Colorado; granddaughter of
Cathy and David Evers of Leawood, Kansas;
and niece of Beth Evers, ‘99, and Matthew
Evers, ‘03.
John Schmiedeler, ‘42, age 82 of
Westwood, Kansas, passed away on
December 13, 2012. He is survived by
his wife of 60 years, Rosemary Kinsella
Schmiedeler, and six daughters and their
Betty L. Shriver, age 88, passed away on
February 27, 2013. She is the mother of
alumnus and faculty member Dave (Jane
Dillbeck, ‘79) Shriver, ‘73. Betty is survived
by six children and one daughter-in-law, 13
grandchildren including Courtney (Justin)
Shriver DeNegri, ‘04, Bobby Shriver, ‘06,
Nathan Shriver, ‘08, and Rose Shriver,
‘10, and six great-grandchildren. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth
O. Shriver (1989) and her son Kenneth P.
Memorial information is published
for deceased alumni, deceased parents/
children/siblings of alumni, deceased
faculty/staff, and deceased parents/
siblings/children of faculty/staff. Please
notify the Saint Thomas Aquinas
Advancement Office by contacting
Cindy Winkler at (913) 319-2425 /
[email protected].
Class Reunions
Class of 1958 55-Year
Saturday, July 6, 2013
5:00 p.m.
Johnny’s Tavern
13410 West 62nd Terrace
Shawnee, Kansas
Questions? Contact:
Darlene Hofer Barry
(913) 631-7218 or [email protected]
Class of 1963 50-Year
and Gold Medal Club Pinning
Saturday, September 21, 2013
6:00 p.m.
Lake Quivira Country Club
100 Crescent Boulevard
Lake Quivira, Kansas
$60 per person; Cash bar.
Please send reservation and payment to
Kathy Hoelting, 16010 West 56th Street,
Shawnee, KS 66217.
Questions? Contact:
Kathy Hoelting, (816) 591-6915 or
[email protected]
Gary Hartigan, (913) 888-8930 or
[email protected]
Class of 1993 20-Year
July 12-13, 2013
Friday, July 12
6:00 p.m.
Dub V’s Bar & Deli (Willie Vader’s Bar)
122 N. Cherry
Olathe, Kansas
Pay for what you order.
Saturday, July 13
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Stoll Park
12500 West 119th Street
Overland Park, Kansas
Bring your own food, chairs, footballs,
etc... and meet all the kids!
7:00 p.m.
“Main Event” 20-Year REUNION
12450 Newton Street
Overland Park, Kansas
$45 single/ $80 per couple
Includes heavy appetizers, two drinktickets per person, DJ and Door Prizes
Questions? Contact:
Jen Hyland Fescoe, (913) 406-3742 or
[email protected]
Kate Kratofil Koehnecke, (913) 645-6121
or [email protected]
Emily Redmond Banyas, (913)669-5016
Katie Kopp Ohlde, (913) 707-3950
Facebook: “St. Thomas Aquinas Class of
Class of 2003
10-Year Reunion
Friday, September 20
4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Class of 2003 Ten-Year SAINTS Family
(Parents, siblings, spouses and children
are welcome!)
Auxiliary Gym at Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School
For dinner reservations -- Johnny’s BBQ
dinner served at Homecoming Tailgate in
the Commons -- go to www.stasaints.net/
HomecomingTailgate. Reunion guests
may bring food into the Auxiliary Gym.
7:00 p.m.
Saints Football vs. Salina Central
at the renovated Athletic Stadium at STA
Class of 2003 grads: bring your mailed
invitation for free admission to the
football game!
8:00 p.m. (or after the game)
Tanner’s Bar & Grill
10146 W. 119th Street
Overland Park, Kansas
Saturday, September 21
8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Reunion Main Event
at Club 1000
1000 Broadway
Kansas City, Missouri
$50 per person/$100 per couple
Includes heavy hors d’oeuvres and
premium bar.
RSVP AT http://club1000kc.com/
12:00 a.m. - ?
After hours at The Quaff, 1010 Broadway,
Kansas City, MO
Questions? Contact:
Taner Neighbors,
[email protected]
Ashley Quick, [email protected]
or (913) 634-0140
Melissa Windon, [email protected]
Facebook: “Saint Thomas Aquinas Class
of 2003”
Class of 2008 Five-Year
August 9-10, 2013
Friday, August 9
6:30 p.m.
The Levee
16 West 43rd Street
Kansas City, Missouri
(816) 561-5565
Drink specials; Pay-for-what-you-order; no
RSVP needed.
Saturday, August 10
8:00 a.m.
Saints Stampede 5K Cross-country Run/
Walk, Stroller Strut, Pancake Breakfast &
Family Fun Day!
Register online for 5K and pancakes:
Games, Inflatibles and Kids’ Fun Run are
FREE for children 10-and-younger (no
rsvp needed).
Questions? Contact:
Alli Flaspohler, (913) 548-1290 or
[email protected]
Kevin Ahrens, (913) 206-0791 or
[email protected]
Facebook: “Saint Thomas Aquinas Class
of 2008”
Non-Profit Organization
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
11411 Pflumm Road
Overland Park, Kansas 66215-4816
Bring the Family!
8:00 - 11:00 a.m.
at the HOME of the SAINTS
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
11411 Pflumm Road, Overland Park, Kansas
All Participants receive a T-shirt and Pancake Breakfast!
• 5K Cross Country Run/Walk, a two-loop course on the grounds of Johnson County
Community College, starting and finishing on the turf at the Saints Athletic Stadium.
• 5K Middle School Roundup with special pricing for 5th-8th graders.
• Stroller Strut for young families.
• Pancake Breakfast following the race. Breakfast-only tickets available, $3 per person.
• FREE Family Fun-Day activities including Kids’ Fun Run, inflatables, photo-booth, and
carnival with prizes for kids/grandkids ages 2-10.
For more information and the register, go to