Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum
Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum
1HZZRUNV 04 Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum فણӄךӚ SUNJIN Engineering & Architecture / Hahm In-sun ࣷଔਃإৰރഥҥஸ࣏࣏ߗघതઌࣷ 58 59 Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum Location Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea Function Culture & Meeting facility(exhibition) Site area 124,620ʞ Bldg. area 2,924ʞ Total floor area 5,317ʞ Landscape area 53,214ʞ Stories B1, 2FL Structure Reinforced concrete, Steel Finish Basalt, Pair glass, Exposed concrete(ext.) Photographer Lee Joong-hoon فௗӄ֪ࣛ٩ഥӶѿৡৡݼ ੋ٩ߚ൛ࠃଙ൦१ࣹ१ણ فહʞ ҥஸહʞ હʞ ӄહʞ Ԑടࣛ Ӵஎԕఒఽݼಠஎӏ ҆ބെߗࡃ੭ףݼఒఽݼಠ਼ࡘ ࣹӆؽعਕऀәٳଔԤा़ઍઑऀ़ીਕԤ०੍ીଔൌفઑથ ࠔൌ२மੋ֪ҋٳமऀ൝३Ԥٳઍਕથ ҥஸથࠩزઌفણӄंךӆߚ൛ஸଓ൦ १Ӗࣗࡘ౸ҥऀԞ৹ࣷੌҥࣹ ࣏ଔઊૻ൴ Site plan Left view(night) Bird eye's view(night) 60 Front view 61 Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum Located at the entry to Haeinsa(Temple of the Ocean Mundra), the Tripitaka Millenium Penetrating glass mass : New era where we communicate with the wisdom of Hall celebrates the 1000th anniversary of the first Tripitaka Koreana created in 1011. It millenium. was designed as an exhibition space for the digital and copperplate version of the A glass mass engraved with the heart sutra penetrates from the rectangular mass on UNESCO registered Tripitaka Koreana, which is the oldest wood block printing in Korea. the outside to the exhibition hall symbolizing the tripitaka to express the communicaction between the wisdom of the old and the new era. Design Concept : Millenium courtyard, and the sharing ground of wisdom. Rather than merely documenting and preserving Buddhist scriptures, the Tripitaka Reflective Pond : Infinite life of Tripitaka through documentation and Koreana tries to save mankind by propagating the sayings of Buddha and the spirit of distribution. defending the nation as well as spreading the old wisdom. The design for Tripitaka The reflective pond mirrors the heart sutra engraved on the glass mass, embodying the Millenium Hall starts from the the will to succeed such ideas. printing of the tripitaka onto paper and symbolizing the spread of the characters of wisdom to the world. Exterior of Tripitaka Millenium Hall : Well-lighted space of wisdom. The exterior is a moderated rectangular mass in the shape of a tripitaka block, which Millenium Courtyard, Annex buildings : Eternal time and transmigrationism of holds the wisdom of millenium. The daylight pouring in through the central atrium Buddhism. becomes the metaphor for the uncovering the origin of wisdom, while the transparent The round shape of the Millenium Courtyard is derived from the timelessness of time glass foundation makes the tripitaka block seem floating in the air, thus representing and the transmigrationism of Buddhism. The annex facilities such as a management the emacipation, the highest state of buddhist training. center, gate and an outdoor performing stage harmonize with each other in a moderate manner. Interior of Tripitaka Millenium Hall : Emancipation through buddhahood. The circular space on the center, which is used as an exhibition hall, emphasizes the lighting coming through the atrium and symbolizes the process of emacipation through buddhahood. Exterior(night) 1. Hall 2. Lobby 3. Tripitaka information 4. Tripitaka exhibition 5. Tripitaka road 6. Cafeteria 7. Souvenir shop 8. Multipurpose room 3 1 1 2 4 2 Cross section Left elevation ँ 5 3 6 7 8 Front elevation 62 P P Longitudinal section 63 Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum Tripitaka road Tripitaka exhibition നઌ࣏ ਁ ௗഡ ࡅ °فણӄ ךӚ± ਁךऀ ټமઅ ൞ಹઌनӄઌ فણӄךӚֳࡘԶش౿ഡനઅӘી فણӄઅךԞלടਉӵֳமӋઅಹࡅઊઘ੭फ़ఐߚ൛થܾڢથټ ૻઅൌӖҁ१Ӛ੶ܾ൞ੋടٳؘ१ਁৈಠݼ౿നڝৰਠࢅؘઅ൭Әݴ فކણӄઅڤ൛ࠃٳಹ੶ܾૂઙഡઘݴݑ१ടؘӖҁ੶ܾӆ൧دٺ Ԕف൛ത੶ܾঅԶش౿ഡനઅӘીࣛଛહ੶ܾെയد Ӛټ੭ޓݼफ़ךઅ്ਭघ౿ടؘܾࣝ१ف ࣹӆґלךઅؽބ്અ֢ౡ ࣏Ҁ ޓफ़અ ਼ࡘܾࡘౡ ણӄಹ ࣛଛട ؘ१ӚԪ ࠉৡ७ӄ ࣝԠ ੭ޓݼफ़ݴ فކણӄزाඥӄԞܿടӋࡂടؘҫৰކઌਁҲࡘઅ۸Әӵ Ӛ१ై੶ܾঅӘңઅ്ѿܾࣝ१فਭघ౿തെയد ઊלടӋ്֢ݴ੶ܾঅૻࣥӴૂടԞഡҫઊفدણӄךӚઅࣹӆؘ ң߆ԞܿٻӋಶߗٻഡഡࣥܲѿଔفણӄ ԓઅઅӆ०੶ܾࡘౡࠋയد ੭ޓݼफ़ਁ ࣝҺଔ ࠉৡ७ӄઊ ң߆ਁ ࡻௗ ؘ। ણӄಹ ഡਁ ઌनടؘ فણӄךӚ਼ࡘࢅع്અӖҁ ।ൌࣛ൛ഡҫ੶്ܾઅߚઘѿߗഡࡃૂٻৰंࣛਁݼ׆ಶࣛپଛഡد ךઅ്فعݴણӄಹൌࣛ൛ഡૂ࣏ټҀޓफ़ݴԞࡅ੶ܾૻৈಠݼ ךઅࡘؽބङҥߜ१ҁઅਕङऀӘӯઅ੯൦࣏ࣛ ౿നকৈڝৰਠܾ੶ࢅ്ؘઅԕࠌඥӋઘയ੶Ԟݴࡘزಉഡ੭ݼથଖܾ ךઅؽބൌ੶ܾऀ੶ٺઊؘ१ҁઅਕङऀӘӯ੯൦࣏ࣛਁࣳԓڤઘઌ Ӵऀടਉ فણӄಹઊ ۂਠ ؘݱ। ൌࣛ൛ടӋ ӯ ़ܳઅ மӋ ӄઌ °ന± ಮࡴݴѿਢҫઊدӚݼऄౡࠃҲઊಠৡ਼ӖણӘҎࡘङҥߜਊ१ૂټ െയد ൌࣛ੶ܾ൛ݴઊݗ٩ܿയد 64 Tripitaka preservation science 65 Tripitaka Koreana Millenium Museum Tripitaka mystery 8 9 Tripitaka information 1. Lobby 1. Hall 2. Tripitaka exhibition 2. Rest corner 3. Kids tripitaka 3. Tripitaka information 4. Multipurpose room 4. Tripitaka preservation science 5. Storage 3 4 5. Tripitaka mystery 4 6. Souvenir shop 6. Tripitaka road 7. Cafeteria 8. Machinery room 9. Electric room 2 3 1 2 6 9 5 9 5 1 7 6 First floor plan 66 P P Second floor plan 67