The Crossings Connection October 2011


The Crossings Connection October 2011
The Crossings Connection
October 2011
Avery Crossings Assisted Living * 110 West Street Needham, MA 02494 *
Main Number 781-444-6655 * Main Fax Number 781-433-2794 *
Avery Crossings
Management Contact
Main Line Front Desk
(781) 444-6655
Executive Director
Matthew P. Carson
Ext. 6224
[email protected]
Director of Nursing
Kathleen Davidson
Ext. 6223
[email protected]
Business Office Manager
Kara A. Davidson Ext. 6217
[email protected]
Director of Sales &
Rosalind Fisher, Ext. 6228
[email protected]
Director of Programming
Elyse Golibroda, Ext. 6209
[email protected]
Food and Beverage
Michael Burrill, Ext. 6213
[email protected]
Director of Maintenance
Sean Campbell
[email protected]
Ext. 6203
Wellness Center
Donna Kavanagh
Bill Jones
Ext. 6225
Update from the Executive Director
Dear Residents & Family Members,
Warm sun, cool breezes carrying the essence of fresh
baked apple pie in the air, can only mean one
thing…it’s wedding season! Our food & beverage
director Michael Burrill fell into the fall frenzy and
married his long time love Katelyn this past weekend.
We wish them many years of love and laughter.
Michael has taken some time off to relax and adjust to
his new role as husband and will return on October
In Michael’s absence I was called into action. Many of
you may not know, but I am a passionate gourmet
chef and yes, my wife is a lucky woman. This past
Saturday I represented Avery Crossings at the annual
Needham Souperbowl with my personal recipe
Pumpkin and Acorn Squash Bisque garnished with a
lady finger and topped with a dollop of whipped cream
and pumpkin seeds. Against 14 competitors I won the
hearts of many tasters, so much that they were
coming back for more and more until alas, I ran out of
the hearty soup and was unable to finish the
competition. I would have loved to bring home a win
for all of you but I will chock it up to a valiant effort and
a lesson learned for next year…… bring extra. All in
all it was a fun afternoon. Before the competition had
even ended I started dreaming up new recipes in my
head for next year when I had an epiphany, let’s have
our own Avery Crossings soup competition! We have
a year to hammer out the details but ultimately I am
thinking that I would like to have 5-10 resident entries,
it will be judged by the residents, and the winner will
be the soup presented at the festival next year. Put
on your aprons and get ready to give the competition
a run for their money!
Matthew P. Carson, Executive Director
October 2011
Food and Beverage Tid Bits
Autumn Harvest Bisque
(1 gallon)
During the recent cantaloupe outbreak, I would
like to reassure our residents that the fruit we Ingredients:
received was safe. I contacted our vendor and
the cantaloupes that we received were from
California. The tainted cantaloupes were from
Colorado. All the current cantaloupes that were
are now receiving are from South America. So
all the cantaloupes that we are serving are safe
to eat. Our main produce vendor is a local
company with great products and service. They
are also the only HACCP certified produce
company in the United States. For all our
supplies we use multiple vendors with solid
reputations to assure that we receive quality
products. By using multiple vendors and
specialty vendors it always gives us options in
purchasing the best products for our residents
to consume.
2 onion, chopped
2 leeks, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup butter
3 cup carrot, chopped
2 butternut squash, chopped
1 small turnip, chopped
2 tart cooking apples, chopped
7 cups chicken stock
3/4 cups flour
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 teaspoon rosemary
3/4 teaspoon sage
1.5 cup heavy cream
1.5 cup Gruyere cheese
Upcoming events for the month of October:
Friday, October 7 at 4:30 pm Yom Kippur
Tuesday, October 11 at 2:00 pm October
Cook the onion, leeks & celery in a
Birthday Party
Saturday, October 15 at 2:00 pm Make Your
kettle in 1/4 cup of the butter over
Own Ice Cream Sundae
moderate heat, stirring for 5 minutes
Tuesday, October 18 at 3:45 pm Managers
or until soft. Add carrot, squash,
Cocktail Social
turnip, apples and stock.
Thursday, October 20 at 6:00 pm Newton Art
Association Reception
Bring to a boil. Simmer for 45
Tuesday, October 25 at 2:00 pm Food
minutes or until tender. Melt 3/4
Demonstration with Michael
remaining cups of butter over
Thursday, October 27 at 5:00 pm Welcome
moderate heat; add flour, stirring for
3 minutes.
Saturday, October 29 at 2:00 pm Cheese and
Crackers Social
Remove pan from heat, add 1-cup
Monday, October 31 at 3:00 pm Halloween
liquid from soup in a stream, stirring,
On a personal note I would like to extent a
most gracious thank you to everyone at Avery
Crossing both staff and residents for all the well
wishes that Katelyn and I received for our
and then stir the mixture into the
Add cider, nutmeg, rosemary &
sage. Pepper to taste. Simmer 10
minutes. Stir in cream and Gruyere.
Maintenance Update
Changeover from Air
Conditioning to Heat
Early October we will be converting the
apartments from air conditioning to
heat. We will be following the weather
patterns so we can keep everyone as
comfortable as possible.
There is
always a chance that we run into a
warm spell after the conversion takes
place - in this situation, we will turn the
hallway AC units on (the hallways have
the capacity to run in either heat or AC
mode) so that the cool air will run into
apartments will remain on heat mode. If
your apartment is hot, please turn your
thermostat to off. Additionally, if you
own a personal window AC unit, you
can ask Sean to install it in your window
for you.
The Middlesex Savings Bank of
Bank Hours
Thursday, October 6 &
Thursday, October 20
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Country Store
Please stop by the Country Store if you
are interested in banking with Middlesex
Savings Bank of Needham.
services will be available with the bank.
Wellness Center Update
Fabulous fall to all of our residents and
families. This is a busy time of year, lots of
doctor appointments before the winter
season. We would like to make some
recommendations to residents and families
regarding the driving and escort service for
Please see Sean if you should have any
an appointment.
further questions. Thank you.
The Annual Needham Souperbowl
The driver is available 8:45 am and has to
be back to the facility no later than 5:00 pm.
This is a drop off and pick up service. For
those requesting an aide escort we
recommend a 2-week request for service be
placed. Late morning appointments are best
when requesting this service. Some of our
aides go off shift by 2:30 pm. This service
provides safety and guidance for the
resident the aide does not give or receive
any clinical information. It has a fee of
be made at the front desk; requests for
escorts can be made by calling the wellness
October 2011
Marketing Update
Art Exhibit at Avery Crossings
Newton artists Lynda Davis Jeha and
Wanda Metcalf exhibit their work at the
Avery Crossings Art Gallery, 110 West
Learn about how your Veteran’s Street in Needham. An opening reception for
Benefits can help pay the cost of the artists will be held on Thursday, October
assisted living or homecare.
Patty 20th from 6 – 7 pm.
Servaes, President of Elder Resource
Benefits Consulting, will review the Lynda Davis Jeha focus with these pieces is
service requirements and medical and to abstract nature by using her imagination
financial criteria for the VA Aid & and daily observations of the natural world.
Attendance Benefit.
To Lynda, an abstract image presents a
unique opportunity for each viewer to draw
Welcome Dinner
his or her own inferences about what the
piece represents or means to them. Lynda
A special dinner is scheduled for primarily works with gouache (which is
Thursday, October 27th at 5:00 pm. The opaque watercolor) and acrylics.
dinner will welcome our newest
residents and their families to Avery Wanda Metcalf began painting at the age of
four. This sparked an interest that led to a
BA in Art from the University of NH in 1974.
Wine Tasting with Michael
Although she concentrated on watercolors
Left to right Dorothy Sullivan and Eileen for most of this time, during the last fifteen
years she has been using computers to
create and manipulate images. These may
start as photographs, watercolors or as
strokes input to the computer via her stylus.
These are then manipulated, layered,
filtered, cut and pasted together to create a
mélange, which could not happen in any
other way! UNDO is one of the most useful
tools of all.
Veteran’s Benefits
Thursday, October 20th at 6:30 pm
The exhibit and opening reception are open
to the public. To RSVP please contact Elyse
Golibroda at 781-234 -6209
Staff Anniversaries for the Month of
Congratulations to Eunide for being voted the Please congratulate the following employees
on their anniversary with Avery Crossings:
Above and Beyond Employee for the month of
Above and Beyond
September Winner: Eunide St. Paulin
September. Thank you for all that you do,
Business Office Update
Sabine Bissainthe
Dietary Aide/Cook/C.N.A.
9 years – October 6
The Business Office has some great news this
Ann Alexandre
8 years – October 20
Please join me in welcoming two new team
members to our Hospitality/Security staff:
Michelle Morrissey and Joseph Kenn. Michelle
will be our new weekend receptionist,
occupying the 7:00 am – 3:00 pm hours both
Saturday & Sunday. She comes to us with a
wealth of medical receptionist and marketing
experience, a Bachelor of Science in
Management, and a fantastic sense of humor.
Joseph is joining the staff as our on call late
afternoon & overnight go-to guy for coverage
of call-outs and vacations.
You may
occasionally see Joseph at the concierge desk
between the hours of 8:00 pm and 7:00 am.
He has a great background in the security
industry as well as two years experience
transporting residents with a local ambulance
company. You can feel confident that Joseph
will keep Avery Crossings safe & secure in the
wee hours.
Nadia Charles
Dietary Aide
2 year – October 26
Jennifer Ihenacho
1 year – October 26
Matthew Carson
Executive Director
7 years - October 27
Pete Harry
Driver/Program Assistant
1 year – October 29
Don’t Forget…
Sign In/Sign Out
I am very happy to have both Michelle &
Joseph join our team!
As always, should you have any billing
inquiries, please contact me at
For everyone’s safety, all residents and
(781) 234-6217.
Kara A. Davidson
Business Office Manager
visitors must sign in (when entering the
community) and sign out (when exiting the
Thank you for your cooperation.
October 2011
In House Entertainment and Trips for the Month of October
The Program Department offers a variety of programs in house as well as trips each month for our
residents. The month of October we have 215 programs for the residents to choose from. Here is
the list of the Program Highlights for October:
Saturday, October 1 at 10:00 am History Lecture with Professor Gary Hylander
Sunday, October 2 at 1:00 pm Trip to Newton Library: Folk Singer-Songwriter Lev Friedman
Monday, October 3 at 1:30 pm Avery Crossings Book Club
Monday, October 3 at 2:00 pm Traveling Harpist Skye Hurlburt
Tuesday, October 4 at 2:00 pm Jeopardy Game
Wednesday, October 5 at 10:30 am Art Matters: Georgia O’Keeffe
Wednesday, October 5 at Noon Trip to West Newton Cinema: The Debt
Sunday, October 9 at 1:00 pm Trip to Newton Library: Sonata and Concerto for Violin and
Monday, October 10 at 1:30 pm Avery Crossings Book Club
Tuesday, October 11 at 2:00 pm Pianist Rick Scalise and October Birthday Party
Wednesday, October 12 at 11:00 am Trip to Wellesley College: Triple Helix Trio Piano &
Lecture Recital
Wednesday, October 12 at 3:00 pm Songbirds Choral Rehearsal
Thursday, October 13 at 2:00 pm Opera Discussion with Roz Fisher: Carmen
Saturday, October 15 at 2:00 pm Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundae
Sunday, October 16 at 1:00 pm Trip to Newton Library: Cellist Rebecca Hartka and Pianist
Barbara Lysakowski
Sunday, October 16 at 2:00 pm Caring Canines
Monday, October 17 at 1:30 pm Avery Crossings Book Club
Monday, October 17 at 3:00 pm Origami
Tuesday, October 18 at 2:00 pm Literary Nostalgia with Michele Marram
Tuesday, October 18 at 3:45 pm Managers Cocktail Social
Wednesday, October 19 at 12:30 pm Trip to Honey Pot Hill Orchards
Thursday, October 20 at 2:00 pm Slide Presentation with Michael Marlow
Thursday, October 20 at 6:00 pm Newton Art Association Reception
Thursday, October 20 at 6:30 pm Veteran’s Benefit Presentation
Sunday, October 23 at 1:00 pm Trip to Newton Library: Pianist Thomas Dawkins
Monday, October 24 at 1:30 pm Avery Crossings Book Club
Monday, October 24 at 2:00 pm Musical Performance with Rick Olsen
Tuesday, October 25 at 10:15 am Newscurrents with John Shea
Tuesday, October 25 at 2:00 pm Food Demonstration with Michael
Wednesday, October 26 at 11:00 am Sing A Long with The Carter Nursery School
Wednesday, October 26 at 1:00 pm Trip to New Art Center in Newton
Wednesday, October 26 at 3:00 pm Songbirds Choral Rehearsal
Thursday, October 27 at 2:00 pm Abigail by Gail Presentation
Saturday, October 29 at 2:00 pm Cheese and Crackers Social
Sunday, October 30 at 1:00 pm Trip to Newton Library: Pianist Roberto Poli
Monday, October 31 at 1:30 pm Avery Crossings Book Club
Monday, October 31 at 3:00 pm Halloween Social with Parents Talk
Trips for the Month of October
Newton Free Library: Musical Performance with Lev Friedman, Singer-Songwriter
Sunday, October 2 at 1:00 pm
Newton based singer-songwriter Lev Friedman will be performing with his band. Their original songs and tunes span a variety of styles
including folk, folk-rock, American roots and blues. Lev's songs have been heard on WGBH and WERS as well as on radio stations in
West Newton Cinema: The Debt
Wednesday, October 5 at 12:00 pm
Admission is $8
Even the best secret agents carry a debt from a past mission. Rachel Singer must now face up to hers…Filmed on location in Tel Aviv,
the U.K., and Budapest, the espionage thriller The Debt is directed by Academy Award nominee John Madden.
Newton Free Library: Sonata and Concerto for Violin and Piano
Sunday, October 9 at 1:00 pm
Deyana Valchinova, piano and Gergana Haralampieva, violin will perform Franck’s Sonata for Violin and Piano and Tchaikovsky’s
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra.
Wellesley College: Triple Helix Trio Piano & Lecture: A Journey to St. Petersburg: Mother Russia's Radiant City of Warriors
and Poets
Wednesday, October 12 at 11:00 am
From Arensky’s world of resplendent Romantic harmonies to Shostakovich’s transformation of the musical language and his one-time
student Sviridov’s bitter and spare nostalgia, Triple Helix will trace the diverse ways that all three yearned to capture in music
something of the essence of the eternal Russian soul.
Newton Free Library: Polish-American Exchange
Sunday, October 16 at 1:00 pm
Rebecca Hartka, cello and Barbara Lysakowski, piano will present a concert of music from their respective homelands titled PolishAmerican Exchange . The program will include the virtuosic Chopin and passionate Barber sonatas as well as Hersch’s Tango
Bittersweet and the Lyrical Waltz by Zelenski and is part of the All Newton Music School’s series.
Honey Pot Hill Orchards
Wednesday, October 19 at 12:30 pm
Join us on our fall foliage trip along Route 20 to Honey Pot Hill Orchards. We will be stopping by their store where we can purchase
apples, pears, squash, fresh pressed cider, fudge, jams & butter's & honey. Cider donuts, caramel apples, apple pie & pumpkin pie
made fresh daily. Soft serve ice cream & hot mulled cider.
Newton Free Library: Pianist Thomas Dawkins
Sunday, October 23 at 1:00 pm
The program will include selections by Ravel, Debussy and Satie.
New Art Center in Newton: Spatial Process/Social Form
Wednesday, October 26 at 1:00 pm
Featuring the artwork of Eric Ayotte, Yamini Nayar, and Ryan O’Connor this exhibition stages the exploration of social, political, and
religious ambiguity through the deconstruction of space and historical references. The artists blur boundaries between media and use
found materials to destabilize meanings. Ayotte’s painting systematically deconstructs and reconstructs Associated Press photographs
of international events. Nayar architecturally re-imagines sites of urban decay in one photographic body of work while in another she
photographs sets she builds in her studio from found materials. O’Connor combines disparate “readymade” objects to create new
cultural connections and alternate environments.
Newton Free Library: Roberto Poli Performs Chopin
Sunday, October 30 at 1:00 pm
Pianist Roberto Poli will perform an all Chopin program on. Poli has studied the music of Fryderyk Chopin comprehensively through
manuscripts and original editions and has performed his music throughout the world.
October 2011
Fall Foliage Facts
Leaves of some trees such as birches, tulip poplars, redbud and hickory, are always yellow in the fall, never red.
The fall leaves of a few trees, including sugar maple, dogwood, sweet gum, black gum and sourwood, are
usually red but may also be yellow.
Unlike the bright colors of flowers, which attract pollinators, or the bright "Warning Colors" of many kinds of
animals, the bright colors of fall foliage are a byproduct of chemical changes as the trees start to go dormant.
These colors have no apparent biological function or significance.
The most intense of fall color occurs in areas such as New England, with almost pure stands of a few types of
trees, such as maples and birches, that all turn color at the same time during the short fall season.
The most varied fall color, as well as the longest lasting, occurs in areas such as the southern Appalachians,
where a dozen or more kinds of trees may change color at slightly different times over the longer fall season.
The change in day length (photoperiod) that causes the chemical changes in the trees leading to the bright
colors starts June 21, the longest day of the year, as the sun starts to move south and the days become shorter.
Leaves have just as much yellow pigment (xanthophyll) in July when they are green as they do in October when
they are yellow. In July the darker green pigment (chlorophyll) masks the yellow color.
Evergreen trees may shed their older leaves, which often turn bright yellow, in spring rather than fall, but they
never drop all their leaves at one time, thus staying green all year.
The leathery evergreen leaves of rhododendron are shed individually from time to time over several years; it is
not uncommon to find individual rhododendron leaves that have been on a plant for five or six years that are still
green, healthy and functional.
Bright sunlight is essential for the production of the red (anthocyanin) pigment in the fall leaves: if a black mask
is placed on part of a leaf before it turns red, the part of the leaf under the mask will turn yellow while the
exposed part will turn red.
Avery Crossings
110 West Street
Needham, MA 02494
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