Issue #3 - Roseburg Public Schools


Issue #3 - Roseburg Public Schools
March 3, 2010
Roseburg goes Mollticultural
Editor in Chief
of women in the
Middle East
Doubles at your high
Pro/Con new driving
Disc Golf in Douglas
Best Valemtines gifts
Roseburg, despite all of
its marvellous facets, is not known
for being a cultural melting pot
or a center for ethnic diversity.
Fortunately, this international
isolation is breached every year
by the inevitable arrival of foreign
exchange students. The excitement
over the arrival of people strange
and exotic is well justified and
students and adults alike in
Roseburg accept all of our exchange
students with open arms and an
intrigued dispostion. This curious
attitide brings much attention on the
exchange students and this is a good
thing as it is the exchange working
as it should. There is a downside
to this however as while Roseburg
stands enamored at foreign cultures,
forgotten are those children of
Roseburg that also in exchange
programs all around the world.
Who are these lost waifs abroad
in strange lands? What courage
do they harbor that possessed
them to forsake everything they
knew and represent Roseburg
and freedom amdist all manner
of foreign societies? Such lofty
individuals are hard to pin down,
yet through much effort towards
communication over thousands of
miles, Matt Moll opened up on the
subject and the tale he weaves is
as fascinating as it is enlightening.
Matt Moll is involved with
the Congress Bundestag Program,
a one year exchange to Germany
where students spend the majority of
their time living with a host family.
Needless to say, the committment of
the students involved is astounding
as they are not even allowed to
return home for holidays or breaks.
They payoff however is well worth speak a different language and have
it, as Moll himself says about his different laws, and many of my
motivation; “I hoped to gain a new friends live literally right on the
outlook on life, and I think I’m in border. The people here are a lot
the process of gaining it, I can feel more connected to that idea of the
my whole perpectives changing as international world than we are.”
the year progresses. I also hoped to This sense of internationalism is only
become more worldly and prove to the beginning of what Germany has
myself that I could do something a to offer. The exchange students do
little bit hard, and I’ve done that as not simply have a year to run about
well.” Even with all the excitement, and play at their every whim while
the first obligation of the chosen in Germany. They are required to
students is that they
present themselves
as ambassadors of
many activities
our culture abroad,
meant solely for
this is a serious
from the very
As one
members of our
language is a bit
of a challenge
got to meet Jeff
“Yeah, it is
Merkley and say Hi
to John McCain”
says Moll about
Provided by Orange R.
the downtime the
Matt Moll enjoying a drink.
students spend in
like Physics, it
Washington D.C.
prior to shipping out. That time is makes it really hard.” However,
short enough and soon the students the perspective the students get by
find themselves leaving their lives seeing another culture completely
behind for something different and without barriers is invaluable.
something new. This learning and “. School in Germany is way
experiencing of new things is a core different. I go to a Gymnasium (a
aspect of the Congress Bundestag school designed for students whose
program as the culture of Germany careers are likely to be the most
is very different from what people in intellectually demanding,) so that
Roseburg, or anywhere in America could have something to do with it,
are used to; “The Germans attitude but the kids here seem to actually
is different in a large sense because care about their education,” says
of how they view the world, Matt. While cultural learning and
the whole ton of countries with exchange are the most important
languages all around us. I mean, parts of the Congress Bundestag
my house is like seven kilometers program, they are not the only
from the Netherlands, where they aspects of it by far. The students are
bound to make friends and enjoy
their time first and foremost. Mr.
Moll elaborates by saying, “My
host family’s really nice to me.
It’s been hard to get used to some
of the cultural differences, because
they are German to the max, but
that’s part of the experience.”
Being in Germany is not some
magical alternate reality where no
one talks to one another, being a
normal teenager and experiencing
Germany as a German teenager
would is what makes the program
really work, as Matt says, “The
people are incredibly nice and
awesome. I’ve already made a
buttload of good friends, the people
here are down for a party.” While
Matt Moll and the other exchange
students may be now embroiled
in the flurry of experience that is
an exchange program, Matt also
has his eye on the future. “I don’t
know what I’ll do in the future, but
living here has let me know that I
really can go wherever I want and
do whatever I want. The same goes
for everybody at RHS whose life
is boring and pointless like mine
was. The world is out there, and we
can take advantage of its endless
opportunities any way we want.”
Matt’s apparent passion for life
and all of its experience seems a
gleaming torch, shining for himself,
his friends, and America out in the
world. To all those students alone
with no hope for a future other than
Roseburg, Matt Moll, and all of
Roseburg’s exchange students past
and present will introduce a larger
world outside of Douglas County
that can inspire anyone at anytime
if they let themselves have faith that
the future holds something better,
and that is all that any exchange
program can aspire to.
Making a difference during finals
Editor in Chief
will receive a free, top of
the line education up until
the ending of their high
s c h o o l c a r e e r. Te a c h e r s a n d
staff that will manage and
run the school are being
provided by the Buntain
out roughly 100 schools
in India. The girls will
receive both psychological
and physical health care,
education, mentorship and
employment opportunities.
Tw o w e e k s b e f o r e f i r s t
semester finals the class
devised the ingenious plan
to help out the children
f u n d r a i s e r. T h e w e e k b e f o r e
finals the class went around
to all the classrooms at
RHS and handed out coin
drop canisters. Also the
class sent a few student
speakers around to classes
that wanted to learn more
about the organization and
what the class was doing
to help. Each canister that
the class received also
came with a flyer telling
anything and everything
you needed to know about
the project being worked
The canisters were
While other classes were
preparing for their finals
that would determine their
semester grades, one class
was preparing to help
change the lives of young
kids in Calcutta, India.
M r s . B a r t l e t t ’s e l e c t i v e
Wo m e n ’s
decided for their semester
final they wanted to do
something that would help
other woman and children
around the world. Last year
the class helped families
around the world with the
Heifer Organization. This
year instead of raising
money to send animals
to people in need, they
decided to raise money for
a school in need.
Through the foundation
K i d s Wi t h C a m e r a s , a
school called the Hope
House was built up for
children in India that are
born into the red light
districts where they live.
Governments in India turn
their back on the red light
districts because it is so
hard to regulate
Wo m e n
having children
in the brothels
children have no
choice but to live
in the brothels
and in some cases
the girls grow up
to work in the
Photo taken by Jessica Burge.
houses too.
Mrs. Bartlett with two of her students
T h e p l a n s t o discussing poster possibilities.
Hope House started in 2010 decoratively made with
so that the safe haven for brief information about
the girls in Calcutta can to Kids with Cameras and
go into effect. The students Born Into Brothels.
split efforts were well worth
t h e m s e l v e s u p t o c o v e r i t . C o r a l B a l s e r, s e n i o r,
b u l l e t i n
the school
a b o u t
their cause
p o s s i b l y
could. The
b o a r d s
a l l o w e d
p a s s i n g
students to
be able to
how big of
an issue the
Photo taken by Jessica Burge.
be able to
Shelby Thomsen, senior, working with other
to set up for the lunch booth to raise
the children
awareness about their fundraiser.
that had no
say on their
family situation and were explained that, “I never
brought up in the brothels. would have thought that
During both lunches the we would be able to raise
Friday before final week as much money as we did.
a group of students from The amount I thought we
the class set up a booth would reach was much
i n t h e c a f e t e r i a w i t h a t r i - s m a l l e r. I t m a k e s m e p r o u d
fold and coin collection that I could help attribute
box included. Some of to a cause like this.”
These students put so
the students even walked
around the campus and much extra time and effort
cafeteria to get students to into helping the kids in
reach out and donate their Calcutta, India they had
n e v e r e v e n m e t . Wi t h t h e
extra change to the cause.
Wi t h a l l t h e c o m m u n i t y m o n e y t h a t t h e s t u d e n t s
donations and school the raised the children will be
class able to recieve an education
Wo m e n ’s
was able to donate roughly and be able to get out of the
$1000 to the organization. prostitution problem that
T h e s t u d e n t s o f t h e c l a s s i s s o l a r g e i n t h e i r c o u n t r y,
were overwhelmed when schooling for these kids
the number was announced is everything and can get
and they felt that their them anywhere in life.
page 2
Minor Genius The Deadliest Catch Turns Deadly
Editor in Chief
Every parent claims at some
point that their baby is the smartest
child in the country. In this family’s
case, the statement was actually
true. Akrit Pran Jaswal was born in
India and is documented to have the
highest IQ in the country, a score of
At age seven Jaswal showed
his remarkable brains when
he preformed an operation,
successfully too, on a young girl.
The girl had badly burnt her hand
when she was a toddler and it had
grown deformed into a tight ball.
Her family was not able to pay for
a surgeon to fix the eight year old
girl’s hand and after hearing rumors
of the boy genius that was called
a child surgeon, by people in the
village, they decided to give it a try,
it could not get any worse after all.
When Jaswal was only 10
months old he was already walking
and talking and by age two he was
reading and writing. He could read
Shakespeare and understand it
when he was five.
Even after his father left the
family a year ago because of the
pressure from scholars and the
media Jaswal kept at his studies
and was able to still achieve. For
being so young the genius has
never shown an inability to speak
in front of large crowds or to people
of importance. When word gets out
that Jaswal is in town large crowds
flock to hear him speak and to ask
their medical questions. Those
without enough money to go to a
hospital go to him to be diagnosed
and to be healed.
Professors that doubt Jasmal’s
brains tested him with a variety
of different exams to try to find a
flaw in the boy. In the UK, leading
analysts called Team Focus tested
him in every field they could. Due to
his exceptional results they decided
not to finish and could not give the
boy a final score. The only thing the
professors could say is that Jasmal
needs to obess less about his studies
and play more.
Jasmal learns alongside his
mentors and friends, Professor
Mustafa Djamgoz, a world-
Photo provided by the internet
Mr. Jaswal working on his
cure for cancer
renowned research biologist and
Anup Patel, a urological surgeon.
The inquisitors keep up Jasmal’s
enthusiasm without letting the boy
get too high of hopes. Professor
Djamgoz commented on Jasmal
saying, “He is generating ideas
based on what he knows, in an
idealistic sort of way, without being
in full grip of reality.”
Today Jasmal is working on his
ideas to cure cancer at the mere age
of twelve. The boy was invited to
Imperial College in London to help
his studies with the cure. Jasmal
spent two weeks at the college
with scientists experimenting with
different therapies and machines to
get the best of their cancer research.
Although the two weeks are up
Jasmal is convinced he will find the
cure for cancer.
A Not So Merry Christmas
Copy Editor
On December 25, a Nigerian
man attempted to ignite an
explosive device on a Northwest
Airlines Flight coming from
Amsterdam to Detroit. However,
Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab
was not successful due to a
leakage in the explosive device,
causing him to be severely
burned in-between his legs.
The explosive was strapped
to his leg and in order for it to
become ignited he had to inject
a liquid into it. Not only was
Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab
badly burned, but also two
of the other passengers were
injured during the struggle to
get to the device.
Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab
is a 23 year old Nigerian
man, who is said to have
connections to Al Qaeda. He is
an engineering student at the
University College London.
His decent was originally from
Nigeria to Amsterdam where
he was transferred to a linking
flight to Detroit. Umar Farouk
Photo provided by the internet
The Christmas Day bomber
Abdul Mutallab was on the no
fly list, it is unclear how he was
successful with boarding the
flight without being flagged.
With the suspicion of Umar
Farouk Abdul Mutallab having
connections to Al Qaeda, he is
being kept under the United States
government to be interrogated
for the possibility of another
attack on the United Sates.
The airline was flight 253 and
was carrying 278 passengers with
11 crewmembers. If the terrorist
attack was successful the results
would have created a devastating
memory for Christmas day.
Orange R
Faculty Advisor:
Sarah Smith
Jessica Burge, Nick
Copy Editors: Jadon
Morse, Brian Shimer,
Zachary McKinney,
Amber Merry, and
Zak Briggs.
Distribution Manager: Jadon Morse
Business Manager:
Brian Shimer
Photo and Technology Editor: Zachary
Staff Writers: Coral
Balser, Lillian Garcia, Brenna Martin,
Kathryn Fix, Savannah Wagoner, Chelsea
Leonard, Kelsey Nordland, Ali Staggs,
Annie Titus, Jeremy
Gegenhuber, Emily
Commentary mugs:
The Orange R is published every five weeks
by the newspaper staff
School. It serves as a
forum for individual
expression as well as
a learning tool for students. It serves also
to inform students on
current events both of
school and national importance. The opinions
presented do not in any
way reflect those of the
high school itself. The
advertisement of products or services in the
Orange R does not imply endorsement by either the Orange R or the
Douglas County School
District 4. All materials
for production provided by the News Review.
Copy Editor
healthiest habits. Harris, the man
who had an on-the-job habit of
smoking cigarettes, eating highcalorie diets with his crew, drinking
cases of Red Bull and downing
pots of coffee knew he had to alter
his lifestyle, and toward the end
Opilio crabbing is a dangerous
job, as the hit show Deadliest Catch
has shown us. But no one could
have predicted that something
completely unrelated to
crab fishing would take the
life of Phil Harris. Harris
was the captain of the
Cornelia Marie crabbing
vessel that has been one
of the few featured ships
on Deadliest Catch for
the past three seasons.
Harris started the
January worried and
coping with the pain of
recent surgeries, as well
as 4 crushed disks in his
back that he injured on a
previous season of rough
Photo provided by the internet
Phil Harris dies after a long life at sea
Fans of the show would
recall during season two
that Harris struggled with
his Pulmonary Embolism that built he mostly did. He significantly
up a blood clot that caused blockage reduced his bad eating, coffee, and
energy drinks, but in the end he
to his lungs.
Overall, what did him in were couldn’t kick the smoking habit.
his bad habits. As Deadliest Catch Which is what doctor’s say is what
highlighted, Harris didn’t have the did him in.
While unloading crab in Alaska
on January 29, Cornelia Marie
engineer Steve Ward found Phil
Harris on the floor of his room,
unable to move. He was rushed to
Anchorage, Alaska almost exactly
two years after his blood clot
surgery, and to the same doctor.
There he underwent a very long
A few days after, on January 31,
Phil Harris came out of a medically
induced coma and right away
started asking for friends to spend
time with him. Harris talked to his
two sons, also featured on Deadliest
“We talked in detail, and he had
regrets, and he shared them with me
and he probably shared them with
his sons. He accomplished what he
needed to get done so he could be
at peace,” said Harris’ long time
friend Dan Mittman.
But on February 9, after walking
for a bit and working on physical
therapy, Phil Harris sat down in his
bed next to best friend Dan Mittman
to take a break.
“He said, ‘Danny, I don’t feel as
good as I did yesterday,” Mittman
recalled. Later that day, Phil died
with his closest family and friends
surrounding him.
Opression of Muslim Women on the Rise
of the clitoris and labia
minora, and an estimated
15 percent of cases include
sewing the remaining flesh
together in a procedure
Infibulations only leave
a small opening through
which urine and menstrual
blood can pass.
for divorce, claiming
that her husband was
abusive and prevented
her from seeing her
parents. “He has hurt
women is prominent in
me many times. He is
many Muslim countries.
n o t a g o o d c h a r a c t e r, ”
claims Zahida. “I have
stems from the Islamic
told my family about it
religion, the oppression
but they expect me to
of Muslim women
put up with it and keep
is often forced
on with my married life.
upon by dominant
I want to go. I want a
m e n . Wo m e n a r e
forced to wear
Some husbands beat
their wives because they
their entire bodies,
truly believe that an evil
spirit possesses their
are mutilated at
wife. “I cannot take her
young ages, and
back. She is under the
they are pushed
influence of a djinni
m a r r i a g e s .
said one abusive Muslim
husband that chose to
cannot leave the
remain unnamed. “But I
Photo provided by the internet
h a v e n e v e r b e a t e n h e r. ”
the permission of
Rafika, the unnamed
Muslim women protesting
their husband and
h u s b a n d ’s w i f e , r e t o r t e d ,
must be sexually
“No, he has hit me many
available at all times.
genital times. I have gone to
Many of these women mutilation (FGM) is a the police. Whenever I
are also abused by their deeply rooted, harmful ask for money he gets
p r a c t i c e a n g r y. H e b e a t s m e w i t h
There is one standard that has serious health his fists.”
practice called “honor consequences for girls and
Muslim women are
killings,” the murder of women, especially in its often beaten with sticks
women by relatives who severe forms,” stated the and kept quiet in order to
c l a i m t h e c a s u a l t y b r o u g h t Wo r l d H e a l t h O rg a n i z a t i o n s u p p o r t t h e i r h u s b a n d s .
s h a m e o n t o h e r f a m i l y. A ( W. H . O ) i n c o n c e r n t o t h e I t i s c o n s i d e r e d w e a k ,
woman rejecting a suitor issue.
often provokes an honor
There is an estimated 130 forbidden to stand up
k i l l i n g . “ I t ’s u s u a l l y t h e m i l l i o n g i r l s a l i v e t o d a y a g a i n s t
f a t h e r, b r o t h e r, o r f i r s t t h a t h a v e u n d e rg o n e s o m e h u s b a n d .
male cousin who is charged f o r m o f g e n i t a l m u t i l a t i o n .
The United Nations
with the actual shooting “Female genital mutilation and
or stabbing, (but not) reinforces
i n e q u a l i t y o rg a n i z a t i o n s h a v e s e n t
t h e m o t h e r w h o l u r e s t h e s u ff e r e d b y g i r l s a n d o u t p e t i t i o n s a n d t r i e d
girl home,” said Phyllis women in the communities to act as a voice for
Muslim women.
Wo m a n ’s
It is hard to
change the status
t o Wo m a n .
“ T h e
Muslim countries
r e l i g i o n
to address
afraid to speak
this as a
against men. The
p r o b l e m
novel Infidel by
and failed
Ay a a n H i r s i A l i
to seriously
paints a detailed
picture of what
a b o l i s h
it as unlike for Muslim
T h e r e
A l i ’s
story and passion
Photo provided by the internet
Muslim women endure abuse in their everyday lives
k i l l i n g s
within the
where it is practiced and to speak out against
years in the United States. must
if the demoralization of
Muslim men committed their health, social, and women living in Muslim
all of them.
development countries.
g e n i t a l n e e d s a r e n o t m e t , ” W. H . O
mutilation, also known as also stated.
Muslim women is truly
“female circumcism” is a
S p o u s e a b u s e i n M u s l i m d e t e s t a b l e i n t h e We s t e r n
very common occurrence countries is also very world.
H o w e v e r,
in Muslim countries. It common. Zahida, a 45- is just another given
i s a c o m i n g o f a g e r i t u a l y e a r- o l d M u s l i m w o m e n , p r e s s u r e t h a t w o m e n
in 28 African countries. was
2 5 m u s t u n d e rg o i n M u s l i m
I t i n v o l v e s t h e e x c i s i o n y e a r s b e f o r e s h e f i l e d s o c i e t y.
Staff Writer
Apple presents newest invention; the iPad tablet
page 3
Staff Writer
advances of the iPod touch,
and the accessibility of the
iPhone, comes the nine and
a half-inch by seven and a
half-inch iPad. This brandnew touch screen laptop
was launched recently by
Steve Jobs, Apple CEO of
Apple, Inc. but is not out
in stores yet. Although
it is not available to the
consumer market, we have
been given a sneak preview
of this machine and all its
The iPad is extremely similar to
the iPod touch with its hundreds of
apps that are available and its super
sensitive touch screen. It runs on
an Internet rechargeable battery
and has a storage space of 64 GB.
The tablet has a LED backlight
display that allows the viewer to
experience a crisp, clear picture
when watching movies, viewing
pictures, or just generally surfing
the web. With the iPad, there is no
up and down. No matter how you
hold the device the picture with
automatically adjust to you, and
iPad comes with Safari Internet
browser that lets you see web
pages the way they were meant to
be seen; one single page a time.
No matter what you
are looking at, the iPad
lets you see everything
in a readable font. The
iPad allows you to flick
and pinch your way
around the web pages
you wish to explore.
The iPad also allows
read and
to emails
full touch
Photo provided by Internet.
flip the picture
s c r e e n
so it is right side up. Apple has keyboard
made it their mission to make bottom on the tablet.
devices that will adapt themselves iPad works with all
to the users, instead of the users the most popular
having to modify themselves to email
have their needs met.
including MobileMe,
Apple has stuck to their claim Yahoo! Mail, Gmail,
that the iPad is “The best way to hotmail, and AOL.
experience the web, email, photos,
Tired of having to search
and video. Hands down.” The through hundreds of folders to
iBooks. It is a virtual library
with hundreds of books from
all the most popular publishing
companies and authors. All you
have to do is but the book, and it
instantly appears on your “book
shelf” for you to read. Along
with a spotlight search engine, a
calender, a phonebook, a note pad,
the iPad has a map application
that let you view high-resolution
satellite imagery anywhere from a
topographical view, to a close up
of a house. These
features make iPad
easier to use for
people who have
vision impairment,
are deaf or hard of
hearing, or have a
physical or learning
has revolutionized
the mobile laptop
industry. When the
Photo provided by Internet. iPad comes out in
April of 2010, it is
all available at your fingertips. going to turn the consumer market
There is also a feature called upside down.
find that one picture you want?
The iPad allows you to look at all
your photos in piles on the touch
screen. If you wish to peek into
the pile, all you have to do pinch it
open, and the photo pile instantly
expands so you are able to see all
the pictures in thumbnail form.
Full length feature films,
magnificent YouTube videos,
millions of music downloads
from iTunes, and the App Store
with almost 140,000 apps are
Homosexuals sentenced to death Tragedy to olympic luger
Staff Writer
The African nation of Uganda
proposed an Anti-Homosexuality
Bill on 13 October 2009 that
would, if enacted, broaden the
criminalization of homosexuality
by introducing the death penalty
for people who have previous
convictions, are HIV-positive,
or engage in same sex acts with
people under 18 years of age. The
bill also includes provisions for
Ugandans who engage in samesex sexual relations outside of
Uganda, asserting that they may
be extradited for punishment back
to Uganda, and includes penalties
for individuals, companies,
media organizations, or nongovernmental
that support LGBT (lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender
people) rights.
This bill also threatens the
civil liberties of heterosexual
individuals. People can get jail
time for things such as “aiding
and abetting homosexuality,”
which could be someone writing
a news article about the issue.
Furthermore, if passed, the bill
will require anyone who is aware
of an offense or an offender,
including individuals, companies,
media organizations, or nongovernmental organizations who
support LGBT rights, to report
the offender within 24 hours. If an
individual does not do so he or she
is also considered an offender and
is liable on conviction to a fine not
exceeding 250 “currency points”
or imprisonment up to three years.
The bill’s origin has been
linked to American evangelical
Christian groups. A special motion
to introduce the legislation was
passed a month after a two-day
conference was held where three
American Christians asserted
that homosexuality was a direct
threat to the cohesion of African
families. President Obama
publicly condemned the bill,
saying “We may disagree about
gay marriage, but surely we can
agree that it is unconscionable
to target gays and lesbians for
who they are, whether it’s here
in the United States or as Hillary
Photo provided by Internet.
mentioned, more extremely
in odious laws that are being
proposed most recently in
Homosexuality has had a long
history of not being tolerated in
sub-Saharan African countries.
Currently, homosexual acts are
punishable by imprisonment for
up to 14 years. Also, 38 out of
53 African nations have laws
in varying degrees. Many of
these laws are remnants of
British colonialism designed to
punish what colonial authorities
deemed “unnatural sex” among
local people.
Staff Writer
The Winter Olympics
began with a gloomy
a i r.
crowds were appalled
when Georgian luger,
The new luge track used
this year was believed
to be the fastest in the
w o r l d . To w a r d s t h e e n d
around a corner and his
sled flew over a track
wall and his body hit a
steel pole. “Everybody
gasp, and I’ve been in
the sport since ‘84, and
I’ve never seen anybody
Gonzalez, a member of
the Argentinean
team who witnessed the
crash. Rescue workers
compressions and mouthto-mouth resuscitation
less than a minute after
the crash, then quickly
airlifted the luger to a
t r a u m a c e n t e r n e a r b y,
after declared dead. It
was just a year ago that
the International Luge
said that the wooden
n e a r t h e t r a c k ’s c u r b
are too short and that
lengthened to keep the
lugers from flying off
the track. “I agree one
hundred percent,” said
P r e s i d e n t ’s
“My response is why
didn’t they do it?”
Despite what the fault
is attributed to, the
death of Kumaritashvili
set a sad mood for the
As he had died just
c e r e m o n y,
was thought fit to be
dedicated to him and
members of the Georgian
delegation, who wore
a black-trimmed flag.
from the International
Olympic Committee, the
Va n c o u v e r
2010 Olympic Games
and the International
t o t h e l u g e r ’s f a m i l y.
family is struck by this
t r a g e d y, w h i c h c l e a r l y
casts a shadow over
IOC President Jacques.
K u m a r i t a s h v i l i ’ s
premature death at the
age of 21 did not get the
Winter Olympics off to
a happy start, hopefully
they will continue to
get better as the games
persist. GO AMERICA!
Toxic friendship necklaces are cause for Claire’s recall
Staff Writer
Boutiques Inc. is one of
the worlds leading retailers
for girls. With locations in
the U.S., Canada, Europe,
Japan, Russia, and two
distinct brands: Claire’s
and ICING. The company
has been providing a fun
store environment, where
low prices and a mix of
for kids, tweens, teens and
young women for over 35
mission is to be a fashion
authority and fun destination,
building a comprehensive
value proposition, offering
assortment of accessories,
emerging categories targeted
to the lifestyles of girls.
locations, and 400 ICINIG
locations, it is easy to
chains. All over, girls are
buying the funky jewelry,
the hip accessories
and even the cool
room décor.
The goal of the
Claire’s is to sell fun,
high quality jewelry
at a reasonable price.
missed their mark.
Safety Commission
reveal that many of
the necklaces sold at
Claire’s are found to
have traces of lead
and high levels of
body, especially if
swallowed. It can
even cause adverse
exposed to the metal.
extremely toxic to
anemia, kidney dysfunction,
and pulmonary
about 58,000
to 67,000 of
were shipped
to the United
description of
the necklaces
p e n d a n t s
m o n k e y s ,
dolphins, and
frogs holding
c o l o r e d
m a r b l e s ,
Photo provided by the Internet.
f a i r y,
even if only exposed to a
small amount. Symptoms
s i l v e r- c o l o r e d
“BFF” with rhinestones,
a n d t i n y h a n d c u ff s p a i n t e d
in various colors. The
p e n d a n t s h a n g f r o m s i l v e rc o l o r e d c h a i n s . “ C l a i r e ’s ”
o r “ C l a i r e ’s b e s t f r i e n d s
forever” is printed on the
packaging. Also set of
two necklaces that have a
s i l v e r- c o l o r e d m e t a l b e a d
t y p e c h a i n a n d a l o b s t e rclaw clasp. One of the
necklaces has a single,
metal pendant with the
word “Best” attached to a
black, yin metal pendant.
The other necklace has the
word “Friends” attached
to a white, yang metal
immediately take these
recalled items away from
children and return it to
a C l a i r e ’s l o c a t i o n f o r a
full refund. For additional
i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l C l a i r e ’s
at (866) 859-9281 between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET
Monday through Friday or
v i s i t t h e f i r m ’s We b s i t e s
a t w w w. c l a i r e s . c o m
page 4
UCC’s culinary arts program
Staff Writer
Julia Child once said, “Find
something you’re passionate about
and keep tremendously interested
in it.” For Child, her passion was
cooking. The students of Umpqua
Community College’s Culinary Arts
Program share Child’s passion for
cooking and food preparation.
The Culinary Arts Certificate
Program provides basic chef training.
The one-year program examines
the fundamentals of classical and
contemporary cuisine and restaurant
employment rate (expected to
exceed 14% over the next ten years
according to the Oregon Department
of Labor), Umpqua Community
College’s Culinary Arts Program
has seen an increase in student
enrollment. Completion of this
certificate program could lead to
employment as an apprentice cook,
cook’s helper, assistant or sous chef,
line cook, or a head chef.
The culinary program
begins every Fall with Cooking
Theories and skills Development
I, Restaurant Baking I, and Garde
Manger. Cooking Theories and Skills
Development centers around the
study of basic safety and sanitation
standards in the food service
industry. As stated in UCC’s course
catalog, “students will be presented
with the basic skills, principles, and
techniques used in the preparation of
foods in volume feeding situations,
such as restaurants and intuitional
food service operations.”
Restaurant Baking is a course
with the previously mentioned
courses and the addition of Regional
Cuisine, which explores the currently
recognized regional cooking styles
in America.
Cooking Theories and Skills
Development and Restaurant Baking
continues Spring Term along with
Psychology of Human Relations and
designed to introduce the students to
the local bakeshop. Basic baking
principles, necessary tools and
equipment, and practical techniques
are taught while producing various
baked goods (breads, cakes, and
yeast dough). Sanitation and proper
food storage is emphasized again in
this course.
Garde Manger teaches
traditional and contemporary food
presentation techniques.
course examines charcuterie, hors
d’oeuvres, appetizers, and pates.
Winter term continues
Dining Room, Buffet, and Banquet
In the restaurant industry,
possessing the ability to sell your
food is equally as important as
producing quality products. Dining
Room, Buffet, and Banquet Planning
teaches students how to design
working conditions of a food service
operation. The idea is simple;
provide real life experiences that
expose students to all aspects of
the restaurant industry. This course
emphasizes student creativity while
students rotate through different
employment positions.
The Culinary Arts Internship
may be taken Winter or Spring
term and was created for advanced
culinary students as they visit a
variety of training faculties to gain
experience related to the food service
industry. Students may elect to
intern at hospitals, local restaurants,
casinos, hotels, assisted-living
facilities, and/or cruise ships.
Along with completing
their internships, students of the
culinary arts program complete
the “prix fixe” dinner as their
final project. This multi-course,
fixed-price dinner is open to
the community, local restaurant
owners, and fellow chefs. “Most
of these students are training to
work in the real world where
their meals and service will be
graded by the public and the market
place,” stated Chris Van Dyke, the
program’s instructor. “These ‘prix
fixe’ meals are a way to bring the
dining public into our classroom.”
Two teams of students
prepare and serve the meal while
exhibiting their culinary skills and
knowledge of food preparation. The
teams select a course flavor and
theme in which to build their sixcourse dinner. Last year the menu
for team one consisted of prawns in
white wine and lemon on a dilled
cucumber salad, which was followed
by swirled peas and potato soup.
The entrée was a seared duck breast
with black pepper cherry reduction.
Team one served a lemon mousse
and fresh, seasonal raspberries for
Team two served vegetable
acini soup and spinach, asparagus,
and pesto stuffed tenderloins of
pork as their entrée. For dessert, an
almond crusted lemon tart topped
with a spring berry sauce was
Since the “prix fixe”
dinner is the program’s summative
assessment, the diners are invited
to critique the culinary students.
Feedback is provided on comment
cards that are placed on each table.
The grades taken off the comment
cards comprised half of the final
grade the students will receive for
their project. Last year’s dinner
doubled in size and is expected to
continue to grow as word of this
opportunity spreads.
College’s Culinary Arts Program
prepares students for the diverse
and demanding world of the food
service industry. In the words of
Charlie Trotter, “A jazz musician can
improvise based on his knowledge
of music. He understands how things
go together. For a chef, once you
have that basis, that’s when cuisine
is truly exciting.”
worth of stock.” When this
leverage was implemented, if
the stocks went up even by
a little, the investor would
make a large profit. However,
this worked the other way as
well. If the stock went down
too much, a margin holder
could lose all of their money
and owe their broker money as
well. On March 25, 1929, the
stock market suffered a minicrash. Prices began to drop
and panic struck the country
when the money owed from
margin losses was called in.
Banks reassured citizens that
they would continue lending
and that everything would be
fine. On September 3, 1929,
the market reached its peak and
started to decline gradually.
On October 29, 1929, stock
prices plummeted. Margin
loans were called up, many
people were selling stocks,
but banks invested a lot of
money back into the market,
inspiring people to stop
selling. Unfortunately, four
days later the market plunged
to even greater depths.
purchasing across the board
began to happen. With the
stock market crash in 1929,
individuals from all social
classes ceased to buy any
more products. This led to the
number of items being reduced
and the American workforce
was in decline. As people
lost their jobs, they couldn’t
pay for items they had bought
through payments, and their
items were repossessed. The
unemployment rate rose above
25 percent, which meant that
very few people were buying
things, and this is bad for any
Europe was a contributing
factor towards the Great
U.S. government created
the Smoot-Hawley Tariff
in 1930 to help protect
American companies. The
tariff charged a high tax for
imports and this lead to less
trade between America and
foreign countries and our
economy even more.
Isaac Asimov stated, “No
one can possibly have lived
through the Great Depression
without being scarred by it.
No amount of experience
since the depression can
convince someone who has
lived through it that the
world is safe economically.”
The Depression Era was
a very sad time, but it
in 1941. When America
entered World War 2,
things became increasingly
better. Labor, farms, mines,
factories, and other jobs
helped produce numerous
items and generated huge
population shifts occurred
when many people headed
to new jobs. The draft
brought the United States
armed forces to more than
15 million members, and
approximately 65 million
people were involved with
the armed forces by 1943.
became a thing of the past
and the Great Depression
was eradicated with the
desire by America to stop
the Axis power in World
War II.
Math: the new The great downfall of
competitive sport America’s economy
Crossfield recalled, “One
year, Kathy Greis got 127 in
1994, that score was so good
On Tuesday, February 9, the Air Force Academy gave
2010 the math halls were silent her a full ride scholarship.
as students were sitting at their She became a pilot who flew
desks using the tips and tricks leaders between the US and
their math coaches had taught Soviet Union.”
them over the past weeks.
When discussing the best
The American Math Com has aspect of being a coach for the
been around ever since 1951 students, Crossfield stated,
and its purpose is to challenge “The best part is watching our
mathematically gifted students kids be successful.” He also
against other students across stated that the worst part is
the nation. One of the math that, “Sometimes very talented
coaches for the AMC, Mr. students do not do as well as
they could have
done, and I hurt
for them.”
When asked
when I was a
to predict the
freshman in
teams strength
high school,
it was the
High School
M a t h
years Las Vegas
team had some
juniors, they are
High started
now seniors and
we expect great
Photo provided by the Internet.
in the AMC.”
Mr. Crossfield is one of the
The coaches and students
three coaches who prepare the set aside time to prepare for
ninth honors, tenth honors, the competition. “We have
eleventh honors, and AP archived the last 39 years
Calculus classes for the AMC. of competitions and we
Mr. Carlton and Ms. Stanton play after school and some
are also math coaches.
students have their own
“ Across the nation a time online competition nation
is set aside for students to wide,” stated Crossfield.
take the exam. Their answers
Due to a delay in the
are sent to Lincoln Nebraska receiving of the results from
where everything is graded the competition, they will be
and collated, then they e-mail posted in the next issue. Also
us back the results,” stated see the sample questions
derived from the competition
When referring to the best booklet to test your strength
score a student received, in math.
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
economic slump in North
America, Europe, and other
industrialized areas of the
world that began in 1929 and
lasted until about 1939. It was
the longest and most severe
depression ever experienced
by the industrialized Western
world.” The fact of the matter
is that the Great Depression
was an era of great physical
and psychological harm to
the majority of American
United States economy was
thought to be solid and
indestructible. The causes of
the Great Depression were
the stock market crashing
in 1929, a reduction in
purchasing across the board,
policy with Europe.
First, the most commonly
known reason why the Great
Depression occurred was that
the Stock Market crashed
in 1929. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average soared
during the 1920’s, and many
very quickly. Economists
saw stocks as being safe
to partake in, because of
the economic boom that
was occurring. Investors
began purchasing stock on
margin. Stockmarketcrash.
net defines margin as “…
the borrowing of stock for
the purpose of getting more
leverage. For every dollar
invested, a margin user
would borrow nine dollars
Sun-Thurs 11 am-9 pm
Fri-Sat 11 am-10 pm
Desserts and Fresh Baked Cookies
Salads starting at $1.99
Hot Wings (BBQ or Spicy)
1350 NE Stephans St. Ste 10
page 5
From a crazed clown to a cowboy, Heath Ledger rose to any challenge
Staff Writer
Many great actors
die before their time.
Two years ago, Heath
Ledger died of an
of prescription drugs
at the young age of
In Perth, Western
Andrew Ledger was
born on April 4, 1979.
Ledger already knew
he was interested in
the performing arts.
His first stage role
was the lead role in a
school production of
Peter Pan. Three years
later his first role on
the big screen was as
an extra in Australian
Around. Small roles
weren’t enough for
Ledger though, and at
sixteen, he graduated
early to travel crosscountry
acting career. There,
Ledger got his first
in 1997’s emotional
this role gained him
exposure to American
to Los Angeles and
in 1999, he became
known to America in
10 Things I Hate About
You, opposite Julia
Stiles. His portrayal
was such a success,
he was soon beating
out Hollywood stars
for major roles in
films such as Gabriel
Martin in The Patriot.
Ledger was cast for
this part by star and
Photo provided by the Internet
Heath Ledger was known
for his willingness to take
on different charcters.
director of the movie,
his stuff really well,
he’s got a real good
screen presence and
a lot of talent. He’s
more mature than I
J-man comes to RHS
Staff Writer
On March 11,12, and 13 the
Roseburg High School Drama
Department will be presenting
the musical, Godspell.
Godspell was written by
Stephen Schwartz and JohnMichael Tebelak in 1970 and
opened on Broadway May 17,
1971. The play is a modern
version of the gospel of Matthew
that starts out with John the
Baptist (also known as JB in
the production), who gathers
a group of everyday people to
follow Jesus (also known as
J-man in the production). The
script follows the gospel to
Jesus’ crucifixion.
When asked about casting,
Director of the play, Mr.
Allen stated that he wanted
students that played well
together, had a terrific sense
of play, and a terrific singing
voice considering the play is a
musical. There is an ensemble
of 16 actors. Of those 16 actors,
10 sing songs in the play. The
lead roles are J-man played
by James Pennington and JB
played by Donte Holloway.
Allen’s favorite part of
directing is, “Seeing it start to
come together when you have
Staff Writer
started with this little piece
of script, when you make
it gel.” He stated. He also
enjoys taking a student of any
style and turning them into a
Regardless of the religious
content included in the play,
Allen is not worried about any
challenges that might come
up. “It is possible you could,
our purpose is to explore the
comedic, musical, and joyful
aspects of those religions,”
Allen stated. However, in no
way does he want to offend
anyone in any sort of way
through the production. Aside
from the religious content
included in the play, there
are pieces in the play that are
comical for example, there are
Three Stooges, Monty Python,
and Lucille Ball references.
Godspell was chosen for
a couple of reasons. First,
Allen chose Godspell was
because he didn’t have a tech
class so he needed a play that
required few props. Second,
there is a new band director,
therefore the play needed to
require a smaller band. These
requirements made Godspell
the perfect fit.
The production is expected
to entertain for a wide range
of audiences.
Name: Hector and Javier
Age: 15
Grade: Sophomores
Fraternal or Identical: Identical
When they were younger did
they dress in matching outfits: Yes
Do they have twin telepathy:
What makes them different:
Do they ever try and trick people:
All the time
How people tell them apart:
was at that age. He
seems more worldly,
seems to know his
way around.” After
film recieved, Ledger
Monster ’s Ball and A
Knight’s Tale. These
big screen features
displayed his abilities
as a true leading man
and he was soon after
named one of people
magazines 50 Most
Beautiful People in
2001. Ledger told Us
Weekly magazine of
this time, “I just loved
it and kept doing it.
I blinked and I was
getting paid . Doors
kept opening and I
kept walking through
Ledger stuck to a
films over the next
four years until 2005
when he came out
with Casanova, The
Lords of Dogtown, and
Brokeback Mountain.
The success of all
immense but nothing
could compete with
Brokeback Mountain.
This film was such a
but whether or not the
movie was approved
of, it was undeniable
did a fantastic acting
biggest and possibly
greatest role was his
portrayal of the Joker
well be why Ledger
is now said to be one
of the greatest actors
there have been if he
could portray such a
gruesome part.
Shortly after filming
Heath Ledger died.
Both his first and
Photo provided by the Internet.
Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight.
as a fantastic actor
“ p s y c h o p a t h i c ,
schizophrenic clown
with zero empathy,”
final roles were as
not all of his films
were appreciated by
the general audience,
Ledger ’s
portray such vastly
that will never be
Wi n te r Ol ymp ic s 2010
nineteenth century but they
weren’t a world event until
1896. Besides being postponed
because of wars, they have
been held since then every four
years in different cities around
the world. The 2010 Olympic
games have finally arrived in
Vancouver, British Columbia.
people who set out flowers
and other assortments to
honor him in his death. He
was flown back to his home
The ancient Greeks first
country of Georgia where he
had the idea of getting
was honored with a proper
men together every four
years to hold and witness
As of Thursday, February
sporting events (in those
18th the current count
days women didn’t
of medals won
participate, though
consists of the
A m e r i c a n s
own independent
events). The idea
fifteen total. Five
was to have the
gold, four silver,
best athletes from
and six bronze.
all over Greece
gather in one field
and compete. All
wars and fighting
stopped while the
gold, four silver,
athletes and their
and three bronze.
America has a
together in the
small lead against
town of Olympia
the Germans in
for a few days to
Photo provided by the Internet.
compete in events,
cannot be said that
The U.S.A. bobsled team at Winter Olympics.
mostly related to
we will be able
warfare (throwing
to keep the lead.
This year there was a tragedy In the next grouping of
and in the men’s luge when Nodar competitions, the American
chariot racing).
Kumaritashvili smashed into team has very promising
The first written reference an unprotected metal pillar at competitors. Hopefully this
to the Games was in 776 the Whistler Sliding Centre winter Olympics will end
BC. They lasted until 389 during a training run. He with much celebration from
AD. The idea of having was pronounced dead at a the American team and
the modern Games was local hospital in Vancouver. keeping the lead with their
mid The Georgian man had many medal count.
Copy Editor
Name: Evie and Miri Jarett
Age: 17
Grade: Seniors
When they were younger did
they dress in matching outfits:
Do they have twin telepathy:
What makes them different:
Evie plays sports, and Miri is
more talkative.
Do they ever try and trick
people: No, everyone can tell
them apart.
Name: Rachel and Haley
Age: 16
Grade: Sophomores
Fraternal or Identical: Fraternal
When they were younger did they
dress in matching outfits: Yes
Do they have twin telepathy: At
What makes them different: Haley
is shyer and Rachel is more athletic.
Do they ever try and trick people:
Sometimes they will attempt it.
How people tell them apart: Rachel
has longer hair and a birthmark on
her knee.
Name: Demi and Devan
Age: 18
Grade: Seniors
When they were younger did
they dress in matching outfits:
Do they have twin telepathy:
What makes them different:
Demi is more outspoken
Do they ever try and trick
people: No
page 6
Pro/Con Oregon driving laws
In the state of Oregon a new
law has been passed. This law
says that all cell
phones are to be used
with a hands-free
cell phone device
while operating a vehicle, starting
January 1, 2010. However,
drivers under 18 years of age
are not allowed to use any phone
device while driving.
I believe that this new law,
which was ordered by the House
of Representatives
on April 23, is
beneficial to all
drivers. Using a
phone device helps
enhance a diver’s
concentration on the
road. It is important
for drivers to be
more aware of their
surroundings, but if
they are sidetracked
by their cell phones
either holding it to
their ear, trying to
text, or dialing a
phone number, the
driver is not focused
on keeping their
hands on the wheel
and attentions on the roads.
When a driver does not have
both hands on the wheel they are
more likely to have side tractions,
which is very hazardous to them
and other drivers around them.
There are a variety of handsfree cellular devices that can be
obtained such as wired headsets
with microphones, bluetooth wireless
headsets, bluetooth speakerphones,
and many others.
Driving is not the
safest thing to do, but
there are ways to prevent
acsidents. Hands-free cell phones
benefit the driver for many reasons,
“Hands free cell phone devices
are becoming just as important as
seat-belts and airbags are,” stated
Jonathan Blocker in his article “The
Benefits of Driving While Using
The Oregon legislature
recently put a ban on the
use of cell phones
stating that if a
person must use a
cell phone they must either
get a Bluetooth or some
other hands free device or
pull over while receiving
or making a call. This new
law is an extension of
the current
ban on the
use of cell
phones for
m i n o r s .
n e w l a w, i f
a person is
over the age
of 18, they
from using
any cellular
device while
driving with
if a person
is using a
w i r e l e s s
device or a
that allows
for both hands to be on
the wheel while you are
driving. Drivers that
are under the age of 18
may not use a wireless
device in any case except
specific situations such
as during an emergency
or if a person is involved
in a farming
or agricultural
operation. This
law is meant to help curb
the amount of accidents
that are associated with
distracted driving. But, this
new piece of legislation
fails to facilitate the
p r o b l e m c o m p l e t e l y. C e l l
Hands Free Cell Phone Devices”.
Car safety features were created
to keep the driver and passengers
secure and safe during an accident,
however, hands-free cell phones
devices are being created to keep
the drivers attention on the road,
which keeps them and others out
of car accidents.
phones are still an issue
since the only danger to
distracted driving that
was removed was the
one arm off the steering
wheel. A driver using a
hands-free device is still
is preoccupied with
driving and talking
and this leaves the
driver open to making
mistakes that they
were making before
the law was passed.
Bluetooth can also be
treacherous. Besides
Cell phones there are
other devices that
distract drivers such
as iPods and materials
such as food and
drinks. Even more
damning evidence is
the lack of decrease
in accidents that are
associated with cell
phone use. Proving
that no matter what
to be distracted by
cell phones if they
The law should be
all. Having a law
targets the problem
as a whole and not
just one aspect of
the problem is the
legislation and this
ideal should be in
use in the Oregon
State Legislature.
The dr i nk t h at c an m ake yo u g ai n we igh t
Fizz, bubble, pop! Mmmm…
carbonated beverages. Is your new
year’s resolution, like many other
Americans, to lose weight? You
may be surprised about how
much weight you can actually
lose (cough, 15 pounds), and not
to mention the money you can
save by cutting out sugary and
unnecessary drinks.
Soda may be rewarding at
the time, but is it worth the
slow rotting of your teeth, the
contribution to diabetes and
obesity, or even the onset of
esophageal cancer(cancer that
forms in the tissues lining the
What makes soda so good and
wonderfully addicting? Sugar!
There are eleven teaspoons of
sugar in selected cans of 12ounce sodas. Sugar had been
under high scrutiny lately and
scientists are now saying that
sugar can lower your white
blood-cell count by 50%, 10
minutes after ingesting soda. This,
in lame man terms, means that after
guzzling down a sugar loaded soda
your body will not be able to fight
off infection or sickness as well as it
could without the influence of soda.
So, if you’re sharing a soda with
your friend and they are sick, you
will most likely become ill
as well. This break down
in your defenses can last
up to five hours.
I hate to make sugar the
bad guy, but sugar also
upsets your body’s blood
sugar balance and the
corresponding hormones.
The high amounts of sugar
also briskly raises your
blood sugar levels. The
of high amounts of sugar
can eventually weaken the
pancreas. The pancreas
is weakened from the
continuous production of
extra insulin and it will,
in time, stop working
correctly. Diabetes will
be the end result. Not to
mention, all this extra
insulin will store more fat and
you will gain weight. Sugar baby,
I’m sorry but it won’t work out
between us. It’s not me it’s you.
You’re hurting my heart. Sugar;
you contain no nutrients so body
cannot process you. You and your
high cholesterol are clogging my
arteries. You’re going to give me a
heart attack!
What can dissolve a t-bone steak
in two days and a nail in four,
remove grease from clothes and
rust spots from car bumpers? Cola!
The acid in some sodas is enough to
dissolve the enamel of your teeth.
Next in the ring, we have diet
soda. In most diet sodas the main
ingredient is Aspartame. Diet soda
creators would like you to believe
that as a sugar substitute, Aspartame,
will help you lose weight, but it
actually makes you want to eat
carbohydrates which can cause you
to overeat and gain weight. Do you
enjoy having joint pain, depression,
dizziness, headaches, blurred
vision, and memory loss? Well,
drink some diet soda! It would love
to contribute to all of these things.
Aspartame can be converted into
formaldehyde (which is used in
funeral homes to preserve bodies)
once it reaches 86 degrees. Once
it is heated to this temperature
it is converted into formic acid.
This acid is what contributes to
the symptoms above. Aspartame
is also associated to neurological
conditions, such as, brain cancer,
diabetes, epilepsy, birth defects,
and emotional disorders.
Obviously this is all subject to
change, but if you drink two to three
sodas a day your at risk of all of
these side-effects. Soda is addicting.
There are soda junkies out there just
like the people who have four cups
of coffee a day. Breaking yourself
of this habit may be difficult, but it
would definitely be worth it in the
end. Try cutting it out for a while,
or just reduce your intake level. You
will be glad that you did.
Eigh t c omm a n dme n t s o f f r ie n dshi p t o l i ve by
1. Thou shall be trustworthy.
Trust is defined as being nice
and not stabbing your friends in
thy back by lying to them. Lying
is defined as the act of saying
something that isn’t true because
you are a very rude person who is
only loved by their mothers!
2. Trust thy friends. Trust (as
defined in i.) is a very important
part of a friendship. If you cannot
trust someone then you cannot
really be buds for life. If you
have a friend who always seems
to be lying about something
that is pointless and illegitimate
anyways then they are sinners to
the friend gods and shall be either
decapitated or amputation without
the accompaniment of medications
to numb your lying body.
3. Be there for your friend in
time of need. No matter what
matter what, a
break up or their
you need to be
there to be there
as a shoulder to
cry on for you
girls. Even if
they are irritating
and way to
dramatic about
life in general
and cry about
4. Thou shall
share to show
that they care. You know that new
lip gloss you just got from the mall
that makes your lips look luscious
and juicy? Well when you notice
The products that we used and
exposed ourselves to ten years ago
were much different than what we
see on a daily basis today. In the year
2000, dial-up internet was the norm,
Nintendo’s best selling console was
the Ninitendo 64, and iPods didn’t
exist yet. Just think about that for a
second. Now, if things have changed
that much since the last decade, what
does the upcoming one hold? The
future is always hard to predict, but
it’s not impossible to at least have a
vague idea of what we’re not going
to be using by the of the 2010s.
According to a Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention study, more
than one in five U.S. homes (22.7%)
had cell phones -- and no land lines
-- in the first half of 2009, up from
10.5% during the same period in
2006. Cell phones are becoming
increasingly cheaper and easier to
own, which has made it pretty
easy to not have a home phone.
Besides cell phones, computerbased phone services are gaining
popularity. The combination of
programs like Skype and the ease
of cell phones may bring an end
to landlines.
Although revolutionary in the
late 1990s, DVDs could soon be
as outdated as VHS tapes. There
are numerous subscription-based
rental services that allow you to
get any movie you want, as soon
as you want, right on to your TV.
Most of these cost less than $10
per month, which is cheaper than
the average $20 price of a DVD.
Movie rental companies are seeing
the implications of this. Blockbuster
that your friends lip are looking
rather thin and icky, the nice thing
to do is say, “Here, I have some
pretty lip gloss that will fix you
up.” Sharing doesn’t just need
to stop at lipgloss and cosmetics
but anything that you love more
then life. The only thing that you
should not share is boyfriends and
girlfriends (refer to vii.).
6. Ditching results to a loss of
coolness points. Thou shall be
nice and never leave their friends
sitting alone at the mall when
you were going to spend the
day together doing girly things,
because it makes you look like a
not nice person. When you make
plans with a friend and then you
ditch them for someone else
(gorgeous member of the opposite
sex or not) then you are practically
the devil.
7. Don’t spit game at your
friend’s significant other. If you
have mad game like certain people
that we all know and love, then
your lovely friends honey may
just trip on air and fall onto your
lips…. Never good! So, turn your
skill level on low and chill out with
boys not committed your besties.
8. Thou shall keep their feelings
of affection towards a milf or dilf
to themselves. As flattering as it
might be to Ms. Alba to say, “Wow,
your hair looks lovely like that
today.” Or, “Wow, Mr. Pitt your
muscles are rippling.” It might just
creep out your bestie. Its not your
place to replace their past mamma
or pappa, you are there to play xbox and do your nails, not sweet
talk a parent.
alone plans on closing a fifth of it’s
stores by the end of 2010.
Advances made to the internet may
also spell bad news for publications
like the Orange R. In 2008,
newspaper advertising revenues
declined by 17.7%, according to
the Newspaper Association of
America. Meanwhile, average
daily circulation at 379 newspapers
fell 10.6% from April through
with the same period a year ago,
according to the Audit Bureau of
Circulations. The simple fact is that
newspapers are more expensive
than online sources, both in
production and purchasing costs.
Nearly all online publications are
free, and you don’t even have to
leave your home to access them.
The ways that we access music
have changed drastically over the
last few years, and this trend is sure
to continue. Portable CD players
are now rarely used. The advent of
the MP3 player has significantly
impacted the music industry; most
Virgin Megastores in the U.S. have
shut down following declines in
sales and revenues. Services like
iTunes offer affordability and easy
accessibilty and will surely make the
CD go the way of the cassette tape.
Change is the only constant
in life, and this holds true to
technology as well. Don’t get too
cozy with that shiny new iPhone,
because it’s not going to be
groundbreaking for long.
L o s t and f o und: t h e f org o t te n pro duc ts o f 2010
page 7
Nothing good comes from teenage drinking
As the weekend comes closer,
one of the main topics that high
school students may hear about
is an up coming party; who is
going to be having one, who is all
going, and what kind of party it
is. Most of the time it’s not a calm
party that ones parents would
want them to go to. Students
usually end up going to parties
that get busted by the cops, and
teenagers wind up getting minor
in possession charges. There are
several negative effects of teens
going to parties that may have
illegal substances, such as drugs
and alcohol, and many effects,
even though they may not be
seen right away, affect your
life now, and in the long run.
When a teenager goes to
these parties they are faced with
many issues, one of them being
pressured into doing activities
that they may not want to do,
like drinking alcohol and doing
drugs. When teenagers come
face-to-face with peer pressure it
is very hard for them to say no.
They want to
get along with
that they are
with, as well
“ c o o l . ”
cracks under
peer pressure
m a n y
come from it.
The effects
of underage
that should
be taken very
seriously. If
before the age
of 15 they are four times more likely
to become dependent and addicted
to alcohol, which interferes with
their schooling, and their future
Not only can underage drinking
lead to a dependency on alcohol,
but also causes teens to lack
the common sense to not
drive when they are under the
influence, that is why 40 percent
of all fatal alcohol-related car
crashes involve teenage drivers.
This occurs when teens may
feel that their parents would
be too upset with them if they
called them from a party asking
for a ride home when they are
drunk. So, rather than doing the
smart thing, they drive while
intoxicated, just to avoid the
trouble that they might get in.
According to studies, alcohol
has also been considered a
gateway drug. In other words,
the use of alcohol can lead
to the use and abuse of more
harmful substances, causing
a downward spiral in the
teen’s life, as they become
dependent on drugs and alcohol.
When one becomes dependant
on substances such as drugs and
alcohol they do not really care
about their surroundings, all
they care about getting their next
high, or the next party that they
are going to be going to. When
things like this occur, students
become too absorbed in the drug
world, and end up doing things
like dropping out of high school,
and in some severe cases going
to prison. When I asked Aaron
Borges about what he thought
about teenage drinking he said,
“Teenage drinking is one of the
dumbest things that a student can
do, it interferes with schooling,
and is also against the law.”
As weekends and parties come
and go, we have to remember that
the choices we make today effect
the way we live our lives tomorrow.
Drinking and doing other illegal
substances at parties can affect
your future; so before you partake
in these illegal activities, remember
to think about your future first.
Trials and tribulations of Senior pictures Feartravel,it’sfullof danger
Once in a young scholars life do
they come upon a time when their
image is one of the most coveted
items they can own. Tradable like
Pokemon cards, senior pictures
become one of the hottest items
near the end of the year. Why
the hype? Why am I devoting a
whole entire article to this? Why
am I asking questions? That and
so much more are to be vaguely
covered in this experience driven,
testosterone raging, and otherwise
manly man slab of an
Being only one man
I find myself lost a lot
of the time. Either it
being deciding whether
RHS is northbound
or southbound on the
freeway, or in my daily
quests for Mrs. Halls A145 room. Regardless
men can easily find
themselves lost, cold
and confused. And
easily the same can be
said for males dealing
with the pressure of
senior pictures. I for
one can say that I’m
no model. I may have model like
looks, the locks of a Greek god
and physical attributes chiseled to
the proportions of Michelangelo’s
David – but, unfortunately this
makes me no model. I don’t know
poses, I don’t know my best side,
and I surely don’t know what looks
the best on me. Yet, all of these
“don’ts” are put to the test as I
step in front of the photographer’s
camera. Maybe it’s just me.
Maybe I’m the only one that feels
the pressure. But as I step in front
of the lens, I feel my face tense;
“Smile” is said repeatedly, yet no
smile is made. Only the slight grin
of a mad man remains plastered
on my face. Although horrifying,
the photographer takes a picture,
looking away from the peephole
as he/she clicks. FLASH. The
photo is taken and forever the
image is crystallized for all to
see. Immediately following all
photo shoots is the anxious time
afterward as you wait for your
images to return to your eyes.
You try and recollect that fateful
day, trying to remember, “Did
I smile in that photo? Did I zip
up my pants? Shoot! Was I even
wearing pants?” Questioning
your self-worth starts settling in.
This is the period known to many
as Seniorphotoitsis other wise
known as, depression. Depression
can take hold of a young and other
wise ambitious senior and make
them the satan lover, hateful, goats
blood sucking, Jonas Brother
listener in a matter of days.
Finally the day comes. Like
getting your report card you run
to the nearest person and give
them a tight hug. Your photo’s are
here. You flip through them, your
face frozen in a solid grin… Then
your eyes scan over the first
photo, “Not bad not bad,”
you say. Moving that photo
to the bottom of the stack and
look over the next one. Your
grin slowly loosening. Each
photo slips by, your grin goes
softer and softer until by the
time of the 5th photo you’ve
seen enough. You’re sobbing.
Everything isn’t what you
thought it would be. The stack
hits the floor, wallet sized
photos come showering out
of the stack scattering around
the floor like confetti at a
New Years Eve party. People
begin to scan over the photos
disagreeing with your first
judgment saying, “They’re really
not that bad.” You can’t bare it.
And so when it comes down the
final weeks of school and everyone
has passed out their wallet-sized
photos of each other, your stack
remains proud and tall. Your face
forever to be yours and only yours.
And this my friends, sums up the
senior picture experience.
Have you ever been worried
that you forgot something while
vacationing in a foreign country?
Well here are a few reasons why
you should be more fearful when
Contracting a disease: Food from
developing countries like Mexico,
can be contaminated. Malaria is very
common in underdeveloped parts of
Africa and kills two million people
annually. The disease is mosquitoborne and can affect even the
most careful
Malaria starts
with flu-like
but then ruins
and throws
the host into a
coma and kills
after. Hepatitis
common in foreign countries, and
produces nausea, vomiting, intense
pain, and jaundice. HIV/AIDS can
be transmitted through sharing
needles, by unprotected sex with an
infected person, or by receiving a
blood transfusion of infected blood.
Other diseases that are contracted
in underdeveloped regions of the
world are the Ebola Virus, Typhoid,
Tuberculosis, and Rabies.
High rate of crime: Regardless of
your budget, when you are traveling
in Africa you are much richer than
the majority of the local population.
Some of the people may get the
idea to rob a tourist who has cash to
spare or a camera dangling around
their neck. Also, car-jacking is very
popular in many African countries.
Tourists overseas could also be
kidnapped by terrorists. They
would probably try and extrapolate
as much money from the family as
Dangerous weather: Typhoons/
hurricanes are very common in
Asian countries. Also, high heat
areas can be dangerous because of
heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Heat cramps and
of weather aren’t
uncommon either.
Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n
crashes: U.S. officials
rank the death rate
on an airplane is 0.1
per billion passenger
miles. Another British
study ranks flying
176 times safer than
walking, 15 times
safer than driving, and 300 times
safer than a motorbike. But if
you think about how long you
are actually spending on those
forms of transport. No option is
considerably safer than the other.
The National Safety Council and
International Road Federation
have performed a series of studies
on automobile-related deaths. In
Egypt, the death rate is 43.2 per
100 million kilometers driven.
Kenya’s is 36, South Korea’s is 29,
Turkey’s is 22, and Morocco’s is
21. The United State’s death rate
per 100 million kilometers driven
is only 1.1, which is very good.
Keep in tip top shape to keep yourself heathy
According to the American
Obesity Association, 30.4 percent
of teenagers are overweight, 15.5
percent are obese, making almost
half of American teenagers at risk
for developing health problems
due to their weight. Exercise is
a necessity to people of all ages
and everyone should fit it in a
part of their routine. There are
many reasons that exercise is
important to the human body,
and not all of which have to do
with how hot you look in a bikini.
Working out has importance to
both the body and mind. Exercising
can allow your body to become
more efficient at burning calories,
giving you increased energy. It
can also lead to high metabolism
because every extra pound of
muscle allows you to burn anywhere
from 50 to 100 calories when at
rest. Strengthening of the immune
system is also an importance of
exercising. One is less likely to
get sick when exercising the right
amount, however, you need to be
careful because over exercising
can weaken your immune
system and make you sick.
Staying fit is also known to
extensively reduce the amount
of stress hormones, resulting
in a slower heart rate, relaxed
blood vessels, and lower blood
pressure. And come on, who
wouldn’t agree that less stress
is not only important to how
people think of you, but to how
properly you are able to function?
Obesity is a huge problem around
the world, but its biggest target is
right here in America. The main
cause to America’s overweight
problem for people of all ages is
lack of exercise. Although there
are several culprits of teen obesity,
one being the growth of television
that are now in our bedrooms,
when is what leads to the inactivity
that people are increasingly
The problems
of obesity are so
much more serious
needing an ‘X’ in
their clothing size.
Obesity can lead
to chronic diseases
such as heart
problems, diabetes,
cancer, and high
It can affect a
person’s physical
ability to a great
extent, make a
person depressed,
also a form of depression.
A challenging, yet successful,
way to lower the amount of
overweight teens is to promote
more exercising opportunities.
Teenagers spend so much of their
time in school, and not everyone
is capable of trying out for sports,
or actually making the team. Some
people are rude, and not everyone
has the courage to be put up against
the competition that some kids let
off. Even if you’re not ‘obese’,
or overweight, the importance of
exercise cannot be stressed enough.
With such a strong need for more
exercising options, so many people
overweight, and teenagers spending
such a majority of their days at
school; it seems to be a necessity
to offer more fitness options and
require more
High, but to
all schools.
as a key
in physical
a m o n g
Jessica Perez,
a junior at RHS, states that, “It
makes me sad that they don’t find
health as important as knowledge
when without health, you can’t
have knowledge.” Although some
people say that they can’t afford to
add more PE programs, physical
education classes are being
replaced with other classes in an
effort to increase the student’s
academic achievement. Former
gym teacher pointed out that, “The
money it takes to provide a child
with daily PE now doesn’t even
come close to the money it will
cost the nation or that child in
terms of the chronic diseases they
are looking at in the future.” Also
in defense to some school boards
physical exercise has been proven
by a Harvard Medical School
clinical psychology professor, John
J. Ratey, to have direct neurological
Physical education can help high
school students gain the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills they need
to engage in lifelong physical
activity. Physical activity can bring
reduced boredom, which may
lead to increased concentration;
while also allowing higher
levels of self-esteem, resulting
in improved classroom behavior
and better academic performance.
Psychologist John J. Ratey states
that, “A fast-paced workout boosts
the production of a protein called
brain-derived neurological factor.”
Adding that, “The end result is a
brain that is better able to perform.”
Roseburg High School only
requires one credit of fitness and
one credit of wellness throughout
all four years of high school. There
are four activity classes offered and
only two wellness classes available.
Clearly, the classes offered and the
necessity of more credits needs
to be increased. There is so little
to lose, and so much to gain.
Such a large amount of benefits
are available when you exercise.
Not only will you receive stronger
bones and muscles, but you can also
gain healthier skin and better sleep.
I know, “you don’t have time.”
Trust me, I have been there and
used that excuse many times!
But there are many ways to give
yourself that extra push that will
get you off of the couch and out
on a walk, or over to the gym.
First, find ways to make
exercise enjoyable. Try joining
group classes or getting one of
your friends involved in exercising
with you. Working out and having
other people depend on you is
a huge motivational thing that
can help get you out of bed and
push yourself harder once you’ve
started your workout. You could
join a sport, rather you want to play
competitively or not, participating
can allow you to get a great aerobic
exercise. Listening to music while
you’re exercising can also help
gain motivation. It allows you to
focus on the songs playing in your
ear more than the sweat dripping
down your face. Then, remember
that when you’re exercising it is
important to mix it up sometimes.
It keeps things new, exciting, and if
you apply movements to different
parts of your body, it will allow
your muscles all over sensation.
My biggest tip, get started today!
You will be amazed at how much
better you feel after just a few
days! Try a 30 day challenge and
work out for just ten minutes every
day. Then, when you can, move
to 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and
so on until you’ve put exercising
a healthy amount into you’re
routine. After all, if the majority
of successful people exercise
every day, there must be a reason.
page 8
Golfing of the disc
and can either weigh more
or less. Certain discs a fly
certain way, for example a
A not so new, but raging disc, such as “the Groove”,
sport that you can see rapidly curves very hard, almost as
growing is disc golf. Disc soon as the disc leaves your
game where
throws a disc
straight, and
at a basket
then curve at
or a target.
the very end
of the discs
flight. Drivers
so they can fly
“The object
farther, and
of the game
is to traverse
Photo provided the Internet. get you closer
a course from
A player putting into the basket. to the basket.
beginning to
end in the fewest number of discs are for when you are
not too far from the basket,
throws of the disc.”
This sport has become very but still too far away to make
popular among all sorts of your putter into the basket.
people here in our very little Lastly the putter, the putter is
town of Roseburg. Everyday used when you are in range
you can go out to our disc golf for a putt, in other words
course, located near Stewart you are close enough to the
Park, and see many people out basket that you can throw the
there throwing many types of disc into the basket, this disc
discs, with their friends and/ flies very stable, and hardly
or their family. When I asked curves at all, which is why it
Dylan Hunt, a Junior here is used for putting.
There are many ways to
at Roseburg, how long, and
why he started disc golfing throw a disc as well, two
he replied, “I have been disc most popular would be a
golfing for about two years, simple backhand throw, just
and I started because it just go up and you throw the
looked fun, I like to go out disc like you would throw
and disc with my friends, and a frisbee. The other popular
way to throw a disc is called
just have a good time.”
The game has progressed so a flick, the name pretty much
rapidly, growing about 10 to describes the throw, you flick
15 percent annually. The game the disc towards your target,
has grown so fast that there is this is the more powerful of
now a PDGA, or Professional the throws, and the disc will
Disc Golf Association. This normally fly farther if you
actually features professional flick it, compared to when
disc golf players who go you just backhand the disc.
The rules of disc golf are
out and compete for ranking
amongst other professional simple, you have a certain
number of throw to make the
disc golf players
With the rapid growth of disc into the basket, at our
disc golf, there has been the course par, or the number of
need to make more discs throws the player has, is three
and disc accessories. The throws, any throw over three
company Inova is one of the counts as a single point. If the
main companies that create disc is thrown into the brush,
the many types of discs that river, or path it also counts
you see, and the bags that are against the players score.
For something fun to do
used to carry your discs.
The discs vary in many this weekend, go get some
different ways, not just the discs with your friends, drive
name. They differ from to the disc golf course, and
weight, and the way the discs give it your best shot, you
can fly. The disc typically might be better then you
weighs 150 to 180 grams, but think.
Copy Editor
Keep on keepin’ on ladies
Staff Writer
Almost everyone out there
has heard of Michael Jordan and
Magic Johnson. Well, in the mid
1990’s the tables began to turn a
bit. Beginning as an all male sport,
after the 1996 Olympic Games,
basketball started to transform
and the first women’s
w a s
Wo m e n ’s
basketball has
made great strides,
paving the way for many
girls of all ages who love the
basketball team won their first
game in two seasons this year on
January 19. They were up against
Grants Pass, and being on their
home court, they stuck it out.
Conquering the game 11 points
ahead of Grants Pass.
Starting point guard and
freshman, Shelby Snook, said that
the win was definitely exciting.
The team did what they needed
to do while she herself had about
twelve points.
The win was supported
by senior, Courtney Hutchins.
Everyone was shooting well
during the game. That is
a huge benefit because
then the opposing team
can’t gang up on a
main shooter. When
asked the possible
reasoning for the win,
Courtney responded
with, “I don’t know,
maybe everybody took
a nap that day.”
The girls earned
their second win of the
season on February 9, and
according to junior Mahala
Howard, the celebration was
awesome! They played North
Medford, again on their home
court. The score was close
throughout the entire game but
the Indians pulled through and got
their second victory, ending the
game with a nail biting 49-47.
Practices consist of a lot of
hard work. During the beginning of
the season they ran more than last
year, which allowed them improved
speed and agility. The varsity girls
have practices on Sundays as well
as during the week. It is said by
numerous people that the Sunday
practices help them alot. There is
a lot of hustle and shooting during
practices. As the season continues,
the coaches focus on mistakes
from previous games and try to
work on them during practice.
Before each game the team
circles up and sets a couple of
goals. There are individual goals,
and there are team
goals. Often times they will be
things such as to ‘play hard’ and
‘shoot good.’
Every part of the games
are important. Most of the time the
games are close until there is about
four or five minutes left. During
one game they were only down by
five. But near the end, the opposing
team team knocked down three,
three point shots, which deflated
the Indian spirit. Moments similar
to that seem
to happen
during games way more often than
Coach Thomas and Pardon
say that the losses are all their fault.
They say that when their team
loses, they can’t sleep at night.
However after their second win of
the season sophomore, Hayley
Thomas that, “ Now you can
sleep tonight because we won!”
There is no good
explanation why girls varsity has
been losing the past couple years,
and there are some negative
aspects to certain games. A lot
of their problems are the little
things such as missing layups, causing turn-overs,
and either not
or just not
following through
with their shots.
praises that, “Our defense
has been great, we’ve been
holding teams to a low shooting
percentage.” She also said that
they need to read the defenders,
not execute, and be sure to see the
openings. Multiple participants
of the girls varsity team agree
that they have too many plays.
There are easily 30 plays and the
coaches expect the team to not
only remember all of them, but
to do them naturally. One girl
stated that, “It’s kind of hard to
run plays withough calling them
out loud.”
There are certain girls
who feel more passionate
about the game than
others. But because
basketball is a team
sport, and one or
two ladies cant
win games on
their own, it isn’t
fair to everyone.
It cause the more
determined girls
to, “work hard,
sweat a lot, but then
not get anything out
of it.”
The Roseburg
girls varsity basketball team
has now won two games this year
and that is more accomplishment
than previous years. So ladies,
re-think those victory games,
set some goals, follow though
on the shots, and be sure to have
confidence in the little things.
Show the previous years of girls
basketball what you’re made
Titus table tennis talks triumph
Staff Writer
popped up (such as The
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ta b l e Te n n i s
Federation or the ITTF).
For the next sixty years,
globally into a major
changed that much since
Yo u h a v e h e a r d o f , p i n g pong, (otherwise known
a s Ta b l e Te n n i s ) . W h e r e
did table tennis originate?
We l l p e o p l e b a c k i n t h e d a y
got bored, so
they invented
The game was
in England in
the nineteenth
c e n t u r y. Ta b l e
Pong based on
the sound that
the ball made
when it hit the
table. It was
originally just
an after dinner
activity rather
Photo provided by the Internet.
than an actual
To d a y,
sport. They sometimes the
r and
even used books as paddles
or as a barrier between more demanding than it
the two sides of the table. was even twenty years ago.
Did they ever think that The ITTF aimed to make
it would grow to be so the game more television
p o p u l a r, t o b e a n O l y m p i c f r i e n d l y, t o m a t c h t h e n e w
generation, so they changed
The game remained very some of the rules. The ITTF
popular in Europe from changed the way the game
1905-1910. Then in the was scored, by changing
twenties the game was the scoring system from a
r e v i v e d i n E n g l a n d a n d 2 1 p o i n t s y s t e m t o a n 11
Wa l e s . S o o n t h e r u l e s o f p o i n t s y s t e m . T h e y a l s o
table tennis were modified increased the size of the
and standardized. Even ping-pong balls in order to
associations slow down the pace of the
g a m e , t o m a k e i t e a s i e r t o p l a y e r ’s s p i n t h a t h e / s h e
f o l l o w.
puts on the ball.
P l a y e r s i n t h e 1 9 5 0 ’s
T h e r e a r e m a n y d i ff e r e n t
sheet styles of playing table
and a layer of sponge tennis. Even little things
like material, to their such as the way you hold
p a d d l e s , w h i c h m a d e t h e y o u r r a c k e t c a n a ff e c t y o u r
g a m e f a s t e r p a c e d . To d a y, g a m e . T h e r e a r e a l s o m a n y
players are continuing to diverse types of strokes
add more layers of sponge that a player can make,
to their racket in order to but they are mainly just
i n c r e a s e s p e e d . N o w o n t o o ff e n s i v e a n d d e f e n s i v e
the ball, ping-pong players strokes. The spin of the
use a ball that weighs on ball can also influence the
2.7 grams with a diameter game. Backspins allow the
of 40 mm. The
size of the ball
d o e s m a t t e r, a 4 0
mm. ball spins
slower than a
Next, we have
the actual table,
which is made
up of masonite,
t i m b e r.
There is a layer
coating that goes
onto the wood.
F i n a l l y, w e c o m e
to the paddle,
which is made of
laminated wood.
There is a layer
Photo provided by the Internet.
of rubber that can
Table Tennis is a competitive sport
cover one side
or both sides of
t h e r a c k e t . D i ff e r e n t t y p e s b a l l t o f i r s t l i f t u p , a n d
of surfaces are allowed then drop quickly allowing
o n d i ff e r e n t s i d e s o f t h e t h e b a l l t h e b o u n c e m o r e
T h e s e d i ff e r e n t d r a m a t i c a l l y.
s u r f a c e s c a n a ff e c t t h e h a v e t h e t o p s p i n , w h i c h i s
a l i t t l e b i t m o r e d i ff i c u l t
learn. The
stroke forces the ball back
down rapidly as it reaches
the opponents side of the
table. This may catch your
o p p o n e n t o ff g u a r d .
Ta b l e
originally more popular
in Asia and Europe, but
now it has been getting
more attention in America.
There are several important
table tennis competitions
worldwide such as; the
O l y m p i c s , t h e Wo r l d C u p ,
t h e Wo r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p ,
and the ITTF professional
t o u r. M o s t o f t h e s t r o n g e s t
tennis players have come
out of China, but not all
China, some also come
from France, Belgium, and
Austria. Ma Lin is one of
the most fearsome players
i n t a b l e t e n n i s t o d a y. H e
has won the table tennis
Wo r l d C u p i n 2 0 0 0 , 2 0 0 3 ,
2004 and 2006. In the
2004 Olympics Lin also
won the doubles medal.
Then we have what some
people would consider the
best defensive player in
h i s t o r y, R i c h a r d B e rg m a n .
M r. B e rg m a n h a s w o n s e v e n
Wo r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p s .
Ta b l e t e n n i s h a s e v o l v e d
since its first days in
Europe. Keep your eye out
for this sport as it grows
i n p o p u l a r i t y. Wo r k o n
that backspin and you just
might see yourself in the
next summer Olympics.
page 9
Colts and Saints go head to head in the XIIV Super Bowl
Staff Writer
Who dat that gonna be the
champs? Saints! Saints! Mardi
Gras might be starting a little
early this year as the New
Orleans Saints became just the
third team in Super Bowl history
to win the championship in their
franchise’s first Super Bowl
appearance when they beat the
Indianapolis Colts 31 – 17 on
Sunday, February 7. The Colts
were heavy favorites going into
Super bowl XlIV, but motivated
Saints teams, with an entire
city behind them, were able to
overcome Peyton Manning’s
star-studded offense.
The game started off as many
expected, with Peyton Manning
marching his Colts down the
field in the first quarter and
getting his team off to a 10
– 0 lead. But the Saints defense seventy-six yards capped off by Garrett Hartley kicked his third
found a way to stop Manning in a four-yard plunge into the end field goal from more than forty
the second quarter shutting out zone with a four yard run. The yards setting a Super Bowl record.
the Colts. Drew Brees began
The Saints followed this
scoring drive up with
doing what he does best,
another one in their first
moving his offense down the
possession of the final
field with screen passes and
quarter. Game MVP Drew
dump-offs. Garrett Hartley’s
two forty-plus yard field
Brees led his team fiftynine yards and completed
goals gave New Orleans
a two-yard touchdown
momentum going into the
pass to tight end Jeremy
Shockey. Shockey played
Sean Payton shocked
everyone to start the second
for the New York Giants
when they played in the
half when he came out with
Super Bowl two years
an onside kick. The Saints
ago, but was unable to
recovered and immediately
drove down the field with
play for the championship
Photo provided by the Internet.
Drew Brees culminating
Two Colts players going after a Saints due to injury. The Saints
converted on their twothe drive when he threw player.
point attempt, extending
a sixteen-yard touchdown
pass to Pierre Thomas.
Colts led 17 – 13, but it would their lead to seven at 24-17.
The game was over when Tracy
Manning wasn’t going to go down prove to be their last lead of the
Porter pick-sixed, intercepted
without a fight. On the Colts next game.
On the Saints next possession and scored a touchdown against,
possession, Manning led his team
Peyton Manning with just
over three minutes to go in the
game, putting the Saints up by
two touchdowns.
The New Orleans Saints,
Katrina just four years ago,
were able to give their city
a celebration that was much
deserved. When Katrina hit
the state of Louisiana, there
was very little to look forward
to. But those who lived
there had their Saints. When
Monday Night Football came
to the Superdome less than a
year after Katrina destroyed
the town, a building that had
housed so many homeless
people, the atmosphere was
electric. Just four years later
the Saints are able to give their
fans a priceless gift: an NFL
Ohio vs. Oregon RHS tennis anticipation
Staff Writer
On January 10, 2010, in
Pasadena, California, Oregon
and Ohio State went head to
head in the Rose Bowl. On
December 26, 2009, both teams
went off to Disneyland for a
press conference. While they
were there, they rode many
rides and just tried to keep their
energy fast paced. Many of our
own Roseburg High students
saw them play in action to see
if our Ducks would become
Rose Bowl Champs. Joel Wylam
recalled that there were “crazy
fans” but “friendly” for the most
part. There were a total of 93,963
people at the game. “It felt as if
the whole world was there,” said
Melissa Lund. Many types of
people were at the Rose Bowl,
Jim Tressel:
Head coach for the Ohio
Replaced John Cooper
Ohio’s 22nd head coach
one’s with painted faces, drunk,
loud, excited, and on the whole
just a lot of people. For many
people, their whole life is centered
on who will make it to the Rose
Bowl. Before the game though,
there is always a Rose Parade,
where people celebrated its 121.
During the very first quarter of the
Rose Bowl, the Buckeyes were in
the lead with a seven point lead. At
the very end of the first quarter, the
score was up to ten to nothing. The
second quarter brought a little more
tension to the air when Oregon
finally brought some pressure to
the scoring with three points, but
the Buckeyes were still in the lead.
By the time half time came around,
the score just skyrocketed, with
16-10, but Ohio was still in the
lead. We all probably know the pep
talk that Chip Kelley gave to his
players during this time. The third
Chip Kelly:
Head coach for the Oregon
Born in Manchester, New
Has a Bachelors degree in
Physical Education
Named for 2005 Assistant
coach of the year.
quarter gave the crowd some
action, the score was 19-17 and
still going strong. At the end of
the game our Ducks did not pull
through for us, but there is still
a next time.
Terrelle Pryor:
Quarterback for Ohio
Rating: 128.91
Yards: 2094
Touchdowns: 18
Jeremiah Masoli:
Quarterback for
University of Oregon
Rating: 129.46
Yards: 2,147
Touchdowns: 15
new players joining the
team. On the opposite side
of the spectrum, Marissa
Kagele who has been on the
Grab a racket, pop open team for three years said,
a n e w c a n o f b a l l s , t a k e a “ We ’ r e l o o k i n g g o o d t h i s
w h i f f , a n d e n j o y, b e c a u s e y e a r a n d t h e m o r e p l a y e r s
g u e s s w h a t ? I t ’s t e n n i s t h e b e t t e r. ”
In past years there have
season once again. Spring
has returned and so has been few state births from
t h e R o s e b u r g H i g h Te n n i s b o t h t e a m s , b u t w i t h t h e l a rg e
amount of returning juniors
The turn out from the pre- from the boys’ team, this
s e a s o n m e e t i n g l a s t w e e k s e a s o n l o o k s e x t r a o r d i n a r y.
gave substantial hope for the Previous years only boasted
new season. The returning a small amount of seniors,
l e s s
t h a n
f i v e .
T h i s
( g i r l s , )
y e a r ,
a d d r e s s e d
t h e r e
a r e
c l a s s r o o m
filled to the
brim with eager
tennis players.
Photo provided by the Internet.
o u t
There were a
A racket and tennis balls are vital
on the
components of the game tennis.
r e t u r n i n g
players, with only one with many of the dominating
joining member with no seniors
tennis experience for the
teams, Roseburg looks to
boys’ team.
Last years captain, and make a huge splash in this
s e n i o r t h i s y e a r A l e c “ s h o w y e a r ’s p o o l .
Practice has just begun
me your moves” Kagele said
that he is, “really excited to this week; the courts are
get back to the courts with alive again with drills,
all of the returning players, swings, balls, and moving
In the past, there
we can quickly get back into feet.
hasn’t been much fan turn
drilling and winning.”
The girls’ team also had out for tennis, lets change
a large number of returning that this year and support
players, but almost as many our team.
Copy Editor
Another baseball season bound for greatness
Staff Writer
With football ending
with a touchdown and
t r a c k m i l e s g o n e , i t ’s
beginning to look a lot
Baseball. With leather
baseballs and metal bats
dancing in your heads at
night, no one can wait
popcorn and peanuts and
crackerjacks, no one can
wait to be taken out to a
ball game.
Troy Thompson who is
a health teacher here at
RHS coaches Roseburg
High baseball. Last year
he led our team to state
as a 6A team but we sadly
with the champion title
but this year we are all
confident that they can
come home with a trophy
in hand and pride in our
There are three baseball
teams here at RHS; there
a r e t h e v a r s i t y, j u n i o r
v a r s i t y,
is was asked how he was improve even further if
p r e t t y s i m p l e . Yo u m u s t p l a n n i n g t o i m p r o v e t h e w e w o r k c o n s i s t e n t l y a n d
be enrolled in school team this year he said, our pitchers continue to
and maintain
efforts to be the
best that they
will keep you
possibly can. I
on track to
know that we
can improve if
a class grade
we work really
drops to an
F then you
will be taken
T h o m p s o n
off the team
and you will
then before he
says, “I have no
back on the
though I look
c o n t i n u i n g
tradition here
on how many
need to play
Photo taken by Savannah Wagoner.
i n - d e p t h
rd in
Micah Audiss, junior and Roseburg High baseball player.
the off-season
and are very
t h e “ We l l , l a s t y e a r o u r t e a m a n x i o u s f o r t h e s e a s o n
Roseburg High School made it to state and we to begin. I have found
webpage and click on only lost our last game, that
s p o r t s e l i g i b i l i t y.
I was really proud of us. expectations you become
Thompson But, I know that we can over confident. I just
want to work our hardest
this May and June and do
as well as we can, and I
know that we continue to
do really good. I have a
whole lot of faith in the
team this year!”
stated “It was a great
championship game, but
it was very disappointing
for everyone to put in so
much effort all season
for hard. But getting to
always a great feeling
hands down. This year,
I want to work a lot on
my batting average. I
know that since we have
so many good returning
players wont come up
short this year and we
c a n w i n s t a t e t h i s y e a r. ”
regarding their loss last
year on the last game of
championships and how
he would like to see the
team improve,
page 10
A spring of music
Editor in Chief
After long months of
bitter darkness, recent mornings
have brought something new
and wondrous to the waking
hours of every student. Soft
shafts of sunlight poke their
windows and afternoons are
now increasingly laden with
warmth and life. Spring is
coming and with it comes that
most precious of gifts, freedom.
The age-old question remains
however, what to do with this
freedom? What is the best way
to relieve all the angst built up
from months of suppression
under dismal weather and
academic despotism? Picnics,
bike rides, and sports are all
matters of course, but for
those looking for something
a little more fantastical there
lies in the world that age-old
release of music. Fortunately
for all those craving souls in
the world, spring lacks naught
for musical events, concerts,
and festivals which will be
here presented to enlighten
and inform for those who wish
life, release, and escape.
For those in Oregon
there are many venues along the
west coast in the coming months
whose costs are not impossibly
high and whose proximity is not
infinitely obscure. The soonest
music festival to grace our
surroundings is the Coachella
Valley Music Festival which runs
on the weekend from April 1618. The Coachella music festival
is located in Indio California
and is quite literally a massive
jam session in the desert. The
festival features a didactic mix
of many genres and around 100
bands that will appeal to fans
of all types of music. From
well-known headliners such
as Jay-Z, Muse, and the evervenerable Gorillaz, electronic/
techno artists represented by
Deadmau5 and mainstream
favorite Benny Benassi and of
course less known niche/indie
groups like Camera Obscura,
P.O.S., She and Him, and Tokyo
Police Club. Tickets and the
full lineup are available on the
Coachella website.
Slightly later in the year
is the Sasquatch Music Festival
located at the Gorge Ampitheatre
in George, Washington from 29
to the 31 of May. Sasquatch too
has a very diverse lineup, but
is geared more towards fans
of indie, folk, and progressive
music. You won’t find any
massively huge artists here, but
a collection of very talented and
original groups such as Massive
Attack, Vampire Weekend,
The New Pornographers, and
While these particular
festivals may be coming up
within the next few months,
summer too has many events
for students newly freed from
a long year of school. San
Francisco’s Outside Lands
Music and Arts Festival usually
occurs in August and has had
such renowned past features
as Modest Mouse, Silversun
Pickups, Incubus and Band of
Horses. Also far in the distant
future of October 2010 and for
those willing to travel down
to Dixie (Texas) is the Austin
City Limits Music Festival.
Headlining there will be wellknown successes Kings of
Leon, Dave Matthews Band,
Ben Harper, and an appearance
by Pearl Jam.
The sun is out, the air
is warm, and school is in the
back half of the year. The time
for celebration is nigh and it is
up to everyone to look inside
themselves and go enjoy life
for all its worth. Now go, and
do what it is that brings joy to
your heart.
humans the hee-bee jeebies. Back
to the story, the Dome continues to
show its authority, when a woman
shoots herself out of despair and
when another flies through the
windshield of her car. These deaths
of course told good ole’ King
style, with lots of gore. The dome
continues to create chaos in Chester
Mill as a character emerges to take
control of the town. In the end you
get 1,100 pages of edge of your
seat fun, and possible nightmares.
King uses his “Gods-eyes view”
and a blob of characters with
interlocking stories. Take time to
toddle through this thrilling tale!
Next, we have a book that may
appeal more to the ladies; Along
for the Ride is Sarah Dessen’s
newest release (released summer
of 2009). The main character is an
uptight overachiever who cannot
let loose and have fun. So, she has
trouble connecting with people
the summer before she starts her
freshman year of college. Auden,
the main character, decides to
spend her summer with her father,
his new wife, and her new stepsister in Colby, a beach town.
Auden’s father is busy working on
his new book so him and his new
family ignore her. Auden ends
up wandering the streets at night,
where she meets Eli, who is dealing
with his past. Auden realizes, with
the help of Eli, everything that her
parents made her miss out on as a
child, by making her become an
adult too soon. She rediscovers her
past with the helping hand of Eli.
Along the way Auden meets some
surprising new friends. She learns
to stop judging people at first
glance, and how to make friends.
This is a summer of transformation
for Auden when she finally learns
how to really connect with people
and just live her life. The characters
and setting of this book were not
quite as real and unique as some of
Dessen’s previous books. Still, the
author will keep you drawn into
her world, and make you not want
to put the book down.
So, if you’re interested in
apocalyptic tales or stories about
finding yourself pick up one of
these books today!
one of these books satisfy your
hunger for a good read, and help
make those dull winter nights go
by faster! Happy reading!
Book reviews from Orange R
Staff Writer
Has winter got you down? Read a
book! It will definitely take your
mind off of winter and make the
time in between go by faster.
Whether you like horror books
or love stories, read on to get a
couple of reviews on books that
may warm you up while you wait
for spring to come.
First, we have Stephen King’s
newest horrifying release. His
latest work is titled Under the
Dome, which was released in
November of 2009. This newest
addition to King’s library will
not disappoint. The story is set in
Chester Mill, Maine. The people
of Chester Mill receive a letter
from the president, saying that a
giant transparent dome has been
cast over the town, and no one
knows where it came from. The
effect the dome has on the town
is that no one can get in, and no
one can get out. Also, an energy
field is attached to this dome,
which at close range can blow up
pacemakers, or an iPod, and give
Orange R presents
“Hey you, with the
face, come here!,” said
the boy squeezed in purple
pants to the girl rocking
her polka-dot dress. The
weather was beautiful and
there wasn’t a cloud in
the sky. Joey, the boy with
the purple pants, had a
candlestick; while Marie,
the girl wearing a dress, had
a pair of toenail clippers.
Strange as it was, they had
meant to bring hose items.
With the sun shining, they
frolicked down to the beach,
sat down in the sand, and
prepared themselves.
As they each took off
their shoes and prepared to
clip each other ’s toenails,
Richard Simmons appeared
in a flash of light from
the sky. “Lets Sweat!,”
he yelled as Joey and
Marie looked at each other
dumbfounded. “Why are
you here…?,” questioned
Marie. “Questions are like
bad food, we don’t want
none of those, now get to
work,” answered Richard.
Hours later, and several
work out sessions under
their belt, Joey and Marie
were burning hot.
did they know Richard’s
ultimate plan was to use
their body heat to inflate
the cleverly hidden hot air
balloon above their heads.
For Richard recently had
a run in with the law, and
was looking for a means of
The police force led
by Mark Engle were closing
in on Simmons’ position,
as he flew off to his lair
in Washington D.C. Mark
Engle shines the bat signal,
and Gary Gamble arrives
in full batman apparel. The
duo gets into the batcopter,
and fly off to D.C., while
listening to the new Ke$ha
single, “Tik-Tok”. Before
leaving, they grab the
candlestick and the toenail
clippers – two of Simmons’
greatest weaknesses.
Reaching the highlydefended lair of Richard
Simmons, Mr. Engle and
Mr. Gamble are able to
bypass Simmons’ exercise
booby-traps because of their
extreme mental capabilities
and physical eliteness.
Deep in his lair,
Mr. Engle and Mr. Gamble
had only thought they
had passed over the lair.
They failed to realize that
Richard Simmons was a
of the sales on his Thighs
of Steel videos who could
afford eighty thousand miles
of land for his evil lair. As
Mr. Engle and Mr. Gamble
laughed to themselves they
about politics and things,
Mr. Engle saw a harpoon
shoot pass the back of his
head. Mr. Gamble screamed
in terror as Mr. Engle got
harpooned in the back of
the head. Fortunately, Mr.
Engle’s super hero powers
kicked in, and he was able
to survive the blow.
They then remember
ed that Simmons’ weaknesses
are toenail clippers (he can’t
stand the sound of nails
being dislodged from their
cuticles) and candlesticks
(due to a bad childhood
experience). Mr. Gamble
and Mr. Engle sit down, light
the candlestick, and begin to
clip their toenails. Simmons
ears start to churn from the
sound of Mr. Engle’s and Mr.
Gamble’s toenails dislodging
from their cuticles. Simmons
cried out in utter pain,
while his brain was pushing
butter out of his ears. Sadly,
Richard Simmons died and
Mr. Gamble and Mr. Engle
rode off into the sunset only
to return when the need for
them was great.
The Gamble Engle duo saved
the land from the scourge
that was Richard Simmons.
Without the threat of danger
the land grew quiet and
complacent allowing the
powers of darkness to rise
once more. This tide was
led by no other than retired
republican Senator from
Kansas Bob Dole. Bob Dole
led his would be miscreants
a band of thieves and
televangelists across the land
sweeping forth with their
slogan “Bob Dole thinks Bob
Dole is right for the future.”
With their heads held high ,
they marched on the capital
eviscerating all in their path
to glory and power. Richard
Simmons awoke swimming
in hot sweat his head was
spinning after having the
same dream yet again what
did it mean? He couldn’t
possibly understand all of it
but he knew something was
coming and the seasons were
changing it would be winter
page 11
Movie mishaps
Staff Writer
Have you ever wondered if
famous actors were in terrible
movies at one point? This article
follows prominent actors who
were in bad movies when they
were first starting their careers.
Robert Downey Jr. = MAD
Magazine Presents: Up the
Academy, an American teen
comedy film about a group of
misfits at a military school.
This 87-minute film had such a
poor reception that when it was
originally release, MAD magazine
and actor Rob Leibman disowned
it. MAD’s publisher William
Gaines paid Warner Bros. $30,000
to remove all references to MAD
from the film when it was released
on DVD, along with issuing
personal handwritten apologies
to every person who wrote to the
magazine to complain. Regardless,
I don’t think many copies of the
DVD were sold.
Tom Cruise = Losin’ it, A shy
young man and three of his closest
friends travel to the Mexican
border town of Tijuana on a quest
to lose their virginity. This 80’s
teen comedy stars a young Tom
Cruise in his fourth film role. The
movie was overall very tiresome
and trite. No original humor and
definitely not worth watching.
Brad Pitt = Happy Together,
a romantic comedy film starring
Patrick Dempsey and Helen Slater.
Dempsey plays a serious young
writer who, through a computer
error, ends up being a college
roommate with a girl named Alex
(played by Slater). The other dorm
rooms are full, so Dempsey has to
live with her even though he finds
her annoying. Eventually, the two
end up falling in love with one
another. Brad Pitt played a small
role in this flick.
Patrick Dempsey = Heaven
Help Us, 1985 comedy drama
film. The plot is that a new group
of rebellious, sex-crazed students
get sent to a Catholic school
and terrorize the Brothers of the
school. Some critics stated that
the movie was a funny comingof-age film at a parochial Catholic
school. Honestly though, I found
the movie to be very juvenile and
a waste of 100 minutes time.
Rob Lowe/Patrick Swayze =
Youngblood, 80s film about Dean
Youngblood (Rob Lowe) who is a
seventeen-year old farmhand with
hopes of playing in the National
Hockey League. He begins playing
on a Canadian Junior Hockey Team
called the Hamilton Mustangs.
The movie ends up being really
cliché because the character Dean
faces some problems on his own
team with a bully. At the end of the
movie, Dean scores the winning
point and also fights the bully at
the end and wins. The way the
movie advocates that violence as
the only way to winning is pretty
inappropriate, since all the other
characters are cheering Dan as
he beats up his bully. I normally
would be laughing at a movie like
this, but it was that terrible.
FarmVille addiction Love(less)
cannot buy animals, houses, or
farm equipment in the first level.
Farmers can increase their
level status by playing more of
A new application has the game, harvesting crops and
reached high popularity on becoming neighbors with friends.
Facebook in recent months. Farmers can gift other farmers
FarmVille is a game of virtual with animals, fences, and trees.
farming where a person can Farmers can even fertilize other
harvest crops such as coffee, farmer’s crops and feed their
grapes, pumpkins, roses, and more. chickens and gain points for
doing so.
Players can
also buy
can also
their farm
f a r m
more land
and more
in which to
with virtual
Photo provided by Internet.
farm in.
Recent addicting online game.
T h i s
game has 74.5 million Facebook ultimate level in FarmVille
users creating elaborate farms where a player’s farm becomes a
plantation. A farmer can buy any
every day.
The FarmVille application on goods at this level as long as they
Facebook was developed by the have the money. A few farmers
creative game distributer Zynga. have reached the plantation level
Facebook released the application but have continued to play this
in June 2009, and it continues to addictive game.
FarmVille’s popularity could
grow in popularity.
A player of FarmVille goes be due to many different reasons.
through different levels of FarmVille enables the players to
farming. In each level certain be creative with the game. Farmers
goods are unlocked for the farmer can design their own farm,
to plant and buy. In level one, the making the landscape beautiful,
farmer is given a certain amount symmetrical, and organized.
of virtual money to buy plants Players can also communicate
to crop. Harvested crop can then with friends and family and work
be turned into cash to buy other together on their farms. No matter
goods, just like real farming. In what the reason is for its recent
the first level a farmer may buy popularity, FarmVille does not
strawberries, eggplants, and wheat look like it is going away any time
to harvest in their field. A player soon.
Staff Writer
Video games of 2009, kickin butt in 2010
Copy Editor
Allen helps in the taking of a city
from insurgents. Impressed by Allen’s
combat abilities, Lieutenant General
Shepherd recruits him into Task Force
141. Angered by what was believed
to be an American-supported terrorist
attack, Russia retaliates by launching a
massive surprise attack on the United
States after bypassing its early warning
system, revealing that the ACS module
from an earlier mission had already
been compromised before its retrieval.
1) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2,
the top 10 game of 2009 was also the
most anticipated game of last year. On
February 9, 2009 Modern Warfare 2
was announced, the game did not
release until November 20, 2009,
however it was said that the wait
was well worth it. This game with its
amazing graphics, and
all around an amazing
first person shooter, it
was at the tops of the
selling chart, selling 1.32
million copies on the first
day, and continuing to
increase as the month of
November progressed.
Just like the other
Call of Duty games,
you take the place of
Photo provided by Internet.
The years most anticipated and highest
various characters in the
single player campaign selling game, Madern Warfare 2 gives
mode. Each mission players a realistic war experience.
features a series of objectives that are Meanwhile, Task Force 141 begins its
displayed on the HUD (the Heads Up search for evidence that would implicate
Display), which marks the direction Makarov as the true mastermind behind
and distance towards and from the airport massacre. Intelligence leads
such objectives. Tasks vary in their it to Rio de Janeiro, where the Task
requirements, having the player arrive Force investigates leads on Makarov’s
at a particular checkpoint, eliminate contact, weapons dealer Alejandro
enemies in a specified location, Rojas.
stand his/her ground to defend an
Narrowing down Makarov’s hiding
objective, or plant explosive charges place to two separate locations, Task
on an enemy installation. The player Force 141 decides to split up. Captains
is accompanied by friendly troops Price and MacTavish travel to an aircraft
who cannot be issued orders. Laptop bone yard in Afghanistan, whereas
computers that contain enemy Sanderson and Ghost raid Makarov’s
intelligence appear throughout the safe house in the Caucasus Mountains.
campaign and may be collected to At the safe house, Sanderson and his
unlock several game bonuses.
team manage to obtain vital intelligence
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare from enemy equipment. However,
2 is set four years after the end of as Sanderson and Ghost reach the
Call of Duty 4. Despite the efforts extraction point, Shepherd betrays and
of the Marines and the SAS, the kills them, taking the intelligence with
control him to make him seem responsible for
of Russia. The game begins in its acquisition.
Afghanistan, where U.S. Army
To figure out more, be one of the
Ranger Private First Class Joseph millions of people who have bought
that the Jokers is looking for a chemical
called “Titan,” that is being produced
at the Asylum. Batman, after defeating
several of his arch enemies, is able
to return to the Batcave to create an
antidote to Titan, but only has enough
time to synthesize one dose before
Poison Ivy’s Titan-infused plants
destroy the Batcave’s computer.
The game ends in an epic battle
between good and evil, where good
always triumphs over evil.
3) Borderlands: Another game for
the Xbox 360 that also topped the
charts, selling two million copies
as well. This first person shooter
RPG game got nothing but positive
responses and received 4 out of 5 stars
for overall game play.
The game is based on the planet
Pandora. In the beginning of the
game the player has the option of four
different characters that each have
their advantages and disadvantages.
Each character has the ability to wield
two weapons, but as you progress
through the game, and you continue to
soar through the levels, you can wield
more weapons, buy better weapons
and upgrades, and do more damage.
The game takes place 200 years
after the discovery of Pandora, and
features the characters going through
numerous missions,
in many different
places. Its one of
the great games of
2009, and the sequel
is one of the most
anticipated games of
Just like every
other years in the
past the games keep
getting more and
Photo provided by Internet.
Critically acclaimed game of 2009.
more technologically
to Arkham Asylum, where many advanced, as the year 2010 progresses
members of the Jokers gang are also there are many guess on what is going
incarcerated. The security at the to come out, and what their game play
Asylum becomes overrun, allowing is going to be like, but we can never
be sure what is going to come out until
the Joker to escape.
Throughout the game you find out the game actually comes out.
the top ten game of 2009, and play it.
2) Batman: Arkham Asylum: The
number two game of 2009 was based
on the DC comics, like Call of Duty,
can be played on the Xbox360, and the
Playstaion 3, as well as on a computer,
which means that the graphics of this
game are completely outstanding.
The game was released on August
25, 2009 in North America and August
28, 2009 in Europe, and the PC version
was released on September 15 in North
America and on September 18 in
Europe. The game holds a Guinness
World Record for ‘Most Critically
Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever’.
It broke the record in this category by
achieving the highest average score of
91.67 from reviews around the world.
The game topped the charts selling
two million copies, for the game
consoles, after three weeks of the
games release. To combat copy right
Infringement in the Windows version
of the game, developers implemented a
piracy measure that disables Batman’s
glide ability and causes other bugs,
thus preventing a player using a pirated
game from progressing beyond a
certain point.
The Joker attacks Gotham City’s
mayor’s office, but only to be foiled
by Batman. Batman escorts the Joker
b allads
Staff Writer
Ah, Valentines Day,
the day of love, memories, and
chocolate. Every year we wait
anxiously for this infectious
holiday for the same repetitive
schedule; making it through hours;
days, even weeks, shopping for
the cutest teddy bear, the tastiest
candies, and listening to the
cheesiest love songs.
For years, the music industry
has been bombarding young
lovers with the latest and greatest
love tribute. Unfortunately, some
songs missed the mark, badly.
Here’s a good old wake up call
to those so called “song writers”.
But don’t just take my word for
it, take a look at a sampling of the
R. Kelly: ‘You Remind Me Of
Warning to all the gentlemen
out there: Do not, I repeat do not,
compare your girlfriend to an
“You remind me of my Jeep, I
wanna ride it. Something like my
sound, I wanna pump it. Girl you
look just like my car, I wanna wax
it. And something like my back
account, I wanna spend it baby.”
Usher: ‘You Make Me
If your all about sloppy seconds,
you”ll be the only one to enjoy this
“You make me wanna leave
the one I’m with. Start a new
relationship with you. This is what
you do. Think about her and the
things that come along with, You
make me.”
The Police: ‘Every Breath
You Take’
I have to admit it’s a bit on the
catchy side. But one thing that’s
just not okay, the creepy, stalker
under tone.
“Every breath you take, every
move make, every bond you
break, every step you take, I’ll be
watching you”
If that’s not quite weird enough
for you,
“Every single day, every
word you say, every game you
play, every night you stay I’ll be
watching you”.
Meatloaf: ‘I Would DoAnything
For Love’
Meatloaf says he’d do anything
for love but, just not that “one”
thing, but what is this that
“I’d run right into Hell and back.
I would do anything for love, I’ll
never lie to you and that’s a fact.
But I’ll never forget the way you
feel right now, oh no, now. And I
would do anything for love”.
Kid Rock and Sheryl
Crow: ‘Picture’
No couple would ever be proud
to call this song, “our song”.
“Living my life in a slow hell.
Different girl every night at the
hotel. I ain’t seen the sun shine
in three damn days. Been fuelin’
up on cocaine and whiskey. Wish
I had a good girl to miss me. But
I wonder if I’ll ever change my
ways, I put your picture away”.
This list isn’t even the tip
of the ice burg. Others who share
common ground with the lucky
five above include Jimmy Buffet,
Britney Spears, Poison, Lionel
Richie, and Michael Bolton. If
history continues to repeat itself,
lovebirds everywhere will continue
celebrating Valentines Day for
generations to come. One tradition
to follow suit, the best and worst
love songs of all time.
Orange R’s guide to spotting pesky alien species
Copy Editor
With aliens plotting to take over
the world being the recent craze the
last few years, there can be some
difficulties spotting an alien. Aliens!?
What’s that? Well, think of a crazy
person with genetic mutations,
combined with the mind of a Nazi.
Luckily, with this easy to follow
guide the challenges that comes with
spotting/identifying/recognizing an
alien can now finally be alleviated.
Being a touchy subject, aliens in
control, it’s difficult to properly talk
about it as the threat still resides in
the hearts and minds of the human
population. Spotting an alien has
become a difficulty that even the army
is having trouble with. But the inside
knowledge that Orange R has conjured
up will not only help the army, but will
also help you! But what to look for?
Questions could be, where might one
find an alien? What behavior do they
exhibit? What do aliens like to wear?
What do they eat? Do they have a
hangout? Do aliens answer questions?
Do they even speak a common
language or just secret code that may
be more complicated than the Morse
code? Jadon Morse code? Typically,
using Roseburg as an example, aliens
like to disguise themselves to blend
in with their surroundings. They are
slowly observing humans weaknesses
so they can make their move to
ambush with explosions. The chances
of anyone being an alien here is slim
to none. But as of 2010, we may be
mistaken on the actual count. This a
huge issue that needs to be addressed.
Mr. Rich, prepare yourself for the
first Alien Summit. Anyway, with the
changing security requirements, aliens
have been switching their wardrobe
to something similar to Harry Potter
characters. If you see a 6’2” male
Hermione Granger. You could be
observing a suspected alien… Or a
fanatic Harry Potter fan. Which, as we
all know, is the same thing.
Behaviors of aliens are also a tell
tale signs of their trade. Fidgeting,
underwear changing, and overall
terror causing acts such as heads
rotating 180 degrees and yelling are
all signs of an alien. Orange R sat
down with Chicken Little, a 15-year
construction worker. “So Mr. Little,
how do you spot an alien?” “To spot
one of their kind is waiting for the
sky to fall,” Mr. Johnson said. When
further questioned, Johnson repeated,
“You can’t fool me. There ain’t no
Sanity Claus.”
Which raises the question. Where
do aliens “hang out?” Farm Fields?
The sky? Probably not. Wal-Mart?
Many look alike, but not the real
thing. Home Depot? No. The answer?
They could be anywhere. Even in
your closet! Should this be a cause for
worrying? Definitely. Chances of find
an alien in your local neighborhood
are 3.5 out of a solid 10 chances.
With this basic outline set out that
has been provided. If you ever do
come upon these “individuals” you’ll
know how to spot them and what to
do. You can thank Orange R later. We
accept checks, debt cards, and TNT as
page 12
Celebrit y deaths in 2009
3. Andrew Wyeth- painter
of bleak Americana, died
Jan. 16, age 91.
4. Irving Penn- fashion
photographer, died Oct. 7,
Staff Writer
Media and Publishing
1. Walter Cronkitelongtime CBS Evening
News anchor, died July
17, age 92.
UpdikePulitzer Prize-winning
fiction writer and critic,
died Jan. 27, age 76.
3. Dominick Dunnechrime chronicler of the
rich and famous, died
Aug. 26, age 83.
4. Gidget Chippertonpopular
advertising figure, died
July 21, age 15.
5. Don Hewitt- creator
and executive producer
of 60 Minutes, died
Aug. 19, age 86.
Photo provided by Internet.
Walter Cronkite in all his glory.
Stage and screen
1. Farrah Fawcett- star of
Charlie’s Angels, died June
25, age 62.
2. Brittany Murphy- actress
and singer, died Dec. 20, age
Photo provided by Internet.
3. David Carradine- star
of Kung Fu, died June 3, age
4. Larry Gelbart- developer
of M*A*S*H for TV, died
Sept. 11, age 81.
5. Patrick Swayze- star of
Dirty Dancing, died Sept. 14,
age 57.
Music and the arts
1. Les Paul- developer of
the solid-body electric guitar,
died Aug. 12, age 94.
2. Michael Jackson- the
“King of Pop,” died June 25,
age 50.
age 92.
5. Estelle Bennett- member
of the Ronettes, died Feb.11,
age 67.
McNamarasecretary of defense, died
July 6, age 93.
Aquinopresident of the Philippines,
died Aug. 1, age 76.
3. Kim Dae-jung- president
of South Korea and Nobel
laureate, died Aug. 18, age
4. Edward M. Kennedy- U.S.
senator from Massachusetts,
died Aug. 25, age 77.
5. Jody Powell- press
Jimmy Carter, died Sept. 14,
age 65.
1. Millvina Dean- last
survivor of the Titanic, died
May 31, age 97.
2. Allen Klein- manager of
the Beatles and the Rolling
Stones, died July 4, age 77.
3. Eunice Kennedy Shriverfounder of the Special
Olympics, died Aug. 11, age
4. “Captain” Lou Albanoprofessional wrestler, died
Oct. 14, age 76.
5. Richard John Neuhausinfluential
theologian, died Jan. 8, age
Opeth music review
Staff Writer
double bass domination to
hi-hat dominated subtlety
to being completely absent
in one track.
The album begins with
on around the 2:30 mark.
The song slowly winds
down until it comes to end,
lasting just about ten and a
half minutes.
to mind when thinking
of Opeth’s 2005 release
“Ghost Reveries.” This
progressive death metal
incorporates progressive
music, folk, blues rock and
jazz with acoustic guitar
dynamic shifts. In less
technical terms, they’re
an interesting band that’s
obscenely talented.
Opeth’s eighth full-length
album, and brings a lot of
Photo provided by the Internet.
new things to the table.
Members of the band Opeth.
Half of the eight tracks are
longer than ten minutes,
and of the remaining four, After
(seven track is the fourth, titled
three are longer than five seconds) acoustic guitar “Atonement.”
minutes. This means that intro, it goes into full on the mellowest that Ghost
there are a lot of changes death metal. Around the Reveries has to offer, this
within each song. Vocalist, 1:30 mark the song morphs song mostly consists of
guitarist, and songwriter of into
clean a repetitive, psychedelic
the band Mikael Åkerfeldt breakdown, with keyboards atmosphere. Hand drums,
alternates backing it up. After a brief smooth and relaxing vocals,
and repeat of the brutality that soothing keyboards, along
clean vocals, which he began the song, things get with clean electric and
does so well it seems like very soft. This is ended by acoustic guitar all come
Opeth has two singers.
together to make a
There’s also a
song that might make
lot of electric
you fall asleep (in
a good way). This
relative positivity is
t o g e t h e r ,
offset somewhat by the
sometimes at
(still clean) twin guitar
the same time,
outro, which is pretty
gloomy sounding.
everybody. They’re a
band that has so much
h a n d l e s
depth to them that you
k e y b o a r d
really can’t casually
Photo provided by internet
duties, which
listen to them. To get
Opeth’s swedish rock adores many fans
the most out of this
anything from
album, you really need
classical sounding piano a mini guitar solo, which to listen to each song in its
to ghostly vibe fills. Bass leads into a great build entirety. Along with this,
playing Martin Mendez has up. After some more clean the death metal aspects
prominent grooves in every vocals, the song continues can turn some people off.
song, which is nice, since to build in intensity until However, if you can past
bass parts seem relatively Åkerfeldt starts growling these two obstacles, Ghost
hidden in most music. again. After a quick return Reveries may be one of the
Drumming is carried out to clean vocals, it gets best listening experiences
by Martin Lopez, who harsh for a second, then you can expose yourself
is able to go from all out returns to what was going to.
Roseburg High School - past to present Valentine’s Day gift ideas
Staff Writer
earth shook under them when
they were in their cars and that
they were scared. Who would
have known that this happened
in Roseburg?
Who would have known that
today’s issues would be drug
and alcohol usage?
When we look back at
how technology has evolved
throughout the years, we
see a huge difference. They
had typewriters, we have the
advancement of computers; they
had wind up phones, we have
the advancement of cell phones,
and the list just goes on and on.
Roseburg has also evolved into
a much bigger city than it was
in the 1950’s. There were not as
many kids as there are now and
there were not as many places
to go after school to hang out
with their friends. Maybe that
is why they probably spent
more time on schoolwork than
getting into trouble. With all of
the consequences that the 50’s
kids grew up knowing about,
they would be appalled at what
today’s kids get away with. Our
society has definitely changed
in good and bad ways.
Many things will never change
throughout history. These things
are popularity, cliques, school,
around the world in the 1950’s
that we do not
even know about
and popularity was
even bigger than
it is now because
about everyone and
their business.
1950’s. During this
time, girls had to
wear dresses, knee
length or longer,
Photo provided by Internet.
and boys wore
A picture depicting “the blast” of Roseburg,
nice clothes such
as, button down
shirts and slacks.
“Talking negatively to teachers,
Looking into the past reminds
chewing gum, skipping school, us of the future. Today, there are
and running down the hall were still cliques, teachers that kids
things that kids would get into do not like, and consequences.
trouble for,” said a past RHS None of these will change or
student from the 50’s.
When the kids were in
school in the 50’s, they talked
respectively towards teachers,”
we were afraid to express our
own opinion,” said the RHS
student. Teachers back then did
not have the problem of kids
being rude to them because the
students knew the consequences
they would receive. A past
student said,” my hardest class
Photo provided by Internet.
was chemistry and my easiest
class was PE.”
A picture of the Roseburg School’s main building exterior.
A big event destroyed the
central Junior High here in
Roseburg in the year 1959. This disappear because they have classmates, and the list will go
event was named “the blast”. This been around forever, which we on forever. We should always
event involved a catastrophic have grown up knowing about. know our history because if we
explosion. Fourteen people Now days, running in the halls, never learn our history, no one
were killed in the explosion or chewing gum would be else will. What would life be
and 125 people were injured. nothing compared to the issued like without the knowledge of
People would account that the that today’s kids face daily. our own history?
Copy Editor
this one takes a little bit of
money, but in the end it’s all
worth it. Although roses are
traditional, they always seem
to be quiet the catch with the
chocolate! Almost everyone
loves chocolate, which was
one of the most perfect gifts
for everyone’s wonderful
valentine. Chocolate is not
just for the ladies, but guys
love it too. Now the ladies
found that getting a gift for
their man very complicated,
but if once they put a little
thought into it they figured
out that chocolate is the
This Valentine’s Day there
was an assortment of gifts that
were passed around. People
were in a frazzle of what they
were going to do for their
valentine. Well, their worry
soon died down once they
realized that there were simple,
but special ways to express
their love to their very special
someone, and with little cost,
or no cost at all! From baked
goods to handmade gifts,
people sent their love with
just a little work.
One great gift that
satisfied that sweet
tooth was homemade
goods. There are a
variety of different
cookies and cakes that
everyone loves and
enjoy. However, one
of the famous cookies
are sugar cookies. With
sugar cookies you can
use cookie cutters so
that they are shaped in
a lovely design, such
Photo provided by the Internet.
as a heart! Not only do
and chocolates are
they look great with all
some of the most popular gifts given
the frosting and little
to loved ones.
sprinkles, they taste
great too! What better
way to say I love you with perfect gift. You don’t have
sweet little cookies?
to put the chocolate by itself
With some glue, markers, though; you can send it with
crayons, paints, scissors, and a cuddly teddy bear. Now
time you could make one how cute is that?
amazing card. Homemade
Valentine’s day is the day
cards were a perfect way to of love and happiness, and
save those pennies! Everyone just the simplest gift went a
loves to receive a wonderful long ways, deep down to the
card that expresses their heart. People showed their
lover’s feelings for them, or friends that they care, and
how much their friends truly sent their love to that special
someone by a little flower or
Now getting a little tricky, a card. Every little bit of love
why not send a dozen roses means a whole lot in someone
to your loved one? Yes, else’s eyes.