July 14 - Salinas Area Modelers


July 14 - Salinas Area Modelers
SAM Says
Cub Scout Day
SAM Says
July 2014
Volume 39 Issue 07
Special points of interest:
 Cub Scouts Visit...
 Crazy Ivan
 Glider Fly
 Seen at the Field
 Memorial Fly-In
 Planes for Sale
Inside this issue:
Cub Scouts Visit
our Field
RC Subterfuges
Crazy Ivan
June Glider Fly
Crash’s Corner
Information Page
Seen at the Field
Mounting your
Motor & ESC
Planes for Sale
More Pictures
Several weeks ago I received an Email from James Calusdian a Cub Scout Leader from Pack 13 of the Mission Park area of Salinas. He was inquiring about the
possibility of our club hosting
a group of his cub scouts for a
visit to our field to see first
hand some of our model airplane activities. I responded
with an open invitation to
come on out and we would try
to put together a program on
what this club is about and
what we do. A date and time
was setup with the understanding that the weather could always play a factor that could
limit flying activities.
On the morning of June the
14th, which turned out to be
an exceptional nice day, a small caravan motored into our field. The group consisted of 9 cub scouts along with James, their leader, and several parents.
I had set up a static display on the tables of several airplane types including our
club electric trainer, an electric
foam war bird, along with a couple of gas and nitro powered
planes plus my turbine jet. Dick
Moeller brought his framed up
but uncovered Cub which was a
great way to show what’s involved in the construction of an
airplane. We talked about how a
wing makes lift and the three axis
of aircraft control.
Caresani had his EDF Messerschmitt 262 there and explained
to the group the principals of
EDF power as Jay Beck put the screaming machine through it’s paces. Robert
Shaver was there with his original X wing design and proceeded to fly this strange
looking biplane craft that seems to not know or care whether it’s upside down or
right side up. Dan Noland was there with planes on the table and in the air.
(Continued on Page 5)
R/C Subterfuges (14)
“Buckle Up” -Crazy Ivan’s view of Aerodynamics (Part 1 of 2)
1st, wind tunnels lie to ones inner-mind. Wind tunnels are great for exampling “airflows” on a wings surface
but they bring about a seemingly logical, incorrect logic about how the air reacts at a distance all around and
particularly, well “forward” of the aircraft. Gentlemen (and Ladies), the air is still and wispy (always) and the
craft is literally “bulling” its way through the still atmosphere. You’ve all seen the room that children play in
that’s filled 3feet deep with plastic balls… a (near) perfect assimilation of our atmosphere molecule by molecule! Submerge your airplane in this room and push it forwards…yep you’ll be “pushing” molecules (balls)
“well” forward of and all around your craft at substantial distances! You’ve got to get off the wind tunnel
mind-set; send a feather through a wind tunnel, does your mind see a feather slowly falling downward
through a still and wispy atmosphere as is what’s really happening? Nope, you saw the feather hauling butt
from left to right and had no perception that the feather was actually “only” falling through a still atmosphere! Wind tunnels are a great tool but they convincingly “lie” to the minds eye, they insinuate that the air
has “flows” and directional momentums that simply don’t exist; It’s the aircraft that’s moving, the atmosphere is just sitting there “still and wispy” even though it may be a moving “air-mass” from your standing on
still ground “minds’ eye” viewpoint. Everything you know of aerodynamics must fit “both” viewpoints concurrently. A molecules first reaction as to an oncoming aircraft is to be pushed “forward” before the arrival of
the craft, before that it was just sitting there minding its own business as in “not moving” alike a neutrally
buoyant balloon just hanging there floating along motionless “within the air-mass”; as an aircraft moves towards it, its first reaction will be to move away (forward) well before impact occurs (“feet” ahead of the oncoming craft). Your aircraft bulls its way through “still air”.
Sub-flows can’t be recognized when your perspective is that the air is moving, oh yes you can insert a smoke
trail and see that the airflow is indeed affected well before the wings arrival but… with a wind tunnel mindset, it’s difficult to recognize “sub-flows”; explain the Bound Vortex? OK no prob. Lift a 4x8 sheet of plywood flat up off the floor to say 5’ and then tilt one end up higher say to 10 degrees; assimilating angle of
attack so the higher side represents the front of the aircraft (hint). Now in maintaining the 10 degree slant lets
quickly lower the 4x8 ply sheet straight down, where does most of the underside air escape too, Hmm towards the front of the aircraft. OK so in including forward motion, there is an underlying “tendency” that creates a general circular sub-flow about your aircraft that is pushing air forward from the undersurface of your
wing to forward and up and around the leading edge of the wing thus binding around the wing and indeed the
entire aircraft; the “bound vortex” is a reverse circular flow about an aircraft but… it’s not a dominate flow in
that there’s no way that a molecule that strikes the flap is going to move forward and up and around the leading edge but it is being pushed forward and into other air molecules via angle of attack and they pile up
(simply put) to the point where some molecules that strike the underside of the leading edge, do in-fact progress forward “upstream” and up and around the leading edge to transgress across the upper wing surface. It’s
a “sub-flow” that is best visualized in the mind set of, moving the aircraft through an elasticized fly through
fabric called “still air” as it truly is… to your aircraft. Oddly, the “bound vortex” is mostly powered and is
almost “solely” caused by the wing tip vortex which is hugely more powerful. The “tip” vortex is the effect
of high pressure under the wing aggressively progressing towards a low pressure area (the top of the wing).
It’s a perfect showing of the incredible strength and power that high pressure has in acting to re-equalize into
any surrounding even just lower pressure area. Leading to:
There is “no such thing as suction”, that’s right, your vacuum cleaner doesn’t create suction; it creates a low
pressure “vacuum”. The dirt particles are literally being lifted upwards from their bottom surfaces because
you’ve removed the atmospheres weight (thus pressure) from the particles top surface. High pressure advances into low pressure; that is a one way street! Yes this causes airflows and yes the airflows themselves cause
high pressure on the bottom surfaces and low pressure on the top surfaces but… (Continued on Page 4)
SAM Says
Page 2
Silent Flight
By Dennis Stanley
Saturday, the 7th of June brought 12 eager glider pilots to the field to pit their skills against Mother
Nature and the evils of Murphy’s Law. Well, this time Mother Nature prevailed as the morning weather was calm with light overcast skies. The first few flights were pretty short with no wind at all to aid in
the launches. The altitudes achieved were nothing to get excited about and provided a challenge trying
to keep your ship afloat for the two minutes needed for a good score. That was all short lived as the sun
soon began to break through and a light
breeze began to stir the air. In the next
round the gliders were getting higher
launches thanks to the breeze and now as
the planes were coming off the high start
they just kept going up. With only a two
minute flight time restriction now created
a whole new flight dynamic. Where we
were struggling to keep the gliders up, we
were now having to do aggressive flying
to get them down and trying to hit the
landing zone became more difficult. But,
that’s what keeps these contest interesting, and always challenging.
In this type of event, skills aren’t the
guarantee of a wining score. The changing conditions and a whole lot of luck
play the biggest hand in determining the wining slots. And, for those of you who think that flying a
glider is just too boring or not exciting enough should come out and give it a try.
A special thanks to Mila Gansberger (a real sweetheart) and Tristan Williams (our youngest member)
for helping with the line retrieval. And, a
thanks to Alice Noland for the great pictures.
Contest Results
Dan Noland was 1st.
Malcom Beety was 2nd.
Dick Moeller came in 3rd.
A picture is usually worth a thousand
words they say, and this holds to be true here.
A good time was had by all. Just look at all
the smiling faces.
The President’s work is never done. I’ve
just retrieved a shovel to remove a pile of animal scat from the glider parking area.
(Editor’s note: We can change your title to
something more appropriate if you like!!)
R/C Subterfuges (14) (Continued from Page 2)
it’s in that high pressure is “pushing” its way “into” the vacuum hose! Lets take an above ground pool and
drill a 3” hole near its base… the high pressure water “pushes” its way out, its not that the lower pressure
“air” produces “suction” and draws the water out, so… the high pressure of 1 atmospheric pressure “pushes”
into the nozzle end of your vacuum because you’ve reduced air pressure at the hoses other end, yes it’s powerful and fast, the air reacts to equalize its’ pressure at 750mph or so (@ the speed of sound); air molecule
“expansion” at up to the speed of sound is “why” your vacuum works so well!
OK so, I just stated that your aircraft is being lifted 100% by its “under-surfaces” in that the atmosphere
is lifting the craft like 10 spread out hands lifting it off the table from its “bottom” surfaces… careful here…
it’s a trap… that’s absolutely correct, that’s “how” an aircraft flies; I’ll explain!!!
1st Yes the top of the wing is by far the most important “factor” in creating lift, the why is because, the high
pressure that’s created on the bottom of the wing is free to escape via huge leaks; The wingtip vortex examples this “huge leak” of high pressure from the bottom surfaces. In addition to this is that the high pressure is
“also” expanding at the speed of sound in every un-blocked direction in which case it’s constantly depressurizing itself via expansion. The top side of the wing however is much more efficient at creating and
“maintaining” low pressure and that’s why the top surface is indeed the most important side of the airfoil, it
produces most of the “pressure imbalance”. To further bemuse you; even though your wing creates low pressure on its top surface, the atmosphere is still pushing “down” on the wings upper surfaces, its simply pushing up “more” from the wings bottom surfaces; it’s a created “pressure imbalance” but you can’t remove “all”
of the downward atmospheric pressure from a wings upper surface. The “end result” of the wings upper surfaces’ actions is “only” in reducing how much the atmosphere is pushing down on the top of the wing; you
are being lifted 100% via the bottom surfaces of your craft despite the top of the wings constant downwards
push; re: there is still atmospheric pressure on the wings upper surface pushing downward, it’s only been
“reduced” to create a “pressure imbalance” as to in comparing the bottom surface to the upper surface. It’s
“physically” the bottom surfaces that lifts your craft; alike10 lifting hands with another 4 hands in opposition.
If you’re still being stubborn, you can’t achieve 0 atmospheric downward pressure on a wings upper surface
and, even if you could it would still be “just” the bottom surface pressure physically lifting you! Proof beyond the shadow of a doubt… next month.
Ironic that the very inefficient bottom surface “physically” creates 100% of the lift; many might say, what
about the “overall” deflecting of air downwards… air has mass and therefore has weight; if you accelerate it
downwards you will receive an equal upward (weight derived) reaction. I won’t have it nope… it has to transfer all of its mass energy into pressure, if you do insist on counting it, it’s not an even trade (mass for pressure) on an aircraft because it would be almost entirely acting in by increasing high pressure under the wing
which I’ve shown to be absolutely inefficient. Mass energy has to be exchanged into pressure; the exchange
rate is not good! Lift is 100% opposing pressure differences!
Alan… hold on! That’s just the “lead” rope, allow me to tighten (and grease) my noose!
Part 2 of 2 next month.
Robert Shaver
Contributions to the newsletter are welcome from all members. Also suggestions for articles
or subjects you would like to have addressed are things I would like to know. The more people that contribute the easier it is for the Editor and the more interesting it is for the members.
Contributions can be emailed to [email protected].
Page 4
SAM Says
Crash’s Corner—Memorial Fly-In
Welcome to Crashes Corner!
I want to invite all of you to attend the 24 th Annual Memorial Fly-In on July 19th at our Fabulous
Field! We take this opportunity every year to honor our
“Missing Members” whom have left us for the Great Flying Field in the sky! We display the pictures of these
members on the transmitter board, fly in their honor until
11:30am when we stop to enjoy lunch together. During
the lunch period I will read off the names of these members, and the year of their passing. After the names are
read, we will open the floor for anyone wanting to share
an experience they remember and want to share with all
of us. The club will provide the hamburgers and I will
Joe MacGregor in action
bring some of my chili beans. Anyone willing to bring other foods are encouraged to do so. This is a special event,
not like any other we do.
I’ve been in the club for over 30 years and feel honored to continue this event in memory of those
we miss. Come join me and the other members for a day of fun and memories.
Editor’s Note: It is with sadness I must announce to you we lost another of our long-standing members Sunday Morning June 22, 2014. Richard Merrill O’Grady took his place in that big flying field
in the sky. Our sympathies and condolences to his wife Maria, son Kelly and daughter Rachael.
We know husband/dad/friend will be greatly missed. There will be a service at Sacred Heart
Church. You will be informed of the day and time. Watch your email.
Cub Scout Day (Continued from Page 1)
All of this seemed to generate a considerable amount of interest from the boys, James and a number of parents.
Kevin Jones, our in house Professor of rotor machines, had set up his FPV equipment and proceeded to
explain the workings of his exotic craft followed by a
flying demonstration of FPV and helicopter operations.
As the wind continued to stay calm Jay Beck took to
the instructors position on the buddy box, a sometimes
daunting task, and worked diligently with the boy’s allowing each of them to get some stick time on our trainer. Jay got a bit of a work out with the number of student
pilots and several skillful low level saves.
It appeared the boy’s enjoyed their experience with us
and I would like to compliment them on their exceptional behavior and attentiveness. It was our pleasure, and
we hope to see some of them again.
Dennis Stanley
Page 5
Calendar of Events
Club Contact Information
Ruddergate and Club Meeting Combination
Board Meeting—Bob McGregor’s house
No Membership Meeting
Glider Contest 2
Memorial Fun Fly
Glider Contest 3
Board Meeting
Membership Meeting
Pylon Races
Bob McGregor, Treasurer
(831) 595-3681 [email protected]
2013 SAM Board of Governors:
Randy Bonetti, Board
(831) 206-5619 [email protected]
23-24 Scale Fun Fly
Malcolm Beety, Board
(831) 272-6810
[email protected]
Board Meeting
Membership Meeting
Float Fly (pending)
Chuck Bosso, Board
(831) 659-4303
[email protected]
13-14 IMAC II (Note: this is a change in dates)
27 Ruddergate
To send any submissions to the newsletter editor:
[email protected]
This includes pictures. The email above is checked
regularly, so any submission will not go unnoticed.
Dennis Stanley, President
(831) 422-3474 [email protected]
im St John, Vice President
(831) 422-5050
[email protected]
Gary Mallett, Secretary
(831) 757-1940 [email protected]
2014 SAM Officers
Float Fly (Highly unlikely!)
Board Meeting
Membership Meeting
Electric Powered Event
Ruddergate (final of the year)
Submissions for the newsletter of any kind (this includes opinions) are welcome and will be used on a
space available basis. The newsletter editor retains
editorial rights to any submission soley for the purpose or correcting spelling, grammar, etc., but not to
alter the intent.
With all too much frequency the entry gate unlocking and locking procedures are not being followed. When you unlock the gate please roll the combination off code and lock both ends of the
chain together. DON’T leave the lock hanging open on the chain! When departing the field make
sure to lock the gate if you are the last person out. Also if you always put the lock through the
chain from the left (I know that is hard for you right-handers) the numbers will always be upright
making it much easier for the nest entrant to open the lock. Please do your part to keep our field
secure. We have not had any problems lately. Let’s do our best to keep it tht way.
SAM Says
Volume 39 Issue 04
Page 6
Sam Says. . .
Augie Caresani’s ME-262
The shots above and below are Ron Short’s beautiful B-25. It has an 88.5” wingspan, is fitted with twin Saito 100 four
stroke engines. When complete it will have a 4-bomb drop in any sequence and navigation lights. The airplane has not
flown yet. The engines have been run and taxi tests accomplished. Nice plane, Ron! Is this what you do with your spare
time on the ship???
Augie Caresani’s
Gary Mallett’s
J-3 Cub
Pictures by Robert Shaver
SAM Says
By Augie Caresani
In my final installment, I will be discussing the installation of the motor and proper placement for the
electronic speed controller. Per my previous articles, you have done the calculations and decided on the motor and speed controller for your airplane. It does not matter, if you have chosen an “In-runner” or “Outrunner” motor for the issues will be the same. Just to review before we move on:
In-runner motor – This type of motor features an armature which turns inside a case, and is usually
mounted to the aircraft by a clamping mount to the case.
Out-runner motor – This type of motor is mounted to the aircraft by a mounting plate which is attached to the back of the motor. Most of the case, on this type of motor, turns, and the propeller is directly
attached to the case.
When installing the electric motor, the most important factor is to make sure that the motor is securely
attached to the aircraft’s firewall. I have seen reports of pilots utilizing long tubular spacers (3 or 5 inches),
only to the motor twist and break free. If a spacer is needed, which is almost always the case, I prefer to
make a spacer from plywood. The first step is to determine the length of the spacer. Then, I take the mounting plate, and cut plywood squares that are larger than the mounting plate. Using yellow carpenters glue, I
glue the squares together, and place them in a clamp to cure. At this point, I double check to make sure the
length of the spacer is correct. Once the spacer has cured, I utilize the mounting plate to trace an outline of
the mounting plate on the top of my spacer. Using various drill bits, band saw, and/or scroll saw, I cut away
all of the extra material, leaving a spacer that looks like the mounting plate. Before mounting the motor, I
often strengthen the firewall (especially in ARFs) using the very same methods that I used when I flew glow
powered models. Once the motor is attached to the aircraft I then make sure the motor leads are attached to
the electronic speed controller and then securely routed to prevent them from rubbing on any rotating parts of
the motor or potentially shorting out on any metal surface. This is a good time to test run the motor, and if
the motor is spinning in reverse, simply switch any two wires and the motor should then spin in the correct
The electronic speed controller will need to be placed in the aircraft where it will get plenty of cooling
air. This is essential, since many electronic speed controllers will shut down if they get to hot, or worse, it
could damage the electronics. For this reason, you will often see holes in the rear of the fuselage that are intended to allow cooling air to pass through the fuselage and then exit. In addition, you should not add extension wires to the electronic speed controller, especially the battery leads, since this can cause problems that
can also damage the electronic speed controller. There are ways to safely extend the leads, and if this is what
is needed in your aircraft, you should consult with the manufacturer as to the preferred method.
I hope you have enjoyed my little miniseries on electric power system, but I would like to end my series noting that Harley Davidson has just announced they are producing an electric motorcycle. If it’s good
enough for Harley Davidson it’s good enough for me. I wonder if Harley Davidson is going to install a sound
system? Well, see ya all at the field, and don’t forget to let sparks fly!
Take a Look!
If you have been following the politicking going on between the AMA, FAA and Homeland Security, you will
know that our radio control aircraft are being referred to a drones most of the time—especially by the news
media. Many states have already classified what we fly as drones. Below is a link that will allow you to look
at what the FAA has published as “Does and don’ts for model flying.” It is mostly common sense, something
foreign to the news media!
I received an email from Rick Moore, retired Assistant Police Chief from the Salinas PD, that his father, Henry Moore, who was an avid model builder passed away this past year. Mr. Moore apparently built static models as well as building and flying RC models. According to Rick he has not flown for a number of years.
However he does have many airplane kits in the box and some that are partially or completely built. Some of
the kits are of very desirable origin, both from the aircraft model and the kit provider standpoint. Listed below are the aircraft he has available that are looking for a good home. Some pictures are included. In some
cases the plans or instructions are missing. At the bottom of the page is Rick’s phone number and email address. Please contact him if you are interested in any of the airplanes.
AT-6 Texan, Partially completed wing— no plans
Cessna 310Q Royal Kit complete with plans
Piper Twin Comanche Kit - Plans missing
P-51D Mustang OK Models kit for 25 to 45 engine
Windward glider (damaged) w/servos 71" span (completely built)
Plastic body Pilot Trainer 49" span
Sig Skybolt Kit complete with plans
Bud Nosen 1/4 scale Citabria kit (9’ wing span) plans missing
Piper Comanche kit - plans missing
SR Falcon trainer 68" span (assembled)
Bud Nosen 1/4 scale Mr. Mulligan kit
40” P-38 Lighting partially built
Orline 1/6 scale Piper Tomahawk kit for 40-45 engine
Unknown war model 63" wingspan - completely built (no servos or engine)
Rick’s phone number is 831-809-7904
Email is - [email protected]
Howard’s Spitfire. Hope he’s taking
off and not landing!!
Joe’s having lots of
fun as usual!!
Ed Pare’s
Salinas Area Modelers
P.O. Box 1225
Salinas, CA 93902-1225
Ed Pare’s Sea Fury