Global Urinary Tract Infections Market
Urinary tract infection is termed as bladder infection that can be defined as the infection in urinary tube caused by the gram negative bacteria. If left untreated, it can spread to kidneys and bladder. The urinary tract infection is more prevalent in women compared with men due to the fact that the urethra is shorter for women than men which allows bacteria quick access to the bladder. Thus, germs can easily move from urethra to the bladder and cause an infection.
More informationImpact of Existing and Emerging Greek Yogurt Market Trends and Forecast 2016-2026
Currently, greek yogurt is one of the most popular dairy products across the globe. Since greek yogurt is prepared through the straining process in order to separate the yogurt from the excess watery whey, it is also known as strained yogurt. The straining process makes the yogurt much thicker and creamier as compared to the regular or traditional yogurt. Greek yogurt contributes significantly to the growth of the global yogurt market. This is mainly attributed to its benefits such as higher protein and lower carbohydrates value as compare to traditional yogurt.
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