Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors Market

Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors Market Low dosage hydrate inhibitors are the products used to inhibit the formation of gas hydrates in offshore hydrocarbon drilling and production operations. Gas hydrates are basically ice-like solids that are formed by combination of water and natural gas at high pressure and low temperature. Gas hydrates create severe flow problems in oil and gas drilling and production operations. It, thus, becomes very important to remove and prevent the formation of these gas hydrates in order to have efficient flow of hydrocarbons.

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Norway Consumer Payments Market Size, Share, Key Trends, Emerging Opportunities, Strategies, Outlook and Competitive Landscape

Norway Consumer Payments Market Size, Share, Key Trends, Emerging Opportunities, Strategies, Outlook and Competitive Landscape The card reigns supreme in Norway, with only 6% of the population using cash on a daily basis and most possessing a minimum of two payment cards. And although the market is one of the most mature in the world, further growth is expected for both pay-now and pay-later cards. Visit us @ http://www.radiantinsights.com/research/consumer-payments-country-snapshot-norway-2016

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