19th Power Systems Computation Conference pscc2016


19th Power Systems Computation Conference pscc2016
19th Power Systems
Computation Conference
June 20-24, 2016
Centro Congressi Porto Antico
Magazzini del Cotone Conference Centre
Genova, Italy
Department of Electrical, Electronic,
Telecommunications Engineering and
Naval Architecture
Polytechnic School, University of
Table of contents
Welcome to PSCC 2016 in Genova………………....…….........………...….4
PSCC Committees………………………………....……….………....….…….5
PSCC Committees / Meetings of PSCC bodies............……….........…...…6
Plenary and Special Sessions……..………….……....…………......…………7
At a Glance Programme….…..........................….........……………..………9
Technical Programme………….……………………………...........…………11
Social Programme..…………………………………………....………………25
Conference Information..………………………………….............…………26
General Information..…………………………………...........………………28
The Conference Centre....…...............……………………....………………30
Welcome to PSCC 2016 in Genova
Together with the Local Organizing Committee, the PSCC Executive Board, the PSCC Council and
the Technical Programme Committee, we have the great pleasure to announce that the 19th Power
Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2016) is going to take place from 20th to 24th June 2016 in
Genova, Italy.
The Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) was the outcome of the needs, interests and
of almost natural steps seen by academics, power system planners and operators, as well as engineers
dealing with computers in the power system area. The first PSCC, which can be called a conference,
took place in London in 1963 and subsequent conferences followed at three year intervals. Recently it
has been decided to organize the Conference every two years. The five latest conferences were held in
Wroclaw (PSCC 2014), Stockholm (PSCC 2011), Glasgow (PSCC 2008), Liège (PSCC 2005) and Sevilla
(PSCC 2002).
PSCC is a conference where you can still learn a lot! PSCC addresses theoretical developments
and computational aspects with respect to power systems applications. The Conference gives to
the international forum of researchers and power system engineers a great opportunity to exchange
knowledge and experiences on the latest developments in the field. There is an emphasis on modelling
and simulation for understanding a system of components, plants or actors, the interactions between
them and their collective behaviour, and methods to inform decision-making in power systems. Both
theoretical developments as well as practical applications in the utility and manufacturing industries
are addressed.
From the very beginning PSCC has put a lot of emphasis on the quality of the presented papers.
An extensive review process takes place before each conference within the Technical Programme
Committee (TPC). All submitted papers are peer reviewed by several experts and the most suitable
papers are selected. This edition of the PSCC has received an all-time record number of full papers
(more than 600) and, consequently, the paper selection process set up by the TPC has had a particularly
challenging task in selecting the final 222 best papers accepted for presentation within the four days
of the conference. The PSCC 2016 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and all accepted and orally
presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore digital library.
As in all the previous editions of the PSCC, all the papers will be presented during the 40 conference
sessions by top researches from Academia and Industry. There will be also 2 special sessions on “Inertialess power systems” and on “Management and planning of transmission assets”, 2 survey papers on
“Integrated modelling of energy systems” and on “Real-time and co-simulations for the development
of power system monitoring, control and protection”. The Conference will be concluded with a panel
session on “Power System Resilience to Major Disturbances”. Continuing the tradition of previous
editions, a Tutorial on “Managing uncertainties in power system operation” has been integrated within
the conference on Monday 20 June.
PSCC has also acquired reputation as great tool for networking, where participants and accompanying
persons can get to know each other and make new friends. Therefore the social programme will
be an important part of the Conference, including a welcome reception, a conference boat trip and
a conference gala dinner. The Local Organising Committee people will do their best to put all the
elements of this programme together with emphasis on the history and culture of Genova (from the
Latin “Ianua”), a portal between land and sea, a crossroads of cultures and people since ancient times.
We really hope that the Conference participants coming to Genova from all over the world will take
home pleasant memories making them looking forward to meeting at the next PSCC Conference
Stefano Massucco
Chairman of the Local Organising Committee of the PSCC 2016
PSCC Committees
President of the Council:
Michael A. Laughton, UK
President of the 19th PSCC:
Pierre Bornard, Former Deputy CEO of RTE (Transmission System Operator, France) and Chairman of the Board of ENTSO-E
Executive Board of PSCC
Anjan Bose, USA, Chairperson
Maria Teresa Correia de Barros, Portugal, Vice-Chairperson
Wolfram H. Wellßow, Germany, Secretary
Göran Andersson, Switzerland, Treasurer
K.R.W. Bell, UK
Tharam Dillon, Australia
Louis Wehenkel, Belgium
Technical Programme Committee
Chair: K.R.W. Bell, UK
Vice-Chair: M. Paolone, Switzerland
A. Bakirtzis, Greece
A. Berizzi, Italy
K. Bhattacharya, Canada
J. Bialek, Russia
A. Borghetti, Italy
P. Carvalho, Portugal
R. Cherkaoui, Switzerland
D. Cirio, Italy
N. A. Cutululis, Denmark
C. Dent, UK
H. Englert, Germany
D. Ernst, Belgium
O. Fosso, Norway
T. Funabashi, Japan
M. Gibescu, Netherlands
T. Gòmez, Spain
X. Guillaud, France
L. Haarla, Finland
D. Hill, Hong Kong
I. Hiskens, USA
G. Hug, Switzerland
A. Keane, Ireland
W.L. Kling, Netherlands (ad Memoriam)
T. Krause, Switzerland
S. Low, USA
P. Mancarella, UK
F. Milano, Ireland
M. Molinas, Norway
D. Molzahn, USA
L. Nordstrøm, Sweden
C.A. Nucci, Italy
P. Panciatici, France
A. Papavasiliou, Belgium
J. Peças Lopes, Portugal
Y. Phulpin, France
P. Pinson, Denmark
T. Pollet, Switzerland
C. Rehtanz, Germany
E. Rosolowski, Poland
H. Saitoh, Japan
P. Schegner, Germany
A. Simoes Costa, Brazil
J. Sousa, Portugal
K. Strunz, Germany
G. Taranto, Brazil
J. Tong, USA
T. Van Cutsem, Belgium
P. Van Hentenryck, Australia
D. Van Hertem, Belgium
C. Vournas, Greece
M. Zdrallek, Germany
P. Zeng, China
PSCC Committees/Meetings of PSCC Bodies
Local Organising Committee
Stefano Massucco, University of Genova, Italy
Vice Chair:
Federico Silvestro, University of Genova, Italy
Raffaele Traverso, AEIT Ligurian Section, Genova, Italy
LOC Members:
R. Adinolfi, CEO, Ansaldo Energia Nucleare, Genova, Italy
R. Caldon, President AEE and University of Padova, Italy
A. Cappato, General Director, Porto Antico, Genova, Italy
M. Capra, SET Plan Delegate, MISE Ministry of Economic Development,
Roma, Italy
B. Cova, CIGRE Distinguished Member and System Planning Project Director CESI, Milano, Italy
M. De Nigris, Chairman ISGAN – International Smart Grid Action Network
and RSE, Milano, Italy
G.B. Ferrari, President AEIT Ligurian Section and General Director ABB
-Power System Division, Genova, Italy
G. Fioriti, CEO ENEL Distribuzione, Roma, Italy
P. Girdinio, Genova Smart City and University of Genova, Italy
M. Invernizzi, Director DITEN, University of Genova, Italy
A. Losi, Former Director ENSIEL and University of Cassino, Italy
D. Lucarella, Chair IEEE Italy Section Power & Energy Chapter, Milano,
A. F. Massardo, Dean Polythecnical School, University of Genova, Italy
C.A. Nucci, CIGRE Honorary Member, Former President GUSEE and University of Bologna, Italy
M. Rebolini, Chairman CIGRE National Italian Committee and TERNA,
Roma, Italy
L. Spingardi, Member of the Board, ANIPLA, Milano, Italy
A. Tenconi, President CMAEL and Politecnico di Torino, Italy
A. Testa, President GUSEE and Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli,
D. Villacci, Director ENSIEL and University of Sannio, Italy
G. Zampini, President Confindustria Genova and CEO Ansaldo Energia,
Genova, Italy
Meetings of PSCC Bodies
PSCC Bodies will meet on Monday, June 20, 2016 at the Porto Antico Conference Centre,
according to the following schedule:
14:00 – 16:00: TPC + Chairpersons – Aliseo Room (2nd floor)
16:30 – 18:00: Executive Board – Zefiro Room (2nd floor)
18:00 – 19:30: PSCC Council – Aliseo Room (2nd floor)
Plenary and Special Sessions
Monday 20 June, 9:15 – 17:20 / Room: Scirocco and Libeccio
TUTORIAL: Managing uncertainties in power system operation
Chair: Pierre Pinson
TS1: Uncertainties – What are we talking about ?
TS2: Characterizing and modelling new uncertainties in operations
TS3: Accommodating uncertainties in operations and markets models – Methods and
computational aspects
TS4: Accommodating uncertainties in operations and markets models – Methods and
computational aspects
Tuesday 21 June, 8:30 – 9:30 / Room: Maestrale
Opening Session
Chair: Anjan Bose
• Welcome addresses from Local Authorities
• Pierre Bornard, PSCC 2016 Conference President, Former Deputy CEO of RTE
(Transmission System Operator, France) and Chairman of the Board of ENTSO-E
• Aristide F. Massardo, Dean of the Polytechnical School, University of Genova
• Stefano Massucco, Chair of the PSCC2016 Local Organizing Committee, University of Genova
• Keith Bell, Technical Committee Program Chair, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
• Mario Paolone, Technical Committee Programme Vice-Chair, EPFL Lausanne
• Keynote Speech: “The role of data in Smart grid management”
Christian D’Adamo, ENEL Distribuzione, Roma
19:00 - 21:30 / Foyer Maestrale
Welcome Cocktail
Welcome addresses
Paolo Comanducci, Rector, University of Genova, Italy
Roberto Adinolfi, CEO, Ansaldo Nucleare, Genova, Italy
Wednesday 22 June, 8:30 – 9:30 / Room: Maestrale
Survey paper 1: Modelling of integrated multi-energy systems: drivers, requirements, and opportunities
Chair: Mario Paolone
Multi-Energy Systems Integration: Modelling Drivers, Requirements, Challenges and Opportunities
Pierluigi Mancarella; Göran Andersson; João Peças Lopes; Keith Bell
Thursday 23 June, 8:30 – 9:30 / Room: Maestrale
Survey paper 2: Real-time and co-simulations for the development of power
system monitoring, control and protection
Chair: Xavier Guillaud; Christian Rehtanz
Real-Time and Co-Simulations for the Development of Power System Monitoring, Control
and Protection
Xavier Guillaud; Christian Rehtanz
19:00 - 23:00 / Aquarium of Genova
Conference Gala Dinner
Before the start of the dinner, it is scheduled a 30 minutes visit of the Aquarium of Genova
Plenary and Special Sessions
Welcome addresses
Patrick Panciatici, RTE France
Jochen Kreusel, ABB Power Grid
Friday 24 June
8:30 – 9:50 / Room: Libeccio
Special Session 1: Management and planning of transmission assets
Chair: Anthony Papavasiliou
Innovative Decision Making Support Tool for the Optimization of the Grid Elements Outage Plan in the Italian Transmission System
Marta Emolumento; Carlo Bruno; Matteo Stori; Guido Guida; Mauro Caprabianca; Federico
Quaglia; Luca Luzi
Distributed Scenario-Based Optimization for Asset Management in a Hierarchical Decision
Making Environment
Gal Dalal; Elad Gilboa; Shie Mannor
Incorporating Storage as a Flexible Transmission Asset in Power System Operation.
Mads Almassalkhi; Yury Dvorkin; Jennifer Felder; Ricardo Fernández-Blanco; Ian Hiskens; Daniel
S. Kirschen; Jonathon Martin; Hrvoje Pandzic; Mushfiqur Sarker; Ting Qiu; Maria Vrakopoulou;
Yishen Wang; Mengran Xue
Fast Heuristics for Transmission Outage Coordination.
Xingpeng Li; Kory Hedman
10:10 – 11:30 / Room: Libeccio
Special Session 2: Inertia-less power systems
Chair: Janusz Bialek, Steven Low
Transient Stability Analysis of an all Converter Interfaced Generation WECC system
Deepak Ramasubramanian; Vijay Vittal; John Undrill
Flexibility of the distribution grid for system stability
Theresa Noll; Marco Greve; Christian Rehtanz; Sebastian Dierkes; Albert Moser; Philipp Schäfer;
Hendrik Vennegeerts
Aggregation of Power Capabilities of Heterogeneous Resources for Real-Time Control of
Power Grids
Andrey Bernstein; Jean-Yves Le Boudec; Mario Paolone; Lorenzo Reyes-Chamorro; Wajeb Saab
A unified framework for frequency control and congestion management
Changhong Zhao; Enrique Mallada; Steven Low; Janusz Bialek
12:00 – 13:30 / Room: Scirocco and Libeccio
Panel Session: Power System Resilience to Major Disturbances
Impact of Large-Scale and Distributed Renewables on Power Systems Stability
Claudio Cañizares
Controlled islanding for blackout prevention and restoration processes after blackouts
Carlo Alberto Nucci
Defense Plans for the Energy Transition
Gabriel Bareux; Nicolas Omont
Special Protection Schemes: From a Concept to a Smart Device on the Grid
Innocent Kamwa; Annissa Heniche; Manuela Dobrescu
At a Glance Programme
Day 1 - Monday, 20 June
09:15 - 10:45
Tutorial: Managing uncertainties in power system operation
TS1: Uncertainties – What are we taking about ?
10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30
Tutorial: Managing uncertainties in power system operation
TS2: Characterizing and modelling new uncertainties in operations
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch break (in the outside local restaurants)
14:00 - 15:30
Tutorial: Managing uncertainties in power system operation
TS3: Accommodating uncertainties in operations and markets models – Methods and
computational aspects
15:30 - 15:50
Coffee break
15:50 - 17:20
Tutorial: Managing uncertainties in power system operation
TS4: Accommodating uncertainties in operations and markets models – Methods and
computational aspects
Day 2 - Tuesday, 21 June
08:30 - 09:30
Opening session (Room Maestrale)
09:30 - 10:00
Coffee break
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 15:30
Computation methods for
demand modelling and
demand response
Distributed energy
resources impact and
hosting capacity
Power systems
dynamics and
control I
Uncertainty management
in power system planning
and operation
Power systems voltage
Reliability in
power distribution
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00
Energy storage optimisation Static and
and control
state estimation
Transmission and distribution planning I
Unit commitment
and economic
19:00 - 21:30
Welcome cocktail (Foyer Maestrale)
Day 3 - Wednesday, 22 June
08:30 - 09:30
Survey paper 1 - Modelling of integrated multi-energy systems: drivers, requirements,
and opportunities
09:30 - 10:00
Coffee break
10:00 - 12:00
Active distribution networks
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch break
14:45 - 20:15
Boat excursion to Portofino
Flexibility in
power systems
power flow I
PMU-based monitoring
Power electronics
and HVDC I
At a Glance Programme
Day 4 - Thursday, 23 June
08:30 - 09:30
Survey paper 2 - Real-time and co-simulations for the development of power system
monitoring, control and protection
09:30 -10:00
Coffee break
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 15:30
design and
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00
definition of
services and
19:00 - 23:00
Conference gala dinner (Aquarium of Genova)
Power electroni- Power systems
cs and HVDC II dynamics and
control II
and distribution
planning II
Electromagnetic Modelling of
Optimal power
transients I
new power
flow II
systems components
Power system
protection and
power generation: modelling
and forecasting
for operational
and planning
Wide power
systems reliability
and security
State estimation
and short-term
operation in
power distribution
Risk in power
Voltage control in
system operation active distribution
Day 5 - Friday, 24 June
08:30 - 9:50
Demand reIntegrated
sponse: com- energy systems
in urban areas
09:50 - 10:10
Coffee break
10:10 - 11:30
Electromagnetic transients II
11:30 - 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 - 13:30
Panel session: Power System Resilience to Major Disturbances
13:30 - 13:45
Closing session
Management and
planning of transmission assets
Power systems stability
Inertia-less power
IT and telecom in modern power
Technical Programme
TUTORIAL: Managing uncertainties in power system operation
Chair: Pierre Pinson
Room: Scirocco and Libeccio (3rd floor)
09:15 - 10:45
TS1: Uncertainties – What are we talking about?
Chair: Pierre Pinson
Current Challenges Related to Uncertainties
Pierre Pinson
Impact of Uncertainties on a System Operator’s Practice
Rémy Clement
10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break (3rd floor)
11:00 - 12:30
TS2: Characterizing and modelling new uncertainties in operations
Chair: Pierre Pinson
Uncertainties in Renewable Power Generation and Electric Loads
Pierre Pinson
Uncertainties in State Estimation
Ali Abur
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch break (in the outside local restaurants)
14:00 - 15:30
TS3: Accommodating uncertainties in operations and markets models – Methods
and computational aspects
Chair: Pierre Pinson
Integrating Uncertainty into Power System Optimization Problems
Gabriela Hug
Mechanisms to Increase the Efficiency of Two-stage Electricity Markets with Uncertain Supply
Juan Miguel Morales
15:30 - 15:50
Coffee break (3rd floor)
15:50 - 17:20
TS4: Accommodating uncertainties in operations and markets models – Methods
and computational aspects
Chair: Pierre Pinson
Solving Stochastic Unit Commitment on Industrial Scale
Anthony Papavasiliou
Operational Problems at the Distribution Network Level
Ricardo Bessa
Technical Programme
8:30 - 9:30
Room: Maestrale (1st floor)
Opening session
Chair: Anjan Bose
Welcome addresses from Local Authorities
Pierre Bornard, PSCC 2016 Conference President, Former Deputy CEO of RTE (Transmission
System Operator, France) and Chairman of the Board of ENTSO-E
Aristide F. Massardo, Dean of the Polytechnical School, University of Genova
Stefano Massucco, Chair of the PSCC2016 Local Organizing Committee, University of Genova
Keith Bell, Technical Committee Program Chair, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Mario Paolone, Technical Committee Programme Vice-Chair, EPFL Lausanne
Keynote Speech: “The role of data in Smart grid management”
Christian D’Adamo, ENEL Distribuzione, Roma
9:30 - 10:00 Coffee break (3rd floor)
Technical Programme
10:00 - 12:00 Room: Ponente (2nd floor)
Room: Levante (2nd floor)
Room: Libeccio (3rd floor)
Room: Scirocco (3rd floor)
Computational methods
Chair: Ian Hiskens
Distributed energy
resources impact and
hosting capacity
Chair: Glauco Taranto
Power systems dynamics
and control I
Chair: Keith Bell
Uncertainty management in power system
planning and operation
Chair: Andrew Keane
Knowledge Extraction from
Event-Driven Metering of
Electrical Consumption Patterns
Mikhail Simonov; Gianfranco
Chicco; Simone Ferro; Gianluca
Integrated Energy
Management System for
Isolated Microgrids
Bharatkumar Solanki; Kankar Bhattacharya; Claudio
Impact of Volatility, Uncertainty and Frequency Regulation on Power System
Frequency Distribution
Francesca Madia Mele; Alvaro
Ortega; Rafael Zarate Minano;
Federico Milano
Stochastic Optimal
Power Flow Formulation
to Achieve Emissions
Objectives with Energy
Yashen Lin; Johanna Mathieu; Jeremiah Johnson
A Gaussian Mixture Approach
to Model Stochastic Processes
in Power Systems
Quentin Gemine; Bertrand Cornélusse; Mevludin Glavic; Raphael Fonteneau; Damien Ernst
PQ and Hosting Capacity
Issues for EV Charging
Systems Penetration in
Real MV/LV Networks
Fabio Massimo Gatta;
Alberto Geri; Regina Lamedica; Marco Maccioni;
Alessandro Ruvio
Damping of Inter-Area
Power Oscillations in Hybrid
AC-DC Power Systems based on Supervisory Control
Scheme Utilizing FACTS and
Melios Hadjikypris; Ognjen
Marjanovic; Vladimir Terzija
Evaluating Composite
Approaches to Modelling High-Dimensional
Stochastic Variables in
Power Systems
Mingyang Sun; Ioannis
Konstantelos; Simon Tindemans; Goran Strbac
Extending Complementarity-based Approach for Handling Voltage Band Regulation
in Power Flow
Tomas Tinoco De Rubira; Adam
Evaluation of Concentrated Solar-thermal Generation for Provision of
Power System Flexibility
Shariq Riaz; Archie Chapman; Gregor Verbic
Design and Implementation
of Combined Frequency/
oscillation Damping Controller for Type 4 Wind Turbines
Dmitry Rimorov; Geza Joos;
Innocent Kamwa
Application of Novel
Nested Decomposition
Techniques to Long-term
Planning Problems
Paola Falugi; Ioannis Konstantelos; Goran Strbac
Accelerating the Computation
of Critical Eigenvalues with
the Use of Parallel Computing
Petros Aristidou; Gabriela Hug
Maximizing Hosting
Capacity of Distributed
Generation by Network
Reconfiguration in Distribution System
Yuji Takenobu; Shunsuke
Kawano; Yasuhiro Hayashi;
Norihito Yasuda; Shin-ich
Study of Frequency Response in Power System with
Renewable Generation and
Energy Storage
Atia Adrees; Jia Song; Jovica
Ensuring Reserve Deployment in
Generation Scheduling
under Uncertain Nodal
Net Power Injections
Noemi Cobos; José Arroyo; Alexandre Street
Estimating Distribution Grid Topologies: a Graphical Learning
based Approach
Deepjyoti Deka; Scott Backhaus;
Michael Chertkov
Impact of Stochastically
Distributed Renewable
PV Generation on Distribution Networks
Miroslav Begovic; Insu Kim
Improved Frequency Control from Wind Power Plants
Considering Wind Speed
Jayachandra Naidu Sakamuri;
Pieter Tielens; Anca Daniela
Hansen; Kaushik Das; Müfit
Altin ; Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis; Dirk Van Hertem
Unit Commitment with
N-1 Security and Wind
Kaarthik Sundar; Harsha
Nagarajan; Miles Lubin;
Line Roald; Sidhant Misra;
Russell Bent; Daniel
A Local Branching Solution
Approach for Network-constrained Thermal Unit Commitment
Problem Under Uncertainty
Carlos Henrique Saboia; Andre
Luiz Diniz
Large Scale Deployment
of PV Units in Existing
Distribution Networks:
Optimization of the
Installation Layout
Fabrizio Sossan; Jana
Darulova; Mario Paolone;
Annelen Kahl; Stuart Bartlett; Michael Lehnin
Adaptive and Coordinated
Oscillation Damping Control
Using Measurement-Driven
Lin Zhu; Hesen Liu; Yiwei Ma;
Yilu Liu; Evangelos Farantatos; Mahendra Patel; Sean
Wind Power Integration
through Stochastic Unit
Commitment with Topology Control Recourse
Jiaying Shi; Shmuel Oren
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break (3rd floor)
Technical Programme
13:30 - 15:30 Room: Libeccio (3rd floor)
Room: Ponente (2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco (3rd floor)
Room: Levante (2nd
Computation methods for demand modelling and demand
Chair: Gabriela Hug
Power systems protection
Chair: Jan Izykowski
Power systems voltage
Chair: Thierry Van Cutsem
Reliability in power
distribution networks
Chair: Federico Silvestro
Validation of the Ornstein-UHlenbeck Process for Load
Modelling Based on μPMU Measurements
Ciaran Roberts; Emma Stewart;
Federico Milano
Phasor Estimation in
Digital Relays without
Using Anti-Aliasing Filter
and Very High Sampling
Sarasij Das
Short-Term Voltage Stability Improvement by Active
and Reactive Power Control
Using Advanced Fault
Ride-Through Capability of
Photovoltaic Systems
Kenichi Kawabe; Yutaka Ota;
Akihiko Yokoyama; Kazuyuki
Reliability Assessment
of Distribution Systems
Incorporating Feeder
Restoration Actions
Fabio D’Agostino; Yin
Xu; Cheng-Ching Liu;
Federico Silvestro; Kevin
P. Schneider; Dan T. Ton
On Decentralized Control
of Small Loads and Energy
Rebound within Primary Frequency Control
Arnaud Latiers; Emmanuel De
Jaeger; François Glineur; Benoît
Sparse Estimation Based
External System Line
Outage Detection
Bilgehan Donmez;
Ali Abur
Automatic Voltage Control
(AVC) System Under Uncertainty from Wind Power
Nan Qin; Hans Abildgaard;
Damian Flynn; Zakir Hussain
Rather; Claus Leth Bak; Zhe
Reliability Improvement
of Modular Multilevel
Converter in HVDC
Mario Marchesoni; Luis
Vaccaro; Stefano Farnesi
Energy Management of PV-Storage Systems: ADP Approach
with Temporal Difference
Chanaka Keerthsinghe; Gregor
Verbic; Archie Chapman
Cross-Country Fault Protection in Enel Distribuzione’s Experimental MV
Loop Lines
Asia Codino; Fabio Massimo Gatta; Alberto Geri;
Regina Lamedica; Stefano
Lauria; Marco Maccioni;
Alessandro Ruvio; Roberto
Two Probabilistic Methods
for Voltage Sag Estimation
in Distribution Systems
João Eduardo Baptista;
Anselmo Rodrigues; Maria
da Guia da Silva
An Implicit Switching
Model for Distribution
Network Reliability
Yang Yang; Simon Tindemans; Goran Strbac
Demand Forecasting at Low
Aggregation Levels using
Factored Conditional Restricted
Boltzmann Machine
Elena Mocanu; Emil Mahler
Larsen; Phuong Hong Nguyen;
Pierre Pinson; Madeleine Gibescu
Low-Impedance Busbar
Differential Protection
Modeling and Simulation
Kleber Silva; Alfredo Escudero; Felipe Lopes
Agent-Based Prevention of
Voltage Collapse in Electrical Transmission Systems
Lena Robitzky; Stefan
Dalhues; Marvin Albrecht;
Sven Christian Mueller; Ulf
Haeger; Christian Rehtanz
Modeling and Assessment of PV Solar
Plants for Composite
System Reliability
Considering Radiation
Variability and Component Availability
Samer Sulaeman;
Mohammed Benidris;
Joydeep Mitra
A Fully Distributed Approach
for Plug-in Electric Vehicle
Javad Mohammadi; Marina
Gonzalez Vay; Soummya Kar;
Gabriela Hug
A Distance Based
Protection Scheme for
Distribution Systems with
Distributed Generators
Vassilis Nikolaidis; Costas
Arsenopoulos; Anastasia
Safigianni; Costas Vournas
A DER based Voltage Control Strategy for Microgrids
Giovanni Massa; Vincenzo
Galdi; George Gross; Vito
Calderaro; Antonio Piccolo
Reliability Evaluation of
Distribution Networks
Incorporating Cable
Electro-Thermal Properties
Shuran Liu; Konstantinos
Robustness and Performance of a Multi-objective
Model Predictive Static Var
Compensator Controller
Otso Mäki; Jukka Turunen;
Janne Seppänen; Kai Zenger;
Liisa Karla
A Method for the
Evaluation and Optimisation of Power
Losses and Reliability of
Supply in a Distribution
Jiansong Ding; Keith
Bell; Ian Elders
Modeling and Application of
Grid-Impacting Technologies for
Pan-European System Analyses:
the case of Demand ResponseAngelo L’Abbate; Stefano Rossi;
Roberto Calisti; Francesco Careri;
Alessandro Zani
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break (3rd floor)
Technical Programme
16:00 - 18:00
Room: Libeccio (3rd floor)
Room: Ponente (2nd floor) Room: Scirocco (3rd floor)
Room: Levante (2nd floor)
Energy storage optimisation
and control
Chair: Madeleine Gibescu
Static and dynamic state Transmission and distriestimation
bution planning I
Chair: Antonio Simoes
Chair: Kankar Bhattacharya
Unit commitment and
economic dispatch
Chair:Rachid Cherkaoui
Comparison of Different
Control Strategies for Energy
Storage Devices
Alvaro Ortega; Federico Milano
Semidefinite programming for optimal
placement of PMUs with
channel limits considering pre-existing SCADA
and PMU measurements
Nikolaos Manousakis;
George Korres
Integral Distribution Grid
Planning Process Considering the Impact of Heat
Pump Systems
Andre Seack; Jan Kays;
Christian Rehtanz
A Multi-Objective Stochastic Approach to Hydroelectric Power Generation
Antans Sauhats; Roman
Petrichenko; Karlis Baltputnis;
Zane Broka; Renata Varfolomejeva
Controlling Nonlinear Batteries for Power Systems:
Trading Off Performance and
Battery Life
Johanna Mathieu; Joshua
Bad Data Suppression
through the Cooperation
between Independent
State Estimators
Marcio Andre Ribeiro Guimaraens; Milton Brown Do
Coutto Filho; Julio Cesar
Stacchini de Souza
Introducing System Flexibility to a Multinational
Transmission Expansion
Planning Model
Martin Kristiansen; Magnus
Korpås; Philipp Härtel; Hossein Farahmand; Ingeborg
Optimal Scheduling of
Flexible Ramping Capacity
in Short-Term Electricity
Ilias Marneris; Pandelis Biskas
Predictive voltage control of
batteries and tap changers
in distribution system with
Pavan Balram; Tuan Anh Le;
Ola Carlson
Robust Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman
Filter for Estimating Machine States with Model
Penxiang Ren; Hanoch
Lev-Ari; Ali Abur
MINLP in Transmission
Expansion Planning
Jakub Marecek; Martin
Mevissen; Jonas Christoffer
The Impact of Load-Following Reserve Requirement Levels on the
Short-Term Generation
Emmanouil Bakirtzis; Pandelis
Biskas; Anastasios Bakirtzis
Optimal Sizing and Placement
of Distributed Storage in Low
Voltage Networks
Philipp Fortenbacher; Martin
Zellner; Göran Andersson
Measurement Selection
for Observability in Dynamic State Estimation
Alireza Rouhani; Ali Abur
Assessing Investment
Analysis of Wind Power
Generation Projects in
Fabio Rodrigo Siqueira
Batista; Alexia de Freitas
Rodrigues; Luiz Guilherme
Barbosa Marzano; Albert
Geber Cordeiro de Melo
Joint Optimization of
Energy and Reserve in Deregulated Power Markets:
Alternative Approach using
Mean Variance Mapping
Carlos Josué López-Salgado;
Osvaldo Añó; Diego Ojeda-Esteybar; Fabricio Porras
Hybrid Energy Storage System Optimization for Improving Wind Power Integration
Benedetto Aluisio; Maria Dicorato; Giuseppe Forte; Michele
An Integrated Software Package To Enable
Predictive Simulation
Yousu Chen; Bruce Palmer; Erin Fitzhenry; Poorva Sharma; Shuangshuang
Jin; Zhenyu Huang
Optimal Resilient Transmission Grid Design
Harsha Nagarajan; Emre
Yamangil; Russell Bent;
Pascal Van Hentenryck;
Scott Backhaus
Scarcity Mitigation and Risk-Averse Clearing Model in
the Swiss Reserve Market
Farzaneh Abbaspourtorbati;
Rachid Cherkaoui; Marek
A Game Theoretic
Modeling Framework for
Decentralized Transmission Planning
Ying Fan; Dimitrios
Papadaskalopoulos; Goran
Insights on short-term
hydropower scheduling: on
the representation of water
continuity equations
Leonardo Martins; Secundino
Battery Energy Storage
Capacity Fading and Control
Strategies for Deterministic
and Stochastic Power Profiles
Stavros Karagiannopoulos;
Alexandros Rigas; Nikos
Hatziargyriou; Gabriela Hug;
Alexandre Oudalov
19:00 - 21:30
Welcome cocktail (Porto Antico Conference Centre - Foyer Maestrale)
Welcome addresses
• Paolo Comanducci, Rector, University of Genova, Italy
• Roberto Adinolfi, CEO, Ansaldo Nucleare, Genova, Italy
Technical Programme
8:30 - 9:30
Room: Maestrale (1st floor)
Survey paper 1 - Modelling of integrated multi-energy systems: drivers, requirements, and opportunities
Chair: Mario Paolone
Multi-energy Systems Integration: Modelling Drivers, Requirements, Challenges And Opportunities
Pierluigi Mancarella; Göran Andersson; João Peças Lopes; Keith Bell
9:30 - 10:00
Coffee break (3rd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Active distribution
Chair: Alberto Borghetti
Flexibility in power
Chair: Christian
Optimal power
flow I
Chair: Anastasios
PMU-based monitoring Power electronics
Chair: Mario Paolone
and HVDC I
Chair: Dirk Van Hertem
An Adaptive Model-Based Real-time
Voltage Control
Process for Active
Distribution Networks Using Battery
Energy Storage
Maryam Bahramipanah; Dimitri
Torregrossa; Rachid
Cherkaoui; Mario
Economic Dispatch
of Flexibility Options
for Grid Services on
Distribution Level
Tobias Kornrumpf;
Jan Meese; Markus
Zdrallek; Nils Neusel-Lange; Marvin
Analysis of Sparsity-Exploiting Moment Relaxations of
the OPF Problem
Daniel Molzahn; Cedric Josz; Ian Hiskens;
Patrick Panciatici
Signal Features for
Classification of Power
System Disturbances
using PMU Data
Milan Biswal; Yifan Hao;
Phillip Chen; Sukumar
Brahma; Huiping Cao;
Phillip De Leon
Impact of the DC
Cable Models on the
SVD Analysis of a
Multi-Terminal HVDC
Samy Akkari; Eduardo
Prieto-Araujo; Jing Dai;
Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt;
Xavier Guillaud
Network Cost
Allocation Using a
Locational and Temporal Cost Reflective
Ibtihal Abdelmotteleb; Tomás Goméz
San Roman; Javier
Reneses Guillén
Flexibilization of
Steam Power Plants
as Partners for
Renewable Energy
Marcel Richter; Florian
Möllenbruck; Frank
Obermüller; Andreas
Knaut; Florian Weiser;
Hendrik Lens; Daniel
A Parallel PrimalDual Interior-Point
Method for DC
Optimal Power Flow
Ariana Minot; Yue M.
Lu; Na Li
Detecting Low Frequency Oscillations
Through PMU-Based
Measurements for
Indian National Grid
Subrata Mukhopadhyay;
Sushil Soonee; Vinod
Agrawal; P Agarwal;
Rajkumar Anumasula;
Chandan Kumar
Power Flow Solutions
of AC/DC Micro-grid
Enrique Acha; Tom
Rubbrecht; Luis M.
Fast Scenario-based
Decision Making
in Unbalanced Distribution Networks
Saverio Bolognani;
Florian Dörfler
Probabilistic Investment Strategy
Modeling for Generation Expansion
Yusuke Manabe;
Toshihisa Funabashi;
Takeyoshi Kato; Muneaki Kurimoto; Yasuo
Polynomial SDP
Cuts for Optimal
Power Flow
Hassan Hijazi; Carleton Coffrin; Pascal
Van Hentenryck
Wide-area Measurement Data Analytics
Using FNET/GridEye: A
Jidong Chai; Yong Liu;
Jiahui Guo; Ling Wu;
Dao Zhou; Wenxuan
Yao; Yilu Liu; Thomas
King; Jose Gracia;
Mahendra Patel
A Method for Incorporating VSC-HVDC
Stations into the
Overall Grid Voltage–Reactive Power
Control Task
Istvan Erlich; Wilhelm
Winter; Fekadu Shewarega; Klaus Vennemann
Integrated Electricity and Heat Active
Network Management
Adrien Saint-Pierre;
Pierluigi Mancarella
Assessment of the
Impact of Heating on
Integrated Gas and
Electrical Network
Stephen Clegg;
Pierluigi Mancarella
Hybrid Computation Approach for
SCOPF Considering
Voltage Stability
and Penetration of
Renewable Energy
Lesnanto Multa Putranto; Ryoichi Hara;
Hiroyuki Kita; Eiichi
Addressing Emerging
Network Management
Needs with Enhanced
Stuart Clark; Douglas
Wilson; Natheer Al-Ashwal; Finlay Macleod;
Priyanka Mohapatra;
James Yu; Peter Wall;
Papiya Dattaray; Vladimir
Terzija; Phil Ashton; Mark
Comparison of DQ
and Dynamic Phasor
based Frequency
Scanning Analysis of
Grid-connected Power
Electronic Systems
Mukesh Kumar Das;
Anil M. Kulkarni; Pranav
B. Darji
10:00 - 12:00 Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Technical Programme
10:00 - 12:00 Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Representative Distribution
Network Models for
Assessing the Role
of Active Distribution Systems in Bulk
Ancillary Services
G. Petretto; M. Cantù; G. Gigliucci; Fabrizio Pilo; G. Pisano; N.
Natale; Massimiliano
Coppo; Roberto Turri
Bidding Strategy for
an Energy Storage
Ehsan Nasrolahpour;
Hamidreza Zareipour;
William D. Rosehart;
Jalal Kazempour
Tight LP approximations for the
Optimal Power Flow
Sleiman Mhanna;
Gregor Verbic; Archie
Abnormal Event
Detection with High
Resolution micro-PMU
Yuxun Zhou; Reza
Arghandeh; Ioannis Konstantakopoulos; Shayaan
Abdullah; Alexandra von
Optimal FRT Compliance of Offshore
Wind Power Plants in
VSC-HVDC Connection based on
Genetic Algorithms
Mario Ndreko; Jose L.
Rueda-Torres; Marjan
Popov; Mart van der
Experiences integrating transmission
and distribution
simulations for DERs
with the Integrated
Grid Modeling
System (IGMS)
Bryan Palmintier; Tim
Hansen; Elaine Hale;
Bri-Mathias Hodge;
Kyri Baker
Impact of the Transmission Grid on the
Operational System
Alex Papalexopoulos;
Rod Frowd ; Chuck
Hansen; Eamonn Lannoye ; Aidan Tuohy
Aggregate Modeling of Distribution
Systems for Multi-Period OPF
Evangelos Polymeneas; Sakis Meliopoulos
Methodology for Transmission Line Capacity
Estimation Based on
PMU Data
Anna Mutule; Ervin Grebesh; Irina Oleinikova;
Artjoms Obushevs
Optimal Control of
Multi-Terminal DC
System based on
Modular Multilevel
Mohamed Moez
Belhaouane; Julian
Freytes; Mohamed
Ayari; Frédéric Colas;
François Gruson;
Naceur Benhadj Braiek;
Xavier Guillaud
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break (3rd floor)
14:45 - 20:15 Boat excursion to Portofino
Technical Programme
8:30 - 9:30
Room: Maestrale (1st floor)
Survey paper 2 - Real-time and co-simulations for the development of power system monitoring, control
and protection
Chair: Christian Rehtanz; Xavier Guillaud
Real-time And Co-simulations For The Development Of Power System Monitoring, Control And Protection
Christian Rehtanz; Xavier Guillaud
9:30 - 10:00
Coffee break (3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Chair: Claudio
Power electronics
Chair: Xavier Guillaud
Power systems
dynamics and
control II
Chair: Costas Vournas
Transmission and distribution planning II
Chair: Pascal Van Hentenryck
Wide power systems
reliability and security
Chair: Patrick Panciatici
A Method for Reliability Improvement
of Microgrids
Salem Elsaiah;
Mohammed Benidris;
Joydeep Mitra
Transient Stability
Analysis in Multi-Terminal VSC- HVDC
Atsede Gualu Endegnanew; Temesgen
Mulugeta Haileselassie; Kjetil Uhlen;
Olimpo Anaya-Lara
Coordinated Corrective Control for
Transient Stability
Enhancement in
Future Great Britain
Transmission System
Inmaculada Martinez
Sanz; Balarko Chaudhuri Chaudhuri;
Goran Strbac
A Composite Sensitivity
Factor Based Method
for Networked Distributed Generation
Cuo Zhang; Yan Xu; ZhaoYang Dong; Jin Ma
A Reliability Evaluation Method for Line
Switching Operations
in Power Systems
Shijia Zhao; Chanan
Automatic Islanding Control of
Distribution Systems
with Distributed
Lucas Paulis; Carmen
Short Circuit
Capacity Estimation
for HVDC Control
Davood Babazadeh;
Arvind Muthukrishnan; Pinaki Mitra;
Tomas Larsson; Lars
Fast Modal Identification, Monitoring
and Visualization for
Large-Scale Power
Systems using
Dynamic Mode
Saurav Mohapatra;
Thomas Overbye
Optimization of
Integrated Design and
Operation of Microgrid
Under Uncertainties
Godfrey Gladson Moshi;
Cristian Bovo; Alberto
Berizzi; Leonardo Taccari
Modelling of Interactions between
Power System and
Systems for the Evaluation of Reliability
Daniel Schacht; Dirk
Lehmann; Hendrik Vennegeerts; Simon Krahl;
Albert Moser
Joint Scheduling of
Frequency Control
Reserves and
Energy Dispatch
for Islanded Power
Georgios Chatzis;
Iason Avramiotis-Falireas; Line Roald;
Farzaneh Abbaspourtorbati; Göran Andersson; Marek Zima
Frequency-dependent source and
load impedances
in power systems
based on power
electronic converters
Atle Rygg; Marta
Molinas; Zhang Chen;
Xu Cai
A Development of
Pseudo-Synchronizing Power VSCs
Controller for Grid
Shinya Sekizaki; Yuki
Nakamura; Yutaka
Sasaki; Naoto Yorino;
Yoshifumi Zoka; Ichiro
The Economic Impact
of Demand Response on Distribution
Network Planning
Jaime Domínguez; José
Pablo Chaves-Ávila;
Tomás Gomez; Carlos
Enhanced Method for
Reliability of Supply
Assessment – An Integrated Approach
Oddbjørn Gjerde; Gerd
Hovin Kjølle; Sigurd
Hofsmo Jakobsen; Vijay
Venu Vadlamudi
Investigating the
Impacts of Distributed Energy Resource
Expansion on
Flexible and Overal
Reliability Indices
of Hybrid AC-DC
Payam Teimourzadeh
Use of an Inertia-less
Virtual Synchronous
Machine within Future Power Networks
with High Penetrations of Converters
Mengran Yu; Andrew
Roscoe; Campbell
Booth; Adam Dysko;
Richard Ierna; Jiebei
Zhu; Helge Urdal
Two-Level Robust
Coordinated Stabilizing Control of PSS
and DFIG Wind Turbine for Enhancing
Grid Resiliency
Tossaporn Surinkaew;
Issarachai Ngamroo
Adequacy Assessment
of Future Electricity
Waqquas Bukhsh; Graeme Hawker; Keith Bell;
Tim Bedford
Contingency Screening Starting from
Probabilistic Models
of Hazards and Component Vulnerabilities
Emanuele Ciapessoni;
Diego Cirio; Andrea
Pitto; Gerd Kjolle; Sigurd Hofsmo Jakobsen;
Marino Sforna
10:00 - 12:00 Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Technical Programme
10:00 - 12:00 Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Probabilistic Economic Load Dispatch
Applied to a micro-EMS Controller
Yutaka Sasaki; Naoto
Yorino; Yoshifumi
On the modeling
of MMC for use in
large scale dynamic
Julian Freytes; Lampros Papangelis; Hani
Saad; Pierre Rault;
Thierry Van Cutsem;
Xavier Guillaud
Online Identification
of Bad Synchrophasor Measurements
via Spatio-temporal
Meng Wu; Le Xie
Impact of Curtailment
of Renewable Energies
Sources on High Voltage Network Expansion
Tim Bongers; Jan Kellermann; Marco Franz;
Albert Moser
A PSO Algorithm for
System-Wide Protection Coordination
Maximilian Dauer;
Janick Meyer; Johann
Jaeger; Thomas Bopp;
Rainer Krebs
Towards Optimal
Energy Management of Microgrids
with a Realistic
Wuhua Hu; Ping
Wang; Hoay Beng
Modelling of MMC
half-bridge and
full-bridge sub-modules for EMT study
Hani Saad; Keijo
Jacobs; Weixing Lin;
Dragan Jovcic
Controlled Islanding
to Prevent Cascade
Outages Using Constrained Spectral
Ahad Esmaeilian;
Mladen Kezunovic
Multivariate bias
reduction in capacity
expansion planning
Marie-Liesse Cauwet;
Olivier Teytaud
Incorporating Multi-Area Reliability Concepts to the Evaluation
of the Brazilian Power
System Capacity to
Supply the Peak Load
Thatiana Justino; Luiz
Guilherme Marzano;
Albert Melo; Maria
Elvira Maceira; Fabio
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Electrical market
design and coupling
Chair: Yannick
transients I
Chair: Maria Teresa
Correia de Barros
Modelling of new
power systems
Chair: Toshihisa
Optimal power flow II
Chair: Daniel Molzahn
State estimation and
short-term operation
in power distribution
Chair: Pedro Carvalho
Influence of
Non-harmonized Capacity Mechanisms
in an Interconnected
Power System on
Generation Adequacy
Hanspeter Höschle;
Cedric De Jonghe;
Daan Six; Ronnie
Power System Dynamic Performance
During the Late-Time
(E3) High-Altitude
Trevor Hutchins;
Thomas Overbye
Electromechanical Dynamics of
Overhead Electric
Power Line Conductors Analysed
Through the
Modelica Language
Giovanni Lutzemberger; Paolo Pelacchi;
Davide Poli
Optimal Power Flow
with Wind Power
Control and Limited
Expected Risk of
Line Roald; Sidhant
Misra; Scott Backhaus;
Michael Chertkov; Göran
Specialized Methods
for the Implementation of Load Areas in
Radial Distribution
Giovanni Mercurio
Casolino; Arturo Losi
Optimal Model for
Electricity Tariff
Rodrigo Vital Menta;
Edimar José Oliveira;
Leonardo Willer
Oliveira; Bruno Henriques Dias; Andre
Analysis of the Impact of Geomagnetic
Disturbances on the
Austrian Transmission Grid
Thomas Halbedl;
Herwig Renner;
Rachel Louise Bailey;
Roman Leonhardt;
Georg Achleitner
Performance Evaluation of Algorithms
for the State of
Charge Estimation
of Storage Devices
in Microgrid Operation
Francesco Adinolfi;
Francesco Conte; Samuele Grillo; Stefano
Massucco; Matteo
Saviozzi; Federico
Reducing the Computational Effort of Stochastic Multi-Period DC
Optimal Power Flow
with Storage
Olivier Megel; Johanna
L. Mathieu; Göran
Optimal short-term
operation of a DisCo
including voltage-sensitive loads
Marcel Chuma
Cerbantes; Ricardo
Fernández-Blanco; Miguel Ortega-Vazquez;
José Roberto Sanches
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break (3rd floor)
13:30 - 15:30 Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Technical Programme
13:30 - 15:30 Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
European Day-Ahead Market Clearing
Model Incorporating
Linearized AC Power
Flow Constraints
Grigoris Dourbois;
Pandelis Biskas;
Dimitris Chatzigiannis; Andreas Vlachos;
Anastasios Bakirtzis
An Algorithm for the
semianalytical Computation of Fields
emitted in layered
Ground by HVDC
Massimo Brignone; Alireza Karimi
Qombovani; Paolo
Molfino; Mario Nervi
RiseClipse: why
Working at the Model Level is Better
for Validating Data
Conforming to IEC
Dominique Marcadet; Éric Lambert
An Efficient Approach
for Robust SCOPF
Considering Load and
Renewable Power
Wang Zhang; Yan Xu;
Zhao Yang Dong; Yijia
Wang; Rui Zhang
A Method to Place
Meters in Active Low
Voltage Distribution
Networks using BPSO
Mikel Armendariz;
Michele Barchiesi;
Davood Babazadeh;
Lars Nordström
Imperfect Unit Commitment Decisions
with Perfect Information: a Real-time
Comparison of Energy versus Power
Rens Philipsen; Germán Morales-España;
Laurens de Vries;
Mathijs de Weerdt
A Free Tool in
Laplace Domain for
Assessing the Extra
High Voltage Cable
Roberto Benato;
Sebastian Dambone Sessa; Davide
Information Geometry for Model Verification in Energy
Mark Transtrum;
Andrija Saric; Alex
A Bilevel Optimal
Power Flow Program
Based on Fritz-john
Normalized Optimality
Katia C. Almeida; Aline
Kocholik; Thelma S.P.
Optimal Allocation
of Smart Metering
Systems for Enhanced
Distribution System
State Estimation
Themistoklis Xygkis;
George Korres
Dynamic Interchange Adjustment
(DINA) Algorithm
to Explore Benefits
of Across-Market
Energy Trades
Pavel Etingov;
Mark Weimar; Yuri
Makarov; Abhishek
Somani; Laurie Miller;
Z. Huang; Slava
Maslennikov; Eugene
Mitigation Methods
to Improve the Lightning Performance
of Hybrid Transmission Line
Andrzej Mackow;
Mustafa Kizilcay
Comparison of
Methods for
Modelling Electric
Vehicle Chargers for
Harmonic Studies
Jan Meyer, Sascha
Müller, Peter Schegner, Sasa Z. Djokic,
Adam J. Collin,
Xiao Xu
Multi-period AC-QP
Optimal Power Flow
Including Storage
Jennifer Marley; Ian
Operational Optimization and Environmental Assessment
of Integrated District
Energy Systems
Eduardo Alejandro
Martínez Ceseña; Pierluigi Mancarella
Transmission System
Congestion Analysis
Based on a European Electricity Market
and Network Simulation Framework
Christopher Spieker;
Johannes Schwippe;
Dennis Klein; Christian Rehtanz
Design of Ferroresonance Suppression
Circuit for Capacitive
Voltage Transformer – Analytical
Approach Supported
by Simulation
Jan Izykowski; Eugeniusz Rosolowski;
Piotr Pierz; Murari M.
Augmented DC Power
Flow Method Using Real-Time Measurements
Shamina Hossain-McKenzie; Sriharsha
Etigowni; Katherine R.
Davis; Saman Zonouz
Multiphase Observability Analysis in
Distribution State
Fernando Magnago;
Liuxi Zhang; M. Kemal
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break (3rd floor)
Technical Programme
16:00 - 18:00
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Demand response:
definition of services and validation
Chair: João Abel
Peças Lopes
Power system proRenewable power
tection and control
generation: modelChair: Peter Schegner ling and forecasting
for operational and
planning problems
Chair: Pierre Pinson
Distributed Load-Side Frequency Regulation for Power
Congchong Zhang;
David Hill; Tao Liu
Periodic Small-Signal
Analysis as a Tool
to Build Transient
Stability Models of
VSC-based Devices
Federico Bizzarri;
Angelo Brambilla; Samuele Grillo; Federico
Experimental Validation of the Demand
Response Potential
of Residential Heating Systems
Elke Klaassen; Jasper
Frunt; Han Slootweg
Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Risk in power system
Chair: Diego Cirio
Voltage control in
active distribution
Chair: Tomás Gomez
On the Quality of
the Gaussian Copula
for Multi-temporal
Ricardo Bessa
Sensitivity of Voltage
Sags to Network
Failure Rate Improvement
André Dos Santos;
Maria Teresa Correia de
Control of Distributed
Generation to Correct
Voltage or Thermal
Violations and Track
Desired Schedules
Hamid Soleimani Bidgoli; Mevludin Glavic;
Thierry Van Cutsem
Case Studies and
Experiences with
Resonance (SSR) Detection Technique
Tord Bengtsson;
Stefan Roxenborg;
Murari Mohan Saha;
Per-Olof Lindström;
Håkan Eriksson;
Marcus Lindström
Wind Power Probabilistic Forecast
in the Reproducing
Kernel Hilbert Space
Cristobal Gallego-Castillo; Ricardo J. Bessa; Laura Cavalcante;
Alvaro Cuerva
Probabilistic Weather
Forecasting for
Dynamic Line Rating
Fulin Fan; Keith Bell;
David Infield
Model-less/Measurement-based Computation of Voltage Sensitivities in Unbalanced
Electrical Distribution
Carl Mugnier; Konstantina Christakou; Joël
Jaton; Mauro Carpita;
Mario Paolone
Hardware-in-the-loop Co-simulation of
Distribution Grid for
Demand Response
Sergi Rotger-Griful;
Spyros Chatzivasileiadis; Rune Hylsberg
Jacobsen; Emma
M. Stewart; Javier
Matanza Domingo;
Michael Wetter
Towards Smart
Substations: A
Protection System
Martin Büscher;
Matthias Kube; Klaus
Piech; Sebastian
Lehnhoff; Sebastian
Rohjans; Lars Fischer
Spatial R-Vine copula for streamflow
scenario simulation
Guilherme Pereira;
Álvaro Veiga; Tobias
Erhardt; Claudia
Probabilistic Assessment of Net Transfer
Capacity Considering
Forecast Uncertainties
Francesco Adinolfi;
Emanuele Ciapessoni;
Diego Cirio; Andrea
Pitto; Stefano Massucco; Matteo Saviozzi;
Federico Silvestro
Validation of the Grid
Explicit Congestion
Notification Mechanism for Primary Voltage
Control in Active
Distribution Networks
Konstantina Christakou;
Styliani Sarri; Marco
Pignati; Jean-Yves Le
Boudec; Mario Paolone
Value of Thermostatic Loads in Future
Low-Carbon Great
Britain System
Vincenzo Trovato; Fei
Teng; Goran Strbac
Utilization of Embedded VSC-MTDC System for Supporting
Power Flow During
Primary Frequency
Ngoc-Tuan Trinh;
Istvan Erlich; Marcus
Zeller; Klaus Wuerflinger
A Short-Term Spatio-Temporal Approach for Photovoltaic
Power Forecasting
Akin Tascikaraoglu;
Borhan M. Sanandaji;
Gianfranco Chicco;
Valeria Cocina; Filippo Spertino; Ozan
Erdinc; Nikolaos G.
Paterakis; João P. S.
Network Flow and
Copper Plate Relaxations for AC Transmission Systems
Carleton Coffrin; Hassan Hijazi; Pascal Van
Ultimate Limits to the
Fully Decentralized
Power Inverter Control
in Distribution Grids
Pedro Carvalho; Marija
Ilic; Luis Ferreira; Xia
Miao; Joao Botas; Kevin
Technical Programme
16:00 - 18:00
19:00 - 23:00
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Room: Maestrale
(1st floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Real-Time Congestion Management
in Active Distribution Network based
on Dynamic Thermal
Overloading Cost
A N M M Haque;
D S Shafiullah; P H
Nguyen; F W Bliek
Economic Optimisation of the Actions
of an Enhanced
Operational Tripping
Yuhang Cong;
Zhaoyang Jin; Peter
Wall; Mark Osborne;
Vladimir Terzija
Synthesis of Wind
Time Series for
Network Adequacy
Graeme Hawker; Waqquas Bukhsh; Simon
Gill; Keith Bell
Probabilistic Reliability
Management Approach
and Criteria for Power
System Real-time
Efthymios Karangelos;
Louis Wehenkel
Distribution Network
Optimization for
Real-Time Generation
& Flexible Demand
Emmanouil Loukarakis;
Chris Dent
Procedure for
Validation of Aggregators Providing
Demand Response
Daniel Esteban
Morales Bondy;
Oliver Gehrke; Anna
M. Kosek; Henrik
W. Bindner; Anders
Voltage Unbalance
Compensation with
Smart Three-phase
Philip Douglass;
Ionut Trintis; Stig
Toward a Flexible
Scenario Generation
Tool for Stochastic
Renewable Energy
Tao Wang; HsiaoDong Chiang; Ryuya
N-1 Security Assessment Incorporating
the Flexibility Offered
by Dynamic Line Rating
Michael Tschampion;
Matthias A. Bucher;
Andreas Ulbig; Göran
MIMO Design of
Voltage Controllers
for Distributed Generators
Anna Rita Di Fazio;
Giuseppe Fusco; Mario
Conference gala dinner (Aquarium of Genova)
Before the start of the dinner, it is scheduled a 30 minutes visit of the Aquarium of Genova.
Welcome addresses
• Patrick Panciatici, RTE France
• Jochen Kreusel, ABB Power Grid
Technical Programme
8:30 - 9:50
Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Demand response: computational approaches
Chair: Damien Ernst
Integrated energy systems in urban areas
Chair: Pierluigi Mancarella
Management and planning
of transmission assets
Chair: Anthony Papavasiliou
Power systems stability
Chair: David Hill
Computational Approaches
for Efficient Scheduling of Steel Plants as Demand Response
Xiao Zhang; Gabriela Hug; J.
Zico Kolter; Iiro Harjunkoski
Assessing the Benefits of
Coordinated Operation of
Aggregated Distributed
Multi-Energy Generation
Tomislav Capuder; Pierluigi
Innovative Decision Making
Support Tool for the Optimization of the Grid Elements
Outage Plan in the Italian
Transmission System
Marta Emolumento; Carlo
Bruno; Matteo Stori; Guido
Guida; Mauro Caprabianca;
Federico Quaglia; Luca Luzi
Static and Transient Load
Models Taking Account
Voltage and Frequency
Sebastian Palm; Peter
Modelling and assessment
of business cases for smart
multi-energy districts
Nicholas Good; Pierluigi
Direct control service
from residential heat
pump aggregation with
specified payback
Emeline Georges; Bertrand
Cornélusse; Damien Ernst;
Quentin Louveaux; Vincent
Lemort; Sébastien Mathieu
Distributed Scenario-Based
Optimization for Asset Management in a Hierarchical
Decision Making Environment
Gal Dalal; Elad Gilboa; Shie
Transient Stability Analysis of Microgrids with a
Line-based Model
Yue Song; David Hill; Tao
Optimal Operation of Vehicleto-Grid and Grid-to-Vehicle
Systems Integrated with
Saeed Rahmani Dabbagh;
Mohammad Kazem Sheikh-El-Eslami; Alberto Borghetti
Operation Strategies and
Performance of Air-conditioning Systems with
Thermal Energy Storage
in Power Systems
Yuchen Tang; Jin Zhong
Incorporating Storage as a
Flexible Transmission Asset
in Power System Operation
Mads Almassalkhi; Yury
Dvorkin; Jennifer Felder;
Ricardo Fernández-Blanco; Ian
Hiskens; Daniel S. Kirschen;
Jonathon Martin; Hrvoje
Pandzic; Mushfiqur Sarker;
Ting Qiu; Maria Vrakopoulou;
Yishen Wang; Mengran Xue
Impact of Load Dynamics
on Torsional Interactions
Papiya Dattaray; Diptargha
Chakravorty; Peter Wall;
Vladimir Terzija; Priyanka
Mohapatra; James Yu
On the Problem Formulation
of Model Predictive Control
for Demand Response of
a Power-to-Heat Home
Diego I. Hidalgo Rodríguez;
Jonas Hinker; Johanna M.A.
Enabling City-scale Multi-energy Optimal Dispatch with Energy Hubs
Anna Towle; Mads Almassalkhi
Fast Heuristics for Transmission Outage Coordination
Xingpeng Li; Kory Hedman
Use of Homotopy-based
Approaches in Finding
Controlling Unstable
Equilibrium Points in Transient Stability Analysis
Joydeep Mitra; Mohammed Benidris; Niannian Cai
9:50 - 10:10 Coffee break (3rd floor)
Technical Programme
10:10 - 11:30 Room: Scirocco
(3rd floor)
Room: Levante
(2nd floor)
Room: Libeccio
(3rd floor)
Room: Ponente
(2nd floor)
Electromagnetic transients II
Chair: Carlo Alberto Nucci
Hydrothermal generation
Chair: Olav Fosso
Inertia-less power
Chair: Janusz Bialek, Steven
IT and telecom in modern power systems
Chair: Emanuele Ciapessoni
Identification of Incipient Faults in Subsea HVDC Systems
Antonio P. C. Magalhães; João
Pedro L. Salvador; Antonio
Carlos Lima; M. Teresa Correia
de Barros
Stochastic Security Constrained Unit Commitment
with Variable-Speed Pumped-Storage Hydropower
Omid Alizadeh-Mousavi;
Mostafa Nick
Transient Stability Analysis
of an all Converter Interfaced Generation WECC
Deepak Ramasubramanian;
Vijay Vittal; John Undrill
Analysing Cyber-physical
Attacks to a Smart Grid:
A Voltage Control Use
Lucie Langer; Paul Smith;
Martin Hutle; Alberto
Rational Modeling of Overhead Transmission Lines Considering Finite Length Impedance
and Admittance Expressions
Rodolfo Moura; Marco Schroeder; Antonio Carlos Lima; Maria
Teresa Correia de Barros
Short-Term Operation
Planning of the Itaipu
Hydroelectric Plant considering Uncertainties
Ricci Oviedo-Sanabria; Reinaldo González-Fernández
Flexibility of the distribution grid for system
Theresa Noll; Marco Greve;
Christian Rehtanz; Sebastian
Dierkes; Albert Moser;
Philipp Schäfer; Hendrik
Cloud-Based Next-Generation IT Paradigm for
the Operations of Future
Power Systems
Eugene Litvinov; Feng
Ma; Xiaochuan Luo; Qiang
MATE Multirate Modelling of
Power Electronic Converters
with Mixed Integration Rules
Verónica Adriana Galván Sánchez; José R. Martí; Hermann W.
Dommel; José Alberto Gutiérrez
Robles; José Luis Naredo
Application of Stochastic Programming and
Probabilistic Analyses as
Key Parameters for Real
Decision Making regarding
Implementing or Not
Energy Rationing – A Case
Study for the Brazilian Hydrothermal Interconnected
Maria Elvira Maceira; Albert
Melo; Márcio Zimmermann
Aggregation of Power
Capabilities of Heterogeneous Resources for
Real-Time Control of
Power Grids
Andrey Bernstein; Jean-Yves
Le Boudec; Mario Paolone;
Lorenzo Reyes-Chamorro;
Wajeb Saab
A Coordinated Cyber
Attack Detection System
(CCADS) for Multiple
Chih-Che Sun; Junho
Hong; Chen-Ching Liu
Time Warping Method for
Accelerated EMT Simulations
Aboutaleb Haddadi; Jean Mahseredjian; Christian Dufour
An Exact Multi-Plant
Hydro Power Production
Function for Mid/Long
Term Hydrothermal Coordination
André Diniz; Ana Lucia
Saboia; Renan Monteiro
A unified framework for
frequency control and congestion management
Changhong Zhao; Enrique
Mallada; Steven Low; Janusz Bialek
A Methodology for
the Evaluation and
Deployment of Wireless
Multi-hop Networks in
Smart Grids
David Rua; Filipe Ribeiro;
Rui Campos; José Ruela;
João Peças Lopes
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break (3rd floor)
12:00 - 13:30 Panel session: Power System Resilience to Major Disturbances (Room: Scirocco and Libeccio)
Chair: Göran Andersson
Impact of Large-Scale and Distributed Renewables on Power Systems Stability
Claudio Cañizares
Controlled islanding for blackout prevention and restoration processes after blackouts
Carlo Alberto Nucci
Defense Plans for the Energy Transition
Gabriel Bareux; Nicolas Omont
Special Protection Schemes: From a Concept to a Smart Device on the Grid
Innocent Kamwa; Annissa Heniche; Manuela Dobrescu
13:30 - 13:45
Closing session (Room: Scirocco and Libeccio)
Social Programme
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, June 21, at 19:00 – 21:30
A Welcome Reception to renew acquaintances and meet new colleagues will take place in
the Foyer Maestrale of the Conference Centre. All registered participants and registered
accompanying persons are invited to attend. Regional wine and food will be served.
Boat excursion to Portofino
Wednesday, June 22, at 14:45 – 20:15
Portofino is one of the most famous touristic destinations, well-known for its look but able to
offer much more than that.
To begin with, Portofino became in 1977 a Natural Park which offers a unique ecosystem
in terms of diverse environments and morphology. The village maintains the original, oldfashioned Italian look that characterizes the surroundings as well. At the same time it hosts
modern facilities to cope with the great numbers of tourists every year. Visiting Portofino you
will experience the life style of an old sea village without traffic and the typical rush of a city.
It it strongly suggested to wear light clothes: a t-shirt, shorts, comfortable shoes and a cap;
wearing a k-way could be useful in case of cloudy weather.
The boat will leave from Calata Mandraccio at 14:45; return to the city at approximately 20:15.
During the transfer, a light cocktail will be served on board.
Gala dinner
Thursday, June 23, at 19:00 – 23:00
The Gala Dinner will take place in the Aquarium of Genova, which is very near to the Conference
Venue (less than 1 km).
The Aquarium of Genova is the largest aquarium in Italy and among the largest in Europe.
Located in the old harbor area of Genova, the 33,000-square-foot (3,100 m2) aquarium
welcomes more than 1.2 million visitors each year. The Aquarium of Genova, the heart of the
AcquarioVillage system, is the biggest display of aquatic biodiversity in Europe. A thrilling dive
into the fascinating waters of the world through 70 tanks hosting 15.000 animals of over 400
species including sea cows, the sirens of the sea, antarctic animals – the only European facility
hosting them – penguins, sharks, seals, jelly fish and very colorful fish of the coral barrier.
The aquarium was originally built for Genova Expo ’92, celebrating 500 years since the Genovan
sailor Christopher Columbus discovered the new world. The building, which some say looks
like a ship ready to head out to sea, was designed by the Genoese architect Renzo Piano. The
interior design and initial exhibits for the opening in 1992 were designed by Peter Chermayeff
leading a design team at Cambridge Seven Associates. In 1998 the aquarium was expanded
with the addition of a 100-metre (330 ft) ship connected by walkway to the original building.
And since July 2013, the new Cetacean Pavilion designed by Renzo Piano: four open-air pools
which can host up to 10 bottlenose dolphins.
Conference information
Conference Date and Venue
June 20-24, 2016
Module 9 – Main Entrance – Foyer Maestrale
Via Magazzini del Cotone (Area Porto Antico)
16128 Genova
GPS: 44.4081285°N, 8.921520900000019°E
Conference Secretariat:
University of Genova
DITEN (Department of Electrical,
Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering and Naval Architecture)
IEES – Intelligent Electric Energy
Systems Laboratory
11a, Opera Pia Street I 16145 Genova - ITALY
Phone: +39-010-353-2718
Fax: +39-010-353-2700
email: [email protected]
web: www.pscc2016.net
The venue is located in the Porto Antico Area, in the centre of Genova, near the Port of Genova
and the Aquarium of Genova, offering easy access to all the city centre amenities. All sessions
will be held at the Magazzini del Cotone Conference Centre of Genova.
The official language of the conference is English. There will be no simultaneous interpreting.
Each registered participant will receive a USB-stick including all the papers presented during
the technical sessions. Papers will be available on PSCC 2016 website from June 20.
Name badges
Participant name badges will be provided at the registration desk. All participants are required
to wear the badge throughout the conference. Only badge holders will be admitted to the
The registration desk will be located in the conference centre in the Maestrale Foyer of the
Porto Antico Conference Centre and will be open during the following hours:
Mon, 20 June 8.00 – 17.20
Tue, 21 June 8.00 – 18.00
Wed, 22 June 8.00 – 13.30
Thu, 23 June 8.00 – 18.00
Fri, 24 June
8.00 – 13.45
All further practical information will be available at the registration desk. There will be a service
of wardrobe during the conference days in front of the registration desk.
Security Guidance
It is recommended to all participants not to leave EVER PCs, handbag, cell phones or other
valuables in empty or unattended rooms as the location of the Porto Antico Conference Centre
is very large and the event will be organised on several floors. For people who need to leave
and deposit bags, computer bags, and other objects, the secretariat and a cloakroom, which
are manned by the conference staff, are at disposal.
Conference information
Wireless internet access is available across the whole Conference Centre.
Username: “PSCC2016”
Password: “Genova2016”.
The session rooms are equipped with a Microsoft Windows operated Laptop with PowerPoint,
Word and Adobe Reader software. Speakers are kindly requested to hand in their presentation on
a USB stick, no later than the break prior to their session. This should be done in the session room
where the presentation will be held. Please see “At a Glance Programme” for room location.
Exhibitions will be placed at the third floor - Module 8 of the Conference Centre - near the
coffee break and lunch areas.
Morning and afternoon coffees as well as lunches will be served at the venue at the third floor
– Modules 8 and 7 – of the Conference Centre. All the lunches, excepted the lunch on Monday,
are included in the registration fee and lunch tickets will be provided in your conference bag.
On Monday, participants will have the opportunity to have lunches at fixed cost (10 - 12 - 15 20 - 30 €) at the following restaurants (all located in the Porto Antico Area):
• Bigo Cafè, Via Porto Antico 5
• I Tre Merli, Calata Cattaneo 17
• La Goletta, Via Magazzini del Cotone 9 - Module 3
• Old Wild West, Via Magazzini del Cotone 5
• Rosa dei Venti, Piscina del Porto Antico
• Rossopomodoro, Calata Molo Vecchio 16
Taxi service
During the event a service for booking taxis is available. This service is manned by a hostess at
a desk positioned near the main entrance in the Foyer Maestrale.The service is available in the
following times:
• Mon, 14:30 – 18:30 • Tue, 17:30 – 21:30 • Wed, 10:30 – 14:30 • Thu, 14:30 – 18:30 • Fri, 10:00 – 14:00
In the other hours, participants could use the Genova radio-taxi number (see the number at
page 29) and eventually ask support and more information to the reception.
A 50% discount in selected Porto Antico parking areas is available for attendees at the following
parking lots:
Discounted passes are available at the registration desk.
Accompanying Persons Programme
Accompanying persons are welcome to attend the Welcome Reception, Boat Excursion to Portofino and Conference Gala Dinner at the Aquarium of Genova.
General information
The city of Genova
Genova (from the Latin Ianua) has always been a land that lives and breathes the sea air. Its history speaks grandly of this magnificent city, displaying its richness and beauty in every corner
of the old town. The narrow and characteristic carruggi snake between the tall buildings along
the medieval street plan, apparently inhomogeneous yet well-defined by the main streets that
meander towards both the sea and inland.
Beautiful buildings, gorgeous churches, façades decorated by stuccoes and frescoes, invaluable
art collections – all bring the “Century of the Genovesi” to mind, the most important moment
in the city’s cultural development.
A walk through the streets, squares and alleys of Genova is a constant surprise. Behind every
corner is a treasure waiting to be discovered. The hinterland tells its story through this prodigious work of Man.
A sequence of varying landscapes rapidly transition from sheer cliffs to smooth hills that eventually rise toward the sky in the Apennine and Alpine ranges. A wild nature that only the determination and love of its people has managed to tame, finding the right balance between
environmental conservation and the needs of the people. Terraced olive groves and vineyards
break up the thick inland vegetation, with vast expanses of chestnuts bordering green valleys
and fields.
An especially mild climate, an impervious terrain and the passion of the people of Genova: these are the three key elements, ingredients for the excellent local products that distinguish this
land (above all – the extra virgin olive oil). Steep and rocky, interspersed with graceful coves and
bays, covered with pines, Holm oak, palm trees and agave, painted with a rainbow of flowers,
caressed by a sea that absorbs its magic, dotted with picturesque villages to brighten up a
landscape so gorgeous it seems unreal. A land of contrasts that are so harmoniously linked to
one another, the coast of Genova is a marvel with which few places in the world can compete.
Genova’s visitor guide
This is the site where you can find nearly everything you need to know as a visitor in Genova:
General information
Public Transports
Genova has a well-developed for local transport system. The city’s public transport service is
run by AMT and allows visitors to get around easily thanks to its extensive network connecting
the entire city: this complete, integrated system includes buses, an underground, funiculars,
and lifts. 143 bus lines winding through the city’s streets from West to East, from Voltri to Nervi, and
through the Polcevera and Bisagno valleys;
1 underground line linking the area of Rivarolo, in the Polcevera Valley, to the city centre, with
seven stations that come out onto Genova’s striking tourist sites;
2 funiculars (Sant’Anna and Zecca-Righi) connecting the centre to Genova’s high grounds;
1 rack railway, a historic system dating back to 1901, from the Piazza Principe station to Granarolo;
11 lifts, rising up the hillsides to connect the centre to the beautiful hills of Genova;
1 narrow-gauge railway a historic line linking Genova to Casella (ferrovia Genova Casella) a
small town in the hinterland, running through superb scenery;
1 fast ferryboat line (Navebus) connecting Pegli (in the West) to the Old Port (in the centre) via
the sea. This service can be used to reach the city centre from the west in less than 30 minutes,
offering a unique way both to dodge the city traffic and enjoy spectacular views of Genova from
an original angle.
Tickets can be purchased at newsstands, tobacconists and many other shops and bar, as well as
inside the bus (only at night and with an increased cost). You can also buy your ticket sending
an SMS with the text “AMT” at this number: 4850209.
Single ticket: € 1.50, valid for 100 minutes throughout the entire city network.
Tourist tickets: sold at IAT (Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica) Tourist Offices
• Genova Pass, valid for 24 hours, € 4.50, allows the holder to travel throughout the entire city
network with one ticket;
• Genova Pass x 4, valid for 24 hours for 4 people.
Blocks of tickets are also available at a discounted price, along with weekly, monthly, and annual
passes to save on transport costs.
Genova also offers an airport shuttle service, Volabus, which runs between Brignole Train
Station and Cristoforo Colombo Airport.
Buses travel on working days from 4 a.m to 3 a.m.
• Radiotaxi service – phone: +39 0105966 web: www.5966.it
• Taxi@Genova www.taxiagenova.com
The Conference Centre
To go upstairs
take the escalator
For the Maestrale
Room at the top of the
escalator turn right
For the Foyer
Maestrale at the
groundfloor, take
the escalator
The Conference Centre
Exhibitors & Sponsors
Energy Storage Solutions
Technical Co-Sponsored by