Notice of 10th Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
Notice of 10th Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
[/V Asset Reconstruction ComPany Limited - *r).ir-aro55st6.arm&r3.F*,orr-aosol32. EmoiL drcl@qmd @nlw.biE rN rcoercr ddD Numb,l i !7490001?00nlcl67329 'wwEr6m Noricc is hcrcby gllci rha! lhe lori [rtr]'ordinary Genetul M.cilna oi rhc Mcmbcre of d,e Comp.ry willbe hed on Nrondr!, rh.2?'" dry ofJune.20l6 at l2:30 D.m, at llote Vivrntr Anb,sxdo. (Txj). Sujnn Sntgh Park. SuDramlria Bhrrli Mrrg. Ne* Dclhi ro k.nsacr rhc l. lrcrcr\r 'n {ulhoriseJ Shrrc Crtln!l of lhc Cumntn). T) considcr ard. if rlrousht lir, ro rc$Lurion as SpeciaL ResoLution: ljr$ Nnh or wlthour inodifcrrioncl. thc fo lowing ")IDSOI,VED THAT puEtranr to the povisionr of Sec(lotr 6l(l)(a) and other aPPli.ablc prolhiotrs. if any. of rhe Companics Act. 20ll and subje.r ro $rc[ orher rules iramed rfereunder as mar- be applksble the aulhorised slwc capiral or lhe Conpany bc and is h'.cbJ, lncrcascd lrcm lts 20,00.00.000 (Rupccs lqenrt Cores Only) dividcd lnro 200,00,000(lsoCroretEqulrysharesofRs.l0/-each1oRs50.00.00,000(RtrpeesFifty c ores onLt) divided into 5.00.00-000 (Fivcc.orcs) Dquilysha'€sofRs l0/-cach " IESOLVDD FURIHER Tll^l dre Board of Dnccrou of tlre Cofrpant bc ard s h rchy authorizcd todoallsuch acs.dccdsaDd II ngsas nlay bo ncccsary forgi!ingeJlect :. AmtnJn,cnr 'lr r rf \,trmor.,nJun.nd qflictr.,,f 4.rci.rion considcr aDd. il thoughl fil, lo pas trilh or rvilhou modification(t, $e lbloqirrg 50Lurion as SpccLall{csoLuuon: RDSOLVED THAI puBuant ro rhe prcvlsions ofSedion ll rcad rvilh Sedion 6l and her applcab c prcvisions of$c Companies Acr. 2011, CLause V ol rhc Mcmomndum ol ssociarion ol rhc CompaDy be and is hctcby subsiiruted rnd n utrder: thc Atrrhorised Shat Capihl olihe Companl i\ Rs 30,00,00,000 (Rupccs Flli} Crorts ( nlr)d lidcd i o5.00,00.000{FivcC.oretEqrirtSharcsofRs l0/ each' "RESOLVID FURI HEII TIIAT dre Board of D]rcclo^ oi$c Compar! be and is h*cb! aurIorized roJo.llsuch acs.deedsud rhidgsas mrybe necc$ar! for 3i!irrg e1]ecl coF'ofe:130'j304A,l3hF64c 3. R, ising ofFurthe. Capirrt T( consider and if rhoushr fir to pass, wirh or wirhour nodific.rioD(s), rhe toitowir)s rc:orurion $ a speciatResoturton: "FESOL\ FD lttat r \ir, \..o.r.,.f j.. in d..orddn I e o. \ctrior 02 ald orhc, :1.'n . p,, br! \ n L r (orod,ic. , r. )ot,.,he, JTf nc.,.,a,!.dtiEl an I Debcnruret Rutes, 20 .t N amendcd frcm rine ro rine, the .lictes ofAssociarion oi rh( Comp.ny. tIc rcgularions/gujdctines. fan]. prcsc.ibed bt.ny fctevanl aurhoriries liom lrne'olme, aid $bjecr lo a| such condnons and modificarions as ma, bc pfescf bod or imDsed while gmnring such lpprolat. lhe consenr oi rhe Cofr0any ie a;d is hercby as or'ied to lhe Boafd lo trdle, oflef. issr aid altor cquny shafes (t\!o Cryes SixrJ'Two Lacs FlhyThousand) equiry shaEs having s ra.e valuc or Rs l0/-cach ar a rrcnrum ol Rs. l0/- por share in one or nore rranches on preferDriat a ormenr brsk io 3p1 L m. L aaa 8m]o;,, De€pali 92, Pace, New Building, |00r9 Nchru Dc hi- Mr. I ru.ther dratrheoiler, hsuc rnd aLtohremofrhedtoresaid cqrny rme or rimes as thc Aoard na, irr c shares sha| be made absoture discrerion decjde ttr comptj.nce Lvnh I furlher th!l $e Bdad be and is hereLry aurIorized ro decide and approve fic orher I condirions of.he issue of!he equir! shres and. so shaltbe enrirted ro vary. nrodit of or such reflns and condiriors. in accordlnce *hh $c apptjcsblc laws, as ir ma, deefr r- withotrt bcinC required ro seck aiy funher consenl or approv.t ofthe nembe6 ofrhe Rcsolvol fur.hg rh,r r[e Uoafd be and modiriqtiors. variaron\ and alremrions as a0rhorir) fraysl ptrl.r in rhar behalf hcrcb) lurhofzcd ro acccp! an, amcndfrcnrs. Rescac Bank of India or an, olhef EsuLaror! Resolvdl rurt[cr rhal rhe said equiq sharcs beins at]orrcd and to be s tored sha I ank pari ofrhe Compary ln alt respecrs ar rhc lme ot! tolmenr. as passu w lh the cxkrine equity sharcs Resolvol furthcr thrt rhe nonies receivcd on xpptication stE accoufi I b. tcpr id a separate bank Resolve!l fu.lhcr lhrt theCompanr- shlll!llor rhc cquir! within 60(Sixry) dats ftom rhe rrcciprofapplicarior moncyand in case rhe Compntry is nor abte lo at or rhc cquitt shares !virhin said perod of60{5xrt) days. ir shsll repay rhc applicdlion rnone}, $nhin t5(Fifteen) dlys thcroalt$ !virhour an)] inrcren and ifdre compant Jaih ro .epay fte anroum wnhin atoresaid fittccndqs.irshallrcpayrhermounrwirhlfigcn.4t2%p.a.forlhcdctbuLringpe.iod. Resolvdl furthcr rhat rhc alLormerl ofeqtr ry shrtos rhatt be comptcrcd Nirhin t2 monrhs lrom rhc dare rlris reso dion. ifrhe altolnrenl ofcqtrirt sharts are no! conrpldcd $nhtn j period of l2 moDtls lrcm dre dare ofthis msoLution, a ftesh cotrscnt ol$e shlreho deu shattbc obla ned. t I Furrhcr that fof $e purpose ofgivnS citcr 1o rhe !bo!enrcnrioncd rcsoturion, the and is hcreb! authorzcd ro bke \uch srepsand ro do rtlsuch rcrs, deeds and rh n8s xs d nr). n irs.bsourc discrctiof. consdcr necessary. exp.dicnr. usuat, prcper or torhis rcso u(ior and scrlc .n], qu€{ior rcmovc ant diiiculry or doubr thar may arke ne ir, rcli'ion ro rhc oncr, suc and i luh tc cqtri') srures. or eds inn #*\\ l{ kar, l! W#/ r' agem,:nts or orher i.srumenrs and b $ke such actions or give dir*tions as ir m.y consider being n )cesary or destrbl€ and lo oblain any opp@vals. pe!frhsions, sanctions, which mal nec.$'y or desiBble, as rhey mr, dem fi1, as be neesery, expedienr or desidble. Resolr.d Furlher That Mi. A. K, Chadha, Monager or Ms. Shilpi shlrma. Dnedo! ofrhc Compant beand is hercby authorized to sign and submir allneesery lormc) wifi rhe Resistrcr olcompanies under el*tonic node unde! MCA 2l and lo rak€ such orher seps 6 d6y be Fof indon BehlltottheBoard For UV Asser Conprny Limited Dat . r.rEab., )1,06,2016 6) a>6-r'9 Ihe Expl.DNrory stotcnenr puKu,rt to Section t02 of dre ConDanies Act, rhich sctsoutdetrits rehring io SDeciNl \.m.nbfl {rirhd b 3(rTtt rnd rorc rr rtrc mrrinS h enrirhd Incnd ard vor( in(crit or himsrrth(^crrend rhc n;.\L r a, ,,"]'"'r ;":llT' ;.;; rr',, 201J. Busincss!r are meering! isanncxed th€rcr. ro !trpiiinr , nrdrJ ru ;;;l;;" ;::l il' ::J"ill':i ;'l[ ".u,,.,"'" ru houF brrorc ,hc nrd ,or commenccncn, or ,h( """'" "" 'm. c. lrembeE/Pr.xtrs dendng :snrhecLrirh D. ro rhe incerirs aE roqucned ro brineduJ) Ulted aftndance rtips !ficnd rhe mcortns. ercpGed ro be mised !r Exka-odindr, M*r,ns n,ay b. senr ro :'^u:Ts- a ',onoanr { rgihedof!.o d,,!,..r\cr.aJ.Fo,ro d{e ol Fr.V r flat e r. rldl,ec 1er., r .o; pi,, rt,c,et*,a .n.on, r on ! ,..""": ,'. .c J , Fi, .,u,,ro,w.d n.fE.,, r,. \r. d,( rcq.ejco ,o l:,li:j cnkd.!p) trt.cFtr,{r.,-,r! rtr..roah(nd E, ric / \ro-urdind) CcfcdtMeerne !_. Vembe6 are requcjed ro m'i[ mJ (hin-se rhc r rddre\, nrardie/ brn[ dqais 'n in nediarell ro rhc C.mpany C. do.Ld{r.,etr,ed rc n h.d..^npairirgNor.e".drlet.ordldroq rarenenr,hal & ^A ops tor r.&or r iT kgn ered nr!. uf k ohpar d .04. ) Loo. ) DcopJri New Dcrhi,,0. e ar a r worr<ing aays cxcepr sarujyi :llllllgi:1, .i*,11!::. bc tl. weo lt A.M..nd 2 p.M. up 1o dE darc ol.tjxrm ordinlrl Cencral Meerina. M imb€u hay aho nole thar Ihe Nor ce ot$e to'i t1m Ord'nah CencEt MeeLnr \/tl ar!o be svaitabtc on rhe companr's sebsire wNty. urircl.con t.r rhctr doun oad Thc ph copics ot $e arorcsald documenrs Nitl aiso be avaitabc at rhe Codpanr- s ^rcEl Erplaldron Slatemcnt.s reouir€d unders.ction r02otaFcombrniesAcr.'0tf ITEM _ I cd1o,.mianlar, R. /o,.re-d r.rdd-Ln.aprr ..R...325 .. ;::1":l::1";"', j ;J:t; ;;j:: r"";';":;T_ T'.,- " s a " o- l:"1:",; l-- :f :: "...**.' ..r' b,,';."".;:.i,, ;; il::l i:,"lTi':,l :j:;T. il,. ?,T"-.' "":, )." 1 ::,:' :"li ;:l"llli i.::,.Iit;:;.i#.:?li;;' l,:*; lil':*l;:il"] 'i:i;; J ti i::i:.1;:;,":;: ;t";; ,;*,i;.,i i:#,T1 ii".;': :::T ,X fri'^lliiJ :1 t..l;" ;l ;r- 1,."*i1.i1l --"* ".''.'.q. -" ""', i; ;;;' of DiEclo6.ecomtoerljsrhe resotution lbrappfovatotftesharehotde6. lifi:l*i[.j:J"X]: ITEM isconcemcd ffiJanagcria'pesoi,erandncirrerarivcs o! mgesled -' ,,( \ rrDiry bmoo\c\ ro ,n.rJ\c rtr a..h., c.pila ol thc Company from r.2u' rcrc.bR .0.or. \h,h reqr . .Jhc, ,,o. in,h, 'Capira Clause of Memorandunr o, 1$((Lnon ro Sedinn I I frhc Con pxni.s A(L 2015 read lvirh Secrion 6t oirhe ,ent b, iDqc$e in aurhorkcd shsrc captk of rhe campatry. I :on*j cx slrne capiralclauscolde MoA ot$ecomparl lhe Bo, rd ofDirc.rn r nccessarl ro chanse rhe rccdmmcnds ilre resoturion lb. appf.varotrhe shsrchotde6. direcm md Kev Manageriat pcsonnet and lhcir rtralves 6 corccrned or rmeEsrcd alove rclared rcsotution Nonc ol the 'n rhe ITEM. 3 rpx.],ct'\(d.h celi". k of Re;i..,",..1 frcn pBt roromtrcle !d.)or.h" 'r'Jo' .o| . \?' ql's| Acl, ]oor o' i.':''I: "1":'l'l'i'".",:" . J Tad) .'rn.d |. opcmr, 1s d d tu. a.eaJ) a,qu reo \oAs .1. t3..5 r l { B: 1r JFl\. lr.cnrtr Pi,o un Srfl sp rat r',c r,, npar) (omorn\.. "r (rca.e, \.iiu.i.cdshaE, df.;,". n...",,,,r. r, ro1a n,roc,"," (m ,'1.. \ {.c. '1i. v't e'._1 ir.rcd.1L \c, uort ot r ie i onnrr ... keco,nl , Jlr-c. rsr dh,) r dt kt \deqLa-\,;t F.i i.qur.I not tdn.sld.jr.forrc,nt, .{onornrat.o.ieo.,p u1ebl.ire.,r..t "h R",.. uc\ rca / ard ir aho in thc pbcess oflyjne up sonrc borc bustness ro takc advanla!e scenaro. In order ro cope up *rh rhe s,me. company necd ro is&c |;h Ihe p'cmored and orh$ peKons traoed in lhc .esoturior .xpa$cd rhcr wi|insne$ ro Dd.\. \in-.,h. u,rb. . 1::.'l: p,ercr. th, dto.n rnr or cra,.. o I p,nd. ..acdrc.. oJ. . 1e pio\rroi\ of sr uo. o. and Secrio, rh! Compitrics Acr.20t:t ger atracred..lhc ronpanl wourd nccd ro obl{in ,,12-of 4ppn. rl d h ! ve. o dc,. o .he i onoenr b) p,, \ d,n!,eq,, rc trrorn.,ion a. oea.t(beor hrcugh rhis noriL(rs, p r/ated underrhc !Jid rtrt.s .,,. or-( (onpr) :"jul The pn sflr reshrion :.::,.^i l,:r': 1,: is be trg have plsed in orde! lo cnab c $e Iloard of Dnedors olrhc Cofrpanl, ..rcrc..o, ,..,e or u.:. .o {,} ]€rc. rro c,or. ) "',*" dj equ.., lJfc\ uno-, \e!rio. r.2. ' . o/, h", onp, . ic. a., -0,1 ,r; Wchn,ctaken tre.csrryrpprovatrvhcnelcrrequired f.on Lt t. lhe k ofli€ view thal rhe proposed issue of2. 62, 5l).0OO equily SixtyTrc Lacs [i[]'lhousand) wjl be jn rhc hjs inkGn or recompatr] tocomnendsrhe resolLrion lb. app.ovat ol.sharcho dcr b), \va) nrae dnd ir (.J.wo Cbres membe.sand ofaspcciatrc$turion Thesahemasp€c6ol rhc issucoflheaboveareasfotows: (l) )bj€cb ol rhc hsu.: - the ptrrpo* ol.rhc issuc of equir! shar.s otr preferc ial .\rtonnonl basis is ro improve Nd wonh ard b jncrease owned llnds ar a tcvel of (s 100 or abovc. The incEased Nct worlh \vt ner hclt Company b takc hore ofmdrn in o,. 1(., I.o*rh d n rir.r..!c AR. trq.. ,eor r.d d\ p. qal Lpro.. r!r,c,ot. \(, r onh or 1. .00. ^.,L 9i idct rorc, 01 lr'r*. 6 r \ " J (2) _otdlnuhb.r orEquiiy Shares ro bc is$redr 2,62,5(),(]00 I ixr! T*o Lacs FiaryThotrssDd). equir)r shares (Tso Cores (3) I rici'rgoatho issue: The hsuep.tcc otrhc Equiry sh.fes shal bc roaronly)rirhrhe&ccvrtue@Rs. t()/-eachar.prcmiuoof , rw: ltue rrtu t r al aco be i.\ hd a. n. ru. rJ.t,, Rs ruFe" I ur) o. t). !. t rl e t"c. @Rs. t0/- ach md a prcm um ofRs. l0/ each baseo on a wruatotr ceflr|cale obrainod MA A ok Sinhat& C., Chadercd A.counranc regardrngtrc pncc oJ lhe (5 Relcvnnt dlte on rhc bAis ofwhich price h,s becn srnve{r: lhe hff bsd ai. vcd aris Dcccmber23.20t5 (Dareofvatuarion rcpon). (6) Clas or cl,$ses or pcnons lo rvhoh thc rllotnent b Droposcd to be older arrormenr wllLbe made ro xvo ex sring shx.eholdc^ our comp,iy and ro lirene$ bod! otwh ch oic is promorer The ofrhc (7) Intcntion Ofiel of Prohotcrv Dircctore/kcy nanrgencnr De(ons ra subscribe to lhe Ms. Shi pi Shanna. Director/pronorf has eNpresscd her lviltjngne$ ro strbscribe (3) Pmposed rimc rvithiD rvhich rhc altotheDr sh. bc .onplelod: lhc a tormenr $iLtbe conplercd ( n onc or morc rraich6) s$ i Orc y@r lrom the dale ofresoluriotr pr$ed at thc ErtB-Ordinafy Cctront t\,leering. (9)NrrnB ol lhe Droposed Attoxccs rnd lh. pcr!cnragc of shareholdinS post tl 804. l siE;; $- cQ\ ./Ya ,tht 19 l:, {,9 B,iuk"[ Buildlne. 92, Dclhi - 00t9 Limired (t0) Thc change in conlrol, prcfer.nri!lolfer: lhe ( ) {2) Ll) E E consequenl to the p.efere ial.lLohenr wittnor resuh tn any.hange ot' Nunrberorpcrsons ro rvho'n altolncnt on Dr.tereniialbnsis hlvc alrcdy been during thc Iinancialymr 201516, in tcrms of nuDber ofsecurirics as {€ltrs pric€: 26,50.000 equil], sh!resailo ed otr prcfercmialbasis ro selen pc60nt bodtcoroorate ar pn Le lts. l0r .trd 12.50.000 cqury sharcs ro rwo persdns a! pren um ie Rs.401 (incLrding prcmium ofRs.l0 each) dtrring rhc financill r"ear 2015-16. Thejustificalion lor thc rllotment proposed to bc ndc ror consideralion otler ttran cash togeiher rillr v!l!ltion rcport oltIc r€gtstercd Vrluci Thc proposcd !Llolnrenr ( if,try, in tlrc!ny rha|routd oc.or proposed hrobc madc in.xsh Pre i$sucand posthsuciDroDoscd)shi.eholdingpaltcrn ollheCompany: Promotca! Shrrehol'lina o8.i8,250 ir.0) f, a; lt 58.250 S,tTor"l - [- 93,58.250 t,15,58,250 98,58,250 5.t,02 1,J5,53.250 34,00.000 18 61 1.100000 tr* .10,47 N;E;ot;.hotdt,'c Non- l"stirurio": P,Ndc codorarc Bodi6 'rld;*"d 2 R.t"rtB 00,t0,000 0.05 0.02 ,19,82,750 27.10 74.82.750 16.81 3l!41,750 45,98 3,0t,fi,750 69.53 r,82,50,000 r00_00 r00 ]!1c']or.ndum olinlercsl: The propo&d rcso urion docs nol Corpatrt in rvhich rhe Promor$, rhe bus nc$ intere$ of adl olher or Key Mlra8erial Pe6onnct hrve Non ) oi the Dir4lo6, Kcy Manageriat t,e6onrct & Retltives of$ee persons are inrercacd rn tfe pmposed resolurion excepr to $e exrnr otden hotding in rhe Compan] ard ro rhe exrcr rhey may paniciparc in rhesaid issuc. For and on Bchallollhe Borrd For UvAsser Reconsrrncrioi ComprDy Linited D.le:01.06.20I6 JV ,A.sset Reconstruction ComDanv Limiled "?att164N?,ArakhAa$t' L'[email protected]'9,N! L : N +trrr-410555/6,1i033313,for O| 40501324 1 [no t i lco@rcb der r Nlmb€d : u74900Dr2m7ftcr dzre Io.n NaMcT-11 proxy torn lPuert to s{tkh t05(6) oJ the cohpanies (Moho6me4t and Adnihtsnouu) Rt]/6, 20141 CrN: lfrt @en @ w.!,r "4.wrct@n A.t, 2013 drd tule t9(, o! the cohpa,ies U 74900DL2007PLC16?329 Nrnc olthe conpony: uv Aser Reconslruction coftpany Linire,l Rcgistc edOrficc: 70,1,DeepaliBuitding,92Nehtuptace,N€wDelhi-tlO0l9 ...... r/ we.......................... Arq R:onqrdbn (ompary t_t 2. 1 3.i : l2:10 Pl BHART I MARG, NEW trd..hotdir... ......... .,beinB rhe menbe{, or uv ....share.o ue above namen RMlrlions ffi d AnicbsofAssmiation ersrnE or runncr (;rprlrl .....,,20t6 Sigtrolure ol Prexy botder(s) NOTE: l, T is fom of proxy i. ords rgisler€d 2, oIIe ofrh€ comptuy, nor te$ thm 48 hou6 befor th, Con;o@ne of rlt isoprionalb pur a'X in rfe appmpriare6tumn again$ rhe Rsoturion th:bor. rr)o! leAe deiFd 4d ASairs @tumn btank acainsr my or ,tl y( 3, to be ctr@tive should be duly @mpleted srd d€posiled al th€ u pbxy will b€ enrilled !o vote in rhe mon€r 6 Plse hdshe thinK appropnaE. conplele all delaits inctuding dersits of otr membe(s) jn above JV Asset Reconstruction Comoanv Lrmited h!d'otrdJ01D@ifu|d4,9?,N! al.: +tl-ll.{1055576,1r033313,Fd:011.40501321lEmdi urrl@gmoi : N lco@6b dal Numb.4 : 749m 0L?007PLC r 67329 'l omlw.6ietw!€ LJ ATTENDANCE SLIP Ple6e mmplele rhis altendde stip before you cone ro the meling .hd enfthc: ofth€ hering halt. hud ir ove! at the Nan€ olrhe adendina Member I hereb' I @d my prcsene al the Tenth Exrn{rdinary ceneral Meering of the Conpo)' bei.B p&i. submania Bhadi Mes, New Dethi- held Vivank Aobossador (raj), Suian smqh | 10001 rn 27ddJy oflune,20t6. Members or rDrJ\ Signarurc r \ @,EEd"; s aLll 6 I E - \ tuelll euBurBU tLtslqem 3 Eg \\ \ / / 9 + -