October 2010 Advertorial Page 49 BOISE CASCADE ENGINEERED WOOD Product Line Now Available FSC Chain-Of-Custody Certified Increased Capacity — Again and more profitable homebuilding is Another reason more merchants have now available. You’ll find ways to help been putting their faith in Boise Cascade your homebuilder customers profit with is the commitment to making continual more efficient design, accurate estiproduction capacity improvements to be mating, elimination of wasteful cutting able to meet demand. Boise Cascade errors, reduced framing time, even the already owns and operates the two ability to accommodate last-minute largest I-joist and LVL plants in the world, plan changes profitably – all while yet has been further expanding producbuilding green. You can view this tion capacity. Because the homebuilding brochure at or call industry has been using on average 800-232-0788 to request copies to about 8% more LVL products per year in hand out to your homebuilder cusnew homes, it will require as much LVL tomers. © 2010 Boise Cascade Wood Boise Cascade operates the world’s largest I-joist/LVL to manufacture 1.4 million new homes in Products, L.L.C. BOISE, BOISE plants, and company representatives say, “We’ve been 2012 as it took to build 2.1 million homes expanding production capacity during the slowdown: We’re in 2006. To be ready for increased CASCADE, BCI, ALLJOIST, VERSA- Utility lines can now be optimized through BCI Joists for ready. demand in the future, Boise Cascade is LAM, VERSA-STUD, VERSA-RIM, faster framing, faster HVAC installation and lower heating and again in the process of expanding proBOISE GLULAM beam and SAWTEK cooling bills the lifetime of the home. Boise Cascade has announced the availduction capacity by about another 50% are trademarks of Boise Cascade, ability of FSC® Chain-of-Custody certified Forest Stewardship Council. LEED, above peak 2006 capacity. Boise Cascade L.L.C. or its affiliates. FSC and Forest engineered wood products across its prodUSGBC and U.S. Green Building Council intends to be the most reliable producer Stewardship Council are trademarks of uct line and throughout North America. are trademarks of U.S. Green Building and the most dependable Boise Cascade products that can now be Council. SFI and Sustainable Forestry business partner in the ordered FSC Chain-of-Custody (COC) cerInitiative are trademarks of Sustainable engineered wood industified include: BCI® Joists with VERSAForestry Initiative. try. LAM® laminated veneer lumber (LVL) flanges, ALLJOIST® I-joists with solid-sawn “21 Ways To A flanges, Versa-Lam® LVL headers, beams Better 2010” ® and columns, VERSA-STUD LVL framing To learn more about the ® lumber, and VERSA-RIM rim boards. FSC new tools available to COC-certified BOISE GLULAM® beams are improve homebuilder proavailable in Western North America and ductivity, select Eastern markets. The availability of Please Visit Us at Boise Cascade’s new 12FSC COC certified Boise Cascade Boise Engineered Wood Products are available FSC® Chain-of-Custody cerpage idea book on sus- tified, ® ® SFI Chain-of-Custody certified or PEFC Chain-of-Custody certified Engineered Wood Products means these NAWLA Booth No. 602 tainability, better framing so builders can earn green building points. products can now help builders achieve ® LEED points under U.S. Green Building CouncilTM residential and commercial green building programs including LEED for Homes and LEED for New Construction. • FSC CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY Chain-of-Custody is the path taken by raw materials harvested from FSC-certified sources through processing, manufacturing and distribution until it is a final product ready for sale to the end user. FSC COC certification allows companies that manufacture and market forest products to label them with the FSC brand consistent with Forest Stewardship CouncilTM policies. The standard ensures FSC-certified wood is accounted for as it passes along the supply chain and ensures that when FSC-certified wood is mixed with other wood, the non FSC-certified wood does not come from controversial sources — illegally harvested wood, wood harvested in violation of civil rights, wood harvested from forests in which high conservation values are threatened by management activities, wood harvested from areas being converted from forests to plantations or non-forest uses, or wood from forests in which geneticallymodified trees are planted. Also SFI-Certified and NAHB Research Center Green Approved In addition to the FSC Chain-of-Custody certification, Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products are also SFI® certified, with all wood fiber purchased in compliance with the rigorous Sustainable Forestry Initiative® standard. Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products are also NAHB Research Center Green Approved, bearing NAHBGA certificates no. 00080-00083. Now, Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products will enable homebuilders to obtain green building points under either LEED or National Green Building Standard programs. AS A MANUFACTURER OF DIMENSION LUMBER, PLYWOOD, AND STUDS WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THAT OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON THE PROPER MANAGEMENT OF THE FOREST AND ENVIRONMENT. RAW MATERIALS Swanson operates under some of the most stringent forest harvesting practices on the planet. For verification, our SFI Certification ensures that our timber resources are managed for sustainability and environmental responsibility, protecting species, habitat, and water resources. RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMITMENT Three of Swanson's five mills are working with Pacific Power's Blue Sky program to purchase energy from renewable sources. Over the course of a year, this commitment by Swanson avoids putting 1,108 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Value-Added Services Boise Cascade market share has increased steadily in recent years for several reasons, including the wide variety of electronic value-added services that help homebuilders build better homes in less time, at lower cost – all delivered to builders through Boise EWP dealers. In addition to making it possible for builders to be more successful, the electronic services are designed to help Boise Cascade dealers forge ever-stronger working relationships with their homebuilder customers with a suite of services not available elsewhere. Boise intends to continue being the leader in bringing profitable new building solutions to America’s builders via strong Boise Cascade dealers. For example, Boise Cascade SawTekTM precision processing systems are now available equipped with several different levels of features, from a manual saw system starting at under $50,000 all the way up to fully automated processing that can mark and identify every piece according to location in the structure, automatically cut holes for HVAC, and perform other functions that help streamline the construction process. CULTURE OF GREEN We are focusing on the future by creating a sustainable culture that permeates the entire company. Swanson is located in a very green part of the world. We plan to keep it that way. After all, its our way of life. Got questions, we’ve got solutions. Call Us 1-800-331-0831 SM Page 50 Advertoral Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue BENNETT LUMBER Navigating ENYEART Continues To Keep Busy In This Through Difficult Times More Challenging Business Environment Princeton, Idahoassured of receiving stock Since 1939, Bennett that’s run fresh. It is not Lumber Products Inc. has something that has sat proven to be an innovative around and has had the leader in the lumber indusopportunity or the ability to try through four generachange due to conditions, tions of this family-owned so stock for patterns and business. specialty products is run for As a business, it continues order. Typically, it’s 10 days today to re-invent itself, on the shipment time, but finding niche markets that it’s fresh stock.” enable it to survive during Shipment of product by the ongoing recesssionary trucks is arranged by times. Bennett’s customers, and Jim Vandegrift, sales manon the export side, “everyager at Bennett Lumber, Bennett Lumber Sales Manager Jim thing we do is by truck,” explained, “During a tradi- Vandegrift is pictured with a 1x8 board of said Vandegrift. “It typically Red Cedar. tional year, we would goes to either Portland have a mix of all or Seattle, the two species produced in closest ports for us. the Inland area — We are not stuffing the Douglas Fir/Larch, containers here.” White Fir, Ponderosa Bennett’s export cusPine, Inland Red tomers ship significant Cedar, Idaho White volumes of lam stock Pine and Engelmann to Japan, a high perSpruce boards. But centage of No. 3 and 4 this year, due to the Common Pine boards market constraints in are earmarked for the dimensional prodexport as well. Mexico, ucts, we’ve seen the Pakistan and opportunity to go Afghanistan are also heavier into indirect export markets Ponderosa Pine Sales Assistant Bob Jahns of Bennett Lumber for the company. boards and industrials, checks a 1x12 board of Ponderosa Pine. Thanks to recogas well as Cedar nizing emerging boards. market opportuniVandegrift ties, Bennett was explained, “We able to reinstate idled our the second shift of Clarkston mill in workers at both its mid-2009 and it planer and has been down sawmill, which for a year now resulted in 35 due to market jobs reinstated. constraints. Our Now the Princeton Princeton plant plant’s labor force went to a single is back up to 160 shift about the people total who same time so we help the firm precurtailed our propare products for duction in the The Bennett Lumber sales team of Jim Vandegrift and Bob wholesale/distriJahns are pictured in front of Ponderosa Pine Selects. neighborhood of bution customers. 60 percent overall “We do not sell between the two mills. Yet what we have the big box companies on a direct basis,” seen is an opportunity to go into the Vandegrift said. “However, our customers Ponderosa Pine market heavier than we – the wholesalers – market our products have in years past. That is partly due of into the retail lumber yard chains. We don’t course to Clarkston being down and that sell retail direct, so our base group is mill was very, very heavy to Pine. So indeed the people we’re looking to see at Princeton is now heavy Pine, as well as NAWLA’s Traders Market®.” Cedar boards. He added, “Every wholesaler out there “We’ve also seen an opportunity to manuprobably has 15 to 20 key customers and facture and market Idaho White Pine lumevery wholesale house has anywhere from ber and the patterns we are capable of pro3 to 50 wholesalers out there. It’s like the ducing for our valued customers. In the branches of a tree and we consider ourspring, we were able to increase production selves starting right at the trunk of the tree of the Princeton facility to a 2-shift basis, and it goes out to the wholesalers, to the which took the mill back up to roughly 80 retailers and ultimately to the consumer.” million board feet per year. We had previBennett Lumber is SFI certified. “We ously curtailed it back to 45 to 50 million believe in environmental soundness and board feet.” honestly, taking a great deal of pride in our Vandegrift noted that Bennett Lumber operation from the woods through the mill prides itelf on producing very high quality to distribution,” said Vandegrift. Pine boards, as well as Cedar and Idaho The firm is an associate member of White Pine. “We do not pull home center NAWLA, a full member of the Western grades. So, the customer is getting a high Wood Products Association, which is their quality grade that hasn’t been picked grading agency and abides by the through in advance to put into the home American Lumber Standard grading syscenters like you see out of other parts of the tem. marketplace where they go for valueKey personnel, in addition to Vandegrift, added. This robs the cream of the crop. We includes: Frank Bennett, President and leave that cream in, and again the cusson of founder Guy Bennett; Brett Bennett, tomer is receiving the best product the log vice president; Bob Jahns, assistant sales has to offer.” manager; Jan Dimke, secretary-treasurer; Bennett Lumber produces: Ponderosa and Mitch Dimke, general manager of the Pine and Idaho White Pine in 4/4 boards, C Clarkston mill. & Better through No. 4 Common; and Going forward, Bennett Lumber has set its Inland Red Cedar in 7/8-foot S1SE board, sights on continuing to pursue all innova1x4 through 1x12, in both 3 & Better and D tive avenues possible to remain a leader in & Better, as well as 5/4x6 radius edge deckthe industry as it is now. “There’s a tening. dency when market conditions are bad to Vandegrift said, “In the Ponderosa, we get cut corners and take things easy,” a very high quality log that we cut very Vandegrift said. “Bennett Lumber still heavily for shop and the industrial market, prides itself on producing a top quality as well as for the window and door manuproduct out of every log that we get. We facturers, so we are doing both 5/4 and 6/4 continue to get the highest quality material in shop and moulding and Better.” from the best people in the industry.” The company prides itself on the quick For more information about Bennett turnaround time on all its products. “The Lumber Products Inc., go online to turnaround time on specialty products and or call 208-875-1321. specialty patterns is usually 10 days or less and in the vast majority of the situations, it can be done within a week. So as far as just stock items, generally speaking everything is available inside a week and in a lot of cases it’s available for prompt shipment.” Bennett Lumber does not inventory patPlease Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 618 terns, but “we run it only per order,” said Vandegrift. “That way, our customers are • While many companies slow administrative staff and Linda up production due to recent Elliott is now in sales. Both m a r k e t are located w o e s , at the firm’s Enyeart c e n t r a l C e d a r offices in Products Tigard, Ore. continues to Enyeart’s run at full manufacturcapacity – even running extra overtime shifts on many days to keep up with demand. “We look at this market as an excellent opportunity to further solidify the importance of our part truck and custom manufacturing capabilities. There is no reason to buy Enyeart’s mill is strategically located right off HWY I-90 in North Idaho. On-site scales allow every truck to ship to full capacity. ing plant near Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, continued to upgrade its equipment again in 2009. Most notably there were substantial improvements made to the dry kiln. By adding a new Steam Injection system, Enyeart Cedar is able to provide a more consistent and more than you need in this type of market. Our customers realize they are better off turning smaller inventories than sitting on railcars of items they may not need or sell in a 3-6 month time period. Our services, extensive inventoAnother day of multiple trucks waiting to get loaded. ries and quick shipments allow even drying enviour customers to ronment to help better maintain keep up with inventories withincreased demand out all the risk as for higher end Kiln they move in to Dried Cedar the winter Products nationalmonths,” said ly. Ron Enyeart, For more informapresident of tion, contact John Enyeart Cedar Reed or Ryan Products. Walters at 1-800-551-6657 or Recent changes at Enyeart visit our website at over the past 6 months include adding two new employees to help keep up • with increased business. Jesyca Tang joined the October 2010 Advertorial Page 51 Tri-Pro Cedar™ and Tri-Pro™ Forest Expand Product Lines By Terry Miller Ron Cluster and Steve Linton, president and owner, Tri-Pro™ Cedar Products Inc., Oldtown, Idaho; and Lance Hubener, Tri-Pro™ Forest Products Inc., Oldtown, Idaho. O r o f i n o , I d a h o —After making capital improvements in 2008 with a new headrig and debarker system, Tri-Pro™ Forest Products, headquartered here, is now able to offer many new products that include Doug-Fir and White-Fir timbers. The timbers are cut from Select logs and used in treated and/or post and beam interior applications. The innovative operation has the ability to cut up to 32’ and dimensions up to 24”x24”. Tri-Pro Forest Products offers a large assortment of specialty products and species. “The species we produce are Western Red Cedar, Ponderosa Pine, White-Fir and Doug-Fir/Larch,” vice president Ron Cluster said. “We want to be known for all the different specialties and the different species we offer. If you have a need, give us a call.” Tri-Pro also offers 2x4 through 2x12, 6feet through 20-feet, kiln-dried, S4S dimension (Select Structural, Standard and Better, No. 2 and Better, industrials and low grade) with S4S capabilities up to 6x12. Tri Pro Forest Products is located on 35 acres adjacent to Orofino Creek in Orofino, Idaho, the company has two headrig/debarker systems, two re-saws, four dry kilns and a planer system. The log yard consists of Western Red Cedar, Douglas Fir, White Fir, Doug Fir/Larch and Ponderosa Pine. The mill produces timbers from 4x4 to 24x24 up to 32’ long. They also manufacture boards and dimension. Key employees at Tri-Pro Forest Products include Steve Linton, president; Ron Cluster, vice president; Mike Boeck, resource manager; Lance Hubener, sales manager; and Jim Wells, plant manager. From Western Red Cedar, Tri-Pro Cedar Products manufactures tongue and groove pattern stock in 4” through 12’ WP-4 Channels WP6 and WP11, for exterior applications along with interior use. Four, six and eight-inch patterns are available with specifications such as fine line center matching. Bevel siding is also manufactured from Western Red Cedar and is re-sawn at an angle to produce tapered pieces from a state-of-the-art siding manufacturing facility. “The bevels provided are both plain and rabbeted. The thicknesses we produce in plain bevel are 11/16 in 6-inch and 8-inch and in 3/4-inch thicknesses we offer 6-, 8- and 10-inch widths,” Cluster said. “As for rabbeted bevel in 5/4 we offer 6, 8 and 10-inch widths and have the capabilities to do up to 12-inch widths. Western Red Cedar Decking, Fascia and Boards are also available in a wide range of grades and sizes at competitive prices. “We do all the pattern stock, decking, siding, fascia and boards which can be viewed on our website, www.tripro- Tri Pro Forest put in a new slanted headrig and debarker in the fall of 2008.” Tri-Pro Cedar also offers special packaging, unit sizes and, if required, bar coding. They can effectively handle everything from 1x2 to 1x12, 8’, 10’ and 12’ on the custom packaging line. It gives Tri-Pro the capability to meet customers’ custom package specifications on all the species and products they produce. Situated on 30 acres that overlooks the Pend Oreille River in Oldtown, Idaho, TriPro Cedar’s production facility includes 10 dry kilns with 70,000 board foot capacity each, four planers, seven re-saws, an automatic stickering machine and 100,000 square feet of covered storage. Key employees at Tri-Pro Cedar Products include Steve Linton, president; Ron Cluster, vice president; Terry Baker, sales manger; Lance Hubener, sales and traffic; and Karen Phillips, administration. Between the two facilities, Tri-Pro has the capability of producing approximately 72 million board feet annually. The people at Tri-Pro recognize the economic situation of today but want customers to know that products will still be available as needed. “Production in the wood products industry has come to a halt. Our intentions are to be innovative and maintain the supply of demanded products. We at Tri-Pro want to ensure our customers that Cedar production will be available from Tri-Pro as they need it,” Cluster said. Tri-Pro markets its products through wholesalers and wholesale distributors, and has customers throughout North America. The company ships by BN or UP rail, truck or van and can export prep and container load. “Wholesale distribution makes it easier for our customers to handle our product. Recently we’ve been asked to sell more split loads to different customers and here at Tri-Pro we pride ourselves in having a large range of different products and we do highly mixed truckloads,” Cluster explained. “We are also doing a lot of work on a custom basis at both facilities.” Tri-Pro is a member of the Inland Lumber Producers and a member of the North American Wholesale Lumber Assoc. (NAWLA). For more information about Tri-Pro Cedar Products or Tri-Pro Forest Products, visit them at or contact directly at 208.437.2412. • Page 52 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue THE WALDUN GROUP– Focusing On Quality Cedar Products Quality Throughout Quality and integrity are the focal points of The Waldun Group. Since their founding in 1974, they have used their time in the industry to perfect the manufacturing process of top quality Western Red Cedar products. They have pursued, and achieved, a level of excellence that is unparalleled in the Western Red Cedar industry. The supervisors at The Waldun Group each have 30-45 years of experience. This has helped build the character and knowledge of these key employees. The entire management team demands a level of quality that will not be compromised. The quality of their production is set so high that it has created craftsmen in the process. Most of The Waldun Group’s employees have been with the company for 15-30 years, and this has led to a proud and loyal work force. The company’s employees are now a part of an engrained culture that has made Waldun the most consistent producer in the industry. Inspection The Waldun Group’s products are held to superior standards and rigorous testing. This stringent program includes two independent grading agencies. Both agencies perform grading and testing on Waldun products even though only one is required. This helps raise the expectations at the mill with the inspectors that grade the product. There are roofing mills that do not even have independent inspectors check their products. Some mills are happy if an inspector misses off grade product or turns a blind eye to it. At Waldun the process has checks and balances to make sure this does not happen. The two inspecting agencies are welcomed as part of the company quality control program. Unfortunately many Cedar roofing companies do not make the published grading rules a priority. They will actually hide defective products from their inspector. Excessive flat grain, knots or knot shadows, and even rot in #1 shakes and shingles can cause a roof to fail in as short a time period as 5 years. This has lead to a loss of market share to the entire industry. Mills knowingly labeling this off-grade product with #1 grade labels conforming to UBC 15-3 and 15-4 are participating in fraudulent activity. Testimonials: shakes were Certi; they were not. She told the contractor to remove them and he argued with her that all labels are the same. She told him “…if Certi is not on the label the shakes can’t be Certi.” She did not budge from this fact. The contractor called the roofing specialist for his assistance and he told him “…if you don’t see the word Certi on the label it is not a Certi shake or shingle.” The non-Bureau product was removed from the jobsite and replaced with Certi shakes (these shakes were Certi-Last). H e r e i s a n e x a m p l e o f f r a u dulent product (100% flat grain): are defective will be switched to an alternative product when the Cedar fails. The Waldun Group also takes time and care with all the little things that contribute to make a company stand above the competition. The packaging is always done with care. Their 2-inch pallets, shrink-wrapping, and air-bagging are always done with durability in mind. Pallets are known to break down and fall apart by the time they get to a customer’s yard, but Waldun rarely has this problem. The organization counts every piece of flatgrain that is packed. This ensures that every bundle has 80% edgegrain. They are the only mill that goes through such rigorous procedures. There is no guesswork as to the level of quality in each bundle. The Waldun Group encourages the roofing industry to only do business with the mills that participate in ethical practices; whether that is in the production or application of on-grade products, the providing of a safe work environment, or paying a just wage. Southeastern Pennsylvania: Last August a homeowner (widow) called a Cedar roofing specialist to help her with the specification of a shake or shingle and if the CSSB could provide information stating the correct roof installation procedures. A Roof Manual, specification sheets and a “How to • Read a Certi Label” placard was sent to her. She specified Flat grain: when the growth rings run horizontally along the butt end of the piece “…7/8’’ Premium Grade Certi Labeled Tapersawn Shakes; Any producer, wholesaler, or roofer the contractor signed a contract and that is knowingly selling, trading, or promised that the shakes would be Please Visit Us at applying off-grade product is the “…100% Certi”. The delivery of the demise of the industry. Homeowners 74 Square of shakes arrived and this NAWLA Booth No. 402 do not want a defective Cedar roof. woman climbed to see the top of a Unfortunately, most of the roofs that pallet strictly to insure that the October 2010 Advertorial Page 53 WESTSHORE/DELTA CEDAR PRODUCTS—Ready For The Next Fifty Years Delta Cedar Products/Westshore shipping area. D e l t a , B . C . — Delta Cedar Products, based here, was founded in 1958 by the late Errol Wintemute. The company specializes in Western Red Cedar and Pacific Coast Yellow Cedar, but also entertains Fir and Hemlock inquiries. A privately held company, Delta Cedar Products operates two sawmills, a remanufacturing plant, a retail lumberyard and a commercial installation division. The original Delta Cedar mill is located along the Fraser River in Delta, B.C. The remanufacturing plant is located across the street and Sunbury Cedar, its retail and commercial install divisions are adjacent to the reman plant. The Halo Sawmill is located further up the Fraser River in Pitt Meadows B.C. During the downturn in the Japanese market several years ago the company created Westshore Specialties to lead the marketing rather than having the mills produce lumber regardless of market conditions. Westshore President Dean Garofano said, “This allowed us to produce what the market wanted when the market needed it instead of cutting logs just to keep the mill going.” To fill the extra mill space the firm expanded on their custom cut model that had already worked well in conjunction with their in-house production at Halo Sawmill, incorporating it into the Delta mill. Both mills have earned a solid reputation for consistent quality and customer serv- Company President Dean Garofano standing in front of the company’s wrapped lumber products that are ready for shipment. ice. Delta Cedar President Brian Dyck and Halo President Glen Franke attribute the two mills success to the crew. They both acknowledge that anyone can put up steel or buy equipment but having a dedicated hard working, motivated crew is the key to success. Westshore Specialties production and marketing focus is on decking, fencing, fascia, timbers, pattern stock, bevel siding, boards and clears. The company’s primary market is distribution in North America but also markets its products off shore. Most of the remanufactured product sells for use in the North American market with export clears and shops generally sold to local exporters for Europe and Australia. In addition to those markets, Westshore also supplies some of the local remanners and sawmills with rough-cut lumber. Garofano said “Many different items come out of a cut so we keep the ones that fit in to our programs then sell the other items locally to others who incorporate it in with their own production”. He explained how operating this way helps give Westshore a more balanced inventory that better reflects their customer’s needs. “The days of mills allocating lumber are long gone and good customer service is more crucial than ever.” Garofano also said the key to Delta Cedar’s success has been their ability to be creative and adapt quickly in changing markets, their over all diversity through out Sales manager Gary Reid in front of Delta’s Western Red Cedar bundles. the company and most importantly the dedication and experience of the employees. With more than 250 employees throughout the Delta operations many of them are long-term key employees that go the extra mile. Garafano said, “From the sawmill floor right up to ownership, everyone rolls their sleeves up to get the job done, and it is not uncommon to see ownership physically pitching in when an extra hand is needed. We all have a very hands on approach these days, wearing many hats”. The Westshore sales and marketing team is comprised of Dean Garofano, Gary Reid, Bill Paton and Brian Dysserinck. “Between the four of us, we have over 90 year’s of experience in the industry,” Garofano said. “Having experience like that works to our advantage in getting through these difficult times. We understand what relationships are all about and know that now more than ever you need to listen to your customers and be supportive helping to find solutions to their problems. We have a great team atmosphere that communicates with each other very well. Our sales team is not geographically aligned for sales, as I believe different personalities click better with some than others. We like to let each sales person find who they bond with best and by keeping our communication close we do not step on each others toes.” According to Sales Manager Gary Reid, “Production balance is very important in today’s market place. You need to run as lean as you can on inventory, but cannot afford to run so lean that you do not have the right stock at the right time. Orders today are smaller and more specialized than ever and the customer wants it yesterday when they call.” Garofano added, “This is why frequent communication with your customer is essential in maintaining the right amount of stock to please both the customer and the banker.” The Delta Cedar group has earned a good reputation for quality over the past 50 years and is well positioned to continue for another 50-plus years. Delta Cedar/Westshore is an active member in B.C. Wood and the North American Wholesale Lumber Association (NAWLA) attending every Traders Market from day one in Dallas, Texas. For more information on Delta Cedar and Westshore Specialties visit the company web site at or call 604- 589-9006. • Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 818 Page 54 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue Skana Forest Products Ltd. has been selling into the North American market for the last twenty years. Skana Forest Products Ltd. specializes in wholesale softwood lumber, plywood, fencing and the manufacturing of specialty Western Red Cedar. ale ing Our knowledgeable team is committed to providing innovative and high quality forest products to Canadian, US and overseas markets. Congratulations NAWLA on another successful Traders Market! 1303-20800 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2W3 Web SKANA FOREST PRODUCTS LTD BRITISH COLUMBIA B.C. 1.604.273.5441 CANADA Florida 1.954.202.1001 Quebec 1.450.281.1971 October 2010 Advertorial Page 55 ROBBINS LUMBER Gains More Efficiency With Upgrades Chief Executive Officer and owner of Robbins Lumber, Jim Robbins and Alden Robbins, Lumber Sales Manager and Vice President, standing in front of a load of White Pine ready for shipment. S e a r s m o n t , M a i n e —Fifth generation Eastern White Pine manufacturer, Robbins Lumber Inc. becomes even more efficient by adding a new dry storage facility and making state-of-the-art upgrades to their facilities. Robbins Lumber Inc. manufactures 4/4 and 5/4 Eastern White Pine boards and 8/4 Selects, up to 24-inches wide. Secondary products for the company include a line of clothes drying racks, wooden louvers and ice cream freezer buckets. President and owner of Robbins Lumber, Jim Robbins said, “We don’t acquire orders based on price. Our products are based on quality and service as is our business and in order to maintain that level of service we are continuously implementing new methods and making changes that benefit our customers and make our operations more efficient.” “We also produce Live Edge log cabin siding,” Alden Robbins said. Alden is Sales Manager and Vice President of the firm. He is also Jim Robbins son. “We’ve actually been manufacturing it for a number of years, but we haven’t actively marketed it. For a long time we produced it regionally by request only, but recently we saw an opportunity to grow with it and we’ve started offering it on a national scale. “It’s a heavy bevel made from a 4/4 product. It’s completely tapered and the entire face is beveled, removing any imperfec- President Jimmy Robbins Jr. who oversees day-to-day mill operations is shown here in the rafters of the construction of a new shed. tions,” Alden the process of Tonia Tibbetts, inside sales, joined Robbins Lumber Co. explained. “This in July of 2009. upgrading one of product has been our planing mills for kiln dried at 10-12 better planing and percent, which gives it a very unique, rusa larger production. We’re going to install a tic look. It can be used as an accent piece, new sorting chain, a new feed table and like up in dormers of log cabin sidings or bridge between the trimmer and the planer maybe just up in gabled ends of a house, so that we’ll get more uniform feeds to the or for tool, tractor, or storage sheds.” planer with better milling. A new green Jim said a new dry storage facility was chain will enable us to get the finished lifts built to eliminate staining of the company’s out of the planer mill quicker and we’ll get products. “We decided to build another better production without bottlenecking.” storage shed for our rough dry lumber Upgrades at the company’s sawmill because after its kiln-dried, if the item is include installation of a new log deck and moving slow, you set it back outdoors. conveyor. When it’s outdoors, lumber has the potenBecoming the sole owner of priming opertial to stain. We pride ourselves in manuation, Penobscot Bay Coatings in 2009, facturing a product with no stain, so we Robbins will make upgrades to that operabuilt the new facility to allow more of our tion as well. “We’re still looking for the right lumber to stay under cover, preventing that equipment and we’re working on the plant problem.” design right now,” he said. Robbins Lumber carries up to 4 million Robbins Lumber Inc. employs approxiboard feet of dressed lumber. The new mately 112 people. Including Jim and facility has approximately 2.5 million board Alden Robbins, key members of the comfoot capacity for rough, dry lumber. pany’s sales team include manager and “We are also modernizing our reman facilsales of the secondary manufacturing line, ity so we can react to small orders quicker,” Dawn Manton; Tonia Tibbets, inside sales; Robbins added. “We find a lot of the retail George Weaver, outside sales; and John yards that we deal with directly in Maine Benjamin who handles primed product only, want to purchase smaller lots, so sales. Jim’s daughter Catherine Robbinswe’re making the necessary changes to Jolliffe, accounts receivable, Jim’s son, become more efficient.” Jimmy Robbins Jr., Vice President, overMore upgrades are underway at Robbins sees day to day mill operations. “Jimmy Lumber as Robbins explained, “We’re in works with the different division managers and makes sure everything is running smoothly,” Jim said. “He works with the log buyer, the sawmill manager and the planer mill manager fielding and solving problems.” Changes are also going to be made in the sales department as George Weaver prepares to retire. “George has been with us for 41 years. He’s done a wonderful job for us and will be retiring at the end of the year,” Jim explained. Weaver will be replaced by Jason Fuller. “Jason has worked here for many years. Currently he’s in charge of quality control and safety. He’s very professional with a great personality and he gets the job done,” Jim said. Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certified, Robbins Lumber Inc. is a member of the North Eastern Lumber Manufacturer’s Assoc. (NELMA), and the North American Wholesale Lumber Assoc. (NAWLA). For more information about Robbins Lumber Inc.’s products and services contact • Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 315 STEADFAST… Years exhibiting at the NAWLA Traders Market(all of them) - 15 Years in the lumber business -103 Combined years of lumber experience - 748 Southern Yellow Pine Products & People You Can Count On McShan Lumber Company, Inc. McShan, AL 205.375.6277 fax 2773 800.882.3712 Visit our new website: Traders Market Booth # 718 Page 56 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue Multi-Generational GILBERT SMITH MARY’S RIVER LUMBER Western Red FOREST PRODUCTS Plots Future Sucess Cedar, The Naturally Green Choice B a r r i e r e , B . C . – At Gilbert Smith enables it to effectively do a cut-in-two Forest Products Ltd. (GSFP), located program that targets 4 square 8’, 2x4 adjacent to the Yellowhead Hwy. 5 here, products, along with other re-man proWestern Red Cedar is turned into varigrams for 4’, 5’ and 6’ lengths. ous dimension products, boards and Established in 1955 by Gilbert Smith timbers. and his family, GSFP began as a Cedar The plant is situated on 28 acres of pole plant. In 1957 GSFP shipped over industrial land that includes the sawmill, 13,000 Cedar poles and many more planer, log storage, lumber storage, Pine poles and Fir pilings to sites across scales and parking. Staff works five 8Canada and the US. In 1962, a motorhour shifts weekly at the mill and five 12ized pole peeler was purchased to prohour shifts at the planer producing 25 duce up to 11,000 lineal feet in an 8 hour million board feet of product annually. shift. In production, GSFP utilizes a Hewsaw, In 1967, a sawmill was purchased and R200 small log line and a double circuset up onsite. In 1968, less emphasis lar large log line with a Kockums 12-inch was placed on the pole plant. The Cedar single arbour gang and finishes with a sawmill became our main focus to utilize Stetson Ross 610 planer. When Cedar the whole Cedar log with minimum Logs enter the firm’s yard, they follow a waste. In 1968, a planer was purchased, series of and followwork stations ing that in b e f o r e 1972 barkbecoming a ing and chipcompleted ping facilities product. were added. These staG i l b e r t tions include: Smith Forest the weigh Products scales, log Ltd. has yard, log b e e n bucking, expanding Nicholson since then 27-ring or, and now Rosserhead employs debarker and At Gilbert Smith Forest Products (GSFP) in Barriere, B.C., the first board planed a p p r o x i the firm’s Stetson Ross 610 Planer is inspected. Pictured are: Dan Linden step through Doyle, mill superintendent; Bob Easton, retired planerman; Greg Smith, gener- mately fifty f e e d e r s . al manager; and Mike Kennedy, planerman. people at the Small logs sawmill and a r e planer, four processed at people in the the Hewsaw woodlands and larger department logs are cut and seven on a head rig administraand lumber is tive staff. sent to a Greg Smith, large gang General combo and Manager, is board edger a third genor a small eration famiboard edger. ly member Lumber is that grew up Appearance grade timbers in GSFP’s yard await shipment. also directed in the through the sawmill and vertical resaw woodlands to extract part of the extra valuebusiness. added prodF u t u r e ucts, it then plans for the p a s s e s company through a i n c l u d e trimmer/gradmore focus ing station, on small sorted in a 30 log STK bin j-bar products, sorter and increasing stacked out. recovery After that, the Pictured are the debarker and log infeed decks at the Gilbert Smith Forest with some Products’ sawmill. product is put planned in the rough edger and lumber yard to await being planed, gradheadrig upgrades, and developing offed, piled, wrapped, banded and loaded shore markets. on trucks for shipping to customers. Key personnel at the firm include: Ted Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. uses Smith (Retired), President; Greg Smith, one of the largest single arbour gang General Manager; Dan Doyle, Mill edger’s ever built in B.C. It was Superintendent; Mike Kennedy, designed to produce a board with no Planerman; and Kathy Cooper, saw step and has the capability of proShipping. Greg handles all sales cessing everything from a 1x4 to ganginquiries. ing a 12-inch cant to 2x12’s, as well as Gilbert Smith Forest Products’ Ltd. cuscapable of handling large timbers up to tomers consist primarily of wholesalers, 8 inches high and 16 inches wide. This stocking distributors and remanufacture enables the company to be diverse in plants located within Canada and the producing custom products and accomU.S. The firm has the capability to ship modate new markets. internationally and is currently developA few years ago, GSFP installed a ing markets into China. small log line and the bucking line was For sales inquires, contact Greg Smith modified to distribute logs of various at: diameters to different product programs, 250-672-9727 such as either of the two debarkers, log Fax : 250-672-5644 yard inventory, storage decks, head rig [email protected] and the new Hew Sew R200. This piece Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. of equipment is a highly advanced 34411 Borthwick Ave, PO Box 689 dimensional optimized machine center Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 that calculates a solution, rotates and positions and makes all the size adjustments based on value and recovery. With these upgrades, the sawmill Please Visit Us at increased production 20 to 25 percent and realized a gain in recovery. The NAWLA Booth No. 625 firm’s newly installed planer and trimmer • requiring dry bevel siding,” says Don Dye, C o r v a l l i s , O r e . –Mary’s River Lumber sales manager. Company believes it has become one of Brad Kirkbride, president, adds, “Our proAmerica’s leading Western Red Cedar duction facilities and procedures are conmanufacturer’s for a variety of reasons. tinuously evaluated to manufacture supeAmong those reasons are: commitment to rior Western Red Cedar more efficiently. outstanding customer service, product The result is a top-quality product that is excellence, production innovation and competitively priced.” diverse product availability. Mary’s River’s siding is available in bevel, Additionally, Mary’s River remains comchannel, and tongue & groove patterns. mitted to continually updating its three Knotty T & G siding, with its outstanding manufacturing facilities as they strive to texture and rustic appearance, is the corprovide superior service. During the past 4 nerstone of production. When Western years, its Montesano, Wash., facility has Red Cedar is coated with a solid-finish oil been completely rebuilt, for example. Now, stain, it makes a handsome statement in Mary’s River is installing a fifth kiln at almost any architectural style. Mary’s Montesano, and each of its kilns handles River siding is ideal for home center marabout 90,000 board feet. This newest kiln ket with end-caps and bundled packagwill boost the board footage to a total of ing. 500,000. Mary’s River offers a full selection of all Mary’s River’s Philomath, Ore., sawmill natural has also Western b e e n R e d rebuilt in Cedar the past decking. f o u r Tightyears. k n o t , The comsecond p a n y growth plans to timber is install a selected bin sorter to prosoon, and duce the then the beauty renovaof natution will ral wood be comRick Ingram, Don Dye, and Raymond Luther comprise the sales team for Mary’s decking plete. The River Lumber Co., located in Corvallis, Ore. with staPhilomath b i l i t y, m i l l durabilirecently ty, and saw the weather installaresisttion of its ance. fifth dehuDecking midificais availtion kiln. able in Corvallis 5/4 x 4, serves as 5/4 x 6, 2 the site of x 6 with the com3 / 1 6 ” pany’s radius h e a d q u a r t e r s Raymond Luther, a salesman at Mary’s River, says, “We offer a full selection of all e d g e and 2 x and, here, natural Western Red Cedar decking.” 4 and 2 remanux 6 with eased edges. Decking is availfacturing for the Philomath sawmill takes able in even lengths only from 6’ to 20’. place. Western Red Cedar boards and fascia It has been said that in comparing buildare manufactured with the same attention ing materials, Red Cedar is as distinct as to quality as Mary’s River’s other STK and diamonds are to other gemstones, due to Clear products. Boards and fascia are its outstanding appearance, durability, offered in 1”, 5/4” and nominal 2” depths dimensional stability and insulation value. and nominal 4” through 12” widths, with For these reasons, manufacturing Red rough sawn or S1S2E finishes. Quality Cedar products is a very hands-on control recognizes that its Standard and process as compared to producing comBetter boards are used in fascia, trim and modity 2x4’s and 2x6’s. board and batten where excellent appearHands-on quality starts with selecting ance is essential. tight-knot, second growth Western Red In today’s surging “green” market, Cedar logs for specific products and Western Red Cedar is a natural choice. grades in a full range of Red Cedar prodMary’s River Western Red Cedar comes ucts. From there, the logs are sawn into from fast growing, abundant, secondlumber at one of two Mary’s River fully growth forests where 95% of the tree is integrated sawmills situated in the used. The branches, the remaining 5 perWestern Red Cedar region of Coastal cent, are left on the forest floor to biodeOregon and Washington. The Oregon grade into rich compost for the next gensawmill at Philomath is in the Coast Range eration. Compared to concrete composwest of Corvallis. Here, the lumber is conites and plastic substitutes, WR Cedar verted to kiln-dried, rough-cut lumber on production has the lowest energy constate-of-the-art equipment designed sumption, is non-hazardous to handle, specifically to mill Red Cedar for optimum and is totally biodegradable and renewquality. The rough-cut lumber is transportable. ed to Mary’s River’s finishing/shipping Mary’s River customers are stocking facility in Corvallis to be milled into siding, wholesalers, both domestic and internaboards, paneling, decking, fencing and tional. The firm provides services and dimension in a wide variety of grades and products to clients in Canada, Australia, sizes. Shipping operations are located Europe, Japan, Korea and Tahiti. close to Union Pacific’s mainline and I-5 Mary’s River is an industry leader in for quick shipment by rail or truck. Western Red Cedar due to its commitWashington operations are located at ment to customer satisfaction, innovation Montesano, where all facets of manufacto stay on the cutting edge in quality and turing are performed at one location. The production, community involvement, and operations complement each other to proa safe and healthy environment for its vide flexibility in product mix, quick employees. For more information, call the response to customer inventory requiresales team Don Dye, Rick Ingram, and ments, optimum efficiency, and competiRaymond Luther, or visit tively provide customers the Western Red Cedar they need with on-time delivery. Mary’s River’s skilled craftsmanship and innovation provides the quality and the unique appearance that sets its siding apart from composites that try to copy the appearance of Western Red Cedar. An innovative solution to drying is the custom dry kilns, designed for the optimum condiPlease Visit Us at tioning of Red Cedar. “Our computerized NAWLA Booth No. 414 dehumidifying kilns allow us to produce superior kiln-died bevels for markets • October 2010 Advertorial Page 57 IDAHO TIMBER Employees Contribute To Success B o i s e , I d a h o — Idaho Timber, headquartered here, believes strongly in the power of its people — the employees who have given the company its reputa- Cedar remanufacturing facility able to produce 40 million board feet of Cedar boards, fencing and pattern stock. The Chadbourn, N.C., facility produces Pictured is the corporate team of Idaho Timber, located in Boise, Idaho. Ted Ellis (far right, front) president and CEO, leads the company, which began in 1979. tion in the market. Ted Ellis, president and chief executive officer, said their hard work is impossible to duplicate. “We have found that our business model from an equipment and manufacturing standpoint is easy to duplicate,” Ellis said. “The expertise of the people is nearly impossible to duplicate due to the base of experience, length of service and talent we have been able to attract and retain within our company.” Idaho Timber, which began in 1979, maintains a sawmilling operation in Carthage, Ark., which specializes in 5/4 SYP decking and 2x4 to 2x12 dimension; and a Cedar split-rail fencing mill in Troy, Idaho. The Weiser, Idaho, facility produces boards in Ponderosa Pine, Spruce and Radiata Pine (1x4 to 1x12), Lodgepole Pine (1x4 through 1x12), and pattern stock and strips (1x2, 1x3, 2x2). The Boise, Idaho, facility produces Doug Fir and Hem-Fir studs and dimension (2x4 through 2x12/8’ to 20’). This location recently completed construction of a SYP, SPF and European Spruce studs and dimension (2x4 through 2x12), Ponderosa Pine, Engelmann Spruce By Terry Miller Henderson, N.C. facility produces SPF and Hem-Fir studs and dimension (2x4 through 2x12/8’ to 20’). The Lake City, Fla., facility produces SPF and SYP (2x4 through 2x12/4’ to 24’) studs and dimension and pallet stock. The Albuquerque, N.M., facility produces SYP, Hem-Fir, SPF Idaho Timber maintains 11 facilities throughout the U.S., including this manufacturing and Ponderosa and distribution operation in Henderson, N.C. Pine (2x4 provide new opportunities. through 2x12/8’ to 20’) studs and dimen“Even though we are concerned about sion, boards, pattern stock, decking, plythe current market, we are excited about wood, OSB, glulams and roofing materithe opportunities for growth,” Ellis said. als. “Overall, Idaho Timber is looking forward Ellis said Idaho Timber’s goal is “having to taking advantage of the new opportuenough of the quality products that our nities that will soon present themselves customers need on a daily basis and due to the eventual balance between attempting to provide them within 24 supply and demand. We consider this hours.” time of struggle an experience and an “We are a very service-oriented organiopportunity of a lifetime.” zation,” he said. “We’re known for our Idaho Timber is a member of the North people and our ability to service our cusAmerican Wholesale Lumber tomers. Most of our managers have Association (NAWLA), Temperate grown from the bottom up and gained a Forest Foundation, Sustainable Forest tremendous amount of experience.” Initiative and Forest Stewardship “They have greater empathy and underCouncil. stand their customer’s needs,” Ellis said. For more information on Idaho Timber, “That’s what allows you to be the best at visit what you do. The Idaho Timber management team continues to focus on the basics of running a good company. They have been able to retain key people while also Please Visit Us at adding exceptional people that have been displaced by the market. The team is ready to accelerate quickly when NAWLA Booth No. 619 the market circumstances change and • Cedar split rail fencing, shown here, is one of many products produced and sold by Idaho Timber. and European Spruce boards (1x4 through 1x12), pattern stock, edgeglued boards and specialties. The Our industry experts provide you valuable help every step of the way. As the 32 year lumber and building product technology leader, DMSi delivers its acclaimed Agility soŌware with unparalleled experƟse and service for peak performance, ease-of-use, and ROI. To learn more, call DMSi at 800.347.6720 or visit us online at 800.347.6720 Learn how. CLICK NOW. MAKE TECHNOLOGY WORK FOR YOU. Visit us at the NAWLA Traders Market Booth #704 Run better. Page 58 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue HANCOCK LUMBER, Manufacturing Pine Through The Eyes Of The Customer Headquartered in Casco, Maine, some key personnel at Hancock Lumber includes; Matt Duprey, vice president of sales, Jack Bowen, vice president of sales, and Kevin Hynes, chief operating officer. C a s c o , M a i n e —Hancock Lumber Co. has a history that spans approximately 162 years. Since 1848 the company has been servicing the forest products industry with quality Eastern White Pine products by way of continued innovation and a knowledgeable staff, according to Chief Operating Officer Kevin Hynes. “Throughout the economic downturn we haven’t stopped making improvements,” he explained. “We are constantly innovating and looking for ways to improve and become more efficient.” The firm’s recent installations include a Weinig Hydromat 2000 moulder. Vice President of Sales Matt Duprey said, “We installed an additional Weinig moulder at our Bethel, Maine, facility, which will complement the moulder we have in Casco. So we now have two moulding facilities to handle our pattern production.” Customer service oriented, Hynes said the decisions made at Hancock Lumber Co. are in direct response to the needs expressed by the company’s clients. “We work diligently to see things from the point of view of the customer,” he said. “Expediting the product from order to finished goods as efficiently as possible for our customers is imperative, which is part of the reason we went with the additional Weinig moulder,” Duprey added. Pattern manufacturing is about 25 percent of Hancock’s business. “Twenty-five per- Hancock’s Red Bag Solution: Made in Maine, Eastern White Pine. cent and growing—it is a large portion of what we do,” Hynes said. “As time goes on, what customers need and want grows too. They’re looking for better quality, shorter lead times, and smaller runs. We have developed a partnership with our customers and what they need is what we’re going to provide. So when we looked at our pattern business we realized that we were outgrowing the one moulder in Casco. So we installed the Weinig moulder at the Bethel facility.” The Weinig Hydromat 2000 can be used for applications from 2-inches wide up to 12-inches wide and according to Hynes, is the industry’s leading moulder. “This is the third Weinig that we’ve purchased for our planing and finishing facilities,” he said. “We are now using this machine with four people operating it versus a whole planer mill with up to 10 people running it. Cost effectiveness is right there,” Duprey said. “Having the ability to run smaller 12-inch patterns is really key for us and an asset to our customers.” Hancock Lumber Co. held a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony when the new moulder came on line. “This is a huge win for Hancock Lumber Co. but it’s also a huge win for our customers,” Duprey said. They get the service, the flexibility and the timeliness and we become more efficient. We wouldn’t be able to do these things if we didn’t have great customers.” The people at Hancock Lumber Co. real- Russell Coulter, general manager of Hancock’s Bethel mill operations standing by the new Weinig Hydromat 2000 moulder. ize the importance of maintaining customer relationships in good times and in bad. “The orders our customers place today are not truckloads or half truckload orders, they’re a unit of this and a unit of that. They’ve had to change the way they do business and we’ve adjusted to accommodate them,” Hynes said. “We’re operating our mills to meet the requirements of our customer in terms of volume,” Hynes continued. “The ripping operation gives us the flexibility to take an 8-inch board and make two 4-inch boards if the demand for 4-inch increases. If we need more 6-inch high grade lumber, this allows us to take 8-inch grade lumber with edge defects and rip it down to 6-inch, creating the opportunity to produce what the market demands.” “When we go into a different market or make a different product for a particular customer, we make sure the product is exactly what that customer is looking for,” Duprey said. “Our goal is to create long term relationships so we get inside the client’s operation and see exactly what they need and what they’re trying to accomplish so that we can offer the best product available. That creates repeat business and it cements the relationship. When a customer buys our product they know they’re getting something that’s world class and that they can be successful with. We’ve created a partnership where we know what they need and what their requirements are because we listen to them and provide them with product that they can make exceptional products out of.” The team that makes up the sawmill division at Hancock Lumber Co. consists of 200 people. Additional key personnel on the sales team include Kevin Hancock, President and CEO; Jack Bowen, Vice President of Sales; Wayne Huck and Mike Michaud, Scheduling and Sales Support; Monica Evans, Shipping Coordinator and John Kohtala who manages the Pine sales to the company’s 10 retail locations in Maine and New Hampshire. Hancock Lumber operates a diverse array of businesses. Three state-of-the-art Eastern White Pine sawmills that are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certified, 10 retail lumberyards in Maine and New Hampshire and a land division with 15,000 acres. The firm is members of the North American Wholesale Lumber Association (NAWLA) and Northeast Lumber Manufacturers Association (NELMA). For more information visit the company’s website at • Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 819 WINSTON MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 800-844-7680 Winston Machinery makes a variety of material handling equipment that is custom built, on-time and at a great price such as: • lumber stacker systems • tilt hoist systems • stick removal systems • conveyors • pull chains • lumber decks • unscramblers • even enders • singulating unscramblers • roll case and transfer systems • log handling equipment • saws Every customer of ours has always had different machinery needs, so call us for pricing on custom built, heavy, high production handling equipment built for your application. Whether you need one machine or a whole system, our staff is ready to serve you before, during and after the sale. [email protected] • 1281 West Main St. • P.O. Box 159 • Lynn, AL 35575 • 205-893-5487 • Fax: 205-893-2401 October 2010 Advertorial Page 59 IDAHO FOREST GROUP Introduces Gold Into Market The Sales Team at Idaho Forest Group consists of: (from left) Rick Palmiter, Melody Martz, Ahren Spilker, Jesika Daniels, Wade Wheeler, Erol Deren, Ken Koenig, Andy Dunham, Jim Scharnhorst and Robin Martin. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho–Throughout modern history, gold has been seen as a symbol of great value – a highly sought after and coveted item. So when Idaho Forest Group (IFG) recently introduced a new specialty line into the market, it chose a name to show this value: “Idaho Forest Gold”. “This product is top tier on the quality spectrum,” said Rick Palmiter, manager for specialty product sales at IFG. “We want to produce the highest quality products in the market. Idaho Forest Gold is a specialty product and brand our customers will want to invest in, just like they would invest in gold.” Erol Deren, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at IFG, added, “With Idaho Forest Gold, we are expanding our footprint in export, Pine, and Cedar. We created this brand at the request of our customers who wanted a differentiated specialty brand identity while staying connected to Idaho Forest Group’s LaClede facility is a specialty mill that produces boards and dimension in Ponderosa Pine, Cedar, Idaho White Pine, Doug Fir and Hem Fir. Idaho Forest Group. ‘Idaho Forest Gold’ is how we are satisfying this customer’s request.” This new product line joins an extensive history of success in the lumber for IFG, which owns four Idaho lumber manufacturing facilities in Chilco, Grangeville, Laclede and Moyle Springs. All of the mills are efficient top tier operations. The mills can provide custom services such as private labeling, end branding, special package sizes, bar coding, custom dimensions, and custom grades. Chilco is a random length mill that produces dimension lumber in DougFir/Larch, Hem Fir, and SPF-s. Moyie Springs produces studs in Hem Fir, Doug-Fir/Larch, ESLPAF and 1x4 8’ boards in Hem Fir and Doug Fir. Grangeville produces studs and dimension lumber along with other specialty products in White Fir, DougFir/Larch, Ponderosa Pine, Idaho White Pine, ELSP, and Cedar. Idaho Forest Group’s mills can provide custom services, such as private labeling, end branding, special package sizes, bar coding, custom dimensions, and custom grades. Products at Grangeville can be FSC certified. Laclede is a specialty mill that produces boards and dimension in Ponderosa Pine, Cedar, Idaho White Pine, Doug-Fir and Hem Fir. Like others in the lumber industry, Idaho Forest Group has adjusted production due to the tight recessionary times. Deren said that the company is running approximately 65 percent capacity “which is all the market can withstand without putting additional downside pressure on prices. The current market conditions have prompted us to diversify our product mix more than previous years. The flexibility of our mills combined with the creativity and expertise of our production people has enabled us to pursue these new markets.” Idaho Forest Group employs over 500 people and their professionalism, said Palmiter, is reflected in the quality of the products. “The people I interact with at the mills have amazing attitudes and take real ownership over their jobs.” Key personnel at Idaho Forest Group includes: Scott Atkinson, President, Erol Deren, Vice President of Sales and Marketing; Rick Palmiter, export, account manager and coordinator of the LaClede sawmill; Ahren Spilker, export, account manager, and coordinator of the Moyle Springs’ sawmill; Wade Wheeler, account manager and coordinator of the Chilco sawmill; Andy Dunham, account manager and coordinator of the Grangeville sawmill; and Ken Koenig, manager for national accounts. Idaho Forest Group can be contacted at 208-762-6630. Or visit the company website at • Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 533 Page 60 Advertorial Our Customers Spoke - We Listened! Introducing ELECTRIC BLUE What do you say about your business in this economy? First I guess, you have to still BE in business… And to remain standing in these economic times, listening to your customers is crucial to a Quality and Service-oriented family of companies that is LAZY S LUMBER, INC. and COLUMBIA CEDAR, INC. green chain systems that were completed in 2009, providing more efficiency in the production line going from sawmill ELECTRIC BLUE to planer mill. LAZY S LUMBER and COLUMBIA Updating CEDAR have responded to our cusand some tomers with the addition of the ELECretooling of TRIC BLUE product line. the dry kilns, Merry Schmidt, co-owner, Kiln Dry 7/8” - 2 face STK boards that fill proved to be Lazy S Lumber Inc./Columbia a quality need in the market place that an efficiency Cedar Inc. has been largely ignored by Cedar mangain as well ufacturers. ELECTRIC BLUE is providas a better quality of drying on the proded in 1 x 4 thru ucts, that 1 x 12 pulled d i r e c t l y to length - half impact the packs, in 8’ to quality of 16’ lengths, product the branded and customer waxed on both receives with ends. An no additional attractive blue cost to the paper wrap customer. finishes the The real chalpackage. lenge remains LAZY S LUMto provide our BER, and customers C O L U M B I A RalphSchmidt, co-owner Lazy S Lumber Inc./Columbia Cedar Inc., and with a better C E D A R Brian Bellomo, new general manager at Columbia Cedar. quality, full remain strong line of prodand are ucts that keep indeed providthem competing the best itive in their q u a l i t y market place, Western Red as well as C e d a r address any Products, and and all conhave been for cerns promptover 30 years. ly. In Truth, 2010 In this econoand 2011 are my, the sales no exception. for the Cedar Ralph and Panels has M e r r y Columbia Cedar, in Kettle Falls, Wash., is currently building in phases a s h o w n log sawmill to enable more efficient production with the same size S c h m i d t , small improvement labor force as today. along with over last year. Tony Maben Manufactured and new GM in 4’ x 8’ - 9’ & at COLUMBIA 10’ sizes, the CEDAR Brian Deschutes Bellomo, comand Rogue bine to keep Valley grades the compaare making innies in an roads even in aggressive a poor housforward thinking market. ing frame of The 19/32” mind. Panels meet B r i a n or exceed Bellomo, our Pictured are Electric Blue STK 7/8-inch STK boards by Columbia Cedar. C a l i f o r n i a newest team Building Fire member, comes to us with experience in Codes for use in urban areas. The prodlarge scale construction and planning. ucts can be nailed directly to the studs His ‘hands on’ approach to management without need for subsiding, dramatically and research skills have proven to be an reducing labor and material costs for excellent fit to the team. Tony Maben builders. The 11/32” soffit material, has has been with the companies for 30 been the biggest mover. years, and has been promoted to VP of COLUMBIA CEDAR & LAZY S Operations from GM of LAZY S LUMBER’s ability to load mixed truckLUMBER and is responsible now for the loads of any products plus the Cedar daily operations of both Companies. Panels, have proven an advantage for Todd Fox, Larry Petree and Dave our customers in this age of “just-inDuncan at Lazy S, and Chris Retherford time” inventory management. at COLUMBIA CEDAR, continue to find “The relationships built over the last 30 ways to bring market trends and cusplus years are very valuable asset to our tomer feedback that enable the compacompanies,” said Ralph Schmidt, “The nies to be proactive in all aspects of Growth of LAZY S LUMBER and Sales, Manufacturing and Service. COLUMBIA CEDAR continues to be an LAZY S LUMBER has added more dry ever present goal of our Management storage to maintain the integrity of the Team. We are striving to keep our cusproducts while state-of-the-art finished tomers competitive in this tough ecogoods production lines provide our cusnomic times, and to continue make our tomers a very high quality KD and green relationships with them a win-win.” full line of products, specializing in STK For more information, visit the firm’s Bevel Sidings, STK Channel Sidings, website at and pattern stock. COLUMBIA CEDAR specializes in STK Tongue & Groove paneling, Electric Blue Grade 7/8 boards, 23/32” green Std & Better boards, decking and fencing. COLUMBIA CEDAR is currently buildPlease Visit Us at ing, in phases, a small log sawmill to NAWLA Booth enable more efficient production with the same size labor force we have today. Nos. 500 & 501 State-of-the-art sorter, debarker and • Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue CLEARWATER PAPER WOOD PRODUCTS DIVISION Offers Diverse Products, Services Together, we are changing things and constantly looking for ways to improve with open-mindedness about what we are doing, how we are doing it, and how we can improve and excel.” Nothing is wasted at the sawmill. The company is an integrated major producer and seller of green power from woody biomass. Distribution yards, remanufacturers and retail chains are the company’s primary customers. But Johnson added that they are constantly developing relationships and have even added 50 new customers in the past four months. Clearwater Paper ships via rail and contract trucking. Much of its lumber The sales staff at Clearwater Paper includes: Brian Johnson, Allen Gaylord, Paula can be purchased Hasfuther and Terry Johnson. L e w i s t o n , I d a h o – In 1926, The Clearwater Timber Company constructed the world’s largest White Pine sawmill here. Today that rich heritage still lives on with Clearwater Paper Corporation producing 225 million board feet of lumber annually at the same location on the banks of the Clearwater River. According to Terry Johnson, sales manager for the wood products division of Clearwater Paper, the company offers Pictured is a sample of Clearwater Paper’s 1x6 fingerjointed Cedar product. This is a sample of the company’s 1x8 Channel Rustic. dimension lumber, Douglas Fir and White Fir (2x4 through 2x12 boards) and Inland Red Cedar (1x4 through 1x12 boards), as well as patterns, paneling and decking. Two hundred-sixty employees man two 40-hour shifts weekly to meet the firm’s lumber demand. Clearwater Paper has a complete profile department fully capable of running Cedar boards and double siding. Johnson said, “We aggressively market our capabilities of making edge glued and finger joint products in Pine and Cedar, which is a product we are strongly promoting.” Additionally, the company has the capability to “produce Cedar bevel siding, paneling, patterns and decking,” commented Johnson. Clearwater Paper has state-of-the-art dry kilns with capacity to ensure that the dry product meets every customer’s specifications and expectations, he added. The fact that Clearwater Paper has many long-term employees enhances its ability to accommodate orders. Johnson, who joined the company this year, noted, “It’s interesting how we have the flexibility to tackle new ideas plus we have an experienced workforce. Some have been here 35 years. with chain-of-custody certification under the strict standards of the Forest Stewardship Council. The company is also a member of the Western Wood Products Association. Clearwater Paper was spun off Potlatch Clear fingerjointed Cedar by Clearwater Paper. Corporation in the fourth quarter of 2008 and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CLW). The company’s sales staff is based at its lumber offices at Lewiston. For more information, contact: Terry Johnson, sales manager, 208799-1850, [email protected]; Brian Johnson, salesman, 208-799-1832, [email protected]; Allen Gaylord, salesman, 208-799-1833, [email protected]. • October 2010 Advertorial Page 61 MCSHAN LUMBER CO.: An Appearance Grade Producer Of SYP most Pine mills. Most of our week. products will be used in an In 2009, McShan shipped interior application, theremore lumber internationally fore, we take great care in than domestically. However, our drying process.” the company successfully The company has four maintains good relationships steam-fired kilns and all with its U.S. customers. products are dried to 12 Most lumber is shipped by percent moisture content or flatbed truck, however occaless with the exception of sional containers, vans and the occasional run of 2x12 railcars on the KCS railway S4S. Since steam is proare also used. duced in the firm’s boiler McShan Lumber dates back and is fueled by green sawto 1844 when Feaster dust from the mill, Mc Shan McShan moved here from has been in the ‘green’ South Carolina. In 1898, the Lumber is a long-time producer of 5/4x12 bullnosed stepping Hunter McShan, president of McShan Lumber Co., located in McShan, energy business for over town of McShan was named McShan for the U.S. market. Ala., is pictured with an export load of lumber. 100 years. in honor of Feaster and his McShan has the capability sons, including Nathan. By duces high quality lumber with just a fracto store more than 4 million board feet of 1907, Nathan had a cotton gin that was M c S h a n , A l a . –Experience and a comtion of the hard labor that was required lumber ready to ship at any time. powered by a steam engine. Since ginning mitment to quality in the production of years ago. “Southern Pine has always been known was seasonal, he built a rough sawmill and Southern Yellow Pine lumber has resulted Hunter McShan said, “We’re proud of our for its strength, nail began producing in the successful longevity of McShan heritage as a high quality mill and strive to holding ability and lumber. Logs were Lumber Co., located here maintain the reputation that was estabtreatabilty,” said pulled by oxen or The fourth generation of McShans are lished so many years ago. We plan to Hunter McShan. mules and lumber currently leading the company, which make the best lumber possible throughout “While those qualities was sold to St. Louis reports it is the only Southern Yellow Pine our future.” are important, they do wholesalers who mill in the world that is cutting export sizes McShan Lumber Co. is a member of: the not play a huge role in rode down on the and has Sustainable Forestry Initiative Alabama Forestry Association, North the products we offer. train to place orders. Chain-of Custody certification. American Wholesale Lumber Association, Most of our lumber will An important product Company President Hunter McShan said, Southern Forest Products Association, be manufactured into in those days was “We’ve been in business for over 103 Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers other products such as pole stock, which was years and have a well-known reputation as Association, Southern Lumber Exporters doors, windows, casvery select as it was a quality producer. We know the imporAssociation and the Southern Pine kets, furniture, mouldused to make wagon tance of proper drying. We have many secInspection Bureau. ing or millwork. We parts. ond, third, fourth and even some fifth genIn addition to Hunter McShan, key personalso run our lumber About this time, eration families working here. We are nel include: Tyler McShan, chairman; John into flooring (where McShan Lumber Co. produces full sawn 8/4 lumber for another family (the proud to have a group of knowledgeable Tyler McShan, sawmiller emeritus; Grover strength and durability export markets. Sparkmans) purpeople who are dedicated to maintaining Allgood, procurement; Melissa McShan is a factor) paneling, chased nearby our reputation for quality.” Allgood, treasurer; Mark Junkins, sales ceiling and other patterns. One of the Melrose Plantation, which consisted of McShan Lumber produces 27 million manager; Charlie Quarles, transportaunique qualities of Southern Yellow Pine 2,000 acres. In 1910, they erected a board feet of lumber annually from one tion/sales; and Dina Fuller, administrain international markets is our ability to prosawmill at Melrose and this is the current sawmill with two planer lines. Employees tion/sales. vide long pieces of all clear wood. This is site of McShan Lumber Co. Members of work an average of 43 hours weekly. They For more information, visit the not available in many other species.” the McShan family still live in the house, produce 4/4, 5/4 and 8/4 rough for export company’s website at www.mcshanlumAdditionally, although the company is situ“Melrose”, which was constructed in 1840. as well as the same sizes, S4S, for ated in the western edge of central, rural In 1926, Nathan McShan’s son Tyler purbution in the U.S. The firm also produces Alabama, it has a global reach. Over 50 chased Melrose plantation from the 5/4x12 bullnosed stepping, 5/4x6 radius percent of its production is exported. The Sparkmans and began operating its edge decking and a wide array of pattern firm frequently has overseas buyers and sawmill. stock. recently had visits from customers and Much has changed around the Melrose McShan noted, “We are a grade mill and Please Visit Us at potential customers in Bermuda, Taiwan, plantation and McShan Lumber Co. since we buy high grade logs and cut for grade. NAWLA Booth No. 718 Italy, Guatemala and Spain, all in the same those days. Now a high-tech sawmill proWe operate more like a hardwood mill than • Page 62 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue NEWMAN LUMBER, Meeting Customers’ THE SWANSON GROUP – Producing Sustainable Needs In A Moments Notice Products Before “Green” Was Fashionable Wells River, Vt.— Walter Young, president of Newman Lumber Co., knows a little bit about the lumber business. Over the past 60 years he has been involved in the forest products industry. In 2005, the Youngs changed the name of Transit Milling Co. Inc. to Newman Lumber Co. “This company has a lot of history and experience, so customers can put their trust in the fact that we know what we are doing,” Young said. “We also take pride in knowing that we can do just about any pattern or product our customers want. I think we have Walter Young, president of the company, leads a team of employees, which over 200 years experience in the forest products industry and produces some of the best has Pine and Spruce patterns. employees to maintain Recently, Newman Lumber began our machinery.” offering Baltic Region Pine and Currently, approximately 98 percent of Spruce. Products offered in the the production is their own product, species include: E, CB & WP4 and log cabin siding, Euro Spruce 2x6 and 2x8 WP4 16foot; Euro Spruce 1/2-inch x 6-inch x 16foot bevel siding and fingerjointed Baltic Pine, among others. With just 10 employees, all of them play an important role. Key employees include Walter Young, president and sales; Carole Young, treasurer and office adminisCarole Young is treasurer and takes care of office administration and bookkeeping, and and Diane Castello is receptionist and assists with bookkeeping at Newman Lumber Co. in tration; Wells River, Vt. D i a n n e Castello, receptionist and assists with bookkeeping. and the remainder is custom milling. The firm ships its products all over The company is looking to manufacNorth America. Normal turnaround ture close to 15 million board feet time for an order is a couple of days, annually. provided the company has the invenThe Youngs also came in and tory in-house. If it is a custom order, it revamped the facility, which included will generally be shipped within a totally black topping and concreting week, according to Young. In order to the shed floors, adding a new shavensure that the product arrives to the ings room, buying six new forklifts and customer in a clean and uniformed completely rebuilding the Yates method, Newman Lumber paper American A20 planer, changing from wraps and canvasses everything prior eight to 12 knife heads. Also, the firm to shipping. Customers include wholeput in electronic equipment to speed salers and wholesale distributors. up side heads and profilers from 3500 “I think we have one of the most RPM’s to 6000 RPM’s. Other equipstate-of-the-art facilities for planing on ment includes a Mattison straight-line the East Coast,” Young said. “When it ripsaw and a new McDonough 54-inch comes to grinding our knives to makresaw. ing the patterns, we can control every In addition, Newman Lumber built four facet of the entire operation. I think 50 x 300 dry storage facilities with 15 everyone who buys from us will enjoy bays each, which provide the compaour service and will want to come ny with approximately 20 million board back, from the trucker to the wholefeet of storage, including an existing saler to the retail yards who receive facility. Additionally, a 50 x 500 dry our products from the wholesale storage facility was recently built on trade. In the event a problem should the property. occur, we believe in resolving the Newman Lumber is a member of and problem in an efficient and timely produces all the Northeast Lumber manner and making a wrong a right.” Manufacturers Assoc. (NELMA) patNewman Lumber encourages its custerns, Western Wood Products Assoc. tomers to come and visit the mill to (WWPA) patterns, as well as custom see the process from beginning to made patterns for customers who proend, or go to their website at vide specifications. The company has the capability, the facility and the equipment to grind and make the knives for specific customer requests. • In addition, the firm is also a member of the North American Wholesale Lumber Assoc. (NAWLA). G l e n d a l e , O r e . –The Swanson Group, Oregon; a dimension mill in Noti, a stud based here, has been manufacturing qualmill in Roseburg, and two plywood/veneer ity wood products since 1951. Established mills in Glendale and Springfield. “With our by brothers Dean and Rod Swanson and a location in southern Oregon we naturally few other investors, the firm typically have a freight advantage to California and serves both large retail yards and wholethat is our largest single market” says sale distribution centers. Maurer. “Shipping by truck to the central According to valley and Bob Maurer, Bay area of Marketing California has Director, been a big Swanson has advantage for been involved our cusin sustainable tomers in practices since controlling their early their inventobeginnings. ry and man“ T h e aging their Swanson’s investment have always dollars. In supported southern good stewardCalifornia we ship and susmaintain a t a i n a b i l i t y . Bob Maurer Marketing Director for Swanson Group Sales indicates the large distribuSFI logo that is placed on all wood products. Swanson Group is certified Those issues tion inventory by SFI for fiber sourcing which indicates responsible procurement pracwere just as tices as verified by a third-party audit. in Colton, important in Calif. and are the 50’s able to serve and 60’s as that market they are today with next day they just didn’t trucking of have the highly mixed exposure to loads to consumer achieve the groups like same inventothey do today. ry efficiency Practicing for our cussustainable tomers.” forestry is “All of our the sort of mills are thing you do either servbecause it’s iced directly the right thing All of Swanson’s products: dimension lumber, studs and plywood are by the Union marked with an inventory tag indicating the date and time the product to do, not was made so that you can be assured of getting fresh, clean, bright P a c i f i c because it’s stock. Railroad or by the fashionC O R P able way.” (Central M a u r e r Oregon and explained how P a c i f i c the Swanson’s Railroad) a were one of small feeder the first comline that panies to conserves the vert their mill UP. We also to small log utilize other production shipping which utilized points in the smaller diamEugene area eter second that give us growth timber added flexibilinstead of the Loaded cars of lumber leave the mill at Glendale on their way to become ity in carriers traditional old part of the supply chain. when we ship growth Doug product back Fir timber. east.” “The company made that conversion back Swanson Group Sales Co. is the selling in the 60’s and was well ahead of the curve arm of Swanson Group and the dozen in anticipating the restrictions that would sales people on staff average close to 25 soon develop in regards to old growth haryears experience in the business. They vesting.” Maurer added “we’ve been at this pride themselves on their level of service to for more than 59 years and we like to their customers and their knowledge of the remind our customers and buyers that this business and the ever changing markets. is something that is an integral part of our Swanson Group Sales Co. is led by John culture. When you live and work among Stembridge Vice President of Sales and these great forests you take your responsiDistribution. Other senior management bility for sustainability pretty serious.” members at Swanson Group include: The state of Oregon passed into law the Steve Swanson President and CEO, Oregon Forest Practices Act in 1972 some Chuck Wert Executive Vice President, 20 years before today’s popular certificaRobert Landau Vice President of tion programs were formed. “In many Operations, Don Hardwick Vice President ways the OGPA was our certification of Resources, and Rick Bernheisel CFO. agency – with two major differences – first As Marketing Director, Bob Maurer works they didn’t intend to profit from establishing primarily with the sales team but interacts and following good forest practices and with all departments in promoting the comsecond – they made compliance the law.” pany and the activities they undertake. Recently Swanson Group became certi“Going green has been a hot topic for fied under the SFI (Sustainable Forestry many years now and it’s something we’ve Initiative) program for fiber sourcing. “We always done as a matter of principle and chose SFI, not for their consumer marketdaily practice; but we’ve never blown our ing voice, but for their best forest pracown horn or made it an issue. As a major tices”, added Maurer. employer in several small towns where our Concern for the environment doesn’t start mills are located and living in one of the and end at the woods though and most proficient tree growing regions of the Swanson Group recently extended their world and dependent on those trees as raw sustainable efforts to renewable energy material just makes one sensitive to propwhen they signed up with Pacific Power, er care and stewardship with the timbertheir utility provider, and their Blue Sky prolands. We want our employees, our comgram. “Under the Blue Sky program we munities, and our company to thrive for purchase over 1,500 100 kilowatt-hour many years.” blocks per month of renewable energy, with the result that over the course of a year Swanson Group avoids putting 1,108 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The program increases our energy cost some 2-3% per month but we like to think that we are doing the right thing for Please Visit Us at the environment and view this as a long term commitment to future generations.” NAWLA Booth No. 320 Swanson Group operates five mills in • October 2010 Advertorial Page 63 C&D LUMBER: “We Go The Extra Mile” Great People: C&D Lumber employees believe in their products and are committed to continuing the tradition of providing the best quality lumber and timbers to their customers. R i d d l e , O r e . –C&D Lumber Co. maintains the reputation of offering quality products, craftsmanship, and service after being in business for over 100 years, specializing in high-quality appearance timbers in Douglas Fir, Incense Cedar, and Port Orford Cedar and Cedar Decking Products. Our motto: Great People. Great Products. Great Customers. This is the driving force behind C&D’s success and longevity. Recently, a C&D customer made this comment that we feel is a true reflection of what we strive for everyday, “Please understand that you as a company are a tremendous business partner to be affiliated with. Your owner should be proud as well as all of your employees. It is a privilege to count on such a good company as yours to be a partner of ours.” GREAT PEOPLE. Tradition is important to success. Our tradition lives through the dedication of our employees in producing the highest quality lumber and timbers in the industry. Additionally, we embrace innovative thinking and implementations to continue to finetune our business. Manufacturing improvements are common practice, such as the installation of non-metal tracks, anti-fungal dipping, paper-wrapping, and the elimination of grading crayons. We pride ourselves on growing and changing where needed. At C&D Lumber Co. we invest in Great Products: C&D Lumber’s Premium 5/4x6 Incense Cedar Decking is quickly becoming the preferred decking choice to create beautiful outdoor living spaces that can be enjoyed all year long. our employees by facilitating skills and leadership training, safety meetings, and health and wellness challenges. GREAT PRODUCTS. We set our expectations high because we know the success of customers’ projects starts with the quality of our wood. We make a habit of going the extra mile to ensure our customers’ experience is second-to-none, by offering piece counts, custom cutting, anti-stain, anti-mold treatment, mixed loads and more. A C&D customer shared, “The best products available, sold by knowledgeable sales people.” Premium Exposed® Douglas Fir- When Appearance Matters. With natural beauty and exceptional strength, our Premium Exposed® rough sawn timbers and 2” lumber have become the preferred lumber for open-beamed construction. We start with pre-selected raw materials and manufacture beams with precision milling. All Premium Exposed® products are graded on an in-house grade rule which exceeds WWPA’s standards for pitch, shake, and wane. “They [Premium Exposed®] are a top of the line product,” boasted a customer. Incense Cedar is an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor applications. Incense Cedar is highly rated in a majority of physical properties including natural durability, shrinkage, checking, weathering, warping, and insulation value. We offer Great Customers: C&D Lumber values their customers as top priority, striving to build win-win relationships each and every time. Visit them at Booth #432. Incense Cedar lumber and timbers in rough and smooth surfaces. We manufacture Incense Cedar into premium decking and paneling products as well. Port Orford Cedar specially grows just inland from the rugged Southern Oregon coast. Historically, Port Orford Cedar was the preferred wood for boat building, chosen for its strength, durability, and decay resistance. It offers a wonderful scent and very light color that can be left natural or stained to virtually any tint. This product is first-rate for decking, timbers, and indoor projects. GREAT CUSTOMERS. Our mutually beneficial relationships with long-term customers are the running force to our survival. We strive for complete customer satisfaction. “Sales follow-up and shipping are probably the best in the industry. Customers are always given the “Nordstrom style” treatment,” claims one of C&D’s distributors. Our sales, manufacturing, and shipping departments work together as a team to coordinate proficient production schedules. Leslie Southwick, Sales and Marketing Manager, shares, “We have very flexible manufacturing capabilities in our sawmill and processing areas which allow us to be efficient in the production of targeted products and the ability to react quickly to customers’ needs.” Our sales team, Lee, Kris, and Leslie communi- cate and demonstrate to our customers that we continue to produce high-quality products that customers can count on. “C&D is a consistent quality mill in and out of the sales office.” We value marketing to our customers, using tools like our comprehensive company website, , quarterly promotions, MillWrite our monthly eNewsletter, and an online Customer Feedback Survey. Providing marketing tools that truly are beneficial for our customers has recently been a huge focus. Our Product Guide is a new favorite, while the C&D website is equally useful. Each contains species and product information, our standards and mission, sustainable solutions, and a DVD to view, while the website also includes an extensive list of our retailers and distributors. Our customers say, the Product Guide is “informative”, “professionally done”, and “complete” and our website is, “a quick reference”, “clean and informative”, “good information on your company and items available”, and “useful”. For more information, contact C&D Lumber Co. at (541) 874-2241 or visit • Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 432 EASTERN RED CEDAR PRODUCTS is a manufacturer of the finest quality, widest variety of Eastern Red Cedar products available. Some information about our company is below: We have a sawmill operation in Marengo, Indiana and a mulch mill in Stillwater, Oklahoma. At our sawmill facility we produce 25,000 board feet per week of Eastern Red Cedar lumber as well as posts, split rail and other fencing materials, and tongue and groove paneling, all at a very economical price. Our moulder allows us to produce not only tongue and groove paneling but also S4S materials (planed smooth on all 4 sides). We’re a customer driven operation in that we produce one board or a trailer load based on our customers’ specifications. At our sawmill in Marengo, Indiana, we use thin kerf bands to maximize yield and reduce sawdust, and, we have our own dry kiln. We would be happy if you would choose to visit our sawmill operation, inspect our products and sniff some pleasing Eastern Red Cedar aroma. Richard, Jane and Ian Newton all work in their family sawmill business. The building in the background houses their sawmill equipment. Richard Newton’s daughter, Danielle Newton, can do anything at the mill operation like run the resaws, feed the moulder, drive the loader, etc. Jerry and Tony Brummett are key employees, and they’re standing by Ian Newton. Jon Lincoln, another key employee, runs the edger and moulder for the company. Contact us when we can be of service. Marengo, Indiana Division Telephone 812-365-2495 800-989-3637 Postal address 9611 S CO RD 425 E, Marengo, IN 47140 Electronic mail General information: [email protected] Stillwater, Oklahoma Mulch Division Telephone 405-780-7520 FAX 405-780-7521 Postal address 6310 W. Devonshire Rd., Stillwater, OK 74074 Electronic mail General information: [email protected] Page 64 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue MID VALLEY LUMBER—“A Happy Customer Is A Repeat Customer” Mid Valley offers a full line of Western Red Cedar products for almost any application. Balusters, appearance grade, posts or timbers, decking, fence boards, fence rails, fence posts, or industrial components are among their many product offerings. (2x2 C and Better S4S) Western Red Cedar lumber is shown here. A l d e r g r o v e , B . C . — Mid Valley Lumber Specialties Ltd., founded in 1994, possesses well over 100 years of combined sales experience. President Al Fortune believes this experience is invaluable. “These trusted veterans in the industry have learned the value of a customer and how important it is to keep them coming back. It’s simple; treat our customers as you would like to be treated and supply them with the right products, that shouldn’t be too much to ask,” Fortune said. The experienced sales team is made up of Omar Derkach, Jeff Robinson, Mark Robitaille and Al Fortune, president, Mid Valley Lumber. The sales team has a wide range of experience selling and manufacturing Western Red Cedar, Douglas Fir, Hemlock and SPF. According to Fortune, at Mid Valley Lumber, your word is your bond and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. “We are not looking for a one time sale: we are looking to build long term relationships, where the customer is happy and The experienced team of staff at Mid Valley is made up of (front row) Wendy George, office manager; (back row from left) Jeff Robinson, sales manager; Al Fortune, president; Mark Robitaille, lumber sales; and Omar Derkach, lumber sales. continues to deal with us. Building a long term partnership with our customers is one of the keys to our success. A happy customer is a repeat customer and we want repeat customers.” Fortune said, “One way to ensure repeat customers is to produce quality, consistent products time after time. You also need to have the flexibility to change with the market conditions and adapt to the customers requirements.” Your load. Your way is our motto. We feel you should be able to order the products you want and need. Therefore we offer a wide variety of products. Special grade sorts, specific packaging, specified lengths is just part of a normal day at Mid Valley Lumber. The company also offers mixed and specified loads. That enables the customer to keep their inventories very lean and diverse. If Mid Valley does not currently manufacture the Western Red Cedar item a customer requests, they will find a way to either produce or procure it. Mid Valley offers a full line of Western Red Cedar products for almost any application: balusters, appearance grade, posts or Details included in the hands-on philosophy include utilizing special paper wrap (shown here) on bundles, protecting highend materials with bottom protection from dirt and discoloration and plastic banding to prevent metal oxidation marks. timbers, decking, fence boards, fence rails, fence posts, or industrial components. Mid Valley consistently draws its raw material from the same sources, primarily coastal British Columbia fiber with some Western Red Cedar drawn from the interior of the province. “The fiber comes from both areas of the province as specific fiber is better suited for certain product lines. As Cedar is not like many other species, it has the natural resistance to decay and rot, which makes it an excellent environmental choice for several products,” Fortune said. Some Douglas Fir, Hemlock and SPF products are available upon request, call for more details. From the moment Mid Valley starts producing its products, they are monitored throughout the manufacturing processes. “We have a very hands-on approach to what we’re producing and what we do for customers,” Fortune said. Details included in the hands-on philosophy include utilizing special paper wrap on bundles, protecting high-end materials with bottom protection from dirt and discoloration and plas- tic banding to prevent metal oxidation marks. Mid Valley is an active member in a number of lumber industry associations including the Western Red Cedar Lumber Assoc., the North American Wholesale Lumber Assoc., British Columbia Wood, British Columbia Wholesale Lumber Assoc., and the Independent Lumber Remanufacturers Assoc. If you are looking to do business with a company that is easy to deal with and is committed to consistently producing quality products give Mid Valley Lumber Specialties a call. For more information about Mid Valley Lumber Specialties Ltd., visit the company’s website at or 3084 275 Street, Aldergrove, B.C. Canada, V4W 3L4, call 604-856-6072 or fax to 604-8566043. • Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 702 Size does matter. DOUGLAS FIR up to 20” x 20” x up to 40’ CEDAR 16” x 16” up to 32’ Richardson Timbers is a leader in custom millwork and manufacturing of customized timbers, with capabilities of delivering products throughout the U.S. Serving the construction industry for over 60 years, by taking the spirit of the old and combining it with the leading technology of today, Richardson Timbers is able to offer wholesale products with unparalleled service and quality. RICHARDSON TIMBERS Since 1949 toll free (877) 318-5261 phone (214) 358-2314 fax (214) 358-2383 Stocking Distributor of Large, Green and Kiln-dried timbers