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a PDF version of this event
1 4 T H A N N UA L Friday, August 19, 2016 PROCEEDS BENEFITTING OFFICIAL CHARITY PA R T N E R OFFICIAL MEDIA PA R T N E R OFFICIAL RADIO PA R T N E R We invite you to join us for The 14th Annual Cruisin’ to Drive Out Hunger, the official Woodward Dream Cruise® preview party! The 14th Annual Cruisin’ to Drive Out Hunger (formerly The Champagne Cruise) is the official Woodward Dream Cruise preview party on Friday, August 19 at Westborn Market! The Woodward Dream Cruise spans 16 miles from Ferndale to Pontiac and features 40,000 classic rides and more than 1.4 million spectators — with our charity preview right in the heart of the action! The event features delicious food from local restaurants, live entertainment, dancing and, of course, classic car action — it’s an event you don’t want to miss. Event Features Individual Tickets • TasteFest by metro Detroit’s best restaurants • Spirited libations • Sneak preview of the Woodward Dream Cruise® • Valet parking • Live music and dancing Tickets are available for $150 and can be purchased at forgottenharvest.org or by call (248) 268-7521. 0 $25, 00 Presenting SPONSORSHIP Provides 125,000 meals • 30 Cruisin’ tickets • Your company featured on the Westborn Market marquee facing Woodward Avenue • Opportunity to display your own classic car with company signage • Prominent event entrance signage highlighting Presenting Sponsorship • Opportunity to include company branded merchandise as a guest giveaway • Logo inclusion in all press releases and media materials, including but not limited to: 2-3 Free Press ads, additional print and radio promotion is TBD • Company logo listed on the event web page • Tax deductible benefit — $23,500 $15, 000 Muscle SPONSORSHIP Provides 75,000 meals • 20 Cruisin’ tickets • Opportunity to display your own classic car with company signage •Prominent event entrance signage highlighting Muscle Sponsorship • Logo inclusion in all press & media materials, including but not limited to: 2-3 Free Press ads, additional print/ radio TBD • Company logo listed on the event web page • Tax deductible benefit — $14,000 $5, 000 Hot Rod SPONSORSHIP Provides 25,000 meals • 10 Cruisin’ tickets • Signage highlighting Hot Rod Sponsorship • Company name inclusion in all press releases and media materials, including but not limited to: 2-3 Free Press ads, additional print and radio promotion is TBD • Company name listed on the event web page • Tax deductible benefit — $4,500 $1, 000 Custom SPONSORSHIP Provides 5,000 meals • 4 Cruisin’ tickets • Signage highlighting Custom Sponsorship • Company name inclusion in all press releases and media materials, including but not limited to: 2-3 Free Press ads, additional print and radio promotion is TBD • Company name listed on the event web page • Tax deductible benefit — $800 $10, 000 Vintage SPONSORSHIP Provides 50,000 meals • 16 Cruisin’ tickets • Prominent event entrance signage highlighting Vintage Sponsorship • Logo inclusion in all press & media materials, including but not limited to: 2-3 Free Press ads, additional print/ radio TBD • Company logo listed on the event web page • Tax deductible benefit — $9,200 $2, 500 Roadster SPONSORSHIP Provides 12,500 meals • 6 Cruisin’ tickets • Signage highlighting Roadster Sponsorship • Company name inclusion in all press releases and media materials, including but not limited to: 2-3 Free Press ads, additional print and radio promotion is TBD • Company name listed on the event web page • Tax deductible benefit — $2,100 $500 Coupe SPONSORSHIP Provides 2,500 meals • 2 Cruisin’ tickets • Event signage highlighting Coupe Sponsorship • Tax deductible benefit — $400 12 Mile Rd dw I-75 o Wo a rd Westborn Market 11 Mile Rd e Av Cruisin’ to Drive Out Hunger takes place at Westborn Market right in I-696 the very heart of the Woodward Dream Cruise.® Attend this event and support Forgotten Harvest so you won’t miss a minute of the classic car action! Since 1990, Forgotten Harvest has been committed to fighting two problems: hunger and waste. Last year, Forgotten Harvest rescued 41 million pounds of food. This food was rescued from a variety of sources including, grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, restaurants, farmers, wholesale food distributors and other health department approved sources. This donated food, which would otherwise go to waste, is delivered, free of charge, to our network of over 280 emergency food providers in the metro Detroit area. The individuals and families served are as diverse as the community’s residents – young and old, from all races and faiths. Each sponsorship dollar enables Forgotten Harvest to rescue and deliver five meals to our hungry neighbors. To review specific sponsorship options, please contact Rebecca Gade-Sawicki at Forgotten Harvest by phone (248) 864-7527 or e-mail [email protected]. 21800 Greenfield Road Oak Park, Michigan 48237 (248) 967-1500 PHONE | (248) 268-7570 www.forgottenharvest.org FAX SPONSOR PLEDGE FORM 0 $25, 00 $5, 000 $500 Presenting $15, 000 SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $23,500 Hot Rod $2, 500 SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $4,500 Coupe Muscle $10, 000 SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $14,000 Roadster $1, 000 SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $2,100 Vintage SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $9,200 Custom SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $800 Please circle the level you would like to purchase. SPONSORSHIP Tax deductible benefit — $400 Sponsor Details: Company name (as it should appear): Name and title (for donation recognition): Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Contact name (for sponsorship questions): Phone: FAX: E-mail: Payment Information: m AMEX m VISA m MasterCard Name on credit card: Card number: Expiration: m Check (make checks payable to Forgotten Harvest) m Pledge (invoice me) amount: $ m I cannot attend but would like to contribute $ RETURN THIS FORM AND PAYMENT TO Rebecca Gade-Sawicki at Forgotten Harvest 21800 Greenfield Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237. QUESTIONS? Contact Rebecca at [email protected] or 248-864-7527. FAX: 248-268-7570. to Forgotten Harvest’s hunger relief program. PROCEEDS BENEFITING OFFICIAL CHARITY PA R T N E R