ACEC Annual Report - ACEC


ACEC Annual Report - ACEC
Annual Report
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
Chair’s Report 2
President’s Report 3
The Year in Review 4
ACEC Mission 5
ACEC Activities at a Glance in 2007-2008 7
Auditor’s Report on Summarized Financial 13
2007-2008 Condensed Audited Financial Statements 14
ACEC Committees and Members .................................. Annex Booklet
Chair’s Report
The association has also received public
recognition for its efforts to promote consulting
engineering. ACEC was the recipient of the
national “Associations Make a Better Canada
Award” presented by the Canadian Society of
Association Executives for the exceptional quality
of its programs to promote the InfraGuide Best
Practice for Selecting a Professional Consultant.
Also ACEC’s national visibility and influence
on decision-makers and opinion-leaders was
acknowledged. Our President, Mr. Claude Paul
Boivin, CAE, was selected among the top public
policy advocates in Canada by the Hill Times, a
newspaper specializing in parliamentary affairs
and government relations.
A year of change and successes
Dear Colleagues,
You will see from this report that the past year has
been one of change and successes.
There has indeed been marked change for the
association. ACEC took on the new name of
the Association of Canadian Engineering
Companies. We welcomed Consulting
Engineers of Prince Edward Island (CEPEI)
as our 12th Member Organization. ACEC
launched a new national advertizing campaign
to promote the InfraGuide Best Practice and the
Board of Directors adopted Human Resources
Sustainability as one of its three areas of focus.
All in all, it was a good year for ACEC and our
member firms whose staff numbers continue
to grow. I would like to express my sincere
appreciation to the many people who have
made the past year so enjoyable and successful
– my colleagues on the Board, the leaders in our
Member Organizations and, especially, the very
capable and dedicated staff at the ACEC office.
Thank you for your confidence and let’s all join
our efforts in pursuing the ACEC mission.
Thank you
Leon Botham, P. Eng.
Chairman of the Board
ACEC Chair 2007-08
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
President’s Report
expanded greatly, encompassing high-profile
government relations initiatives and different
targeted image-building publications that have
made ACEC very visible on the national scene.
On the business practices front, the association
has become the focal point for identifying industry
trends through surveys and it conducts regular
business management training programs for
industry leaders.
The association’s finances are in a very healthy
state and this allows ACEC to invest in programs
that will promote and defend the interests of our
member firms.
I would like to thank the past and current chairs
and board members for their leadership, as
well as the staff at ACEC and in the Member
Organizations for their unfailing dedication and
hard work.
Dear ACEC members,
As I am putting together this report on the eve
of my departure from ACEC, I reflect upon the
evolution of the association over the past years.
Under the leadership of a strategic Board, ACEC
has been driven by its mission of helping member
firms be more successful. The association has
been wisely and narrowly focused on its priority
areas of image, lobbying and business practices
and has allocated significant resources to make a
positive impact in these areas.
Claude Paul Boivin, CAE
The InfraGuide Best Practice for Selecting a
Professional Consultant has become a top priority
and ACEC has developed various effective tools
to promote this valuable procurement approach
to clients. ACEC’s public affairs programs have
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
year inreview
The most significant ACEC highlights in the past year were:
1) NEW NAME: The change of the association’s name to the Association of Canadian
Engineering Companies (ACEC) from the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada.
2) NEW MEMBER ORGANIZATION: The establishment of Consulting Engineers of Prince
Edward Island (CEPEI) which became the 12th ACEC Member Organization.
3) NEW NATIONAL ADVERTIZING CAMPAIGN: The launch of a print media advertising
campaign to promote the InfraGuide Best Practice for Selecting a Professional Consultant.
4) NEW AREA OF FOCUS: The adoption of Human Resources Sustainability as one of
ACEC’s three areas of focus.
5) NATIONAL AWARD FOR ACEC: ACEC was the recipient of the national Associations
Make a Better Canada Award presented by the Canadian Society of Association Executives.
6) ACEC AMONG TOP LOBBYISTS IN CANADA: ACEC President, Claude Paul Boivin,
CAE, was selected among the top public policy advocates in Canada by the Hill Times.
Who we are
ACEC is the national voice of the consulting engineering industry in Canada. ACEC member
companies are engaged, in some way or another, in nearly every infrastructure project in the country
and in numerous related activities abroad. Consulting engineering firms provide a wide range of
services needed to meet Canada’s and the world’s ever-increasing demand for food, water, sanitation,
shelter, health services, transportation and energy.
ACEC member firms are world leaders in the provision of quality services that contribute to Canada’s
economic development and to the safety and well-being of its citizens. These services include the
planning, design, construction, inspection and management of our infrastructure. Last year, ACEC
member firms generated revenues in excess of $13.8 billion and employed more than 88,500
Canadians. Moreover, our industry is the third largest exporter of engineering services in the world,
after the United-States and Britain.
Founded in 1925, ACEC’s members consist of 500 independent consulting engineering companies,
and 12 provincial and territorial member organizations.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
ACEC member firms operate in all provinces and territories, and around the world, providing a
multitude of specific engineering services in 14 key industry sectors:
geology and geophysics
mining and metallurgy
municipal engineering
water supply and treatment
ACEC Mission
ACEC Exists to Make its Member Firms More Successful
ACEC has clearly identified its five priorities and three areas of focus:
ACEC Priorities
Business Practices
Areas of Focus
1. The InfraGuide Best Practice for Selecting a Professional
Consultant – (Qualifications-Based Selection)
2. Strategic Role of Consulting Engineers
3. Human Resources Sustainability
For the year 2007-2008, ACEC had 500 member firms. Although the number of ACEC firms has gone
down 17% over the past 10 years, the number of employees in member firms was up 55% over the
same period.
Finally, A “Best Practice” for Hiring Engineers
What is the best way to hire engineering services for an infrastructure project? Leaders in the public
sector, such as provincial governments, municipalities and public utilities now have the answer. The
National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (InfraGuide) has just released a Best Practice
for Selecting a Professional Consultant. This Best Practice promotes the principles of QualificationsBased Selection (QBS) rather than price-based selection as the best method for selecting professional
engineers and other consultants.
“With the InfraGuide Best
Practice, infrastructure
agencies now have the right
tool to hire engineers.”
Designed by the Public Sector for the Public Sector
InfraGuide is a collaboration of the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities, Infrastructure Canada, the National Research
Council and the Canadian Public Works Association to help
municipalities make informed decisions and promote sustainable
infrastructure investment. InfraGuide is both a national network
of experts and a growing collection of published best practice
documents for use by municipal decision makers and technical
personnel in the public and private sectors.
Focus on Long-term Value and Savings for Taxpayers
Decisions made during project planning and design have ramifications over the entire service life of a
project. An appropriate investment in professional services at the onset of a project, which represents
only 1-2% of the lifecycle cost, can potentially reduce capital, maintenance and operating costs while
improving reliability and extending service life.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
ACEC Activities at a Glance in 2007-2008
The InfraGuide “Best Practice” – Top ACEC Priority
Engineers' Hands
Shape Our World
With the publication of the InfraGuide “Best Practice” for Selecting a
Professional Consultant, the focus of ACEC activities has been on promoting
the “Best Practice” which fully supports the principles of Qualifications-Based
Selection (QBS).
Tools to Promote the InfraGuide “Best Practice”
Below is the list of ACEC materials available to Member Organizations and firms
to promote the InfraGuide “Best Practice” for Selecting a Professional
1) Pop-up Display Banner Stands: ACEC has two sets of 3 giant display banner stands
(8’x3.5’) of all of the ads. These will be sent out to MOs over the year as requested – so feel free
to contact us to book them for your events.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Engineers' Hands
Shape Our World
2) The full InfraGuide “Best Practice” booklet: ACEC has reproduced the hard copy of
the complete “Best Practice” document (the 52 page InfraGuide booklet). If you need any more
copies please contact us.
3) Revised “Concept” publication of the Executive Summary of the “Best Practice”:
ACEC has updated the “Concept “publication that has the Executive Summary of the InfraGuide
“Best Practice”. It has the new website address to access the “Best Practice” and the new ACEC
name (see attached). Please contact us if you need any copies.
4) The Three Ads Brochure: Copies of the original colour brochure with the first three ads are
available to MOs and firms for distribution.
5) The 4th ad: There is now a fourth colour ad in the series which is also available to MOs and
firms for distribution.
6) The Four Ads for Your Publications: The four colour ads are available to MOs who want
to run them in their own publications or in others. We will send those to MOs in the format that is
required. MOs are encouraged to ask their provincial licensing bodies and other organizations to
run these ads in their respective magazines.
7) Q&A on the InfraGuide “Best Practice” vs the Two Envelope System: A document
with frequently asked questions on the difference between the InfraGuide “Best Practice” and the
two envelope system is available with the proposed answers.
Sustainable Infrastructure and the Consulting Engineer
Safe drinking water, secure transportation, reliable communications and
efficient energy are the backbone of our global economy. Consulting
engineers serve as trusted advisors to society on the planning,
development and management of our natural and built environment.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Engineers' Hands
Shape Our World
For Best Value - What is the
“Best Practice” for Selecting Engineers?
Selecting the right engineering company based on qualifications – not low
price bidding – leads to significant life-cycle savings by encouraging
innovation and optimizing quality and sustainability.
The InfraGuide “Best Practice” for Selecting a Professional Consultant
is a tool developed by the public sector for the public sector to protect our
investment in our social, economic and environmental quality of life.
InfraGuide is the National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure –
a collaboration of the National Research Council, Infrastructure Canada and the
Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
The InfraGuide “Best Practice” is available on the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities website. To access the document, visit
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
8) Municipal Strategy Check List: At the request of MOs, ACEC has prepared a check list of
tasks to accomplish when promoting the InfraGuide “Best Practice” to municipalities.
9) Generic Sample Letter to Municipalities: A generic letter which can be sent to
municipalities or other public sector organizations to complain about their procurement practice
and to promote the InfraGuide “Best Practice” is available from ACEC.
10) Generic Cover Letter to Send the InfraGuide “Best Practice”: A generic letter that
can be used to send out the InfraGuide “Best Practice”
11) ACEC has created a dedicated website to promote the
InfraGuide “Best Practice”. When clients request the full InfraGuide “Best Practice” document,
they can access it directly through the website.
ACEC Recommendations to the Federal Government
ACEC’s brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance.
When building Canada, choose quality and avoid false economies
In building our national infrastructure, making the right decision at the engineering design stage is vital.
Low-price bidding for engineering services chokes innovation and leads to missed opportunities for
savings in construction and life-cycle maintenance costs. The right design will determine quality and
sustainability, while enhancing our national productivity and international competitiveness.
RECOMMENDATION: To ensure quality infrastructure that will provide long-term
taxpayer savings, innovation and sustainability, the government of Canada should
adopt and promote the InfraGuide “Best Practice” for Selecting a Professional
Consultant when choosing consulting engineers.
Sound investments in infrastructure need long-term planning
Canada needs a well coordinated infrastructure plan developed by all three levels of government
along with the relevant stakeholders, including consulting engineers who are involved in virtually every
infrastructure project in the country.
RECOMMENDATION: To continue to tackle the country’s growing infrastructure
deficit, and to provide effective infrastructure management in the future, the
government should support the work of the National Roundtable on Sustainable
Infrastructure in establishing long-term national infrastructure plans developed by
all the relevant stakeholders, including consulting engineers.
Developing nations need infrastructure too
Canadian engineers have the expertise and a long track record of successes in providing infrastructure
design services to developing countries.
RECOMMENDATION: To make Canadian engineering expertise in infrastructure
available to developing countries and to enhance Canada’s visibility and
international competitiveness, CIDA should reinstate funding for the engineering
services necessary for sustainable physical infrastructure investments.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
Government Relations
One of the key roles of ACEC is to represent, promote and defend the interests of the consulting
engineering industry to the federal government. In the past twelve months, ACEC has undertaken a series
of initiatives on behalf of member firms, which include:
• Presented a brief during the pre-Budget consultations of the House of Commons Standing
Committee on Finance;
• Participated actively in federal government consultations on procurement issues;
• Published the ACEC newsletter “Concept” sent to all Parliamentarians which explains and
promotes the InfraGuide “Best Practice” and ACEC positions;
• Published the ACEC magazine “Perspectives” titled “Engineers & Infrastructure: the
Backbone of our Economy”;
• Organized a series of individual meetings with key members of Parliament to promote its
priority issues;
• Sent a variety of correspondence to every Minister, Member of Parliament and Senators to
promote ACEC’s positions;
• Participated in a Canadian delegation to South Carolina involving the Canadian and
American Ambassadors and senior parliamentarians;
• Sponsored a number of social activities involving parliamentarians and their staff;
• Met with the Minister of International Corporation and senior CIDA officials to increase
Canadian participation in development projects and to defend the value of the CIDA
Industrial Cooperation Program;
• Participated in the Federal/Industry Real Property Advisory Council which brings together
senior officials from government and the design and construction industry in Canada
to address all policy, program and administrative issues related to federal government
• Organized the annual meeting of the standing committee of ACEC/Department of National
Defence and Defence Construction Canada;
• Hosted the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards with the participation of significant
Members of Parliament and Senators, including the Speaker of the House of Commons and
the American Ambassador to Canada.
Business Practices
Under its Business Practices priority, ACEC deals with three aspects of the design and construction
industry: best practices, contracts and trends. Key initiatives over the past twelve months were:
• Coordinated and published the results of a national client perceptions survey;
• Coordinated a national consulting engineering Compensation
• Developed a third ACEC benchmarking and business survey to
allow firms to compare their financial performance with others by
size of firm and by province.
• Revised and updated ACEC Document 31 Prime Agreement
between Client and Engineer.
• Partnered with PSMJ and Consulting Engineers of Ontario for the
organization of a series of business seminars and bootcamps for
CEOs, principals and project managers.
• Participated, as one of its four owners, in the work of the Canadian
Construction Documents Committee (CCDC), which provides a set
of commonly agreed upon standard construction documents for
the design and construction industry in Canada.
Awards and Publications
• Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards: The organization
of the 2007 Canadian Consulting Engineering Award ceremony
held in Ottawa. Out of 64 entries from across Canada, 11
awards were presented including the prestigious Schreyer Award.
For the third year, the ceremony included clients as co-recipients
of awards along with the consulting engineering firms. The
Honorary Chair of the Awards Gala Dinner was the United States
Ambassador of Canada, Ambassador David Wilkins; 27 Federal
Parliamentarians attended the event.
• Beaubien Award: The Beaubien Award is the highest
recognition for individual lifetime achievement and contribution
to the engineering industry and to the association. For 2007, the
Beaubien Award was presented to Mr. J.C. Roger Warren, ing.
from Quebec City.
U.S. Ambassador to
Canada, the Honourable
David Wilkins
• ACEC Chairman Award: Derek Holloway, Senior Vice-President
of ENCON, was presented with the ACEC Chairman’s Award
for special contribution to the consulting engineering industry. The award is in recognition
of the exceptional contribution made by Mr. Holloway over the past years to the work of
policies and risk management.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
• ACEC’s Review in Canadian Consulting Engineering Magazine: The publication of a
regular four page Review in the CCE magazine which reaches many of the target audiences
of the ACEC image strategy. The Review includes a message from the Chairman of the
Board as well as highlights of ACEC and industry issues.
• ACEC Source: ACEC published its monthly electronic newsletter, Source which reports on
ACEC programs, positions and activities to more than 2000 representatives of its member
• ACEC Publications: ACEC continued the production of its two publications targeting
external audiences: Concept a quarterly newsletter for parliamentarians to support
ACEC’s public policy advocacy efforts, and Engineering Perspectives a glossy magazine
targeting ACEC’s priority audiences: decision-makers, opinion-leaders and the engineering
Canadian Engineering Community
ACEC has maintained close links with the other five key engineering groups in Canada by participating
in the establishment of the Canadian Engineering Leadership Forum (CELF) which has the following
members: the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies (ACEC), Engineers Canada (CCPE),
the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), the National
Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Sciences (NCDEAS) and the Canadian Federation of
Engineering Students (CFES). Among other activities, CELF is planning a major engineering summit in
2009 to formulate a long-term vision for the profession.
ACEC has maintained strong collaborative links with its 11 Member Organizations. The Chairs of the
Boards of ACEC Member Organizations are now meeting three times a year to discuss common issues.
Executive Directors of the associations also meet three times a year to exchange ideas and coordinate
Canadian Construction Industry
ACEC has solid relationships with other construction industry groups in Canada. ACEC is a
member of the Construction Industry Consultative Committee (CICC) which brings together the four
associations representing the architects, the contractors, the specifications writers and the consulting
engineers. The CICC oversees the work of the Canadian Construction Documents Committee
(CCDC) which develops standard Canadian contracts, forms and guides. ACEC also cooperates with
construction industry partners in the organization of a Parliament Hill reception to sensitize elected
officials on construction and design industry issues. ACEC is also working closely with the Canadian
Green Building Council.
ACEC Summit and Annual Convention
The 2007 ACEC Summit and Annual Convention was held in
collaboration with the Consulting Engineers of Northwest Territories
in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories June 20-23,2007. The Summit
included a 2 day pre-event business management seminar, a series of
speakers on public policy issues, the CEO and Principals Roundtables
for member firms of different sizes and a public owner’s forum.
For 2008, the ACEC Annual Conference merges with the FIDIC
Conference. ACEC will not be holding its annual summit in 2008,
rather it will join its forces with FIDIC and AICQ to organize the FIDIC
conference in Quebec City in September.
Canada hosts 2008
FIDIC Conference
Quebec City
Thank you to our Sponsors
On behalf of all ACEC member firms, the ACEC Board of Directors expresses its sincere appreciation
to the sponsoring organizations that support the Association throughout the year, and provide
assistance for the annual summit and the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards.
Special thanks go to ENCON Inc., ACEC’s corporate partner for its long-standing contributing to the
mission and goals of ACEC. As a leading managing general agent in Canada, ENCON Group Inc.
develops and administers insurance programs and distributes them through a nationwide network of
independent plan advisors and brokers to individuals, professionals, organizations and employers.
ACEC also extends its thanks to the two law firms Miller Thomson, LLP and De Grandpré Chait, LLP
who participate in the work of the ACEC Contracts Committee. ACEC would also like to recognize
Reid Constructions Data, a key information source of ACEC member firms, and Jovaco, publisher of
Project Suite: the Project-based Solution.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
Auditor’s Report on
Summarized Financial Statements
500-214, chemin Montréal Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1L 8L8
Tel: (613) 745-8387, Fax: (613) 745-9584
Internet:, E-mail: [email protected]
To the members of
The Association of Canadian Engineering Companies
The accompanying summarized statement of financial position and statements of operations
and changes in net assets are derived from the complete financial statements of The Association
of Canadian Engineering Companies as at March 31, 2008 and for the year then ended on
which we expressed an opinion without reservation in our report dated May 30, 2008. The fair
summarization of the complete financial statements is the responsibility of management. Our
responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guideline of The Canadian Institute of
Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects,
the related complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline
referred to above.
These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian
generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be
appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the entity’s financial position, results of
operations and cash flow, reference should be made to the related complete financial statements.
Chartered Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants
Ottawa, Ontario
May 30, 2008
Membership dues
Association programs
Association events
Merchandise sales
Association programs
Operating expenses
Association events
Cost of merchandise
$ 85,902
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Changes in unrealized losses
on available for sale financial
assets during the year
Changes in accounting
Excess (deficiency) of
revenue over expenses
Investment in fixed assets
$ 558,087
$ (41,391)
Unrealized losses
on available for
sale financial
- $ 494,093
$ 500,000
as General
$ 500,000
$ 28,795
Invested in
$ 35,899
$1,045,491 $1,029,992
$1,029,992 $ 944,090
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
MARCH 31,2008
Banker’s acceptance, 3.85% maturing in April 2007
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Unrealized losses on available for sale financial assets
Internally restricted as General Reserve
Invested in fixed assets
$ 1,258,385
$ 1,244,139
$ 137,448
$ 1,258,385
$ 1,244,139
MARCH 31,2008
The attached summarized financial statements contain information taken from the financial statements
of The Association of Canadian Engineering Companies. They do not, however, contain all the
information included in the financial statements and as such are incomplete. Complete audited
financial statements are avallable upon request from the Association.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
ACEC Board of Directors
ACEC Staff
Member Organizations
Past Chairs
ACEC Committees
ACEC Membership
Board of Directors
Conseil d’administration
Executive Committee
Comité exécutif
Vice Chair
Roland LeBlanc
Acadia Consultants & Inspectors
Ltd. (ACI))
Chair Person
Leon Botham
Golder Associates Ltd.
Vice Chair
Tom Windgrove
UMA Engineering
ACEC Staff
Claude Paul Boivin
Association of Canadian
Engineering Companies
Charles Leonard
Black & McDonald
Past Chair
Réjean Breton
Breton Banville & Associés
Herb Kuehne
Associated Engineering
Chris Newcomb
McElhanney Consulting Services
Robert Martin
Urban & Environmental
Management Inc.
Vice Chair
Allan Russell
Trow Associates Inc.
Wilfrid Morin
Groupe Teknika
Vice Chair
Andy Robinson
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Geoff Pound
Mitchell, Pound & Braddock Ltd.
Georges Dick
Grope RSW Inc.
Michael Hogan
The SGE Group
Roger Urquhart
Hatch Ltée
Norm Huggins
CH2M Hill Canada
Robert Lorimer
Lorimer & Associates
Walter Orr
FSC Architects & Engineers
Terry Gowing
Urban Systems Ltd.
Jody MacLeod
CBCL Limited
ACEC Staff
Personnel de l’AICC
President and Chief Operating Officer
Claude Paul Boivin
Président et Directeur des
Director, Finance & Administration
Jean Marc Carrière
Directeur, Finances et Administration
Manager, Special Events
Carolyn Sutherland
Directrice, Événements Spéciaux
Manager, Public Affairs and
Business Practices
Susie Grynol
Directrice, Affaires publiques et
practiques commerciales
Coordinator - Webmaster
Julian Phipps
Services aux membres et
Administrateur de systèmes
informatiques - Webmestre
Receptionist and Administrative
Sylvie Rioux
Réceptioniste et adjointe
Member Services & Systems
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
Member Organizations
Organisations membres
Association of Canadian
Engineering Companies
Claude Paul Boivin
Chair / Président du conseil
Leon Botham
Consulting Engineers of Yukon
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Richard Trimble
Chair / Président du conseil
Rod Savoie
Consulting Engineers of Northwest
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
John Clark
Chair / Président du conseil
Brian George
Consulting Engineers of BritishColumbia
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Glenn Martin
Chair / Président du conseil
Arnold Badke
Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Wendy Cooper
Chair / Président du conseil
Paul Breeze
Consulting Engineers of Saskatchewan
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Val Jabubowski
Chair / Président du conseil
Rob Topping
Consulting Engineers of Manitoba
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Shirley Tillett
Chair / Président du conseil
Roger Rempel
Consulting Engineers of Ontario
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
John Gamble
Chair / Président du conseil
Ian Williams
Association des ingénieurs-conseils
du Québec
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Johanne Desrochers
Chair / Président du conseil
Normand Brousseau
Consulting Engineers of Prince
Edward Island
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Jody MacCleod
Chair / Président du conseil
Jody MacCleod
Consulting Engineers of Nova
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
P.S. (Skit) Ferguson
Chair / Président du conseil
Michael Topley
Consulting Engineers of
Newfoundland and Labrador
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Chair / Président du conseil
Stephan Barbour
Consulting Engineers of NewBrunswick
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
John Fudge
Chair / Président du conseil
Chris Haines
ACEC Past Chairs / Past Presidents
Anciens Présidents du conseil d’administration
Réjean Breton (2006-2007)
Norm Huggins (2005-2006)
Allen Williams (2004-2005)
Garry Bolton (2003-2004)
Pierre Shoiry (2002-2003)
Andrew Steeves (2001-2002)
Dave Chalcroft (2000-2001)
John Boyd (1999-2000)
Robert (Bob) Lorimer (1998-1999)
Philippe Lefebvre (1997-1998)
Dr. Donald M. Elder (1996-1997)
Kenneth Hyde (1995-1996)
Keith Robinson (1994-1995)
Jean-Pierre Sauriol (1993-1994)
Ben Novak (1992-1993)
Wayne Bowes (1991-1992)
Robert Smith (1990-1991)
Nash Sidky (1989-1990)
Don Ferrier (1988-1989)
Ron Triffo (1987-1988)
Robert Brocklebank (1986-1987)
Dave Sampson (1985-1986)
David Farlinger (1984-1985)
M.G. (Mac) Williams (1983-1984)
Jacques Tremblay (1982-1983)
Glen Pearson (1981-1982)
Pierre Fortier (1979-1980)
J.J. Hefferman (1977-1978)
Paul Beauchemin (1976-1977)
Micheal Gilham (1975-1976)
James MacLaren (1974-1975)
Jean-Paul Gourdeau (1973-1974)
Jack Merchant (1971-1972)
Pierre Demers (1970-1971)
G.E. M. (Ted) Proctor (1969-1970)
Dr. Carson Templeton (1968-1969)
Camille Dagenais (1967-1968)
Roderik Anderson (1966-1967)
Edgar Davis (1965-1966)
Dr. Guillaume Piette (1964-1965)
Lt. Col. George Humphrie
Edgar Dion (1962-1963)
Roland Duquette (1960-1961)
C.C. Parker (1959-1960)
Jack Frost (1958-1959)
George Chenevert (1956-1957)
Edgar Cross (1955-1956)
Alfred Hurter (1954-1955)
H.H. Angus (1953-1954)
Edward Ryan (1951-1953)
Dr. Arthurd Surveyer (1949-1951)
Dr. deGaspé Beaubien (1925-1949)
Executive Directors’ Coordination Committee
Comité des directeur(e)s exécutifs
Claude Paul Boivin
Association of Consulting
Engineers of Canada
Consulting Engineers of
Skit Ferguson
Consulting Engineers of Nova
John Fudge
Consulting Engineers of New
Johanne Desrochers
Association des Ingénieursconseils du Québec
Richard Trimble
Consulting Engineers of Yukon
Shirley Titlett
Consulting Engineers of Manitoba
John Gamble
Consulting Engineers of Ontario
Val Jakubowski
Consulting Engineers of
Glenn Martin
Consulting Engineers of British
Brad Mueller
Consulting Engineers of
Northwest Territories
Wendy Cooper
Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
Member Organization Chairs Committee
Comité des présidents des organisations membres
Rob Savoie
Consulting Engineers of Yukon
Roger Rempel
Consulting Engineers of Manitoba
Brian George
Consulting Engineers of
Northwest Territories
Rob Topping
Consulting Engineers of
Arnold Badke
Consulting Engineers of British
Ian Williams
Consulting Engineers of Ontario
Paul Breeze
Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Normand Brousseau
Association des ingénieurs-conseil
du Québec
Chris Haines
Consulting Engineers of New
Jody MacLeod
Consulting Engineers of
Prince Edward Island
Michael Topley
Consulting Engineers of Nova
Stephan Barbour
Consulting Engineers of
Newfoundland and Labrador
Budget Task Force Committee
Comité et groupe de travail du budget
Leon Botham
Golder Associates Ltd.
Andy Robinson
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Chris Newcomb
McElhanney Consulting Services
Jean Marc Carrière
ACEC Staff Resource
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
Budget / Finance Committee
Comité du budget / des finances
Réjean Breton
Breton Banville & Associés
Andy Robinson
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Leon Botham
Golder Associates Ltd.
Chirs Newcomb
McElhanney Consulting
Services Ltd.
Allan Russell
Trow Associates Inc.
Rolland LeBlanc
Acadia Consultants &
Inspectors Ltd.
Tom Wingrove
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Jean Marc Carrière
ACEC Staff Resource
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
International and CIDA Committee
Comité international et ACDI
Steering Committee
Comité directeur
Chris Newcomb
McElhanney Consulting Services
Rick Prentice
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Denis Belisle
Alan Perks
RV Anderson Associates Ltd.
Anthony Russell
Acres International Inc.
Robert Ferrari
SNC-Lavalin Environment Inc.
Ken Gosselin
The SGE Group Inc.
Michael Okun
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
Janet Glass
Acres International Limited
Committee at Large
Comité par mandat spécial
Marc Parent
Tecsult International Limitée
Allan Green
The SGE Group Inc.
André Brais
SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Martine Sellier
Michael Jolliffe
AMEC America
Peter Boyd
Delcan Corporation
Earle Hickey
Jacques Whitford
Peter Ventin
Cansult Limited
Gérard Laganière
Le Groupe S.M. Inc.
Stan Gonsalves
Trow Associates Inc.
Jim Stewart
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Susie Grynol
ACEC Staff Resource
John Boyd
Golder Associates Ltd.
Hamidou Mamadou Abdou
CIMA International Inc.
Federal/Industry Real Property Advisory Council
Conseil consultatif sur les biens immobiliers
Andy Robinson
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Shawn Gibbons
Susie Grynol
ACEC Staff Resource
Art Washuta
UMA Group
Ted Hergel
Jacques Whitford Ltd.
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
National Defense Liaison Committee
Comité de liaison avec le ministère de la défense nationale
A.S. (Art) Washuta
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Al Perks
RV Anderson Associates Limited
Shawn Gibbons
Michel Famery
John Moore
J.L. Richards and Associates
Susie Grynol
ACEC Staff Resource
Carl Vervoort
Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
Francois Lauzon
Jacques Whitford “Environmental
Don Plenderleith
Golder Associates
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC Presidentt
Guy Felio
Video Project – Task Force
Groupe de travail - Projet vidéo
Chirs Newcomb (Co-Chair)
McElhanney Consulting
Services Ltd.
Wency Cooper (Co-Chair)
Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Roger Urquhart
Hatch Ltée
Robert Martin
Urban & Environmental
Management Inc.
Roland LeBlanc
Acadia Consultants & Inspectors
Limited (ACI)
Susie Grynol
ACEC Staff Resource
Surveys Advisory Group
Groupe consultatif sur les sondages
Ron Wilson
Morrison Hershfield
John Boyd
Golder Associates Ltd.
Luc Benoit
Tecsult Inc.
Andrew Steeves
ADI Group
Paul Ruffell
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Allan Russell
Trow Associates Inc.
Ben Novak
Rob Petrov
Trow Associates Inc.
Jean-Marc Carrière
ACEC Staff Resource
Representatives on “Engineering a New world”
National Engineering Summit 2009
Ben Novak
ACEC Representative
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
Representatives on Canadian Engineering Leadership Forum (CELF)
Représentants pour le Sommet national du génie
Réjean Breton
Breton Banville & Associés
Leon Botham
Golder Associates Ltd.
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
ACEC Procurement Task Force
Comité de la sélection basée sur les compétences
John Gamble (Chair)
Consulting Engineers of Ontario
Dale Loewen
Associated Engineering
Andrew Steeves
ADI Group Inc.
Leon Botham
Golder Associates Ltd.
Dan O’Halloran
O’Halloran Campbell Consultants
Susie Grynol
ACEC Staff Resource
Lee Fleming
Lessoway Moir Partners
Rick Prentice
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
ACEC Contracts Task Force
Comité des contrats
Chris Dunham (Chair)
Dillon Consulting Ltd.
Derek Holloway
Scott Phillips
David Kauffman
De Grandpré Chait
Bryan Shapiro
Shapiro, Hankinson and Knutson
Wayne Irwin
Dillon consulting Ltd.
Charles Leonard
David Thompson
KTA Structural Engineers
Susie Grynol
ACEC Staff Resource
Owen Pawson
Miller Thomson LLP
Kevin Murphy
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
“Trusted Advisor to Society” – Energy Editorial Committee
Ben Novak
ACEC Representative
Réjean Breton
Breton Banville & Associés
Norm Huggins
CH2M Hill Canada
Ian MacDonald
R.J. Bartlett Engineering Ltd.
General Reserve Investment Committee
Comité d’investissements des fonds de réserve
Réjean Breton
Breton, Banville et Associés
Leon Botham
Golder Associates Ltd.
Chris Newcomb
McElhanney Consulting Services
Claude Paul Boivin
ACEC President
Jean-Marc Carrière
ACEC Staff Resource
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
ACEC Membership, as at June 1, 2008
Member firms listed from West to East, baset on head office location
Membres de l’AICC au 1er juin 2008
Firmes membres listées d’ouest en est selon l’emplacement du siège social
Dorward Engineering Services Ltd.
G.J. Bull & Associates Inc.
Lorimer & Associates
N.A. Jacobsen P.Eng. - Civil Engineering
Northern Climate Engineering Ltd.
Quest Engineering Group Inc.
Underhill Geomatics Ltd.
Wood & Associates Engineering
Consultants Ltd.
Yukon Engineering Services
Northwest Territories
Aboriginal Engineering
FSC Architects & Engineers
Nishi-Khon/SNC-Lavalin Ltd.
1st Team Consulting Ltd.
Amnis Engineering
AndersonCivil Consultants Inc
Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
BC Building Science & Engineering Ltd
Brown Strachan Associates
Buckland and Taylor Ltd.
Bullock Baur Associates
Bush, Bohlman & Partners
Chatwin Engineering Ltd.
CitiWest Consulting Ltd.
Collings Johnston Inc.
Commonwealth International
Consultants Ltd. (CIC)
CTQ Consultants
CWMM Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Dayton & Knight Ltd.
DMD & Associates Electrical Consultants
Emco Engineering Ltd.
Fransen Engineering Ltd.
G. Ovstaas & Associates Ltd.
Glotman Simpson Group of Companies
GOAL Engineering Ltd.
Horizon Engineering Inc.
Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd.
InterCAD Services Ltd.
Jones Kwong Kishi Consulting Engineers
Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.
Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd.
Knight Piesold Ltd.
Koers & Associates Engineering Ltd.
Lapointe Engineering Ltd.
Layton Consulting Ltd.
Levelton Consultants Ltd.
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
McGill & Associates Engineering Ltd.
Metro Testing Laboratories
Moffatt & Nichol
Paragon Engineering Ltd.
PBA Engineering Ltd
Piteau Associates Engineering Ltd.
Pomeroy Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Quadra Pacific Consultants
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
RFA Consulting Electrical Engineers inc.
RKTG Associates Ltd.
Sandwell International Inc.
Sargent & Associates Engineering Ltd.
SCS Materials Engineers Ltd.
SRC Engineering Consultants Ltd.
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc.
The RADA Group
Thurber Engineering Ltd.
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Urban Systems Ltd.
Villholth Jensen & Associates Ltd.
Wakefield Acoustics Ltd.
Water Management Consultants
Westmar Consultants Inc.
Woodhead Consultants Inc.
A.D. Williams Engineering Inc.
Almor Engineering Associates Ltd.
Al-Terra Engineering Ltd.
AN-GEO Environmental Consultants
ARA Engineering Ltd.
Associated Engineering
Beaubien Glover Maskell Engineering
Bel-MK Engineering
BPTEC-DNW Engineering Ltd.
Challenger Engineering (A Division of
Challenger Geomatics Ltd.)
Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd.
Cohos Evamy
Commsult Engineering Ltd.
CTM Design Services Ltd.
D.A. Watt Consulting Group Ltd.
DCL Siemens Engineering Ltd.
Eagle Engineering Corp.
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Emans, Smith, Andersen Engineering
ENMAX Power Services Corp.
ESE Engineering Group
EXH Engineering Services Ltd.
Focus Corporation
FVB Energy Inc.
Geo-Engineering (M.S.T.) Ltd.
Group 2 Architecture Engineering Interior
Hemisphere Engineering Inc.
Hydroconsult En3 Services Ltd.
Integra Energy Consulting
ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd.
J.R. Paine & Associates Ltd.
J.R. Spronken & Associates Ltd.
KTA Structural Engineers Ltd.
Magna IV Engineering
McIntosh-Lalani Engineering Ltd.
Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd.
MMP Engineering
MPE Engineering Ltd.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd.
Orbis Engineering Field Services Ltd.
Ready Engineering Corporation
Sameng Inc.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Stebnicki Robertson & Associates Ltd.
Stewart, Weir & Co. Ltd.
Techna-West Engineering Ltd.
Walters Chambers & Associates Ltd.
Woods Parker Morgan Ltd.
Alfa Engineering Ltd.
Argue and Associates Management
Consultants Inc.
Beckie Hydrogeologists (1990) Ltd.
Bond Consulting Engineering Inc.
Brownlee Beaton Kreke (Regina) Ltd.
Bullee Consulting Ltd.
Catterall & Wright Consulting Engineers
Clifton Associates Ltd.
Clunie Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Daniels-Wingerak Engineering Ltd.
Donovan Engineering Ltd.
Earth Engineering Limited
EMC Engineering Inc.
ENGCOMP Engineering & Computing
Professionals Inc.
EPEC Consulting (Sask.) Ltd.
GE Ground Engineering Ltd.
Greg Daum Consulting Ltd.
Hooker Dawson & Associates Ltd.
JBS Engineering Ltd.
J.C. Kenyon Engineering Inc.
J.D. Mollard and Associates Limited
KBA Consultants Ltd.
Key West Engineering Ltd.
Kova Engineering (Saskatchewan) Ltd
LML Engineering Ltd.
M.R.2 - McDONALD & Associates
MDH Engineered Solutions Corp.
Metallurgical Consulting Services Ltd.
North Rim Exploration Ltd.
P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd.
Pavement Scientific International Inc.
PINTER & Associates Ltd.
Prakash Engineering Ltd.
PWA Engineering Ltd.
Rempel Engineering & Management Ltd.
Ritenburg & Associates Ltd.
Robb Kullman Engineering Ltd.
SAL Engineering Ltd.
Schappert Associates Ltd.
Topping Engineering Ltd.
Walker Projects Inc.
Water Resource Consultants Ltd.
WaterMark Consulting Ltd.
Wright Engineering Consulting
A.F. Eshmade & Associates Ltd.
Almitra Consulting Inc.
Appin Associates
Boge & Boge (1980) Ltd.
Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.
D. Oleksiuk & Associates Inc.
D.E.M. Allen & Associates Ltd.
Dyregrov Consultants
Eng-Tech Consulting Limited
ININEW Project Management Ltd.
J.R. Cousin Consultants Ltd.
John D. Denoon
KGS Group
SEG Engineering Inc.
SMS Engineering Ltd.
Teshmont Consultants LP
TetrES Consultants Inc.
Tower Engineering Group Inc.
Woods Engineering
Zandstra Farag Consultants Ltd.
A. A. Boscariol and Associates Limited
A.J. Clarke and Associates Ltd.
Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Limited
Aercoustics Engineering Limited
Ainley Group
Aiolos Engineering Corporation
Albert Schepers Engineering Limited
Aldworth Engineering Inc.
Alston Associates Inc.
AMEC (Earth & Environmental Division)
Anrep Krieg Desilets Gravelle Ltd.
Anton Kikas Limited
Aquafor Beech Limited
Archibald Gray & McKay Engineering
Arcon Engineering Consultants Limited
Atkinson Engineering Inc.
Avalon Consulting Professionals of
Ontario, LLP
B. J. Tworzyanski Limited
Black & Veatch
B. M. Ross and Associates Limited
B.H. Martin Consultants Limited
BA Consulting Group Ltd.
Banerjee & Associates Ltd.
Bi-Port Engineering Ltd.
BRIC Consulting Engineers
Buchan, Lawton, Parent Ltd.
Byrne Engineering Inc.
Canadian Council of Independent
C. C. Tatham & Associates Ltd.
C.J. Fox Engineering Ltd.
Caspen Engineering Ltd.
CEM Engineering
Cemcorp Ltd.
CH2M HILL Canada Limited
Chih S. Huang & Associates Inc.
Chisholm, Fleming and Associates
Chorley & Bisset Ltd.
Clipsham Limited
Cole Engineering Group Ltd
Comcor Environmental Limited
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited
Consultec Ltd.
CPE Structural Consultants Limited
Crossey Engineering Ltd.
Cyril J. Demeyere Limited
D. F. Elliott Consulting Engineers Ltd.
D. M. Wills Associates Limited
D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
David Schaeffer Engineering Ltd.
Davroc & Associates Ltd.
Dearden and Stanton Limited
Delcan Corporation
Development Engineering (London)
Dillon Consulting Limited
DST Consulting Engineers Inc.
E. R. Broughton Associates Ltd.
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
Ecotech Municipal Design Inc.
Egberts Engineering Limited
Ellis Engineering Inc.
ENCOM Group Inc.
ENG Plus Ltd.
Engineering Northwest Ltd.
EPCM Services Ltd.
Eramosa Engineering Inc.
Export Development Canada (EDC)
Filer Consultants Ltd.
Filer Engineering Ltd.
Forensic Engineering Inc.
G.D. Xiggoros & Associates Ltd.
G.L. Tiley & Associates Limited
Gamsby and Mannerow Limited
Gartner Lee Limited
Geo-Canada Ltd., Consulting
Geotechnical Engineers
GeoTerre Limited
Giffels Associates Limited
Giffin Koerth Forensic Engineering &
Glos Associates Inc.
Golder Associates Ltd.
Goodkey Weedmark & Associates
GREENLAND® Consulting Engineers
Group Eight Engineering Limited
Gryphon International Engineering
Services Inc.
Gulesserian Associates Inc.
GS Engineering Consultants Inc.
H.H. Angus & Associates Ltd.
Haddad, Morgan and Associates Ltd.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel 2007-2008
Halsall Associates Limited
Hannigan Engineering Limited
Hatch Energy
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Henderson, Paddon & Associates
HGC Engineering
Higgins Engineering Limited
Highway Construction Inspection
HMO Limited
Hrycay Consulting Engineers Inc.
Hydromantis, Inc.
IBI Group
IMASAR Engineering Inc.
International Water Consultants Ltd.
Isherwood Asociates
iTRANS Consulting Inc.
IVT Engineering Corp.
J. P. Conforzi & Associates Limited
J. T. Donald Consultants Ltd.
J.H. Cohoon Engineering Limited
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
Jablonsky, Ast and Partners
Jagger Hims Limited Consulting
John Emery Geotechnical Engineering
John G. Cooke & Associates Ltd.
John R. Hamalainen Engineering
Joseph E. Pohorly Professional
Engineering Services Ltd.
K. Smart Associates Limited
Keller Engineering Associates Inc.
Kerry T. Howe Engineering Limited
Kirkland Engineering Ltd.
KMK Consultants Limited
K-TEK Electro-Services Limited
L. H. Schwindt & Company Inc.
Lassing Dibben Consulting Engineers
LEA Consulting Ltd.
MAAK Technologies Group Inc.
Marsh Canada Limited
MMM Group Limited
M. R. Wright and Associates Co. Ltd.
M.H.D Engineering Inc.
M.J. Davenport & Associates Ltd.
Magnate Engineering & Associates Ltd.
McCormick Rankin Corporation
McIntosh Engineering Limited
McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd.
MCW Consultants Ltd.
Meo & Associates Inc.
Meritech Engineering
MIG Engineering Ltd.
Mitchell, Pound & Braddock Ltd.
MLL Engineering
Morrison Hershfield Limited
MPC Consulting Engineering
MTE Consultants Inc.
Mulvey & Banani International Inc.
MVA Engineering Group Ltd.
Nadine International Inc.
Naylor Engineering Associates Ltd.
Northland Engineering (1987) Limited
Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Paradigm Transportation Solutions
Paterson Group
Patriot Engineering Ltd.
Peto MacCallum Ltd.
Philips Engineering Ltd.
Piotrowski Consultants Ltd.
Planmac Inc.
Planning & Engineering Iniatiaves
Poulos & Chung Limited
PPA Engineering Technologies Inc.
Promaxis Systems Inc.
Prosum Engineering Ltd.
PwD Engineering Corp.
R. E. Poisson Engineering
R. J. McKee Engineering Ltd.
R. V. Anderson Associates Limited
R.A.N.D. Engineering Corporation
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited
Read, Voorhees & Associates Limited
Reinders + Rieder Ltd.
Remisz Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Remy Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Retrach Engineering Limited
Riaboy Engineering Ltd.
Richardson Foster Ltd.
Robert E. Brown and Associates Limited
Robert G. McEwen & Associates Limited
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Roerig & Hsu Limited
ROI Engineering Inc
Rottmann Associates Ltd.
Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc.
RTG Systems Corporation
Sarafinchin Associates Ltd.
Schaeffer & Associates Ltd.
SHAL Consulting Engineers Limited
Sigmund Soudack & Associates Inc.
Simcoe Engineering Group Limited
Simulent Inc.
Skelton, Brumwell & Associates Inc.
Skira & Associates Ltd.
Smith and Andersen Consulting
Smylie & Crow Associates Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors
Southward Consultants Limited
Spriet Associates
Stephenson Engineering Ltd.
Stevenson Engineering Limited
Sutcliffe Rody Quesnel Inc.
Swallow Acoustic Consultants Ltd.
T. L. Mak Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Tabcon Engineering
Tecsar Engineering Inc.
Tenova Goodfellow Inc.
Terraprobe Limited
Thames Valley Engineering Inc.
The Canadian Engineers
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
The Mitchell Partnership Inc.
The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd.
The Sernas Group Inc.
The SPG Engineering Group Ltd.
The Walter Fedy Partnership
Thompson Rosemount Group Inc.
Thunder Bay Testing & Engineering
Todgham and Case Associates Inc.
Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
Transenco Limited
Triton Engineering Services Limited
Trow Associates Inc.
Tulloch Engineering
TWD Technologies
Upper Canada Planning & Engineering
Urban & Environmental Management
URS Canada Inc.
V. A. Wood Associates Limited
V. B. Cook Co. Ltd.
Valcoustics Canada Ltd.
Vasco Engineering Inc.
Virtual Engineers - VE Collective Inc.
Vista Engineering Corporation
Walters Forensic Engineering Inc.
Waters Environmental Geosciences Ltd.
Wardrop Engineering Inc.
Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited
W.J. Hargrave & Company Inc.
Wm. R. Walker Engineering Inc.
Wood Banani Bouthillette Parizeau Inc.
WorleyParsons HGE
XCG Consultants Ltd.
XL Design Professional
Zaretsky Consulting Engineers Inc.
Zenix Engineering Ltd
Algor Structures
Aquatech, Société de gestion de l’eau
Bechtel Quebec Limitée
Bouthillette, Parizeau & Associés Inc.
Bowles Consultants Inc.
Breton, Banville & Associés
Bureau d’Etudes Estrie Consultants Ltée
C.L.A. Experts-Conseils Inc.
Calculatec Inc.
Caron Beaudoin et Associés ExpertsConseils Inc.
Cegertec Inc.
Cloutier Cloutier & Associés.
Consultants René Gervais Inc.
Courtemanche, Rivest et Associés
Dessau-Soprin Inc
Doucet & Associés Conseils (Québec)
DTI Télécom Inc.
Dumelec Experts-Conseils inc.
Dupras Ledux Inc.
Enviroservices Inc.
Equiluqs Inc.
Exactech inc.
Filiatrault, McNeil & Associés Inc.
Géophysique GPR International Inc.
Groupe AXOR inc.
Groupe GLD Inc., Experts-Conseils
Groupe RSW Inc.
Groupe SNC-LAVALIN inc.
Groupe Stavibel Inc.
Groupe-conseil TDA
Hatch Ltée
Herbert L. Wax & Associates Ltd.
IMS Experts-Conseils
Jacques F. Brunelle et Associés Inc.
Johnston-Vermette Groupe Conseil Inc.
Kelvin Emtech Experts-Conseils
KSH Solutions Inc.
Le Groupe Conseil T.T. Katz Inc.
Le Groupe Forces s.e.n.c.
Le Groupe Génitique Inc.
Le Groupe S.M. International Inc.
Le Groupe Séguin Experts-Conseils Inc.
Le Groupe-Conseil Génipur inc.
Le Groupe-conseil LaSalle Inc.
Les Consultants F.B.G. Inc.
Les Consultants GÉNIPLUS Inc.
Les Consultants LBCD Inc.
Martoni, Cyr & Associés Inc.
Michel D. Rousseau & associés,
MLC Associes Inc.
Nicolet, Chartrand, Knoll Ltée
NORAM Experts-Conseils Inc.
Pageau Morel et associés inc.
Pasquin St-Jean et Associés Inc.
Pluritec Ltée
R & O Consultants
Roche Ltee, Groupe-conseil
Rousseau et Dupéré inc.
Saia, Deslauriers, Kadanoff, Leconte,
Brisebois, Blais & Associés Inc.
SGS X-PER-X inc.
Solmers inc.
SPN Consultants inc.
T.D.R. Experts-conseils Associés Inc.
Tecsult inc.
Teknika HBA
UMA Consultants
New Brunswick
A.D. Fiander Associates Ltd.
ADI Group Inc.
Atlantic Nuclear Services Ltd.
Biron Engineering Ltd.
Boissonnault McGraw & Associates Ltd.
Crandall Engineering Ltd.
Cyr Engineering Ltd.
Eastern Designers & Company Limited
Estabrooks Consultants Inc.
Fundy Engineering and Consulting Ltd.
GEMTEC Limited
Godfrey Associates Ltd.
Hillside Consulting Engineers Limited
Hoadley Engineering Inc.
Miramichi Engineering Ltd.
MSC Multi-Service Consultants
Neill and Gunter
Opus International Consultants (Canada)
Pace Engineering Limited
Project Engineering Limited
R.J. Bartlett Engineering Ltd.
Rogers Engineering Ltd
Roy Consultants Group
Tek Consultants Limited
The Maricor Group, Canada Ltd.
Prince Edward Island
Coles Associates Ltd.
Delcom Engineering Ltd.
Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd.
Harland Associates 02 Inc.
James C. Johnson Associates Inc.
Mac Donald Harland Associates
Marenco Engineering
MCA Consultants Inc.
Morris Land & Engineering Surveys Inc.
Richardson Associates (1993) Limited
SGL Engineering (2005) Inc.
Nova Scotia
BMR Structural Engineering
C.J. MacLellan & Associates Inc.
Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited
CBCL Limited
Geotechnology Limited
J.W. Cowie Engineering Limited
Jacques Whitford Limited
Mac Williams Engineering Ltd.
Nova Dynamics Limited
Novaport International Consultants
O’Halloran Campbell Consultants
Oldham Engineers Inc.
Strait Engineering Limited
Terrain Group
Thompson Engineering Consultants Ltd.
W. Roberts & Associates Limited
Whitman Benn Inc.
Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Cecon Ltd.
Crosbie Engineering Ltd.
Design Services Ltd.
EDM Consultants Limited
Kavanagh & Associates Limited
Newfoundland Design Associates Limited
Newlab Engineering Limited
Newton Engineering Ltd.
Nova Consultants Inc.
Quadratec Inc.
Rutter Engineering Inc.
Structural Design Inc.
Association of Canadian Engineering Companies • Association des firmes d’ingénierie du Canada