2012 Gift Report
2012 Gift Report
SPRING 201 3 www.monticello.org GIFT REPORT 2012 VOLUME 24, NUMBER 1 Legacy THOMAS JEFFERSON'S T HOMAS JEFFERSON is best remembered as the author of the Declaration of Independence. The idea that “all men are created equal” with a right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” established the foundations of self-government and personal liberty in America. Jefferson’s eloquent words of 1776 continue to inspire people of all ages around the world today. Monticello was the center of Jefferson’s world, and the Thomas Jefferson Foundation is dedicated to preserving Monticello and engaging a global audience in a dialogue with Jefferson’s ideas. Giving to Monticello A s a private, nonprofit organization, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation is not supported by federal or state funds. The Foundation relies on the private support of donors like you to accomplish our mission of preservation and education. EACH YEAR: ËË Close to 440,000 people visit Jefferson’s mountaintop home—the only home in America recognized by the United Nations as a World Heritage Site. ËË More than two million visit monticello.org. ËË More than 96,000 school-age children explore Monticello each year on family and school trips. ËË The Smith Department of Education’s K-12 guided student field trips serve more than 14,000 students annually. Many local students are served through scholarship-funded special programs. ˇank You ËË More than 136,000 walkers, runners, and bikers use the Saunders-Monticello Trail. ËË Monticello and its Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies engage people around the world in a global dialogue about Thomas Jefferson’s ideas through a network of scholars, teachers, and a world-class library. With each gift we can learn and share more about Thomas Jefferson, his life at Monticello, and his impact on our world. Thank you to the individuals, foundations, corporations, and organizations whose gifts to the Thomas Jefferson Foundation supported our mission of preservation and education during 2012. Monticello is a newsletter published twice yearly by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc., the private, nonprofit corporation that has owned and operated Monticello since 1923. Its mission is preservation and education. Questions, comments and address changes should be directed to: Monticello Newsletter, P.O. Box 217, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902; [email protected]; or (434) 984-9822. SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 ˇe Monticello Summit THE MONTICELLO SUMMIT recognizes individuals, foundations, corporations, and organizations who give $25,000 or more annually in unrestricted funds. The Thomas Jefferson Foundation gratefully acknowledges the donors who made leadership gifts to the Monticello Annual Fund from January 1 to December 31, 2012. The Foundation also recognizes Mr. Donald A. King for his chairmanship of the Summit since its inception in 2010, and welcomes Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Longley, Jr. as the new Summit Co-chairs. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Akridge III Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Fife Mr. and Mrs. David C. Landin J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Babson Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Goettler Mr. Hunter Lewis and Ms. Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff Mr. and Mrs. David A. Beach Mr. and Mrs. David R. Goode Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. John H. Birdsall III Ms. Alice W. Handy and Mr. Peter A. Stoudt Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Longley, Jr. Robert and Molly Hardie Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Manning The Harrison Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bryan IV Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jefferson Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Hart, Jr. Ms. Charlotte Moss and Mr. Barry Friedberg Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Crow Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hertog United Technologies Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. King, Jr. Vital Projects Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. B. Grady Durham Mr. and Mrs. Fritz R. Kundrun Ted and Sheila Weschler ˇe Monticello Cabinet THE MONTICELLO CABINET honors individuals, foundations, corporations, and organizations who gave $5,000 or more in support of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation’s mission of preservation and education from January 1 to December 31, 2012. The Foundation deeply appreciates the generosity of the Monticello Cabinet and acknowledges the leadership of retiring Cabinet Co-chairs Mr. and Mrs. David A. Beach. The Foundation welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gladden, Jr., who will serve with Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Coolidge as Cabinet Co-chairs for 2013. Anonymous Friends A & E Television Networks Save Our History Grant Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ader Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aide Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie III Mr. and Mrs. John E. Akridge III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd E. Anderson II J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Atlantic Philanthropies Director/Employee Designated Gift Fund Mrs. E. William Aylward Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Babson Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Baldwin III Barboursville Vineyards Dr. and Mrs. Gianni Zonin Mr. William D. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Barringer II The Paul and Merrill Barringer Family Fund of the High Point Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Barringer II Mr. and Mrs. Lucien L. Bass III Ms. Dorothy Batten Mrs. Frank Batten, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Beach David and Carolyn Beach Fund of the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation 2 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Birdsall III Birdsall Family Fund in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Blue Ridge Light Forms Ms. Leslie Greene Bowman and Dr. Cortland Neuhoff Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brewster The Janet Stone Jones Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brooks W. L. Lyons Brown, Jr. Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyons Brown III Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bryan IV Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan L.S. and J.S. Bryan Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VA Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. David C. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burn III Mr. Maurice G. Burnett Steve and Mary Anne Burns Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Burton The Cabell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James L. Camp IV J. L. Camp Foundation, Inc. The Honorable and Mrs. Mortimer M. Caplin The Caplin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David C. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Caton CenturyLink Dr. and Mrs. Antony E. Champ The Charles Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Richmond, Jr. Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau Charlottesville Radio Group Ms. Adele Chatfield-Taylor and Mr. John Guare Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cunningham The Clifton Inn The Coca-Cola Company The Coca-Cola Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Moffett Cochran V Mrs. George M. Cochran The Cochran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jefferson Coolidge Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation Mrs. Joseph C. Cornwall Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cory Mr. and Mrs. Carlton B. Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Crow Dr. Charles T. Cullen Mrs. Jay Dalgliesh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D. Daniels Darden School Foundation Mr. and Mrs.* John S. Darrell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Luella Davis Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert DeMento, Jr. Mr. Tobias Dengel and Dr. Lynn Dengel Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Dietrich III Mr. and Mrs. Lem Doss Ms. Helen E. Dragas and Mr. Lewis W. Webb Mr. Charles Gavan Duffy III Mr. and Mrs. B. Grady Durham Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Edmonds, Jr. In memory of Jeffrey, Corinne, Jackson, and Meriwether Buckalew In honor of Lee and Elizabeth Ainslie Mr. and Mr. John Ellis The Stuart and John B. Ellis Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Epstein Fiddlehead Fund Mr. Joseph Erdman and Ms. Rosemary Hill-Erdman Fair Play Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Blaine T. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Farrell II Mr. and Mrs. James W. Faulconer Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Faulders III Festive Fare Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Fife Fife Family Foundation William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation In memory of Maury Tice Flowers Dr. Daniel W. Fort Dr. Amy P. Goldman Fowler and Mr. Cary Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.V. French The Gateway Fund Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fryer Garden Club of Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Jackson B. Gilbert Espirito Santo Financial Services Mr. Richard Gilder and Ms. Lois Chiles The Gilder Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ginsburg In honor of Susan Stein * Deceased SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 ˇe Monticello Cabinet Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gladden, Jr. Mr. James B. Godfrey In honor of James A. Bear Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Goettler Mr. and Mrs. David R. Goode Mrs. Barbara H. Grant Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver Green Mr. and Mrs. John Grisham Oakwood Foundation Charitable Trust Mrs. Mimi L. Haas The Mimi and Peter Haas Fund Mr. and Mrs. Brenton S. Halsey Ms. Alice W. Handy and Mr. Peter A. Stoudt Robert and Molly Hardie The Harrison Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Hart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hebenstreit Mr. and Mrs. Rea S. Hederman The New York Review of Books Mrs. Walter H. Helmerich III The Helmerich Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rogert Hertog The Roger and Susan Hertog Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Landon Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Humiston Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Ignaczak Ivy Publications, LLC Mr. Charles D. Jefferson The Graham Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Karmin Ms. Jan Karon Drs. Neal F. and Lee Kassell Mr. and Mrs. Julian Keevil Mrs. Jane W. Kerewich Keswick Hall Ms. Glynn D. Key Mrs. Robert D. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. King The Estate of Dr. C. Louise Kirk Ms. Diane M. Kotras Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kracov Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Fritz R. Kundrun Mr. and Mrs. David C. Landin Mr. and Mrs. Rohn M. Laudenschlager Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Legrand Mr. Hunter Lewis and Ms. Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff 3 Mr. Richard T. Lewis and Ms. Susan DeRose Ms. Letita M. Locker Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. George Willis Logan Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Longley, Jr. Mr. Jack Looney Jack Looney Photography Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. MacDonald Michie Tavern Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin The Malkin Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Malone III Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Manning Marietta McNeill Morgan and Samuel Tate Morgan, Jr. Foundation Ms. Jacqueline B. Mars The Mars Foundation Ms. Alise Martinez Mr. L. White Matthews III and Ms. Heidi Rex Imation Corporation McGregor Fund McGuireWoods LLP Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Krueger Mr. Peter McHugh and Ms. Louise McNamee Mr. and Mrs. John S. McIntyre, Jr. Anne Andrews Black Charitable Lead Trust Grey and Sarah McLean Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. McLean Mr. Brian McNally Melville Foundation Mr. Charles H. Merriman III Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Meyers Ellen and Michael Michelson The Michelson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Miller Michael and Alicia Milligan Axel Johnson, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Milligan Lincoln Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Milstein Deborah Lee Minor and Family Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee Moore In honor of Donald and Janemarie King Mrs. W. Bedford Moore III* Ms. Charlotte Moss and Mr. Barry Friedberg Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mott, Jr. Ms. Jessica W. Nagle National Endowment for the Humanities Mr. and Mrs. John L. Nau III The Neall Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Katherine Neville and Dr. Karl Pribram Mr. and Mrs. David Newkirk Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie D. Nunley III Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Nunley Better Living Foundation Dr. Elizabeth Haight O’Connell and Mr. Matthew O’Connell Ms. Katherine H. O’Connor Ogden Publications Mother Earth News, Grit, and Natural Home Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oliver Optima Health Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Palumbo National Group Protection, Inc. Mr. Richard Patterson and Mrs. Nancy Morgan Patterson Jon Perkins and Sonja Hoel Perkins Perry Foundation, Inc. The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Corporate Matching Gifts Program Polo Ralph Lauren Powell Tate Prince Charitable Trusts Progress Printing Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Proops Ms. Anne D. Purinton Margaret Walker Purinton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Quayle III Ragged Mountain Running Shop Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lorenzoni Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rathburn Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Kevin Patrick Reilly The Richard S. Reynolds Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Reynolds III Richmond Times-Dispatch Ms. Rebecca W. Rimel and Mr. Patrick J. Caldwell Mr. Jonathan B. Rintels Dorothy and Jonathan Rintels Charitable Foundation Mrs. Joanne B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Roby Robinson Olive and Roby Robinson Family Fund of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rutrough Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Saunders III Mr. Gilbert P. Schafer III Elisha-Bolton Foundation Mr. Frederic W. Scott , Jr. Ballyshannon Fund Mrs. Elizabeth Knight Scripps Scripps League Newspaper Education and Research Fund Seed Savers Exchange, Inc. Mr. Robert L. Self and Ms. Ruth L. Ewers Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Simmons Skyline Tent Company Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small Albert & Lillian Small Foundation Mr. Charles H. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Hunter J. Smith Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Spratley Virginia H. Spratley Charitable Fund II of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Charlottesville Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stalfort II Bankers Insurance, LLC Mrs. Joan M. Standish Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stein Jay Stein Foundation Trust Ms. Susan R. Stein and Mr. Kenneth S. Abraham Whitney and Anne Stone Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Joseph M. Wood II Mr. and Mrs. Erik K. Straub Straub Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stultz Cynthia B. and Jame D. Stultz Fund in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation SunTrust The Buddy Taub Foundation Dennis A. Roach and Jill Roach Mrs. Bertrand L. Taylor III Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thacher Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr. HBB Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John H. Toole Mr. Christopher J. Toomey United Technologies Corporation Virginia National Bank Virginia Tourism Corporation The Vital Projects Fund, Inc. The Estates of Barry K. and Beverly J. Watson Mr. and Mrs. James O. Welch, Jr. James and Vedna Welch Foundation Ted and Sheila Weschler Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Whitehouse WillowTree Apps Mr. Tobias Dengel Mr. Michael J. Prichard Mr. and Mrs. John E. Woodward III The Woodward Foundation Inc. WorldStrides Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall Mrs. Anne Worrell Trula and John Wright The Margaret Hulvey Wright Trust WW Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. White III At the 2013 Monticello Cabinet Retreat, David M. Rubenstein (left, during a discussion with author Jon Meacham, right) announced a transformative $10 million gift to support the restoration and preservation of Monticello and Mulberry Row. SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors THE THOMAS JEFFERSON FOUNDATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES the donors who made gifts to Monticello over the period January 1 to December 31, 2012. These contributions supported the Monticello Annual Fund, restricted programs, the endowment, research, and special accounts and included gifts of cash, contributed services, property, and gifts-in-kind. Anonymous Friends F. William and Mrs. Barbara D. Abbate Dr. and Mrs. David M. Abbey Ms. Marcia Abernathy Henry J. Abraham Patricia Abraham and Christine Kraisler In memory of our mother, Mary B. Houk Ms. Anne L. Abruzzese Tashia Abry Bill and Carolyn Achenbach Ms. Jennifer Ackerman Major Brian P. Adams Ms. Paula Adams Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Adatto Mrs. Mary Beth Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Addicks Katherine and Jonathan Aikman Ms. Corinne Ailes Professor and Mrs. Norio Akashi Yasir Akhtar Len and Cyndy Alaimo Ms. Charlotte Albers Mr. Aaron Albertson Dr. and Mrs. C. Knight Aldrich Elizabeth S. Alford Olivia E. Alison Mr. and Mrs. Anwar S. A. Allen Ms. Joan Allfrey Rafael Almario Mr. Robert C. Alsop Ms. Lisa R. Alther In memory of Wilma Jack Mr. James G. Alverson Ethan D. Alyea, Jr. The Amato Family Anderson County High School Ms. Elizabeth S. Anderson Ms. Meg Anderson In memory of Wilma Jack Ms. Pam Anderson Mr. Terrence E. Anderson Diane Andrews James T. Andrews Charles and Joan Anson W. Graham Arader III Mrs. Leslie Arcuri Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Arendt Mr. John Arganian Brian Armstrong Dan Arnheim and Dan Dahl 4 Elizabeth Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Arnold Ascension Episcopal School Ash Lawn-Highland John and Whitney Athayde Mr. Robert Atkinson Colonel Thomas S. Atkinson In memory of Major Ezekiel Scott, CT Revolutionary War Soldier Ms. Peggy Augustus In honor of the Van Clief Family Mrs. Martha R. Austin Ms. Mary Austin Ms. Wilhemina Austin Paige Baber Mr. James Babington-Stitt Diann Bailey Michael W. Bailey Phil and Sarah Bailey, Patrick Bailey In honor of Monticello guide Mary Barker Adam Baker Richard A. Baker Ms. Pamela Balcke Porter and Suzanne Baldridge Robert F. Baldwin, Jr. Ms. Ayn Balija The Honorable Gerald L. and Mrs. Robin D. Baliles Dr. Ken A. Ballew Mary Randolph Ballinger Judd and Dabney Bankert Andy and Placide Barada Ms. Christine Barber Mr. William J. Barber John R. Barden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barham Mr. and Mrs. John H. Barnes Mr. Randall Barnes Ms. Sara Lee Barnes Ms. Marie Barnett Mr. Richard B. Barnett Robert C. Baron Elisabeth Barr Mr. Michael M. Barreto Louisa C. Barrett Ms. Donna Barrow Judie Barry Dr. R. Craig Barry Mr. Ted Bartleski Mrs. Mary E. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Basham Ms. Faith Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bassett Mr. J. William Bastian Ms. Mary J. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Tryon F. Bauer, Jr. Ms. Phyllis Baumann Mr. Derek Baxter M. J. Bayles Virginia and Dana Beach Collins and Charlotte Beagle Art and Michelle Beale Ms. Patricia L. Beall Robert E. Bean Mr. and Mrs. John Beard, Jr. Rhetta B. Bearden Mrs. Erlinda A. Bearman Tina M. Beatty Molly E. Beauchemin Mr. Gregory Beaudoin Clarence B. Beaver III Louis A. Beck Ms. Kate E. Becker Peter Becker Charles A. Beckum Robert and Faith Andrews Bedford Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Beeber Kirk W. Behrer Dr. Richard G. Beidleman Mr. William L. Beiswanger Mr. and Mrs. David Belew Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Bell James P. Bell II Mr. James W. Bell Lady Rachel Benham Mr. Andrew Bennett and Ms. Jennifer Tokar Ms Carolyn R. Bennett and Mr. Anthony C. Gresham Mrs. Jessica L. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Berenson The Rev. Timothy J. Berg In memory of his beloved wife, Marsha Berg William W. Bergen Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Bergmann J & E Berkley Foundation Joanne Saunders Berkley In memory of Margareta C. H. Douglas Albert and Beth Bermudez Susan J. Berres The Honorable and Mrs. Jason N. Berry Ms. Emily Bess David and Mary Sue Best Margaret H. Betts Montaque-Betts Company In honor of Nicole K. Betts Mark and Jean Beveridge Ms. Louise Bibb Mrs. John Taylor Bigbie Dr. Phyllis J. Binder Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bing Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Bird George Y. Birdsong Tag Birge In honor of Brown’s Mountain Law School C. Keith Birkenfeld Charitable Trust Fund at The Seattle Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bittle Mary Alice Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Blanchard Ms. A. Elizabeth Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blaszka John R. Blinn Doug Bloor Mr. Robert Blosser J. William Blue, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Blundin In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Blundon Mr. Zachary W. Bly In honor of Theresa Grywalski Ms. Katherine Boaz Judith K. Bock Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bodette Dr. and Mrs. Bennett G. Boggs In memory of Rev. Dr. Robert L. Boggs, Sr. Keith and Kathy Boi Martha H. Boice In memory of Ruth Boice Oake Mr. Steven Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. John Wood Bolton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. Bolton Ms. Janet Bonner Mark and Donna Bonney Richard J. Bonnie and Kathleen Ford Bonnie Peter B. Boody Mr. and Mrs. Cary Booth In honor of Chip Nunley Mr. Robert J. Booth Robert J. Borhart Mr. and Mrs. Tom Borkes Mr. Thomas Bouber Dr. and Mrs. David M. Bowman Ms. Anne Bowyer Melanie Bowyer Stephen L. Boyd J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Bradshaw In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Patrick Bradshaw Melinda Braid Gretel Braidwood and Raymond D. Tindel Mrs. Caroline Y. Brandt Mr. Nicholas C. Brandt Mr. Daniel P. Braud Paul V. Breazeale Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Breed Christiana Brenin Mr. Bernard T. Bress The Bressette Family Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brighton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brink Mr. Jack Brocato Mr. and Mrs. Glen P. Brock III Peggy Brockschmidt Pat Brodowski Charlotte Brody Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Brooke Katherine Brooks and George Beller Ms. Julia Broome and Mr. O. Whitfield Broome Carolyn Browder Mr. Clarence Brown, Jr. Darla S. Brown Deborah Brown Dee and Dickson Brown Mrs. Hynson Brown Constance W. Brown Mr. Jeffrey P. Brown Ms. Laura M. Brown Mark Brown Mrs. Peggy Brown Ms. Sallie D. Brown Thomas C. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Virginia F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown III Bill Brown Blaine and Mardi Brownell SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Ms. Brenda H. Browning Eric and Camille Brownson In memory of Frank and Marguerite Brownson Rita and Robert Broyles In memory of Dr. Carlos Allen Arthur and Manijeh Brueggeman Mrs. Renate Bruns Marilyn Anne Brusherd Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Bryan Deborah Murdock and Robert F. Bryan Mrs. Abigail Bryant Gerald D. Bryant Jo Bryant Richard W. Bryant Mr. James W. Brydon Carl and Marcia Buck Ms. Marcia Buck Susan L. Buck Ms. Susan Buckingham Shirley Buckner Buford Family Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Rchmond & Central Virginia Ms. Gina Bull Ms. Tina A. Bullard Allan E. Bulley III Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Bunde Joel Bundy Willard Bunn III Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph H. Bunzl Mr. Matthew Burgess Ms. Nola Burke Sarah Burke Mr. and Mrs. Coleman P. Burke Don and Sharon Burkel Mary Katherine Burkett Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkman Chris Burns Mrs. Rosemary M. Burns Ms. Jean W. Burrage Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Burris Henry and Maxine Burton Michael and Cynthia Burton Dave Busby Angela Jeanne Butler Julian D. Butler Mr. Stephen P. Butt Donald and Candace Butwill Clifford R. Buys Max Byrd Gregory A. and Karen S. Cada Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Cahill, Jr. Jessica Calderon Tricia Callahan In memory of William J. Callahan Ms. Rachel Callanan Mr. and Mrs. L. Clay Camp, Jr. 5 Wayne and Dianna Campagna Brian F. Campbell Mr. Jeff Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell John M. Campbell Stephen Campbell Ms. Julie A. Cannon Steve A. and Nectar C. Cantu Carolina M. Capehart Ms. Dana L. Capps Ms. Christi R. Carder Mr. Claus Cardinal Daryle D. Cardone Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Carini Monica P. Carley-Spencer Mr. Robert W. Carlson Mr. David M. Carnes Sarah M. Carothers Gene and Grace Carpenter Dr. and Mrs. James J. Carpenter Mrs. Isabell Carr Mr. and Mrs. J. Dabney Carr, Jr. Mr. Norman D. Carr In memory of Joan E. Carr Sarah P. Carr Dr. Ladi Carr and Mr. Sean Carr Dr. Barbara A. Carroll Mr. Matt Carson J. William and Barbara Carswell Dr. and Mrs. B. Noland Carter II Mr. David H. Carter Scott Carter Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carter III Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carter Dr. and Mrs. Freeman H. Cary Karen Casier Ms. Linda Casimir Mr. and Mrs. John L. Casper Dr. Milly Caudle In honor of Ms. Cherry Anne Ward Ms. Anne Causey Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cavanaugh Mr. Edward Lee Cave Ms. Valerie A. Cecil Lester and JoEllyn Chadwick Paul and Marsha Chaffee Mrs. Elizabeth J. Chaldekas Ernestine D. Chaleki Mrs. Jeanne C. Chamales Harlow and Eva Chandler Ms. Rita Chapman James and Kathy Charleston Robert L. and Sarah K. Chason Ms. Linda M. Chauvin Ms. Lorette Cheswick Mr. Benjamin G. Chew In memory of Jim Daugherty Mr. John A. Chewning The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series T homas Jefferson’s retirement is one of the most fascinating periods of his life, yet it has been the least studied. During his retirement, Jefferson founded the University of Virginia, and sold his unrivaled book collection to the Library of Congress, helping turn it into a great cultural institution. But during this time he also took time to ponder and distill his final word on the many topics that interested him. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series prepares and publishes the definitive edition of the letters and other papers documenting the period of Jefferson’s post-presidential years, 1809–1826, when he was in residence at Monticello. This editorial project, begun in 1999, operates in tandem with its preretirement counterpart at Princeton University. Both series are published by Princeton University Press. The Thomas Jefferson Foundation has now published nine volumes of the Retirement Series, containing nearly 5,000 accurately transcribed and annotated documents. A new volume comes out every year. This work is transforming Jefferson studies; two-thirds of the documents written by Jefferson are being published for the first time, and the figure for letters he received is even higher. A digital version of this edition is now being published by the University of Virginia Press, and the National Archives will soon begin making the rich content of these volumes available worldwide at no cost. Readers can also turn to Monticello’s own website for the Retirement Series Digital Archive, which provides searchable access to a large and growing collection of the fascinating correspondence of Thomas Jefferson’s extended family as well as to hundreds of accurately transcribed quotes by and about him. Initially funded by a generous grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts and important gifts from private donors and foundations, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation continues to seek additional funding for the completion of this work. For more information on this consequential project or to support The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, contact Joshua Scott at (434) 984-9829 or [email protected]. SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Mr. John D. Chilson Catherine Chiovaro Ms. Helen Chong Michael and Kathryn Ciesla Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne, Jr. Mick Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Clark III In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Jeffrey D. and Crystal A. Clark Kathy L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clark Mr. Ronald H. Clark David and Simone L. Close Susan Cluett Geoff and Beth Cobham Ms. Patricia Cochran Will Cochran Mayor Pierangelo G. Cofferati R. Kelly Coffey Mr. Tavis Coffin Marc S. Cohen and Lyn MacEwen Cohen Henry and Linda Cohn Lawrence Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Cole III Julien B. Cole Richard Cole Mr. Bernard L. Taylor and Ms. Debra Coleman Mr. and Mrs. John L. Colley, Jr. Ms. Sarah Collie Mr. Keith Collier Marissa Collier Ms. Mary Collier Dennis H. Collins Mr. and Mrs. David J. Collins Combined Federal Campaign Laurey Comeau Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo A. Cona Tom Connaughton Captain and Mrs. Doug Connell Mary V. Connell John M. Connelly Ms. Marjorie Connelly and Ms. Julie Christopher Rosemary Connelly Betty S. Conner Mr. James Conner Lauren Connor Annalivia Connor John Conover Glen and Mary Ann Conrad Francis and Anne Conroy Mr. and Mrs. George Constantino 6 Mr. Carlisle F. Cook, Jr. Jane H. Cooper In memory of Carroll Marcus Cooper, Jr. Ms. Almon Copley Mr. and Mrs. Brian Corcoran In memory of Glenn Atkinson, UVa Class of 1992 Steven D. Cords In honor of Maia, Sarina, and Steven Cords Peggy Cornett Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Cosgrove Ms. Sarah E. Cossin In honor of Sean Harris Ms. Barbara Coughlin Ms. Erin Coughlin Ms. Cary R. Courier Roger and Kem Courtenay Mr. Aaron C. Courtney In memory of Glenn Atkinson Mr. Daniel J. Cox Mr. Jeffrey Cox Ms. Kristen Cox Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coxhead Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Coy Drs. Theodore J. Crackel and Mary Jo Kline Mr. Cullen C. Craddock Mrs. Joyce P. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Owens Crane James F. Crates Craig C. Cregar Ed Croker Mr. Jack R. Crombie Ms. Nicole Crombie Mr. Everett U. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crosby Arthur “Cros” Croswell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Crowley Cyril Crume Ms. Carol J. Crumley Ms. Shannon Cruthirds Mrs. Eleanor P. Cummings Mrs. Edgar A. C. Curran, Jr. Mr. Russell A. Curro Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Curry Patricia M. Cusano Ms. Karen Czapanskiy D. G. Cooley Elementary School Mrs. Dorothy Dabney Christian Dahlhausen Mrs. Sara Damron Nancy B. Danahy Mrs. Heather D’Andrea Mrs. Doris B. Daneker Henry and Adrienne Danforth Allan and Kendra Daniel Daughters of the American Revolution, General James Breckenridge Chapter Matt Darring Mr. and Mrs. William L. Davenport John J. Davidek Mr. Carl B. Davis The Estate of Jean M. Davis Dr. John Staige Davis IV Ms. Laura Davis Mr. and Mrs. Maynard K. Davis Philip and Laura Davis Mr. Ron Davis Ms. Sara E. Davis Mr. Stewart Davis Nancy Davis-Imhof Dawn M. Davison Ms. Temple V. Day In honor of Virginia Temple Wrenn Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Deal Mr. Charles E Dearborn, Jr. In honor of Lucia “Cinder” Stanton In honor of Lou and Dan Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Debold Mr. and Mrs. Robert deButts Mr. and Mrs. William S. Decamp Polly and David Deck Mr. Jacob M. DeCourcey Mr. Stanley E. Degler Hugo R. Del Bove Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Dell Pierson DeLoe Ms. April A. DeLossantos Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennison Jeanne Densmore Mr. and Mrs. Magruder Dent III Mr. Charles DePascale Phil E. DePoy Lt. Col. Alfred R. Deptula D.A. and Caroline Dessouky Clifford Dibble Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke II Ms. Mary C. Dickerman Mr. Lance M. Dickey Dr. Franklin G. Dill Mrs. William F. Dillon, Jr. In memory of William F. Dillon, Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Dillon and Ms. Grace V. Mauney Ms. Rebecca DiMuro Katherine Dixon-Peugh Ms. Diane Dixson Courtenay M. Dobbins In memory of Jeffrey, Corinne, Jackson, and Meriwether Buckalew Patricia Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dobbs Ms. Nancy Donnally Pamela Perkins Donnelly Ben Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Mrs. Anna Lee Dorsett Edwin S. Dorsey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowd IV Frank Dowding Darrell W. Downs Mr. and Mrs. Justin Matthew Doyle In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Laura and Stephen Draga Lisa M. Draine Sandra Drake Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dray Jan Dresser Mr. Dan Dreyfuss Ms. Clare E. Driscoll In honor of Mike Armintrout Kim Dube Bruce and Jaren Ducker In honor of Christine Wells John K. Duckworth, M.D. In memory of my late wife, Norma Jean Dr. and Mrs. Lee Dugatkin Holly Duke K. A. Duncan Ms. Mary Dunea Terry Dunmire Mal and Nancy Dunston Mr. Gep Durenberger and Mr. Jeffrey Ducharme Karen and Leia Durland-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Durovey, Jr. Mrs. Enid Storm Dwyer David Sellers Stewart and Sharon Eads Mr. Russell Eagle Alan East Mr. and Mrs. Peter Easter Mr. Byrd Eastham Dr. and Mrs. R. Jack Eastham Rand Eastin David R. Edgar Roni M. Edis Mr. Christopher M. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Edwards Mrs. Margaret L. Edwards David J. Eisenman, Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Elchenko Ms. Stephanie Ellena Mr. John Elliott Ms. Merrilee Elliott Mr. Howard J. Ellis Kaitlin Ellwood Melinda Embry Jerri Emm-Heatwole Peter K. Engel, CPA Nancy and William Engeman Jan and Rohn England In memory of Joan M. Daniel Staci England Enka High School Mrs. Betty H. Eppard Dr. John Williford Eppes Donna Er In honor of Labelle Evans Susan Erno Mr. and Mrs. John F. Eros Ms. Emily C. Eskew J. R. Cary Esser Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Randolph Esser Courtenay Evans Mr. David W. Evans, Jr. Douglas P. Evans and Kara Hedvig Frances P. Evans Larry E. Evans Mr. Scott M. Evans Lucinda Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fabrizio, Jr. Barbara and Martin Faga Charles A. Fagan III Fair Play Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fair Mr. Chris Fairchild Fairfield Elementary School Fairland Middle School David M. Fairman Mrs. Edwin W. Fairweather Maria T. Fajardo In memory of Maestro Alberto Fajardo Sandra K. Falen Mr. Harvey A. Falk III Charles and Loralee Falvey George and Diane Fanta Mrs. Patricia K. Farmer Mrs. Krista Farrell Michael and Mary Feeney Sallie V. P. Feild Doris P. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Feldt Ms. Kathryn Felix Chris and Julie Fennema Donald Ferland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ferri Ms. Ann M. Field SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors J. Fine Jon P. Fine In memory of Glenn Atkinson Alex Finegan Jim Finegan Mrs. Susan S. Finley Mr. Kenneth Fischer Ms. Elizabeth Fish Ms. Joanne M. Fish Gerald E. Fisher Ms. Jane T. Fisher In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Ms. Patricia L. Fisk Mr. David Flaherty Bob and Fran Fleischman Mr. Joseph S. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. John Flentje Mr. Boyd C. Fletcher IV Jeri Florence Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Flynn Wendy R. W. Flynn In memory of Ernest A. Flynn Tom and Carla Fogle Mr. John P. Foley Elizabeth A. Follbaum Philip and Geri Fontana Mr. Timothy Jordan and Ms. Leah M. Foradori Robert Pierce Forbes Beverly Ford Ms. Liz Forman Mr. and Mrs. John Forsythe In memory of Wilma Jack Jane Brown Foster John S. Foster, Jr. Florence Bryan Fowlkes Fund of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia Beth and Skip Fox Mrs. Wendy S. Frady For the birthday of Wendy Frady Mr. Louis Franco Dr. Ariel Frankel Mr. Evans E. Frankenheimer Ray Frantz, Jr. The Keith and Carole Frazee Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund Harry Frazier III Family Lyle Frederickson Courtney Fredrickson Jon Freedman Freedom Intermediate School Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Freeman Ms. Shirley Freeman 7 Mark and Cynthia Freese Barbara L French Fannie, Milton, and Leslie Friedman Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Chris Friend Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Frierson, Jr. Phyllis and Tom Froeschle Melissa J. Frost Pati and Mike Froyo-McCarty Dr. Richard and Mrs. Susan Fry Bill and Sade Fryer Mrs. La Donna Funderburk In honor of the William M. McIntosh Family Dr. Gail S. Funke and Dr. Billy L. Wayson Dr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Furlow, Jr. Ms. Catherine Furry Mr. Daniel H. Fylstra Mr. Frank Galakin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Galbraith Ms. Marsha H. Galdi Mr. Seamus Gallagher Ms. Lori Gallant Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Gallivan III William J. Gallo, Jr. Michael and Elizabeth Galvin In honor of Brian Simmons The Estate of Laurence S. Galvin Scott Galvin Miss Sophie Gangemi Mr. Michael Ganz Ms. Marielena Garbark Mr. Hernan Garbini Alice Garlock Mr. and Mrs. G. Waddy Garrett Kristin Garrett Dr. Ann Marie Garritano Jimmy Garrity Mrs. Marcellus Garzillo Tara L. Gaucher Ms. Sharon Gaughan Nicky Gautier Mr. Christopher S. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gay Ms. Karen Gebarski In memory of Joanne Dreebin Steven P. and Barb Geiger John Gendreau In honor of Joe Ingersoll Mrs. Linda G. Gibson Struthers and Frederick Gignoux Ms. Debra F. Gilbert Mr. Roger Gildersleeve Estella Gillette Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gilliam Marcia and Marvin Gilliam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gillies III George T. Gillies Frances and George Ginn Mr. Anthony Ricci and Ms. Diane Giordano Mrs. Carter Glass III* Mr. Karl G. Glassman Jessica Glendinning Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Glenn Rodney and Linda Gnau Mr. Horst A. Goede Mr. John R. Goehlich Mr. Adam Goerge Erikka Goff Ms. Elizabeth Good Ms. Pat Goodhart Ms. Victoria Goodloe Mr. Christopher A. Gordon Mr. Bryan Gore Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gore Neal and Gaby Gorman Larry Goss Robert Goss, Carolyn Patterson and The Inn at Monticello David and Kathy Gowen George W. Gowen Nancy Grable Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Graddick Taylor Graese Heather Grams Mrs. Barbara H. Grant Richard Wayne Grant Ernest J. Grassey Mr. and Mrs. David D. Gratner Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Grauer For the birthday of Dr. Daniel B. Veazey Mrs. Barbara B. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gray Mrs. Elizabeth L. Gray Liz Greene Mrs. Phyllis W. Greene Robert and Barbara Greene Mrs. Mary Ann H. Greiner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gresham Dr. and Mrs. William Grey Ms. Cathy Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Grill Paul and Muriel Grim Ms. Barbara L. Grimes In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Mr. J. William Grimes In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Ken and Linda Grimes Ms. Marianne S. Grimshaw Ms. Tricia Grogg David Grootenhuis Mrs. Helen K. Groves David W. and Carolyn P. Grow Mr. Anthony Guadalupe Bradley H. and Meredith Strohm Gunter Gerald Guske Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Hack, Jr. Mrs. Megan K. Hack Carl and Catherine Hackert Jim Hackett Jim Haden Mrs. Britta S. Hahn John and Regan Hailman Ms. Heather Haines Lorna Hainesworth In memory of Elaine Prestholdt Walt Hajducki Mr. Andrew G. Hakun Victor P. Haley Barbara Hall Donald L. and Mary Ann Hall Ms. Hailey Hall Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Hall Ms. Ruth Mary Hall In honor of Lorraine E. J. Hall and her brother Norman L’Esperance Mr. William F. Hall III Stewart Hamblen Nicholas Hamblet Ted G. Hamilton Mr. Michael A. Hamm Mr. Victor H. Hammel Virginia Hammerness Mark Christopher Hampton Miss Jane A. Hancock, UK Ms. Sharon Hanes Kim and Katie Hannaford Tom and Peggy Hanrahan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hansberry Tom and Jane Hansen Mr. Ken Harbert William L. Harcher, Jr. Joy Henley Hardin In memory of Dr. Lila Jo Henley David Harding Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harlan James P. Harold Robert D. Harper* Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell M. Harrell Roy and Lynda Harrill Sandra Harris Mr. and Mrs. Travis M. Harris Mr. H. Preston Harrison Randolph Harrison, Jr. Ann Snyder Harrod Gary and Lee Hart David S. and Cynthia A. Hastings Christian Havemeyer Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Haverbush Kimberly Hawk Richard L. Hay Stan M. Haynes Margaret Headley Andrew Heald David J. and Joan M. Healy Timothy J. Heaphy In honor of Glenn Atkinson William J. Heaphy III Hear In America Heathwood Hall Episcopal School Dr. Jurretta J. Heckscher Miss Zoe Ann Hedman Tom Hedrick James Heilman Mr. James E. Heineke Mr. Thomas H. Heist III John A. Hellman Mrs. Anne B. Hemenway Bunny Henderson Mr. Gordon P. Henderson Ms. Juliana R. Henderson Karen L. Henderson Mrs. Margaret Henderson Mr. Mark Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Scott Henderson Mrs. Nathan VanMeter Hendricks III Gerald E. Hendron Mr. and Mrs. Stanleigh Henelt Margery Henneman and Bosley Crowther Gary F. Henry Mr. Carl E. Hensley Mr. Thomas C. Spavins and Ms. Judith Herman John Hermsmeier Dawn Herrick Linda Herrnstein Andrew Hersey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hess Karen E. Hettinga Mr. Philippe J.D. Heuschen Mr. David Heyl April Hickory Mr. Peter D. Hicks Mr. Dennis Hickstein Janet and J. Peter Simon Hidden Pond Foundation Nolan Higgins Janine Higgins Mr. and Mrs. James Hildbold In honor of Michael Hildbold Janice M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Hill Rachelle Hill SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Ms. Susan Hill Virginia G. Hilton Robert and Melissa Hinton Jack S. Hirsch, MD Ms. Mimi Hirsch David J. Hirschman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz Robert and Karen Hodge Mr. Jeffery Hodges Mr. Thomas D. Hoerner Ronald Hoffman Mrs. Michele M. Hogan Terence and Mary-Jane Hogan Family fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Gail and Curt Hogenson Ms. Elke Hohls Mr. and Mrs. James P. Holden Ms. Shirleen Holden John P. Hollerbach John and Debora Holmes Meredith Holmes Jack M. and Virginia C. Holt Mrs. Christine Hoover George A. Hopkins Ms. Phyllis Hopkinson Chery Horacek Jack and Nancy Horn Allen E. Horner Mrs. Ann D. Horner Dr. J. Shelton Horsley III Scott A. Horstmeier Ms. Lisa A. Horton Anne Houston Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dick Howard Mr. Phillip Howard and Ms. Elizabeth Huntley William C. Howe Stephen F. Howes Ms. Pam Howie Judy Schropp Hoyer Mr. Mike Hozempa David Hryvniak Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huber Reg and Karleen Hubley Mr. F. Gregory Hudson Wood Hudson E. Cutter Hughes Ms. Gladys Hughes Joyce and Harry Hughes Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hughes Mr and Mrs Robert T. Hughes Robert and Patricia Hughes Erin Hughey-Commers Linda and Rick Hull Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Humiston Robert R. Humphris, Sr. Dr. H. Draper Hunt 8 Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hunter Ms. Janice Hunter Ms. Rachel Hunter Ms. and Mr. Elizabeth Huntley Mr. Gerry F. Huntley Jim Hutcherson Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Frost Mary Southwell Hutchison Peter Barton Hutt Kirby Hutto Robert and Tina Hyduke Beatrice and Larry Iceman Lindsay Ideson Mrs. Sally Ike Cara Ingraham Mr. Alexander E. Inman Irene and Daniel* K. Inouye Robert P. Irons, Jr. and Nancy Lynn Irons Benjamin A. Isaacson Ms. Rebecca Isbell Steven D. Jackson Mr. Jeffrey L. Jacobs Edna and Pieter Jacques Ms. Constance L. Jaffray In honor of John Latshaw Evelyn F. James Foundation G. Scott Shackelford, Director Nancy James John F. Jameson Dr. and Mrs. Dean Gavin Jamieson In honor of Sandy and Stacie Jamieson Dale W. Jamison In memory of Linda C. Jamison Ms. Robin-Eve Jasper Dr. Allen Jay In honor of TJHS ‘53 - Brooklyn Jean Dawes Jefferson John Jefferson Mary E. Jefferson In memory of Sally Hemings Mr. Craig Jennings Ms. Kathryn K. Jennings Pam and Jay Jessup Ms. Alison Jeziorski William and Eleanore Jiranek In memory of Chris Powers Evelyn L. John Ms. Becky Johns Ms. Acolia K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Johnson III David K. Johnson Heidi Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Johnson White Flag Foundation Ms. Judy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kimber L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kirk L. Johnson Stanley and Linda Johnson Ron and Linda Johnson Ms. Sara Johnson Joseph F. Johnston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Johnstone Ms. Rebecca Jolin Bruce and Anne Jolly Ms. Amanda Currie Jones In honor of Peter Hatch Guy Jones Ms. Helen C. Jones Joe A. Jones Mr. Raymond A. Jones, Jr. Jane Sundelof Jones Mr. Robert F. Jones Mr. Ronald E. Jones Sherry S. Jones Mr. Tucker Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Jones Andy Jones-Wilkins Beth and Fred Joosten In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Robert P. Jost Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stock Mrs. Paul Judy Clear Pond Fund Ms. Maira Kalman Mr. Chris Kane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Kanely Mr. R. Joseph Kannapell Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Kaplan In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Jamie Karl Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Karmin Frank Kasper Jillian Katterhagen Jim Kauffman In memory of Patricia L. Pullen Paulette C. Kaufman Mr. Matthias E. Kayhoe Jack Kayton Geoffrey Keenan Josh Keeton Curt Keim Patrick Keith-Hynes Kristen Keller Jocelyn Kelley Carolyn Kelly Mr. Gregory Kelly Ms. Jennifer T. Kelly Mr. Harry M. Kemstedt Ms. Martha A. Kent Mrs. Theo Jean Kenyon Russ and Barbara Kerkman Christopher Kern Ms. Deborah Kern Ms. Suzanne Kern Arline Kerrigan Ralph and Julia Ketcham Dr. Ron and Mrs. Kathy Kettler Ms. Sarah S. Key David A. Kidd Ms. Rita L. Kieffer Lori and John Kimball Rebecca Kindler Dr. Marie L. King Michael and Anne Lee King Anne E. Kinsley Mrs. E. R. Kirk John W. Kiser Reverend and Mrs. Joseph W. Kiser Mr. Kenneth Klein Ms. Roberta S. Klein Mr. Bernie C. Klemanek In honor of his 66th Birthday Mr. Randy Kline Joseph B.C. Kluttz Ms. Joanna Knight Robert Knospe Ms. Eva Kobus-Webb and Mr. William K. Webb In memory of Brown Colbert In honor of Lucia “Cinder” Stanton Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kodrich Kate Kohn Professor David T. Konig and Ms. Judith W. Mann Mr. Cole Konopka In honor of Andrea Jandernoa Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kossow Sara and Geoffrey J. Kovacik Ms. Marilyn Kozak Daniel Kracov In memory of Jim Daughtery (Brown’s Mountain Resident 1987-89) Charles Kraemer Mr. Michael Kranish Mr. Peter J. Krebs Mrs. Barbara A. Kross Michelle A. Krowl Mr. and Ms. Andrew J. Krueger Mr. Charles M. Kruly Mr. and Mrs. George K. Kudravetz David W. and McCrea S. Kudravetz In honor of Peter Hatch Ms. Julia Kudravetz Tabitha Kuehn Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kuhlthau Dr. Michihiko Kuyama Mr. Dirk Kuyk and Ms. Heather Hutton Mr. Ronald La Claustra Mary LaVenture Ms. Jackie Bailey Labovitz Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Laird Mr. John Graham Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Lambert Ms. Rosa Lamoreaux Mrs. Louis L’Amour Mr. Walter A. Lamp Mrs. Barbara G. Lampe In honor of Susan and Randolph Rivinus Sandee and John Lancaster In honor of Emily Tenhundfeld In honor of Fred O’Brien Land and Community Associates Ms. Miriam Landsman Mr. Floyd L. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lanford Ms. Lucille Lang In memory of Leonard R. Lang Mr. Harvey J. Langholtz Jacqueline Langholtz Chiswell D. Langhorne, Jr. Mr. Gregory Lannon Alan Nelson LaRue Mr. Scott L. Wisniewski and Ms. Michaelle Latas-Wisniewski Corinne Lauer Ms. Kaye Lauffenburger Kip and Dara Laughlin Mr. Erik D. Laurila Mr. Gregory S. Laurinat Charles and Terry Lauritsen Mr. David Law Mrs. Treville Lawrence Joseph, Stephanie and Jackson Lawson Ms. Priscilla Lawson Mr. Ronald G. Laycock Ms. Rachel Layman Mr. Mark R. Lazarus Mr. John S. Lazo Dr. Lawrence Leake Mary Louise Leake In memory of Richard Davis Mary and Byrd Leavell Ms. Annette Leclair Mr. Peyton Ledford Don LeDuc and Susan Coley Antoinette J. Lee Ellie Lee Sherri P. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Leer Mr. Adam S. Lees Robert and Dee Leggett Dr. Joel F. Lehrer SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Holly M. Leicht Dr. and Mrs. George D. Leidel Mrs. Charlotte Coe Lemann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lemke Mr. James Lemmon Melissa M. Mangold Christopher James Lenox Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Deane Leonard Ms. Camilyn Leone Mark Lepsch Mr. and Mrs. Bernadotte P. Lester, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Lettshek Mr. Roger Leturno Mr. Mark Lev Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Levonian Catherine J. Lewis Cheri A. Lewis Mr. Clayton W. Lewis Mrs. Richard C. Lewis Jacqueline Lewis Dr. and Mrs. James H. Lewis Jan Lewis and Barry Bienstock John Lewis Michael P. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Lewis Richard H. Lewis and Joan M. Sapinsley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis Nicole Libresco In memory of Dr. Emile Libresco Thomas E. Lico Ms. Carol A. Lindsey Ms. Shirley Linkous Ms. Brenda Lipscomb Mrs. Marilyn Litke In memory of Harvey J. Litke Mr. and Mrs. Wilder G. Little Mr. Kevin Littlemore Matthew W. Lively Ms. Kathryn Livingston-Nichols Mrs. Pat Lloyd Prof. Donald G. Loach Ms. Kristen N. Lochrie Mr. and Mrs. Harold Loeshelle Mr. and Mrs. E. Crawford Long Terri Long Mr. David Lonnquest Jeff Looney Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Lorence Breyette Lorntz Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lourie Sara Lovelace Stephanie Lowenhaupt Mr. Roye L. Lowry Mr. Leo Lubke Greg and Susan Luginski 9 Lois Lunardini Mr. Stewart Lundy Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lutz Henry S. Lynn, Jr. Mary L. Lyons Michael and Annmarie Lyons John R. Maass Ms. Marianne Mabin Mr. and Mrs. Neil H. MacBride In memory of Glenn Atkinson Alastair S. Macdonald Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Macdonald III Geoff MacDonald Ms. Zanne Macdonald The Honorable and Mrs. J. Granger MacFarlane James MacInness Betsy Bankhead Mackey Ms. Sarah MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. MacLeod Francis A. Madsen, Jr. Mr. Michael R. Maggio, Jr. and Ms. Judy Reyes-Maggio Susan Magill Ms. Mimi Magyar Kevin and Mickie Mahoney Jeffrey T. Maier Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Malamed Mrs. Ann H. Mallek Jim Mallon Timothy M. Malpede Ojus and Jane Malphurs Shelly and Martin Mand Mrs. Charlene M. Mangano Mr. Paul Manghera In honor of Don and Janemarie King Ms. Jan Manos Linda L. Manwiller Mr. Lance Marburger Mr. William F. Marcovitz Frederick J. Margo In honor of James and Diane Shaffer Mr. Caleb Marion Robert and Suzanne Markgraf Ms. Helen Markwell James J. Marrocco Margaret Marsh Becky Marshall Ms. Cheryl J. Marshall Lindsay Marshall Dr. V.H. Marshall and Evelyn G. Marshall Cathy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Martin Ellen W. Martin Mr. Eric Martin Jane Ann Martin Mr. Joshua Martin Lewis Martin III Mrs. Merle D. Martin Sara Martin Ms. Christin Martinelli Mrs. Roberta Martinez Whitney Martinko Gary and Mary Marwick Mary Baldwin College Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Maskrey Mr. and Mrs. David Mason Mr. David J. Mason Randy Mast Mr. David B. Mattern and Ms. Charlotte Crystal Mr. and Mrs. Duncan L. Matteson Mr. Mark Matthewman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Matthews Valerie Matthews Ms. Janet Maupin Ms. Peg Mauzy Mrs. Doris Jefferson Mavis Charlie May Mr. Craig May Mr. Gregory May Mr. Alan E. Mayne Mr. John Mays Ms. Shelly McAllister Mr. H. William McAtee Camilla McCaslin Ms. Susan McConnell In honor of Leslie Greene Bowman Ms. Vickie Mccormick Dr. Sue McCoy David McCreery Mr. and Mrs. David McCullough Lindey McDaniel Ann McDaniel Bette Sue McElroy Brian McEwen Mr. Michael J. McGrane Mr. Bradley McGraw James T. McGuinness Mrs. Tracy McKeel Dr. Richard McKeon and Ms. Elizabeth Gordon Ms. Susan McLaughlin Elizabeth P. McLean Mrs. Margaret K. McLean In memory of W. Copley McLean, M.D. Mr. David L. McLellan Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. McLeod In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Ms. Amy M. McLeskey Mr. David E. McNeel Mr. and Mrs. James McNeely Robert B. McOsker J. Scott and Carol Ann McQueen Ms. Barbara R. McQuillan John M. Mead Daniel J. Meador Phil and Lois Meeker Ms. Lisa C. Meeks Mr. Richard B. Meixsel and Ms. Christine S. Patrick Mr. Frank E. Melograno Brian Menard Richard and Ronay Menschel Louise E. Menzi Dr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Mericli In memory of John H. Moore, Jr., M.D. Richard and Elizabeth Merrill Mr. Matthew Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. John M. Metzner Mr. Jerry Meyer Kristin Kathleen Meyer In memory of Grandpa Meyer George A. Meyers Family Equity Trust Glen E. Michael and Lauren C. Penniman Mr. William C. Michael Bradley Michaels SandS PC Service Center In memory of Pauline Michalski John and Susan Mickey Ms. Susan B. Mickey In honor of Hollis Stauber Rick and Chita Middleton Shirley Midyette Richard and Eileen Mikaliunas Robin and Dick Miksad Ms. Barbara A. Millar and Mr. Peter M. Thompson Charles A. Miller Craig Miller and Catherine Johnson Mr. Dennis Miller Derry Miller Janet K. Miller Ms. Jennifer L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Miller III Mr. Richard A. Miller Liza Millett Mr. Ralph Mills Ms. Cynthia L. Milota and Mr. Jeffrey L. Kitcheos Ms. Andrea N. Miner Thomas and Deborah Minneman Miss Galatea Misevich Mr. Kenneth L. Mitchell and Ms. Beth T. Lazen Lionel and Nancy Mitchell Mr. Wengel Mitchell William Mourant Mitchell Brian Mizuki Mr. and Mrs. R. Guy Moffat Elisabeth D. Mohler Ms. and Mr. Rumana Moinuddin Audrey Mokdad Ms. Elizabeth Mongan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Monroe III In memory of Chris Powers Major General and Mrs. Mario F. Montero, Jr. Ms. Diane Montgomery Mr. Philip Montgomery The Monticello Association The Honorable and Mrs. Norman K. Moon Barbara B. Mooney Dr. and Mrs. A.L. Moore, Jr. Alma C. Moore In memory of Roy Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Moore In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Garrett Moore, Jr. Mrs. Jenny D. Moore Ms. Judith E. Moore T. Justin Moore III In memory of Chris Powers Edward and Nancy Moran Mary D. Morgan Ms. Kristin Morgan Mr. Michael M. Morgan Raymond F. and Sue Ann Morgan Will Morgan Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morley Ms. Penny C. Morrill Diddy Morris Mrs. Edmund W. Morris Ms. Kate Morris Douglas E. Morrison Jon Morse Ruth Morton Daniel Moseke In memory of Al Moseke Nancy Jean Moser In memory of John L. and Hilda H. Moser Sharon K. Moser Mr. James P. Mosquera Mr. Ben Moss Mr. Murphy Moss and Ms. Mary Ann Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moss, Jr. SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Mrs. E. Palmer Mossman In memory of George C. Palmer II Miriam and Dennis Motley Mountain Island Charter School Peggy Mowbray Mr. Tim Mucha Mr. Rafael Mudafort Terry Mulchahey Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Munford III Terence J. Furlong Ms. Katherine Munro In honor of Andrea Jandernoa Mrs. B. Ann Munsey Robert and Carol Murdock Ms. Helen C. Murphy Laurence J. Murphy, M.D. Megan Murphy In honor of Lindsay Mericli Mr. and Mrs. William T. Murray In honor of Dan Jordan Xander Murray Mr. John M. Murrin Ms. Sarah Muse Ms. Mary Musselman Arthur E. Mussett Carter and Ann Myers Mr. Robert Myerson Mr. John J. Nahm Ms. Elaine Nailler Mr. David Narlee In honor of Dan Jordan Katy Nash Tom Nash Betsy and Bill Nation National American Glass Club Ms. Jannet D. Neal Julie A. Neal Commander and Mrs. N. P. Neblett Ms. Dawn M. Needham Ms. Patrice Neese Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Neis Al and Lynn Nelson Ms. Bettie W. Nelson Mr. Eric P. Nelson Mr. James Nelson Mr. Kurt Nelson Raymond and Janice Nelson Mr. Sean P. Nelson Karl D. Neuding David L. Neumann Ambassador and Mrs. Ronald E. Neumann New Creations Christian Academy George and Elaine Newcomb Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Newcomb Mr. and Mrs. David Newkirk Mr. James Newman Mrs. David D. Newsom 10 Ms. Michele Newton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Nicholas Dr. Allen B. Nichols Dr. Steven Nichols Rob Nicholson Betty Jo Nickles Ms. Carol Nicoll Charles and Karin Nifong Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nipper Robert and Kayse Nix Mr. Joseph A. Noble Jared R. Nodelman Foundation Fund of The Columbus Foundation Tom Norden Gail Norkett John and Michelle Northrop Ms. Wendy Norwood Paul and Linda Nowack Mr. Christopher Nowlan Carmen Nunez Helen and Chip Nunley David S. Nunn Peter and Ruth Nunn Robert C. Nusbaum and Linda S. Laibstain Bob and Mary Beirne Nutt Oak View Elementary School Mrs. Lauren Oakey Barbara B. Oberg Ben Ochs David C. Ochs Mr. Paul Ocker Anita and John O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. John P. O‘Connell Joshua O’Connor Mrs. Katherine H. O’Connor Ms. Mary Ann O’Donnell The Ogrodowski Family Mary Ann O’Halloran O’Halloran Foundation Mr. Robert O’Halloran Daniel O’Keefe, Jr. The O’Keefe Family Fund of the Foundation For The Carolinas Diane and Mark Okusa David and Renee O’Leary Karl and Laura Olsen Ms. Katherine M. Olsen Miss Sarah Olthoff In honor of Rori Rourk Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Oman Mr. Brian B. O’Mara Keith O’Neil John H. O’Neill Ms. Reina Oostingh Mr. William R. Orford, Sr. Fred Orlansky In honor of Elizabeth Evans and in memory of Elizabeth Evans Diana M. Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Larry Osborne Mr. Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy Mr. Pete O’Shea Ole Osrunn John Overton and Ann Lowry Laura Brenneman Owen Michael W. Oyler In memory of Glenn Atkinson Herson Rodriguez-Ramos Marian C. Page Dr. Alix Paget-Brown Valerie Palamountain Mr. Earl Palmer Ms. Kristen Palmieri Mike Basile Nicholas A. Pappas, FAIA Tony Parker Ms. Carol Parkerson Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Parks Mr. William Parrish Ms. Rebecca Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Pate, Jr., Esq. Ms. Suzanne Patrick Ms. Carol S. Patterson Mr. Dean S. Patterson Kirk Woosley Patton Neal G. Patton Ms. Casey Paul Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Pauley Ms. Carol J. Pauly Irene Pawlowski Ms. Beverly A. Pawson Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Payne The Honorable and Mrs. Lewis F. Payne, Jr. Ms. Valerie Pearson Penny and Billy Peebles In honor of Dan Jordan Mr. Jon P. Peede Mr. John G. Peet Linda Peffley-Firer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Peightel Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peightel Nelson and Phyllis Pelletier In honor of Dan Jordan Ms. Dixie M. Pencil Tom and Jackie Pendergrass The William Penn Foundation Mrs. Chiswell Perkins, C.D.L. & M.T.B. Perkins Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VA Grace and Roland Perkins In honor of Sonja Hoel Perkins Nicole H. Perry and Andrew T.C. Stifler Ms. Deborah J. Peters Eric Petersen Christine Peterson June Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson In memory of Jeffrey, Corinne, Jackson, and Meriwether Buckalew Mr. and Dr. David J. Petr John and Carol Pflug Ms. Susan Phillips Kenneth and Lavonne Pickering Mr. W L. Pickler In honor of Nancy Culp Piedmont Virginia Community College Roger V. Pierce The Hon. and Mrs. Richard Pietrowicz Mr. William R. Piper Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pippin Jeanne and Glen Pittman Mr. Mark Pitzer Kurtis Pivert Mr. Donald Place Joan L. Placido Ms. Teresa Plage Ms. Lenore M. Platt and Dr. Richard Neff Ms. Mary J. Plesac Mr. Ronnie Poff Mr. Ryan Poindexter Mr. Scott Poitevent Ed and Nancy Pollock Eugene and Mary Pollock Mr. Russ Pond Ms. Blair Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Pool, Jr. Ms. Diana Pope In memory of Thomas B. Worsley Stephanie M. Pope David A. Portwood William Potts Dr. Norma C. Powell George R. Pramenko In memory of his brother and sister, Bozidar R. and Angela Pramenko Mr. and Mrs. Enrico A. Prata John K. Pribram Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Propst In honor of Friends of Brown’s Mountain Val Protiva Mrs. Eileen Pryor In memory of James W. Pryor Denise E. Ptak Mr. Gregory E. Pula Bob Pultro In memory of Dawn Pultro Susan Purvey Kathy and George Putnam Pymwymi Fund of the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Annie Quast John M. Quie Pamela Quirk Alex and Judith Rachita Julia Rader Mrs. Helena Rados-Derr Charlene Ragan Joe Raichel Fred B. Raines Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rainey Janemarie Raiteri Professor and Mrs. R. K. Ramazani Mr. Kurt D. Ramick Steve Ramsdell Ms. Sally Randby Mr. John A. Raniowski In honor of Sir Martin P. Raniowski Sir Martin P. Raniowski Kevin Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Rankin In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Ms. Fannie M. Rankin-Vinci Col. Victor G. Raphael (USA Ret) David and Roseanne Rapoza Mrs. Judy Rasmussen Ms. Margaret Rasnick In memory of Wilma Jack Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rasnick In memory of Wilma Jack Chad Ratkovich S. Waite Rawls III Robin D. Ray Ms. Peg Reamer Ms. Patricia M. Reardon Peter and Mary Rebold Redmont Park Garden Club In honor of Holley Camp Ms. Margaret K. Redwine William S. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Reetz Mr. Gregory T. Regelski Betty Reid and Ron Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. M. Bagley Reid Mr. Patrick K. Reidy Nita Reigle Joe Reilly Matthew S. Reimann SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Kenneth R. Renstrom Mr. Ralph R. Rentz Mr. William R. Reusing In honor of Leslie Greene Bowman In honor of Susan Stein The Kenneth Reutlinger Foundation Inc. Ms. Deborah Reynolds Glenn T. Reynolds In memory of Jim Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds Mr. Richard Reynolds Ms. Emily Rhoads In memory of Alexander Rhoads Dr. Jackie Rhodes Ms. Lynn C. Rhomberg Sergeant Sean P. Ricard Mr. James E. Rich John and Sharon Rich Ms. Carol Richards Joseph and Bessie Richards Dr. Malcolm L. Richardson Mr. Scott A. Richardson Ms. Christine Richie John C. Richter In memory of Glenn Atkinson Ms. Jean J. Rickard Mr. John Riddle and Ms. Jill Riddle Macon Riddle Andy Riddler Virginia Rieley Andrew J. Rigg Ms. Anne P. Riley Mr. and Mrs. William A. Riley Sara Rimm-Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. George Ringo Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan Dr. Boyd C. Rist Mr. Robert C. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Ritter River Oaks Baptist School Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen H. Rivers Riverside Christian School Dr. Ralph H. Rives Mr. Philip G. Rivet Randolph P. and Susan L. Rivinus Mr. and Mrs. John Roach Mr. and Mrs. Amy Robbins George H. Roberts, Jr. Raymond and Jeanne Roberts Jack Robertson Mr. Guy N. Robinson and Ms. Elizabeth Stribling Joanne B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Robinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Roche Laura Selene Rockefeller 11 Nancy Gray Rockers Ms. Rhonda Roebuck Nancy Rogers and Law Watkins Mr. Bruce C. Rohrbach Debra A. Romano Ms. Barbara Ronan David Ronka James W Rook and Susan Ackerman Mr. William C. Rorick Mr. Azade-Ayse Rorlich Mr. C. Tanner Rose, Jr. In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Matt Rose Mr. Samuel Rose and Ms. Julie Walters Chris and Bob Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rosen Steve Rosenberg Michael and Virginia Ross Jane W. Rotch Kim Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Rothwell, Jr. In honor of H. Eugene Lockhart Brad and Debbie Rovanpera Josiah P. Rowe III John and Karen Rowlingson William C. Royle Professor Daniel Royot Vincent P. Rubera In honor of William L. Beiswanger James G. Rucker In memory of Corinne Stickly Buckalew Ms. Evelyn H. Rudko Mr. John C. Rudmin Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rudolph Mr. Michael Ruffing Karen S. Rumpler Michelle Rupp John and Joan Ruppenthal Ms. Regina Rush Mr. and Mrs. W E. Russell In honor of Mary Scott-Fleming Robin Duke Harris Russell In memory of Milton Latour Grigg Bob and Missy Ruth Richard Rutherford Mr. John Ryan Ms. Virginia Rybolt Content Sablinsky Diane and Morey Sahr Patricia P. Salamone Mr. and Mrs. R. Anthony Salgado Andrew and Michelle Sallans John Salmon Michael Salvatierra Mr. Jay W. Salyers Chris Samley Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Samuels, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Samuels Cindi and John Sanborn In honor of Teresa A. Sullivan, President of UVa Beverly and Bruce Sandacz Mr. Patrik Sandas Mr. Richard Sandeen In honor of Cameron and Jackson Edward Terry Sanderlin Dr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Sanders Mr. Ken Sanders Ms. Teresa N. Sanders Katherine Sanderson Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Sandifer Mr. Gary Sandling and Ms. Sheila Glennon-Sandling Mr. and Mrs. Troy Sanstra Mr. Jeffrey Sant Mr. Angel Santiago Mrs. Betty R. Sapir Craig Sarazin Mrs. Calvin Satterfield III Al and Phyllis Saufley Laura Saulle Mr. Anthony R. Savino Linda Scandore Julie Schauer Jack Scheffler Rosella G. Schendel In memory of Robert M. Graham Lewis and Ann Schlossinger Mr. William Schlotthauer Frank and Susan Schmaltz Sarah Elizabeth Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. William D. Schneck Judge Ted Schneiderman Monka and Eugene Schnell Mr. Derald Schnepp Jefferson and Henry Schoemer Mr. Robert Schrank Ilene A. Schreibman For the birthday of Jon Bon Jovi Randall and Kelly Schrimsher James Schroeder Kelly Schroeder Ms. Rita Schroeder Ms. Sandra Schultz Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Ms. Tia Schurecht Mr. R. Oliver Schwab, Jr. Hans F. Schwartz Ms. Glenda Schwarz Philip J. Schwarz Mr. John R. Schwarzmann Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scollin Mrs. Frederic W. Scott Jeffrey and Melanie Scott Joshua and Anne Iverson Scott Mr. Raymond E. Scott II Willard Scott R.E. Lee Scouten and Antoinette W. Roades Ms. Puja Seam and Mr. Jamey Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Seaman, Jr. Ms. Alexandria Searls Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sedr H. B. Sedwick III Ms. Sarah S. Seemann Mickey and Arlene Sego Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Seilheimer III Ms. Francoise Seillier-Moiseiwitsch Margaret Mary Selinger Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Semans Rebecca Cavazos Sepulveda Keith and Jan Sevedge Mr. Richard Severin Mr. Erik A. Sexton In memory of Jane E. Sexton In honor of Jane E. Sexton Ms. Rachel K. Sfera Mr. Michael Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Virginius R. Shackelford III Mr. William Scott Shackelford In memory of James Daugherty Mr. Jim Shannon Mr. Robert Shapiro Robert N. Shapiro Ms. Deepa Sharma Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Sharp III Mr. Roscoe Shaw Sherry Shaw Ms. Ruth Shea Mrs. Sarah A. Sheehan Ms. Jane Ashley Sheets Judy Sheets Randall T. Shepard Cam and Rachael Shepherd Margie Shepherd Mr. Chad Sheridan Ms. Julia L. Shields Mrs. J.V. Shields, Jr. In memory of Maury Tice Flowers Dr. Michelle D. Shinn Carole E. Shorb Carter and Ann Short Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Short Zan and Jerry Short Joe Shull Mr. Steven Shuman Jeff and Debbie Shupp JoAnne Siefken Ms. Natasha Sienitsky and Mr. Oliver Platts-Mills Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sihler Martha L. Sikes Joseph and Martha Siletti Mrs. Theresa J. Simmons The David and Julia Simon Charitable Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund In honor of Gene Lockhart and his outstanding service to the Thomas Jefferson Foundation In honor of Leslie Greene Bowman Mr. Steven Simpson Mr. Douglas Sinclair Ms. Sandra Sinclair Lara Sisman V. Shamim Sisson and James M. Cooper George and Jennifer Six Kai Sizemore Anne and Ned Slaughter Sandra Phelps-Slowik In memory of Sean K. Slowik Ms. Shawnee Small Ms. Barbara Smiley Daniel Smith David and Marilyn Smith Mr. David G. Smith Ms. Dorothy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith, Jr. Greg Smith Jody Smith Mr. Jonathan Smith Mr. Keith Smith M. E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mathew B. Smith, Jr. Terri Smith Pauline R. Snapp Zach Snider Mrs. Nancy L. Snyder Dr. Mark Sochor Ms. Laura Soerensson In honor of Per Soerensson Mrs. Tamara Sole Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. Soliz Brad and Kathy Sommer Robert E. Sonnemaker Marylu and Bill Sonntag Mrs. Witi Sotipalalit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Southworth Mr. W. Richard Souza Joseph Peter Spang SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Honor Roll of Donors Cynthia Hubard Spangler Charles and Sharon Sparks Robert Spatz Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Speidel Margaret L. Spence Elizabeth R. Spiers Nancy Spillane Ms. Dorothy E. Spofford Mr. and Mrs. Andy Spratt Michael Squires and Linda Cabasin St. Mary and All Angels School St. Mary’s Catholic School John M. Stacey, Jr. Anne Stachura Marguerite E. Stadvec Mr. John R. Staelin and Ms. Elizabeth L. Locke Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stafford Mr. Mark Stambaugh Ms. Catherine S. Stamoulis In honor of Elizabeth L. Rousakis Rollin Stanton Jane M. Starkey James and Caroline Staton Nancy M. Staub Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Steel, Jr. Mr. James J. Steele Mr. and Mrs. John Steele Jerry W. Steelman Mr. Corey D. Steen Leslie Anne Stehle Mr. Joseph L. Steinberg Mr. Scott Stell Jean Stennett Mr. Eli Stephanou and Ms. Linnea Grim George and Peggy Stephanou James E. Stephens For the birthday of Robert Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stern Mr. Robert G. Stern Matthew Stevenson In honor of Dan Jordan Sharon Stewart Stillfield Fund I of the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Gale and Paul Stimmler Ms. Beverley Stinson Will Stockham David and Kay Stockwell In memory of Glenn Atkinson Mr. Mike Stode Mr. James Stofle Ms. Marion J. Stokes Philip F. Stokes 12 Ms. Barbara Stoll Stephen and Patricia Stone Ms. Tasha Stonorov and Mr. Michael Churchill In honor of Lincoln Henry Ms. Bonnie M. Stook Ms. Jennifer Stover Michael Stowers Barbara Strain Marcia Strait In memory of Lee Strait Dennis and Connie Straub Kendra Stribling Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Strickler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stroh F. W. and C. T. Stromeyer Bob and Kitty Stroud Ms. Karen Stuart Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stultz Eleanore Sturgill Nancy Stutsman and Pamela Russ Sid Suggs Mrs. Jane Suiter Mr. Eugene F. Sullivan Mary H. Sullivan Teresa Sullivan and Douglas Laycock Todd Sullivan Tomas Sullivan Mrs. Miller Susen Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutton Matthew Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Mike Swafford Philip Swan John R. Swearingen Zoe Swecker Mr. Thomas W. Sweeney Christine Sweeters In memory of James C. Miller John Henry Sweitzer Ms. Mary E. Swope Paul and Wendy Tackett Mr. and Mrs. John R. Talbert Jennie L. Taliaferro Mr. Alexander Tan Mr. James J. Tanous Kim Tanzer and Rod McGalliard Mr. John D. Tarabini Heather Taress Robert D. Tarkowski, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William Tatomer Mr. Hans E. Tausig Mr. and Mrs. Antonio C. Tavares Ms. Carrie E. Taylor Mr. H.B. Taylor, Jr. Joseph Taylor Mrs. Karen D. Taylor Lori and Glenn Taylor Lex and Margaret Taylor, W A Taylor Foundation Melinda Taylor Richard Taylor Samantha Taylor Tricia Taylor Ms. Monicah Teaster Nancy and Carl Tebell Paul S. Teller Mr. Kenneth T. Tellis Kenneth Tenley In memory of Zoe Tenley Bill and Kristine Terrell Mr. Charles E. Terry In memory of Zacharah Carr Ms. Elisabeth Testani Jonathan Thalheimer In honor of Chris Powers Robert Tharpe Greg Thomas Gregory S. Thomas The Hon. and Mrs. John Charles Thomas Shannon E. Thomas In honor of James W. Smith Jen Tischbirek Mrs. Anne Thompson Miss Cheryl Thompson Easter R. Thompson Ms. Eliza Thompson Ms. Jane S. Thompson Peter Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. W. McIlwaine Thompson, Jr. Ms. Emma K. Thomson In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Dr. and Mrs. Keith Thomson Ms. Catherine Thuney Elizabeth Tidwell Mr. Holland Timmins Mr. Richard W. Tobaben Ms. Jennifer Tokar and Mr. Andrew Bennett Michael Toms Mr. Sam M. Torian IV In honor of William Bland Whitley James and Robin Torner Timothy Touchette Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Towberman Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Mrs. Kathy Trager Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Train Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Travers Dr. and Mrs. James L. Travis III Millie Travis and Dick Shepherd Carl and Victoria Tremaglio Ms. Cynthia R. Tremblay Venessa Trevino-Stevens Leonore B. Triplett In memory of Leonore W. Bivins Marie Trotter Louise Trudel Ms. Virginia A. Truscott In memory of Lucian, Anne and Francis Truscott Mr. and Mrs. David Trushin Robin Truxel Mr. Samuel A. Tucker Ms. Anne A. Turlington Mr. James Turman Mary Eppes Turner In memory of James Bancroft Eppes, Sr. Mr. William B. Turner Ms. Jennifer Turrentine Mr. Ismail B. Tutar Mr. and Mrs. Beverly C. Tyler Jim Tyson Mr. and Ms. J. W. Uhrig Kim Umstadter University of South Carolina Mr. Sam R. Uppala Jeffrey and Danielle Vain Mr. E. Massie Valentine Paul P. Vames The Rev. Dr. Jack R. and Sandra J. Van Ens George W. Van Til Peggy and Mike Van Yahres Ms. Nancy Vance Doris Vander Meulen Mr. John J. Vander Zee Bryan Vanderwarker Mr. Arlan E. Varner Mr. Michael J. Vascsinec David A. and Jane C. Vaughan Mr. and Ms. Leonard Vaughn Ms. Jackie Vawter Ms. Maya Velasco Stephen and Maris Venable In honor of Friends of Brown’s Mountain Mr. Peter D. Verheyen In memory of Egon Verheyen Veterans Middle School Mr. Brian N. Vinson Mrs. Laura F. Vinzant Ms. Gerda Wald Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Walker, Jr. Janice K. Walker Lori Walker Mallory and Diana Walker Mark C. Walker Ms. Mary V. Walker Ms. Andrea Wallsten Brian Walsh Marvie A. Walsh Mr. Robert M. Walsh Ms. Amy Walters Joanna Lee Walters Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Walters Miss Kate Walz Mr. Bryan T. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Randall A. Ward Robert Warnock Andy Warren Erica Warren Washington Workshops Foundation Robin Waterfield Dr. Priscilla D. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Watts Mr. and Mrs. James E. Waugh Mrs. Bettie W. Weaver Dr. Joseph Weaver Constance Weber Mr. Donald B. Webster Ken Webster Margaret Barringer Weems Ms. Anna B. Weil Michael Weintraub Mr. John Paul Weir and Mr. Frank M. Theis Ms. Ruth Anne Weisenauer Randy Welch Ms. Rebecca V. Welch Mr. John M. Wells Ms. Tammy Wells Terrence William Wells Mr. Don Werneske Ms. Caroline Werth Lawrence H. and Christine M. West Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. John N. S. Western Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westhoff Bob and Geri Wheaton Ms. Vicki Wheaton Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. B. Wheeler Mark and Elizabeth White Carol Whiteley Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Whitesell Robert M. Whiting Mr. Herman R. Whitley and Ms. Edna Drumheller-Whitley Zack Whitlow Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Whitmore Steven Whitten George B. Wickham In memory of Chris Powers Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Wiebusch Honor Roll of Donors Sandra S. Wiechert David and Mary Jane Wiecking Craig Wiese Pamela and Mark Wieseman T. Michael Wight Harvey and Leslie Wilcox Mr. Robert Wilcox Ms. Rita Wilder Nancy Wiley In memory of Evans E. Wiley Mr. Anthony G. Wilhelm Dr. and Mrs. Morton C. Wilhelm Steve Wilkins Honorable and Mrs. J. Harvie Wilkinson III Sally Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Riggs L. Wilks Brian Willey Mr. Christopher Williams Mrs. Deborah H. Williams Dr. Henry P. Williams III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams J. Page and Peggy W. Williams Phyllis L. Williams In memory of Moses Gillette Robert and Ruth Williams Mr. David Williamson and Ms. Diane S. Hagenbuch Hayes Willingham Thomas Willis In memory of Glenn Atkinson Matthew Wills John Wilmerding Dr. Betty Karol Wilson Lauri Wilson Mason Wilson, Jr. Rise Wilson Mr. Stuart Wilson Teresa G. Wilson Wood Wilson and David Clodfelter William M. and Serena P. Wiltshire In memory of James Daugherty (UVa Law ‘88) Dave and Sue Winans Ms. Deidre W. Winfield Miss Mary Sue Winneke The Winokur Famly Foundation In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Wise Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Wiseley In memory of Arthur Wiseley Cindy and Daniel Wohl Milton and Joan Wohl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wolanski Kari Wold 13 Alston O. Wolf Mary Ann Wollerton In memory of Patricia Newberry Mr. Scott Wolman The Estate of Lois C. Wolsch Stephanie Wolverton Janet M. Wong In memory of Wilma Jack Mrs. Abbie Wood Mina and Robin Wood In honor of Lee Cochran Mr. Kenneth R. Woodcock and Mrs. Dorothy M. Woodcock Ms. Kathleen A. Woodruff Andrea Woods Dana D. Woody James E. Wootton Dr. Charlotte J. Word Patty Workman Dan Wright Kenneth D. Wright Ms. Wendy M. Wright Mai Wu W. T. Wyman Mr. Howard A. Wynne and Ms. Donna L. Hearn Mr. and Mrs. John Wynne In honor of the wedding of Lindsay Burn and Spencer Grimes Ms. Sarah Yates Ms. Susie Yates Hope and Nolan Yelich Mr. and Mrs. James E. Yochim Mr. Tim Yoder Cathy Young Mr. Douglas Young Harold E. Young, Jr., M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Young Mr. Rusty Young Mr. James S. Younger Mr. Gary Yount Joseph B. Yount III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zakaib Andrew Zapanta Mr. Robert L. Zarbock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zarnosky Mr. Brian Zeller Mr. and Mrs. James F. Zemen Susie Zerbe William Zerhouni Neal Zimmerman Professor Michael Zuckerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Zurcher Monticello Racers THE THOMAS JEFFERSON FOUNDATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES those individuals who raced in the 2012 Montalto Challenge 5K and the 2012 Monticello Holiday Classic 5K and Deck the Halls Kids Dash. These races support the preservation and maintenance of the Saunders-Monticello Trail. Tashia Abry Jennifer G. Ackerman Claire Adams Paula Adams Amelia Adcock Yasir Akhtar Aaron Albertson Samaria Allen Terrence E. Anderson Leslie Arcuri Brian K. Armstrong Elizabeth Arnold Paige Baber James Babington-Stitt Diann Bailey Adam Baker Chris Baker Howard Baker Jesica Baker Libby Baker Pamela Balcke Ayn Balija Ken A. Ballew Marie Barnett Richard B. Barnett Elisabeth Barr Mike Basile Faith Baskerville Molly E. Beauchemin Kate E. Becker Charles A. Beckum Constance M. Bell James W. Bell Rachel Benham Andrew Bennett Jessica L. Bennett Susan J. Berres Emily Bess Phyllis J. Binder Sheila M. Blackford Mary Alice Blackwell Liz Blankenship Doug Bloor Robert Blosser Felicity Blundon Rebecca S. Boone Layla Bouber Thomas Bouber Anne Bowyer Hugh Bowyer Melanie Bowyer Patrick Bradshaw Melinda Braid Nicholas C. Brandt Jennifer M. Brecht Douglas Brede Alexandra Brenin Christiana Brenin Jessika Brenin Jeffrey T. Bright Jack Brocato Carolyn Browder Bill Brown Chad H. Brown Laura M. Brown Missi Brown Tom Brown Brenda H. Browning Abigail Bryant J. D. Buchholz Marcia Buck Shirley Buckner Matthew Burgess Sarah Burke Chris Burns Jessica Calderon Brian F. Campbell Jeff Campbell John G. Campbell Sam Campbell Stephen Campbell Christi R. Carder Monica P. CarleySpencer Sean Carr Sebastian Carr Tim Carrico Matt Carson Anne Causey Harlow M. Chandler III Benjamin Chiovaro Blake Chiovaro Catherine Chiovaro Helen Chong Susan Cluett Tavis Coffin Trent Coleman Keith Collier Marissa Collier Mark C. Collier Laurey Comeau Tom Connaughton Lauren Connor Leah A. Connor Aaron Constantino George Constantino Shirley Constantino Peggy Cornett Hiroshi Corpora Jack R. Crombie Nicole Crombie Arthur “Cros” Croswell Shannon Cruthirds Dorothy Dabney Christian Dahlhausen Sara Damron Matt Darring Greg Davis Laura Davis Sara E. Davis Nancy Davis-Imhof Dawn M. Davison Jacob M. DeCourcey Jeanne Densmore Christina deVries Rebecca DiMuro Chris Doermann Keith Donnelly Pamela Perkins Donnelly Ben Donovan Kevin Donovan Lisa M. Draine Kim Dube Holly Duke Karen Durland-Jones Leia Durland-Jones Ava Durovey Elaine P. Durovey Alan J. East Margaret L. Edwards Stephanie Ellena John Elliott Kaitlin Ellwood Jerri Emm-Heatwole Staci England John F. Eros Emily C. Eskew Courtenay Evans Scott M. Evans Lucinda Ewing Janine Fabrizio Justin Fabrizio SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Monticello Racers Michael Fabrizio Rosemarie Fabrizio Chris Fairchild Ian Faris Patricia K. Farmer Conor Farrell Krista Farrell Alex Finegan Jim Finegan Susan S. Finley Randi Flaherty Joseph S. Fleming Beverly L. Ford John S. Foster, Jr. Ariel Frankel Eric Franzen Courtney Fredrickson Jon Freedman Melissa J. Frost Catherine Furry Molly Gallagher Seamus Gallagher Sophie Gangemi Hernan J. Garbini Kristin Garrett Jimmy Garrity Tara L. Gaucher Catherine Gauthier Nicky Gautier Christopher S. Gavin Jacob Gavin Debra F. Gilbert Roger Gildersleeve George T. Gillies Jessica Glendinning Adam Goerge Erikka Goff Victoria Goodloe Gaby Gorman Neal A. Gorman Betty Goss Betty V. Goss Larry Z. Goss Nancy Grable Taylor Graese Heather Grams Andrea R. Gray Liz Greene Linnea Grim Marianne S. Grimshaw Anthony Guadalupe Jim Hackett Hailey Hall Mary T. Hall Erica Hamblen Stewart Hamblen Nicholas Hamblet Mark Christopher Hampton David Harding Alyssa Harris Gary Harris 14 Jacqueline A. Harris Sandra Harris Sarah Harris Travis M. Harris Kimberly Hawk Andrew M. Heald Jenny Hedrick Tom Hedrick Amy T. Hemenway Anne B. Hemenway Mary Hemenway Sarah Hemenway Isabelle Hermsmeier Madeline Hermsmeier Dawn Herrick Andrew Hersey April E. Hickory Jonathon Hickory Jerome S. Hill Karen Hill Michael Hoerner Thomas D. Hoerner Kevin T. Hogan Michele M. Hogan Marguerite Holmes Meredith Holmes Will Hoover David Hryvniak Wood Hudson Erin Hughey-Commers Florence Hutcherson Jim Hutcherson Cara Ingraham Emily Isbell Lauren Isbell Craig Jennings Alison Jeziorski Lily Ji Becky Johns Heidi Johnson Rebecca Jolin Andrew K. JonesWilkins Carson Jones-Wilkins Logan Jones-Wilkins Shelly Jones-Wilkins Tully Jones-Wilkins Kate Kane Adam Kannapell R. J. Kannapell Jamie Karl Joyce Kaswandik Jack Kayton Geoffrey Keenan Diana Keeton Josh Keeton Curt Keim Meghan Keith-Hynes Patrick Keith-Hynes Kristen Keller Stephanie Keller Gregory J. Kelly Jennifer T. Kelly Kimberly Kelly Maya Kelly Armin Kiankhooy Rita L. Kieffer E. Ashby Kindler Rebecca Kindler Anne E. Kinsley Andrew C. Knick Kate Kohn Peter J. Krebs Andrew J. Krueger Tabby Kuehn Fritz R. Kundrun Gary L. Lambert Harvey J. Langholtz Jacqueline Langholtz Corinne Lauer Jeremy Lavin Mary Lawson Priscilla Lawson William Lawson Beth T. Lazen Mark Lepsch John Lewis Michael Lindborg Tim Linsky Liam Little Nora Little Pat Lloyd David Lonnquest James J. Looney Ryan R. Looney Breyette Lorntz David Lorntz David S. Lourie Jacob Lourie Sara Lovelace Stephanie Lowenhaupt Jamie Lyles Geoff MacDonald Mimi Magyar Gina Mallon Jackie Mallon Jim Mallon Becky Marshall Cody Marshall Ian Marshall Eric Martin Joshua Martin Lewis Martin III Sara Martin Whitney Martinko Armecia G. Matthews Ronald Matthews Charlie May Bob McCormick Ann McDaniel Jo McDowell Brian McEwen Bradley McGraw Lucy McGraw Tracy McKeel Amy M. McLeskey Carter McNeely Brian Menard Megan Menard Bradley Michaels Barbara A. Millar Bert Miller Janet Miller Kari Miller Kristi Miller Andrea N. Miner Galatea Misevich Wengel Mitchell Brian Mizuki Audrey Mokdad Elizabeth Mongan Garrett Moore, Jr. Jenny D. Moore Kristin Morgan Will Morgan Diddy Morris Douglas E. Morrison Ruth Morton Ben Moss Peggy Mowbray Tim Mucha Rafael Mudafort Xander Murray Ken Naccarato Katy Nash Tom Nash James Nelson Sean P. Nelson Rob Nicholson Alice Oakey Lauren Oakey Ben Ochs David C. Ochs Joshua O’Connor Diane L. Okusa Karen T. Olsen Katherine M. Olsen Pete O’Shea Justin Padurean Alex Paget-Brown Alix Paget-Brown Chloe Paget-Brown Valerie Palamountain Earl Palmer Tony Parker Casey Paul Barbara Payne Linda Peffley-Firer Christine Peterson Inanna Pickering Kurtis Pivert Ryan Poindexter William Potts John K. Pribram Val Protiva Anna C. Quast Laurence Quirk Pamela Quirk Helena Rados-Derr Joe Raichel Janemarie Raiteri Michelle A. Ramsdell Steve Ramsdell Kevin Rankin Chad Ratkovich Matthew Reed Nita Reigle Cristina Reitz-Krueger JoAnn P. Reynolds Robert E. Reynolds Ryan Richardson Scott A. Richardson Ricky Richmond Stephanie Richmond Andy Riddler Scott Riddler Virginia Rieley Andrew Rigg Yvette M. Rigg Sara Rimm-Kaufman Amy Robbins Herson RodriguezRamos Matt Rose Steve Rosenberg John C. Rudmin Michelle Rupp Regina Rush Michael Salvatierra Chris Samley Patrik Sandas Katherine Sanderson Angel Santiago Nathan Santiago Olivia Santiago Craig Sarazin Bill Saulle Laura Saulle Anthony R. Savino Linda Scandore Robert Schlottenmeier Sarah E. Schmidt Alexandria Searls Rachel K. Sfera Michael Shackelford James H. Shannon Suzanne Sharpe Roscoe Shaw Ashley Sheets Harold F. Sheets Judy H. Sheets Joe Shull Steven Shuman JoAnne Siefken Martha L. Sikes Michael Silvay Theresa J. Simmons Lara Sisman Chuck Sizemore Kai Sizemore Mark Sizemore David G. Smith Greg Smith Jody Smith Jonathan Smith Keith Smith Zach Snider Liam Snyder Nancy L. Snyder Wayne Snyder Mac Sochor Mark R. Sochor Sophie Speidel John M. Stacey, Jr. Anne M. Stachura Matthew Stancil Rollin Stanton Nancy M. Staub Mike Stode Barbara Strain Marcia Strait Kendra Stribling Tomas Sullivan Iris Susen Lee Susen Miller Susen Murray Susen Matthew Sutton Bryson Talbert John R. Talbert Leah Talbert Maddie Talbert Alexander Tan Heather Taress Carrie E. Taylor Joseph Taylor Karen D. Taylor Samantha Taylor Tricia Taylor Monicah Teaster Bryan Tharpe Robert Tharpe Robert Tharpe II Greg Thomas Steven Thomasen Cheryl Thompson Peter M. Thompson Jennifer L. Tischbirek Jennifer Tokar Michael Toms Carol Townsend Kathy Trager Victoria Tremaglio Venessa TrevinoStevens Robin Truxel Kim Umstadter Laura F. Vinzant Janelle Wagner Matthew Walker Marvie A. Walsh Amy Walters Dave Walz Kate Walz Bryan T. Ward Emma Ward Andrew Warren Erica Warren Robin Waterfield Ken Webster John M. Wells Tammy Wells Levin White Zack Whitlow Steven Whitten Craig Wiese Allison M. Wilkins Steven H. Wilkins Amy C. Wilks Bradley C. Wilks Catherine Wilks Emily Wilks Hayes Wilks Katie Wilks Matthew Wilks Pamela M. Wilks Riggs L. Wilks Brian Willey Deborah H. Williams Hayes Willingham Stuart Wilson T.J. Wilson Deidre W. Winfield Thomas E. Wolanski Kari Wold Stephanie Wolverton Andrea I. Woods Harold E. Workman Patty Workman Dan Wright Wendy M. Wright Sarah Yates Tim Yoder Barry Young Cathy Young Rusty Young James S. Younger Gabriel Zakaib Isabella Zakaib Andrew J. Zapanta Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Albemarle County Police Department SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 Monticello Trailblazers Corporate Supporters THE THOMAS JEFFERSON FOUNDATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES those donors who made gifts supporting the preservation and maintenance of the Saunders-Monticello Trail and its surrounding 230-acre parkway over the period January 1 to December 31, 2012. Ms. Laura A. Adee John N. Anderson and Lina Nunez-Anderson Dr. Sharon A. Baiocco Jesica Baker Rhetta B. Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Boone Pete and Jennifer Brecht Ms. Lucy R. Burnette Mr. and Mrs. John G. Campbell Robert Capon Mr. David M. Carnes Harlow and Eva Chandler Geoff and Beth Cobham Ms. Marjorie Connelly and Ms. Julie Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Durovey, Jr. Susan Erno Mrs. Doris P. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Floyd Mrs. Wendy S. Frady Anne and Terry Furlong Mr. Hernan Garbini Struthers and Frederick Gignoux 15 Mrs. Megan K. Hack Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Hall Rachelle Hill David J. Hirschman Anne Houston Linda and Rick Hull Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Frost Beth and Fred Joosten Mr. Timothy Jordan and Ms. Leah M. Foradori Jim Kauffman Carolyn Kelly Robert Knospe Tabitha Kuehn Mrs. Barbara G. Lampe Mr. Gregory Lannon Ms. Kaye Lauffenburger Ellie Lee Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Legrand Jack and Ryan Looney Margaret Marsh Lindsay Marshall Ms. Jo McDowell Mr. Brian Menard and Ms. Jocelyn Kelley Kristin Kathleen Meyer Glen E. Michael and Lauren C. Penniman Mr. and Mrs. R. Guy Moffat Ms. and Mr. Rumana Moinuddin Miriam and Dennis Motley Betty Jo Nickles Diane and Mark Okusa Ole Osrunn Carolyn Patterson and Robert Goss Christine Peterson Ms. Patricia M. Reardon Joe Reilly Randolph P. and Susan L. Rivinus Ms. Barbara Ronan Content Sablinsky David Sellers Margie Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. John Steele Marcia Strait Marie Trotter Doris Vander Meulen Ms. Jackie Vawter David and Mary Jane Wiecking THE THOMAS JEFFERSON FOUNDATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES the corporate supporters who made gifts to Monticello over the period January 1 to December 31, 2012. These contributions included matching gift and charitable giving programs, gifts of cash, contributed services, property, and gifts-in-kind. A & E Television Networks Save Our History Grant Advanced Network Systems, Inc. Albemarle Magazine American Express Matching Gift Program Anson Mills Jones and Ladd Inc. dba Bags by Mimi Bank of America Bankers Insurance, LLC Barboursville Winery, Inc. BDB Company Beehive Events Blue Ridge Light Forms Brown, Edwards & Company Bunge North America Foundation Byers’ Choice, Ltd. Casey Charitable Matching Programs CenturyLink Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau Charlottesville Radio Group Chelsea Green Publishing Chevron Humankind Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Clifton, The Country Inn The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Enterprises The Coca-Cola Foundation Countryside Natural Products, Inc. Delta Airlines Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program Easton Events LLC Edible Blue Ridge ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gifts Program Festive Fare Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Union National Bank of Virginia FMC Technologies Matching Gift Program Ford Foundation Fund Raising Strategies, Inc. GE Foundation Guesthouses Reservation Services Guillaume Grapevine Nursery Harris Teeter Hathaway Inc. Holiday Inn Charlottesville-Monticello IBM International Foundation Matching Gifts Program IMPACT Photographics The Inn at Monticello Investure, LLC Ivy Publications, LLC The Jefferson Hotel John Kraljevich Americana Johnson & Johnson Keswick Hall Land and Community Associates Macy’s Foundation McGuireWoods LLP McKinnon and Harris, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving Michie Tavern Microsoft Matching Gifts Program New Dominion Bookshop Norfolk Southern Foundation Official Virginia Wine Lover Ogden Publications Mother Earth News, Grit, and Natural Home Optima Health The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Corporate Matching Gifts Program Polo Ralph Lauren Powell Tate Progress Printing Relay Foods Richmond Times-Dispatch Rockwell Automation Charitable Corporation Sacred Plant Traditions Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts Program Skyline Tent Company Southern Exposure Seed Exchange Specialized Insurance Services, Inc. Star Games, Inc. Starr Hill Brewery SunTrust SunTrust Foundation Thomson Reuters Timberlakes United Technologies Corporation Van Yahres Associates VFA Vintage Virginia Apples Virginia National Bank Virginia Tourism Corporation Virginia Wine of the Month Club The Vital Projects Fund, Inc. Whole Foods Market WillowTree Apps WorldStrides WW Associates, Inc. SPRING 201 3 GIFT REPORT 2012 PL A N N E D G IVIN G The Portico Society THE PORTICO SOCIETY recognizes those donors who have remembered Monticello in their estate planning with a bequest or other deferred gift, such as a charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity, or designation of the Foundation as the beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The Thomas Jefferson Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following donors’ commitment to ensuring Jefferson’s legacy far into the future. Anonymous Friends Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ader Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd E. Anderson II Daniel Arnheim In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Ruffin and Family Mr. Kurt Aschermann Mr. William L. Beiswanger Ms. Cynthia S. Bennett Mr. Maurice G. Burnett Henry and Maxine Burton Ms. Karen Casier Ms. Adele Chatfield-Taylor Michael Jay Chusmir Mr. and Mrs. John L. Clark Mr. Earl Clayton Mr. Michael D. Clifford Mrs. Lee S. Cochran Mrs. Walker Cowen Mr. and Mrs. William L. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Monteiro de Barros Polly and David Deck Leslie B. Disharoon Mr. Richard Edward Drake Mr. W. Vernon Edenfield Mrs. Sandy Enciso Mrs. Jacqueline Foreman Laurence S. Galvin* Bob and Florence Gatten Mr. Kevin Gray* Mr. Ben Scott Hall Mr. Robert D. Harper* Mr. Bill Harris Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Hart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Landon Hilliard III Reginald and Karleen Hubley Mr. David W. Jefferson Mr. Joe A. Jones Janet B. Kaltenbach Jane W. Kerewich Ms. Sarah S. Key Mr. David Koppana Richard and Robin Kreitler Connie and Rohn Laudenschlager Mr. and Mrs. Geral and Donni Long Alastair S. Macdonald Ms. Beatrice Mangin Mrs. Phyllis Margolies Mr. Mark Matthewman Mr. and Mrs. Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford Miller Ms. Nancy S. Miller Alma C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Newcomb Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. O’Leary Don and Jackie Pamenter Ms. Carol S. Patterson Ms. Laura Rickarby Randolph P. and Susan L. Rivinus Mrs. Joanne B. Robinson Reverend Fleming Rutledge Ms. Nora Rachel Safran Dr. Gregory R. Schmidt Mr. Douglas B. Schoemer Mr. James A. Schroeder Ms. Lee Seaver Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small Mr. Dennis E. Stark Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stultz Nancy Stutsman and Pamela Russ Mr. Peter M. Thompson Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Van Ens Dr. and Mrs. White M. Wallenborn Ms. Melissa A. Young G�v�ng to Mont�cello For more information on giving opportunities at Monticello, please contact Megan Wynn at (434) 984 · 9820 or e-mail giving@ monticello.org. ADD YOUR NAME to Monticello’s Honor Roll of Donors Give. Gifts to the Monticello Annual Fund as well as to specific departments, programs, and projects enable Monticello to serve as the premier institution dedicated to illuminating the physical, intellectual, and philosophical worlds of Jefferson. monticello.org/give Race. Join hundreds of racers who support the preservation and maintenance of the Saunders-Monticello Trail by racing in the Montalto Challenge 5K (May) and the Monticello Holiday Classic 5K and Deck the Halls Kids Dash (December). monticello.org/holiday5k monticello.org/montalto5k Become a Trailblazer. With a gift of $25 or more, you can join the many others—runners, walkers, bikers, and trail users of every kind—who are investing in and caring for the Saunders-Monticello Trail. You can help us ensure that this community treasure is enjoyable and safe for everyone. monticello.org/trailblazer Attend a TOM Talk This new series of talks features SM If you have made a planned gift to benefit Monticello, we hope you will share those plans with us so we may include you in the Portico Society. We are also happy to provide additional information about planned giving options; if interested please contact Lindsay Mericli at (434) 984-9827 or [email protected]. 16 distinguished speakers, insider opportunities, and topics related to all facets of Monticello and Thomas Jefferson. A portion of each ticket represents a tax-deductible gift to support Monticello. monticello.org/tom-talks
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