THE EVENT EDITORIAL As Kuala Lumpur I n f r a s t r u c t u r e U n i ve r s i t y College (KLIUC) proceeds into the infrastructure phase of transformation, the year 2011 is destined to be a year of development for KLIUC. There are many projects and building works planned fo r t h e i n f ra s t r u ct u re development of KLIUC and initiatives to upgrade the academic quality to gear up against the challenges of becoming a world class university. The first start of infrastructure development that we can see was the commencement of work for the new mosque for KLIUC. The groundbreaking ceremony was officiated by the representative of DYMM Sultan Selangor, Tengku Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Sepang, YDM Tengku Dato’ Jamaluddin Tengku Mahmud Shah Alhaj on 11 June 2010. On 20 April 2011, we witnessed yet another historical milestone for KLIUC as the Managing Director of Kumpulan Ikram Sdn Bhd, YBhg Dato’ Ir. Chong Ket Pen officiated the opening of KLIUC’s new entrance. The upgraded and newly renovated Block B, which was formerly a hostel for trainees, will now house the School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE). The construction of Block 11, which is for the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and the Department of Electr ical & Electronics Engineering will commence sometime in the third quarter 2 COMMUNIQUE of 2011. With the completion of the new block, we will have more quality facilities that can accommodate theincreasing number of students. We are anticipating a major transformation of Unipark Suria as a commercial bui lding; De Centr um is going to be built. With the construction of the commercial building, it will further boost students’ lives at KLIUC. Unipark Suria will eventually be transformed into an institutional township in the near future. Besides the infrastructure development, KLIUC is also preparing to offer more n ew u n d e rg ra d uate a nd postgraduate programmes. This is in line with producing quality programmes to prepare our students for the market. We have more qualified and experienced academics and practitioners from various fields joining our KLIUC academic team. We are also looking forward to be upgraded to be the Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) in 2012. With all these in place, I am sure that KLIUC will be able to forge ahead. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all academics and administrative staff for their dedication, commitment and perseverance. Together let’s make KLIUC better! Prof. Dr. Zulklifi Abdul Hamid The Peak It was a cloudy morning on the 20 April 2011. Even with light showers on that Wednesday morning, this did not dampen the spirit of fellow s ta f f of K L I U C , d e a n s of S c h o o l s , h e a d s of departments, lecturers and students with the staff of Kumpulan Ikram. All of them were gathered to celebrate one of the most anticipated events of 2011 – the Grand Opening of the new KLIUC Entrance. The opening ceremony started at 9.30 am with the arrival of the Managing Director of Kumpulan Ikram Sdn Bhd (KISB), YBhg Dato’ Ir. Chong Ket Pen. The Master of Ceremony, Mr. Ahmad Fuad Mansoor, who is a lecturer from the School of Communication and Language Studies (SCLS), gave a brief history of the construction of the new entrance. The project was the brainchild of YBhg Dato’ Ir. Chong Ket Pen, and the project was managed by KIP Management Sdn Bhd and Ikram Sustainable and Green Technology (ICSG). The project commenced in early July 2010 and was completed on 19 April 2011. After the brief introduction of the construction o f t h e e nt r a n ce, t h e M a s te r o f C e r e m o ny cordially invited the Managing Director, YBhg Dato’ Ir. Chong Ket Pen, accompanied by KLIUC President, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid to officiate t h e c e r e m o n y. T h e l i g h t i n g o f C h i n e s e firecrackers, in accordance with the traditional Chinese custom for good fortune and prosperity marked the opening of the new entrance. With the last burst of the auspicious firecrackers, YBhg Dato’ Ir. Chong Ket Pen and his entourage drove pass the new entrance for the first time, followed by the KLIUC bus carrying KLIUC students and staff. It was a joyous and colourful event with confetti thrown in the air as the entourage drove pass the modern and sophisticated structure. COMMUNIQUE 3 GO GLOBAL FRONT END The International Education Seminar on 29 November 2010 was held in conjunction with the 4th Foster Family and SocioCultural Programme & Book Launch Malaysia – Mauritius 2010. This was a collaborative effort of Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure U n i ve r s it y Co l l eg e (K L I U C), Rove r s ‘G’ Se r i Se rd a n g a n d Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius. This seminar functioned a s a p l a t fo r m fo r s h a r i n g b e s t p r a c t i c e s b et w e e n academicians in Malaysia, Mauritius and South Africa. The Socio-Cultural Programme & Book Launch Malaysia-Mauritius 2010, which was held from 24 November 2010 to 1 December 2010, was co-organised by Rovers ‘G’ of Seri Serdang and the Tamil League, Mauritius. A group of 80 Malaysians from all walks of life participated in the programme. They were teachers, businessmen, performing artists, students, university undergraduates, lecturers and professionals who contributed towards the success of this programme. One of the objectives of this programme was to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience on social and cultural norms between Malaysia and Mauritius. It was also to support a two way trade interaction between Malaysia and Mauritius. The Book Launch was the research effort of Dr. Paramasivam Muthusamy’s 15 years of research on the socio-cultural and linguistic net work across the Mauritian ethnic Tamils. The objectives of the International Education Seminar was to provide a platform for teachers and lecturers to share teaching ideas, to improve one’s own practice, to enhance teaching and learning through improved assessment practices, to provide an avenue for teachers and lecturers to share professional knowledge and to encourage stakeholders to be part of the school system. The seminar was attended by secondary or high school teachers, college and university lecturers, school administrators, parents and retired academicians. The theme was ‘Shar ing Best Practices’ and it suppor ted discussions on teaching and learning, assessment, practitioner research, professional ethics and the role of stakeholders in The President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulfikli Abdul Hamid and the Vice-President (Academic), Assoc. Prof. Christiantine Della made a visit to two universities in the province of Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China in September 2010 to pave the way for collaborative efforts between KLIUC and the institutions. On 29 September 2010, the first Memorandum of Ag reem ent (M oA) wa s s i g n ed w ith X i n j i a n g University of Finance and Economics to promote areas of cooperation such as student and staff exchange programmes and joint research activities. On the following day, the second MOA was signed with the Shihezi University located in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Apart from the similar areas of cooperation, KLIUC preparatory English Language programme would be also conducted at Shihezi University. 4 COMMUNIQUE the school system. The keynote address was delivered by Vice-President (Academic) of KLIUC, Assoc. Prof. Christiantine Della. She highlighted the need for teachers, lecturers and educational institutions to work closely with the stakeholders to be able to deliver effective lessons and programmes that are market-driven. The re we re va r ious pape r s p resented and related issues deliberated during the seminar. A total of four papers were presented by KLIUC lecturers. They were D r. Seloamoney Palaniandy from the School of Business Infrastructure (SOBI), Ms. Thana Pakkiam Krishnan from the School of Engineering and Technology Infrastructure (SETI), as well as Ms. Archanaa Maniappen and Dr. Karthiyaini Devarajoo from the School of Communication and Language Studies (SCLS). The Seminar was chaired by Ms. Archanaa and the panelists were Assoc. Prof. Christiantine Della, Mr. P.I. Devan (South Africa) and Dr. P. Tiroumalechetty (Mauritius). This Seminar concluded with the presentation of resolutions by the Dean of SCLS, Dr. Karthiyaini Devarajoo. HIGHLIGHT ‘ENHANCING QUALITY, EMBRACING DIVERSITY’ It was the day that students of KLIUC had been waiting fo r eve r s i n c e t h ey f i r s t s te p p e d t h e i r fe et a t t h e university – the Convocation Day. The best moment was to get the chance of holding their scrolls and smiling broadly by the side of their proud parents, siblings or friends. This was the scenario on 7 August 2010 which was the 8th Convocation Celebration for KLIUC held at the Multipurpose Hall. Out of the total of 546 graduates, 14 received their Masters degree, 238 Bachelors degree and 294 diploma. The Chairman of KLIUC’s Board of Governors, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman presented the scrolls to the g raduates fo r both the mo r ni ng and af te r noon sessions. The President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid gave a very encouraging welcoming speech at both sessions. Besides that, the Director of Ikram Education Sdn. Bhd, Tuan Haji Baharuddin Alang Ishak was also present during the ceremony alongside with the parents and other guests. The attraction for students to pursue their studies at KLIUC is the fee waiver scheme, whereby students who achieve a CGPA of between 3.500 and 3.750 will get 30% discount and for those who achieve a CGPA of 3.571 and above will receive 60% discount on the tuition fees. This incentive is really a boost for the students to work hard and get the fruits of their labour in the form of the tuition fee waiver. The four top achievers who received the Best Students Award were Tan Chong Wee [Bachelor of Technology (Hons) in Constr uction Management - CGPA: 3.928], Ju raeda A r is Muhd. Shuhi l i [Bachelo r of Business Administration (Hons) - CGPA: 4.0 0 0], Ahmed Nashid [Diploma in Geomatic Engineering - CGPA: 3.982] and Wan Nur Amirah Wan Yahaya [Diploma in Corporate Communication – CGPA: 3.983]. The recipient for the Board of Governors’ Book Award was Tan Heng Yie [Bachelor of Communication (Hons) – CGPA: 3.981] and for the President’s Book Award, Siti Nabilah Hadi Wong [Diploma in Civil Engineering – CGPA: 3.934]. COMMUNIQUE 5 COMMUNITY SERVICES A new mosque for KLIUC is on the way and expected to be ready by the end of the year. It would replace the present surau which was built in 1973. With the increasing number of Musl im students (local and international) and being a favourite Fr iday prayer venue for the residents of neighbouring housing estates as well as the officers and staff of surrounding government and non-government agencies, the capacity of the surau cannot accommodate the numbers anymore. To mark the commencement of wor k for the new mosque, a groundbreaking ceremony was held on 11 June 2010 and was officiated by the representative of DYMM Sultan Selangor, Tengku Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Sepang, YDM Tengku Dato’ Jamaluddin Tengku Mahmud Shah Alhaj. Among the VIP guests who attended the event were Deputy Mufti of Selangor, YBhg. Dato’ Hj. Abdul Majid Omar; Chai rman of Protasco Group, YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hadenan A. J a l i l; Ch a i r m a n of th e B oa rd of Governors for KLIUC, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Hj. Abdul Hamid Othman; Chairman of Ik ram Institute of Training and Development, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Othman Mohd. Rijal; Chairman of Kumpulan Ikram Sdn Bhd, YBhg. Dato’ Ibrahim Mohd. Nor; Managing Director of Kumpulan Ikram Sdn Bhd, YBhg. Dato’ Chong Ket Pen, and President of KLIUC, YBhg. Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid. On 24 August 2010, KLIUC and Protasco Group organised the Iftar Perdana in conjunction with the breaking of fast during the month of Ramadhan. More than 1500 guests, including invited guests, officers, staff and students of KLIUC and staff of Protasco Group, attended the event. Foreign dignitaries from the Embassies of Libya, Yemen and Sudan also attended the function. The special guests of the Iftar Perdana were a group of orphans from the Darul Fuqaha Orphanage in Bangi. They were given pocket money, new sets of attire and bags of goodies to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. The gifts were presented by the Chairman of the Protasco Group, YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hadenan A. Jalil. The KLIUC Drum Circle showed their skills in the beating of a variety of drums and this was followed by nasyid singing and Quran recital by the children of Darul Fuquha Orphanage. After enjoying the buffet served during the breaking of fast, the Muslim guests went for their Maghrib prayers. The guests also performed the Tarawih prayers after their Isya’ prayers. 6 COMMUNIQUE APPOINTMENTS & ACHIEVEMENT YBhg. Dato’ Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Nor ~ Chairman of Board of Governors Prof. Feng Nai Qian ~ Visiting Prof. for School of Engineering & Technology Infrastructure (SETI) Dr. Ch’ng Guan Bee ~ Adjunct Prof. for School of Engineering & Technology Infrastructure (SETI) Prof. Dr. Roslan Zainal Abidin ~ Dean of School of Engineering & Technology Infrastructure (SETI) (Jan 2011-May 2011) ~ Vice President (Academic) I, Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (w.ef from 1 June 2011) Ir. Dr. Abdul Razak Yaacob ~ Dean of School of Engineering & Technology Infrastructure (SETI) (w.ef from 1 June 2011) Ir. Mohamed Ayob ~ Deputy Dean of School of Engineering & Technology Infrastructure (SETI) Dr. Kong Wei ~ Dean of School of Applied Science & Foundation Studies (SASF) Mr. Zulkarnain Abdul Latif ~ Head of Academic Facilities Management Professor Dr. Roslan Zainal Abidin, Dean of the School of Eng i nee r i ng and Technology Infrastructure of KLIUC, in a joint research with UITM entitled “Landslide Risk Navigator Along Road (LaRiNav) w o n a s i l ve r m e d a l a t t h e r e c e n t l y concl uded I nter national Malaysia Technology Expo 2011 organised by the Malaysia Association of Research Scientists (MARS) on 17 to 19 February 2011 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Landslide is one of the most destructive natural disasters in Malaysia and is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris or earth down the slope. These massive downward movements of material potentially can cause extensive damages to proper ties and human fatal ities. Malaysia has ex pe r ienced numerous landslides due to its climatic and geological conditions and combination of other causative factors. Most of the landslides occurred on cut-off slopes or embankments alongside roads and highways especially the hilly areas. Loss of lives, injury and infrastructure damage including road collapse are common adverse effects. LaRiNav is an innovation to provide information on landslide risk along the road. This would help road users in planning a safe journey while assisting the respective government a n d p r i va te a u t h o r i t i e s to p l a n a ny p reventive measu res and landsl ide disaster management. LaRiNav gives five views of landslide risk along the road by providing different approaches on how to interpret risk of the disaster. It is hoped that LaRiNav will be a useful integrated landslide risk warning tool to help minimize the impact of landslides. COMMUNIQUE 7 COMMUNICATION Dr. Jumiati Hj. Ismail (MOHE), the guest of honour arriving for the MIND 2010 Gala Dinner. One of the basic human technology that is vital for students to develop while in university and further enhance it as a human capital value is oral communication. With this realisation, the School of Communication and Language Studies (SCLS) of Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC) has encouraged students to participate various communicationbased activities to hone this vital skill. In this light, participation in debates is a wonderful avenue for students as it promotes the use of critical thinking to discuss controversial issues and motions w ith an open mi nd and a r ticulate educated arguments. With that in mind, SCLS with the cooperation of other schools in KLIUC has organised the Ministry of Higher Education Invitational National Debate 2010 (MIND 2010). MIND 2010 is a continuation of the first inter-varsity debate tournament which was held in 2009 and was known as KLIUC Invitational National Debate (KIND’09). Similar to that year, MIND 2010 was again organized and hosted for the Ministry of H igher Education (MOHE), and was held f rom 24 to 26 September 2010 in KLIUC. This event was supported by a few major sponsors notably Fuji Xerox Malaysia with a contribution of RM 20, 000.00. The main prize for the best speaker was a Blackberry Curve sponsored by Brightstar Malaysia, the local distributor for all Blackberry devices. MIND 2010 was also a congregation of experienced adjudicators and former debaters as it was successfully run by two popular figures in the local debate scene, Muhammad Abdul Latif from IIUM and Iqbal Hafiedz Ahmed Bazari of the Malaysian Institute for Debate and Public Speaking (MIDP). They were assisted by many former excellent debaters and trainers such as Dr. Omar Salahuddin, Yunus Zakariah, AzrulIzzam Kamarul Zaman and many others. The organising committee of the G a l a D i n n e r a n d t h e G r a n d F i n a l w e r e c o r p o r a te com mun ication students of SCL S and they we re a l so instrumental in making MIND 2010 a successful and wonderful experience for participants and those who were involved in this competition. In short, MIND 2010 has managed to serve as a useful platform to establish and develop debate and communication sk i l l s among students of highe r lea r ning institutions. MIND 2010 managed to attract 32 debate teams from 18 universities and colleges. There were nine teams each from the public as well as private higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The teams were Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Mara Johor, Universiti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Sains I slam Malaysia, Unive r siti I s lam Anta rabangsa Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Perlis and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. Meanwhile the par ticipants from pr ivate higher learning institutions were KDU University College, Sunway University, Monash University, Masterskill University College, Nilai University Col lege, HE LP Unive r sit y Col lege, Multi media Unive r sit y, Cyberjaya campus and Malacca campus as well as the host, KLIUC. During the tournament, all the participants stayed at the Ikram Lodge in KLIUC and they also participated in one of the programmes organised in conjunction with the Malaysia Day celebration—the One Malaysia palm-printing activity at the foyer of the Academic Block of KLIUC. T h e G r a n d F i n a l o n t h e eve n i n g o f 2 6 S e pte m b e r 2 010 witnessed the favourite teams of UiTM Shah Alam A and B, MMU Cyberjaya and IIUM A locking horns for the title of MIND 2010 Champion. It was an evenly contested debate as experience and skills prevailed and the debaters from IIUM, Meor Alif bin Meor Azalan and Zamir Hamdy Hamdan were announced winners. The first runner-up was the team of “double Shafiq” from Shah Alam A, Mohd. Shafiq Ahmed Bazari and Mohammad Syafiq Bahtiar. Charles Muzonzini and Pragash Vasudewan of MMU Cyberjaya were the second runners-up and the fourth place went to the second UiTM Shah Alam team of Aerie Reshmond Rahman and Iz zat Fauzan. The crowd favou r ite, Cha r les M uzo n z i n i of M MU Cy be r j a ya, a l so wo n th e h ea r t of th e adjudicators that night as he was declared the best speaker and took the desired Blackberry Curve home. The winners, Meor Alif & Zamir Hamdy from IIUM 8 COMMUNIQUE culture ‘UNITY IN DIVERSITY’ The ‘International Cultural Night 2011’ was jointly organised by th e u n i ve r s it y a n d K L I U C I nte r n at i o n a l St ud ent s Association (ISA) on 24 February 2011, at the Multipurpose Hall, KLIUC. The first and second International Cultural Nights (ICN) were carried out in 2009 and 2010. Due to the overwhelming responses from the students and audience, the ICN has been declared as an annual event in the university’s calendar. The objectives of ICN were to introduce the different cultures and traditions of the international students, to give opportunities to students to show their talents and to foster good relationships amongst the students and staff of KLIUC. Not only students from KLIUC took part in the performances, but also students from the other institutions in the Klang Valley and other states, were involved. This good rapport among them showed that they practised the spirit of ‘1Malaysia’ and fulfilled the theme of ICN 2011 - ‘Unity in Diversity’. It is hoped that this experience would bring sweet memories of their stay in Malaysia. The ICN 2011 was officiated by the President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid at about 8.30 pm. He was happy with the success of the past ICNs and suggested that the international students continue fostering the good relationships among them even after they had completed their studies and returned to their own countries, through the KLIUC Alumni formed back home. The foreign dignitaries included HE Suliasi Lutubula, High Commissioner and Mdm. Vani Rarawa Samuwai, First Secretary of the High Commission of the Republic of Fiji, HE B.A. Nuruddean, Acting High Commissioner and Mr. A.O. Idowu, Minister of the High Commission of Nigeria, Mr. Tarig Abdalla Ali Mohamad, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan. They were part of the 1200 audience present for the event. In between the performances, lucky draws were held and the lucky winners received hampers. The students from countries such as Fiji, Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia, Chad, China and Yemen, as well as Malaysia showed their talents and skills in dancing, singing and cat-walking. Ever yone enjoyed the show and during the grand finale the guests and students sang together the song ‘We are the World’. The event ended at about 11.30 pm. COMMUNIQUE 9 CULTURE PONGGAL CARNIVAL Ponggal is a harvest festival celebrated by the Indians. In Tamil, Ponggal means ‘boiling over or spill over’. The boiling of milk in the clay pot symbolises material abundance for the household. Ponggal is traditionally intended to thank the Sun God for the harvest. It falls on the first day of the Tamil month of Thai (January 14 or 15). The Indian Cultural Society of KLIUC organised the Ponggal Carnival 2011 on 18 January 2011. At about 10.00 am the Advisor of the Indian Cultural Society, Mr. Saravanan Muthiah officiated the opening ceremony by lighting up the kuthuvilaku, at the KLIUC Foyer. Lecturers and students (both Indians and non-Indians) fo r m ed 3 0 g roups to ta ke pa r t i n the Pong g a l celebration. After the lunch break, at about 1.00 pm, the flower tying and toranam tying competitions were held and 10 people participated. A kolam competition was also carried out at the concourse area. Kolam is an art that symbolises happiness and prosperity. It was drawn with a variety of materials such as rice powder, rice paste, coloured powders, leaves and flowers. The next competition held was the uri competition, which was one of the Indian traditional games. Uri competition is a pot breaking competition in which the contestants were blindfolded. The games ended at about 5.00 pm. The closing ceremony was held at the Multipurpose Hall at 8.00 pm. The guests who attended included President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid; VicePresident (Academic), Assoc. Prof. Christiantine Della, a n d D ea n of th e Sch oo l of Co m m u n i cat i o n a n d Language Studies, Dr. Karthiyaini Devarajoo. The event started with prayers by Sharmini, and followed by a speech given by Mr. Saravanam Muthiah. The performances of the night were Indian cultural dances by the Vijayaletchumy Kala Alaiyam Dancers and Kalai Vani Dance group and multicultural dances by the KLIUC Performing Arts and Choir Club (KPACC). The prize giving ceremony was held before the end of the day’s event at 10.30 pm. 10 COMMUNIQUE culture The Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also known as the Mooncake Festival or Lantern Festival or Zhongqiu Jie, is a popular harvest festival celebrated by the Chinese people in China, since more than 3,000 years ago. It is also celebrated in other countries such as Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore and not forgetting Malaysia. The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the eight month in the Chinese calendar, which is usually around late September or early October in the Gregorian calendar. It is a date that pa ra l l e l s w ith th e a ut u m n a l eq u i n ox of th e solar calendar, when the moon is supposedly at its fullest and roundest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important holidays in the Chinese calendar, the others being the Chinese New Year and Winter Solstice, and is a holiday in several countries. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. Traditionally on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat the mooncakes and pomelos. Accompanying The Chinese Spring Festival 2011 was organised by the KLIUC Chinese Society on 24 January 2011, at the Multipurpose Hall (MPH) and was officiated by the Managing Director of Ikram Group Sdn Bhd, YBhg. D ato’ I r. Ch o n g Ket Pe n , accompanied by President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid. More than 800 people who included guests and students attended the function. The main objectives of this event were to enhance the spirit of brotherhood among students and to introduce the Chinese culture and traditions to the other communities at KLIUC, especially to the international students. th e ce l eb rat i o n a re th e t ra d it i o n a l cu lt u res o r reg i o na l customs. In conjunction with this meaningful event, KLIUC Chinese Society organised the Mid-Autumn Festival 2010 on 21 September 2010 at the Academic Block 2 Parking Area. The event started with a c h o re o g ra p h e d Ch i n e s e t ra d i t i o n a l d a n ce by K L I U C students. The opening ceremony was officiated by the President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid. The guests who attended the function were Chairman of Ikram Education Sdn Bhd, Tn. Hj. Baharuddin Alang Ishak; Vice-President (Academic), Assoc. Prof. Christiantine Della, and Advisor of the KLIUC Chinese Society, Mr. Tan Tiak Kun. The performances included the Diabolo (Chinese Yoyo), Wheelchair Dance by members of a handicapped group, Drum Circle and a spontaneous drama by KLIUC students. There were also lucky draws for the guests and students. Among the prizes were attractive hampers. The success of the event was due to the cooperation of other clubs and societies of KLIUC such as the Photography Club, Football Club, Entrepreneur Club, Drum Circle and the English Language Society. Dance, Chinese Yoyo known as the Diabola and Chinese Orchestra. There was also a video presentation containing the Chinese New Year messages from the committee members of the KLIUC Chinese Society. Before the end of the event, the guests and committee members went up to the stage to wish everyone ‘GONG XI FA CAI’. The MPH was brightly decorated with red flowers and tanglungs as well as mandarin oranges. As the guests entered the MPH, they were welcomed with the Guz hen pe r fo r mance, an ancient Chinese musical instrument. This was followed by a s h o r t d r a m a by K L I U C students entitled ‘Harvest Day’ and other performances such as the traditional Luminous Lion COMMUNIQUE 11 SPORTS T he Ma j l i s Suka n U n i ve r s iti Swa s ta ( M A S I S WA ) j o i n t l y o r g a n i s e d t h e ‘MASISWA 2010 Sports Carnival’ with the Ministry of Higher Education. It was held from 3-5 December 2010 at the Multimedia University, Cyberjaya. The aims of this carnival included inculcating a healthy lifestyle through sports, practising good values, encouraging a sporting spirit and enhancing good relations with students from other institutions. and Male Futsal Game for Group A, KLIUC emerged 1st Runner-up. The opening ceremony was held on 3 December 2010 and was officiated by the Vice-Chancellor of Multimedia University. On 5 December 2010, the Director of the Sports Division, Ministry of Higher Education declared the closing of the carnival. The carnival was divided into zones - North Zone, South Zone, East Zone, Sabah Zone, Sarawak Zone and the M i d d l e Zo n e. T h e M i d d l e Zo n e w a s divided into two - Middle Zone I and Middle Zone II. KLIUC was placed in Middle Zone II. The compulsory games played were futsal, netball, badminton, volleyball and basketball. Apart from that, KLIUC chose rugby because of the potential of the university’s players. Eighteen (18) institutions took part in the Middle Zone II and among them were Limkokwing University, Taylor’s University, University Industri Selangor, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Universiti Tunku Abdul Ra h m a n , U n i ve r s i t y o f N ot t i n g h a m , Malaysia Campus, INTI International University College, Nilai University College, Segi University College and Kolej Poly-Tech MARA, Bangi, In the group competition, KLIUC became champion in Rugby, Male Futsal Game and Badminton for Group C, while for the Female Futsal Game for Group G SRC The members of the Student Representative Council (SRC) have to be responsible mediators between the university management and the students and must be fair in their actions when settling problems faced by the students. In order to prepare them for such situations, they have to be given exposure to the planning, managing and implementing of good leadership strategies and actions. As such, KLIUC organised the ‘SRC Leadership Training Camp 2011’ for the SRC members from 11 till 13 February 2011 at the Nur Lembah Pangsun Eco-Resort, Hulu Perdek, Hulu Langat, Selangor. The number of participants was 14. The specialised leadership activities were conducted by the Nur Lembah Pangsun Eco-Resort trainers and the Advisor of KLIUC SRC, Ustaz Mohd. Shahril Abdul Samat. The sessions included hands-on experience, team building, decision making and inculcation of values, as well as communication and leadership skills. To make the participants more active they had to take part in out-door activities such as hanging bridge, flying fox, pond rafting and jungle trekking. 12 COMMUNIQUE leadership training camp 2011 SPORTS The first ‘KLIUC Unity Run’ in 2009 was organised by KLIUC and co-sponsored by the National Unity Department, Prime Minister’s Department. On 1 August 2010 the second ‘KLIUC Unity Run 2010’ was jointly organised by KLIUC and the Klang District Athletes Association. This event has become an annual event of KLIUC as it gives the opportunity for the public especially students, from the neighbouring schools, polytechnics and universities, and parents, to interact with each other as well as with the KLIUC community. The participants of the ‘KLIUC Unity Run 2010’ were secondary school students from Kajang, Bandar Baru Bangi, Cheras, Seri Kembangan, Ipoh and Port Dickson. Students from Politeknik Sultan Abdul Aziz, Shah Alam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, and Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, were also involved. For the first time, handicapped participants on wheel-chairs competed with other participants. The total number of participants was about 2000 people. The participants were divided into three (3) categories: Open Category, School Category and Handicapped Category. The distance of the run, ranging from 10 km, 7 km, 5 km, and 3 km, was decided according to the categories. The route of the run was KLIUC campus or Unipark Suria and the surrounding areas that covered the roads nearby Universiti Tenaga Nasional and the Banking Training Institutes. The President of KLIUC, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Hamid flagged off the event at 7.30 am. for all categories beginning with the Open Category, then the School Category and last was the Handicap Category. Patriotic songs were played while the event was on. Among the guests who attended the function were the Director of Ikram Education Sdn Bhd, Tn. Hj. Baharudin Alang Ishak, representatives from the Sepang Town Council and KLIUC management. The fi rst five (5) winners of each category, received cash money, certificates and medals while the others received medals. KLIUC is thankful to the Sepang Police Headquarters and the Traffic Division, Red Crescent Association, Red Crescent Society of SMK Sri Indah, and Sepang Town Council for their assistance in controlling the traffic and ensuring road safety as well as the health care of the participants and the committee members. Last but not least, KLIUC is also grateful to 100-Plus who had generously donated their products to the participants. COMMUNIQUE 13 STUDENT ACTIVITIES A Tourism Exhibition was organised with the aim to develop students’ services marketing and event organizing skills among the students of Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration in E-Commerce from the School of Business Infrastructure (SOBI). The event was held on 4 October 2010 at the KLIUC Academic Block Foyer. This exhibition, which was also a class project, was organised by the students undergoing the Service Ma r keti ng cou r se fo r June 2 010 Semester. The exhibition aimed to prepare the students to provide and market services to their potential customers and to respond to the customers’ need which is in compliance with the course. Speakers from the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia and a travel agency, Tareeq Al-Jannah were invited for the exhibition. T h e s pea ke r s p ro m oted va r i o us fa m o us l oca l tourist destinations to both the international and local students of KLIUC. They managed to capture the audience’s attention by presenting beautiful Ma l a y s i a n i s l a n d s th ro ug h powe r po i nt s l i d es presentation. Besides that, they also presented their tourism packages to the participants of the exhibition. This one day exhibition was a success as the response from the audience was positive. The School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE) o rganised an A rchitectu re M i ni Wo r k shop 2 010 on 21 December 2 010 at B lock 5. The mi ni wo r k shop was a continuation of a design workshop which was held on 16 December 2010, where the students were briefed on the requirements and guidelines for design works. The design workshop was divided into two categories: Kinetic Art Works (facilitated by Ms. Linda Shafar ina) and 3D Kite (facilitated by Mr. Idris Taib). The students had to finalise their design works and construction by 20 December 2010. On the day of the mini workshop, which was 21 December 2010, the students had to assemble their design works for inspection and demonstration. After the completion of the assembly of the design works, the students and lecturers attended the first set up club meeting of KLIUC Architecture Club & Associations (KACA) followed with election of the new committee members. The guest speaker, Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) Honorary Secretary & Chairman PAM membership constitution, Ar. Abu Zarim Abu Bakar was invited for the PAM Road show @ KLIUC, which was held later in the afternoon. He gave talks on “Introduction to PAM Centre” and “Architecture as a career”. There was also a Question and Answer session opened to the students. This mini workshop aimed to cultivate the architecture designing interest among the students and help the students to choose their future career path in Architecture. Besides that, the mini workshop was also a platform for the students to join as members of PAM. 14 COMMUNIQUE STUDENT ACTIVITIES Formula Varsity UTEM 2010 Eight students and two academic staffs from the Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Department (MAED) of Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University C o l l e g e ( K L I U C) to o k p a r t i n a ka r t racing competition organised by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka from 8 to 10 October 2010. This biennial competition required students to design and fabricate a racing kart and use it to race with the other teams. The KLIUC team consisting of five Diploma and three Degree students, who completed the design, fabrication, testing and presentation preparation in 12 weeks. The design specifications were set by the organiser and all karts were strictly inspected to ensure the safety of the d r ive r s, crews, and aud ience during the race. Besides the inspection, the karts had to go through a series of tests designed by the organiser to qualify for the race. Twenty renowned institutions participated in the event. Among the institutions were Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Universiti Pertahanan National Malaysia (UPNM), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Industri Selangor (UN I SE L) and Taylo r’s Unive r sit y. The event received a total participation of 26 teams. perseverance in solving engineering problems. The students hope that they can improve the team’s positions and excel in the next Formula Varsity which would be held in 2012. The KLIUC team arrived at Cub Prix Circuit Hang Jebat Sports Complex, Melaka on 8 O cto b e r 2 010 fo r re g i s t ra t i o n . T h e p resentation, ka r t weighi ng and specification inspection was held on 9 October 2010; the kart race was held on 10 October 2010. The KLIUC team managed to bag the 6th position in Design and Innovation and 17th position for FV Racing Tournament. Through this competition, the students learnt to apply their knowledge and skills which could lead them to have a career in the motorsports industry in the future. Besides that, they would also show The School of Applied Science and Foundation Studies (SASF) of Kuala Lumpu r I nf rast r uctu re University College (KLIUC) organised an educational visit to the National Science Centre on 26 October 2010. The objective of the visit to the Centre was to cultivate awareness, appreciation, interest and understanding of Science and Technology among the foundation students. SASF made another educational trip to the Yakult Factory in Seremban on 2 March 2011. The aim of the trip was to expose the foundation students to Biotech and food processing industries. COMMUNIQUE 15
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