Masonic Digest - Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia


Masonic Digest - Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia
Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of
Volume 1 issue 1—Fourth quarter 2014/First
Quarter 2015
Masonic Digest
Georgia Prince Hall Masons—PHA
Inside this issue:
MWGM Bruce A.
Deputy Grand
Grand Worthy
Grand Worthy
Elected Leadership
Activities throughout the jurisdiction
Masonic digest committee members:
Brian A. Garner
Antonio AlstonBey
Ronald Skrine
Antonio White
The DEEDS we do will determine our GREATNESS!
It is indeed a PLEASURE
to see what “WE”
can do when
“WE” work together as a
TEAM. The Masonic Digest
serves as an informational tool
to publicize and
broadcast the
GREAT things
that “WE” are
doing throughout
the Jurisdiction
of Georgia. It also
serves as a tool to motivate, energize and encourage our membership
to step up their game as
we provide service, support and assistance to
those in our respective
I highly recommend that
you send your pictures,
articles and stories in-
and I must say they
have prepared a marvelous publication. Many
thanks to our committed, dedicated and enthusiastic editor and coeditors for a job well
done; and to you my
dear, Brothers, for ALL
that you do to keep
Prince Hall Masonry at
the forefront.
volving community service,
scholarships, contributions Bruce James
and donations to our MaMost Worshipful
sonic Digest Committee.
Grand Master
Our Digest Committee assured me that the product
would be second to none
Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of
P.O. Box 490750
College Park, GA 30349
To submit your articles to the Masonic Digest...
Any and all articles, stories, must be submitted by email in either Microsoft Word or
Google Docs. Meaning, we must be able to edit, change the font, cut and paste your
Photo’s must be of high quality, scalable, jpg., gif., format.
SEND YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO: [email protected]
The editors reserve the right to edit, change, delete, limit, any, and all submissions.
Greetings my Good Brothers and
Sisters! We are so excited to bring back
the Masonic Digest. Our Grand Master
has tasked us with documenting our
rich history and legacy. We cannot do
this without your help and contribution.
YOU are the history of this great state
of Georgia!
mindful that all submissions must
have correct grammar, high quality photo’s, and sent in on time.
We will continue to do our best
and make you proud!
Thanks again!!
The editors:
Brian A. Garner
Please be patient with us as we
make sure all your needs are met and
we produce a quality product. Also be
Antonio Alston-Bey
Ronald Skrine
Antonio White
Masonic Digest
Page 3
From the Deputy Grand Master—Corey D. Shackleford, Sr.
Brothers & Sisters All,
understanding; in all
thy ways acknowledge him, and he will
I greet you in the name
direct your paths
of the G.A.O.T.U. and his
straight.” With my
blessings upon you and
faith anchored and
your household are
the love and support
plenty. As we embark
upon new horizons and
some familiar plateaus
as a Grand Lodge. Let
us never forget that it
will take all of us, so
that we can ensure that we
are all doing what is
needed to
move our Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand
Lodge of Georgia to immeasurable endeavors.
from you all, we can
focus together toMy Brothers, I humbly
ward ensuring Georthank you for the trust
and confidence that you gia is at the forefront
have bestowed upon me and making sure that
your interest are
to serve you as your
heard, respected and
Deputy Grand Masdeliberated for your
ter. Proverbs 3:5-6
reads, “Trust in the Lord welfare and best interest.
with all your heart and
lean not on your own
My Sisters, as an advocate of effective
and collaborative
leadership across the
aisle, I submit to you
all the continued
love and support of
Prince Hall
Chapter. Our
and respect
of each
other will
be a beacon
which will
stretch beyond the
borders of this state
for all others to emulate. We thank you
for your unyielding
support of this Grand
Lodge yesterday, today, and tomorrow
as we strive to embrace “One Grand
Lodge, One Grand
Chapter, One Juris-
diction of Georgia.”
In closing, as we begin
this year and prepare ourselves to embrace the
joys, laughter, and sometimes pain that life
brings. Remember,
“Heavy is the head that
wears the crown,” as
coined by William Shakespeare in the famed play
“Henry IV”, so as we all
endeavor in our various
roles of leadership always
be reminded that, Proverbs 11:2, “When pride
comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility
comes wisdom”.
RW Corey Shackleford,
Sr., 33°
Deputy Grand Master
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 3
From the Grand Worthy Matron—Lynnette Scott Hymes
Greetings and Salutations
to the Honorable Bruce A.
James, Most Worshipful
Grand Master, Grand
Chapter Officers, Grand
Lodge Officers, Sisters and
Brothers of the Jurisdiction
of Georgia’s Prince Hall
Masonic Family. It is indeed my honor and pleasure to serve you as the
15th Grand Worthy Matron
for Prince Hall Grand Chapter. I cannot begin to tell
you how rewarding it has
been for me to work so
many wonderful, inspiring
and dedicated Sisters and
Brothers over this great
State of Georgia. “We are
As we embark on the 117th
Annual Grand Session, let
us synergize ourselves with
love, patience and endurance for each other. This
will be a time for our
‘Grand Family Reunion’
which allows us to see
those Sisters and Brothers
that we may not have had
the opportunity to see during the year; a time to rejoice and be glad for the
“People are like stainedglass windows. They sparkle
and shine when the sun is
out, but when the darkness
sets in; their true beauty is
revealed only if there is a
light from within.”
Elizabeth Kubler Ross
Sister Lynnette Scott
Grand Worthy Matron, Jurisdiction of Georgia
goodness that our Savior
has given each of us a time
to facilitate the business of
Prince Hall Grand Chapter.
Life is unpredictable; therefore we never know what
the future holds for each of
us. Life is a pathway that
we all must travel and each
traveler is seeking peace.
This is why we must follow
the teachings of our beautiful order and believe that
we can make a difference
in the lives that we all
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 4
Grand Worthy Patron—Sam Mcdonald
The Order of the
Eastern Star was established in The United States
in 1778. It is referred to as
The Adoptive Rite because
of its relationship of Ladies
to Master Masons. It was
said by Robert McCoy that
no institution can survive
unless it is instituted on a
solid foundation of
laws, rules, and regulations, which, without, would be subject to constant
changes from a multiplicity of minds
which would tend to
destroy its universality, and give its opponents just grounds
for their (caviling)
petty objections.
Thus was the Order
of the Eastern Star
set upon an immutable
(unchangeable) foundation.
There are Fifteen (15) immutable Laws or, the immovable foundation in The
Order of the Eastern Star
which we should all be familiar with. As Sisters and
Brother who are members
of The Order of the Eastern
Star, we are bound by a
mutual obligation. We have
faithfully promised to keep
enviable, all that has been
entrusted to our care, not
to add to or delete from. To
be informed members of
the Order, we must first
know ourselves. Our Sisters
are often referred to as
Eastern Stars and Brothers
completely ignored, this
displays total disregard for
our organizational structure
by those who should be its
conservators. Obviously we
are not as learned
know, ask the proper
as we ought to be; questions. We define
we have obligated ourselves, we know
ourselves on numer- ourselves, and we are
ous occasions, and proud Sisters and
promised to be cir- Brothers, Member of
cumscribed within the Order of the Eastthe boundaries of
ern Star.
those obligations,
Always Your Brother,
hopefully not just
empty words to gain Sam McDonald
degrees, titles or
Brother Sam McDonald
positions. We
should correct that Grand Worthy Patron
which is improper;
teach whenever and
wherever we can
with the hope of
enlightening the
masses. Members of
the Order of the Eastern Star are never
asked to define themselves as Eastern
Stars, because we are
not, anything to the
contrary, is totally
incorrect. We must
not allow ourselves
to be misled by the
uninformed. Light
dispels Darkness, if
you really want to
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
Jurisdiction of Georgia
The Honorable Bruce A. James, 33◦
17th Most Worshipful Grand Master
RW Corey D. Shackleford, Sr., 33◦
Deputy Grand Master
RW C. E Alexander, 33◦
RW Primis T. James, 33◦
Grand Senior Warden
Grand Junior Warden
RW Earl Perry, 33◦
Grand Treasurer
RW John Jefferson, 33◦
Grand Secretary
Masonic Digest
Page 7
Prince Hall Grand Chapter, O*E*S
Jurisdiction of Georgia
The Honorable Bruce A. James, 33°
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Sister Deaidra P. Wilson
Brother Cecil R. James
Grand Associate Matron
Grand Associate Patron
Sister Mary P. Surry
Sister Lynnette Scott Hymes
Brother Sam McDonald
Grand Worthy Matron
Grand Worthy Patron
Grand Treasurer
Sister Theresa Hill
Grand Secretary
Sister Saundra Parks
Sister Joyce C. Gilchrist
Sister Sallie Mills
Grand Conductress
Grand Associate Conductress
Grand Chairman of the Trustees
Masonic Digest
Grand East Conerstone Laying
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Masonic Digest
Grand East Conerstone Laying
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Masonic Digest
Page 10
Past Grand Masters
J.M. Simms
Louis B. Toomer
John V. Deveaux
Alexander Harris
A. K. Desverney
W.E. Terry
John D. Campbell
W.E. Terry
H.R, Butler
John W. Dobbs
X.L. Neal
Neal A. McQueen
Benjamin P. Barksdale
Willie L. Williams
Ramsey Davis, Jr.
Douglas M. Jones
Masonic Digest
Page 11
Past Grand Matrons and Past Grand Patrons
The following Sisters and Brothers have served as Worthy Grand Matron
and Worthy Grand Patron respectively:
Sis. D. Edwards, WGM, 1899-1902
Sis. Viola Hart Felton, WGM, 1902-1933
Sis. Mary H. Jones, WGM, 1935-1940
Sis. Ruth V. Cobb, WGM, 1941-1945
Sis. Minnie DeVaughn, WGM 1946
Sis. Mary L. Ayers, WGM, 1947-1952
Sis. P. B. Eichelberger, WGM, 1953-1954
Sis Marie B. Cooper, WGM, 1955-1963
Sis. Lillian E. Blake, WGM, 1964-1977
Sis. Florence M. Hogan, WGM, 1977-1992
Sis. Ruby C. Clayton, WGM, 1992-1997
Sis. Belle S. Clark, WGM, 1997-2002
Sis. Vashti G. Pullen, WGM, 2002-2007
Sis. Marilyn Moore, WGM, 2007-2012
Sis. Lynnette Hymes, WGM, 2012-Present
Bro. W. E. Terry, WGP, 1899-1900
Bro. Sol C. Johnson, WGP, 1901-1951
Bro. George W. Smith, WGP, 1952-1961
Bro. Robert J. Walters, WGP, 1961-1970
Bro. Earnest McIntyre, WGP, 1971-1994
Bro. Willie V. Coleman, WGP, 1994-1998
Bro. Felton L. Hudson, WGP, 1998-2005
Bro. Aaron Kent, WGP, 2005-2008
Bro. Marvin Knight, WGP, 2008-2014
Bro Sam McDonald, WGP 2014-Present
Masonic Digest
Page 12
Thomasville District #10
District Meeting 2014
Thomasville donates school supplies
Masonic Digest
Page 13
Magnolia Chapter #411, Albany
On December 13, Magnolia Chapter #411 volunteered
ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at K-Mart.
“Community service is the Core to our beliefs. It
was humbling to bring holiday greetings to individuals in the community as they donate to a
worthy cause!”
On December 9, 2014 Magnolia Chapter #411 participated in the Christmas AGAPE
at the Albany Civic Center, in which the Chapter assisted with purchasing and the
distribution of gifts requested by families for the holidays .
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 7
Amy R. Dunn Chapter #82—Macon
On Wednesday, November 26, the spirit of Giving Back to the Community was the order of the day. The owners of OverTyme Bar and Grill
hosted Thanksgiving Lunch, Free Health Screenings, and Free Haircuts.
Several members of Amy R. Dunn Chapter #82 OES assisted with serving lunch, buffing tables, and greeting
the many guests. We
hope to continue to
support and work PM W.F.Butts & Sis. M. Glover
with Mr. & Mrs.
Harris throughout the year with the community service project.
Mr. Larry & Mrs. Charity Harris Owners & Amy’s House Members
Sis. Pullen checking the haircut
Sis. Michell Glover & PGWM Pullen
PM W.Faye Butts & PDWM Brenda Carswell
Masonic Digest
A Salute to the First Worthy Matron Of
Amy R. Dunn Chapter #82 - Macon, GA:
Sister Esther L. Andrews
Amy R. Dunn Chapter was organized on May 4, 1974. The first
Worthy Matron appointed was
Sister Esther L. Andrews. Worthy
Matron Andrews served 2 years
as the leader of Amy’s House.
Now that her health has failed,
she is a patient at Eastview Nursing Home.
Sister Lillian Nixon, present Worthy Matron and Sister Vashti
Pullen, PGWM made a surprise
visit to see
Sister Andrews for her
birthday. A
great time
was enjoyed
by all.
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Atlanta Firefighters giving back to the community they serve
Submitted by: Bro Joel G. Baker, 32◦, H. R. Butler #23, Atlanta District 3 West
I have been employed
with the Atlanta Fire Rescue
Department for approximately 27 years. Each of
those 27 years my fire department has asked our Citizens and visitors to support
the Georgia Firefighters
Burn Foundation, the Sickle
Cell Foundation of Georgia,
Gold Shield Foundation and
the Muscular Dystrophy
Association. Since, the inception of our “boot drive,”
we have collected an estimated $945,000 (+/-) to
support these various charity organizations.
In 2014, we collected a total
of more than $70,000 for
these charities. This year
instead of asking for a donation from our Citizens,
Battalion Chief Michael
Winfrey presented to the
department the idea of doing a “Reverse Boot Drive.”
During the reverse boot
drive, we decided to pass
out 600 roses, Fire Safety
lollipops and cards with information about the Atlanta
Fire Rescue Department’s
programs and contact numbers.
As the Interim Fire Chief, I
was in full support of this
idea and though that it
would be an excellent way
of saying, thank you for the
many years of generosity
from our valued stakeholders. Thank you, not
just for their support during
our bi-annual boot drives,
but thank you for providing
their fire stations and firefighters with cakes and
cookies, meals, and many
other acts of kindness. We
hoped that everyone would
see this as a nice and fun
gesture of our gratitude to
the citizens and visitors
who shown us all so much support.
masonic digest
Page 17
Statesboro District #18
some a deployed soldier.
Sponsor Black
History Programs
We always bring in the year with
a Bang by Attending and participating in Emancipation Proclamation Programs held throughout the district. All chapters held
their regular scheduled meetings,
special recognition programs such
as Esther Day, Chapter Anniversaries, etc. with support from the
entire district. In addition, January
is busy with MLK Activities including Prayer Breakfast, Pageants, Parades and Observance
Day Programs. We also held our
annual District 18 Awards Banquet and Unity Services Programs.
Many attended the Mid-Winter
Meeting in Forsyth and donated
funds to “Kidney for Kennedy.” We
visited residents at local nursing
homes and in Sylvania, GA, the VA
Hospital, in Dublin & MCG in Augusta. East GA Regional Hospital,
Each chapter adopt families at
Thanksgiving & Christmas time;
We visited and
donated to:
Caring Closet
for Pilot Club of
Brain Minders
Program for
Trailblazers Program for Dist.
Miss. Society,
Habitat Celebration (served a group
from N. Y.), Women’s Health Program, Ga Power Ambassadors Meeting, Lions Club Meeting, NAACP
Banquets, Children’s Miracle Network, sponsored fundraisers for
scholarships. Some participated in
an “Out to Eat Lunch Bunch.” And
all attended the District Meeting
and held annual Education Day.
Statesboro District # 18 and Millen
District #16 hosted the 2014
Grand Youth Session in Statesboro,
GA. We volunteer at schools during CRCT Tests, Boys & Girls Club,
Relay for Life; Toys for Tots attend
county commissioners and BOE
Chapters hold Senior Day Cookout, “AARP Hunger Drive”, provide
Camp Stars tutoring program. We
provided Voter Registration Training and Assistance, attended
Women’s Retreat in San Destin, FL;
Health Program/Sr. Luncheon,
participated in Bulloch and Candler Clean-Up, Feed the Hungry
Some chapters prepared Scrap
Books for District Competition in
the Grand Scrapbook contest. During the 116th Annual Grand Session, June 9 – 13, in Savannah, we
won Grand Scrapbook Award,
Loose Change Award, District Matron of the Year Award, Recognition Award to Dist. 18 Secretary
for completing report forms correctly. Several members sing in
the Grand Choir, and placed 1st in
Grand Queen’s Extravaganza. We
support the brothers in Saint
John’s Day, VBS, Church/Youth
Revivals, Family/Friends Day,
Pack the Pews & W.I.S.E. Ministry,
Church/Choir Anniversaries, and
100 Men in Black/100 Women in
White Program.
We support those in need, supply
snacks for families of loved ones at
Statesboro Hospice, care package
to Adopt a soldier, donated monies for textbooks and supplies to
high school grads, host 5 point
Tea, groceries for families in need,
Hat shows, Turkey Trot and Harvest Day, & participated in Candler
and Evans Centennial celebrations. We have a youth member to
receive “American Red Cross
Young Hero award and she participated in the Airport Disaster
Drill in Savannah. Congratulations
Brianne Sneed! 2 members represented us at the William West Assembly 50th Anniversary in Kingsland, GA.
Pictured above: PGM Douglas Jones, 33°,
Sister Gloria Hagan, Grand Queen 2014 and
Sister Chyrileen Kilcrease, DWM
masonic digest
Page 18
Central City Chapter #46 and Central City Lodge #12
“Holding Ourselves Accountable”
The members of Central City
Chapter #46 and Central City
Lodge #12 came together on
October 19th, for what
out to be
an awesome
Joint Anniversary
celebrating 96th
and 139th
years respectively.
from across the state were
greeted by Central City
Youth Chapter #75.
From the Processional to the
benediction, there was
praise, worship and even
Sister Lula B. Harris, PM and
Brother C.E. Alexander, GSW
served as Master and Mistress of Ceremony.
The devotional service lead
by Bro. Jasper Faust, PM and
Bro. Larry Harden, PM set
the tone with “Jesus
Stopped By And Laid His
Hands on Me” and ending
with Georgia’s own Brother
Bruce A. James, MWGM
singing “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Since I Laid My Burdens
Musical acapella renditions
“Tell Me Who Built the Ark”
and “What a Mighty good
Friend He Is” rendered by
The Cedartown Male Chorus
from Cedartown, Georgia
added over whelming enhancement to the program .
Sister Vashti Grimes Pullens,
PGWM introduced the
Central City Chapter’s Sister
Mary L. Stephens, Worthy
Matron sang “This is
My Season” prior to
the speaker.
The speaker for the
hour Brother Lewis
Nelson, MWGM, Jurisdiction of South Carolina challenged all to
“Go Get Stella and
Leroy.” Scripture reference Ecclesiastes
chapter 4. These are
the forgotten girls and
boys that we look over
because they may not
present themselves in
the way we think they
should. Don’t let the
baggy pants, the smell,
the color of their skin,
the lack of social skills,
the poor grammar etc.
deter you from reaching out and helping
A scrumptious dinner
was served immediately following the
program catered by
Mr. Craig Harris’ Catering.
“The School Of
Lecturer Staff
are on the
move and will
be coming to an
area near you,
soon for
education and
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 10
The Georges: 50 Years of Love—Story by Felecia Prince
Statesboro District Deputy William George and Emeritus Grand
Chaplain Ruthie George celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in Metter, Georgia. It
was a very festive affair and was
attended by approximately 300
guests. The couple was very
much appreciative to everyone
for making the effort to show
their love and support. They
were glad and surprised to have
in attendance Grand Youth Director Sis. Mary James and her husband Grand Associate Patron Bro.
C.J. James, District Associate Deputy, who, like many others, have
also adopted the Georges as their
parents. Deputy Louis Harper
and his wife Sis. Betty Harper,
Worthy Matron of Cape Jessamine Chapter were also present. In attendance were many
other dignitaries representing
OES, General Missionary Baptist
Convention, community organizations and church affiliations. Many pastors and members of the clergy were also present. The Georges were especially honored with a special visit
and gifts from Georgia State
Senator Jack Hill of Reidsville,
Georgia, who has been a longtime friend of the family.
The Georges are both lifelong
residents of Candler
County. They became high
school sweethearts when Sis.
George was in the eighth grade
and Bro. George was in the elev-
enth grade. Their togetherness
remained throughout college,
military and early careers. Bro.
George graduated from Fort Valley College, now University; he
also spent three years in the
army with two of those years
being spent in Germany. He
served as a Vocational Agriculture teacher for nineteen years
in Candler County and sixteen
years as the principal of Metter
Middle School, Metter, GA. Sis.
Ruthie George graduated from
Savannah State College, now
Savannah State University. She
retired after thirty years working
in Chatham, Evans, and Candler
They are the very proud parents of two adult daughters. Felecia is a sixth grade
teacher at William James
Middle School in Statesboro, Georgia and Michele
is a Prison Counselor at
the Stat Prison in Ludowici, Georgia. Being
grandparents of two
grandsons, probably has
given them one of the
greatest joys in life. Jalen
and Caleb have lived with
their grandparents since
they were babies. The
boys frequently make it
known that regardless of
how “Pa Pa” my discipline,
they are not
leaving until
college. Bro.
and Sis. George
are extremely
proud of their
grandsons because of their
excellence in
school performance and their
great attitudes. The
Georges often
receive accolades concerning their grandsons in school,
church and community.
Bro. and Sis. George
are very active in church
and community activities. They are life members of the NAACP and
Bro. George has served as
president of the Candler
County Branch for over 20
years. They both have
received many honors and
awards for their volunteer
work both church and
community. The love they
have for people is very
evident because of their
extensive participation in
various activities and interaction with citizens
throughout the neighborhood. They have been
leaders and “drum majors” for justice as they
have fought for the rights
of children, and adults;
helped to sponsor activities celebrating Martin
Luther King Jr. birthday,
MLK pageant, breakfast,
observance day and parade, where their daughter Felecia has been the
special radio commentator for many years.
The Georges have always had the willingness
and the mind to
serve. They believe in
bringing people together
in unity. That’s why it’s
fitting that one of Bro.
George’s favorite scripture is “Behold, how good
and how pleasant it is For
brothers to dwell together
in unity!” Psalms 133:1.
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 11
Foundation Lodge #592
Foundation Lodge 592 held its
12th annual Gospel Fest on
November 15th
at the
School auditorium. The event
was well attended by community guests, brothers and sisters of Foundation Lodge and
Chapter as well as
members of other
lodges and chapters. There were
10 acts that performed, all of
which, displayed
outstanding talent and certainly
entertained the
audience. It was a lively event
with praise and worship reverberating from the stage
throughout the crowd. The
master of ceremony was Reverend Clyde Corbin, Blue
Ridge Lodge #97 hailing
Foundation Lodge 592
partnered with Atlanta
Public School for school
supply donations and
Paul E. Kelly American Legion Post No. 296, for
Toys for Tots contribution. Guests were asked
to bring a school supply
or an unwrapped toy. We
are happy to report we were
able to donate to Atlanta
School 4
large containers full
of school
and multiple large
totes full of
toys totaling 130 for the
Toys for Tots campaign.
This is a signature event for
Foundation Lodge 592
and this years venue
was selected due to the
growing number of the
audience. The 2014
Gospel Fest was a success and we look forward to this event each
year. It provides the
lodge with an opportunity to service the community with a spirit filled event,
partner with community
businesses for a service related initiative and praise
the name of our creator.
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 11
Atlanta District #3 West
On January 23, 2015, a disturbing report was given on
Fox 5 News concerning Bethel Grove CME Church in
Spaulding County where Dr. Valencia Jackson serves as
the Pastor. Their church bell that was brought from their
original sanctuary over 150 years ago and built by slaves
was stolen from the front of the new sanctuary. This
Church holds a special place in the hearts of the members of Atlanta Masonic District No. 3 West because it is
the site of our first cornerstone laying as a newly formed
district. The cornerstone laying (picture inset) was performed on November 13, 2011. This is also the church
where Past Matron Mary Watts, who many of us know in
the jurisdiction, serves as a Church Trustee.
The same day, the District was presented with a challenge to raise money for as a donation. The money could
serve as a reward for the bell's return, to purchase a new
bell or for the church to use however it sees fit. The
challenge was originally to raise $1000.00 but through
the enthusiasm and generous contributions of the lodges
and chapters in the district as well as donations from
non-members, we exceeded our goal and was able to
present the Church with $1510.00!
The presentation was made during a church visitation
on Sunday, February 8, 2015. There were over 60
Brothers and 30 Sisters present including some of our
members' children and friends.
Thanks to AMD3West for once again showing your
overwhelming support and commitment to the surrounding community.
DDGM Jonathan S. White
ADDGM Ron Triplett II
DWM Denise Mundy
DWP Bertram Thomas
Atlanta Masonic District No.3 West
masonic digest
Page 22
Star of Georgia #492 &#378—2014 Joint Scholarship and Awards Banquet
On December 20, 2014 the brothers and sisters of Star of Georgia presented its 4th
Annual Scholarship and Awards Banquet. Each year the brothers and sisters commit to
awarding scholarship assistance to well deserving college bound youth within our community. We also recognize brothers and sisters whose light shined brightly during the year
with their outstanding work, as well as the
widows of our deceased brothers.
Sir Johnson Jr.
2014 Scholarship Recipient
Emmanuel Akinley
2014 Scholarship Recipient
Kiana Jones
2014 Scholarship Recipient
Bro. Joseph Wiltshire
Star of Ga. #492 Master
Mason of the Year!
Sis. Doreatha W. Dukes
Star of Ga. #378
O.E.S. of the Year!
Mrs. Hood
“Widow of Bro. Gregory
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Columbus District #4
Conerstone Laying
On a beautiful Saturday morning on October 11, 2014, the
Brothers of
District #4
under the
a cornerstone laying at the
Mount Ta-
bor Baptist Church located in Columbus,
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Watkinsville Lodge #21 -”Breaking Bread”
Americus District #15
The Americus District held its 15th annual L.A. Fuse Scholarship Banquet, November
15, 2014. The Americus District awarded 18 Scholarships to students from across the
district with funds to help further their education goals! Included in the picture are
district officers: PM Larry Jackson (District Patron), ADDGM Gary Felton, District Matron Mattie Williams, and DDGM Joe E. Clark.
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 15
Rising Sun #115
Rising Sun Chapter
#115 answered the
American Red
Cross’appeal for donations of bottled water
on October 29, 2014.
Project Chairperson
Sister Cathaleen
Traylor loaded her
truck and met other
Chapter members at
the Red Cross building
for the presentation of
bottled water and
Powerade. Those in
attendance were Worthy Matron Dorothy
Boston, Past Matron
Alnita Anderson, Past
Matron Cathaleen
Traylor, Past Patron
Richard Rozier, Sister
Catherine Rozier, Sister
Margaret Pauldo, Sister Frankie Barnes
Coates, and Sister Ina
Rozier Cooper.
Rising Sun Chapter
will volunteer at the
Hand Outreach on
15 to bag
toys and grocery items for
area needy families. We
work diligently to make a
positive difference in our
community. Rising Sun
Chapter #115 is a member
of the dynamic Dublin District #19, under the leadership of DDGM Joe Louis
Coates and District Worthy
Matron Dorothy Boston.
South Fulton Lodge #598– Helping Families during the holidays
masonic digest
Page 26
Americus Masonic District #14
The Americus Masonic District #14 held its 15th Annual L.A. Fuse Scholarship Banquet,
November 15, 2014, picture are District Officers: (right front row): PM Larry Jackson,Banquet Co-Chair and District Patron, (right back –row)- ADDGM, PM Gary Felton, &
District Matron, Mattie Williams, back row, (far left)-DDGM, Joe E. Clark, Banquet
The Americus 14th District awarded 18 Scholarships to students (in the picture) from
across the district with funds to help further their educational goals!
Volume 1 issue 1—fourth quarter 2014
Page 19
A l b a n y C o n s i s t o r y N o . 176 Pay s Tr i b u t e To T h e i r O l d e s t M e m b e r
The Albany Consistory No. 176 Masonic Body traveled to Thomasville,
Georgia on September 4th to pay tribute to their oldest living member.
Grand Inspector General (GIG) John Malone (center) celebrated his 95th
birthday with a party. Those attending this blessed occasion included
(from left to right: back row) Mrs. Malone (wife), Sublime Prince (SP)
Patrick Bush, GIG Solomon Wilson, SP John I. Davis. On the center row
is GIG Sam Gaines, SP Wilbum Rickman, GIG Derwin Canty, GIG Dennis
Turner. Front row includes GIG Horace Thompson and GIG Oscar Cooks.
Masonic Digest
Page 28
Sons of Colquitt, #580—H.K. Benton
Brother Hezekiah Benton Sr.,
(affectionately known as H.K.) was
born on October 8, 1913 in Baker
County, Georgia. His family soon afterwards relocated to neighboring
Miller County (Colquitt, GA). There he
meet and married Ms. Rosie Hayes in
1936. He and his wife raised their
family of eight children; one preceding
him in death. He later moved again to
neighboring Decatur County
(Bainbridge, GA) in 1958. He worked
for the Decatur County Board of Education for twenty five years before
retiring in 1986. He still resides in
Bainbridge at the age of 101 years old.
Brother H.K. Benton was raised from a
dead level to a living perpendicular in
Twin Oaks Lodge No. 37 in the year of
our Lord 1947. The Lodge was later rechartered under it’s current name of
Sons of Colquitt, Lodge No. 580. The
Lodge is one of four Lodges currently
functioning in Bainbridge District No.
12. Brother Benton has been a gold
card member since 1977. He holds a
Jurisdiction of Georgia Member Identification Number (MRA) of 20205. He
served faithfully as Lodge secretary for
many years, until 1992. Brother Benton often times traveled to Grand
Lodge Sessions as the lone representative of Sons of Colquitt, Lodge No. 580
throughout the 1960’s, 1970’s, and
He is currently married (1987)
to the former Clara E. Arnette.
Though not as socially active as
in years past, he continues to
enjoy and live life abundantly.
Brother Benton is a member of
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in
Damascus, GA; where he has
served as a deacon for over seventy years. Brother Benton attributes his longevity of life to
early to bed and early to rise.
He says he never ate too much,
always ate in moderation and
ate right kinds of healthy foods.
He has maintained a clean
healthy life, mind, body, and
As a mason, H.K. was a very
active and dedicated mason.
Very, very seldom missing a
meeting. He was always one of
the first members to arrive at
lodge meetings, driving himself
forty-five miles round trip at
night well into his mid-nineties
years of age. He continued to
attend lodge meetings on a
regular basis until 2007 when
his health began to falter.—
Written by PM Patrick H. Bush
Masonic Digest
Page 29
Did you know that the famous bridge builder by the
name of Horace King was a Georgia Prince Hall Mason?
Brother Horace King was born into slavery in 1807 in
Cheraw, South Carolina. Brother King was later purchased by a man by the name of John Godwin, whom
Brother King considered more of a friend than his master. Godwin brought Brother King to Alabama and his
bridge building career took off. In 1846 Brother King was
freed from slavery by an act of Alabama State Legislature
and he may also be the only person that Alabama Legislature ever freed from slavery. Where exactly Brother
King became a Mason is still a mystery but we do know
that he was a member of St. John’s Lodge #3 in Cincinnati, Ohio, King Solomon Lodge #4 in Montgomery, Alabama and was a founding member of Bradwell Lodge #4
in Columbus, Georgia which is now Lewis Hayden Lodge
Did you know that one of the wealthiest African Americans in the South was a Georgia Prince Hall Mason? Past
Master Monroe Bowers “Pink” Morton of Lincoln Lodge
#62, in Athens, was a former slave who became one of
the leading businessmen in the South. Past Master Morton built a federal building in Anniston, Alabama, a marble-front business building in downtown Athens, and the
Wilkes County Court House in Washington, Georgia. He
would follow with the construction of the Morton Theatre, which opened in 1910.
Did you know that the Georgia’s first black Congressman
and the first African American to speak on the floor of
the United States Congress was a Georgia Prince Hall
Mason? Past Master Jefferson Franklin Long of Phoenix
Lodge #13 in Macon (now Central City Lodge #12) accomplished this feat in 1870 and 1871 respectively.
lain under President Abraham Lincoln around 1863.
Did you know that the first African American Middleweight
Boxing Champion of the World was a Georgia Prince Hall
Mason? Brother Theodore “Tiger” Flowers won the Middleweight Championship on February 26, 1926 over Harry Greb
at Madison Square Garden. (Information provided by PM
Doug Evans #112)
Did you know there is a tie for the lodges that have produced the most Grand Masters? Even though Eureka Lodge
#1 was the first lodge established in Georgia they have actually only produced two Grand Masters (Alexander Harris and
Anthony K. Desverney). The lodges that are tied for producing the most Grand Masters are Hilton Lodge #2 (James M.
Simms, Louis B. Toomer and John H. Deveaux) and W.C.
Thomas Lodge #112 (Henry R. Butler Sr., X.L. Neal, and Ramsey Davis).
was started by two of our Past Grand Masters? Originally
founded as the Colored Tribune in 1875 by PGM’s John H.
Deveaux and Louis B. Toomer, the purpose of the paper was
to keep African Americans informed of the injustices done
to the African American race during the Jim Crow era. In
1890 the Grand Lodge voted to make this newspaper the
official organ of the Grand Lodge. The Savannah Tribune is
still in operation today.
Did you know that our Grand Lodge once owned and operated one of the first Masonic Orphans Homes in the country
for African Americans? This project was a vision of PGM
William E. Terry who wanted a place where children of deceased Master Masons could be housed and receive an education. Although this home no longer stands in Americus the
memory of PGM Terry’s vision still lives on.
Did you know that the first African American to open a
mortuary in Savannah was a Georgia Prince Hall Mason?
Brother William H. Royall of Eureka Lodge #1 opened his
mortuary around the year 1878 and this mortuary
(Bynes-Royall Funeral Home) is still in operation today.
Did you know that the first African American to serve as
Chaplain for the Union Army later became a Georgia
Prince Hall Mason? Bishiop Henry Mcneal Turner of Pythagoras Lodge #11, in Savannah, was appointed chap-
The Digest committee gives special thanks to Grand Historian PM D. Gillarm on keeping us on our toes!