The University of Utah - University of Utah Health Care
The University of Utah - University of Utah Health Care
2006 Donor Report • July 1, 2005 — June 30, 2006 The University of Utah Health Science Development “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men ; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” ~Herman Melville { contents } Message from the Senior Vice President 2 Positive Attitude Personified 4 Daring Determination Pays Off 6 Sight Saved, Hope Renewed 8 Internationally Ranked Anti-doping Lab 10 Established at the University of Utah Back on his Own Two Feet 12 Passages 14 Endowed Chairs 18 2006 Expenditures 22 Donor Report 23 Organizations 46 Message from the Senior Vice President As the great anthropologist Margaret Mead so eloquently stated; “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” And, in changing the world, lives are changed along the way. At University of Utah Health Care we see this positive change daily. What was once thought impossible is now reality because of “thoughtful, committed people” who have chosen to make a difference. Generous donors fund the break-through research being undertaken by our gifted scientists, who then translate those findings into enhanced treatment options, providing our dedicated physicians with the best possible therapies for their patients. Life changing – life enhancing. Inside these pages you will see just how remarkable that change has been for some of our patients. Patients who have faced untold challenges, in dealing with disease and debilitating accidents, finding hope where there had been none, living remarkably full, courageous lives, that would have been impossible a few years ago. “What was once thought impossible is now reality because of ‘thoughtful, committed people’ who have chosen to make a difference.” In addition to patients benefiting from this stellar research, the reputation of University of Utah Health Care is raised, resulting in international recognition of its unique programs, such as the recent announcement of the Sports Medicine Research Testing Laboratory (SMRTL). The SMRTL, located in the University of Utah’s Research Park, is one of only two anti-doping laboratories in the United States to be accredited by the World Anti-doping Agency – a prestigious honor. Open these pages, read the stories, and know that you have invested in someone’s life. A. Lorris Betz, M.D., PhD. Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean, School of Medicine {} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report 2006UniversityofUtahHealthSciences•DonorReport{} {} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Positive Attitude Personified When you first meet Kathy Wallin, you are drawn in by the sparkle in her eyes, her beautiful smile, and her warm personality much like a moth is drawn to a light. It is only later that you realize she has multiple sclerosis. directors Heather Hayes, DPT, NCS, and Jim Ballard, PT, DPT, work primarily with individuals who have balance difficulties associated with neurological disorders. Diagnosed 32 years ago, Kathy has gone through many stages in dealing with “MS,” a disease that affects nerve pathways in the central nervous system. Nerve tracts in the brain and spinal cord are sheathed in a protective covering called myelin. If a sheath becomes inflamed “The physical therapists at the clinic provide a lot of support both mentally and physically,” explained Kathy. Through her participation at the clinic, Kathy established a network of friends and a group of them meet informally once a month for lunch. “I firmly be- “Multiple Sclerosis is a part of who I am, but it does not define me.” or swollen, it can show up in a number of ways such as tingling or weakness that may only affect one spot, one limb, or one side of the body. Kathy stresses the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. “Multiple Sclerosis is a part of who I am, but it does not define me,” she said in a recent interview. “I read everything I can about MS, use stretching and yoga to keep my muscles healthy, and I exercise regularly to increase my strength and help with maintaining my balance.” Kathy is a regular participant at the Rehabilitation and Wellness Clinic run by the Division of Physical Therapy in the College of Health. The care provided by the Clinic is focused on using a preventive health care model, with a goal of minimizing or reversing disabilities associated with chronic disease states. Clinic lieve that there are no strangers—just friends I haven’t met yet,” she said. She often spends hours on the phone helping others with MS. Some live hundreds of miles away and are people she will probably never meet. Kathy has touched many lives since being diagnosed. For f u n, K at hy sk is with a sit-ski, and has recently learned how to tandem paraglide with her husband, Brad, who is a licensed paragliding instructor. For Kathy Wallin, the future remains positive, since she is living each day to the fullest. 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {} Daring Determination Pays Off Outside Magazine asked, “Could [Chris Waddell] be the “Denial set in,” states Chris. “I didn’t need the surgery. World’s Greatest Athlete?” People named him one Why would I subject myself to three months of recovof “The Fifty Most Beautiful People in the World,” ery when I lived pain free except for the bone on bone Skiing called him one of “The 25 Greatest Skiers in rubbing of my ribs and the top of my hip girdle on North America,” and the Dalai Lama honored him my left side? Dr. Brodke said that my scoliosis would as an Unsung Hero of Compassion. In his career only get worse in time and that the vertebrae below my Chris won more Paralympic medals (12) than any male original fusion would continue to deteriorate, meaning that in time, they would need to take the fusion lower skier in history. on my spine to find solid bone in which to anchor. FusIn 1988, as a freshman ski racer at Middlebury College, ing more vertebrae would mean limiting my mobility. Chris broke his back in a freak accident on the hill, leav- It was time to act.” ing him paralyzed from the waist down. Two months later, he returned to school and three days short of a “When I broke my back in a skiing accident in 1988, year after the accident, he started to ski in a monoski. I didn’t choose where I had the surgery. I didn’t choose Less than two years after learning to monoski, he was my surgeon. I didn’t want to make the same mistake. named to the US Disabled Ski Team, and is credited For me the surgery was right in my backyard,” Chris with revolutionizing the sport of monoskiing. says of his experience as a patient at the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center. Fittingly, Chris concluded his Paralympic career following the Games in Athens, Greece, while remaining The day before surgery Dr. Brodke said, “We want to make you straight and athletic.” A little more than very active in a number of sports activities. a year after the surgery, Chris feels that he achieved Then, he got the news from Dr. Darrel S. Brodke, his sur- both objectives. “I’m straight, fit, and even almost two geon at the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center, that inches taller.” took him completely by surprise. Dr. Brodke informed Chris that he would need surgery within the year. The day before surgery Dr. Brodke said, “We want to make you straight and athletic.” A little more than a year after the surgery, Chris feels that he achieved both objectives. “I’m straight, fit, and even almost two inches taller.” {} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {} {} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Sight Saved, Hope Renewed diabetes is under better control. Therefore, since the endocrinologists had succeeded in getting her diabetes under control, we decided to pursue aggressive sinus and orbital surgery short of removing her eye.” After five surgeries and a month in the hospital, 19- year-old Alia Marrero’s rare yet often fatal fungal infection, mucormycosis, was spreading dangerously toward her left eye. Saving her eye would require input from specialists at the Moran Eye Center and throughout University Health Care - including specialists from Otolaryngology (ENT) Head and Neck Surgery, Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology and Diabetes - and collaborating associates as far away as Australia. The Marrero family is very thankful to Dr. Weinberg and Dr. Jason Hunt, Alia’s caring ear, nose and throat surgeon at the University. They also want to thank all those from University Health Care who contributed to her treatment and recovery. “We were told one morning that Alia was scheduled for surgery to have her eye extracted,” says Ismael Marrero, Jr., Alia’s father. “My daughter is diabetic. She had After the final surgery, Alia was doing much better overall. However, her vision was declining, and it was determined that this was due to diabetic macular “I remember a feeling of hope returning to my soul, something that was completely missing just moments before Dr. Weinberg walked in.” just spent four weeks in the hospital, lost 30 pounds, and now we thought she was losing her eye. My wife, Aurora, and I were huddled with Alia on her hospital bed, crying and trying to console each other. Then, suddenly, in walks Dr. David Weinberg, an oculoplastic surgeon from the Moran Eye Center and says, ‘we may have an alternative.’ We were stunned. I remember a feeling of hope returning to my soul, something that was completely missing just moments before Dr. Weinberg walked in.” edema. She was referred to Dr. Paul Bernstein, a retinal specialist at the Moran Eye Center, who determined that she was a good candidate for intravitreal injections, which have helped to restore her vision. Dr. Weinberg describes the situation: “Many people weighed in on this case. In addition to my colleagues at the University, I consulted with physicians on an online chat room for oculoplastic surgeons, called ASOPRSNET, where experts bounce cases off one another. I was very concerned about Alia’s condition, which was quite seri- “I received such good care,” Alia says. “At the Moran ous. It was unclear whether we would need to remove Eye Center and the University Hospital the people will her eye in order to control the infection and save her always talk to you. I learned that no matter what it takes, the doctors work together and keep researching for the life. We needed to make a decision very quickly.” best treatment.” For Alia Marrero, combining forces “I received input from specialists as far away as Australia, for the best possible medical care extended throughout Canada, and throughout the United States. The con- the University Health Care system and around the sensus was that this particular fungal infection often world and back again - and today she is seeing well responds to treatment much more favorably after the through both of her eyes. 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {} Internationally Ranked Anti-doping Lab Established at the University of Utah On November 1, 2006, the Sports Medicine Research pic Committee (USOC). Dennis Crouch, Research Testing Laboratory (SMRTL) at the University of Utah, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, joined an elite group of 34 laboratories throughout the serves as Laboratory Director and Matthew Slawson, world, and one of only two in the United States, ac- Research Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and credited by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) Toxicology, is Associate Laboratory Director. to test Olympic, Paralympic, and other amateur and professional athletes for performance-enhancing and In 2007, SMRTL will analyze approximately 10,000 other WADA prohibited drugs. The second facility is samples from the NFL, USADA, and other sports at the University of California Los Angeles. organizations. Each sample is tested for nearly 300 different drugs or metabolites on the WADA ProhibThe Center for Human Toxicology (CHT) at the Uni- ited List, and positive samples are confirmed by stateversity of Utah’s College of Pharmacy played a major of-the-art mass spectrometers. Sensitive equipment role in developing SMRTL as a premier laboratory in such as a carbon-isotope ratio mass spectrometer and the world-wide fight against doping in sports. Now the flow cytometer detect whether elevated testosterone faculty and staff of the CHT are also utilizing their is naturally occurring or pharmaceutical, and if blood expertise to test for the use of performance-enhancing transfusions have occurred. drugs by athletes. SMRTL’s mission also includes research and developWADA accreditation involved rigorous on-site inspec- ment. SMRTL will spend nearly 30% of its budget to tions, compliance with technical requirements, and the develop new analytical techniques that will limit the successful analysis of quarterly samples that contained likelihood that performance-enhancing substances drugs and metabolites to determine the competency will go undetected when abused by athletes. Dr. Diana of the laboratory. At the same time SMRTL received Wilkins, SMRTL Associate Director of Research and accreditation by the International Standardization a Research Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Organization (ISO). “Becoming accredited by WADA Toxicology, oversees several such research projects. and ISO within three years of beginning operation is a remarkable feat,” said Douglas Rollins, M.D., Ph.D., “We are fortunate to have SMRTL as part of the Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Execu- University’s community,” Rollins said. “It is a scientific asset that enhances the international reputation of tive Director of SMRTL. the University’s Health Science Center as a leader in In 2003, the University of Utah Research Park was se- analytical toxicology and provides a base for University lected as the site for the Sports Medicine Research and faculty to develop new research programs in anti-dopTesting Laboratory (SMRTL) funded by the United ing science.” States Anti-doping Agency (USADA), the National Football League (NFL), and the United States Olym- “Becoming accredited by WADA and ISO within three years of beginning operation is a remarkable feat.” ~ Douglas Rollins, M.D., Ph.D. {10} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Pictured at right: Douglas E. Rollins, M.D., Ph.D. 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {11} {12} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Back on his Own Two Feet At 32 years of age, Troy Peterson was not prepared to “The option Troy chose was a bone transplant using an face the rest of his life in a wheelchair as a result of can- entire pelvic bone from a donor,” says Randall. “It’s a cer. And thanks to tumor removal and reconstructive challenging surgery that, to the best of my knowledge, surgery performed by a Huntsman Cancer Institute had not been performed in Utah prior to that time.” (HCI) sarcoma surgeon, he doesn’t have to. The surgery involved removing a major portion of the In 2001, Troy, a native of Blackfoot, Idaho, was diag- pelvis and hip joint and replacing it with pelvic bone nosed with osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer, in the from a donor. The new bone was attached with plates “I can still enjoy Idaho’s mountains and lakes, and take my boys camping and fishing.” joint where the leg attaches to the hip bone. Other nationally recognized cancer centers told Troy his left leg and pelvic bone must be amputated or he would face death if his cancer recurred. And without the pelvic bone, using a prosthetic leg to stand and walk would be impossible. Even sitting would be difficult. and screws to the remaining portion of Troy’s pelvis near the spine and in the pubic area. After reattaching Troy’s muscles to the new hip, Randall and his team put in an artificial joint to connect the femur. Over time, Troy’s natural bone has meshed with the transplant. Randall notes this type of transplant often results in A neighbor told Troy about R. Lor Randall, M.D., complications and problems for sarcoma patients. But FACS, director of Sarcoma Services at HCI. Randall, an “the surgery went as perfectly as you could possibly associate professor in the Department of Orthopaedics imagine,” says Troy. at the University of Utah School of Medicine, specializes in surgical treatment of sarcomas, an unusual group With both pre-and postsurgery chemotherapy, “it was of cancers that originate in connective tissues such a rough year for Troy,” says Randall. “It was a treas bone, tendons, and cartilage but can arise anywhere mendously hard experience for him, but now he has a in the body. good functional result that allows him to live a happy, healthy life.” Troy has been free of cancer since 2002. The first appointment with Randall marked the beginning of hope for Troy. After studying his case, Randall “I may not be sliding into home plate or showing off presented four surgical options. “Not one of them men- with jump shots anymore, but I can still toss the ball tioned amputation,” Troy says. “I chose the option that around with my three sons (ages 14, 11, and 7),” says would let me keep my leg and give me the best chance Troy. “I can watch them in their sports. I can still enjoy Idaho’s mountains and lakes, and take my boys of still being able to function.” camping and fishing.” 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {13} Passages “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” ~Nelson Henderson {14} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report P a s s a g e s Lorna S. Broadbent Calvin S. Hatch Well traveled and well read, Lorna Broadbent surrounded herself with beautiful things. The youngest of nine children, she graduated from the University of Utah in 1935, and remained an avid supporter of the U throughout her life. While attending business school at South Western University in Los Angeles, she caught the eye of J. R. Broadbent, at a dance. They married September 11, 1936, and raised twin sons and a daughter. Lorna made sure her children and grandchildren were well educated and that they learned to appreciate the arts as she did. She will be remembered for her boundless energy and deep love of family and friends. Lorna Broadbent lived 93 exhilarating, sparkling years. Cal once described his scholarship to the U as the broom closet in the basement of the Park Building. Janitor in 1940, CEO of the Clorox Company years later, Cal was known for his incredible work ethic and leadership skills. He and his wife, JeNeal, established the University’s Hatch Prize in Teaching, the Hatch Scholarship in Nursing Oncology, and the prestigious Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology at the Moran Eye Center. He and JeNeal had just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Cal is survived by JeNeal and their daughters, Marcia Thomas and Julie Hatch and their beloved grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Cal was an optimist – a truly decent, likeable, accomplished gentleman. Mary Rose Middleton Dahl, M.D. Mary rarely took a day off and had a remarkable work ethic Donal B. Hutchison – graduating from the U in three years. She graduated from “Huck” graduated from the U with a degree in business adCornell Medical College in New York and married Douglas S. ministration, and worked many years for First Security Bank. Dahl, M.D., and was a loving and devoted mother to their four He was president of the Ute Club, the Ogden Chapter of the sons. She was known as a pioneer in her field – the first woman American Institute of Banking, and the Ogden Junior Chamto practice ophthalmology in Utah, and the first ophthalmolo- ber of Commerce. After living in Ogden for years, he became gist in Utah to perform fluorescein angiography, a test of blood a well-known resident of Park City, Utah. He was the owner circulation in the retina. She was a clinical professor of oph- of Summit County Title and a partner in Gaydos Investments, thalmology at the U of U, and she and her husband established LLC. He loved skiing, playing tennis and golf. His golfthe Mary Middleton Dahl, M.D. Legacy Scholarship in the ing buddies, “The Fossils,” and his friends will greatly miss School of Medicine at the University of Utah. him. He became a benefactor at the Health Sciences Center through the establishment of The Donal B. Hutchison Endowed Scholarship in the School of Medicine. Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D. A reflective character and curious nature led Dr. Dickman to a career in science and to the University of Utah Medical School in 1946 as an assistant professor. The science of nutrition became a passion for him during his later years, and he went on to publish Pathways to Wellness. Skier, hiker, gifted amateur photographer, he set out on a trek to Nepal at the age of 73, climbed Macchu Picchu in Peru, and skied well into his 80’s. He will be greatly missed by his wife, Eva, children Susan, Bill and Tom, and his grandchildren. Dr. Dickman established a scholarship fund in the School of Medicine in loving memory of his dear daughter, Deborah Ann. Grace G. Madsen Committed to the philosophy of putting the needs of others before those of her own, Grace Madsen always endured her hardships with a positive attitude. She was a giving person by nature. She and her husband, Ed, gave generously for a cardiac rehab center at U Hospital, and later, made an even greater commitment with a gift that established the Edwin L. and Grace G. Madsen Preventive Cardiology Program in the Red Butte Health Center. Their greatest gift ever to the University Hospital Foundation helped create the Madsen Health Center. Grace is survived by her children Edwin L. Madsen, Jr. (Carole), Dr. Michael B. Madsen (Joan), Shari Madsen Foulger (Bill), and 23 grandchildren. 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {15} P a s s a g e s Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ~ Albert Mary Fister Martin Mary was an inspiration to all for her many accomplishments, boundless energy and vibrant personality. She graduated from the University of Utah and married Army Air Corps 1st Lt. William K. Martin. Mary had an illustrious career as an art dealer and promoter of the arts, owning several art galleries in Aspen. She produced a PBS feature film, wrote numerous books, poems, two musicals, and even had a television show in Aspen called “The Wink and Mary Show.” Mary traveled extensively and had friends from around the world. She was a member of the Society of Inventors, and a University of Utah Alumnae Emeritus Award recipient. Craig Hart Neilsen Craig Hart Neilsen, founder of The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation and Ameristar Casinos, Inc., was an alumnus of the University, and posthumously received the Alumni Association’s 2007 Distinguished Alumnus Award. For all his accomplishments as a business and community leader, Craig Neilsen’s greatest legacy just may be as a philanthropist. He established The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation in 2003 to support spinal cord injury research and rehabilitation programs. Since May 2005, the Foundation has funded over $500,000 to the University of Utah for basic science research related to SCI at The Brain Institute, outreach recreation programs for people with SCI at the University Hospital Rehabilitation Center and scholarships for students with SCI at the University. Raymond J. Noorda Ray learned early that all reputable employment was honorable. During the Great Depression he helped supplement the family’s income by setting pins in a bowling alley, picking cherries and herding sheep. He was an exceptional baseball player in high school and was asked to join the pros but his mother said he was going to college. He graduated from the U with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, joined Novell, Inc., as president and CEO, and became known as the Father of Network Computing. Ray loved to give anonymously, and established the Worth of a Soul Foundation to accomplish that goal. {16} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Einstein Richard K. Obyn Richard K. Obyn was born in Ghent, Belgium, and served his country during the four-year German occupation of Western Europe during World War II. Not wanting to be separated, he and his sweetheart, Maria Augustina Vercammen, married. They bravely overcame fears of deportation, military oppression and starvation through perseverance, love, and a belief in the future. They immigrated to America and always valued their American citizenship. Later, they became benefactors of the U’s Health Sciences Center, establishing scholarships in all four colleges (medicine, nursing, pharmacy and health) to benefit young people who have had to overcome adversity in their lives. Richard is survived by his beloved wife of 66 years - his “reason for living and greatest asset.” Roy W. Simmons The University of Utah lost a true friend when Roy W. Simmons passed away at the age of 90. While attending the University of Utah, Roy met his future wife, Elizabeth “Tibby” Ellison, and together they had six children - Julia, Elizabeth, Matthew, L.E., Harris and David. Beginning in 1940, Roy began his long, successful career in banking, including a stint as the youngest state banking commissioner in the United States, and roles as the CEO and chairman of Zions Bancorporation. Roy and Tibby also dedicated time to improving the community, and were great supporters of the arts (particularly Pioneer Theater Company and Pioneer Memorial Theater, named in Roy and Tibby’s honor) and the Moran Eye Center. Ida W. Smith Ida Smith was born and raised in Box Elder County, and married Dee, her childhood sweetheart. Ida was an extraordinary philanthropist, supporting the United Way, the University of Utah, Weber State University, Utah State University, and the Children’s Aid Society of Utah. She and Dee established two endowed chairs at the U, one in cardiology research in memory of their dear granddaughter, Christi T. Smith, who suffered from heart disease, and one in cancer research, cancer having claimed Dee’s life. Ida and Dee believed in “giving more than 100 percent in everything.” That belief became a way of life for them and their family of three sons, who have carried on the family businesses and the legacy. P a s s a g e s Sam W. Souvall Ann K. Stewart Sam W. Souvall was born of Greek immigrant parents, and Ann Stewart had a passion for art that included searching, seeserved as a Captain in the Army during World War II. On ing, helping others to see, preserving and restoring. She was June 2, 1946, he married Mary Sargetis, the love and inspira- an artist who traveled widely, visiting art museums, sketching, tion of his life, and together they had four children. Above all, painting and photographing what she found. In 1978, Ann Sam valued his family. As a successful entrepreneur and busi- was an enthusiastic member of the Utah Museum of Fine ness executive, Sam was known for his ability to lead wisely Art’s first docent class. Then, she became the Associate Curaand honorably as CEO of several companies, including Souvall tor of Education at the UMFA in 1987. She and her husband, Brothers. Active in the Salt Lake Greek Orthodox Community, J. Robert Stewart, M.D., a highly respected professor of radiaSam was awarded the St. Paul Medal for distinguished service tion oncology at the U, became patrons of the Health Sciences, to the Orthodox Church by Archbishop Lakovos in 1965. Sam as well as the arts, to help fund research for the prevention of served with distinction on the Health Sciences Council at the brain tumors, from which Ann died. She is survived by her husband and their four sons. University of Utah. Eleanore Eccles Steele Grace A. Tanner Daughter of Marriner Eccles, Eleanore was a devoted wife and caring mother of three children, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She had many social responsibilities, yet her family was her first love. She enjoyed gardening, golf and particularly playing bridge. Eleanore and her late husband, Harold, quoted Pablo Casals (1876-1973) on the plaque outside The Harold J. and Eleanore Eccles Steele Infusion Room at the Huntsman Cancer Institute - “The capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest meaning and significance.” Their gift has provided a beautiful procedure room for those suffering from cancer – and has carried on the Eccles tradition of giving back to the community that has given so much to them. Known for her keen mind, great curiosity, and compassionate heart, Grace Tanner’s life has woven itself through the fabric of Utah. She and her late husband, Obert C. Tanner, the parents of six children, have bequeathed a legacy of giving throughout Utah. The Gift of Music and the Humanities Center at the University of Utah bear the couple’s names, and The Alumni Room at the University of Utah bears her name. Grace was truly gracious, an uncommon woman who exuded charm and generosity in every facet of life. She studied at the U for three years, then graduated from Southern Utah University in Cedar City, where the Grace A. Tanner Center for Human Values is located. Richard R. Steiner Joyce A. Tornquist Joyce had a long and successful business career, including Richard Steiner was known for his passions…passions that service in the Utah State Auditor’s Office for 11 years, five included his family, sports, business, community, and flying. years owning and operating an employment agency, then ownA licensed pilot at age 16, Dick flew in WWII, and continued ing three retail clothing stores under the name “Shanty.” She flying a variety of aircraft until he gave up jet flying at age became a licensed realtor and worked for 31 years in the real 77. After assuming the helm of the family business, American estate business. She was noted for her generous philanthropy, Linen Supply Company (1959), now known as Alsco, Dick supporting many charities within the community, including grew the company to an organization of 127 plants in nine those providing services to children, the elderly, the cultural countries. Dick was also very active in his community and arts and education, particularly at the University of Utah. served on numerous boards. His love of sports, especially swimming, led to the building of two Steiner Aquatic Centers; one on Guardsman Way and the other on California Avenue in Salt Lake. 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {17} Fully-Funded Endowed Chairs at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center Endowed chairs are supported by endowments at two levels—the $1 million level (Endowed Chair) and the $1.25 million level (Presidential Endowed Chair). The University is honored to be the recipient of the generous gifts establishing these fully-funded endowed chairs. The Chairs provide key support to men and women who have distinguished themselves in teaching, research and community service. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” ~Benjamin Franklin Ross R. Anderson, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgery Established by Elliott V. Anderson in Honor of His Father D. Keith Barnes, M.D. and Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N. Presidential Endowed Chair in The School of Medicine Grant H. Beckstrand, M.D. and Mildred Burrows Beckstrand Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgical Oncology CHAIR HOLDER: Sean J. Mulvihill, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Randall W. Burt, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress Associated Regional and University Pathologists (ARUP) Presidential Endowed Chair Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N. and D. Keith Barnes, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in The College of Nursing H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology CHAIR HOLDER: Peter E. Jensen, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Janice M. Morse, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: D. Ware Branch, M.D. H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in Radiology CHAIR HOLDER: Edwin A. Stevens, M.D. {18} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report E n d o w e d H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing Wilma T. Gibson Presidential Endowed Chair In Pediatrics CHAIR HOLDER: J. Michael Dean, M.D., MBA CHAIR HOLDER: Ginette A. Pepper, Ph.D., CHAIR HOLDER: Edward B. Clark, M.D. Ch a i r s R.N., FAAN H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair CHAIR HOLDER: Jerry Kaplan, Ph.D. H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair CHAIR HOLDER: Mario R. Capecchi, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Gerald G. Krueger, M.D. Annette Poulson Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in Women’s and Reproductive Health H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair CHAIR HOLDER: Wesley I. Sundquist, Ph.D. H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair CHAIR HOLDER: Carl S. Thummel, Ph.D. H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chairs (5) CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Searches in Progress B. Lue and Hope S. Bettilyon Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine for Diabetes Research CHAIR HOLDER: Donald A. McClain, M.D., Ph.D. Clarence M. and Ruth N. Birrer Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine in Memory of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Nielson, Dr. Karl O. Nielson, Dr. Kenneth A. Nielson, Dr. Paul E. Nielson and Mr. Douglas W. Nielson George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby and John E. Bamberger Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences Center CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatric Infectious Diseases CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress CHAIR HOLDER: P atricia A. Murphy, CNM, DrPH, FACNM Willard Snow Hansen Endowed Chair in Cancer Research Established in Loving Memory by His Daughter, Mary Boesche Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in Dermatology CHAIR HOLDER: David M. Virshup, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress Leslie W. Davis Endowed Chair in Neuroradiology in the Department of Radiology CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress William H. and Patricia W. Child Presidential Endowed Chair Honoring Pioneering Utah Women in Medicine CHAIR HOLDER: Anne G. Osborn, M.D. Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby Presidential Endowed Chair in Human Genetics CHAIR HOLDER: William H. Barry, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in Rheumatology Thomas D. Dee II Presidential Endowed Chair in Genetics CHAIR HOLDER: Barry Cole, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Mark Leppert, M.D. Dialysis Research Foundation Endowed Chair in the Department of Internal Medicine Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress CHAIR HOLDER: Alfred K. Cheung, M.D. John A. Dixon, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences C. Charles Hetzel, Jr., M.D. and Alice Barker Hetzel Presidential Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology CHAIR HOLDER: Clough Shelton, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: C. Matthew Peterson, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: John R. Hoidal, M.D. Kenneth P. Burbidge, Presidential Endowed Chair for Pulmonary Medicine and Lung Transplantation Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology E. R. Dumke, Jr. and Katherine W. Dumke Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine Albert and Margaret Hofmann Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Research, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery CHAIR HOLDER: Michael Jason Penrod, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Roy D. Bloebaum, Ph.D. George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy Jon M. Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair in Urological Oncology in Honor of Robert A. Stephenson, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: David W. Grainger, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Robert A. Stephenson, M.D. Valois Egbert Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine Mark H. Huntsman Endowed Chair in Advanced Medical Technologies CHAIR HOLDER: Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress CHAIR HOLDER: Raymond F. Gesteland, Ph.D. 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {19} e n d o w e d Ch a i r s Thomas E. and Rebecca D. Jeremy Presidential Endowed Chair for Arthritis Research CHAIR HOLDER: Grant W. Cannon, M.D. Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins Endowed Chair in Pathology in Honor of Ernst J. Eichwald, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Janis J. Weis, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Aaron Hofmann, M.D. August L. “Larry” Jung, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of Neonatology CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress Mary Scowcroft Peery Presidential Endowed Chair Established by Louis S. Peery, M.D. in Loving Memory of His Mother Ralph E. and Willia T. Main Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research CHAIR HOLDER: Robert T. Burks, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Mary Beckerle, Ph.D. Attilio D. Renzetti, Jr., M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair by the Division of Respiratory, Critical Care and Occupational Pulmonary Medicine Ann G. and Jack Mark Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress Glenn and Ben Schmidt/Edgar Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurology Governor Scott M. Matheson Presidential Endowed Chair in Health Care and Health Management CHAIR HOLDER: Francis M. Filloux, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Richard J. Sperry, M.D., Ph.D. Christi T. Smith Endowed Chair in Cardiology Research Established by Her Grandparents, Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith CHAIR HOLDER: Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Randall J Olson, M.D. T. F. H. Morton, M.D. Endowed Chair in Family and Preventive Medicine Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith Endowed Chair in Cancer Research CHAIR HOLDER: Frank Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDERS: Marc Babitz, M.D. and John Henry and Nancy Lenore Parker Endowed Chair in Medical Imaging Research Clifford C. Snyder, M.D. – Far Eastern Presidential Endowed Chair at the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library CHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress CHAIR HOLDER: Clifford C. Snyder, M.D. Louis H. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing Established in Loving Memory by His Son, Louis S. Peery, M.D. Harold J. “Steve,” Ardella T., and Helen T. Stevenson Presidential Endowed Chair in Rheumatology in Honor of Daniel O. Clegg, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Maureen R. Keefe, Ph.D., CHAIR HOLDER: Daniel O. Clegg, M.D. George L. White, Ph.D. R.N., FAAN Louis S. Peery, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery Ralph and Mary Tuck Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology CHAIR HOLDER: Wolfgang Baehr, Ph.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Harold K. Dunn, M.D. Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing CHAIR HOLDER: Raymond A. Daynes, Ph.D. R. C. Willey Endowed Chair in Neuroradiology CHAIR HOLDER: John P. Burke, M.D. John A. Moran Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology in Honor of Randall J Olson, M.D. Reverend George J. Weber Presidential Endowed Chair in Immunology Established by Edith F. Weber in Honor of Her Husband L. George Veasy, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology CHAIR HOLDER: Robert E. Shaddy, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Kathi H. Mooney, Ph.D., R.N. Marion L. Walker, M.D. Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery CHAIR HOLDER: Douglas L. Brockmeyer, M.D. {20} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report CHAIR HOLDER: H. Ric Harnsberger, M.D. George and Lorna Winder Presidential Endowed Chair in Neurosciences CHAIR HOLDER: Thomas N. Parks, Ph.D. John Rex and Alice C. Winder Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D. CHAIR HOLDER: Thomas H. Caine, M.D. Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine CHAIR HOLDER: James P. Kushner, M.D. K. C. Wong, M.D, Ph.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of Anesthesiology, University of Utah CHAIR HOLDER: Talmage D. Egan, M.D. Joseph J. Yager Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine CHAIR HOLDER: William T. Couldwell, M.D. E n d o w e d Anne Osborn and Ronald E. Poelman Presidential Endowed Chair in Radiology ANONYMOUS PLANNE D G IVIN G C H AIRS Dr. Don Merrill Rees Endowed Chair in the Division of Infectious Diseases for the Investigation of Vector Borne Diseases Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Research Dr. Charles K. Beyer-Machule Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Biochemistry Rodney H. and Carolyn H. Brady Presidential Endowed Chair in Hematology /Oncology in Honor of John H. Ward, M.D. Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Presidential Endowed Chair in Healthy Aging C H AIRS T H AT ARE ESTA B LIS H E D T H ROU G H PLANNE D G IFTS INCLU D IN G ANONYMOUS David G. and Marcia P. Bragg Endowed Chair in Oncologic Imaging Robert S. and Beth M. Carter Endowed Chair in the College of Nursing George E. Cartwright, M.D. Endowed Chair in the Department of Internal Medicine Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Presidential Endowed Chair in Medical Informatics (1) Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Presidential Endowed Chair in Medical Informatics (2) Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and Catherine B. Gates Dean’s Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgery Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and Catherine B. Gates Presidential Endowed Chair for the Advancement of Medical Education Val A. and Edith D. Green Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology Ch a i r s Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine for Diabetes Research Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology (#1) Dr. Leo T. Samuels and Barbara K. Samuels Presidential Endowed Chair in Biochemistry Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology (#2) Endowed Chair in Neurology Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of General Internal Medicine in Honor of John H. Holbrook, M.D. Endowed Chair in Pharmacy Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences (1) Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences (2) Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine William H. and Edna D. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine Established by Richard L. Stimson in Honor of his Parents John and June B. Hartman Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology Dr. Nymphus Frederick Hicken, Alta Thomas Hicken, and Margaret Stahl Wilkin Hicken Endowed Chair in Family and Preventive Medicine Bruce and Patty Miller Endowed Chair in Radiology in Honor of David G. Bragg, M.D. Michael T. and Taylor Miller Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences Center 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {21} 2006 Expenditures 4% 5% 6% 24% 29% 3% 61% 68% SCHOOL OF MEDICINE $507.1 Million COLLEGE OF PHARMACY $5.4 Million 6% 8% 3% 6% 30% 56% 83% 8% COLLEGE OF NURSING $12.6 Million 7% COLLEGE OF HEALTH $11.1 Million 1% 35% 99% Tuition & Fees Clinical Services Research Gifts 6% ECCLES HEALTH SCIENCES LIBARY $5.4 Million {22} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report UNIVERSITY HOPITALS AND CLINICS $547.2 Million D o n o r R e p o r t Benefactors Donor Report B e n e fa c t o r s A distinction applied to donors who have contributed of bequeathed gifts totaling $1 million or more to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Rex and Linda Ahlstrom Clarence H.* Albaugh, M.D. and Estelle* Hardy Albaugh Margaret Allen Amundsen* Elliott V. Anderson* G. W. and Lee Anderson Val A.* and Edith D. Green Dr. Orson W.* and Dora D.* White Drs. George D.* and Esther S.* Gross George* and Lorna* Winder John* and June B. Hartman John Rex* and Alice C.* Winder Calvin S.* and JeNeal N. Hatch Dr.* and Mrs.* Maxwell M. Wintrobe Martha Ann Dumke Healy Joseph J. Yager* Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and Alice B.* Hetzel Anonymous Dr. William I. and Setsuko* Higuchi Corporations and Foundations Dr. Aaron A. and Suzanne Hofmann Abbott Laboratories Fund Frank and Connie Hull ALSAM Foundation Jon and Karen Huntsman American Cancer Society Donal B. Hutchison* Associated Regional and University Pathologists (ARUP Laboratories) M. Russell and Barbara Ballard Dr. Webster S. S. and Alice L.* Jee D. Keith* Barnes, M.D. and Ida May “Dotty”* Barnes, R.N. Thomas E.* and Rebecca D.* Jeremy Joseph H.* Kelley and Esther J.* Kelley Dr. Grant H.* and Mildred Burrows* Beckstrand Edwin L.* and Grace G.* Madsen A. E.* and Rosemary* Benning Ralph E.* and Willia T.* Main H. A.* and Edna* Benning Jack* and Ann* Mark B. Lue* and Hope S.* Bettilyon Gaye Marrash Dr. Charles K. and Janice Beyer-Machule Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Miller Clarence* and Ruth N.* Birrer Michael T.* and Taylor Miller Mary H. Boesche* John A. Moran Rodney H. and Carolyn Hansen Brady Richard K.* and Maria A. Obyn J. Gordon* and Betty* Browning James Packer Kenneth P.* Burbidge, Jr. and Sally R. Burbidge The Kerry Packer Family Robert S.* and Beth M.* Carter In Memory of Terri Anna Perine Dr. George Eastman* and Helene* Cartwright Family Ronald E. Poelman and Anne G. Osborn, M.D. Marriner S. Eccles Foundation Mr. and Mrs. F. Burton Cassity Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck William H. and Patricia W. Child Dr. Thomas D. and Natalie B. Rees Educational Resource Development Council (ERDC) Associated University Pathologists, Inc. Val A. Browning Foundation Burroughs Wellcome Fund T. G. “Bud” and Barbara Mahas Robert S. Carter Foundation The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation Ciba-Geigy Corporation Cumming Foundation Dialysis Research Foundation Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis Dumke Foundation Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles Family Foundation Dr. Louis S.* and Janet B.* Peery George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation Willard L. Eccles Charitable Foundation Carmen M. Christensen Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby* Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap FHP Foundation Ian and Annette Cumming L. S. and Aline W. Skaggs Fidelity Investments Charitable Fund George* and Florence* Dauncey Ida W.* Smith and Dee Glen* Smith Glaxo Wellcome, Inc. Dr. Candace Cartwright Dee and Thomas D. Dee III Ryan, Scott and Nicholas Smith Howard Hughes Medical Institute The Thomas D. Dee II Family Theodore and Mary Ann Stanley and Sons Huntsman Cancer Foundation Harold J.* and Eleanor* Eccles Steele Huntsman Corporation Employees Katherine W. and E. R. Dumke, Jr. Harold J.,* Ardella T.* and Helen T.* Stevenson Jon and Karen Huntsman Foundation Joe and Alexandra Dwek Grace E. Stilwell* George S.* and Dolores Doré* Eccles Emma Eccles Jones Foundation Richard L. Stimson Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles W. M. Keck Foundation Arthur and Haru Toimoto The Spencer S. Eccles Family Mary M. Tuck* The Jack D. and Grace F. Madson Foundation Valois Egbert* Keith A. and Amy Van Horn Ben B. and Iris M. Margolis Foundation Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay C. Scott and Dorothy E.* Watkins Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust Dr. Claudius Y.* and Catherine B.* Gates Reverend George J.* and Edith F.* Weber Edmund W. and Carol B. Dumke Intermountain Healthcare *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {23} D o n o r r e p o r t Benefactors/Patrons/Associates G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation Dr. Richard E. Hurley* Salt Lake Organizing Committee 2002 Dr. D. Rees* and Eleanor T.* Jensen Schering Plough Research Institute Estate of Thomas C. Mathews, Jr. Skip and Kimberly Klintworth Skaggs Companies, Inc. Muscular Dystrophy Association Dr. Leland O.* and Avanelle W.* Learned Symbion, Inc. Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation Bruce and Patty Miller TheraTech, Inc. Primary Children’s Foundation Pediatric Research Fund G. Mitchell and June M. Morris United States Olympic Committee Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. Sherman R.* and Marjorie E.* Oblad University Hospital Auxiliary H. Glenn* and Geraldine W. Olson Utah Lions’ Eye Bank Dr. Randall J and Ruth Olson Workers Compensation Fund Ross Products Division Abbott Laboratories Stanley Research Foundation Thrasher Research Fund Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation Worth of a Soul Foundation Anonymous Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D. and Anne J. Parker Dr. Alan R. and Carmen Ruth Pratt Esther Pritchard* Mary Louise and Ben E.* Rawlings Rudolph P.* and Edna S.* Reese Jack R.* and Hazel M. Robertson Patrons A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts totaling $500,000-$999,000 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. A s sociat es A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts totaling $100,000-$499,000 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Dr. Leo T.* and Barbara K. Samuels Lillian Rich Simister* Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and Joan C. Critchlow, M.D. David R. and Susan B. Spafford Merle Ashton* J. Robert and Ann K.* Stewart Lydia B. Barkley Dr. Ewart A.* and Grace P.* Swinyard The M. Bastian Family The Thurzal Q.* Terry Family Dr. R. David and Mary Beth Beck Helene Druke Shaw* Ruth S. Walker* and Elizabeth Steed Walker* Vernon Beeler John W. Athens, M.D. and Georgia R. Athens Stephen A. and Elaine Wynn George and Phee Belsey Fred F.* and Frieda Lee* Auerbach Olive S. Young* Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Biedermann Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barker Anonymous Lawrence W. and Barbara A. Birrer Echomae Anderson* John and Toni Bloomberg Calvin A.* and Hope Fox Eccles* Behle Lamont G. and Reva A. Blackhurst H. Roger and Sara S. Boyer Corporations and Foundations Mark M. Boucek, M.D. Reed W. Brinton A. H. Robins Company, Inc. John H.* and Orah* Brandt Elbert F.* and Marie* Christensen American Registry of Pathology Melvin T.,* Jean R.,* and Fern B.* Briggs Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Clark Lorna Siddoway Broadbent* Joseph T. Crockett, M.D.* Ruth Eleanor and John Ernest Bamberger Memorial Foundation Margaret Cronkite* Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Fraser and Jennifer Bullock Leslie W. Davis* R. Harold Burton Foundation Barbara R. Burnett William R.* and Shirley E. Droschkey The Castle Foundation R. Harold* and Maybelle Covey* Burton Gordon E. Drummond* Ciba Specialty Chemicals Dona Call* Dr. Warren G. and Gretha W. Eyre Deseret Management Corporation Louis H. and Ellen G. Callister Lockwood W.* and Dorothy B.* Ferris Max C. Fleischmann Foundation Alan and Beverly Frank Fluor Enterprises, Inc. Dr. Justin D. and Barbara Weaver Call Family Simon* and Suzanne* Frank Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. Warren* and Jessica* Cannon Wilma T. Gibson* John C. and Bliss L. Hubbard Foundation George W.* and Beatrice B.* Carter Jack* and Marjorie R.* Goodman and Family Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation Philip A. Cash Lipocine, Inc. Peter Cayais Gayle R. Gordon* Merck & Co., Inc. Robert R.* and Vera S.* Cederlof James F.* and Joyce E. Harris Pfizer, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Song Hwan Choi Terrance Henderson Pharmacia & Upjohn Frank L. Christensen* Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and Dorothy B.* Hetzel Pharmacia, Inc. Rodney H. and Sally E. Christensen Dr. N. Frederick* and Margarete Hicken Pharmacia Ophthalmics Joseph C. Clark, Jr.* Picker International, Inc. Edward W.* and Betty J.* Clyde {24} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Calvin Reed Brown* D o n o r R e p o r t Associates Earl L. Cockran* Dr. William D. and Margaret F. Odell Floyd and Mary Anne Cooper Gordon M. and Marcia Olch Dr. and Mrs. Alan Crandall William H.* and Margaret D.* Olwell Rex and Phyllis Crosland Pauline Clyde Pace Duane and Jean Crowther Dr. Virgil J. and Jacquelyn A. Parker Irwin Curtis Dr. and Mrs. James Lamar Parkin Cheryl B. Dalley Dr. Dinesh C. and Kalpana Patel Charlene J. Davis* Gus* and Barbara Paulos Dr. and Mrs. Victor A. Diaz Wayne J. Peay Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D. Wanda Peccole David A. Dolowitz, M.D.* and Frances Dolowitz* and Family Sara H. Perry* Dr. Raymond C. and Bobbie Doucette Claire Dumke-Ryberg and Stephen M. Ryberg Dr. Harold K. and Kathryn Dunn Willard L.* and Ruth P.* Eccles Henry W.* and Leslie M.* Eskuche The William C. Fagergren Family Audrey Noall Peterson Jane Dooly Porter “The path to greatness is along with others.” Betty F. Probst Arlene O. and Alan T. Rappleye, M.D. Dr. J. Charles and Jasmine F. Rich Marjorie Riches-Gunn ~ Baltasar Gracion Bunny* and Martha* Rieser Family Janke C. H. Kolff Josephine F. and J. Mark Rose Willem J. Kolff, M.D. Joseph* and Evelyn* Rosenblatt Gerald G. Krueger and Melissa M. Weidner Herbert D. Ruttenberg, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Kuramoto Lois Edna Salamata* Kenneth R. and Cynthia P. Laird B. F. and Lynda Sammons Larry S. and Marilyn A. Larkin Family Andrew J. and Carolyn Rice Schilly Janet Quinney Lawson Mildred C. Schwedler* George Allen* and Merline C. Leaming Dr. James R. and Mary Jo Scott Leonard J. and Lois Lewis Dorothy L. Shields* Lawrence Harvey* M. Scott Linscott, M.D. and Nora L. Linscott Winston B. Shipp* Nancy Eccles* and Homer M. Hayward Allan M. Lipman, Jr. and Kay W. Lipman Darlene H. Hobson David E. and Melinda Simmons Dan Lundergan and Liz Winter Mr.* and Mrs.* James E. Hogle, Sr. Glen M.* and Josephine C.* Sims Steven J. and Kalleen Lund and Family Alvilda N. Taylor Hooper* Jay A.* and Ruth Smart Alexander “Tuffy”* and Anne* Mark Jeff and Stacy Hornacek Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sorenson Dr. John H. and Helen M.* Marsden P. Dan and Kim W. Huish In Memory of Wayman R. Spence, M.D. In Memory of Thomas Kearns McCarthey Gloria N. and Richard A. Irion, M.D. Richard R. Steiner* Richard L. and Joanne S. McGillis Ellis and Katie Ivory Carlyle F. Stout, M.D.* Florence McNeil* Dr. and Amy C. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. David A. Symond Nick* and Dale Anne Meagher John W.* and Helen B.* Jarman Karen Lee and Mickey Taylor Dr. Drew B.* and Utahna B.* Meilstrup Hilga L. Johnson* Alice G. Telford Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mellott J. George* and Velma Rife* Jones Marilyn S. Tennity* Herbert I.* and Elsa B.* Michael Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D. Dr. Stephen R. and Valerie W. Terry Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills The Robert A. Judelson Family Michael P. Teske, M.D. Donald and Barbara Moore In Loving Memory of Amy Sue Kanner E. Parry and Peggy C. Thomas In Memory of Benjamin Edward Moran Robert D.* Kent, Jr. and Carma Rae Kent Lorraine Tyndale* Vernal J. and Anora Mortensen Yong Il Kim Dr.* and Mrs.* LeGrand Uffens Don and Joy Nelson Ranch Snow* and Josephine S. Kimball Dr. Stephen C. and Christine Voss Paul E. Nielson* Edward C. Klatt, M.D. Dr. John L. and Susan Wintrobe Walker Shirley Norton* Michael Knowlton John M.* and Glenn Walker* Wallace Elinor Oakes* Mr. and Mrs. Bart Warner Mary Marshall Fitch* David L.* and Blanche E.* Freed Eldon L.* and Winona A.* Frost David P. and Sheila S. Gardner Thomas and Anna Gerrity James Craig and Pamela D. Gilbert Dr. and Mrs. E. Marlowe Goble John B. and Geraldine W. Goddard Reece and Shirley Ann Stobbe Goodrich Perry and Marty Granoff Diane G. Kolff Max T. Sabour Harris H. Simmons *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {25} D o n o r r e p o r t Associates Maurice* and Inez* Warshaw Gears Transmission & Drivetrain Repair Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D. Genentech, Inc. Trent H., Jr. and Mary Wells Geoli Investment Company M. Harve Williams* The J. Paul Getty Trust Sylvan and Maurine Wittwer GlaxoSmithKline Harold H. Wolf, Ph.D. and Joan S. Wolf, Ph.D. Elliott Mitchell* and Judith W. Wolfe Howard* and Elinor Wolff Dr. Harry C. and Jean A. Wong “Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.” James B. Wood ~George Eliot In Memory of Don W. Wortley Anonymous Corporations and Foundations 3Com 3M Adeza Biomedical Corporation ADR Ultrasound Advanced Medical Optics Aesculap, Inc. Albertsons Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Alcon Research, Ltd. Allergan, Inc. Allergan Medical Optics Amalgamated Sugar Company Amaric Corporation American Cyanamid Company American Express Foundation American Express Philanthropic Program American Health Assistance Foundation American Iron & Steel Institute American Medical Association American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery American Stores Company AMGEN Applied Informatics Aris Vision, Inc. Ashton Family Foundation Astra USA, Inc. AstraMerck Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Jacob E. Bamberger Memorial Foundation Bankers Trust Company Bausch & Lomb BD Matching Gift Program Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Becton Dickinson Foundation Beneficial Financial Group Beneficial Life Insurance Company Berlex Laboratories, Inc. Biomet W. Hughes Brockbank Foundation Val A. Browning Foundation The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Burton Family Foundation Edward L. Burton Foundation CaP CURE Capintec, Inc. Castle Foundation Christiana Foundation, Inc. Cisco Systems Citadel Communications Corporation The Commonwealth Fund CPEC, Inc. CTRC Research Foundation Cura Capital Corporation Annie Taylor Dee Foundation The Lawrence T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation Delta Air Lines Deseret Power Deseret News Publishing Company Deutsche Bank Energy Solutions Enka Glanzstoff AG Envirocare of Utah, Inc. Expression Genetics, Inc. Far Eastern Foundation Fidelity Foundation First Security Bank of Utah The Fluor Foundation The Foundation Fighting Blindness Franklin Covey Fraternal Order of Eagles, Grand Aerie, F.O.E. #2472 The Helene Fuld Health Trust {26} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Glenwood, Inc. The Good Works Institute, Inc. Greg Krueger Lincoln Mercury Guidant Foundation, Inc. John A. Hartford Foundation Cora T. Hayward Educational Trust HCM Graphic Systems, Inc. Heart Rhythm Society Huish Detergents IBM Corporation ICI Americas, Inc. IOLAB Corporation IVAC Corporation Janssen Research Foundation Johnson & Johnson, Inc. KJZZ TV Kresge Foundation The Kroc Foundation Janet Quinney Lawson Foundation Layton Construction Company, Inc. LDS Hospital Lymphoma Foundation MacroMed, Inc. Marconi Medical Systems Mark Family Foundation The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Mayo Clinic McNeil Consumer Products Company Mead Johnson & Company Medforte Research Foundation Medtronic, Inc. Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc. Menley & James Laboratories, Ltd. Merck Sharp & Dohme Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mark and Kathie Miller Foundation Mountain Bell Foundation Murex Foundation National Basketball Association National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Utah Chapter The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation O. C. Tanner D o n o r R e p o r t Associates/Founders Organon, Inc. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Haven J. and Bonnie Rae* Barlow Orthopedic Surgery Seminars, Inc. Surdna Foundation Cindy and Mitchell F. Barney, M.D. Pacificorp Swire Coca-Cola, USA Jane K. Bassler PacifiCorp Foundation for Learning Clark L. Tanner Foundation The A. Kyle* and Lael S. Bettilyon Family The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Terumo Corporation Albert E. and Margaret Bradbury Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research Tiger Oil Company Mary Jo Burgess, M.D. Triton Biosciences, Inc. Dr. Nelson A. and Amy Burton Pepsi-Cola Company TRW, Inc. Marjorie J. Campbell Sara H. Perry Trust U S West C. Hilmon Castle, M.D. Pfizer Foundation Union Pacific Corporation Samuel C. and Myra G. Powell Foundation Union Pacific Employee Matching Gift Program Dr. Kenneth B.* and Heloise Snow Armstrong* Castleton The Procter & Gamble Company Union Pacific Foundation Howard and Betty Clark Questar Corporation United Way of the Great Salt Lake Area Mrs. Walter E. Cosgriff * Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute University of California-San Francisco Dr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cowley S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D. Qwest University of Utah Department of Radiology Radionics, Inc. University of Utah Hospital Radionuclides in Nephrology Mary Middleton Dahl, M.D.* and Douglas S. Dahl, M.D. Reaud Charitable Foundation, Inc. University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute John E. Edwards* Research Industries Corporation The Utah Autism Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John Emmett Research Medical Incorporated Utah Lions Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William K. England Richards Memorial Medical Foundation Utah Pain Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George W. Etheridge, Jr. Robert Whyte-Audant Pty., Ltd. Utah Power & Light Company Gail Fawcett Ross Laboratories Utah Showdown Jessie* and Patrick* Fitzgerald RSNA Research and Education Foundation Volunteer Services/University Hospital Fay Fletcher Warner-Lambert Company Drs. James W.* and Margie S. Freston Salt Lake Buzz Maurice Warshaw Foundation Sterling B. and Shelli Gardner F. Fox and L. Samuels Foundation, Inc. Wasatch Property Management Kendall D.* and Betty M. Garff Samyang Corporation Wells Fargo Clark P. and Nancy L. Giles Sandoz, Inc. Won-Door Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A. Godfrey Schwarz Pharma AG Workers Compensation Fund Paul R. and Ann Green Searle Research & Development Wyeth Ayerst Laboratories Shionogi & Company, Ltd. Zions First National Bank Bernard I. Grosser, M.D. and Karen J. McArthur Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Zions Management Services Company Ernest W. Hahn* Harry S. Sloane Foundation SmithKline Beckman Corporation SmithKline Beecham Foundation SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Sorenson Development, Inc. St. Jude Medical Foundation St. Mark’s Hospital Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Curtis Peggy Norton Hansen, M.D. Signetics Corporation Harris H. and Amanda P. Simmons Foundation F. W. “Wint” Champ* Margaret Harrop* Founders A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts totaling $50,000-$99,000 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Sam and Kathleen Alacano The Peggy Lynn Aldrich* Family Richard G. and Margaret Heers Mary E. Hercik* Robert H. Hinckley, Jr.* and Janice S. Hinckley Ryan, Tyler and Abby Hornacek Bruce* and Maria K. Houtchens Nancy C. and Dennis C. Hughes, M.D. Blaine and Nancy Huntsman Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN Stewart Education Foundation, Elizabeth Dee Shaw Stewart Dr. Richard Lee and Susan Anderson Marvin L. and Lynn* Arent Dr. Marcus Jacobson* and Ruth A. Kurzbauer Stichting Benevolentia Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Melbourne Armstrong Ann A. and Leonard W.* Jarcho StorageTek Foundation Nicholas D. and Avis Badami Jody and Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D. Storz Instrument Company John Balken, M.D. Kenneth and Noriene Jee Gleason W. Irwin* *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {27} D o n o r r e p o r t Founders Edith M. Jennings* Dr. William* and Ruth K.* Stone Clear Channel Communications Joseph S.* and Marjorie A. Jones R. Anthony Sweet Colorado State University Foundation Donald Kalman Ann Jarcho Thomas and J. Robert* Thomas Comcast Dr. Robert L. and Terrie Hillier Treft Control Data Corporation Dr. and Mrs.* Richard H. Keller Dr. Frank H.* and Alida W. Tyler Conwed Foundation Dr. Carl R. and Gillean M. Kjeldsberg Pamela C. and Ronald L.* Urry, Ph.D. Coopervision Neil and Edie Kochenour Keith and Susan Warshaw The Cottonwood Hospital Medical Center Kihong Kwon, M.D. Maysie Eccles Watts Criticare Systems, Inc. The Jerome J. Landa Family Dr. Lawrence and Delores M. Weaver DAV Thrift Stores Trustees P. Marion Lennberg Dr. Ray and Joan White Deloitte & Touche Max B.,* Virginia E.,* and Karen V. Lewis Dr. Neal Whitman Denver Rio Grande Western Railroad Dr. and Mrs. Xiao Jian Li Emerson C. Willey* Deseret Medical, Inc. H. William Lichtenberger Kenneth L. Williams Family Deseret Pharmaceutical, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Edmund Wattis Littlefield LaVonda B.* and Glenn C.* Wilson, M.D. Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Marcia J. Litzinger, M.D. Dr. Burke L. and Helen H. Winget Anonymous Devine Racing, LLC Dr. Richard E. Kanner and Dr. Suzanne S. Stensaas Dr. Robert E.* and Evelyn M.* Long Don A. and Marjorie W. Mackey Community Health Charities of Utah Devonshire Foundation Diatek Medical Technology Incorporated Arch L.* and Margaret D. H.* Madsen Corporations and Foundations Rick Majerus Alcoa Foundation Vincent P. and Janet Mancini Alcon Surgical, Inc. Bob and Debi Marshall and Family Allergan Foundation W. P.* and Barbara J. Marshall American Drug Stores, Inc. Margaret May* American Express Travel Related Services Robert B. Mee* American Epilepsy Society Mark and Kathie Miller and Family American Kidney Fund Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Moreton, Jr. American Medical Optics Richard D. Movitz Apple Computer, Inc. Elizabeth Neiberger Applied Technology, Inc. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ladies Auxiliary Alma Nemir* Arthritis Foundation, Utah/Idaho Chapter Fred Meyer Richard A. Normann, Ph.D. and Helga E. Kolb Normann, Ph.D. AstraZeneca Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc. AT&T G & L Pfeiffer Research Foundation Dr. Alex G.* and Bess Oblad Auxillary Nursing Care Trust General Electric Medical Systems Emerald Odom* Bamberger-Allen Foundation Geneva Steel Dan O’Laurie* Barnes Hind, Inc. Glenbrook Laboratories Larue Olsen Bingham Canyon Lions Club Grand Central Stores Stanley C. Olsen Boart Longyear Gus Paulos Chevrolet-Geo, Inc. Raymond R. Peterson and Judith C. Peterson Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Eileen S. Harrington Trust Dr. Stephen and Susan Prescott Boston Scientific Corporation William H. and Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation Sherrie L. Prince BP Amoco Foundation Henriksen/Butler Design Group David Rose* BP Employee Matching Fund Hereditary Nephritis Foundation Florence Rothman BP Foundation, Inc. Dan C. and Manon Caine Russell Bridgemar Research Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Amos A. Sargent* W. Hughes Brockbank Foundation Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Company, Inc. Marigold N. Saunders* C. R. England, Inc. Hoggan Health Industries, Inc. Mary E. Schwartz Cadwell Laboratories, Inc. Holy Cross Ministries Harry S. Sloane Edward G. Callister Foundation HOWA Construction, Inc. Victoria Rees* and Kelly W. Smith, M.D. Century 21 of The Rocky Mountains The Jackson Howard Foundation R. Sterling and Marilyn F. Spafford Child Family Foundation Huntsman Cancer Institute Employees Don and Sandy Stanutz Chugai Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. Insutech, Inc. {28} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Digital Equipment Corporation Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning Corporation DuPont EC Charitable Unitrust ENZON Ethicon, Inc. Fairchild-Martindale Foundation First Security Bank of Idaho D o n o r R e p o r t Founders/Distinguished President’s Club Interform Graphics William Volker Fund Intermedics Intraocular, Inc. The Wallbridge Fund, Ltd. Iomed, Inc. Watson Laboratories, Inc. Jewish Community Federation Welfide Corporation Kenneth E. and Becky H. Johnson Foundation Winthrop Pharmaceuticals Kabi Pharmacia ZCMI Karl Storz Endoscopy-America Zimmer Jackson Associates Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Kearns-Tribune Corporation KEOH Family Foundation Kidney Foundation of the Netherlands Kimberly-Clark Corporation Kolmar Laboratories, Inc. Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Leucadia National Corporation Lucerne Products, Inc. Marion Laboratories, Inc. Markle Foundation Marnell Corrao Associates, Inc. Marnell Foundation MC Technology, Inc. The Jane F. McCarthey Family Limited Partnership Megadyne Medical Products, Inc. Merz & Co. GMBH & Company M. J. DiBiase/Simmons Contracting Mountain Fuel Supply Company The National Neurofibromatosis Foundation, Inc. Netherlands Heart Association The New York Community Trust NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Nike Golf Northrop Grumman Employees Charity Organization NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Nycomed Amersham Ralph Nye Charitable Foundation Orthopedic Specialty Clinic Osco Drug, Inc. Parke Davis & Company James Picker Foundation Professional Firefighters of Utah Rayner Intraocular Lenses, Ltd. RCL Foundation Reader’s Digest Foundation Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Utah Junior E. & Blanche B. Rich Foundation Roche Laboratories Rothman Family Foundation The Ryan Foundation “Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.” ~ D a v i d Th o m a s Salt Lake City Marriott Salt Lake Clearing House Salt Lake Regional Medical Center Sandoz Foundation Selway Foundation The Semnani Foundation Sierra West Jewelers Silicon Graphics, Inc. Simmons Family Foundation Smith’s Management Corporation Square D Foundation Staar Surgical Company Stampin’ Up!, Inc. The Standard Oil Company State University of New York Foundation Swire Bottlers, Inc. Syntex Laboratories, Inc. SYNTHES Spine Sysco Intermountain Food Services Clark L. Tanner Foundation TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. The Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation Telios Pharmaceuticals Travenol Laboratories, Inc. Harriet D. Travis Foundation U. S. Elite Coaches Association/Women’s Gymnastics United Way of Northern Utah University of Chicago Utah Medical Association Foundation Utah Idaho Sugar Company Utah Open VanCott, Bagley, Cornwall & McCarthy Vanguard Media Dis tinguished President’s Club A distinction applied to members of the President’s Club who have contributed or bequeathed gifts totaling $25,000$49,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Raymond H. Aldrich John Nels Anderson, M.D. John R. and Karen J. Anderson Norman S.* Anderson, M.D. and Virginia W.* Anderson Ralph L., Sr. and Virginia W. * Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Banks Alan C. Bartlett, Ph.D. and Vanice B. Bartlett Janette C. Hales Beckham Joseph C. and Gainor L. Bennett David L. Berliner, M.D. P. Jack and Denise E. Bernhisel Dr. A. Lorris and Ann Betz Jack Binion F. Marian Bishop, Ph.D., MSPH* and Robert E. Froelich, M.D. Donald R. Bowes Don F. and Jean W. Bradshaw Eleanor T. Brady* Edith C. Brinn Helena A. Brinton* Dr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Brooke Calvin Buhler, M.D. Drs. Vern L.* and Bonnie* Bullough Dale A. and Janeel Burningham Leola C. Burr Randall Walter Burt, M.D. Robert G. Carlile, M.D. Conrad S. Carlson* Richard Cawthon, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clark Lyman L. Cromer* *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {29} D o n o r r e p o r t Distinguished President’s Club Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Moreton Drs. Antonio G. and Maria Cutillo Chase Morsey, Jr. Ron and Lindsay Cutshall Dr. Royce Moser, Jr. and Lois H. Moser David Dayton and Vanessa Dayton, M.D. In Loving Memory of Forrest C. Mueller James H. Devries Lillian M. Nail, Ph.D., APRN, FAAN Mr. and Mrs. David J. Dunn Kenneth H. Olsen C. Hope Eccles and Randal K. Quarles Lester G.* and Reva P.* Olson Loren and Willena G.* Ellison J. W. “Bill”* and Wanda* Pace In Memory of Jacquelyn Marie Erbin, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Barlow L. Packer Leone F. Fackrell* Fred W. Fairclough, Sr.* and Edith P. Fairclough Thomas H. and Carolyn L. Fey Kevin Finnegan, M.D., Ph.D. John H. and Joan B. Firmage “If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.” ~Maya Angelou Jefferson B.* and Rita E. Fordham John W. “Jack” and Grace Mary* Gallivan Connie L. Gardner Dr. Reed M. and Jacqueline C. Gardner Senator and Mrs. Jake Garn Frederic A. Gibbs, Sr. In Memory of Lowell A. Glasgow, M.D. Lawrence K. and Suzanne F. Goldsmith Evelyn R. Gootee* John H. Haines, M.D. Wesley G. Harline, M.D. and Family J. Floyd and Carol L. Hatch Clyde M. and Gail T. Heiner Jean M. and John G. Henkels III Guy W.* and Marie* Heric James N. Herron, Ph.D. and Lynne A. Herron Frank G. Hickey Karen Hillier, RRT John L. Hinds Jerald C. Hinshaw, Ph.D. Kenneth W. Horch, Ph.D. Phil and Gloria Horsley Richard K. Hughes, M.D. Robert Kenneth Pedersen Wesley J. and Susan F. Phillips Constance Pickell* George C. Pingree, M.D. and Anne C. Pingree Donald L.* and Suzanne N. Pisciotta Rodger L. Foltz Thomas Frank Lonnie E. Paulos, M.D. Barbara B. Prince Mildred D. Quinn* Dr. and Mrs. Hua Zhu Ke Kathryn Ramsey* Diane S. Kern Dr. Grant M. Reeder* Evelyn R. Kibbe* J. Richard Rees, M.D. Betty B. Knight Helen Winters Reynolds* Kevin James Knipfing S. Grover, Jr. and Ruth S. Rich Kristine Knutson, Ph.D. Richard A. Rogers Therus C. Kolff, M.D., M.P.H. Winifred Rollo* Dona Krueger Duane E. Ruffner Dr. Stephen A.* and Josette M.* Kuby Frank A. Schreck Mr. and Mrs. William Kummer Rebecca B. Setterberg Howard S. and Terry E. Landa Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Sharp Peter Quinney Lawson Shabnam R. and Udipi R. Shettigar, Ph.D. Barbara and Frank Layden Boyd C. Smith David S. and Julie Layton Dr. and Mrs.* Clifford C. Snyder W. E. Leonard M. Paul Southwick, M.D. and Beverly Brockbank* Southwick Arthur G. Lipman, Pharm.D. and Patrice M. Arent John L. Loeb, Jr. Jack Lunt* Patrick Lyons W. Jefferies Mann Helen C. Marsh* Dr. and Mrs. Willard Z. Maughan John G. and Anna Marie McMillian Edward G. Southwick, M.D., Mary Ellen B. Southwick,* and Blanche Southwick Mary S. and Sam W.* Souvall Marilyn F. Spafford R. Sterling Spafford Gwen G. Stansberry, M.D. Maxine Hudson Stowell, MSW* Mano Swartz James C. McRea, Ph.D. David P. Synhorst, M.D. Dr. A. Wayne Meikle and Sharon Woodruff Meikle Floyd Tyler Tanner Dr.* and Mrs. Newton R. Jackson Ann Jarcho Thomas G. Frank and Pamela M. Joklik Charles E. Merrill* H. E.* and Joyce A.* Tornquist Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Jones Richard G. Middleton, M.D. Clyde and Vera Turner Dr. William S.* and Jane H. Jordan Grant W.* and Marsha B.* Midgley Edward M. Vietti* Barbara F. Kampen Harold W. and Lois Freimuth Milner I. J.* and Jeanne* Wagner Tom Kartsotis Art U.* and Blanche T.* Miner M. Walker and Susan R. Wallace Ilan and Linda Kaufthal David E. Moody, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs.* James C. Warenski Chris M. and Mary Kay Harper Ireland Darlene C. Jackson {30} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report D o n o r R e p o r t Distinguished President’s Club Dorothy A. White, M.D. Clay Adams Division of Becton-Dickinson & Company William Randolph Hearst Foundation Neal Whitman, Ed.D. Donald M. Willey and Joleen S. Willey Clipped Wings, U A Carl T. Wittwer, M.D., Ph.D. CoCensys, Inc. Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation In Memory of Blaine O. Wood Columbia Charitable Foundation Hercules Aerospace Mari Lou Wood Controlled Therapeutics Corporation Hercules Matching Fund Dr. J. Walter and Betty G. Woodbury Cooper Laboratories, Inc. Hershey Family Foundation Virginia Latses Zambukos* Coronary Heart Disease Research The HLA Registry Foundation, Inc. Buddy and Julie Zarbock Crescent Cardboard Company Howmedica, Inc. A. Robert Zeff Dain Rauscher, Inc. Husky Oil Company Barbara Zimonja and Richard Pack Dale Barton Agency Hydra Biosciences, Inc. Anonymous Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund IBM International Foundation Davis Oil Company Idaho Community Foundation, Inc. DAW Technologies, Inc. Acuson Corporation IHC Health Plans, Inc. Daynes Music Company Alberta Heritage Foundation Il Yang Pharmaceutical Company Dermtech International Allegiance Healthcare Corporation Illinois Masonic Medical Center Dorr Institute for Arthritis Research and Education Impart Group, Inc. Alza Corporation The Camile and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Interferon Sciences, Inc. American Critical Care Dreyfus Medical Foundation American Hoechst Corporation E. E. Kinder Company, LLC American Industrial Hygiene Foundation Elan Corporation American Intraocular Implant Society Elsevier Sciences Publishing BV American Occupational Medical Association The Endocrine Society American Pharmaceutical Association ExxonMobil Foundation Amirsys, Inc. Leone F. Fackrell Memorial Loan Fund Autoliv ASP, Inc. Baxter Healthcare Corporation Faculty of the Department of Radiation Oncology BD Medical Systems Fidelity Investments Becton Dickinson and Company Finkelstein, Thompson & Loughran Becton Dickinson Vascular Access, Inc. First Security Foundation Beecham Laboratories Florence Descendants Trust Bergen Brunswig Corporation Freed Investment Company The Bertex Foundation, Inc. G. D. Searle and Company Bertin Family Foundation Sterling and Shelli Gardner Foundation Binion’s Horseshoe Hotel & Casino General Electric Foundation Biogen Research Corporation Genzyme Corporation Biomed Research Institute of New Mexico Gillett Properties, Ltd. BLT2 Trust Roger Leland Goudie Foundation Bonneville Bicycle Touring Club Haemonetics Corporation Brencanda Foundation H. Claire Haines Trust Brigham Medical Clinic, Inc. Hal Riney & Partners, Inc. Brighton Bank Hamilton Bonaduz AG Brookside Animal Hospital Hanford Environmental Health Foundation Century Steel, Inc. Hansen Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Harmon City, Inc. Chiron Corporation LeRoi E. Harrington Trust Cirque Du Soleil, U.S., Inc. Health Outcomes Management, Inc. Corporations and Foundations Alliant Techsystems, Inc. The Allstate Foundation Heckman Foundation ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Incontrol Incorporation InterMed Orthopedics, Inc. Intermountain Donor Services Ioptex Incorporated Ioptex Research, Inc. ISN Forefronts in Nephrology JAX Foundation Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Jay Dee Harris Truck & Equipment Johnson Foundation JWP Dynalectric Company of Nevada Benjamin H. Katz Family Foundation Key Bank Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc. La Haye Laboratories, Inc. Howard and Evelyn Larson Foundation Leucadia Aviation, Inc. The Lichtenberger Foundation Lilly Lecture Bureau Linfox Group Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Mark Investment Company Mark Miller Toyota Masonic Foundation of Utah, Inc. Masonic Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Matrix Pharmaceutical, Inc. Meadow Gold Dairies Metromedia Company Milken Family Medical Foundation Mirage Resorts, Inc. Moreton Family Foundation M. E. Muller Foundation *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {31} D o n o r r e p o r t Distinguished President’s Club/Pioneer Club Myriad Genetics, Inc. Roche Pharmaceuticals W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc. National Financial Services, LLC Sunny and Abe Rosenberg Foundation Xango, LLC National Fund for Medical Education Roswell Park Alliance Foundation Yamanouchi USA Foundation Nierstichting Nederland Rubicon, Inc. Zars, Inc. Nordling Foundation Salt Lake City Knee Research Foundation Anonymous Norland Medical Systems, Inc. Sankyo Company, Ltd. Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving North American Philips Corporation Shell Oil Company Foundation North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, Inc. Showtech Northwest Pipeline Corporation Solitron Devices, Inc. Dennis and Joan Norton Family Foundation Nova Chemicals, Inc. Novell, Inc. Nuclear Medical Laboratory, Inc. Occupational Physicians Scholarship Fund Ohio Medical Products Ohmeda Ohmeda Medical Systems Okland Construction Company Olson Family Trust Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Orthologic Corporation Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Orthopedic Consultants OsteoMed, LP Outagamie Charitable Foundation Owens & Minor Pachyonychia Congenita Project Panamerican Travel Services Paradigm Biosciences, Inc. Payless Drug Stores Albert Penick Fund Scrip Card Enterprises, Inc. Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom Sorenson Research Southern Biomedix, Inc. Southern Wine and Spirits of Nevada Spalding/Hogan Dr. W. C. Swanson Family Foundation Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Tambrands, Inc. L. Shirley and Jordan M. Tark Foundation Texaco Foundation, Inc. Thiokol Corporation Tourette Syndrome Association Transplantation Editorial Office U S West Foundation University of California - San Diego University of Texas University of Utah Credit Union University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine Utah Joint Parade Utah Medical Association Foundation Utah Medical Products, Inc. Utah State Firemen’s Association - Ladies Auxiliary Pioneer Club A distinction applied to donors who have established or bequeathed endowments totaling $10,000-$24,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Russell G.* and Vila C.* Allen David B. and Kathy J. Anderson Dr. David R.* and Isabelle* Atherton Scott L. Bailey Dr. Robert H. and Dorothy Cannon* Ballard Dr.* and Mrs. Edgar W. Barber Jack* and Pat Blake Gill and Linda Selig Blonsley Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eugene Brown James W. and Susan S. Christiansen T. William* and Mary* Cockayne Max P.* and Sara* Cowan Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse Royden G. and Allie Derrick Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.* and Eva Dickman Dr. John A.* and Karma J. Dixon Paul and Joann Dwork Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Ellis Gladys C. Ellison* Gayle L. Eschmann Norma K. Forsey Constance J. Geiger, M.D. Pharmacia-Iovision Utah State Medical Association Foundation Pharmadigm, Inc. Varian Associates Paul and Allan A.* Hagander Photofrin Medical, Inc. Variety Club of Utah Dorothy S. Hall John Price Foundation Venitrex Drs. Joel M. and Frances N. Harris Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Viratek, Inc. Blaine and Paulene Hartley Profile Medica Walgreen Company Dr.* and Mrs. Edward I. Hashimoto R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Walter Lorenz Surgical, Inc. Maurine N. Hegsted Raytheon Company Weintraub Family Foundation Marvin G. and Barbara Hess Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank Steven R. and Catherine Moon Hickman The Reagan Foundation Western States Publishing L. David* and Janet C.* Hiner Luther I. Replogle Foundation Westwood Squibb James C. and Jodee Hoellein The Rest of the Jazz Wheeler Machinery Company Fred K. and Josie V. Hubert Rite Aid Corporation Williams Company Foundation Dr. Vernal H. and Athleen* Johnson Robertson Stephens & Company Window Rock Enterprises, Inc. Richard Kenny Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center {32} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Harold J.* and Helen D.* Goodro D o n o r R e p o r t Pioneer Club/President’s Club Paul and Sharee Kunz Larry A. Donoso, M.D. The W. John* Lamborn Family Tim Dalton Dunn and Susan Black Dunn Dr. Reed P.* and Lennox A. Larson Eric Eby James B. Lendall* Katie Eccles and Dave Burnett Mel Marcus Lisa E. Eccles Emilie S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Spencer P. Eccles Dr. and Mrs. Don E. McCleve Dr. and Mrs. Talmage D. Egan James L. and Edna B.* Morkin W. Hague and Sue J. Ellis The Dominick R. Motta Family Beverley Nalder Craig Michael Embley and Kimberly Dansie Dr. Neils P.* and Irma S.* Neilson James W. Felt Dr. Chase N. and Grethe B. Peterson John H. and Carol W. Firmage Herm B.* and Barbara M.* Prater, Ph.D. Patricia Reagan Dr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Rees Dr. and Mrs. Linn R. Rockwood Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Ruhling Joe Sargetakis and Paula Swaner-Sargetakis “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Dr. Anthony* and Myrtle G.* Simone The Lowell D.* Smith Family Michael Louis Forche Carol M. Foster, M.D. June and Jack Foucault Carole Anne Gassert Barbara J. Gicquel Dr. Edward M. Gilbert Michael L. Goguen Robert and Rosanne Gordon ~Margaret Mead Leonard* and Shirley Sterling Dr. Kosalaram Goteti Margaret Jo Green Dan J* and Viella C.* Swindle Dr. Brenda Blackham Dr. Onie Grosshans Lon W.* and Mary K.* Watson Dorothy S. Hall Usher T.* and Barbara H. West, Ph.D. Ann C. Blackner and William M. Browning T. E.* and Liz Wilder Robert J. Blair, Sr. and Betty R. Blair Drs. H. Ric and Janet K. Harnsberger Kris-Tina A. and Ronald T. Wilson, M.D. Gill and Linda Selig Blonsley Karen Nelson Harrison Dr. Dixon* and Donna B.* Woodbury June Hudson Bodi Dennis V. and Deborah Maddox Haslam Dr. Glenn H.* and Margaret C. Wyler Richard Ralph Boyle, Jr., M.D., and Gayle B. Boyle David S. and Barbara P. Hatch Corporations and Foundations Jim and Glenda Y. Bradley Quality Health Care Robert W. Hayden Shirley R. Bradley Junior E. and Blanche B. Rich Foundation Gary L. Hedlund Robert L. and Marilyn R. Brinton Sweet Candy Company Kurt and Kristine Hegmann David J. Burton Paul and Jane Hitzelberger Edward L. Burton III Thomas R. Hodgson Douglas T. Carrell, Ph.D. Satoru Horiya Dana Carroll and Jeannine Marlowe Jackson Howard Pat and Deborah Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Jerry S. Howells, Sr. R. Don Cash Sue E. Huether, Ph.D. William H. and Barbara J. Champion Richard J. Ingebretsen, M.D., Ph.D. William R. and Mary Beeley Christensen Marian W. Ingham Dennis L. Coleman, Ph.D., and Polly Coleman Vicki L. and R. Todd Inman President’s Club Donors who have contributed $2,000-$24,999 from July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006, to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Tonya Ahlstrom Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Anderson Richard E. and Shirlee W. Ashworth John F. Atkins Dr. Robert H. and Dorothy Cannon* Ballard Bonnie Barry F. Robert Bayle, Jr. and Jan L. Bayle Jodie L. Bennion Fredrik M. Bergold Kenneth J. and Geraldine G. Hanni John and Kate Haugh Jane D. Coleman Stephen C. Jacobsen, Ph.D. and Lynda M. Jacobsen Tracey Conrad-Katz Ralph and Joan Jacobson Loran D. Cook, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Reed T. Jensen Valerie Olson Cooper Susan J. Jensen Karyn Lyons Dambach Roy Jespersen John B. D’Arcy R. Kent Jex, M.D., and Terri N. Peay Jex Kimberly Dansie Steven and Tammy L. Kasteler Mark C. and Sandy I. Day Bradley J. Katz and Tracey Conrad-Katz *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {33} D o n o r r e p o r t President’s Club Robert W. and Barbara J. Keener JaNae D. Smith Lynne M. Kerr, M.D., and Hunter Jackson, Ph.D. Zachary Dee Smith Christopher J. Kidd Val Southwick Bo Kyung Kim Edward D. and Carol J. Spurgeon Harry J. Kohn Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Spurrier William G. Kopit Linda Wolcott Steele Layne and Sandra Kresser Alice and Kevin Steiner Paul T. and Sarah M. Kunz William C. Stringham, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lahey Mark J. and Debbie Struhs Larry S. Larkin Anita M. Trotter-Cox Douglas J. and Susan C. Larson Benny M. Tucker David E. and Verla A. Sorensen George N. Lendaris “No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.” Mark R. Liddell Gary Lindenbaum Parley J. Livingston DeVona D. Luke James L. and Carol C. Macfarlane Jim MacIntyre, M.D. Bill and Nancy Madsen William Dean Wallace, M.D. William E. Ward Dorothy B. Watkiss Dr. and Mrs. Dean H. Weaver Robert C. Welch, M.D. Ronald F. and Dana E. Weltmann J. Russell Wherritt Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Madsen, Jr. ~Author Unknown Sidney G. and Richard P. Makoff Suzanne L. Mansour Hugh D. Voorhees, M.D. George L. Whitted, USMC (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Williams Adrianne Winchester Douglas Lorin Marx Dr. and Mrs. C. Matthew Peterson Char Scowcroft Matthews and Paul H. Matthews Pauline B. Peterson Richard and Judy Piquet Dr. John W. and Karen Mauger Charles and Gloria P. Pope Kathryn McFarland Richard Prehn Frank P. and Carolyn S. McNeil Gertrude G. Raymond Kris J. Mecham Mabel Woodruff Renzetti Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Miller Zoe and Lon Richardson, Jr. Steven Mobley, M.D. Kristen M. Ries, M.D. Mimi B. Mortensen Martha Jaye Rieser Dr. F. Neal and Ann W. Mortenson Joseph F. and Raye C. Ringholz Jean A. Mueller Cheryl and J. C. Ritchie Ruth S. Mueller Blake Robinson Jim Murphy David and Laura L. Robson Craig Hart Neilsen* Norma Rohde Marilyn H. Neilson D. N. “Nick” and Penny Rose The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Ralph P. and Marge L. Neilson Rodney D. Sanders American Porphyria Foundation Roy Olpin Adam R. Sandler AmerisourceBergen Services Corporation Alan C. Olsen Eve Sanford, Ph.D. Anderson Family Foundation Michael W. and Sherie Olsen Joseph E. and Ann S. Sasich Ari Diamonds Larry G. Olson Jon Schmidt Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Mary Pat and Dennis W. Olson Clough and Kay Shelton The Beckham/Ashe Foundation Robert D. and Sherry W. Olson Tueng T. Shen, M.D. Thomas R. and Kathleen D. Olson Drs. John W. and Ann O. Shigeoka Bendinger, Crockett, Peterson, Greenwood & Casey, PC The O. Don Ostler Family Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Shrieve The Benjamin Foundation Thomas N. Parks, Ph.D., and Patricia Legant, M.D. Gordon D. and Janice A. Simpson Big D Construction Amrik Singh Bike2Bike Donald M. and Kathy J. Pedersen J. Brian Smith {34} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report W. Meeks and Betty G. Wirthlin Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wirthlin, Jr. Michael K. Wolfe Vegard Wollan Mary J. Woody Craig and RaNae Zimmerman Corporations and Foundations AAA Jewelers Abbott Laboratories Acucela, Inc. Albertsons Stores Charitable Foundation, Inc. Albion Financial Group, Ltd. D o n o r R e p o r t President’s Club Scott and Betsy Thornton Family Foundation Fred, Ellen and Barbara Blackman Foundation IHC Health Services/LDS Hospital Blood Systems, Inc. Estate of Tony Tolich BMW of Murray Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough, PC Bonneville Communications Kanter Family Foundation Tucker Family Limited Partnership Bountiful Lions Club Keller Williams Utah Realtors United Drugs Burningham Foundation King Family Foundation The Byrne Foundation KUTV-TV University of Utah Department of Biochemistry Cache Valley Electric Company Landis+Gyr Calypso Medical Technologies, Inc. Lenfestey Family Foundation CAO Group, Inc. Les Olson Company Carriage House LineaGen Research Corporation CBS Television Network Lineman’s Rodeo CCG Howells Furniture The J. M. Long Foundation Cephalon Manners/Golden Rule Foundation Christmas Box House International, Inc. Marsh U.S.A. Citigroup Melba McKenzie Charitable Trust Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc. Med One Capital Funding, LLC Codale Electric Supply, Inc. Merit Medical Systems, Inc. Colonial MFG Insulation Merrick Bank Corporation Comcast Spotlight Midwest Office Community Pharmacy, Inc. The Mitsui USA Foundation ConocoPhillips Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc. University of Utah Department of Surgery Cornerstone Capital Group, LLC Mountain America Credit Union University of Utah Federal Credit Union Corporate Express Mountain Medical Imaging Center UOP Research Center Cowboy Properties, LC NANOS Utah Barricade Company, Inc. The Customer Link, Inc. National Ronald McDonald House Charities Utah Care Foundation Dixie Escalante Rural Electric Association, Inc. National Wood Products, Inc. Utah Sports Commission Foundation Nemschoff Utah State Firemen’s Auxiliary Durham, Jones & Pinegar, PC New Life Centers, LLC Sam Viersen Family Foundation, Inc. East Millard Lions Northrop Grumman Visiogen, Inc. The Elation Foundation Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wallace Investment Limited Partnership Eli Lilly and Company Oculoplastic Surgery, Inc. Employees of American Express William E. and Aenid R. Weisgerber Foundation Ernst & Young, LLP Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences ESP Pharma, Inc. Phytoceutical Research, LLC Wilderness Medicine of Utah, LLC ESRR Vision Trust The Quaker Oats Company Winterfox, LLC Esse Quam Videre Foundation The Ritter Foundation, Inc. World Senior Games, Inc. F. W. Consulting Services, LC Ronald McDonald House Charities Wyman Living Trust Flowell Electric Association, Inc. Rotary Club of Park City Zevex, Inc. Garff Enterprises, Inc. Salt Lake Valley Firefighters Association Zions Bancorporation Foundation Garkane Power Association, Inc. Shamrock Holdings of California, Inc. GMAC-RFC Simmons & Company International Ann C. Green Family Trust The Staheli Foundation Hera Foundation Sundowner Station, Inc. Hill Brothers Chemical Company Sunrise Foundation of America Preston G. Hughes Foundation, Inc. Sunrise Press, LLC Hullinger Family Foundation Symphony Homes IBEW Local Union #57 Synthes (USA) IHC Health Services TeamJet, LLC Dex Media Inside Out Office Interiors, LLC TOSH University of Utah Department of Dermatology University of Utah Department of Emergency Medicine University of Utah Department of Neurosurgery University of Utah Department of Ophthalmology University of Utah Department of Pathology University of Utah Department of Psychiatry University of Utah Department of Radiology Utah Public Health Association West Jordan High School *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {35} D o n o r r e p o r t John R. Park Society John R. Pa rk Socie t y For those who have designated a charitable bequest, life income gift, trust, or other planned gift with the University of Utah Health Sciences Center named as a beneficiary. Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Richard K.* and Maria A. Obyn Gary B. Filler Dr. Merrill Oldroyd Alan and Beverly Frank Dr. Virgil J. and Jacquelyn A. Parker Drs. James W. and Margie S. Freston Janet Parry James Craig and Pamela D. Gilbert Dr. Mary Lou and Ralph Peak Mary Ann Glasgow Wayne J. Peay Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A. Godfrey Audrey Noall Peterson Val A.* and Edith D. Green Dr. Chase N. and Grethe B. Peterson Dr. Onie Grosshans Dr. Henry P. Plenk Millie Hagen* Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and Joan C. Critchlow, M.D. Peggy Norton Hansen, M.D. Ronald E. Poelman and Anne G. Osborn, M.D. James F.* and Joyce E. Harris Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck John W. Athens, M.D. and Georgia R. Athens John* and June B. Hartman Arlene O. and Alan T. Rappleye, M.D. Geoffrey Hasson Patricia Reagan Richard G. and Margaret Heers Dr. Thomas D. and Natalie B. Rees Dr. N. Frederick* and Margarete Hicken Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Darlene H. Hobson Barbara K. Samuels Nancy C. and Dennis C. Hughes, M.D. Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap Donal B. Hutchison* Daniel J. Schettler Gloria N. and Richard A. Irion, M.D. Dr. C. DuWayne and Alice C. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Jacobsen Dr. James R. and Mary Jo Scott Dr. Marcus Jacobson* and Ruth A. Kurzbauer Edward G. Southwick, M.D., Mary Ellen B. Southwick,* and Blanche Southwick Jody and Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D. M. Paul Southwick, M.D. Lyman and Ida Mae* Jensen Leonard* and Shirley Sterling Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D. Richard L. Stimson Dr. Wayne C. Kaesche Maxine Hudson Stowell, MSW* Howard and Ruth Kalb Arthur J. Swindle Donald Kalman Dr. and Mrs. David A. Symond Judith A. Kiernan Norm and Barbara Tanner Michael Knowlton Alice G. Telford Neil and Edie Kochenour Javier Tellez Mr. and Mrs. William Kummer Dr. Stephen R. and Valerie W. Terry Dr. and Mrs. Roy Kuramoto Arthur and Haru Toimoto Kenneth R. and Cynthia P. Laird Dr. Robert L. and Terrie Hillier Treft The Jerome J. Landa Family Alida W. Tyler Ron and Kim Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Veazey Dan Lundergan and Liz Winter Dr. Stephen C. and Christine Voss T. G. “Bud” and Barbara Mahas Dr. Lawrence and Delores M. Weaver Gaye Marrash Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D. Dr. John H. and Helen M.* Marsden Dorothy A. White, M.D. Emilie S. Martin James R.* and Ethel Wilcox David and JoAnn McGuire Kenneth L. Williams Family Bruce and Patty Miller Kris-Tina A. and Ronald T. Wilson, M.D. Michael T.* and Taylor Miller Dr. Bill Winstead Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills Sylvan and Maurine Wittwer Donald and Barbara Moore James B. Wood John A. Moran Grant Young James L. and Edna B.* Morkin Anonymous Rex and Linda Ahlstrom Kathleen Alacano Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN David B. and Kathy J. Anderson G. W. and Lee Anderson Scott L. Bailey J. Bruce Balken, M.D. Vernon Beeler George and Phee Belsey Dr. Charles K. and Janice Beyer-Machule Sharon M. Bigelow Rose Boyajiian Rodney H. and Carolyn Hansen Brady Melvin T.,* Jean R.,* and Fern B.* Briggs Calvin Reed Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eugene Brown Fred W. and Eveline Bruenger Calvin Buhler, M.D. Barbara R. Burnett Leola C. Burr Rodney H. and Sally E. Christensen Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Clark Sherry Clise Duane and Jean Crowther Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D. Cheryl B. Dalley Oliver and Goldy Dawson The Thomas D. Dee II Family Frank Delvie* Dr. and Mrs. Victor A. Diaz Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.* and Eva Dickman Joel R. and Lisa Dimick Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D. Dr. Raymond C. and Bobbie Doucette Gene Drabner Sharon Drakos William R.* and Shirley E. Droschkey Katherine W. and E. R. Dumke, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John Emmett Gayle L. Eschmann Dr. Warren G. and Gretha W. Eyre Cantril and Sharon Nielsen {36} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report D o n o r R e p o r t Dean’s Club Dean’s Club Donors who have contributed gifts totaling $500-$1,999 from July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006, to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Ali K. Choucair, M.D. Chad Dallan Christensen, M.D. John T. Christenson Alfred “Chris” and Trudi Christiansen A. Dean Clark, M.D. Scott E. and Rhonda E. Clayton Curtis E. Ackerlind, Jr. Dr. Boyd N. and Beth Ann V. Cole Douglas B. and Janine P. Adams Thomas W. Cole Jess and Olivia Agraz Clair F. and Kaye M. Coleman Shelley Agricola, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. S. Michael Coleman Jay A. Aldous, D.D.S. John L. and Beverly A. Coles Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Aldous Robert M. Cope, M.D. Scott Evan Allan, M.D. David E. Allen, M.D. Geoffrey and Karrie Allred Rey and Mary Carol Allred John H. Ambrose Craig W. Anderson, M.D. “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” Dr. Thomas D. and Joanne A. Coppin Barbara B. Cowan Barbara G. Cowley Margaret Anne Cragin John E. Craighead, M.D. William F. Cunningham, M.D. Douglas D. and Elaine R. Anderson ~Seneca Mary Ann C. Anderson Michael Daniels Sandy B. Daniels Scott E. Anderson Keith R. Bloom Brad and Nancy Andes Alexander Danoyann Jean C. Bolan, M.D. John G. Anos Michael E. and Stephanie Darkoch Erle and Delone Bond Ron Apfelbaum, M.D. and Kathy Murray, M.D. Michael E. Daun, M.D. Jeffrey E. Booth, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Hans Christian Davidson Christine Archibald Joe and Melanie Borgenicht Evan J. Davis Donald E. and Joann D. Borgmeier Jack J. Davis, M.D. Jerry Glen Bott Wayne L. Davis, M.D. Ellen Bowden Victoria P. Davison William W. and Hazel H. Bowerbank Virginia Dean Donna M. Bowzer Ashby S. and Anne Cullimore Decker Eric G. Boyce James F. Decker Daniel J. Brett Spencer C. Decker Patricia Breyer Richard E. Dedolph, M.D. Katherine Brim Mr. and Mrs. George L. Denton, Jr. John B. Brock III Angela Marie DeVito Winfred E. Burden Elaine Burningham Kathleen Digre, M.D., and Michael W. Varner, M.D. Richard R. and Timmy Burton Joseph C. Dilg Margaret Ellis Butter Karma J. Dixon Patrick M. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Doig Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Caine Paul F. and Josette Therese Dorius John W. Callister, M.D. G. Paul Doxey, M.D. Haydon M. and Jean C. Calvert Robert B. Dudley Jeff S. Cardon and Helen Hemingway Zeke R. Dumke III David and Susan Carlebach John M. and Linda T. Dunn Trevor and Rachael Carlson Dennis Durbano Brad and Mary Ann Cassell Lynne H. Durrant, Ph.D. Kent J. and Nedra D. Chard George H. and Joan D. Earl Joann M. Cheney Donna E. Edwards Mathew Child Franci Eisenberg John F. Ash John Ashcraft Pamela J. Atkinson Tina G. Bagley Andrew E. Balas Gary C. and Joan K. Barlow James O. and Geraldine S. Barlow Erik D. Barton, M.D. Bonnie J. Baty Harold Bauman Dr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Beals Mary C. Beckerle, Ph.D. Bill Beesley III Dr. W. Dean and Mary Elen Belnap Scott Bergeson Bernard and Karen L. Bettilyon The Honorable Judith M. and Thomas T. Billings Kelly Bills John F. Birnie David L. Blackner Terry Bland Robert S. Blank Christina Blomquist-Bezzant and John L. Bezzant, M.D. Bev Chipman *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {37} D o n o r r e p o r t Dean’s Club Jeffrey D. Eisenberg Aldene M. Hart Sidney H. Eliason, Jr. Douglas B. Hart, M.D. Daniel H. Ellis Joy Hashimoto Elaine Ellis Dr. Peggy and Jeffrey B. Hatch Pelly Fan, M.D. Timo and Leah Hatziathanasiou Dr. and Mrs. Michael O. Farley Paul Lafayette Hawks Peter Farrelly Jo Lee Heaton Georgia C. Faux Maren Hegsted, Ph.D. Marcia Feldkamp and Chuck Norlin Robert M. Helwick Robert S. Felt, M.D. Jaime Lyn Hendrickson Spencer P. and Barbara S. Felt Ronald E. Henriksen Dr. and Mrs. Keith N. Finlayson John B. Hibbs, Jr., M.D. Deborah M. Fletcher Lynn M. and David C. Flinders, M.D. Aurelia Flores Peter and Carla Flynn Robert Forrest, M.D. Cecelia H. Foxley “Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.” Diane L. Franzen ~Virginia Burden Sam J. Freitag, Jr. Patricia Frobes Jeanne A. Hibler Edward M. and M. June Higbee Dennis G. and Belva B. Higgins Rick Dennis and Julie Ann Higgins H. Richard Hiller, Jr. Kathleen P. Hillis LaMar S. and Pauline B. Hills Drs. Clair S. and Constance T. Hixson Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Hoffman Donald B. Fronce Robert D. Greensides, M.D. William L. and Elizabeth Anne Holt Denice Fujimoto Mary Kay Griffin Karl Honeystein and Shauna Trabert James R. and Barbara T. Gaddis William F. Grinnan, Jr. William Todd and Shaunna Hood Linda B. Gallegos Dr. David P. Gruber Marcie and Travis Hopkins Robert T. and Susanne B. Gardiner John K. and Ilauna J. Gurr Robert P. and Dixie S. Huefner Robert L. Gardner Gloria C. Gustin Cynthia Huempfner Frank G. Garner, Jr. O. H. Guymon, Jr., M.D. Grant B. and Karma C. Hughes Shirley F. Gasperetti Mr. and Mrs. Eldon V. Haacke Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hughes Linda Gates Kenneth K. Haase Tom and Verna Huiskamp Gregory N. Geaman Ted N. Hackett, Jr., M.D. Jan Hull Dr. and Mrs. E. Gordon Gee Richard and Leola M. Hagman L. Rich and Susan Humpherys Constance J. Geiger, M.D., and Dan L. Chichester Dr. and Mrs. DeVon C. Hale Kevin Canfield Hunt Patricia R. Hall Alonzo B. Huntsman Harriett and Ray Gesteland Minoru and Martha M. Hamada W. Fred Hurst Marilynn W. Gianelo Lyle S. Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Hutchinson Nicholas and Courtney McKenna Gibbs Edwin L. and Myra U. Hansen Kelli Jo Hyland Stephen W. Gibson Timothy W. Hansen, M.D. Robert D. and Dinah Ihle Joan D. Glenn Walter Hansing Richard L. Jackson Ronald Glenn Anita M. Harding Heber S. Jacobsen and Christine Lake Edward Golub Brad D. and Jolie Coleman Hardy Elaine Y. Jarrett Julio Gonzalez Richard W. Hardy, M.D. Boyer and Pat Jarvis Kathryn A. Goodfellow Lynn Harker Elizabeth M. Jensen, M.D. J. Wallace Graham Roger P. Harrie, M.D. Pearl S. Jensen Robert M. and Joyce S. Graham Dale P. Harris, M.D. Drs. Randy L. and Elizabeth M. Jensen Barbara J. Graves, Ph.D., and Robert W. Schackmann, Ph.D. Joel M. and Frances N. Harris Matthew Carl Jepsen, M.D. Kenneth R. and Marlene M. Harris James and Lori Graves Ann M. Johnson Marcia P. Harris Patrick W. and Debra Kristine Gray Dr. and Mrs. Dale G. Johnson Mark John Harris, M.D. Douglas E. and Joyce E. Green Donald D. and Carolyn I. Johnson R. Robert and Marcia P. Harris Kathleen W. Johnson Orrin E. and Joyce S. Greene {38} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report D o n o r R e p o r t Dean’s Club Dr. and Mrs. Leland P. Johnson Mark Livingston Virginia Mikan Mrs. Walter E. Johnson Scott Lloyd Roger C. Millar, M.D. George R. and Suzanne S. Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Louis Lombardi Matthew Millburn Mark A. Johnston, M.D. Deanne Long, M.D. Barbara C. Miller Dennis Scott Jolley Richard S. Lord Dr. and Mrs. Corey A. Miller Jennifer R. Jolley Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lowry Karen Miller and John Ballard R. Wayne Jones Roy S. Ludlow William E. Miller, Jr., M.D. Malcolm F., Jr. and Cherie J. Justice Marsha Jean Lundgren Keith R. Mills, M.D. Solomon M. Kamm Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lynch, Jr. Dr. D. Edward and Geraldine Mineau David Katz G. Julian, Jr. and Bette B. Maack Richard W. and Amy S. Moffat William M. Keane, M.D. Joel D. MacDonald, M.D. Jerry H. Mooney Kristen A. Keefe James A. MacGregor III Sean and Christina Mooney Dean Maureen Keefe and Mick Gaviglio Malcolm and Carol J. Robinson MacLeod Robert L. and Bobbie Moore David M. Kelly Dorothy Macrate Dolores D. Morgan Gary D. and Jane A. Kennedy Gladys Madsen R. Val Morris Ronald R. Ketelsen Kenneth Madsen, M.D. Marilyn Mott Estelle S. Kevitch Crystal and Charles Maggelet Britt K. Mueller Dianne Partridge Killpack Dr. and Mrs. Dean H. Mahoney Maureen A. Mulligan Dr. and Mrs. Chong-Sang Kim Margaret Malherbe Mark A. Munger Alana J. Kindness Nick Mamalis, M.D. Paul Murphy Robert S. Kiyomura, M.D. Pamela L. March Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Naisbitt W. M. and Julia Kleinschmidt A. and Arline Markosian Carolyn R. Nebeker Drs. Richard K. Koehn and Sheryl A. Scott Russell L. Marlor, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Don H. Nelson Alice C. Marsh Joy Nelson Marilyn W. Kofford Gary C. Marshall Mark Ray Nelson Drs. Jindrich and Pavla Kopecek J. Michael Martin Leigh Neumayer, M.D. George* and Dixie Koroulis Lt. Gen. W. K. and Mary Fister* Martin Joe R. Nielson, M.D. Peter and Carolyn G. Kowalchik The Lloyd F.* Martin Family Cathy N. Nolte George Kraus, M.D. Fumisuke Matsuo, M.D. Harold L. Nordick Jaime Krupnick J. Michael and Mary Mattsson Chuck Norlin and Marcia Feldkamp Harold G. and Judith Kuller C. Victor Maw, Jr. Phillip J. and Ruth L. Novak Scott and Joanne N. K. Kuwada Timothy W. and Beverly J. May Julie Nygaard Donald M. Landwirth Bradley T. and Amy J. Mayeda Sherrie L. O’Brien Gary A. and Jacqueline R. Lane Stephen L. McBride Mark B. Oberg Dr. and Mrs. Fred F. Langeland Dr.* and Mrs. William M. McCaa Richard H. Odell, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Larkin Philip and Sandra McCarthey Dr. and Mrs. Alan Olmstead Melanie Larsen Thomas and Mary S. McCarthey Teri Olsen Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lattin Jerry and Marcia McClain Carol B. Olson Thomas C. Laucomer Mick McClure Doug L. Olson W. Mack and Jacqueline Y. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. William W. McClure, Jr. Eugene and Jean M. Overfelt Dr. and Mrs. G. Richard Lee William A. McCreary Gordon S. Park, M.D. S. Whitfield and Christina C. Lee Rose McDonald Ryan Park Dr. and Mrs. Mark F. Leppert Andy and Chris McIntyre Darlene L. Parks Hollis C. Lewis Jeanne L. McJoynt Merlin R. Pass Jeffrey Gelder Lewis Bruce and Jean McMullin Gregory A. and Carolyn M. Patton Stephen D. Lewis Donald G. McQuarrie, M.D. William W. Paul, Jr. Tamara Lewis, M.D. Lowell J. and Margaret R. Mecham Loretta Paulus Yu-Chuan Li Frank and Margaret Meek Dr. Mary Lou and Ralph Peak Robert B. Lichfield Nancy Melich and J. Alexander Hemphill C. Jesse and Marilyn Peck Allan M. Lipman III Dr. and Mrs. John E. Meyers Michael S. Pecora, M.D. *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {39} D o n o r r e p o r t Dean’s Club Robert G. and Catherine B. Pedersen Carl A. Rubadue Christopher J. and Molly P. Sumner Jean Peppinger Paul Safford Carlton T. and Nancy M. Sumsion Ludvik Peric-Golia Pari Salari Peter V. Sundwall, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Waldo C. Perkins David E. and Carol C. Salisbury Arthur J. Swindle J. Farrell and Karen A. Petersen Kent M. Samuelson, M.D. Stephen D. and Sonnie Swindle Elizabeth A. Peterson and Dave L. Eddy Alejandro Sanchez and Tatjana Piotrowski Geoffrey and Jean Tabin Patricia J. Peterson, M.D. A. Wally and Helen F. Sandack Fred M. Tamagawa Raymond R. and Judith C. Peterson Leo M. Sant Marilyn Tang Theodore Piatt Joseph M. Sargetakis and Paula J. Swaner-Sargetakis Gaylia H. Tanner Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Satovick Lori Tavey Barbara K. Polich and Val R. Antczak Gordon O. and Dorothy W. Schettler Bryce Taylor Milton Porter Linda E. Schiele Chrissie Taylor Dr. and Mrs. A. Marsh Poulson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Schmidt Koby W. Taylor M. Keith and Trudy Prescott Dr. Richard H. Schmidt Preston J. Taylor, M.D. Elizabeth M. Prystas Theodore G. Schmidt, Jr. Robert E. and Marcene F. Taylor Sharon Ragsdale Victoria W. Schmidt Dee S. Thatcher Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Rallison Larry E. Schoeff Craig M. and Wendy T. Thomas Terry A. Rampton Dr. and Mrs. James P. Seaman L. Proctor Thomas III Susannah and R. Lor Randall, M.D. Michael F. Sears Charles G. and Jeanne J. Thompson Richard F. and Jan J. Rasmussen Hazel H. Sewell Karen Jean Thornhill W. E. and Harriet R. Rasmussen Margaret J. Shappee Scott and Betsy Thornton Frank J. Ratty, Ph.D. Anthony Sheehan* Janet Thurgood Robert W. and Nancy H. Raybould Layne Sheridan Kenneth A. Tipton David P. and Suzanne J. Razor Eric Robert Shipley, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tovey Marilyn L. Read Maurice C. and Marilyn Shupe Kevin A. Tracy, M.D. George Reade Dennis E. Simmons Paul D. Traughber, M.D. Christine A. Redgrave Paul M. Simmons Christina D. Trost Dr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Rees Barbara N. Slaymaker Ross and Carol Van Vranken Dr. and Mrs. Don L. Reese Gerald E. Sloan Michael W. Varner, M.D. Heather Ann Reese Eric V. Smart, M.D. Martha M. and John M. Veranth, Ph.D. O. Howard Reichman, M.D. Diana Ellis Smith Vagn and Anna Vernegaard Larry G. Reimer, M.D. Elizabeth Anne Smith Mark Victor and Ann Restad John and Joann Reinertsen Enoch Richard and Linda H. Smith Joseph S. and Margaret P. Viland Reynold T. and Sandra Rice Linda A. Smith Blake K. and Tammy Wade Susan P. Rice Dr. and Mrs. John Davis Smoot Nate and Bonnie Wade Brent C. Richards Dr. and Mrs. Wendell M. Smoot III Ann Davis Wagner John B. Richards, M.D. Jonathan W. Snow, Jr., M.D. J. Leroy Walker John C. Riding Carol M. Snyder Joseph A. and Cynthia Walkowski Bonnie Rieser Michael W. and Barbara Frost Soulier Holly Casey Wall, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rigdon Gordon T. Soutter Ginger E. and Robert D. Wallace Michael A. and Dyanne S. Riley C. Douglas Spencer, M.D. Kent W. Wallace JoAnn G. Robertson La Val W. Spencer, M.D. Lynn and Matthew Ward Scott J. and Joan G. Robertson Gretta and David Spendlove Stephen R. and Liz Warner Bess M. Robinson Ken Spitzer Coleman M. Warren Karla Rogerson William F. Stahly J. Ballard Washburn, M.D. R. Jean Rolando Kim Steadman Jean Anne Waterstradt William C. Romney Craig N. Stevens, M.D. Martin A. Watkins Thomas D. Rosenberg, M.D. Martha G. Stockham Brian M. Webber Karen B. Ross Dr. and Mrs. James K. Strozier Nick Webster Pierre S. Pincetl* and Kim McCormick-Pincetl {40} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report Karen H. Tate D o n o r R e p o r t Dean’s Club Dr. and Mrs. David Welling Celgene Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Hugh S. West, Jr. Center for Facial Appearances Udell Westover Cerner Corporation George L. White, Jr., Ph.D. Chris & Dick’s Jon M. and Darlene T. White City of Harrisville Kara White Claims Management, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr. Colorado River & Trail Expeditions, Inc. Nicole J. Whye Concrete Preservation Company Robert B. and Linda B. Wiggins Creative Environments, Inc. Devona B. Wilkinson Czarnowski Display Services C. Basil Williams, M.D., and Stephanie R. Williams, MSW D & S Fabrication and Machine, Inc. William A. Williams Brian R. Williamson Doris Williamson S. Douglas Wing, M.D. Curtis K. and Gail Winterfeld Andrea P. Wolcott Thomas E. Wolters John S. Wolthuis, M.D. Daniel K. Wong, M.D. Davis Area Convention & Visitors Bureau J. Ralph Wood and Jacqueline Jensen Wood Dr. JoAnne Wright-Strong and Lance J. Strong Ed Wycherley Debby Wynkoop Kimi N. Yamaguchi, M.D. Adrain W. C. Yee, M.D. Donald S. Yohe Kimball L. and Laurel H. Young Lisa M. Young Michael K. and Suzan Young Paul C. Young, M.D., and L. LuAnn Minich, M.D. Dwan J. and Thomas Young, Jr. Norman A. Zabriskie, M.D. Buddy R. Zarbock Heidi Zhang Verner H. and Dona Zinik Dr. and Mrs. John J. Zone Anonymous Corporations and Foundations A and H Adams, LLC A.B.A.T.E. of Salt Lake, Utah Chapter Allen Reunion Fund Altius Health Plans Amegy Bank of Texas American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Deer Valley Ski School “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Denials Management, Inc. Diabetes Specialty Center, LLC Diversified Insurance Technology Group Dreamweaver Foundation Dunn & Dunn Trial Lawyers East High School Cheerleaders and Students EJM Development Company Ellenzweig Associates ~Dale Carnegie Employees of Autoliv ASP, Inc. Encino Pharmacy D. Kent and Linda Anderson Foundation Endeavor Agency Animas Corporation Epic Events, Inc. Apex Media Group Evans & Sutherland The Archer Family Charitable Foundation Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Auer Family Foundation First State Bank Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. Five Star Restaurant II, Inc. Bank of the West Flamm Family Foundation Bayer Bean Family Foundation Thomas and Nancy Florsheim Family Foundation Bennion Jewelers Founder’s Title Company William Birrell, Jr. Family Trust Friends of Megan Wooden at Autoliv BiWater Surgical Systems, Inc. Virginia C. Garner Trust Nancy and Robert S. Blank Foundation Gaylen S. Asay Enterprises, Inc. Bogey’s Geiger & Associates Bonneville International Corporation Genesee & Wyoming, Inc. and Related Companies Bridger Valley Electric Association, Inc. Brigham City Lions Club H. W. and V. J. Brown Charitable Trust The Buckner Company Burton Lumber Callister Nebeker & McCullough The Capital Trust Company of Delaware Carefree Furniture Cars-mart Springville, LLC The Castle of Chaos Cedar City Lions Club The Gerber Foundation Gossner Foods, Inc. The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation Gurr Investments, Ltd. Harris Family Foundation Douglas B. Hart Family Trust Hatch Family Trust Herman Miller Hewcor International, Inc. HOJ Engineering Company Holliday Financial *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {41} D o n o r r e p o r t Dean’s Club Shauna B. Horne Foundation Sierra Wholesale Supply HSW Medical Development, LLC Sigma Chi Fraternity Alpha Chapter Hunter Lions Club Sigma Chi Fraternity Delta Rho Chapter Hydroworx International, Inc. Sigma Chi-Epsilon Rho of Richmond The Impact Group Simmons Mattress Company Imperial Auto Slim Olson’s Distributing Inland Neurosurgery and Spine Associates Smiths Medical M.D., Inc. Inovar, Inc. Intermountain Aquatech Snow, Christensen & Martineau Foundation Intermountain Photography Sound Concepts, Inc. “A person’s true wealth is the good he or she does in the world.” International Foundation for AHC The International Group, Inc. Iota Tau Chapter Sigma Chi J & S Mechanical Contractors Kanab Lions Club KC Chemicals Key Foundation ~Mohammed Kibbe Pratt, Inc. The R. Sterling Spafford Family Trust Spring Air West St. Louis Stampers Steve Partridge Guided Fishing Tours Stewart Title Guaranty Company STM International Stoel Rives J. R. & C. J. Stone Revocable Trust Super Sonic Car Wash Kirton & McConkie Local 1696 PAC Petersen F.T., Inc. SureFoot, LC Lone Peak Dental PETZL America Sweetwater Vascular Lone Peak High School Philanthropic Fund, UJF Szechwan Chinese Kitchen, Inc. Lotus Publishing, LLC Philoptochos Society of Prophet Elias Thatcher Company MacGregor Software, Inc. John and Ardis Piers Private Foundation Toshiba Satellite 5005 Settlement Fund Mack Group, LLC PRN Medical, Inc. Trailblazer Controls Corporation The Maher Foundation PromoCreations Transgenomic, Inc. Mark Miller Subaru Property & Business Management, Inc. Tremonton Fire Department, Ladies Auxiliary John N. Matthews Family Foundation, Inc. Quality Oil Company UBTA-UBET Communications Quick Dispense Udall Financial Services, Ltd. Meeting Management Associates, Inc. R. C. Willey Home Furnishings United Way of Tri-State Metalworking Lubricants Company Frank, John and Louise Ratty Trust University Hospital Administration Moran Eye Center Reaveley Engineers & Associates, Inc. Morris Murdock Travel Red Cardenas, Inc. University of Utah College of Health MSL Family Foundation Reed Expositions France Depenses Myotherapy College of Massage Regan, Campbell, Ward NACDS Foundation Richfield Lions Club Nate Wade Subaru Riverdale Lions Club National Bank of Arizona Robert J. Debry & Associates Nebeker Family Foundation Roche Diagnostics Northwest Multipurpose Center The NuSkin Force for Good Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Intermountain Area, Inc. Ogden Lions Club Roth Capital Partners Organon USA, Inc. Royal Street Corporation Judie Oswald Memorial Ruby Mountain Ventures, Inc. P. A. Surgical Services S.C.S., Inc. Pamela Kutzen Photography Salem City Corporation Payne Anthony Jewelers Salt Lake Community Action Program PCS Wealth Management, LLC Savage Services Corporation R. K. and E. D. Pedersen Family Foundation, Inc. Savitsky, Satin & Company Pegus Research, Inc. ShopKo Stores, Inc. Shiebler Family Foundation Trust {42} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report University of Utah Orthopaedic Center, Physical Therapy Utah Association of Emergency Medical Techs Utah Federation for Youth, Inc. Utah Golf Association Utah Section American Industrial Hygiene Association Utah Symphony and Opera Van Boerum & Frank Associates, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Wasatch Electric Company Western States Circuit Breakers, Inc. Wheeler Foundation William A. Williams, LLC Wind River Petroleum Xactware Alice Creer Young Trust D o n o r R e p o r t In Memory In Memory Those in whose memory gifts were made from July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006. Udell S. Albrechtsen Kimberly J. M. Allen Robert W. Allen Dorothy M. Anderson Keith W. Asbury Helen E. Ashenbrucker Virginia W. Ashton Judith Maree Sloan Ayre Jane Ashley Barrett Jeri H. Baty Helen Bavelas Raymond L. Bean Marilyn H. Beesley Marie O. Bernolfo Irving H. Biele Dianne Nelson Binger Robert J. Blair, Sr. Blaine Bodell Andrew Bogdan Pamela J. Bowen Linda L. Branch Ann Breslow Donna L. Brett Fern B. Briggs James Y. Briggs Terrell J. Bringhurst Bonna A. Brinton Sherman S. Brinton Murray Brodoft Carol A. Brown Richard G. Brown Vera Budge J. Eileen D. Bunderson Duncan Burdette Marina Burdette Tabitha Burdette Wayne Burningham Wayne H. Burt Don M. Buttomer John J. Byrne Reynolds F. Cahoon Grant R. Caldwell Lorraine Call Mabel H. Campbell J. Leigh Cannon W. Lester Cannon Joanne Carleson Earl J. Doughty Attilio Guerri Beth M. Carter Lori Peck Downs J. Travis Gurr Robert S. Carter Samuel G. Doxey Matt Haase Sue Casey Zane A. Doyle Mildred D. Hagen Francis Castle Robert Douglas Drabner David B. Haight Heloise S. A. Castleton Sarah Adele K. Dransfield Ruby O. Haight Jeff Castleton H. Perry Driggs, Sr. J. R. Hansen Kenneth Bitner Castleton Richard B. Dwore Katherine Ann Hansen Genevieve Cerino Christine W. Eagar Sherman D. Harmer, Sr. Edwin George Chaffee Marie Egbert Gerald Harrison Clyde L. Cheney Melva F. Egbert Ruby T. Haslam A. Lee Christensen Christian Eldredge Jack L. Healey Hal J. Christensen Elizabeth M. Eliason Margaret A. Herbert Robert E. Christensen William Elkouri Lyle George Hereth Rosetta W. Christensen John B. Ellis Carmen Hill James Christenson Aurel Faneus Larry K. Hill Lealand L. Clark Neil R. Fausett Leah Hill Beth Clawson Mrs. B. Fericks Pauline B. Hills Shirley Clawson Norma S. Fife Wanda K. Hintze Elizabeth Clouse Ernest A. Finocchio Julia Ann Hobbs Michael D. Coleman George M. Fister Bug Hoffman Ruth Rich Coleman Dean Fletcher Dimar G. Hogan Sherman S. Coleman Fay Fletcher Peggy Aliene Searle Hoggan Jim G. Colovos Jesus Flores Sarah Darlene Hogle John Copinga Elizabeth W. Forsgren Crystal Leavitt Holt Robert Cormani, Jr. Jean Forstein Karyl Holtkamp Joe A. Couter William G. Fowler Carol B. Hoskisson Eldon R. Cox Jeffrey L. Fox Richard D. Houston Terry R. Cox Thomas S. Frank Sally Howard Golda R. Craft Cristy W. Freed Donna Russell Hughs James R. Creer Richard A. Fullmer Shauna L. Hullinger Randy D. Cruse Marilyn R. Furlong F. Dean Hunger Rufus A. Cubbage Theo Frank Gamble David Wayne Hunt Lloyd L. Cullimore Arthur M. Gaufin Richard Hunt Paul H. Cummings Ronald K. Gee Tim Hynes Barry E. Cushing John Geigle Iva M. Irvin Mary M. Dahl Arthur Glaser James W. Iverson, Jr. Carl Gerald Dahlberg Martin C. Gleich Alvin M. Jacobsen John Dahlman Deborah Gobelman Leonard W. Jarcho Bertha T. Davis Helen D. Goodro Cal Jeanselme Lorna G. Davis Ted Gosdis Boyd E. Jemmett Nadine S. Day Barbara Gough Peter Jennings George Dean Loraine O. Gouvisis Benno D. Deters Claudine R. Gray Jean Audrey Taylor Salisbury Jensen Norma J. DeWeese Steven D. Gray Joseph Jensen LaFern Dewitt Margaret Green Josie Johnson Frank E. Diston Frank W. Greene Laura S. Johnson John Lee Diston Fred R. Greene, Jr. Phyllis Johnson John A. Dixon Terry Allen Griffith S. Chris Johnson Jay Donaldson Peggy Ellen Gross Douglas Jones 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {43} D o n o r r e p o r t In Memory Jeanine Jones June T. Matheson Robert V. Petersen Robert B. Simmons Donna Kane Harriet G. Matkin Denise Peterson Roy W. Simmons Amy Sue Kanner Barbara J. Maw Lynda Rae Peterson Charles Rich Smart Henry Y. Kasai, Jr. Michael R. Maycock Margo Jenny Peterson Charlotte B. Smith Jennifer Swinyard Kasteler John P. McBride Dino Petrogeorge Janice Smith John W. Kemp Jeff Shawn McCormick Ethelyn C. Pett Lynn Eric Smith Kelvin R. Kemp Jim McGeachin Anna Picco Mathel M. Smith Beverly Kimball Earl D. McGinty, Jr. Ray Darrin Pierson Spencer Austin Smith Bernard R. Kindred, Sr. Benjamin Thomas McIntyre Howard Pitts Charlie Snorteland Aunt Kitty William A. McMain Mike Plunkett R. J. Snow Eleanor Klepper Charles McMullen Gaylon L. Porter William D. Snow Joseph Knipfing Margaret R. Mecham A. Marsh Poulson, Jr. Mamie W. Soo Hoo Herbert R. Koecher Grace D. Meldrum Herman B. Prater Margaret C. Sorensen John Kovach James E. Memmett Kirsten M. Pruhs Maria Leigh Tassainer Sorensen Reva Kovach Max Mercier Richard Lee Pulsipher Harry G. Soteras Ernest Kowall Marsha B. Midgley Marian Sames Purcell Julie Ann Soutter Clarence Anthony LaBonte Helen K. Mitarai Patricia Eileen Quinn Betty Jean Spencer Zola B. Labrum Edith O. Miya D. Helen Rackham Ted J. Speros M. Eugene Lahey Elizabeth Montigue Don H. Rasmussen John D. Spikes Jayne Vinton Landes Edna Morkin Mary Pannebaker Razor Gary Richard Stacey Mark Wesley Lang Dale H. Morrison Robert Michel Razor Gary R. Stanga Michael Stan Lanphear Jean G. Morton Russell K. Redenbaugh Ross Stark Nick Mark Lanzilotta Marvin Moss Richard F. Reed John R. Starley Carolyn M. Leach Stacey Moysh Russell A. Relyea Stephanie R. Steed James W. Leader Mark N. Mueller A. D. Renzetti, Jr. Harold J. Steele Catharine Anne Lee Lucy N. Murdoch Gene D. Richardson Wesley Steinburg Joyce M. Lee Doris Murdock Ronald L. Richardson Charlotte Steiner Robert G. Lence Conrad H. Nebeker Dean T. Robinson Peter Stevens David E. Lew Steven J. Nichols Deborah F. Robinson Barbara Stevensen Cameron C. Lewis Donald R. Nield Gloria Jean Robinson Ann K. Stewart F. Lyman Lewis Edward A. Nielsen M. Dean Robinson Cleo Stewart Max B. Lewis Nancy Nissalke Gary K. Robison Isaac Daniel Stewart, Jr. Ron G. Lewis Elizabeth Hazel O’Grady Paul Easton Robison Thomas G. Stockham, Jr. Mary Linford Patricia O’Grady John A. Rokich Nancy L. Stroud Mary C. Losse Takeshi “Taxi” Okawa B. H. Rosenblatt Pete Suazo Makayla Myrtle Lowery Albert M. Olson Robert S. Rothwell Alma Brown Summerhays George A. Lucas Minnie C. Olson Elizabeth Neise Satterfield Lawrence L. Summerhays Veryle Lund Myrtle R. Olson Emil “AME” Savage Nancy M. Sumsion Jack Lunt Susan Osborne Elaine F. Scheibe Richard Bruce Sutton Frank Lupinacci Jean H. Ovard Walter Schlunz Laura Anderson Sween Austin Andrew Lyle George A. OVery, Jr. Irene Schmidt Nathaniel M. Taggart Charles M. Lyngle Wayne Phillip Park Sara E. Schmitz Joe Minoru Takita Robert W. Macy James Kevin Parker Noland H. Schneider Helen W. Taylor A. Lamont Pete Manning Kevin Parker Debbie Gallegos Schouten Frances S. Tea Gerald F. Marshall, Jr. Gus E. Paulos G. Schrieber Dennis Thiessens Irene Marshall Sid Payne Guy Schroyer William K. Topper Grant Martin Robert K. Pedersen Fern O. Scott Russell (Rusty) L. Townes Lloyd F. Martin Wesley E. Peltzer David W. Shank Mary F. Travis Mary Fister Martin G. Peppinger W. H. Sherping Jeffrey Utley Walter Wynn Martin Jack Petajan Dal Siegel Stephen B. Utley {44} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report D o n o r R e p o r t In Memory/In Honor Bob N. Velis Syble Neeley Wadsworth Ruth S. Walker Marilyn L. Warenski Reed Ellis Warner Theda S. Washburn Alonzo W. Watson, Jr. Duane Watson Dean H. Weaver Gayen B. Wharton Cyril C. Whatcott Norlan I. White Glenn Wiebusch James R. Wilcox Jim Wilcox Wilma J. Wilde Yvonne A. Willey Ada Williams Joyce Wolfgang Williams Kenneth M. Williams Gayle G. Williamson Roscoe E. Williamson Pauline Willis Maxine H. Wilson Joseph M. Winder Ned Winder Pamela M. Winder Karleen A. Winegar Maxwell M. Wintrobe Dean Witherow Joseph Wolf K. C. Wong Brick Wood Jacqueline Jensen Wood Linda D. Wood Don J. Woody Leo V. Worsley Matt B. Worton Eldred G. Wright Grayson S. Wright Jeffery Yoder Carl J. Zwahlen In Honor Those in whose honor gifts were made from July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006. Judy L. Adams AirMed staff Margarette A. Archibald A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D. Ann C. Betz Ann D. Bonar Richard G. Boyle Ja Neen D. Bradford Jean W. Bradshaw D. Ware Branch, M.D. Joel Burningham Randall Walter Burt, M.D. Saundra S. Buys, M.D. Janice L. B. Byrne, M.D. Thomas H. Caine, M.D. Averill N. Conta William T. Couldwell, M.D. Joan C. Curtis Keith Dawson Kathleen Digre, M.D. Kathryn D. Jones-Price Ruby L. Quigley August L. Jung, M.D. James G. A. Randall Kristine Kendall Michael A. Rigdon, Ph.D. James P. Kushner, M.D. Peggy Riggers Michael G. Lance Richard N. Rosse Merline C. Leaming Ramona Russo Maureen K. Lundergan, M.D. Jeffrey R. Saffle, M.D. Helen B. Lyman William T. Sause John W. Mauger, Ph.D. Dorothy Schlunz Karen K. Mauger Caden Miller Schnakenberg Lynne F. Metcalf Helen R. Shapiro C. Rodney Minister, CLU Robert Silver, M.D. Patricia L. Minister Bradford Sklow, M.D. Jean A. Mueller Tanya R. Smith NBICU Nurses Venice W. Springmeyer Margaret M. Nelson Robert A. Stephenson, M.D. Cindy Oliver James C. Stringham, M.D. Troy Olson Arthur J. Swindle Our Troops Marion L. Walker, M.D. James L. Parkin, M.D. John H. Ward, M.D. Bhupendra Patel Dr. Judith Warner Christopher L. Peters, M.D. Jeffery A. Warren Barbara B. Prince Karen A. Zempolich-Cannon, M.D. Sherrie L. Prince Eliza Doherty Raymond S. Fletcher Daniel W. Fults III, M.D. Barbara L. Gallacher Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D. Harriet M. Gesteland Millie Gould Shaylee Grange Sean T. Hadlock Diane R. Haines Blake D. Hamilton, M.D. Douglas J. Hammer Kenneth J. Hanni Wilda Gene Hatch Maurine N. Hegsted Ursula E. Hemmerich Gordon B. Hinckley Marian W. Ingham Randy L. Jensen, M.D. “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {45} Organizations He a lt h Science s Council Margot Shott Barnard and Cherry Silver Barbara Slaymaker Executive Committee Ruth Smart Robert L. Rice, Chair Jim and Beverley Sorenson Robert Graham, Vice Chair Sam* and Mary Souvall G. W. Anderson Dick Stimson Mitzi Brady Norm and Barbara Tanner Reed W. Brinton Alice Telford E. R. (Zeke) Dumke, Jr. Art and Haru Toimoto Carol M. Fay Alida Tyler Merline C. Leaming T. G. “Bud” Mahas John L. and Susan Wintrobe Walker Joanne McGillis Walker and Sue Wallace Edward B. Moreton A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D. Stephen R. Warner, Secretary Members “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Keith and Susan Warshaw Scott and Berniel Watkins Liz Wilder Don and Joleen Willey Ken and Mary Williams G. W. and Lee Anderson ~Anne Frank Judy Wolfe Ralph Ashton Jack and Georgia Athens Gene and June England Dixie and Anne Leavitt Honorary Members Lee Auerbach* Bill and Shirley Fagergren Leonard and Lois Lewis Lee Brockbank Bill and Shirley Bailey Edith Fairclough Allan and Kay Lipman Barbara Burnett Joe and Gainor Bennett Richard and Carol Fay Jim and Carol Macfarlane Carmen M. Christensen Lael Bettilyon John and Joan Firmage Don and Marge Mackey Richard* and Violet Ence John and Toni Bloomberg Norma Forsey Bud and Barbara Mahas Jack Gallivan Al and Peg Bradbury Alan and Beverly Frank Richard and Joanne McGillis Betty Garff Rod and Mitzi Brady Jake and Kathleen Garn Cliff and Judy Miller June Hartman Reed Brinton Clark and Nancy Giles Hal and Lois Milner Grace Madsen* Wallace and Josephine Brooke Jack and Geri Goddard Bob and Jelean Montgomery Judy Marriott Fred and Eveline Bruenger Reece and Shirley Goodrich Ed and Barbara Moreton John and Carole Moran Leola Burr Bob and Joyce Graham Fred and Lucy Moreton Richard* and Maria Obyn Tom and Mary Ellen Caine Dorothy Hall Ted and Sheri Morgan Norm and Nancy Olsen Lou and Ellen Callister Joyce Harris Mitch and June Morris Jerry Olson Haydon and Jean Calvert Cal* and JeNeal Hatch Virgil and Jackie Parker Joann Cheney Olson Burt and Sally Cassity John and Jean Henkels Jess and Marilyn Peck Beth Parrish Bill and Pat Child Jon and Karen Huntsman Darm and Bette Penney George and Sharee Paulson Mary Lee Christensen Ellis and Katie Ivory Beverly Porter Jane Porter Chris and Trudi Christiansen Ted and Florence Jacobsen Barbara Prince Betty Probst Jane Coleman Ann Jarcho Thomas Mary Louise Rawlings Barbara K. Samuels Tom and Janice Dee Web Jee Vin and Kay Rees Tibby Simmons Bill Deem and Lennox Larson Deem Bob and Barbara Keener Bob and Joyce Rice Sam and Aline Skaggs Sam and Ruth Rich Burton and Marilyn Stohl Jules and Peggy Dreyfous Wilson and Arlene Knight Kilgore George* and Dixie Koroulis Marjorie Riches-Gunn Joan Terry Paul and Sharee Kunz Joe and Raye Ringholz Dorothy Tesson Esther Landa Don and Jackie Rosenblatt Janet Lawson Bert and Janet Schaap Ex Officio Member Merline Leaming Andy and Carolyn Schilly Richard J. Sperry, M.D., Ph.D. Zeke and Kay Dumke Spence and Cleone Eccles Sid Eliason Bill and Fern England {46} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report O r g a n i z a t i o n s He a lt h Science s Ad v o c a t e s Joe and Peggy Fratto Tony and Carol Sweet Sidney Makoff Mike and Jacque Frei Judy Maryon Kevin and Tayna Yates Garn Maj. Gen. David and Debra Tanzi Executive Committee Dan and Nancy Gibbs Scott and Betsy Thornton Patty Miller John and Carol (Chair) Firmage Brad and Mary Hatch Blake and Carol Tillotson Anne Milliken Mark (Vice Chair) and Nancy Gleue Joe and Holly Henriod Barbara Jane Watkins Ruth Novak Jim and Jodee Hoellein Julie Webster Terry Rampton Tim and Candace Dee Dr. Aaron and Suzie Hofmann Sue Razor Fred and Chris Fairclough Brett and Tracey Hopkins Brian and Emilie Charles Wilkinson J. Floyd and Carol Hatch Jeff and Cathy Ipsen Duff and Lori Ann Willey Marilyn Roskelley Tom and Mary McCarthey Mark and Kathie Miller Gerald and Marilyn Sorenson Jackson Don and Jill Wiscomb Stan and Joyce Parrish Jason and Mimi Jones Barbara Polich and Val Antezak Gary and Jane Kennedy Jay and Anita Rice Carma Kent Tom and Lesli Kemp Bill and Lisa Wirthlin Nancy Melich Zoe Richardson Carole Sanders Janet Schaap Barbara Slaymaker Emeritus Ross and Susan Anderson Jim and Trudy Beck Verla Sorensen Barbara Soulier Carol Spurgeon Members David and Julie Layton Jess and Olivia Agraz Dennis and Sue Lloyd John and Karen Anderson Bill and Nancee Madsen Angela Atkin Ed and Carole Madsen Byron and Debbie Barkley Bruce and Jean McMullin Steve and Marcy Barlow Sean and Christina Mooney Executive Committee Kevin and Jill Bishoff Doug and Vicki Mortensen Marian Ingham, Chair Emeritus Roger and Sara Boyer Kevin and Elaine Mortensen Jeanne McJoynt, Vice Chair Cathy Argus Steve and Joan Brinton Steve and Amy Murdock David and Linda Buchman Randy and Sandra Okland Members Jeff and Helen Cardon Brad Olch Melanie Bastian Linda Deakins Eric and Kyo Christensen Kip and Terri Paul Ann Blackner-Browning Barbara Dingman Keith and Kristina Christensen Mori and Lisa Paulsen Connie Borup Karen Freed Steve and Elaine Clyde Clay and Stephanie Perry Timmy Burton Stephanie Gallivan John Condas J. D. and Marilyn Porter Robyn Carter Lynda Gamble Todd and Karin Cook Steve and Andrea Poulton Barbara Champion Linda Gee Vern and Rebecca Cooley Steve and Drue Price Nedra Chard Penney Gregersen Chuck and Katy Culp Ren and Sandi Rice Barbara Clark Diane Grover Mark and Sandy Day Scott and Leslie Rice Barbara Cowley-Browning Pam Keller Stephen, Jr. and Marti Denkers Jay Reiser Dine Dellenback Julie Kilgrow Marianne Dennison and Damon Miller Ross Romero Franci Eisenberg Kay Lipman Bob Rose Gayle Everest Hilary Drammis Claudia Skaggs Luttrell Kevin and Susan Rowe Lynn Fey Zeke III and Angela Dumke Kathleen Natapow Stephen and Claire Ryberg Myra Hansen Michael Dunn Marcia Olch Joe and Ann Sasich Lyn Hinckley Tim and Susan Dunn Andrea Otanez John and Carolee Clawson Scowcroft Kim Huish Teresa Skaggs Joan Jacobson David E. and Melinda Simmons Paula Swaner-Sargetakis Pam Joklik Katie Eccles and David J. Burnett Eric and Karen Slaymaker Jean Watson Estelle Kevitch Lisa Eccles Scott and Shauna Slaymaker Lucinda Kindred Ex Officio Members Sean and Janae Smith Linda Kruse Ann Betz Cliff, Jr. and Sharon Snyder Terry Landa Kim Wirthlin David and Susan Spafford Merline Leaming Suzan Young Dave and Susan Stayner Chris Lee Dr. Jim and Ciska Stinson Marilyn Maher Hope C. Eccles and Randy Quarles Spencer and Kristine Eccles Dean and Kim England Nathan and Kara Felix Doug and Ann Foxley Alice Steiner Ed u c a t i o n a l R e s o u r c e s De v elopmen t Council ( ER D C ) Susan Walker Lisa Wirthlin Linda Wolcott Barbara Zimonja Ruth Bischoff Alice Daly Olch *Deceased 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report {47} O r g a n i z a t i o n s Universit y of Utah Hospita l s and Clinics Board of Trustees Universit y Hospita l Foundation Board of Trustees He a lt h Science s Pl anned Giving Commit tee John Anderson Officers and Trustees Members Ross Anderson John H. Firmage, III, Chair Derek Anderson Patrice Arent Steven W. Kasteler, Vice Chair Angela Atkin A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D. Jerry W. Stevenson, Secretary Stephen Barlow Steve Brinton David Bjorkman, M.D. H. Roger Boyer Members Clark E. Christian Phillip Clinger, Chair Jess Agraz Doug Fadel Arnold B. Combe Joseph C. Bennett Mary Gordon Gordon Crabtree Rodney H. Brady Brad Hatch David Entwistle Robert L. Brinton Rick Johnson Talmage D. Egan, M.D. Kristi Cumming Steven R. McMurray John H. Firmage, III David D’Antuono Cindy Sadler Wayne Imbrescia Sara Douglass Penniann J. Schumann Maureen Keefe, RN, Ph.D., FAAN Harold K. Dunn, M.D. Steve Sloan G. Donald Gale Gerald Snow Rob Lloyd Nancy L. Giles Stanley Vandertoolen Dan Lundergan Kay B. Greene Terri Yeckley Ray Lynch Eldon V. Haacke Michael Magill, M.D. Kenneth Hanni Norma Matheson Dennis V. Haslam Thomas Miller, M.D. Jerry Howells, Jr. Margaret Pearce, RN, MSN, MBA, Ph.D. Carl R. Kjeldsberg, M.D. Debra Tanzi Claudia McMullin Ross Van Vranken Vicki Varela Liz Winter Dennis V. Lloyd Earl W. Pixton Anthony L. Rampton Gretta C. Spendlove Lynda Lee Tobin L. Steve Wilson Emeritus E. R. Dumke, Jr. John W. Gallivan T. G. “Bud” Mahas John A. Reinertsen Ex Officio A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D. Gordon Crabtree Dan K. Lundergan Karen Macon Stephen R. Warner Kim Wirthlin {48} 2006 University of Utah Health Sciences • Donor Report The University of Utah Health Science Development 540 Arapeen Drive, Suite 120 Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1251 (801) 581-4401 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. ???? Salt Lake City, Utah