Legals - The Holstein Advance
Legals - The Holstein Advance
5 The Holstein Advance Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Galva-Holstein Community School District AUGUST 8, 2016 REGULAR BOARD MEETING The Galva-Holstein Board of Education and the Schaller-Crestland Board of Education met in joint session on Monday, August 8, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Schaller Crestland Media Center in Schaller, IA, with the following board members present: Don Friedrichsen, Dave Kistenmacher, Kyle Bennett, Evan Johnson and Heather Pribble. Absent: Grant Aschinger, Jamie Whitmer. Administrators present: Superintendent Jon Wiebers and Principals Mike Richard and Bret Warnke. Visitors present: Alberto Najera. Call to order: President Don Friedrichsen @ 7:03 p.m. Motion by Bennett, second by Johnson to approve agenda with addition of Item H. Sealed Bid for SC scoreboard, and I. Misc. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Najera addressed the Boards with concerns on discipline issue within the middle school systems. Motion by Pribble, second by Johnson to approve minutes of regular board meeting July 11, 2016. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Pribble, second by Kistenmacher to approve summary list of bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Business Manager Dittmer presented July, 2016, financials but asked that financial reports for July 2016 not be approved until August board meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Reports were heard by principals and athletic director. Motion by Johnson, second by Bennett to approve resignation submitted by Shelley Conover as Preschool teacher, effective immediately, pending suitable replacement. Motion carried 5-0. Board thanks Ms. Conover for her years of service to the district. Motion by Kistenmacher second by Pribble to approve offering TAP contracts to Felicia Madden and Dorene Horstman, respectively, in the amount of $28,690.00. Madden will have 1.5 months remaining on contract, and Horstman with have three month, due to fiscal year end for the TAP program of September, 2016. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Kistenmacher, second by Priblbe to approve offering contract to Steve Pickhinke for Mock Trial for 2016-17 school year with contract amount to be $573.80. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Johnson, second by Bennett to approve offering contract to Roxy Dutler for Prom Sponsor for 2016-2017 school year with contract amount to be $573.80. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Kistenmacher, second by Pribble to approve offering contract to Jeanne Bell as MUN sponsor for 2016-2017 school year with contract amount to be $597.75. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Pribble, second by Johnson to approve offering contract to Brittany Weber for .5 Transitional Kindergarten at a salary of $16,920.45. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Bennett, second by Pribble to approve offering contract to Jennifer Leftwich as Preschool teacher for 2016-2017 school year with contract amount to be $41,113.91. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Bennett, second by Johnson to approve offering contract to Becky Hanson as high school paraeducator with an hourly rate of $9.00/hr. for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Johnson, second by Bennett to approve shared positions with SchallerCrestland Schools for the 2016-2017 school year as stated: Clay Drenth, Angie Kohn, Dale Tokheim, Darren Nuckolls, Angie Lussman and Jarod Mozer. Galva-Holstein will share with Schaller-Crestland the following personnel: Susan Kalin, Amanda Schnuckle, Jeanne Bell, Dennis Niemeier, Bret Warnke, high school principal/HR Director, and Mike Richard, Athletic Director. Motion carried 5-0. Home School Assistance Program for 2016-2017 tabled until September, 2016 board meeting. Motion by Bennett, second by Johnson to approve Designated Investigators for 20162017 school year as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Johnson, second by Kistenmacher to approve 28E agreement with Iowa Central Community College to participate in Project Earlybird Concurrent Enrollment Courses for 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Kistenmacher, second by Johnson to approve purchase of S590 T4 Bobcat SkidSteer Loader from Clark Equipment not to exceed $35,000.00. This motion includes direction to purchase bucket that will be larger than what is currently used by the district. Motion carried 5-0. Reports were heard by board and superintendent. Motion by Bennett, second by Pribble to adjourn. Adjournment: 8:06 p.m. Don Friedrichsen, Board President Cynthia Dittmer, Board Secretary GALVA-HOLSTEIN CSD Vendor Name, Description Amount Checking 1 CHECKING 1 FUND: 10 GENERAL FUND: Advance Systems, Inc., Overages $17.00 Barnes & Noble, Inc., Library Books - HS1 485.63 Bellner Service Inc., Grounds 137.00 Bomgaars, Instructional Supplies 59.80 Carolina Biological Supply Co., Instructional Supplies 232.21 Carson-Dellosa Publishing Co., Instructional Supplies 83.91 Cash, FFA Concession Startup Change 200.00 Caswell, Troy, July Mileage 180.60 CDW Government, Inc., Software 625.00 Cengage Learning, Instructional Supplies 2,070.75 Centerpoint Energy Services, Natural Gas - HS 460.93 Century Link, Long Distance 58.45 Chronicle Times, TAP 639.38 Cornhusker International, Parts 256.90 Trucks, Inc., Demco, Media Supplies 471.65 Dorene Horstman, July Mileage 172.20 Elan Financial Service Center, Tech. Equipment 8,213.53 First Cooperative Association, Diesel 962.64 Flaghouse, UE Sp. Ed. Instr. Supplies 164.95 Flinn Scientific Company, Instructional Supplies 1,404.17 Follet School Solutions, Inc., Lang. Arts 396.25 Frontier Communications, Tolls/ Services 1,289.75 Galva, City of, Water/Sewer 306.96 Gumdrop Books, Library Books LE 251.26 Gym Closet, Recess Supplies 190.95 Handwriting Without Tears, Instructional Supplies 690.48 Holiday Inn Express Hotel &, Transportation Conf. Suites 272.16 Holstein Super Market, FFA 101.35 Holstein, City of, Water/Sewer Bus Barn 905.64 Houghton Mifflin Company, Workbook 529.92 Iowa Assoc. of School Boards, Background 131.00 Iowa Pupil Transportation Assc., 16 IPTA Conference Fee 340.00 J. W. Pepper, Instructional Supplies - Band 319.26 Jochims, Jennifer, MileagePowerschool 189.84 Kay L Chapman, CPA PC, Professional Service 4,428.00 Keisha Todd, MileagePowerschool 189.84 Knight Protection, Inc., Repairs Due to Inspection 1,279.00 Lab-Aids Incorporated, Instructional Supplies 39.95 Lakeshore Learning Materials, Instructional Supplies 443.18 Learning Station, Instructional Supplies 34.65 Marco Technologies LLC, BW Printing 211.55 McFeely’s, Inc., Instructional Supplie. 287.69 McMillen, Teresa, 2015-2016 Non Public Transportation Cost 4,446.00 Mid-America Publishing Corp., Aide 362.02 Mid-Iowa School Improvement Consortium, 16-17 Dues 1,464.40 MidAmerican Energy, Electricity Le. 6,955.22 Midwest Woodworkers Inc., Instructional Supplies 2,982.90 MOC-Floyd Valley CSD, 2nd Sem. 15-16 2,977.20 MTC Mechanical, Inc., Air Sensor 395.00 NASCO, Instructional Supplies 224.55 Nebraska Air Filters, Air Filters 1,169.30 Paxton/Patterson, Instructional Supplies 312.00 Pearson Education, Workbook 385.05 Pioneer Valley Books, Instructional Supplies 105.60 Popular Subscription Service, UE Periodicals 16-17 173.21 Prestwick House Inc., Lang. Arts 395.56 Quill Corporation, Office 887.66 Really Good Stuff, Instructional Supplies 56.94 Reis Bros. Service, Repair 1,262.53 Richard, Michael, Cell Reimbursement 50.00 Rockler Woodworking, Instructional Supplies 78.55 S & S Sales, Transporation 184.44 Schaller Herald, The, Classified 85.48 Schaller-Crestland Comm. School, 2nd Semester Tuition 20,286.32 School Administrators of Iowa, Additional Membership Fees Due 215.00 129.00 School Mate, 5th Grade Agendas School Nurse Supply, HS Health Supplies 264.33 School Specialty, Inc., Instructional Supplies 2,737.86 Stevenson Hardware, Ground 1,183.94 Storm Lake Community Schools, 2nd Sems. 2015-16 19,607.20 Storm Lake Times, Bus Driver 94.52 Teacher’s Discovery, Instructional Supplies 80.30 Time Management Systems, Timecards 70.75 Tool Depot, Instructional Supplies 158.45 U.S. Cellular, Tolls/Services 68.64 U.S. Toy Co./Constructive Playthings, TK Instructional Supplies 244.88 Vis, Larry, Purchase Services 82.50 Warnke, Bret, Cell Reimbursement 50.00 Whitmer Spine & Sports Chiro., Physicals - 3 Drivers 180.00 Wiebers, Jon, Cell Reimbursement 400.00 WITCC Training Center, Auto 2,431.31 Fund Total: 103,963.99 Checking Account Total: 103,963.99 Checking 2 CHECKING 2 FUND: 61 NUTRITION FUND: Elan Financial Service Center, Class Fee - Kitchen 25.00 Fire Proof Plus, Inc., Kitchen Supplies 244.25 Fund Total: 269.25 Checking Account Total: 269.25 Checking 4 CHECKING 4 FUND: 33 LOSST: Skold Specialty Contracting, LLC, Install Dura-Cap Floor/Gym 19,100.00 Fund Total: 19,100.00 CHECKING 4 FUND: 36 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT: Advance Systems, Inc., Canon Systems 1,376.07 Blankenship Meier Painting & Decorating, Completion of Painting of Gym 9,355.00 CDW Government, Inc., Chromebooks 4,750.00 School Specialty, Inc., Office Desk 1,208.00 SHI International Corp., Laptops/Towers 15,636.51 Software Unlimited Inc., Accounting System Software Fees 7,150.00 Toshiba Financial Solutions, Copier Lease 1,140.00 Fund Total: 40,615.58 Checking Account Total: 59,715.58 Checking 5 CHECKING 5 FUND: 21 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND: Brighton, David, Officiating 7-8-2016 110.00 Community Education, SB Tourney 80.00 Decker Sporting Goods, FB Supplies 684.00 Graffix Inc., DBA Wall of Fame, Football 244.42 Holstein Super Market, Concessions 162.21 IHSSA, 16-17 Speech Membership 50.00 Impact Applications Inc., 1 Yr. Subscription 600.00 Martin Bros. Distribution, Popcorn for Concessions’ Stand 47.33 NASSP/NASC, Annual Membership Student Council 95.00 Peterson, Jay, State Routines Choreography Fees 1,000.00 Pilot Rock Signs, Dance 549.70 Rogue Fitness, Weight Equipment 1,720.48 rschool Today, 2016-17 Renewal 400.00 Something Unique, FB Camp 2,269.34 Stevenson Hardware, Baseball 3.98 Tiefenthaler Quality Meats, Concessions 464.70 Trophies Plus, Softball 622.99 Wessling, Doug, Officiating 7-8-2016 110.00 Western Valley Conference, Conference Receipts 2,638.00 Fund Total: 11,852.15 CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL: $11,852.15 PUBLIC NOTICE Ida County Commissioner of Elections NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION City of Holstein Notice is hereby given to the eligible electors and qualified voters of the City of Holstein, County of Ida, State of Iowa, that the Special Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2016. Polls will open at 12:00 noon and will close at 8:00 p.m. Polling Place: City of Holstein: Lohff Schumann Comm. Room, 301 Lohff Schumann Dr., Holstein IA 51025 The polling place is accessible to elderly and disabled voters. Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. For further information, please contact the County Auditor’s Office at 712-364-2626. Candidates will appear on the Official Ballot as follows. Dated at Ida Grove, Iowa, this 24th day of August, 2016. /s/ Lorna Steenbock, Commissioner of Elections PUBLIC NOTICE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR IDA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES H. CLAUSEN, DECEASED Case No. ESPR009222 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of JAMES H. CLAUSEN, Deceased, who died on or about July 4, 2016: You are hereby notified that on July 19, 2016, the last will and testament of JAMES H. CLAUSEN, deceased, bearing date of July 7, 2011, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Verla Jean Clausen was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 22nd day of August, 2016. Verla Jean Clausen Executor of the estate 103 W. Cleveland Street Holstein, IA 51025 Thaddeus Cosgrove #AT0001750 Attorney for the Executor Cosgrove Law Firm 102 N. Main P.O. Box 50 Holstein, IA 51025-0050 Date of second publication 7th day of September, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Ida County Board of Supervisors City of Holstein IDA GROVE, IOWA AUGUST 22, 2016 The Board of Supervisors convened in adjourned session, members present Chair Rhett Leonard, Curtis Phillips and Robert Paulsrud. Minutes of the meeting held August 15, 2016, were read and approved. Ed Sohm was present to inform the Board that NMC Holdings, LLC/Holstein Sow Farm Site, located at Section 8 of Griggs Township, did not provide an updated waiver agreement with Harold and Jeanne Freese in order to satisfy a passing matrix score. Paulsrud moved and Phillips seconded a motion to fail the matrix, which scored 400 points of the required 440 points, and disapprove the permit application. Motion carried, all voting Aye. County Engineer Jeff Williams was present to update the Board on various road projects. At 10:00 a.m., a meeting was held with various Township Officials. Discussion was held on the proposed Resolution to present a public measure on the General Election ballot to authorize the Board of Supervisors to appoint township officials vs. electing them. After much discussion, it was the consensus of the Board not to approve said Resolution. Various road issues were also discussed with Engineer Williams. The Board approved a claim to Benefits Inc. from the Self-Funding Fund in the amount of $58.80. The Board acknowledged receipt of manure management plans from Forest Farms, LLC/ Otter Creek, Finisher Farm; and Iowa Select/ Roeder Finisher Farm. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet again at 9:00 a.m., Monday, September 12, 2016, or on call of the Chair. /s/Lorna Steenbock /s/Rhett Leonard Auditor Chair HOLSTEIN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING – CITY HALL TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2016 5:30 PM MINUTES Call to Order The August 23, 2016, Special Meeting of the Holstein City Council was called to order by Mayor Ludvigson at 5:36 p.m. Members present were Doxtad, Gebers, Regennitter and Stevenson. City Code Recodification Work Session City Codes were reviewed and updated. The next City Council Work Session was scheduled for Wednesday, August 31, 2016. Adjourn Motion by Gebers second by Stevenson to adjourn the Special Meeting of the Holstein City Council. Yea: All. No – None. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. Connie Ludvigson, Mayor ATTEST: Katherine Hanson, City Administrator A CRASH COURSE IN TEXTING. A message from the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau and your local law enforcement agencies. H&H Builders, Inc. Residential/Commercial General Contractors 317 East First Street, Kingsley, Iowa Ph. 712-378-2998 Fax 712-378-2997 [email protected] · New Construction · Commercial Construction · Roof Work · · Remodel/Additions · Concrete/Decorative Concrete Stamping · · Pre-Engineered Wood Building · Custom Blueprint Drawing · Professional Staff/Bonding/Experienced Please give us a call to discuss your construction needs. Heath & Lora Bliek Livestock & Grain Producers View their story at: Follow us on twitter @HolsteinAdvance
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