VAAGDEVI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, Anantapuram) Peddasettipally (Village), PRODDATUR-516 360. Kadapa Dt. A.P Phone : 08564-200060, e-mail : [email protected] website : VAAGDEVI VAHINI VOLUME VII No I NEWS LETTER OF VITS Chief Patron Sri. G.Hussain JANUARY 2014 Patron Reddy Secretary & Correspondent Sri.P.Ramanuja Chief Editor Babajee Dr.N.Kumara Swamy Director (Administration) Principal In This Issue PRINCIPAL'S DESK 1. MANVITS -2K12 2. IVITS-2K12 3. DVITS-2K13 4. FESTIVITS-2K13 Dr. N. Kumara Swamy I am happy to release On-line edition of our college news letter "VAAGDEVI VAHINI" Volume VII Issue I January 2014. Our college organizes various cultural events, Conferences and workshops on advanced technological concepts in various engineering disciplines to imbibe leadership qualities , to expose them to the competitive world and update their knowledge. All student activities and administration are transparent through "On-Edu"- a web based service which can built confidence, understanding and ethical values in tender minds of engineers. On behalf of Vaagdevi family, I congratulate Smt P. Yasho Deepti, who got University gold medal for standing first in ECE department among 126 affiliated engineering colleges of JNTUA, Anantapuram. All Vaagdevi family members and others should take inspiration from her rarest achievement. Our college NSS units will start health awareness program "Human blood-life saving fluid" for serving 20,000 villagers in the next 5 years. 5. CLOUD COMPUTING WORKSHOP 6. ACTIVE LEARNING METHODOLOGIES WORKSHOP 7. INDUSTRIAL JAVA WORK SHOP 8. DESIGN TOOLS OF PHOTO SHOP WORKSHOP 9. SERVICE ACTIVITIES OF NSS UNIT-II 10. STUDENT CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 11. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS & MISCELLENEOUS MANVITS-2K12 MANVITS MANVITS provides an opportunity to exhibit talent and skills of the management students. In present Scenario, management students are completing their courses in conventional educational pattern without professionalism and they are taking decisions without considering consequential changes in future economy in corporate world. This leads to recession economy and impact on economic activity and employment. The students of professional courses like MBA need to understand the changes in business world to establish the growing economy. In order to take right decisions for the Participation in MANVITS helps to inculcate and enhance the qualities of head and heart, which are required for real competitive world. It is an earnest attempt by young managers of VITS college. success of their professional practices in the real business world, interaction of management students with field managers is essential . On the occasion of Decennial Celebrations of Vaagdevi Institute of Technology & Science, conducted a National level Management meet“Manvits-2K12” in Proddatur to inspire management students, industrial persons on 19th November, to create awareness on management skills, decision making. Totally 300 students have participated from various MANVITS interaction among business and intellectuals to managerial skills. facilitates students, industrial hone up management colleges in state with their principals. On this occasion Sri. Y.S.Rao garu, GM., Maintenance (Zuari Cements Ltd) Yerraguntla attended as a Chief Guest and Guests Of Honor Sri N. Kiran Kumar, Branch Manager, HDFC bank, Proddatur, M.V. Ramana Rao, Chief Manager, SBI, Proddatur. Sri K. Ram Mohan, Branch Manager ICICI Bank, Proddatur were also present. They narrated that, the students from rural areas are having stuff in knowledge but, they are unable to get good jobs due to lack of English communication skills, shy, fearness. To overcome these problems, students must come forward with self confidence & dareness, then they can definitely achieve higher positions. EVENTS GALAXY: 1. YODHA(Young manageer) --Case Analysis --Group Discussion --Meet the Press --Stress Interview 2. TANTRA(B-quiz) --Written Test --Quiz(4 rounds) Singing prayer song at Inaugural function of MANVITS-2K12 3.MEDHA(HR) --Written Test --Cazelets with Role Play 4.MANTRA(Marketing) --Screening --Final Round Address by the Chief Guest Sri Y.S.RAO, GM., Zuari Cements Ltd 5.VEDA(Paper Presentation) -Role of Ethics in present business -Leadership -Foreign Direct Investment --Economic Environment after Liberalization. -4p's of Marketing. --Retail Marketing. Presenting the memento to chief guest Sri Y.S Rao by VITS Correspondent Sri . G. Hussain Reddy Group discussion Round in YODHA Sri P.R.Babaji, Director presenting Cash prize and Alpha suitcase to 2nd prize winner in YODHA event PRIZE WINNERS DETAILS: I Event – YODHA alias Young Manager 1. The first prize awarded to N. Nagheeba Sultana GATES, Gooty with worth of 4000/- & also Lava Mobile. 2. The Second Prize awarded to S. Gouse Basha BITS, Kadapa with worth of 1000/- Cash prize II Event – TANTRA alias Finance Quiz AD-ZAB presentation by participants in MANTRA Event 1. The first prize awarded to P. Nagavardhan Reddy,P. Manasa from Kottam College with worth of 2000/- Cash prize and Alpha Suitcase. 2. The Second Prize awarded to B. Pavan Kumar Reddy, G. Anil Kumar Reddy from BITM Kadapa with worth of 1000/- Cash prize and Alpha Suitcase. III Event – MEDHA alias HR Event 1. The first prize awarded to K. Naveen, R. Naresh, P. Ravi kumar from APGCCS with worth of 3000/- Cash prize and Alpha Suitcase. 2. The Second Prize awarded to K. Suresh Babu, Krishna and Ravi from YVU Kadapa with worth of 1500/- Cash prize and Alpha Suitcase. IV Event – MANTRA alias AD-ZAB Dr. N. Kumara Swamy, Principal presenting Cash Prize and Alpha suitcase to 1st Prize Winner in MEDHA Event 1. The first prize awarded to S. Umar Farooq, Y. Rama Chandra Reddy, M.V. Imran Khan, G. Anil Kumar Reddy from BIMK Kadapa with worth of 4000/- Cash prize and Alpha Suitcase. 2. The Second Prize awarded to K. Ramanand, S. Rizwan Basha, N. Sai Sowmya, B. Radhika from GATES, Gooty with worth of 2000/- Cash prize and Alpha Suitcase. IVITS-2K12 IVITS IVITS provides an opportunity for the intermediate students to exhibit their hidden talents and skills. IVITS acts as platform for the interaction among various junior college students, engineering students, senior faculty members, Industrial and field professional engineers. IVITS helps the students to enhance and widen their knowledge which is really required for competitive engineering world. A National level Intermediate student meet IVITS-2k12 was held on 15th December 2012 at VITS, Proddatur. A total of 280 students from various inter colleges from various places have attended the program. The chief guest of the inaugural function was Dr. Jayachandra Reddy. Principal YSR Engineering College, YVU. Dr. N Kumara Swamy, Principal, VITS Proddatur, spoken on how intermediate students are lacking awareness about their higher studies. He gave a profound speech on importance of civil department and job opportunities in that department. Director(Administrator) Sri P R Babajee explained, how selection of colleges will be done in EAMCET counselling with good illustration. He also expressed various problems encountered by students after selecting college. At the end he said that all students are welcome to our college to clear doubts about engineering admissions and any other academic matters. EVENTS GALAXY: 1.QUIZ 2. MODEL EXHIBITION 3. SINGING 4. DANCE 5. RANGOLI 6. STORY TELLING 7. THROW BALL 8. VOLLEY BALL 9.CARROMS 10.OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP. Cultural events performed at IVITS-2K12 Rangoli competition at IVITS-2K12 Students gathered at IVITS-2K12 DVITS-2K13 DVITS DVITS provides an opportunity for the degree and diploma students to exhibit their hidden talents & skills. On the occasion of Decennial celebrations of Vaagdevi institute of technology and science conducted a National level meet DVITS-2K13 in proddatur to inspire Diploma & Degree students on 2nd February to create awareness on recent changes in economic world as well as present job opportunities with ethical values. Totally 380 students have participated from various Polytechnic and DVITS acts as a platform for the interaction among various degree and diploma college students, engineering students, senior faculty members, industrial and field professional engineers. Degree colleges in state with their principals and faculty members. On this occasion, Sri C. Venkateswara Rao, General Manager (HR), Zuari Cement Ltd attended as chief guest. He narrated that, the students from rural areas having a complete understanding of the concept of the subject. But they cannot express them in real world due to lack of exposure to the DVITS helps the students to enhance & widen their knowledge which is really required for this competitive business world. EVENT GALAXY 1. QUIZ good English communication skills. However they can use in the real engineering filed to obtain the desired productivity. To overcome these, students should come forward with self-confidence & dedication, then they can definitely achieve higher positions Awareness session on engineering courses & post graduation courses was led by experts & senior professors. In the evening session, various competitions 2. SINGING 3. DANCE were organized such as Volleyball, Dance, Singing , Rangoli, Minute to win it, 4. RANGOLI chess, Technical quiz for diploma and General quiz for degree students. All the 5. THROWBALL students have participated enthusiastically and won attractive Cash Prizes, 6. V0LLEYBALL 7. CAROMS 8. OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP Certificates and Awards. Address by the Principal Dr. N. Kumara Swamy at DVITS-2K13 Function Address by the Chief guest Sri C. Venkateswara Rao, GM, Zuari Cements Ltd-DVITS-2K Demonstration of a experiment at electronic Engg lab Introducing Volley ball players to VITS Director Sri P. R. Babaji DVITS-2K13 Function Volleyball competition at DVITS-2K13 Rangoli competition ... at DVITS-2K13 Singing competition at DIVTS-2K13 "Overall championship" Award to Principal of Rani Tirumala Devi degree college presented by the VITS Director and Principal Dance competition at DIVTS-2K13 Students group photo at DVITS-2K13 FESTIVITS-2K13 FESTIVITS FESTIVITS provides an opportunity for engineering students to exhibit their hidden talents and skills. A national level youth festival "FESTIVITS-2K13" was conducted on 2nd March2013. Sri L. Madan Kumar Reddy, Deputy passport officer, Hyderabad has attended as chief guest. He motivated the students to challenge the opportunities FESTVITS-2K13 acts as a platform for the interaction among engineering students with senior faculty members, industrial & field engineers. EVENTS GALAXY 1.PAPER PRESENTATIONS (For all departments) 2. Technical Quiz (For all departments) and meet their goals. Sri P. Ramanuja Babajee, Director of administration released the seminar proceeding CD of FESTIVITS-2K13. As part of FESTIVITS-2K13, paper presentations, sports, technical quiz and various cultural events were conducted. In this event, 65 technical papers were selected among 500 papers received from various institutions including neighbouring states. Subject Experts from different institutions were involved to coordinate FESTIVITS-2K13. 1. Dr. P. Sujatha, HOD OF EEE Dept., JNTU ANANTAPUR 3.CULTURAL EVENTS 2. Sri D. Vishnu vardan, HOD OF ECE Dept., JNTUACE PULIVENDULA --Dance 3. Dr. S. Vasundara, CSE Dept, JNTU ANANTAPUR have acted as research --Singing papers adjudicators. --Drama For sports activities 8 teams were participated for volley ball & 60 teams 4. SPORTS --Throw ball --Volley ball --Caroms for caroms double were participated and 15 batches were participated for technical quiz event from various engineering colleges across the state. Launching of CD Proceedings at inaugural function at FESTIVITS-2K13 by dignitaries. Chief guest L. Madan Mohan Reddy, Deputy Passport offiecer,Hyd and Director Sri P. Ramanuja Babajee having an introduction with volley ball players. Address by Principal Dr. N. Kumara swamy at FESTIVITS2K13 Presenting a paper by a student and judgment team in EEE Dept Address by L.Madan Mohan Reddy, Deputy passport officer, Hyderabad Cultural activities performed by students at FESTIVITS2K13 Presenting a momento to Chief guest by Sri P. Ramanuja Babajee, Director of VITS Caroms competition at FESTIVITS-2K13 WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED CLOUD COMPUTING WORKSHOP The Computer Science & Engineering department of Vaagdevi Institute of Technology & Science, Proddatur in associate with Infosys, Hyderabad organized a Two day National Level Workshop on “Cloud Computing” from 29th to 30th September 2012. Dr. G. Jaya Chandra Reddy, Principal of YSR College of Engineering Proddatur, Chief guest, narrated the role of technology to produce the goods at affordable price. At present, productivity of goods & services can be enhanced using sustainable technology. Cloud Computing Technology provides the economical attractive storage space and software for computation works of individuals and business. Cloud computing technology will create 1.38 crores of jobs in the world economy by 2015. Industry can save 20 to 50% of IT spending by adopting cloud computing technology which can be ploughed back into the core business. Address the gallery by Dr. G. Jaya chandra Reddy, Principal of YSR College of Engineering, PDTR Explanation on Cloud computing by Resource person from Infosys ACTIVE LEARNING METHODOLOGIES WORKSHOP Mission10X club of VITS was conducted a workshop on "Active learning methodologies" on 23rd February 2013 to address the challenges of employability in engineering education. In this workshop, Sri Jagannath, Divisional engineer, RTPP attended as Chief guest, and inaugurated the workshop by lightening the lamp. He narrated, the importance of multi-disciplinary learning which is required to make a right decision, in their career life of the student community. He stressed Student activities in active learning methodologies. the need for innovative learning approach in engineering education in order to establish a sustainable growth in country. During the workshop students demonstrated various working live models on Power generation, Data mining, Mobile computing, Global warming, Communication Signal System., etc to create a clear understanding of the basic concept involved in the above aspects. A total of 300 students attended from 25 Engineering colleges for this workshop. Student activities in active learning methodologies Address by Convener Miss D.Bhanu Priya, Asst.Prof in Participants CSE Dept workshop. at active learning methodologies . INDUSTRIAL JAVA WORKSHOP On the occasion of decennial celebrations of Vaagdevi Institute of Technology and Science, Proddatur. “JAVA REAL TIME Club", of departments of CSE ,IT and MCA has conducted a National level two day Workshop on “INDUSTRIAL JAVA” from 16th to 17th March 2013. This workshop was conducted on how class room level java is applied on real time application. A total of 241 students attended for this workshop from different engineering colleges. Address the audience by Chief guest Mr I. Viswanath Senior Software, Engineer, Hyderabad On this occasion Mr. I. Viswanath, Senior software. Engineer, Hyderabad attended as chief guest for Inaugural function . He explained the role of java in the field of real world situations. The workshop was divided into 4 sessions, the first session, the SDLC life cycle in Project domain. In Second session, OOP Concepts in Real Time were explained. In Third session IDEs were discussed. In Fourth session important topics of Exception Handling, Collection framework and Threading were explained. Participants gallery at workshop Address by convener Smt G.komala, Asst prof in IT department Memento presentation to the Guest of Honour Principal Dr. N. Kumara Swamy. by A WORKSHOP ON GUEST LECTURES CONDUCTED DESIGN TOOLS OF PHOTOSHOP Photoshop club of VITS has conducted national level, two day workshop on "Design Tools of Photoshop" from 6th to 7th October 2012, Proddatur. Tahasildar C. Sreeninvasulu, Chief guest inaugurated the workshop by lightening the lamp. On this occasion, he told that information technology was developed beyond our imagination. So we are visualizing the miracles in our day to day life. Photoshop tool plays a vital role in 1 CSE Department organized a guest lecture on “DATABASE IN REAL TIME ENVIRONMEMT” on 22/12/2012(Saturday) by Mr.S. Ramu, Senior Software Engineer, NTTDATA Solutions, Bangalore 2. CSE Department organized a guest lecture on “Oracle 11g features ” on 21/09/2012 by Mr S.Babu, Senior software Engineer, Cognizant technologies and solutions, Bangalore 3. CSE Department organized a guest lecture on “IEEE 802.11 Protocols ” on 19/10/2012 by Miss. R. S. Manasa , Senior software Engineer, Qual con India PVT Limited, Hyderabad cinema industry and advertisement industry. The Student can learn new advances by participating in this type of workshops. Such students will contribute to the development of the society by inventing new devices, and good systems. A total of 300 students have attended for this workshop from various Engineering colleges. Presentation by Guest Speaker Miss R.S.Manasa 4. ECE Department organized a guest lecture on “Need of Games & Sports ” on 12-03-2013 by Mrs. B. Lakshmi Devi, PET, Municipal High school, PDTR. Address by Principal, Dr N. Kumar Swamy NSS UNIT II Literacy Day celebrations on 8/09/2012 Literacy Day celebrations were conducted by NSS UNITII On 08/09/2012 at adopted village peddasettipali, Proddutur, mandal. The NSS volunteers have taken oath to enhance Literacy rate in adopted village. NSS volunteers identified illiterate village people and given guidance to read and write Telugu words. They started quick learning of Telugu at village school. Students helping village people to write and read NSS Day celebrations on 24/09/2012 NSS Day Celebrations was conducted by NSS UnitII on 24/09/12 at adopted villages Narasimhapuram and Peddsettipalli in Proddutur mandal. In this programme the volunteers created awareness on seasonal diseases like dengue, chicken gunya and viral fever through phomlets. After awareness programme, Homeo medicines were distributed freely to 300 villagers to prevent dengue fever Blood Testing Camp on 02/10/2012 On the eve of Gandhi Jayanthi on 2nd October 2012, "BLOOD TESTING PROGRAMME" was conducted at YMR Colony, Proddatur. 200 blood samples were tested with the help of Biotechnology students from Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College , Proddatur and the donors list with their corresponding blood group and their contact details were given to govt hospital , Proddatur and other private hospitals. Please Contact us for any emergency whenever donation of blood is essential. A view of blood testing camp Plantation programme On Republic Day Celebrations On 26/01/2013: On the eve of Republic Day celebrations, Plantation was done in College Premises on 26/01/2013. Plantation was also done in adopted villages Peddasettipalli and kothapeta for developing green environment in adopted villages. Plantation by NSS volunteers Distribution of free medicines to the villagers STUDENT CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IEEE STUDENT CHAPTER CLUB DEBATE CLUB Branch Date Topic II,ECE 26-12-2012 Storytelling and Dumb chards on electronic components H. S. Manikanta I, ECE 09-01-2013 Cellular phones Kavya I, ECE 09-01-2013 Electricity K. Navya I, ECE 30-01-2013 Windows8-os B. Ravi Teja I, ECE 30-01-2013 Android Technology D. Mounica Reddy II ECE 20-02-2013 VLSI for neural networks G. Raghavaram II,ECE 20-02-2013 Biometrics G. Sai Anil Kumar V. Sumanth P. Praveena II, ECE 27-02-2013 Role - Play Name DATE NAME OF THE TOPIC 17-09-2012 Establishment of Indian banks in Pakistan. 24-09-2012 Business Issues between Apple & Samsung 09-10-2012 Contemporary issues in business-Inflation, Harshad Mehta scandle and Sahara issue 16-10-2012 Contemporary issues in business- Employee hand book, Conflict management. 06-11-2012 Impact of Telangana issue on Economical development of AP. 27-11-2012 Ad-ZAB 04-12-2012 Ad-ZAB 11-12-2012 Ad-ZAB B. V. Mounika C. Mounika D. Mounika M. Mounika Prasanthi JAM 19-12-2012 Cultural club: 26-12-2012 TAGLINES, LOGOS, and CEO’S of the company products. 09-01-2013 Women harassment and Education system in India Date Event Branch Performer 4/2/13 Singing IICSE Mahitha(group Vijay kumar 12/2/13 Dance III ECE Pavan 4/3/13 Dance I ECE-A/S Chandana 11/3/13 Dance,Singing IEEE-D/S Surendravarma,Padma Sree 18/3/13 Drama IEEE,ECE Ashok(Group) Guest lecture on Practical marketing and service orientation 26/3/13 Dance&Drama IEEE,CSE Pavani(Group),Prathap( Group) 20-02-2013 Non verbal communication (mono actions) 2/4/13 Dance I,IIECE Bharathdwaja(Group) 06-03-2013 Initial public offerings- boon or bane Devaluation of Indian currency 30-01-2013 06-02-2013 08-02-2013 Financial crisis in King fisher airlines. Why face book and twitter are more popular, Privatization of Govt organizations Role play has been conducted on different situations in business. YOUNG MANAGER'S CLUB DATE IT CLUB TOPIC Author 13-09-2012 Quiz on Abbreviation 14-09-2012 Product identification 22-09-2012 Gust lecture on Gen-Next Leaders 28-09-2012 Quiz on G K and Short cut keys 12-10-2012 Add making 16-10-2012 Date Branch Event Ramadevi 29/09/12 II MCA Network Security Renuka 4/10/12 II MCA Cryptography Srinivasulu 7/11/12 II MCA Protocols C.Sudhakar 7/2/13 IICSE Hacking G.Vani 7/2/13 IICSE Cloud computing A.pavankumar 4/3/13 IICSE Green computing A.Masthan 11/3/13 II CSE Denial of service attacks B.Srikanth 11/3/13 IICSE Network Security A Gust Lecture on Life ambitions & Human relations Sireesha 25/3/13 II CSE Network Security Dadavalli 12/10/2012 IVCSE Hacking 02-11-2012 Product Price Hemalatha 12/10/2012 IVCSE Cyber Attacks on Systems 15-11-2012 Gust lecture on Importance of communication skills & Entrepreneurship Kartheeka 19/10/2012 IVCSE Six Sense technology Obul Reddy 19/10/12 IVCSE Holistic disc drives Prasanthi 30/10/12 IVCSE Bluetooth remote control Ranjith Kumar 4/12/12 IIICSE Kinec technology 11/12/12 II MCA Bluetooth Technology 16-11-2012 Rapid fire round 23-11-2012 Management Quiz 30-11-2012 Group Discussion Chand basha Venkateswarlu 18/12/12 Varadarajulu 25/12/12 II MCA Networking 12/10/2012 IVCSE Installing softwares 28-12-2012 Group Discussion Dadavalli 07-02-2013 Photo Identification SOFTWARE CLUB: 01-03-2013 JAM 15-03-2013 Career opportunities for MBA 22-03-2013 Management word games Author S.Mansoora S.Ruksar P.Krishnaveni A.Venkateswarlu P.Varadarajulu B.Naveena K.Subbalakshmi A.Vishnuvardan A..Naveenkumar M.Sravanakumari M.jyothi L.Jayadeepa L.Priyanka J.Ranjith Kumar G.Vani A.Naveen K.madhavi T.Bagya Lakshmi A.Vishnu Meditation club: Guest Event Date Sridevi Meditation 30/2/2013 Lakshmi Yoga&Meditation 8/3/2013 Sailaja Yoga&Meditation 15/3/2013 Lavanya Meditation 20/3/2013 Bhagya Meditation 28/3/20123 Date 10/10/2012 10/10/12 10/10/12 2/11/12 2/11/12 23/11/12 23/11/12 07/12/12 07/12/12 10/1/13 10/1/13 10/1/13 22/1/13 1/2/13 1/2/13 1/2/13 15/2/13 15/2/13 15/2/13 II MCA Branch IICSE IICSE IICSE IIMCA IIMCA IIMCA IIMCA IIMCA IIICSE IV CSE IVCSE IVCSE Guestlec IIICSE c IICSE II MCA IIICSE IIICSE II MCA Hacking Techniques Event Biological computers SOS transmission Video conferencing Cloud Computing CloudComputing Data recovery Barcodes Mobile phone cloning Mobile phone cloning Lossless Compression Comprssion of images Cloud data protection fommasses Personality development Domain name system Computing Techniques Data recovery tech ATM networks Software Testing Testing Methodologies Mission 10x club: Author G.Vani Devi M.Reshma S.Sony T.Maneesha V.Surekha S.Rafi V.Tejaswini L.Harish Reddy K.Saipradeep M.Bharathi M.Nirisha R.Supraja S.Mansoora J.Srinivasulu P.Subbarayudu K.Gowri N.Madhuri M.Salma p.Kavya PPT CLUB Date 4/10/12 4/10/12 4/10/12 4/10/12 7/11/12 7/11/12 7/11/12 1/11/12 1/11/12 26/11/12 26/11/12 26/11/12 26/11/12 4/2/13 4/2/13 7/2/13 7/2/13 16/2/13 16/2/13 Branch Event IM.Tech Server Types II ECE 4 /1 Multiplexer IIECE 4/1 Multiplexer IIECE 4/1 Multiplexer IIECE Automatic speed detection IIECE Automatic speed detection IIECE Automatic speed detection II EEE Thermal power plant II EEE Thermal power plant IICSE Copy right laws IICSE Copy right laws IICSE Copy right laws IICSE Copy right laws II MCA Leaky bucket II MCA Leaky bucket II MBA Compilers II MBA Compilers IIICSE Software management IIICSE Software management English Club: Date 4/2/2013 Event QUIZ Branch IECE Performer Sravani,kalyan,malleswari 18/2/2013 4/3/2013 JAM Oral present ation IEEE-C IEEE-D A.Vishnu,kalyan Kalyan, Sushmitha, Hinduja TECHNICAL CLUB: NAME D.Rajasekhar, J.sreenivasula reddy, S.Siva priya, sravani, D.spoorthy, T.madhu kumar. K.Hrini, Yaswanth, Jagadesh k.yuktha, b.manasa devi, y.sunanda, p.praveena, b.uma srivani s.kranthi rekha Branch ECE m.vishnu, s.sai bhaskar, b.v.nagendra, b.ramu k.suresh m.sarath ECE AUTHOR DATE BRANCH TOPIC G.Lakshmi Devi 5/10/12 III CSE 5-Pen technology D.DivyaTeja 5/10/12 III CSE Securing cloud data B.ManikantaReddy 5/10/12 III CSE Information security G.Nagamurali 5/10/12 III CSE Cloud Computing G.Murali 12/10/12 III CSE M.Sukanya 5/2/13 III CSE Techniques of computing Travelling Sales person problem VITS CLUB Author v.Yaswanth k.kishore DATE 3/10/12 6/12/12 BRANCH III ECE IV EEE II EEE EVENT Memory Test Quiz on General knowledge Earthing RolePlay Memory mapping Story telling Transformer Manufacturing Air Conditioner N.subbarao N.Nagendra P.Sudharshan Gousepeer K.Hari 12/12/12 09/01/13 31/01/13 31/01/13 08/02/13 III ECE III EEE IV ECE IV ECE III EEE II EEE Photo identification DATE 19/01/13 BRANCH III CSE EVENT Demo on programming Skills 5/02/13 III ,II CSE Charactersets 6/02/13 III CSE Keywords 7/02/13 III,II CSE Variables 8/02/13 II CSE Datatypes 9/02/13 III CSE Characters 11/02/13 III CSE Functions L.Harish 20/02/13 Reddy N.Ashokkumar 06/03/13 C CLUB: Date 27/12/12 Topic Test on number series problems ECE 04/01/13 Aptitude test CSE 05/02/13 Quiz ECE 26/02/13 G.K. AUTHOR M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) M.Srikanth( Asst.Prof.,C SE) PARENTS FELICITATION FUNCTION The Parents of topper students in university examination from each branch were felicitated in presence of all the stakeholders of vaagdevi family. This programme boosts the confidence level of the topper students and inspiration to other students. The parents club will organize this felicitation function twice per year. ACHIEVEMENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. M. Sreenivasula Reddy, III-ECE, coach of 31st National level shooting ball Championship-2012-2013 (Feb 1 to 3). 2. C. Jayasree, III-ECE, participated in ball badminton, NIT, Warangal (12-12-2012) STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENTS II-I B.Tech TOPPERS IN NOV-12 Felicitation to the parents of topper students on 16th February 2013 NAME H.T.NO D.Mounica reddy 11L21A0433 ECE 88.8 B.Chandrakala 11L21A0418 ECE 86.13 J. Gouthami 11L21A0216 EEE 84.53 P.Lavanya 11L21A0245 EEE 79.6 V. Divya Tejaswini 11L21A05A1 CSE 86.8 K.Guru Lakshmi 11L21A0552 CSE 85.8 A. Chaya Rupini 11L21A1201 IT 69.0 EDUCATIONAL TOURS BRANCH %MARKS III-I B. Tech TOPPERS IN NOV-12 1. The students of III ECE Visited Radio Astronomy NAME H.T.NO Center and Dodabetta Tea Factory Udhagamandalam (ooty),India from 24-01-2013 to 27-01-2013. V. Mounica 10L21A04B5 ECE 90.0 M. Rani 10L21A0475 ECE 84.93 C. Guru Devi 10L21A0211 EEE 89.3 K. Sai chandra Prasad 10L21A0219 EEE 88.0 G. Deepthi 10L21A0536 CSE 82.4 K. Kalyani 10L21A0550 CSE 79.8 R. Pravallika 07EH1A1228 IT 75.4 K. Uma Maheswari 10L21A1206 IT 66.8 III B.Tech ECE students at Industrial Tour BRANCH %MARKS IV-I B. Tech TOPPERS IN NOV-12 NAME H.T.NO BRANCH B.Silpa 09L21A0407 ECE K.Hemalatha 09L21A0441 P.Yasho deepthi PG COURSES TOPPERS %MARKS NAME H.T.NO BRANCH 86.8 A.Mahesh babu 12L21D5701 M.Tech(VLSI) 76.4 ECE 84.93 B. Swathi 12L21D5702 M.Tech(VLSI) 76.2 09L21A0462 ECE 83.73 N. Harish 12L21D5809 M.Tech(CSE) 83.2 P.Mounika 09L21A0229 EEE 85.86 P.Pramidha 12L21D5810 M.Tech(CSE) 82.8 A.Pulla Reddy 09L21A0202 EEE 84.4 M.Nagalatha 12L21E0042 MBA-I SEM 83.1 N. Naga Tejaswini 09L21A0234 EEE 84.4 Y.V.Sivakrishna 12L21E0077 MBA-I SEM 82.4 Gopi Reddy 11L21E0015 MBA- III SEM 79.3 P. R. Prathuysha 09l21A0506 CSE 80.8 K.Gouri 11L21E0021 MBA-III SEM 78.2 R. Rasoolbee 09L21A0578 CSE 78.2 M. Naga Anusha 12L21F0013 MCA-I SEM 88.1 M. Narasimha Reddy 09L21A1241 IT 82.2 B.Deepti sai 12L21F0003 MCA-I SEM 86.5 Y. Vasista kumar Reddy 09L21A1275 IT 81.6 B. Shaik Fouzia 12L21F0005 MCA-I SEM 86.5 M. Chandana Priya 11L21F0021 MCA-III SEM 90.5 N. Deepti 11L21F0024 MCA-III SEM 85.2 Y. Prashanthi 10L21F0040 MCA-V SEM 91.1 S.Suneetha 10L21F0035 MCA-V SEM 90.0 VITS MOTTO Discipline, Dedication, Character Building, Service and Value Based Education %MARKS ADVISORS TO VARIOUS CLUBS Yoga & Meditation (Boys) Dr N Kumara Swamy, Principal IEI Student Chapter Mr.K. Ram Mohan Reddy, HOD, EEE Dept Yoga & Meditation (Girls) Mrs.K Madhavi, Asst.Prof of BSc&H IEEE Student Chapter Mr. K.V.Bhanu Prasanth, Asst.Prof of ECE Mission 10X Student Club Miss D.Bhanu Priya Asst.Prof of CSE Technical Club Mr.M.Subba Reddy Asst.Prof of ECE Java Club Smt.G.Komala Asst.Prof of CSE English Club Smt M. Mercy Vijaya Leela Asst.Prof of BSc&H Paper Presentation Club Mr.M.Naresh Babu Asst.Prof of CSE Photoshop Club Miss.M.Rajini Asst.Prof of CSE IT Club Miss.G.Lalitha Asst.Prof of CSE Software Club Mrs.M.Vijaya Lakshmi Asst.Prof of CSE Debate Club Miss.P.Devika Devi, of MBA VITS Club Mr.M.Satish Kumar Reddy Asst.Prof of EEE C-Club Mr.M.Sreekanth Asst.Prof of CSE Magazine Club Mr.V.Narasimha Swamy Asst.Prof of CSE Young Managers Club Miss.G.Lalithamma Asst.Prof MBA Cultural Club Mr.K.Pedda Peeraiah Asst.Prof of BSc&H Parents Club Mr.S.Sanjeeva Rayudu, Asst.Prof of CSE N.S.S. Unit I Mr.G.Pullaiah, Asst.Prof of EEE N.S.S. Unit II Mr.L.N.Prasad, Asst.Prof of CSE N.S.S. Unit III Mr. K.V.Bhanu Prasanth, Asst.Prof of ECE Chief patron Patron Sri G. Hussain Reddy Sri P.R. Babajee Secretary &Correspondent Director(Administration) Member Sri P. Devika Devi Asst.Prof in MBA Member Sri C. Madhavi Asst.Prof in ECE Convener Sri N. Ramanjaneya Reddy Asst.Prof in CSE Member Sri M. Lakshmi kiran Asst.Prof in ECE Member Sri M. Sreekanth Asst.Prof in CSE Member Sri K. Pedda Peeraiah Asst.Prof in BSc&H Member Sri G. Lalitha Asst.Prof in CSE Member Sri G. Jeelani Basha Asst.Prof in EEE
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