Nativity of Our Lord Church


Nativity of Our Lord Church
Nativity of Our Lord Church
A Stewardship Community
6 05 W es t S t r eet R o ad
W a r m i n s t er , PA 1 8 9 74
s it e : w ww. n oo lp .o rg
June 5, 2016
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon
Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM
Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM
First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)
7:30 AM - 7:50 AM
3:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday:
9:00 AM - 12 Noon
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Thursday : 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
6:30 PM -7:30 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Rev. Angelo R. Citino, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. William J.J. O’Donnell, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Addisalem Mekonnen, Parochial Vicar
Ms. Roselee Maddaloni, School Principal
Mrs. Jen Boag, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Ann Marie Gervino, Dir. Adult Faith Formation
Mrs. Barbara Palo, Youth Minister
Mr. Michael Klenk, Director of Music
Mrs. Cheryl Kress, Business Manager
Mrs. Eileen Evangelista, Parish Secretary
Rectory: 215-675-1925
School: 215-675-2820
Religious Education Office: 215-672-5316
Second & Fourth Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM.
Parents are asked to come to the Baptismal Instruction
the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the
Parish Conference Center located behind the church.
Please call the Parish Center to register for Baptismal
We, the Parish family of Nativity of Our Lord, proclaim that by our Baptism we have received the message of
Christmas the great love God has for all people and proclaim that love to all we meet, and so to make present
the Kingdom of God on earth by service to others and by working for justice and peace.
Dear Parishioner,
This is graduation time. It is a time for all of
us to thank God for the blessings of the past and to
look forward with hope to the future.
There are graduates from many different levels
of education. There are Elementary and Secondary
school graduates. College and Graduate school
graduates. All of them deserve our congratulations
and our prayers for their future.
Today, I would like to personally congratulate
all graduates of all levels of education who are
members of Nativity of Our Lord Parish. Know that
I, as your pastor, and we, as a parish, are very
proud of you.
I pray that God will bless all of you who
worked with sincerity to reach this great
accomplishment. I pray also that you will always
recognize the graces and gifts Gold gives you and
use them for your own good and the good of those
around you. We count on you to make our world a
better place.
Please know that wherever your future takes
you, Nativity of Our Lord Parish is always here for
you. I hope you will always consider us your home.
On behalf of all of us here at Nativity of Our
Lord Parish, I congratulate and wish you God’s
blessing as your finish one phase of life and begin
another. We love you and are proud of you.
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!
God bless us all!
Father Angelo R. Citino
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Collection Totals will be printed in
next Sundays Bulletin.
Thank you for your support! Fr. Citino
The Sanctuary Lamp
in the
Burns in loving memory of
Christopher Maiorino
His light will shine forever.
The Sanctuary Lamp
in the
Holy Innocence Room
Burns in loving memory of
Ann Pollina
Prayer Intention:
Pray for our military, police, firefighters and all
emergency responders; may God bless and
protect them and their families.
for St. Gianna
St. Dominic Savio (1842 to 1857) He became
the youngest non-martyr to be canonized a
Saint “I need nothing in this world in order to
be happy. I only need to see Jesus in Heaven
whom I now see and adore on the altar with the
eyes of faith.”
In honor of St. Gianna
Pray for us
Celebrants for MASSES
on June 11 and 12
(Subject to Change)
H.O.P.E. Captain for: 5/22 - 6/11
Linda Conti @ 215-364-9172
or 215-817-9276
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Father Mekonnen
Father Citino
Father Mekonnen
Father Citino
Life Changing Seasons
Mass Intentions
SATURDAY, June 4, 2016
To everything there is a season
and a time for every purpose
under heaven.
“...a time to be loved ”
“...a time to be born ”
“...a time to be healed ”
Marie Andinolfi, Tori Araco,
James Bagdon, Mason Burton,
Sandy Clark, Norma Doyle,
Bill Koehler, Marty Maxwell,
Joseph Laskowski, Matthew McNamee,
John Mikulich, William Mullen,
Alfio Rossillo, Frances Serago,
Laurie Stahowicz, David Suszko,
Joseph Yates and
all the sick of our parish
...a time to die
Immaculata Pomeroy
Rev. James Hughes
Rev. John Wilz
8:00 AM
Francis Kelly
5:00 PM
Martin McLaughlin
SUNDAY, June 5, 2016
8:00 AM
Laura Campbell
Frank Roselli
12:00 PM
Louis and Jennie Girone
MONDAY, June 6, 2016
8:00 AM
Virginia Wetzel
TUESDAY, June 7, 2016
6:30 AM
Haynes and McGrail Families
8:00 AM
William and Mary Lypns
WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2016
6:30 AM
No Mass
8:00 AM
Eileen Osinski
THURSDAY, June 9, 2016
6:30 AM
People of the Parish
Loretta Schmid
8:00 AM
FRIDAY, June 10, 2016
6:30 AM
No Mass
Maria and Carmella Cernuto
8:00 AM
SATURDAY, June 11, 2016
8:00 AM
Orazio and Christina Siravo
5:00 PM
Jim Towey
SUNDAY, June 12, 2016
8:00 AM
John Logan
Beyer and Waters Family
12:00 PM
Theresa Buttestelli
MONDAY ~ June 6 , 2016
Francis Flannery
Thomas Butts
James Fuges
Maureen McGlashon
David Urbanek
Antonia Rosto
TUESDAY ~ June 7 , 2016
8:30 AM ~ Adoration
9:30 AM ~ Legion of Mary - PCC-K
WEDNESDAY ~ June 8, 2016
7:30 PM ~ Prayer Group - PCC
THURSDAY ~ June 9, 2016
7:00 PM ~ Evening Bible Study
FRIDAY ~ June 10, 2016
SATURDAY ~ June 11, 2016
7:00 AM ~ Saturday Morning Bible Study-H
Father Angelo Citino
Come and thank Father
for all he has done for
Nativity of Our Lord Parish
Sunday, June 12th
Nativity’s Community Center
1pm to 3pm
immediately following Father’s celebration
of the 12 Noon Mass
Refreshments will be served
If you did not return your RSVP and are planning to attend or would like to volunteer to help with
decorating, set-up, serving or clean up, please e-mail your name and number of attendees to Eileen at
[email protected] or Chris at [email protected].
Evening Bible Study….
...continues to study the second half of the
Gospel of Mark. Jesus is Isaiah’s Suffering
Servant Messiah atoning for our sins, for our
Nativity’s Evening Bible Study meets at 7:00 PM
on the first and third Thursdays of each month in the
Multi-Media Center (former school library) with a big
screen for viewing the biblical Power Points.
June 16
July 7 and 21
August 4 and 18
September 1 and 15
October 6 and 20
November 3 and 17
Grief ....
Never ends…
But it changes.
It is a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a
sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith...It is the price
of love. Anonymous
Nativity Grief Group meets Thursday in the school
library from 6:30 to 8 PM. Park behind the school
and follow the blue balloons.
Anyone experiencing the loss of a
loved one is welcome.
Any questions or for further information, please
call Dot Cassidy or Terri Carr at 215-675-1925
June 9
Memories are our treasures
Parish News
Nativity of Our Lord
June 21 – 25, 2016
Rides - Food - Live Music – Bingo
Mega 50/50 ~ $5.00 donation for each chance you purchase
Winner receives 50% of all monies collected.
Thank you to H.G. Pizza Plaza, Warminster, Shop Rite of Warminster, and
H.G. Warrington Pizza for their ongoing support of the Carnival.
Family Night Tuesday (6/21) & Thursday (6/23)
Ride bands are $20.00 per night, per person (6:00 PM to 10:00 PM)
MEGA PASS ~ ride all night/every night for only
$35.00 per person in advance / $40.00 at Carnival.
(During all operating hours - height and age restrictions may apply)
Be a part of the success
Volunteer to help in the food tents and games.
Mega 50/50 chances, volunteer, and mega pass
forms can be returned to the Parish Office or Rectory
Only two more weeks till carnival!!
Remember to sign up to volunteer
“Divine Mercy
in the Second Greatest Story
Ever Told”
Episode 10
Watch this and other Great Catholic
Content on FORMED.ORG.
Available June 5th through June 19th
only The Final Question (25 minutes) The historical reality
of the Second Greatest Story Ever Told includes every one
of us—if we’re willing to enter the story. Father Gaitley concludes the series with inspirational and practical tips to show
us how.
To get started, go to: Look for the
spot to enter our parish code, which is V2RPXA. Enter the
code and hit “submit”. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Marie at the Parish Office: 215-675-1925 or e-mail
[email protected].
Coming soon for your younger children—
Precious Friends of
St. Gianna
Childcare Center!
Compassionate care for your children
6 weeks old through age 4
“Now accepting enrollment
For more information, please contact
Donna Ludovico, Director
215-773-8399, or by
email: [email protected]
As another school year draws to a close, we look back at all the goodness and grace God has bestowed
upon our school community. The completion of our Community Center/Gym, the impending opening of our
daycare center and the many accomplishments of our faculty and staff help us to reflect upon how God has
blessed us.
This year, two of our faculty gave birth to little girls: Isabella Marie Lambert (daughter of Katie and Tim
Lambert) and Lily Grace (daughter of Kate and John Meyers). We also rejoiced in the engagement of Mr.
Ryan Smith and Ms. Jennifer Flounders and so look forward to their wedding day. A former teacher, Mrs.
Kate Monahan and her husband, Jim welcomed their 2nd child, Katherine Marie Therese Monahan. It is also
hard to believe that Mrs. DiToro’s little girl, Nichole will be coming to our Pre-K 3. It seems like yesterday
when she was born.
Next year we will have some changes. Mrs. Jane Morris has fallen in love with a new man in her life,
her grandson who was born in April. She wants to spend time with this new little man! Mrs. Morris has been
an outstanding honors math teacher and we are so grateful for her devotion and commitment to Catholic
education. Mrs. Kim Shammo will be the new honors math teacher. Mrs. Seminack is moving back to 6th
grade and I am in the process of hiring a 3rd grade teacher. We are opening a 3rd kindergarten next school year
and Ms. Erin Healy will be moving to Kindergarten. I hired Mr. Kyle McDonough as our Pre-k 4 teacher.
Mr. McDonough received his Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and is certified for Pre-K 4 to grade
4. He is a musician and writes and records children’s music.
On June 2nd Mrs. Sharon Silvestri will assume the position of part time Development and Advancement
Director. This is a critical role. Mrs. Silvestri will work diligently in acquiring funds for scholarships, etc.
She will work side-by-side with Mrs. Chirillo who does an outstanding job as our Director of Marketing and
Enrollment. Mrs. Chirillo will be very busy this summer. Two of her daughters are expecting and another one
is getting married. Please keep the Chirillo family in your prayers.
No one can ever imagine the impact that Father Citino has had on our
school. As a parishioner, I am well aware of all that he has
accomplished for the parish. As a principal, there are no words to
explain his continual support, commitment and love for Nativity of
Our Lord School and for our children. If there was a day when
Father did not come over to school, I thought something was
seriously wrong. No matter how bad the weather was, no matter how
busy he was that day, no matter how he felt, Father Citino came to
school. His presence among us was a joy. His gift and witness of
priesthood to our children was something they will always remember.
I am confident our children will say, “Do you remember Father
Citino?” There is no greater compliment I can pay him but to say he
was a “Priest’s Priest”. We will miss him. We will always love him.
We will always pray for him.
Dio ti benedica sempre
God bless you always!
To all of our parishioners….THANK YOU from the bottom of a very grateful
Roselee Maddaloni, Principal
Early Education Program
A challenging academic curriculum in a loving,
faith-filled environment for your young child!
Co-curricular instruction weekly in
Physical Education, Spanish, Music and Technology!
Reasonable tuition + Before/After Care program = significant savings over
traditional child care facilities!
Call us to find out more!!!
215-675-2820, option 5
Help Mike Merritt from our parish travel to World Youth Day this Summer,
in Krakow, Poland July 25 – 31, 2016.
An opportunity has been offered to him to attend this amazing event with other Catholic
youth/young adults around the world. In order to make this
happen, we are asking your support.
The Charitable Exchange, the company offering this opportunity, is offering to match any
donations dollar for dollar. Please be assured that 100% of all contributions are being used
for this opportunity. The TCE supports many charitable organizations that you may be
familiar with. Please go to: http:/ and look for the
Philadelphia Parishes and proceed to make your contribution. Please help our parish
participate in this wonderful opportunity.
Stocks Pound Cake Fundraiser - $13
You are asked to prayerfully consider making a donation in any amount which will go towards a students trip expenses. We expect the cost of the conference and mission trip this year to be about $450
per student. You will be assigned a student and they
will pray for you and share their experience of the
weekend with you when they return.
Please fill out the slip below and return to the parish
office in an envelope marked Steubenville. Checks
can be made to Nativity Teen Ministry. Questions
can be directed to Fr. Mekonnen or Barbara Palo.
Parishioner Name:
Donation amount
$20___ $40__
$100____ other______
$50___ $75___
The teen ministry thanks you for your generosity
and support, and God bless you!
Please consider volunteering for our events this
year. A little of your time goes a long way to
create lasting memories for our children.
Volunteer forms are available
on the CYO website.
This yummy fundraiser is back!!
Order Deadline: Thursday, June 9
or until we are sold out!
Orders may be picked up at:
La Fogata located in
Center Point Shopping Center
768 W. Street Road, Warminster
Pick up dates:
Friday, June 17 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday, June 18 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Please call Elena Shields at 215-275-1853 with any
Download the form at and
send it into school with your student or mail it into
the Parish office noting “CYO Stock’s Fundraiser”
on the envelope: CYO Stock’s Fundraiser,
625 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA 18974.
Adult CYO Announcement
Men’s Basketball:
Anyone interested in playing men’s
basketball is encouraged to come out
Sunday evenings at 7:00 to the
Community Center. If you would like
to be added the weekly email distribution list to get schedule updates, please send an
email to: [email protected]
Co-Ed Volleyball:
Anyone interested in co-ed volleyball is
encouraged to come out Wednesday evenings at
7:00 to the Community Center. If you would like
to be added the weekly email distribution list to
get schedule updates, please send an email to:
[email protected]
Please continue to visit our website for
event updates and information.
Please register on the website for all
important related emails at
St. Catherine of Siena—Chapel
321 Witmer Rd., Horsham
1st & 3rd Sunday every month at 7PM
Upcoming Dates:
June 5th and 19th
July 3rd and 17th
August 7th and 21st
A Weekend of
A Lifetime of Love!
Our Lady of Czestochowa
Doylestown, PA.
If you enjoy the warmth of summer, why not sign up
for the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
and bring some more warmth and intimacy to your
The next Worldwide Encounter Weekend is
July 8-10, 2016. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more information visit our
website at: or
call 610-449-1859.
Holy Hours of Mercy
for the Jubilee Year of Mercy
During the Jubilee Year of Mercy, take time out to
rest in front of Jesus in the Eucharist and
experience his mercy! Holy Hours of Mercy are
taking place all over the greater Philadelphia area
so that all of us have an opportunity to live the
Jubilee and experience the tender mercy of
God. To find a Holy Hour of Mercy near you,
Upcoming Holy Hours of Mercy:
August 4 at 7pm: Our Lady of Ransom Parish, Philadelphia (Feast of St. John Vianney)
August 8, 7-9pm: Santa Misa y Hora Santa
(en español)/Mass and Holy Hour of Mercy (in
Spanish), Annunciation BVM, Philadelphia
Pastoral Care Volunteers Needed
Abington Hospital - Jefferson Health
Won’t you consider becoming a Pastoral Care
volunteer at Abington Hospital?
Receive special training in basic spiritual
♦ Provide supportive care in a multicultural
and interfaith setting
♦ Experience the rewards and challenges of this
very important work
Please contact the Abington Hospital Volunteer
Resources Department at 215-48/1-2490 to
request an application.
St. Catherine of Siena Church
321 Witmer Rd., Horsham
Sunday, June 19, 2016
11:15 AM
Mass will be offered for all the priests of
the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
CLASS OF 1966 - 50TH Reunion
Friday, June 10, 2016
6 PM—Emerald Room
Contact - l [email protected]
Our Lady of Mount Carmel is sponsoring a
Pilgrimage to Fatima/Lourdes and Paris
Catholic Pilgrimage to Fatima/Lourdes and Paris,
September 12 – 22, 2016
Daily Mass, Breakfast and Dinner Daily
For a flyer of more info call
Cathie or Mike Milano at 1-800-773-2660.

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Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church familiar with. Please go to: http:/ and look for the Philadelphia Parishes and proceed to make your contribution. Please help our parish

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Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

More information

Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

More information

Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

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