Engle Cams - Engle Racing Cams
Engle Cams - Engle Racing Cams
Racing Camshafts 2010 John “Jack” Engle 1920 - 2008 On November 14, 2008 the racing world lost John “Jack” Engle. A pioneer in performance camshaft development, Jack started grinding camshafts in 1939 and formally opened Engle Manufacturing Co. in 1941. It never was Jack’s dream to have the biggest performance camshaft business, but instead, a business that would fund his desire to be around things that would go fast, because going fast is what Jack did! Car after car, year after year, records were broken by cars with cams that Jack built. It did not matter the type of surface whether it was dirt, salt or asphalt or the style of car such as sprints, drags or land speed, Jack proved he could make the car faster. Over six decades, so many of us have been blessed with the soft spoken insight that Jack would bring to any conversation. His ability to sit and listen to each customer’s needs and then grind a camshaft that would outperform the competition and put the customers’ car in the record book! It has been this ability to listen and help others that has been the true testament to Jack and the legacy of Engle Manufacturing Co. From the Engle family, all the employees, past and present and the many, many customers, Jack you are loved and you will be missed. CONTENTS AMERICAN MOTORS BUICK CHEVY SMALL BLOCK CHEVY BIG BLOCK CHEVY LS CHEVY 4 & 6 CYL FORD 4 CYL FORD 4.6L & 5.4L MOD FORD SMALL BLOCK FORD BIG BLOCK MERCHANDISE 2 3 6 10 9 4 14 15 16 19 32 MOPAR LA 20 MOPAR B 21 MOPAR 426 HEMI 24 MOPAR 5.7L & 6.1L HEMI 22 OLDSMOBILE 25 PONTIAC 26 RED LINE PRODUCTS 30 TOYOTA/DATSUN 29 VOLKSWAGEN 27 SPRING SPECIFICATIONSBACK COVER Cover Photo Courtesy of Don Prudhomme Racing ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS When ordering, please supply Engle Racing Cams with our part number and a description of the merchandise being ordered. Where possible, also supply the engine displacement, type of racing or use intended for, also include type of fuel to be used (gas, alcohol, ect.). Extra helpful information is vehicle weight, race class, rear axle ratio, transmission gearing and tire size. With your order please provide your name, address with zip code and you must provide a phone number. Special order camshaft grinds require payment in advance of work to be done. We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover or we can ship UPS C.O.D. (COD charges apply) on normal stocking items. NOTE: Engle Racing Cams and related products are sold in the state of California and other locations where smog laws apply for racing use only. These parts are not to be used on public highways and are intended for off-road closed course racing use only. Engle cams and kit components are sold throughout the world, therefore, when the catalog listing suggesting street and/or highway use, it is only for those areas where their use is not prohibited by law. Ordering Engle cams and components from this catalog confirms an understanding and agreement to hold Engle Cams Co. and its parent companies harmless from any and all liabilities that arise from misuse of these components. LIMITED WARRANTY Engle Racing Cams and kit components carry a one year warranty limited only to the replacement of the parts which determined by Engle Race Cams co. to be found defective due to materials and/or our workmanship. Any other parts damaged or labor incurred will not be covered in this warranty. Due to other component parts that are available in the industry, that may or may not be of comparable quality, Engle Racing Cams Co. will only warranty its camshafts and components when used together. To insure that the Engle Racing Cams Co. warranty will be in effect, it is always recommended to purchase Engle camshafts with Engle lifters and springs at the same time. It will be a requirement and the sole responsibility of the consumer to supply proof of such purchase upon any warranty of an Engle camshaft or component. Engle Racing Cams Co. or its employees cannot be held liable for any damage that may occur to our product or to any other engine components, after installation. Nor will Engle Racing Cams Co. assume any liability for personal and/or real property damaged through the use of our products. LUBRICATION: Due to new E.P.A. rules, oil companies are no longer putting the same additive packages in off the shelf engine oils. This makes it necessary to use oil additives to replace the missing ZDDP (Zinc Dialkyl Dithio Phosphate) which contains both Zinc and Phosphorus. With flat tappet camshafts this lubrication is mandatory. Without the ZDDP there is insufficient lubrication and failure of the cam and lifters is eminent. As part of the Engle Racing Cams Co. warranty, proof of oil additives is mandatory in any claim filed on flat tappet cams and/or components. Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 1 AMERICAN MOTORS 290 304 343 390 401 V-8 HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power for stock low compression cars, trucks, & RV’s. Powerband 1000-4500 RPM. Low & midrange torque for street & tow. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1200-5000 RPM. Heavy street performance cars & trucks. 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM. Heavy street performance cars & trucks. 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM. Heavy street performance cars & trucks. 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM. Heavy street performance cars & trucks. 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM. Heavy street performance cars & trucks. 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM. Medium hot street, very heavy tow. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 2000-5800 RPM. 5014H 5052H 5054H 5056H 5058H 5060H 5062H 5064H Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 EP-14/100HYD IN .432” EX .448” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 210° K-54HYD IN .501” EX .501” 260° 260° .313” .313” 214° 214° K-52HYD K-56HYD IN .489” EX .489” IN .538” EX .538” K-58HYD IN .555” EX .555” K-60HYD IN .570” EX .570” K-62HYD IN .575” EX .575” K-64HYD 254° 254° 272° 272° 276° 276° 288° 288° 291° 291° .305” .305” 209° 209° .336” .336” 224° 224° .347” .347” 230° 230° .356” .356” 238° 238° .359” .359” 244° 244° IN .594” EX .594” 298° 298° .371” .371” 249° 249° Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .488” EX .472” 260° 256° .305” .295” 230° 210° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 112° 110° 110° 110° 108° 108° 5053H 5053H 5053H 5093H 5093H 5093H 5093H 5093H TURBOCHARGER HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip, good idle, modified engines. 8.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Street & strip, moderate idle. 8.0 to 8.5:1 compression. Powerband 2800-6500 RPM. 5102H 5105H Grind Number TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD IN .512” EX .496” 274° 268° .320” .310” 230° 226° Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .545” EX .545” 275° 275° .341” .341” 238° 238° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 116° 114° 5093H 5061H SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip, brackets, modified engines. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6000 RPM Brackets, street & strip, modified engines. 9.5 to 10.5:1 compression. Powerband 2800-6500 RPM Drag racing, competition only. 10.5 to 11.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM Drag racing, competition only. 11.0 to 11.5:1 compression. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM 5065 5007 5008 5087 Grind Number K-65 K-7 IN .565” EX .565” K-8 IN .615” EX .615” FK-87 280° 280° 296° 296° .353” .353” 244° 244° .382” .382” 258° 258° IN .640” EX .640” 314° 314° .399” .399” 274° 274° Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .486” EX .474” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 108° 108° 108° 5093 5093 5061 5061 TURBOCHARGER SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip, fair idle. 8.0 to 8.5:1 compression Powerband 2000-6000 RPM Serious street & strip, racing. 8.0 to 9.0 compression. Powerband 2800-6800 RPM 5105 5107 Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS IN .530” EX .486” 284° 268° .331” .304” 242° 230° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0050H 0050 Kits include these parts Solid Lifters Hydraulic Lifters Single Spring with Dampener use with Mild Grinds. Single Spring with Dampener use with Hot Street Grinds. Double Spring use with High Lift Only Retainers ENGINEERED KITS 662H, 593, 599S, 703, 700, Lube 662, 361007, 599S, 703, 700, Lube Part Number 5053H 5061H 662H, 993, 599S, 703, 700, Lube 5093H 2 Keepers Shims .030” Cam Lube 5061 662H, 361007, 599S, 703, 700, Lube 662, 993, 599S, 703, 700, Lube 5061 ENGINEERED KIT PARTS Kits include these parts 5093 5093 Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 622 622H 593 993 361/007 599S 703 700 Lube V-6 Even Fire 196-231-252 1978-85 Odd Fire 231 1975-77 BUICK/GENERAL MOTORS SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Hot street, bracket racing. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Rough idle. Powerband 2400-6400 RPM. Grind Number Even 3622 Odd 3722 Valve Lift @ 1.55:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 EP-22/25 IN .507” EX .524” 274° 280° .327” .338” 238° 244° EP-26/28 IN .536” EX. .544” 288° 292° .346” .351” 249° 256° EP-29/30 IN .544” EX .575” 302° 310° .351” .371” 264° 271° Valve Lift @ 1.55:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .507” EX .493” 274° 266° .327” .318” 238° 232° Hot street, bracket racing. 10.0 to 10.5:1 compression. Rough idle. Powerband 2800-6800 RPM. Even 3625 Odd 3725 EP-25/26 Drag racing, competition only. Powerband 3600-7600 RPM Even 3628 Odd 3728 EP-28/29 Drag racing, circle track. 10.0 to 10.5:1 compression. Powerband 3200-7200 RPM. Drag racing, competition only. Powerband 4000-8000 RPM Even 3626 Odd 3726 Even 3629 Odd 3729 IN .524” EX .536” IN .544” EX .544” 280° 288° 292° 302° .338” .346” .351” .351” Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 244° 249° 108° 256° 264° 108° 108° 108° 3690 3690 3690 3690 3690 TURBOCHARGER SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Serious street & strip turbo. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Drag racing, competition turbo. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Grind Number Even 3605 Odd 3705 Even 3607 Odd 3707 TCS-5 TCS-7 IN .524” EX .507” 280° 274° .338” .327” 244° 238° Valve Lift @ 1.55:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° 3690 3690 HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Fuel Economy, low end power. Low compression cars, trucks, RV’s. Powerband 1000-4500 approx Grind Number Even 3614H Odd 3714H EP-14/100HYD IN .420” EX .434” 248° 260° .271” .280” 206° 212° 112° Even 3628H Odd 3728H EP-28/29HYD IN .538” EX .538” 292° 300° .347” .347” 248° 256° 108° Even 3643-H Odd 3743-H EP-43HYD IN .502” EX .502” 271° 271° .314” .314” 222° 222° 110° Even 3649H Odd 3749-H EP-49HYD IN .542” EX .542” 285° 285° .339” .339” 238° 238° 110° Fuel Economy, trucks, tow cars. Low compression, good idle. Powerband 1300-4800 approx. Even 3616H Odd 3716H Street performance, low & midrange torque. 8.5 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1600-5200 approx. Even 3640-H Odd 3740-H Hot rod, bracket racing. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2400-6000 approx. Even 3646-H Odd 3746-H Drag racing, circle track. High compression. Powerband 3000 + Street hot rod, fair idle. Modified engines. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 2000-5600 approx. Weekend terrorizer, brackets. Modified competition engines. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam EP-16/18HYD EP-40/43HY EP-49HYD IN .457” EX .473” IN .483” EX .502” IN .522” EX .522” 256° 260° 265° 271° 277° 277° .295” .305” .302” .314” .326” .326” 210° 216° 215° 222° 230° 230° 112° 112° 3687H 3687H 3690H 110° TURBOCHARGER HUYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street turbo, good idle. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 2000-6500 approx. Competition turbos, modified engines. Lowered compression, high boost. Powerband 2500+ approx. Grind Number Even 3602H Odd 3702H Even 3605H Odd 3705H TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .473” EX .457” 260° 256° .305” .295” 216° 210° IN .496” EX .481” 274° 266° .320” .310” 230° 226° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° Part Number Even 0036 Odd 0037 Part Number 12 Hydraulic Lifters 555H-12 12 Solid Lifters 12 High Performance Springs Keepers 11/32 ENGINEERED KITS 555H-12, 587-12, 597S-12, 711-24, 700S, Lube 550-12, 590-12, 597S-12, 711-24, 700S, Lube 555H-12, 590-12, 597S-12, 711-24, 700S, Lube 3690H Kits include these parts 12 Single Springs Kits include these parts 3690H KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Valve Lift @ 1.55:1 Part Number 5687H 3690 3690H 12 Steel Retainers Spring Shims Cam Lube 550-12 587-12 590-12 711-24 597S-12 700S Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 3 CHEVROLET V-6 173 c.i. 60° & 200/299 c.i. 90° HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, stock engines. Low end power, smooth idle. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. 60° 1614H 90° 1914H Street performance, Lightly modified engine Good idle 60° 21640H 90° 21940H Economy, low & midrange torque. Low compression, smooth idle. Powerband 1300-4800 approx. High performance, Modified engine Good low & Mid range power, Ok idle Weekend warrior, Strong mid range torque, Rough idle 60° 1616H 90° 1916H 60° 21643H 90° 21943H 60° 21646H 90° 21946H Street & strip performance Mid & top end power 2000-6000 RPM 60° 21649H 90° 21949H Bracket racing, Highly modified engine Circle track racing 60° 21652H 90° 21952H Drag racing, Road racing competition Powerband 2500-6500 RPM 60° 21652HD 90° 21952HD Drag racing 3000 + RPM 60° 21655HD 90° 21955HD Drag racing, Land speed racing 60° 21658H 90° 21958H Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 EP-14/100HYD IN .405” EX .420” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 210° 112° EP-40/43HY IN .453” EX .471” 265° 271° .302” .314” 215° 222” 112° EP-16/18HYD EP-43HYD EP-46HYD EP-49HYD EP-52HYD IN .440” EX .458” IN .471” EX .471” IN .489” EX .489” IN .509” EX .509” IN .524” EX .524” 256° 260° 271° 271° 277° 277° 285° 285° 291° 291° .295” .305” .314” .314” .326” .336” .339” .339” .349” .349” 210° 216° 222° 222” 230° 230° 238° 238° 246° 246° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 110° 110° 108° IN .524” EX .539” 291° 300° .349” .359” 246° 253° 108° EP-58HYD IN .555” EX .555” 313° 313° .370” .370” 262° 262° 108° Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .458” EX .440” 260° 256° .305” .295” 216° 210° IN .539” EX .555” 300° 313° .359” .370” 253° 262° 1687H 110° EP-52/55HYD EP-55/58HY 1687H 108° TURBOCHARGER HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street bolt-on kits, stock engine, smooth idle. Powerband 2000-6000 approx. Street & strip, brackets, modified engine, good idle. Powerband 2800-6800 approx. 60° 1602H 90° 1902H 60° 1605H 90° 1905H TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD IN .468” EX .458” 268° 260° .310” .305” 226° 216° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Andy Shouse’s Pro Street ‘55 Chevrolet Stepside 4 Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 1690H 1661H CHEVROLET V-6 173 c.i. 60° & 200/229 c.i. 90° SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street solid, good idle. Low & midrange torque. Powerband 1800-5600 approx. 60° 1620 90° 1920 EP-20/22 IN .482” EX .491” Hot rod, bracket racing. Modified engine. Powerband 2400-6200 approx. 60° 1626 90° 1926 EP-26 IN .519” EX .519” Street & strip, fair idle. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 2000-5800 approx. Drag racing, circle track. Highly modified engine. Powerband 2700-6500 approx. Drag racing, competition. Highly modified engine. Powerband 3000+ Drag racing, competition. All-out solid. Powerband 3500+ 60° 1622 90° 1922 60° 1928 90° 1928 60° 1629 90° 1929 60° 1630 90° 1930 Grind Number EP-22/25 Valve Advertised Lift @ 1.5:1 Duration IN .491” EX .507” EP-28 IN .527” EX .527” EP-28/29 IN .527” EX .527” EP-29/30 IN .527” EX .557” Cam Lift Duration @ .050 268° 274° .321 .327 232° 238° 112° 288° 288° .346 .346 249° 249° 108° 256° 264° 108° 274° 280° 292° 292° 292° 302° 302° 310° .327 .338 .351 .351 .351 .351 238° 244° 256° 256° .351 .371 264° 271° Cam Lift Duration @ .050 .304 .296 230° 224° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 108° 106° 1690 1690 1690 1661 1661 1661 TURBOCHARGER SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street, bolt-on kits, stock engines. Smooth idle. Powerband 2000-65000 approx. 60° 1605 90° 1905 Street & strip, brackets. Modified engine, good idle. Powerband 2800-7000 approx. 60° 1607 90° 1907 Grind Number TCS-5 Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. 550H-12, 587-12, 597S-12, 700S-24, 711-24, Lube 550-12, 590-12, 597S-12, 700S-24, 711-24, Lube 550-12, 361/007-12, 598S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube 550H-12, 590-12, 597S-12, 700S-24, 711-24, Lube 550H-12, 361/007-12, 598S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube IN .496” EX .456” 268° 264° 284° 268° .331 .304 242° 230° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° 1690 1661 ROLLER TAPPET CAMSHAFTS Part Number 90˚ 0019 60˚ 0016 ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts IN .456” EX .444” TCS-7 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Valve Advertised Lift @ 1.5:1 Duration Roller Cams & Kits are available with the same lift and duration as small block V-8 Chevy. For 90˚ V-6 Rollers change the first two numbers in the part number to 19. Example BCJ-1 Part Number 1072, for 90˚ V-6 Part Number is 1972. For listings see page 9. KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Part Number 1687H 1690 1661 1690H 1691H Kits include these parts Part Number 12 Hydraulic Lifters 550H-12 12 Solid Lifters 12 Valve Springs 12 H.D. Valve Springs 12 H.D. Double Springs 1.425 O.D. 12 Steel Spring Retainers Stock O.D. 12 Steel Spring Retainers Large O.D. 12 Pushrods Spring Shims Large O.D. .030” Spring Shims Stock O.D. .030” 12 Pairs of Keepers Cam Lube 550-12 587-12 590-12 361/007-12 597S-12 598S-12 679-12 700-24 700S-24 711-24 Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 5 CHEVROLET SMALL BLOCK 265-400 V-8 HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power for stock, low compression cars, trucks, & RV’s. Powerband 1000-4500 RPM. Low & midrange torque for street & tow truck. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1200-5000 RPM Heavy street performance cars & vehicles. 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM Medium hot rod performance, street. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 RPM. Hot street & strip performance. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM Brackets, circle track racing. 10.0 to 10.5:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. Drag racing, circle track racing. 10.5 to 11.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Street performance, Lightly modified engine Good idle High performance, Modified engine Good low & Mid range power, Ok idle Weekend warrior, Strong mid range torque, Rough idle 1014H 1016H 1018H 1022H 1025H 1026H 1028H 21040-H 21043-H 21046-H Street & strip performance Mid & top end power 2000-6000 RPM 21049-H Bracket racing, Highly modified engine Circle track racing 21052-H Drag racing, Road racing competition Powerband 2500-6500 RPM 21052-HD Drag racing 3000 + RPM 21055-HD Drag racing, Land speed racing Grind Number EP-14/100HYD EP-16/18HYD Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .405” EX .420” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 210° IN .440” EX .458” 256° 260° .295” .305” 210° 216° EP-18/20HYD IN .458” EX .468” 260° 268° .305” .310” 216° 226° EP-25HYD IN .494” EX .494” 282° 282° .327” .327” 236° 236° EP-22HYD EP-26/28HYD IN .480” EX .480” IN .503” EX .510” 274° 274° 286° 292° .320” .320” .335” .347” 230° 230° 240° 248° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 112° 110° 110° 108° EP-28/29HYD IN .510” EX .510” 292° 300° .347” .347” 248° 256° 108° EP-43HYD IN .471” EX .471” 271° 271° 314” 314” 222° 222” 110° EP-40/43HY EP-46HYD EP-49HYD EP-52HYD EP-52/55HYD IN .453” EX .471” IN .489” EX .489” IN .509” EX .509” IN .524” EX .524” IN .524” EX .539” 265° 271° 277° 277° 285° 285° 291° 291° 291° 300° 302” 314” 326” 336” 339” 339” 349” 349” 349” 359” 215° 222” 230° 230° 238° 238° 246° 246° 246° 253° 21058-H EP-55/58HY EP-58HYD IN .539” EX .555” 300° 313° 359” 370” 253° 262° Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .458” EX .440” 260° 256° .305” .295” 216° 210° IN .555” EX .555” 313° 313° 370” 370” 262° 262° 112° 1087H 1087H 1087H 1090H 1090H 1093H 1061H 110° 110° 108° 108° 108° 108° TURBOCHARGER HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Street & strip, good idle, modified engines. 8.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Street & strip, jet boats, moderate idle. 8.0 to 8.5:1 compression. Powerband 2800-6500 RPM. 1002H 1005H Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD IN .483” EX .468” 274° 266° .320” .310” 230° 226° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 116° 114° 1061H SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. David Pipoli aka “Pip” Alcohol Burning 390 Small Block ‘66 Chevy Nova 6 1093H Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 0010H CHEVROLET SMALL BLOCK 265-400 V-8 SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Medium hot rod, street & heavy tow service. 9 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 RPM Street & strip, 4 speed or 2000 stall. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM Street & strip, brackets, moderate built. 10 to 10.5:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. Brackets circle track, light cars. 10 to 10.5:1 compression. Powerband 2800-6800 RPM. Drag racing, circle track racing. 10.5 to 11.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-7000RPM. Drag racing, competition only. 11.0 to 11.5:1 compression. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM Drag racing, competition only. 11.5 to 12.0:1 compression. Powerband 4000-8000 RPM 1020 1022 1025 1026 1028 1029 1045 Grind Number EP-20 EP-22 Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .482” EX .482” 268° 268° .321” .321” 232° 232° IN .491” EX .491” EP-25 IN .507” EX .507” EP-26/28 IN .520” EX .527” EP-28/29 IN .527” EX .527” EP-29/30 IN .527” EX .557” TF-94/95 274° 274° 280° 280° 288° 292° 292° 302° 302° 310° .327” .327” .338” .338” .346” .351” .351” .351” .351” .371” 238° 238° 244° 244° 249° 256° 256° 264° 264° 271° IN .557” EX .567” 310° 324° .371” .378” 271° 284° Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .456” EX .444” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 110° 108° 108° 108° 108° 108° 1090 1090 1093 1093 1061 1061 1061 TURBOCHARGER SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip racing, good idle. 8.0 to 8.5:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Serious street & strip, jet boats. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 2800-6800 RPM. 1005 1007 Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size solid cam or lobecenter ground to your requirements. Call for information. IN .496” EX .456” 284° 268° .331” .304” 242° 230° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° 0010 Solid Lifters Hydraulic Lifters Single Spring 1.250” O.D. Mild Grinds 550H, 587, 597S, 711, 700S, 350T, Lube 679 550, 590, 597S, 711, 700S, 350T, Lube 679 550H, 590, 597S, 711, 700S, 350T, Lube 679 550H, 361/007, 598S, 711, 700, 350T, Lube 679 550, 361/007, 598S, 711, 700, 350T, Lube 679 550, 993, 598S, 711, 700, 350T, Lube 679 550H, 993, 598S, 711, 700, 350T, Lube 679 1061 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Part Number Single Spring 1.250” O.D. Performance Grinds ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts 1093 Part Number Single Spring 1.470” O.D. Performance Grinds Double Spring 1.425” O.D. Racing 1087H Steel Retainers Stock 1.250” O.D. 1090H Steel Retainers .060 Taller than 598S 1090 1061H 1061 1093 1093H Steel Retainers Large Springs Pushrods Hardened for Guide Plates Timing Chain & Gears True Roller Gear & Chain Set Keepers 11/32 Keepers 11/32 4130 Chromoly Shims Stock O.D. .030” Shims 1.415 O.D. .030” Cam Lube Part Number 550 550H 587 590 993 361/007 597S 598S 604S 679 350T 355T 711 711CM 700S 700 Lube Yannick Sire’s Twin Small Block Hotrod Custom Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 7 CHEVROLET SMALL BLOCK 265-400 ROLLER TAPPET CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street roller. Power 2000-6500. Weekend hot rod. 1050 Street roller. Power 2200-6700. Street / strip 1052 Bracket racing. Power 2500-7000. 1054 Competition only. Power 3000-7500 1158 Circle track. Power 2700-7200 1156 Grind Number RK-26 RK-27 Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .521” EX .521” 254° 254° .347” .347” 214° 214° IN .527” EX .527” RK-48 265° 265° IN .609” EX .609” RK-48/83 294° 294° IN .609” EX .600” 294° 298° .351” .351” .406” .406” .406” .400” 225° 225° 254° 254° 254° 262° RK-86/131 IN .600” EX .600” 308° 318° .400” .400” 266° 276° Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .622” EX .622” 282° 282° .415” .415” 248° 248° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 108° 108° 110° 1195 1195 1196 1196 1196 INVERSE FLANK ROLLER TAPPET CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Short circle track. Power 2500-7000+. Dirt cars. 1060 Sprinters & modifieds. Power 3000-7000+ Bracket drags. 1062 1/2 mile sprinters. Power 3500-7200+. Bracket drags 1064 Champs cars. Power 4000-7800+. Drag competition. 1066 High RPM only. Power 4500+. Drag competition. 1068 Drag racing only. Power 4700+. Competition 1070 Drag racing only. High RPM. Competition 1072 1/4 mile sprinters. Power 2700-7000+. Dirt cars. 1/2 mile circles. Power 3200-7200+. Bracket drags Large circle track. Power 3700-7500+ Drag competition. Champ cars-Indy. Power 4200-7800+ Drag competition. Drag racing only. Power 4500+. Competition. Drag racing only. High RPM. Competition. 1161 1163 1165 1167 1169 1171 JR-47 JR-47/49 IN .622” EX .627” JR-49 IN .627” EX .627” JR-49/50 IN .627” EX .634” JR-50 IN .634” EX .634” JR-50/51 IN .634” EX .635” HR-268 HR-267/74 HR-274 IN .633” EX .633” IN .633” EX .633” IN .633” EX .633” 282° 290° 290° 290° 290° 296° 296° 296° 296° 302° 303° 303° 303° 303° 304° 304° .415” .418” .418” .418” .418” .423” .423” .423” .423” .424” .422” .422” .422” .422” .422” .422” 248° 254° 254° 254° 254° 262° 262° 262° 262° 268° 270° 280° BCJ-5/1 IN .657” EX .669” 314° 324° .438” .446” 280° 290° BCJ-1 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS IN .669” EX .669” 324° 324° .446” .446” 108° 108° 108° 110° .429” .438” .438” .438” 108° 274° 274° 268° 274° 304° 314° 314° 314° 106° 108° IN .644” EX .657” IN .657” EX .657” 106° 268° 268° BCJ-10/5 BCJ-5 Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 280° 280° 290° 290° 108° 110° 110° 110° 110° 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 ENGINEERED ROLLER KITS Any roller cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0011 Kits include these parts 557, 593/007, 350R, 705, 613, 679, 604S, 335T, 711, 700 557, 10-EX, 350R, 705, 613, 679, 604S, 335T, 711, 700 557, 400, 350R, 705, 613, 679, 605S, 335T, 711, 700 Part Number 1195 1196 1197 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Kits include these parts Part Number 16 Roller Tappets 557 16 Hard Chrome Roller Tappets 16 Off-Set Pushrod Rollers 4 Right 4 Left Chromed 16 Rollers .875 Nascar O.D. Hard Chromed 16 Double Valve Springs 1.470” O.D. 16 Double Valve Springs 1.425” O.D. 557F 10EX 400 16 Vasco Springs 1.560” O.D. 16 Chromoly Spring Retainers, For Spring # 10-EX, 596, 593007 16 Chromoly Spring Retainers, For Spring # 400 16 Pushrods For Guide Plates Stock Length, 5/16” O.D. 8 557CS 593007 16 Double Valve Springs 1.550” O.D. 16 Rev Springs 557C 596 604S 605S 679 592 16 Pushrods Chromoly 5/16” O.D. 16 Pushrods Same As 679-CM + .100” 16 Stainless Roller Tip Rocker Arms Rev Kit Roller Chain & Gear Set Aluminum Bronze Distributor Gear Spring Shims .030 Keepers Stamped Steel Keepers Turned Chromoly 16 Rev Adapter 2 Rev Plates Cam Thrust Retainer Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 679CM 680 283S 350R 355T 705 700 711 711CM 610 611 613 CHEVROLET LS-1 LS-2 LS-6 4.8-6.0L HYDRAULIC ROLLER LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center More power than a stock cam in a stock engine. Good gas mileage, great low end torque smooth idle 5501 GHR-206H .540” .540” 254° 254° .317” .317” 206° 206° 112° Street performance fair idle mid range High RPM Power 5505 GHR-218H .558” .558” 268° 268° .328” .328” Great cam for a lightly modified engine. Strong mid range torque good idle 5503 GHR-212H .542” .542” 264° 264° .319” .319” 212° 212° 112° 218° 218° 112° SUPERCHARGER/NITROUS HYDRAULIC ROLLER LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Street supercharger or nitrous cam. Torque ok idle 5510 GHR22423H .558” .568” 272° 280° .328” .334” 224° 230° 114° Weekend warrior high boost on lots of nitrous Rough idle mid & top end power 5512 GHR236242H .568” .585” 287° 293° .334” .344” 236° 242° 114° Camaro courtesy of Mike Kraus & Guaranty Chevrolet (714)973-1711 Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 9 CHEVROLET BIG BLOCK 396-454 SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Low & midrange torque for street & tow. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500--5000 RPM. Street & strip, stock jet boats. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5500 RPM. Serious street & bracket racing, heavy jet boats & medium props. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Double profile, bracket racing, jet boat, heavy prop boat. Powerband 2000-6500 RPM Bracket racing, drag competition racing, jet boats, prop boats. Powerband 2500-6800 RPM Competition only, drag racing. 10.5 to 11.5:1 compression. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM Competition only, serious racing. 11.0 to 12.0:1 compression. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM 2212 2214 2215 2225 2227 2228 2229 Grind Number RV-72 HL-74 Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .518” EX .518” 272° 272° .305” .305” 232° 232° 286° 286° .330” .330” IN .525” EX .525” HL-25 278° 278° IN .560” EX .560” HL-25/26 IN .560” EX .560” 721/721C NF-73/85C 286° 292° IN .580” EX .590” 292° 308° IN .580” EX .620” 306° 318° .311” .311” .330” .342” .342” .347” .342” .367” 238° 238° 242° 242° 242° 252° 252° 268° 267° 274° TF-94/95C IN .629” EX .641” 312° 324° .370” .377” 271° 284° Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .545” EX .520” 282° 270° .321” .304” 242° 228° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 110° 110° 110° 108° 108° 108° 2233 2233 2235 2245 2245 2245 2245 TURBOCHARGER SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Serious street & strip competition, prop boats, racing jet boats. Powerband 2500-6800 RPM Competition only, cars & boats, drag racing off-shore boats. Powerband 3000-7200 RPM. Single profile turbo for drag racing, off-shore boats. Powerband 330-7500 RPM. 2207 2208 2209 TCS-7 TCS-8 IN .580” EX .565” TCS-9 292° 284° .342” .332” 254° 242° IN .580” EX .580” 292° 292° .342” .342” 254° 254° Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .459” EX .476” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° 114° 2235 2245 2245 HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power for stock, low compression cars, trucks, RV’s. Powerband 800-4000 RPM. Low end torque for street & tow. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1200-4500 RPM Low & midrange torque for street & tow. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 RPM. Street & strip racing, fair idle. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5300 RPM. Street & strip, prop & jet boats with water jacketed exhaust. Powerband 2200-5700 RPM Street & strip, jet boats, heavy prop boat. 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6000 RPM. Drag racing, light jet boat & prop. 10.0 to 11.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-6500 RPM 2210H 2221H 2212H 2214H 2215H 2225H 2227H Grind Number EP-14/100HYD RV-101/104HYD IN .500” EX .500” 262° 270° .295” .295” 214° 222° HL-74HYD IN .510” EX .510” 278° 278° .300” .300” 230° 230° RV-72HYD HL-25HYD HL-25/26HYD IN .500” EX .500” 272° 272° IN .541” EX .541” 286° 286° IN .541” EX .559” 286° 292° .295” .295” .318” .318” .318” .329” 225° 225° 238° 238° 238° 244° 721/724HYD IN .559” EX .570” 292° 308° .329” .335” 244° 260° Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .512” EX .500” 260° 256° .301” .294” 216° 210° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 112° 110° 110° 110° 108° 2232H 2232H 2233H 2233H 2235H 2235H 2245H TURBOCHARGER HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street cars, service trucks, RV’s. Low compression, smooth idle. Powerband 1000-5000 RPM Street & strip, heavy tow trucks & RV’s, built engines. Good idle. Powerband 1500-6000 RPM. Serious street & strip, racing jet & off-shore boat racing. Powerband 2500-7000 RPM 2204H 2205H 2207H TCS-4HYD TCS-5HYD TCS-7HYD SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS IN .500” EX .474” IN .529” EX .502” 270° 264° 286° 269° .294” .279” .311” .295” 220° 212° 235° 221° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 114° 114° 2235H 2245H ENGINEERED KITS Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0022H 0022 Kits include these parts 550H, 832, 606S, 427T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 550H, 833, 606S, 427T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 550H, 835, 606S, 454T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 550H, 594595, 606S, 427T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 550, 833, 606S, 427T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 550, 835, 606S, 454T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 550, 594595, 606S, 454T, 702, 703, 675, Lube 10 2235H Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 2232H 2233H 2235H 2245H 2233 2235 2245 CHEVROLET BIG BLOCK 396-454 ROLLER LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street cars, hot rods. Powerband 2000-5000 RPM. 1500 Grind Number RJ-26 Street rods, bracket racing. Powerband 2200-5500 RPM 1501 RJ-27 Street & strip, bracket racing circle track, heavy jet boats. Powerband 2800-6200 RPM. 1503 RJ-38 Street roller, bracket racing, short circle tracking racing. Powerband 2500-5800 RPM Bracket racing, large circle track, heavy jet boat racing. Powerband 3200-6500 RPM. 1502 1504 Drag racing competition only, light jet boats, prop boats. Powerband 3600-7200 RPM. 1510 Drag racing, competition only, blown gas, fuel & alcohol. Powerband 4400-8200 RPM. 1515 Drag racing, competition only, racing prop boat competition. Powerband 4000-7800 RPM. Drag racing, competition only, blown fuel & alcohol Powerband 4600-8500 RPM. 1511 1516 561, 830/832, 606S, 454R, 454T, 607, 702, 703, 705 561, 830835, 599S, 454R, 454T, 607, 702, 703, 705 561, 997, 998S, 454R, 454T, 607, 702, 703, 705 561, 855, 853S, 454R, 454T, 607, 702, 703, 705 Any roller cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .590” EX .590” 254° 254° .347” .347” 214° 214° IN .640” EX .644” IN .644” EX .644” RJ-83/86 RJ-86/130 IN .670” EX .680” IN .680” EX .670” 265° 265° 284° 296° 296° 296° 304° 314° 314° 320° .351” .351” .375” .379” .379” .379” .396” .400” .400” .397” 225° 225° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 248° 252° 112° 264° 268° 110° 252° 252° 268° 272° 110° 110° RF-16/RX-30 IN .740” EX .390” 324° 322° .435” .406” 278° 286° 110° RZJ-20/21 IN .737” EX .708” 338° 340° .434” .417” 300° 306° 110° RZJ-20-4/21-4 IN .734” EX .706” 330° 332° .432” .415” 292° 296° 110° 1569 1569 1570 1570 1570 1570 1571 1571 1572 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Part Number 1569 1570 1571 1572 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Advertised Duration IN .597” EX .597” RJ-36/38 ENGINEERED ROLLER KITS Kits include these parts Valve Lift @ 1.7:1 Kits include these parts Part Number 16 Double Springs with Dampener 830/832 16 Link Bar Roller Tappets 16 Double Springs with Dampener 16 Triple Springs 16 Triple Springs 16 Steel Retainers #830835 Spring Part Number 0015 16 Steel Retainers #997 Spring 16 Steel Retainers #855 Spring Rev Kit Includes Rev Springs, Pushrods, Pushrod Retainers, Rev Plate Double Roller Gear & Chain Set Cam Thrust Retainer Roller Bearing 32 Spring Shims .030” 32 Keepers 3/8 Valve Stem Distributor Bronze Gear 16 Pushrods 3/8 Special Grooved Rev Kit 16 Pushrods Truck Block Grooved Rev Kit 2 Rev Plates 16 Rev Springs 16 Rev Retainers & Keepers 16 Stainless Roller Rockers Rev Kit Complete for Truck Block 561 830/835 997 855 599S 998S 853S 454R 454T 607 702 703 705 580 580L 581 592 616 396S 481R Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 11 CHEVROLET STRAIGHT SIX 194 230 250 292 HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.75:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam Economy, power for stock engines. Replacement cam no modifications. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. 250 ci - 2814H 292 ci - 3814H EP-14/100HYD IN .473” EX .490” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 210° 112° Street rod, good idle 9.0:1 + compression. Powerband 1500-5500 approx. 250 ci - 2818H 292 ci - 3818H EP-18/20HYD IN .534” EX .543” 260° 268° .305” .310” 216° 226° 112° EP-25HYD IN .572” EX .572” 282° 282° .327” .327” 236° 236° 110° 250 ci - 2828H 292 ci - 3828H EP-28/29HYD IN .607” EX .607” 292° 300° .347” .347” 248° 256° Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.75:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .564” EX .595” 274° 280° .322” .340” 238° 244° Street performance, smooth idle. Low compression, no mods, needed. Powerband 1200-5000 approx. 250 ci - 2816H 292 ci - 3816H EP-16/18HYD Hot rod, modified engine. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 approx. 250 ci - 2822H 292 ci - 3822H EP-22HYD Drag racing, competition. Highly modified engines. Powerband 2500-6500 approx. 250 ci - 2826H 292 ci - 3826H EP-26HYD Bracket racing, street terror. High compression, modified. Powerband 2200-6200 approx. Drag racing, competition. All-out hydraulic cam. Powerband 3000+ 250 ci - 2825H 292 ci - 3825H IN .516” EX .534” IN .560” EX .560” IN .586” EX .586” 258° 260° 274° 274° 286° 286° .295” .305” .320” .320” .335” .335” 210° 216° 230° 230° 240° 240° 2853H 112° 2853H 2893H 110° 2893H 2893H 108° 2861H 108° 2861H SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Street solid, fair idle. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 approx. Street & strip, rough idle. Modified engines. Powerband 2500-6700 approx. Drag racing, circle track competition. High RPM. Powerband 3000-7200 approx. Drag racing, high RPM. Top end only. Powerband 3500+ 250 ci - 2822 292 ci - 3822 EP-22/25 250 ci - 2826 292 ci - 3826 EP-26/28 250 ci - 2829 292 ci - 3829 IN .606” EX .614” EP-29/30 250 ci - 2894 292 ci - 3894 IN .614” EX .649” TF-94/95 288° 292° 302° 310° .346” .351” .351” .371” 249° 256° 264° 271° IN .649” EX .662” 310° 324° .371” .378” 271° 284° Valve Lift @ 1.75:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .532” EX .518” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 2893 108° 2893 106° 2861 106° 2861 TURBOCHARGER SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street turbo kit. Stock engine. Powerband 1500-6000 approx. Competition turbo. Modified engines. Powerband 2400-6400 approx. Grind Number 250 ci - 2805 292 ci - 3822 250 ci - 2807 292 ci - 3807 TCS-5 TCS-7 ENGINEERED KITS IN .579” EX .532” 284° 268° .331” .304” 242° 230° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 2893 114° 2861 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Kits include these parts 550H-12, 593-12, 598S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube 550H-12, 993-12, 598S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube 550H-12, 361/007-12, 604S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube 550-12, 993-12, 598S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube 550-12, 361/007-12, 604S-12, 700-24, 711-24, Lube Part Number 2853H 2893H Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. 250ci - 0028 292ci - 0038 2861H 2893 2861 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Kits include these parts Part Number 12 Hydraulic Lifters 550H-12 12 Solid Lifters 12 Light Single Springs 12 High Performance Single Springs 12 Double Springs 12 Steel Retainers Spring Shims 12 Pairs of Keepers 12 Long Steel Retainers Cam Lube 12 Part Number 550-12 593-12 993-12 361/007-12 598S-12 700-24 711-24 604S-12 Lube Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 GM & AMC 151 CUBIC INCH 4 CYLINDER HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power for stock low compression vehicles, smooth idle. Powerband 1200-4800 RPM 4014H Economy, low & midrange power. Low compression, good idle. Powerband 1600-5400 RPM. 4016H Hot street, bracket racing. 9 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 2200-5800 RPM 4020H Street performance modified engines 8.5 to 9:1 compression. Powerband 1900-5500 RPM. Hot street, bracket racing. 9.5 to 10:1 compression, rough idle. Powerband 2600-6200 RPM. Drag racing, circle track competition. 10 to 11:1 compression. Powerband 3000-6600 RPM. Street & strip turbo special. Low compression engines. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Hot street & strip turbo special. Low compression engines. Powerband 3000-6600 RPM. 4018 4022H 4025H 4002H 4005H Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.75:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center EP-14HYD IN .473” EX .473” 248° 248° .270” .270” 204° 204° 112° EP-18HYD IN .534” EX .534” EP-16HYD EP-20HYD EP-22HYD EP-25HYD TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD IN .516” EX .516” IN .543” EX .543” IN .560” EX .560” IN .572” EX .572” IN .534” EX .516” 256° 256° 260° 260° 268° 268° 274° 274° 282° 282° 260° 256° .295” .295” .305” .305” .310” .310” .320” .320” .327” .327” .305” .295” 210° 210° 216° 216° 226° 226° 230° 230° 236° 236° 216° 210° IN .543” EX .534” 268° 260° .310” .305” 226° 216° Valve Lift @ 1.75:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .564° EX .564” .322” 274° 238° .322” 238° IN .606” EX .606” 288° 288° 112° 110° 110° 108° 108° 114° 114° SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Hot street, bracket racing. 9.5 to 10:1 compression. Powerband 3000-6500 RPM. 4022 EP-22 Drag racing competition only. Powerband 3400-7400 RPM. 4026 EP-26 Drag racing, circle track competition. 10 to 11:1 compression. Powerband 3000-6800 RPM. Drag racing competition only. Powerband 3800-7800 RPM. Street & strip turbo special. Low compression, fair idle. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM Strip, competition turbo only. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. 4025 4028 4005 4007 EP-25 EP-28 TCS-5 TCS-7 IN .595” EX .595” IN .614” EX .614” IN .564” EX .557” IN .595” EX .564” 280° 280° 292° 292° 274° 266° 280° 274° .340” .340” .346” .346” .351” 351” .322” .318” .340” .322” 244° 244° 249° 249° 256° 256° 238° 232° 244° 238° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 108° 108° 108° 114° 114° David Pipoli aka “Pip” EcoTec Powered Buggy Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 13 FORD 4-CYLINDER OHC 2300 cc 1982+ 2000cc HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Low & midrange torque for street. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 RPM. 7706H Hot street & strip competition. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-6500 RPM. 7711H Street & strip performance cars. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6000 RPM. Serious competition only. Powerband 4000-7500 RPM. Street turbo, special grind. Low compression, smooth idle. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Serious competition turbo. Low compression, fair idle. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 PT-56HYD IN .418” EX .426” 258° 262° .261” .266” 112° 110° DZ-11HYD IN .464” EX .464” 270° 270° .289” .289” .290” .290” 108° .303” .303” 108° .266” .261” 114° 114° 7710H DZ-10HYD 7712H DZ-12HYD 7714H IN .462” EX .462” 264° 264° IN .485” EX .485” 300° 300° IN .426” TCS-55HYD EX .418” 7716H 262° 258° IN .464” TCS-111HYD EX .462” FORD 270° 264° .290” .289” Lobe Center 4-CYLINDER OHC 2000cc 1971-74 SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Low & midrange torque for street. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 RPM. 7706 Hot street & strip competition. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-6500 RPM. 7711 Street & strip performance cars. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6000 RPM. Serious competition only. Powerband 4000-7500 RPM. Street turbo special grind. Low compression, smooth idle. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Serious competition turbo. Low compression, fair idle. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 PT-56 IN .434” EX .442” 262° 270° .271” .276” 112° 110° DZ-11 IN .480” EX .480” 276° 276° .299” .299” .300” .300” 108° .311” .311” 108° .276” .271” 114° .300” .299” 114° 7710 DZ-10 7712 DZ-12 7714 TCS-65 7716 TCS-111 FORD IN .478” EX .478” IN .498” EX .498” IN .442” EX .434” IN .480” EX .478” 272° 272° 304° 304° 270° 262° 276° 272° Lobe. Center MERCURY CAPRI V-6 2600-2800cc SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Economy, low end power for stock, low compression cars, & trucks. Powerband 1000-4500 RPM. 3209 Heavy street performance cars & trucks. 8.5 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. 3220 Low & midrange torque for street light tow. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 RPM. Hot rod street & strip cars. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. Serious competition only. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Serious competition only. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM. Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised @ 1.46:1 Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 RV-99 IN .419” EX .419” 254° 254° .287” .287” 214° 214° 110° EP-20 IN .464” EX .464” 266° 266° .318” .318” 232° 232° 108° 244° 244° 108° 3210 RV-100 3222 EP-22 3225 3228 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS EP-25 EP-28 IN .431” EX .431” IN .476” EX .476” IN .496” EX .496” IN .514” EX .514” 260° 260° 274° 274° 280° 280° 292° 292° .295” .295” .326” .326” .340” .340” .352” .352” 224° 224° 110° 238° 238° 108° 256° 256° 108° KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size cam or lobe centers for 2000cc or 3000cc, solid or hydraulic ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0032 0077 Solid 0077H HYD Kits include these parts 12 Solid Lifters V-6 Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com 14 Lobe. Center Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 559-12 FORD 4.6 – 5.4L MODULAR MOTORS 4.6L & 5.4L 3 VALVE SOHC Description Street performance, light modified engine Good idle. Weekend warrior, rough idle, strong Mid range torque High performance, Ok idle, modified engine Good low & mid range power Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 4801H GFR-1 .480” .480” 252° 252° 214° 214° 113° 4805H GFR-3 .548” .548” 266° 266° 4803H GFR-2 .490” .490” 260° 260° Lobe Center 222° 222° 113° 230° 230° 113° 4.6L 4 VALVE DOHC Street performance, light modified engine Good idle. 4901H GFR-1 .480” .480” 252° 252° 214° 214° 113° Weekend warrior, rough idle, strong Mid range torque 4905H GFR-3 .548” .548” 266° 266° High performance, Ok idle, modified engine Good low & mid range power 4903H GFR-2 .490” .490” 260° 260° 222° 222° 113° 230° 230° 113° SUPERCHARGER & NITROUS 4.6L – 5.4L 3 VALVE Street supercharger on nitrous cam Great low end & mid range horsepower 4811H GSR-1 .480” .490” 252° 260° 214° 222° 115° Street & strip cam rough idle 2500-6500 RPM Weekend Terrorizer 4815H GSR-3 .500” .500” 268° 278° Modified engine, strong mid range and top-end torque, fair idle 4813H GSR-2 .490” .500” 260° 268° 222° 230° 115° 230° 240° 115° SUPERCHARGER & NITROUS 4.6L 4 VALVE Street supercharger on nitrous cam Great low end & mid range horsepower 4911H GSR-1 .480” .490” 252° 260° 214° 222° 115° Street & strip cam rough idle 2500-6500 RPM Weekend Terrorizer 4915H GSR-3 .500” .500” 268° 278° 230° 240° 115° Modified engine, strong mid range and top-end torque, fair idle 4913H GSR-2 .490” .500” 260° 268° 222° 230° 115° Mustang courtesy of Kenneth Sherman & Cerritos Ford (562)405-3500 Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 15 FORD SMALL BLOCK V-8 221 260 289 302 & 351-W HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power. Low compression, stock Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Low & midrange power for street & towing. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1200-5000 approx. Street performance, good idle. 9.0:1 + compression. Powerband 1500-5500 approx. Hot rod, modified engine. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets, modified engine. Powerband 2000-6000 approx. Drag racing, competition. Highly modified engines. Powerband 2200-6200 approx. Drag racing, competition. All out hydraulic arm. Powerband 2500+ 2114H 2116H 2118H 2122H 2125H 2126H Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 EP-14/100HYD IN .432” EX .448” 248° 260° EP-18/20HYD IN .488” EX .496” 260° 268° EP-16HYD EP-22HYD EP-25HYD EP-26HYD IN .472” EX .472” 256° 256° IN .512” EX .512” 274° 274° IN .523” EX .523” 282° 282° IN .536” EX .536” 2128H EP-28/29HYD IN .555” EX .555” Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 286° 286° 292° 300° 204° 212° 210° 210° 216° 226° 230° 230° 236° 236° 240° 240° 248° 256° Lobe Center Kit Part No W/O Cam Part No. 351-W 112° 2153H 2014H 2153H 2016H 2153H 2018H 2193H 2022H 2193H 2025H 2193H 2026H 2161H 2028H 112° 112° 109° 109° 109° 106° TURBOCHARGER HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Street & strip, bolt-on kits. Smooth idle. Powerband 2000-6500 approx. Competition turbo. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-7000 RPM. 2102H 2105H TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 IN .488” EX .472” 260° 256° IN .512” EX .496” 274° 268° 216° 210° 230° 226° Lobe Center 114° 114° Kit Part No. Part No. W/O Cam 351-W 2193H 2002H 2161H 2005H SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Hot street, bracket racing. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Fair idle. Powerband 1800-5500 approx. 2122 EP-22 IN .523” EX. .523” 274° 274° 238° 238° 109° Bracket racing, circle track. High compression. Powerband 2500-6500 approx. 2126 EP-26/28 IN .554” EX .562” 288° 292° 249° 256° 109° Street & strip, rough idle. Modified engine. Powerband 2200-6000 approx. Drag racing competition. Highly modified engine. Powerband 3000+ Drag racing, competition only. Powerband 3500+ 2125 2128 2129 EP-25 IN .541” EX. .541” EP-28/29 280° 280° IN .562” EX .562” EP-29/30 292° 302° IN .562” EX .594” 302° 310° 244° 244° 256° 264° 264° 271° 109° 109° 106° Kit Part No. Part No. W/O Cam 351-W 2193 2022 2193 2025 2161 2026 2161 2028 2161 2029 TURBOCHARGER SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip, turbo. Smooth idle. Powerband 2000-6500 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-7500 approx. 2105 2107 Grind Number TCS-5 IN .541” EX .523” 274° 266° 280° 274° 238° 232° 244° 238° Lobe Center 114° 114° Kit Part No. Part No. W/O Cam 351-W 2193 2005 2161 2007 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Any size solid cam ground to your requirements, any lobe center changes. Call for information. Any size hydraulic cam ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0021 0021H Kits include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Single Springs 16 Heavy Duty Single Springs 16 Double Springs ENGINEERED KITS 16 Steel Spring Retainers Kits include these parts Part Number 559H, 593, 598S, 700, 711, 289T, Lube 2153H 559, 993, 598S, 700, 711, 289T, Lube 2193 559H, 993, 598S, 700, 711, 289T, Lube 2193H 559H, 361/007, 604S, 700, 711, 289T, Lube 2161H 559, 361/007, 604S, 700, 711, 289T, Lube 16 Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 IN .523” EX .509” TCS-7 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 2161 Spring Shims 16 Pairs of Keepers Part Number 559 559H 593 993 361/007 598S 700 711 Timing Gear & Chain Set 289T 16 Long Steel Retainers 604S Cam Lube Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Lube FORD 332 353 360 390 406 410 427 428 HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power. Low compression, stockers. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Low end torque, street & towing. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 approx. Low & midrange torque. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-5500 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. Modified engine. Powerband 2300-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets. High compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Circle track & drags. Highly modified engine. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. High RPM drags. Competition only. Powerband 3000+ 3114H 3110H 3172H 3174H 3175H 3176H Grind Number EP-14/100HYD RV-101/104HYD RV-72HYD HL-74HYD HL-75HYD HL-75/76HYD Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .467” EX .484” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° 112° 225° 225° 110° IN .510” EX .510” 262° 270° IN .510” EX .510” 272° 272° IN .519” EX .519” 278° 278° IN .550” EX .550” 286° 286° IN .550” EX .550” 286° 292° .295” .295” .295” .295” .300” .300” .318” .318” .318” .329” 214° 222° 230° 230° 238° 238° 238° 244° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 110° 108° 108° 3177H 721/724HYD IN .569” EX .580” 292° 308° .329” .335” 244° 260° 106° Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .528” EX .528” 272° 272° .305” .305” 232° 232° 110° 286° 286° .330” .330” 242° 242° 108° 3132H 3132H 3133H 3133H 3135H 3135H 3145H SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Low & midrange torque, street & towing. Stock engine. Powerband 2000-5500 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2300-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets. High compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Circle track & drags. Highly modified engine. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. High RPM drags. Cars & jet boats. Powerband 3000+ Drag racing. Competition only. Powerband 3500+ 3172 3174 3175 3176 3177 3185 RV-72 HL-74 IN .538” EX .538” HL-75 278° 278° IN .571” EX .571” HL-75/76 IN .571” EX .592” 721/724 286° 292° IN .592” EX .600” NF-73/85 292° 308° .311” .311” .330” .342” .342” .347” 238° 238° 242° 252° 252° 268° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 108° 108° IN .592” EX .635” 306° 318° .342” .367” 267° 274° 106° Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .526” EX .512” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° 114° 220° 210° 114° 3133 3133 3135 3135 3145 3145 TURBOCHARGER SOLID AND HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-7500 approx. Street & strip, smooth idle. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 1500-6500 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. 3105 3107 3105H 3107H Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 TCS-5HYD TCS-7HYD SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. 558H, 832, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube 558, 833, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube 0031H 0031 Part Number 3132H 3133 3133H 558H, 835, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube 3135H 558H, 594595, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube 3145H 558, 594/595, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube IN .538” EX .509” 270° 264° 286° 270° .331” .304” .295” .279” .311” .295” 242° 220° 235° 220° 114° 114° Kits include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Light Single Springs 16 Single Springs 16 Heavy Duty Single Springs 558H, 833, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube 558, 835, 606S, 702, 703, 390T, Lube IN .509” EX .483” 284° 268° 3135 3145 3135H 3145H KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Part Number ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts IN .573” EX .526” Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 3135 3145 Part Number 558 558H 832 833 835 16 Double Springs 594/595 Spring Shims .030” 702 16 Steel Spring Retainers 16 Pairs of Keepers 3/8” Timing Gear & Chain Set Cam Lube 606S 703 390T Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 17 FORD 351-C 351-M 400 HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power. Low compression, stocker. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Low end torque, street & towing. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 approx. Low & midrange torque. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-5500 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. Modified engine. Powerband 2300-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets. High compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Circle track & drags. High modified engine. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. High RPM drags. Competition only. Powerband 3000+ 2914H 2910H 2972H 2974H 2975H 2976H Grind Number EP-14/100HYD Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .467” EX .484” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° RV-101/104HYD IN .509” EX .509” 262° 270° .295” .295” 214° 222° HL-74HYD IN .519” EX .519” 278° 278° .300” .300” 230° 230° RV-72HYD IN .510” EX .510” HL-75HYD 272° 272° IN .550” EX .550” HL-75/76HYD 286° 286° IN .550” EX .569” 286° 292° .295” .295” .318” .318” .318” .329” 225° 225° 238° 238° 238° 244° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 110° 110° 108° 108° 2977H 721/724HYD IN .569” EX .580” 292° 308° .329” .335” 224° 260° 106° Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .528” EX .528” 272° 272° .305” .305” 232° 232° 110° 286° 286° .330” .330” 242° 242° 108° 2953H 2953H 2993H 2993H 2993H 2961H 2961H SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Low & midrange torque, street & towing. Stock engine. Powerband 2000-5500 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2300-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets. High compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Circle track & drags. Highly modified engine. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. High RPM drags. Cars & jet boats. Powerband 3000+ Drag racing. Competition only. Powerband 3500+ Drag racing. Competition only. Powerband 3800+ 2972 2974 2975 2976 2977 2985 2995 RV-72 HL-74 IN .538” EX .538” HL-75 278° 278° IN .571” EX .571” HL-75/76 IN .571” EX .592” 721/724 286° 292° IN .592” EX .600” NF-73/85 292° 308° IN .592” EX .635” TF-94-95 306° 318° IN .640” EX .652” .311” .311” .330” .342” .342” .347” .342” .367” 238° 238° 242° 252° 252° 268° 267° 274° 312° 324˚ .370” .377” 271° 284° Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .526” EX .512” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 108° 108° 106° 106° 2993 2993 2993 2961 2961 2961 2961 TURBOCHARGER SOLID AND HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 2000-7000 approx Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. Street & strip, smooth idle. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 1500-6500 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. 2905 2907 2905H 2907H Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 IN .573” EX .526” TCS-5HYD IN .509” EX .483” TCS-7HYD IN .538” EX .509” 284° 268° 270° 264° 286° 270° .331” .304” .295” .279” .311” .295” Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 114° 242° 230° 114° 235° 220° 114° 220° 210° 114° 296 2993H 2961H KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0029 0029H Kits include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Single Valve Springs 16 H.D. Single Valve Springs 16 Double Valve Springs 16 Steel Spring Retainers ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts Part Number 559H, 593, 598S, 700, 711, 351T, Lube 2953H 559, 993, 598S, 700, 711, 351T, Lube 2993 559H, 993, 598S, 700, 711, 351T, Lube 2993H 559H, 361/007, 604S, 700, 711, 351T, Lube 2961H 559, 361/007, 604S, 700, 711, 351T, Lube 2961 Retainers Same As 598-S + .060” Longer Spring Shims 16 Pairs of Keepers Single Groove Double Roller Timing Gear & Chain Cam Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com 18 2993 Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 559 559H 593 993 361/007 598S 604S 700 711 351T Lube FORD 370 429 460 HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power. Low compression, stockers. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Low end torque, street & towing. 8.5 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5000 approx. Low & midrange torque. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-5500 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. Modified engine. Powerband 2300-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets. High compression Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Circle track & drags. Highly modified engine. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. High RPM drags. Competition only. Powerband 3000+ 7614H 7610H 7672H 7674H 7675H 7676H Grind Number EP-14/100HYD Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .467” EX .484” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° 112° 225° 225° 110° RV-101/104HYD IN .509” EX .509” 262° 270° .295” .295” 214° 222° HL-74HYD IN .519” EX .519” 278° 278° .300” .300” 230° 230° RV-72HYD HL-75HYD HL-75/76HYD IN .510” EX .510” 272° 272° IN .550” EX .550” 286° 286° IN .550” EX .569” 286° 292° .295” .295” .318” .318” .318” .329” 238° 238° 238° 244° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 110° 108° 108° 7677H 721/724HYD IN .569” EX .580” 292° 308° .329” .335” 244° 260° 106° Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .528” EX .528” 272° 272° .305” .305” 232° 232° 110° 286° 286° .330” .330” 242° 242° 108° 7632H 7632H 7633H 7633H 7635H 7635H 7645H SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Low & midrange torque, street & towing. Stock engine. Powerband 2000-5500 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2300-5800 approx. Street & strip, brackets. High compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Circle track & drags. Highly modified engine. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. High RPM drags. Cars & jet boats. Powerband 3000+ Drag racing. Competition only. Powerband 3500+ Drag racing. Competition only. Powerband 3800+ 7672 7674 7675 7676 7677 7685 7695 RV-72 HL-74 IN .538” EX .538” HL-75 278° 278° IN .571” EX .571” HL-75/76 IN .571” EX .592” 721/724 286° 292° IN .592” EX .600” NF-73/85 292° 308° IN .592” EX .635” TF-94/95 306° 318° .311” .311” .330” .342” .342” .347” .342” .367” 238° 238° 242° 252° 252° 268° 267° 274° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 108° 108° 106° IN .640” EX. .652” 312° 324° .370” .377” 271° 284° 106° Valve Lift @ 1.73:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .526” EX .512” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° 114° 220° 210° 114° 7633 7633 7635 7635 7645 7645 7645 TURBOCHARGER SOLID AND HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-7500 approx. Street & strip, smooth idle. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 1500-6500 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. 7605 7607 7605H 7607H Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 TCS-5HYD TCS-7HYD SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. 559H, 832, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube 559, 833, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube 0076 0076H Part Number 7632H 7633 7633H 559H, 835, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube 7635H 559H, 594/595, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube 7645H 559, 594/595, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube IN .538” EX .509” 270° 264° 286° 270° .331” .304” .295” .279” .311” .295” 242° 230° 235° 220° 114° 114° Kits include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Light Single Springs 16 Single Springs 16 H.D. Single Springs 559H, 833, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube 559, 835, 605S, 702, 711, 460T, Lube IN .509” EX .483” 284° 268° 7635 7645 7635H 7645H ENGINEERED KIT PARTS Part Number ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts IN .573” EX .526” Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 7635 7645 16 Double Spring 16 Steel Retainers Spring Shims 16 Pairs of Keepers 11/32 Timing Gear & Chain Set Cam Lube Part Number 559 559H 832 833 835 594/595 605S 702 711 460T Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 19 MOPAR LA 273 340 360 1967 + 318 HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end torque. Stock engines, low compression. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Low & midrange torque, cars & trucks, towing & RV’s. Powerband 1200-5000 approx. Street performance, good idle. Lightly modified engines. Powerband 1500-5500 approx. Street hot rod, fair idle. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 approx. Street& strip, brackets. 9.0 to 10.0:1, rough idle. Powerband 2000-2600 approx. Drag racing, high compression. 4-speed or auto w/high stall. Powerband 2400-6800 approx. Drag racing competition. All-out hydraulic. Powerband 3000+. 4414H 4416H 4418H 4420H 4422H 4407H 4408H Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 EP-14/100HYD IN .405” EX .420” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° EP-18HYD IN .458” EX .458” 260° 260° .305” .305” 216° 216° EP-16HYD EP-20HYD EP-2HYD K-7HYD K-8HYD IN .440” EX .440” 256° 256° IN .468” EX .468” 268° 268° IN .480” EX .480” 274° 274° IN .517” EX .517” 288° 288° .295” .295” .310” .310” .320” .320” .345” .345” 210° 210° 226° 226° 230° 230° 236° 236° IN .550” EX .550” 296° 296° .367” .367” 249° 249° Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .510” EX .510” 278° 278° .340” .340” 238° 238° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 113° 113° 113° 110° 110° 107° 107° 4453H 4453H 4493H 4493H 4493H 4461H 4461H SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Hot street & strip performance. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Brackets, street & strip. Modified engines. 10.0:1+ Powerband 2800-6500. Drag racing competition. High compression. Powerband 3000-7000. Drag racing, circle track. Highly modified engines. Powerband 3500+ Drag racing. Competition only. Powerband 4000+ Drag Racing. Competition only. Powerband 4500+ 4465 4407 4408 4410 4487 4489 Grind Number K-65 K-7 IN .533” EX .533” K-8 282° 282° IN .573” EX .573” K-10 296° 296° IN .575” EX .575” FK-87 304° 304° IN .600” EX .600” FK-89 314° 314° .355” .355” .382” .382” .383” .383” .400” .400” 244° 244° 256° 256° 264° 264° 274° 274° IN .624” EX .624” 320° 320° .416” .416” 280° 280° Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .456” EX .444” 268° 268° .304” .296” 230° 224° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 110° 107° 107° 107° 107° 107° 4493 4493 4493 4461 4461 4461 TURBOCHARGER SOLID AND HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip. Bolt-on kits. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-7500 approx. Street bolt-on kits. Stock engines, good idle. Powerband 1500-6500. Turbo performance. Modified engines. Powerband 2000-7000 4450 4470 4402H 4405H Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0044 0044H 862, 361/007, 599S, 700, 360T, Lube Part Number 4453H 274° 268° .305” .295” .320” .310” 242° 230° 216° 210° 230° 226° 114° 114° 114° Kits include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Single Springs 16 H.D. Single Valve Springs 4461H 862H, 993, 599S, 700, 318T, Lube 4493H 4461 4493H 4461H 4493 Part Number 862 862H 593 993 361/007 Timing Chain & Gear Set 318T Valve Spring Shims Cam Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com 20 4493 16 Double Valve Springs 4461 862H, 361/007, 599S, 700, 360T, Lube 862, 993, 599S, 700, 318T, Lube IN .480” EX .468” 260° 256° .331” .304” 16 Steel Spring Retainers ENGINEERED KITS 862H, 593, 599S, 700, 318T, Lube IN .458” EX .440” 284° 268° 114° KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Kits include these parts IN .496” EX .456” Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 599S 700 Lube MOPAR B 350 361 383 413 426W 440 HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end torque. Stock engines, low compression. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Low & midrange torque, cars & trucks, towing & RV’s. Powerband 2300-5000 approx. Street performance, good idle. Lightly modified engines. Powerband 1500-5500 approx. 2314H 2316H 2318H Street hot rod, fair idle. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 approx. 2320H Drag racing, high compression. 4-speed or auto w/high stall. Powerband 2500-6800 approx. 2307H Street & strip, brackets. 9.5 to 10.0:1, rough idle. Powerband 2000-6200 approx. Drag racing competition. All-out hydraulic. Powerband 3000+ 2322 2308H Grind Number EP14/100HYD EP-16HYD EP-18HYD EP-20HYD EP-22HYD K-7HYD K-8HYD Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .405” EX .420” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° IN .440” EX .440” 256° 256° IN .458” EX .458” 260° 260° IN .468” EX .468” 268° 268° IN .480” EX .480” 274° 274° IN .517” EX .517” 288° 288° .295” .295” .305” .305” .310” .310” .320” .320” .345” .345” 210° 210° 216° 216° 226° 226° 230° 230° 236° 236° IN .550” EX .550” 296° 296° .367” .367” 249° 249° Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .510” EX .510” 278° 278° .340” .340” 238° 238° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 112° 110° 110° 108° 108° 2332H 2332H 2333H 2333H 2335H 2345H 2345H SOLID CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Hot street & strip performance. 9.0 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6000 approx. Brackets, street & strip. Modified engines 10.0 + 1. Powerband 2800-6500 approx. Drag racing competition. High compression. Powerband 3000-7000 approx. Drag racing, circle track. High modified engines. Powerband 3500+ Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4000+ Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4500+ 2365 2307 2308 2310 2387 2389 Grind Number K-65 K-7 K-8 Part Number Street & strip. Bolt=on kits. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. Turbo competition. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-7500 approx. Street bolt-on kits. Stock engines, good idle. Powerband 1500-6500 approx. Turbo performance. Modified engines. Powerband 2000-7000 approx. 2350 2370 2302H 2305H K-10 FK-87 Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. IN .575” EX .575” 304° 304° 296° 296° IN .600” EX .600” FK-89 Grind Number TCS-5 TCS-7 TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS 282 ° 282° IN .573” EX .573” TURBOCHARGER SOLID AND HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFTS Description IN .533” EX .533” 314° 314° .355” .355” .382” .382” .383” .383” .400” .400” 244° 244° 256° 256° 264° 264° 274° 274° IN .624” EX .624” 320° 320° .416” .416” 280° 280° Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .456” EX .456” 268° 264° .304” .296” 230° 224° IN .496” EX .456” IN .458” EX .440” IN .480” EX .468” 284° 268° 260° 256° 274° 268° .331” .304” .305” .295” .320” .310” 242° 230° 216° 210° 230° 226° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 108° 108° 108° 108° 106° 106° 862, 833, 606S, 702, 383T, Lube 0023 0023H Part Number 2332H 2333 862H, 833, 606S, 702, 383T, Lube 2333H 862H, 835, 606S, 702, 440T, Lube 2335H 862H, 594595, 606S, 702, 440T, Lube 2345H 862, 835, 606S, 702, 440T, Lube 862, 594595, 606S, 702, 440T, Lube 2335 2335 2345 2345 114° 114° 114° 114° 2335 2345 2335H 2345H KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Part Number ENGINEERED KITS 862H, 832, 606S, 702, 383T, Lube 2333 Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam Kits include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Single Valve Springs 16 H.D. Single Valve Springs 16 H.D. Single Valve Springs Kits include these parts 2333 2335 2345 Part Number 862 862H 832 833 835 16 Double Valve Springs 594/595 Timing Gear & Chain Set 383T 16 Steel Valve Spring Retainers Valve Spring Shims Cam Lube 606S 702 Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 21 MOPAR LA-340/360 B-383-440 Description Part Number Street roller, bracket racing, Short circle track racing. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. B2350 A4450 Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center RK-36 IN .550” EX .550” 288° 288° .375” .375” 244° 244° 108° RK-86 IN .600” EX .600” 308° 308° .400” .400” 264° 264° 108° Street & strip, bracket racing, Circle track, truck puller. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. B2352 A4452 RK-48 Drag racing, tractor puller Powerband 3500-7500 RPM. B2356 A4456 RK-16/30 Drag racing, competition only, Circle track, truck puller. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. B2354 A4454 IN .609” EX .609” IN .652” EX .609” 294° 294° 320° 320° .406” .406” .435” .435” 252° 252° 108° 278° 286° 108° LATEST TECHNOLOGY INVERSE FLANK ROLLER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Short circle track racing, Bracket’s truck puller Powerband 3000-7000 RPM B2360 A4460 JR-47 IN .622” EX .622” 282° 282° .415” .415” 248° 248° 108° Circle track, drag racing, Competition truck puller. Powerband 3400-7400 RPM. B2364 A4464 JR-50 IN .634” EX .634” 296° 296° .423” .423” 262° 262° 108° 273° 273° 108° 278° 278° 108° Circle track, drag racing, Competition truck puller. Powerband 3200-7200 RPM B2362 A4462 JR-49 Large circle track, drag racing, Competition truck puller. Powerband 3600-7600 RPM. B2366 A4466 JR-51 Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4000-8000 RPM B2372 A4472 BCJ-10 Large circle track, drag racing, Powerband 3800-7800 RPM. Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4300-8300 RPM. B2370 A4470 B2374 A4474 Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4600-8600 RPM. B2376 A4476 IN .627” EX .627” IN .635” EX .635” HR-274 IN .633” EX .633” IN .633” EX .633” BCJ-5 IN .660” EX .660” BCJ-1 IN .668” EX .668” 290° 290° 302° 302° 304° 304° 308° 308° 318° 318° 328° 328° .418” .418” .424” .424” .422” .422” .422” .422” .440” .440” .445” .445” MOPAR 254° 254° 108° 268° 268° 108° 270° 270° 108° 286° 286° 108° 5.7L & 6.1L HEMI HYDRAULIC ROLLER LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number More power than a stock cam in a stock engine. Good gas mileage, great low end torque smooth idle Great cam for a lightly modified engine. Strong mid range torque good idle Street performance fair idle mid range High RPM Power 4601H 4603H 4605H Grind Number GHR-206H GHR-212H GHR-218H Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center .509” .509” 254° 254° .318” .318” 206° 206° 112° .510” .510” 264° 264° .319” .319” 212° 212° 112° .525” .525” 268° 268° .328” .328” 218° 218° 112° SUPERCHARGER/NITROUS HYDRAULIC ROLLER LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Street supercharger or nitrous cam. Torque ok idle 4610H GHR22423H .525” .534” 272° 280° .328” .334” 224° 230° 114° Weekend warrior high boost on lots of nitrous Rough idle mid & top end power 4612H GHR236242H .534” .550” 287° 293° .334” .344” 236° 242° 114° PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR B & HEMI PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR LA 340-360 Part Number Part Number 16 Double Springs with Dampener Light 830/832 16 Double Springs Light 1.450” 593/007 16 Roller Tappets B & Hemi 658 16 Double Springs with Dampener Medium 16 Triple Springs 1.625” Diameter Heavy 16 Chromoly Retainers 3/8” A & B 16 Chromoly Retainers 5/16” 32 Valve Spring Shims 1.450” 32 Valve Spring Shims 1.550” 830/835 997 599S 706CM 700 702 16 Roller Tappets LA 16 Double Springs Medium 1.450” 16 Double Springs Heavy 1.550” Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com 22 Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 659 10EX 400 MOPAR 392 HEMI ROLLER TAPPET CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street roller. Power 2000-6500. Weekend hot rod. Street roller. Power 2200-6700. Street / strip Bracket racing. Power 2500-7000. Circle track. Power 2700-7200 Competition only. Power 3000-7500 3250 3252 3254 3256 3258 Grind Number RK-26 RK-27 RK-48 RK-48/83 Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .521” EX .521” 254° 254° .347” .347” 214° 214° IN .527” EX .527” IN .609” EX .609” IN .609” EX .600” 265° 265° 294° 294° 294° 298° .351” .351” .406” .406” .406” .400” 225° 225° 254° 254° 254° 262° RK-86/131 IN .600” EX .600” 308° 318° .400” .400” 266° 276° Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .622” EX .622” 282° 282° .415” .415” 248° 248° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 108° 108° 110° 3295 3295 3296 3296 3296 INVERSE FLANK ROLLER TAPPET CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Short circle track. Power 2500-7000+. Dirt cars. 1/4 mile sprinters. Power 2700-7000+. Dirt cars. Sprinters & modifieds. Power 3000-7000+ Bracket drags. 1/2 mile circles. Power 3200-7200+. Bracket drags 1/2 mile sprinters. Power 3500-7200+. Bracket drags Large circle track. Power 3700-7500+ Drag competition. Champs cars. Power 4000-7800+. Drag competition. Champ cars-Indy. Power 4200-7800+ Drag competition. High RPM only. Power 4500+. Drag competition. Drag racing only. Power 4500+. Competition. Drag racing only. Power 4700+. Competition Drag racing only. High RPM. Competition. Drag racing only. High RPM. Competition 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 JR-47 JR-47/49 JR-49 JR-49/50 JR-50 JR-50/51 HR-268 HR-267/74 HR-274 BCJ-10/5 BCJ-5 BCJ-5/1 BCJ-1 IN .622” EX .627” IN .627” EX .627” IN .627” EX .634” IN .634” EX .634” IN .634” EX .635” IN .633” EX .633” IN .633” EX .633” IN .633” EX .633” IN .644” EX .657” IN .657” EX .657” IN .657” EX .669” IN .669” EX .669” 282° 290° 290° 290° 290° 296° 296° 296° 296° 302° 303° 303° 303° 303° 304° 304° 304° 314° 314° 314° 314° 324° 324° 324° .415” .418” .418” .418” .418” .423” .423” .423” .423” .424” .422” .422” .422” .422” .422” .422” .429” .438” .438” .438” .438” .446” .446” .446” 248° 254° 254° 254° 254° 262° 262° 262° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 106° 106° 108° 108° 108° 262° 268° 108° 268° 274° 108° 270° 280° 110° 268° 268° 274° 274° 280° 280° 280° 290° 290° 290° 108° 110° 110° 110° 110° 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 3297 Bob Kashatas ‘06 Dodge Charger Daytona with 5.7L Hemi Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 23 MOPAR 426 HEMI SOLID ROLLER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street roller, bracket racing, Short circle track racing. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Street & strip, bracket racing, Circle track, truck puller. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. Drag racing, competition only, Circle track, truck puller. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Drag racing, tractor puller. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM. H3350 H3352 H3354 H3356 Grind Number RK-36 RK-48 RK-86 RK-16/30 Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center IN .589” EX .570” 288° 288° .375” .375” 244° 244° 108° IN .637” EX .617” IN .628” EX .608” 294° 294° 308° 308° .406” .406” .400” .400” 252° 252° 264° 264° 108° 108° IN .683” EX .661” 320° 320° .435” .435” 278° 286° 108° Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center IN .652” EX .631” 282° 282° .415” .415” 248° 248° 108° LATEST TECHNOLOGY INVERSE FLANK ROLLER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Short circle track racing. Bracket’s truck puller Powerband 3000-7000 RPM Circle track, drag racing. Competition truck puller. Powerband 3200-7200 RPM Circle track, drag racing. Competition truck puller. Powerband 3400-7400 RPM. Large circle track, drag racing. Competition truck puller. Powerband 3600-7600 RPM. Large circle track, drag racing. Powerband 3800-7800 RPM. Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4000-8000 RPM Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4300-8300 RPM. Drag racing competition only. Powerband 4600-8600 RPM. H3360 H3362 H3364 H3366 H3370 H3372 H3374 H3376 Grind Number JR-47 JR-49 JR-50 JR-51 HR-274 BCJ-10 BCJ-5 BCJ-1 IN .656” EX .635” IN .664” EX .643” IN .666” EX .644” IN .663” EX .641” IN .663” EX .641” IN .691” EX .669” IN .699” EX .676” 290° 290° 296° 296° 302° 302° 304° 304° 308° 308° 318° 318° 328° 328° .418” .418” .423” .423” .424” .424” .422” .422” .422” .422” .440” .440” .445” .445” 254° 254° 262° 262° 268° 268° 273° 273° 270° 270° 278° 278° 286° 286° 108° 108° 108° 108° 108° 108° 108° Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Don Prudhomme Racing U.S. Smokless Tabacoo Top Fuel Dragster driven by Spencer Massey Photo Courtesy of Don Prudhomme Racing 24 Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 OLDSMOBILE 260 307 350 400 403 425 455 HYDRAULIC & SOLID GRIND CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, low end power for stock low compression cars, tow vehicle. Powerband 1000-4500 RPM. Low & midrange power for street & tow. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1200-5000 RPM. Medium street & heavy tow cars. 8.5 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 1500-5500 RPM. Medium hot rod performance street. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Powerband 1800-5800 RPM. Hot street & strip, jet boats. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Street & strip, brackets, jet boats. 10.0 to 11.0:1 compression. Powerband 2200-6200 RPM. Drag racing, circle track modified engines. 10.5 to 11.0:1 compression. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. Drag racing competition only. 11.0 to 12.0:1 compression. Powerband 2800-6800 RPM. 2714H 2716H 2718H 2720H 2722H 2725H 2728H 2730 Grind Number EP-14/100HYD Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .432” EX .448” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 212° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° EP-16/18 HYD IN .472” EX .488” 256° 260° .295” .305” 210° 216° 112° EP-20/22HYD IN .496” EX .512” 268° 274° .310” .320” 226° 230° 110° 236° 248° 108° EP-18/20 HYD EP-22/25HYD EP-25/28HYD EP-28/29HYD TF-94/95 SOLID IN .488” EX .496” 260° 268° IN .512” EX .523” 274° 282° IN .523” EX .555” 282° 292° IN .555” EX .555” 292° 300° IN .594” EX .605” 310° 324° .305” .310” .320” .327” .327” .327” .347” .347” .371” .378” 216° 226° 230° 236° 248° 256° 271° 284° 112° 110° 108° 108° 2753H 2753H 2753H 2793H 2793H 2793H 2761H 2761 TURBOCHARGER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street & strip good idle modified. Engines. 8.0:1 compression. Powerband 2000-6000 RPM. Street & strip, jet boats moderate idle. 8.0 to 8.5:1 compression. Powerband 2500-67500 RPM. Drag racing, prop & jet boats. 8.0 to 9.0:1 compression. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. 2702H 2705H 2707 Grind Number TCS-2HYD TCS-5HYD TCS-7 Solid SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Any size cam solid, hydraulic or roller tappet ground to your requirements, or special lobe centers. Call for information. Roller tappet cams are also available. Call for information. Valve Lift @ 1.6:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .488” EX .472” 260° 256° .305” .295” 216° 210° IN .512” EX .496” IN .530” EX .486” 274° 268° 284° 268° .320” .310” .331” .304” 230° 226° 242° 230° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 116° 114° 114° 2793H 2793H 2761 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Part Number 0027 Solid 0027H Hydraulic 0270 Roller 555H, 593, 598S, 700, 711, 455T, Lube 555H, 993, 598S, 700, 711, 455T, Lube 550, 361/007, 604S, 700, 711, 455T, Lube 555H, 361/007, 604S, 700, 711, 455T, Lube 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Single Valve Springs 16 H.D. Single Valve Springs 16 Double Valve Springs ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts Kits include these parts 16 Steel Spring Retainers Part Number 2753H 2793H 2761 2761H Same As 598-S + .060” Longer Spring Shims .030” 16 Pairs of Keepers Timing Gear & Chain 16 Roller Tappets 16 Double Valve Springs for Roller 16 Double Valve Springs, Big Roller Cam Lube Part Number 550 555H 593 993 361/007 598S 604S 700 711 455T 583 593/007 400 Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 25 PONTIAC V-8 287-301 316 341 350 370 389 400 421 455 V-8 HYDRAULIC LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Economy, stock engines. Low end power, smooth idle. Powerband 1000-4500 approx. Economy, low & midrange torque. Low compression. smooth idle. Powerband 1300-4800 approx. Street performance, good idle. Lightly modified engines. Powerband 1600-5200 RPM. Hot rod street performance. 9.0 to 9.5:1 compression. Power band 2000-5600 approx. Bracket racing, modified engine. Rough idle, 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2400-6000 approx. Street & strip, circle track. High compression, brackets. Powerband 2600-6400 approx. Drag racing competition. All out hydraulic Powerband 3000+ 2614H 2616H 2618H 2622H 2625H 2626H 2629H Grind Number EP-14/100HYD EP-16/18HYD Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .405” EX .420” 248° 260° .270” .280” 204° 210° IN .440” EX .458” 256° 260° .295” .305” 210° 216° EP-18/20HYD IN .458” EX .468” 260° 268° .305” .310” 216° 226° EP-25HYD IN .494” EX .494” 282° 282° .327” .327” 236° 236° EP-22HYD EP-26/28HYD IN .483” EX .483” 274° 274° IN .503” EX .510” 286° 292° .320” .320” .335” .347” 230° 230° 240° 248° EP-29HYD IN .510” EX .510” 300° 300° .347” .347” 256° 256° Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.5:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .491” EX .491” 274° 274° .327” .327” 238° 238° Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 112° 112° 112° 112° 109° 109° 106° 2667H 2667H 2667H 2667H 2667H 2667H 2667H SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street solid, good idle. Low & midrange torque. Powerband 1800-5600 approx. Street & strip, good idle. 9.5 to 10.0:1 compression. Powerband 2200-6000 approx. Hot rod street, brackets. High compression, poor idle. Powerband 2500-6500 approx. Drag racing competition. Top end power. Powerband 3000+ Turbocharger special. Modified engine. Powerband 2800-7000 approx. 2622 2625 2626 2629 2607 EP-22 EP-25 EP-26/28 IN .519” EX .527” EP-29/30 IN .527” EX .527” TCS-7 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS IN .496” EX .456” 280° 280° 288° 292° 302° 310° 284° 268° .338” .338” .346” .351” .351” .351” .331” .304” 244° 244° 249° 256° 264° 264° 242° 230° 112° 109° 109° 106° 114° Any size solid cam or lobe center ground to your requirements. Call for information. Any size hydraulic cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Part Number 0026 0026H its include these parts 16 Solid Lifters 16 Hydraulic Lifters 16 Pontiac Double Springs 16 Retainers Spring Shims ENGINEERED KITS Kits include these parts Part Number 555H, 696/697, 602, 700, 711, 807, Lube 2667 2667H 16 Pairs of Keepers 16 Chromoly Pushrods Roller Tappets Cam Lube Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com 26 2667 2667 2667 2667 2667 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES 550, 696/697, 602, 700, 711, 807, Lube IN .507” EX .507” Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Part Number 550 555H 696/697 602 807 711 807 582 Lube VOLKSWAGEN 1200-3000 TYPE 1, 2 & 3 W Series Solid Lifter Camshafts for 1.1 & 1.25 to 1 Ratio Rockers Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.25:1 Valve Lift @ 1.1:1 Cam Lift Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Kit Part No. Kit Part No. Dual Sprng Street & dune buggy, snad rail, vans small Displacement engines Power 1000-5000 6100 W-100 IN .479” EX .479” .420” .420” .383” .383” 276° 276° 236° 236° 108° 6100BK 6100MK 6100MK2 Hot street & off road, large displacement Engines competition Midrange+ power 6120 W-120 IN .496” EX .496” .435” .435” 253° 253° 108° 6120BK 6120MK 6120MK2 Drag racing, off-road competition only 6130 W-130 IN .524” EX .524” .461” .461” 108° 6130BK 6130MK 6130MK2 Hot street & off road, good low & midrange Power, fair idle power 1500-5500 Drag racing, off-road competition only Drag racing, off-road competition only 6110 6125 6140 W-110 W-125 W-140 IN .490” EX .490” IN .523” EX .523” IN .530” EX .530” .430” .430” .392” .392” 284° 284° 247° 247° .460” .460” .418” .418” 301° 301° 262° 262° 108° .465” .465” .424” .424” 274° 274° 108° .397 .397 .419” .419” 294° 294° 308° 308° 313° 313° 267° 267° 108° 6110BK 6110MK 6110MK2 6125BK 6125MK 6125MK2 6140BK 6140MK 6140MK2 VZ Series Solid Lifter Camshafts for 1.1 to 1 Ratio Rockers Only Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.1:1 Cam Lift Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Kit Part No. Kit Part No Dual Sprng Small displacement off-road closed course Super bottom end torque 6014 VZ-14 IN .462” EX .462” .420” .420” 274° 274° 242° 242° 108° 6014BK 6014MK2 Medium displacement off-road closed course Super torquer 6015 VZ-15 IN .478” EX .478” .435” .435” 279° 279° 250° 250° 108° 6015BK 6015MK2 108° 6025BK 6025MK2 108° 6030BK 6030MK2 Midget circle track, bracket racing,& off-road Competition Off-road, drag racing competition only Off-road, drag racing competition only 6025 6030 6035 VZ-25 VZ-30 VZ-35 IN .471” EX .471” IN .507” EX .507” .429” .429” .461” .461” 286° 286° 298° 298° 256° 256° 262° 262° IN .492” EX .492” .448” .448” 309° 309° 278° 278° 108° 6035BK 6030MK2 FK Series Solid Lifter Camshafts for 1.25 & 1.4 to 1 Ratio Rockers Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.4:1 Valve Lift @ 1.25:1 Cam Lift Advertised Duration Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Kit Part No. Kit Part No. Dual Sprng Torque for bottom & midrange power Cars, Buggies, power 1000-5000 6041 FK-41 IN .510” EX .510” .455” .455” .364” .364” 269° 269° 240° 240° 108° 6041BK 6041MK2 Large displacement engines Street racing Off Road Competition & Drags 2500-6500 6043 FK-43 IN .536” EX .536” Medium displacement engines midrange Torque for Hot street & Off Road Off Road Competition & Drag Racing Competition Only Power 3000-7000 Off Road Competition & Drag Racing Competition Only Power 3500-7500 Off Road Competition & Drag Racing Competition Only Power 3800-7800 Off Road Competition & Drag Racing Competition Only Power 4000-8000 Off Road Competition & Drag Racing Competition Only Power 4200-8200 Small Displacement off-road closed course torque Medium Displacement hot street midrange torque Large Displacemen street & strip off road racing Off-road & Drag Competition Drag Competition only Drag Competition only Drag Competition only Drag Competition only 6042 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6065 6007 6008 FK-42 FK-44 FK-45 FK-46 FK-47 FK-48 FK-65 FK-7 FK-8 IN.522” EX .522” .466” .466” .373” .373” 275° 275° 246° 246° 108° 6042BK 6042MK2 108° 6043BK 6043MK2 IN .547” EX .547” .486” .486” .389” .389” 290° 290° 252° 252° 258° 258° 108° 6044BK 6044MK2 264° 264° 108° 6045BK 6045MK2 IN .561” EX .561” IN .571” EX .571” 271° 271° 108° 6046BK 6046MK2 108° 6047BK 6047MK2 IN .588 EX .588 .525” .525” .420” .420” 314° 314° 280° 280° 108° 6048BK 6048MK2 108° 6065BK 6065MK2 IN .500 EX .500 .446” .446” .357” .357” 288° 288° 236° 236° 244° 244° 108° 6007BK 6007MK2 258° 258° 108° 6008BK 6008MK2 266° 266° 108° 6010BK 6010MK2 276° 276° 282° 282° 108° 6087MK2 6087MKC 287° 287° 108° 6087BK 108° 6097BK 6097MK2 6097MKC IN .587” EX .587” IN .478 EX .478 IN .534 EX .534 6089 FK-89 IN .582 EX .582 6098 FK-97 FK-98 295° 295° 303° 303° IN .539 EX .539 6097 .401” .401” 284° 284° .409” .409” FK-10 FK-87 .501” .501” .383” .383” .511” .511” 6010 6087 .478” .478” IN .561 EX .561 IN .622 EX .622 IN .624” EX .624” .523” .523” .427” .427” .477” .477” .481” .481” .501” .501” .520” .520” .553” .553” .558” .558” .419” .419” .342” .342” .382” .382” .385” .385” .401” .401” .416” .416” .443” .443” .446” .446” 308° 308° 280° 280° 298° 298° 310° 310° 320° 320° 328° 328° 328° 328° 332° 332° 278° 278° 291° 291° 108° 6089BK 6098BK Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 6089MK2 6089MKC 6098MK2 6098MKC 27 VOLKSWAGEN 1200-3000 TYPE 1, 2 & 3 Turbocharger Grinds for 1.25 & 1.1 to 1 Ratio Rockers Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift @ 1.1:1 Valve Lift @ 1.25:1 Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Hot street turbo, Buggy, sand rail, medium Displacement midrange torque 2000-6000 6210 TCS-10 IN .430” EX .420” .490” .479” 284° 276° .392” .383” 247° 236° 112° 6210BK 6210MK2 Drag Racing Off-road Competition Only! Large Top End Power 4000-8000 6230 TCS-30 IN .460” EX .460” .523” .523” 308° 301° .419” .418” 267° 262° 112° 6230BK 6230MK2 Large displacement Street & Strip Drags Sand Rail Mid-Top end power 3000-7000 6220 TCS-20 IN .435” EX .430” .496” .490” 294° 284° .397” .392” 253° 247° Lobe Center 112° Kit Part No. 6220BK 6220MK2 KIT PARTS & ACCESSORIES Stacy Sizelove’s ‘70 Volkswagen Westfalia Kits include these parts Part Number 8 Aluminum Retainers 6000 8 Steel Retainers 6000-S 8 Titanium Retainers 6000-T 8 One Piece Lifters 6001 8 Single Springs** 6002 8 Double Springs** 6602 Spring Shims for Single Springs 6004 8 Pairs of Keepers 6005 8 Wide Base Lifters 6601 8 Pushrods Steel 6003 Cam Lube Lube (RABBIT, SCIROCCO, GOLF) 4 CYL. 74/85 1457-1471-1588-1788cc OHC VOLKSWAGEN SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Hot street & strip performance. Stock & lightly modified engines. Powerband 2000-5500 RPM. Hot street & drags, circle track. Modified engines, fair idle. Powerband 2500-6000 RPM. Drag, circle track competition only. Must use alfa cups. Powerband 3500-7000 RPM. Drag, circle track competition only. Must use alfa cups. Powerband 4000-7500 RPM. 28 8234 8254 8550 8590 Grind Number DA-234 DA-254 DG-550 DG-590 Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center IN .440” EX .440” 270˚ 270˚ 234˚ 234˚ 110˚ IN .475” EX .475” IN .550” EX .550” IN .590” EX .590” 288˚ 288˚ 316˚ 316˚ 324˚ 324˚ 254˚ 254˚ 272˚ 272˚ 284˚ 284˚ 108˚ 102˚ 102˚ Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 DATSUN 240 260 280 Z OHC 6-CYLINDER Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Hot street, bracket racing. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. 7909 DZ-9 IN N/A EX N/A 248° 248° .298” .298” 110° 110° Road racing, drag racing competition. Trick springs ret. Lash caps needed. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM. 7911 DZ-11 IN N/A EX N/A 270° 270° .299” .299” .301” .301” 108° .349” .349” 106° .394” .394” 105° Hot street, bracket racing. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Road racing, drag racing competition. Trick springs ret. Lash caps needed. Powerband 4000-8000 RPM. All out competition only! Trick springs, ret. Lash caps needed. Powerband 4500-8500 RPM. 7910 DZ-10 7914 MH-14 7921 BR-21 IN N/A EX N/A IN N/A EX N/A IN N/A EX N/A 254° 254° 293° 293° 318° 318° DATSUN 1600-2000 OHC 4-CYLINDER Description Part Number Grind Number Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center Hot street, bracket racing. Powerband 2500-6500 RPM. 8009 DZ-9 IN N/A EX N/A 248° 248° .298” .298” 110° 110° Road racing, drag racing competition. Trick springs ret. Lash caps needed. Powerband 3500-7500 RPM. 8011 DZ-11 IN N/A EX N/A 270° 270° .299” .299” .301” .301” 108° .349” .349” 106° .394” .394” 105° Hot street, bracket racing. Powerband 3000-7000 RPM. Road racing, drag racing competition. Trick springs ret. Lash caps needed. Powerband 4000-8000 RPM. All out competition only! Trick springs, ret. Lash caps needed. Powerband 4500-8500 RPM. 8010 DZ-10 8014 MH-14 8021 BR-21 TOYOTA IN N/A EX N/A IN N/A EX N/A IN N/A EX N/A 254° 254° 293° 293° 318° 318° 1600 (2-TC 1588cc) 1800 (3-TC 1770cc) SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Street torquer, good idle. Stock engine. Powerband 2000-6000 approx. Hot street, fair idle. Lightly modified engine. Powerband 2500-6500 approx. Bracket racing, circle track. Modified engine. Powerband 3000-7000 approx. Drag racing, high RPM. Competition only. Powerband 3500-7500 approx. TOYOTA 5222 Grind Number EP-22 5225 EP-25 5228 EP-28 5252 F-52C Valve Lift Advertised Duration Cam Lift Duration @ .050 Lobe Center IN .327” EX .327” 274° 274° 238° 238° 108° IN .338” EX .338” IN .351” EX .351” IN .368” EX .368” 280° 280° 292° 292° 300° 300° 244° 244° 256° 256° 264° 264° 108° 108° 106° 1900 2000 (18-RC 1858cc//1968cc) 2200 (20-R2192cc) 2400 (22-R 2366cc) SOLID LIFTER CAMSHAFTS Description Part Number Stock replacement, smooth idle, fuel economy, trucks. Powerband 1500-5500 approx. Street torquer, trucks, 4 wd, Good idle. Powerband 2000-6000 approx. Street & strip, fair idle. Modified engine. Powerband 2500-6500 approx. Circle track, drag racing. Highly modified engine. Powerband 3000-7000 approx. Competition only. High RPM. Powerband 3500+ 18-RC 5300 20&22 5400 18-RC 5310 20&22 5410 Grind Number DZT-1 Any size cam or lobe centers ground to your requirements. Call for information. Cam Lift Duration @ .050 IN .289” EX .289” 246˚ 246˚ 207˚ 207˚ IN .328” EX .328” 268˚ 268˚ 218˚ 218˚ HPT-20 IN .368” EX .368” 284˚ 284˚ 230˚ 230˚ HPT-15 18-RC 5327 20&22 5427 RCT-27 SPECIAL ORDER CAMSHAFTS Advertised Duration HPT-10 18-RC 5315 20&22 5415 18-RC 5320 20&22 5420 Valve Lift Part Number 18-RC 0053 20&22 0054 IN .358” EX .358” IN .371” EX .371” 276˚ 276˚ 340˚ 340˚ 224˚ 224˚ 290˚ 290˚ Lobe Kit Part No. Center W/O Cam 108˚ 108˚ 108˚ 108˚ 106˚ Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com 29 RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL PRODUCTS • • • • Designed to provide the highest protection, efficiency, cleanliness and superior drain intervals. Improved fuel economy and better ring seal for more power. Improved wear protection and friction reduction across a wide range of operating conditions. Special detergents for improved lubricity and less detonation. MOTOR OIL STOCK MOTOR OIL RACE OIL Part Number 0W20 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 11804 0W20 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 11805 0W30 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 11114 0W30 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 11115 0W40 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 11104 5W20 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 15204 5W30 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 15304 0W40 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 11105 5W20 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 15205 5W30 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 5W40 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 10W30 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 10W40 Stock Motor Oil, Quart 30WT Race Oil, Gallon 40WT Race Oil, Quart 40WT, Race Oil, Gallon 50WT, Race Oil, Quart 50WT, Race Oil, Gallon 11305 5WT Drag Racing Oil, Quart 11405 Engine Break-In Additive, 16 Ounce’s 30WT Race Oil, Quart 15405 11404 10W40 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 20WT Race Oil, Gallon DRAG RACING OIL 11304 10W30 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 20WT Race Oil, Quart 15305 15404 5W40 Stock Motor Oil, Gallon 81403 2WT Drag Racing Oil, Gallon 5WT Drag Racing Oil, Gallon 10WT Drag Racing Oil, Quart 10WT Drag Racing Oil, Gallon 60WT Drag Racing Oil, Quart 60WT Drag Racing Oil, Gallon 70WT Nitro Drag Racing Oil, Quart 70WT Nitro Drag Racing Oil, Gallon • • • • • Water Wetter, 12 Ounce Part Number Performance Coolant with Water Wetter, 1/2 Gallon 30 80204 80205 10204 10205 10304 10305 10404 10405 10504 10505 Part Number 10025 10004 10005 10104 10105 10604 10605 10705 10706 Unique agent for cooling systems that doubles the wetting ability of water . Reduces and eliminates bubbles or vapor barrier that form on hot metal surfaces to reduce coolant temperatures by up to 20˚ F. Superior heat transfer properties compared to glycol-based antifreeze. Designed for use with all aluminum, cast iron, copper, brass, and bronze cooling systems. May allow more spark advance for increased power and efficiency . COOLANT & ADDITIVES WATER WETTER & COOLANT Part Number Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL PRODUCTS • • • • High viscosity-index to provide relatively constant viscosity with temperature change. Created with synthetic polyol ester base stocks for excellent lubrication under extreme conditions with superior shear and oxidation stability. Esters provide natural multi-grade properties, avoiding the use of unstable thickeners and providing stable viscosity for extended periods. Allows high-temp operation without varnishing valves and clutches. TRANSMISSION FLUID & GEAR OIL MANUAL TRANSMISSION FLUID AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Part Number D4 ATF, Quart 30504 D4 ATF, Gallon 30505 D6 ATF, Quart 30704 D6 ATF, Gallon 30705 RACING ATF, Quart 30304 RACING ATF, Gallon 30305 C+ ATF, Quart 30604 SYNTHETIC ATF, Quart 30104 C+ ATF, Gallon 30605 SYNTHETIC ATF, Gallon 30105 HIGH TEMP ATF, Quart 30204 HIGH TEMP ATF, Gallon 30205 Best used in manual transmissions and transaxels. MTL 75W80, Quart MTL 75W80, Gallon MT-90 75W90, Quart MT-90 75W90, Gallon 50204 50205 50304 50305 GEAR OIL Most popular gear oil, mostly used in rear differentials. 75W90, Quart 75W90, Gallon 75W140, Quart 75W140, Gallon 80W140, Quart 80W140, Gallon Engle Racing Cams and Kits Part Number Part Number 57904 57905 57914 57915 58104 58105 (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com • • • • Outperforms the best conventional or synthetic greases and lubes. Excellent high-temp stability, extreme-pressure in wheel bearings, U-joints, and high-angle CV Joints. Used in a variety of applications with operating temps from -100˚F to 500˚F. Synthetic fluidity allows increased life and performance. GREASE & ASSEMBLY LUBE GREASE ASSEMBLY LUBE CV Grease Grease with Moly, 14 Ounce Jar Grease with Moly, 14 Ounce Tube Part Number 80401 80402 Prepares potential wear surface and prevents metal contact before adequate lubrication can be supplied. Assembly Lube, 1/2 Ounce Assembly Lube, 4 Ounce Ordering Info - Tel: (562) 232-7079 - Fax: (562) 232-7080 - Web: www.englecams.com Part Number 80311 80312 31 ENGLE MERCHANDISE T-SHIRT’S Hand screened T-shirts, 100% preshrunk cotton. Available in black only. Sold Ea. AVAILABLE IN: Part Number MEN’S LARGE TEEBL MEN’S X-LARGE TEEBXL MEN’S 2X-LARGE TEEB2XL Engle Racing Cams and Kits (562)232-7079 www.englecams.com HAT’S Embroidered Flexfit and Adjustible hats. Available in black only. Sold Ea. AVAILABLE IN: MEN’S ADJUSTABLE MEN’S FLEXFIT Part Number HAT1 HAT2 PATCHES & STICKER’S Sew on Patches and Stickers. Sold Ea. AVAILABLE IN: SEW ON PATCH STICKER 32 Part Number PATCH1 STICKER1 Engle Racing Cams - 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. - Long Beach, Ca. 90805 VALVE SPRING SPECIFICATIONS Spring Number 10-EX 10-EX 10-EX 10-EX 361 361 361 361 361/007 361/007 361/007 361/007 400 400 400 400 587 587 587 587 590 590 590 590 593 593 593 593 593/007 593/007 593/007 593/007 594/595 594/595 594/595 594/595 596 596 596 596 696/697 696/697 696/697 696/697 698 698 698 698 830/835 830/835 830/835 830/835 832 832 832 832 833 833 833 833 835 835 835 835 997 997 997 997 993 993 993 993 6012 6012 6012 6612 6612 6612 6662 6662 6662 6662 Installed Height Seat Pressure .400” .450” Pounds Pressure at Valve Lift .500” .550” .600” 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.850 1.800 1.750 1.700 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.750 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.750 1.800 1.750 1.700 1.650 1.850 1.800 1.750 1.700 1.800 1.750 1.700 1.650 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.750 2.000 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.750 1.700 1.650 1.600 1.550 2.000 1.950 1.900 1.850 2.000 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.750 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.800 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.800 2.050 2.000 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.850 1.750 1.700 1.550 1.500 1.450 1.650 1.600 1.550 1.700 1.650 1.600 1.550 115 135 155 180 100 115 130 145 120 135 150 165 165 190 210 235 85 100 110 125 55 75 95 115 95 105 115 125 130 150 165 185 110 125 145 160 135 165 190 225 90 105 115 130 175 200 225 245 160 185 210 235 105 120 130 140 110 125 140 160 125 140 155 175 135 150 185 225 110 125 140 155 90 100 110 110 125 140 135 150 165 180 215 230 245 260 240 255 275 290 205 220 235 255 215 240 255 275 180 190 200 215 190 205 220 230 240 255 275 290 250 270 290 305 235 250 270 285 175 185 200 225 235 250 230 245 260 280 255 275 290 305 220 235 255 275 240 255 275 300 190 200 215 230 205 220 230 245 215 225 240 255 255 275 290 310 270 290 305 320 250 270 285 305 185 200 CB 235 250 265 255 270 285 300 335 360 390 415 245 260 280 290 275 290 305 320 395 420 440 470 235 255 275 290 255 275 300 320 200 215 230 245 290 310 325 345 275 290 310 325 435 465 495 525 220 230 245 255 405 430 450 475 400 420 450 475 225 240 255 270 275 290 310 330 290 305 320 340 470 505 540 575 270 285 305 320 200 CB 360 390 415 440 260 280 290 310 290 305 320 335 420 440 470 495 255 275 290 CB 275 300 320 CB 215 230 245 CB 310 325 345 365 290 310 325 345 465 495 525 560 230 245 255 275 430 450 475 505 420 450 475 505 240 255 270 285 290 310 330 350 305 320 340 355 505 540 575 615 285 305 320 CB CB 250 265 280 270 285 300 315 265 280 295 285 300 315 CB .650” .700” .750” 415 440 CB 440 CB CB 290 310 330 345 320 335 350 375 470 495 CB 310 330 345 365 335 350 375 390 495 CB 330 345 365 CB 350 375 390 CB CB 290 CB CB 300 320 CB 320 CB CB 230 245 CB 245 CB CB 325 345 365 385 310 325 345 365 495 525 560 610 245 255 275 CB 450 475 505 530 450 475 505 530 255 270 285 300 310 330 350 365 320 340 355 CB 540 575 615 650 305 320 CB 345 365 385 CB 325 345 365 390 525 560 610 CB 255 275 CB 365 385 CB 385 CB 345 365 390 410 560 610 CB 365 390 410 CB 610 CB 275 CB CB 475 505 530 555 475 505 530 580 270 285 300 CB 330 350 365 CB 340 355 CB 505 530 555 CB 505 530 580 CB 285 300 CB 530 555 CB 350 365 CB 365 CB 355 CB CB 575 615 650 690 320 CB 615 650 690 730 CB 650 690 730 CB 295 310 CB 315 CB 310 CB CB 390 415 440 CB 280 290 310 330 305 320 335 350 440 470 495 CB 275 290 CB 280 295 310 300 315 CB CB 530 580 CB 300 CB • Performance You Can Feel • Quality You Can See • A Name You Can Trust 6801 N. Paramount Blvd. Long Beach, Ca. 90805 www.englecams.com Phone: (562)232-7079 Fax: (562)232-7080
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