Spray application guide Nozzles and accessories for
Spray application guide Nozzles and accessories for
spray technology 110 Spray application guide Nozzles and accessories for agriculture Einspülchleuse Contents Continuous internal sprayer rinsing page 24 zur Spritze Rinsing Filling QuantoFill M Steuereinheit QuantoFill M automatic proportioner page 26 ff. easyFlow closed transfer systems page 30 ff. spray technology Contents Nozzle guide Nozzles Continuous internal sprayer rinsing QuantoFill M automatic proportioner easyFlow closed transfer systems page page page page page 2 ff. 6 ff. 24 26 ff. 30 ff. Spraying Nozzle guide page 2 ff. spray technology Nozzles page 6 ff. 1 Nozzle guide cereals Cereals HERBICIDES AirMix® TD® HiSpeed GROWTH REGULATORS TD® ADF TD® HiSpeed SMALL GRASS WEEDS FUNGICIDES TD® HiSpeed INSECTICIDES BBCHCode EAR TREATMENT TD® ADF TD® HiSpeed AirMix® TD® HiSpeed TD® HiSpeed AirMix® 09 11 13 21 25 29 30 31 32 37 39 49 51 59 61 69 71-92 Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Using dual fan nozzles insures a better reach of “hidden” weeds, while spraying areas covered with organic material, especially when using asymmetric dual fan nozzles with different angles of penetration. The coverage on small leaf weed grass improves as well. Spraying growth regulators requires a coarse spray to reduce drift risk, important when spraying close to sensitive neighbour crops or non-agricultural areas. When Spraying contact fungicides at late development stages, the use of dual fan nozzles is a “must”. When using TurboDrop® nozzles, increase pressure to reach medium droplet size, if conditions permit. For contact fungicides use nozzles at a pressure range where droplet size is medium, if permitted. Using dual fan nozzles will improve coverage, even where spray has to be coarse to reduce drift or because of legal restrictions. 2 spray technology Nozzle guide corn HERBICIDES Corn AirMix® ozzle n r u o k c e h C n calculator o p.com o t o r g a . w w w TD® HiSpeed TD® ADF TD® HiSpeed SMALL GRASS WEEDS INSECTICIDES TurboDrop® BBCHCode 00 11 12 13 14 15 17-32 34 Herbicides Insecticides At initial growth stages TD HiSpeed nozzles will permit higher application speeds. Where drift reduction is required select nozzle size/type with at least coarse spray quality. From growth stage 32 onwards, hose drops can be used for root/stem treatment with insecticides or fungicides, also in combination with liquid fertiliser. Adjust hose drop height to prevent spray pattern from reaching green parts of the plant. For late application of liquid fertiliser, the use of hose drops is highly recommended. spray technology 53 3 Nozzle guide potatoes Potatoes HERBICIDES TD® HiSpeed TD® HiSpeed DESSICATION AirMix® FUNGICIDES TD® HiSpeed TD® ADF TD® HiSpeed INSECTICIDES LATE FUNGICIDES TD® HiSpeed 00-09 10-19 POST HARVEST PROTECTION TurboDrop® EARLY FUNGICIDES BBCHCode AirMix® 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 AirMix® 60-69 70-79 80-89 91-93 95-97 Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Use at least coarse spray for desiccation. TD HiSpeed nozzles are coarse at lower pressure plus the asymmetric dual fan improves coverage helping to reach hidden leaves for complete leaf burn of the crop. Using TurboDrop® nozzles at higher pressure, while spraying coarse, improves penetration into dense canopies. Reducing application speed will result in a better penetration; this is also recommended when using TD HiSpeed nozzles. Adjusting speed and application rates in accordance with the leaf area helps to guarantee efficacy of the application. For best penetration, limit application speed even when using asymmetric TD HiSpeed nozzles. 4 spray technology Nozzle guide canola HERBICIDES Canola TD® ADF TD® HiSpeed AirMix® FUNGICIDES TD® HiSpeed TD® ADF TD® HiSpeed TurboDrop® INSECTICIDES BBCHCode TD® HiSpeed TD® HiSpeed AirMix® 00 10 12 14 18 TD® HiSpeed 32 51 55 57-59 61 65 69 Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Asymmetric dual fan nozzles can better target weeds covered by broad rape leaves, as well as small grass weeds, before they appear in-between the crop. Spray coarse under drift conditions. At late development stages and in dense canopies respectively, using TurboDrop® nozzles at higher pressures, while spraying coarse to medium, has proven good results. Use coarse where drift reduction is required. Treatments against canola pollen beetle at flowering show excellent results using the TD HiSpeed nozzles. For best penetration and efficacy in dense canopies reduce application speed. spray technology 5 Application professionals opinion on asymmetric TurboDrop® HiSpeed nozzles Sonderdruck aus den DLG-Mitteilungen 1/2010 »The costs of the spray nozzles are bits and pieces compared to the spending for a complete sprayer or the chemicals used in one season. Thus only get the best of the best.« (»Nozzle technology: Decisive interface«, published in profi 02/2011) »The costs of the spray nozzles appear high, but are more than reasonable considering their performance, longevity and the low application expenses per acre.« H albe Wassermenge gleich doppelte Schlagkraft: Dies ist eine gewagte These, über die derzeit viel diskutiert wird. Praktiker experimentieren schon länger mit der Wassermenge; 170 bis 180 l sind keine Seltenheit mehr. Da reizt es natürlich, den großen Schritt zu gehen und auf 100 l/ha Wasser und weniger zu reduzieren. Das spart nicht nur Wasser, sondern auch Diesel und Zeit. Aber liefert solch eine Anwendung bei der Bekämpfung von Pilzkrankheiten des Getreides tatsächlich gleichwertige Ergebnisse zur üblichen Standardanwendung mit 8 km/h und 200 l/ha? PSP ...aber auch weniger Wirkung? Kosten senken heißt heute oft: Schneller fahren mit 14 km/h und weniger als 200 l/ha. Harald Kramer stellt einen Großversuch mit Fungiziden vor, der die Grenzen auslotet. Sonder druck Was die Düsen neuen bringen aus den DLG-M itteilun gen 3/2 010 Wird eine Stellschraube im Spritzsysordneten tem verändert, zieht dies automatisch wenigste Zielobjekten eine ganze Reihe weiterer Verändevermieden spricht ns reduziert oder rungen nach sich. von »Run werd dum-Bele en. Man Mit der Viele Praktiker wollen mehr Behältergrößen und Arbeitsbreiten Düse kom so genannte gung«. Schlagkraft beim Spritzen. liegen in derDie Regel betriebsübneuim e Gen der der mt eine Varia n HiSpeederat lichen Optimum. Hier gibt es nur wevordere nte ion der weniger der zwei Spritzfäch hinzu, bei Doppelf nig Spielraum. Um eineSpri weitere Leistzschatt lachstra Senkrech te Spritzfächer er nur 10°, Knewitz tungssteigerung zu erreichen, wirden und BASF und Jan Juister sowie ten steht aber 50° hldüdie senLandrische eine bes und Her verspric Spritzfäch . Diese asym zur heute auf vielen Betrieben schneller wirtschaftskammer sere Nordrhein-Westibert Koc ht Rund eranordu metBen -umetzung. gefahren und/oder einfach weniger falen gemeinsam einen Großversuch h hab sern, insbeBelegung weit ng soll die en das Horst Wasser verwendet. Die Betriebe wolauf drei Praxisflächen drei Bundesunteinrsuc er verb geschwin sondere bei ht. liehöheren eslen mit dieser Strategie sowohl die ländern angelegt. Die Standorte cheranor digkeiten. Eine FahrAnwendungszeitpunkte besser treffen gen in Sachsen (Groitzsch in der Nähe Vorteil, dnung hat aber solche Fädass das als auch die Arbeitserledigungskosten von Dresden), Westfalen (Unna bei höheren rauchen Feldspritzauch den Landeiner resenken. Bei derDop Verwendung Dortmund) und Niedersachsen (Huntgerät bei spritzt Beständen nich pelflachs wirte überhaup wird. t direkt duzierten Wasseraufwandmenge losen Oldenburg). Die gewählten trahldüse t beiDies se angeFrage Jahren e Dop wird unzurei-n? Diesteigt allerdings Risiko Strategien lassen sich so beschreiben: pelfl oft das Untersuc diskutiert. in den sich 200 aufWirkungen, deshl/ha, 8 achs und trahl Wer mit der Wasseraufwandmen14 km/h chender ist letzt●enStandard: diese Frage gleichzeitig hung düsen alb nich Weil Antw Kartoffel en in Weiz t durc BadAbdriftgefahr orten ● Modern: 150 l/ha, 8 und ge spielt, der muss vor allem den 14 hges km/hetzt.haben auch die erhöht. sind, hat en und Kreuznac rar wurden n. 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Nurtordüsen mit al genau wie Zielobjek ldüsen an bei der einem als Doppelflachstrahldüse. nisse für auf den Weiz verschied pel- Speed DarSprit dung finde Zerstäubung en. lagsmessuten nachweis enen Behandelt wurde zu den drei üblichen zfäDLG-Mit Kartoffeln sind Die Ergebbar zwei Öffn n am Düse und Strahlbilder Sprit ngen heißt: Unte sind. Be- Fungizid-Terminen teilu über naus 32), ngen.de ungen T1 (Stadium zbelag, Die Versuchsvarianten auf Wie statt. Dam tritt durch zugänglic www. d. h. die rsucht wird T2 Vorte ile von (Stadium 37/39 49/51) und Blätt sungen sehen solch it sind Injekbzw. e Bela h. aus? Wie Papier, ern! Denn wassBelagsmasse T3insbe sondere (Stadium 63).das Dietordü Fungizide wa-alle sen gege Foto deut gsmesStrategie Zeitpunkt Düsentyp km/h l/ha bar das das nebe und ben, Messunge gelegentlich ersensitives ren abdriftfes nnte Capalo zuteT1, beka Champion-Diatorfarbsto lich zeigt, wurd nstehende für n Tropfensp , grobere Die Standard T1/T2 Airmix 1 10zur 03 Bew 8 herangez 200ogen dera 3,5 rtige e der Indik beid mant zu T2 und zu T3. Umm. Unektru sammen ff Natriumfluore en Osiris ertung pelflachs Spritzfäch awird, von Bela der Bela mit eine scein ist terschiede zwischen lichen von Dop düsen denerVarianten gsve T3 Airmix 1 10 03 8 200 gsma 3,5 meist 30°trahl Pflanzens m in der Kultu zu(sieh warewurden e Kaste rteilung nich ssen und besser sehen zu vorn können, n und die- nach bracht. r übSenkrech t geeig n sind Das ist chutzmittel e und hinte Standard, schnell T1/T2 TD HiSpeed 04 14 auf Seite 200 6,2 net teninausg se jeweils reduzierter Aufwandweil Pflan ausge3). besonder ein n zur Spritappliziert. s wich Doppelfl zschatten erich menge Diesetet. Versuche rung und zenschutzmit Damit solltig, achstrahl200 T3 TD HiSpeed 6,2 soll tel bei zwei04fäch 14 vertikalgleicherten zeigen, ob alle Strategien düse rend beei die Belagsbil die Anlageangemige Flach n erzeugen sprünglic erför dung nflussen. maßen zum Erfolg führen. Sie sind Modern T1/T2 Airmix 110 025 8,5 150 3,3 Anschließ gravieDie Ein zu reduzierten Mit- ben wir die zu unte der Senk h mit 30° Abw strahlen, urkeine Empfehlung rechten eichung 6,4 satzbed rsuchende end hahinten. T3 TD HiSpeed 03 14 150 n Pflan telmengen Datu Solche nach vorn und von m ES in der Praxis. ingungen gibt es Düsenkon nach in Injek Risiko T1/T2 TD HiSpeed 02 seit viele 14 100 6,2 den Ver tor den 80er n Jahre struktionen suchen 2009 war ein Jahr mit sehrDopp spätem n: Jahren elsentypen T3 TD HiSpeed 02 14 wurden100 Bereits6,2 23.Krankheitsdruck flachs sich feintropfig Mai solche in AirMix im Weizen, wastrahl ten. Die für Feldspritz Dü110 03Befallsbonituren 2007 64 l/ha bzw. HiSpe geräliegt besonders in den Die Düsen werden jeweils im pflanzenbaulich optimalen Bereich Dieser im oberen damgefahren. te ange bar km/h als verfü hatten ed boDruckbereich der eigentlichen Empfehlung des Herstellers. gbaren und den Ertragsergebnissen niederaber mehrere Nachteile Düse AVI Twin gravieren n 110 025 lung allei . Weil Dosierun AVI 1100 28. Mai –1– 2,5 4 g und Vertede n durc 200 schnitt 2008 51 der Düseh den Austrittsq i7 3,7 wurden, nöffnung uerAVI Twin keitsmen musste bei gleic bestimmt 11004 200 öffnungenge jede der beid her Flüssig185 AirMix 9. Juni Düse mit kleiner sein en Austritts7,3 110 03 HiSpeed 16 11004 2008 65 halb war nur einem Sprit als bei einer 185 maligen die Zerstäubungzfächer. DesAVI Twin Typen 110 025 mit den extrem mit auch 3,8 dafeint stopfungs sehr driftanfäll ropfig, da200 IDN 120 27. Mai anfä ig 5,3 und llig. 03 XR war span 110 03 Die Düse ver8 2009 59 nfertigun dazu führtabhebend, was 3,8 g AVI Twin ren und e, dass die Düsein der Praxis 110 03 toleranze außerdem groß n teuer wa200 war eine n aufwiesen. e FertigungsIDN 120 10. Juni 8 HiSpeed Das Erge 03 schlechte 12 110 03 2009 64 Quervert bnis eilung. AVI Pflanze nschutz -Praxis Asymmetric TurboDrop® HiSpeed or TD ADF is nozzle technology that pays off. Proven by independent test reports and millions of farmers around the world. Weniger Wasser, weniger Mittel... B Twin 110 – 1– 03 HiSpeed 200 110 03 8 12 (»Which benefit brings the new TurboDrop® HiSpeed«, published in Pflanzenarzt 11+12/2009) The complete publications and further articles can be found on our homepage (German) www.agrotop.com/berichte Farm application professional using TurboDrop® TD ADF 110-03 and -04 Rustin Gilder from Crowley Grain Dryer in Crowley Louisiana, USA Crops: Rice and soybeans These nozzles give great coverage, on top and down into the canopy of our crops. Easy to maintain and clean. They spray deeper into the canopy. Coverage is worth paying for! (Rustin uses the TD ADF nozzles at 15–23 mph, rates are around 10 GPA.) Contract application professional using TurboDrop® HiSpeed 110-04 Matthias Kappe, Thüringer Landdienste GmbH, Lemnitz, Germany Spray contractor We, the TLD GmbH, are a professional application specialist in the region of east Thuringia. Using the TurboDrop® HiSpeed nozzles 110-04 enables us to adjust our sprayers easily to the changing humidity and temperature conditions while spraying in the field. In addition the TurboDrop® HiSpeed nozzles allow us to increase our applications speed and therefore our area capacity. 6 spray technology TurboDrop® HiSpeed Innovative nozzle technology + – speed c re p i yd ra *s n tio * * let rop ry * d jecto tra t ple y dro ctor je tra spray direction speed + + Flat Fan nozzle TurboDrop® HiSpeed nozzle ▪ Creates spray “shadow” at the backside of the leaf/stem ▪ All around coverage of front and back side of the plant ▪ Less coverage at lower leaf canopy levels at higher application speeds ▪ Downwards front pattern for good penetration to stem base especially at reduced application speeds Six good reasons for using asymmetric dual fan TurboDrop® nozzles HiSpeed or TD ADF ▪ TD HiSpeed nozzles are officially listed for drift reduction for 90 % / 75 % / 50 % in Germany and other countries ▪ A nozzle that nearly covers all applications and crops – fewer changes of nozzles required ▪ 2 in 1 functionality – front spray similar to standard single flat fan nozzle, back spray with elevated spray pattern, optimising coverage ▪ Excellent results at low, medium and high application speeds ▪ TD ADF; economical long lasting poly version ▪ Low variation of droplet size over a wide pressure range guarantees a constant spray quality TD HiSpeed 110-025 herbicide application in sugar beets spray technology 7 TurboDrop® HiSpeed Size Spray angle 2 x 110° Pressure range 2 to 8 bar Best performance using pressure 3 to 7 bar Boom height 40 to 60 cm Orientation of spray patterns 50°/10° Application Boom spraying, Horticulture Advantages ▪ Asymmetric orientation of the two spray patterns Filter JKI 110-015 Filter 50 M blue 110-02 Filter 50 M blue G 1819 110-025 Filter 50 M blue G 1896 110-03 Filter 50 M blue G 1820 110-04 Filter 50 M blue G 1821 110-05 Filter 24 M red G 1822 110-06 Filter 24 M red 110-08 Filter 24 M red TD HiSpeed: most suitable for ear treatments in cereals ▪ Compact design ▪ High drift reduction maintaining excellent coverage ear treatments 4 –7 bar ▪ Perfect for fungicide, insecticide and post-emergence treatments ▪ Ceramic parts made from strong, high quality pink ceramic ▪ Easy assembly and disassembly, even with gloves, no tools required ttern 10° front pa ing avoids spray ucture on boom str 110-02 G 1819 8 110-025 G 1896 BBCHCode 110-03 G 1820 51 110-04 G 1821 59 61 69 71-92 110-05 G 1822 90 % –– at 2.5 bar –– at 2 bar –– 75 % 2 to 3 bar up to 3.5 bar up to 2.5 bar up to 3 bar 2 to 3 bar 50 % up to 5 bar up to 6 bar up to 4 bar up to 6 bar up to 8 bar spray technology TurboDrop® ADF Size Filter 110-01 Filter 50 M blue 110-015 Filter 50 M blue 110-02 Filter 50 M blue 110-025 Filter 50 M blue 110-03 Filter 50 M blue 110-04 Filter 50 M blue 110-05 Filter 50 M blue 110-06 Filter 24 M red 110-08 Filter 24 M red 110-10 Filter 24 M red 110-15 Filter 24 M red Spray angle 2 x 110° Pressure range 1.5 to 8 bar Best performance using pressure 2 to 4 bar Boom height 40 to 60 cm Orientation of spray patterns 50°/10° Application Boom spraying, Horticulture, Special applications Advantages ▪ Asymmetric orientation of spray pattern to improve application quality at any speed ▪ Compact design, easy disassembling of individual spray tips ▪ Good drift control an excellent coverage of vertical and angular targets ▪ 10° forward angle prevents forward pattern from spraying on boom parts or wheels ▪ Application speeds from 6–15 km/h or more ▪ Suitable “all-around” nozzle ▪ 80° spray pattern also available for individual adjustments Fungicide application in soybeans using TD ADF 110-03 spray technology 9 TurboDrop® TD Size Spray angle 110° Pressure range 2 to 10 bar Best performance using pressure Pesticides: 4 to 8 bar Liquid fertiliser: 2 to 3 bar Boom height 60 to 90 cm Application Boom spraying Advantages ▪ Small droplet size variation over pressure range Filter 110-01 Filter 50 M blue 110-015 Filter 50 M blue 110-02 Filter 50 M blue 110-025 Filter 50 M blue 110-03 Filter 50 M blue 110-04 Filter 24 M red 110-05 Filter 24 M red 110-06 Filter 24 M red 110-08 Filter 24 M red 110-10 Filter 24 M red JKI G1610 ▪ Excellent drift reduction, even at higher pressure ▪ All ceramic parts are made from extra strong, high quality pink ceramic ▪ This guarantees maximum wear resistance and accuracy ▪ Excellent penetration using higher pressure ▪ Wide range of pressure and application ranges ▪ Easy assembly and disassembly, even with gloves, no tools required ▪ The perfect solution for large farms and contractors TurboDrop® nozzles are easy to disassemble for cleaning 10 spray technology TurboDrop® TD-XL Size Filter 110-01 Filter 50 M blue 110-015 Filter 50 M blue 110-02 Filter 50 M blue 110-025 Filter 50 M blue 110-03 Filter 50 M blue 110-04 Filter 24 M red 110-05 Filter 24 M red 110-06 Filter 24 M red 110-08 Filter 24 M red * 110-10 Filter 24 M red * 110-15 Filter 24 M red * Spray angle 110° Pressure range 1 to 8 bar Best performance using pressure Pesticide: 2 to 4 bar Liquid fertiliser: 1 to 2 bar Boom height 60 to 90 cm Application Boom spraying Advantages * most applications require no extra nozzle filter The TurboDrop® TD-XL nozzles use as a distribution nozzle a TipCap which is exactly twice the size of the TurboDrop® injector. For example, a TD-XL 110-04 nozzle consists of a red injector (ISO code for size 04) and a white TipCap (ISO code for size 110-08), but flow rate is determined by the red injector. ▪ Variable droplet spectra from coarse to fine as pressure increases ▪ Excellent drift reduction, especially at lower pressure ▪ Offers a wide range in terms of pressure and droplet size ▪ Easy cleaning, only two parts, no small parts, no fumbling ▪ Distributing nozzle/cap is a TipCap nozzle ▪ Perfect if application conditions and application rates change frequently ▪ Maximum wear resistance in the semi-ceramic version (injector with ceramic orifice coated in POM) ▪ Best price for excellent quality spray technology 11 AirMix® Flat Fan Size Filter JKI 110-01 Filter 50 M blue 110-015 Filter 50 M blue 110-02 Filter 50 M blue 110-025 Filter 50 M blue Pesticide: 2 to 4 bar Liquid fertiliser: 1 to 2 bar 110-03 Filter 24 M red G1637 Boom height 40 to 90 cm 110-04 Filter 24 M red G1631 Application Boom spraying, Knapsack sprayers 110-05 Filter 24 M red G1638 Spanner width 8 mm 110-06 Filter 24 M red Spray angle 110° Pressure range 1 to 6 bar Best performance using pressure Advantages ▪ Two-piece design, no tools required for opening, no seals ▪ Air cleaning system, no blocking of air entrance ▪ Droplet size adjustable from coarse to fine by pressure The AirMix® nozzle – How does it work? The metering orifice at the bottom of the injector controls the flow and creates a jet. This jet passes a second orifice where it takes in the air. The air stream is cleaned by passing through the spray pattern, preventing the orifice from clogging. ▪ Up to 90 % drift reduction ▪ Wide application range from 40–1000 l/ha ▪ Fits in standard and double flat fan cap ADF ✓ Compact design, only 22 mm, slightly more than a standard tip ✓ Easy disassembly for cleaning ✓ Air suction from below through the spray fan 12 rn te at yp ra Sp ✓ Metering orifice easy accessible, blockage can be wiped off Droplet with air bubbles spray technology AirMix® OC Size Filter JKI OC 02 Filter 50 M blue OC 025 Filter 50 M blue G1887/1891 OC 03 Filter 50 M blue G1888/1892 OC 04 Filter 24 M red G1889/1893 OC 05 Filter 24 M red G1890 Spray angle 80° Pressure range 1 to 6 bar Application width = approx. 2.3 x application height Application Boom spraying, Band spraying, Knapsack sprayers Spanner width 8 mm Advantages ▪ Two-piece design, no tools required for opening, no seals ▪ Air cleaning system, no plugging of air entrance ▪ High drift reduction ▪ Wide application range ▪ Same flow rate as corresponding flat fan nozzle ▪ Suitable as end nozzle on booms in combination with AirMix® flat fan nozzles Herbicide band spraying using AirMix® OC spray technology 13 Knapsack Spraying AirMix® HC Size 80-025 Filter Filter 50 M blue Constant flow valves CF Spray angle 80° Size 02 to 03 Constant pressure/flow relief valves for use with single nozzles or in pressure pipes with flows up to 2 l/min. Pressure range 1 to 6 bar Boom height 50 to 90 cm Application Boom spraying, Band spraying, Knapsack spraying, Horticulture Spanner width 8 mm Advantages ▪ Two-piece design, no tools required for opening ▪ Air cleaning system, no blockage of air entrance ▪ High drift reduction Easy assembling between sprayer lance and nozzle ▪ Wide application range ▪ Uniform droplet spectra ▪ On a broadcast boom, horizontal distribution of pattern is less uniform compared to flat fan ▪ Particularly suitable for knapsack, as nozzles can be operated at low pressure ▪ Fits in caps with spanner width of 8 mm, commonly used on most sprayers 50 mesh filter before CF-valve is recommended 14 spray technology Knapsack Spraying AirMix® AN Size Filter 130-02 Filter 50 M blue 130-025 Filter 50 M blue 130-04 Filter 24 M red Advantages of using CF valves ▪ In combination with a CF valve a AirMix® nozzle would always work at a constant flow rate in the selected spray quality ▪ Important, if coarse spray quality is needed for drift reasons ▪ Avoiding pressure peaks helps to keep the drift low ▪ Fatigue or different individual performance of the knap sack sprayer operator will not affect nozzle flow rate Spray angle 80° – 130° Size 02 to 04 Pressure range 1.5 to 3.0 bar Boom height Variable Application Knap sack, small herbicide booms Spanner width Threaded cap Advantages ▪ Two-piece design, no tools required for opening ▪ High drift reduction ▪ Wide angle spray pattern ▪ Spray quality coarse to extra coarse ▪ Even spray distribution, suitable for band spraying ▪ Particularly suitable for knapsack, as nozzles can be operated at low pressure ▪ Fits in 3/8’’ threaded caps or round hole bayonet cap ▪ Allows low application heights for max. drift control AirMix® AN-04 in combination with CF-valve 2.0 bar (blue), flow 0,98 l/min spray technology 15 Knapsack Spraying Spray Max Size 110 Spray angle 110°/80° Size 01 to 10 Size 80 Filter 110-01 80-01 * Filter 50 M blue Pressure range 1 to 4 bar 110-015 80-015 * Filter 50 M blue Boom height 40 to 60 cm 110-02 80-02 * Filter 50 M blue Application Boom spraying, Knapsack spraying 110-025 80-025 * Filter 50 M blue Spanner width 8 mm 110-03 80-03 Filter 50 M blue 110-04 80-04 Filter 50 M blue ▪ Flow rates in accordance with ISO standards 110-05 80-05 Filter 50 M blue ▪ High accuracy due to minimising variability in production 110-06 80-06 Filter 24 M red 110-08 80-08 Filter 24 M red ▪ High durability 110-10 80-10 Filter 24 M red ▪ Fits in caps with spanner width of 8 mm, commonly used on most sprayers 110-15 Advantages ▪ Wide pressure range and application rate 16 Filter 24 M red * on request spray technology Filters and ball check valves New design Filters fit on all nozzle holders, conform to ISO 8169 Strainer F Mesh Colour bottom/top 24 M red 50 M blue 100 M green 200 M pink Ball check strainers KVF spray technology Mesh Colour bottom/top Opening pressure 24 M red/white 0.3 bar 24 M red/grey 0.7 bar 24 M red/black 2.8 bar Mesh Colour bottom/top Opening pressure 50 M blue/white 0.3 bar 50 M blue/grey 0.7 bar 50 M blue/black 2.8 bar Mesh Colour bottom/top Opening pressure 100 M green/white 0.3 bar 100 M green/grey 0.7 bar 100 M green/black 2.8 bar 17 Nozzle for liquid fertiliser applications Recommended application technologies at different crop growth stages in cereals hose drops EXA/ESI® AirMix® TD VR MK II 6-stream TurboDrop® ozzle Check our n n calculator o p.com www.agroto BBCHCode 21 25 29 30 31 32 37 39 49 51 59 61-69 71-92 Application options for liquid fertilisers ▪ Single flat fan venturi nozzles with extra coarse spray quality, like AirMix® or TurboDrop®, are suitable for fertiliser applications at low pressure ▪ Liquid fertilisers and PPP (plant protection products) can be applied together, use spray nozzles 18 ▪ Using special 3- or 6-stream fertiliser nozzles will reduce the risk of leaf burning ▪ Distribution with 6-stream nozzles is slightly better ▪ At late crop growth stages, the use of hose drops is recommended spray technology AN – 1/2 M Spray angle 110° to 140° Size Company standard Pressure range 0.5 to 3.0 bar Boom height 40 to 60 cm Application Boom spraying, Special applications Slurry application using AN-1/2 M nozzles Advantages The AN-1/2 M high flow nozzle is designed for applications of highly viscous molasses or slurry, where good distribution is required. The large diameters allow applications of solutions containing coarse particles without blocking the nozzles. It could be applied for liquid slurry applications, molasses from sugar cane or other biomaterial. ▪ Rugged design, nozzles made from long lasting POM ▪ Large diameter orifices reduce blockage risk ▪ Extremely large droplets ▪ Wide spray angle for reduced application/boom height and even distribution ▪ Starts operating at very low pressure flow rate* in l/min at pressure in bar 1.0 1.5 2.0 Type Color 0.5 3.0 AN 20-1/2M yellow 6 8 10 11 14 AN 40-1/2M red 11 16 20 22 28 AN 60-1/2M white 17 24 29 34 42 AN 90-1/2M black 25 36 44 51 62 *Data measured with water at 20°C, pressure measured directly at the nozzle. Check application rate before spraying. spray technology 19 Hose drops with 5 distribution holes Pressure range 1 to 3 bar Min. penetration Connection 30 cm (12‘‘) into the crop to avoid burning Fits onto standard bayonet nozzle (other systems available on request) Advantages ▪ Extremely slim hose with no nozzle for lowest driving resistance ▪ For liquid fertilisers only reduces risk of leaf burning significantly by design ▪ Good distribution through five jets spraying sidewise and forward ▪ Low risk of leaf burning due to extremely coarse droplets ▪ Hoses drops stay in track due to firm but flexible plastic tube ▪ Integral stainless steel pin maintains constant distance to soil ▪ Total length of 90 cm (37“) allows use on large booms 20 spray technology Hose drops with distribution nozzle Pressure range 1 to 2.5 bar Min. penetration Connection 330 cm (12‘‘), spray pattern must not reach maize leaves/stem Fits onto standard bayonet nozzle holders (other systems available on request) Advantages ▪ Reduces risk of leaf burning significantly ▪ Application of liquid fertiliser and fungicides or herbicides ▪ Wide angle anvil nozzle for even distribution ▪ Hose drops stay in track due to firm but flexible plastic tube ▪ Ball check valve prevents dripping after shut off ▪ Total length of 90 cm (37“) allows use on large booms ▪ Extension hose available to adjust to different row widths Check agrotop homepage for special application chart 50 cm 50 cm 25 cm 25 cm Blind cap Extension Hose drop Extension Hose drop Hose drop Blind cap 25 cm 25 cm Hose drop 50 cm row distance 75 cm spray technology 21 TurboDrop® VR MK II Advantages ▪ Available with HiSpeed, flat fan, 6-stream or single stream distribution tip ▪ Widely extended flow rate through integrated check valve controlled bypass ▪ Variable, gradually adjustable orifice cross section ▪ Replaces up to 3 standard sizes Spray angle 2 x 110° Pressure range 2 to 8 bar Best performance using pressure 3 to 7 bar Boom height Orientation of spray patterns Application 40 to 60 cm Flat fan, 50°/10°, 6-stream Boom spraying, Special applications, Liquid fertiliser applications ▪ Flexible adjustments to different flow rates ▪ High variation of application speeds (e.g. 6-16 km/h) spraying within the recommended best pressure range ▪ Compact design, easy to fit on all standard bayonet nozzle holders ▪ Perfect for variable rate applications of fungicides, insecticides post emergent herbicides, growth regulators and liquid fertilisers ▪ Hose barb version for variable rate fertiliser applications on planters and applicators TD VR MK II TD VR MK II Flat Fan 6-stream TD VR MK II HiSpeed 50°/10° 22 TD VR MK II Hose barb single stream spray technology TurboDrop® VR MK II Application chart TurboDrop® VR MK II TurboDrop® VR 5 TurboDrop® VR 3 TurboDrop® VR 2 TurboDrop® VR 1.5 Pressure Flow rate Application rate in l/ha at km/h bar l/min 6 1 0.33 66 2 0.68 136 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 57 50 44 40 36 33 30 28 26 25 23 117 102 91 82 74 68 63 58 54 51 48 3 0.97 194 166 146 129 116 106 97 90 83 78 73 68 4 1.21 242 207 182 161 145 132 121 112 104 97 91 85 5 1.42 284 243 213 189 170 155 142 131 122 114 107 100 6 1.58 316 271 237 211 190 172 158 146 135 126 119 112 7 1.76 352 302 264 235 211 192 176 162 151 141 132 124 8 1.9 380 326 285 253 228 207 190 175 163 152 143 134 1 0.44 88 75 66 59 53 48 44 41 38 35 33 31 2 1.02 204 175 153 136 122 111 102 94 87 82 77 72 3 1.51 302 259 227 201 181 165 151 139 129 121 113 107 4 1.92 384 329 288 256 230 209 192 177 165 154 144 136 5 2.27 454 389 341 303 272 248 227 210 195 182 170 160 6 2.56 512 439 384 341 307 279 256 236 219 205 192 181 7 2.8 560 480 420 373 336 305 280 258 240 224 210 198 8 3.09 618 530 464 412 371 337 309 285 265 247 232 218 1 0.73 146 125 110 97 88 80 73 67 63 58 55 52 2 1.28 256 219 192 171 154 140 128 118 110 102 96 90 3 1.86 372 319 279 248 223 203 186 172 159 149 140 131 4 2.38 476 408 357 317 286 260 238 220 204 190 179 168 5 2.8 560 480 420 373 336 305 280 258 240 224 210 198 6 3.24 648 555 486 432 389 353 324 299 278 259 243 229 7 3.62 724 621 543 483 434 395 362 334 310 290 272 256 8 4.05 810 694 608 540 486 442 405 374 347 324 304 286 1 1.88 376 322 282 251 226 205 188 174 161 150 141 133 2 2.59 518 444 389 345 311 283 259 239 222 207 194 183 3 3.4 680 583 510 453 408 371 340 314 291 272 255 240 4 4.07 814 698 611 543 488 444 407 376 349 326 305 287 5 4.75 950 814 713 633 570 518 475 438 407 380 356 335 6 5.35 1070 917 803 713 642 584 535 494 459 428 401 378 7 5.8 1160 994 870 773 696 633 580 535 497 464 435 409 8 6.27 1254 1075 941 836 752 684 627 579 537 502 470 443 Examples of use: Constant application rate at variable speeds Constant application speed with variable application rates Data measured with water at 20°C, pressure measured directly at the nozzle. Check application rate before spraying. Application chart TurboDrop® VR MK II 6-stream on request. spray technology 23 Continuous internal sprayer rinsing Rinsing procedure ▪ Empty the sprayer tank on the field (regular application) Spray boom ▪ Liquid pressure drops, nozzles start to spit ▪ Switch on the rinsing pump, continue regular application on untreated area or at reduced rate on treated area Return to tank Chemical concentration compared to original spray liquid < 1 % Rinsing tank/system/boom Clean water tank ▪ After 1/3 of the clean water is used up, switch on/off several times all boom sections, agitation and circulation lines. Continue spraying while flushing all contaminated pipes till they are complety rinsed. Tank rinsing nozzles Sprayer tank Additional pump for internal rinsing ▪ Internal cleaning is finished when clean water tank is empty Sprayer pump Comparison of different sprayer rinsing procedures Boom Boom sprayer sprayer – 12 – 12 m boom m boom – blue – blue 03 03 nozzles nozzles (total (total consumption consumption 20 20 l/min) l/min) Concentration in % Concentration in % 50 50 Required Required time time to dilute to dilute to less to less than than 1%1% compared compared to original to original concentration concentration approx. approx. 20–30 20–30 min. min. 40 40 Water Water consumption consumption = 90 = liters 90 liters 30 30 15 15 15 15 50 50 99 99 Boom Boom sprayer sprayer – 12 – 12 m boom m boom – blue – blue 03 03 nozzles nozzles (total (total consumption consumption 20 20 l/min) l/min) Required Required time time to dilute to dilute to less to less than than 1%1% compared compared to original to original concentration concentration approx. approx. 4 min. 4 min. 43 43 40 40 14 14 30 30 liters liters 24 24 20 20 30 30 liters liters 10 10 10 10 3,0 3,0 2,9 2,9 0 0 4 4 6 6 8 8 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,1 0,1 12 12 16 16 20 20 22 22 24 24 Time Time in min. in min. Water Water consumption consumption triple triple rinsing rinsing 3 x 330x 30 l l Time required 20 – 25 min. + 90 l clean water (incl. time to step down and up from the tractor plus time required to spray the rinsing water on the field) 24 Water Water consumption consumption = approx. = approx. 40 liters 40 liters 30 30 30 30 liters liters 20 20 10 10 Continuous internal rinsing Concentration in % Concentration in % Standard procedure – triple rinsing 0 0 30 30 60 60 4,3 4,3 1,6 1,6 0,7 0,7 0,3 0,3 90 90 120120 150150 180180 210210 240240 Time Time in sec. in sec. Continuous Continuous rinsing rinsing hashas a water a water consumption consumption of 10 of 10 l/min l/min Required time approx. 5 min. + 40 liter clean water (the complete procedure can be operated from the tractor with no need to stop) spray technology Continuous internal sprayer rinsing Tank-rinsing-kit for field sprayers ▪ ACE-Centrifugal pump FMC-75HYD-204 ▪ two rotating tank rinsing nozzles made from stainless steel, AG 1/2“, Flow rate 28 l/min at 3 bar, including back pressure valve 3/4“ IG ▪ All fittings, hose barbs, washers and clamps, required for installation ▪ Plain instruction manual ▪ Additional tank rinsing nozzle for large tank sizes 4000 l plus General note for all tank-rinsing-kits: Pressure and suction hoses, as hydraulic pipes are not included and must be purchased according to the individual set up of the sprayer. Mounting arrangements for continuous internal rinsing systems spray technology Rinsing kit JKI approved by G 1906 25 QuantoFill M QuantoFill M QuantoFill M is a dosing and transfer unit for safe, accurate and contamination-free preparation of the spray liquid when filling the tank on a sprayer or nurse truck. QuantoFill M JKI approved by G 1930 The QuantoFill M automates the procedure of measuring and pouring the liquid spray chemicals into the sprayer tank, saving time and avoiding dosage errors. Up to five different chemicals can be connected to the QuantoFill M. The unit automatically calculates the correct volume of each chemical to be transferred based on the application rate of each product, the water rate and the treatment area or tank volume. The products will be dosed in the correct sequence, and the system is flushed in between chemical doses. The QuantoFill M is available for connection of up to three or five different chemicals. More info and technical details on request. Advantages of the QuantoFill M ▪ Reduced calculation and measuring errors when preparing the spray liquid ▪ Reduced filling time = increasing efficiency ▪ Easy handling of up to 25 different chemicals through data input before spray season ▪ Environmentally and operator friendly by avoiding direct contact with the product and spilling (using MicroMatic valves) ▪ Avoiding residual amount of spray liquid by automatically calculating the correct volume for each product spraying subareas or partial tank filling at end of treatment Dosing station connected to different chemical IBCs 26 spray technology Automatic proportioner for liquid chemicals in agriculture transfer to sprayer tank Dosage device – installation diagram QuantoFill M water product A product B product C QuantoFill M control unit ChemHopper Main components of QuantoFill M 1 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 2 Main control unit Control board Power connection Dosing electronic On/Off switch Valve manifold with upt to 6 electic valves ▪ Maximum 5 x liquid spray chemicals ▪ 1 x fresh water spray technology 3 4 5 ▪ ▪ 6 Volumetric flow meter Diaphragm pump Two strainers For liquid spray chemicals For fresh water Fittings, hoses and couplings 27 Dosing device for Nitrogen stabilisers Connection hose Pump and flow meter in weather-proof box Remote control box in cabin Storage tanks for N-stabiliser (2 x 100 l) Improving N-efficacy, reducing the environmental impact of slurry applications through the accurate use of Nitrogen stabilisers ▪ Reducing N-losses through soil leaching ▪ Less use of additional mineral fertiliser ▪ More flexibility in timing of the application ▪ Environmentally friendly, reducing the emission of nitrous oxides ▪ Long term, tailored supply of nitrogen to plant roots 28 QuantoFill dosing device for Nitrogen stabilisers, to be used at slurry filling stations, slurry tanks or on self-propelled slurry applicators The device automates the accurate dosing of the stabiliser into the slurry tank in an easy way. The QuantoFill dosing station for N-stabiliser contains an electric transfer pump and a flow meter. It is connected straight to the container with the stabiliser (e.g. a 200 l reservoir poly tank) and doses a pre-set mount of liquid automatically into the slurry tank. The required amount of liquid is easy to set and can be changed if needed. In this way it is easy to always add the correct amount of N-stabiliser filling the slurries; no extra time for measuring is required. For manual dosing, a kit with a flow meter and a manually controlled valve is available. spray technology Dosing device for Nitrogen stabilisers Components of the dosing device 1 2 3 1. Connection to slurry tank 2. Check valve with by-pass 3. Suction hose 3 m 4. QuantoFill remote control box incl. 5 m connecting cable 5. Pump 12 V/230 V 6. Poly case 40 x 30 x 27 cm 7. 7 m pressure hose 8. QuantoFill flow meter 8 7 6 5 4 Advantages of the dosing device ▪ Exact, self-acting dosing of the stabiliser, avoiding dosing errors ▪ Dosing and measuring in one step, reducing work expenditure ▪ Closed transfer cycle, no extra rinsing efforts, highest environmental saftey standards agrotop offers three different versions of the QuantoFill dosing device for N-stabilisers 1. Stationary installation at slurry filling stations, QuantoFill 130 dosing device in compact box using 230 V ▪ Remote control to operate device from driver’s cabin, safe and easy to use ▪ Contamination free dosing ▪ Highest reliability ▪ Easy and quick installation on any slurry tanker ▪ Storage tanks for N-stabilizers on request for 100 and 200 l 2. Trailed slurries, QuantoFill 115 12 V dosing device in compact box to be mounted on the trailer 3. Self propelled slurries, QuantoFill 115 12 V dosing device and remote control box for installation in driver’s cabin spray technology tion, Easy installa e simple to us 29 protecting users and environment easyFlow closed transfer system Advantages Components ▪ No spill connection with highest standards of user and environmental safety ▪ easyFlow tank adapter for installation on the sprayer tank, incl. mounting screws, sealing ring and drilling jig ▪ Continuously adjustable flow rates, enabling exact transfer of partial container volumes ▪ Rinsing of accessible parts in contact with Plant Protection Products (PPP) after partial dosing (adapters stays connected onto the PPP container) ▪ easyFlow container adapter for PPP containers up to 10 l with 63 mm neck thread ▪ Rinsing nozzle incorporated in container adapter ▪ Fast and complete rinsing of empty plant protection product containers ▪ Cuts and pushes back the aluminium seal of the PPP container automatically, no need to contaminate a knife for seal breaking ▪ No more contamination and cleaning of measuring jugs required ▪ easyFlow wedge plate kit to compensate for uneven tank surfaces ▪ Easy installation on all sprayer tanks and on most chem-hoppers ▪ easyFlow starter set contains one tank adapter plus several container adapters easyFlow is the first closed, contamination-avoiding and self-cleaning transfer system for liquid plant protection products from sealed or non-sealed small PPP containers enabling the user to do partial or complete dosing. The easyFlow system is designed to fulfill all standards of environmental protection and operational safety today and in the future. easyFlow starter set 1: 1 x tank adapter and 3 x container adapter easyFlow tank adapter easyFlow container adapter easyFlow starter set 2: 1 x tank adapter and 5 x container adapter Application professional view on the easyFlow system Manfred Stark, swine nursery and broadacre farmer, Mainleus I’m using the easyFlow system since a couple of months and I’m excited about it. The incorporated rinsing of the empty containers convinces me. It works much better than using the rinsing nozzles of the chemical mixer. The fact that I’m avoiding any direct contact is also a big plus, as well as the possibility that the easyFlow fits also onto small sprayers. spray technology 31 easyFlow M safe metering and dosing Closed transfer and metering system for containers with liquid ag chemicals Advantages easyFlow M – all benefits of the easyFlow system + mounts next to the sprayer tank, at working height for easy handling on big sprayers + connects to suction line, induction bowl or any other induction system + transfer of entire content or exact metering and dosing of small partial quantities + rinsing of the whole system even after partial emptying of containers + automatic rinsing of the measuring device simultaneously + best for retrofitting + easy to install on any sprayer + clear and transparent measuring vessel, inexpensive to replace all Suitable for lusive sprayers, inc big sprayers 32 spray technology easyFlow QF automatically safe Electronically controlled closed transfer system for containers, drums and IBCs with liquid ag chemicals Advantages easyFlow QF – all benefits of the easyFlow system + only one closed transfer system for all different containers + to be used on sprayers or filling stations + only 12 VDC supply needed + preselection of transfer volume + automatic metering and dosing + starts working from 1 liter + rinsing of the entire system by electronic flushing procedure + thousands of flowmeters field proven + easy retrofitting + simple installation + big savings of time + failsafe dosing ry For stationa and mobile operation Innovation Award Silver Medal Agritechnica 2015 spray technology Universal application chart for boom sprayers at 50 cm nozzle spacing Nozzle size and colour according to ISO 10625 or equivalent Application rate l/ha Flow Nozzle size ISO rate -01-015-02-025-03 -04 -05 -06 -08 -10 50 75 100125150175200250300400l/min 6.0 4.00.25 7.2 4.80.30 8.4 5.6 4.20.35 Speed km/h 9.6 6.4 4.8 0.40 10.8 7.2 5.4 4.30.45 12.0 8.0 6.0 4.8 4.00.50 13.2 8.8 6.6 5.3 4.40.55 0.60 15.6 0.65 16.8 0.70 18.0 0.75 19.2 0.80 20.4 13.610. 0.85 21.6 14.410. 0.90 22.8 0.95 24.0 1.00 16.812.610. 1.05 17.613. 1.10 18.413.811. 1.15 19.214.411. 1.20 8.6 7.5 6.0 5.0 1.25 20.815.612.510.4 8.9 7.8 6.2 5.2 1.30 21.616. 1.35 22.416.813.411. 1.40 23.217.413.911. 1.45 9.0 7.2 6.0 4.5 1.50 19.215.412.811.0 9.6 7.7 6.4 4.8 1.60 20.416.313.611.710.2 8.2 6.8 5.1 1.70 21.617.314.412.310.8 8.6 7.2 5.4 1.80 22.818. 9.1 7.6 5.7 1.90 9.6 8.0 6.0 2.00 20.216.814.412.610.1 8.4 6.3 2.10 21.117.615.113.210.6 8.8 6.6 2.20 22.118.415.813.811.0 9.2 6.9 2.30 9.6 7.2 2.40 7.5 2.50 20.817.815.612.510.4 7.8 2.60 21.618.516.213.010.8 8.1 2.70 22.419.216.813.411.2 8.4 2.80 23.219.917.413.911.6 8.7 2.90 24.020.618.014.412.0 9.0 3.00 21.318.614.912.4 9.3 3.10 21.919.215.412.8 9.6 3.20 22.619.815.813.2 9.9 3.30 23.320.416.313.610.2 3.40 3.50 21.6 17.3 14.4 10.8 3.60 22.2 17.8 14.8 11.1 3.70 22.8 18.2 15.2 11.4 3.80 23.4 18.7 15.6 11.7 3.90 24.0 19.2 16.0 12.0 4.00 19.7 16.4 12.3 4.10 20.2 16.8 12.6 4.20 20.6 17.2 12.9 4.30 21.1 17.6 13.2 4.40 21.6 18.0 13.5 4.50 22.1 18.4 13.8 4.60 22.6 18.8 14.1 4.70 23.0 19.2 14.4 4.80 Speed km/h 23.5 19.6 14.7 4.90 24.0 20.0 15.0 5.00 1.2 1.7 2.3 1.0 Pressure bar 3.0 1.3 3.8 1.7 4.7 2.1 1.2 5.7 2.5 1.4 6.7 3.0 1.7 1.1 7.9 3.5 2.0 1.3 6.2 4.0 2.8 1.6 1.0 6.7 4.3 3.0 1.7 1.1 7.3 4.7 3.3 1.8 1.2 7.9 5.1 3.5 2.0 1.3 8.5 5.5 3.8 2.1 1.4 9.2 5.9 4.1 2.3 1.5 9.9 6.3 4.4 2.5 1.6 6.7 4.7 2.6 1.7 7.2 5.0 2.8 1.8 7.7 5.3 3.0 1.9 8.2 5.7 3.2 2.0 8.7 6.0 3.4 2.2 9.2 6.4 3.6 2.3 9.7 6.7 3.8 2.4 10.3 7.1 4.0 2.6 7.5 4.2 2.7 7.9 4.5 2.9 8.3 4.7 3.0 8.8 4.9 3.2 9.2 5.2 3.3 9.6 5.4 3.5 10.1 5.7 3.6 5.9 3.8 6.2 4.0 6.5 4.1 6.8 4.3 Pressure bar 7.0 4.5 7.3 4.7 Data measured with water at 20°C, pressure measured directly at the nozzle. Check application rate before spraying. E.g.: 150 l/ha at 10 km/ha requires a flow rate of 1.25 l/min at each nozzle, which can be obtained by setting pressure at 7.3 bar for nozzle size -02; 4.7 bar for size -025, 3.3 bar for size -03, 1.8 bar for size -04 or 1.2 bar for size -05. Check our online nozzles calculator at www.agrotop.com spray technology Flow chart and nozzle color code according to ISO 10625 or equivalent e.g. SprayMax, AirMix®, TurboDrop® Flow rate l/min at nozzle size ISO Pressure bar -01-015-02-025-03 -04 -05 -06 -08 -10-12-15-16-20 1.0 0.230.350.460.580.690.921.151.391.852.312.773.463.704.62 1.5 0.280.420.570.710.851.131.411.702.262.833.394.244.535.66 2.0 0.330.490.650.820.981.311.631.962.613.273.924.905.236.53 2.5 0.370.550.730.911.101.461.822.192.923.654.385.485.847.30 3.0 0.400.600.801.001.201.602.002.403.204.004.806.006.408.00 3.5 0.430.650.861.081.301.732.162.593.464.325.186.486.918.64 4.0 0.460.690.921.151.391.852.312.773.704.625.546.937.399.24 5.0 0.520.771.031.291.552.072.583. 6.0 0.570.851.131.411.702.262.833.394.535.666.788.489.0511.31 7.0 0.610.921.221.531.832.443.053.674.896.117.339.169.7812.22 8.0 0.650.981.311.631.962.613.263.925.236.537.839.8010.4513.06 9.0 0.691.041.391.732.082.773.464.165.546.938.3110.3911.0913.86 10.00.731.091.461.822.192.923.654.385.847.308.7610.9511.6814.61 12.00.801.201.602.002.403.204.004.806.408.009.5912.0012.8016.00 14.00.861.291.732.162.593.464.325.196.918.6410.3612.9613.8317.28 16.00.921.381.852.312.773.704.625.547.399.2411.0813.8514.7818.48 18.00.981.471.962.452.943.924.905.887.849.8011.7514.6915.6819.60 Data measured with water at 20°C, pressure measured directly at the nozzle. Check application rate before spraying. Optimum droplet size with respect to chemical and nozzle type in broadacre agriculture Droplet size Venturi nozzle Standard nozzle extremely ca. +550 µm coarse Systemic using higher application rates reduced coverage Systemic reduced coverage coarse ca. 350–400 µm Systemic all; Contact using higher application rates Systemic using higher application rates medium Systemic; Contact Systemic very coarse ca. 400–550 µm ca. 250–350 µm Coverage Penetration Drift risk extremely coarse fine ca. 150–250 µm Drift risk! Systemic; Contact Drift risk! very fine not recommended ca. –150 µm not recommended These recommendations are based upon extensive general experience under temperate climatic conditions. They do not substitute the individual application recommendations for chemicals, specially under different climatic conditions. spray technology extremely coarse very coarse extremely coarse very coarse extremely coarse coarse very coarse extremely coarse coarse very coarse medium extremely coarse coarse very coarse medium coarse fine very coarse medium coarse fine medium very fine coarse fine medium very fine fine medium very fine fine very fine Wherever you need us. You will find more products and accessories for crop protection in our latest catalog, available online or order directly from us. Try our personalised nozzle guide available online on our homepage www.agrotop.com All info also available for your smartphone. Find the latest application videos on our YouTube channel agrotopLive www.youtube.com/c/agrotop agrotop GmbH Köferinger Straße 5 93083 Obertraubling (Germany) Telefon +49 (0)9453 9938-0 Telefax +49 (0)9453 993845 E-Mail [email protected] Internet www.agrotop.com