November 20, 2014 - The Colchester Sun
November 20, 2014 - The Colchester Sun
The Colchester Sun WWW.COLCHESTERSUN.COM NOVEMBER 20, 2014 VOL. 13 No. 47 Prsrt Std ECRWSS U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 266 Burlington, VT 05401 Postal Patron-Residential Detective Kinney transferred to rehab By JOE CARDELLO The Colchester Sun Last Tuesday Colchester residents were stunned when CPD Police Chief Jennifer Morrison announced that Detective Cpl. Tyler Kinney had been arrested on charges of drug and gun trafficking. Kinney made his initial court appearance that Wednesday and appeared for his continuation trial on Friday. Most recently he has been released – with an attached GPS monitoring device – to the Serenity House for rehabilitation in Wallingford. Events that transpired on Monday Nov. 10 were outlined in an affidavit written by Special Agent Matthew Ekstrom of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The affidavit was released on Nov. 12. According to Ekstrom’s report, Kinney has admitted to personally using heroin as far back as one year and spent time with Peter Burnett, of Burlington, partaking in drug abuse. Burnett claimed that the pair initially met when he was arrested a year ago by CPD. The affidavit continues to explain that through various means Burnett and Kinney acquired and used heroin on a regular basis. Burnett acquired the opiate on his own through drug dealers while Kinney would sometimes steal heroin for use from the CPD evidence locker, the statement adds. Kinney, reportedly also stole other drugs for Burnett to sell for heroin. The affidavit states that most recently Kinney had stolen a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber Airweight revolver from the CPD evidence locker. Ekstrom reported that the weapon was given to Burnett for protection while dealing drugs and Kinney suggested that he begin selling methamphetamines in order to support their drug habit. Burlington Police, Ekstrom and FBI Agent Colin Simons requested that Burnett partake in a texting conversation with Kinney explaining that he was “sick” and needed drugs. The conversation also mentioned the stolen revolver, which Kinney claimed he needed back. Kinney was later interviewed at the Burlington Police Department by Simons and By JASON STARR The Colchester Sun Karen and Peter Newman, of South Burlington, smile together after completing their fourth lap at the Run Your Can Off! event on Saturday at the Glen Brook Nature Trail in Winooski. PHOTO | DANIELLE LANDRY By JOE CARDELLO The Colchester Sun In 2009 Greg Veltkamp and the Long Trail Running Club hosted their first Run Your Can Off can drive and 69 runners attended. This year the events size almost tripled with 188 runners in attendance for the fifth annual event and piled up enough canned goods and toiletries to fill two truck beds. Veltkamp and the creator of the Long Trail Running Club – Mike Hall – had wanted to start a long distance running event in Vermont that would be all-inclusive. The idea was formulated into the Run Your Can Off event, which takes place at the Glenbrook Nature Trail in Winooski on a 1.25-mile loop. “It’s a great event because you can run a lap with some friends, stop and grab some hot chocolate and then run some more with a different group,” Veltkamp said. “We’ve had five runners show up at 2:45 p.m. and just run two laps, and families that show up to do CCS awarded $100,000 Champlain Community Services (CCS), Inc. in Colchester announced on Friday an award of $100,000 over three years from The Gibney Family Foundation of South Burlington. The grant represents an investment that enables CCS to fully launch its School2Work career development initiative for high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. “School2Work partners with area high schools and businesses, and a number of partner agencies, to offer career development, industry-specific training, and job placement in the competitive economy,” said Michelle Paya, director of supported employment at CCS. The initiative builds on the expertise and resources of the agency’s nationally recognized supported employment program, Way2Work. Elizabeth Sightler, executive director at CCS, said, “We are thrilled to partner with The Gibney Family Foundation, and proud they recognize both our –See KINNEY page 2 Selectboard considers local option tax Run Your Can Off Annual fundraising run in Winooski nearly triples in success Ekstrom and he confirmed that what Burnett had told police was true. Further interviews with Kinney revealed that he had stolen drugs in his police cruiser; he claimed to be struggling to end his addiction. Morrison has since stated that the policies of the Colchester Police Department evidence handling are being reviewed. She also claims that destruction records are being compared to items that Kinney had marked for destruction in order to better determine what specifically had been diverted from the locker. “We are looking at every aspect of policy and procedure, but those policies are only as good as the people who carry them out,” success in connecting individuals with disabilities to meaningful jobs and the potential for School2Work to help students transition to the workplace.” Paya said School2Work built a successful model serving a limited number of students over the past two years, and now has the infrastructure and funds to hire dedicated staff and serve more students. Partnership with TGFF also extends School2Work’s reach to students who are blind or visually impaired, or facing a number of other physical challenges. “At CCS, we believe full community membership for those we serve has to do with finding the most natural opportunities to belong. And I think the most natural way is through employment,” Sightler said. “In The Gibney Family Foundation, we have a strong partner that shares our values and priorities on this.” More information about CCS is available at one lap with their 2- and 3-year-olds. Their donations count just as much as the people’s who do the full six hours.” All of the donations are collected by volunteers and loaded into the back of two pickup trucks. At the end of the day they are all brought over to the food shelf where they can be stored until they are redistributed to those in need. There is no required donation amount and with 28 turkeys donated this year Veltkamp was not displeased with the turnout. “We ask people to donate on a per lap basis, you know one lap equals one can. –See RUN page 2 ‘Show some PRIDE’ Colchester volunteers recognized at dinner By ELSIE LYNN The Colchester Sun Colchester Parks and Recreation “It’s a way to give hosted an inaugural Volunteer Recognition Dinner for the 250-plus back… and show volunteers who helped run Colchester some pride in the events and programs for the past year. community by About 58 volunteers showed up at the Hampton Inn in Colchester on Nov. 7 making it the best to be recognized and fed. one around.” “I think the people who were able to attend had a good time,” said Colchester Parks and Recreation Glen Cuttitta Director Glen Cuttitta. “The purpose Colchester Parks and of this dinner was to identify the Recreation Director volunteers who helped with our events over the past year. It’s an opportunity for us to recognize and thank them, and a chance for the Parks and Rec staff to interact with the volunteers in a casual forum.” Cuttitta described after the event how in the past there were different pods of volunteers who would help with various events; however, the department never had an opportunity to address all of the volunteers together. Recently the Parks and Rec department has launched the Colchester PRIDE volunteering program. This allows –See VOLUNTEER page 3 What would the Town of Colchester do with an extra $1.2 million per year? That is the question the Colchester Selectboard is mulling as it considers the possibility of charging a 1 percent local sales tax. The new tax would require voter approval. “We are leaving The board plans to determine money on the at its Dec. 9 meeting table that could whether to seek voter approval at make good things Town Meeting happen in town.” Day in March. The tax Marc Landry would be added Colchester Selectboard to the 6 percent state sales tax and apply to retail sales in Colchester with exceptions for groceries, clothing, automobiles and real estate. The one percent would also be added to the 9 percent state sales tax for rooms and meals, and the 10 percent state sales tax for alcohol. Colchester Chief Financial Officer Aaron Frank estimates that the majority of the tax would be paid by out-of-towners rather than Colchester residents. Costco’s sales will account for roughly two-thirds of the estimated $912,000 generated from the retail sales portion of the tax. The meals and rooms tax is expected to generate about $255,000 for the town and the alcohol tax would net about $20,000, Frank said. The town’s total haul takes into consideration the state’s cut of 30 percent of the 1 percent revenue. Frank noted that the state uses local option tax revenue to fund its “payment in lieu of taxes” (PILOT) program that pays towns for state property that can’t be taxed. So Colchester, with its Niquette Bay State Park and other PILOTeligible lands, would also benefit from the state’s cut. Currently 11 other Vermont municipalities employ the local option tax, including Colchester’s neighbors in South Burlington, Williston and Burlington. Voters in the Village of Essex Junction defeated a local option tax proposal in 2009. According to Town Manager Dawn Francis, there is opposition to Colchester adopting the tax among the local business community. “Some of them are not excited about it,” she said. Francis and Frank are recommending the board use the majority of the tax’s revenue to reduce the burden on property taxes. The averagepriced Colchester home ($289,000) would see a tax reduction of $165 per year if $1 million if the revenue is applied to that end, Frank said. The remaining $200,000 in revenue should be applied to maintaining local infrastructure and helping fund new infrastructure like a municipal sewer line, administrators and board members agreed. But some on the board favored using the entire $1.2 million on infrastructure needs. Board member Marc Landry argued that a $165 reduction in municipal taxes would be only a small dent in an overall tax bill that includes education taxes. “We are leaving money on the table that could make good things happen in town, like a community center, sewers and whatever the taxpayers want to do,” Landry said. “Worst case scenario we could pay off our debts.” If the board moves forward with the proposal in December, it would hold two public hearings ahead of the March vote. Francis recommended that a ballot question contain language about how the revenue would be spent. 2 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 Fifth graders share Veterans Day tradition Peggy’s Rogers’ fifth-grade class, the Rockin’ Tacos, introduced the third through fifth graders at Malletts Bay School to a new Veterans Day tradition in the first week of November. Leading up to Nov. 11, Malletts Bay students and their families completed “Thank You Veteran” cards for family members who are serving or have served in the U.S. military. The cards are posted along the school hallway for everyone to share. This year the fifth graders in Mrs. Rogers’ class led the students in a special ceremony during lunch. After reading “America’s White Table,” by Margot Theis Raven, the students created posters to explain each symbol on the table. With the help of Administrative Assistant Pamela Reith, a special table was set up in the café. The table included a white tablecloth, a black napkin, an overturned glass, salt, a lemon and a red rose. After the other students settled in with their lunch, Mrs. Rogers’ students read information about what each element symbolized. Two of Mrs. Rogers’ students invited family members to join them for lunch on Veteran’s Day. Catherine Balch invited her uncle, Michael Balch, who served tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Elaina Mack was joined by her grandparents, Mike and Linda Mack of Richmond. Elaina’s grandpa served in the Vietnam War. LEFT: Five of the “Rockin’ Tacos” from Peggy Rogers’ fifth-grade class stand in front of their posters. Pictured from left to right: Joseph Maxfield, Tate Bertleson, Courtney Lai and Morgan Page. BELOW: MBS fifth-grader Catherine Balch invited her uncle, Michael Balch, to the school’s Veterans Day lunch. PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED ABOVE: Thank you letters to veterans are on display at MBS. BELOW: Elaina Mack, sits between her grandparents Mike and Linda Mack, who attended the Veterans Day lunch at MBS. KINNEY from page 1 Academic medicine has a brand new name. Fletcher Allen is now The University of Vermont Medical Center. To clearly reflect our position as one of the nation’s most respected academic medical centers, and proudly demonstrate our strong ties to The University of Vermont, Fletcher Allen has become The University of Vermont Medical Center. Our name has changed but our goals are the same. We will continue to provide compassionate care, breakthrough research, and advanced clinical capabilities to our community. And by collaborating with three strong regional hospitals to form The University of Vermont Health Network, we are providing the best of community care and academic medicine to our patients. Together as one, we are the heart and science of medicine. or (802) 847-0000 The heart and science of medicine. Morrison said. “We are seeking feedback from the evidence audit and the folks doing the investigation for all of our current practices and we are looking for areas to improve in. “Personally my only concern is for this organization and the community right now. That is all I think about. We need to focus on moving this agency forward and we hope to come out of this stronger than we were in the beginning. It’s important to me that we maintain the public’s trust and continue to provide outstanding service.” During the continuation hearing on Friday, the prosecution agreed to allow Kinney to be transported to the Serenity House on Monday at 9 a.m. However a Motion to Stay Release form that was filed later that day by the prosecution announced that they had since become aware of “troubling information” regarding Kinney. An impromptu hearing on Monday morning began at 10 a.m. to address the new allegations against Kinney, claiming that he had made threats against Burnett. The specifics of these threats have not been released. The Assistant U.S. Attorney for Vermont handling the case – William B. Darrow – agreed to allow the planned release of Kinney to the Wallingford treatment center on the condition that he wears a GPS monitoring device while receiving treatment for his addiction. RUN from page 1 Overall though people donate more than they run,” Veltkamp said. “At a certain point we stopped needing to quantify the amount of donations we were getting. He admitted that during the first couple years of the event the group was overwhelmed with the outpouring of donations and local response. However with the recent expansion of The Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf they were able to send volunteers to help manage the event along with the Long Trail Running Club. “The event is still growing and I’d love to see it continue to grow,” Veltkamp said. “The City of Winooski has been super helpful since year one. More and more people are willing to donate each year and the event seems to have taken on a life of its own. 3 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 Transportation and land use investments to improve Colchester COLCHESTER’S WEEKLY Town News “Colchester, Vermont, located on Lake Champlain’s Malletts Bay, is a diverse, civic-minded community endowed with a rich heritage of commercial, agricultural, recreational, and educational gifts. Proud of the quality of life already enjoyed here, the people of Colchester seek to build upon this foundation to ensure economic prosperity, recreational opportunity, and an entrepreneurial spirit for future generations.” Vision Statement, Heritage Project, 2012 The following information highlights some activities performed by the town from Nov. 10-14. Town Manager’s Office Reported by Dawn Francis, town manager This has been a difficult week for our community, our dedicated boards and volunteers and our employees. It is hard for all of us to read the headlines and listen to the news as it relates to the allegations against one of our employees. I ask for your patience as we work through the due process of learning all of the facts associated with what is both an alleged criminal matter and personnel issue. The Selectboard, Police Department and I are committed to a fair process and to thoroughly reviewing our policies, procedures and actions to ensure we come out of this event stronger and better than before. Over the next months, we will be dedicating ourselves to improving our organization and systems so as to earn the community’s trust once again. For more information about the Town Manager’s Office, visit index.shtml or call (802) 264-5509. Assessor Reported by Bob Vickery, assessor • The Assessor’s Office has filed the Fiscal Year 2015 Grand List (GL) in the Colchester Town Clerk’s office. • The Assessor’s Office is continuing the inspections of all new construction that has been started or finished over the course of the summer. • The Assessor and Clerk have hired Traci Paquette as the new Property / Tax Specialist; Traci will be dividing her time between the Clerk and the Assessor and will be replacing a long-time Assistant Clerk who will be retiring. Traci will also help improve the Assessor’s capacity with greater technical support. • Number of sales in 2014 remains consistent Read news from Parks and Rec, online: with those of 2013. Sale prices have remained level for residential housing in the Town of Colchester. For more information about the Assessor’s Department, visit Assessor/assessorHome.shtml or call (802) 2645670. Clerk’s Office Reported by Karen Richard, town clerk The Election is over • 4,454 voters cast their ballot in this election. Of that number 935 chose to vote early. • Congratulations to the local winners: Senator Dick Mazza; Representatives from 9-1: Jim Condon and Joey Purvis; Representatives from 9-2: Patrick Brennan and Maureen Dakin. • 15 local residents were elected to the office of Justice of the Peace. I look forward to working with you on elections, tax appeals, abatements etc. • Two charter items were defeated. We need to have further conversation on the appointed town clerk and treasurer. I believe this topic is important for the future of the Clerk’s Office and deserves more discussion. For an official list of all the election results visit: VotingResultsOfficial_Nov2014.pdf Happy Thanksgiving – I feel blessed that we have so many things to be thankful for: • Fran Allyn and the Colchester Quilt Group for rotating quilts each season that beautify the Clerk’s office. • Colchester Art teachers that rotate student art in the lobby areas of the building. • The many residents that volunteer in the multitude of tasks from serving on committees to planting flowers and collecting food donations for those that are in need. For more information about the Town Clerk’s Office, visit townClerkHome.shtml or call (802) 264-5520. The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) will invest in transportation and land use improvements for Colchester during the 2015 fiscal year. This effort is part of an overall work program the CCRPC’s board approved for investment in Chittenden County communities. “The projects selected for the 2015 fiscal year work program address critical needs throughout Chittenden County,” said Andrew Montroll, chair of the CCRPC Board of Directors. “They span a range of goals and include targeted actions for improvement within our communities. This year’s projects address transportation system performance, land use, economic development, environmental and stormwater improvements, and more. They are an important step in the advancement of Chittenden County’s sustainability goals.” In Colchester, the Colchester Lakeshore Drive and Town Services Neighborhood BuildOut Analysis and Transportation Circulation Study will determine how the roadway functions given future growth modeled on current land use planning policies. The study will also test alternative land use/transportation scenarios. This project will include technical assistance from the CCRPC staff. “This project will make targeted improvements within our town,” said Marc Landry, CCRPC Colchester representative. “The Lakeshore Drive and Town Services Neighborhood Study will look critically at the future of this area and will address how to best accommodate land use and transportation growth.” In addition to town-specific projects, there are also a number of region-wide efforts underway: • Lake Champlain Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Plan • CCRPC Public Participation Plan Update ( public) • Regional Bike/Ped Master Plan Update • Green Infrastructure Toolkit Development • Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates • Neighbor Rides (United Way & SSTA neighbor-rides-2) • 2014 ECOS Annual Report (www. • Technical Assistance, including: Transportation, GIS & Emergency Management For more details on these and other projects within Chittenden County for FY15, visit they’ll be doing when they show up,” Cuttitta explained. “It really gives the volunteers some ownership of their task… It has worked really well.” When asked why community members should volunteer, the 15-year Parks and Rec director responded: VOLUNTEER from page 1 Cuttitta and other volunteer coordinators to communicate volunteer opportunities across the board. “We can create a task list per event so folks know what Our Signature Hand Made Lavender Goat Milk Soap For more information about the Town of Colchester visit the town offices at 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, online at or call (802) 264-5500. Creative gifts for everyone on your list! Let Sam Mazza’s Do Your Holiday Baking! Place your order today for Fruit Pies, Cream Pies, Meat Pies, Dessert Cakes, Breads & Dinner Rolls Give the gift of warmth with our Blankets and Quilts! Readi-Made Gifts and Kits, Fabric Gift Cards, Puzzles, Looms, Inspiring Signs, Books... Join Us for our OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, Nov. 22 11 am – 3 pm Enjoy Free Coffee and Apple Cider Donuts, Food Sampling & More We’re Open till 1:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day “It’s a way to give back to the community, and show some pride in the community by making it the best one around. “Volunteering really connects people to the community; it introduces folks to other residents. Colchester is a dynamic community.” Our Gift Department is Ready for the Holidays GREAT SELECTION OF GIFTS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Don’t Miss Our Dec. 10 Class: Last Minute Christmas Gifts! Stocking Stuffers, Too! ... Locally Produced Specialty Fibers, Decorative Wine Bags & Calendars. 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The Colchester Sun 802-878-5282 Local, affordable, and on your side™. 800-400-8790 · Federally Insured by NCUA 4 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 OPINION Perspective Vermont 4-Horses Are they nuts? State about to slap a $.45 cent tax on gas? By EMERSON LYNN If several Vermont environmental groups and key policy makers have their way, the Legislature will impose a tax on gasoline and heating fuels, raising the price of a gallon of gas an estimated 45 cents. This will be Vermont’s way to help cut greenhouse gas emissions. They are delusional. Vermonters pay considerably above the national average for their gasoline and heating oil. They are only now beginning to enjoy a little extra cash in their pockets because the price of oil has dropped so precipitously. And the ones benefitting the most are the low and middle income wage earners. Just when the economic pressures are beginning to ease – thanks to lower fuel prices – and the savings to consumers might be used to perk up the economy, there is a concerted effort to slap a $.45 cent tax on a gallon of gas? Did the voters’ message last Tuesday fall on deaf ears? Apparently. It will not happen. If it does, the political repercussions for those behind the effort will be swift and certain. As an idea, a tax on carbon is an old one. It also makes sense. The more something costs, the less it’s used. To be effective in addressing global climate change we must reduce our usage of the oil and gas we use to power our economy. The revenue generated can then be used for the research and development necessary to improve the efficiencies of renewable energy. But this is not something Vermont can, or should do by its lonesome. As a nation, it’s a defensible proposal. Even as a region it would be worth pursuing. But to solidify Vermont’s reputation as an expensive place to live by making sure everyone also knows our gas prices are higher than anyone’s else’s is daft. The proponents of the raised tax pull the same political tricks everyone else uses in pushing something unpopular: They contend it will create jobs and that the revenue will be used to reduce taxes. Voila. Of course it will. We’re only surprised they aimed so low. If slapping an extra $.45 cents on every gallon of gas stimulates the economy and reduces the tax burden on Vermonters, then think what a buck a gallon tax would do. Why stop there? But it doesn’t work that way. Never has. There is no foolproof way to make sure that those most affected are held harmless. And in a rural state like Vermont, where there is little public transportation, the potential harm to businesses is considerable. And that affects our jobs. We’re already a no growth state. Why would we add to our challenges? Is that the message these advocacy groups heard from last week’s voters, that we’re under-taxed and not interested in economic growth? Or did they have their press conference planned far in advance of the election, and, despite the disaster that unfolded, decided to plow forward regardless? Whatever the reason, they have shown themselves to be completely out of touch with the average Vermonter. And it’s not that the average Vermonter isn’t environmentally sympathetic. To the contrary, most Vermonters embrace the need for a cleaner, healthier planet. Most Vermonters live their lives in accordance with those beliefs. But they are also smart enough to know what works and what doesn’t. And what doesn’t work is to set ourselves apart from all others in a way that puts us at an economic disadvantage. There are ways Vermont can distinguish itself on the energy front. We’ve argued before that we should trumpet Vermont as the electric state and that we should broadcast our reputation for energy innovation far and wide. We have that ability. And that would strengthen our economy. We can distinguish ourselves with the caliber of our educational system, and our tourism related environs. We have the ability to lead on issues related to the world’s food systems. But we weaken our ability to do these things when we lessen our ability to compete, and we lessen our ability to compete when the cost to live here rises above the people’s ability to pay. And that’s where we are. The advocates of this proposal don’t get this. The governor should shut down this idea as quickly and convincingly as he can. Emerson Lynn is co-publisher of The Essex Reporter and The Colchester Sun and publisher of the St. Albans Messenger. The Colchester Sun General Manager Suzanne Lynn Publisher Lynn Publications Inc. Editor Elsie Lynn [email protected] Mailing Address: 42 Severance Green, Unit #108 Colchester, VT 05446 Phone: 878-5282 Fax: 651-9635 Reporter/Editorial Page Editor Jason Starr [email protected] Sports Editor Joe Cardello [email protected] Advertising Manager Wendy Ewing [email protected] Advertising Sales Miles Gasek [email protected] Chris Jacob [email protected] Published Thursdays Advertising deadline: Friday 5 p.m. Subscription rate: $75 per year $38 for six months The Colchester Sun is owned and published by Angelo Lynn and Emerson Lynn of Lynn Publications, Inc. and is a member of the Champlain Valley Newspaper Group. The Colchester Sun makes every effort to be accurate. If you notice an error, contact us at 878-5282 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The Vermont delegation to the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup toured the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington while in Kentucky from Nov. 7-9. Delegates included: Pictured in the back row from left: Courtney Bronson, Shoreham; Lexy Brooks, Whitehall, N.Y.; Emma Pearson, North Hero; Alexis Walker, Essex Junction; Rachel Scibek, Colchester; Ashley Scott, Milton; Kyle Scott, Milton; Katelyn Patenaude, Derby Line; Kaelyn Jenny, Essex Junction; David Gringeri, West Haven. Pictured in the front row from left: Catherine Thrasher, Rupert; Madison Wood, Kirby; Ruth Snow, Northfield; Morgan Quimby, Underhill; Holly Weglarz, Hartland; Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport. COURTESY OF UVM EXTENSION 4-H Attacking teachers won’t make our schools better By MARTHA ALLEN Instead of renewing calls to work with the state’s educators to make our schools even better for our children, the Vermont School Boards Association over the weekend chose to attack the men and women in Vermont’s classrooms. After many, many years of state level collaboration between teachers and school boards, their statewide association now seems to think that their fellow Vermonters who teach our children have it too good. Rather than acknowledging decades of negotiation and decision-making between school boards and teachers on health insurance, the statewide association chose to ignore the overwhelming spirit of collaboration that has guided thousands of collective bargaining agreements. Gone is the embrace of cooperation and local decisionmaking. Gone is the acknowledgment that, because of constant contact with children who come to school in all states of good and bad health, school employees need (and pay for) good health insurance coverage. (The same plan covering teachers also covers support professionals, administrators and even superintendents.) And gone – well, actually, the boards’ association never even started to help advance the reform of the health care system – is any semblance of understanding that all Vermonters should have good coverage. Instead, the boards’ statewide association has resorted to public statements (based on a “study” from a Montpelier lobbying firm and paid for with thousands of taxpayer dollars) of the obvious: if schools spend less on health insurance for employees, it would cost less. If we stick it to the women and men teaching Vermont’s children, school districts will spend less. Newsflash: that is no newsflash. It is a simple fact that the boards’ association has not joined Vermont-NEA’s longstanding and strong support for a publicly financed, universally available health insurance system. A revamped health care system that provides good health care access at a reasonable cost spread across all 635,000 Vermonters is good for us all. So, rather than respond to the obvious, we will continue to advocate for the general well-being of our state, its children, and all working men and women, including the professionals who have dedicated their careers to providing all of our children a great public education. Instead of finding ways to punish educators – and advocate for diminishing health coverage for all of us – we invite the boards’ association to join us in what is right for all Vermonters. A comprehensive single payer health system will ensure continued good access to care for teachers, and it will result in reduced costs to their employers. It will extend good health care to all Vermonters. The boards’ association has sat on the sidelines of the health reform debate for years. It’s a shame that it chooses now to half-heartedly embrace it by trashing the very health insurance plan its members developed along with us that has, through its more than two-decade history, saved taxpayers millions of dollars a year. School boards might want to consider the wisdom of their association’s continued public statements of the obvious or whether they might be better served by their association’s useful participation in advocating with us for meaningful health care reform. That, not heated rhetoric meant to demonize teachers, is what would help our children and all of Vermont’s taxpayers. Martha Allen, a K-12 librarian from Canaan, is president of Vermont-NEA. Lower costs, cover everyone, protect choice By BEA GRAUSE Vermont’s not-for-profit hospitals congratulate all of the candidates who have been elected to serve our state over the next two years. Like all Vermonters, our hospitals believe in providing more affordable access to everyone, preserving quality and protecting the right patients have to choose their doctor and hospital and make their own healthcare decisions. These principles must be at the heart of our work in the coming months. For many Vermonters, the cost of living is a daily challenge – which includes the cost of health insurance and health care. Lowering health care costs for Vermonters by slowing hospital cost growth has been our top priority. For two consecutive years, we’ve delivered hospital budgets with historically low increases of 2-3 percent, while expanding access – and we intend to continue this important work. Together, hospitals provide and support more than 27,000 direct and indirect jobs in Vermont, about five times the state’s largest private employer and one out of every 12 workers. As we work together to improve our healthcare system, changes that undermine the economic value and job creation potential of the system itself would be a step in the wrong direction. At the same time, Vermont’s not-for-profit hospitals have become deeply immersed in one of the most meaningful ways to reduce health care costs: improving the way hospitals and doctors are paid. We must convert the system from one that rewards health care providers for quantity – billing for every test, office visit or hospital stay – to one that aligns all providers to keep individuals and communities as healthy as possible. As our elected officials tackle the challenges of health care reform, Vermont’s network of doctors and nurses will continue to provide the highest quality care around the clock, every day. We look forward to working with the Legislature, administration and Green Mountain Care Board to accomplish what’s most important to Vermonters – lower costs, universal coverage and protecting patient rights. Bea Grause is the President and CEO of Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems. 5 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 Volunteers By SUE ALENICK United Way Volunteer ‘Tis the season to volunteer. The listings below are a sample of the 300+ volunteer needs from more than 250 agencies found online at More information available at 8601677, Mon.-Fri. from 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Mittens & gloves Vermont Housing Finance Agency is seeking donations of knitted or purchased mittens and gloves to be donated to children through Sara Holbrook Center’s New North End Youth Center. Donations can be dropped off at VHFA at 164 St. Paul Street until Dec. 16. Contact Brittany Riley at 652-3428 or Briley@ Toy room COTS (Committee on Temporary Shelter) help set and restock the holiday toy room with toys and books for children living in shelters. At the toy room, families can pick out gifts their kids will enjoy. Volunteers should be able to lift 30 pounds. COTS is also looking for volunteers to make calls using a script provided for the annual COTS Phonathon. Volunteers can also work in the mailroom and as “runners” to collect pledges and deliver treats. Dec. 1-4 and 8-9, 5:30-9 p.m. and Dec. 10, 9 a.m.-noon. Contact Gillian Taylor at 864-7402, x207 or [email protected]. Ring the bell Salvation Army is looking for individuals, families and other groups to stand at a Christmas Kettle and ring the bell to welcome shoppers to donate to support their emergency and family service programs. They are also looking for volunteers to help applicants complete paperwork for assistance during the holidays. Contact Scott or Patti Murray at 8646991 or scott.murray@use. Ring in the new First Night Burlington is seeking office volunteers to help sell buttons, answer phones, assemble signboards, etc. Flexible schedules, 3-hour shifts through the event on Dec. 31. Volunteers can earn a free First Night button! They are also looking for a volunteer Burnham Memorial Library BOOK REVIEWS to help trouble-shoot and/or finetune their Microsoft Office and Windows 8.1 systems. For office staff Pam Stewart at pam@ for software position Muffie Milens at muffie@firstnightburlington. com or call Pam or Muffie at 863-6005. “Getting Schooled: The Reeducation of an American Teacher,” by Garret Keizer Adult Non-Fiction, 2014 Boundaries The Nature Conservancy is looking for two to four volunteers to help mark the preserve boundaries in Monkton on Dec. 9 and Dec. 17 from 9:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. Work will include repainting blazes and hanging signs. This can be strenuous work – volunteers should be physically fit and able to hike 4-5 hours in sometimes difficult conditions. Contact TNC’s volunteer coordinator at 229-4425, x 111 or [email protected] Reviewed by Penny Cunningham, Adult Services Sometimes nothing in Vermont seems as contentious as our educational system. We read and discuss articles about what is taught, how it is tested, how – and where – budgets are passed; Act 60 and its implications for our property taxes, consolidations of school districts, class size. All are important to understand here in Vermont. Yet if we do not have children of our own in the school system it is easy to become disassociated from the educational needs of Vermont schoolchildren, and by extension children across the country. This book is the antidote. An account of a year in the life of a rural Vermont high school English teacher, it is vivid and honest, clear but never pedantic, compassionate but not sentimental. It would be an excellent choice for a book discussion group as well as anyone who is looking for a deeper understanding of the world of high school. Senior companionship Have an hour to spare? Two local agencies are looking for volunteers to spend some quality time with seniors CVAA – Help seniors in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties remain independent through one-on-one visits in settings of their choice. Activities may include friendly chats, balancing a checkbook, playing cards/games, shopping, outings, etc. References and background check required. Contact Bev Hill at 865-0360 or [email protected]. Ethan Allen Residence – Become a buddy to a senior and visit, go for walks, attend Ethan Allen sponsored events, go out to lunch, and share a lifetime of wisdom. References and background check required. Contact Carolyn Stevens at 658-1573 or cstevens@ “The Snowman,” by Jo Nesbo Adult Fiction, 2011 Reviewed by Josh Muse, Adult Services Like so many before him, Harry Hole is a brilliant detective, but is downright lousy at the rest of his life. Fixated on work and perpetually struggling with alcohol and sheer despair, his lifestyle takes its toll on those around him. In this, the seventh book in the series, married women start disappearing, with no sign left behind but a menacing snowman. Hole and the rest of his team, including his brand new partner Katrine, must chase down the few clues they have. Each time they seem close to a solution, an entirely new aspect of the case emerges. Nesbo’s books are grim and violent, as befits a contemporary Scandinavian thriller, but he brings an impressive intensity to every sentence of prose. Much of the author’s Norwegian setting will seem familiar to American readers, but occasional differences (especially names) lend it a bit of flair and uniqueness. Shopping for a Medicare Advantage Plan? With MVP Health Care QUESTIONS TO ASK Essex Automotive Services PARASITIC DRAW All the computer systems and electrical accessories embedded in modern vehicles rely on car batteries for the power needed to run them. One potential problem that owners face in this respect involves “parasitic draw,” the electric current that is drawn off the battery by a device while the ignition key is turned off. Naturally, it’s to be expected that vehicles need a small amount of power to preserve the memory in the multiple computers needed to maintain drivability and keep other electrical components at the ready. However, when added accessories are using more power than expected and/or other components are not shutting down properly, a weak or dead battery may result. A parasitic draw test can help resolve the problem. Our facilities boast the latest technology in repair mechanics with a staff of professionally trained and certified technicians to check your electrical components. At ESSEX AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES, we enjoy helping our community handle their automotive needs. Bring your car to 141-147 Pearl St, Essex Jct. today to have it looked at. Preventative maintenance saves you money in the long run. Have questions? Please call 802.879.1966 at your leisure. We offer same day service, and free customer shuttle. Ask us for details. We open 6:59am, with no appointment needed. We feature A.S.E. Technicians. “Service You Can Trust”. It’s time to get your car ready for winter. “We do it all!” We are open for Business!!! OPEN 6:59 AM NO APPT. NEEDED HINT: Problems with parasitic draw often occur after vehicles sit for inordinately long periods of time, during which the alternator cannot recharge the battery. Do you pay a SET AMOUNT FOR MEDICAL SERVICES, like a $60 copay for an MRI, instead of an unknown amount, like a percentage? YES Is there a $100 YEARLY ALLOWANCE to spend on healthy activities? YES Is a COMPLIMENTARY SILVERSNEAKERS® gym membership included? YES Can you see a specialist WITHOUT A REFERRAL? YES Join us to ask, learn and understand at a free informational meeting: 1-888-280-6205 Date Place Time 11/24 MVP Health Care–Williston 9:00 am 11/24 Colchester High School 5:30 pm Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm ET MVP’s Medicare Customer Care Center: 1-800-665-7924 Call 7 days a week, 8 am–8 pm TTY: 1-800-662-1220 12/01 MVP Health Care–Williston 9:00 am 12/02 Franklin Conference Center– Rutland 10:00 am 12/06 MVP Health Care–Williston 9:00 am A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-888-280-6205. The annual election period for MVP Health Care Medicare Advantage health plans is Oct. 15–Dec. 7, 2014. MVP Health Plan, Inc. is an HMO-POS/PPO organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in MVP Health Plan depends on contract renewal. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. Limitations, copayments and restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, provider network, premium and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Y0051_2421 Accepted VT 6 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 LEE J. WELTMAN D.D.S. 905 Roosevelt Highway, Suite 230, Colchester, VT 05446 Above The Rehab Gym Wand Technology for an Anxiety-Free Experience • Veneers/Bonding • TMJ • INVISALIGN • Digital X-Rays • Implants New Patients & Emergencies Welcome 655-5305 VT • h ll SUNNY HOLLOW DENTAL WHERE SUNNY SMILES GROW Raymond’s Raymond’s “As You Like It” Hair Design 41 Years of Like Experience In Hair Design Designing Years of Experience in “As38 You It” Hair NOWofDesigning CARRYING Hair 38 Years Experience in A technician in Hair Hair Coloring & Permanent Waving JEAN-PIERRE BRUSHES Designing Free Ear Piercing • Je parle francais A technician in Hair Coloring & Permanent Waving Ear Piercing • JeAussi parle parle francais Open TuesFree & Thurs 8-8, Wed 1-8,jefrancais Fri 8-5, Sat 8-4 119 Belair Dr., Malletts Bay Open Tues & Thurs 8-8, Wed 1-8, Fri 8-5, Sat 8-4 862-8636 119 Belair Dr., Malletts Bay 862-8636 Showcase of Homes To advertise your listings contact your ad rep today! 802-878-5282 Chris Jacob x 207 [email protected] Miles Gasek x 209 [email protected] BRIGHT AND SUNNY! Affordable townhouse with an open floor plan, oversized bath, 2nd floor laundry, full dry basement, amazing back yard & attached garage all in a sought after neighborhood in Essex. Spacious added family room offers a 3rd bedroom option, playroom or teen hang out. All new carpets! Great buy at $212,900. CALENDAR 20 Thursday Heavenly Food Pantry. The Heavenly Food Pantry will be open to all residents of Essex, Essex Center and Westford. First Congregational Church of Essex Junction, Essex Junction, 2-6 p.m. Free. Contact: 878-5745. Trivia Mania. Nectar’s presents Trivia Mania, a pub style trivia game. Questions are displayed on the TVs and are read aloud. Categories range from pop culture, history, science, literature and more. Entertainment provided by Top Hat DJS. All ages. Nectars, Burlington, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Contact: 658-4771. COTs Film Series: Storied Streets. COTS in coordination with Champlain College present the documentary “Storied Streets,” the next installment of their November film series. “Storied Streets” explores homelessness across America by telling the stories of those who live it every day. Champlain College Hauke Boardroom, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Admission and concessions by donation. Contact: Balkan Folk Dancing. Taught by Louise Brill. Easier line and circle dances are taught the first hour, followed by intermediate dances, reviews and open request dancing. Beginners are welcome and no partner required. Wear informal, comfortable clothing. Plenty of parking. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 3-6 p.m. $6 recommended donation. Contact Louise: 540-1020 or [email protected]. Learn How to Download E-books. Learn how to download as well as access library ebooks and audio books through “Listen Up Vermont” and “One Click”. Participants are asked to bring their own devices for this interactive class. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2 p.m. Free. Contact: 878-4918 or www.williston.lib. VFW Meal. The VFW Post 6689 will be hosting their weekly community meal. On the menu this week, Wing Night. VFW Post 6689, Essex Junction, 5:30-7 p.m. $7 for 10 wings or $4 for 5 wings. Contact: 8780700. 21 Christmas Bazaar. The Williston Federated Church will hold it’s annual bazaar featuring crafts, a bake sale, meals to go, plants, attic treasures, RADA cutlery and a silent auction. Williston Federated Church, Williston, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Contact Carol: 862-7400. Friday Mah Jongg. The Essex Junction Senior Center will be having its drop-in Mah Jongg game. All members of the community 50 years and older are invited New, conveniently located 1 bedroom apartment. Heat, air conditioning, electricity, water and sewer included. Easy grade level access with stackable washer/dryer hookups. Upgraded cabinetry/appliances. One year lease, application, references and deposit required. No dogs. Available by Christmas, $1,100 per month. Milton Hometown experience, service and pride . . . everyday. The Colchester Education Asssociation Proudly Welcomes New Members for the 2014-2015 School Year Malletts Bay School Sara Blake Josie Lang Katherine DeCoff Mark Winchester Porters Point School Allison Donnelly “Partners with the Community to Support Professionalism and Quality Education” COLCHESTER Education Association TALK. St. Michael’s College presents a talk by the former United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, The Honorable James Smith. Ambassador Smith served as U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 2009-2013 following a 28year career in the United States Air Force. He served around the world in a variety of operational assignments and flew combat missions during Operation Desert Storm. Dion Family Student Center, St. Michael’s College Campus, Colchester, 4:30 p.m. Free. Information: Four Seasons Real Estate Inc. 802-893-4316 Union Memorial School Mary Ann Barnes Lynn Mazza Amanda Vella Courtney White Allison Curkov Darlene Mulcahy NOV 22 to come down to the center to enjoy this lively game with other enthusiasts. New players are always welcome. Essex Junction Senior Center, Essex Junction, 10 a.m. Free. Contact: 876-5087or [email protected]. “Wait Until Dark.” Shelburne Players’ present their fall production of “Wait Until Dark.” The Frederick Knott thriller is about a blind woman’s encounter with drug smugglers who invade her apartment. The show runs select dates through Nov. 22. Shelburne Town Center, Shelburne, 7:30 p.m. $12-$15. Contact: 343-2602 or SNOWFLAKE APT. SENIOR HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Colchester Middle School David Dabney Evelyn Stenroos The Colchester-Milton Rotary Club will be hosting their annual auction. This year’s auction schedule will be more efficient, so bidding will begin earlier. The event will also include food and beverages, a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Hampton Inn, Colchester, Colchester, 6 p.m. Free to attend. Information: www. cmrotary. org. Winter Mixer and Wreath Auction. The Shelburne Craft School will host its 4th Annual Winter Mixer and Wreath Auction fundraiser. The highlight of the evening will be the auctioning of a special collection of wreaths by local artisans. Beer and wine provided by Magic Hat and Shelburne Vineyards. Price of admission includes a complimentary glass of wine or beer, light fare and a complimentary handcrafted holiday ornament. Magic Hat Artifactory, South Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $35 members, $45 non-members. Information: 985-3648. Carol Audette | (802) 846-8800 | Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman Realty Colchester High School Megan Gagne Julie Pastore Lawrence Romano Melissa Towle Jason Thime Leslie Noble Amber Keep Christine Eldred Emma Gauding Danielle Wolf Robert Hall COLCHESTER-MILTON ROTARY AUCTION. NOV 20 22 Saturday Christmas Cupboard Community Craft Fair. The Underhill ID School will host this annual craft fair featuring local crafters displaying their unique creations. Underhill ID School, Underhill, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Contact Diane: 899-4865. Holiday Bazaar. Crafts, bake sale and white elephants. Serving homemade baked beans, chili and cornbread. Winooski United Methodist Church, Winooski, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free to attend. Contact: 355-3139. Craft Fair. St. Francis Xavier School will be holding its annual craft fair. St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Information: Westford Turkey Trot. The Westford School will be hosting their annual Turkey Trot 10K run, 3K walk/run and a 100-yard Tot Trot. The race will also feature homebaked treats, chili for sale, hand-painted medals for age group winners and more. All proceeds are donated to support Westford’s children and families in many different ways throughout the year. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. All runners pay the day of the race. Westford School, Westford, 10 a.m. Pre-register $12; day of registration $15. Information: Bomba! World Music, World Fashion, World Art, Vermont Style. Sponsored by The Vermont Folklife Center, the evening will be a cool coming together of diverse people and styles. Featuring musical and dance performances, a fashion show, henna tattoos, exhibited artwork and more. Arts Riot, Burlington, 7 p.m.-12 a.m. $5. Information: 23 Sunday Community Breakfast. The American Legion Post 91 will host its weekly community breakfast. The menu will include all your breakfast favorites including eggs, breakfast meats, coffee, juice and more. American Legion Post 91, Colchester, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. $7. Contact: 872-7622. The Music of J.S. Bach. St. Paul’s Cathedral, in collaboration with Capital City Concerts, Montpelier, presents The Music of J.S. Bach with an all-star line-up of solo- ists and professional chamber orchestra of musicians who hail from the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra of St. Luke’s, American, New Jersey and Vermont Symphonies. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington, 3 p.m. Adults $25; student $15. Information: or 863-5966. Community Thanksgiving Day Service. United Church of Colchester invites the community to a Thanksgiving service. Donations of canned goods or cash benefiting The Colchester Community Food Shelf will be collected. Refreshments will be served following the service. United Church of Colchester, Colchester, 7 p.m. Contact: 658-0533. Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. The Joint Urban Ministry Project or JUMP invites the community to an interfaith celebration of gratitude and healing in honor of Thanksgiving. Donations accepted in support of JUMP. First Congregational Church of Burlington, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Information: 24 Monday CVAA Lunch. CVAA will be hosting its weekly lunch at Covenant Church. The menu will include corn chowder, Caesar salad with grilled chicken and croutons, and a fruit filled cookie. Milk to drink. Covenant Church, Essex Center, 12 p.m. Free, donations accepted. Contact: 865-0360. Shape and Share Life Stories. Prompts trigger real life experience stories, which are crafted into engaging narrative and shared with the group. Led by Recille Hamrell. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free and open to all adults. Information: 878-4918 or Trivia Night. Trivia buffs gather for a meeting of the minds. Hotel Vermont lobby, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Contact: 6515012. 25 Tuesday Rice Memorial High School Stunt Nite. Rice Memorial High School presents their 2014 Stunt Nite, a tradition celebrating 85 years. Four unique musical routines presented by each class featuring singing, dancing, comedy and other talents of Rice students. Flynn Theater for the Performing Arts, Burlington, 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. $15-$17. Tickets: or 863-5966. Movies at Main Street Landing: Manhattan Melodrama. The Movies at Main Street Landing series present the classic 1934 film “Manhattan Melodrama” starring Clark Gable. Main Street Landing Film House, Burlington, 7 p.m. Donations benefit the United Way of Chittenden County. Contact: 540-3018. 26 Wednesday Jack and The Bean Stalk Puppet Show. Jericho Town Library present “Jack and The Bean Stalk.” Youth puppeteers using puppets borrowed from the Vermont Department of Libraries Children’s Book Exhibit Center. Jack and the Beanstalk is a joyous, original adaptation of the classic tale about poor Jack who went to sell his cow and came home with three magic beans. The puppet show will be followed by a craft and a snack. Jericho Town Library, Jericho, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Contact: 899-4686. 27 Thursday Thanksgiving Day Mass. The Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel, St. Michael’s College Campus, Colchester, 10 a.m. Contact: 654-2333. Free Thanksgiving Dinner. The Catalyst Church welcomes all to a Thanksgiving Dinner. No RSVP needed. Catalyst Church, Jericho, 12-3 p.m. Free. Contact: 899-2949. ONGOING Jazzercise Lite for 50 Plus. A fun, easy dance and fitness class that combines dance, yoga, pilates and strength training for all levels of fitness with instructor Kit Sayers. 10-visit punch pass can be purchased 7 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 CALENDAR at Essex Junction Senior Center. Essex Junction Senior Center, Essex Junction. Tuesdays 8-9 a.m. and Thursdays 11 a.m.-12 p.m. $30 members, $35 nonmembers. Contact Lou Ann: 876-5087. Movie Matinees. Starting Nov. 14, the Colchester Parks and Recreation will be offering movie matinees on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Popcorn and coffee will be provided. Movies begin at 1 p.m. Free. 781 Blakely Road, Colchester. Information: 264-5640. CVAA Tai Chi for Arthritis. Due to popular demand, CVAA will be sponsoring Tai Chi for Arthritis. Wednesday evenings, beginning Oct. 29. The class is offered to anyone age 50 and older. It is intended for adults who are still in the workforce. Winooski Senior Center, Winooski, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Contact Rachael: 865-0360 or rachael@cvaa. org. Newcomers Club. Newcomers Club’s organized day trips, lunches and dinners are a great way of making friends and get acquainted with things in the community. The club meets on Wednesdays twice monthly from September to June. Contact Dana 864-0766 or Orchard 985-3870. Senior Strength. HammerFit Gym in Essex offers a 50-minute guided exercise class for anyone over the age of 50. The session begins with a warm up, stretching exercises, then strength training using Hammer Strength equipment with guidance. The class ends with a relaxing stretch and cool down, and participants are welcome to use the cardio machines before or after if they wish. HammerFit Gym, Essex, Mondays and Thursdays 9:30 a.m. $5. Information: 878-0444. Essex Community Justice Center’s Citizen Advisory Board Meetings. Meetings take place on the second Wednesday of all even numbered months. The Community Justice Center provides restorative responses to crime and conflict in the greater Essex area. The Citizens Advisory Board advises the Community Justice Center on policy, direction and programming in an ongoing capacity. Community Justice Center, Essex Junction, 5:30 p.m. Contact Kate: 662-0001 or at kate@essexcjc. org. Harriet Farnsworth Powell Historical Museum. The museum contains vintage photographs and collections of everyday objects from Essex Junction and Essex Town. Self-guided walking tour offered. Open through October. Harriet Farnsworth Powell Historical Museum, Essex, Thursdays 6:30-8 p.m.; Sundays, 1-4 p.m. Free. Contact Eva: 879-0849. Essex Rotary Meeting. Essex Rotary Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m. at The Essex. Serving the communities of Essex, Essex Junction, Jericho and Underhill. Colchester-Milton Rotary meeting. Thursdays. Serving the communities of Colchester, Milton and the Champlain Islands. Hampton Inn, Colchester, 12 p.m. Essex Eats Out Community Meals. Essex Eats Out seeks to build community connections by providing healthy, free meals in a warm, safe and inclusive atmosphere. Meals will be served: first Friday at First Congregational Church; second Friday at Holy Family/St. Lawrence Parish Center; third Friday at St. James Church; fourth Friday at Essex United Methodist Church; and fifth Friday when applicable at St. Pius X Church. 5:30-7 p.m. each week. Transportation available. Call Dawn Thursday by 9 a.m. to schedule Friday transit: 878-7622. Information: [email protected] or Bagpipe and Drum Lessons. The St. Andrew’s Pipeband of Vermont offers instruction for bag piping and drumming as an encouragement and incentive for attracting new members. The instructional program is designed to integrate and transition a piper or drummer into the “parade” band at a level of basic competency. St. James Episcopal Church, Essex Junction, Wednesday evenings. Free. Contact Beth: 343-4738. Drop-In Pottery Wheel Class. Spend Friday nights with our pottery instructors learning the basics of wheel working. Try the wheel and have some fun with other beginner potters. Through demonstrations and individual instruction, students will learn the basics of preparing and centering the clay and making cups, mugs and bowls. Price includes one fired and glazed piece per participant. Additional fired and glazed pieces are $5 each. No regis- EVENTS AT BURNHAM MEMORIAL LIBRARY Thursday, November 20 Burnham Library Trustees Meeting. The library’s trustees meet monthly, and meetings are open to the public. 4 p.m. Monday, November 24 Intergenerational Dessert Book Discussion. For anyone Grade 6 to adult who loves a good “read–and–rant.” Eat something sweet and talk about a great book. This month, we’ll read “Grave Mercy,” by Robin LaFevers. 6:30 p.m. 802-863-9027 ERIC’S EXCAVATING Complete Excavation Services Septic Systems REBECCA J. COLLMAN, MD Tuesday, November 25 Adult Book Discussion. Join our afternoon book group. The discussion will be led by a Library staff member. This month, we’ll be reading “I Am Malala,” by Malala Yousafzai. 1 p.m. ONGOING One-on-One Tutoring. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Students from the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences’ Colchester campus will be tutoring students in reading, math and science. The program is focused on grades 1-6, but tutoring is available for other grades in certain subjects. No sessions on Nov. 26 and 29. Mondays, 5-8 p.m.; Wednesdays, from 4-7 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. There is no fee for the service. Call 264-5660 to sign up, or for more information. Burnham Knitters. Knitters of all skill levels meet Wednesdays. Beginners welcome. Colchester Meeting House or Burnham Memorial Library. 6-8 p.m. Preschool music with Derek. Wednesdays. Derek brings music and fun every Wednesday. Best for ages 3-5. 1-1:30 p.m. Drop-in Story Time. Saturdays. A weekly selection of music and books for children of all ages. No sign-up required. 10 a.m. Contact: 878-0313. Toddler Story Time. Tuesdays. A weekly selection of music, rhymes and stories. For ages 18 months-3 years. Call to sign-up. 10:30 a.m. Preschool Story Time. Thursdays. Come for stories followed by a craft or activity. For ages 3-6. Call to register. 10:30 a.m. Drop-in Gentle Hatha Yoga. No class, Oct. 28. Tuesdays. Bring a mat and enjoy poses for mindful stretching and relaxation. A registered nurse of over 30 years, Betty Molnar is certified as a Hatha Yoga instructor from the Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago. Beginners and intermediates welcome. Sponsored by the Friends of the Burnham Library. 4:30 p.m. Saturday Drop-in Story Time. Saturdays. A weekly selection of music and books for children of all ages. No sign-up required. 10 a.m. Burnham Library hours Monday, Wednesday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday: 12-5 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 898 Main Street, Colchester Contact: 879-7576 or [email protected]. tration necessary but space is limited. First come, first serve. BCA Print and Wheel Studio, Burlington, Fridays 8-10 p.m. $12. Contact: 865-7166. Drop-In Life Drawing Class. This drop-in life drawing class is open to all levels and facilitated by local painter Glynnis Fawkes. Spend the evening with other artists, drawing one of our experienced models. Bring drawing materials and paper. No registration necessary. Ages 16 and up. BCA Center, Burlington, Mondays 6:308:30 p.m. $8. Contact: 865-7166. Free Yoga for Survivors. H.O.P.E. Works is offering a free and confidential traumainformed yoga program for survivors of sexual violence. Meets on the first Saturday of each month. Registration is required to attend. Laughing River Yoga, Burlington, 1:30 p.m. Free. Contact: 8640555, x19 or [email protected]. Creative Tuesdays. Artists exercise their imaginations with recycled crafts. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:15-5 p.m. Contact: 865-7216. Contact: [email protected] or 870-0361. English As A Second Language Classes. Improve your English conversation skills and meet new people. Wednesdays. Administrative Conference Room: Intermediate/ Advanced. Pickering Room, 2nd Floor: Beginners. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Contact: 865-7211. Essex Art League. Meets the first Thursday of the month. The meeting agenda includes a business and social time, and features a guest artist presentation. Essex Junction Congregational Church on Main Street, Essex Junction, 9-11 a.m. Visit: www.essexartleague. com. Family Support Group. Outright Vermont holds support group meetings for family members of youth going through the process of coming out. One Sunday evening and one Wednesday morning each month at Outright Vermont. Contact: 865-9677. Pediatrics Primary medical care for newborns through age 18 Community Wellness Day. Practitioners offer Reiki, Shiatsu, aromatherapy, acupressure, energy work and more to those looking to experience alternative healing. 2 Wolves Holistic Center in Vergennes, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. most Fridays. Sliding-scale donations; preregister the Tuesday prior. 878-7844 Religious Directory Daybreak Community Church 67 Creek Farm Plaza, Colchester VT. 05446 802-338-9118 or [email protected] Sunday Service at 10:30am Lead Pastor, Brent Devenney Holy Cross Church 416 Church Road, Colchester; 863-3002 Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8:45 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday & Friday: 9 a.m. For Catholics who are returning home to the Church, welcome. We are happy that the Holy Spirit is leading you and we are pleased to welcome you. Come Join Us! Islamic Society of Vermont 182 Hegeman Avenue. 655-6711 Islamic Society of Vermont. Join Imam Islam Hassan ([email protected]) for the five daily prayers. Timings at ISVT homepage The call for Friday Jumah prayers is exactly at 1:00PM followed by Khutbah and prayer. Additional Friday night lectures between Magrib and Isha prayers. Weekend Islamic classes on Sundays 9:45AM-1:30PM for all children 4 years and older during the school year. Interested non-members always welcome. (802) 655-6711 or [email protected] or Facebook. Malletts Bay Congregational Church UCC 1672 West Lakeshore Dr. 658-9155. Interim Rev. Marjorie MacNeill Worship Service: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Church School: Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship time: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Childcare provided. All are welcome! St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 1063 Prim Road, 658-0533. Rev. Lisette Baxter, Rector Sundays: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m., Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Sunday School: Nursery & all grades Wednesdays: 11:30 Bible class; 12:30 Holy Eucharist For evening services & Adult Education, check answering machine. All are always welcome. United Church of Colchester - ABC Rte. 2A-Village Green, 879-5442. Pastor Josh Steely. Worship: 10:30 A.M. Adult Sunday School: 9:00 A.M. Youth Sunday School during 10:30 worship; pre-school through 11 years. Nursery care available during worship. Christ Centered - Family Oriented. For more calendar events, visit Rice Open House Burlington Writers Workshop. A free writing workshop for all Vermonters. Meets every Wednesday in downtown Burlington. Free and open to the public. Participants must register at More info: Champlain Echoes. A women’s four-part harmony chorus group seeks additional women to sing in their holiday performances. Meetings are Monday nights. The Pines, Aspen Drive, South Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Contact: 655-2174. 164 Main St • Colchester Colchester Beginner yoga classes. Tuesdays. In lieu of a fee, please bring a non-perishable item or monetary donation for the Richmond Food Shelf. Richmond Free Library, 201 Bridge Street, Richmond, 6-7 p.m. Contact: [email protected] or 318-5570. Cell Phones For Soldiers. Local residents can support these collection drives by donating their old cell phones at A. W. Rich Funeral Home, 57 Main Street, Essex Junction or at the American Legion, 3650 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester. Collections accepted 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Contact: 849-6261. 25 years in Colchester Board certified High continuity of care Available 24 hours Intimate office Personalized attention Convenient location Complimentary prenatal visits Get the facts. Sunday, December 7th 11a.m. – 1p.m. • Presentations by academic departments • Meet Rice athletic coaches and club advisors • Self-guided school tour of renovated campus • Student and parent ambassadors on-hand • Details about the application process and tuition assistance E XC E L L E N T FUTURE CONSIDER RICE For more info: (802) 862-6521 ext. 235 Or to schedule a visit: 8 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 for a free quote or to place an ad PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: MAIL: 802-878-5282 802-651-9635 [email protected] The Colchester Sun 42 Severance Green, Suite 108 Colchester VT 05446 AUTO AUCTION PUBLIC AUTO Auction: Sat., 11/22 @ 10AM - 200± Vehicles! Cars, Trucks, SUVs & MORE! 131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT • 800-474-6132 SERVICES A burst of color can do wonders for your home this winter. The professionals at Lafayette Painting have been transforming the interiors of Chittenden How To Write A Classified Friday at 5pm for display ads CONTACT US Always start with a keyword that makes it clear what you are advertising. Include as much description as you can so the buyer or potential employee knows exactly what you are offering. This may avoid unnecessary calls with redundant questions! DEADLINES Friday at 5 p.m. for line ads to run in the following Thursday paper County since 1977. Call 8635397 and check us out at Lafayette Kitchen, living room, dining room. Porch with large back yard. Gas heat. $1300 plus deposit. Available 12/1. Still need some help, call us and we will help write your ad and design it for FREE! 862-5049. HOMESHARE OPPORTUNITIES Milton: $400/ month (all included) to share FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT. 2 bedroom, laundry room, 1 ½ baths. Bus Aide Chittenden Central Supervisory Union Do you love working with children and adolescents? Are you looking for part-time employment? The Chittenden Central Supervisory Union is seeking a part-time bus aide to assist in transporting children in special education programs to and from school for the Essex Junction and Union #46 School Districts. Work schedule typically includes both a morning and an afternoon shift, for approximately 20 to 28 hours/week during the school year. Actual times will vary. Position pays $14.28/hour. Qualified candidates must be skilled in managing challenging student behaviors. For more information or to apply, please go to and enter Job ID 903062. EOE. November is National Adoption Month. You can be the positive change in a child’s life. There are over 1,300 children in the Vermont foster care system and over 60 children waiting for an adoptive family. You don’t have to be perfect to be a foster or adoptive parent. You don’t have to be married, rich or own a home. You will be supported every step of the way by our team. Now is the time to let Johnny* dance his way into your heart. HowardCenter is helping Johnny, an 8 year old Colchester kid, find his adoptive family. Johnny’s supports describe him: He is a huge Michael Jackson fan, adores showing off and sharing his dance moves, especially to Thriller. He is genuinely kind and deeply empathic. He loves being active, competitive and is determined in all sporting activities. He is tough and never complains about the cold when skiing, and will swim as long as you can take it. He loves to be tucked into bed at night with a kiss on the forehead. Johnny shares “I want a family who watches movies, plays sports and can help me with my homework. I want to ride on the big yellow bus too”. Johnny does well if he has a predictable routine and can look forward to special one on one time with the caring adults in his life. He is a typical growing young boy, who needs caregivers to help guide him in a direction that will lead to a successful, bright future. Even if you’re just curious, contact us today to learn more about Johnny and our team! 802.488.7111 [email protected] *Real name withheld for confidentiality. More information available upon inquiry. CROSSWORD PUZZLE SOLUTION PUBLIC HEARING-COLCHESTER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Meeting House, 830 Main Street, to hear the following requests under the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations: a. Preliminary Plat application of Gardner Construction for a ten (10) unit PUD on a 3.04 acre parcel. Property located at 121 Macrae Road, Tax Map 40, Parcel 66. b. Final Plat application of Lost Cover Partnership/Perry Sporn to amend a previously approved PUD. The amendment consists of a boundary line adjustment. Subject properties are located at 755 and 0 Brickyard Road, Tax Map 77, Parcels 25 and 15. a home with a retired teacher; avid reader, animal lover, enjoys TV and films. Seeking a housemate who can help with dog-walking at times. Must be OK with indoor smoking. Private bath. 863-5625, Home Share Vermont. org for more info and application. Interview, refs, background check req. EHO Milton: $250/mo. to share a home with a lovely senior woman who enjoys conversation, baking, playing cards, and watching baseball on TV. Seeking a female housemate to cook 2-3 meals/week, provide light housekeeping and companionship in exchange. 863-5625, Home Share Vermont. org for more info and application. Interview, refs, background check req. EHO FOR SALE AUTO SHELTER. DBL zipper front door. Still in box. Bought at Aubuchon Hardware for $200+, asking $145. 863-5645. BLANKET, new. $5. 802-326-4260 distributor of petroleum products VEHICLE MECHANIC NEEDED c. Variance application of CVCF Colchester, LLC under Article II, Section 2.05(H) and Article VII, Section 7.03(E) for encroachment in the front yard and Shoreland District setback. Property located at Thayer Beach Road, Tax Map 52, Parcel 15. Petroleum distributor seeks a dependable individual who is experienced with diesel and gasoline engines large and small. Experience with gasoline petroleum tanks would be a plus but not a requirement. Must have own tools with tool allowance paid by company. Copies of the application are available for review at the Planning & Zoning Office in the Colchester Municipal Offices located on 781 Blakely Road. Please send resume to the address listed below or contact Bob Clark at 1-800-527-0116 ext 33. November 20, SOMETIMES ERRORS OCCUR Excellent pay with benefit package, which includes fully paid health and life insurance, 401K plan and paid holiday/vacation time. SB Collins, Inc. Attn.: Bob Clark 54 Lower Welden St. St. Albans, VT Emergency 911 Non-emergency 264-5556 It is your responsibility to check your ad on the first day of publication for any errors. Refunds are not issued for classified ads, but if notification is given to our department after the first day of publication, we will run your corrected ad for one extra day. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect publication of each ad. BOX SPRING AND mattress, full size. Excellent condition. $125. for the set. No calls after 8:00PM. 802-9335895 BUREAU, 5 DRAWERS, black. Great shape. $50. 802-752-9234 COLONY, FOSTORIA, LARGE stem water and juice glasses, cups and saucers, sugar and creamer with tray. 25 pieces, up to $5. per piece. 802-524-5344 COME AND SEE OUR PUPPIES! You won’t be disappointed! Home raised in a clean and healthy environment. Vet checked, litterbox trained. Chihuahua mixes and Terriers, starting at $50. Also toy breeds, 10lbs. and under. Puppies $299. and up. Adults $199. and up. 518-297-2039 ELECTRIC SHOVEL, THARDWOOD FOR SALE, $185./ cord split. Log lengths $110. 835 Blakely Rd, Colchester, VT 05446 November 11 – 18, 2014 Tuesday, November 11 1334 Accident on College Pkwy 1428 Medical in Colchester 1512 Assist Public on Jefferson Dr 2041 Arrest on Warrant on Bay Rd 2127 Vandalism on Sharrow Cir 2141 Mental Health Issue in Colchester 2158 Welfare Check on Porters Point Rd Wednesday, November 12 0942 Medical in Colchester 1011 Medical in Colchester 1046 Assist Public on Ethan Allen Ave 1049 Larceny on Ethan Allen Ave 1053 Suspicious Event on East Rd 1238 Suspicious Event on S Park Dr 1309 Suspicious Event on Prim Rd 1533 Assist Public on Blakely Rd 2006 Suspicious Event on Everbreeze Dr 2318 Drugs on W Lakeshore Dr Thursday, November 13 0023 Assist K9 on Riverside Ave/Colchester Ave 0059 Assist Court Paperwork on Blakely Rd 0932 Assist Public in Colchester 0959 Accident on River St 1007 Medical in Colchester 1049 TRO/FRO Violation on Blakely Rd 1054 Suspicious Event on Blakely Rd 1203 Suspicious Event on Blakely Rd 1405 Fraud on Lower Mountain View Dr 1708 Medical in Colchester 1720 Accident on Roosevelt Hwy/ I89 Exit 16 NB 2123 Larceny on Lower Mountain View Dr Friday, November 14 0431 Suspicious Event on Bessette Dr 0701 Medical in Colchester 0853 Assist Court Paperwork on Blakely Rd 0941 Suspicious Event on Roosevelt Hwy 1016 Accident on Mountain View Dr 1029 Suspicious Event on Bean Rd 1148 Suspicious Event on Bean Rd 1423 Threats/Harassment on Gilman Cir 1440 Citizen Dispute on Ashford Ln 2123 Suspicious Event on Hercules Dr 2214 Medical in Colchester 2216 Threats/Harassment on Belwood Ave 2300 Medical in Colchester 2347 Suicidal Subject/Suicide Attempt in Colchester Saturday, November 15 0329 Threats/Harassment on Roosevelt Hwy 0543 Medical in Colchester 0813 Burglary on Hercules Dr 1104 Suspicious Event on Blakely Rd 1142 Medical in Colchester 1150 Larceny on S Park Dr 1519 Assist Agency on Bean Rd 1524 Assist Agency on Bean Rd 1758 Larceny on S Park Dr 1845 Suspicious Event on Porters Point Rd 1929 Suspicious Event on Prim Rd 2029 Larceny on Main St 2130 Medical in Colchester 2302 Medical in Colchester Sunday, November 16 0007 Intoxication on Alumni Corner 0142 Simple Assault on Porters Point Rd 0153 Assist Agency on North Ave 0411 Citizen Dispute on S Park Ave 0553 Suspicious Event on College Pkwy 0717 Suspicious Event on Middle Rd 1005 Larceny on East Rd 1146 Welfare Check in W Lakeshore Dr/Prim Rd 1844 Assist Agency on Malletts Bay Ave/ Valley Field Dr Monday, November 17 0325 Assist Public on Barbara Ter 0713 Accident on Roosevelt Hwy/Mountain View Dr 0720 Threats/Harassment on Mt Sterling Ave 0845 Assist Public on Ledge Rd 0934 Assist Public on Orchard Dr 1155 Retail Theft on Mountain View Dr 1210 Drugs on Porters Point Rd 1212 Assist Public on Ethan Allen Ave 1258 Suspicious Event on Horizon View Dr 1317 Medical in Colchester 1327 Assist Motorist on Church Rd/ Holy Cross Rd 1350 Accident on College Pkwy/Ethan Allen Ave 1505 Assist Public on Pine Ln 1715 Disturbance on S Park Ln 1916 Larceny on Perimeter Dr Tuesday, November 18 0742 Accident on Wiley Rd 0800 Medical in Colchester 0803 Domestic Assault in Colchester 0833 Accident on W Lakeshore Dr 0843 Assist Public on Stone Dr 0930 Suspicious Event on Main St 0956 Suspicious Event in Colchester 1014 Suspicious Event on Longmeadow Village 1018 Suspicious event on W Lakeshore Dr 1048 TRO/FRO Service on Blakely Rd 1101 Larceny on Roosevelt Hwy Total Incidents: 221 For more information about these and other incidents, contact the Colchester Police Department (802) 264-5556 Call for more information: 802868-4163. HUTCH, PINE, WITH drawer, two doors in bottom, shelves on top. Brand new. $85. 802868-4471 LOUNGER, ADULT BODY garment by day, comforter by night. Sleep in 64x78. New, never used. $35. 802-485-8266 MICROWAVE, STAINLESS STEEL, GE, browning. Like PSII, (3) GAMES, (1) paddle, (1) memory, all hookups. Works great. $50. 802752-9234 RADIO, BOSE, WAVE, with remote. Good condition. $90. 802-524-2714 RECLINER, LAZY BOY, like new. $75. 802-5243455 RECORDS, FREE, 78’S, 45’s and 33 1/3. Call 802-8684504. SEASONED WOOD, HARD Maple. $300. per cord. Delivery available. 802393-7728, 802393-0272 SEWING MACHINE, NEW, white, model 2037, heavy duty, 53 stitches. $90. 802-524-2714 SNOWBLOWER, 8.5 HP Bobcat, 28”, walk-behind, electric start. Motor runs good, needs other work. $100. or best offer. 802524-4861 SOFAS, (6), ALL in good condition. $40. to $75. Alburgh. 802796-4027 TONGUE PICKLES, old fashioned sweet tongue pickles, just in time for the holidays. 24 pints available, $6./pint. 802782-9436 UPWORDS, THREE DIMENSIONAL word game. Milton Bradley USA, 1983. $25. 802-485-8266 WINTER TIRES. Four Nokian Hakkapeliitta, size 235/70 R16. Low mileage, good tread. Best offer. 878-2406. 9 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 THEME: WORLD LEADERS ACROSS 1. Fictional elephant 6. Comprised or embodied 9. Attention grabber 13. Swelling 14. Possess 15. Corner joint 16. Moth-_____ 17. Mauna ___, Hawaii 18. Be theatrical 19. *He arrived with a puff of smoke? 21. “___ and ____,” 1992 Tom Cruise movie 23. *Former Haiti President, “Baby ___” Duvalier 24. To clean corn 25. Goon 28. Redecorate, e.g. 30. Vandalizing a car 35. Donkey sound 37. Push for something 39. “_____ de Lammermoor” 40. Fit of shivering 41. *He annexed most of Crimea 43. C in COGS 44. Food-grinding tooth 46. Spanish surrealist Joan 47. MCL spot 48. Sung before games 50. Suggestive of supernatural 52. *Kim Yo Jong to Kim Jong Un 53. Praise or glorify 55. Mercator projection, e.g. 57. *”Wizard of Omaha” 61. *Head of Her Majesty’s Government 65. Tear jerker 66. ET’s craft 68. Shade of violet 69. Rosie’s connector 70. It’s collapsable in NBA 71. Audience’s approval 72. Donald and Ivana, e.g. 73. Clinton ___ Rodham 74. _____ of film, pl. DOWN 1. Bone to pick 2. Jewish month 3. ____-carotene 4. Change, as in U.S. Constitution 5. Resentment 6. Stir fry pans 7. Leave speechless 8. Big mess 9. Extra long stable cotton 10. Stash in the hold 11. ___ _ good example 12. Deuce topper 15. *German Chancellor 20. Freeze over 22. Query CROSSWORD 24. With bound limbs 25. *Leader of the Free World? 26. Ar on Periodic Table 27. “The _____ in Our Stars” 29. ____ set, in a band 31. Exclamation for disgust 32. Religious paintings 33. Japanese-American 34. *One of biggest philanthropists in the world 36. Uh-huh 38. De Valera’s land 42. Marilyn Monroe’s original given name 45. Give in to pressure 49. Dojo turf 51. Cry like an animal 54. 180 on a road 56. *Begin and Sadat signed a _____ treaty in ‘78 57. Drill 58. Type of operating system 59. *James Monroe: U.S. President number ____ 60. *Kennedy and Khrushchev, e.g. 61. Dog command 62. *What monarchs do 63. *____ office 64. New Jersey hoopsters 67. Show disapproval BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING SERVICES ALTERATIONS & TAILORING BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Small Business Services by Diane The Sewing Basket Pro fessional Sewing Serv ice” Helping“AYou Look Your Best Since 1982 Alterations & Tailoring for the Whole Family Alterations Tailoring for the Whole FamilyRepair Bridal and Formal &Alterations • Leather Garment Bridal Formal Alterations Embroidery && Monograms • Personalization Embroidery Garment Repair Custom& &MonogramswLeather Stock Logos • Garments/Gifts ESSEX JCT. MONTPELIER BARRE 168 River Street 159 Pearl St. 325 N. Main St. 878-7181 Essex Jct. 476-8389 Barre 159 Pearl St. 325 N. Main St. 168 River St. 476-8389 878-7181 CONSTRUCTION Montpelier 778-9311 778-9311 CONSTRUCTION Bookkeeping - Streamlining - Policies & Procedures - Administration Personalized services for the Small Business Owner Diane Smalley Casey 289 Rudgate Road Colchester, Vermont 05446 (802) 324-7736 voice & text DENTAL PHOENIX CONSTRUCTION Glen B. Moyer, D.D.S. “THE GENTLE DENTIST” YOUR RENOVATION SPECIALISTS “Tired of the big guys ignoring you? Let us take the stress out of your next project!” Building • Painting • Siding • Roofing • Flooring • Light Concrete Work AND MORE! Call Today (802) 279-7511 Milton email: [email protected] PAINTING LANDSCAPING Want to get your painting done before the holiday season? 802.777.9917 AERATING • LANDSCAPE DESIGN • BRUSH HOGGING • GARDEN CLEANUP • SNOW PLOWING AND MUCH MUCH MORE! 879-1353 • PLOWING [email protected] • commercial • industrial • residental FALL CLEANUP LAWN AERATIOIN & OVERSEEDING REAL ESTATE Adam’s Plumbing S E R V I C E 878 - 1002 The Reliable Local Pro! For all your residential plumbing repairs and installations ROOFING Moving across town or across the country... Janice Battaline Cerified Residential Specialist • Seniors Real Estate Specialist 802-861-6226 | [email protected] Your Partner in SUCCESS since 1983! Your professional Roofing Contractor 862-1500 Asphalt Roofs Standing Seam Metal Ask about our FREE upgrade We Buy & Sell Quality Used Car/Truck Tires We buy Tires! Rob Reynolds By appoinTmenT 802-393-2584 milton, VT 05468 | (802) 372-3737 VALLEY PAINTING “Living & Working In Essex Junction For Over 30 Years” INTERIORS STAIRWAYS • TRIMWORK • SHEET ROCK CATHEDRAL CEILINGS • FOYERS • TAPING CUSTOM CARPENTRY • RENOVATIONS Call TJ Valley • 802- 355-0392 All Phase Property Maintenance, LLC Fre e E st im ates Residential 24 H o u r S e r v i ce Commercial Spring &Care Fall&Cleanups, Care & Gardens, FencePressure Installation/Repair, Stone-Concrete Walkways, Lawn Care - Perennials, Shrubs, Spring &Washing, Fall Clean up, Trucking - Stone, Lawn &Gardens Gardens,Lawn Fence Installation/Repair, Stone-Concrete Walkways, WallsTopsoil, And Patios, Firewood, Trucking, Snow Plowing, Salting Brushhogging, and Sanding Walls AndLight Patios, Firewood, Light Trucking Mulch, Sand Driveway Refurbishing - Yorkraking, Snow Plowing,Sanding Sanding & much more .more.... Driveway Brush Hogging, LawnElectrical Dethatching, &. .Excavating SnowRefurbishing, Plowing, && Salting, Salting, Electrical &Mulching much Office: 899-2919 - Cell: 734-8247 Fully Insured Stephan Griffiths Jr. - since Owner Family owned and operated 1990 Essex, VT 05452 YOUR Low Slope Roofs NOW- Seamless Gutters TREE SERVICES Grace Huron Tires LLC 55 Town Line Rd., Grand Isle Slate & Snow Guards NORTH PROFESSIONALS TIRES Accepting New Patients ADVERTISE For the results you deserve... Rely on an Experienced Realtor! Most insurances accepted including VT Medicaid PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PLUMBING Snow Plowing De-icing DENTAL CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PAINTING FALL CLEAN UP! Over 20 Years Experience Serving The Champlain Valley [email protected] Tree Removals ~ Tree Trimming Ornamental/fruit tree pruning ~ Cabling Stump Grinding ~ Wood Chip Mulch Shrub and Hedge Pruning MAXWELL CURTISS Certified Arborist (802) 879-4425 Heartwood Landscape Services LLC [email protected] / Fully Insured BUSINESS HERE 10 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 For your wellbeing! Spirit RELAXATION Many people are aware of turkey’s ability to induce feelings of relaxation, particularly when eaten in abundance at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Turkey contains the amino acid tryptophan, which plays a role in triggering production of serotonin. Serotonin can induce feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. LOW-FAT A serving of turkey is only 161 calories and contains just four grams of fat, which is low in saturated fat. B-VITAMIN BENEFITS Turkey is an excellent source of B vitamins, including B3, B6 and B12. Having enough B3, also known as niacin, is important for overall health, and higher levels of niacin can improve cholesterol levels and lower a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease. B6 is also called pyridoxine. It’s involved in the process of making certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which transmit signals in the brain. Important for neurological health, B12 helps decrease levels of homocysteine, which can contribute to cognitive decline. YOGA FOR RUNNERS. 1-hour yoga for runners class. Nov. 26 at 7:10 p.m. Fleet Feet, 76 Pearl Street, Essex Junction. 872-8662 PRENATAL EXERCISE CLASS A fun and unique class filled with a variety of exercises. $10 per class. Thursdays from 5:306:30 p.m. RehabGYM, 905 Roosevelt Hwy, Colchester. 861-0111 Burnham Knitters Knitters of all skill levels meet Wednesdays. Beginners welcome. Colchester Meeting House or Burnham Memorial Library. 6-8 p.m. ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP Open to all. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, 7-9 p.m. St. Michael’s College, Room 101, St. Edmunds Hall, Colchester. Contact: 654-2536. Thanksgiving is coming, along with all the family, fun and fixin’s. Although the tryptophan in turkey can cause sleepiness there are many other reasons this holiday’s main course is worth every bite. SCOTT FUNK HOLIDAYS & NEW TRADITIONS Turkey truths PROTEIN Turkey is often overshadowed by other meats in refrigerated display cases, but it remains an excellent source of protein in a lowfat package. A typical 3.4- to four-ounce serving of skinless turkey breast (about the size of a deck of cards) contains around 30 grams of protein, providing about 65 percent of the average person’s recommended daily allotment of protein. Protein helps the body feel full and serves many essential functions in the body. Proteins regulate the entry of nutrients through cell walls, help the body grow and help it to generate antibodies that fight against illness. IMMUNE SYSTEM People may not know turkey contains selenium, which is key to healthy thyroid function. It also helps boost the immune system by playing a role in the body’s antioxidant defense system. Selenium may help eliminate free radicals in the body that would otherwise contribute to cancer risk. Some of the most dramatic changes of aging can be centered on the holidays. Each family has its own customs. Whether that means placing an ancient and honored menorah in the front window, or being the first house on Main Street to light and decorate a tree in the big bay window, these are ways we define ourselves as individuals and families. Time can force changes on us in different ways. Over the course of years, we may have to adapt to celebrations in new places, with new people, or without some of the loved ones who were the center of our traditions. Kids are supposed to grow up and away. In the best of situations, our little ones will be adapting our traditions in the homes they build for families of their own. This can mean some trips to grandparents’ for the holidays and some grandparents traveling for the holidays. Beyond the changes our children’s growing up brings, are the more challenging ones aging brings to us. Decorating every room in a large house is fine when you are in your 30’s, but the further you get past 50, the longer each of those rooms takes. This brings the conversation to moving to an agingappropriate home. Traditions are not always portable. I found this out in re-locating from a Victorian on Main Street to a Colonial on a quiet cul-de-sac. Imagine my shock on the Fourth of July when no parade marched past the house. It wasn’t something I had thought through. After an unsettled hour or two, I got my expectations re-adjusted to a complete day off, gardening with patriotic music on my iPod. Now, the holidays are coming and we already know a lot of the decorations won’t fit in our new home. The tree will be 8 feet tall at best, no children are expected to visit, and we will be traveling to family rather than the other way around. The prospect of all this change and the loss of so many time-honored traditions can create ambivalent feelings. Part of me is relieved at less work and more time to relax and enjoy the season, but another part never really expected anything to change. Deep in the back of my mind is a Norman Rockwell picture featuring me in a comfortable, old chair, surrounded by familiar things and doting loved ones. This year there will be a new picture and in five years that will likely have become the tradition I value so highly. Aging-in-place doesn’t happen by accident. It comes with change, but that doesn’t change the happiness of the holidays. Scott Funk is an Aging in Place advocate, writing and speaking around Vermont on issues of concern to retirees and their families. More at SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY WELLNESS Advertise on this page Call 802-878-5282 ALL MUSCLE ALL THE TIME A full hour of fat-burning, muscle-building and balance work. Tues 6a, Thur 6:50p, Fri 3:35p and Sun 8:05 a. Try a class FREE with this ad! JAZZERCISE COLCHESTER FITNESS CENTER 69 Creek Farm Road, Suite 2; Colchester, VT 05446 / 802-951-1133 [email protected] / Like Us On Facebook 11 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20,THE 2014COLCHESTER SUN / NOVEMBER 20, 2014 COLCHESTER WINTER SPORTS PREVIEW B O Y S Hockey Basketball Head coach Greg Murray First game: Dec. 5 vs. Lower Canada at 4:30 p.m. “We are going to be a little young and limited in experience this year. We lost six seniors from last year’s team and there was a lot of offense in that group. We will need to learn how to manufacture goals this season and win ugly sometimes. We are experienced on the back end with Erik Swan and Jake Rocheleau in goal. We also have several returning defenseman, although the loss of Jared Antoniak for the Head coach of the season will not help us. Garrett St. Pierre and boys’ hockey team Jake Stebbins will have to take over Jared’s role on and Greg Murray. PHOTO | COURTESY off the ice. We have several returning forwards led by Jared Rylant, Tate Hamblett, Sam Corman and Andrew St. Pierre. These four will have to be our go to guys for offense and help the new players to fit into our systems and our team.” Head coach Joe Maheux First game: Dec. 5 vs. BFA St. Albans at 7 p.m. Last Year’s Record- 9-12 The Colchester alpine ski team poses for a photo. PHOTO | COURTESY KEVIN OSE Alpine Skiing Head coach Kevin Ose First race: Jan. 7 vs. Lamoille @ Smuggler’s Notch at 12 p.m. Nordic Skiing Head coach Morgan Semler First race: Dec. 13 vs. BFA St. Albans at Crafstbury at 10:30 p.m. “This is my fourth year coaching the Alpine Team at CHS. We’ve made some excellent progress in the past three years and I see this year as no different. I hope we can continue to improve our race results, and we are striving for more consistency. We have also grown with new racers each year and we have a good core of experienced racers. Our goal is for both the boys’ and girls’ teams to both qualify for the Vermont State Championships at our NVAC Districts in late February. Our boys’ team qualified for the States last year – the first time in many years – and Abby Harrington qualified individually for the second year in a row.” G Basketball Head coach Lindsay Ellis First game- Friday, Dec. 5 vs. CVU at 5:30 p.m. in the Spaulding Tournament. Last year’s record-18-5. Dance Head coach Lauren Sylvia First meet: Jan. 1 vs. Colchester at 1 p.m. “We have strong senior leadership returning but are looking for players to step up this year and fill important roles on our team, as we graduated nine seniors. The girls in our program have been working hard, and we’re anticipating a competitive season.” I Hockey R L Nordic Skiing Head coach Callie Douglass First race: Dec. 13 vs. BFA St. Albans @ Crafstbury at 10:30 a.m. “The Colchester girls’ nordic team should be competitive this season, having retained all of our state meet competitors from last year. We have some strong returning athletes in our seniors and juniors. I anticipate some of our younger skiers will be working their way up as they get more racing time this season. We’re excited to have a more experienced group of athletes this year.” Head coach Bob LeHouiller First game: Dec. 3 vs. Northfield at 4:30 p.m. Last year’s record: 13-8; lost in Semi-Finals “This year begins a new era for Colchester girls’ hockey, and I’m really looking forward to it. We are excited about our merge with Burlington High School. Girls from both programs have skated with each other in the past in youth hockey, so it will be great to have them reunited back on the ice. I expect the team to be a contender this season.” S Head coach of the girls’ nordic ski team Callie Douglass. PHOTO | CALLIE DOUGLASS 12 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 SPORTS THIS WEEK IN ST. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE ATHLETICS offensive boards, and two blocks. Crawford went past the 900-point mark for his career behind 15 points and three assists, shooting 3-of-3 from distance. Bonds totaled 12 points and 16 caroms, including nine on the offensive end, in 20 minutes off the bench, and Thompson had 12 points and five rebounds while shooting 4-of-5. Altidor and Mike Schreiner each notched an assist. Donzanti recorded a 14-save shutout for the second clean sheet of his career. Women’s ice hockey (1-4, 1-3) wins in overtime at the University of New England The St. Michael’s College women’s ice hockey team split a pair of road Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Women’s basketball (2-0) claims pair of victories in East contests over the weekend. The Purple Knights fell to the DoubleTree Tip-Off Classic Field hockey (9-9, 5-6) wins in overtime during season finale University of Southern Maine, 3-1, on Friday and then won in The St. Michael’s College women’s basketball team opened The regionally-ranked St. Michael’s College field hockey overtime for a 3-2 victory at the University of New England on its regular season with two home wins in the DoubleTree Tipteam had both of its games go into overtime in a 1-1 showing Saturday. Off Classic. The Purple Knights beat Queens (New York) last week in Northeast-10 Conference action during the At Southern Maine, sophomore Erin Dwyer scored for the College, 60-58 on Friday, and then topped nationally-regarded team’s final week of play. The Purple Knights lost to Bentley Purple Knights with assists from senior Fernanda Saavedra and Holy Family (Penn.) University, 68-63, on Saturday. A qualifier University, 2-1, on Tuesday, but rebounded to beat Southern junior Amanda Kempainen. Sophomore goalie Abby Burke for 10 of the last 11 NCAA Tournaments, Holy Family received Connecticut State University, 2-1, on Saturday. Ranked fifth in collected 12 saves in the loss. a vote toward the latest USA the latest NCAA East Region poll, the Purple Knights finished At the University of New TODAY national poll. the season 9-9 overall and 5-6 in the NE-10, putting together England, Kempainen scored the Against Queens, the Purple their highest win totals since 2008 but fell short of a postseason game-winning goal 2:50 into Knights erased a 20-point secondbid. overtime as the Purple and Gold half deficit to win their season Against Bentley, sophomore Carolyn Avery scored with claimed its first win of the season. opener. First-year Leah Spencer had Friday, November 21 29 seconds remaining in regulation to force overtime for St. Kempainen finished the day with 17 points on 6-of-9 shooting with Swimming & Diving @ North Country Michael’s, which sustained its seventh one-goal setback this fall, seven rebounds in her college debut two goals, with Dwyer netting the Invitational @ SUNY Potsdam, 4 p.m. before the Falcons scored the winner in the 77th minute. Senior other St. Michael’s tally. Saavedra, for St. Michael’s, which hosted a Men’s Ice Hockey @ New England College, Jackie Chisholm up four saves, and junior Megan Deschaine had tournament for the 30th time since junior Emily Loebs, sophomore 7 p.m.% an assist. Lauren Sullivan and first-year Sierra the 1977-78 season. Senior Maggie Women’s Ice Hockey vs. Franklin Pierce, At Southern Connecticut State, senior Samantha Burns Hannough all provided assists. Sabine posted 10 points and 10 7 p.m.% finished a three-point day by netting the game winner 3:12 into Sophomore goalie Tina Frasca rebounds for her fourth double overtime on the final touch of her career. Burns posted a goal picked up 34 saves for the win. double as a Purple Knight, and she Saturday, November 22 and an assist to finish the year with six goals and four assists, also reached the 900-point plateau Swimming & Diving @ North Country nearly doubling her career totals of four tallies and 10 points that in her 66th career game between Swimming & diving teams split she had entering the fall. Deschaine also scored, while senior Invitational @ SUNY Potsdam, 10 a.m. dual meet at Clarkson, women’s Central Maine Community College Sarah Healey made nine saves. St. Michael’s finished with a team beats Merrimack and St. Michael’s. Junior Makenzie Cross Country @ NCAA East Regional school-record 17 defensive saves while turning in its highest The St. Michael’s College Burud had nine points and a careersave percentage (.851) since 2001 and best goals-against average high six steals, first-year Tomi Championship in Nashua, N.H., 1:15 p.m. women’s swimming and diving (1.62) since 2006. (men), 2:30 p.m. (women) team recorded two wins over the Akinpetide posted seven points, and weekend and improved to 3-1 on sophomore Indira Evora dished off Men’s basketball (1-1) begins regular-season schedule with Women’s Basketball vs. the season, while the men dropped four assists. split at St. Thomas Aquinas Classic Southern New Hampshire, 1:30 p.m.* their lone meet of the week and now Against Holy Family, the Purple The St. Michael’s College men’s basketball team split a pair stand at 1-2. The women topped and Gold used a 13-0 run to break Women’s Ice Hockey vs. Holy Cross, of games at the St. Thomas Aquinas College Classic over the Merrimack College, 132-80, on open a three-point game early in the 3 p.m.% weekend. The Purple Knights topped the host and defending Friday and then won at Clarkson second half before holding on to East Coast Conference (ECC) Championship runner-up St. University, 124-101, on Saturday, beat the Tigers for the first time in Men’s Basketball vs. Thomas Aquinas, 92-80, on Saturday before yielding the tiewhile the men fell to Clarkson, 132four meetings. Sabine recorded 15 Southern New Hampshire, 3:30 p.m.* breaking bucket with 1.8 seconds remaining in a 79-77 loss to 99. points, nine rebounds, three assists Molloy (N.Y.) College on Sunday. Men’s Ice Hockey @ St. Anselm, 4 p.m.*% Against Merrimack, in a meet and two steals. Senior Kelly Frappier Against St. Thomas Aquinas, six Purple Knights scored in that included only 13 events, shot 5-of-6 for 12 points with seven * Northeast-10 Conference Event double figures, led by senior Corey Crawford II’s 21 points on including no diving competitions, rebounds, and Burud posted 12 % ECAC East Event 7-of-12 shooting. He added game-high-tying figures of nine St. Michael’s won 11 races. points and five boards. Evora turned rebounds and five assists. Classmate Mike Holton Jr. totaled 13 Junior Julie Shea played a role in 11 points, four assists and three points while hitting all eight free throw tries, and senior James in four, including winning the steals, and Spencer notched seven Cambronne had 12 points on 4-of-6 shooting. Senior Dom 50-yard freestyle and the 100points and four caroms off the Ditlefsen added 11 points and five assists while hitting three yard breaststroke. She also swam for the winning 200 free bench. threes, and classmate Mike Thompson was a perfect 3-of-3 and 200-yard medley relays. During the 200 medley, she from beyond the arc for 10 points while dishing four helpers. sided with senior Kim Brady, sophomore Lindsay McNall Men’s ice hockey (3-1, 2-1 ECAC East, 1-0 NE-10) posts two Sophomore Matt Bonds turned in 10 points and nine rebounds of Colchester and first-year Theresa Murphy before joining wins against ECAC East Competition off the bench. St. Michael’s shot 12-of-20 from three-point Murphy, sophomore Katrina Wiesner and first-year Sammy The St. Michael’s College men’s ice hockey team knocked range, 63.0 percent overall and 22-of-27 on freebies. The visitors off both of its opponents during Eastern College Athletic Sidorakis during the 200 free relay. The Purple Knights also also held a 39-16 rebounding advantage. had the runner-up quartets in both races, including as Brady, Conference (ECAC) East play on Friday and Saturday. The Against Molloy, Cambronne had a game-high-tying 19 senior Steph Nadow and first-years Ally Fischang and Coral Purple and Gold topped the University of New England, 3-2, on points for the Purple Knights thanks to a 4-of-5 three-point Santos were second in the 200 free relay. Fischang, Sidorakis, Friday and then beat the University of Southern Maine, 2-0, on performance in addition to notching nine rebounds, five sophomore Lauren Wheaton and first-year Katherine Lecce Saturday. were second in the 200 medley relay. Nadow won the 50-yard Against the University of butterfly and the 100-yard backstroke, followed by Sidorakis in New England, senior William second during the 100 back. Wiesner touched the wall first in the Côté and sophomore Danny 100 free, with Fischang taking the runner-up spot. Fischang was Divis both recorded one goal reserve online: victorious in the 100 fly, with senior Olivia Hamilton second. and one assist, and first-year Hamilton won the 200-yard individual medley, with Santos Eric Salzillo netted another taking second place in that event in addition to the 50 fly and marker. Seniors Mark Higgins, 200 free. McNall won the 50 back, and Sidorakis was second. AJ Pieprzak and Jeremy Wong Wheaton won the 50-yard breaststroke and placed second in the and sophomore Josh Dickman just off I89 exit 17 registered assists. Senior goalie 100 breast, Lecce was second in the 50 free, and first-year Betsy (802) 497-3049 Portch took second in the 500 free. Dave Donzanti collected 28 At Clarkson, McNall won three events, including placing saves for the win. first in the 200-meter individual medley and during the Against Southern Maine, Dickman and Divis both scored 100-meter backstroke, edging out second-place Nadow in the latter. a goal, while juniors Kevin Upcoming Schedule: Clean • Secure • Always Accessible BURLINGTON • SHELBURNE • COLCHESTER • ST ALBANS 2 DAY - Shearling Event 20% off ANY Shearling lined product November 22nd & 23rd “Your Fitness Headquarters” Happy Holidays from Earl’s! Buy a Gift Card in November for the Cyclist on your list and SAVE 20%! A GIFT FOR YOU *selection varies by store. Includes: Boots, slippers and accessories... plus much more! Applies to in-stock product only, sorry no special orders. 13 The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 Current Exhibits September Essex Art League Small Picture Show. Original watercolor, oil, acrylic and photography. All work is small size with small prices. Great Vermont-made Christmas gifts. On display through Dec. 4. Burnham Library, Colchester. Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday, 12-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sunday, Closed. Information: Last week to see Paul Tagliamonte’s work at: cic Craft vendors will sell handmade products from countries all over the world including Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, Russia, Tibet, Congo, Madascar, Ecuador, Poland, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Nicaragua, Poland, Kenya, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Turkey and more. Food vendors will include Café Istanbul, Green Mountain Cassava, Jamaican Soul Cuisine, Sherpa Kitchen, Say Sambusa and others. “150 Minutes.” A show featuring the recent works by artist Scottie Raymond who goes by the alias, eSKae1. Initially inspired by his recent success in the Magic Hat Wall to Canvas competition, where each artist is given 150 minutes to complete a piece of art. Building off of this concept, eSKae1 created a series of 150 minute “instantly produced art.” The pieces are inspired and informed by the visual and literary artists of the Beat generation. Raymond uses mixed media, primarily spray cans, to build and position juxtaposed layers, ultimately culminating in an individual character. Exhibit runs through Dec. 31. Magic Hat Art Space, South Burlington. Gallery hours: Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m.7p.m.; Sunday, 12-5 p.m. Information: There will be two stages of entertainment featuring Grup Anwar, Longford Row, a Congolese chorus, Twibukanye, Arunima Gasputa, Akoma drummers, groups from China, Italy, Korea, Burundi, Tibet and more. Upcoming Events September VT International Festival readies for 22nd year T he Vermont International Festival will celebrate its 22nd year of showcasing the diversity of Vermont with arts, crafts, food, dance and musical performances representing cultures from all over the world from Dec. 5-7 at the Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction. There is unlimited, free parking and it is handicapped-accessible. CCTA provides public bus service to the Champlain Valley Exposition grounds. Friday, Dec. 5 is Children’s Day, when busloads of children from all over Vermont experience firsthand the excitement of having a passport stamped by all of the countries represented at this celebration of the arts. The festival will be open to the public Friday evening 5-8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tickets will be on sale at the door: $7 for adults; $5 for children 6- to 12-years- old; $5 for seniors (65+); $20 family pass; children under 6 are free. Admission is good for the entire weekend. For more information, visit For more listings visit www. arts-andentertainment The Nutcracker Rylee Murray, of Colchester, will be in the upcoming production of the Albany Berkshire Ballet’s The Nutcracker on Saturday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. at the Flynn Theatre in Burlington. VSO Holiday Pops. The Vermont Symphony Orchestra presents a holiday concert including two sleigh rides, a skating party, and a sojourn through the Twelve Days of Christmas. Work from Burlington composer T.L. Read as well as excerpts from “Messiah” and “The Nutcracker,” traditional carols, a sing-a-long, and a celestial harp round out the evening. Concert runs through December 14. Flynn Theater for The Performing Arts, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Adults $15-$52; Students $9. Information: or 863-5966. The 8th and 9th Wonders of THE WORLD CABOT HOSIERY’S 35TH ANNUAL FACTORY SOCK SALE! “MORE SOCKS THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT!” AT T!” SAT. & SUN., NOV. 15TH & 16TH H SAT. & SUN., NOV. 22ND & 23RD 3RD 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Book reading evening at ESSEX FREE LIBRARY Thursday, Nov. 20th 6:30-8 pm. MOST AT LAST YEAR’S PRICES (802) 485.6066 364 Whetstone Drive, Northfield, VT V Take Doyon Road off Route 12 in Northfield, VT. Turn right on Whetstone tstone Drive to the top of the hill hill. For Copies: Visit or e-mail [email protected] Pet of the Week Peanut Fall in Love Furry Friend 8 year-old Neutered Male Reason Here: Not a good match for previous home Summary: Meet Peanut! This not-so petite pal is looking for a great home where he can be king of his indoor and outdoor castle lands. A real prince, Peanut is gracious and kind to all that he meets and will happily join you on any journey you set out on. With a strong willed attitude but a soft heart, Peanut is ready to set off on his voyage to his forever home, would you be so kind as to accompany him? My thoughts on: Dogs: I lived with dogs and was friendly with but was also swatty at. Cats: I don’t have any experience living with cats. *I’m a “FALL IN LOVE” furry friend. Adopt me before December 1st for 50% OFF my adoption fee! Humane Society of Chittenden County 802-862-0135 10% OFF Any Purchase Over $100! Got the commuter blues? Call or email by December 5, 2014 to learn about other transportation options, and you’ll be entered to win a CCTA bus pass for one month (valued up to $150) or a $100 gift certificate to Earl’s Cyclery & Fitness — your choice! 800-685-RIDE (7433) | [email protected] GOCHITTENDENCOUNTY.ORG 14 Colchester High School 2014-2015 Quarter 1 Honor Roll 9th Grade High Honors Claire Cameron Grace Carroll Landon Cayia Katelyn Chicoine Nathan Colgrove Thomas Colgrove Sophia Comi Nicole Corriveau Coleman Crady Robert Davis Jacob Dell Thurman Dusablon Anna Eaton Morgan Eaton Stephen Emmons Taylor French Molly Fuller Ethan Goedken Gabrielle Gosselin Meghan Harbison Hannah Herriot Kristian Labrie Megan Lagerquist Juliette Letourneau Dorcas Lohese Abigail Longchamp Isabella Lopez Bailey Luter Alysabeth Lynch Riley Magoon Brooke Marcotte Scott Mass Seth Masson Luke Matthews Olivia Mead Samantha Messier Rebecca Mier Marissa Miles Kaylyn Morse Tabitha Myers Anya Olmstead-Posey Julia Pellegrino-Wood Duy Pham Selma Poljak Olivia Rosato Gwendolyn Ruescher Allison Sheets Everett Simkins Andrew Spencer Alicia Tebeau-Sherry Savanah Tebeau-Sherry Thomas Vesosky Cydney Viens Elysia Way Brayden Wilkins Grace Young 10th Grade High Honors Brendan Adamczyk Iraty Anabitarte Cara Barmore Jessica Benoure Brach Bissonette Jenna Blondin Ethan Bokelberg Maxwell Brault Emily Bryant Chloe Bullock Laura Campbell Margaret Chase Jaclyn Cline Adrianne Colley Sullivan Crady Jillian Davila Ethan Dean Courtney Dessormeau Christopher El-hajj Stefani Franklin Rachel Gervais Katrina Groseclose Autumn Guilmette Nikoli Holly Erin Horton Alyssa Jenkins Haley Kieny Matthew LaChance Abigail Ladd Emma Lamothe Jace Laquerre Charlotte Lau Sawyer Loftus Alexandria Marcou Brenna McMannon Jaeger Nedde Emmanuel Mgoma Courtney Phelps Katherine Pierson Corinna Pilcher Charles Powell Isaac Racine Ian Sarrazin Madaline Schmidt Laura Shaw Zayla Smith Cole St. Peter Anne Stetson Raven Sweeney Kristen Thompson Vivian Trevisani Ivy Vachereau Kristen Winchester Connor Zwonik 11th Grade High Honors Cynthia Alers-Rodriguez Jenna Baillargeon Sevda Beridze Isabella Bertoni Kyle Blake Nicholas Bouffard Abigail Burgess Meghan Collins Jordan DeMatteis Patrick Desmond Jake DesLauriers Ducharme Tyler Duncan Samuel Evan Stacy Franklin Ellyse Fredericks Kaylee Gallagher Alex Gardner Savanah Goodreau Holden Goulet Nicholas Graeter Katelyn Haas Abigail Harrington Brenden Hinman Clara Johnson Mike Jurendic Andrew Lynch Cassie Mallabar Kyla McClanahan Joshua Mercure Victoria Mier Elizabeth Moore Peri Kate Navarro Saige Papariello Brennan Paradee Anthony Park Robbie Peeters Emily Pike Madeleine Prevost Grace Provost Kaitlyn Robinson Jade Ronish Makayla Rounds Kristen Schick Katelyn Schnabel Zachary Sheets Garrett St. Pierre Emma Tudhope Kyle Walker Ashley Wells Danielle Whitham Christopher Zamarripa 12th Grade High Honors Jared Antoniak Alexander Barrett Connor Barton Julia Bessy Connor Breen Shanley Brown Samantha Brunelle Megan Bullock Patrick Bushey Nathan Carp Michael Chambers Caroline Claremont Corinne Colgrove Bryce Colvin Thomas Condon Elizabeth Connors Grant Cummings Taylor Dion Cady Anne Dubuque Hannah Echo Clayton Ellwood Samantha Gordon Dakota Gorkun Cassandra LaBonte Erik Lagerquist Cassidy Lawrence Timothy Lewis Kennedy Maxfield Patrick McHugh Jennifer McNall Bryan McSweeney Kyle Michel Liam Mooney Andrew Pike Allison Pilcher Madeline Powell Mikayla Racine Gabrielle Rancoud-Guillon Samuel Rancoud-Guillon Ellen Rathe Alexina Richard Hannah Rogers Jared Rylant Nigel Sarrazin Rachel Scibek Sophia Simkins Sophie Singer Hannah Spence Anthony Tabet Destyni Travers Rexana Vachereau Kendra Viens Kiera Zehnacker 9th Grade Honors Jonathon Barden Jacob Blow Jessica Bortz Renee Brouillette Steven Cadieux II Alexander Cardosi Alex Carp Ella Cole Emily Conant Aidan Connors Fiona Doherty Brayden Duggan Isaiah Ellis-Monaghan Avery Finelli Evan Fredericks Bailey Gagnon-Foy Natalee Garen Dzejna Halilovic Autumn Hathaway Ryan Hayes Lesly Hernandez Isaac Hutchins Justin Lafayette Brianna Lampman Cody Lawrence Camden LeClair Liam Martin Gabrielle McDonald Daniel Morton Matthew Norris Ella Pellegrino Skylar Perras Kenan Pilav Sydney Ranalletti Benjamin Rathe Holden Riley Michael Schick Olivia Schmidt Brooke Senesac Kieran Shamberger Nicholle Sirois Nathan Smith Alexis Smyrski Mason Thackara Bailey Towle Emily White Ryan Witham 10th Grade Honors Alexandra Armstrong Daniel Babic Ryley Baker Hailey Blondin Elizabeth Bortz Alayna Boucher Maggie Brigante Emily Carter Benjamin Clark James Collins Bailey Corbo Sierra Culver Lucas Draus Grayson Ducharme Olivia Ellwood Jessica Erdmann Danielle Feinman Shannon French Tatum Genest Joseph Giroux Sierra Gorkun Reisha Grant Abby Handy Nathasha Hayes William Holmes Mario Houle Cole Igneri Jackson Kerr Acacia Kranz Morgan Landry Haley Lathrop-Johsnon Curtis Lehouiller Kiah Martin Lydia Martin Derek Maxfield Thomas McHugh Thomas Meadows Sarah Mendl Alyssa Noel Hannah Pariseau Thomas Patterson Svea Phelps Alana Plumb Caitlain Quirini Morgan Ricer Cassie Rivers Mason Rogers Nicholas Schramm Amber Sicard Dylan St. Hilaire The Colchester Sun | Thursday, November 20, 2014 Mckenna Stannard Caleb Tourville Ben Turner Alexis Utter Kyra Walker Jessica Zwolen 11th Grade Honors Teagan Alderman Sadie Anderson Alexandra Anthony Abbie Batchelder-Jackson Lauren Bergen Dakota Bilodeau Rachel Buckley Devan Cameron-Vaupel Ethan Cameron-Vaupel Kayleigh Carty Kelsey Cauchon James Comi Nathan Crammond Kayla Cushion Kelsey Desjardin Angus Doherty Thomas Duggan Ryan Eustace Justin Evans Nathan Hoffmann Timothy Hopkins Samantha Jean Brett Krzynski Taylor Losier Joshua Mable Katina Messier Pirmin Messow Brittany Michel Jonathon Mussaw Dakota Navari Emily O’Neill Angela Pellegrino-Wood Katie Proper Korin Rideout Cameron Smith Camil Srna Cole St. Armour Jake Stebbins Bryan Thibault Jessica Tognelli Abraham Trabulsy Tariq Vialet Makayla Vincent Megan Wallace Lily Webster Katherine White Skyler Wilkinson 12th Grade Honors Brittany Aiken Andre Amrain Brandon Arel Reid Atwood Pascal Bechade Erik Bemis Annabella Bergeron The Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf turkey round-up The Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf is asking the community to help provide 3,000 turkeys for food-insecure families in Chittenden County. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and no family should go hungry on this holiday. The food shelf is also looking for donated turkey fixings such as boxed mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie filling, corn, rolls and green beans. Thanks to the generosity of community supporters, the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf has been able to keep pace with the growing demand for services. Since there has been a steady increase of new people accessing the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf, it is Hours for Turkey anticipated that more families than ever before Donation Drop-Off: will need turkeys. Mondays through Fridays Donations of 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Thanksgiving turkeys Nov. 21, 24 and 25 from can help hungry 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Vermonters get through this holiday season as Nov. 15 and 22 from they face increased 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. gas, heating and food costs. According to the Community Thanksgiving Hunger in America 2014 Dinner at the Food Shelf: study “71.8 percent of Nov. 26 at 1 p.m. households accessing food shelves in Vermont report purchasing Turkey Give-Away: inexpensive, unhealthy Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. food because they could not afford healthier options.” Similarly, this study also found that: “31 percent of households report watering down food or drinks,” “56 percent of households report having to choose between paying for food and paying for medicine or medical care.” Donors can drop off turkeys and donations at 228 North Winooski Avenue. INFO Tyler Breen Shelby Chagnon Luke Chamberlain Matthew Charbonneau Robert Chase Gabriella Coccetti Kevin Desmond Jacob Dwinell Alexa Eddy Mark Gauthier Michael Granai Lindsey Henry Jacob Hesford Katherine Hinman Harrison Holmes Audry Houle Brittany Isabelle Kevin Lavalley Keith Lawrence Brandon Lincoln Alexander Little Dakota Loring Brian Masson Kathllen Matthews Margaret McNeil Chelsea Mead Annie Meadows Hytham Mohamed Keira Mulcahy Tierra Myers Casey Nichols Ashley O’Kane Quinn O’Reilly Chase Papariello Mirela Poljak Justin Ricer Noah Robinson Lakysha Rock Karen Savage Jordan Schnabel Nathaniel Schramm Miranda Scorsome Benjamin Seaman Bailey Sexton Austin Simeck Emily Somerville Anthony Spillane Alexandrea Svendsen Erik Swan Chelsea Wimble John Young First Quarter Honor Roll at Vermont Commons School help has a name. AND AROUND HERE, IT’S Ali Green. Connect with a local Navigator like Ali if you have questions about Open Enrollment. Open Enrollment is when you can enroll in a plan for the first time or make changes to your existing plan. If you’re happy with your current plan and don’t have any changes to report, you do not need to contact Vermont Health Connect to stay covered. Have questions or not sure what to do next? We’ll connect you to local, in-person support. OPEN ENROLLMENT NOV. 15TH 2014 TO FEB. 15TH 2015 1-855-899-9600 (Toll-Free) Vermont Commons School, in South 93 percent or higher are awarded High Burlington, recognizes those students Honors. with a quarterly GPA of at least 87 Elliot Carey, of Colchester, was percent with a placement on the school’s named to the Vermont Commons School EV_LightingCampaign_TruckAd_5.41x8_OUTPUT.pdf 1 10/23/14 5:02 PM quarter. Honor Roll. Students with a GPA of Honor Roll for the first
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