crous - Université de Montpellier
crous - Université de Montpellier
Welkom Boas-vindas STUDY Bienvenido Bem-vindo in Montpellier, Nîmes, Perpignan Bienvenue Welcome Willkommen Benvenuto Bem-vindo HANDY RESOURCE GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2015 EDITION INDEX 1 Presentation OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM 1 A. Higher education in France1 B. Higher education in Montpellier, Nîmes and Perpignan4 2 THE STUDENT’S PATHWAY 6 International Sponsorship7 3 Administrative formalities 8 A.Things to do before your arrival in France8 B.Upon arrival: how to obtain a resident’s permit 10 4 USEFUL INFORMATION 13 A.Accommodation 13 B.Healthcare 18 C.Money matters20 D.Eating out22 E. Transportation22 F. Pass’Culture23 G.Required documents24 H.Glossary25 Contacts 26 Useful addresses within the different universities and organizations 2015 EDITION B 1 Presentation A. Higher education in France Studies in French universities are organized in 3, 5 and 8 years. The bachelor’s degree (L), master’s (M), and doctorate (D) are awarded to successful students. For each diploma, the courses are divided into semesters (a student may do two semesters within the academic year), each one corresponding to 30 credits which are bankable and transferrable in France and Europe thanks to the European Community Course Credit Transfer System (ECTS). D3 Doctorate (Baccalaureate/school leaving + 8) three years of studies after a master’s D2 D1 M2 Master’s (Baccalaureate/school leaving + 5) two years of studies after the bachelor’s degree M1 L3 Bachelor’s degree (Baccalaureate/school leaving + 3) three years of higher education L2 L1 (Baccalaureate/school leaving) HIGHER EDUCATION IN FRANCE GO TO PAGES 2 AND 3 1 Le schéma des étude Outline of higher education in France The key pathways presented in this table are Les principales filières présentées iciacces sont There are others as well as gateways between the Il existe d’autres accès ainsi que des pass Nombre d’années d’études Autres spécialités 11 10 Médecin généraliste Dentiste spécialiste Pharmacien spécialiste 9 Doctorat 8 D3 7 D2 s Pharmacien Dentiste D1 Sagefemme s s Diplôme d’ingénieur 5 s M2 s M1 Dentaire Pharmacie Licence Médecine 2 Sage-femme 4 3 Diplômes d’écoles (IEP art et audiovisuel, i Master ESPE 6 Licence professionnelle L3 s DEUST s DUT BTS/BTSA s s L2 s 1 L1 PACES s s ÉCOLE OU UNIVERSITÉ Bac Diplôme ou Diplôme d’État s Accès sélectif (concours à épreuves, sélection sur dossier) Il existe des passerelles entre ces différentes filières. 2 UNIVERSITÉ BTS(A) : brevet de technicien supérieur (agricole) D : doctorat DCG : diplôme de comptabilité et de gestion DEC : diplôme d’expert-comptable DEUST : diplôme d’études universitaires scientifiques et techniques DMA : diplôme des métiers d’art DNAP : diplôme national d’arts plastiques DNAT : diplôme national d’arts et techniques DNSEP : diplôme national supérieur d’expression plastique DSAA : diplôme supérieur d’arts appliqués DSCG : DUT : d ENS : é ESPE : HMONP en son IEP : in L : lice M : ma PACES es supérieures 2013-2014 Docteur en architecture DEC Vétérinaire HMONP s P, commerce, ingénieurs…) DNSEP DSCG M Prépa lettres s DMA Autres écoles Prépa sciences s DNAP/DNAT Architecture Prépa éco s s DCG Beaux-Arts s Prépa lettres DSAA Arts s Prépa sciences s s s s s s LYCÉE OU ÉCOLE : diplôme supérieur de comptabilité et de gestion diplôme universitaire de technologie école normale supérieure : école supérieure du professorat et de l’éducation P : habilitation à l’exercice de la maîtrise d’œuvre nom propre nstitut d’études politiques ence aster S : première année commune aux études de santé1 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 7 I 7 I 7 II 6 II 6 III 5 IV 4 Infirmier, kiné(1)… Social & paramédical s Prépa éco Diplômes d’écoles (vente, industrie, tourisme, transports, Architecte communication…) Compta-gestion ENS Autres écoles ENS Ingénieurs Assistant social… Vétérinaires Commerce - gestion ENS Grandes écoles post-bac s M 8 Diplômes d’écoles (Chartes, St Cyr, commerce…) Diplômes d’écoles M I (1) Attention, certaines écoles paramédicales recrutent après la première année d’études de santé (PACES) (2) Le niveau de formation permet de classer des diplômes et des certifications en fonction d’objectifs professionnels visés (métiers, fonctions ou activités). Pour en savoir plus : Les titres répertoriés au Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP) (3) Le Cadre européen des certifications (CEC ou EQF en anglais) permet aux états membres de la Communauté européenne de comparer les certifications et les diplômes délivrés par les différents pays. Bac 3 Réf. : 32492 © ONISEP Diplôme d’ingénieur Cadre européen des certifications(3) Certification européenne(3) Vétérinaire spécialisé Niveau de formation(2) Niveau de formation(2) ssible directly after the baccalaureate school leaving exams). t accessibles directement après (or le bac. differententre pathways. serelles les unes et les autres. 1 Presentation B. HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTPELLIER, NÎMES AND PERPIGNAN UNIVERSITY OF MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITÉ MONTPELLIER 1 UNIVERSITÉ MONTPELLIER 2 UNIVERSITÉ Paul Valéry Social and economic sciences (AES) Sciences: - fundamental biology - applied biology and ecology - chemistry - engineering sciences - sciences of the universe - physics and mathematics Arts, Philosophy, Institute of Business administration (IAE) Economic, social and mathematical sciences Polytech - School of engineering Educational sciences University Institutes of Technology (IUT) of Montpellier-Sète Society sciences (Sociology, Ethnology and Psychology) University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Béziers Institute of Technosciences (Information and Communication, And language Sciences - ITIC) Law and political sciences Economy Institut de Préparation (IPAG) Institute of Business mangement (ISEM) Medecine Odontology Pharmacy Sports science (STAPS) University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Nîmes Faculty of education Psychanalysis Languages, foreign and regional cultures, and applied foreign languages (LEA) Human and environmental sciences Institute of French studies for foreign students (IEFE) Education and sciences (LLASHS) Portail Cales-LR* (on-line catalog of higher education in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon - www.form Carte Multi-Services (students’ card, University restaurant card (carteresto’U*), library card, electronic p Espace Numérique de Travail (ENT*): ENT is a portal where students have access to all kinds of information a Bibliothèque interuniversitaire (University library): Services Universitaires des Activités Physiques et Sportives (SUAPS): Students’ bureaus: go to the website of your university to find the bureau of that university * glossary: go to page 25 4 Find the geographical location of all the universities and their UFR* on the website of Montpellier: > le CROUS > Plan de localization Université de Nîmes English Applied arts - design Biology - environment Law Social and business administration Spanish History Arts Computing mathematics Physics - chemistry Psychology payment - and tools in relation with their studies. UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN VIA DOMITIA PRES - COMUE (Communauté d’Universités et d’Établissements ) Arts, and languages L >R eception office for international students and researchers Law and economy Sciences of education > ESPE-LR École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation du Languedoc-Roussillon Tourisme and international hotel management >C ollège Doctoral du Languedoc-Roussillon Sciences, technologies and health > P EPITE-LR Student committee Innovation, transfer and Entrepreneuriat in Languedoc-Roussillon Humanities and Social Sciences Sports science (STAPS) University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Perpignan Institute of Business Administration (IAE) Franco-Catalan Institute (IFCT) University Centre for the study of French language (CUEF) >C himie committee And Fondation Balard > BioSanté Rabelais committee >M SH-M Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Montpellier >C ampus Mag-LR Campus TV program CROUS* de Montpellier All services for student life: > Scholarships > Accommodation > Catering > International relations > Social > Culture 5 2 THE STUDENT’S PATHWAY ACCOMMODATION ( WELCOME ) 5 © UM2 - Luc Jennepin WELCOME BY SPONSOR(S) 1 UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 6 2 VISA AT THE CONSULATE FIRST VISIT TO UNIVERSITY 3 7 BANK + Family allowances (CAF*) + INSURANCE RESIDENT’S PERMIT OR OFII* sticker and ink stamp 6 4 8 TRAnSPORTATION ENROLMENT AT UNIVERSITY, SOCIAL SECURITY AND COMPLEMENTARY MUTUAL INSURANCE 9 Arrange to be accompanied upon your arrival in Montpellier, Nîmes or Perpignan You would like to be welcomed and accompanied as soon as you arrive? The CROUS of Montpellier and the PRES-COMUE propose their “international sponsoring” service. Independent students and students travelling within an exchange program (p.8) may ask for this service. Your sponsor, who may be a French or foreign student will: - Contact you by e-mail before your arrival - Welcome you at the station or the airport - Accompany you to your new accommodation - Help you, if you wish, with your administrative paperwork Sign up as a sponsor through International Relations as soon as April. © ENJOY YOUR YEAR AT UNIVERSITY 7 3 ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES A. ADMISSION: THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL IN FRANCE Formalities for studying in France are the same all over France. Your trip should be planned well ahead of your arrival in the country. An understanding of French language is essential. Tuition and exams are in French. Ask the university of your choice the language skills required (and the corresponding documentary evidence to be provided) + If you are coming to France within the frame of an exchange program (for example: ERASMUS, CREPUQ…), you should seek information from your university of origin. Your university of origin will make the necessary applications with your host university. If you are applying for admission individually, the formalities may differ from one country to another (European Union or outside the European Union), the type of college (University, Ecole, IUT...), the chosen course (languages, medicine…), and access level (bachelor’s degree / master’s / doctorate). The essential pre-admission formalities consist in applying for admission and getting a visa. 1st year bachelor’s degree Warning: the closing date for applications is 22 January! There are two ways to enroll in 1st year studies: • If you live abroad - International students living in a country benefiting from the CEF Procedure. There is an obligatory on-line pre-admission procedure (DAP) on the website of Centre pour les Etudes en France (CEF): The procedure is straightforward and fast. There is a small charge to pay - International students living in a country where the CEF Procedure is not applicable In countries where this procedure is not applicable, you are obliged to fill out a pre-application form (DAP) with the cultural section of the French Embassy in the country of residence (white form). 8 • If you live in France: download the application form from Education Nationale’s website (green form), or pick it up at your own university. Other years of study Warning: the closing date for applications is 31 March and 20 March for DUT diplomas For the other years of study (2nd year bachelor’s degree, 3rd year bachelor’s degree, professional degrees, Master 1, Master 2 and the IUT), students living abroad must apply through the Campus France procedure. If there is no such procedure in your country of residence, you should contact the universities directly. Doctoral candidates and other specific establishments Applications should be made directly with the establishment concerned for enrolment in: - Classe preparatoire to the Grandes Ecoles - Techniciens supérieurs (lycées) - University master’s degree (doctorate) - Or any other establishment and/or school using competitive examination, admission jury or admission based on qualifications Getting a visa Admission to the university of your choice will help you to obtain a long-stay visa. 9 3 ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES B. H OW TO OBTAIN A RESIDENT’S PERMIT: ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES UPON YOUR ARRIVAL IN FRANCE Foreigners aged over 18 years who plan to stay in France for more than three months must have a resident’s permit “D” long-stay student VISA (CESEDA R311-3 6°) If you have obtained a “D” long-stay student visa from the French consulate/embassy, it bears the CESEDA R311-3 6° stamp. 4 step procedure upon your arrival in France: 1. Fill out the OFII* document provided by the consulate and send it by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt to OFII*, together with copies of the relevant pages of your passport (ID + visa + stamp of entry in France). Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration: OFII Montpellier: “Le Régent” - 1er étage - 4 rue Jules Ferry - 34000 Montpellier OFII Nîmes: 54 rue de l’Hostellerie - Ville Active - 30900 Nîmes OFII Perpignan: 6 rue des Jotglars - 66000 Perpignan 2. Upon receipt of these documents by OFII*, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt confirming your application. 3. You will receive an invitation from OFII* to undergo a medical examination (the documents you should take with you for this medical examination as well as the charge to pay will be specified in the letter you receive from OFII*). 4. Following the medical examination, a sticker is affixed to your passport, permitting to legally stay in France until the expiry date of the visa. The visa serves thereafter as a valid resident’s permit. 10 2 months prior to the expiry date of your visa, you must apply for a renewal of your resident’s permit The procedure for obtaining a resident’s permit depends on where you are living: • In Montpellier Service Accueil Étudiants Chercheurs au PRES-COMUE All applications for student and researcher residents’ permits in the department of Hérault must be handed into the PRES-COMUE reception office for international students and researchers. 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier (Tram lines 1 and 4, Albert 1er stop) Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 93 34 E-mail: [email protected] A team of multilingual students will assist you to complete your administrative formalities. Open from Monday to Friday September to November: 9:00am - 4:00pm December to July: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Requests for appointments and list of documents to be provided on the PRES-COMUE website: • In Nîmes L’accueil Préfecture du Gard - Bureau de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration 10 avenue Feuchères - 30045 Nîmes Cedex 9 Hotline from Monday to Friday 2:00pm - 4:00pm: +33 (0)4 66 87 59 60 Applications processed by appointment. E-mail: [email protected] • In Perpignan Residents’ permit desk at UPVD Bureau d’Accueil des étudiants internationaux (BAEI) International students reception desk (BAEI) 52 avenue Paul Alduy - Bâtiment BASE - 66860 Perpignan (Bus line 4 - Campus stop) Tel.: +33 (0)4 68 66 20 11 - E-mail: [email protected] Open from September to July, Monday to Friday 9:00 - 12:00am and 1:30 - 4:30pm 11 3 ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES Other long stay visas If you have obtained another type of long stay visa (visas stipulating “apply for resident’s permit within 2 months following arrival”, “trainee”): you must apply for your first resident’s permit. European students European students do not require a resident’s permit. General information A resident’s permit entitles an international student to work up to 60% of the legal annual work time (i.e. 964 hours/year). 12 © iStock Photo “C” type tourist visa (short stay): This type of visa is designed for foreigners entering the Schengen area either for a holiday or to attend conferences or other events. 4 USEFUL INFORMATION A. ACCOMMODATION Finding somewhere to live in Montpellier, Nîmes or Perpignan is not easy. One has to be well organized and have sufficient funds (see page 21). One also has to make provision for temporary accommodation and have the necessary funds to pay for costs incurred by the research of one’s accommodation (security deposit, agency fees, deposit... cf. page 17). CROUS halls of residence and university housing The CROUS International Relations offers accommodation in halls of residence or university housing (virtual visit at / logement / cités et residences). The monthly rent for a room in a hall of residence ranges from €176 to €243, depending on the comfort. Rent in a university apartment is approximately €300/month. Applications for accommodation are made on the CROUS website: between 15 January and 30 April (link on the home page: demandez un logement / ask for accommodation). 1. Eligibility criteria Students who meet the following eligibility criteria will be allocated accommodation in a hall of residence: • enrolled at a studies level of at least 1st years Master, or in one of the following establishments: Grande Ecole, classe préparatoire, IUT, Section de Technicien Supérieur (with the exception of privately funded establishments). Individual students must include in their application the co-surety of a person residing in France. 2. Procedure for making the application You must connect to the CROUS website ( between 15 January and 30 April. After connecting to this website you will receive a dossier by e-mail which you must fill out and send to: SCAN’ECO SAS CROUS DSE MONTPELLIER 135 avenue Pierre Semard - CS 80 068 84918 Avignon cedex 9 Warning: All applications must be sent to this address in Avignon. 13 4 USEFUL INFORMATION 3. Acceptance file Send your acceptance file within two weeks following receipt with the necessary documents for acceptance: - copy of your passport in its entirety - copy of most recently awarded diploma - copy of most recent certificate of school attendance (failing that, proof of pre-admission in a higher education establishment in France). The CROUS will e-mail a response following the study of your application and in relation with the acceptance criteria. Acceptance is given for one academic year in relation with availability. In the event that acceptance cannot be given immediately, students are put on to a waiting list. If you receive an offer, you must: - Pay the security deposit on line at (link: centrale de reservation). Keep the receipt of payment. You will have to present this receipt when you sign the lease at International Relations. - Supply the co-surety of a person residing in France. N.B: If you do not have a collateral in France, you may take out an individual guarantee amounting to 2 months of rent + the first month of rent payable to the hall of residence or university housing. CROUS International Relations reception desk Address: 2 rue Monteil - 34033 Montpellier cedex 1 (Tram line 1, Boutonnet stop) Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm / closed on Wednesday Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 38 - [email protected] Files are studied according to level of studies and date of remittance as well as availability. Even if you meet these criteria, the CROUS cannot guarantee an accommodation due to the restricted number of available accommodations 14 © Alexandre Bena Résidence Persée à Juvignac Private accommodation Montpellier CROUS and CRIJ Languedoc-Roussillon websites • Montpellier Go to for private accommodation offers (no agency fees) You may also download a very useful housing handbook. Le Phare • Montpellier Le Phare is a meeting place for international students who are seeking accommodation. Multlingual students accompany students in their research of private accommodation. Open September and October from Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Address: PRES-COMUE - 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier (tram lines 1 and 4, Albert 1er stop) - Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 94 15 4 USEFUL INFORMATION Student accommodation hall • Montpellier In this hall you will find information to help you in your research of accommodation. Some administrative formalities may also be completed here. Espace Logement Etudiant From August to October at: Corum - Salon du Belvédère - Esplanade Ch. de Gaulle - Montpellier • Perpignan Temporary accommodation Youth hostel • Montpellier Price per night: €20.60 (breakfast included) Bookings can be made from abroad Address: Impasse de la Petite Corraterie - 34000 Montpellier Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 60 32 22 - Fax: + 33 (0)4 67 60 32 30 - • Nîmes Adress: 257 chemin de l’auberge de jeunesse - 30900 Nîmes Tél.: +33 (0)4 66 68 03 20 - © Elohim Carrau • Perpignan Adress: Allée Marc Pierre, Parc de la Pépinière - 66000 Perpignan Tel.: +33 (0)4 68 34 63 32 - Fax: +33 (0)4 68 51 16 02 - 16 Security deposit and collateral Security deposit When you sign your lease, you will be asked to pay a security deposit. This amount may be used to cover a tenant’s breach of his/her obligations (repairs and restoring of leased premises...). The security deposit may not exceed one month of rent excluding charges and must be returned within two months after handing back the keys (for unfurnished rentals). Collateral To rent an accommodation, you must also have a collateral. The collateral is a person who resides in France and who contracts to pay any rent due not paid by you. If you pay several months of rent in advance, make sure you ask the landlord for a receipt. Housing allowances In some cases, the APL (Aides Personnalisées au Logement) or ALS (Allocations de Logement à caractère Social) benefits may be granted by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales. Applications for these benefits should be made on Internet. Montpellier: / Perpignan: Housing insurance Comprehensive housing insurance is mandatory for unfurnished properties and highly recommended in the case of furnished properties. This housing insurance policy will cover you against fire, flooding, explosion, liability, theft... The big insurance companies and some banks issue suitable housing insurance policies. 17 4 USEFUL INFORMATION B. HEALTHCARE Affiliation to the social security scheme Affiliation to the social security scheme at the same time as the administrative enrolment procedure. Affiliation to the system is mandatory for non European students. Cost: €213 (2014-2015). To qualify for “sécurité sociale étudiante”, students must be aged under 28 years and enrolled in an approved higher education establishment for at least three months Students over the age of 28 may qualify, in certain cases, for the Couverture médicale Universelle (CMU). An annual contribution is due to Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie. For more information, we advise you to get in touch with these organizations. Students who are members of the European Economic Space are exempted if they are holders of a European Health Insurance card that is valid for the entire academic year. Complementary mutual health insurance The social security scheme refunds about 60% of healthcare costs. In addition to this mandatory scheme, complementary mutual health insurance schemes take on the extra cost so you’re your healthcare becomes free. Cost: €50 to €500/year depending on the insurance company and cover. These insurance policies have the added benefit of including a civil liability cover which is often mandatory. Particular case of French and foreign government scholarship students. Students benefiting from the “sécurité sociale étudiante” do not pay social security contributions. Campus France refunds the amount paid for a mandatory enrolment to a complementary mutual health insurance policy to the rate of €264, upon the basis of justification of payment for the current academic year. Students who do not qualify for the “sécurité sociale étudiante” scheme are insured directly by Campus France. The Campus France insurance is strictly personal and other members of the family are not insured. The organizations in charge of students’ Social Security are: LMDE, La Mutuelle des Etudiants: MEP, La Mutuelle des Étudiants de Provence: 18 Preventive medicine Ask at your university to see a doctor, nurse and/or social worker. Disabled students Various accompanying arrangements are available to disabled students at the three universities in Montpellier. Please contact the persons in charge, or go to the website of the university you are enrolled at for more information. Université Montpellier 1: [email protected] Université Montpellier 2: [email protected] Université Montpellier 3: [email protected] Université de Nîmes: [email protected] Université de Perpignan Via Domitia: [email protected] The CROUS has about 100 accommodations designed for the disabled. For further information:>service social/handicap Under this heading, disabled students may fill out the “demande de logement adapté” file. This will help the CROUS in their search of a suitable accommodation. Applications can be made at any time in the year. Social aid CROUS social workers are available for students at the CROUS and at the universities. Welcome, support, information and guidance, activation of financial aid, prevention... Our social workers can help students experiencing social, psychological or materialistic difficulties. Service social du CROUS de Montpellier Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 28 - [email protected] 19 4 USEFUL INFORMATION C. MONEY MATTERS Minimum financial requirement Under French law it is mandatory for International students to prove they have sufficient means of support, i.e., €615/month. Proof of these means can be given by presenting: - a certificate of scholarship, - a standing order from abroad (stamped by the bank), - bank statements of the last three months showing monthly bank transfers (€615) or signed and dated certification from the bank showing a credit balance amounting to at least three months of the minimum financial requirement. €615 is a strict minimum. During the first month of your stay in France, you may need as much as €1,800 (security deposit, insurance, mutual health insurance...). Enrolment at university varies according to studies you plan to do: €184 for students enrolling for a bachelor’s degree, €256 for a Master, €391 for doctoral students (2014-2015). Monthly budget The following table gives a breakdown of average monthly expenses of a single student not living in a hall of residence: Rent (including charges) €400 Food€200 Transportation€30 University supplies Spare time activities €20 €100 Internet€20 Mobile phone €30 TOTAL€800 20 © UM2 - Luc Jennepin © Thinkstock PRES-COMUE © Service Communication UM3 How to open a bank account It is highly advisable to open a bank account, and particularly so if you are entitled to various allowances which will be paid directly into your bank account. List of required documents: • certificate of accommodation (with exact address), • certificate of school attendance, • copy of passport and visa. 21 4 USEFUL INFORMATION D. EATING OUT There is a large range of low priced eateries: €3.20/meal The university restaurants and CROUS cafeterias are located on or very near the university campuses. The food served is low priced and adapted to the need of all students. For further details go to Cafétéria Saint Charles E. TRANSPORTATION In Montpellier Bicycle, tram, bus... Transports de l’Agglomération de Montpellier (TAM) offers a range of subscriptions and passes. For further details, go to In Nîmes In Nîmes the bus service is managed by TaNgo. For further details go to In Perpignan In Perpignan there are various means of transportation to help you get around the city. For further details go to and 22 F . Pass’Culture: A GOOD IDEA Pass’culture in Montpellier All students under the age of 30 years can ask for a Pass’Culture card. The charge for this card is €9 and entitles the holder reduced prices at cinemas (€3.90) theatres and concerts (€5 to €10). Enquiries: CROUS de Montpellier Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 96 - [email protected] Campus Culture in Nîmes For €7, students in Nîmes enjoy reduced prices for concerts, cinema and theatre, as well as reduced admission to the monuments and museums around the city. Books, CDs and films may also be purchased at reduced prices. A few examples: €5 admission to Théâtre de Nîmes, €4 admission to the Forum at city centre… Enquiries: service jeunesse de la ville de Nîmes (ORLOJ) Tel.: +33 (0)4 66 27 76 86 - Pass’culture in Perpignan For €9, students in Perpignan enjoy reduced prices for concerts, cinema and theatre, as well as reduced admission to various sites in the region. Prices are as follows: Cinema Castillet: €3, Institut Jean Vigo: €3, Théatre del’Archipel: €5, Jazzèbre: from 2 to €15, USAP: €5, Festivals: - 50 % Enquiries: Université de Perpignan Via Domitia Bâtiment BASE - Open Monday to Friday 1:30-4:30pm. Tel.: +33 (0)4 68 66 20 11 - [email protected] Facebook: Pass’Culture UPVD - Twitter: Pass’Culture UPVD 23 4 USEFUL INFORMATION G. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES ACCOMMODATION 1. Collateral: - Passport - Collateral’s ID - Collateral’s three last pay slips and last income tax statement - Proof of collateral’s residence (utility or telephone bill) - Bank account identification details (tenant and collateral) 2. Comprehensive housing insurance BANK - Proof of residence (rent receipt or lease) - Passport and visa HOUSING ALLOWANCES (CAF) - Completed file - Bank account identification details IMMIGRATION (OFII) - Passport with visa and entry date - OFII certificate (given to the student by the consulate at the same time as the visa) ADMINISTRATIVE ENROLMENT AT UNIVERSITY - Passport and copy of passport showing the student visa (non EU students) or resident’s permit - A duly completed enrolment file - Letter of acceptance from the host university - Original birth certificate translated into French + copy - Scholarship students: copy of scholarship awarding - If admission to L1, original diploma allowing admission to university in your country + a translation of the said document by an approved translator + a copy of this document - For all other years of study: in addition to the baccalaureate, present the original of the diploma allowing admission by equivalence agreement = an approved translation of this diploma and copy AFFILIATION TO SOCIAL SECURITY - French translation of birth certificate NB : Make sure you have several copies of all these documents and several passport photographs 24 H. GLOSSARY BAC: Baccalauréat BDE: Bureau des Étudiants CAF: Caisse d’allocation Familiale CMU: Couverture Maladie Universelle COMUE: (ex PRES) Communauté d’Universités et d’Établissements du Languedoc-Roussillon CPAM: Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie CRIJ: Centre Régional Information Jeunesse CROUS: Centre Régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires ENT: Espace Numérique de Travail LR: Languedoc-Roussillon (Région) MDE: Maison des Étudiants OFII: Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’intégration PHARE: Point Hébergement Accueil et Recherche de logement pour les Etudiants Internationaux RIB: Relevé d’Identité Bancaire (Bank account identification details) SAMU: Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence UF: Unité de Formation et de Recherche Abréviations © Service Communication UM3 BU: Bibliothèque Universitaire (university library) Cafèt’: Cafétéria Cité U: Cité Universitaire (Hall of residence) Coloc’: Colocation Fac: Faculté = UFR = Unité de Formation et de Recherche RU ou resto’U: Restaurant Universitaire (University restaurant) 25 Contacts CROUS de Montpellier Service accueil international 2 rue Monteil - 34033 Montpellier Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 38 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 50 29 [email protected] - PRES-COMUE Service Accueil International Étudiants/Chercheurs 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 93 34 [email protected] - UNIVERSITÉ MONTPELLIER 1 (UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER) Service des Relations Internationales - Services centraux / Espace Richter Rue Vendémiaire - Bât. E - CS 29555 - 34961 Montpellier cedex 2 Tel.: + 33 (0)4 34 43 23 23 - [email protected] - UNIVERSITÉ MONTPELLIER 2 (UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER) Pôle Relations Internationales et Mobilité Place Eugène Bataillon - 34095 Montpellier cedex 5 Tel.: + 33 (0)4 67 14 30 46 - [email protected] - MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITÉ paul Valéry Service des Relations Internationales Bureau 213 - Route de Mende - 34199 Montpellier cedex 5 Tel.: + 33 (0)4 67 14 21 31 - Université de Nîmes Service des Relations Internationales Rue du Dr. Georges Salan - 30021 Nîmes cedex Tel.: +33 (0)4 66 36 45 61 - [email protected] - Université de Perpignan Via Domitia Service Universitaire des Relations Internationales 52 avenue Paul Alduy - Bât. A RDC - 66860 Perpignan Tel.: +33 (0)4 68 66 22 18 - Fax: +33 (0)4 68 66 17 49 [email protected] - MINE DE RIEN - Visuel couverture : © Aldo Murillo ARTS, LETTRES, LANGUES, SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES
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