September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
Page Two St. James R.C. Church Mass Celebrant for September 10th & September 11th SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2016 8:00 A.M Rose Pepe 9:30 A.M. Joanne Gaeta - Birthday Remembrance 11:00 A.M. David & Catherine Murphy 12:30 P.M. For the People of St. James Parish MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2016 - Labor Day 9:00 A.M. Grandparents of the Secondino & Costantino Families 9/10 ~ 4:00 pm ~ Fr. John 9/11 ~ 8:00 am ~ Fr. Stephen 9:30 am ~ Fr. Chris 11:00 am ~ Fr. Stephen 12:30 pm ~ Fr. John Celebrants Subject to Change Reconciliation Schedule Saturday Confessions 3:00 - 3:45 PM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 8:00 A.M. Angelo Librizzi - 2nd Anniversary WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2016 8:00 A.M. Brian Fitzwilliam THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 8:00 A.M. Santina & Salvatore Gangi FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 8:00 A.M. Joanne & Tom Mooney SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 8:00 A.M. Deceased members of the Maselli & O’Brien Families, Carmine Vanizano 4:00 P.M. Claudio & Amalia Testa SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 8:00 A.M Rodolfo O. Rosales - Living, Birthday Remembrance 9:30 A.M. Kenneth Laub 11:00 A.M. Amelia & Carlo Capobianco 12:30 P.M. For the People of St. James Parish, Tom Lazicky, Todd Thompson, Kevin Connors Maryann Amblo, Francine Argila, Deanna Baisley, James Bianco, Louis Breitbach, Michael Capobianco, JoAnn Chirco, Leslie Crandall, Florence D’Alto, Agnes Daly, Dale Daly, James DeVita, Joan Dlugokencky, Skip Doran, Joe Falcone, Connie Fisher, Thomas Francis, Paul Giacalone, Rosemary Giacalone, Luke Gruener, Kenneth Hall, William Hewitt, Melissa Huebner, Delphine Julian, John Kmiotek, Gina Krafinski, Sean Lehosky, Tia Mabanta, Dakota Maken, Mary Sue Maluda, Michael Martinez, Pat Matera, Gene Matthews, Tara Matthews, Megan McCormack, Erlinda Medina, Janice Mehaffy, Steven Miller, Marianne Mirkow, James Murphy, Ann Muscarello, Antoinette Palumbo, Diane Pheffer, Dana Rodriguez, Richard Rogers, Joan Rose, Michaline Salamack, Cynthia Simson, Maria Sisto, Karen Stafford, Rosemary Styne, William Styne, Sally Ann Waskewich, Isabella Rose Weiss, Jessica Weiss, Joseph White, Florence Wogan 435 St. James Sunday, September 4, 2016 Page Three 435 St. James Page Four The Twenty - Third Sunday In Ordinary Time 435 St. James Sunday, September 4, 2016 Page Five 435 St. James Page Six The Twenty - Third Sunday In Ordinary Time 435 St. James Sunday, Sunday,September February 2, 4, 2014 2016 Page Seven 435 St. James Page Eight The Twenty Sunday, - ThirdFebruary Sunday In 2,Ordinary 2014 Time 435 St. James Twenty-Sixth Thirty-Third The Sunday, Sunday, Presentation Sunday Sunday September February in inof Ordinary Ordinary 9, the 4,2014 2016 LordTime Time Jubilee Year of Mercy All parishioners are invited to join us for the “Jubilee of Mercy” monthly Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction. Each Month we will reflect on one of the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy in response to the Holy Father’s call as a means of deepening our commitment to live authentically as “intentional disciples” of Jesus today. Date: Time: Location: Presider: Preacher: Topic: September 12, 2016 7:30 PM St. James Church Fr. John Deacon Rick Brunner Counsel the doubtful Page Nine Charismatic Prayer Group We welcome you back on October 3rd and every Monday night to our Prayer meeting. We will meet in the Parish Center from 7:30pm - 9:00pm in room 114. We praise The Lord, pray scripture and have a time of quiet reflection. We close the meeting with intercessory prayer. For more information, please call Patricia Brodman at 516-735-7763. Please note that the Parish Center Office will be closed Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day. FROM THE EDITOR Bulletin Deadlines Bulletin Date Due by 9:00am September 11th September 18th September 25th October 2nd Mon., September 5th Mon., September 12th Mon., September 19th Mon., September 26th Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception As part of the celebration of this Jubilee Year of ON L SE Y 5 A LE TS FT ! Mercy, please consider participating in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. Saturday, September 24, 2016 Bus will leave St. James at 7am and will return at 10pm. Please contact Mike Mendonez at 516-581-3788 or the Parish Center Office at 731-3710, for more information on this wonderful event and to reserve a seat on the bus. Please join us. 435 St. James Page Ten TheTwenty-Sixth Twenty Sunday, - Third Sunday February Sunday in Ordinary In 2, Ordinary 2014 Time Time Come join a lively, spirited , friendly and fun filled group of over 60 seniors. In addition to friendship and camaraderie, the members enjoy outings and luncheons throughout the year. We host guest speakers and play Bingo. Members pay annual dues of $10.00 and weekly fee of $1.00 each meeting for coffee and cake. Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 12:00 - 3:30pm, from September to June in Delaney Hall in the Parish Center. Join us for our first September meeting on September 9, 2016. Elevator available for your convenience. For more information, please call Joan at 516-694-0328. St. James Seniors & AARP Present: MAMMA MIA! A Taste of Italy at Gargiulo’s Coney Island An Italian celebration with plenty of good food and good wine! Enjoy tuxedo - clad waiters serving old school Italian fare in a newly decorated ballroom. Learn how to make the perfect gravy (I mean sauce)! Monday, October 10, 2016 $96.00 Per person Trip Includes: Lunch at Gargiulo’s Music & Dancing Live Entertainment Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation All Tips & Taxed (except bus driver) Call Eileen at 516-931-0048 St. James Office of Faith Formation Dear Parents and Guardians of Religious Education Students, We have been preparing for a new and exciting faith-filled year here at St. James Religious Education! We are in need of catechists, hall monitors and office aides. Please help us make this the best year yet for teaching our children about God! We ask you to please consider sharing your faith with our children. It is a terrific way to keep your faith and theirs growing. Please contact Marianne or Carol at 516-796-2979. We look forward to seeing you in September! 435 St. James Twenty-Sixth Sunday, Sunday,Sunday September February in Ordinary 2,4,2014 2016 Time Page Eleven 435 St. James Page Twelve Twenty-Sixth Thirty-Third The Presentation Sunday Sunday in inof Ordinary Ordinary the LordTime TimeTime The Twenty - Third Sunday In Ordinary Weekly Stewardship of Treasure Report WEEK OF: MASS 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM Online Giving Weekly Env. TOTAL August 21, 2016 1st Collection $ $ Maintenance & Repairs 2nd Collection CHURCH CAPACITY 850 MASS ATTENDANCE 2,677.00 1,537.00 $ $ 491.00 292.00 404 182 $ 1,766.00 $ 1,821.00 $ 1,302.00 $ 1,155.70 $ 813.00 $ 11,071.70 $ $ $ $ $ $ 474.00 356.00 403.00 0.00 15.00 2,031.00 219 172 212 1189 St. James Parish Online Giving It’s Easy! It’s Fast! It’s Secure! Did you know that you can make your contributions to St. James online? Sign up today. Simply go to our website,, click on the NetCharge link and follow the instructions to sign up. Did you know that you are now able to use a Credit Card to pay for Religious Education Tuition, for purchases in the Book Nook, to make your offerings for Mass Intentions in the Parish Office and/or "online" to make your Weekly Sunday Contributions to the parish? SUPER BONANZA August 2016 Readings For Sunday, September 11th 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 32:7-11, 13-14 Ps 51: 3-4, 12-13, 17, 19 Tm 1: 12-17, 12-17 Lk 15: 1-32 $25 winners Sunday, 8/28 - Grace Guarini Monday, 8/29 - William Heise Tuesday, 8/30 - Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bannon Pray for our Deceased Linda S. Yearsly Kevin J. Connors Norbert Banalett Angela Fisher Louis & Josephine Donadio Maria Camello Wednesday, 8/31- Michael Guido Thursday, 9/1 - Patrick Daly Friday, 9/2 - Mary Ann Franco Saturday, 9/3 - Mr. & Mrs. R. Koff Congratulations to William Fabrizio our $100 End of Month Super Bonanza Winner! 435 St. James Thirty-Third The Sunday, Sunday, Presentation Sunday September February inof Ordinary 9, the 4,2014 2016 LordTime Page Thirteen “COME GROW WITH US……..IN OUR COUNCILS 50TH YEAR” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ST. JAMES PARISH FALL MEMBERSHIP BLITZ THE MSGR. DELANEY COUNCIL WILL BE HOLDING THEIR FALL MEMBERSHIP BLITZ PROGRAM THE WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 22 AND 23. THEY WOULD LIKE ALL ELIGIBLE CATHOLIC MEN OF OUR PARISH TO CONSIDER JOINING THE LARGEST FRATERNAL CATHOLIC MENS ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD, THERE WILL BE MEMBERS AT THE DOORS AND IN THE NARTHEX TO DISTRIBUTE LITERATURE AND ANSWER ANY INQUIRIES YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT THE KNIGHTS AND ORDER. FR. AARON IS THEIR CHAPLAIN AN DEACON JIM IS THE ASSOCIATE CHAPLAIN AND THEY SERVE WITH PRIDE AND WOULD LOVE TO SEE ALL OF OUR FAMILIES INVOLVED IN THE COUNCIL. LADIES ARE ELIGIBLE TO JOIN THE COLUMBIETTES AS WELL. THEY MEET ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT THE COUNCIL AT 7:00 P.M. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SPEAKING WITH ALL INTERESTED MEN ON THIS WEEKEND. St. Martin of Tours Parish Bethpage NY Is Seeking a Youth Minister Our parish has been involved in both the Life Teen high school and Edge middle school programs. We are looking for someone to be the coordinator of these youth programs and the possibility of other ways of ministering to our teens. This is a part-time job of twenty to twenty two hours a week. Most of our youth ministry is done in the evening with occasional weekend retreat experiences. Please send you resumes to Father Patrick Woods, CSSR at [email protected] 435 St. James Page Ten St. James R.C. Church This Week at St. James Sunday, September 4th No Scheduled Events Monday, September 5th - Labor Day Parish Center Closed - No Scheduled Events Tuesday, September 6th No Scheduled Events Wednesday, September 7th No Scheduled Events Thursday, September 8th 11:00am Plainedge Seniors Friday, September 9th No Scheduled Events Saturday, September 10th 5:00pmAdult Choir & Handbells - Church We welcome into the St. James Community: Sienna Sylvia Bucheli Cameron Nikolas Butrico Sienna Rose Giacomaro Ava Grace Schroy Maeve Lynn Sivak FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES Lord of Hosts, we commend to Your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with Your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils that beset them; and grant them Your abiding presence wherever they may be. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES IN THE MILITARY Please pray for: Lt. Col. Joseph Agres, USMC; Marine; Battalion Chaplain, Capt. Fr. Lito D. Amande, Army; Kyle Beck, Navy Airman, Lt. Commander Raymond Beno, Navy; Sgt. Joseph R. Booth, Army: Spc. Matthew Burrafato, Cpl. Dominic Castiello, Marines; Lt. Col. Brian Coyne, Sean Dolan 1st Lieutenant, USMC, Marines; Sgt. Steven Fiscante, Army; Pfc. Steven Gianatiempo, Army; M.P. Brian Gruebel, Air Force; Sgt. 1st Class James T. Harris, Army; Sgt. James Howard, Army; Specialist Dillon Incendio, Army; LtJG. Connor Krebs, USMC; Lance Cpl. Richard Marandino, Marines; Airman 1st Class Gregory P. Marchese, Jr., Air Force; Lt. Eric McMullan, Army; Captain Scott Michalowski, Air Force; USMC; Pfc. Kyle Nigro, Marines; Pvt. Patricia O’Connor, Army; Pfc. Jason O’Shaughnessy, Army; Capt. Theresa Rodzevik, Army; Rocky C. Rossi, Navy; Scott Santoro, Marine; Lt. James Van Wie, Army ; Major Kevin Walsh, Airforce 435 St. James
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