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Achieve-CAN-v6i4-eng.. - Amway Achieve Magazine
An exclusive publication of VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4, 2013 FOUNDERS DOUBLE DIAMOND Building Healthy Businesses ne of the great things about owning an Amway™ independent business is that you decide what goals you want to reach. You set the vision for where you want to go. Success means different things to different people. But one thing is for sure: Successful Amway Independent Business Owners share the strong, common set of values that have been a part of this business for more than 50 years. O Whether you’ve been in business for a while or are just starting out, long-term growth and success are a result of the work you put in using principles and ethics as a guide. We’re proud of our Amway IBOs who root their businesses in ways that reflect what Amway is truly all about. You don’t just talk about values, you live them. At Amway, the same values that have been a part of our foundation since the beginning guide our decisions and actions in all that we do. These values include: t Integrity – working honestly, reliably, and honorably t Partnership – working effectively with others t Personal worth – believing in others t Personal responsibility – being accountable t Achievement – celebrating and wanting to be better t Free enterprise While we work to ensure policies and rules are in place to encourage honest and balanced businesses, we also look to you to continue to embrace and communicate the need to conduct ourselves with these same core values and ethical business practices. The work you do and the way you do it continues to make Amway the best business opportunity in the world. Thank you for all you do. Together, we’ll build on the values that have made this business so strong. And we’ll ensure continued growth and success for many years to come. Steve Van Andel Doug DeVos AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 02 AMWAY HERO AWARDS .......................................... 08 DETERMINATION: RENEE DESILVA ....................... 10 GENEROSITY: JODY AND KATHY VICTOR ................14 LEADERSHIP: BILL AND PEGGY BRITT ...................18 PATRIOTISM: LYNN BURNETT .............................. 22 RECOGNITION ....................................................... 28 FOUNDERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS........ 52 IBOAI ................................................................... 53 NANCY SIAT AND KEVIN WONG ............................... Achieve PAGE 1 TURNING CORNERS, FINDING Nancy Siat & Kevin Wong FOUNDERS DOUBLE DIAMOND | NEW YORK U nlike most people who start an Amway™ independent business, Nancy Siat was well acquainted with the world of direct selling. While still living in Malaysia, she was a distributor for a direct selling Japanese skincare company. But her experience was not a happy one. “They would always find some excuse not to pay me what they owed me,” she says. So when she and her husband Kevin Wong moved to the U.S., she didn’t even think about the possibilities of working in direct sales. Instead, she took on two part-time jobs, working mornings in a beauty salon and afternoons in a restaurant. In fact, it was Kevin who first decided to pursue the Amway opportunity. “He started it on his own. I didn’t have the time or the interest,” recalls Nancy. But in trying to do it all by himself, Kevin was soon struggling. He wasn’t growing his business as quickly as he wanted to. He also owned a food import business that took his time. And, as he explains, “I wasn’t good with people like Nancy is. I needed her help finding customers and learning how to approach them.” PAGE 2 Achieve NANCY SIAT AND KEVIN WONG “The first time I visited the company, I met so many professional people who had succeeded in the business. I thought, if they can do it, why can’t we?” | NANCY SIAT Achieve PAGE 3 questions instead of going to Kevin. Pretty soon, they were coming to me for everything,” she laughs. But that was fine with both of them because as it turned out, Nancy had finally found a direct selling company that was a perfect fit for her. Ticket to paradise He finally persuaded his wife to join him, which was their first big turning point. The second came when Kevin surprised Nancy with a ticket to Ada, Michigan, where Amway was celebrating its 35th anniversary. “When I toured the corporate headquarters and saw all the manufacturing facilities and met so many professional people, including doctors and lawyers, who had become successful Amway IBOs, it really opened my eyes. I was so impressed with Amway! It made me feel very confident about being associated with such a great company.” That belief grew even stronger when she learned that Amway offers a Satisfaction Guarantee on products. “Knowing that I personally didn’t have to be responsible for the products and that any refunds wouldn’t come out of my pocket also made me feel good,” she recounts, remembering that not all companies operate by such standards. Perfect fit After she returned from Ada, Nancy’s role began to change in a major way. “I became very knowledgeable about the products, and people started asking me PAGE 4 Achieve “I really enjoyed helping people plan for their futures,” she says. “Most people I knew were working long hours in retail businesses or restaurants – getting up early, coming home late, and not making much money. I would explain to them that by using and selling Amway™ products, they could earn bonuses, and that they could do it part time to earn extra money. Best of all, they could be their own boss.” She stressed, too, that having an Amway independent business requires hard work, but there are lasting benefits for those who stick with it. She found that one of her favorite parts of the business was sharing products with people. She enjoys comparing Amway brands such as NUTRILITE®, ARTISTRY®, and SA8® with other wellknown brands to point out the differences. “When I was starting out, I used all the materials provided by the company to explain the features and benefits of our products,” she says. Now that she’s used practically all of them herself, she also uses her own experience to explain what makes an Amway product superior. “I’m very good at persuading people to see things my way,” she adds with a smile. “And when they find one product they like, they always come back for more.” NANCY SIAT AND KEVIN WONG Sensible weight management She’s especially excited about the BODYKEY by NUTRILITE™ weight management product line. “It’s such a healthy way to manage your weight,” she observes. “Some people want a product that will help them lose weight really fast, like you see the superstars do, but it’s not good for you to lose weight like that. It’s much healthier to do it in a way that helps you reduce fat, not muscle. I always tell people the test is clothes: When they start feeling looser, you know you’re losing weight.” Over the years, she’s realized that the things she likes to do most in life nicely complement her Amway™ business: She enjoys meeting people and sharing ideas with them, and she loves to cook, often doing demos using iCook® products. “It’s so easy to combine my hobbies with my business,” she states. “I’m very proud of our products and it’s fun to talk with people about them.” Achieve PAGE 5 “It’s so easy to combine my hobbies with my business. I’m very proud of our products and it’s fun to talk with people about them.” | NANCY SIAT There to help Nancy advises new IBOs to be sure they thoroughly understand any products before introducing them to friends or relatives. “I tell people if they have any questions or are confused about anything to get in touch with me right away. I’m here to help them.” She credits her own mentors for helping her and Kevin rise to each new level. “I feel so lucky and am so grateful to those who answered all my questions at the beginning and taught me the right way to do things,” she states, adding that both upline and downline IBOs contributed to her success. “Without their support, we would not be where we are today.” Her goal now is to keep helping others succeed. With the large group they’ve developed, that keeps her very busy. In their spare time, Nancy and Kevin like to hang out with their 15-year-old son, Victor. “He’s a very talented badminton player and is taking lessons from an excellent coach right now,” says Nancy. “His dream is to compete as a professional, but he’s very PAGE 6 Achieve NANCY SIAT AND KEVIN WONG good in academics, too. Who knows, maybe he will end up going to business school and starting his own Amway™ business someday.” family would have this kind of life,” she says about their beautiful seaside home and its gorgeous surroundings. “It’s so comfortable and peaceful here.” Nancy says no matter what Victor decides to do, as his mom, she just wants him to be happy and successful in life, like she and Kevin are. “I never dreamed our It’s certainly a much different life than when she was working two jobs to make ends meet. “In that world, everything was so unstable, you never knew how much money you would be taking home each week,” she notes. As for where they are today, Nancy says, “It is all thanks to my husband, who had the foresight to believe in this business; to Amway, who provided everything we needed to be successful; and to the many friends we have made who helped us continue moving forward.” “To others who are on the same journey, I say set your goals high and aim to be recognized with a new pin every year.” The average monthly Gross Income for “active” IBOs in Canada was $198. Approximately 48% of IBOs in Canada, were “active.” IBOs were considered “active” in months in 2010 when they attempted to make a retail sale, or presented the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, or received bonus money, or attended an Amway or IBO meeting. If someone sustained that level of activity every month for a whole year, their annualized Gross Income would be $2,376. Of course, not every IBO chooses to be active every month. “Gross Income” means the amount received from retail sales, minus the cost of goods sold, plus monthly bonuses and cash incentives. It excludes all annual bonuses and cash incentives, and all non-cash awards, which may be significant. There may also be significant business expenses, mostly discretionary, that may be greater in relation to income in the first years of operation. For the purposes of the calculation in Canada, individuals who were IBOs for less than the entire year in 2010 were excluded. Achieve PAGE 7 PAGE 8 Achieve Achieve AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 Independent Business Owners are a special lot, so it was no simple task selecting the recipients of the fourth annual Amway Hero Awards for Determination, Generosity, Leadership, and Patriotism. PAGE 9 Drawing strength from her family, friends, and faith, this IBO resolved to be an inspiration and hope to others. For Renee DeSilva, family has always been a source of strength. She credits her deep connection with her sister Jennifer Smeenk and her brother Reggie Nicolas with making it through the untimely losses of both of their parents. “Our parents instilled a bond between the three of us,” says Renee, “and it was only made stronger after we went through the experience of losing both of our parents together. We’re even closer now.” Her family was also there to help when Renee’s husband Alan died in a car crash just a few months before the couple’s fifth wedding anniversary – a tragedy that Renee says she couldn’t have managed without her faith and the support of those around her. PAGE 10 Achieve “I had a choice of whether I’d let this end my life,” she says. “Whether I’d do nothing and let it defeat me. But I want to be an example of being able to overcome. I want to be strong.” For her persistence in the face of personal loss, Renee DeSilva is awarded the Amway Hero Award for Determination. A journey together A few months after her father passed away, Renee attended the 2002 World Youth Day in Toronto – a global festival for young Catholics. That’s where she began spending time with Alan DeSilva, a boy she had grown up with in Edmonton, Alberta, and knew as a distant acquaintance. AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 PAGE 11 Achieve Six months after the friends returned from Toronto, Renee’s mother had a stroke. “I remember praying to God, ‘I just lost my dad. If it’s your will, please give us more time,’” Renee says. “And my prayers were answered. My mother lived exactly one more year before passing away.” Alan was at her side through it all. “We became best friends over the course of a year and a half,” she says. “We grew together, and he helped me walk that journey.” Their friendship blossomed into romance and after dating for four years, the couple married in May 2008. They became Independent Business Owners the same year. Strength to carry on Together, the DeSilvas built a successful Amway™ independent business while raising two children, 4-year-old son Gabriel and 3-year-old daughter Anjali. But Renee’s world changed after Alan’s accident in February 2013. I “I knew I could not have handled this tragedy without God’s grace and love,” she says, “and without the amazing people in my life who opened up their hearts to grieve and walk this journey with me.” Many cared for her in practical ways: cleaning the house, watching the kids, praying, and just being there. “I didn’t cook a meal for two months!” she says. “It truly is a success story of people’s amazing hearts, compassion, and love.” Renee was also heartened by the fond stories that she heard from the students and colleagues of Alan, who had been a biology professor. “It helped me to know that he effected change in the world,” she says, “even though he was only 30.” Renee is determined to be a source of inspiration for her own children. “I’m going to have to rise up from this, so my kids can rise up, too,” she says. Network of support Before Alan’s passing, the DeSilvas were working toward their dream of attaining Diamond; after, Renee let the business slow so she could concentrate on grieving and healing. Then, she says, participating in the BODYKEY by NUTRILITE™ 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge gave her a positive goal to focus on and a chance to reconnect PAGE 12 Achieve AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 Renee was the winner of the 2011 IBO Talent Show. Her original video submission can be viewed at: with others. Her team lost a collective 69 pounds and 138 inches, winning a prize for their success. “I’m happy that this award honors Alan, his story, and all his hard work toward our dreams.” “The challenge kept me in touch with my team,” she says. “Now that I’ve reinvented my role, I’m re-fired up to get my business going again.” Now Renee is sharing her story to empower those around her. “It feels good to instill hope,” she says, “and be future-focused. When I do that kind of work, I feel a closeness to Alan. Our dream was together, and I feel him very near to me, still helping with that journey.” As a couple, Alan and Renee each had their own strengths in the company: Alan was out in front, presenting the IBO Compensation Plan, while Renee made sure all the pieces came together. Now she’s overcoming her fears and presenting the Plan on her own. “I’ve made a commitment to become a Diamond,” Renee says. “I found inspiration by looking through issues of ACHIEVE® magazine for single women who have made Emerald or Platinum. If they could do it, I knew I could do it, too!” An inspiration to others Renee’s business team has seen her through these hard times, too. She notes the significant help of her sponsors Frank and Lorraine Mikolas, who are “amazing people with huge hearts for my family and the team,” as well as her uplines Mike and Lori Bourgeois. “I’m really thankful for their friendship and for their help in keeping a positive attitude,” she says. One way she shares this positivity is through her voice – Renee is a talented singer. “I’ve always enjoyed singing,” she says, “and performing at church. It’s a lot of fun for me! Music can lift people up, and it keeps them going.” Renee says spreading this joy is what means the most to her. “For me, a hero is someone who is a source of inspiration and hope to others,” she says. Achieve PAGE 13 This second-generation IBO couple gives generously around the world and at home. Talking about their charitable work makes Amway™ Independent Business Owners Jody and Kathy Victor somewhat uncomfortable. “We don’t give back for the recognition,” Kathy says. Instead, the Victors have made generosity a way of life. Over the years, they have supported a number of diverse causes, including the American Heart Association, a scholarship fund at The Ohio State University, and the Back to the Wild wildlife rehabilitation center. Jody even received the Polish Heart Award from the government of Poland in concert with the Roman Catholic Church for his work overseas – creating free enterprise business opportunities for people and helping build public recreation facilities throughout the country. But as often as they make personal donations, they also contribute to causes anonymously, wherever they see a need to be filled. “That’s just how we do things,” says Jody. “We’re here to help.” PAGE 14 Achieve For their decades of quiet philanthropy, Jody and Kathy Victor are the recipients of the 2013 Amway Hero Award for Generosity. Giving that lasts As Crowns Jody and Kathy explain, generosity is about making a lasting difference, and that kind of giving means the most. “We like to create things,” says Kathy, “instead of just donating.” Those efforts began in 1981, when they were approached to help fund a baseball field for youth in their community who needed a place to play. A former baseball player himself (he was an all-star second baseman) with a lifelong passion for the game, Jody leapt at the opportunity and together the couple financed Crown Field in Ohio – complete with an electronic scoreboard, dugouts, fencing, sod outfields, and bleachers. AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 PAGE 15 Achieve A community that cares While they support national organizations, Jody and Kathy say they feel a responsibility and true conviction to give back within their community. This extends to helping even at the individual level. The Victors have continued to support Crown Field for 30 years while expanding its facilities. Now the field even offers youth events and an XStreme Baseball Academy – a program where kids can hone their skills while learning valuable life lessons. “It teaches them about character while they play the game,” says Jody, “about having a good self-image, and overcoming obstacles like fear and procrastination.” The Victors are also actively involved in the U.S. Dream Academy, empowering at-risk children through innovative after-school and mentoring programs that incorporate technology. One of the founding members, Jody serves on the board of directors, and both of the Victors donate their time and resources to helping children succeed. “We just wanted to find a way to stop this cycle,” says Kathy, “of each generation of at-risk kids following the next.” Above all, Jody and Kathy say they cherish being able to provide others with so much joy. “God has blessed us greatly,” Kathy says, “and when God has given so much to us, it’s our duty and our pleasure to give back.” In 2011, Walter Kobak, an 87-year-old man with disabilities, was having trouble getting a wheelchair ramp built for his house. Walter couldn’t get down his front-porch steps on his own and had to ask the local police force for assistance whenever he wanted to leave his house. The city told Walter he needed to apply for a zoning variance before he could build the ramp. The application cost $200. “We read about Walter’s problem in the local paper,” says Jody, “and we immediately knew we wanted to help.” On the day Jody arrived at Walter’s house to drop off the funds, a local news crew was filming Walter’s story, and they asked to capture Jody’s act on camera. “It was pure chance,” Jody laughs. Soon, the Victor’s gesture sparked an outpouring of support from the Danbury Township community in Ohio. The local Home Depot offered the necessary building materials for the ramp at a discount, and employees donated their time to help with construction. Even the police who had carried Walter down the steps showed up to swing hammers. Jody explains that just one small gesture has the power to inspire a greater impact. “Walter didn’t realize that other people cared so much,” says Jody. “And it was made possible out of everyone’s generosity – whether money, time, or elbow grease.” Watch WKYC Channel 3’s story on Walter at: PAGE 16 Achieve AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 Photo below: Angela Wilhelm G Family legacy “We hope we’ve taught our children the importance of giving to others without expecting anything in return,” says Kathy. For the Victors, the Amway™ business and giving back are true family values. Jody’s parents were among the first three IBO couples when Amway was founded in 1959. All of their children are also IBOs – son Joe and his wife Kelli (Founders Platinum); son Steve and his wife Marcia (Sapphire); and daughter Terri and her husband Greg Fraumann. Along the way, generosity has always been emphasized, and they’ve all taken that to heart. “Giving back is a necessary part of being human,” says Kathy. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a little or a lot. It makes a difference in your life – and in the lives of others.” Achieve PAGE 17 This IBO couple mentored and supported others worldwide, creating a legacy of leadership that lives on. Bill Britt lived by three mottos. “One was ‘May the work I have done speak for me,’” says his wife, Peggy. “The second was ‘Honor and courage’ – that was the patriotism one. He appreciated the freedom in his country. And last, ‘The Lord is my shepherd.’” After Bill passed away in January 2013 at age 81, Peggy placed these three sayings in a shadow box in their home, displaying the values that guided the couple to their success in both life and in work. The Britts are Founders Crown Ambassador, the highest achievement in Amway. Independent Business Owners for 43 years, Bill and Peggy made a career of helping other IBOs succeed, creating a network PAGE 18 Achieve of support around the world and instilling in others the values needed to become leaders themselves. For a lifetime of guidance, Bill and Peggy Britt are the recipients of the 2013 Amway Hero Award for Leadership. A born leader As Peggy recalls, Bill was a leader from a very young age. He was one of eight children and took on responsibility to help the family get by – doing things like managing two paper routes to provide extra money. “He always had to work hard for anything he got,” says Peggy. “It was out of necessity that he drew from his inner being to rise to the occasion.” AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 PAGE 19 Achieve Time and again, Bill’s leadership shone. As a young man enlisted in the Army – Bill served in Korea – he was chosen to go to cavalry school. He finished second in his class, despite having no prior college education. Later, after meeting and marrying Peggy, Bill spent just a year as assistant to the city manager of Raleigh before he became a manager himself: first in Sanford, North Carolina, and then in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Alongside Bill was Peggy. Where Bill was outgoing and engaging, Peggy was calm and gentle, supporting him from the wings. Everyone knew that Peggy was Bill’s “quiet strength,” a hand of support that made sure every detail was just right. B “We started the business jointly,” says Peggy, “and he progressed and was very, very busy. He showed the Plan a lot. He traveled a lot, and at the same time held down his position as city manager in the little town we lived in.” And wherever they took the business, success followed. “Bill had no problem in creating a lot of activity and excitement in people,” says Peggy. “He was ‘Mr. Motivator,’ and I was his helper, staying home and tying loose ends together.” Bill and Peggy grew their business as a team, eventually making it their full-time jobs and establishing BWW, one of the largest global IBO organizations in Amway, with networks spanning five continents. Throughout, Bill and Peggy focused on helping others succeed. “You could not outgive him,” says Peggy. “Bill always said the meaning of success was if one person, or a situation, was better off because he was there.” A perpetual legacy What mattered most to the Britts was ensuring that the IBOs they worked with were not only good businessmen and businesswomen, but strong leaders in their own right. “Bill was always in the spotlight,” says Peggy, “and that was fine with me. He was always a leader, a born leader.” Team effort When Bill heard about the Amway™ opportunity, he was balancing several commitments. He was a city manager, a student pursuing his master’s degree in public administration, and an officer in the National Guard. But after many discussions with Peggy, they both recognized an opportunity for self-fulfillment and financial freedom that they couldn’t pass up. PAGE 20 Achieve “Bill would say a good leader would be one who could be depended upon, who was trustworthy,” says Peggy. “Who was honest. Would stand on his word.” Bill lived by these values and helped the IBOs he worked with understand their importance. “Always take care of the people AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 in the field first before yourself,” says Angelo Nardone, Executive Diamond and member of BWW’s Management Operating Committee. “Always put yourself last in everything you do. That’s a lesson we’ve always learned.” The Britts also encouraged those they mentored to appreciate other key aspects of life. “You learn about relationships, and you learn about health,” says Shivaram Kumar, Double Diamond and fellow Management Operating Committee member. “You learn about having fun, laughing all the time, and uplifting people.” Peggy explains that anyone can make a difference if they put their mind to it. “It’s very, very humbling,” says Peggy. “People look up to us, but we feel that we really have not done that much at all. It’s not that unusual.” Peggy believes that if Bill were here today, he would share her feeling that this award reflects not simply a personal success, but the success of many IBO leaders around the world. “He would accept it very humbly and thank everyone,” says Peggy. “He would say, ‘This is not my Hero Award, it comes from my heroes. And I have many heroes in this business.’” Achieve PAGE 21 After a distinguished career as an Army Ranger, this IBO has found new purpose in defending the American dream – through Amway. When Lynn Burnett enrolled in the United States Military Academy at West Point at age 18 to join the Army, he didn’t know what to expect. While he came from a military background – his grandfather served in World War I, his great-uncles fought in World War II, and his father served in Korea and Vietnam – much of his family had been members of the Air Force, not the Army. After a while, some difficult experiences at the Academy left Lynn questioning if the Army was what he wanted to do. “I was young,” he says. “I assumed that my experiences at the Academy represented exactly what the Army would be like after graduation. And at that time, I couldn’t see myself going through that for six more years.” So, in what he now describes PAGE 22 Achieve as a moment of immaturity, Lynn dropped out of school and found a job at a local restaurant. But a couple of years later he realized he wasn’t living up to his potential. He enlisted as a private and joined the U.S. Army Rangers. Lynn rose through the ranks during a distinguished 13-year career where he served in the 3rd and 2nd Ranger battalions. He was a machine gunner, platoon leader, combat patrol leader, Ranger instructor, and the first black Ranger officer in the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. For his humble service to America, Lynn Burnett is the recipient of the 2013 Amway Hero Award for Patriotism. AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 PAGE 23 Achieve ‘A patriot, but not a hero’ “I was willing to put my life in harm’s way to protect this country,” Lynn says, “to protect our freedom. As they say, ‘Freedom isn’t free.’ We have the obligation to protect it with our lives, or our children will be in bondage. I never paid that cost, but I’ve risked it. I think a patriot is someone who does that.” But despite risking his life, Lynn insists that he’s not a hero. “A hero is someone who dedicates their life to helping lift people up and allowing them to become greater than they could become on their own. Someone with selfless sacrifice, who changes the lives of other people.” “It’s difficult to feel like I deserve this award,” Lynn says. “Mike Carroll? He’s a hero.” (Mike Carroll was awarded the 2012 Amway Hero Award for Patriotism.) “Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel are heroes. Their great-grandkids will know what they did. They’re leaving a legacy.” Finding purpose again After he left the military, Lynn spent time in corporate America, working as a financial manager at a company in Seattle. He had a desk, a 90-minute commute, and a 90-hour work week, but no higher purpose – until a client introduced him to the Amway™ opportunity in 1994. PAGE 24 Achieve Lynn had seen the Amway IBO Compensation Plan before, and had always turned it down. But this time, something spoke to him. “I’m a man of faith, so I don’t think I was led to this business by accident,” Lynn says. “I was introduced to it 19 times, and God said ‘I’m going to give this guy one more chance.’” This time, Lynn took the chance – and thrived. Currently an Emerald, Lynn is in qualification for Founders Emerald and expects to qualify for his Diamond pin within a year. He lives in Seattle with his wife, Jo, and his two daughters, Grace (12) and Hannah (8). For Lynn, the Plan was a way to regain the purpose he had felt when he was a Ranger. “I wanted to impact people’s lives in a positive way and serve my country again,” he says. Giving back As an IBO, Lynn says he now has the time to volunteer with Jo and their daughters at their local USO, where they support soldiers and their families through activities like providing meals before deployment, organizing care packages, and recording messages and videos for loved ones. AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 I “Since I can no longer serve,” says Lynn, “the next best thing is helping those that keep us free. It’s the least we can do for the people that put their lives on the line to preserve our freedom.” Lynn also says his kids love being able to help out and say thanks. “It means so much that my kids are learning the importance of serving their country at such an early age,” says Lynn, “and the importance of giving back. I want them to continue the tradition of service that their great-grandfather started.” Amway and patriotism “Amway: The name says it all,” he says. “When Rich and Jay started The American Way Company, they wanted to give others an opportunity to participate in the American dream.” According to Lynn, people lose track of the American dream – they think it’s a house, a white picket fence, a dream car, and 2.3 kids. “The American dream is freedom,” he says. “That’s why people come here. That’s why this country was founded.” But personal freedom is only one part of the American dream. “You can have personal freedom, like we do in America, yet not have the economic freedom to take advantage of it. You need to have personal freedom and economic freedom. That’s what Amway is all about.” “I’ll be in Amway for the rest of my life,” Lynn says. “This is all my wife and I want to do. To help people understand and engage, help them start the business and build it. It’s close to my heart.” Achieve PAGE 25 PAGE 26 Achieve AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 ‘Tis the Season to be Giving Celebrate the Season of Giving with a gift that will make a difference in the life of a child living with disabilities. It’s as easy as adding $10 (SKU 11-6498) or $25 (SKU 11-6499) to your next Amway order. Long after the ribbons and wrapping are cleared away, your Holiday Gift donation to Easter Seals Canada will have a lasting impact in helping kids with physical disabilities succeed. Donate @ Checkout Support Easter Seals Canada by making a $1 donation at checkout on You and your customers now have an opportunity at checkout to make a donation to Easter Seals Canada, Amway Canada’s charity of choice as ® part of our ONE BY ONE Campaign for Children charitable partners. Simply check the box Easter Seals Canada to make a $1 donation, which will be included automatically in your order. Your $1 charitable donation at will help make a difference in the lives of children. Since 2003, Amway, its employees, and its IBOs have helped to provide hope and opportunity to 10 million children; donated $190 million to children’s causes worldwide; and logged more than 2.7 million volunteer hours. Achieve PAGE 27 Reaching Emerald is a significant achievement, the result of sustained effort and successful leadership. As Emeralds, IBOs have demonstrated their ability to sell, recruit, train, motivate, and teach others to do the same. They have built healthy organizations and are reaping the rewards of their hard work. Roger Cui | New York Living the dream: “Growing up in this environment (as a second-generation IBO) made me feel like life is full of options,” Roger says. “I can genuinely say I want to pursue medicine because it interests me, not for the money. My Amway™ business will always be there for me and gives me plenty of financial stability, so I don’t have to worry about school loans.” Looking to the future: After completing his medical schooling, Roger plans to do clinical work, research, and community service in the field of oncology. He already volunteers with the American Cancer Society and Asian Americans for Hope. “Amway doesn’t just teach you how to be a successful entrepreneur; it also teaches you how to be a contributing member of society. I’m also looking forward to a great retirement, thanks to my business!” Thelma and Francisco Domínguez | Dominican Republic Living the dream: “By the grace of God, the debt from our computer business is history!” Francisco says. “The most precious gift our Amway business has given us is freedom from that hectic pace of life.” Now instead of waking to an alarm clock, he and Thelma wake up when the kids – Sebastián José (4), Shantalle Marie (2), and Sarah Marie (10 months) – do. Looking to the future: “Our desire is to be with the people in the business – those who brought us in, those already on our team, and those yet to join us,” he continues. “The example we see in our Diamonds is what we would want to be for other people.” Thelma adds, “We also dream of a beautiful house and traveling around the world with people from our team.” Menranda and K.C. Kwan | Texas Living the dream: “K.C. and I have learned the meaning of life is to offer a hand up to others, which is a beautiful thing,” says Menranda. Their Amway™ independent business, of which their daughter Amorette (25) is a part, “has brought our family closer together,” he says. It has also provided a sense of security for the couple, who’ve faced some health challenges in recent years. “I don’t worry about money,” K.C. says. “It’s given me peace of mind.” Looking to the future: “We feel so fortunate to have found this business and for the loving guidance of our upline,” Menranda says. “We need to advance to the Diamond level so that we can show people: You can do it!” Adds K.C., “I like having control over our time, our income, and where we live. It’s total freedom!” Read more about each new Emerald qualifier at: ACHIEVEMAGAZINE.COM > ACHIEVEMENT > EMERALD STORIES PAGE 28 Achieve Living the dream: Hari (a business development manager) and Jayanthi (a registered nurse) are passionate about traveling with family and friends. Thanks to the income from their Amway independent business, one of their dreams came true this summer when they visited the Taj Mahal in India with their college-aged children, Akash and Preethi, and upline mentors. “Seeing our kids’ expressions was worth every effort we’ve put into this business!” declares Jayanthi. RECOGNITION | EMERALD Hari and Jayanthi Narayanan | Massachusetts Looking to the future: “In 2016, our plan is to take our children on an Alaskan cruise to celebrate their graduations,” Jayanthi adds. “But we always keep in mind what our upline mentors have taught us,” says Hari. “‘Success is how many people are better off because of your influence.’ Once we leave our corporate jobs, our mission is to influence many more people to succeed in Amway.” Adan and Mayi Ordoñez | Florida Living the dream: Forced to leave Venezuela due to a political situation, Adan (an engineer) and Mayi (an accountant) overcame many obstacles to build a successful landscaping and housekeeping business. While it provided a good income, “We worked Monday to Monday,” he says. Since discovering the Amway business opportunity, they’ve surpassed their previous income, allowing them to sell their traditional business and find “more balance in life.” Looking to the future: “The best advice we’ve received is to keep learning – don’t stay put,” Adan says. “The enemy of success is believing this is as good as it gets.” He and Mayi, along with their children Adan Jr. (17), Valentina (15), and Kamila (10), yearn to see more of the world and contribute to making it a better place. “We want to convey a vision of a different life and the transformation that is possible through Amway,” Mayi notes. María Luisa Silva and Joel Ordoñez Petit | Florida Living the dream: “Amway is the complete package: the best corporation, the best products, the best educational system,” proclaims Joel, who worked with his brother Adan in traditional business and later followed him into the Amway™ business. “When I heard we could have more control over our time and finances and keep our kids (Luis Fernando, 9, and Alejandro, 1) out of day care, I was sold!” he says. Looking to the future: “If someone told me I could continue building my Amway business but not make a single dollar, I’d find a way to do it!” Joel states. “I cannot explain the depth of love and appreciation we feel, not to mention the satisfaction of continually growing.” For María Luisa, the prospect of “helping people on all levels” fuels her desire to keep reaching out with the Amway opportunity. José Manuel and Rosa Ramírez | Dominican Republic Living the dream: “This business is like a new adventure every day!” José Ml. says. “As you help people live a better life, your business grows.” So do your options. Last year, José Ml. sold his store. “I’m really happy he’s home now and has more time with our son (José Ml. Jr.),” says Rosa, a financial supervisor who is expecting their second child in December. (José Ml. also has another child, Federico, 14.) Looking to the future: “The liberty an Amway™ business offers is incomparable,” Rosa continues. She’s looking forward to experiencing more of it when her maternity leave arrives and she leaves her job permanently. Then they can spend more time at the beach with the kids and travel more. “We also want to build schools here where kids can learn about entrepreneurship,” he says. The average monthly Gross Income for “active” IBOs in Canada was $198. Approximately 48% of all IBOS in Canada, were “active.” Achieve PAGE 29 Babu and Anu Mangipudi | Arizona Living the dream: “The annual Achievers Invitational trips are our favorites because of the way we’re treated,” says Babu, who loves globetrotting with Anu. Daughter Neha (10) and son Dhruv (4) also enjoy the travel associated with their parents’ Amway independent business. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a trip to India (where they have family, business associates, and family members who are business associates), seeing the world never grows old. Looking to the future: “Our next goal is to free Anu from her job (as a database administrator),” says Babu, a former electrical engineer. “Then we’ll have even more time for travels. We also want to provide a better lifestyle for our parents and a good education for our kids.” Adds Anu, “This business is the best opportunity to achieve what you want out of life and help others.” Paramesh and Bharathi Nalval | New Jersey Living the dream: “Changing pin levels makes life more exciting,” Paramesh declares. “It validates that this business works.” For the couple, who originally were poised to go Emerald 10 years ago, the taste of triumph is sweet. “People [on their team] lost their dream and quit,” Bharathi recalls with tears. “But we didn’t give up on our dream,” Paramesh adds gently. “That experience taught us to keep going, and I’m proud of that.” Looking to the future: Now they’re looking forward to spending increasingly more time with their family here (son Thejas and his wife Christina, and son Thushar) and in India, and getting to all those places on their travel wish list. “Definitely London, Paris, and Venice,” Paramesh says. “And definitely first class!” Bharathi adds. Paramesh also plans to reduce his hours as an IT consultant. Dileep and Chitra Pargaonkar | Georgia Living the dream: “Because of our Amway business, we can make frequent trips to India,” Chitra says. “We were also able to put our sons (Rajas and Tejas) through exclusive colleges.” Moreover, Chitra did not have to return to work as originally planned. “I cannot imagine our life without Amway,” Dileep says. “Not just financially, but the whole package.” Looking to the future: That “package” includes exclusive, high-quality products, personal development, and many new friends. “We want to help a lot of families succeed in Amway,” Chitra says. “We also want to travel more, support more charities, and spend more time with our family.” Adds Dileep, “This business has taught us an unwavering optimism and the dogged determination to succeed, not only in the pursuit of our Amway goals but in all aspects of life.” Sitti Sereethoranakul | New York Living the dream: Sitti knew the drawbacks of traditional business ownership from listening to his dad, the owner of a traditional business: “Unending responsibilities and limited freedom.” So as a college student, Sitti began actively looking for a different business model – and found it with Amway. “You don’t have the headaches of staffing, accounting, and inventory. The Corporation advertises nationally, and experienced IBOs mentor us at no cost!” Simply put: Amway equals ability plus opportunity. Looking to the future: When he eventually takes over his dad’s business, “I will use whatever I learn from building my Amway™ business to help improve it,” Sitti says. “My goal now is Diamond so that I have the time and money to dedicate to church ministry,” he adds. He’d also like to travel to Bangladesh to meet the child he sponsors through World Vision®. Read more about each new Emerald qualifier at: ACHIEVEMAGAZINE.COM > ACHIEVEMENT > EMERALD STORIES PAGE 30 Achieve RECOGNITION | EMERALD Haiyan Xu and Helena Kang* | Michigan Living the dream: “I lost my job in mechanical design in the economic downturn,” Haiyan states. After a highly satisfactory experience with NUTRILITE® supplements, she decided to build an Amway independent business, “because I felt comfortable sharing the products with people,” she says. Now, thanks to training from her upline, she’s also comfortable sharing the Amway opportunity with others and teaching them to succeed in turn. Looking to the future: “My daughter (Helena), who’s in college, has joined me and is great at sharing the products with her peers,” Haiyan says. “I’m hoping through our business to help my husband retire sooner so we have more time to travel and spend as a family.” Learning to interact with others has been a challenge for the former engineer. “But it’s a good challenge. I’m very much enjoying it!” Anatoliy and Olga Yena | California Living the dream: “Amway has brought to our lives the freedom to be at home in the world and still build our business,” says Anatoliy, who started his Amway independent business as a college student in Ukraine. He and Olga reached Platinum before graduation and Emerald by their first wedding anniversary. Currently Diamonds in their homeland, they decided a few years ago to enter the Russian-speaking immigrant market in the U.S. Looking to the future: Daughter Sofy (6) is a world-class traveler like her parents. Says Anatoliy, “We’re enjoying going first class now to bring the Amway opportunity to others.” The couple is grateful for the example of their upline (including Anatoliy’s mom, Founders Crown Ambassador Natalia Yena, and Double Diamond Zbig and Sophia Rek) “and to the business partners who’ve become our family,” Anatoliy says. Jayoung Yoon and Jay Ahn | New Jersey Living the dream: Jayoung, an opera singer, and Jay, a cancer researcher, started their Amway independent business to make extra money. “But we’ve gained so much more than that,” the vocalist from Korea says. “We have made precious friends we love like family. I also love the personal development aspect of the business. And I’ve learned to prioritize my time well, proving you can have a successful Amway business and career.” Looking to the future: “Jay has a mission in life: to help orphans,” Jayoung shares. “When we heard about this opportunity, it renewed his hope of seeing that dream realized … In time, we’d like to see Italy and Vienna. I’d also like to publish a CD of my music.” More than anything, “I want to share this feeling, this hope, with other people,” she says. “Hope empowers people.” The average monthly Gross Income for “active” IBOs in Canada was $198. *Not pictured Approximately 48% of all IBOS in Canada, were “active.” Achieve PAGE 31 Achieving Sapphire exhibits dedication to building a sustainable balanced business and mentoring others to do the same. Roger Cui New York Thelma and Francisco Domínguez Dominican Republic Paramesh and Bharathi Nalval New Jersey María Luisa Silva and Joel Ordoñez Petit Florida Mairielys and Adan Ordoñez Florida Jayoung Yoon and Jay Ahn New Jersey Attaining Ruby reflects a strategic investment in time and effort to produce significant financial rewards. PAGE 32 Achieve Gary Ka and So King Ng Ontario Reaching Platinum is an important milestone in building a profitable and sustainable Amway™ business. When you achieve Platinum, you have built a strong foundation and demonstrated the ability to build a successful enterprise with great growth potential. Ricky and Joy Buckelew Florida Samer and Mariana Mikhail Monica Bustamante and Michael Boza Meetika Jindal and Anurag Chawla Florida Omar Hernandez and Viviam Lopez Texas Ravi Chawla and Charmy Kapil Elizabeth Gonzalez and Juan Carlos Cedeno Juan J. Nolasco Carlos Nuñez and Veronica Ramirez Rider and Fatima Ordoñez California J. Guadalupe Chavez and Angelica Hernandez New Jersey Jose Quintero and Claudia Cardenas Virginia Francisco Rodriguez and Ady Martinez Jacinto Quintero and Janeth Alvarez Alan and Adriana Sanchez Nijib Shakya and Manisha Kansakar California Feliciana Soto Nebraska Mario Moreno and Alma Zazueta Colorado Vikram and Sheeba Manne Maria Luisa Silva and Joel Ordoñez Petit Jee Song Derek and Valerie Stein Jill and Robert Triplett Sandie Yang and James Fan* New York Min Young Song and Ted Moon Pennsylvania Richard Bianchi Florida Chris and Melody Farrell California Lei Zhang and William Shi Florida Reinel Martin and Judith Gonzalez *Not pictured RECOGNITION | PLATINUM Sponsors in italics. Lucina De Lopez and Jose Eleno Lopez California Margarita and Jose Salazar Samuel and Juliana Diaz California Serfina Cruz and Javier Gonzalez Florida Adan and Mairielys Ordoñez Achieve PAGE 33 congratulations! Achieving Gold or Silver Producer is an important step toward Platinum qualification. When you reach one of these levels, you are on your way to building a strong and lasting business. Mireille Alexandre Juan Antonio Olguin and Milian Daisy Heliodoro Valladares Miguel Angel and Noemi Gongora Abbygail Allas Alberto Gonzalez and Belinda Moya Luis Ortega and Rosalia Romero Ariel Velazquez Byungran An Angel Guevara and Maria Elena Velasco Silvia and Armando Pablo Esha Verma Ed and Bethany Page Jorge Vidal and Yanelis Rosado Perla Heredia Aranda and Eduardo Hernandez Maria Del Carmen Paladines Pablo Ramon Vidal Suryanarayana and Sridevi Palepu Erika Hernandez and Carlos Benitez Cheng Wen Wang Ravikumar and Niveditha Pare Margarita Hernandez Yin Zhen Wang and Xu Gui Ying Hannah Park Hee-Kyoung and Soo-Sik Hong Yun Hao Wang Lisa and Chang Jin Park Qing Yi Huang Zhu Wang Quintila Pascual Xuanzhe and Xianglan Jin Zuyang Wang Adonay Perez and Yeni Avila Lamar and Danielle Jones Teresa and Jim Wassermann Gregorio Perez and Honorina Tello Kai Kang Larry and Karyn Wheeler Lance and Karen Bodnar Jorge Luis Perez Diana Kim Ricky and Caitlyn Winters Delaney Bonish Lisette Perez and Yoel Matos Jessica Kim and Kil Yeong Heo Ling Li Wu Marcos and Gina Bracho Deping Kong Yan Wu Adalberto and Marcia Brea Luz Celeste Perez and Argenis Lopez Perez Herbert Breitsamer Katie Kory Mario and Betsy Perez Ramon Cabrera and Oraliz Aguero Cynthia Lau Gary Plunkett Roy Canedo Caliz Leona Lee and Challen Yee Jorge and Lilian Quintana Fermin and Petra Cazales Cuiping Li Maria Elena and Anibal Chadan Kai Li Sampath Kumar Raghavan and Ramya Narayanan Manhong Li Min Yang Joyce Chan Anuratha Ramakrishnan Min Li Shaofeng Yang Yan Chang Anjanie Ramharrack Qing Li Tiffany and Weming Yang Roberto Chavez and Tania Martin Cort Ratliff Xin Li Marcel and Julia Reinosa Xiaolan Yang Qinlin Chen Simon Lim and Polly Xiao Yu Guan Victor and Maria Yamilet Rodriguez Xingfeng Yang Shuyi Chen Xue Rong Lin Wing Man and Wing Ning Cheung Yun Lin Mauro Romero and Floriela Martinez Zhu Ying Yufang Chen Haibo Zhang Yoke Fun Chew and Tuck Wah Lai Feng Ling Liu and Arpitkumar Varma Dorian Rosario and Juan Martinez May Rum and Ksaing Aung Jian Hua Zhang and Lun Hoi Cheung Lucy Liu and En Shu Chang Jose Saco and Zaida Chiqui Irina and Rostislav Samoylich Juan Juan Zhang and Chun Sheng Ji Qing Yan Deng and Cao Zheng Xu Ying Liu Veronica M. Lopez Juan and Laura Sandoval Li Zhang Amit Desai Alfredo and Josefina Mandujano Yi Zhang Sheetal Desai Luis and Maria Santacruz Eliane Manuel Yingxia Zhang Ge Ling Dong Hua Dong Santo Mariano and Eustoquea Ruiz Benedien and Marileine Jean Senatus Caiyun Zhao Nanjing Dong Gertrudis Martinez and Urias Lopez Carlos and Olga Lucia Severino Jie Zhao Xiong Dong Jon Martinez and Christine Ortega Fengqin Shi and Jackie He Yueshan Zhao Domingo and Magdaliza Duluc Shannon McPherson Qiyao Shi Ling Zhou Juan Duque Jr. Luis Mejia and Julieta Leticia Shan Shan Shi and Simon Huang Xiuli Zhu Audelio and Elizabeth Esquivel Socorro Mendez Vasquez and Ismael Lopez Contreras Ishwar Sieulal Carole Desloges Eric Zuniga and Saidy Silva GOLD PRODUCER Francisco Israel and Sandra Andrade Gabriel Avila Molina Rosa Balderas Austen and Emily Banks Sergio Barajas and Araceli Carrillo Hilda Batista and Lucas Marte Jorge Luis Blanco and Claudia Villanueva Efren Contreras and Margarita Vasquez Lilibeth and Jimmel Fabra Lalo Vazquez Zhen Xie Fei Long Xing Yong Xing Loria Yan Hongming Yang Jie Yu Ziyun Zhang Ya Meng Lauren and Anthony Smith Chin Yee Mok Omar Soria and Alma Mejia SILVER PRODUCER Daphnie Mondestin Jose and Librada Sosa Pierre Philippe and Lhouise Abellard Emilio and Monica Montenegro Nu Chun Su Julie and Javier Acevedo Luis Moreta Eduardo Acosta and Anuvys Castillo Julio Fuentes and Yeni Cordova Xiuxia Sun Choi Ng and Nam Fu Marleny and Luis Acosta Xiaoping Gao Arturo Garcia-Sanchez and Claudia Vasquez-Jeronimo Thao Nguyen and Dan Ngan Ma Guru Switzoor and Shobana Janaharaja Jenniffer Tejeda and Gilbert Aponte Kaveh Aflaki and Nastaran Khodaie Timothee and Yendi Gerve Fenelus Ariel Flores and Jessy Perez Ismael Fuentes and Adriana Beatriz Calmo PAGE 34 Julio Gomez and Ania Cartaya Achieve John and Michelle Nudson Lou Tran Soetanto Adi and Shelley Siawira Michael Braun Carlos and Jose Brescia Ariel Cuevas and Maritza Arano Cuevas Yokasta German Faure Aguilar Rodriguez and Sandra Fuentes Tanessia Bryant Diego and Nora Cuevas Walfre Godinez Feliciano and Imelda Aguirre Richard Cabreja Isai Cuevas Julio Gomez and Ania Cartaya Emma and Emil Alde Heraldo A. Cabrera and Lissett Borrell Galan Marcos and Cecilia Cuevas Guillermo and Patricia Gonon Lauds Farah Daniel Alberto Gonzalez and Belinda Moya Enma Marlenis Alfaro and Mauricio Guillermo Rivera Jacqueline Cabrera Lilan Davis and Leonardo Lopez De Rodas Claudia and Jose Guadalupe Gonzalez Ana Alfonso Melody Cai Loreta Alfonso James Caicedo and Maria Tola Kelvin De La Rosa Mateo and Elvia Severino Baez Edgar Gonzalez and Edgar Gonzalez Jr. Maylin Alfonso and Daniel Rodriguez Ruben Caixba and Nicolasa Garcia Karelia Del Rosario Toruno Eva Gonzalez and Humberto Angulo Jarquin Nila and Angel Alegre Emily Cai and Kim Lee Luz and Elias Cajamarca Monica and Antonio Delgado Martha Godines and Abizai Buriel Gregorio Calles and Hilaria Ventura Natanael Delgado and Norma Rivera Mayra and Eduardo Gonzalez Pei Zheng Cao Hilaria and Catier Delossantos Wenwen Cao Diana Grajales Marthe Renee Denis Maribel Castillo Jessica Grandel Steve and Brittany Digmann Pedro Castro Adam Greiner Jose Alvarado and Maria Flor Ramirez Prashant Doma Miguel Andres Ceballos Man Yu Guan Gabe Dominelli Juana Alvarez and Manuel Gomez Sandra Guan Jinrong Du and Mark Ho Reinier Alvarez and Yanet Vega William Cerdas Garro and Maria Suarez Rodriguez Zeller and Alourdes Guerrier Lily Han Duong Aurelia Amarante Ayala Pom Seng Chan Kandis Haliburton Rey Luis and Emilia Aquino Betty and Eric Chang Ly Duong Xiaojun Han Alina Arcia and Luis Hernandez Qing Chang Freddy Duque and Claudia Rosero Charles and Tanya Harris Jairo Arevalos and Carmina Mendez Yaqing Chang and Man Chang Wang Xiu Wei E and Zhao Hua Wang Kevin Hejducek Brandon Elkins Adrian Hernandez and Ramona Peguero Tania Alfonso and Sahily Serradet Dusty and Kimberly Allen Roilan Almendro and Magaly Acosta Javier Alvarado and Susana Gonzalez Ramirez Luis Arias and Angela Galvez Osman and Aura Gonzalez Roberto Chavez and Tania Martin Pilar Encarnacion Kunlachon and Kanhathai Aunjai Santiago Chavez and Elena Barrientos Jose Manuel Enriquez and Alma Rojas Servando Avellaneda and Nancy Benitez Cheng Huan Chen Cesar Estevez and Linnette Garcia Heping Chen Belanne Estime and Yolette Remy James and Ru-Chi Chen Kevin Eusebio Tania Hernandez and Arnaldo Benitez Liling Chen and Junru Xue Xiang Fei Telma Hernandez and Juan Barrillas Maggie M. Chen Janice Feng Mei Qin Chen Cliff Fernandez and Maria Perez Tomas Hernandez Espinoza and Miriam Sotelo Qinping Chen Bryant Fidele Xiaozhen Chen and Bing Yun Li Oberlan Figueroa Yan Chen Thelma Figueroa and Obando Mendez Nakul Dipak Arora Julio Avendano and Marlene Roncal Sandra Avila and Ramon Calix Juan Azcuy Kyungjin Bae Fernando Balbi Ray Bales Alan Banks Chris and Briana Banks Emigdio Banuelos and Julia Ruiz Gabriel Barrales Ortega and Zoila Garcia Jorge Ian Barrera Orlando Barrios and Amarilis Escalona Gladys Chery Moise and Hans Mary Moise Imilka Chirino and Randy Alvarez Hyun Cho Tae Ho Cho and Ryoo Jin Kim Eunggil Choi Steven Bartz Juhee and Chris Choi Hilda Batista and Lucas Marte Yoonjung Choi and Jungkun Seo Roberto Behar and Maria Ysla Hitesh Chudasama Ernie and Elmina Beiler Bhavya Chugh Thalia Bellido De Luna Ayahi Cisneros Michael Bellino Jr. Nadie Clervaux Arcadio and Maria Teresa Bermudez Dave and Valerie Coleman Aura Bernard Efren Contreras and Margarita Vasquez Prakash and Arti Bhanshali Jayro Blandon and Byron Montenegro Jose Anibal Bonilla and Faustina Velasquez Ruben Botello Ceja Sergio Courel and Carolyn Byrne-Courel Mariana Cruz and Antonio Mejia Samuel Cruz and Claudia Vasquez Rivera Teofilo Cuautle and Julia Teles RECOGNITION Elier Aguiar Coral Hernandez Osmani Hernandez and Hazel Espinoza Becky Herring Ryan and Kameo Hosley Tsung Hsieh Yafen Hsieh Alberto Flores and Marta Vento Angie Hsu Andres Flores Jimenez and Blanca Hernandez Abila Liping Huang Natacha Fontil Armando Huanosta Teck M. Foo Jenny and Brian Hudson Wayne Frie Jose Huerta and Efigenia Gonzalez Nu Fu Sthefany Hung and Jonathan Godoy Julio Fuentes and Yeni Cordova Elaine Fung Santiago Hurtado Tarrillo and Gioconda Solis Ulloa Enriqueta Galaviz and Fredy Erives Angela and John Hwang David and Stacey Garcia Adnel Iglesias and Darays Perez Eduardo Garcia and Veronica Huizar Claudelina Iserne Manuel and Lourdes Garcia Mahesh and Ruta Iyer Yosvany Garcia and Yudeisy Campez John Jacobs and Annie Corbett Daniel Garcia Hernandez and Paula Torres Yanna Jiao Arturo Garcia-Sanchez and Claudia Vasquez-Jeronimo Maria Jimenez Rodriguez and Rolando Barrera Ann Marie Geeban Nagassar Lamar and Danielle Jones Shuzhen Huang Junghyun and Yeongnam Jang Daniel Jimenez and Victoria Morales Achieve PAGE 35 congratulations! Arisa Jornmanee Alberto Lopez Dat Nguyen Jean Juig and Gipsys Corona Berta Lopez Nhu Nguyen Punjapon Jureegasa and Paradee Piyanantawarin Julian Lopez Jinhong Niu Llinay Lopez and Luis Diaz Hee Young Kam Oscar and Margarita Lopez Rafael Orlando and Jacqueline Nunez Erin and Philip Kang To Loan Luong Saritha Katumalla and John David Chunyan Ma Jongsam Kim Kelly and Charles MacGregor Kevin Kim and Hwa Soo Kang Alberto Machin and Dayami Guevara Mihye Kim Fabian Oliva and Kenia Oliva Paiz Fernando and Letty Olivares Maria Clara and Paul Oprea Jesus Manuel Rivera Ibanez and Lorena Tellez Lopez Roni Rocha Caridad and Carlos Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez and Yenisel Alvarez Artiga Esteban Rodriguez and Eunice Brown Manny Rodriguez Jinet Orta Pam and Chad Klinger Providencia Maleno and Jose Dominguez Katie Kory Dinesh Maraj Rich and Katherine Krenn Jose and Carmen Marino Edggar Ortiz and Maria Pena Encarnacion Yaite Marrero and Ricardo Ruz Artemio Ortiz Z. Yuniel Rojas and Yasleydi Del Sol Murali Kulala and Kalpana Murali Mirielva and Hifno Martina Qingmei Pan Felicitas and Jose Luis Romero Vernave Lagunas and Maria Mora Diana and Carlos Lahitte Addiel Martinez and Grensy Lima Becky and William Park Cheng Man Lam Ana Lilia and Juan Martinez Hwa Deok Park Juan Pablo Romero and Veronica Rincon Huy and Jenny Lam Cris Martinez Jung and Young Park Emilio Landeiro and Caridad Ramos Gertrudis Martinez and Urias Lopez Leobardo Paz and Mayra Rivera Jean-Louis Rougess and Guerrier Clotilde Luisel Lara and Tania Rodriguez Isidoro Martinez and Angelique Rivera Bo Pei David Rubio Jie Pei Cirilo Ruiz and Romualda Morales Jorge Martinez and Mary Acosta Greg and Ruth Pells Claudia Sabogal and Luis Salazar Luis Martinez and Rusminy Valdes Donna and Christopher Pengelley Surjit Sahoo and Arati Baral Margarita Martinez Erickson Perado and Ampy Amparo Atikarn Sakamornlertsakul Vicente and Margarita Martinez Adonay Perez and Yeni Avila Marilyn Salbaluco and Hilda Bello Joshua Mascol Elidio Perez and Victorina Juarez Yoojin Lee Aravind Mathsyaraja and Shweta Padaki Jorge Luis Perez Siva Sampathkumar and Brinda Palanisamy Cai Dong Li Yuray Perez Santiago and Yalian Sanchez Diaz Olegario Sanchez and Rosa Urena Nathan and Sarah McAtee Chujian Li Daylin Mendez and Jorge Garriga Luis Petit Meixue Li Tina Pham Anggie Sarapura and Raydel Gonzalez Wen Qin Li Socorro Mendez Vasquez and Ismael Lopez Contreras Antonio Mendoza Rolando Piedra and Maria Isabel Hernandez Chetana Sathaporn Xue Xin Li Yan Li and Armin Pfaender Ernesto and Rosalba Mendoza Bettie Fayette Pierre Michel Michael Liang and Ingrid Sin Yordan Menocal and Yenisei Inclan Jose and Cecilia Pineda Benedien and Marileine Jean Senatus Anthony Richard Lim Yunfen Miao Tu Poe Suleman Shaik Dong Lin Johane Michel and Lony Annilus Maria Shelton Jian Lin Brian and Helene Middleton Oscar Ponce-Pliego and Claudia Perez Mingfang Lin Blanca Minchala and Jorge Zumba Kevin Poon Yongfeng Shi Qi Lun Lin Cristina Miranda Raul Porras and Griselda Carrizales Tom and Debbie Sieverding Qinfeng Lin Lazaro Miranda and Ehileen Garcia David Prieto Aman Singh Su Lin Hetal and Kavin Mistry Thanh Ngoc Quach Jerry and Caitie Smith Wen Jing Lin Qingyue Mo and Wenjuan Luo Alex Ramirez Dariel Soriano Xiu Feng Lin Zaheera Razia Mohammed Dulce and Jose Ramirez Timoteo and Catalina Sosa Yu Mei Lin Nithin Mohan and Nandana Rao Elaine Ling Gaby Montenegro Jose Leonida Ramirez and Maxima Nunez Tomas Sotelo Manzanares and Eva Flores Hidalgo Ding Yu Liu and Chun Pu Chao Yari Montoro and Yasser Lorenzo Alexis Ramos and Astalicia Rosario Manuel and Margarita Soto Ginny Liu Melissa and Mikell Mooneyham Juan Jose Raya Padilla Qiaoyan Liu Santos and Carmen Moraga Casimir Junior St Jean and Giovannie Felix Qiongfang Liu Mario Moreno and Yerena Vera Xiao Mei Liu Yan Ching Muk Yaimara Reid Hechavarria and Jonelle Hope Fernando Llanes Thomas and Jillian Munro Anthony Ren Vladimir Llanes and Marlene Cordero John Murray Juan Reyes Shuxian Na Felix Rivas and Rosa Miranda Odalys and William Lledo Pedro Narez and Rosa Meza Pabla Rivera and Enrique Carrillo Mike Lobue Chandu and Vinoda Lakshmi Tatavarti Juan Manuel Mazola and Tania Negrete Eduardo Rivera Florentino Patricia Teyssier and Denis Puentes Ling Whak Kiong Anallely and Israel Larios Pal Lau and Robert Shea Hyewon Lee Irene Lee Jane and Johnny Lee Siheon Lee and Sora Kim Henry and Meei-Ing Loh PAGE 36 Aracely Ochoa and Maria del Rosario Alfaro Marcial Rivera Garcia and Beatriz Plancarte Achieve Luis Ortega and Rosalia Romero Laxmi Prasad and Laxmi Devi Regmi Moises Rodriguez and Janelys Pers Israel Rojas and Patricia Acosta Jose Rojas and Sara Rosales Antonio and Maria Guadalupe Rosas Yulki Sanchez Mary Lynn and Dan Schmid Kan Shen Hunter Stine Emily Su Ines Su Rattanon Suntivich Luis and Elizabeth Talavera Jianping Zhang Harris and Jennifer Mak Founders Diamond Ahfong Tham Jushun Zhang Shouying Pan and Rui Yu Gao Nanda and Sangeetha Sringari Jennifer Ann Tiu and Wycliffe Osoro Xiaohui Zhang Oscar Rosas Shaun and Katia Tompkins Xiaoyan Zhang Maria Luisa and Joseph Sullivan Margarita Torres and Dennis Corona Zheyan Zhang Pedro Tellez and Rosy Medina Adolfo Torres Hernandez Hong Zhao and Guoqing He Esperanza Urazan and Jorge Sabogal Yuhui Zheng Armides Umanzor and Noemi Rodriguez Junlin Zhou Faye Wang Javier and Vilma Urbina Junping Zhou Paola Uribe and Miguel Flaquer Ren-Jun Zhu Humberto Valenzuela and Susana Bojorquez Platinum Abraham and Reyna Alejo Diamond Robert and Laura Baron Jose Otazu and Escali Gonzalez Nitin and Parul Soni Founders Emerald Nagina and Vikas Sharma Emerald PLATINUM PLUS Bryan Burke Carlos Valladares and Lilia Pantle Executive Diamond Jose and Jeritza Gomez Prudhvinath Vasireddi Wayne and Suzanne Callender Nolvia Velasquez and Candido Bonilla Jose Gutirrez Hernandez and Carolina Murillo Diamond Edgardo Guzman and Wilma Lozada Daniel Velazquez David Bedard and Kathleen Riley Perla Heredia Aranda and Eduardo Hernandez Founders Emerald Isaias Hernandez Sonny and Kimm Cray Arturo Herrera and Erika Aguilar Carmen and Jorge Raizman Bili Huang and Ren Yi Hua Linda Shirely Maricela Jimenez Maivy Villares and Hector Villarez Mago Villeda and Fernando Pacheco Xochilt Leon Garcia and Hector Ramirez Justin Vincent Lance and Michelle Yen Qiang Liu and Weiyuen Loo Ka Chun Patrick Wai and Lai Ling Sophia Wong Emerald Juan Lopez Colon and Patricia Lopez April and Jim Bean Sandra Murillo and Fernando Ibarra Richard and Katherine Park Vivian Wai Juan Bravo and Sonia Iturralde Kwan and Hyerim Oh Koon Sang Phoon Tyler Wallace Leo Cid and Lisa Di Meglio Jesus and Anabel Partida Adan and Silvia Santana Brock and Ashley Waluk Jitu and Neelam Gowda Yasniel Pina and Maria Antuna Ai Wang and Xingwu Zheng Kanth and Shaku Miriyala Gustavo and Norma Pulgarin Martina Vasquez and Rodolfo Hernandez Jennie Wang Founders Sapphire Mei Chih Wang Juan and Socorro Olivas Fidencio Quinones and Manuela Salinas Yu Wang Tim and Rochelle Schiebout Jorge Quintero and Yosbany Gutierrez Zhao Yong Wang Ryley and Ana Dominique Renneberg Guillermo Agramonte Sapphire Julia Rodriguez and Jorge Arellanes Rongfang Liu Alan and Adriana Sanchez Mike and Janell Russell Anabel Valido Ricardo Velazquez Alma Velez and Alejandro Suarez Jorge Vidal and Yanelis Rosado Lilia and Jorge Villa Guadalupe and Veronica Villanueva Nilesh Vyas Danny Wang Yishu Weng Tanya Wiebe Susan and Tiger Wilson Eunock and Eonjoo Lee Phil and Domenica Tartaglia Marty and Karen Waugh Jenny Wong Jonathan Woodard Founders Platinum Diana Flores and David Contreras Hanxiang Song Ruth Wang and Kevin Li Chunmei Wu Marco and Luz Barbosa Yan Wu Ke Wu and Mei Wang Ravi Bhakthavatchalam and Vidhya Bhaktha Zhen Xie Yuan Wu Yun Wu Zhi Wu and Yufei Zhang Zhuo Liang Wu and Yan Mei Li Guoxiu Xie Hui Qin Yang Qiuchan Yang Shuyan Yang Jessica Yearwood Armando Castro and Rosario Garcia Chiu Chin Chen Jose Cornejo Sanchez and Jose Alberto Cornejo Vidal Cruz and Francia Acosta Jon Demuth Rafael and Juana Dominguez Mario Gil and Gabriela Vegas RECOGNITION Ai Ai Thai and Kenneth Chan Mark and Barbara Boyson Lingyu and Qian Zhang Founders Platinum Ramona Ayala and Adrian Garcia Richard Carter and Pohlin Ho Jin Li and Zhen Hao Chen Mingwu Chen Chiu Chin Chen Dick and Michele Dudas Sue Lee-Jung and Jim Lee Hui Chu Liao and Ming Chun Ku Yan Ting Liu Naruss Mahakkapong and Samornsri Klungsupavipat Harris and Jennifer Mak Zuliang Weng Jin Zhuang Ruby Jingzhi Cao Platinum Scott Bares Samuel and Juliana Diaz Robert Gonzalez Gold Producer Oticio Herrera and Juana Gonzalez Mireille Alexandre Rodolfo Macias and Alberta Aparicio Maria Del Carmen Paladines Cristian Rodriguez and Marisol Alcantara May Rum and Ksaing Aung Jin Song and William Chiang Silver Producer Yu Mei Lin Gold Producer Terry Lee Murphy Maria Del Carmen Paladines Nathan and Carie Nelson Hyun Yoo and Miran Lee Ranjan Joseph and Mariena Anton Joseph Youngsook Yoon Kuldeep Lakhesar Jia Yin Yu Min and Isiah Lee Kai Yuen Crown Ambassador Hong Liu and Jin Di Bob and Joyce Schmidt Rossy and Calixto Zambrano Ranny Luk Wong and Wai Luk PLATINUM ELITE Silver Producer Dave and Valerie Coleman Achieve PAGE 37 Have you earned a Fast Track First Step incentive? 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Find your name at FAST TRACK PROGRAM PLUS AUGUST QUALIFIERS Pierre Philippe and Lhouise Abellard Ariel Acosta Marisela Acosta Marnida Alexandre-Michel and Pierre Nickel Michel Pablo Alfonso and Belkis Triana Marina Allakhverdova Kugan Arumugam and Sagaja Kugan Narinder and Jasvirpreet Atwal Rafael Avelar and Ana Pineda Qushen Bao Hilda Batista and Lucas Marte Pedro Beltran and Sabina De Paula Mario Borjas Bienvenido Calvo and Ivelisse Matias William Capellan and Jacqueline Pagan Leonardo Carrera Maria Soledad Casillas and Eduardo Castro Leybi Castillo and Marianela Guevara Roberto Chavez and Tania Martin Jinrong Chen Lang Ping Chen Qinlin Chen Xiao Dan Chen Yanfang Chen Xiuqing Cheng Gladys Chery Moise and Hans Mary Moise Chiu Ling Chih Jiyoung Choi Alfredo Cienfuegos Leosmany Corcho Lauds Farah Daniel Idalmis Delgado Camita Devalcin Sandy Diep and Sonny Chan Luis Dominguez Feiyuan Du Elvire Eugene and Jean Paul Edmond Anay Fernandez and Hermes Hernandez Angela Fernandez Isaac Firmin and Elucienne Firmin-Laine Mayelin Flores Jorge and Gavi Fuentes Dildeep Gill Julio Gomez and Ania Cartaya Yakayra Gonzalez and Jesus Cespedes Yaya Gonzalez and Rey Caicedo Yosdel and Mairove Gonzalez Roger Hernandez PAGE 38 Achieve Edward Ho Monica Ho Baoyue Hou Shu Jie Huang Sthefany Hung and Jonathan Godoy Chonarop Jamroendararasame Lucy Jimenez and Renier Rojas Carlos Jin De Kai Jin Jean-Willer Joseph Ramarao Kalaga Khursheed and Jasmine Khan Jessica Kim and Kil Yeong Heo Deping Kong Lourdes Labori Tianwang Li Xingying Li Cuiying Lin Hai Ping Lin Ruo Chen Lin Yi Chuan Liu Jesus Llamosa Jinjin Lu Haoyou Ma Danae Martinez and Rommel Suavedra Deisy Montano Hong Ngo Alejandra Ornelas Bettie Fayette Pierre Michel Rafael Pravia Ricardo Jose Quintero Noa Musa Rahman Xi Hui Ren and Yazhuo Tang Jesenia Rios Sira Rivero Luciano Rodriguez and Glendy Flores Claudia Sabogal and Luis Salazar Dmitry Serdobolskyi Nima Serh Fritz-Gerald Simon Huiqing Situ Leo and Yasmin Sootim Alba and Felix Tapanes Meifang Teng Ealing Tuan Sheander Tuo Felipe and Raisa Urena Douglas and Carmen Varela Hailu Vu Lianrong Wang Qin Wang Yue Wang Bo Wu and Simone Wang Melissa Wu Linxin Yang Liqing Yang Xu Yang Saiyu Ye Candy Zhang Jian Guo Zhang Zihe Zhang Zeying Zhao Chongming Zhen Ren Zheng Yuhui Zheng Daniel A. Zorrilla SEPTEMBER QUALIFIERS Malinee and Phaisan Ampornaramwet Enrriqueta Antonio Lazaro Arrieta Lucas Arrieta and Alina Pupo Bipin Attavane Baskar Baskaran and Srilakshmi Pandurangan Maria Bello and Felix Ramirez Vera Bernal Curiel Yaima Borges Wilfredo Botero Ingrid Burgos Charity and Israel Cabreros Claudia Cabriales Neptali Casaretto Ana Casas Viscaino and Roberto Delgado Pereda Maria Castro Joselier Cerutti and Belkis Prieto Helen Chang Rain Chao Ji Qi Chen Yi Chen Wayne Chi and Qixuan He Lian Chu Paul Chung Carlos Cisneros Ty and Venessa Crandell Yajaira De La Cruz and Andres Mota Elbis De La Rosa Paulino Mario and Dorgedys Del Valle Amy and Dustin Delay Mirley Delgado and Eugenio Mantilla Natanael Delgado and Norma Rivera Norma Denis Martin Indira Diaz Leonel A. Diaz Adrian Domiguez and Patricia Laza David Dominguez Yi Xin Dong Linlin Du Freddy Duque and Claudia Rosero Marlenis Feliz and Antonio Brito Chevonese Fender and Marvin Bartley Aura and Mariel Fernandez Hazel Fernandez and Kevin Acosta Rolando and Denisse Figueroa Miriam Flores Erick Fonseca Niroshini Francis Theo and Maribel Galan Adis Garcia Jose Gomez Juan Carlos Gomez Rosa Maria and Jose Guadalupe Gomez Cristina Gonzalez and Gerardo Calderon Eduardo and Miriam Gonzalez Marilyn Gonzalez Rodriguez Zeller and Alourdes Guerrier Gisselle Gutierrez and John Mollica Jeejee Hanjenlak Tania Hernandez and Arnaldo Benitez Cesarina Hiraldo and Anthony Bramtot Jacy Hoa Tony Hong Ernesto Horruitiner and Ada Mazola Yifei Hu Debbie Huang Fam Iang and Ngun Hu Montifiore and Lourdes Jacobus Dong Ji Hui Xiu Jin Lex Jin Ranjan Joseph and Mariena Anton Joseph Chiu Yu Lam Bingsan Liao Chan Lin Ivy Liu Maria Lopez Morgan Lu Raj and Manjit Madhar Amada Manzueta Elda Martinez and Annabella Caraballo Jon Martinez and Christine Ortega Richard and Lee Anne Martinez Yoner Matos and Belkys Posada Ana Maura Henry and Guerly Morales Jesus and Obdulia Moreno Govindan Neelamegan and Rangasridevi Parthasarathy Wei Niu Hector Peralta Rolando Piedra and Maria Isabel Hernandez Rosena Pierre Durosier Niurka Pupo Jialin Qiu Briseida Ramirez and Lian Arieta Jordan Ramos OCTOBER QUALIFIERS Clara Acota Doudou Venette Amboise Amit and Vinita Bhatnagar Roselor Marlene Brevert Johnny Cai Jose Antonio and Maria Julia Castro Debbie Chan Qing Chang Taiqing Chao Enel Charles and Joctride Joseph Da Hua Chen Jaden Chen Jun Chen Shuang Xin Chen Kali Chih Beibei Chow Al and J. Thessa Colas Crowe Family Legacy Dario De Los Santos and Rajel Valerio Pingping Ding Diego Dominguez Xiao Jie Dong Belkis Encarnacion Xin Feng Jake Fu Jay Fu Shuqin Gao and Shunli Zhang Bernardo Garcia and Alfane Vargas Eddy and Mirian Gonzalez Alexandra Guevara Charles and Tanya Harris Stephen Haynes Rebecca Heung Nicole Heyaime and Jose Guerrero Zorrilla In Mei Ho Nike Hsu Hai Xiao Hu Shuzhen Huang Punjapon Jureegasa and Paradee Piyanantawarin Lian Kim Dan Kou Derek and Robyn Krueger Joyce and Chi Wing Lai Phung Lam Bwe Lar and Htee Nay Htoo Sammyle Le Mary Lee Hsu Mei Ling And Lee Li Xue Xin Li Yanqing Li Zhongyu Li Hsing Ping Liao Shang Yi Liao Xiang Lin Xingping Lin Xueyun Lin and Zhiteng Ma Chen Gzi Liu Babu and Anu Mangipudi Kevin Moonsee Elvira Morales Kras Nelly Debbie Ottey-Golding Maria Perez De Leon Roseline Pierre Louis Tu Poe Garcon Carline and Joubert Junior Pollas Victor and Maria Yamilet Rodriguez Biaggi Rosa Amanbir Sandhu Esan Seevaratnam Suleman Shaik Ji Shan Raj and Sonali Singh Casimir Junior St Jean and Giovannie Felix Jason Sun Rosalba Tejada Pedro Tellez and Rosy Medina Nicole Thompson-March Shane Tian Quang Trieu Armides Umanzor and Noemi Rodriguez Liya and Daniel Velichko Guoying Wang Michelle White Rojchana Wu Jonathan Xie X. Si Xie Mei Ya Michael Yang Qingsheng Yang Fang Yuan Huang He Zhang Linxi Zhang Lixin Zhang Qi Zhang Wen Ba Zhang Wen Yi Zhang Zuosheng Zhang Yang Zhao Yu Zhao Yunlian Zhao Ziqi Zhao Hai Yan Zheng Qingfeng Zheng Jiajun Zhou Zack Zhu BALANCED SPONSOR AUGUST QUALIFIERS Sonya Abrams Felix and Miladys Abreu Tulsi Ram and Sunmaya Acharya Ariel Acosta Marisela Acosta Clara Acota Hanna Admassie Harinder Aggarwal Elier Aguiar Karthik Akinepalli Andres G. Alamo Adriel Alfaro and Yulena Yebra Taurien Alleyne Erve Alliance and Nadia Dumond Roilan Almendro and Magaly Acosta RECOGNITION | FAST TRACK Esteban Rodriguez and Eunice Brown Alberto Rojo and Belkis Padron Josh and Cila Romans Maria Jose Rosendo Eric and Nancy Ruiz May Rum and Ksaing Aung Argentina Saavedra Miguel A. Saavedra Joy Saken Marilyn Salbaluco and Hilda Bello Gurmeet and Jasbir Sanghera J. T. Santana and Gloria Coste Sombat Satitpitakul Raimel Segredo Benedien and Marileine Jean Senatus Linfeng Shen Harcharn Singh and Sukhdeep Dhillon Varinder Singh Joel Muestre Smith Eduardo and Mabel Solano Hanxiang Song Qinghong Sun Juan Taveras and Yesenia Segura July and Matias Tejada Yayi Tong Jin Ho Tsai Marchelle Turner-Pitt and Graham Pitt Jerry Wan Torres Wang Susan and Tiger Wilson Vergilly Winklar and Nancy Winklar-Rodrigues Pereira Chris Wu Tamson Wu Jing Jing Xie Cai Ping Xu Wusi Yee Aihua and Bo Yu Josie Yu Rachel Yu Matilde Zamora Santiago and Maria Zamora David Zhang Shu Rong Zhang Tianfeng Zhao Feng Zheng Josh Zhu Jin Zhuang Daisy Almodovar Rodriguez and Alejandro Sierra Reynaldo Almonte and Mariely Cedeno Ana Alvarado and Alex Pinto Marisol Alvarez Pascual Alvarez Rosnier Alvarez Wahab Amusa and Kudirat Wahab Isaias Anaya and Reina Jovel Camille Andrews and Kirk Alfred Juan Angel Angela Antigua Fernando Arango Stephanie Arellanes Carolina Arguello Cecilia Arguello Daliza Arias and Luis Arias F. Yaimel Arias Diana Arpi Lucas Arrieta and Alina Pupo Jose Francisco Arzon and Isaura Rivera Richard and Jenn Asato Wossenyelesh Asfaw Tess Auker Aye Aung Norema Avalos Martinez and Senovia Martinez Victor Ayala and Margarita Montoya Fares Bader Ivrose Badette Cardella Kyungjin Bae Yeily Baez Zoraida and Aridio Baez Kulvir Kaur Bal Chendurn Balachandran Avtar and Swarnjit Banwait Yaima Barban and Mercedes Hernandez Arceli Barcarse Marisel Barrera Eloisa Vianey Barrios and Jose Rodrigo Moreno Randeep K. Bassi Van Bawi Eric Beaubrun and Taina Camy Chimene Garnel Beausejour Amiris Bello and Ismelis Yzquierdo Abraham and Maria Bermudez Carlos and Aury Berrios Ralf Bertrand Xian Binh Angela Bocardo and Demeny Alavez Inderjit Kaur and Baljit Singh Boparai Josh Bott Dominic Brandt Stewart Braxton Jose Manuel Brito and Sugery Garcia Michel Brito Juan David Bruno Gina Bueno Paula Juliana Burgos Bautista Achieve PAGE 39 Heraldo A. Cabrera and Lissett Borrell Galan Javier Cabrera Octacilio Cabrera Grullon Ramon Calderin Gilma Calderon and Osman Carias Alma D. Canizales and Julian E. Torres Hui Cao Jack Cao Ying Cao Danny Capellan Leonidas Carela Bautista Angel and Ashley Carias Leonardo Carrera Yusimit Casanas Francisco Casas and Carmen Cabrera Ana Casas Viscaino and Roberto Delgado Pereda Concepcion Castaneda and Juan Torres Dagoberto Castaneda Maira and Manuel Catala Catalino Cateyano Rodriguez Maia Cejas and Daniel Perez Sildia Ceron and Edgar Jasso Marguerite and Raphael Cesar Michael Cespedes Janya Chaiwiset Feiyin Chan Wing Nga Chan Yan Chao Fabiola Charles Harminder K. Cheema Chanjuan Chen Hui Shi Chen Joyce Chen Juanyuan Chen Logan Chen Michael Chen Peter Chen Rui Ming Chen Shu Chen Xiaolei Chen Yi Chen Liu Yi Cheng Shing Cheng Lai Cheung and Siu Sui Lo Carlos Chica Jose Chicas and Glenda Romero Su-Hui Chien Kali Chih Ravinder and Harkanwal Chohan Yisel Chong and Milagros Castro Yueling Chou Alfredo Cienfuegos Arnoldo Cifuentes and Marta Gomez Bertil Hule Cinna and Carone Charles Olena and Ivan Ciobotar Victor Hugo and Sandra Cisneros Elaine Clavijo Genat Clervil and Smith Wilner Joseph PAGE 40 Achieve Enos Coeuranor Leosmany Corcho Marivel Cortina Angel Cruz Jorlin Cruz and Berkis Nunez Maria Cruz Yenitcey Cruz and Lazaro Pino Alex Cruz Romo Jorge L. Cuesta Tiaozhan Dai Elizabeth and Michael De Castro Nicolas De Jesus and Magdalena Adan Yajaira De La Cruz and Andres Mota Enrique De La Torre Dario De Los Santos and Rajel Valerio Armando De Varona Claudia Delasota Idalmis Delgado Osmany Delgado and Lidia Aragon Vicky Delva Oscar Denis Hardeep and Jasbir Deol Talwinder Kaur Dhaliwal Leonel A. Diaz Maykel Diaz Ruben Diaz Rodelio Dimalanta Graciela Dionicio and Cesar Patri cio Phuong Doan Luis Dominguez Hongli Dong Feiyuan Du Ana Duran Jose Luis Duran Maria Elizabeth Dzib Cohuo Jared Elaraj Enrique Enriquez Martha Escobar Anderson Espana Violeta Espinoza Elvire Eugene and Jean Paul Edmond Juvenal Farias Erica and Scott Faso Lucas Felix and Beatriz Valenzuela Phomas Feng Angela Fernandez Ariela Fernandez Cliff Fernandez and Maria Perez Irene and Fernando Fernandez Jose Luis Fernandez and Alicia Betancourt Ana Ferrufino Castillo Marielys Finalet Armando Vladimir Flores and Yurai Chaviano Mayelin Flores Niroshini Francis Mercedes Francisca Marcus Freeman Jake Fu Aaron Fullerton Simon Fung Eugenia Gallardo Xiaojuan Gao Jatinder Garcha Adela Garcia Antonia and Leonardo Garcia Bernardo Garcia and Alfane Vargas Inalbys Garcia and Josefa Del Valle Kellin Garcia Veronica and Richard Garcia Yesenia and Martin Garcia Chris and Leighann Garland Tolcha Gemechu Linda Geraci Claudio Germain Gisselle German Britt Gill Jagjit Gill and Japnam Kaur Kanwardeep Gill Navkiran Gill Glaudie Glaude Jefferson Godoy Merl Godoy Jhon Gomez and Melissa Canas Leandro Gomez Pablo Gomez and Amalia Sanchez Mairene Gomez Pinto Angela Gong Carlos Gonzalez and America Vazquez Miriam and Edith Gonzalez Pedro Gonzalez Susana Gonzalez Theresa F. Gonzalez Willie Gonzalez Clarence and Juliet Gravesande Harjit and Gurjas Grewal Catarino Grijalba and Ana Duran Miae Gu and Sang Uk Ahn Man Yu Guan Yonghan Guan Juan Guerrero and Yadira Gomez Marie-Carmen Guerrier Jahima and Tobias Guevara Rose Celine Guillaume and Adlin Pierre Shenling Guo Xue Fu Guo Amish and Smita Gupta Pedro Gustamante Dilcia Gutierrez Adam Han Xing Ru Han Zhen Zhen Hang Adam and Lindsay Hardage Karl Harrigan Ja Syed Hassan Cao He Luo He Yunfang He Jasvir Heer Hirayda Henriquez Chiang Her Yanet Heras Alfonso Hernandez and Mayra Rodriguez Benito Hernandez Hector Hernandez Idel and Mayra Hernandez Julia Hernandez Roger Hernandez Lucila Herra Arcelia Herrera Claudia and Julio Herrera Edward Ho Jacy Hoa Tony Hong Lily Hsu Nike Hsu Yifei Hu Chao Huang Dong Feng Huang Huiyi Huang Jia Li Huang Miki Huang Mingyong Huang Poetry Huang Qixing Huang Xi Xi Huang Claudia A. Huerta Chirlie Hung Maryury and Michael Iglesias Rafaela Inzunza and Mario Mercado Sanchez Matthew Jackson Layla and Ashraaf Jacobs Magdalla Jacques Borgella Felicia N. James Smith Jean and Martha Jean Dalizien Myriam Jean Lamour and Erick Acelhomme Jean Sunsim and Yongjin Jeong Dilip Jha Yong Ku Ji Alvin Jiang Anayanci Jimenez and Roberto Martinez Claudia and Santiago Jimenez Emilio and Zorayda Jimenez Evelin Jimenez Luis Jimenez William Jimenez Lex Jin Yi Jin Abia Jiu Kawui Joa Hyeon Sook Joo Emardwine Joseph and Johnson Bessard Evens Joseph Vanette and Louis Mary Joseph Maria E. Joya and Felix H. Loja Yrance Jules Marisel Junco Punjapon Jureegasa and Paradee Piyanantawarin Ming Liu Wenrou Liu Zhi Liu Jesus Llamosa Oslien Llamosa Suset Llorach Alberto Lopez Alfonsa Lopez and Mario Chavez Juana Lopez Marvin and Natalia Lopez Pedro Lopez Jose Lopez Huerta and Olaya Agapito Cruz Alexander Lopez Salinas and Ingrid Reyes Marroquin Hugo Lopez Serrano Lina Lopez-Hochet Martin and Alaida Lorenzo Lingdi Lu Ye Lu Angelica and Jose M. Lugo Zuleka Lugo and Morys Mendoza Emilio Lujan and Alma Vazquez Pri Lum and Brang Ra Linh Luong Claudia Macias Sang Mai and Dawng Lian Pallavi Mangalvedhekar and Abhishek Sharma Mamatha Mannava Joselito Marte Rodriguez Alexis Martinez Alma Delia Martinez Arturo Martinez and Sonia Pitones Blanca Martinez and Efrain Guzman Dayami Martinez Jorge L. Martinez Jorge Martinez Nohemi Martinez and Aniceto Ruiz Yosvel Martinez Yovanny Martinez Jimmy Mata Alicia Matos and Oslirio Gigato Belkis Maura Marsha McDevitt Loan McGrory Damilka Medina and Idelgrade Mora Marilexis Medina and Freddy Mendez Roger Medina Maria Menchu Daylin Mendez and Jorge Garriga Elia Mendoza and Amalia Carranza Rui Hua Meng Xi Rui Meng Xiaohui Meng Susana Mercado Fabiery Mercedes and Wuaskal Kery Tyler Merry Sandra Metellus Pingming Mi Qiaowei Miao Magdala Michel Ileana Mila Melida Milian Rodriguez Miriam Maria Mishchenko Focion and Patricia Mogrovejo Amaury Molina Carela and Santa Ysabel Ciprian Deisy Montano Leonela Monterrey Gloria Montoya and Eugene Rodriguez Melissa Mooneyham Noelia Mora and Ronney Hierrezuelo Daniel Morales Elvira Morales Erika Morales and Jean Pierre Losada Flavia Morales Roberto and Doris Morales Vitorina Morales Jose Morel and Rosario Tejada Cecilia Moreno Yinet Morillo Maria Morocho Judy Mu Johnson Myrtil Laura Najera and Gregorio Ruiz Akshay Nanda Ibis Naranjo Lamar Nathan Nelson Navarro and Lissette Vasquez Neel and Susmita Nayeem Kras Nelly Brady Nicholson and Kayla Hoch Omar Nicolas Jason Nii Tsarita Nkrumah Guarina Noa Lahmer Nori Jovany Nunez and Rossemary Rojas Maria D. Nunez Angel Ocampo Maria S. Ochoa Lizymar Ochoa Mosquera and Miguel Escobar Jose Olimpio Quintero Arturo Olivares Ivon Orduna Margarette Orelus Javier and Mireya Ornelas Maria Orozco and Mario Abarca Shankres Ortega Hilda Ortiz Jorge and Sonia Ortiz Maribel Padron and Carlos Luis Leon Roberto J. Palomo and Maria Elena Fernandez Lan Ying Pan Licheng Pan Marymeilee Pan Junior Pando Jainendra Pannu Jung and Young Park Juan Parra and Tatiana Romero Adriana Paula Deirel Paz Shayna Pazyra Marina Pelaez and Benjamin Lopez Victor Pena and Edili Pena Garcia Xiao Hong Peng Griselide Peralta Fernandez Darcy Perez Gerardo Perez and Maria Torres Maria Perez Matilde Perez and Ramon Rodriguez Neida Perez Orelbi Perez De Prado Bree Perreira Williamson Petit-Phard Caliph Phils and Anne Desormes Gisselene and Elie Pierre Josue and Giralda Pierre Judith Pierre Raschad Pierre Yolette Pierre Roseline Pierre Louis Jordanes Pierre Saint and Marjorie Francois Maria Pinto Maria Portillo Siva Prakasam Rafael Pravia Indra Puvanenthirakumar and Puvanenthirakuma Gunarathnam Yumo Qin Chaoyao Qu Feng Quan Colleen Quinn Ubaldo Quintanar and Evodia Gordillo Anay Quintero Maria Adriana Ramirez and Carlos Aguirre Vargas Mirta and Florencio Ramirez Sheila Ramirez Mendoza and Roberto Murillo Miguel Ramos and Tereza Tavera Santa Ramos Jose Manuel Ramos Barreto J. Carmen Rangel and Veronica Almendarez Maria Remedios Anthony Ren Yilin Ren Belmarie Reyes Virginia and Arturo Rezendiz Seion Richardson and Kaylene Brazh David Rincon Manuel Rivas Ernesto Rivera Florentino Sira Rivero Puspa Rizal Rosalva Robles Karen Rodney-Cox Alcides Rodriguez Gualberto and Yuri Rodriguez Javier Rodriguez Karina Rodriguez Karla Rodriguez Mariandy Rodriguez Achieve RECOGNITION | FAST TRACK Sridevi Kalaga Sasiwan and John Kamthong Dong Han Kang and Debbie Lee D.J. Kar Harpreet Kaur Kashwal Kaur Maninderjit Kaur Navneet Kaur Ding Ke Zeng Ke Esa Kyaw and Nathan Keh Fatir Khan Ruth Khang Hti Suggam and Supriyaa Khanna Thang Khup and Ngin Dim Jessica Khurana Grace H. Kim Jongsam Kim Young Myung Kim Carey Kimberling Dan Kou Xiuna Kou Tyler Kruskamp Greg Kuebler Yogesh Kumar Marco and Carmen Lainez Martine Lamour Branggam Lamung and Jessica DD Lambo Lan Ybet Languren Ambrosio Keilan Lauzurique Brent Lawrence Annie Lee Gar Lee Jae Lee Sylvia Lee Wen Yu Lee Tung Ana Lemus and Edwin Escobar Claudya Leon Poo Keen Leon Tammy Leung Eustolia Leyva Quxin Li Yufeng Li Ji Liang Hui He Liao Shang Yi Liao Baoyi Lin Binling Lin Dan Lin Haer Lin Hai Ping Lin Liqiang Lin Long Lin Miao Ke Lin Qiong Lin Xingping Lin Yuying Lin Claudel Lindor Linton Linton Bao Zhu Liu Jian Liu PAGE 41 Reinaldo Rodriguez Margarita Rodriguez Castillo Elvin and Pascuala Romero Mariana Romero Ricardo Romero Sandy Romero and Jorge Zavaleta Biaggi Rosa Yuliety Rosales Elbin Rosario Julian Rosario and Griselda Azcona Rivas Feng Zhen Ruan Claudia Ruiz Nicolas Ruiz Munos Aleandro and Amalia Salinas John and Binsi Samuel Cristal Sanchez Estrella Sanchez Miguel Sanchez and Karla Acte Nayner Sanchez Ricardo and Aleida Sanchez Fernando Sandoval Alberto Santana Yubendis Santiago and Neftali Oviedo Bably Saraan Yasser and Sheila Sarante Alejandro Sardinas Apichat Satitpitakul Pisake Satitpitakul Christopher Schotanus Juan Carlos Segarra Marco Segura and Aimee Edwards Bijay Shah Hitesh and Prerana Shah Hussein Shaikh Linfeng Shen Manting Shen Liya and Dmitriy Shkolnik Li Liang Si Amatullah Siddiqua and Naji Akbar Jass Sidhu Jorge and Yanira Silva Rafe and Wendy Maria Simon Shwe Sing and Awm Ma Lovepreet Singh Navjot Singh Troy Singh Varinder Singh Chao Situ Gartick Sivanandan Thomas Smith and Jesula Petit Homme Oliva Solis Onel Solis Diaz and Elviva Park Juan Sosa and Amada Palacios Jeyson Sotelo Gleidys Soto Jaime Soto and Adilene Reyes Joanne Stephens Angie and Scott Stine Ann and Ivan Stoltzfoos PAGE 42 Achieve Valeriy Studentsov and Antonina Studentsova Aixin Su Amy Su Arami and Blanca Suarez Jose Suarez and Estrella Blanco Josue Suarez Samuel Suarez and Brenda Marquez Jinglian Sun Rattanon Suntivich Carlos Suriel and Denisse Grullon Everton Sylvester Chelsea Tamashiro Charanjeet and Surinder Tamber Alana Tang Carey Tang Wendy Tang Alba and Felix Tapanes Blanca Tapanes Leticia Tapia H. and Juan Cespedes Sasha Tarasov Carolina Taveras Rosalba Tejada Federico Tenorio Ma Than and Win Htay Shwe Than and Yen Mar Rachata Thananchai Mang Thang Waraporn Thawonkhajonsiri Ed and Amy Thierry Yolanda Thomas Ronghai Tian Geof and Mags Tio Andranika Tkachuk Julio and Maricel Torres Angel L. Torrez Luis Tovar and Yesenia Galvan Van Tran Michel Travid Jorge Trujillo Jeff Tsac Ealing Tuan Sheander Tuo Veda and Headley Turner Indira Unap Fotima Usmonova and Firdavs Usmonov Miguel Uzhca Nestor Vagar Kulbhushan Vaid Martina Valderrama and Juan Camacho Blanca N. Valdes Walkiria Valdes and Leonel Calas Jorge and Martha Valencia Ana Valle Leonardo Vallejos Ashley Vance Gustavo Vargas Aparna Varma Silvia Vazquez and Jose Cuellar Gilbert Vega Arturo Velazquez and Apsara Valentin Analeidy and Jose M. Velez Claudia Velez Maria Viola Payano Diana Chi Vo Anh Vuong Minh Vuong Phuong Vuong Sergiy Vyborny Riza Wan Jia Jian Wang Jin Jin Wang Mike Wang Yu Wang Craig O. Watson Brittney Wegener Norman Wilder Jr. and Tahnee Wilder Kendall Williams Whitney Williams Mya Win Doug Wong Garp Wu Hing Hing Wu Jack Wu Xiaoke Wu Cong Xie Jing Jing Xie Shuosuo Xie Suchen Xu Cheng Yang Jin Juan Yang Jing Yang Liqing Yang Xin Yang Wusi Yee Hing Ying Maura and Agusto Yong Hyung Yoon Luis Yrma and Yadira Cardentey Fei Yu Melody Yu Arnold Zabala and Michelle Gomez Veronica Zavala and Antonio Moreno Xiaoxian Zeng Ailing Zhang Chang Fa Zhang Huang He Zhang Jian Guo Zhang Linli Zhang Lixin Zhang Nan Zhang Qi Zhang Wen Ba Zhang Wen Yi Zhang Ruirui Zhao Jingmen Zhe Guzeng Zhen Ren Zheng Shoufeng Zheng Anna Zhong Ming Hua Zhou Ren A. Zhou Hengqi Zhu Heping Zhu Joy Zhu Wenjian Zhu Xiaowen Zhu Daniel A. Zorrilla Liubov Zueva Paloma and Ivan Zuniga SEPTEMBER QUALIFIERS Jocelyne A. Jean and Monyse Jean Annie Aaio Caleb Abuhl Angelo Adside and Ronda Ross Jeyleen Aguilar Ke Ai Veera Venkata A. Akey Benigno Alcantara and Erika Vizcaino Adrian Aledia Ana Aleman and Ernesto Machado Idelcita Alexis Joseph Victor Almendarez and Antonia Rangel Julio and Vanessa Alonso Damaris Alvarez Elizabeth and Omar Alvarez Lucia Alzate Urbano Rodney Amador Kahlon Amarjit and Pritam Kahion Henry Amaya Paco Amaya Doudou Venette Amboise Lumene Ambroise Sergio Luis and Denise Amores Sally Ang Xun Ang Elizabeth Aquino and Josue Solorzano Christian Ardila and Luz Marina Alfonso Juliana Ardila Javier Arias Barajas and Maria Arias Ines Aristigui Abraham Ariza Sabina Ariza Lazaro Arrieta Raidel Arrieta Wendy Arteaga Stanley Artis Bipin Attavane May Aung Carol and Cliff Baca Dunia Baez and Dairon Roque Emayakumari Balasingam Luxy Balasubramaniam Fernando Balbi Evelin Barcenas Enrique Barreira Arianna Batista Yerlyn Batista and Laura Santos Antonia Bautista Celia S. Bavrilovich Abel Bazail and Barbara Yera Pavel Bazan and Yanelis Vargas Alexandra Bello and Gessell Del Rosario Kasterine Beltre and Juan Garcia Sanchez Xiu Mei Chen Xixi Chen Yinyan Chen Yiping Chen Homai Chih Peng Chin Stella Young Cho Cheryl Chow Larry Chu Lian Chu Kyvi Chung Patricia Cipriano Kathy Cirivilleri Carlos Cisneros Gabriela Clara Dustin Clark and Desiree Stant Tim and Amanda Clark Catarino Mateo Colaj Jonal Collin Roxanne and Arnoldo Contreras Ynginio Contreras and Gabriela Fabian Hairon Contreras Gonzalez Horace Cooke and Kareeha Singh Ira Cooper Yontuet Cordero and Hallesk Vitier Betto Cordova Silvia Corrales J. Antonio Cortes and Reyna Garcia E. Diega Coyotl Celestina Cruz and Juan De La Cruz Jhoselin Cruz Marco Antonio Cruz and Pilar Gopar Maribel Cruz and Ivan Alvarez Silvestre Cruz and Anny Urena Luz Maria Cruz Gomez Reyna Cruz Zavala Bertha Cuellar Victor Cuervo and Nury Chilmaza Maricel Cumerma Roberto Cumerma Julieta and Efrain Custodio Laxman Dahal James Dao Ocerneau Darismond and Rose Aliance Laguerre Julia and Mark Daurity Petro and Svitlana Davydenko Tieneka Dawkins and Danvalyn Harris Carlos De La Cruz and Evelina Duran Elizabeth De La Cruz Luis Alberto De La Cruz Sandra De La Cruz Gleidy De La Mota Tyler Debeer Kyle Defauw Teresa De Jesus Del Rosario and Pedro Neyra Valdez Dallas Delacruz Maday Delgado and Orelvis Casanova Leidys Delmas Reinaldo Delvalle and Jessica Guzman Norma Denis Martin Bhupen Desai Sukhvir Dhaliwal Casey Dial Andileinny Diaz Gilberto Diaz Isael Diaz and Lily Mendoza Jose Diaz and Adriana Aguilar Luseiry Diaz Norma Maritza Diaz Jimmy Ding Khin S. Dingra and Bawk J. Hkyet Luis Alberto and Moraima Distrubell David Dominguez Qisheng Dong Weiya Dong Xiao Jie Dong Yifu Dong Yishun Dong Wilderme Dorsainvil Morgan Doting Jun Du Aida Duarte Martinez Hou Dugu Lumami and Rhodora Dumapat Rodriguez Dumeus and Johanna Floreal Freddy Duque and Claudia Rosero Herald Durosier and Keurline Pierre Dasiel Echavarria and Yanely Faife Odson Edmond and Marthe Charles Gergens Edouard and Magalie Alcius Edouard Delia A. Elsharkawey Dorothy Encarnacion Pagan and Jose Salgado Sanchez Luz Enciso Alexander Escalante Luis Fernando Escobar and Piedad Marulanda Jhoan Espinal Maikel Espinosa Edno Estigene and Phara JN Louis Guilmy Eugene Alejandro Evaristo Hernandez Antonia Fabian Duarte Ao Fan Chan Juan Fang Eric and Emily Farley Marlenis Feliz and Antonio Brito Qing Feng Antonio Fernadez Hazel Fernandez and Kevin Acosta Sergio Fernandez and Angela Heredia Nick Field and Nicole Jens Judith Figueroa and Luis Sotelo Rita Fiorella and Ron Houlihan Edyt Flor Laura Florentino Castulo Flores Miriam Flores Victor and Blanca Flores Andres and Maria Cristina Florez Kevin Fogle Janet Fontes Jose Fraga Amitha Francis Brock and Rachel French Fritzi Fruto Angela Fuentes and Julio Mejias Elizabeth Fuentes Eva Gallo Pastora and Nelson Galvez Yang Gao Adis Garcia Ana Maria Garcia Edecio Garcia Erika Garcia Guadalupe Del C. Garcia and Juan Manuel Cadena Jorge Garcia and Mabel Ocampo Jose Garcia Keicha Garcia Melissa Garcia Vicenta Garcia and Leobado Sanchez Flor Y. Garcia Rodriguez and Dario Garcia Ana Garza and Jesus Dominguez Jeronimo Gaytan and Juana Perez Johan Gerard and Migelda Anouska Goeloe Amandeep Gill Adays Gomez Antonio Gomez and Yamila Sosa Denis Gomez and Yoanka Lazo Jose Gomez Joshua Gomez Juan Carlos Gomez Mildred Gonzales and Maura Valencia Giselle O. Gonzalez Hector Gonzalez and Wildy Valdez Jennifer Gonzalez Lazara Gonzalez Norma Gonzalez Orelbis Gonzalez and Yanet Silva Pablo Gonzalez and Raquel Gazo Rosa Elena and Raul Gonzalez Stephany Gonzalez and Irvin Alvarado Susana and Antonio Gonzalez Susana Gonzalez Yan Carlos Gonzalez Yanela Gonzalez Yovana Gonzalez Eugenio Gonzalez Fernandez Marilyn Gonzalez Rodriguez Santos Aracely Granados and Ruben Alexander Rivera Ajit and Raman Grewal Leonardo Grisanty Cosme Johanna Rosaly Grullon Brito Otilia Guadarrama Shenqi Guan Carlos Guardado Jose H. and Jeanetres E. Guardado Gregory Gue Sonia Guerra Jose Guerrero and Socorro Bojorquez Kailun Guo Xiao Qing Guo Achieve RECOGNITION | FAST TRACK Jasvir Kaur Benipal Maria Benitez and Pedro Antonio Lara Maite Berez Juliet Bermudes Sonet Bethleem Xiaolin Bi Gong Bing Zack Bing Hua Binh Cherylann and Regan Bolondia Donna Bom Elisa Borbon and Leonaldo Torres Diocelina and David Bostick Steven Bouchard Jessy Bowing Emanuel Bratini Guzman Laura Antonia Brito N. San Bu Ingrid Burgos Neisser Burgos Sugehidy Burgos Demetric Burt Herminio Bustos and Alicia Gonzalez Pulido Antonio Cabote and Julia Ojeda Blanca A Cabrera Emily Caceres Zhiyou Cai Pedro Camacho Felipe Camargo and Maria Escamilla Fernando Campos Luis Fernando Campos Vladimir Campos Virginia Camps Keila Canals Adayn Cao Melba Caraballo and Luis Raul Molina Rafael Carballo Rodriguez Doraly Cardozo Gonzalez Jose Carpio Reidel Carrandi and Yisenia Silva Maria Elena Carrillo Karla Carrion Meylin Carrion Rolando B. Casa Del Valle and Claribel Zaldivar Neptali Casaretto Jaccius Castil and Elkine Pierre Jose Castillo Mahirobel Castro Otniel Castro Hipolito Cazales Enrique and Marisela Ceja Marianne Celestin and Zico St-Vil Yuet Kiu Chan Nika Chavla Can Chen Da Hong Chen Eric Chen Gigi Chen Jie Chen Jing Jing Chen Ken Chen PAGE 43 Xiao Yun Guo Yi Zhao Guo Dayami Gustamante Carmen Gutierres Jessica Guzman and Jesus Dominguez Viridiana Guzman Binh Le Ha Hai Hai Larry Handy Sharon Haynes Jiawei He Wenpin He Xiu Qun He Ysabel Henriquez Marisela Hernadez Bernardo Hernandez Daniel Hernandez Diana Hernandez and Antonio Reyes Lucia G. Hernandez and Luis R. Noriega Mario Hernandez Martin Hernandez and Elizabeth Custodio Reyna Hernandez and Alfonso Evaristo Adrian Herndon Kevin and Kari Hettinger Jean Alex and Marie Josee Hippolyte Samrit Hiser Shwe Hlaing and Nang Kham Vania Ho Pan Hong Carl Hop Teron Howard Vivian Hsieh Fei Hsu Jack Hsu Aung Htay and Moe Khaing Ming Husi Hu Sandie Hu Ruolan Hua Debbie Huang Melody Huang Qingqing Huang Sandy Huang Sofie Huang Yanyan Huang Zhong Hui Huang Nick Hughes Iliyas Hussaini Moise Iraus and Kettelene Beauvais Sumbal Ismail Marilyn Jaimot Mark Jamorabon Caridad Jazmin and Manuel Santana Hantz-Richard Jean Philippe Catia Jean-Baptiste Mei Xiu Jiang Tiantian Jiang Liba Jie Alvaro Jimenez Francisco and Sara Jimenez PAGE 44 Achieve Jesus R. Jimenez Leonardo Jimenez and Nelly Dominguez Hui Xiu Jin Ya Xuan Jin Armand Jocelyn and Margella Joseph Jocelyn Kulvir Kaur Johal Kim Jung Yama Kan Sandeep Kang and Jarnail Dhaliwal Rajdeep Kaur Ramaneet Kaur Deol Jensen Kenn Mohammed Khaled Saw Kheing Chang Yong Kim Hee Sook Kim Lian Kim Okhee Kim and Daeil Won Ravi Kim and Kayla Ormsby Sungae Kim Josh and Megan Kirsten Jenny Kiv Trevor and Stephanie Klock Ian Kobler Sudha Kumar Joyal Kurian Claude Lafosse and Blaise Merline Guito and Leslyne Laguerre Chiu Yu Lam Phung Lam Raquel and David Lara Pooja and Sheldon Lastique Aaron Lee Becky Lee Brushy Lee Jeong Shik Lee Kathleen Lee and Kenvis Ngow Nunu Lee Fara and Geraldy Leo Carlos Leon Liudmila Leon Ronnie Lesaldo William Lewis Cas Lex Graciela Leyva Curt Lez Alex Li Bei Li and Yiming Wu David Li Doris Li Jiamin Li Lily Li Qin Tan Li Sandie Li Yi Fang Li Yi Yi Li You Zhen Li Yu Li Nu Lian and Tun Naing Like Liang Bingsan Liao Cynthia Licona and Hector Carranza Eun Mi Lim and Sang Young So Youngsook Lim Maura Lima Martinez Ming Lin Wanyu Lin Yu Lan Lin Alice Y. Liu Hai Long Liu Ivy Liu Lily Liu Xiaoyan Liu Vladimir Llanes and Marlene Cordero Angelica Lopez Angelica Lopez Diego Lopez Hector Lopez and Dora Denis Lilian Lopez Vivian Rosa Lopez Wendy Lopez Martha and Jose A Lorenzo Josette Louis Onsime Moie and Andrus Maurice Louissaint Chanh Lu Ling Lu Xi Lu Aracelis Lugo and Miguel Ozuna Ting Luo Margarita Mendez Ling Ma Jasmany Machado and Yadira Vargas Alma Elia Magana Salmeron Christine Mah Kim Mah Shin Shin Mah Mohan Mahabir and Trisha Maharaj Durga Prasad Mainali and Chhali Aley Maria Maio Lang Mang Aegis Marceli Jennifer Marin Kittie Marshall Alexandra Martinez Angelina and Martin Martinez Blanca Martinez and Oscar Trochez Elda Martinez and Annabella Caraballo Eliana Martinez Maria Altagracia Martinez Maura Martinez el Pascual Pedro Martinez Hoyuky Mateo Mendieta Yoner Matos and Belkys Posada Ana Maura Boin May Stephen McAtee Candice McCalla Austin McMahon Ashley Meaux Idania Medina Rosa Medina and Jesus R. Caruajal Ah Mee and Sut Zau Jun Mei Jose Melgar and Reina Jimenez Ismael Mendez Eliacin Ortiz Manny and Nancy Mendoza Senia Mercado Calvo and Milciades Perez Matos Jorge Luis Merida Humberto Merino-Hernandez Kirenia Mia Wen Wen Mia Yu Yu Mia Tasha Miller Luciano and Marisol Miranda Abdul Rahman Mohammad Angela Moldoche and Enrique Piedra Emmitt Monslow Brian Montero Ansy Montrose Romanie Moonsee Ruben Mora and Maria Camacho Bertha Morales Jorge Morales and Vivian Aguilar Susana Morales Jesus Moreno Maria De La Luz Moreno Cabrera Juan Isaac Moreno Moran Dennis Morter Viviana Moscarella Mercedes Mota and Jose Campos Roxana Moya Khaled Muhammad and Kamrun Nahar Dolly Alba Munoz Consuelo Munoz and Jose Recendiz Luis Munoz Diane and Robert Musselwhite Esmeralda Mutueel Kamal and Nitya Naiker Alexis Naranjo Maribel Naranjo Hermilo Nasario Maria Del Carmen Navarrete Ofelia Navarrete Farzana Naz and Abdul Asifuzzaman Roy and Rhea Nazareno Columban and Madalayna Nba Libua Ng Huong Nguyen Zuo Ni Maria Del Carmen Niebla Angeli Nihoitial and Linda Thahleipar Chun E. Niu Precious and Onyebuchi Obi Kelsie O'Day Bisi Odeyale Silvia Oduardo Ana Mercedes Ordonez Hortua Vilma Janette Orellana and David Sanchez Miroulie Ornondieu and Frantz Etienne Javish A Ortiz Jesica Ortiz and Juan Carlos Lazo Barbara Ramos Hernandez Shana Rasiah Ashish Rathi Carmen Rayo Desiree and Abraham Redwan Rebecca Reginorld Idania Reinosa Jose Remy and Odile Chery Matthew Restad Niurka Reyes and Gaby Rodriguez Yoyibeth Reyes and Jose Alfaro Ramona Reynoso and Joel Ynfante Dolores Riano Manuel Riano Harry Riemer Yoenny Rigo Mendoza Mayudith Rincon Maggy and Barbaro Rio Daniel and Yumi Rivas Erica Rivas and Jose De Leon Maria Rivas and Alex Castro Armando Rivera and Karina Alejo Rosalba Rivera Louis and Andrea Rivers Amparo Robledo Margara Rodrigues Berta Rodriguez Brenda G. Rodriguez and Martin O. Munoz Felix Rodriguez Juan Carlos Rodriguez and Johana Vigoa Leonel Rodriguez Nivian Rodriguez Reidel and Sissi Rodriguez Roberto Rodriguez Rudy Rodriguez and Berenice Garcia Sergio Rodriguez Jhonathan Rodriguez Ynfante Fidel Rojas Juan Romero Yhanny Romero and Rudelania Bautista Jacobo Romero Zaragoza and Irma Rosio Flores Sanches Jarrod Romine Nicolas Roques Acosta Crystal Rorie Xiomara Rosero Anthony Rotondo Rigoberto and Guadalupe Ruiz Yadira Ruiz Yeny Ruiz and Alfredo Andrade Alfonso Ruiz Hurtado and Liduvina Ruiz Argentina Saavedra Arnoldo Saavedra Francisco Saavedra Miguel A. Saavedra Mandeep Kaur Sahi Jacky Sainthe Joy Saken Martha Salazar Alfie and Kelli Saligumba Elvin David Salmeron Ana G Sanchez Gabriel Sanchez Hector Sanchez Luis Sanchez Maria V Sanchez Maritza Sanchez Noelia Sanchez and Sergio Scacchi Patricia Sanchez Melba Sanclemente Evelyn and Bill Sandford Daisy Sandoval and Carlos Romo Dianne Sandy-Jacob Lian Sang and Dim Cing Parbhjit Singh Sanghera Guillermina Santiago Rey and Maria Santiago Juana Santos and Milton Lemus Ruth Santos Reyes Suchat Satitpitakul Laura and Hank Savage Jr. Eh Say and Ger Gaw Julio and Sharine Schotborg Chris Schwuchow and Arisleidy Gonzalez Brittany and Ramila Sebastiampillai Raimel Segredo Rajpal Sekhon Maria Sellan Roseline Serboni and Roxanne Maria Andrea Severino and Jose Manuel De Leon Ezio Sha Deval and Jigar Shah Syed Shah and Yasmin Khan Zijian Shangguan Anuprabha and Rohit Sharma Arjun Sharma Harjeet and Ashok Sharma Yogesh and Shalini Sharma Mazi Sharper Jingming Shi John and Christine Shwetz Rosalina and Hernando Sierra Michael and Aissa Silva Belky Silverio Celia Silvestre Bernabe Silvia and Leyva Julio Gabriel Simeon and Marianie Simeon Moncher Braedon and Teresa Simpson Anmol Singh Kulwinder Singh Sharanjeet Singh and Parvinder Ghotra Srilata Singh Darunee Siriko and Peerapong Hinkaew Jennis Sivagunam Indo Sky Amanda Slaughter Joel Muestre Smith Suresh Somasundram and Sinthuja Suresh Vipol Sophonwatthanawichit Irving Sosa Vicky Sosa Miguel Sotelo and Luisa Cervantes Francisco Soto and Yris Mercedes Narmphone and James Sprinkle Cliff St. Jean Jerry and Cathy Stauber Amanda Steffes Mathias St-Hilaire Shermaine Stone Joseph and Keisha Stretch Ben Ming Su Jose Suares Dayli Suarez Lawrence Suen Sonia Sui Angel Sun Jason Sun Rani Surendra Babu Blaine Sweatt Xiu Ling Tam Wei Tang Andre Tate Brent Tate and Connie Smith Isabel Tello Lionel Thompson and Kameca Gordon Toshane Thompson Panya Tiarakul Kevin Ticas Gina Tiempo Antonia Torres Betania Torres Violeta Tosco Sean Tran Roylandys Travieso Gabriel Trejo and Angeles Lazaro Claudio Trindade and Maria Del Pino Lopez Santana Luis Daniel Trujillo Conde Austin Tsai Jin Ho Tsai Alba Turcios Sulma Turcios Gladis Yamileth Umana Quintanilla and Michael Horton Ravi Uppal Ligia Urrieta Ari Ursua Arulchelvam Vairamuthu and Dilani Arulchelvam Judith and Jesus Valdes Denny De Jesus Valerio Almonte Gabriel Valet Nancy Valles Violeta Van Petten Alberto Vanegas Jimenez Claudia and Yitzhak Varela Jomeiny Vargas Juan Jose Vargas Susana Vargas Jose Vasquez and Rosa Gomez Derqui Vazquez and Marines Marrero Jose Vega Cody and Jacquelin Veldhuizen Diana Vele Achieve RECOGNITION | FAST TRACK Grenvi Ouyang Nasen Oz Belkis Milagros Padron Alfredo Padron Hernandez Mildred Pagan Mike Paguia Jesus Palafox Shouqi Pan Yanheng Pan Zen Zen Pan Alexander Panda Jungsoon and Yong Dong Park Shiralee Patel Thomas Pay and Precious Wah Ryan Payton Araceli Cruz Paz Perez Claudia Pedraza Erika Peirce Tania and Juan Antonio Pena Yojany Pena Ana Peralta Stalin Peralta and Wanda Mendez Alina Perdomo Fernanda Perez Jose Manuel Perez Marvin Perez Miriam Perez and Danilo De La Barca Migdalia Perez Cuevas Yohamna Perez Sanchez Joy Peter and Walter Kyer Kerlande Philemon Armando Piedra Elisee Pierre Jamesly Pierre Mavis and Edmundo Pieternella Jose and Cecilia Pineda Su Fang Ping Gracelyn Plenty-Williiams and Tobias Williams Tai Xi Po Dilenia Polanco Sonia Argentina Polanco Rodolfo Ariel Ponce Chung Ching Poon Yolaimy Porto and Angel Vega Jean Came Poulard and Hortense Francois Maribel Prado Fritz Previlon Alberto Pupo Niurka Pupo Tintin Pyone Lei Qin Leah Qing Jialin Qiu Jorge Quintero and Alina Vazquez Galen Rader and Kortney Balmer Aurora Ramirez Fanny and Cuco Ramirez Jose Carlos Ramirez Yuderka Ramirez and Silvano Herrera Marlue Ramiro Rosa Ramos and Savino Bonilla PAGE 45 Chandramouli Venkatesan Saul Ventura Jose Gabriel Ventura Martinez Virginia Verdera David Vidal Edicita Vidal Miguel and Victoria Villegas Natalia Volkova Mochou Vu Aaron Wacker Betty Wakjira Ge Wallace Kai Wang Ling Wang Lipping Wang Mike Wang Shaw Wang Shelly Wang Shi S. Wang Torres Wang Wen Hsiu Wang Harry Warren Pauline Wei Balwinder Welkhu and Gurvinder Kaur Hua Weng Michelle White Stanley Williams Suprya Ashley Williams Yovana Wilson Sugeidy Windster Ronald Womack Chris Wu Da Hua Wu Dai Mo Wu Jenny Wu Wei Wu Willard Xavier and Lourdena Antenor Wuanji Xi Zuo Ni Qiona Xia Zhen Xie Sunny Xu Weili Xu Yanxin Xue Benjamin Yadaicela Ramachndra Rao and Vijayalaxmi Yalamanchili Qingsheng Yang Yang Yang and Cuiping Xu Zhen Yang John Yap Dao Fei Ye Danny Yeh Eduardo Yelpo Simon Yeon Mark Yepez Lay Chin Yeung Shi Ying Areum and Young Jong Yoon Helen Young PAGE 46 Achieve Josie Yu Mi Ju and Tae Song Yu Monica Yu Hong Yuan Pamela and Davy Zamora Belen Zelaya Ying Zeng Jia Ying Zhang Luwen Zhang Yimin Zhang Yu Zhao Feng Zheng Hai Yan Zheng Xiu Zheng Jen Zhong Candy Zhou Cody Zhou Jo Zhou Joyce Zhou Sandy Zhou Zack Zhu OCTOBER QUALIFIERS Bridget Abbot Camille Abbot Juan Abreu and Yuderky Hidaka Julio Abreu Eldieu Absalon and Paulette Jean Abdulaziz Adam Angela Adams Candance Adolph Magdalena Aguilar Maria Aguillon Guevara and Jorge Juarez K.D. Ahmed and Nasima Junejo Zhen Ai Lisa Aiello Gaspar and Connie Alarcon Wilber Alcindor and Sandrine Blaise Carmen and Arlene Alfonso Faeza Ali Rebeca Almonte Stephanie Almonte Esther Alonso and Francisco Valverde Maricela Alvarez and Amaury Santiago Marina and Abigahil Alvarez Wilder Alvero Wilnouce Ambroise Lourdes Angel and Jesus Vazquez Jude Antenor Kesner Apo and Saintana Lahens Francisca and Julio Arias Wendy Arias Margarita Arocha Martha Arredondo and Francisco Beltran Octavio Arriaga Maya and Anahi Alvarez Mekala Arulalagan Susan Ascoy Kanet Aspilaga Juan Ramon Asturias and Reina Cristina De Asturias Karen and Rufino Atriano Ken Au Ronald Augustave Nadege Augustin Rose-Ires E. and Odvelt Augustin Javier Avalos and Martha Gutierrez Sergio Nicolas Avila Gladys Ayala and Josue Pineda Shirley Aybar Asma Azam Noor and Muhammad Azam Noor Tyson Babcock and Katherine Tries Akshay Badhan Amalia Badillo and Honorio Perez Ying Bai Anita Baker Casimiro Balbuena and Corina De Leon Hilario Luis Banega and Rosalidia Banegas Abhirup Banerjee Trinidad Barajas Luna and Antonio Jimenez Orozco Sheyly Viuque and Juan Barcelo Eleagne Barcenas Brent Barker Roberto Barrabi and Yenisley Gonzalez Antonieta Barrientos Imani Barton Julia Bedolla and Pedro Garcia Sony Belizaire and Melencia Belizaire Seriphin Noah Bellavance Caliz Bellorin and Regulo D Aubeterre Ivenyse Belony Yuzai Ben Maria Magdalena Benito Pineda and Jaime Nunez Maribel Bermudez Sahyli Betancourt Aishel and Anoushka Betrian Michael and Rachel Beverly Madhu Bhatnagar Rosenie Bien Aime Lulu Binh Nathan and Kaitlin Blakeley Jayro Blandon and Byron Montenegro Xiaoxian Bo Freisy Bobadilla and Marcelle Soto Nicanor Bonilla and Nancy Almonte Champadevi Bridgemohan Ramratty Bridgemohan Enid and Ray Bridgewater Richard and Deborah Brooks Ashley Brown Codie Bryce Alberto and Carolina Bustamante Abigail and Hector Bustos Supreeya Butsamongkon Leila Cabrera Jean Cadet Nancy Cai Erick and Kathleen Calderon Juan Callejas and Reyna Ortiz Antonia Camacho Mirna Campos and Alejandro Limon Gil Canales and Sabina Gonzalez Pulido Yasmine Canel Arnulfo Cano and Maria Mendoza Juan Cano and Claudet Salazar Vaughn and Joyann Canoville Jinping Cao Martha Capetillo Miguel Carbajal Irma Cardenas and Pedro Cruz Alison Carlis Guadalupe Carrera Johnny and Sandra Castillo Mariana and Ramon Castillo Janet Castro Minoly Cedeno Lourdes M. Celia Isabel Cervantes and Onesimo Rodriguez Rodriguez Nelta Cesar-Dameus and Ernst Cesar Chris Chan Ruan Chan Hui Chang Jiaming Chao Pi Chao Enel Charles and Joctride Joseph Mirna Rose-Lorva Charles and Samuel Alcime Hamel Chauhan and Tripti Mehta Dazen Chen Hua Chen Huaming Chen Jane Chen Jia Long Chen Jin Yu Chen Jun Chen Lin Lin Chen Sang Chen Yidi Chen Zhi Jie Chen Guozi Cheng Fresner Cherimond Tim Chernetskiy Claudia Chevez and Carlos Cerna Lu Chi Adam Childs Yongsoon Cho Fahmida Choudhury Kevin Christofalos Abbey Chu Mi Fay Chueng Simon Clarke Jared Close Ashlatha Coleman Placide Colin Rosely Colon and David Serrano Docteur and Fenise Compere Erin Cooke Alexander Cordero and Hanasesy Vitier Ramon Corrada Rivera and Marieli Guzman Justina Crisotomo Yissell Fernandez Espinoza Annabel Ferreira Adeline Ferret and Alejandro Perez Alma Delia Flores Angeles Flores and Armando Diaz Dario and Amanda D Florez Bienvenida Florian and Mercedes Suazo Manuel and Marcela Foronda TJ Foster Fauvette Francois and Reinaldo Jean Maria D Fuentes and Lazaro Mesa Rene Gaitan Alla Galuzinskaya Natividad Gama Hernandez Gamaliel Hong Bin Gao Emma Garces Alexis Garcia Elsa Garcia J. Concepcion Garcia and Maria Blanca Rosales Milagros Garcia Odalys Garcia and Francisco Oramas Olga Garcia Salvador Garcia Sandra Maria Garcia Eva Garcia Araiza and Manuel Araiza Pedro Garcia Zamora Yaniel Garriga and Roxana Galindez Yovanie Garth Shawntes Gary and Kayla Kelly Eduardo and Lydia Garza Shihua Ge Nathan Geeban Karolina Gelsomino Zili Geng Miguelina German Jill Ghouralal Tenee Gibson and Josh Gibson Sr Sergio Gil Harpreet Gill and Ramandeep Kaur Karamjeet Gill Kulwinder and Pardeep Gill Julius Gines Yohusy Godinez Edith Golding Alicia Gomez Luisa Gomez and Emil Mateo Orestes Gomez and Yolana Del Nodal Xi Gong Alex Gonzalez and Maria Fernandez Ana Josefa Gonzalez Clara L. Gonzalez Crystal Gonzalez Edith Gonzalez Estrella Gonzalez Gretell Gonzalez Ignacio Alejandro Gonzalez and Mariluz Valdes Maria Elena Gonzalez Roberto and Maria Gonzalez Rosario and Seferino Gonzalez Shirley Gonzalez and Darvin Munoz Yoniel Gonzalez Rani Gopireddy and Narendar Rachur Reina Granado Samuel Gray Jason Green Denise Greenwood Jason Greig and Paw Gay Zhen Gu Jose Luis Guerra Shamsa Guled Long Guo Karna and Pampha Gurung Jean Victor Gustave and Valerie Viaud Veronica Gutierrez Susan Guy Johanna Guzman and Marcial Brujan Andrew Ha Fengyue Hai Liyue Hai Francheska Hall Mary Hall Hoa Hang Jimmy Harris Denise Hazel and Ron Henry Hai Qing He Ivy He Qing He Shan He Juan Antonio and Mary Luz Henriquez Lorena Hernandez Marvin Herrera and Linda Rosales Rebecca Heung Alicia Heywood and Klyde Von Gremli Mei Lan Hiao W Hiao Carlos Hidalgo and Elena Brawn Pee Hko and Ko Naing Bao Ho In Mei Ho Kin Keong Ho Xindy Hoa Shi Chou Hong Yu Hong Annette Hooper Entao Hsu Lnda Hsu Marry Hsu Lay Htoo Paw Htoo Ha Hu Jerry Hu Adrian Song Huang Bella Huang Jiahua Huang Lingshan Huang Shan Shan Huang Xiaoling Huang Yanjing Huang Michael and Mary Hunter Matt Huo Pen Huo Christine Huynh Wilmine Hyppolite Eulise Iacobelli Antonio Ibarra Amanise Israel Davilmar Kindra Jackson Vincent Jackson Jeffrey Jacobs John Jacobs and Annie Corbett Rashesh and Nidhi Jain Jain Merline Jean Philippe Suphakit Jeensopa Aishu Jiang Hai Xia Jiang Fengti Jie Zoraida Jimenez and Fernando Santiago Zoey Jin Adam Jorgensen Clunie and Philogene Joseph Kanjana Judefredrick Liya Jun Wilda Juste Paramjit and Harminder Kalirai Saideepak Kandibanda Nikhil Karkare Amandeep Kaur Surinderjit and Baljinder Kaur Amol Kaveeshwar and Surbhi Khargonkar Juan Enrique Kelner Wannipa Khaengkit and Chakrit Hildebrand Wapee Khaiphaiwan Lian Kham and Ciin Lun Andrew Kim Dong Ho Kim Hony Kim Jung Mi Kim Kwon Hwan and Jeom Kim Kyung Kim and Danny Hughett Sei Hon Kim and Jeong Yean Jang Guy Kokou and Elizabeth Anderson Rudy Kong Tin Lun Sreekar Kothamachu Yang Ku Yan Kuang Peter Kun Bunty and Gurleen Labana Vijay Kiran Lagadapati Mandeep and Kartar Lakhesar Moe Moe Lama and Patrick Marip Aung Aung Marcos Lamarche Arias and Clarisa Almonte Murline Lambert Ji and Aung Lamung Terra Lan Anallely and Israel Larios Santasabina Larioschat and Perez Zacarias Santosnoe Andy Lau Maggie Le Ngoc Le Achieve RECOGNITION | FAST TRACK Edgar Croes Geraldo Cruz and Fredelyne Jarbath Rogelio Cruz and Yaima Espinosa Rosa M Cuello Yingji Cui Dwight Cummings Pablo and Martha Cutino Betty D. Sanchez and Jose Guadalupe Sanchez Lingling Dai Ming Dai Julio Dalias Saul De Jesus Lorenza De La Cruz Marcia De La Cruz Santiago De La Cruz Antonio De La Luz Gumercindo Humbertina De Paula Mariselva Del Valle Lori Delashmit Richard Delcy Brett Dense Ramanjeet Deogan Denis Deza Anterpreet Dhaliwal Manik Dhawan Savik Dhawan Orlaidy Dias and Jorge Lisardo Montero Doris Diaz and William Harrold Tom Dinse Tian Dizhi Tawk Doi You Dong Carl Aubain Dorvil Johnny Dorvilus Jasleen and Malkit Dulku Ismiralda Dumond Sharon Dunn Peters Arjun Dutta Taciana Duveau and Brusly Nezil Gaurav Dwivedi and Neha Tewari Elaine Eleanor Shanmukh Krishna Emany Belkis Encarnacion Brenda Escobar Dora Escobar Juan Escobar Jose Espinal and Emelania Jimenez Joynett Espinal Rosa Espinal Genderson Espinosa Voong Eva John and Cheanelle Exama Luz Maria Fajardo Dwight Fan Yin Fan Samuel Fayette Si Fa Fei Victoria Felix Jun Feng Madelin Fernandez Oscar Fernandez Ramon Fernandez PAGE 47 Sammyle Le Arizona Lee Chin Lee Sammie Lee Sanders Lee Shu Lee Hsu Mei Ling And Lee Li Maria Mercedes Lema Michirumbai and Manuel Lligicota Caguana Jose A Leon Justin Lezama and Bille Jackson Lezama Barbara Li Brian Li Fred Li Gail Li Gary Li Jia Li Ling Fang Li Mei Yu Li Mingli Li Ren Fu Li Ruo Hong Li Xianwei Li Xiao Meng Li Xin Ling Li Yanqing Li Yong Chun Li Zhongyu Li Kuan Liang Susanna Liang and Alen Wei Ting Liang Zhen Tao Liang Chenxing Liao Hsing Ping Liao Angela Lin Justin Lin Liqin Lin Xiang Lin Xuewei Lin Yunguo Lin Rolando Linares Jared Lindsey and Kayla Lee Nelda and John Linton Karren and Chris Little Bei Liu Benwei Liu Dan Liu Junli Liu Shu Fei Liu Tana Liu Xin Liu Zhan Liu Paula Lizaso Vicente Lopez Minerva Lopez Ramirez Jude and Marie Dominique Loriston Karina Lozano Feng Lu PAGE 48 Achieve Jianyan Lu Shuping Lu Evaristo and Reginalda Lucia Marcene Lucien Aaron and Amelia Lundy Chase Ma Kai Ma Zubia Mahmood Martha Maldonado Gia Malik Vener Malimban and Percy Andora Subbarao Mangipudi Miguel Alberto Marron Amilcar and Angelika Marroquin Salinas Nestor Martella and Mariela Heffel Alejandro Martinez and Kesly Ramos Benjamin Martinez Gustavo and Dulce Martinez Jamie Martinez Kerlin Martinez and Cesar Buelto Sunem Martinez and Alexander Gonzalez Yagna Martinez Julian and Claudia Marulanda Diego Matayoshi Linda Dorcelus and Emmanuel Mathieu Wendy Matos Sugeiris Matos De Leon Cherylann and Stephen Maxime Arturo Maya Felix Roberto Mazola Donna and Bill McDonald Arturo Medina and Christina Roman Jose Medina Nelly Medina and Manuel Martinez Francisco Mena Eduardo Estelin Mendez Deovito and Edna Mendoza Francisco Mendoza and Martha E. Villegas Melesia Mendoza Elianne Menelus Jacqueline Mesa Yudaisy Miranda and Andres Sanchez Sultana Mohammad Neil Karan Mohindra Maria and Alfredo Molina Mona Mondestin Fernando Monroy and Kerin Pavon Dagoberto Montano Arturo and Mary Montelongo Jose Morales and Manley Martinez Juana Morales Noel Morales and Maria Del Carmen Herrera Francisco A Moralez Antonio Moreno Juan Moreno Leonardo Morla Moscoso Ruben Moroyoqui and Catalina Noriega Lee Mosler Virgilio Mota Roman Maria G. Munoz Shina Nan Leo Naranjo Maria Nava Maria Navarro Achyu Naw Naw and Lahpai Nang Ja Manuel Nazario Parto Nemati Sandra Neu Phat Nguyen Erge Ni Matt Nichols Zaida and Angello Nicolaas Raul Nieves Chaitanya Nitta Tial Zakai Niuk Alejandro Nivar Brittany and Claude Norris Claudia Nunez Martha L Nunez Rafael Orlando and Jacqueline Nunez Nelly Nunez Almonte Narpinder Singh Oberoi Leilanie and Gian Ocampo Dorothy Ogega Juan V. Olguin Sanchez Carlos Olivares and Isabel Palacios Carmen Olmeda and Donald Yates Heriberto Ona Alexander Osorio and Claudia Madrid Dinora Osorio Edgar Osorio and Tania Fernandez Maria C Osorio Carlos Osuna and Elisabet Cabrera Orfilia Pacas Antuaney Padilla and Junior Garlobo Mary Padilla Martin Palacios Aravind Palepu and Sowjanya Amirapu Tara Pam Vivian Paradoa Jongsun and Jihee Park Miae Park Sharmila Parvenn Alberto Pascual Juan and Petrona Andres Andres Alex Patapis Sachin Kumar and Monaliben Patel Parshwa Patwa Roosevehlt Paul and Marciene Paul Pierre Roberto Paz and Maria De La Luz Beltran Marielena Paz-Pineda and Agus Coronilla Myriam Pean Juan Luis Pelaez Julio Pelegrino and Ozaris Ferrer Roxanne Pellon Dilia Esmeralda Pena and Juan Carlos Vargas Cheng Peng Gladys Peralta Angela Percel and Dennys A Rosario Dayma Perez Nimia Perez Rene Perez and Irenia Garcia Rocio Perez Shopak Perez and Kenia Pozo Sulema Perez Wilfredo Perez Alma Jessica Perez Castaneda Maria Perez De Leon Dania Maria Perez Peralta Ophnie Phanord Nopparat Phaypim Jose Picado Castillo and Ivania Centeno Romero Raymond Piedra and Elizabeth Vega Audette Pierre and Napoleon Jean Baptiste Elifranc and Fernande Pierre Elites Pierre and Jesulene Saintilmond Fristzner and Marie Emmanuelle C Pierre Marc Andre Pierre-Noel and Lynda Mergenat Laura Pilchuk and Nathan James Daniel Pineiro Gladis and Casimiro Ponce Ruben Prado and Lilia Gonzalez Enock Prevalus Maya Pupala Susma Puri Banhuo Qian Haifeng Qiu Dolores Quende Ana and John Quintana Melissa Quintero Nusrat and Shah Farooq Qureshi Jiden and Sita Rai Sukhwinder Rai Brenda Ramirez and Telesforo Hernandez Eleisida and Pascual Ramirez Luz Maria Ramirez Eduardo Tomas and Marcelina Lourdes Ramos Javier Ramos Maribel Ramos Sangeeta Rani and Narinder Singh Aida Raymundo Fernando Reinoso and Kirsis Ortega Esmeralda Renderos and Henri Cardona Jing Chen Ri Eduardo Rivera Florentino Vladimir Rivero Ernesto and Teresa Rocha Jorge Eliecer Rodrigues Brenda Rodriguez Carlos and Mery Rodriguez Daisy Rodriguez Larry and Rosemary Stewart Ryan Stollmeyer and Kristen Telles Natalie Strzelecki-Shutov and Aleksey Shutov Shengye Su Susana Su Xi Su Thanakumar Subramaniam Chanjuan Sun Lihua Sun Steve Sun Xin Sun Xue Sun Yaling Sun Christine and Kenny Sung Kantimoy Sur Wilner Syrius and Edmonde Enefort Armando Takamoto Tribhuvon Tallapragada Salvador and Flora Tamayo Thomas Qun Tang Yongxin Tang Youke Tang Richard Tapia and Elidelma Villar Aracely Tapia Hernandez Corina Tavara Mike and Raven Taylor Raja Thambu Sawitree Thangsaiklang Charley Threet Liza Tia Clem Tian Feng Tian Ke Tian Sa Tin Radelky Ysabel Tineo Farshad Tirgaryan Eric and Estrella Torres Jose Alfredo and Beatriz Torres Maria Torres and Wbistano Sanchez Miladys Torrez and Pablo Henriquez Jackcina Towns and Jean Paul Edmond Dayaris and Felix Brayan Travieso Felix Travieso and Josefa Hernandez Stephen Trinh and Van Nguyen Juan Trujillo Jamel Turner San Twin Prasad and Krishna Upreti Ariel Urrelis Sameer and Charu Vaid Marianne Valdes Lidia Altagracia Valdez Matos Rosa G. Valdovinos Juan Carlos Vargas Gita Vasan Sandra Vasquez Daniel Vazquez and Ziuryx Felpeto Miguel Angel Vazquez and Cecilia Rojas Ramon Vazquez and Marina De Leon Elvira Velasquez and Jesus Martines Yicel Ventura De La Rosa Manuel and Niurka Vergara C. Vichot and Lucrecio Aleman Telesfora Victoriano Perez Alex Vile Dorcas Villacorta and Arnaldo Iglesias Juan Viscarra Kefan Vu Sonja Wan Chunmei Wang Feng Wang Grace Wang Guoying Wang Ling Wang Min Wang Qun Wang Thalia Wang Tony Wang Xinglou Wang Hassaya Wangprapha and Norbert Sienko Kevin Waters Anthony Watson Giselle Weaver and Anthony Torresi Tian Wei Zarree and Hsar Wei Jazzy Welkhu Brett and Anna Williams Tamara Wilson Pink Wo Sanmei Wo Babs Wong Kelly Wong Ting Wong Kelly Wood Wiley and Antenita Wright Charlie Wu Haitao Wu Mingming Wu Taoyan Wu Wayne Wu Zheng Wu Mengjie Xia Mengpeng Xiao Jonathan Xie Rongfeng Xie Tian Xie RECOGNITION | FAST TRACK David Rodriguez and Daniella Diaz Felix and Silka Rodriguez Hector Rodriguez Itzel Rodriguez Omar Alberto Rodriguez Gonzalez Maria Romero Yudieth Romero and Carlos Betancourt Esteban Roque Ruiz Pedro Rosa and Yaneth Salmeron Gil Rosales and Vilma Castro Yann Rousseau and Melissa Paris Desilets Napas Ruangdech Franklin and Lesly Ruiz Diane Ryan Aman Saini Junie Saint Pierre Nelly Salazar Ronald Salazar Ren San Carlos Sanchez Idania and Iraldo Sanchez Selyna Sanchez Miriam and Luis C Santa Maria Rosa Santana Carolina Santana Rodriguez Zahira Santiago Jonathan Santos Juana Santos and Gerony Santana Vijay Sarma Jorge Sarmiento and Rosa Narvaez Stacey Sewell Basherunnisa Shaik Nero Shan Sli Shang Wen Feng Shang Biao Shang Guan Hui Shao Yelena and Vadim Sharikov Casey Sheffield and Michaella Turner Jake Sheldon Rei Shen Sheriff Shepherd and Rose Manning-Shepherd Mei Mei Shih Simun SHR Salma Siddiqi Osman Sierra and Myriam Pena Maria Silverio Salas Trustin Simpson Duoduo Song Mingming Song Moonhee Song Iliana Sorensen X. Si Xie Xihuan Xie Renne Xu Yehong Xu Yue Ya Shaoli Yan Shaoting Yan Xue Ying Yan Hsiu Li Yang Shuyan Yang Xiu Ping Yang Xiuming Yang Xiuzhen Yang Yu Ting Yang Heyi Yao John Ye Maozi Ye Coco Yee Bulbul Yesselbayeva Jia Yi Shi Yong Sonia Young Truman Young Ashirley Yu Zahui Yu Zhimei Yu Edwin Zaldivar Fenggui Zhang Huiqun Zhang Jay Zhang Meng Zhang Xiaohui Zhang Xin Zhang Yan Zhang Yu Zhang Yunchun Zhang Zuosheng Zhang Ziqi Zhao Feng Ying Zheng Judy Zheng Mei Fang Zheng Nengli Zheng Bing Zhou Jiajun Zhou Xiao Jing Zhou Cora Zhu Endian Zhu Guo Feng Zhu Queenie Zhu Wen Zhu Maria Zorrilla Utkarsh Zoting Haishan Zou Fabian Zuniga All of these current and previous qualifiers can be found at: Achieve PAGE 49 Events Calendar 2014 QUARTER ONE QUARTER TWO QUARTER THREE QUARTER FOUR JAN - MAR APR - JUN JUL - SEP OCT - DEC Diamond Dreams: Custom-designed incentive trips from January to December. FEBRUARY 15–22 Executive Diamond Club/ Diamond Club Kona, Hawaii FEBRUARY 3 Founders Memorial Scholarship Program Opens! MAY 14–16 SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 2–5 Amway Regional Founders Council IBO Talent Show Contest Opens! Amway New Platinum Conference Prague, Czech Republic Ada & Grand Rapids, Michigan MAY 16–18 DECEMBER 1–5 North American Growth Council Amway Achievers (closes May 23) MARCH 10–13 New Platinum Conference Ada & Grand Rapids, Michigan MARCH 31 Las Vegas, Nevada Munich, Germany A Winning Combination Sales & Sweepstakes Ends! 2015 FEBRUARY 8–15 Executive Diamond Club/ Diamond Club Maui, Hawaii NOVEMBER 30– DECEMBER 4 Amway Achievers Orlando, Florida PAGE 50 Achieve AMWAY HERO AWARDS 2013 Achieve ,ũ1'-*ũ3ũ&*,!(+ ISSUES 7&'/ũ.! lablŇ ® Download ACHIEVE onto your iPad now. ® Just search for “Achieve Magazine” in the iTunes® App Store and you’re on your way to a whole new interactive experience! Achieve PAGE 51 2013 A s we look to our future and developing the next generation of leaders, we are proud to announce the latest news regarding the Founders Memorial Scholarship Program awards. The Founders Memorial Scholarship Program, in honor of our first Amway Independent Business Owners – Jere and Eileen Dutt, Fred and Bernice Hansen, and Joe and Helyne Victor – was established in early 2013 to keep these pioneers' names, leadership, and legacy in front of new generations of IBOs. More than 50 years after they started their Amway™ businesses, we see the impact of their work and leadership in the lives of their families and of every IBO who embraces the Amway opportunity as a way to reach his or her own American dream. The scholarship program is one more way of helping IBOs and their children reach their dreams. During this inaugural year, the IBOAI and the families of the IBOs for whom the scholarships are named – the Dutts, the Hansens, and the Victors – have each partnered with Amway to generously match the original amount, raising the value of each award to $15,000. A big and heartfelt "Thank you!" goes out to the IBOAI Board, Jody and Gina Dutt, Karen and Jerry DeBlaay, Susan and Skip Ross, and Jody and Kathy Victor for such a generous gesture in supporting this important program. Learn more about each of this year's scholarship winners and about their reactions to learning they had been selected to receive an inaugural Founders Memorial Scholarship at: founders-memorial-scholarship. Start thinking about your application for next year's program. The 2014 program will opens for entries on February 3, 2014. Congratulations to this year's award recipients: JERE AND EILEEN DUTT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FRED AND BERNICE HANSEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP JOE AND HELYNE VICTOR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FATUMATA KOROMA MARRIYAM QURESHI KRISTINA KELVY (IBO) (IBO) Sophomore at Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, majoring in business PAGE 52 Achieve (IBO AND DAUGHTER OF MICHAEL AND MARIANNA KELVY, IBOs) Senior at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, majoring in electrical engineering Graduate student at King's College London, London, England, studying medicine IBOAI ASSOCIATION FOUNDERS: Heroes for Giving Voice to IBOs Heroes reveal themselves in many ways. Who they are, what they do, and the people they influence may differ, but all are distinguished by their profoundly selfless actions and unwavering commitment. For IBOs past and future, the founding members of the American Way Association will always be heroes. In 1959, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel, along with a few top IBOs, established an organization that would serve as the voice of Amway’s Independent Business Owners, promoting their interests and protecting their rights. To this day, this “voice of the IBO,” represented by the IBOAI®, is a vital component of the Amway™ independent business opportunity and is what makes it unique in the direct selling industry. For this, we have Jere and Eileen Dutt, Fred and Bernice Hansen, and Joe and Helyne Victor to thank. They served as role models for putting people and their needs first, working hard to achieve success, and structuring their businesses to involve their families. now, their leadership continues to impact the lives of their families and every IBO who embraces the Amway opportunity as a way to reach his or her own American dream. In honor of their contributions, the IBOAI, Amway, and the founding families have established a program to help develop the next generation of leaders. The Founders Memorial Scholarship Program offers the: · Jere and Eileen Dutt Memorial Scholarship · Fred and Bernice Hansen Memorial Scholarship · Joe and Helyne Victor Memorial Scholarship These three scholarships will be awarded annually to IBOs or their children. Each serves as a testament to the heroic work of the founding families, as well as encouragement and support for the leaders of tomorrow. The IBOAI is guided by an elected Board of Directors and continues to thrive as it interacts with Amway on the development of products, programs, and events. The association’s strong partnership with the company is proof that the founding members were visionaries. For more than 50 years Achieve PAGE 53 2014 NOMINATIONS 2010 RECIPIENTS Determination: Josh Kennison Generosity: Beverly Sallee Ophoff Leadership: Valeriy Solodyankin Patriotism: Jeremy Wojdan Since the Amway Hero Awards program began in 2009, you’ve shared remarkable stories about some remarkable people. Stories about IBOs serving their countries, communities, businesses, families, and friends, and doing amazing things that have earned them the honorary title of “Hero.” 2011 RECIPIENTS Determination: Stephen Willoby Generosity: Tim Foley Leadership: Ulises Feliz Patriotism: Michael Schindler SHARE A STORY We know there are many, many more everyday “heroes,” quietly following the directions of their hearts and passions, all to help others lead better lives. Help us shine light on the good things happening in the world. 2012 RECIPIENTS Determination: Frank Morales Generosity: Jim and Nancy Dornan Leadership: Mark Schaible Patriotism: Mike Carroll Publications Mail Agreement No.40065259 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses To Amway Canada Corporation 375 Exeter Road P.O. Box 7777 London Station Main London ON N5Y 5V6 ©2013 All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. L3657CU Nominate your hero or heroes today at:
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