Spring 2011 Commencement - The University of Texas at Brownsville
Spring 2011 Commencement - The University of Texas at Brownsville
2011 Spring commencement Dear Graduates, Congratulations on your graduation and the achievement of this milestone in your academic career. It is important to pause for a moment and celebrate your success with the many people who have been a part of your journey: your family, friends, faculty and mentors. Your commencement ceremony also serves as a symbol of all the new beginnings that are now possible to create a brighter future, both for yourself and those around you. With each graduate that we send out into the community newly credentialed, our entire region is raised up as our newest alumni work to improve the quality of life in South Texas and beyond. No matter where your career path leads you, know that you always have a home here. You are the newest graduates of The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, and you are our future. Felicidades, Juliet V. García, Ph.D. President 1 Platform Guests Francisco G. Rendon, M.Eng. Roberto Robles, M.D. Adela Garza, B.A. David G. Oliveira, J.D. Rene Torres, M.Ed. Juliet V. García, Ph.D. Alan F. J. Artibise, Ph.D. Luis Colom, Ph.D., M.D. Irv Downing, M.A. Rosemary Martinez, C.P.A. Meloney Linder, B.A. Hilda Silva, Ed.D. Clair Goldsmith, Ph.D. Eldon Nelson, Ph.D. Miguel Escotet, Ph.D. Daniel Heimmermann, Ph.D. Edna Garza-Escobedo, Ph.D. Mikhail M. Bouniaev, Ph.D. Mark Kroll, Ph.D. Robert Lozano, M.D., Ph.D. Juan “Trey” Mendez III, J.D. Terry Overton, Ph.D. Charles Lackey, Ph.D. James Holt, M.S., M.B.A. Mari Fuentes-Martin, Ed.D. Bobbette Morgan, Ed.D. Hilda L. Solis, M.P.A. Chair, Texas Southmost College Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Board of Trustees Secretary, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees President, The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Vice President for Research and Houston Endowment Chair in Science and Engineering Vice President for Economic Development and Community Services Vice President for Business Affairs Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement Vice President for Student Affairs Chief Information Officer and Vice President for Information Technology Interim Dean, College of Biomedical Sciences and Health Professions Dean, College of Education Dean, College of Liberal Arts Interim Dean, College of Nursing Dean, College of Science, Mathematics and Technology Dean, School of Business Dean, University College Dean, Graduate Studies Dean, Workforce Training and Continuing Education and Associate Vice President for Economic Development Dean of Students and Associate Vice President for Student Affairs President, Academic Senate, Professor – Houston Endowment Chair in Education and Director of Education Graduate Program Secretary, United States Department of Labor and Commencement Speaker Faculty Marshals Mimosa Stephenson, Ph.D. Eusebio E. Ortiz, M.Ed. Zelma D. Mata, Ed.D. William C. Davis, Ed.D. Sally Roach, M.S.N. Rogelio Contreras, Ph.D. Beatriz Costillo, M.Ed. 2 Mace Bearer College of Biomedical Sciences and Health Professions College of Education College of Liberal Arts College of Nursing College of Science, Mathematics and Technology School of Business Commencement Program Mary Rose Cardenas Hall South Lawn Saturday, May 21, 2011 • 8 a.m. Processional “Pomp and Circumstance” Sir Edward Elgar Invocation....................................................................................... Fr. Alexandro Flores Saint Mary, Mother of the Church Alma Mater..................................................................................... Megan Pitcock .................................................................................................... Valeria Ontiveros .................................................................................................... Alfonso Gonzalez .................................................................................................... Ricardo Delgado “Hail the Orange and White” Master Chorale quartet Original lyrics by John C. Hunter Jr. Adapted by Terry Jay Phillips † Arrangement by Terry Tomlin † Welcome and Introduction of Special Guests.................................... Juliet V. García, Ph.D. President Commencement Address................................................................. Hilda L. Solis, M.P.A. United States Secretary of Labor Presentation of Graduating Class..................................................... Alan F. J. Artibise, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Conferring of Degrees..................................................................... Juliet V. García, Ph.D. Presentation of Diplomas................................................................ Texas Southmost College Board of Trustees Francisco G. Rendon, M.Eng., Chair Roberto Robles, M.D., Vice Chair Adela Garza, B.A., Secretary David G. Oliveira, J.D. Rene Torres, M.Ed. Robert Lozano, M.D., Ph.D. Juan “Trey” Mendez III, J.D. Recessional “Las Golondrinas” José María Usandizaga 3 2011 Spring Commencement Speaker Hilda L. Solis, M.P.A. United States Secretary of Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis, M.P.A., was confirmed as Secretary of Labor on February 24, 2009. Prior to confirmation as Secretary of Labor, Solis represented the 32nd Congressional District in California, a position she held from 2001 to 2009. In the Congress, Solis’ priorities included expanding access to affordable health care, protecting the environment, and improving the lives of working families. A recognized leader on clean-energy jobs, she authored the Green Jobs Act, which provided funding for “green” collar job training for veterans, displaced workers, at-risk youth, and individuals in families with incomes less than 200 percent of the federal poverty line. In 2007, Solis was appointed to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the Helsinki Commission), as well as the Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group. In June 2007, Solis was elected Vice Chair of the Helsinki Commission’s General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions. She was the only U.S. elected official to serve on this committee. A nationally recognized leader on the environment, Solis became the first woman to receive the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in 2000 for her pioneering work on environmental justice issues. Her California environmental justice legislation, enacted in 1999, was the first of its kind in the nation to become law. Solis was first elected to public office in 1985 as a member of the Rio Hondo Community College Board of Trustees. She served in the California State Assembly from 1992 to 1994, and in 1994 made history by becoming the first Latina elected to the California State Senate. As the chairwoman of the California Senate Industrial Relations Committee, she led the battle to increase the state’s minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.75 an hour in 1996. She also authored a record 17 state laws aimed at combating domestic violence. Solis graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and earned a Master of Public Administration from the University of Southern California. A former federal employee, she worked in the Carter White House Office of Hispanic Affairs and was later appointed as a management analyst with the Office of Management and Budget in the Civil Rights Division. She was nominated by President Barack Obama to serve as Secretary of Labor on January 20, 2009. 4 Alumni Are you a Scorpion? ALUMNI The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Graduates and former students are invited to register with the UTB/TSC Alumni Association. We want to hear from you. Sign up to receive the Alumni e-newsletter and invitations to special events and services by calling the Office of Alumni Relations at 956-882-4332 or visiting utb.edu/alumni. Contact the UTB/TSC Alumni Association by mail at 80 Fort Brown, Brownsville, TX 78520 or e-mail at [email protected]. Save the date: scorpions forever homecoming 2011 Mark your calendars for Scorpions Forever Homecoming 2011 on Thursday, November 3, to Saturday, November 5. Highlight events include All Scorpions Reunion, Coffee With the President, community events, alumni awards and ghost tours. Check out the Scorpions Forever Homecoming 2011 website at utb.edu/homecoming for a schedule of events or call the Office of Alumni Relations at 956-882-4332. Invest in Students Did you receive a scholarship while attending UTB/TSC? Consider helping a current student with a gift to the Scorpion Fund. A major Scorpion Fund initiative is under way to raise $200,000 by July 1. Every dollar raised will go to the STARS (South Texas Academic Rising Scholars) Foundation for scholarships. Please visit utb.edu/giving and click on the Scorpion Fund link. The Scorpion Fund get stung 5 Traditions “Traditions are important to us as they remind us of what we value, what we hold dear, and what we build from. We have a long history of traditions at UTB/TSC. Our heritage dictates that the traditions set out by our founders continue to serve for the greater good.” Dr. Juliet V. García, President Academia Regalia One of the oldest academic traditions is the wearing of academic regalia. Academic institutions throughout the world have created a wide variety of customs including distinctive dress, color and ceremony to indicate the accomplishments of scholars. The wearing of regalia dates from the Middle Ages, when the gowns had the practical purpose of keeping scholars warm in cold and drafty buildings. English traditions originating at Oxford and Cambridge universities led to the development of American academic regalia. By the 20th century, institutions of higher learning in the United States had adopted a well-defined code of academic costume, which now includes the identification of different academic degrees by distinctive gowns, hoods and colors. For instance, the bachelor’s gown is worn closed and is identified by long, pointed sleeves. Doctoral gowns may be worn open, and they are distinguished by velvet panels around the neck and down the front of the gown. Three horizontal black velvet bars, or the color representing the wearer’s degree, also mark the doctoral gown. In America, the hood is the most colorful feature of the academic regalia. The bachelor’s hood, when worn, is comparatively short; the master’s a bit longer; and the doctorate, at four feet, reaches far down the back. At UTB/TSC, the hooding is a special occasion because the master’s or doctoral hood, a symbol of the degree, is formally draped about the neck of the graduate by the dean. Colors used in the academic regalia for master’s and doctorate degrees are: White: Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, Master of Public Policy and Management Drab: Master of Business Administration Light Blue: Master of Education Gold: Master of Science, Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Orange: Master of Science in Nursing Dark Royal Blue: Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction The outside of the hood is black and bordered with a 2-, 3- or 5-inch band of color representing the degree received. Mace The mace is an academic tradition that started out as a formidable weapon of warfare but is now a ceremonial staff used as a symbol of authority. Originally, the mace was a longhandled club weighted at the end, used primarily by knights during the Middle Ages to crush the armor of opponents. Royal bodyguards often carried maces to protect their monarch in processions. By the 14th century, maces had become more ceremonial in use and were decorated with jewels and precious metals, losing their war-club appearance. They were no longer used as weapons after the 16th century. The ceremonial mace is usually three or four feet long. In the sessions of the British House of Commons, the mace is placed on the treasury table. In the U.S. House of Representatives, it is placed to the right of the speaker. A mace is often carried in ecclesiastical processions, particularly in English-speaking countries, and frequently before magistrates in Great Britain. The mace has become one of the major accessories at commencement ceremonies for colleges and universities. 6 At UTB/TSC, the mace bears the UTB seal on one side and the TSC seal on the other. It is carried by the most senior faculty marshal. The UTB/TSC mace is made from wood that was part of one of the original support beams uncovered during the renovation of Gorgas Hall. Built in 1868, Gorgas Hall was once the post hospital of historic Fort Brown. It was named in honor of 1st Lt. William Crawford Gorgas, whose work led to the eradication of yellow fever at Fort Brown. Gorgas Hall maintains the distinctiveness of history and is the site of the Office of the President and other administrative departments. The Mathematics and Science Academy Candidates for High School Graduation The Mathematics and Science Academy was established in 2007 as a regional school for the promotion of math and science careers. Embedded within and guided by the university, MSA serves 11th and 12th grade students and allows them to complete two years of college concurrently with the last two years of high school. The academy is an open-enrollment, academically-focused and tuition-free public high school that serves students who live mainly in Cameron County. All the students are residents of Texas, have completed Algebra I and II and Geometry by the end of 10th grade, and have SAT scores of at least 500 in math and reading. Classes taken by MSA students are taught by university professors, thus beginning their higher-education coursework. All MSA graduates to date have enrolled in a university to continue their studies. MSA offers students academic coursework focused on various math and science fields, such as engineering, architecture and computer science. Students are offered a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum that prepares them for challenging STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers, yet allows them the flexibility to pursue other areas of study. The academy nurtures the students, helping them become lifelong learners by providing a challenging yet focused educational experience. MSA students also are encouraged to do at least 75 hours of service in their communities. The university and MSA, working together, prove that knowledge knows no boundaries. Julie Alaniz 2, 4, 6 Daniela Ayala 2, 4, 5, 6 Otis Barnard 1, 4, 6 Samuel Braunstein 5, 6 Alejandro J. Castillo 4, 5, 6 Jessica Castillo 4, 5, 6 Valeria Castillo 4, 6 Ana K. Chapa 5, 6 Rubi Doria 4, 5, 6 Sarah Dotras 3, 4, 6 Tiffany Espinosa 1, 4, 5, 6 Jose R. Garcia 4, 5, 6 Noemie Gonzalez 2, 4, 5, 6 Abigail Gracia 5, 6 Jackeline Guevara 5 Andrea Heier 1, 4 5, 6 Luke Hernandez 5, 6 Jamin R. Ho 5 Charlina Hung 1, 4, 5, 6 Jared Korab 4, 6 Kirsten Lara 3, 4, 5, 6 Tenee Lopez 3, 4, 5, 6 Priscilla Lugo 6 Mario A. Martinez 3, 4, 6 Ruben Martinez 2, 4, 5, 6 Yvonne Martinez 6 Lisa M. Perez 2, 4, 5, 6 Michelle Perez 5, 6 Kimberly Reyes 5, 6 Alejandra Rodriguez 2, 4, 5, 6 Alejandra Salinas 3, 4, 5, 6 Abigail Shields 5, 6 Amanda Tabares Zujeidy Torres 1, 4, 5, 6 Mayra Velazquez 3, 4, 6 Bianca Villanueva 1, 4, 5, 6 Deyaun Villarreal 3, 4, 5, 6 Joshua Waddell 6 Zhaoyu Yang 3, 4, 5, 6 High School Recognitions 1 Cum Laude 2 Magna Cum Laude Grade Point Averages 3.70-3.89 3 Summa Cum Laude Grade Point Averages 3.90-4.00 Grade Point Averages 3.50-3.69 4 National Honor Society Recognizes outstanding high school students 5 Community Service Recognizes completing 75 hours or more of community service 6 Associate degree 7 College of Biomedical Sciences and Health Professions Candidates for Graduation The banner of the College of Biomedical Sciences and Health Professions features the rising sun, a DNA double-alpha helix, and a caduceus (winged staff) on a background dominated by the colors green and blue, accentuated by gold. Green represents the medical professions and the quest to heal and protect mankind from disease. Gold represents the elevation of the mind through knowledge and service, while blue represents truth and devotion as the foundation to advance human health. The DNA signifies the principal precept of the college: unity in diversity. The caduceus is symbolic of medicine and the health professions, while the rising sun signifies the future promises of education and research. Associate of Applied Science Russell J. Atkinson Jessica Briones Mario A. Canales Leeroy Cantu Crizel Castro Glenda Y. Espinoza Ernesto Figueroa Jose A. Gomez Maria G. Gonzalez 8 Robert M. Hernandez Monica J. Lape Sonia E. Leija Ismael Lemus Jennifer Lemus Patricia D. Lopez Jonathan R. Mondragon Diana L. Munoz Juan O. Nava Matthew D. Perez Joaquin Pina Jr. Jessica Rodriguez 1 Omar J. Rosales Amelia Roy Lydia J. Saldivar 1 Ana M. Sanchez Mayra A. Sanchez Janet Tovar Bachelor of Applied Technology Mariano A. Acuna Maria J. Arambula Christina Y. Camarillo Noel P. Cunanan Ruth M. Diaz Gabriela A. Garcia 2 Francisco Guerrero Jr. Mireya Marroquin 1 David Muniz Jr. Rose Olguin Chidiebere C. Ozumba Ricardo Ramirez Badillo Tana N. Vargas College of Education Candidates for Graduation The banner of the College of Education features the fleur de lis, the flower of the lily or iris, symbolic of royalty throughout the ages, but, in the case of the college, representative of that most royal of callings, teaching. The three torches represent the three levels of education: the child, the adolescent and the adult. Their silver colors represent the sincerity that all teachers must have and the peace that knowledge brings. Certificate of Proficiency Level One Maria G. Betancourt Sylvia P. Ibarra Leticia Morales Soledad J. Rivera Associate of Applied Science Monica Calderon Linda M. Cisneros Alexandra R. De La Rosa Laura P. Garcia Sylvia P. Ibarra Gabriela Rivera Associate of Arts Nydia T. Acuna Julia Aguirre Amy Atkinson Alejandra Banda Mary Cabrera Norma A. Castillo Ignacio L. Celedon Jr. Valeria L. Chapa Leslie Y. De La Fuente Nathaniel L. Escobedo Zelica A. Espinoza Paola Flores Julian J. Fuentes Jr. Jessica Galan Daniela Garces Beatriz E. Garcia Joanna Garcia Marcos L. Garcia Nereida Y. Garcia Sylvia M. Garcia Zeilha M. Garcia Hilda L. Gracia Maribel Gutierrez Joshua I. Hernandez Lorena Hernandez Vanessa Juarez Juana M. Leon 2 Laura P. Longoria Edgar Lopez Samantha R. Lopez Gloria M. Macias Veronica Mancillas Christopher R. Martinez Nancy M. Martinez Elena T. Millot Leticia Miranda Lorraine Oliva Carmelita Pecina Alyssa Perales 2 Rosario M. Perez Graciela M. Ponce De Leon 2 Rosa M. Ramirez Griselda Rebollar Perla Y. Rincon Jennifer Rivera Maria E. Rodriguez Ashley N. Rojas Perla Salinas Rosa E. Sanchez Abigail C. Shields Christabel I. Sosa Adriana Soto Jasmine N. Vallejo Viviana I. Vasquez German E. Vera Jr. Lisa M. Zuniga Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies Elena L. Acosta 6 Jessica A. Aleman 6 Dianerica M. Almanza 6 Joanna E. Alvarez 6 Ruby M. Amador 6 Celia Anzaldua 6 Claudia Baez 6 Maria G. Barrera 6 Carissa Barron 6 Sarae G. Bernal 1,6 Betty A. Cardenas 1,4,6 Angela L. Carranza 6 Paula Chacon 6 Kristine E. Chairez 6 Valeria L. Chapa 6 Elvira Cisneros 6 Maria E. Coronado 6 Cynthia P. Cruz 6 Cassandra L. Cuellar 6 Jose Cuellar 4,6 Briza C. De La Cruz 1,6 Monica Diaz 1,6 Yvonne U. Dickinson 6 Adriana Dominguez 6 Angela L. Dunkin 6 Priscila Elizondo 1,6 Iris L. Escalante 6 Christy Escamilla 1,6 Alicia D. Fernandez 6 Jose L. Figueroa 6 Cristina Flores 5,6 Leticia Flores 6 Marissa E. Flores 6 Ruby B. Gamez 6 Elsa Garcia 1,6 Joanna Garcia 6 Karla F. Garcia 6 Olga E. Garcia 6 Priscilla L. Garcia 3,6 Blanca D. Garza 6 Regino D. Godinez 6 Karla Y. Gomez 6 Monica M. Gonzales 6 Alma D. Gonzalez 6 Viridiana Guzman 6 Doris C. Hamlin 6 Josias J. Jasso 1,6 Joanna Leal 6 Itzel A. Leal Davila 1,5,6 Iracema D. Lopez 6 Sofia Lopez 6 Adriana Lugo 6 Mariana Martinez 6 Paola Martinez 6 Maria L. Mata 6 Linda McArdle 6 Diana Mendoza 6 Leticia S. Molina 6 Maria D. Monreal 6 Gloria N. Moreno 6 Virginia S. Morin 6 Elisa D. Nino 6 Geselle Perez 6 Rosario M. Perez 6 Valerie A. Perez 6 Veronica Perez 2,6 Patricia D. Prado 6 Michelle L. Puente 6 Christian M. Ramirez 6 Dalia A. Ramirez 6 Diana P. Ramirez 6 Samantha J. Ramon 6 Jacqueline Rivera 1,6 Josefina S. Rocha 1,6 Auristela Ruiz 5,6 Jennifer L. Ruiz 6 Karla F. Saldana 6 Maria A. Sanchez 6 Yanalli Sanchez 1,6 Maria E. Sandoval 6 Zuri C. Sierra 6 Georgina Solis 6 Gloria E. Valdez 2,4,6 Amanda N. Vega 6 German E. Vera Jr. 6 Narda C. Vera 6 Martha P. True 6 Bachelor of Science Kevin G. Casanova Alfredo R. Cedillo Ernesto Esparza III Alondra Garcia Tania Garcia 6 Brian Hardie II 6 Agnelia T. Hernandez 7 Elizabeth Juarez 1,7 Jose A. Leal Jr. Andres Longoria 6 Ricardo Martinez 6 Luis Medrano Marco A. Mora 6 Agapito Ortega Jr. 6 Sergio R. Quiroz 5 Bernardo Rangel Jr. 1,6 Jorge Rodriguez 6 Jorge Ruelas 5 Johnny Sanchez 6 Steven Sanchez Ruben Santibanez Jr. Angel M. Sosa Rolando Tabares Jacquelynn M. Touchet Clarissa M. Trevino Nataly Vallejo 6 Eduardo S. Vela II 6 Verena Wonsikowski 6 Master of Education April L. Ghionzoli Ema B. Gonzalez Maria A. Gonzalez-Lopez Rebecca B. Gutierrez Misty A. Heredia Liliana G. Herrera Aleida G. Hinojosa Laura Hinojosa Obed Leal Cheryl A. Mallan Carla J. McLain Roberto J. Mendoza Elizabeth C. Minto Aminda Morado Judith Navarro Cheng-Chen Pan Cynthia E. Pena Gabriela E. Pena Irene Pena Tanya K. Perez Yvette Perez Eliasib Quintanilla Vanessa S. Rangel Irma Renteria Rosemary Roberts Francisco J. Rodriguez Arminda Sanchez Maria E. Stevens Ricardo A. Vanegas Martha E. Velasco Vanessa Villarreal Armando Vital Elizabeth Zamarron Dinorah Zarate Doctor of Education Alicia J. Bolt Maria E. Diaz Cynthia Galvan Nancy E. Acuna Mario R. Aguilar Guadalupe Angeles Florence D. Ayma Jesse Candanoza Lynda R. Cannedy Raquel Cantu Seidy Capuchines Rosa M. Cervantes Mayra V. Chao Marisa C. Garcia 9 College of Liberal Arts Candidates for Graduation The banner of the College of Liberal Arts features a gryphon passant, symbolizing the guarding of a horde of treasure. In this case, it is the treasure of knowledge, which the college is committed to protect and dispense. The blue bend symbolizes truth, which the college both challenges and defends. This banner contains colors which are not the traditional colors of heraldry: orange brown and deep ochre. These earth colors were chosen to symbolize the willingness of scholars to break from the traditions of the past as a way to build our future. Associate of Applied Science James M. Garza Pedro J. Hernandez Rocio M. Herrera 2 Miguel A. Leon Elizabeth E. Martinez Yvette Noriega Lisa M. Perez 1 Jose G. Rodriguez Jaime Salazar Cynthia Valadez Associate of Arts Teresa M. Adame Julie S. Alaniz 2 Jessica Alegria Dana Almeida Valerie A. Alvarado Cindy R. Arce Ruth E. Arevalo Yvette Arizmendi Marco A. Arriaga Darlene Avalos Daniela Ayala 2 Karen Y. Ayala Griselda M. Balli Alejandra Banda Otis C. Barnard Patricia A. Barrera Paola Bazavilvazo Erica I. Benitez 2 Cinthia A. Blanco Samuel A. Braunstein Michelle A. Buitron Perla L. Camacho Zerelda Z. Camargo Saul P. Cambero Sandra P. Cardenas Alejandro J. Castillo Jessica M. Castillo Lorena Castillo Rodolfo Castillo Jr. Valeria Castillo Brenda M. Cavazos Michelle M. Cavazos Jose. D. Cervantes Ana K. Chapa Carlos A. Cisneros Patrice E. Clayton Christina A. Clinch 10 Mishael Cortina Pearl C. Covarrubias Ana C. Cuellar Christopher J. Culver Gabriel A. De La Paz Olga A. De La Rosa Oscar Delgado III 1,4 Rubi S. Doria Steven C. Dorman Sarah N. Dotras 2 Marta A. Dutton Nathaniel L. Escobedo Tiffany M. Espinosa Isai Espinoza Yolanda Estrada Miguel A. Estrella Gilberto C. Flores Patrick Flores Rebecca R. Flores Melissa D. Gamboa Christopher L. Gamez Gema D. Garcia Jeanne M. Garcia Jose R. Garcia Marcos L. Garcia Melissa A. Garcia Julia P. Garza Mario A. Garza Jaime A. Gomez Veronica Gomez Alia S. Gonzales Abigail Gonzalez Nancy Gonzalez Noemie A. Gonzalez 1 Abigail Gracia Andrea N. Heier 1 Gabriela Hernandez Hilda Hernandez Joshua I. Hernandez Luke C. Hernandez Jamin R. Ho Sophia A. Hoekema Charlina Hung 1 Crystal Ibarra David G. Juarez Elsa I. Juarez Jared J. Korab Kirsten F. Lara 3 Juan R. Larrazolo Jose A. Leal Jr. Alfonso Lopez Jorge M. Lopez Tenee Lopez 3 Bertha L. Lozano Alejandra Lucio Priscilla Lugo Cynthia Mancha Lilia Mancha Alejandro Marquez Christopher R. Martinez Crystal M. Martinez Estela Martinez Luis E. Martinez Mario A. Martinez 3 Ruben Martinez Jr. 2 Yvonne Martinez Claudia N. Medina Monique L. Melendez Enery J. Mendoza Leticia Miranda Angela P. Montiel Gloria N. Moreno Adriana P. Muniz Darlene O. Muniz Jorge A. Munoz Mauricio E. Munoz Alfred M. Nares Alejandro O. Navarro Rebecca Olivares 7 Juan G. Olvera Lorena G. Ortega Francisco Padilla III Lorena Perez Gussy M. PompaKirkconnell Graciela M. Ponce De Leon 2 Becky H. Pozos Moroni Puga 2 Elizabeth Ramirez Maria E. Ramirez Rosa M. Ramirez Nephtali Regalado Jacqueline S. Reser 1 Antonio Reyes Jr. Kimberly A. Reyes Maria E. Rico Alda G. Rivas 1 Alejandra C. W. Rodriguez 1 Blair C. Rodriguez Breanna R. Rodriguez Claudia Y. Rodriguez Desmy Y. Rodriguez Dianeth Rodriguez 3,4 Gregorio Rodriguez Jr. Jessica Rodriguez Judith G. Rodriguez Maria E. Rodriguez Mariana D. Rodriguez Sonia A. Rodriguez Velma L. Rodriguez Madeline Roque 1 Roy A. Rovelo Tanya L. Ruiz Roberto Salazar III Alejandra B. Salinas 3 Epifanio Sanchez Jo Anna D. Sanchez Laura L. Sanchez Rosa E. Sanchez Maria C. Sandoval Abigail C. Shields Sulema Sosa Amanda L. Tabares Juana M. Tavera 2,4 Brenda L. Taylor 1,4 Daniel Torres Jr. Zujeidy D. Torres Sonia P. Torrubia Hilda G. Trevino Angela A. Vaughan Mayra Velazquez 3 Bianca Villanueva 1 Alyson R. Villarreal Amy L. Villarreal Deyaun L. Villarreal 3 Luz M. Villarreal 2 Joshua Villazana Joshua R. Waddell Elizabeth Wilhite Amanda N. Xagoraris Zhaoyu Yang 2 Lizandra Zuniga Associate of Fine Arts Teresa M. Adame Stephanie Gonzalez Araceli Sanchez Associate of Science Jesus G. Chavez Luis Jasso Beatriz A. Juarez Javier A. Reyna Jr. Elias Saldivar Jr. Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Alejandro Alonso Patricia R. Banda Martha Barajas Elodia Canas Angelica I. Cruz Jennifer J. Elizondo Alma C. Garcia Vivian L. Gomez Maria Gonzalez Hilda Hernandez Roberto M. Hernandez Maria L. Hull Angelica M. Leos Victoria B. Longoria Rene Lopez Evelyn Medrano Laura G. Ramirez Angelina Salazar Cruz G. Servin Lucy Villa Melissa L. Ysasi 2 Bachelor of Arts Carlos A. Acosta 6 Teresa M. Adame Francisco Agado Gloria G. Aguilar Michael E. Aldape 2,4,6 Luisa G. Allen 1 Valerie A. Alvarado Yesenia R. Anaya 6 Alejandra Ancira Cindy R. Arce Oscar D. Ayala Diane R. Baker Griselda M. Balli Marta Y. Ballina 2 Maria T. Barajas Ruben Beltran 6 Hector A. Benavides Jr. College of Liberal Arts Lydia Blanchard 1,6 Michelle A. Buitron Robert R. Burger Dora G. Campbell Pricilla A. Casas Mercy P. Cavazos Kevin F. Chapman Christina A. Clinch Pedro I. Contreras 6 Vanessa Cortinas 6 Brock J. Crosson Cristian Davila Cynthia Y. Davila Sergio E. Davila 1,4 Maxine M. Davis Allen I. De La Cruz 6 Emilia I. De La Garza Olga A. De La Rosa Erick Dominguez Esmeralda R. Duran 6 Natasha D. Escobar 2 Jose L. Esquivel Ninfa M. Fernandez George G. Flores Dina L. Garcia 1,6 Jeanne M. Garcia Leonor I. Garcia Cassandra R. Garza Mario A. Garza Sergio A. Godinez Cynthia Gonzalez 1 Mario M. Gonzalez Nancy Gonzalez Juana M. Guerrero Gracie Gutierrez Evelyn Hernandez Noemi Hernandez 6 Vallerie Hernandez 1,4 Martha Herrera 6 Raquel Huerta Mitchard L. Jackson Melissa Jaramillo David Juarez 6 Angela C. Lacoste 6 Rosemary L. Landa Nathanael C. Lewis 2 Maritza C. Lievanos 6 Daniel N. Lopez Isuit A. Lopez 6 Juanita Lopez Edgar Lopez-Soto Fermin H. Lucio 6 Monica L. Lucio Tanya Lumbreras 6 Antonio Luna 1,4 Ruby K. Martinez Araceli Mata 6 Colin R. McWhorter Jose C. Mejia Gloria Merritt Ibeth Miranda Lesly A. Montes Nora P. Montes Roberto I. Morales Luciana D. MoralesMendoza 1 Elizabeth Moreno 6 Jennifer M. Moreno Jay Mujica 6 Joe H. Muniz Jorge A. Munoz Felix Murad Bianca Najera-Reeves Idalia Obregon Maria G. Obregon Rebecca Olivares 7 Stephanie M. Owens Jennifer L. Perez Karen C. Pimentel Ana R. Ramirez Victor D. Rego Alda G. Rivas 1 Daniel V. Rodriguez Dianeth Rodriguez 3,4 Jessica Rodriguez Leticia P. Rodriguez 6 Josabet Sanchez Luis A. Sanchez Francisco Sedeno Jamie S. Shoupe David L. Smith II 2,6 Anyer A. Tatis Brenda L. Taylor 1,4 Astrid Torres Ruth C. Torres Cynthia Trevino Angela A. Vaughan Johanna L. Vega 6 Marisol Vera Bachelor of Arts in Communication Christine F. Cavazos Rainbow S. Coan Alejandra Gonzalez Emilia Gonzalez Alma V. Guenaga Stephanie C. Lucas Cybil J. Moore Erika G. Rodriguez Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies David T. Gomez 8 Bachelor of Music Bernabe Alejandro 1,4,6 Houston W. Deaton 6 Jennifer C. Garza 6 Christopher L. Martinez 6 Juan M. Montemayor Jr. 6 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Melissa Acevedo Dana Almeida Perla L. Camacho Vanessa Capistran Fernando J. Castaneda Omar P. Cavazos Elizabeth L. Chavez David Cobarrubias Christopher J. Cortez Cynthia Encinia Gilberto C. Flores Jaqueline Gaona Monica Garcia Irene C. Garza Michelle M. Gonzalez Nora N. Gonzalez Sylvia G. Herevia Luis M. Hernandez Victor M. Hernandez Rochelle L. Kuxhausen Bertha L. Lozano Alejandra Lucio Maria F. Machuca Tanya I. Mancillas Rosaura Marquez Luis E. Martinez Pedro L. Mendoza Lorenzo Nino Miriam K. Nunez Jessica M. Pena Jose A. Pena Jr. Ileana Quintero Claudia J. Ramirez Elizabeth Ramirez Irazema D. Ramos Sylvia Ramos 2 Mario Reyna Jr. Abel Rodriguez Roy A. Rovelo Raul Rubio Joseph C. Saenz Elizabeth Sanchez Ernest L. Solis Nora L. Suarez Beatriz A. Tamez Bernadine L. Wood 1 Lizandra Zuniga Alan Oak Rebecca Perez Olivier J. Schouteden Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies Monica L. Avila Leticia Jaramillo Jose J. Nava Rose M. Townsend Master of Music Susan Morrison Master of Public Policy and Management Lynette J. Benavidez Emmanuel K. Kavumbi Maksym O. Klyuchar Antonio Leal III Hugo A. Rodriguez Silverio Sustaita Jr. Master of Arts Jenny L. Ashley Felipe J. Butanda Elizabeth Carr Donald E. Crouse Ana L. Martell 11 College of Nursing Candidates for Graduation The banner for the College of Nursing features both a trifoliated Greek cross and a Roman cross. The cross as a basic design motif has many meanings in many cultures. The Greek cross symbolizes the four elements of creation – air, earth, fire, water – symbolizing life. The Roman cross carries the additional symbolism of faith and the ability to bestow a blessing. This cross features the colors apricot, the intercollegiate color for nursing, and purple, symbolizing compassion. While the black field typically symbolizes death, the cross of life and of faith rise above it, as nursing must. The lamp is a symbol of all Florence Nightingale stood for: comfort, kindness, gentleness, courage and an unswerving devotion to duty. Certificate of Proficiency Level Two Amparo M. Alegria Yesenia Garcia Juan G. Garza Dalia Ramirez Associate of Applied Science Jessica D. Almanza Veronica Almaraz Lucy M. Amieva Subha Anandam 1 Elizabeth A. Ayala Antonia M. Barbosa Ariana Barbosa Mayra G. Barrera Luz E. Bejarano Wayne D. Beland Terra N. Bentley Monica Bermea Magaly Caballero Jehoshua Camacho Veronica C. Carrillo 1,4 Marisa Castillo Brandy J. Cavazos 1 Cynthia T. Cavazos Estela Cavazos Yvonne M. Chavez Elizabeth Cisneros 12 Kevin G. Clarke Eric F. Clupper Jeremiah D. Conde Margaret N. De La Cruz Linda De La Fuente 7 Edna K. De La Garza April Y. De Leon 1,7 Deneb A. Dehesa Amanda M. Delgado Alia E. Dickenson 2 Amanda Flores David Flores April M. Galvan Jose D. Garcia Oscar E. Garcia Jessica Y. Garza 1,7 Mary J. Garza Monica Gil Devyn Gomez Salvador J. Guevara Jose Guillen Jr. Amanda L. Gutierrez Michelle A. Hairston Daniela Hernandez Ester Hernandez Andrea Hixson 1 Larry D. Horkman Jr. Wendy K. Howell Nancy Ibarra Mary A. Jove Taiwo O. Layiwola 2 Leticia Leal Blanca D. Lopez 1 Gloria E. Lopez Monica L. Lopez Marcus Mares Monica M. Mark Christina Martinez 7 Delia Y. Martinez Lizeth Martinez Samantha A. Martinez Hermes Mendoza Orlando R. Mendoza Sylvia L. Mendoza Rodney Y. Mesquias Dominique Montez 2 Christina L. Nunn Nicole M. Olvera Hilary E. Ortega Melissa A. Ortiz 2 Rogelio R. Ortiz Anna L. Paz 7 Ana C. Pelayo Jorge A. Pena Xochitl J. Pena Lorena M. Perez 1 Maritza Perez Julia F. Pineda Vanessa L. Pineda Corissa M. Posada Elizabeth Ramos Sigrid A. Razo-Moreno Gian P. Reano Valerie A. Recio Perla Y. Rivera Micaela Rodriguez Amy L. Romero Mayra D. Ruiz Graciela Saenz Celia M. Salas Elizabeth Salazar Fidencio S. Salinas 2 Jessica M. Salinas 1,4,7 Marian A. Salinas Norma I. Salinas Hector Sanchez III Lydia Sanchez Marco A. Sanchez Gisela E. Silva 1 Elizabeth K. Solis Alicia Sosa 1 Aurelio Torres III Jessica Torres Katherine M. Vasquez Teresita D. Vela Juan M. Villarreal Vanessa R. Villarreal Aracelia Villegas Deandra L. Yanez Maria F. Zavala Korina Zepeda Gabriel A. Zorrilla Bachelor of Science in Nursing Shaun J. Adams 1 Priscilla Cerrillo Josie D. Cervantes Graciela Y. Chong Celina D. Cisneros 1 Juan A. Davila Margarita Espinoza-Myles Veronica Fernandez Rene Garcia Toni R. Garza Shirley L. Kennedy Daeyeung Kim Wendoline Mendoza Clara E. Monsivais Deborah Potter Marco A. Saldana Jr. Samantha R. Valdez Cheng S. Yong Master of Science in Nursing Sandra E. Acevedo Alberto J. Gonzalez Olive M. Sanchez Patricio Ybarra Barbara A. Zuviri-Ceres College of Science, Mathematics and Technology Candidates for Graduation The banner of the College of Science, Mathematics and Technology features a scallop or venera at the base, symbolizing the travels to inner and outer worlds scientists must undertake so that they, too, learn and contribute more to our knowledge of the world. In the upper portion of the banner, we see the crossed squares upon the titled quadrant, symbolizing the technologies, both basic and advanced, that humanity must use to build its future. The color blue dominates all, symbolic of the college’s commitment to truth and loyalty to its disciplines. Certificate of Proficiency Level One Jose A. Alvarez Javier Calvillo Juan D. Cantu Felix A. Cervantes Jose Chacon Francisco J. Cornejo Ruben Cruz Jose A. Garcia Jerardo A. Gonzalez Oscar Lara Jr. Sylvia D. Maldonado Josue Martinez Tomas Mata Armando A. Munoz Roberto Pantoja Isaac J. Pena Juan Pena Raul Perez Jr. Juan M. Salinas Ty A. Snow Aaron A. Villafranca Associate of Applied Science Samantha L. Ayala Ruben Cruz Jonathon De Los Santos Jose A. Garcia Maria L. Garcia Ricardo Guerra James P. Killmer 1 Hector Leal Dave V. Macias Jr. Sylvia D. Maldonado Eric Martinez Daniel Ortiz Geralyn A. Perez Glafiro Valle Jr. Emmanuel Vasquez Associate of Science Maria D. Barrera Noel P. Cunanan David C. De La Fuente Hilda Hernandez Hermelinda G. Kaney Irene M. Martinez Froylan Morales Georgios Moros Felipe G. Paredes Heriberto Reynoso Juan Saldivar Jr. Bachelor of Applied Technology Barry J. Brown 2 Brian T. Buchanen Charles B. Cortez Ruben Cruz Edmundo H. Gonzalez III 1 Steve Guevara Adalberto Guzman David B. Hebert Jesus R. Jaime Gena L. Jean 1 Eric Martinez Victoria M. Mock Judson L. Mordan 2 Isabel C. Perez Joseph W. Wauson 1 Bachelor of Science Krystal D. Alaniz Aziel Alcocer Aide Alonso Rose M. Alvarez Zaira L. Arizmendi Alejandro I. Arizpe Daniel Arriaga Cesia T. Bandala 1 Marco A. Barrientos Lizeth B. Becerra 2,4 Russell C. Belleperche Leonel Betancourt Jr. Andrinna Candanoza Tiffany L. Capistran 6 Shannon E. Cass Cassandra L. Cavazos 7 Amanda A. Chavez 1,4 Krystal D. Chavez Oscar Delgado III 1,4 Sergio Echevarria Rosario B. Espinoza Armando Flores Iracema Flores Frank Gamez III Dorothy D. Garcia 6 Ileana Y. Garcia 2,4 Amanda R. Garza Daniel Garza LeeRoy Garza Ramiro R. Garza 2,4 Carlos J. Gonzalez Ernesto Gonzalez German Gonzalez Arturo Gracia Jr. Amanda Hernandez Luis C. Hernandez Jennipher A. Hughes Jose P. Llongueras 3,4 Christopher M. Lopez Diana Lopez 6 Jennifer M. Lopez Emmanuel Lozano Karen A. Lugo 3 Tanya Marroquin Alberto J. Martinez Carlos C. MartinezCadena 2 Jesus M. Medina 1 Cynthia E. Mireles 1 Nadia L. Morales Anahi Moreno Kevin Moreno Sara J. Morgan 3 Cesar A. Nava Razib Obaid 2 Rogelio Olvera Jr. Frank O. Ortiz 6 Irma E. Ortiz Norberto Perales Perla Puente Sofia A. Quiroga Reynaldo Rangel Jr. Marta L. Rebollo Edna M. Renteria Ruben Reyes Heriberto Reynoso Ivan Rivas Daniela Rivera Melissa Romo 6 Jonathan L. Rosenbaum Abraham Ruiz Jr. Ana V. Salazar 3,4 Estella Y. Sandoval Shayna L. Shield Joshua L. Sierra 3,7 Hector C. Silva Leslie A. Torres Cecilia Trejo 6 Tina Trevino Nicole L. Ulloa 7 Tomas Villarreal Kali A. Wallenta 1 Master of Science Abraham Jimenez Cynthia C. Kaminski Alma B. Longoria Francisco F. Mackay Clara C. Mejia Elizabeth Pedraza Mario A. Rada David T. Smith Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Tarun S. Pandari Victoria L. Watson 13 School of Business Candidates for Graduation The banner of the School of Business features a phoenix, symbolizing the resurrection or the birth of the new enterprise. The phoenix is gold, representing the evaluation of the mind and generosity to humanity. The dominant green bars represent growth and fertility, the hope that life may be made better by the enterprise of humans working for humans. Certificate of Proficiency Level One Beatrize E. Anchelo Javier Carmona Diana F. Conner Ana L. Cruz Jeannette Garcia Juanita Garza Leticia I. Garza Leonor G. Gobea Gerardo G. Gonzalez Trinidad V. Gutierrez Beatriz G. Macias Denise Martinez Diana D. Mendieta Alberto Passamen Maria G. Pena Mayra E. Perez Lulu D. Pizana Vickie Pizana Cynthia K. Rios April Rivera Heidi L. Rosembaun Palmira Z. Sampson Ivelisse Soto Deborah A. Tamayo Nubia G. Zamora Julia G. Zamorano Associate of Applied Science Elizabeth Correa Olivia G. De La Garza Maria A. Don Martin M. Flores Jeannette Garcia Juanita Garza Noe G. Gonzalez-Rojo 1 Damaris Gutierrez Cristine Ibarra Zelene I. Martinez Diana D. Mendieta Maria G. Pena 1 Lulu D. Pizana Francisco J. Rodriguez Veronica S. Saldana Violeta Saldana Mayra A. Sanchez Margarita G. Tapia Veronica J. Vasquez 14 Associate of Arts Jessica Alegria Eduardo Alvarado Veronica Angeles Ricardo Arredondo Jose O. Cano Blanca A. Cantu-Nava 1 Carlos T. Castrellon 5 Arnulfo Castro Jr. Adairis Ceballos Annika Chan 2 Ana K. Chapa Rebeca Chavez 1 Jesus Diaz Andres Dorantes Rafaella Dornelas Sandra L. Galvan Isabel M. Garcia Alejandra Garza Georgina L. Gonzalez 5 Raul Huerta Jr. 1 Camille G. Jacinto Jose A. Jimenez Delma G. Martinez Hada C. Martinez Elda A. Molina 2 Marisol G. Munoz Irvin F. Narvaez Liz V. Nieto 2 Stephanie D. Nino 1 Araceli G. Orive Nayely Patino Veronica M. Pena Derek J. Perez Jacqueline Ramirez Daniel Regalado Enrique Resendez Jacqueline Resendez Victoria S. Saenz 1,7 Jesus A. Salazar Marlene G. Villagran Rita J. Villarreal Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Cynthia Buentello Norma P. Cardona 1 Rosalba L. Guevara Monica G. Polanco Ray Ramirez III Martha C. Rodriguez Veronica Z. Rodriguez 5 Roxanne Valdez Bachelor of Applied Technology Ubaldo Martinez Jr. Chriselda M. Soto Bachelor of Business Administration Miracle S. Acosta Laura E. Adame 5 Jessica Alegria Ricardo Arredondo Juan M. Ballesteros 5 Arely Ballez 1 Pricilla Barrera Duilio E. Cabrera Andrea N. Cadriel Jose O. Cano Mariana Cantu 2 Blanca A. Cantu-Nava 1 Mirtha E. Cardenas Angel D. Castro Rogelio E. Chanes Rebeca Chavez 1 Alma E. Chazco Luis A. De Leon Glenda I. Diaz Celeste Diaz-Granados Jennifer M. Dickens Nora Y. Dohm Linda R. Dorantes 2 Rafaella Dornelas Esmeralda Espitia Patrick C. Fierro Lyzeth Flores Veronica Flores Jonathan C. French 2 Roberto Galvan Humberto J. Garcia Jose H. Garcia Juana E. Garcia Rodrigo Gomez Georgina L. Gonzalez 5 Johanna Gonzalez 1 Karla M. Gonzalez 1,4 Jose P. Guerra Jose O. Guerrero Jr. Rocio Gutierrez Stephanie E. Lerma Chantal J. Lesley Jessica Loera Christopher Longoria Aracely Lopez Hada C. Martinez Johann R. Martinez Adriana G. Melgoza Michelle K. Muniz Juan J. Navarro Ramiro Noyola Jr. Veronica Ochoa Jesus A. Pagoaga Sr. Adrian Perez Norma P. PerezOlazaran 2,4 Jacinto E. Ramirez Daniel Regalado Lorena V. Resendiz Diego Rivas Amanda C. Rivera Jose Rodriguez Veronica Rodriguez Guadalupe Romo Yahaira S. Roque Stephen S. Ruiz Victoria S. Saenz 1,7 Guillermina N. Sanchez Nora E. Tamez Alejandro Trevino Jr. Anavel Trujillo 5 Zoila T. Vasquez Abigail Wilcox Master of Business Administration Daniel Alvarez Veronica P. Barberena Jorge E. Chavez Essaid Elboukhani Raul A. Garduno Daniel Garza Paul Mason Maria H. Perez Mahmoud K. Quweider Wendy P. Renteria Martin Saldana Jr. Special Recognition Faculty Graduates From University Programs Angelica Fuentes, Ph.D., Assistant Master Technology Instructor of Language, Literacy and Intercultural Studies Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis in Literacy “A Critical Look at College Student Identities on the Texas-Mexico Border” Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Virginia Maldonado Maxwell, M.S.N., Assistant Master Technical Instructor of Vocational Nursing Master of Science in Nursing/Nursing and Health Care Education University of Phoenix Arlene Ready, Ph.D., Associate Master Technical Instructor of Language, Literacy and Intercultural Studies Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis in Literacy “Exploring the Literate Identities of Mexican International and Mexican American Developmental Reading Students in a Predominantly Hispanic South Texas College” Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi ROTC Commissionees David T. Gomez, 2nd Lt., Medical Services Officer Texas National Guard Viviana Sauceda, 2nd Lt., Adjunct General Officer Texas National Guard Honor Organizations and Recognitions 1 Cum Laude Grade Point Averages 3.50-3.69 2 Magna Cum Laude Grade Point Averages 3.70-3.89 3 Summa Cum Laude Grade Point Averages 3.90-4.00 4 Alpha Chi Co-educational society for juniors and seniors in top 10 percent of their class 5 Dual Language Certification Graduates who have gone through or are in Dual Language Certificate Program 6 Teaching Certificate 7 University Scorpion Scholar 8 2nd Lieutenant Commission 15 Alma Mater The graduating class of 1994 was the first to sing the alma mater. “Hail the Orange and White” made its debut at the first visit to the UTB/TSC campus by The University of Texas System Board of Regents in 1993. The alma mater was written by John C. Hunter, a TSC alumnus, and is now a tradition for our community university. “Hail the Orange and White” Original lyrics: John C. Hunter Jr. Adapted: Terry Jay Phillips† Hail our alma mater … Hail the Orange and White The fairest of South Texas through her days and her nights Loyal to each other, forever we’ll be Partners for the greater good, UTB and TSC Always foremost in our hearts, no matter where we roam. We won’t forget South Texas will always be our home. The Official Ring of The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College The design for the UTB/TSC class ring began with a survey asking students to tell us what campus symbols should be used. After putting those ideas together and working with the designers, the new ring is rich with symbols that convey the spirit and pride of UTB/TSC. Symbols include the historical years 1926 and 1991, the years TSC and UTB were established; the Gorgas Hall building, which is part of the official seal of TSC; flags of the United States and Mexico; and the words on the UTB seal, “Disciplina Praesidium Civitatis,” which translates to “Education: the Guardian of Society.” College and School Banners Heraldic banners, representing the colleges and schools, are a tradition borrowed from the rich heritage of heraldry. Heraldry is a hereditary system of personal recognition employing symbols (called charges) upon a shield developed among the nobles of early Christendom. These symbols were at first personal but later took on a hereditary character so that, in time, certain combinations of forms became associated with particular families. Although arms-granting institutions still exist, heraldic symbols are now commonly formulated by institutions and individuals to suit their preferences and needs. Heraldic banners were introduced at the first UTB/TSC Commencement ceremony in May of 1992. 16
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