Sixth Form Student Council


Sixth Form Student Council
The River
Newsletter - Issue 15 - 20th December 2013
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Sixth Form Student Council
We have an active student council in the sixth
form at last! There are ten members across the
year groups with students focusing on the
curriculum and what makes a great learner; the
profile of the sixth form across the academy and
within the local community; enrichment and
opportunities to develop teamwork and a really
positive ethos among students as well as creative
roles and fund raising.
The council have established a great little business
in the SFC every break one, ‘Fuel to Go’ sells hot
drinks and in the new year will expand to include
healthy snacks – it is an entirely student led
initiative and they are working really hard to make
it work. In addition to this, Austen Osei-Kissi ran the
Battersea Park Santa Run to raise money for Breast
Cancer research and also to promote the Sixth
Form. They have some great ideas for the New
Year, so please look out for their news!
In this issue:
• Sixth form Student council
• Sixth form ice skating trip!
• UCAS applications!
Community Christmas
Tea 2013
The sixth formers have been busy
collecting items from academic mentor
groups around the school for the
Christmas Tea. There will also be various
students helping on the day from the sixth
form including our student council
The Christmas Tea is a great event at the
school and involvement from the sixth
form is very important to the sixth form
team. As part of the Sixth Form Council’s
initiatives, they will be helping to run the
event, with the chair of the council
making a special appearance in a very
festive costume!
Sixth Form Ice Skating Trip
On Friday 13th December, 28 sixth form students along with Ms Buchanan, Mr McNab,
Miss Gray and Miss Singh went ice skating at Hampton Court Palace. It was a brilliant
experience that all enjoyed on the particularly slippery outdoor ice rink (in the rain at
some points). There were all different levels of ice skating with the more
confident members of the team helping out others that weren’t so confident.
Luckily, there weren’t any broken bones and all attendees still have all their fingers!
The students reported they had all enjoyed themselves and it’s a trip that the sixth
form team hope to be able to repeat as part of the Christmas celebrations next year.
Pay it back
The sixth form “pay it back” scheme that was started at the beginning of
November is now well underway. The idea of “pay it back” is the sixth formers put
something back into the school community helping with lower year lessons around
the school during one session of prep a week. The main placements are currently in
PE, Maths, SEN, Drama and DT based on requests received by CTL’s. The sixth form
team want to make this scheme even bigger and Miss Gray is currently working on
further placements with other departments in the school.
The last few applications for University 2014 have been sent off this week with the vast
majority of students receiving offers from universities already. There are many of them
out for interviews in January so please wish them luck. It looks like it is going to be a
great year for university places again this year, with those who are not applying to HE
already pursuing training, apprenticeships or jobs.
Recommended Reading
Our aim at Rivers Academy is to ensure that every single student develops a love for
reading. The Library has a wide range of books, but if you are not used to
choosing books, it can be difficult to know where to start. That is why we have put
together reading lists for each year group, so that we can help students find the book
that is right for them. Just copy the link below to access these:
The books on the list are bound to be enjoyed as they have received rave reviews
and come highly recommended by students.
There are three categories of titles in each list to cater for different reading levels. The
“Beginner” books will have a relevant interest level to the specified age group, even if
the text is easier.
The Librarian would love to have your feedback on the books as well as suggestions
on titles we could add to the list.
Happy Reading!
Ms Nylinder, Librarian
[email protected]
Aspiration • Ambition • Achievement