damages in the woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis
damages in the woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis
Cranium, jrg. 14, Traumatic skull 1, pag. 37-46, april 1997 no. damages Coelodonta in the woolly rhinoceros, 1799. antiquitatis Blumenbach, Nina Garutt Summary Description are with comparison fossil skulls given of various some from examples which might be related to the cause belonging which show Blum.) moth (Mammuthus primigenius extant to traces woolly rhinoceroses. Special of the traumatic damage as and (Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blum.) rhinoceros of traumatic damage attention is life. These during given mam- discussed in traces are the role of environmental factors to observed in the fossil skulls. Samenvatting Beschrijvingen verschillende schedels van (Mammuthus primigenius Blum.) discussieerd in relatie de van sporen wolharige neushoorn traumatische van enkele voorbeelden in met recente die in relatie zouden kunnen omstandigheden milieu van met (Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blum.) neushoorns. staan de mammoet en worden gegeven. Deze sporen worden be- beschadiging Speciale met de oorzaak aandacht wordt de van geschonken de rol aan be- geobserveerde traumatische schadigingen. side the wall of the dent is Introduction is Rare finds anomalies in showing teeth or skeletal of and tions in horse, environmental factors. works only few are large mammals, and elk, and in (PILAVSKY, tiger sites, chaeological 1956, are to pathology These as 1979). The of source is the pathology same the cause to A of 61 90 fragment The the to rov, only the ribs 1955, from 1951). Examining one work devoted in Dicerorhinus the a big than 300 skulls and 200 (GADZHIEV seen a to 19 mm the trau- traumatic wide, crest on The GADZHIEV, 8 the woolly I Blumenbach, which had fitted which by ner tiquitatis (specimen of the town Middle ting mm on with the long, study is 32 the the a skull of Coelodonta nl70-8) from the suture wide and 17.3 were vicinity bones of which have the high, and 9-13 a as result a loosening of a the Despite their external anicrest a The top of long. mm process. parietal bones, bones of C. antiquitatis compact tissue is 12-18 nature to post- strong compact tis- are mm very massive; thick. They are protect the brain from strong blows. spacious are at sinus death of the animal the P2-P3 alveoli, completely mm its the dimensions, by On the and zygomatic male. There The dent is 40 deep. worn. are a (at the point of knit- had roots, M2 and M3 cesses interparietal bone, Fig. 1,2). mm an- Novgorod province, the parietal sagittal the as cavities, then the in- finally the cranial cavity (Fig.3). of Arzamas, Nizhny Volga region, depression had been obliterated in compact tissue (no less solid), and ging by PIN RAN damaged mm sorbtion, these teeth for that resulted in the formation of Behind it there occur- of the material object at breached. parietal The age 1. The first to Me- Army revealed was out study and inflammatory the external red in the animal's life-time. Description It cut is compact, its base is loosened. The not sue was of the damages was detailed site Bihnagady & postcranial bones) antiquitatis blow Dzafa- (more Coelodonta mm to a more St.Petersburg. fissure, mal's life-time ar- series of skeletal remains found 9 skulls with various sa- result of pressure. On the smooth surface of the sinus is osteomas. binagadensis Middle Pleistocene known is (Azerbaijan), rhinoceros, by mm section of the smooth surface occurred rhinoceroses, a lateral, be- the left from the underlying spongy tissue also had been of bones. damage of was of Forensic Medicine of the Department dical College, ar- same. deforming and bone subject the damaged traumatic As strong blow with a depression is oriented cave human bo- the primary - result of a gittal line. paleopatho- on throsis, ancylosis, osteomyelitic damages, or- there material from poor unions of broken bones, are of the dent suggest its the deformation occurred in conical object. The direction of the blow mammoth, such SKORIK, found as the left side there on bone altera- as human structure Probably the animal's life-time our un- and bones of the animals mentioned are the nes ma diseases, present such out on devoted The main types of logy. At predators thorough studies, carried most from advance describing pathological herbivorous bison, bear and They us to and position traumatic origin. abrupt, of crushed and shifted bone cylindrical projection tissue. The of bones and development enable mammals, complex interrelations between living of derstanding ganisms the pathological alterations resulting of great interest. are of extinct remains a are no already subjected were are worn than half the the skull doubts that the down worn. development of arches, to been lost because P4 and Ml more about 40 years. Jud- was which to the Judging by orbital pro- belonged animal re- they was to a injured when young. At this age the external compact tissue of right the skull bones still retains its 37 resilience, elasticity, and Fig. 1: Skull tal bone, Fig. a) 1: Schedel pariëtale. a) Fig. view, b) van C. RAN antiquitatis (Blum.) (PIN aanzicht, b) dent on n170-8) from Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod province, Traumatische Middle Volga with traumatic dent on the parie- dorsal view. the RAN n 170-8) uit Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod provincie, Midden Volga met traumatische deuk in het dorsaal aanzicht. parietal bone of C. antiquitatis (PIN Fig. 3: Sagittal section of the thickness of the skull bones n170-8). 2: RAN antiquitatis (Blum.) (PIN lateraal 2: Traumatic RAN Fig. of C. lateral deuk in het pariëtale van C. antiquitatis (PIN Fig. n170-8). 3: Sagittale de dikte 38 van doorsnede de schedel en skull and the van de of C. antiquitatis, showing spacious de schedel van grootte the sinus cavities. van C. antiquitatis, de sinussen waarop zichtbaar is. An old viscidity. they animal's bones would have subjected were the smoothed such to dent and the edges of the degree of teration of the fissure, the animal lived for after the and died through other trauma (specimen 2. Adult male skull bregma there bones) the area compact is tissue in shifted has an from the vi- frontal and In the parietal previous instance, direction of the blow. The dent above the coronary obli- long time a (Fig. 4a, b). dents. As in the two are if causes. nlO.713) union of the the (at ZIN East Siberia Krasnoyarsk, of cinity broken Judging by strong blow. a suture bigger is the and of crushed bone tissue. The other dent overhang is smaller. The first two bones. The parietal skull there skull we 1, 2, 4) bear (Figs. skulls which in both instances type, same was one difference is only of the traumas confined are that to whereas in the second strong blow, have dents left by blows, two one stronger than the other, struck in different directions. The blows of different directions because it is a direct blow in the coronary ter is shielded by the 3. Adult male skull vicinity low funnel-shaped trauma not dents. The blows ry were strike area, since the lat- n5) from the Altai, death at was tissue AMBU the middle of the more the on disorder of vital to the soft were struck with n349) from parietal the bones. than 35 years. The type of four skulls because the functions, 5: Fig. Part of skull ofC. region dent of traumatic origin schedel C. frontal mentioned did inju- 5: Fig. the so a Gedeeltelijke In het frontale muscles of only minimum. The was a short distance. a (specimen dent in a represented lead to BKM (specimen Adult male skull Altai with age suture to posterior horn. conical sharp object from The impossible of Gornoaltaisk (Fig.5). The skull has shal- the 4. the the first in gebied temporal the of vital are had The above-mentioned 5. Skull Perm Injuries smashing of soft tissues complicated GM (specimen 4: Skull of C. area, E. Siberia, dents are to be a) antiquitatis (ZIN n10.713) dorsal seen. b) view. In the from the frontal closer view of the region Krasnojarsk two can damaged area. conclude that had the Fig. 4: Schedel Krasnojarsk, zijn van C. antiquitatis (ZIN n10.713) Oost Siberië. twee traumatische a) dorsaal deuken te uit de omgeving aanzicht. In het frontale zien. b) detail van het the destroyed. Judging by traumatic van gebied upper beschadigde served. gebied. 39 complete jaw at the row both the was n nume- these a long 82/112) (Fig. 6). areas or- process state from the The skull has are an heavily of the molar alveoli moment one of death the animal of teeth from P2 right signifi- and with infections. SP6GGI West Siberia to intact mandible with the left M2-M3, which Fig. and skull and destruction of healing of such injuries province, In these of the areas copulas, cartilages, and blood vessels. and often became skin, directed were They bear functionally importance. nerves gans. The te zien. origine after-effects, mainly arthrosis rous the traumatische orbital and nasal bones. of muscles, groups to uit Altai. antiquitatis (BKM n5) van In the thin and covered with thick cant led from Altai. seen. discussed below, the blows trauma osteomyelitis. van deuk is to be healed. quickly maxillary joint, the cases een area are the wound On the skulls to is antiquitatis (BKM n5) to M3. In and left M2 and M3 are the pre- left sides (traumatized) can conclude that the may lived with the age, be observed. Therefore animal injured was pathology for at short time and a one mature a soon died. 6. Skull lacking gomatic arches Kazan the the the bone numerous mal survived the a It is known that bones affected long time. right eye. the ring against were There are of male skull affections no was there injury (specimen only half are the right side, sal suture, there is at the bone tissue in the point an 8. Adult Fig. 6: Skull vince, W. Fig. 6: Schedel provincie, bij of C. antiquitatis (GM Siberia, SP6GGI a) palatal view, b) van C. lower antiquitatis (GM West Siberië, n82/112) jaw of from Perm female right side all lived for skull, blind in the but conside- doubt that they right side. TKM On be observed nP-62) from The second the and the nasal bones, on osteomyelitic destruction of the form of skull the Middle it. These for- can no crater-shaped depression. a was in its chronic the process of destruction of the from in the of accretion of the fronto-na- in effect. The animal died and is (Fig. 7). worn. At the time of death the disease was on evidently teeth in the West Siberia region, third molar pre- destruction even in the deformed on the pathologically Tumen only and, although inabled, Osteomyelitic degree 7. Adult and It is not spongious cloacas. This proves that the ani- trauma the orbit. The animal near do The destruction of the long. protect of maxillary early chronic phases periostal formations accumulating presence from the The that the bone becomes thicker because of phase mations n742) area. is characteristic of these phases. chronic the Volga orbit and infraorbital foramen is af- in its in soil for tissue Middle by osteomyelitis. by osteomyelitis serve GMM KGU (specimen Province, bone between the fected the face and both zygreater part of soon (specimen Volga area after the GMM to trauma. KGU (Fig. 8a,b,c). the teeth from P4 phase cancellous tissue On M3 are n747) the left preser- pro- the skull. SP6GGI uit Perm n82/112) onderkaak behorende a) palataal aanzcht, b) schedel. The third molar is half ture The left age. med. Both subjected lare) of spread. worn. maxillary joint the articulate the same of the areas deforming increased the Alongside with the cess. rence bone. The and surface (processus bony zy- tissue of the degenerative-dystro- arthritis. Considerable bone size of the edge expansion articular there are surface. signs of of the articular surfaces. After the destruction of the articulate surface (caput were mandibu- with the articular became porous, the of a ma- defor- and the bone of the zygomata temporal expansion grinding pathologically cartilage happened (tuberculum articulare) injured at mandibular branch became flat left The phic effect is destruction. The condylus to gomaticus) The animal died of the cartilage articular the maxillary joint ground surface of the zygomatic Neither asymmetry of the maxillae, in the degree nor of tooth wear between the Fig. Fig. pro- 7: Tumen diffeany right 7: Part of skull of C. region, W. the nasale. and 40 Siberia. Gedeeltelijke regio, antiquitatis (TKM nP-62) from Osteomyelitic damage of West schedel Siberië. van C. the nasal the Tumen bone. antiquitatis (TKM nP-62) uit Osteomyelitische beschadiging van de het Fig. 8: Female skull of C. KGU antiquitatis (GMM n747) from the Middle Volga. a) view, b) lateral dorsal Osteoma view, c) on the parieto-occipital suture. Fig. 8: Vrouwelijke schedel van C. antiquitatis (GMM KGU uit Midden n747) lateraal Volga. a) dorsaal aanzicht, b) aanzicht, c) osteoma de op parie- to-occipitale sutuur. ved. M3 is only slightly area (120 osteoma an bles worn. of accretion of the burl. a tissue and Osteomas are 1400 benign are resistant to in mm skull, in the Discussion and size), which resem- new growth of bony we mages on als, which follows decomposition When we which organism's an death. In malignant tumours, hundreds during 1965). They lopment It years majority of the of in the earth ossified represent form in areas cartilaginous growth is zone the deve- are knitting the 5 years), 20 to an suture there is with area incomplete articulation between the parietal localisation of is consistent with the view that osteomas and of accretion of left a age to trauma an early the upper part of the age their cause occipital received area elephants, Equidae: Cervidae: Bovidae: skull, extant mammoth the localization elk bones of forelegs 1: Localization 1: of traumas and Plaatsing van trauma’s en types of during fights (Table 1). while their not each other with their tusks Altai by a the on region. Ob On strong blow. The animal tusk alveolus were of was legs pathology. typen pathologie. 41 was deforming arthrosis, skull bone rib (Pilavsky 1956) a the at It Sudzun spacious injured an the dent early because of innerva- left with asymmetry arthrosis, ancylosis, fractures near growing. Subsequently pathology arthrosis, ancylosis (Skorik bones of hind still ZIN frontal bones of degenerated skulls, jaws, metapodials lumbar the skull (Fig.9). asymmetry River, a (specimen aperture, there is when cranial bones right Blum, pathological arthrosis, ancylosis long Tabel 1811 fractures, vertebrae, pelvic bones, Table the a metapodials metapodials, ribs, aurochs tight primigenius above the nasal Type (often humerus) horses areas knots. Fighting animals tion disorders. The animal Trauma Elephantidae: at development. Species mamm- the Sciences, St.Petersburg, includes showing found in skull, bones. The occipital of Mammuthus works, large synchondrosis a twisted in Academy was of the cranial sutures, in the parieto-occipital strokes to The collection of the Zoological Museum of the Russi- taking place. of to open to confined are (DERANIYAGALA, 1955). (REVELL, 1993). juvenile rhinos (from birth rhino and of other woolly traumas infrequently seriously injure nl006), In that the redundant is observed in young individuals from 5 of age see are most trunks cartilaginous where compare the localisation of the traumatic dathe skull of Elephants fight pressing their heads together (ROKHLIN, years result of anomalies in a Osteomas of the usually as the to preserved are thousands of bone and exostoses. spread and arise contrast osteomas comparison suture, there is parieto-occipital by mm On top of the 1979) only one tusk. Fig. ge, 9: Skull c) of M. view of primigenius Blum. (ZIN n1006) from the Sudzum works, Ob River, Altai. a) anterior view, b) lateral view showing traumatic dama- non-damagedside. 9: Schedel sche beschadigingen, c) van Fig. 10: Skull Fig. 10: Schedel M. primigenius Fig. aanzicht of M. primigenius van M. Blum. van (ZIN n1006) van de niet (ZIN without number) from primigenius (ZIN de Sudzum fabrieken, Ob, Altai. a) anterieur aanzicht, b) lateraal aanzicht met traumati- beschadigde zijde. without the number) uit Adycha River, de Yakutia. Adycha rivier, palataal aanzicht. 42 a) Yakutia. anterior a) view, b) anterieur lateral view aanzicht, b) (left side), c) palatal lateraal aanzicht view. (linker zijde), c) The is increased because the right zygomatic arch muscles ticatory load. The and its side of this bore the main half of the nasal aperture right is entrance strongly is distorted cal (Fig. Adycha River, same as type is in the previous case, Zoologi- found was Yakutia. The skull bears in the but its bones less are extinct engravings Palaeolithic site horses Fighting with their hind rear fight Elks legs. heads inclined. The blows and muzzle. Bisons with their its enemy not be able trunk and hind that in each legs to are case the for escape also herd, the subjected on to and the cies. Of the species, most extant Diceros Burchell, use agressive rhinos bicornis In extant we this behavi- L. (this fights. The Indian a horn sometimes grows very horn is the as large cows length by in nos rhi- on which tidae, big), does most of its specifics do as not habitat ly. specialists to not in species scented The led waarop uit te zien zijn enkele mammoeten en een mammoet in a a was are of dreig- to 43 make out what is young in animals, agressive to treat one fierce Berlin, for a zoo. an animal fights zoological a another more cows behave in which the or less agressive agressive- provokes struggle. fighting more Somepeace- and die. In 1976 in the zoo male African white rhino kil- plexus. adult long in kept become very female. Death ensued from transferred these interest. While in natural condi- captivity they horn in the solar Alma-Ata houding. its injuries. special held in more had lived Laugerie-Haute, Frankrijk, by approaching an (GRZIMEK, 1972), ful animals become victims threatening pose. con- (ele- and shrubbery) in behaviour of rhinos changes of former West by only not time, it suddenly attacks trying assert serious times this leads Laugerie-Haute, France, rhino, D. bicornis, It attacks (dense towards their mates. Usually the gravure in of rhi- This behaviour is accounted for tions males and females Paleolithische could, agressivity of strong Conspecific males, especially lead peacefully, Laat This often engaged in fierce fights with each other. How- gardens 11: holders in but often also other animals without approacher The showing agres- 1945). concentration high agressive. If the rhino has sight. ever, Fig. more females have mm. African rhinos the black extant specific individuals, are from the record are 200-250 the predetermined is considered the front of it. engraving increasing general. Of the its the Palaeolithic in appeared result of woolly rhinoceros often indicate opinion, animal of another Late use in win- from under the predetermines The front horn of author's weak mammoths and mammoth in a They areas female reindeer front horns and respect. the 11: feeding get forage to in the are reindeer, Rangifer African rhinos both males and phants, buffaloes). Fig. directed and sti- is whereas females spe- and Ceratotherium simum L., though having difficult is exceeded the skull African two-horned the growth sexual hormone during the evolution of the Rhinocero- of all herbivorous their front horns in unicornis no, Rhinoceros nasal bones only front horn. one. sive behaviour of female reindeer (SEVERTSOV, the are the hind hormone, sex level. This hormone also its our. Rhinos As concentration of male hormone, which top the treshold and its blows. So is the weapon as of their evolution the process very fighting positions longer, rhinos, ones. and Pleistocene extant the females of which have antlers. L., The antlers snow. their the localization of traumatic dama- directly depends principal or the male by when it ter, it retreating quickly enough to their long, as sexual character. Their a tarandus forelegs and strikes blows Because of the crowded area. animal may to both them in fighting with the males for antlers, among be considered can had very small or antlerless. The only exception with their horns and forehead. fight The animal pursues 11). (Fig. exception an fighting yet have horns not forms, mulated (Fig. 11). directed are is from the Upper France rhino, defending It is well known that in the deer the presence of antlers rep- the enemy and strike bite up, engraving, mammoth prepared a with its head and tail raised action, ges comes Laugerie-Haute, picture represents Another see One such fighting mammoths, resenting pelvic testified by Upper Pala- are bones. on represents two-horned rhinos, It is twice between mammoths eolithic the to lacerated and deep, characteristic of the ancestral forms of which did of the a trauma leave The Indian extant rhinos. Its way of archaic, the on deformed. Fights which itself with its incisors, kept It 10). In stead it strikes blows with its well strongly bleeding wounds. narrowed. (without number) Museum, Moscow fights. incisors, developed the Another skull it in not use mas- working time strong blow struck a In 1992 cow to the zoo of D. bicornis. together with a of Tallin Earlier it male in the After the death of the male it was deci- rhino behaves she does the agressively towards let him have not male. At off his manger, and beats him. These actions with panied 12) (Fig. male's and areas, be accounted for localized to between the by their being enclosures. spacious animals small, the begin do they reproduce and fights. and antiquitatis observed doubt the on that If horns, and the KGU excepting n742), the of space, the skulls of Coe- on with damages other animals the traumatizing blows developed 12: Male white rhinoceros tov Zoo. On the be ceros can 12: Fig. The Mannelijke in Rostov een seen. Zoo. vrouwelijkle witte dingen bevinden wricht, en het are located area between witte neushoorn de Op injuries and the zich kunnen kop het verse in Ros- osteoma an the an osteoma stands apart. The sporen on the upper part of the occipital bone whe- latter had been the animal was Burch.) De match the However, portunity kaakge- hoorns. first day and undertook agressively the cow from the she-rhino. The latter on and defended herself. In the continually autumn tendants noticed that the male interest in the female. The was Lions and open-air cage and ran cited and began rut the ter in a attack the to room. The pool against female, striking attendants cow tried to were able to male's attention away from the female and the ries room. Examination of her revealed to hung her head and body. Long one appeared by lar- it were draw the the further through the on the cave injured by attack. in Hon, a large defending The injury, development. other did osteoma, not It reached ham- mature causes. rhinos traumatic damages Possibly as skull site where the skull successful of the spot extant agressive live under op- weakened cows trauma have been are the Late Pleistocene rhinos compared with tfie extant ones, climatic conditions characterised small seasonal fluctuations in lock her in temperature. The by severe and unstable climatic conditions of the Late Pleistocene inju- torn more miss the not The available data indi- was survived on blows in numerous the ob- skin fic have increased the competition of inter- and degree intraspeci- among rhinos. down from her sides and the wounds bled. In the Late In the rhinos, ver may mother found very seldom. which the their prey. The On the skull of the ex- take shel- stripes of and age and died in may to young do also bones and skulls of the the per the animal's nuptial play a if age. place which is usually injured by spelaea Goldfuss. Probably and showed around rubbed their heads sides and head. The her at- zoo another. In the evening the male rhino became very its stomach, cat. the alert on yielded that the rhino calf cate attack to which in early hyaenas localization of attacking found Panthera leo behaved of 1993 the beginning of boded nothing bad. The animals an kept new mate cats was in Tallin. repeated attempts was very take the young from rhino to birth. The by the a predators, but that rhino calves often become ject of predation. verwon- het ogen, ge big to already mentioned As met gevecht van een with another male injured. traumatized at n742 coincides with the ded osteoma It is known that adult rhinos seldom are attacked waargenomen. de the feature only the forehead, near simum struck were above, such type of pathology could have developed the horns. voorhoofd, bij tussen de gebied on Burch.) female white rhino- a (Ceratotherium neushoorn worden op simum of battle with head fresh traces jawarticulation, eyes, (Ceratotherium no during traumas skull with one leave which it shares with the other skulls is that the Fig. is the front horn. The skull with re can cage plenty comparison of received rhinos captivity held in insuffi- open-air the damages the skeletons In each case, (GMM the the sinciput behave agressively. not traumatic analysis of lodonta on other for compete with each to where rhinos have space. In zoos, living by are photo beating of behaviour of rhinos held in agressive The growls. traces are accom- On the eye. probably ciently injuries articular maxillary The fresh see may head. The near one hollow threatening one times minute's peace, drives him a zoo C. simum, had spring of Rostov-on-Don, offspring. of this lived during The zoo couple has a a pair to white long period. They workers' still of African dream to get Pleistocene, created favorable ne- herbivorous mammals, off- competitors. Huge materialize. The female reindeer, 44 and when conditions woolly herds of saigas an for lived on abundance of grasses the reproduction rhinoceros had of many bisons, horses, mammoths, periglacial tundras. Coelo- donta antiquitatis with graze extant a among conditions this of these animal part African rhinos, often which the antelopes and other herbivores, pastured rhino certainly was communities. Like tions a ratio is 1:1. tion is good a was changes (GRICHUK, 1961, thin short a period a period of al., et (microcycle) of time climatic dynamic ARSLANOV to 1981). Wi- In and western climatic Europe, eastern duals but small, enormous tions was gions, have with animal sought To extent adapted have some to quantities the they neral. were male pastures, but rhinos do on mixed twigs and leaves, arouse to animals not woolly rhinoceros probably feeding of adapted Migratory cene. forage, and thus genes These most are popula- and can are males en- adapt on adequate adapta- the living to could eliminating less fit indiviunfavorable 1987). During the number of male rhinos would, in some re- have increased. This would lead to stronger intra- Maybe woolly It damages occurred microcycles herbivores landscapes. for other some life-time the the fittest and specific competition seem may the conditions which between favorable for the open steppe microcycles of time, during which many genera- transitions not were te. compared periods changed. Undoubtedly when in the climatic females. through" (GEODAKYAN, 1976, periods instability Eurasia. On the stronger than in the Asiatic part of ge- ochronological scale more new than "work tions, selecting fluctuated. continually zone nature a rises numerous and falls in temperature occurred. In lower latitudes the borders of the forest steppe easier change whom condi- indicator of unstable and unfavorable vironments. Males bear The Late Pleistocene When unfavorable number of males than females greater born. The increase in the number of males in woolly and mammoths. bisons, horses, in, set is this rhinos and to finds shows latitudes particularly reason that all 60-50, the during in ge- between in the Late Pleistowith traumatic males. that all the skulls where unstable to species why fights the skulls fighting belong (Fig.13) in the frequent were so interesting due agressivity the was Mapping are of confined climatic conditions were the Late Pleistocene. migracould including to a new environment. As studies in population genetics ods unfavorable for mammals sequilibrium are have shown, the peri- characterized by a di- in the male/female ratio. Under normal Coelodonta antiquitatis Dicerorhinus Mammuthus Fig. 13: Map with binagadensis primigenius localities from where the skulls with traumatic injuries of woolly rhinoceros (C. antiquitatis) and mammoth (M. primigenius) have been found. Fig. 13: Kaart met tische daarop aangegeven de locaties waar schedels van wolharige neushoorn (C. antiquitatis) beschadigingen zijn gevonden. 45 en mammoet (M. primigenius) met trauma- Abbreviations PIN RAN Paleontologjcal Institute, - Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow ZIN RAN Zoological - Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg GM SP6GGI te College AMBU - - The - The um, Kazan State TKM ZM - The - - Geological and Mineralogical University, Bijsk Muse- Kazan Museum of Regional The Tumen Museum of The Sta- Archaeological Museum, Barnaul Institute The GMM KGU BKM Mining Museum, St.Petersburg of Mines Studies, Bijsk Regional Studies, Zoological Museum, Tumen Moscow References DERANIYAGALA, GADZHIEV, of Sciences, 1955: Some extinct elephants, their relatives G.V. & VII GADZHIEV, D.V., damage of living species. The Government ribs in the fossil rhino from Press, Ceylon. Bihnagady. Reports of the Azerbaijan Academy (10):375-377 (in Russian). 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