[email protected] Unit Komputer Dalam Pendidikan Pusat
[email protected] Unit Komputer Dalam Pendidikan Pusat
ICT Dalam P&P [email protected] Unit Komputer Dalam Pendidikan Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum The Third Wave…(Tofler) Agriculture Industrial Information Growth of Civilization Information Age Information Age Industrial Age Agriculture Age 1940s Computers Million years 10,000 years Time 200 years 1980 Expected Changes From Education in the Industrial Society to Education in the Information Traditionally Important Paradigm The Emerging Paradigm Pelgrum and Anderson (Ed.),1999 Actor Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) School Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Integrated in society Information openly available Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model Actor School Education in the Industrial Society (the traditionally important paradigm) Education in the Information Society (the emerging paradigm) Isolated from society Integrated in society Most information on school Information openly available functioning confidential Teacher Initiator of instruction Helps student find appropriate Whole class teaching instructional path Guides students’ independent learning Helps student to evaluate own progress Places high emphasis on communication skills Evaluates student Places low emphasis on communication skills Student Parent Mostly passive More active Learns mostly at school Learns at school and outside school Hardly any teamwork Much teamwork Takes questions from books or Asks questions teachers Learn answers to questions Low interest in learning Find answers to questions Hardly actively involved in learning Very active in learning process process No steering of instruction No life-long learning model Co-steering High interest Parents provide model International Society for Technology in Education Traditional Learning Environments Teacher-centered instruction Single sense stimulation Single path progression Single media Isolated work Information delivery Passive learning Factual, knowledge based learning Reactive response Isolated, artificial context New Learning Environments International Society for Technology in Education Traditional Learning Environments New Learning Environments Teacher-centered instruction Student-Centered Instruction Single sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation Single path progression Multipath progression Single media Multimedia Isolated work Collaborative work Information delivery Information exchange Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry-based learning Factual, knowledge based learning Critical thinking and informed decision making Reactive response Proactive/planned action Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real-world context ICT: Definition Information & Communications Technology may be defined as the technology associated with the handling of information: information its storage, processing and transmission in a variety of forms by electronic means, and its use in controlling the operation of machines and other devices. ICT in Education • …technology associated with the handling of information related to education particularly the content of teaching and learning. Our projects… 1986 : Pengenalan Kepada Komputer 1992 : m/p Literasi Komputer T1&2 1994 : PPBK tahap 2 1995 : Jaringan Pendidikan 1996 : Perluasan KDP 1999 : Sekolah Bestari 1999 : Kurikulum IT Our direction : IT facilities… Multi purpose ICT facilities Multimedia PC Network Internet Access …fully utilize by students and teachers Our direction: programmes… Kemahiran Asas ICT untuk semua murid Kemahiran sederhana kepada murid yg minat Kemahiran tinggi utk murid nak jadikan IT sebagai kerjaya Kelab IT IT Literasi Komputer Stages of Technology Adoption Entry Adoption Adaptation Appropriation Invention ACOT Use of ICT in Education Penggunaan ICT dalam P&P bermaksud menggunakan ICT secara terancang, bersesuaian, dan berfikrah untuk meningkatkan kecekapan proses dan keberkesanan P&P Categories of ICT Integration in T&L ICT for tutorial learning ICT for exploratory learning ICT as applications ICT for communication Adapted from Barbara Means classifications of technology use in learning, 1994 ICT for tutorial learning ICT dikatakan untuk pembelajaran tutorial apabila diguna untuk menyampai kandungan pelajaran berdasarkan urutan yang telah ditetapkan. Pembelajaran tutorial ini merangkumi: Pembelajaran ekspositori Demonstrasi sesuatu fenomena yang ditunjukkan dan dikawal urutan babaknya oleh sistem, Latihan atau latihtubi yang disampai dan dikawal oleh sistem ICT for exploratory learning Penggunaan ICT untuk pembelajaran penerokaan berlaku apabila ICT digunakan sebagai medium untuk: mencari dan mengakses maklumat daripada CDROM, Internet, gerbang maklumat dll. mengalami, mempelajari dan mengkaji sesuatu fenomena secara simulasi melihat demontrasi sesuatu kejadian yang urutan babaknya boleh dikawal oleh murid ICT as applications ICT dikatakan diguna sebagai alat aplikasi apabila membantu murid melaksanakan tugasan pembelajaran, bukan sebagai mekanisma penyaluran maklumat p&p ICT for communication ICT dikatakan sebagai alat pemudah komunikasi apabila diguna untuk memboleh murid dan guru daripada lokasi yang berbeza menghantar, menerima dan berkongsi maklumat yang pelbagai bentuk.