Lithodora Diffusa `Heavenly Blue`


Lithodora Diffusa `Heavenly Blue`
Lithodora Diffusa 'Heavenly Blue'
`Heavenly Blue` is an evergreen, rockery plant with rounded growth habit. It has green foliage
and star shaped, vivid blue flowers. It grows up to 15cm (6") high and spreads to 25cm (10")
wide. The plant is native to Spain.
Point of Sale:
This variety is easy to grow. It spreads slowly, making it a good ground covering.
For further details please contact:
[email protected] | +972 467 550 02
Plant Order Specs
Available As
Sales Area
Ordering Period
Pinched RC Plant
North America
All year round
For further details please contact:
[email protected] | +972 467 550 02