Muat Turun - e-CRiM - Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah
Muat Turun - e-CRiM - Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah
Kajian Campuran Tanah Liat dan Kulit Kerang Dalam Menstabilkan Tanah Noor Azalina binti Khalil1,a , Zarina Syuhaida binti Shaarani2,b, Mohamad Norizham bin Hamzah3,c 1,2 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-tech Park, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. 3 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-tech Park, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. a [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstrak. Tanah merupakan salah satu bahan binaan semula jadi yang penting dalam kejuruteraan awam. Tanah berperanan sebagai asas yang menyokong sesuatu struktur atau binaan sama ada bangunan, jalan raya, benteng, tembok dan sebagainya. Tetapi dalam keadaan sebenar, tanah yang kuat sukar untuk didapati. Oleh yang demikian, pelbagai kaedah diambil untuk menstabilkan tanah. Terdapat pelbagai kaedah dijalankan untuk mengawal kestabilan tanah. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mencari alternatif yang lain bagi menstabilkan tanah. Objektif kajian ini untuk mendapatkan parameter kekuatan ricih tanah liat sebelum dan selepas dicampur dengan kulit kerang. Ujikaji yang dijalankan bagi mencapai objektif kajian ialah Ujian Ricih Terus. Dalam kajian ini campuran sebanyak 20%, 40%, 60% dan 80% kulit kerang telah digunakan. Hasil dapatan mendapati semakin tinggi peratusan kulit kerang yang ditambah dalam tanah liat, semakin nilai kejelekitan bertambah. Manakala bagi nilai sudut geseran pula nilai sudut geseran yang diperolehi makin menurun apabila peratusan kulit kerang ditambah ke dalam campuran tanah liat. Kata kunci: Tanah liat, kulit kerang, kekuatan ricih tanah, ujian ricih terus. Pengenalan Tanah merupakan suatu binaan yang kompleks dan sifatnya berubah-ubah. Bukan semua tanah sesuai untuk digunakan atau memenuhi kehendak pembinaan. Dalam struktur pembinaan, setiap bangunan yang direkabentuk haruslah mempunyai kekuatan asas yang kukuh supaya kekal dan selamat dalam jangka masa yang direkabentuk. Pelbagai masalah dihadapi seperti tanah runtuh, tanah mengembang, ketidakstabilan dan sebagainya. Banyak berita yang menyiarkan tentang keruntuhan tanah di Malaysia, yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda, dan yang lebih teruk adalah kematian. Oleh itu, jurutera-jurutera haruslah memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan sifat-sifat tanah kerana tanah sentiasa berubah bergantung kepada jenis tanah yang digunakan [1]. Pada masa kini, banyak kaedah telah digunakan untuk menstabilkan tanah dengan cara menambah bahan tertentu yang boleh menambahbaik tanah tersebut. Kaedah tradisional bagi penstabilan kimia antaranya penambahan kapur, abu sekam padi, Portland simen dan sisa industri produk iaitu sisa keluli, sisa simen dan sisa aluminium[2]. Teknik penstabilan tanah amat diperlukan untuk memastikan tanah yang hendak dibangunkan sesuai untuk menanggung beban yang dikenakan. Ini kerana banyak masa dan kos dapat dijimatkan berbanding sekiranya tanah yang tidak stabil tetapi masih hendak dibangunkan perlu dikorek dan dikeluarkan serta digantikan dengan tanah yang stabil [3]. Oleh itu, jurutera dan 1 pengkaji yang mengkaji berkaitan tanah perlu mengambil perhatian untuk menggunakan barang terbuang untuk menstabilkan tanah. Dengan menggunakan semula sisa terbuang, ianya dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah alam sekitar dan seterusnya dapat menyumbang kepada ekonomi negara. Sisa industri seperti abu terbang, abu kayu, plastik terbuang dan lebihan keluli berpotensi untuk menstabilkan tanah [4]. Banyak kajian yang telah dijalankan dengan menggunakan bahan terbuang antaranya serbuk kulit telur dicampurkan dengan tamah liat untuk menambahbaik kekuatan tanah. Dalam kajian ini nisbah serbuk kulit telur yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 1% sehingga 25% [4]. Ujikaji yang dijalankan adalah ujian had cecair dan had plastik. Didapati serbuk kulit telur mempunyai potensi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan untuk menambah kekuatan tanah. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan adalah bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kekuatan ricih tanah bagi campuran tanah liat dan kulit kerang dengan peratusan yang berbeza. Kulit kerang dipilih dalam kajian ini adalah kerana ia senang diperolehi dan ianya menjadi bahan buangan sahaja tanpa diguna pakai semula. Akibat lambakan kulit kerang ini membuatkan kawasan di sekelilingnya berbau dan menyebabkan pencemaran. Lambakan kulit kerang akan meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.Ini kerana dalam rancangan Malaysia ke 9 sehingga tahun 2007 mensasarkan seramai 1055 orang pengusaha yang mengusahakan penternakan kerang[5]. Tanah Liat Tanah liat terdiri daripada saiz-saiz zarah yang sangat kecil dan menunjukkan sifat-sifat plastik dan jelekit. Jelekit menunjukkan sifat bahan yang melekat satu sama lain, sedangkan plastik adalah sifat yang memungkinkan bentuk bahan itu diubah-ubah tanpa perubahan isipadu atau tanpa kembali ke bentuk semula dan tanpa terjadi retakan atau terpecah-pecah. Tanah liat adalah berwarna coklat hingga terang kegelapan, mempunyai kekuatan ricih yang rendah [6].Tanah liat juga mempunyai kebolehmampatan yang tinggi dan selalunya adalah sensitif. Kekuatannya berkurang oleh tindakan air dan sebarang gangguan yang dikenakan di atasnya [7]. Oleh yang demikian, struktur pembinaan yang dibina mudah untuk mengalami kegagalan. Kekuatan sesuatu tanah adalah bergantung kepada ciri-ciri pengukuhan, kekuatan ricih dan keupayaan galas [8]. Jika ia ditingkatkan, struktur suatu bangunan atau pembinaan akan lebih selamat. Terdapat dua parameter penting yang digunakan dalam menentukan kekuatan ricih tanah. Parameter pertama iaitu kejelekitan, c diperolehi dari daya antara partikel iaitu daya yang memegang antara satu partikel dengan partikel yang lain. Kejelekitan tanah liat adalah sensitif terhadap air dan kimia air liang. Manakala, parameter kedua iaitu sudut geseran, Ø pula diperolehi akibat daripada sentuhan antara butiran. Dalam kejuruteraan geoteknik, kekuatan ricih tanah liat merupakan salah satu sifat tanah yang penting kerana kekuatan ricih tanah liat adalah keupayaan tanah untuk menanggung beban maksimum sebelum tanah itu gagal. Ciri-ciri Tanah Liat Ciri-ciri tanah liat adalah seperti terasa licin, lembut dan halus sehingga zarah-zarah tanahnya tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar, kebolehtelapan yang rendah, kekuatan ricihnya adalah rendah tetapi mempunyai kebolehmampatan yang tinggi. Campuran tanah liat boleh berkembang dengan kehadiran air dan akan mengecut balik apabila dibiarkan kering. Sesetengah tanah liat adalah peka (sensitif) terhadap pengacuan semula dan mengalami kehilangan kekuatan yang ketara disebabkan oleh kemusnahan struktur asalnya. Kulit kerang Kulit kerang atau nama sainstifiknya anadara granosa adalah hidupan air yang bercengkerang dan mempunyai habitat di kawasan pinggir laut yang berlumpur.yang banyak ditemui di kawasan berlumpur [9]. Permukaan dalam lapisan luar kulit kerang menghasilkan periostracium organik merupakan lapisan plecypoda yang berupa lapisan kapur banyak mengandungi kalsium karbonat. Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan komposisi utama kulit kerang adalah terdiri daripada 98-99% 2 kalsium karbonat [9,10].Kalsium karbonat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kadar pengerasan pada suhu rendah. Secara umumnya kulit kerang mempunyai kapur yang terkandung pada seluruh cengkerangnya. Kulit kerang digunakan sebagai bahan tambah untuk menstabilkan tanah liat tetapi kurang sesuai untuk tanah berbutir kasar. Penyediaan Sampel Nisbah campuran sampel dalam kajian ini adalah seperti berikut: i. 100% tanah liat sahaja. ii. 20% kulit kerang dicampur dengan tanah liat. iii. 40% kulit kerang dicampur dengan tanah liat. iv. 60% kulit kerang dicampur dengan tanah liat. v. 80% kulit kerang dicampur dengan tanah liat. Kulit Kerang Sisa buangan kulit kerang yang digunakan dalam kajian ini di ambil di warung makanan yang terletak di Kuala Muda, Kedah. Kulit kerang ini dibasuh untuk membuang segala kotoran yang melekat, selepas itu ianya dikeringkan dalam oven pada suhu 110°C selama 2 jam [6]. Setelah dikeluarkan dari oven, kulit kerang dipecahkan dengan menggunakan pestle dan mortar. Kemudian, kulit kerang yang dihancurkan ini diayak dengan mengunakan mesin ayak selama 10 minit. Rajah 1. Kulit Kerang Tanah Liat Sampel tanah liat yang diambil dalam kajian ini adalah dari Kuala Muda, Kedah. Ianya diambil dan dikeringkan dalam oven pada suhu 105° selama 24 jam. Setelah sehari semalaman tanah liat ini dikeluarkan dari oven dan dihancurkan menggunakan pestle dan mortar. Kemudian, tanah liat yang dihancurkan ini diayak dengan mengunakan mesin ayak selama 10 minit. Rajah 2. Tanah Liat 3 Ujikaji ricih terus ( BS 1377 : Bahagian 7) Rajah 3 menunjukkan peralatan ricih terus yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan parameter kekuatan ricih tanah iaitu kejelelikatan, c dan sudut geseran tanah, Ø °. Rajah 3. Ujikaji Ricih Terus Dijalankan Ke atas Sampel Dapatan keseluruhan Ujikaji Ricih Terus Merujuk kepada Jadual 1 didapati nilai kejelekitan, c meningkat dengan pertambahan peratusan kulit kerang. Pada campuran 40% kulit kerang dan 60% tanah liat nilai kejelekitan yang dicatatkan adalah sebanyak 38.5 kN/m2. Manakala pada campuran 60% kulit kerang dan 40% tanah liat nilai kejelekitan yang diperolehi adalah sebanyak 75 kN/m2 iaitu nilai yang tertinggi yang dicatatkan dalam kajian ini. Pada campuran ini iaitu sampel D didapati ianya menepati teori dalam kekuatan ricih tanah iaitu semakin tinggi nilai kejelekitan tanah,c (kN/m²) semakin kuat ikatan antara zarahzarah di dalam tanah [11]. Jadi pada campuran ini, ianya sesuai digunakan untuk menstabilkan tanah. Namun begitu pada campuran sampel 80% kulit kerang dan 20% tanah liat tiada nilai kejelekitan, c dicatatkan. Ini kerana kandungan kalsium karbonat yang menyebabkan campuran ini akan relai dan tidak melekat antara satu sama lain. Berdasarkan keseluruhan keputusan Ujian Ricih Terus bagi sampel A, B, C, D dan E nilai sudut geseran pada keseluruhannya adalah menurun . Ini membuktikan bahawa apabila kejelekitan meningkat maka sudut geseran akan menurun. Pada sampel A iaitu 100% tanah liat nilai sudut geseran yang dicatatkan adalah sebanyak 55°, manakala pada pada campuran 20% kulit kerang dan 80% tanah liat nilai yang dicatatkan adalah 52°. Dengan pertambahan 20% lagi kulit kerang iaitu pada campuran 40% kulit kerang dan 60% tanah liat nilai sudut geseran yang diperolehi adalah 40°. Nilai sudut geseran yang terendah yang dicatatkan iaitu sebanyak 30° diperolehi dari campuran 60% kulit kerang dan 40% tanah liat.Tetapi pada sampel E sudut geseran meningkat kepada 60°. Ini adalah kerana pada campuran sampel ini tanah telah relai yang akan menyebabkan sudut geserannya besar. 4 Jadual 1. Keputusan Ujian Ricih Terus Sampel Parameter Kekuatan Ricih Tanah Kejelekitan,C (kN/m2) Sudut geseran, Ø ° 0.3 55° 1.1 52° 38.5 40° 75 30° - 60° A (100% Tanah Liat) B (20% Kulit Kerang + 60% Tanah Liat C (40% Kulit Kerang + 60% Tanah Liat ) D (60% Kulit Kerang + 40% Tanah Liat) E (80% Kulit Kerang + 20% Tanah Liat) Rajah 1 menunjukkan nilai kejelekitan tanah dan sudut geseran melawan peratus kulit kerang yang ditambah ke dalam tanah liat. Didapati ada dua titik persilangan yang diperolehi iaitu pada campuran 40% dan 75% kulit kerang dengan tanah liat. Pada kedua-dua titik persilangan ini nilai bagi parameter kejelekitan, c dan sudut geseran, Ø ° adalah sama. Pada pertambahan 40% sehingga 60% kulit kerang didapati nilai kejelekitan, c bertambah dan sudut geseran, Ø ° makin menurun. Sebaliknya pada campuran 61% sehingga 75% kulit kerang didapati nilai kedua-dua parameter kekuatan ricih tanah berkadar songsang. Di mana nilai kejelekitan makin menurun dan nilai sudut geseran makin menaik. Jadi campuran yang sesuai digunakan untuk menstabilkan tanah adalah pada pertambahan dari 40% sehingga 60% kulit kerang. Ini kerana semakin tinggi nilai kejelekitan tanah,c (kN/m²) semakin kuat ikatan antara zarah-zarah di dalam tanah [11]. Dengan ikatan antara zarah-zarah tanah yang kuat ianya akan mengukuhkan dan seterusnya akan menstabilkan tanah. Kejelekitan & Sudut Geseran Melawan % Kulit Kerang 80 Kejelekitan & Sudut Geseran 70 60 50 Kejelekitan 40 Sudut geseran 30 20 10 0 -10 0 20 40 60 80 % Kulit Kerang 100 120 Rajah 1.Graf Kejelekitan & Sudut Geseran Melawan % Kulit Kerang Kesimpulan Melalui kajian ini didapati bahawa campuran sampel 60% kulit kerang dan 40% tanah liat mencatatkan nilai kejelekitan yang tinggi dan sudut geseran yang terendah, iaitu 75 kN/m2 dan 30° . Ini menunjukkan ianya sesuai untuk dijadikan salah satu bahan untuk menstabilkan tanah. 5 Rujukan [1] H.K. Iqbal. Textbook of Geotechnical Engineering (6thed).Departement of Civil Engineerinm Jamia Millia.New Delhi, 2005. [2] A.E. Ramaji, “A review on the soil stabilization using low cost methods,” Journal of Applied Sciences Research,8 (4),pp 2193-2196.2012. [3] A.S.Negi, M.Faizan, D.P.Siddharth, R.Singh, “Soil stabilization using lime”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology. 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Sacramento, California State, University :, 2006. 6 Tahap Kompetensi Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) dalam Kalangan Pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah Nur Eliza M.1,a, Siti Hajar S.2,b dan Siti Mariam S.3,c. 1,3 Jabatan Perdagangan, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-tech Park, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. 2 Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-tech Park, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. a [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] Abstrak: Perkembangan dunia teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) merupakan agenda global dalam hubungan antara negara-negara maju di dunia. Ianya memberikan cabaran yang besar kepada institusi pendidikan dalam mengintegrasikan penggunaan ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Cabaran ini memberikan implikasi besar ke arah menjadikan pelajar yang bermaklumat dan berdaya saing menerusi pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berasaskan ICT. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah . Selain itu, kajian ini juga dilaksanakan untuk mengenalpasti perbezaan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar lelaki dan perempuan di Jabatan Perdagangan. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 300 orang pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS berasaskan kepada analisis skor min dan Ujian T. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar berada pada tahap sederhana iaitu pada skor min 3.04. Selain daripada itu, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap tahap kompetensi ICT dalam kalangan pelajar lelaki dan perempuan di Jabatan Perdagangan iaitu p0.05. Kata Kunci: Kompetensi, Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi, Pelajar Pengenalan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi yang juga dikenali sebagai Information Communication Technology (ICT) memberi impak yang besar kepada dunia secara global. ICT merupakan suatu sistem perolehan data, maklumat dan juga komunikasi melalui peralatan teknologi secara interaktif. [1][2]. Oleh yang demikian, pertalian konsep ini boleh dirujuk kepada tiga komponen utama ICT iaitu teknologi, maklumat dan komunikasi. Teknologi menjurus kepada keupayaan untuk menggunakan peralatan teknologi melalui pelbagai sistem terpilih bersesuaian dengan matlamat dan keperluan pengguna. Maklumat pula adalah proses untuk memperoleh maklumat dan data. Sementara komunikasi merujuk kepada proses penghantaran dan penerimaan dan maklumat [1]. 7 Kemajuan ICT yang merangkumi bidang teknologi, satelit, telekomunikasi, teknologi multimedia, dan teknologi maklumat membolehkan seseorang menyampaikan, mengumpul, menyalur, menyebar, mengurus, memproses, menyimpan atau menggabungkan pelbagai jenis maklumat dengan cepat dan mudah [1]. Penggunaan teknologi maklumat ini bukan saja menjimatkan masa dan penggunaan tenaga, malah memudahkan capaian maklumat kerana ia bergerak dan berlaku dalam ruang siber atau maya yang tiada lokasi dan masa yang khusus [1]. Perkembangan teknologi maklumat telah membawa satu perubahan yang besar dalam dunia pendidikan. Teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) menjadi semakin penting dalam perkembangan pendidikan hari ini. Oleh yang demikian, kerajaan telah berusaha gigih untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan negara yang diintegrasikan dengan kemajuan teknologi bagi melahirkan rakyat yang mampu bersaing dalam arus globalisasi. Pengetahuan tentang ICT dalam pendidikan adalah sejajar dengan usaha kerajaan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ICT dalam kalangan pelajar. Usaha ini penting kerana ia bukan saja meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tetapi membantu kerajaan menjana modal insan kelas pertama sebagai persiapan menjadi negara maju menjelang 2020 [3]. Oleh itu, setiap pelajar dididik dan diberi pengetahuan agar mereka celik ICT bukan sahaja untuk tujuan pembelajaran malah merangkumi semua aspek kehidupan. Di institusi pengajian tinggi, pelajar-pelajar secara umumnya telah terdedah dengan penggunaan perisian dan perkakasan ICT. Pelajar IPTA merupakan antara golongan yang mengaplikasikan penggunaan internet yang terdiri dari pelbagai kaum, umur, bangsa dan jantina. Mereka menggunakan internet adalah bertujuan untuk menyiapkan tugas-tugas yang diberikan atau pun hal peribadi [4]. Kajian oleh [5] menyatakan bahawa melalui penggunaan ICT yang cekap, ianya dapat meningkatkan prestasi akademik pelajar. Seiring dengan arus kemodenan kini, para pelajar perlu diterapkan dengan pelbagai kemahiran yang berkaitan dengan ICT. Hal ini kerana, kemahiran ICT yang didedahkan kepada pelajar sepatutnya turut menyediakan mereka kepada pasaran pekerjaan akan datang [6]. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah. Selain itu, kajian ini juga dijalanka untuk mengenalpasti perbezaan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar lelaki dan perempuan di Jabatan Perdagangan. Hasil dapatan ini diharapkan dapat membantu pensyarah mendapatkan maklumat yang relevan tentang kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar dalam menghasilkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran menggunakan perisian dan perkakasan ICT. Ini secara langsung dapat mempertingkatkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berorientasikan teknologi maklumat. Menurut [1], integrasi penggunaan ICT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran melibatkan dua aspek utama iaitu aspek pengajaran pensyarah seperti penggunaan peralatan ICT untuk persembahan, demonstrasi dan jaringan pendidikan, manakala aspek pembelajaran pelajar pula seperti pembelajaran tutorial dan pembelajaran penerokaan menggunakan perisian ICT. Kajian Literatur Inisiatif untuk meningkatkan penggunaan ICT bagi mewujudkan masyarakat bermaklumat menjadi cabaran baru kepada institusi pendidikan. Oleh yang demikian, era globalisasi juga telah menghasilkan satu medium terkini dalam sistem pendidikan negara [7]. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah menggubal dasar penting yang telah menjadi landasan dan hala tuju kepada penggunaan ICT secara komprehensif di semua tahap pendidikan. Penekanan kepada penguasaan dan penggunaan ICT dalam kalangan pelajar dan keupayaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta meningkatkan kecekapan pengurusan berasaskan ICT telah menjadi tumpuan dalam dasar penting tersebut. Menurut kajian [8], ICT telah mengubah cara manusia berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi di antara satu sama lain. Kemahiran penggunaan perkakasan dan perisian ICT menjadi perkara 8 penting kerana perkembangan teknologi semakin pesat. Kebanyakan sumber ilmu pengetahuan boleh dicapai melalui media ICT. Bagi pelajar-pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi selain daripada buku-buku di perpustakaan mereka boleh membuat rujukan bagi topik-topik pembelajaran melalui perisian ICT. ICT telah mengubah cara manusia berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi antara satu sama lain [8]. Banyak bahan rujukan di internet yang dapat membantu dalam menyiapkan tugasan yang diberikan melalui carian di google atau yahoo seperti,, dan sebagainya. Melalui ICT ini juga, ada sesetengah bahan yang diperolehi dalam bahasa tertentu sahaja boleh ditukarkan kepada bahasa yang dikehendaki melalui servis Google Translation yang disediakan oleh Google. Ini disokong kajian [9], dapatan menjelaskan kebergantungan remaja terhadap Internet adalah untuk aktiviti berbual. Mereka berbual bagi mendapatkan maklumat untuk melakukan sesuatu tugasan, untuk berhibur, berkongsi minat dan meluahkan perasaan. Hasil kajian turut mendapati bahawa Facebook adalah laman jaringan sosial yang paling disukai oleh remaja untuk berbual diikuti oleh Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, MySpace dan Tagged. Pernyataan ini dikukuhkan lagi oleh dapatan kajian [10] yang menunjukkan bahawa remaja menggunakan Facebook untuk memenuhi keperluan sosial seperti berinteraksi dan berhubung dengan rakanrakan lama dan baru. Melalui penggunaan ICT ini, para pelajar dapat mencipta banyak bahan ilmiah dengan menggunakan beberapa perisian komputer seperti Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Ilustrator, Webpage Maker, Windows Movie Maker dan sebagainya. Dengan bantuan perisian seperti ini, para pelajar mampu menjana lebih banyak idea kreatif dan inovatif yang boleh melangkau tahap kecekapan sedia ada pensyarahnya. Secara tidak langsung, kemahiran dan kebolehan pelajar dapat ditingkatkan dengan lebih cepat. Di samping itu juga, kemahiran maintenance komputer pelajar juga turut meningkat seperti membuat backup, format, scan Antivirus, defragmentation, clean dan scandisk. Kemahiran seperti ini akan menjadi value added kepada pelajar di masa hadapan apabila berhadapan dengan teknologi ICT yang pesat berkembang. Kajian yang dilakukan oleh [11] menyatakan bahawa pelajar kini sangat berminat meggunakan teknologi serta mengharapkan pembelajaran mereka di sekolah menarik dan mencabar. Dengan itu, potensi kelestarian penggunaan ICT semakin menonjol dalam peningkatkan kualiti dan minat pelajar terhadap pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Sudah menjadi satu trend dalam era globalisasi kini, seseorang yang dipanggil sebagai pelajar perlu mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan serta kemahiran menggunakan teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat ini. Hal ini kerana dalam kehidupan seharian, mereka banyak terdedah dengan penggunaan teknologi ini, iaitu dalam menyiapkan laporan, kertas kerja, tugasan dan lain-lain lagi untuk dihantar sebagai penilaian. Pendedahan banyak tertumpu kepada pemprosesan kerja seperti perisian Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet, E-mail dan sebagainya. Aplikasi-aplikasi ini sering kali digunapakai dalam urusan kerja baik dalam kalangan pelajar mahupun kalangan pekerja pejabat kerana ia merupakan keperluan penting dalam segala aspek urusan. Antara faktor keperluan memiliki kemahiran teknologi maklumat ini ialah untuk membantu pelajar mencari dan memperoleh maklumat dari sumber terbuka tanpa terhad, berkomunikasi dengan perantaraan komputer, menyediakan tugasan kursus, membuat persembahan dan menganalisis data [12]. Kajian yang dijalankan [12] ke atas pelajar IPTA menunjukkan bahawa pelajar tahun pertama tidak mencapai standard minimum kompetensi dalam penggunaan ICT seperti piawaian standard UKM. Kecekapan menggunakan perisian ini sangatlah penting kerana pada era ini, pelajar bukan sahaja perlu memiliki kepintaran dari segi membaca, menulis dan mengira tetapi juga perlu pintar dalam penggunaan teknologi berasaskan komputer. Usaha perlu dilakukan untuk memantapkan lagi kemahiran menggunakan perisian dan perkakasan ICT, kerana peradaban manusia dengan teknologi ini perlulah seiring mengikut peredaran zaman. 9 Kompetensi ICT juga boleh dilihat berdasarkan kepada perbezaan jantina antara lelaki dan perempuan. Kajian-kajian lepas menujukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan signifikan kompetensi ICT di antara jantina. Kajian lepas menyatakan bahawa perempuan mempunyai kurang kecenderungan untuk mengguna teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi berbanding lelaki [13][14]. Begitu juga kajian [15] menyatakan bahawa pelajar lelaki mempunyai tahap kompetensi ICT yang lebih tinggi daripada pelajar perempuan. Metodologi Kajian Kajian ini menggunakan konsep kuantitatif [16] dan merupakan kajian kes yang dijalankan ke atas pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan di Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah (PTSB). Responden kajian ialah pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan sesi Disember 2013. Populasi kajian adalah semua pelajar Jabatan perdagangan iaitu seramai 872 orang manakala sampel kajian adalah seramai 300 orang. Nilai sampel kajian adalah merujuk kepada formula dan jadual penetapan saiz sampel dan populasi oleh Krejcie & Morgan [17]. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik. Menurut [18], borang soal selidik lebih praktikal dan berkesan digunakan untuk populasi yang besar. Kajian ini menggunakan borang soal selidik yang dibangunkan oleh Dana Hanson [19]. Responden diminta memberikan maklum balas terhadap soal selidik berdasarkan kepada skala lima iaitu 1-Tidak biasa dengan teknologi ini, 2-Tahu tetapi jarang menggunakannya, 3Menggunakan teknolagi ini secara sederahana, 4-Selalu menggunakan teknologi ini 5Berkebolehan untuk mengajar orang lain menggunakan teknologi ini. Seterusnya semua data-data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Analisis deskriptif dilakukan bagi menganalisis maklumat demografi responden. Manakala analisis skor min dilakukan bagi menjawab objektif kajian pertama iaitu menentukan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar. Skala interpretasi yang digunakan bagi skor min dalam kajian ini adalah merujuk kepada Jadual 1 di bawah: Jadual 1: Penentuan Tahap Skor Min [17] Skor Min 1.00 – 2.33 2.34 – 3.67 3.68 – 5.00 Tahap Rendah Sederhana Tinggi Bagi menjawab objektif kajian kedua pula, Ujian T tidak bersandar digunakan untuk membandingkan dua kumpulan yang berbeza iaitu antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Ujian ini digunakan untuk menentukan adakah terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari segi tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Dapatan Kajian Kajian rintis telah dijalankan pada bulan Januari 2014 bagi memastikan kebolehpercayaan dan kesahannya adalah baik melalui pengujian kefahaman responden terhadap item-item yang dikemukakan. Seramai 30 orang pelajar yang terlibat iaitu bukan merupakan responden akhir. Cronbach’s Alpha digunakan untuk mengukur nilai kebolehpercayaan untuk kaedah tinjauan dan soal selidik yang mempunyai pelbagai kemungkinan jawapan setiap item [20]. Jadual 2 menunjukkan nilai α yang diperolehi bagi kajian rintis ini adalah 0.9035. 10 Jadual 2. Statistik Kebolehpercayaan Cronbach’s Alpha No. of Items 0.9035 30 Jika nilai Alpha Cronbach melebihi 0.7, maka dapat disimpulkan bahawa instrumen kajian mempunyai nilai kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi. [20]. Rajah 1 menunjukkan responden adalah terdiri daripada 300 orang pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan. Bilangan pelajar mengikut jantina bagi kajian ini melibatkan 111 orang pelajar lelaki dan 189 orang pelajar perempuan. Rajah 1. Responden Mengikut Jantina Rajah 2 menunjukkan bilangan responden mengikut program iaitu majoriti responden ialah dari program DAT seramai148 orang, diikuti dengan program DPR seramai 78 orang dan program DPM seramai 74 orang. Rajah 2. Responden mengikut Program Bagi menjawab objektif kajian pertama, analisis skor min dilakukan untuk menentukan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan PTSB. Berdasarkan Jadual 3 di bawah, hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahawa tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar berada pada tahap sederhana iaitu pada skor min 3.04. Item penggunaan 11 Microsoft Office iaitu penggunaan MS Word dan MS Excel menunjukkan skor min tertinggi iaitu 3.83 dan diikuti oleh penggunaan MS Power Point iaitu 3.79. Keputusan ini adalah wajar kerana perisian aplikasi ini merupakan perisian asas yang digunakan oleh pelajar untuk menyiapkan tugasan dan juga membuat persembahan slaid. Menurut [4], seseorang pelajar harus mahir dalam penggunaan komputer terutamanya dalam penggunaan Word Processing, hamparan elektronik, persembahan elektronik, menggunakan internet dan menggunakan perisian bagi tujuan pembelajaran. Seterusnya bagi item penggunaan perisian aplikasi electronic mail menunjukkan skor min sebanyak 3.47, ini kerana kebanyakan pelajar telah beralih kepada penggunaan e-mail untuk menghantar tugasan secara softcopy. Analisa data dari segi penggunaan perkakasan iaitu item portable media player (MP3, Ipod) menunjukkan skor min sebanyak 3.57 dan item kamera digital menunjukkan skor sebanyak 3.24. Penggunaan perkakasan ICT menunjukkan skor min yang lebih rendah berbanding dengan penggunaan perisian aplikasi yang asas seperti MS Office. Selebihnya skor min bagi item penggunaan perisian seperti web design tools (dreamweaver, frontpage) sebanyak 2.66, digital imaging tools (adobe photoshop) sebanyak 2.82, streaming video sebanyak 2.75, smart board sebanyak 2.65 dan photo file sharing (flickr, zoto) sebanyak 2.98. Item-item ini menunjukkan skor min yang sederhana yang lebih rendah kerana perisian ini kurang diaplikasikan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Oleh yang demikian, dapatan menunjukkan tahap kompetensi ICT di kalangan pelajar berada pada tahap sederhana iaitu pada skor min 3.04. Ini bertentangan dengan kajian lepas yang diperolehi oleh [21] yang mendapati bahawa tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar masih dalam keadaan rendah. Ini disebabkan tahap pembelajaran di politeknik yang lebih advance daripada kajian [21]. 12 Soalan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Jadual 3: Analisis skor min kompetensi ICT Kompetensi ICT Min Electronic mail (e-mail) 3.47 Microsoft office (word, excel..) 3.83 Presentation tools (power point, keynote, prezi) 3.79 Kamera digital 3.24 Web design tools (dreamweaver, frontpage ) 2.66 Digital imaging tools (adobe photoshops) 2.82 Streaming video 2.75 Electronic or interactive whiteboard (smart board) 2.65 Portable media player (MP3, Ipod) Video game Podcasts Photo file sharing (flickr, zoto) Digital video production tools (adobe production tools) Computer stimulation Animated narrative video Threaded discussion forums/ message board Live chat Blogs Wiki Instant messaging Video conferencing RSS feeds Rangkaian sosial (myspace, facebook, twitter, frenser, edmodo, moodle) Video file sharing (youtube, metacafe, keek) Social book marking ( blinklist) Audio file sharing (limeWire morpheus) Voice-over IP (skype, gizmo) MIN KESELURUHAN Tahap Sederhana Tinggi Tinggi Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana 3.57 3.26 2.72 2.98 2.78 Tinggi Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana 2.76 3.33 2.71 3.06 2.88 2.85 3.08 2.54 2.37 4.05 Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Tinggi 3.90 3.13 2.84 2.52 3.04 Tinggi Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Sederhana Bagi menjawab objektif kajian kedua pula, Ujian T tidak bersandar digunakan untuk membandingkan dua kumpulan yang berbeza iaitu antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Ujian ini digunakan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari segi tahap kompetensi ICT antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan iaitu tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar berada pada aras signifikan 0.05 iaitu p<0.05. Jadual 4, menunjukkan nilai-t bagi perbandingan tahap kompetensi ICT bagi pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan ialah t=-2.751 dan tahap signifikan p=0.006. Tahap signifikan ini lebih kecil daripada 0.05 iaitu p<0.05. Oleh yang demikian hipotesis nul (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (H1) diterima. Skor min tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar perempuan (min = 3.14) adalah lebih besar daripada pelajar lelaki (min= 2.87). Ini bermakna tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar perempuan adalah lebih tinggi berbanding pelajar lelaki. Keadaan ini disebabkan responden perempuan lebih terdedah kepada ICT berbanding responden lelaki. 13 Jantina Lelaki Perempuan Jadual 4:.Tahap kompetensi ICT mengikut jantina Bilangan Min Nilai – t 111 2.87 -2.751 189 3.14 Tahap signifikan 0.006 Kesimpulannya, daripada dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan tahap kompetensi ICT antara pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Ini disokong oleh kajian[14] dan [15] iaitu terdapat perbezaan signifikan tahap kompetensi ICT antara lelaki dan perempuan. Kesimpulan Secara keseluruhannya dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap kompetensi ICT pelajar berada pada tahap sederhana iaitu pada skor min 3.04. Selain daripada itu, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap tahap kompetensi ICT dalam kalangan pelajar lelaki dan perempuan di Jabatan Perdagangan iaitu p0.05 yang menunjukkan pelajar perempuan lebih kompeten daripada pelajar lelaki dalam bidang ICT. Rujukan [1] A. Joseph & W. H. 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Journal of Information Technology Education : Volume 12, 2013. 15 Teacher Autonomy in Integrating E-learning in English Language Teaching & Learning IS SUFFICIENT ATTENTION GIVEN? Selvamalar Selvarajan English Language Unit, General Studies Department, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. [email protected] Abstract This paper discusses on teacher autonomy in integrating e-learning in English Language teaching and learning. Though e-learning is constantly being debated on various issues, it is continuing to emerge. So, it is no more a question of whether to accept e-learning in English language teaching and learning process but a matter of how to implement e-learning effectively. In relation to that, teacher autonomy is a fundamental aspect as teachers are the implementers of e-learning tools in teaching and learning process. With the short history of research into teacher autonomy in the field of second language learning, the researcher sees that it can positively lead to learner autonomy in the usage of e-learning in English language learning. Hence, the degree of teacher autonomy among language lecturers in the implementation of e-learning should be paid adequate attention to realize the institution’s vision. This paper focuses on the role and challenges of teacher autonomy particularly in utilizing learning management system (LMS) for language teaching purposes. Additionally, the pedagogical implementations of teacher autonomy in English Language teaching and learning are also presented in the paper. Key words: Teacher autonomy, e-learning, English language learning, learning management system (LMS) Introduction Despite the continuous debates on the use of e-learning, there is an ongoing effort at administrative levels to deliver education and training by integrating e-learning or digital technologies effectively with all available electronic media for flexible learning. In defining e-learning as using computer technology [1] in Communicative English teaching and learning, it could possibly cover all relevant terms such as Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Web Based Instruction (WBI), Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Computer Based Learning (CBL), Web Based Learning (WBL), Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL), Web Enhanced Language Learning (WELL), virtual classrooms and digital collaborations. Based on this clarification, elearning is discussed with particular emphasis and relevance to online learning and web-based technologies in this paper. The role of technology in English language teaching and learning is undeniable. Numerous research studies have proved its impact on learner’s language learning process. As [2] pointed out, teachers today are dealing with digital natives. A survey on e-learning readiness among 5779 respondents in Malaysia in 2004 [3] revealed that learners are more ready for e-learning compared to the perception of their lecturers. Undoubtedly, if any language teachers in the current digital world aim to serve these learners’ language learning needs, integration of e-learning is an essential aspect in their pedagogy. Without this integration and implementation, teachers could hardly engage learners in the language learning. Having said that, most language teachers and administrators are well aware of the importance of e-learning [4] but the successful implementation 16 is still questionable. Thus, there is urgent need to look at language teachers’ initiatives towards achieving this goal. In relation to that, the importance of teacher autonomy in integrating e-learning is explored in this paper. The challenges faced by teachers and some recommendations for pedagogical implementations are also highlighted in the discussion (the term ‘teacher’ and ‘lecturer’ are being used interchangeably in the present paper). Statement of Problem The Department of Polytechnic, Education Ministry of Malaysia has started urging the implementation of e-learning in language classes since 2008 through the use of virtual learning environment. The major revamp in the English language curriculum resulted in the shift to Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. Since then, more learner centred practices (Outcome Based Education, OBE) are fostered in the Communicative English courses. To support the effort, e-learning is urged to be practiced as a blended approach (face to face teaching with online or web based learning tools). English language lecturers in all polytechnics are constantly evaluated on the use of e-learning tools in language teaching by the superiors. Despite the various attempts of promoting the use of e-learning, particularly CIDOS (learning management system which is similar to Moodle), it seems to be less effectively practiced for language learning purposes. In most cases, the practice of e-learning in language teaching do not mirror actual elearning practices that the department is aiming for. CIDOS implementation resemble what [5] referred as ‘crawling period’ of e-learning, though it is already been six years since the implementation. This could also probably due to the lack of theoretical and practical knowledge of CALL or WBL. Many workshops have been carried out to train and familiarize lecturers to CIDOS system since 2009. Unfortunately, many lecturers still need assistance for basic tasks in using it, such as creating a class group in the platform which has been shown or taught repeatedly to the same group of teachers. This clearly highlights the lack of teacher’s initiative and knowledge, therefore urgent attention need to be paid to develop teacher autonomy among the teachers for successful integration of e-learning in English language teaching to serve learner’s needs. Integration of E-learning in CLT In any attempt to integrate e-learning in language learning, the acceptance of the technology among the users should be first analysed. According to Technology Acceptance Model (Figure 1), perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of technology are the main determinant factors in influencing user’s attitude in accepting the technology. A recent study by [6] has highlighted the lack of perceived ease use and perceived usefulness of e-learning technology in teaching English. As this is the foundation for successful integration of e-learning, enough attention should be paid to raise the awareness. External Perceived Usefulness Perceived Ease of Use Attitude Towards Using (A) Behavioural Intention to Use (E-learning acceptance) Actual System Use Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Source: Davis et al. (1989) 17 Once teacher’s acceptance of e-learning is known, the integration would take place much easily and effectively. CLT approach is focused on developing learner’s communicative skills with learner centred language activities in classroom. As compared to non-authentic materials (often in decontextualized way), Communicative English could be best taught with authentic materials as learners need exposure to how language is used in the real world. E-learning enables the use of variety of freely available online resources on the World Wide Web such as video clips (You Tube, Vimeo, Daily Motion,, podcasts (BBC website), interactive activities (Hot Potatoes), animations, simulations and other language learning materials which offer rich language learning opportunities. Learners could easily relate the learning with real world knowledge which is crucial in enhancing their understanding and appropriate use of language. This experiential learning would benefit the learners more than conventional teaching method. In addition, the Communicative English syllabus used in the context covers limited scope (social skills, process and procedure, instructions, presentation skills, interview skills) of communicative skills. Thus, teachers could utilize e-learning tools like virtual learning environment (CIDOS) and WBL to provide more input to increase learner’s communicative competence. For example, vocabulary learning (the heart of communicative competence) is not a major focus in CLT thus very minimal time is spent for it in language class, in which doesn’t guarantee the detailed learning. In this case, e-learning provides the solution where intentional vocabulary teaching is applicable with various interactive online tools and learner’s progress could be easily monitored. More importantly, e-learning brings the native English environment closer to learners as they don’t get enough exposure to the language in ESL environments [7]. The synchronous (forum discussion, chat, etc) and asynchronous (quiz, assignments, etc) activities provides learners some alternatives in which they could enhance their classroom learning with additional tools. This is very helpful to learners as teachers do not have enough time for individual attention in limited class period. On the other hand, e-learning offers teachers an array of choices on easily adaptable learning materials to suit their learner’s level and language needs. In cases of large class sizes (about 40-45 students per class), integration of elearning in CLT is a platform for individualized learning. Even though there are some drawbacks such as learner’s computer knowledge, facilities, accessibility and connectivity, the advantages of e-learning certainly outweigh them. The Role of Teacher Autonomy in Integrating E-Learning Implementation of e-learning in language learning created challenges to teachers as they now need to organize teaching activities in a computer based environment and at the same time guide student’s in self-study [8]. Table 1 highlights the current multi-role of a teacher in a learner-centred classroom (as CLT approach is implemented in the target context) which demands teacher’s knowledge in various aspects of language learning. Therefore, teachers themselves should become autonomous language learners [9], [10], [11] to promote learner autonomy and language learning among learners. 18 Table 1. Changes in student and teacher roles in teacher-centred and learner-centred learning environments resulting from ICT integration Learning environments Teacher-centred Learner-centred Student role Student role Passive recipient of information Active participant in the learning process Reproduces knowledge Produces and shares knowledge, participate at times as expert Learns as a solitary activity Teacher role Teacher role Learning facilitator, collaborator, coach, Knowledge transmitter, primary mentor, knowledge navigator and cosource of information, content learner expert and source of all answers. Gives students more options and Controls and directs all aspects of responsibilities for their own learning learning (adapted from Anderson, 2005 [12]) Multi-dimensional views have emerged in regards to teacher autonomy as researchers perceive it from different insights. Teacher autonomy often defined as the perception that teachers have regarding whether they control themselves and their work environment [13], [14]. With the control, they have the freedom to prescribe the best treatment for students [15]. This definition seems to suit learner autonomy as the learner decides on his/her own on what to learn without any influence of external factors. Contrastively, teachers could not take full control of their teaching as they have to obey certain conditions, superiors and syllabi. How could teachers take control if they’re working in an organization which limits their decision making? It is obviously impractical in real context of teaching. In contrast, [9] define teacher autonomy as teacher’s capacity to engage in self-directed learning, which leads to their professional development [16] in formal educational contexts. He further demonstrated that autonomous teachers show greater work satisfaction, high degree of professionalism and less stress. As many of the definitions state no relation to learners, [17] has defined it more holistically; the capacity of teachers in managing knowledge, skills and attitudes in regards to the learner’s language acquisition as the aim of teacher autonomy is to serve the learners’ pedagogical needs. However, [18] view is contrary with [9] where he claimed that teacher autonomy is the teacher’s responsibility to develop learner autonomy in class. Teacher autonomy is willingness to venture into the unknown to enable oneself deal with complexity of pedagogical practices in the institution [19] and empower him/herself as a teacher [20]. Once the teacher has acquired autonomy, he or she is qualified and able to promote learner autonomy. With the various definitions and less consensus over its meaning and significance [21], [22], the term teacher autonomy still remain opaque [18], [19] and demands further clarification. However, in general, all the above mentioned definitions show the importance of teacher autonomy as it drives dynamic and on-going career spanning professional development. Thus, for the purpose of discussion in this paper, teacher autonomy is defined the ability and willingness to take responsibility for developing appropriate skills, knowledge and attitude to foster self-directed professional development [23], [24], [25], [26] to integrate e-learning successfully in Communicative English teaching and learning. 19 Challenges in Developing Teacher Autonomy for Integration of E-Learning In relation to e-learning, Table 2 shows the four overarching goals to incorporate technology in language learning which was developed for The Framework of TESOL Technology Standard for Language Teachers [27], [28], [29]. The TESOL standards demonstrate the importance of technology in language teaching and learning and the teachers’ vital role in the implementation, which is the focus of present discussion. Table 2. The Framework of TESOL Technology Standard for Language Teachers GOALS Language teachers acquire and maintain foundational knowledge and skills in 1 technology for professional purposes. Language teachers integrate pedagogical knowledge and skills with technology to enhance language 2 teaching and learning. 3 Language teachers apply technology in record‐keeping, feedback & assessment. 4 Language teachers use technology to improve communication, collaboration & efficiency Looking at the goals, language teachers now should equip themselves with sufficient knowledge and skills about the use of technology in teaching. It seems that teachers have no reason not to acquire the knowledge if they wish to address themselves as language teachers in the world of e-learning. The unprecedented opportunities of implementing e-learning are not without challenges [30]. First of all, every individual teacher is different in their own way. Their perception and attitude towards e-learning differ according to their teaching preferences. Therefore, not all teachers are ready to accept the innovations in language teaching. Most teachers especially the experts are very convenient with the conventional teaching methods. As mentioned by [22], some teachers in the target context are reluctant to adopt the changes as they are in the ‘comfort zone’ and feel threatened by having to move from the role of teacher to facilitator or mentor (Table 1). It seems to be a hard work for them to change their perception and accept transformations in language teaching. Thus, cultural [3] and psychological changes are needed in this context as elearning can only be successfully achieved with teachers’ positive attitude [17]. Second, shallow knowledge of e-learning integration limits the effective implementation. Teachers may assume that they incorporate e-learning but actually not. Effective integration of elearning should be planned well with e-pedagogical, content and technical knowledge. Studies have shown that ‘when’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ are the three most important notions in deciding whether e-learning is providing advantage or disadvantage in a particular pedagogical setting. Looking back to the teachers in the context, this seems to be questionable as there is hardly any effort or time spent on improving their knowledge of e-learning pedagogy. Lack of teacher autonomy, highly limits their ability to make appropriate decisions. Next, the fear of technology use among language teachers is an aspect which could be a barrier for successful development of teacher autonomy for e-learning integration. As we know, dealing with technology needs thorough preparation, expertise and problem solving skills. Anything could go wrong at any time, even with careful preparation. The Skills Pyramid Framework [31] has proposed that teachers should possess basic competencies (basic ICT competence, specific technical competence and ability to deal with constraints and possibilities of the medium which are at the lowest level of the pyramid) in order to integrate e-learning. In this case, some lecturers lack courage to face the risks. They prefer to avoid technology or e-learning wherever possible rather than challenging themselves to learn about it. From my experience of working in the context, lack of self-initiative is the key aspect which prevent them from using elearning. Even though they are well aware of the enormous benefits of e-learning, they simply choose not to try it out as they fear of the risks which is due to lack of ICT skills [32]. 20 Time constraint is another challenge in developing teacher autonomy in e-learning. Innovations in language teaching with e-learning requires lots of time, energy, preparation and overtime work [10]. Teachers are overwhelmed with many additional duties (including bureaucratic tasks) besides teaching. These ‘non-teaching’ tasks overload teachers and limit their capacity and capability to think about effective materials for their e-learning teaching practices. I. Barbosa [20] pointed out that school cultures, routine, personal histories, political contexts may often affect teacher’s commitment in their professional development. Despite, the lack of technical support in the institution is another challenge. Lecturers have to develop their e-teaching skills without sufficient institutional support [33]. The language lecturers have to solely depend on the institution’s IT officers to rectify minor problems, which could be solved easily if only they have basic knowledge of computer skills. The enthusiasm of using e-learning would depreciate if lack adequate support and training from institution [32]. With my five years of teaching experience in the context, I consider the technical equipment available is sufficient for initiating e-learning integration, but less attention is paid to train and develop lecturer’s technical knowledge. On the other hand, teacher autonomy might be considered as a problem as it foster isolation and promote staleness. With the luxury to work alone, teachers might feel unappreciated as their work is unknown. Looking at this perspective and the claim of about 27 years back, it is no more relevant as the currently available online tools connect people together from all over the world. An important point to note here is teachers do not only work alone by having teacher autonomy, but even without it. To summarize, teacher’s role is critical in pursuing innovation in the application of e-learning. However, the personal preferences, attitude and tight accountability structures act to constrain the willingness to engage with change and push teachers towards a culture of innovation aversion. Pedagogical Implementations Autonomy of teachers is critical to any initiative’s implementation and success [34]. As e-learning is capable of providing a range of learning options, extensive efforts should be undertaken to maximize teacher autonomy which would help to promote learner autonomy. [9] argued that genuinely successful teachers have always been autonomous in regards of having a strong sense of personal responsibility for their teaching. Looking back to the country’s report as mentioned earlier, it had highlighted ICT skills, knowledge worker (p.4) and individual initiative (p.25) are crucial in determining successful implementation of e-learning. The successful integration of e-learning in language teaching begins with the teacher becoming familiar with computing infrastructure [35]. For that, teachers should devote sufficient time and effort to equip themselves with the relevant knowledge and experience. Regardless of any external force, teachers should come forward voluntarily to adapt to the innovations in language teaching for the benefit of their learners. Autonomy should be earned, not given [36]. By increasing knowledge and expertise in using e-learning tools in teaching, teachers could build their autonomy. Teachers should be educated on various aspects of e-learning such as effective use of virtual learning environment, designing online materials, developing e-content and making use of language learning websites. [37] argued that in the midst of initiating e-learning implementation, it should not only focus teaching how to prepare slides, webpages and etc. but also on teachers' conception of learning which has a major influence on the development of teaching strategies. Without knowing and understanding the true potential of e-learning in language teaching, teachers could not integrate it effectively. Teachers should be enlightened on the impact of e-learning to learners, its benefits as well as drawbacks, so they could evaluate its value themselves in language teaching. Exposing teachers to examples of language teaching with effective integration of elearning and conventional teaching method for the same lesson would probably provide them the awareness. By changing teacher perception to accept innovations in language teaching, efforts on increasing teacher autonomy in e-learning could be more focused. 21 Studies have proven that developing digital portfolios gives teachers a meaningful context to learn how to integrate technology in language learning [38], [39], [40]. This seems to be an effective way to develop teacher autonomy in e-learning implementation as teachers would explore a variety of e-learning materials to produce their own portfolio, knowing that material development is an important part of being effective teacher [41]. In the midst of exploring, they would encounter various technical problems and errors which could at the same time enhance their technical knowledge for pedagogical implementation. These trial and error sessions would make teachers to become more autonomous as they experience the learning themselves rather than an instructor helping them to be away from mistakes. Apart from that, teachers should be encouraged to attend conferences related to e-learning or ICT in language teaching. As institutions could not effort to provide all necessary current information on e-learning for language teaching, attending e-learning symposiums, ICT for language learning conferences, International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and E-learning (IAC-ETeL) and etc. would help to widen lecturers’ existing knowledge on current development and resources in language teaching. Furthermore, it extends the opportunities to meet and share knowledge with delegates from various institutions and build network for future pedagogical needs. This valuable experience would also bring many e-learning related research study links (such as CALICO, ReCALL, TOJDEL, AJSS journals) to their attention for selfdevelopment (tools to evaluate their current practices of e-learning). Consequently, the active participation in the conferences would enable teachers to share experiences with colleagues in their own institution and enhance their autonomy in integrating e-learning effectively for language teaching. Besides, institutional or collateral support [35], [42] to implement e-learning is crucial to build teacher autonomy. [43] suggested that teachers need more autonomy in deciding how to reach a goal when successful goal attainment is highly unpredictable. In this case the administrators should be supportive of teacher’s efforts. According to [44], it is the school system that provides a foundation for each country’s future development of intellectual contributions and teacher’s competence in information technology [45] is key to achieve pedagogical and institutional goals. In relation to that, institutions should play its role in educating teachers and increasing teacher autonomy by providing necessary training on e-learning and technical courses. Effective training and continuous support for teachers [46], [47] will boost teacher autonomy in independent learning. In addition to pedagogical and content knowledge, instructor technical competence is one of the key factors in determining successful implementation of e-learning [48]. Realising the importance of training for e-learning, [49] has proposed to extend TAM (Figure 1) by including three institutional related variables: facilitating conditions, training and institutional technical support. By combining the institutional training and existing pedagogical knowledge and teaching experience, teachers able to raise their autonomy and would be capable of producing better e-learning materials. In relation to that, space for “communal warmth” [33] is regarded as essential where teachers can share experiences, tips, and support to gain knowledge and increase confidence in elearning integration for language teaching. For example, teachers whom are enthusiastic in elearning form a small group to initiate the effort. In the long term, hopefully more and more teachers would join the group as there is ‘positive pressure’ to update them with current teaching practices. To initiate the effort, I have compiled the materials and list of e-learning and language learning related websites which I learned throughout my Masters study to be shared with the teachers in the context. This knowledge sharing would help them to explore new ideas in which give impact to the way the teachers teach language. This collaborative learning is highly anticipated to increase teacher autonomy and indirectly foster interactive professionalism [10]. To further increase teacher autonomy, teachers could also be rewarded intrinsically for their effort on e-learning integration as it is proven to be more powerful than extrinsic ones to motivate them [14]. 22 Language teachers should be introduced to ways of evaluating and adapting to new technologies and resources. As there are numerous online materials for language learning, teachers should be able to choose the most relevant and suitable ones for their learners. According to [51], language teachers today should be able to choose, use and refuse technology in some instances for their learners. Guidelines such as CALL software evaluation framework [52], [53], criteria for CALL appropriateness [54] can be of help to teachers in evaluating the online language learning materials. It would be better if workshops are organized in the institution to demonstrate the effective use and create platform for teachers to critique and suggest other variables to add or substitute those in the frameworks to suit the context. This would help to develop teacher’s critical thinking which leads to teacher autonomy. Conclusion Personal development is the fundamental aspect in increasing teacher autonomy and becoming techno literate to facilitate e-learning in English language teaching and learning processes. As the demand for technology savvy teachers is increasing for successful e-learning integration, language teachers/lecturers should be assisted in understanding the value of teacher autonomy in convincing way. E-learning or technology can never replace a teacher, thus teacher autonomy is worth given sufficient attention for teachers to successfully integrate it. Though the effectiveness of conventional teaching methods without the integration of e-learning or technology is undeniable, it is not sufficient for the digital learners in the current learning environment, especially for Communicative English syllabi. So, the integration is an added value to the pedagogy and serves the need of digital learners. The competency of pedagogical regulation is crucial for all teachers in any form of teaching, either face to face or computer assisted learning. Teacher’s expert knowledge is needed to provide timely assistance to assist the learners’ language development. With this notion, it is crystal clear that teacher autonomy is pivotal in promoting e-learning for innovations in English language teaching and learning. By providing the necessary support mentioned above and improving connectivity and accessibility, the institution can hope for increased teacher autonomy in integrating e-learning in language lessons. 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Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 26 Academic Achievements and its Relationship with Dictionary Skills and Dictionary Use Mohd Azril Bin Adnan General Studies Department, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-Tech Park 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. [email protected] Abstract. This paper examines the relationships of dictionary use and dictionary skills to academic achievements. There is a plethora of studies that looked into the relationships between dictionary use and abilities to second language learning. Studies that looked into the relationships between language learning and academic achievements can also be considered as common. However the possible connection between dictionary use and dictionary abilities to academic achievements is not well researched. This study aims to look at the possible connections in order to have a better understanding on academic achievements. The instrument used was a set of questionnaire adapted for this study and proof-read by two language experts both in Malay and English language. The pilot research was conducted involving 99 respondents resulted with an acceptable Cronbach Alpha of 0.711. Findings of this study revealed no correlations between dictionary use and dictionary abilities to academic achievements. However the study indicates weak positive correlation as well as a significant regression between dictionary skills tests scores to academic achievements. Keywords: Academic Achievements, Dictionary Skills, Dictionary Use Introduction Most textbooks, reference books and researches are written in English; albeit have translations to the Malays language may have started. As stated by Crystal [1], “English has become a global language, increasingly necessary for international intelligibility and information management especially in business, science, diplomacy, engineering”. What this reinforces is the idea that in order to keep up with the ever improving academic world, many references are written in English hence academicians in Malaysia cannot afford to wait for the translated version. If the academicians, lectures and especially students who still relying on reference and textbooks that are outdated, it may prove disastrous when they are left behind and unable to compete in this globalized economy. One solution that has been carried out is through the constant teaching of the English language. The goal is to well equip the students with the language capacity in order to compete in an English dominated technology and economy. The teaching of English in the institution encompasses not only on oral or written proficiencies, it includes several other skill based on an outlined syllabus, targeted at enriching the language capabilities of the students. One such skill is dictionary ability. With the appropriate level of ability it is hoped by the educators in the institution that it would in turn facilitate an increase usage of the dictionaries to help the students in their daily lives. According to Normazidah et. al. [2], “Learners tend to depend heavily on translation and dictionary use to find meanings”. What this means, is that the lessons were meant to aid students especially those who depend on translations not only for language learning but for other subjects as well and even outside the classroom. Students can use the ability they have to enable them to understand the context of the lessons as described by Hartmann, [3]. With higher level of ability, it is with the perception that the students would be able to use their dictionaries more effectively. 27 Review of literature Theoretical Framework. The theoretical framework serves as the backbone of this research. It provides a path of understanding on the cognitive development of second language learning as well as why dictionary ability may play an integral role. According to Vygotsky [4] language plays two critical roles in cognitive development; it is the main means by which adults transmit information to children and language itself becomes a very powerful tool of intellectual adaptation. Jean Piaget [5], provided many central concepts in the field of developmental psychology in relation to the growth of intelligence. Piaget described psychological growth as the ability to more accurately represent the work and perform logical operations on representations of concepts grounded in interactions with the world. The theory concern the emergence and construction of schemata schemes of how one perceives the world in developmental stages, times when children are acquiring new ways of mentally representing information. This is in linear though not directly associated with what has been described by Nation and Waring [6], where vocabulary knowledge leads to knowledge of the world. It can be related to a structuralism theory of Sassure [7]; the sign, the signified and the signifier. Sassuer described words as representation of the world, without understanding the word the construction of the meaning, image and understanding behind the word’s concept is unattainable. Hence Piaget’s schemata is about making a construct of the world based on information formed mentally, in language development, this schemata can further be developed with vocabulary acquisitions. Another theorist Noam Chomsky [8], proposed the theory that all people have an innate, biological ability to acquire a language. He theorized that people possess a Language Acquisition Device (LAD), a sort of neurological wiring that, regardless of the language to be acquired, allows a child to listen to a language, decipher the rules of that language, and begin creating with the language at a very young age. However, the cognitive development required to adopt a second language may differ. Second language acquisition deals with the cognitive strategy of the mind in which it usually involves the identification, retention, storage or retrieval of words, phrases and other elements of the second language [9, 10, 11]. Krashen developed a theory called Monitor Theory based on Chomsky’s concept of a LAD. The Monitor Theory is composed of four hypotheses that provide a framework for teaching a second language. In regard to this study however, the pertinent element needed to be considered by Krashen’s theory is on the Input hypothesis. The hypothesis LAD as proposed by Chomsky is activated and began to process comprehensible input for second language acquisition. Comprehensible input is language either written or heard, that is understood by the second language learner. Hence to attain a comprehensible input, strategies are needed when learning a second language; namely repeating new vocabulary and through the use of translation. Vocabulary repentance is achieved when the learners understand the meaning of words through different means, either through learning it from the teachers in class or repeating the vocabulary on their own, for example through actual usage of the words. The second component to the element of Input hypothesis is translation. It is the key concept of making words comprehensible [12]. Krashen’s theory can further be supported by the views of Kamil and Hiebert [13], in which they acknowledge that knowledge of words comes from understanding or recognizing a word and words that are used to speak or write. What this means is that Krashen’s theory on comprehensible input is that it plays as the foundation of language learning. In which the first step is to understand to what is being read or listened to and thus the other steps may follow suit in language acquisition. Basically it is a process out of deriving meaning from words. One key example of translation is through the use of dictionary to derive meanings from unknown words, hence, leading to a comprehensible input; either in reading or listening. Krashen also pointed out that without comprehensible input, the second language learner is left with a group of words that are perceived as incomprehensible noise and cannot be processed through the activation of LAD. What this basically means, is that any words heard by the learners, and if those words do not bring any 28 meaning, it will not activate LAD and thus unable to decipher the language, and in turn use those words to be reproduced either orally or written. Research on Dictionary Use and Abilities. When an individual acquires the ability to solve problems in intellectual tasks, where success is determined more by the subject’s knowledge than by his or her physical prowess, the individual has acquired a cognitive skill [14]. Dictionary ability is when an individual managed to fulfil the task of defining a word, retrieve its meaning and able to use it in a context through the use of his or her knowledge. It is in which they acknowledged that the words we use come in two forms: oral and print [13]. The knowledge of these words also comes in two forms which are receptive (words we understand or recognize) and expressive (the words or vocabulary used when we speak or write).Expressive language can best be understood as the process of formulating or sending a message; communicating or expressing language through writing, speaking, or gestures such as pointing to words, pointing to pictures, or using sign language. Receptive language, on the other hand, is the process of receiving and understanding a message through language that is spoken or written by others such as through listening and reading. Hence, research on dictionary use and ability are commonly associated with vocabulary acquisition and imminently language attainment. One example, would be Wai-on’s [15] research. She investigated the dictionary use pattern of 107 translation students from five local universities for Chinese to English translation, and the dictionary consultation process of four respondents. Triangulation methods were employed: questionnaire survey, interview, think-aloud protocol, and performance exercise. One of the results of the study was that less than half of the respondents were familiar with the macro-structure of the dictionary, and the micro-structure of an entry, rendering them unable to make full use of the dictionary.With less than half are unable to utilize the dictionary to full use. There may be a reason behind such low numbers, as the same study by Wai-on indicated that two thirds of the respondent (75.3%) had never received any training in dictionary use; both when the respondents were at school or at their respective Universities. 15.1% of the respondents recalled their training and 9.6% were unsure. The clear distinction between Wai-on study and this research is that the target respondents for this study will all have learnt dictionary ability as part of the mandatory AE101 English course. Two-third of Wai-on’s respondent never received proper training and resulted in more than half of the total respondents are unable to use a dictionary effectively. It will add to the academia benefits, as it provides a view on what dictionary training may have yield for students. It can be seen through the results of the dictionary ability tested on the respondents as well as a follow up of the use on that knowledge, within the respondents’ day-to-day life basis. Another research was conducted by Pousi [16], in which the study was carried out at a secondary school in South-eastern Finland. Two 9th grade classes were chosen for the study on the basis of teacher recommendation. At the time of the study, the participants had studied English as a foreign language at school for approximately six years with two to three 45- minute lessons per week. One of the classes was randomly assigned to participate in a 45-minute training session on the use of a bilingual dictionary. After the training, their dictionary ability was tested. The other class functioned as a control group; these pupils did not receive training but took the same test as the training group. The test conducted was on the successful rate of the dictionary searches of the respondents. This is a basic test of finding the meaning of a word through a dictionary. 30 of the training group’s dictionary look ups were successful, yielding a 78.9% successful rate. The control group recorded 38 successful dictionary searches, with a 64.3% successful rate. The interesting aspect of the result on Pousi’s study is that, when compared to those who received training and those who weren’t was not such a big gap; with only a difference of 12.6%. A stark difference between what was found on the research conducted by wai-on [15]. However, the fact that the training of dictionary ability was only conducted once before the respondents were tested plays a huge variable when compared to this study. This study will test students after an average of 3 weeks of dictionary ability lessons with an average of 4 hours per week. Basically the amount of training received may be an influential factor in this study. 29 Cognitive Development in Second Language Learning. Second language acquisition deals with the cognitive strategy of the mind in which it usually involves the identification, retention, storage or retrieval of words, phrases and other elements of the second language [9]. The language learning process is a naturally occurring cognitive process. Another research indicates that children who are exposed to a foreign language at a young age achieve higher levels of cognitive development at an earlier age [17].However for students who are young adults aged between 17 to 22 years old on average, a different take on language learning can be viewed, “The learning experiences of a child determine which [neural] connections are developed and which no longer function. That means what is easy and natural for a child – learning a language – can become hard work for an older learner.” [17]. Meaning that learning a second or foreign language for students may prove to be a challenge, even though they have been exposed to the language as early as seven years old. Usually, language acquisition has been viewed as generally, a skill to be learned in order to fulfil an educational institution requirements, learning about culture of others and to aid students in their professional careers [18].Hence second language acquisition is also often studied within the realm of challenges towards the learners and thus, a plethora of research has been conducted on student’s perceptions towards second language acquisition. One example would be a research conducted by Jafre [19], where it looked into attitude in relations with emotional, attitude and cognitive aspects. However, the focus of this study is to look into language learning, and how it may facilitates cognitive development, especially the case of the target population. This study does not focus on language learning itself, rather, other benefits that is brought along with it; specifically cognitive development. Some researches do indicate towards that notion. As stated by Hakuta, [20, 21], “language learners show greater cognitive flexibility, better problem solving and higher order thinking ability”. Another research discovered that “people who are competent in more than one language consistently outscore monolinguals on tests of verbal and nonverbal intelligence.” It is further reinforced by another study which state that, “Foreign language learners have better listening ability and sharper memories than their monolingual peers” [22]. Second Language Students Score Higher on Standardized Tests. To indicate whether cognitive development is attained through language learning, the focus on academic achievements is chosen. As defined by Cohen, [9], “Second language acquisition deals with the cognitive strategy of the mind in which it usually involves the identification, retention, storage or retrieval of words, phrases and other elements of the second language”. These cognitive strategies used by students in language learning may perhaps, enforces their learning in other studies and finally in turn score higher in a standardized test resulting in better academic achievements. Trow [23], defined academic achievement as “knowledge attaining ability or degree of competence in school tasks usually measured by standardized tests and expressed in a grade or units based on pupils’ performance”. What this means is that this “degree of competence” will be viewed as a measure of cognitive development that can be measured by this study. One such study showed a clear example, “students of foreign languages tend to score higher on standardized tests”. Results from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) show that students who had studied a foreign language for 4 or more years outscored other students on the verbal and math portions of the test”. It was also found that, “students who completed at least four years of foreign-language study scored more than 100 points higher on each section of the SAT than students who took a half year or less” [24]. Similar results can be seen throughout a multitude of studies, as can be seen through another example, “students who studied four or five years of a foreign language scored higher on the verbal section of the 2004 SAT than students who had studied any other subject for the same number of years” [25]. Other studies correlated bilingual proficiency with higher scores on standardized tests and tests of both verbal and nonverbal intelligence [26]. Next, foreign language learners consistently outperform control groups in core subject areas on standardized tests often significantly [27, 28, 30 29, 30]. People who are competent in more than one language consistently outscore monolinguals on tests of verbal and nonverbal intelligence, [20, 21, 31]. Third-graders who had received 15 minutes of conversational French lessons daily for a year had statistically higher Stanford Achievement Test scores than their peers who had not received French instruction, [32]. Another study conducted [33], found that “academic ability and vocabulary knowledge are good predictors of overall academic performance”. They also found that the weaker the student’s vocabulary knowledge the poorer their overall academic performance. With all these research, it is clearly easy to see the similarities. People who undertake second or foreign language lessons outperform those who do not; specifically in standardized tests. It is important to be reminded that these standardized tests do not only include English tests. Standardized tests are particularly important as all the questions, format, instructions, scoring and reporting of scores are the same for all takers. This is significant as it can provide a distinct differentiation between language learners and non-language learners. When the language learners are shown to have better achievements in other subjects compared to those who do not, this may entail cognitive development enforced or improved by language learning. Statement of the Problem Figure 1. Connections of variables Looking at flow chart 1.0, Based on language acquisition theories and previous research it can be summarized with clear evidences that supports two views: use of dictionaries leads to improved second language learning and second language learning leads to better academic achievements. The missing link is the connection between dictionary ability and use to academic achievements. Theories suggest that second language learning depends on understanding words and that process can, though not necessarily, be achieved through the use of dictionaries. Added to that, there is a plethora of studies that found positive correlations between language learning and academic achievements. Hence, it is logical to come to an assumption that when the condition of the Input Hypothesis has been met it will inevitably results in positive correlation to academic achievements. However it still remains as an assumption; as it is the assumption that dictionary use will lead to language comprehension and hence entail a positive academic achievement. It has yet to be fully explored by researches and remains as a gap of knowledge in need to be examined. The question is why has past researches over-looked such an obvious possible connection? Hence, this study aims to shed some light and see whether the notion has any merits. 31 Objective of the study The study aims to analyse the possible relationship between dictionary ability and dictionary use to academic achievements. This leads to the formulation of the objectives of the study, which are: 1. What are the academic achievements of the students? 2. What is the ability acquired by the students in dictionary ability? 3. To what degree are dictionaries being used inside and outside the classroom? 4. To what degree is the relationship between students’ dictionary ability and academic achievements? 5. To what degree can dictionary use have a relation towards academic achievements? Methodology Design. In this study, Pearson correlational design was used. The objective of a correlational design is to determine if there is a relationship between two or more variables, such that a change in one relationship between variables [34]. This study seeks to describe the nature of the perceived relationship between three variables, namely, overall academic achievements, dictionary use and dictionary ability level. Survey research includes the collection of information from the chosen sample consisting of a number of people. As a result, information gathered from the survey will enable inferences regarding the nature of the correlations between the variables to be made. Sample and Data Collection Procedure. The data was collected from 250 semester two students out of total population of 900. The first part of the data is taken from the results of dictionary testing conducted from June 2012 session. Six out of 9 classes; one class from each of the four departments, were taken as it constitutes almost half of the entire target population. For the second part of the data collection, a questionnaire survey was conducted. Verbal permissions were asked from all four respective department’s head to conduct the survey. Instrument. One measure will be included in the questionnaire completed by the respondents. The Dictionary use questionnaire, each respondent will indicate their perception of dictionary usage, ability as well as indicating their overall Grade Point Average (GPA) for semester one. This will help the study to determine the data and information on the three variables between the respondents. Ultimately, only the overall academic achievements, dictionary use and ability will be examined, as age and gender were considered beyond the scope of the current study. The Dictionary Ability Test. One of the variables used in this study is the results of a dictionary ability test taken by the students as a part of their continuous assessment. The test was not developed for this study but a simultaneous test taken by all of the students after they have finished learning the dictionary syllabus when they were in semester one.The dictionary ability test was measured by the chosen polytechnic staffs using Kuder Richardson’s 20 reliability testing and resulted with a Cronbach Alpha of 0.605. Even though it is only considered as acceptable on reliability scaling [35], as an educational testing it is still acceptable as a valid test as it is a low stake test – internal testing and only accounts to 10% of the overall 100%. The Survey. The survey is adapted from a research conducted by a research conducted by Raheem’s and Hudaa’s 2008 case study [36]. In which the study was on University of Kufa tertiary students use on dictionary use, frequency of use and their preferences of dictionaries. A total of 300 questionnaires were managed to be collected and analyzed. The issue of reliability and validity conducted by Raheem’s and Hudaa’s was no presented as the research only used descriptive analysis on the answers obtained as the main method to analyze their findings. The Adaptation of the Survey. The instrument used by Raheem and Hudas’s was comprised of primarily multiple choice questions with a total of 21 items. As the research was descriptive in nature, to get a better understanding on the sample’s view of their dictionary ability and use, the items were adapted and changed into likert scale format. The likert forms is essential as it allows the research to quantify the opinion of the respondents into scales. The 5 32 point Likert Scales are in two different forms depending on the questions asked; opinion on dictionary abilities and frequency on dictionary use. As shown in Table 1: Table 1. Likert Scale Abilities Usage Never Totally Disagree Rarely Disagree Sometimes Neutral Quite Often Agree Always Totally Agree A pilot test was conducted to analyze reliability of the questionnaire. A total of 120 questionnaires were given out and only 99 were usable as the rest were deemed as unusable; students only answered 20 to 35 of the 50 questions asked in the questionnaire. The sampling for the pilot test was conducted among semester two classes; and they were excluded in the real study later on. The reliability results with a Cronbach Alpha of 0.711. According to Brown [35], the questionnaire conducted is considered as acceptable. The questionnaires were also provided in two languages. According to Lew [37], “The questionnaires need to be written in the subject’s native language”. As this study looks at ability of students to use dictionaries to understand other languages, there exists the possibility of students who are weak in English, thus unable to understand the questions thoroughly. The two languages provided were Malay and English language. It also important to note that out of 240 questionnaires disseminated 192 of them answered in Malay. It leads to a conclusion that the respondents were more comfortable in answering in Malay than English. Findings A reliability analysis of 41questions (question 8 to 49), was conducted and resulted with Cronbach Alpha of 0.774. According to Brown [35], the questionnaire conducted is considered as acceptable. Demographic analysis The demographic data were collected to ensure the accuracy of this research as it depends on the students having taken the dictionary ability test during their first semester as well as ensuring that the students are from year one or year two. This also ensures that the data collected are more precise. The highest group is female respondents consisting of 46.7% of the sample population. The second highest group is male respondents, consisting of 41.5% of the sample population. This means that the samples taken were equal in terms of gender. Next is the number of respondents according to year of study; year one to year 4. The highest group is the first year students consisting of 88.2% of the sample population. The second highest group is second year respondents, consisting of 9.2% of the sample population. The lowest group is the third year respondents consisting of 1.5%. This means that the goal of sampling students from semester two is achieved. Finally the respondents are also well dispersed according to departments which are commerce and engineering field. The highest group is the Engineering department which consisting of 67.2% of the sample population. The second highest group is the commerce department, consisting of 32.8% of the sample population. Discussions and Conclusions Student’s GPA result. The GPA obtained is a cumulative scoring of mental tests taken by students at the end of semester one. The tests taken by the samples ranged from mathematical tests, memorization tests, language and others. The findings were categorized based on polytechnic’s distinction system where those who obtained a GPA below 2.00 is low, 2.00 to 3.49 is considered as average and those who obtained 3.5 and higher is considered as high achievers. The results of this study found that of the 199 respondents, the highest achievers consisted of 13.33% of the 33 sample population. The average group consisted of 82.56% of the sample population. Finally the lowest achievers consisted of 4.11% of the population. The findings lead to the understanding that the samples serve as good representation on overall cognitive achievement. As pointed out by Coyle [38]“A construct central to intelligence is general intelligence, reflected by positive correlations among mental tests. It has been found to contribute strongly to a test’s predictive validity at school and work”. The tests predictive validity taken by the samples only comes into question when majority of the samples scores low or high GPA. However, since the majority scored average GPA, it can provide a good representation of the target population as a whole. Student’s Dictionary Ability Test Scores. The findings were categorized based on polytechnic’s marking system where scoring below 50% is considered as failing the test, between 50% to 79% is considered as average and any scores above 80% is considered as excellent score. Of the total samples, those who scored high consisted 61% of the sample population. The average group consisted 36.9% of the sample population. Finally the lowest achievers consisted of 2.1% of the population. Meaning, majority of the sample population should have no problem using dictionaries as they have high dictionary abilities. There is a similarity with a research conducted by Pousi [16], in which the research resulted with a 78.9% success rate in dictionary ability testing. The research also provided comprehensive dictionary lesson’s before the samples were tested. Hence, what this implies is that once dictionary ability has been learnt appropriately and with ample time to study those skills, the probability of them having good dictionary abilities is quite high. However, the dictionary test taken by this study’s samples is still classified as a normreferenced test; where the respondent’s scores are compared to the scores of the whole group in the target sample. According to Schaeffer [39], norm-referenced tests “NRTs are constructed so that half the populations below the mid-point or average score”. In this study, with 61% scoring high, it results in the data of dictionary scores curved to the right. It means that the test scores violated the typical results of what a norm-referenced test should be. With such a skewed test result, the reliability of the test may be put into question. Hence another type of data was collected which is on the target sample’s perception of their dictionary ability. When the data are compared to each other, only then a clearer picture on student’s dictionary ability can be established. Student’s Perception Dictionary Abilities. This data is on student’s perception on their dictionary ability. The difference between this data and test scores is that this data used a likert scale format as the basis of measurement. With the median at 28.57, total number of respondents who perceives themselves with a low ability in dictionary use at a mean lower than 24 is 12.3% Those who view themselves as having moderate ability at mean between 24 to 29 is at 44.1% and finally 43.6% perceives themselves as having high dictionary ability. This implies there is a difference between the perceptions of dictionary abilities to the test scores obtained by the target samples. Test scores showed that 61% having high dictionary ability, however that number dropped by 20% when comparing to the sample’s perception. In short having good perception in the ability to use dictionaries does not necessarily translate to high test scores in dictionary ability. How can two data that were supposed to measure the same variable – dictionary ability- can be different? Thus, to better understand the phenomenon of this difference between these two data, a correlation calculation was conducted to find out if they had significant relationship between one another. The correlations found that there is no statistically significant correlation between Dictionary ability and Dictionary Ability Test Scores. This means that the two data are not the same; hence they should be calculated independently from one another when correlating against other variables. What this implies is that it violated this research early assumption when the research was first carried out. Research data and theories pointed out that vocabulary learning and acquisitions yield positive correlations with academic achievements; hence the activity of using dictionaries to acquire word comprehension was thought to deliver the same outcome. It did not. 34 Student’s Perception on Dictionary Use. A study conducted by Hammilton[40], second language learners use dictionaries and it appears to provide support to acquire new vocabularies for the users. Given that the target samples for this study are students, reading may be a major element in their educational activity and with the policy of polytechnic to teach in both Malay and English it may influence the use of dictionaries in classrooms. Hence, the probability of notes, references and other reading materials to be written in both English and Malay is quite high even though the national language for Malaysian is Bahasa Melayu. This probability may be reflected through the response obtained in this study. In this study it was found that for dictionary use, the mean is at 35.892 with a standard deviation of 6.22762. With a median of 36, 13.8% of the respondents had low dictionary use, 69.8% viewed themselves as using dictionaries moderately and 16.4% viewed themselves as high users of dictionaries. If the majority responded in viewing themselves as having low or high use of dictionaries, it is more likely that one language is favored to be used in a classroom over the other. However that is not the case as it clear that the majority responded as having moderate use of the dictionary. This result showed that the majority of the students viewed themselves as using the dictionary moderately. It is appropriate given the nature of bilingual educational approach taken by polytechnic. This is further reinforced when the results showed that respondents are more likely to use a dictionary when they are in class with the highest mean of 3.27 compared to other situations. Which means the activities in the classroom is prompting them to use a dictionary. Relationship between GPA and Dictionary Ability (Dictionary Test Scores and Dictionary Ability) Dictionary test scores and dictionary abilities are both to be used as separate data representing the same variable; dictionary ability. Furthermore, analysis also showed that the two data has no or negligible correlations between one another. When one sample views themselves as having high dictionary ability, as there is no correlation it does not mean that the sample would have high score in dictionary test and vice versa. Hence it comes to a conclusion means is that the two data cannot interchangeably represent one another as they are found to be different. Dictionary test scores showed that there is a positive correlation however the correlations is weak, with only 4.24% of the variance in Semester one GPA can be associated with the variance in Dictionary ability test result. However, when looking at the perception of the respondents in their dictionary ability it resulted in no or negligible correlations between GPA. The result is that 1.02% of the variance in Semester one GPA can be associated with the variance in Dictionary ability. Even though the two data are supposed to represent the variable of dictionary ability it resulted in two different findings, with one having a positive correlations and the other does not. This makes sense as mentioned earlier, the two data are found to have no relation to one another. Given that dictionary test scores still have positive correlations, to have better understanding of the results, a regression analysis was carried out. It reveals that the weak positive correlations also reflect on the predictive ability of test scores on GPA. The regression analysis resulted with test scores as a statistically significant predictor GPA. However, test scores only explained 4.2% of the variance semester one GPA. What this means is that even though the findings lead to dictionary scores being a positive predictor, it can be argued that it is too small to have any meaningful impact. The early assumption of this research is that students are equipped with good dictionary abilities can aid them in their studies of other subjects and thus attain better academic achievements. However, it has been proven false as the findings leads to the conclusion that even when a sample has high or even low abilities it provides little to no impact towards their academic achievements. Relationship between GPA and Dictionary Use. In this study’s literature review, strong evidence showed that time spent on foreign language study strongly reinforces the core subject areas of reading [27, 28, 29, 30, 41]. Even when comparing to studies that emphasized on vocabulary acquisition [33], they found that “academic ability and vocabulary knowledge are good predictors of overall academic performance”. They also found that the weaker the student’s vocabulary knowledge the poorer their overall academic performance. Vocabulary acquisition has 35 been proven to improve academic achievements. The use of a dictionary acts as tool for vocabulary acquisition thus the use of dictionaries should likely results in a positive correlation with GPA. However this study found the opposite to what have been the typical results in other study. This study found that there was no or negligible positive correlation between Semester one GPA and Dictionary use result. Only 0.152% of the variance in Semester one GPA can be associated with the variance in dictionary use. It leads to the conclusion that aside from the benefits it brings to language learning, words acquisitions derived from dictionary use has little effect to academic achievements. It is important to note, however, that this study is not a replication of other studies. It tries to look at the gap of knowledge barely touched by other studies; the correlations between dictionary use and abilities with academic achievements. Implication of the Study Countless studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between language leaning and cognitive development and there are also a plethora of studies that also noted positive correlations between dictionary use and language learning, however there are not enough studies that tries to look at the correlations between dictionary use and ability with cognitive development. According to Krashen’s theory [11], dictionary use and abilities among the target samples should correspond with their GPA. Krashen [11] pointed out that with vocabulary knowledge and acquisition it would allow comprehensible input, hence playing a role as the foundation of language learning. This theory is further supported by Cohen [9], which Second language acquisition deals with the cognitive strategy of the mind in which it usually involves the identification, retention, storage or retrieval of words, phrases and other elements of the second language. Finally the use of dictionaries should also allow the students to attain better academic achievements as it helps them to understand the content of their lessons better. As stated, “the second component to the element of Input hypothesis is translation. It is the key concept of making words comprehensible”[12]. However, the findings of this study resulted in no correlations between dictionary use and GPA and the same results when comparing Dictionary Abilities with GPA. Even when a positive correlation was found between Dictionary Test scores and GPA, the relationships and the predictability of the variables is too small and can be argued to be negligible. The question to be answered now; does the results of this study violates the theories proposed by Krashen and others. The answer is no. The result of this study tried to look at the gap of research that has been looked over by past researches. This study focused on dictionary use and abilities and their relationship with academic achievements. Even if there is no correlation it only means that dictionaries do not have an effect on GPA. It is important to keep in mind activity for vocabulary acquisition can be accomplished in a plethora of ways other than the use of dictionaries; contextualized guessing, communicative activities, writing activities and a lot more can contribute to vocabulary acquisition. Hence the implications of this study can only be used in relations of dictionary use and abilities towards academic achievements. It should not be used as a reference to determine language acquisition with academic achievements. Recommendations for Future Research This study was done based on the assumptions and results of other researches and theories; in that there is a positive correlation between language learning with dictionary use and language learning with academic achievements. Hence this study did not take into considerations target samples relationships between dictionary use and ability with language abilities as this type of research has been conducted many times. With that in mind, further research into the target sample’s language abilities as well as their learning activities may provide a better picture on the results of this study. As stated before dictionaries is only one tool out many; in ways the target samples use and acquire second language vocabularies. Speaking, listening, contextualized guessing, role plays and many more may provide better positive correlations with language learning and maybe results into strong positive correlations with academic achievements. 36 References: [1] D. Crystal: English as a Global Language. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. (2003). [2] Normazidah, Koo Yew Lie, A. Hazita: Exploring English Language Learning and Teaching in Malaysia. Gema Online Journal of Language Studies. Vol. 12. 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Papan lembut merupakan gentian kayu yang dicantumkan bersama pengikat untuk dijadikan kepingan yang besar dalam industri pembinaan. Kekurangan bahan mentah dan kos yang tinggi memberikan masalah kepada negara kerana tanpa kawalan sumber kayu akan mengalami kepupusan. Kajian terhadap sampel papan lembut batang pinang merupakan satu alternatif baru untuk menggantikan papan lembut biasa yang terdapat di pasaran. Ujian makmal yang dijalankan ke atas sampel yang dihasilkan adalah ujian resapan air, ujian tegangan dan ujian lenturan. Ujianujian ini memberi keputusan bagi kekuatan diantara papan lembut biasa dengan papan lembut batang pinang dengan menggunakan sampel yang disediakan mengikut nisbah fiber dan resin iaitu sampel 1 (1:1), sampel 2 (3:4) dan sampel 3 (3:5). Ujian ini dijalankan adalah berdasarkan piawaian ASTM D790, D3039, D570, D2842 dan D5229. Hasil yang diperolehi menunjukkan sampel 1 mempunyai kadar resapan air yang sangat rendah. Manakala sampel 2 tinggi kadar lenturannya manakala ujian yang terakhir menunjukkan kadar tegangan yang dimiliki oleh sampel 3 adalah paling berkesan. Keputusan ini diperolehi dengan membandingkan sampel papan lembut biasa dengan sampel papan lembut batang pinang yang berbeza-beza nisbahnya. Kata Kunci: Papan lembut, Batang Pinang, Ujian Resapan Air, Ujian Tegangan, Ujian Lenturan Pengenalan Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara pengeksport kayu yang terkenal di dunia. Banyak jenis kayu tempatan yang bermutu tinggi baik untuk bahan binaan mahupun bahan untuk membuat perabut dan kegunaan lain. Kayu merupakan sejenis bahan yang berguna untuk di jadikan venir,papan lembut, papan lapis dan papan gentian. Selain daripada itu, kayu juga digunakan untuk menghasilkan kertas dan sebagai bahan mentah dalam penghasilan alkohol kayu, arang, turpetin dan lain-lain juga [1]. Statistik pada setiap tahun bagi permintaan kayu sememangnya semakin meningkat. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini kaedah bagi mandapatkan penggantian sumber kayu adalah sesuatu yang boleh dipertimbangkan. Kayu adalah sejenis bahan organik yang memiliki beberapa sifat unik yang tidak dimiliki oleh bahan lain. Jadi, penggantian kayu yang hendak difikirkan mestilah mempunyai ciri dan sifat yang hampir sama dengan kayu. Salah satu bahan yang dapat dijadikan alternatif penggantian kayu adalah batang pinang atau atas nama saintifiknya Areca Catechu L [2]. Pada zaman sekarang, masalah kekurangan bahan mentah dan kos yang tinggi dalam pembinaan menyebabkan sesetengah pihak mencari alternatif yang lain untuk menjimatkan kos dan mendapat keuntungan yang lebih. Seperti yang diketahui penggunaan papan lembut dan papan lapis semakin meluas kerana kos dan keselesaan. Namun yang menjadi kebimbangan adalah kerana sumber kayu-kayan negara jika terus digunakan tanpa kawalan pasti akan mengalami 39 kepupusan [3]. Dengan ini penggunaan batang pinang sebagai gantian dalam pembuatan papan lembut biasa merupakan satu alternatif dimana sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu dalam bidang pembinaan seperti permukaan perabut, pintu rata, dinding pembahagi ruang, siling, panel dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan latar belakang pemilihan dan penyataan masalah, maka kajian yang dijalankan mempunyai objektif dalam menghasilkan papan lembut menggunakan batang pinang, mengkaji perbandingan mengenai kadar lenturan, kadar tegangan dan kadar resapan air bagi papan lembut yang sedia ada dengan papan lembut yang menggunakan batang pinang. Sebanyak tiga sampel di hasilkan dengan bancuhan nisbah yang berbeza-beza. Ketebalannya ialah 5.6 mm dan bersaiz 300 mm x 300 mm. Kegunaan papan lembut yang dihasilkan adalah sebagai dinding pembahagi ruang dalam sesebuah bangunan. Papan lembut diperbuat daripada gentian kayu yang dicantumkan bersama pengikat dijadikan kepingan besar yang sesuai digunakan untuk pembinaan. Papan lembut mempunyai tebal di antara 12 mm hingga 24 mm dan panjangnya di antara 1800 mm hingga 3600 mm. Papan lembut bersifat lembut dan mampu menyerap bunyi dan digunakan untuk membina siling, dinding dan papan kenyataan. Papan lembut adalah berketumpatan rendah daripada papan gentian dengan pengaliran haba kira-kira 0.055 W / mK [4][5]. Batang pinang merupakan bahan utama dalam penyelidikan ini. Ianya merupakan batang yang datang dari pokok pinang yang juga dikenali sebagai Areca Catechu L. Pokok pinang merupakan tumbuhan dari kelas monokitil yang juga daripada keluarga Arecaceae atau Palmae [6]. Kandungan kimia bagi batang pinang telah diteliti dan ia menunjukkan terdapatnya kandungan alkaloid, tannin, kanji, resin, karbohidrat, proantosianidian dan arekolin [7]. Batang pokok pinang dapat mencapai tinggi 15 meter sehingga 20 meter tinggi. Batang pokok pinang merupakan jenis tegak lurus berdiameter 15 cm. Pembentukan batang baru terjadi setelah berumur 2 tahun dan bergantung kepada keadaan tanah [8]. Resin adalah sejenis polister dalam erti lain namanya sebagai NORSODYNE 2805 A. Resin polister tidak tepu yang terbentuk oleh tindakbalas asid asas organik dan alkohol polihidrik. Resin polister digunakan dalam sebatian pengacuan lembaran, sebahagian besar membentuk sebatian dan toner pencetak laser. Penggunaan polister tak tepu dan aditif seperti stirena merendahkan kelikatan resin. Damar pada mulanya berbentuk cecair dan bertukar kepada pepejal [9]. Ciri-ciri bagi resin polister adalah bahan ini mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi seratus peratus pepejal. Ini bergantung kepada berapa cepat tindakbalas berlaku. Kelebihan bagi resin polister adalah komponennya berada dalam satu bekas, tahan lama, murah dan bahan baik pada konkrit dan kayu [10]. Metodologi Bagi menyempurnakan kajian yang dibuat, penyediaan bahan merupakan perkara penting bagi memastikan kajian dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Bagi menyiapkan produk ini, bahan yang berkualiti dan mencukupi adalah perkara utama yang dititikberatkan. Bahan tersebut adalah batang pinang dan resin NORSODYNE 2805 A. Terdapat tiga ujian yang dilakukan terhadap papan lembut yang dihasilkan iaitu ujian resapan air, ujian tegangan dan ujian lenturan. Kesemua ujian ini dilakukan setelah papan lembut tersebut siap dibuat. Carta alir Rajah 1 menggambarkan secara keseluruhan proses kajian yang dilakukan. 40 Mula Penyediaan batang pinang Hasilkan serbuk daripada batang pinang Proses Ujian Jeltime Penyediaan sampel mengikut nisbah Ujian Resapan Air Ujian Tegangan Ujian Lenturan Analisis data Tamat Rajah 1. Carta alir proses kajian Proses Penyediaan Batang Pinang Tinjauan ke atas pokok pinang dilakukan. Setelah mengenalpasti pokok pinang yang berbatang agak keras pokok tersebut di tebang dan 90% daripada kulitnya dibuang. Kemudian batang pinang ini di belah menjadi bilah berdiameter 2 cm dan sepanjang 15 cm. Alatan yang digunakan semasa fasa ini ialah parang, kapak, kayu pengalas dan pisau peraut. Batang pinang ini kemudiannya dijemur di bawah sinaran matahari selama seminggu untuk tujuan pengeringan. Proses Menghasilkan Serbuk Batang Pinang Batang pinang ini hendaklah dijadikan di dalam bentuk serbuk terlebih dahulu. Kombinasi batang pinang yang berbentuk serat dengan gam adalah lebih baik daripada kombinasi batang pinang yang besar. Serat batang pinang yang di hasilkan ini bersaiz yang lebih kurang sama iaitu 0.01mm. Mesin penghancur merupakan alatan yang digunakan pada fasa ini. Saiz yang dihasilkan di bawah seliaan mesin, maka saiz yang dihasilkan adalah lebih seragam. Rajah 2. Proses penyediaan dan pengeringan batang pinang 41 Proses Ujian Jeltime Ujian ini dilakukan sebelum membuat papan lembut yang sebenar. Ujian ini dilakukan untuk menguji tindakbalas di antara NORSODYNE2805 A(resin) dengan BUTANOX M-50 (sejenis bahan kimia). Antara bahan yang digunakan adalah alat penimbang elektronik (UWE), cawan kertas, batang aiskrim, NORSODYNE 2805 A (resin) dan BUTANOX M-50 (sejenis bahan pengawet). Proses Penyediaan Sampel Sebenar Tujuan sampel ini disediakan adalah untuk menyediakan nisbah yang sesuai untuk menjalankan ujikaji yang ingin dijalankan bagi menentukan perbezaan diantara papan lembut batang pinang dengan papan lembut biasa. Antara bahan yang diperlukan semasa ujikaji ini adalah alat penimbang elektronik (UWE), gayung, resin (NORSODYNE 2805 A), fiber batang pinang dan acuan papan lembut berbentuk segi empat tepat. Nisbah yang ditetapkan diantara fiber dan resin adalah 1:1 , 3:4 dan 3:5. Jadual 1 menunjukkan nisbah sampel papan lapis batang pinang yang telah dihasilkan. Jadual 1. Nisbah sampel papan lapis batang pinang Sampel Bahan Nisbah bancuhan Resin 350 Sampel Pertama Fiber 350 Sampel Kedua Resin Fiber Resin 300 400 300 Sampel Ketiga Fiber 500 Ujian Kadar Resapan Air Ujian kadar resapan air dilakukan bagi mendapatkan kadar keupayaan papan lembut untuk menyerap air. Kaedah yang dilakukan ialah sampel papan lembut yang telah siap ditimbang dan dicatat beratnya. Seterusnya sampel kemasan tersebut kemudianya direndam ke dalam air selama 24 jam. Setiap sampel kemudianya ditimbang dan data-data tersebut direkodkan. Formula yang digunakan untuk ujian ini adalah [11]: Resapan air = [( w1 – w2) / w2 ] x 100% Di mana w1 = berat benda uji setelah direndam air. w2 = berat benda uji kering. 42 Rajah 3. Ujian kadar resapan air. Ujian Tegangan Ujian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin ujian tegangan model INSTRON 5582. Ujian ini merupakan salah satu ujian yang digunakan secara meluas dalam sektor pembinaan. Nisbah yang berbeza memberikan nilai kekuatan yang berbeza. Papan lembut yang berukuran 250 mm x 25 mm dibuat hanya bertujuan untuk menjalankan ujian tegangan ini. Papan lembut tersebut diuji mengikut piawai yang telah ditetapkan iaitu piawai ASTM D3039 Rajah 4. Ujian tegangan. Ujian Lenturan Ujian lenturan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin yang sama iaitu mesin model INSTRON 5582 tetapi hanya perlu melakukan sedikit pertukaran atau perubahan pada alat yang digunakan oleh mesin tersebut. Bagi menjalankan ujian ini nisbah yang berbeza juga diperlukan untuk mendapatkan nisbah yang baik dan papan lembut yang terbaik. Papan lembut yang berukuran 80 mm x 25 mm dibuat hanya untuk tujuan ujian lenturan ini sahaja. Papan lembut tersebut seterusnya diuji mengikut piawai yang telah ditetapkan iaitu piawai ASTM D790. 43 Rajah 5. Ujian lenturan. Keputusan Dan Analisis Data Dalam ujian yang dijalankan, 3 sampel yang berbeza nisbahnya iaitu sampel papan lembut yang mengunakan batang pinang sebagai perbandingan dengan papan lembut yang berada di pasaran, saiz bagi kesemua sampel adalah sama iaitu 300 mm x 300 mm x 5.6 mm dan nisbah yang ditentukan ialah 3:4, 1:1 serta 3:5 seperti Jadual 2. Jadual 2. Sampel papan lembut yang dihasilkan Sampel Saiz Nisbah Bentuk Sampel 1 Sampel 2 Sampel 3 300mm x 300mm x 5.6mm 300mm x 300mm x 5.6mm 300mm x 300mm x 5.6mm 1:1 3:4 3:5 Segi empat Segi empat Segi empat Jadual 3 menerangkan nilai – nilai peratus kadar resapan bagi papan lembut batang pinang dan papan lembut biasa yang diperolehi selama 48 jam. Ia menunjukkan purata kadar resapan bagi batang pinang adalah sama setelah diuji, manakala papan lembut biasa kadar yang diperolehi adalah tinggi kadar resapannya. Jadual ini menunjukkan kadar resapan terendah adalah bagi sampel 1 iaitu 0.0005 ml. Jadual 3. Data ujian resapan bagi papan lembut batang pinang dengan papan lembut biasa Sampel Berat sebelum direndam (kg) Berat selepas direndam(kg) Kadar resapan (ml) Sampel biasa 0.004 0.0090 0.0050 Sampel 1 0.005 0.0055 0.0005 Sampel 2 0.005 0.0065 0.0015 Sampel 3 0.005 0.0070 0.0020 Jadual 4 menunjukkan keputusan peratusan kadar resapan air terhadap papan lembut batang pinang pada setiap sampel yang telah diuji daripada hasil rendaman selama 48 jam. Hasil daripada keputusan yang diperolehi, resapan air yang berlaku ke atas sampel selepas direndamkan selama 48 jam dan dikeringkan selama 7 hari, kadar resapan yang berlaku pada papan lembut biasa tinggi manakala papan lembut batang pinang kadar resapan air rendah. 44 Jadual 4. Keputusan ujian kadar resapan air. Sampel Kadar resapan (ml) Kadar resapan (%) Sample biasa Sampel 1 Sampel 2 Sampel 3 0.0050 0.0005 0.0015 0.0020 125 10 30 40 Jadual 5 menunjukkan nilai kekuatan lenturan bagi sampel papan lembut biasa dan papan lembut mengunakan batang pinang. Beban yang dikenakan ke atas semua sampel adalah 10 tan. Keputusan yang diperolehi menunjukkan purata nilai bacaan kadar beban atau lenturan pada jenis sampel yang berlainan bagi papan lembut batang pinang pada sampel 1, 2 dan 3 adalah 221.59, 272.37 serta 280.59, manakala purata kadar lenturan pada papan lembut biasa adalah 64.28. Ini menunjukkan papan lembut batang pinang boleh melentur dengan baik seperti tidak mudah patah atau merekah berbanding papan lembut biasa yang cepat patah ketika beban dikenakan. Jadual 5. Keputusan ujian lenturan JENIS SAMPEL Sampel biasa Sampel 1 Sampel 2 Sampel 3 TAKAT BEBAN (N) 64.28 221.59 272.37 280.59 Jadual 6 menunjukkan nilai kekuatan tegangan bagi sampel papan lembut biasa dan papan lembut mengunakan batang pinang. Terikan yang dikenakan ke atas semua sampel dan menunjukkan kadar tegangan papan lembut biasa berbeza dengan papan lembut menggunakan batang pinang. Keputusan yang diperolehi menunjukkan ketiga- tiga papan lembut batang pinang mempunyai kekuatan terikan tinggi berbanding papan lembut biasa iaitu 2.45, 2.54 dan 2.56. Jadual 6. Keputusan ujian tegangan Jenis Sampel Sampel Biasa Beban (KN) 0.15 Sampel 1 2.45 Sampel 2 Sampel 3 2.54 2.56 Kesimpulan Ketiga-tiga ujian yang dijalankan adalah berdasarkan piawaian ASTM D790, D3039, D570, D2842 dan D5229 [12][13][14]. Hasil daripada ujian kadar resapan air yang telah dijalankan terhadap kemasan yang dihasilkan serta papan lembut yang berada di pasaran, kadar resapan bagi papan lembut biasa yang berada dipasaran ialah 0.0050 ml pada hari pertama dan juga hari kedua,untuk sampel papan lembut batang pinang bagi sampel nisbah yang pertama adalah 0.0005 ml pada hari pertama dan kedua. Manakala sampel nisbah yang kedua pula ialah 0.0015 ml pada hari pertama dan kedua dan bagi sampel nisbah yang terakhir pula sebanyak 0.0015 ml pada hari pertama dan kedua. Melalui data-data yang diambil, secara kesimpulannya kadar resapan air pada 45 papan lembut batang pinang yang dihasilkan adalah kurang dari papan lembut biasa yang ada dipasaran sekarang. Ujian lenturan dijalankan bagi mengetahui tahap ketahanlasakan yang terkandung di dalam sampel yang dihasilkan. Melalui ujian lenturan yang telah dijalankan terhadap papan lembut yang dihasilkan serta papan lembut yang berada dipasaran, lenturan bagi papan lembut yang sediada di pasaran ialah 64.28N manakala sampel nisbah yang pertama ialah 221.59N untuk sampel nisbah yang kedua ialah 280.59N dan sampel nisbah yang terakhir ialah 272.37N. Ujian tegangan dijalankan bagi mengetahui kekuatan yang terkandung di dalam sampel yang dihasilkan. Melalui ujian tegangan yang telah dijalankan terhadap papan lembut batang pinang yang berada di pasaran, ujian tegangan bagi papan lembut yang dihasilkan ialah 0.15KN bagi papan lembut biasa yang ada dipasaran dan 2.45KN bagi sampel nisbah yang pertama, 2.54 pula adalah untuk sampel nisbah yang kedua dan 2.56KN untuk sampel nisbah yang terakhir. 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American Society for Testing and Materials : ASTM 2001. 46 Study On Visitors Parking Facilities In Kulim Hospital Rosidi Bin Muhamad Nor1,a, Masalinda Binti Mansor2,b, Noor Liza Binti Ramli3,c 1,2,3 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-tech Park,09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. a [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. Parking facility is parts of business support in facilities management. It plays a major role in providing comforts and security in hospital. This study was conducted to find the need of parking in Hospital Kulim compound. Based on the standard specification by JKR, the number of visitor parking available are 116 spaces. It is comply with the JKR standard but not the actual visitor needs. It is cause by the increasing number of outpatient and other visitor. The numbers of parking needed are based on average 4 month observation. After the observation was carried out, it is found that an average of 175 parking spaces is needed each hour. Based on this calculation, it represents the actual scenario of Hospital Kulim visitor’s parking area. Waiting time and illegal parking cause discomfort for the visitor. As conclusion, the numbers of parking provided by Hospital Kulim are insufficient with the visitors needs. Keywords: Parking, facilities, space management, providing comfort Introduction Hospital Kulim was inaugurated in 14.7.1990 by Dato' Sri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. This is the first hospital build based on nucleus. The cost of this hospital is RM90 million. It can accommodate 314 bed, and can be increase up to 500 bed based on the current need. Medical services are an essential aspect of our lives. Thus, hospital created to meet the community needs and solving various problems related to health. Facilities are not limited to the physical facilities only, but it also involves the aspects of services. If the qualities of facilities services are not satisfactory, the visitor’s satisfaction couldn’t be achieved. This will affect the quality and productivity of life [4]. One of the facilities provided for hospital visitors is parking facilities. Parking lots exert a powerful undertow on local economies [9]. Due to rapid increase in the number of vehicles, the need for parking is on rise [8]. Parking provided are based on the demand of car user which are increasing every year. The development of transportation in Malaysia indirectly has increase the problem of insufficient parking space. There are double increments of private vehicle [7]. There are relations between society mobility’s and accessibility to facilities [1]. Parking around the hospital is restricted [16]. Parking policies at hospitals for patients, visitors and workers is a hotly debated issue, but has received little or no attention in the (health) economic literature [5]. The difficulties of finding parking space, especially during peak hours, which is afternoon and evening has cause inconvenient for visitors [10]. The driver has to park in that particular allocated slot without searching for a vacant space thus reducing the time for parking and making an efficient use of available space [8]. The attitude of visitors who doesn’t obey the rules cause problem for others to goes in and out from the hospitals compound. This problem has occurred in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang (HTAR) [10]. 47 Objectives With increasing number of automobiles in recent days and lack of free parking space, especially in metros, the need for developing an automated car parking system which makes efficient use of space and avoids traffic congestion arises [8]. Based on this problem, the main objectives of this study are:1. To determine the number of parking space available with the total number of parking space needed. 2. Identify the number of parking needed 3. To determine whether the parking provided is sufficient with the parking space needed Scope of study Hospital Kulim Hi-Tech has been selected as the case study. This selection is based on the informal observation and past experience in finding parking space. Literature Hospital parking policies for patients, visitors and workers is a hotly debated issue [13]. Development planning need to be undergo thoroughly. This is important to ensure the comfort for people during heavy traffic. A future planning should be carried out to cater for the population increment [6]. Parking space can be defined as a space where an automobile can be parked [11]. It is a planned space, provided to park vehicles. The development of our country has affected the growth of transportation population. The direct impact of this increment is the increasing of parking demand, especially in the urban area. (J.P.B.D Pahang online). The issue of parking is taken for granted, until you’re circling the entire block for an elusive space. Even for transportation professionals and urban planners, parking tends to be little more than an afterthought. Duration process of parking activities has to be limit. Is certain location, roadside parking may be allowed, but not in the pick hour. One of the disadvantages of parking based on time is the budget and enforcement. These disadvantages can be overcome by using parking meter [2]. The purpose of parking density research being carried out is not only to determine where the vehicle is parked, but it’s involves the number of vehicles parked at any location (on and off road parking). The information regarding the number of vehicles parked in and outside the hospital is recorded in the questionnaire [12]. The supply of parking space is based on the number of space provided in the selected area. The parking demand is based on the desire to park the car to destination route. The study of supply and demand for consumption is often associated with desire to park the car close to destination, but it is constrain with the limited existing space. Off road parking location are either on the road surface or in the garage. The choice of the parking space design for off road parking depends on the land value and the frequency of facilities usage. The land value is very high, especially in the urban area. This is where the multi storey parking space is constructed. During development period, planning of parking allocation is important. The study of parking allocation are based on the regulation, traffic and forecasting the need of parking in the long and short term. The vehicles parked in the parking area gave significant impact on the environment in the surrounding area. Noise and smoke produced from vehicle in the parking area. It is become source of discomfort to visitors, staff and patients. During design period, overall building layout design is related to the aesthetic value. Unfortunately the effect of parking design does not consider the aesthetic of surrounding environment. Most of new parking proposals are not considering the aesthetic and environmental value [16]. In order to reduce the parking problem, public transportation is strongly suggested; unfortunately most of public transportation is not efficient. This is because their services are not effective in term of schedule, route, quality, comfortable, inadequate and sometimes dirty. The unappropriate location leads to unpopular use of public transportation. The risk of caught in a traffic jam, especially in peak hours has lower the interest of people to use the public transport [3]. 48 JKR standard for parking has been developed as a guideline. It is a guide, to calculate a minimum parking space requirement for buildings, houses etc. As for our study, which is parking facilities for hospital, according to JKR standard for parking, the car park was built according to the specifications laid down construction method of the car compartment ¼ patient beds, an additional 1 car compartment / 1 doctors and other professional staff, additional 1 car compartment / 3 employees, plus 20% of motorcycle compartments and space lay-bay for taxi.. Methodologi This research is carried out using qualitative and quantitative method. Qualitative method is carried out by using observations, and interviews. As for quantitative method, questionnaires will be distributed. This method is carried out to acknowledge the efficiency of parking provided in Kulim Hospital. This area is small and congestion due to drivers who is driving slowly to find a parking spot at certain time. Observation is carried out by visiting the case study location. It is to achieve the objectives of the research study. The observation is to determine the number of vehicles in the hospital area. This observation is carried out based on selected time frame. Questionnaire needed to collect related data, such as types of vehicle, destination, duration of parking and range of walking distance from the parking space to destination. Sampling is carried out by distributing questionnaire to the respondent [10]. Interview is carried out by interviewing the respondent in the parking area. It is carried out when the vehicle reach or leaving the parking space. The number of respondent determine after the interview conducted. Visitor and staff are among the selected candidate for the interview. Data analysis Based on the research, data is gain from Thursday to Monday, in 4 month starting from November 2012. Observation data started at 8.00 am and 6.00 pm. The study area is focusing on visitor parking area (refer table 2). Table 2. Observation Date Observation Date 28/11/12 39/11/12 3/12/12 13/12/12 10/1/13 11/1/13 17/2/13 18/2/13 Month November December January February 30/12/12 15/12/12 12/1/13 19/2/13 Data collection Based on the observation, the vehicle entrance on January are the highest compare to the rest of the month, which is 6699. In November the vehicle entrance is only 2469. This shows that the number of vehicle entrance is not consistently high every month. Vehicle Entrance 7000 6000 5000 4000 Vehicle Entrance 3000 2000 1000 0 November December January February Figure 1. Vehicle Entrance 49 The observation for vehicle exit of Kulim Hospital shows similarity with the entrance. January observation shows vehicle exit, 5976 numbers. The number or exit vehicle, are parallel with number of entrance for each observation session (refer Graph 2). Vehicle Exit 5976 6000 4930 5000 4187 4000 3000 Vehicle Exit 1955 2000 1000 0 November December January February Figure 2. Vehicle Exit Result Based on the findings, it is found that the parking provided is not enough for the visitor needs. This is obvious during peak hour such as visiting hour. In order to answer the first objective, observation and calculation based on JKR standard has been carried out. The total Number of 314 unit bed is available in Hospital Kulim. According to the calculation based on visitor’s bed, the parking space provided should be 79 units. Based on observation, Hospital Kulim has the total number of 116 for car and 244 for motorcycle parking. According to the theory, visitor’s parking provided for Hospital Kulim is more than enough, because based on the calculation they should provide only 79 parking spaces instead of 116 parking spaces currently available. Identify the number of parking needed is the second objective. The total numbers of parking space needed are 175 per hour. This calculation made based on the average car entrance for 4 month. The observation was carried out for 3 day, each month. Each days, 10 hours of car entrance observation has been being carried out. Objective 3 is to determine whether the parking provided is sufficient with the parking space needed. Based on the calculation the parking space available are not enough for the visitor needs. The parking provided are 116 spaces, and the overall car entrance are 175 per hour in four month. Unfortunately based on the observation and interview, it is found that most of the time there are not enough parking space especially during peak hour, which is visiting hour. Discussion Transportation is critical to the social, environmental, and economic health of every metropolitan rea, decisions to change this system must be considered with knowledge of the likely impacts of proposed actions and the consequences if no decision is made [14]. Based on research done, it is concluding that the parking demands are not in line with parking supply. As a result, visitors were facing with difficulties to find a parking spot, during peak hour. They have to wait for a parking spot. This will cause congestion and wasting visitor’s valuable time. Multi storey car park is one of the alternative parking for high market value area. Multi storey car park with a large capacity, designed to accommodate the optimum number of vehicles between 500 and 750 vehicles [15]. The operations of multi storey parking are by machine, parking attendant or the combine of both. Lack of parking is often associated with increased use of private vehicles. Carpooling will reduce congestion and parking place while reducing air pollution and noise terms. Employees or consumers who are heading to the same destination can share a vehicle to avoid the occurrence of inadequate parking 50 Conclusion In general, study for the lack of parking area is due to the excessive number of vehicles. The study of parking facilities at the hospital is based on number of patients’ bed and the total number of parking lots. Number of vehicle entering and exit will increase in certain days, which is Sunday and Monday, where the outpatient will come for their check-up with the physician. Some of the patient parks their car for days, since they went to the hospital themselves during hospital admission. At the same time the visitor for other admitted patient will also compete for parking. This is causing problem such as blocking other’s car, parking in unauthorized area and waiting for hour, to park their car. The overall phenomena shows that the parking provided are insufficient with the visitor’s need. Referances [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] Abd Rahim Md. Nor,”Impak Pengangkutan Terhadap Kualiti Amal Sekitar Bandar: Mitigasi Melalui Penggunaan Pengangkutan Awam”, dalam Jamaluddin Md. Jahi, Mohd Jailani Mohd Nor, Kadir Arifin & Mohd Rizal Razman. 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Applied Science Publishers (1972), J Siffleet, A Munns, L Shields” Costs of Meals and Parking for Parents of Hospitalised Children in an Australian Paediatric Hospital”. Neonatal, Paediatric & Child Health Nursing, (2010), Vol. 13, No. 3 51 Hubungan Keupayaan Menyelesaikan Ungkapan Algebra Dengan Keputusan Matematik SPM : Satu Tinjauan Terhadap Pelajar Semester Satu Diploma Kejuruteraan di Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah Fatim Fauziani binti Hussin1,a dan Syajaratul Dur binti Ramli2,b 1,2 Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim Hi-Tech Park,09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia a [email protected], [email protected] Abstrak. Keupayaan menyelesaikan ungkapan algebra merupakan kemahiran asas yang amat penting dalam kursus matematik bermula diperingkat sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan keupayaan menyelesaikan ungkapan algebra dengan keputusan matematik SPM bagi pelajar semester satu Diploma Kejuruteraan di Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah (PTSB). Peserta kajian terdiri daripada 550 orang pelajar dari sesi Jun 2012. Ujian Diagnostik Ungkapan Algebra (UDUA) telah dijalankan ke atas peserta kajian dan data dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tiada hubungan dua hala di antara pelajar yang lemah di dalam SPM akan lemah di dalam UDUA yang dijalankan. Hanya 25.7% sahaja pelajar yang lemah SPM turut lemah di dalam UDUA. Kajian ini telah mencadangkan supaya pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PnP) diberi transformasi inovasi yang berterusan dan pelbagai disamping mengadakan bengkel pengukuhan di peringkat jabatan. Disamping itu pengkaji juga menyarankan agar faktor minat pelajar, teknik belajar perlu dikaji untuk melihat keupayaan pelajar menyelesaikan ungkapan algebra. Kata kunci: Pencapaian Pelajar, Matematik SPM, Pembelajaran, Ungkapan Algebra, UDUA. Pengenalan Pembelajaran matematik merupakan elemen yang menjadi faktor penting di peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). Matematik menjadi salah satu matapelajaran teras yang perlu dipelajari di dalam Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah (KBSM) [1]. Secara umumnya kandungan matematik KBSM merangkumi pengetahuan dan kemahiran daripada tiga bidang yang saling berkait iaitu nombor, bentuk dan ruang dan perkaitan. Berdasarkan sukatan pelajaran matematik KBSM, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik menegaskan pemahaman konsep dan penguasaan kemahiran dalam ketiga-tiga bidang tersebut. Ini bermakna pelajar perlu menguasai sesuatu tajuk dalam matematik sebelum mempelajari tajuk seterusnya supaya dapat menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah matematik dalam pelbagai situasi [2]. Dalam laporan analisis yang dibuat oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, prestasi matematik SPM 2011 menunjukkan bahawa masih terdapat segolongan besar pelajar yang belum dapat menguasai konsep dan kemahiran asas matematik [3]. Manakala merujuk [4], menyatakan pelajar-pelajar tingkatan empat dan lima lemah dalam kemahiran asas matematik yang menyebabkan mereka tidak berjaya dalam matematik moden dan matematik tambahan. Pembangunan politeknik-politeknik di Malaysia bermula dari aspirasi negara ke arah menjadi sebuah negara perindustrian dan seterusnya meningkatkan daya saing dalam pasaran ekonomi dunia. Program yang ditawarkan di politeknik merangkumi bidang teknikal, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan sememangnya memerlukan pelajar yang mempunyai pengetahuan matematik yang secukupnya. Pengetahuan asas yang kuat dalam bidang matematik adalah penting dalam masyarakat kita yang menuju ke arah sebuah negara maju yang berteraskan sains dan teknologi 52 [5]. Untuk mencapat matlamat ini, pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah menetapkan syarat minimum kemasukan ke politeknik peringkat Diploma Kejuruteraan adalah dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya lulus iaitu gred C di peringkat SPM. Di PTSB kursus Matematik Kejuruteraan 1 merupakan kursus teras yang wajib diambil dan lulus oleh semua pelajar semester satu Diploma Kejuruteraan. Ini adalah kerana kursus ini merupakan pra syarat kepada kursus Matematik Kejuruteraan di peringkat seterusnya. Secara keseluruhannya kandungan kurikulum kursus ini banyak melibatkan konsep algebra. Antaranya adalah asas algebra, bentuk piawai, indeks dan logaritma, pengukuran dan geometri, geometri koordinat dan graf serta trigonometri. Statistik keputusan pencapaian pelajar semester satu Diploma Kejuruteraan di PTSB pada sesi Disember 2011 menunjukkan bahawa 54 % pelajar lemah di dalam algebra. Keputusan ini berdasarkan kepada analisis data yang diperolehi daripada Unit Peperiksaan PTSB. UDUA adalah ujian untuk menentukan penguasaan topik ungkapan algebra secara menyeluruh kepada pelajar. Ujian ini merangkumi kembangan ungkapan algebra bagi hasil darab suatu ungkapan dengan suatu sebutan, kembangan ungkapan algebra bagi hasil darab dua ungkapan, menukar ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab satu sebutan dengan satu ungkapan, menukar ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab satu sebutan dengan dua ungkapan dan menukar ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi tiga sebutan kepada hasil darab dua ungkapan, Namun begitu melihat kepada kemerosotan penguasaan pelajar di dalam kursus Matematik Kejuruteraan ini, mendorong pengkaji untuk menjalankan kajian ini. Melalui kajian ini, pengkaji ingin melihat hubungkait di antara keputusan SPM yang diperolehi dengan keputusan UDUA yang telah dijalankan kepada pelajar semester satu di PTSB. A+ A A- Cemerlang B+ B Baik C+ C Lemah SPM A B C UDUA Rajah 1: Hubungan gred pencapaian SPM dengan UDUA Rajah 1 menjelaskan tentang hubungkait yang sedang dijalankan oleh pengkaji. Anggapan awal pengkaji berpendapat bahawa pelajar yang memperolehi keputusan cemerlang dalam matapelajaran matematik SPM tidak menghadapi masalah untuk menjawab soalan UDUA yang dikemukakan. 53 Secara tidak langsung, ini menunjukkan bahawa keputusan SPM berkait rapat dengan keputusan UDUA yang diperolehi. Ini adalah kerana peperiksaan SPM merupakan satu sistem pentaksiran pendidikan yang mantap dan telah mendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa. SPM UDUA Rajah 2. Hubungan dua hala antara SPM dan UDUA Metodologi Kajian Kajian yang dijalankan melibatkan proses pengumpulan dan penganalisaan data berbentuk kuantitatif melalui satu set UDUA yang mengandungi 20 item berbentuk subjektif. UDUA ini telah diadaptasi daripada kajian Keupayaan Menyelesaikan Ungkapan Algebra, Diges PKK Edisi 1. Soalan berbentuk subjektif akan dapat memberi peluang kepada peserta kajian dalam menyumbangkan sebarang bentuk jawapan yang difikirkan sesuai [6], manakala tempoh yang diperuntukkan untuk menjawab soalan adalah selama 30 minit. Berdasarkan kepada [7], ujian diagnostik dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti keupayaan pelajar dalam menyelesaikan ungkapan algebra. Peserta kajian ini terdiri daripada 550 orang pelajar Diploma Kejuruteraan, iaitu melibatkan keseluruhan pelajar semester satu dari Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di PTSB. Dapatan Kajian Berdasarkan kepada Jadual 1, keputusan pencapaian pelajar di dalam SPM dan UDUA dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori iaitu cemerlang, sederhana dan lemah. Kategori cemerlang adalah bagi pelajar yang mendapat gred A di peringkat SPM dan UDUA, kategori sederhana adalah untuk pelajar yang mendapat gred B , manakala kategori lemah adalah untuk pelajar yang mendapat gred C bagi keputusan SPM dan UDUA yang diperolehi. Jadual 1. Jumlah pelajar mengikut tahap pencapaian matematik SPM terhadap UDUA UDUA SPM Cemerlang Sederhana Lemah Cemerlang(A) 108 35 5 Sederhana(B) 98 78 16 Lemah(C) 75 81 54 Hasil daripada kajian ini menunjukkan seramai 108 orang pelajar yang cemerlang di peringkat SPM iaitu pelajar yang mendapat gred A di peringkat SPM turut cemerlang di dalam UDUA yang telah di jalankan dan hanya 5 orang pelajar berada di dalam kategori lemah bagi UDUA. Pelajar yang mendapat gred B di dalam SPM turut menyumbang kecemerlangan di dalam UDUA yang telah dijalankan iaitu seramai 98 orang. Namun begitu, hanya sebahagian kecil pelajar yang mendapat gred C di dalam SPM berada di dalam kategori lemah di dalam UDUA iaitu sebanyak 54 orang. Sebahagian besar pelajar yang mendapat gred C di peringkat SPM ini masih dapat menguasai konsep algebra dengan baik. Ini kerana, seramai 75 orang pelajar yang mendapat 54 gred C di peringkat SPM mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam UDUA yang telah dijalankan. Series1, Sederhan a, 23.60%, 24% Series1, Lemah, 3.40%, 3% Series1, Cemerlan g, 73%, 73% Rajah 3. Peratus hubungan kategori cemerlang SPM terhadap UDUA. Rajah 3 menunjukkan peratusan pelajar kategori cemerlang SPM terhadap UDUA. Kajian menunjukkan sebanyak 73% pelajar yang mempunyai kelulusan yang cemerlang di dalam SPM mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam UDUA. Namun begitu, masih terdapat 23.6% pelajar yang berada di dalam kategori ini hanya mendapat keputusan yang sederhana , manakala 3.4% pelajar yang cemerlang SPM ini lemah di dalam UDUA. Berdasarkan Rajah 3 ini, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa pelajar yang cemerlang di peringkat SPM sememangnya akan cemerlang di dalam UDUA yang dijalankan. Pelajar yang bermotivasi dan berkebolehan dapat menyelesaikan masalah matematik dengan baik. Pada kebiasaannya pelajar yang cemerlang sentiasa bermotivasi tinggi dan berminat untuk belajar [8,9]. Ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan dua hala di antara keputusan SPM dan UDUA bagi pelajar yang cemerlang di dalam keputusan matematik SPM. Series1, Lemah, 8.30%, 8% Series1, Sederhan a, 40.60%, 41% Series1, Cemerlan g, 51%, 51% Rajah 4. Peratus hubungan kategori sederhana SPM terhadap UDUA. Berdasarkan Rajah 4 di atas, kajian menunjukkan sebahagian besar pelajar berada di dalam kategori sederhana di peringkat SPM mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam UDUA iaitu sebanyak 51%. Manakala 40.6 % mendapat keputusan yang sederhana dan hanya 8.3 % mendapat keputusan yang lemah. Ini menunjukkan pelajar yang mendapat keputusan yang sederhana di 55 peringkat SPM masih mampu mencapai kecemerlangan di dalam UDUA di PTSB. Pencapaian pelajar yang cemerlang ini berkemungkinan berkait rapat dengan gaya pembelajaran pelajar tersebut semasa berada di PTSB. Ini kerana, gaya pembelajaran pelajar yang positif dan kesediaan pelajar untuk mempelajari matematik dengan lebih mendalam dapat membantu meningkat prestasi pelajar tersebut. Kesediaan pelajar bukan hanya untuk mendapatkan aspek-aspek tertentu di dalam algebra, malah untuk mempelajari teorem dan membuat tugasan matematik secara fokus [8]. Series1, Lemah, 25.70%, 26% Series1, Cemerlan g, 36%, 36% Series1, Sederhan a, 38.60%, 38% Rajah 5. Peratus hubungan kategori lemah SPM terhadap UDUA. Merujuk kepada Rajah 5, kajian menunjukkan tiada hubungkait bagi kategori pelajar yang lemah SPM terhadap UDUA. Ini kerana sebanyak 36% pelajar yang lemah di peringkat SPM masih cemerlang di dalam UDUA, manakala sebanyak 38.6% pelajar masih lagi berupaya memperolehi tahap baik di dalam UDUA, dan hanya 25.7% mendapat keputusan yang lemah. Dapatan data ini menunjukkan, pelajar yang lemah matematik di peringkat SPM tidak semestinya akan lemah di dalam UDUA yang dijalankan di PTSB. Pencapaian pelajar yang berada di dalam kategori ini berkemungkinan dapat ditingkatkan sekiranya pelajar ini diberi motivasi dan di dedahkan dengan gaya pembelajaran yang sesuai di IPT. Selain itu, kaedah mengajar perlulah dipelbagaikan dan diperbaharui dari masa ke semasa mengikut perubahan teknologi yang mana dapat meningkatkan minat pelajar untuk mengikut proses pembelajaran [10]. Kesimpulan Secara umumnya kajian dijalankan untuk melihat hubungan dua hala diantara keputusan SPM dan UDUA yang telah dijalankan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tiada hubungkait di antara pelajar yang lemah dalam SPM akan lemah di dalam UDUA yang telah dijalankan. Kejayaan dalam keputusan peperiksaan SPM tidak menjamin kecemerlangan prestasi pelajar semasa di politeknik. Pelajar perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan kaedah pembelajaran di institut pengajian tinggi. Walaupun kursus Matematik Kejuruteraan 1 yang di ajar di politeknik banyak menekankan kepada penguasaan dan konsep algebra yang telah dipelajari oleh pelajar di peringkat SPM, namun masih lagi terdapat pelajar yang lemah dan tidak dapat menguasai kursus ini. Ini terbukti melalui UDUA yang telah dijalankan, dimana masih terdapat pelajar yang lemah di dalam UDUA walaupun pelajar tersebut berada di kategori cemerlang dan sederhana di peringkat SPM. Sikap ambil mudah dan kurang bersemangat akan mempengaruhi prestasi pembelajaran mereka. 56 Beberapa cadangan dikemukakan bagi membantu meningkatkan prestasi pelajar yang lemah di dalam algebra iaitu; i. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PnP) Terdapat dua faktor utama yang harus diberikan penekanan dalam proses PnP iaitu kaedah mengajar dan belajar. Kaedah mengajar perlulah dipelbagaikan dan diperbaharui dari masa ke semasa mengikut perubahan teknologi. Merujuk kepada [11], lima amalan guru yang menyumbang kepada kebimbangan dalam matematik iaitu penegasan penghafalan, penekanan kelajuan, penekanan membuat kerja rumah sendiri dan tidak banyak kepelbagaian dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Proses pembelajaran pula hendaklah di dalam suasana yang tenang, bersih dan berkesan. ii. Mengadakan bengkel pengukuhan di peringkat jabatan Sebagai pensyarah yang bertanggungjawab terhadap penerangan, pengelolaan dan pelaksanaan kursus matematik, pensyarah hendaklah mengambil inisiatif mengatur program atau bengkel di peringkat jabatan khususnya. Melalui program atau bengkel ini pelajar akan didedahkan dengan pendekatan baru dalam pembelajaran Pengkaji akan datang disarankan agar mengkaji aspek-aspek tambahan sebagai bahan kajian lanjutan dengan melihat hubungan pendekatan pembelajaran dengan teori kecerdasan Gardner (Multiple Intelligent) dengan pencapaian matematik. 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