Winsmith Engineering Service Bulletin
Winsmith Engineering Service Bulletin
Installation, Operation, andLubrication SEENCORE Instructions WORM GEAR SPEED REDUCER I. SELECTION The selectionof the appropriatespeedreducerfor a given applicationrequiresthat allfactorsaffectingthe operationof the reducerbe givencarefulconsideration. Servicefacto.smustbe applied[o catalogratings dependingon the type of primemoverused,the severityof the application,and durationof dailyservice. N4any applicationand St Encoreworm gearspeed reducerselectioncriteriaare discussedin the SE Encore catalogthat is availableat For personalassistance,pleasespeakwith a localWinsmith salesrepresentative whosecontactinformationis also availableon the website. D. Vibrationtendsto loosenfastenersevenif theyare initiallytight.Afterthe firstweekor two of operation, allfastenerswithinthe driveassembly shouldbe retightened. Dowelingthe motorand speedreducerto the baseplatewill helpmaintain alignment. E. Excessive thrustor overhungloadson the input or outputshaftsof a gearreducermaycause premature failuresof the bearingsand/orshafts. gears, pulleysand sprocketsas closeto the l\,4ount housingas possibleto minimizesuchloads.Do not exceedcatalogloads. 2. Mounting Positions il. titsTALLATtOl{ 1, Shaft Alignment and Loading A. Guardagainstunusualstressesand overloadsby accuratelyaligningthe variousdrivemembers (motor,speedreducer,coupling,sprocket,sheave, gear,erc.). B. Flexiblecouplingsare recommended if a prime movershaftis to be directlyconnectedto the input shaftor if the outputshaftis directlyconnectedto the drivenshaft.Note: Flexiblecouplingshavea limitedcapacityfor misalignment. Ensurethat shaft alignmentsare withinthe limitsrecommended by the couplingmanufacturer at installation.Even slightmisalignments in a rigid mountingsystem may bringaboutbinding,largevibrationforces,or excessiveoverhungloading;eachin itself promotinqprematurebear,ng.shaft.or speed reducerfailure.Do not excessively forcecouplings or otherconnectiondevicesonto eitherinputor outputshafts;the resultmay be permanentbearing damage.Ensureall shaftkeysare captiveand securedbeforeoperation. C. A commonbaseplatesupportingthe motorand reducerwill helppreserve the originalalignment betweenthe reducerandthe motorshaft.lf a strLrctural steelbaseis used,the plateshouldbe at leastequal n thicknessto the dlameterof the base platedlasteningbolts.In addition,the structure supportingthe baseplatemustbe suffcientlyrigid that it preventsexcessive flexingdur ng normal operatron, A. Single Reduction Speed Reducers and Helical Gear Ratio Multipliers All SE Encoresinglereductionspeedreducersand all helicalgearratiomutipliersare filledwith lubricantat Winsmithand can be mountedin any of the positlonsidentlfiedin Figure3. Grease frttngs (notshownin F gure3)areusedto lubrcate beanngswhenthe motorspeedis below1160RPNI. PleasereferenceSectionlll of this documeni, "Lubrication& l,4aintenance. for detailsrelatedto v Properlubricatronlevels. B, Double Reduclion Speed Reducers Worm/Wormand HelicalMorm Double Reduction TheSE Encoredoublereductionspeedreducers are designedto be mountedin any of the "Standard"positionsshownin Figure4. These unitsare factoryfilledwith lubricantto a level that is appropriatefor thesestandardmounting positions.Standardmodelshavean oil leve that is commonto both housings.Greasefittings(not shownin Figure4) are usedto lubricaiebearings whenthe motorspeedis below 1160RPNy'. lf an position additionalmounting not shownin Figure4 is required,pleasespeakwith a localWinsmith salesrepresentatlve whosecontactinformationis available on thewebsite, 3. Mounting Considerations It The recommended mountingfor a hollowshaft reducerIncorporates a torquearrn.The recommended mountingof a reducerwith a flange/bracket mounting on a conveyorheadshaftusesa pillowblockor flange bearingon the oppositeside of the conveyorfromthe speedreduceras a supportbearing.This provides threebearingsfor alignmentpurposes_ lt is difficultto maintainand aligna systemwith a rigidlymounted bearingcloseto a rigidlymountedspeedreducer_ lt is extremelyimportantto "customalign"and "custom shim"all componentspriorto tighteningmountingbolts whenusinga rigidmountrng approach. Thisminimizes misalignment that is causedby excessiveloads.Select an appropriatekey whenusinga bushingin the output boreof any hollowoutputshaftspeedreducer. 4. C Face Motor Mounting Procedures A. C FacelQuillMotor Mounting v 3. Determinethe assembledshah clearanceby measuringthe distancefrom the C Faceto the reducershaftend and subtractingthe motor shaftlength.N4ount and securethe motorshaft side of the couplingsuchthat the spider-endof the couplingis locatedone halfof the clearance distancebeyondthe motorshaft.Mountthe redrrcercouplinghalf and couplingspideronto the reducershaftin its approximateposjtion, but do not secure. 4. Locatethe motorconduitbox in the desired positionand securethe motorto the reducer inputadaptorusingthe fastenersprovided. Tightento 200 tbf-in. 5. Usingthe accessholein the inputaclaptor, slidethe couplingtogetherand tightenthe 1. Checkthe motorand reducermountingregisters 5. Speed Reducer Assembly/Disassembty for nicksthat couldinterferewith assembly;remove Instructions if necessary ContactWinsmithor a localsalesrepresentative 2. Removeprotectiveplasticfrom the reducerinput for detailedassembly/disassembly instructions. shaft.The bore has beencoatedwith an anti-seize compound. 6. Sealed vs. Vented Speed Reducel 3. Alignthe motorshaftand key with keywayin bore and slidemotorup inputadaptor. 4. Positionthe motorconduitbox as desired. v on eachshaftto obtainproperengagement. Thefollowingdescribesa methodfor doingthis: 5. Securethe motorto the reducerusingthe suppliedfasteners.Ensurepropermotorseating beforetighteningthe fasteners.lf the mororooes not readilyseat itself,checkfor axialmovement of the motorshaftkey as this can cause interference. Stakingthe keywayadjacentto the motorkey will helppreventaxialmovementof the key duringthe mountingprocedure.Drawdown evenlyon the fastenersto avoidbendingthe motorshaftand tighten[o 200 Jbfin maximum. B. C Face CouplingMotor Mounting 1. Checkthe motorand reducermounting registersfor nicksthat could interferewith assembly.Removeif necessary 2. Whenassemblingthe motorand coupling, the couplinghalvesshouldbe evenlyspaced Operation All SE Encoreseriesspeedreducersare designedto operatesealedor vented. Decidingwhethera speed reducershoujdoperatesealedor ventedrequiresan understanding of the application,the environment, the operationof radialshaftseals,and a reviewof the fundamentals of thermodynamics that governthe temperature and pressurerelationship rnthe speed reducer, Any significantincreasein pressurein a sealedspeed reducerdecreasesthe operationalservicelife of the radial lip seals.A pressurechangeof only S psi may reducethe seallife by as muchas one third.Thereare two importantphenomenathat causean increaseIn the internalpressureof a sealedspeedreducerFirst, the changeof internalpressuae duringoperatjonis proportiona'to the changeof internaltemperature that occursduringnormaloperation.The relationship followsthe combinedgas law expressedas PlV1 / T1= P2V2/T2 Secondly,radiallip sealscan ingestor "pump"air nto a speedreducerregardless of whetherit is operating sealedor vented. Whilethe rateof ingestionis highly variableand dependanton runningtime and speed, undercontinuousoperatingconditionsthe net effect of "purrped air to lhe totalpressJrei'lcreaseis signficant.Venting.or the use of a breathervent. s the onlv absolutemethodof eiiminatno the oressure i,lcreasein a soeedreducercaJsedAy bAl1pllop and thermalexpansion. contarnination causesa greaterreductionrn overall speedreducerservicelifethanthe negatve impact of the internalpressureincrease.The machinebuilder or the endequipment usershoulddetermine whether seaing or ventingthe speedreduceris the bestchoice for a specificapplicationas this decison hasa direct impacton the sealservicelife.A moredetailed discussionof the factorsinfluencing sealwearand seal servicelife follows. In someapplications, the duty cyc e of the speed reduceris ntermittent, the run timesshort,and the temperature rncrease modest.Whilesealngthe reducer du'i19 operaro1 sLbsaqLe'ltlyrrc'easeslhe theseapplicatrons, the ncreasemay be verysrnalland thereforehaveminimalimpacton the sealservce ife. Additionaliy, operatinga sealedspeedreducermay be the best choicein applicationswhereexternalalrborne InternalTemperatureand PressureIncreaseIn a SealedSpeed Reducer A speedredLrcer experencesa signf cant rnternal lemperaturencreasedue to operatingoads. The : changein temperatLrre of an operatingspeedreducer (fromstatrcambientternperature to rnaxtmumoperating temperature) oftenexceeds130'Fahrenherr. In a sealedspeedreducer,ihe increasingtemperature PBESSURE IIICREASE II{ A SEALED SPEED REDUCER ilr .1 A: 6p ;h g rF E': *4e;' a. .= FIGUREl. Change in Speed ReducerOperatingTemperature(F) ' Assumes60% lubricanland 40oloairiill ' Asslmes reducerstartingpressureof 14,7psiat each starting * L,sescoefiicientof thermalexpansionlor Mobil Glygoyle460lubicant -* 10otSlarlTempefalure l iiii't StanTemperalure ! circulatesthe lubncantresidingclosestto the sealback insidethe speedreducerand away Contam nants from the externalenvironment. The pumpiog actionof the sealpreventsthe lubricantfrorn seeprngout and is necessaryfor proper operation.Unfortunately, a correctly functioningradialshaftseaialsocausesan unintendedand unavoidable sideeffect.Tests confirmthat microscopicair bubblesand contaminants fromthe externalenvironment are entrainedin the lubricant.The actively pumpingsealsweepsthem jnwardwith the inducedlubricantflow and once inside.they FIGURE2. Ingestionof Air and escapeintothe speedreducer.With Contaminanlby a BadialSeal continuousoperation,the air bubblesaccumulateinside Couftesyof Parket Hannifin Cotporation th. reducercavitv.Thesealis acttngas an ai. caLrsing air ingesttonthat increasesthe internalpressure resultsin a corresponding pressureincreaseas of a sealed speedreducer.Winsmith'sextensivetesting describedby the combned gas law: has verifiedthat the increasedinternalpressureof the speedreducerand the rateof pressurizatton are P1V1/T1= P2V2/ T2 dependenton manyvariablesincludingoperatingtime, ln a closedsystem(e.9.sealedreducer),any changein linearveloc/tyof the shaftunderthe seal,temperature, sealmateral, and sealand shaftmanufactur ng lernperature from one stateof equilibriumto the next tolerances. stateof equilibnumresultsln a corresponding changein both oil volumeand interlal p.assu,e.I\,4oreover, the In summary,a significantlylargepercentageof sealed thermalexpanstonof the lubricantin the reducercan speedreducersdevelopan internalpressureof 5 psi or havea considerable effecton the pressure,temperature,morewhenoperatedon a continuousduty cycle.This and volumerelationship.The influenceof the lubricant'sphenomenon canoccurevenwhenthereis no change ihermalexpansrondependson the percentvotume n temperaturebecausethe radia ltp seas ingestair into occupiedby the lubricantcomparedto that of the air the reducer(seeFigure2 - seetop of page q. Typically, the volumeinsidethe reduceris about60% Conversely, test ng indicatesthat whena reducer lubncantand 407oair. Thethermalexpansionof the operatesin an intermittentmanner(e,g.5 minutesof run lubricantalonelncreasesthe internalpressurein the time every30 rninutesof dwell);the internalpressure reducerby approxmately1.5 psi whenthe changein build-upis verysmall. temperature is 130'F. The Effectsof Temperatureand pressureon Seal Figure1 (seepage 4) showsthe total mpactof the OperatingLife nrarnaltemperatLro and associaledpressurencrease Thespecfic failuremechantsms of sealsvary dependng at drl{erentambientstartingtemperatures In a seateo on the seal matena . However, the normal.,wearout,' speedreducer.Pressu.eincreasesg,eaterthan 5 ps butadtene can resulttrom the combinedeffeciof the lubrcant,s failuremodeof an NBRrubber(Acrylonitrile "nitrile")dynamicradialshaftsealis relatedto time or thermalexpansionand the rnternaltemperature change. and temperature and oftentermed..embrittiement.,, pressure Seal "Pumping" Effects on Increased In an Overtime undersomereiativeelevattonof temperature, OperatingSpeed Reducer nitrilesealslooseelasticity,developmicrocracksthat cause an abradedsealingsurfacethat can no longer Correctlyoperatingradialshaftlip sealsare oynamtc properly containthe speedreducerlubrcant.The and requirethe presenceof a microscopically thin flln embrittlement rateof NBRmaterialsbeglnsto of iubricantdirectlyunderthe sealinglip. The seallip accelerate at lip opefatingternperatures between imposesshearforceson the fim as the shan rorates 180'F ,,pumping and 200'F. beneatht. Thiscreatesa seal ac|on', that 5 SealLip rt t Lubricant and pressurein a The impactof increasingtemperature sealedspeedreduceron the servicelife of an NBFIseal has beenassessedby numerousseal manufactureG, Whilethe resultsof thesetestsvarydependingon they variablessuchas the actualseallip temperature, psi pressure as small as 5 can indicatethat a changein reducethe expectedsealservicelife by one third. This is becausea oositiveinternaloressuredifferentialin a speedreducercausesthe shaftlip sealsto exerta higherradralforceon the shatt.Underdynamic conditions.this forceincreasesthe liDsealcontactarea on the shaft,increasingthe friction,and therebycreating highertemperaturebetweenthe shaft a correspondingly and the lip seal. This increaseis directlyproportionalto the amountof radialforceon the sealand to the speed of the shaftat the seal interfaceand causesa decrease in the seal life. All SE Encorespeedreducerswith a quill inputadaptor rubber) niti e butadiene LlsespecialHNBR(hydrogenated (aka or fluoroelastomer Vitong materialson all input shaftsbecausethesematerialsare tolerantof higher Thetypicalfailuremodeof lip operatingtemperatures. HNBRmaterialis blisteringat the sealsurface. Pedormancelssues with Bladdersand ExDansionChambers Variousspeedreducerdesignapproachesaimed the internalpressureincreasehave at eliminating incorporatedinternalcollapsiblediaphragmsor bladders.Eliminatinglhe pressureincreaserequires that the bladderor diaphragmcollapseat very low pressuresand havea volumethat sufficiently the expansionof the air and the accommodates lubricant.In a reducerwith a two inchcenterdistance, the internalvolumeis between30 in3 and 40 in3. Assumingthe volumeis 60% lubricantand 40oloair and applyingthe previouslydiscussedcombinedgas law overa temperaturechangeof 130'F (70"Fstart, 200"Ffinal),the sizeof an internaldiaphragmor bladderrequiredto preventa pressureincreasernust be between3.9 in3 and 5.2 in3. In mosttypicalspeed reducers.thereis insufficientinternalsDacefor sucha whilesomeinternalexpansion largebladder.Moreover, chambersare effectivein limting or reducinginternal pressurerisedue to temperature changes,noneare comoletelveffectivein avoidinothe pressurebuilduo relatedto sealair oumpingactionassooatedwith continuousdutv cvcleaoplications. 6 ApplicationsDetermineWhen Sealinga Speed Reduceris Preferredto Venting As coveredin the precedingdiscussion,sealinga V reducercan increasethe internalpressurewhichresults in decreasedsealservicelife.This is especially prevalentwhenoperatingundercontinuousduty conditions.However,thereare certainapplications wherethe speedreducerduty cycle is highly intermittent, and run timesare shortwith lightaverage duty loads.Testingand field experienceindicatethat smallinternalpressureincreases(1 - 2 psi)havea minimaleffecton the sealsewicelife. Anotherapplicationdependentsituationwheresealed reduceroperationis oreferredoccurswhenthe external 'l air environment is extremelycontaminated with material that, if drawnintothe reducerthrougha vent,can rapidlyreduceseal,bearing,or worm gearlife.In these applications, the increasedp€ssureresultingfrom operatinga sealedreducercan still havea significantly negat,veeffecton seal'ire thesecases,require morefreouentsealreolacement. Howevetthe reducer life may be lengthenedby operatingsealedratherthan operatingwith an openvent in thesetypesof harsh environments.Further,the machinebuilderor V equipmentoperatormightdetermrnethat the convenience of operatinga sealedspeedreducer outweighsthe negativeresultof reducedsealservicelife. The Winsmith two (2) year warranly on defects in parts and wo*manship remains unatfected whether an SE Encore wotm gear speed rcducet opeates with or without a vent since the ventlsealed decision only affects the service life of the speed reducer wear comDonents. ! ln conclusion,therearethreefundamentalfactorsthat governthe speedreducerseal/ventdecision.First,as the temperatureincreasesin a sealedreducer,so will the pressure.Second,the radialshaftsealsare designed to -pump lubricant backintothe speed reducer.This pumpingactionalso causesan ingestion of air that increasesthe internalpressure.Any increase of pressurecausesdecreaseddynamicradialseallife. Ventingis the mostcost effectivemethodof eliminating the pressure.Finally,whenextremeenvironmental conditionscausecorrponenIor sealwearin excess of that causedby an increasedinternalpressure, v J v t sealinga speedreduceris the best likelyalternative. However,undertheseconditions,sealwearis apt to take placeat higherthan predictedrates. SE EncoreVentingSoluiion is a StandardFeature NOTE:HelicalGear Ratio Multipliersare factory filled with Mobilgear600 XP 220 tubricant.The use of other lubricantsmay result in substantially Iower torque capacity and is nol recommendedby Winsmith.lf other lubricantsare used, a thorough tlushing procedureis rcquired. The SE Encoreworm gearspeedreducerseriescan satisfactoriry operatesealedor vented.Eacnreoucer is suppliedwith an optional"open-closedvent"that can be installedby the equipmentbuilderor the equipmentuser.ThisexclusiveWinsmithvent is made from blackDuPontrM Zltel@Nylonwith UV protection. l. FactoryFillingand UniversalMounting The vent'sdesignincorporates a labyrinthwtth a dust/splashcap that minimizescontaminateand water incirrsionfrom the externalenvironment created www.wr NSMr TH.coM 07/08 by general,harsh,and outdoorapplications. The reducerhousrngoffersmultiplelocationsfor vent E17 [' DNS 30 LR installation dependng on the final reducermounting ( ' ) , l l l 9{) 9 positionon the equipmentTurningthe top cap to the 0 66 5S6 closedpositionensuresthat no oil drainswhilethe :l L i \l :')\l l ,-. ) .CTJ ElZMDN52lOONEK equipmentis in transitto the operatinglocatton. Turningthe top cap counterclockwise,by hand, opensthe vent priorto runningthe speedreducerA Size \lodel I l'h Positi',n specialscrewdriverslot moldedinto the cap allows t) = Slrndrrd easyactuationwhenaccessis limtted.Thevent \ = \ou-Standard shouldbe installedin the highestpipeplug location availablebasedon the actualmounttngorientationof the speedreduceron the operatingequipment. NOTE:All SE Encore[4DNSand N,4DSS standard Additionally, a brightyellowplastictag is provided modelsarefiled withlubricant by Wnsmith.The with the ventthat reads: lubricantlevelin thesereducersmay be slightlyabove the appropriatelevelplug in someorientations. This smallamountof additionallubricationis normatand \MPORTANT- VENTPEQUIRES ACTIVATION accePtable. THIS UNIT HAS BEENSHIPPEDTO YOU WITH THE All SE Encore|\,4DNS VENTIN THE CLOSEDPOSITION- IT IS and I\,4DSS non-standardmodets IMPORTANTTO OPENTHE VENTBY MAKINGA arefilledwith lubricantby Winsmithto a leveldictated by the specifiedorientation. ONE QUARTERTURNCOUNTERCLOCKWISE" Thesefill levelsare shownin Figure3. m ilt. LUBR|CAT|O]{& MAINTENANCE NOTE:SE Encoreworm gear speed reducers are factory filled with Mobil Glygoyle460 (PAG) lubricant.The use ol other lubricantsmay result in substantiallylower torque capacily and is not recommendedby Winsmith,lf other lubricantsarc used, a thoroughflushing Procedureis required. W I NSMI T H The 1lth characterin the part numberon the reducer nameplatedesignatesa standardor non-sraoaro reducer.A "0" in the 11thpositionindicates "Standard" andan "X" in the 11thpositionindicates "Non-Standard." 2. Ambient Temperature lf the ambienttemperaturedLrringoperations outside of -18 to 130 degreesE pleasecontactWinsmith. 3. InitialStart-Up FtcURE3 Priorto start up, the lubricant ill levels T1eproperlubricant reducer dependent onthespeed durinqooerarion. fhe orientario.r , ^nr nr i r i 6 fill d/rin .n ^ .," fl i F. ' i-o4 Il9j ts , ( 'r - 'J ]"@ff ,liq . U ; A. f:llo \# l' . t: i | \---- "l r --i -,H | . ,i L ' ; - 1 ,- rJriq tc8s t--*iJl , isb e l o1w1 6 0 the.not or s peed l; nountng rpm.l'an altp.nate position, 3 notshownin Figures l- 4 -iH-!t - .. & 4, is required,pleasecontacta tocatsatesrepresenrave or Winsmithfor assistance. Theoil levelshouldbe checked, andadjustedif necessaryp orlo operalion usingtheoil levelplug provided andwhilethe reduceris position. orientedin its operating 460or OnlyMobilGlygoyle shouldbe compatiblelubricant containing worm usedlor reducers gears.TheHelicalGearRatio Muhipliers shoulduseMobilgear 600XP220lubricant. lfii F'T f r. ,: ,ru1 l" +iJ -Y tll fl ,J_ ffil F l6 vo l plug locationsfor ior a varietyof modelsand orientationsare shown in Figures3 & 4. Greasefittings, not shownin Figures3 & 4, are usedro lubricatebearingswhen -.L_hAe l; +f t -lT, -.:i i.;.[ E- l' :i_ .l XDLS Duringthe in tial start-upoperation, a breakin periodis lecessary beforethe reducerreaches xsFS maximumoperatingefficiency. Winsmithrecommendsa gradual applicatior o' loaddunngthe'irct severalhoursafterstart-up,The reducermay run hot duringthis initialbreak-inper od. This is normal.A few dropsof oil may weepfromthe lip sealsduringthe break-instage.Aftera shortperiodof operation,cleanoff any excessoil aroundthe shaft sealsand recheckthe oil level;adjust f necessary. 4. Oil ChangeInstructions Whenchangingthe oil for any reason,use only I/obil Glygoyle460 or othercompatiblePAG(Polyalkyl,.ne 8 . .; ,DN- _ ^ glycol)syntheticlubricants.lf anoiheroil type is used (PAO,N4ineral musi be drained Oil,etc.),the housing(s) and thoroughlyflushedwith a lightf ushng oil priorto refilling.Do not mix differentlubricantsin the reducer. Lubricantincompatibility manyresultin premature failure.Note: Whenchangingoil, carefullylnspectused oil to be surethereare no meta shavings,fragments and othersignsof excessivewear. Theo I levelshouldbe checkedaftera shonpe-od o' operationand adjustedif necessary. Eachhousingof a - FIGURE4 l LroutsLE FEDUoIoN \r,oRr,/r1r\ioBfr i STANDAFDAIOU NTI NG : _ \ DoLTBLE FEDucrta^ I HELtcAL,wo;; STANNARNM '-a\DAoDvorOI\'r|\ ] N T I' N G , d_ :;11 A'"=-fiF .X;; tr--fF"f.1_ "", .;i; mfl "tii' -r-rrii :1P Tlf" :3- I f J,-{ 1 ^7_ il:' doublereductionmodelshouldbe drainedand fi ed t3l^ ' i i l 1-* | r T+ a f -__l.rr_ ' flTlbF "a,t:"1 {,g-lj/ i : - : ' I t: lJ + lL_J]] \]L " I,l* " ffiH "; j :l.131 , :5s - W- _rrr i'5-# '"1 ffi. *4i 'o - ffi -rt+rr -i!.+-]J Undersevere (rapid conditions temperature changes, 'noist,dirty.or corrosive environme.ts) it .naybe necessary to changetheoil at intervats of 1-3months. periodicexamination of oil samples takenfromthe , reducerwitthetDestabtisl.the appropriateirtervat. - O *-_ l -. ---,1 {r-L dt:TlF_ __rF -. 't "" ..,)*-!f rrr-L : l frhm" r trl_j_.ll "-t t-_; 1-.! ^ t r5 I ' F:-H .e.f,,.Ler i= = ,1, i l-.n l-.n #fffi gsJ d _V_ - _ - tt =. i f;T' . l hr _u -." ;n thi- qEll tl^l tl 2. Doublereducridnsize E35and E43moddtsaG suppriedw lh s6a* I ftinqs Dn the inpurshafiroe^s!rcbe ns r! bdc.iionroral mounrinq postioB. 3 Conractw nsmth whei nputsp€edsaretessrhr|60Dmloensue A FIGUBE3 & 4 CHANTKEY reducer lifeof hourswrthout everchanging the ' -' ' " inAGN4A 6034.Be2 is hishty apptication dependent. In 1I *; t\,4obrl lle ot |\,4obrl |Ie ctygoyte460,s Glygoyle 460,sextended pointwhere extended to the point wher( i reducer rc.r,,.ar.,n r^rth6 a.^,A <na.{,6^ a canoperare tor tf,e -Normat. -N,^.--,. AOI\,4A spec freo ^na,ia Winsmtths 100yearsof experience.we havefoundthat the actualservicelife of manyof.ourreducersexceeds 25,000hoursby severalrnultiples "ffi ljl In nany manylight tightduty. duty,relativelycleanambienr ambientconditrons. conditions,rhe tl lubncant. lubricant. .Normat,,reducer Note:The -Normat. redJcFrtifeof 25,OOO 25.OOO hoursspecified specitrF T]-h' i. 1 |l _ll!?fL l:l i independenllywhen changing the oil. Visit our website, wwwWlNSN,, for a detailed flushing procedure. procedu.e Theoilchange fora SEEncore speed reducers pruss ojt.t:. drain. andievet are : "'T]]:r-Ih:."ppr.p^,i:te please tdenttfied in Figures 3 & 4. notethat theselocations areuniquefor eachoperating position shown.After draining theoldtubricant, newtubricant shouJd beadded to the app'opnate level pl,rg shown. Mounting position and Lubricant Levelstor Singleand Doubre Beduction Moders Op|mat tubricantevetinformationfor singeand double reductionmodelsis shown w lrn r r rFigures rgures o 3 dand u 4 4.. LLubricant U o r ca n r 'evplsare 'evpls properoperation are crit,cal crit,calto the the proper operationof atlsppeo sppeo reduce.s. tf a soeedreducer wasorderedanosupptied ror a shouldnot be changed without coniacltng wtTTOUt contacting Winsmiih. Wtnsmtth, Attering A teringthe the rlountrng mounting positionfrorr that wh ch was spec:fiedmav resuttin inaoequateluoricatron. ContactWinsmithor a ocal sates reoresentative wirh ouestionsreqardingproperlubricant selectronand level. 5. Long Term Storageor InfrequentOperation lf a speedreduceris to standidlefor an extendedperiodof time,eitherpriorto installation or duringuse,the housrng shouldbe completely filledwith oil.Thiswi protectthe Intenorcomponents fromcorrosiondue to internal condensation. Be sureto drainthe orlto the properlevel priorto placingthe reducerintoservice.ContactWinsmith or a localsalesrepresentative withquestionson long termstorage. I 6. GreaseFittings Somespeedreducermodelsare equippedwith grease fittingsto lubricatebearingsthat are not adequately lubricatedby the oil splash.Thesefittingsmust be lubricatedevery3 6 monthsdependingon the operatingconditions.WinsmithusesMobilithSHC220 or equivalent(NLGI#2).Cautionshouldbe usedwhen greasingbecauseexcessivegreasemay reducethe performance of the lubricantinsidethe speedreducer. 7. Low InputSpeeds(Under1160RPM) grease Wheninputspeedsare lessthan 1160RPIV1, fittingswiil be requiredto lubricateany bearingsnot partiallycoveredby the normaloil level.lf a low speed operatingconditionexistsand the reducersare without the appropriategreasefittings,pleasecontactWinsmith or a localSalesRepresentative. 8. Oil Temperature Speedreducersin normaloperationcan generate temperatures of up to 200 degreesF dependingon the type of the reducerand the severityof the application (loading,durationof service,ambienttemperatures). may be the resultof one or Excessiveoil temperatures moreof the followingfactors: A. Overloads Overloadsmay be due to the originalmodelbeing too smallfor the application.Overloadscan also occur if the speedreduceris properlysizedfor the applicationand higherthananticipatedloadsare Alwayscheckthe reducerrating experienced. when increasingdrivenloadsor whenincreasing the horsepowerratingof the motoror other primemover. B. Overfillingor Underfilling lf a speedreduceris overfilledwith oil, the energy used in churningthe excessiveoil can resultin lf overfillingoccurs,shut downthe overheatlng. drive,removethe oil levelplug,and allowoil to drain frornthe levelholeuntil it stops.Reinstallthe level plugand restartthe drive. lf the speedreduceris underfilled,the resultant and possible frictioncan causeoverheating damage.lf this occurs,the reducershouldbe disassembled and inspectedfor excessivewear. '10 Replacedamagedcomponents,reassemble the reducer,and fill with lubricantto the appropriate levelfill hole. C. lnadequateCooling In orderto dissipateinternallygeneratedheat,the speedreducermust be installedin sucha way that air can circLrlate freely.Tightlyconfinedareas, (insidecabinets,etc.)shouldbe avoided.if this is not possible,use a separateblowerto provide forcedair cooling. 9. Oil Sealsand Wear Components Variousnormalwearcomponentssuchas seals, bearingsand gearsmay needmorefrequent replacementin severeapplications, Gearreducershaftlip sealsare all subjectto weat Experience indlcatesthat theirusefullife is extremely variable,and basedpr mafiy on the operaing temperature. Otheroperatingfactorsthat rnfluence seal life are highinputshaftspeedsand envrronmental factorssuchas air-bornabrasiveparticulates. Inspectingthe gearreducerregularlyand repacingthe shaftsealsat the first sign that theyare beyondtheir usefullife is the only methodof ensuringno lubricant leakage.This mightbe as frequentlyas 2 yearsor less in someapplications;in othersit can be as long as 10 yearsor more. Winsmithuseshighqualityoil sealsand precisron groundshafts.However,it is possiblethat damage duringshipment or rnstalation cancauseoil seal leakage.Whenreplacinga shaftoil seal,the following suggestionswill helpensureleakfreeoperationand longseallife: A. Wheninstallinga new seal,coverthe keyrvayand with smooth any othershaftsurfacediscontinuities protect tape to the seal lip from beingdamaged. B. Usea sealantbetweenthe OD of the sealand the lD of the boreinto whichthe seal is beinginstalled. The sealboreshouldalso be freeof any burrs,nicks, or scratches. C. Be surethat the sealis not cockedin the sealbore. The outerface of the sealshouldbe flushwith the outersurfaceof the reducer. DuPontrt^,Zytelb,and l4ton@are registeredtrademarks of E. L du Pont de Nemoursand Company. WARNIIIGS ANDGAUTIONS: ta Winsm th produclsandassocatedequpmenlandmaclrneryarc nlendod for seecton andusebylran€d andsk edp€6ons capab e oldelerm n n9iher siab iyjorihespsifcappicaionoruse. Properselecion,lnsialaion, operation andmaintenance. incudng nrplementation oi ad4uate saiety precaulions aretheresponsb lityol lh-"purchassor userfte fo owngsaf€iy precauiions precaut aswe asaddl onalsaiely onsthatmayberequredlofthe spec licappcalion oruse,ae lherespom biltyol lhepurchaser orusl FALURE TOOBSERVE REOUIBED SCFFIY PFECAUTIONS COULO RESULT IN SEBOUS INJUFYTO PEFSONSOR PFOPERTY OFOTHEF LOSS. Lock-ouftaq-out. r s EXTFEMELY |MPOF|ANTlhat equpment ormach nery y stai. Toprevenl doesnotunexpected llris po$ib rty,a e ectncaorother npuipower sources musibeiumed olf,andproperyiocked outTagou1 pmcedures muslbelollowedbetorelvorking onornearthereducef orany Ns a1€d elupmenlLoads onlheinputandoulput shafls should be prorio working disconnecied onanyrelucer Falureio obseflethese precaut onsmayresut ins€rious bodiy injuryand/orproperly damaqe. grounded Besurellleunlandassocialed Grcundino. equpnrenl arcpropedy andolhe|wse nstaedinaccodancewlhai e€clicalcoderequircmenls Nota s{oood siructure.A speedredLrcef muslneverbeusedasan ntegra componenl 01arnach nesup€rslruclue orsuppon irame thalwoud sublect 1lo addllonal@dsotherihanpropery raledloadsl ransnr11ed thouqhthestufts. gearreducer Mountino Posilion. Your Wlnsmlh should bemounled n oneof positonsshown themountng nthecalaog. Dfle€ntmounlngposliom shouldnolbeusedwithoutconlactngirymsm lh asih s mayrcsultin mpbper poslionsmay Ovetnead Mounlinc.Mounling ol a sp€edreducer moverhead b€hazardous Useoi enemasupport la s orstructLrre s stmngy recommerted loranyoveheadnrount ng. povidedonth€g€arreducs LiltingEvebolts. Any fi ngsupporrs oreyebolts arcsupplied withlhepurpose to verlicay linth€g€arrcducer ony,wthoutany other atachmenis ormoio6.lnspecisuch supportsandbols belore eacnuse. Propedv SecrrEilounling8olts.Prcpermouningb0rsandpropertorques muslbeappil€d andmantaned10nsurc thegear€ducer isscuelymounted 10lhedesircd machinery Inspeclreguadym maclrnev bralionmayoosen PrulecliveGuadino / LooseClothino.elc.Awaysnsu'€thercis proper prolmtveguading padsNever overallrctain! ormovng a lowloose cloihng, lrrrcadlockinoCoinoound. Poperihrcadockngcompound shourd be partsor y apped10lhec €an€dihreadsoi allmounling boltsconneclhgor hair,leweryandthe keto beworninllrevicnly of rolalingormoving appopriale y ngwitha applicable secur mach n€ryThepdchaseror us isresponslble lorcomp ngthespeed reducer lo equipmenl andanydrve,accessoies, orbrake saretycodes.Faurcto dosomayrcsuliins€rious bodly injuryand/ordamag€ components altached 10lhesp€edreducerf ai any1meaiternstaatona lacldy s pp edassem by orconslruclion bolt s €nroved, caremuslbelaken y c eanoflllreoldlhreadl@kngmmpound lo llrorouqh anda n€wappropr al€ Selection& lnslallalion. Ths reducer andassocialed equipment muslbe lhrcadockn9compound mustbeappliedFaiiure lo prcpedy applynewtlr€ad selecled, insta€d,adiusled andmaintaned byqualed peBonne wlroaE ockngcompound onalmountng orr€ducef conslruct onbolsmayresu 1n knowed9eabe iegarding all€qu pmentn lhesystem andlhepolentiaha.zard s sedo0sniuryordealhlromlalingm€chanical componenls Reducer Sudacels Hot.Opera1 n99s rcdlceEgmeraieheat Surrace ConsultCataloo Ralinas. Load,lorque andotlrer requ rements rnustnol lemperalu€s maybecome hotenoughlo causo sev€r€ burnsProperpeGona prolmtveequpmenl exc*dlhepubslredElings nihecurentcataogand/oronlhespeedreducer should beused. nameplate, andih€reducef seecledmustbeconsslentwiiha seruceracloB forlheappcalon SeeWnenlhcalaogsanduwwWNSM nqg€arrenuceB maygen€rate highnois€evels.UseappEprate llqise Operat h€arngprolecionandavoidexlended exposu'e to highnoi* evels Bnke ToruueLoads.Whenever a bmkeoranyollrerstoppngrorces nvoived inanapplicalion, braking lorque loadsmposed onlhegearreducsnuslnol LubdcadsHotaldude4lelsqq Thetemperature of u$ canlsnsidea gearreducer exceed thea rowab e oad€lircs maybeveryhgh.Tlrereducer shouldbeallow€d to coollo ambentlemperature beiorcremovaofanyvenl.dran, evelorlill plugs,and Nota 8Eke.Speed redrss sh.uC.e€,be6ed lo povdethelunclonofa beloreremovn! seas orbeadnq covers. Geafreducers withoula pfessurc venl iars ai€bm k eora .a $ -d s ' o .(.!c e !c e So e erc muslnever be mayalsobeunder n d u cen Eealntsnapre$ue.Sowyloosnih€ubrcanllillplug y. usedlo replace a DG{.r.r:.:.a ..ak^g3ip catonfunclion abovelhelubricant levelo ventanyniemalpr€ssure belorctunnerd sassemb Bcess Oy€fillnoLoads.Ercessveoveriungoadsonlheinpuiorouipul shaftsofa gearrcducaroy €u* premalurc iatguelaiu€s oflhebeatings and/orshails.Mounlgea pulleys andspmkeisasc oseio lhehousing as poslibe'or - - ?es-(r oadsDo.ole(eedcaaloq?r-qe. Lub cantContact.Contacl withlubdcants cM presenl salelyconcems. Prcp€t pereonal prot€civeequlpment shouldbeusedwhenever handngsp€edreducer ubcanls.Consuit thelubicant MSDS sh*i whch s ofls available onthe ubfcalonmanufaclurer's w€bsle. Excess Thrust Loads. Ex.ess!elhrusl oadsonthe npuioroutpul shalls ol a premature geafreducer ria! cause farureotbearngs.Donotexceed calaog FDA.USDI,and NSFApolietions. Factorysupplied ubrcanls maynoib-" prcduc1s. sulableorsaleforappcatons invovng iood,drugs andsmilar Ths ncludes applications subleclroFDA. USDA, NSFororhef requlalory dion iudsd Consullhe ub cantNpptrorWnsmlhloracceplabelubrcanls power P.operr!, a qnanynputandoutpul tmnsfer e emenis conn{led1olhespeed rcducer Even sightmisalignmenls n a fgidmounling slstenia! calsee nding,large v bratonforces orex€essive ovehung oads ead.9to prematue b€ar ng,slraft, orspeed reducfl fairc. Useoflexble coupnls lhaialowlhereducerand connecied transi-ar elemenls io sel a !n dunng operat onw I compensaie formnormsagnments. InsoectionandLub geafreducerloensure calion.Feqularyinspeclthe l6 propedy operatn9,andfo owa manlenance operaionandlubicalion