ADMAonline2009-6 - - Casa Madre SDB Torino
ADMAonline2009-6 - - Casa Madre SDB Torino
n. 6 - 2009 Associazione di Maria Ausiliatrice Primaria - Torino - Valdocco June 24th 2009 Monthly message A power with fire with Mary Help of Christians “So that the Pentecost day may renew in our time, perhaps it might be necessary - without interfering with God’s freedom – that the Church maybe less bothered by the external activities and more dedicated to prayer. The Mother of the Church, the Holy Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit….teaches us the way. God wants to continue to donate to us this “fire” in every new generation and eventually He is free to do it in the way and when He likes it. He is the Spirit and the Spirit “blows where he wishes”(Jhn.3,8). But there is a” normal way” that God Himself has chosen to “Throw fire on earth”: This way is Jesus, His only Son made flesh, dead and resurrected…This “fire”, pure, essential and personal, the fire of love, came upon the Apostles, united in prayer in the place of the Last Supper, to establish the Church as a new rejuvenating work of Christ” (Benedict XVI, Pentecost’s homily 31.05.2009). How to acquire in us this fire ? Above all we must believe in Jesus Christ. But eventually this is not enough. Faith should overcome the concrete dimension of life: to live in conformity to this faith, putting into practice the words of Jesus; do not put aside those divine means that Christ has left and though which we get and acquire anew that fire He enkindled in our hearts; to be a vital part of the ecclesial community. This fire is an expression of unity with Him, but also a sign of his unity with us. A new approach and understanding of reciprocal love takes place. A closed collaboration between Jesus and us, his disciples. And here we have the outcome: the fire that is burning in us spreads around us through a real apostolic blaze. And that is to open up the eyes of many to the simple words, words of revolution of Christ and to infuse in them the strength to follow them, to give life, or even to build, small or big works to alleviate the different needs of the world according to the gifts given to us by God; to bring to mankind that surrounds us a flow of goodness, of communion, of reciprocal love. “At Nazareth, Mary received the news of her special maternity, and at once, after having given life to Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, she was pushed by the same Spirit to go to help her old cousin Elizabeth, pregnant at the sixth month by a prodigious sign. The young Mary, that carries Jesus in her womb, forgetting herself, goes to help her neighbour, is a marvellous sign of the Church, in the lasting youth of the Spirit, of the missionary Church of the Spirit made flesh, called to bring him to the world and be a witness especially at the service of charity. Let us invoke therefore, the intercession of the Most Holy Mary, so that She may obtain for the Church of our present time, to be powerfully protected by the Holy Spirit” (Benedict XVI Regina Coeli Pentecost day 2009). Mary, pray with us and for us in a newly renewed Last Supper, so that the power of the Spirit may renew the face of the earth, in such a way that all the baptized may be made new again in the grace and in the beauty of faith and be guided on the way of witnessing and of love especially towards those that are far from God and his love Fr Pier Luigi Cameroni Spiritual Animator ADMA ADMA online Family Chronicles TORINO – PRIMARIA It has been a very intensive period full of encounters and of small and big occasions with the aim of animating the local groups, of participating to the meetings in order to make our Association known. May 15, 2009. Turin: Meeting with the Salesian and Parish community of Michele Rua. Presentation of ADMA upon the invitation of the Director Fr. Lagostina Alberto and of the Parish priest Fr. Avallone GianFranco. May 16, 2009. Turin: Recollection and presentation of ADMA to all the Salesian Family of Agnelli, upon the invitation of the Rector Fr. Avagnina Alessandro, and of the Diretress FMA Sr. Repetto Annunziata. May 18, 2009. Turin: Radio broadcast in Radio Maria with the presentation of the second pamphlet “ Ave Mary Help of Christians!” The climax of this is the feast of Mary Help of Christians lived in Turin with a numerous participation of faithful and pilgrims, especially on the eve, the Eucharistic celebrations and the special procession. ADMA took part in a special way to the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Rector Major and to the procession, where different families and young couples were present. We would like to report the impressions of our Portuguese translator Mrs. Leda Souza, a Brazilian lady doctor, who lived a short period in Turin on the occasion of the Novena and of the feast of Mary Help of Christians in Turin. “ I am extremely happy to share some special moments besides the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Turin. It has been a time of prayer, joy, reflection and a fatherly acceptance from the side of Don Bosco. Those beautiful days in Turin, through the novena and the feast, with a shining sun and a blue sky without clouds, gave light to everything even to the faces of the people. The procession, the beautiful statue of Mary Help of Christians, the square full of people, the Midnight Mass, the joy of all the faithful were the expression of so much joy and such a great faith! Even the liturgical feast of the Ascension of the Lord has underlined that is Mary that leads us to Jesus and she is very happy to do so. This has been a time of joy and renewal of my fidelity to our spiritual farther Don Bosco and also to all the teachings he gave us. The beautiful acceptance that I received from the ADMA Primaria of Turin, has been a part of all this great joy” (Leda Souza – Brazil) 2 ADMA online ROME – WORLD GATHERING OF THE SALESIAN FAMILY – It took place from May 29 to 31, by the main house of the Salesians. The 3 days lived with great openness and fraternity, saw the participation of 21 groups taken from the 26 that actually represent today “the vast movements of persons for the salvation of youth”. The activities presided over by Fr. Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major and responsible for the Salesian family, have privileged at first the knowledge of the life and the apostolic activities of the various groups. A particular attention was given to the last groups recently approved by the Rector Major and by his Council in the month of January: Cacao Nova, The Disciples and the Michaelite Sisters. On Saturday afternoon the Rector Major Fr. Pascual Chavez participated and presented with broad lines the theme for the Strenna for the year 2010 dedicated to the evangelization of the youth. Inspired by the team of the strenna, a shared acceptance on some initiatives, followed up especially those representing new ideas, that the groups of the Salesian Family carry on focusing on the evangelizing of the youth. A particular attention was given to the formation and caring of the young families. The participants, in fact, have acknowledged that the educative action for the youth requires the involvement of their families. Together they agreed on a first hand information regarding the organization of the next edition of the “Spirituality days of the Salesian Family” foreseen for Jan.21 to 24, 2010. the Consultation agreed in choosing as a privileged sector the members of the various religious and lay groups that give special care to the youth pastoral. They stressed that it is necessary a valid feasibility of the Provincial and local Consultations of the Salesian Family. The realization of an informative sector based on pastoral experiences has been welcomed. This should become a source of knowledge for the whole Salesian family inspiring in this way a better understanding among the various groups. Representing ADMA were the President Mrs. Giuseppina Chiosso. The animator Fr. Pier Luigi Cameroni and the coordinator of the young families of Turin Fr. Lucca Tullio that shared with us this worthy testimony: “What a wonderful experience! At the Salesian consultation I met very important persons, who , with their simplicity and daily labour, with their limits and their personal histories share and bring to realization a dream. The Don Bosco’s dream, Jesus’s dream : to put God the Father at the center of the heart of the world. This above all: a richness of gifts, of colours, of possibilities, of trials, of results and of some failures. What counts is the fact that each one has given everything he had, from his starting point. Fr. Jeorge Purthenpura, an Indian Salesian missionary in Guatemala, gave rise among the Indian illiterate girls a congregation of sisters in order to evangelize the native families of the place: the Daughters of the Resurrection. Masew Mliwan Paramathawirote, sister of the Maids of the Immaculate Heart, has told us that 96 of them take care, among other things, of a school with 5000 students of which only 100 are Catholics: an example of free evangelization to love. 3 ADMA online The Disciples: from India they live together with the poorest, they do not have anything, only Jesus’s love. Cancao Nova, a movement of lay people and priests (also families) fully devoted in the free evangelization through the media. And then all the others eager to follow Don Bosco and Mary in their dream! The feeling that arises from such a richness and multifaceted idea of the Salesian Family is the gratitude, in order to be a part in this tree so rich and generous. Then the desire that we too families can be part of this tree, arises with the desire to underline the presence of Mary. This is for the young as well as for the families. Because Mary is the Mother of all of us and the Mother lives for her family. The fact of being present here in Rome did not occur to others but to us. The desire to feel in the heart the desire to follow Don Bosco did not happen to others, it happened to us. We are happy to think that we can also be, in our small world, a part of that Basilica that Don Bosco constructed in order to thank our Lady for all her gifts. And I think that we also, each one of us, has so much to thank in gratitude. Therefore, let us keep up our courage: let us try to bring Mary Help of Christians to all the families of the world with the idea to live our family in Don Bosco’s way in grace and unity all the days of our life, with Jesus. NORTHEAST BRAZIL – The first annual meeting of the responsible ADMA members of Northeast took place at the Provincial house of Recife on the 21st of April. 32 members took place at the meeting coming form : Recife- Provincial center and Sagrado Coracao, Fortaleza-Pietade, Juazeiro, Aguas Compridas (Olinda), Jaboatao-citade, Jaboatao-colonia, Bongi (Recife), Surubim,Salvador, Aracaju. To be noted is the presence of these new centers: Guadalajara (Paudalho), Carpina-Colegio, Caetes I e Vietna (Recife). The main topic was developed by Prof. Gilmar Araujo who explained the strenna of the Rector Major for this year. Underlying the endeavour of the Salesian Family for the salvation of the youth with the apostolic zeal of Don Bosco. He offered a clear analysis of the youth problem according to these lines: life to be spared, poverty to be fought upon, peace to be promoted, the rights to be recognized, Jesus Christ to be announced. He then spoke about the development of the life of every group, about the formation of the new members, the youth, the parents of the students, the collaborators, the volunteers, the sympathizers, the non-Catholics and non-Christians. Later on Prof. Gilmar showed with some slides the Salesian spirituality (Ana Ines Martins Lemos and Fr. Edvaldo G. Amaral) LA PLATA – ARGENTINA 17° Provincial ADMA encounter. In the Salesian house of the Basilica Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, on April 25 th, 2009, took place the 17° provincial ADMA meeting. Present were the provincial animator Fr. Vicente Buccheri, 1 from Gral Pico, 7 from San Miguel del Plata, 9 from don Bosco, 5 from da bernal, 4 from Avellaneda and 9 from sagrado Corazon del la Plata. A total of 36 participants. The provincial President, Nora Macalain, gave the welcome address and brought the greetings from the world animator Fr. Pier Luigi Cameroni invited all present to pray for the sick persons. Then she developed the topic: The ADMA Rules. Interesting were the questions that followed at the end. • Is ADMA for me a place for encounter, a path for sanctification and apostolate? • Do I value the Eucharistic Cult and the devotion to Mary Help of Christians? In what does that devotion consist? • Am I aware that I am called to sanctity? Do I try to grow towards the fullness of Christian life and the perfection of charity? • Do I proclaim my Catholic faith, do I proclaim the truth? Do I know and obey the teaching of the Church? Do I live a strong and convinced faith with the Pope and the Bishop? Do I follow their teachings 4 ADMA online and the initiatives that they outline • Do I love prayer and contemplation? • Do I show and nourish a spirit of dedication to others and of charitable generosity towards all? Do I try to be a missionary? Later on Fr. Buccheri talked about our Lady in the salvation plan. He referred as well to the document of Aparecida and invited everybody to be a witness and to follow the mission. After lunch a moment of brotherhood took place in which they shared the different activities of the different groups. The conclusion was done with the recital of the Rosary and the celebration of the Eucharist and the renewal of the promises SPAIN – CORDOBA CROWNS MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS. On May 10th great festivities took place on the occasion of the pontifical crowning of the image of Mary Help of Christians, an event that took place near the historical cathedral-mosque of “Santa Maria de Cordoba”. Thousands of people who filled up the city streets to accompany in procession the image of Mary Help of Christians towards the cathedral from where, after the coronation went back to the Shrine. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Mons. Juan Josè Asenjo Pelegrina, archbishop coadiutor of Sevilla and apostolic administrator of Cordoba and concelebrated besides the Rector Major of the Salesians, by a hundred of priests, religious and diocesan. Fr. Chavez, at the end of the celebration pointed out how the only images of Mary Help of Christians to have been crowned by a pontifical commission were only those of Cordoba and that of Mary Help of Christians in Turin TURIN- ENCOUNTER FMA PIEDMONT ANIMATORS As an outcome of the day devoted to formation offered to the various directresses of our province, on Feb. 10th, the provincial animator Sr. Concetta Strada in agreement with the FS delegate Sr. Giuseppina Franco, called for a meeting for FMA who have in their houses the ADMA groups. The invitation was extended as well to all the sisters of the community, with the idea to promote the Association. Saturday May 15 from 3 pm to 4.30 pm. 15 sisters gathered in Turin as a representation of about ten houses. Fr. Pier Luigi Cameroni, world animator of ADMA, after having listened to the presentation of those assembled and of the realities they were carrying, intervened and offered a simple and clear identity of this group of the Salesian Family, according to the way it was founded by Don Bosco. He distributed a pamphlet explaining the group and the New Rules. Fr. Pier Luigi explained that in Italy ADMA is a reality that is coming alive again through the involvement of young families. The Association is a group of popular endeavour, that can be defined with 3 adjectives Marian, Salesian, Apostolic. Besides promoting the devotion to Mary and the devotion to the Blessed Sacrament (prayer group) is Salesian and therefore it must foster the family spirit particularly with the Salesian Family, and it is apostolic, therefore it should show a service to the Church: in the catechesis, in the animation of the families. Besides ADMA is a popular Association, open and that can be shared by many people. Fr. Pier Luigi then presented some means of animation easily available in the local and provincial encounters: the leaflet and especially ADMA on line, now in 5 languages. This encounter motivated the sisters who took part in the meeting to continue with renewed enthusiasm their work of promotion in our houses. They decided to schedule for September 12, at the beginning of the new pastoral year, another meeting that will include not only the FMA, but also the Presidents and the Councillors of the various existing groups in our houses. (Sister Giuseppina Franco). 5 ADMA online IVREA (TURIN) – SALESIAN MISSIONARY INSTITUTE CARDINAL CAGLIERO Saturday May 16th, for the second time the ADMA meeting for formation took place. The interest and the participation have favoured an efficacious exchange of views, questions and curiosities all having in mind to deepen and valuate not only the acceptance into the association but also the opportunity to out up a presence here in Ivrea. Fr. Pier Luigi introduced with effectiveness and simplicity the actuality of the Association, starting from Don Bosco who wanted ADMA first of all due to his love to our Lady: Her presence has always given light, protection, showered a lot of graces on his life and that of his family. In a second instance Don Bosco strongly wanted ADMA as a ferment of education to faith among the people, giving value to simple gestures, such as the participation to the liturgical life, the love to Mary, the fact of cultivating in his own life a Christian environment, the collaboration in one’s parish, the help to the poor, the living of the Gospel in the everyday life. We, therefore, asked ourselves how this ferment could become yeast, first of all for our life, and then for all the institute and we outlined a program for the months to come to be shown to as many friends as possible. We thought at the Feast Of Mary Help of Christians, praying the novena and giving to all the participants the medal liked by Don Bosco with the appropriate blessing. We then, have jotted down a calendar of monthly activities both formative as well as for deepening, with the purpose to make our flour grow up so that it might develop and embrace so many brothers and sisters that need to walk along the Lord and under the protection of Mary. May the Lord, always help us to be able to transmit to our boys and to their families this message of hope and love that can also come from Him (Sr. Valentina) A PRIESTLY YEAR - The Priestly Year , instituted by Pope Benedict XVI, with the idea of celebrating the 150° anniversay of the death of St. John Mary Vianney. The Holy Parish priest of Ars, started on June 19th, solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a World Day of Prayer for the sanctification of the priests. We too, as Association of Mary Help of Christians would like to take part, with determination, depth and fervour, so that it may turn out to be a year of grace in such a way that our priests may be holy and joyous in their daily apostolic work On May 28, Fr. MATA BARRENA Rafael died at the age of 78 in Sevilla. We need to remember him because he was for several years the national animator of ADMA in Spain. He was a Salesian of great enthusiasm, in love with Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco. He was a member of the first National Commission of Marian Animation. He guided the National Congresses of Barcelona, Vigo, and Malaga. He collaborated during the first International Congress, done in Spain under the coordination of Fr. Gianni Sangalli. He directed the one of Sevilla and took part to that of Cochabamba in Bolivia. He helped so much ADMA in the province of Sevilla, and erected the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, that has now become a Basilica (Fr. Eleuterio Lobato) INTENTIONS FOR THE APOSTOLATE OF PRAYER - JULY 2009 General: So that the Christians of the Middle East may live their faith in full freedom and be instruments of reconciliation and peace. Missionary: So that the Church may turn out to be a sprout and nucleus of reconciled mankind reunited in the unique family of God, due to the witnessing of all faithful in every country of the World 6 ADMA online SPAIN- VII NATIONAL CONGRESS OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Título: SOÑANDO CADA DÍA Gathered in the VII National Congress of Mary Help of Christians in El Campello e Alicante (1-3 May 2009), aware of what is the meaning of this encounter for the Salesian Family, thankful for the witnessing of the fidelity of Mary, we would like to proclaim our “YES” as She did and therefore we outline the following operative points: 1. We are aware that we are living DIFFICUL MOMENTS for our faith. This calls on us to be WITNESSES of the essential values such as : life, family… 2. In union with all the Salesian Family we feel the urgent need to RESTART AGAIN FROM DON BOSCO to make again alive his educative-pastoral message. For this reason we feel called to LOOK AT THE YOUTH WITH HIM: to get close to them, to know them to love them, and to lead them. 3. During this congress we realize the urgency to think and put into practice a RENEWED CHANGE towards the devotion to Mary Help of Christians: mentality, language, practices of piety… 4. Every now and then during the Congress the necessity of a FORMATION has emerged. It is due in order to answer properly to the challenges of the Marian devotion at the present moment. The reality of Mary towards the present situations invites us to look ahead towards a SOCIAL COMMITMENT, taking into consideration the environment. NOTE We deem right to indicate that the conclusions above outlined, need a concrete setting more practical in the national contest, provincial and local, according to the proper setting. ESTRIBILLO: El Campello- Alicante, May 1-3 2009 HIMNO del “VII CONGRESO Tu nombre es protección Tu nombre es protección de quien en ti confía: María Auxiliadora; nos llena el corazón, es fuerza e ilusión, nos empuja a la vida tu mano acogedora. Estrofa 1 (Madre) Tu presencia es la fuerza alentadora, puerta que abre el camino a la alegría. Te saludamos con fuerza evocadora, pues con nosotros caminas y confías. La esperanza nos queda confirmada, engarzando en los pliegues de tu manto a los hermanos que sufren y nos llaman, en la fragilidad de un Dios en ti encarnado. Estribillo Estrofa 2 (… de la familia) Compartimos esfuerzos e ideales. La Familia Salesiana se acrecienta. Tú transformas llantos y pesares, con la fuerza que en tu Hijo nos alienta Nuestro Congreso que aúna corazones junto a este mar con brisa que acaricia, con Don Bosco, cargados de ilusiones, aún seguimos soñando cada día. Estribillo Estrofa 3 (… que nos compromete) No queremos cansarnos de este mundo; nos proponemos amarlo sin medida, por la Palabra que escuchamos juntos y que sale al encuentro de la vida Le has dado cuerpo al Dios de nuestro tiempo; Él es nuestra esperanza y nuestra luz. “Haced lo que Él os diga”, “vino nuevo”, con el vigor de una eterna juventud. Estribillo Final: Tu nombre es protección; nos llena el corazón. María auxiliadora. María Auxiliadora Letra: Antonio Gil Prieto Música: Juan Peris Roig 7 ADMA online RODEO DEL MEDIO, MENDOZA –ARGENTINA On Saturday 17th, all the members renewed their promises on the occasion of the 140°anniversary of ADMA. There were new promises and all of them received a certificate of appreciation to the association (Gladys Sanchez- Lady president) PORTO ALEGRE – BRAZIL . The Association of Mary Help of Christians witnessed on May 17, in St. Anthony Parish de Joinville the First ADMA Provincial encounter. The first objective was to gather all the existing association groups at the provincial level for a recollection day, a day of prayer, a mutual acceptance in view of the making of the Provincial Council. Present were the groups of Ponta Grossa (Paroquia Nossa Senhora Auxuliadora, PR), Curitiba (Paroquia Menino Jesus de Praga, PR) Jinville (Paroquia Santo Antonio, SC), Massaruanduba (Paroquia Sagrado Coracao – Comunidade de Nossa Sehnora Auxiliadora de Benjamim Constant, SC) and Itajaì (Colegio Salesiano). The group of Novo Lar de Viamao, RS, among the various groups on the provincial territory, together with a good number of aspirants, who are preparing to make their first promise. The meeting started with the acceptance organized by the Joinville group, while the other delegations were arriving at the Centro Educational Dom Bosco, the gathering place. Later on the youth from the Articulacao da Juventude Salesiana made their initial prayer. Fr. P. Tarcisio Paulo Odelli, ADMA Provincial Animator explained a topic on the person of Mary in the Salesian spirituality, under the title “The Help of Christians and the ADMA regulations”. After lunch the group went to the church Madre San Antonio for the evening prayer. The parish priest Fr. Gilson Marcos da Silva gave a small explanation on the Marian altar that portrayed the dream of Don Bosco in the “ garden of the roses”. Again at the centro Educational Dom Bosco, Fr. Orestes Carlinhos Fistarol, Salesian provincial, made a reflection on some of the articles of the ADMA Rules, emphasizing the identity of belonging to the group and to the Salesian Family, recalling some of points of the yearly strenna. The participants, grouped by local realities, gave rise to a group work, with the following requests: how is it called and when was the group founded, individual presentation of each group and which activities were developed during the school year by the single groups. The encounter ended with the blessing of Mary Help of Christians, given by the provincial. Then they were invited to take part at the 6th procession in honor of Mary sponsored by the San Antonio Parish, with the understanding of the local ADMA. 8 ADMA online KAUNAS –LITUANIA On the 23rd of May on the occasion of the feast of Mary Help of Christians, the Salesian Parish of the Most Holy Mary Queen of the Rosary of KaunasPalemonas in Lituania has accepted the membership to ADMA of his first 30 faithful who prayed after the Holy Communion in front of the statue of Mary Help of Christians, first sign of hope in the ADMA journey in the territory of Lituania. The 10 o’clock mass was attended by the Salesians and faithful of Kaunas- parish The Most Holy Mary Queen of the Rosary, by the St. John Bosco Parish, the Salesian Coioperators and friends of the work of Don Bosco coming from other 3 different places of Lituania. The Mass was broadcast by the Radio Maria of Lituania and it was a joy for me to announce to a larger group the establishment of ADMA in Lituania. At the end of the Mass a solemn procession with the statue of Mary Help of Christians was done accompanied by the chanting of the litanies and the rosary, through the streets of Palemonas, ending up in the church with the benediction. It is the forth consecutive year that the procession is organized in honour of Mary Help of Christians, and we realize that every year the participating number is increasing showing the love to Mary. Taking the occasion of the 150 year anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation and of the first 75 years of the establishment of the Salesian in Lituania, in consonance with the strenna of the Rector Major on the Salesian Family, it was a great pleasure for us to celebrate the ADMA birth among us. These are not easy times, with economic and moral crisis, with uncertainties and fatigues, just for this reason the presence of Mary Help of Christians is so much needed and precious. As underlined in the homely of the Mass by fr. Alessandro Bareloli, director of Vilnus. Mary Help of Christians was both in Lepanto and later on, and in particular in Don Bosco’s life and of his Salesians she was a sure presence of Help where to apply to in every need. (Fr. Massimo Bianco). LONDON – The yearly feast of our Lady, Help of Christians, was celebrated on Sunday 24th by the Ursuline Sisters of Malta and by their numerous friends. The main moment was the concelebrated mass with nine priests from the St. Thomas Moore Church, Manor House. The main celebrant was Fr. Gerard King. The children gave a floral gift to our Lady and one of the children of St. Angela’s Nursery crowned the “Queen of May”. Four new members were included in the Association during the celebration by the animator Fr. Hugh Preston, a Salesian. Then the procession with the statue of our Lady took place accompanied by the Marian songs. At the end there was a joyous moment together. (Sister Eugenia Pantellaresco, animator). 9 ADMA online MIAMI – UNITED STATES On May 23 and 24 the Salesian Family of Miami, in the Florida State celebrated the feast of Mary Help of Christians. At Hialeah the local group of the association of Mary Help of Christians celebrated the 10° anniversary of activity and has accepted 25 new members strengthening the presence of the Salesian Presence on the territory. At the end of the Eucharist the ADMA members carried in procession the image of Mary Help of Christians, and later on, celebrated the festivity with songs and dances. CARPINA – BRAZIL On May 17 the Salesian Community of Carpina celebrated the feast of Mary Help of Christians. The participation of the aspirants, pupils, parents professors during the procession brought great joy. It started from the house of the Salesian Sisters and it was ended up with the Eucharistic celebration. This year’s feast had a special meaning due to the Beginning of ADMA in the Institute. The Saint Dominic Savio chapel was full of people while chanting “Glory to Mary” Glory to Mary help of Christians!” and accepting the image of our Lady, which was carried in procession by the 3rd year students and accompanied by the ADMA aspirants and the group erection of ADMA in the school. The group is composed of 16 members who carry on their formation., while studying the rules, in order to be admitted in the month of October, during the celebration of the 51° anniversary of the arrival of the image of Our Lady Mary Help of Christians into the Institute playground. (Alexandre Josè da Silva, sdb – ADMA de Carpina). Italian: French: Spanish: Portuguese English The paper can be read at the following site: For every comunication you can contact the following email adress: [email protected] 10 ADMA online MURKA SABOTA – SLOVENIA The ADMA members while understanding the mystery of the life of our Lady, find the way to imitate her, follow her example, love Jesus in the blessed Sacrament. They learn to pray and listen at the school of Mary. This training help them to be more productive in the good works and so grow in the way of donating to God and to the neighbour. The ADMA group of Murska Sabota today is made up of 101 members. The spiritual animation of the group is taken care by Sr. Bernarda Gerie FMA. The initiative during the year are different: monthlly encounters for formation (every 23rd of the month) and of prayer (every 24th of the month in the Murska Sobota cathedral); annual spiritual retreats, the all year round pilgrimage of the statue of Mary Help of Christians in the members’ families, moments of brotherhood in Autumn and in June, and ”the feast of life” ( the birthdays of the animator and of each member), the best wishes for the personal achievements. The material support during the summer camping, pilgrimages etc. The programming and the coordination is done by the local council together with the delegate during the regular monthly meetings. During the month of May the spiritual annual retreats took place divided into four groups in various locations of Slovenija: about 70 members at Verzey by the Salesians. The preacher is the ADMA responsible all over Slovenija Fr. Tone Ciglar SDB. During the month of April after Easter, there is the pilgrimage of ADMA of Murska Sobota to Rome. The solemnity of Mary Help of Christians was an occasion to unite all of us every evening during the time of prayer and in the participation of the Eucharist, celebrating in such a way the typical Marian devotion in the month of May and present since centuries in our people. The feastday of May 24th was a real grace for all of us: 5 new members have made their promise during the evening mass in the Shrine of Saint Nicolas Murska Sobota. With the presence of the national animator Fr. Tone Ciglar SDB. The Liturgy was taken care off by the spiritual animator Sr. Bernarda Gerie, by the members of ADMA, by the FMA and by the youth. At the end of the celebration the signs of gratitude and thanks were given by the president of ADMA mr. Leon Sabjan, addressed to his members, especially the new ones, and to the council. The festivity continued in the brotherly sharing and in a climate of friendship and joy .(Sr. Bernarda Gerie FMA) 11 ADMA online PILGRIMAGE TO MORNESE – Sunday June 7, the ADMA groups of Turin, Nave (Brescia) and Mornese gathered together for a spirituality day on the places of Santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello, cofounder with Don Bosco of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. 70 people shared a day of communion and fraternity. The first lap is at the Institute where the provincial animator Sr. Concetta Strada welcomes us. The ADMA President of Mornese Mrs. Pia Corrado addresses us with a warm welcome on behalf of the local group. Mother Marinella Castagno, past general mother of the FMA, gives us an overview of the Institute. Introducing the first community, the encounter with Don Bosco with the Daughters of the Immaculate and pinpointing the spirit of sacrifice and of joyous donation of the first Salesian Sisters. We are welcomed at the Mazzarello by the festive ringing of the bells. After the presentation done by the Directress we go to visit the native house of S. Mary Mazzarello. At 12 o’ clock the Shrine sees us for the solemn celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr.Pier Luiigi Cameroni, spiritual animator of the association. After the homely 6 new members of Mornese make their promise. It is a solemn and serous moment. Fr. Pier Luigi invites everybody to renew his personal promise. The celebrated is concluded with the picture taking of the new associates. At 1 pm the Mazzarelli dining room invites all the groups for lunch, while at the beginning the sisters of the Venice province, united over there for their spiritual retreats, sing “Mornese terra di sole”. This affair is followed by a short Marian Celebration in the small church of Mary help of Christians., done by some young people. Later on we proceed to Valponasca to contemplate the “finestrella” and for an Hail Mary. In this place so beautiful and windy a little lottery is organized to solemnize the event. A day of grace for all the participants, in the Magnificat spirit for the beauty of the places, the strong testimony of Mary Mazzarello, the joy of the encounter of persons united in the name and love of Mary Help of Christians. We smelled the same scent of sanctity that we breathe in Valdocco and we have admired one of the most beautiful flowers sprouted in the Salesian garden and dedicated to our Lady: Mother Mazzarello and the Institute born from her generous “yes” and from the sacrifice of an authentic disciple of Jesus. A thank to the community of Mornese and to the ADMA group that welcomed us with great spirit of family life and made us feel at home L’ADMA rejoices for the jubilee of Father Pier Luigi Cameroni who celebrates 25 years of this priesthood. We pray to Our Lady, Help of Christians to invoke upon him abundant God’s blessings and watch over his ministry. A big wish also from Adma online editorial staff 12
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