Basics of Shielding Design for Charged Particle Therapy
Basics of Shielding Design for Charged Particle Therapy
Basics of Shielding Design for Charged Particle Therapy Facilities p n π K Nisy Elizabeth Ipe, Ph.D., C.H.P. Consultant, Shielding Design, Dosimetry & Radiation Protection San Carlos, CA, U.S.A. Email: [email protected] “Doing the right thing, doing it right” PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 1 PTCOG REPORT 1: Shielding Design and Radiation Safety of Charged Particle Therapy Facilities ( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction – N. E. Ipe Radiological Aspects of Charged Particle Therapy Facilities – N. E. Ipe Shielding Design Considerations – G. Fehrenbacher & N. E. Ipe Radiation Monitoring – Y. Uwamino & G. Fehrenbacher Activation – Y. Uwamino Monte Carlo Codes - S. Roesler Patient Dose from Secondary Radiation – H. Paganetti & I. Gudowska Safety Systems and Interlocks – M. Schippers Advisors: A. Smith, A. Mazal and D. Jones EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Consultants: S. Ban and PTCOG H. Yashima 2 Secondary Radiation • Produced by interaction of particles with beam line components • Produced at locations where beam losses occur – In synchrotron and cyclotron during injection, acceleration and extraction – During energy degradation in cyclotron – During beam transport to treatment room – In beam shaping devices located in treatment nozzle • Also produced in patient, dosimetric phantom and beam stop • Accelerators, beam transport line and treatment rooms require shielding PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 3 Secondary Radiation from Protons • Interaction of protons (50 MeV -1000 MeV) with matter results in the production of an intra-nuclear cascade (spray of charged and neutral particles) • Intra-nuclear cascade is important for protons in therapeutic energy range of interest (67 MeV – 330 MeV) • Five distinct stages – – – – – Intra-nuclear cascade Production of muons Electromagnetic cascade Evaporation of nucleons and fragments Activation PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 4 Intra-Nuclear Cascade • Incoming hadron (p,n,..) interacts with individual nucleons in nucleus, producing spray of particles • Pions and kaons are produced above ~ 135 MeV and ~ 495 MeV, respectively • Large fraction of energy transferred to single nucleon p n • This nucleon with E> 150 MeV propagates cascade • Nucleons with energies between 20 -150 MeV transfer energy to several nucleons (~ 10 MeV/nucleon) • Charged particles are quickly stopped by ionization • Neutrons predominate π K PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 5 Evaporation and Activation •After interaction with incoming hadron, remnant of original nucleus is left in an excited state n • It de-excites emitting α particles with typical energy < 30 MeV •Particles include “evaporation nucleons” (protons and neutrons) and some fragments α β • Proton energy deposited locally n • Evaporation neutrons travel long distances • Remaining excitation p energy emitted as gammas γ • De-excited nucleus may be radioactive (activation) PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 6 Muons and Electromagnetic Cascade •Charged pions decay to muons and neutrinos µ π± • Muons are penetrating particles, and deposit energy by ionization, • photonuclear reactions also possible ± e+ π0 γ γ en • Neutral pions decay to gammas which initiate electromagnetic (EM) cascade • Attenuation length of EM cascade is much shorter than that for neutrons • Neutrons are principal propagators of cascade with PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe increasing depth 7 Unshielded Neutron Spectra for 250 MeV Protons Incident on Thick Fe Target (FLUKA) Evaporation Neutron Peak PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Agosteo et al., NIM Phys. Res. B265, 581-589. 2007 8 Neutron Yields for Protons Incident on a Thick Iron Target (FLUKA) Proton Range Iron Target Neutron Yield (n/p) Energy, (mm) Ep Radius Thickness En En > Total (MeV) <19.6 19.6 (mm) (mm) MeV MeV 100 14.45 10 20 0.118 0.017 0.135 150 29.17 15 30 0.233 0.051 0.284 200 47.65 25 50 0.381 0.096 0.477 250 69.30 58 75 0.586 0.140 0.726 PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Agosteo et al., NIM Phys. Res. B265, 581-589. 2007 9 Characteristics of Shielded Neutron Field • High-energy neutron component propagates cascade in shield and continuously regenerates lower-energy neutrons and charged particles at all depths in the shield via inelastic reactions • Yield of lower-energy neutrons increases as proton energy increases • Greater yield of lower-energy neutrons is more than compensated for by greater attenuation in shield because of higher cross-section at lower energy • Radiation field reaches equilibrium condition beyond a few mean free paths within shield • Typical neutron spectrum observed outside a thick shield consists of peaks at ~ few MeV and at ~ 100 MeV PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 10 Carbon Ion Interactions • Nuclear interactions occur by either grazing or head-on collisions • In grazing collision fragmentation of incident ion or target nucleus occurs • Only segments of nuclei that interpenetrate undergo significant interaction and mutual disintegration •Evaporated nucleons and light clusters are produced on oxygen 12C 10C 16O Grazing Collision PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 15O 11 Courtesy of Igor Pshenichnov Carbon Ion Interactions • Head-on collisions are less frequent but large energy transfer occurs • Projectile breaks into many small pieces and no high-velocity fragment survives (unlike in grazing collisions) •Secondary particles are produced on hydrogen H 12C 9B 12C 16O H H Li PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Head-on Courtesy of Igor Pshenichnov Collision 12 Relative Dose Relative Dose at 1 m (0°-10°) from 430 MeV/u Carbon Ions Incident on ICRU Tissue Neutron 1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 Proton Photon Charged Pion 15 75 135 195 255 315 375 435 495 Concrete Thickness (cm) PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe N.E. Ipe and A. Fasso, SATIF8, 2006 13 Neutron Spectra in Concrete from 430 MeV/u Carbon Ions Incident on ICRU Tissue 340 MeV -2 Fluence (cm per carbon ion) 1.E-03 1.E-04 2.3 MeV 1.E-05 0-10 degrees: Concrete Surface 80-100 degrees: Concrete Depth = 4.8 m 0-10 degrees: Concrete Depth = 4.8 m 80-100 degrees 1.E-06 1.E-07 145 MeV 145 MeV 1 4 5 1.E-08 1.E-09 1.E-10 1.E-11 1.E-12 1.E-13 1.E-14 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 Neutron Energy (GeV) PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe N.E. Ipe and A. Fasso, Proceedings of SATIF8, 2006, Korea 14 Secondary Radiation Field • Quite complex • For shielding, neutrons are the dominant component • Important to understand how neutrons interact PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 15 Neutron Energy Classification • Thermal: Ēn = 0.025 eV at 20ºC Typically En ≤ 0.5 eV • Intermediate : 0.5 eV <En ≤ 10 keV • Fast: 10 keV< En ≤ 20 MeV – Includes evaporation neutrons • Relativistic En > 20 MeV PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 16 Elastic Scatter • Kinetic energy and momentum are conserved • Fast neutrons thermalized by elastic scatter • Interaction with hydrogen is like a billiard ball collision • Primary process of energy loss below 1 MeV in hydrogenous materials (concrete, polyethylene..) • Dominant interaction below 10 MeV for all materials Hydrogenous materials are most efffective for fast neutron shielding n Nucleus PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 17 Inelastic ScatterHigh-Z material used for shielding • Kinetic energy is not conserved • Nucleus absorbs energy and is left in an excited state • De-excites emitting gamma rays • Is dominant process above 10 MeV in all materials • In high-Z materials, inelastic scattering reduces neutron energy, thus making hydrogenous material that follows more effective must always be followed by a hydrogenous material because highZ materials are transparent to lower energy neutrons Nucleus Inelastic gamma rays PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Nucleus 18 Thermal Neutron Capture • Thermal neutrons are captured by the nucleus. Use borated polyethylene in • The excited nucleus emits capture gamma maze door instead of rays polyethylene • Capture cross section (< 1 keV) decreases with increasing neutron energy • 1H (n,γ)2H -2.2 MeV (polyethylene & Thermal concrete) Capture Excited neutron • Boron has higher Gamma Nucleus capture cross-section Ray and lower capture gamma energy (0.478 MeV) PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 19 Neutron Interactions (En< 20 MeV) • Neutrons are uncharged and can travel long distances • Almost all interactions are scatters (elastic or inelastic) • Absorption important only at thermal energies and in a few resonances in keV region PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 20 Neutron Interactions (En> 20 MeV) • Relativistic neutrons arise from cascade processes (proton) and nuclear and fragmentation processes (ion) • Important in propagating cascade • Neutrons in cascade have energies as high as the primary proton beam • Neutrons from ion accelerators have maximum energy of ~ 2 x specific energy of ion (860 MeV for 430 MeV/u carbon ion) • High-energy neutron component (En > 100 MeV) – propagates neutrons through shielding – regenerates lower-energy neutrons and charged particles at all depths via inelastic reaction – charged particles are absorbed in the thick shielding – lower-energy neutrons undergo capture reactions giving rise to neutron-capture gamma rays PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 21 Neutron Interactions (En> 20 MeV) • Low-energy component (50 MeV-100 MeV) – Intra-nuclear cascade – Evaporation nucleons – Activation PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 22 Calculational Methods 1. Monte Carlo (MC) Codes – FLUKA, MCNP, MCNPX, GEANT, etc. – Full computer simulation modeling accelerator, beam line and room geometry – Can be used to generate isodose curves, thus providing visualization of secondary radiation field – Can be used to derive computational models – Time consuming PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 23 Calculational Methods 2. Analytical Methods - - - - Most models are line-ofsight and assume point source Usually limited to transverse shielding and simple geometries Don’t account for changes in angle of production, target material and dimensions, shielding material, density and composition Example: Moyer Model derived for GeV proton machines d H H= exp − r λ 0 2 H = dose at point of interest H0 = dose at 1 m from source d = slant thickness r = distance to shield PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 24 λ = attenuation length PTCOG Report 1 Attenuation Length • Attenuation length (λ) is the penetration distance in which the intensity of radiation is reduced by a factor of e • Measured in cm, or in g-cm-2 • λ changes with depth and reaches an equilibrium value Nakamura, T. in Proc. Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-7), 2004, NEA, OECD, Paris Attenuation Length (g cm -2) 150 SLAC,NE213 HIMAC,TEPC HIMAC,Cal. ISIS,Rem C. ISIS,Cal. Loma Linda,TEPC Orsay,TEPC TIARA,NE213 CYRIC,NE213 100 50 0 1 10 2 10 E. Ipe PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy Maximum Source Neutron Energy (MeV) 3 10 25 Calculational Methods 3. Computational Models – Comprised of source terms and attenuation lengths as a function of angle – Particle energy, angle of production, target material, dimensions, shielding material, composition and density are considered – During schematic design phase, facility layout undergoes several iterations – Full Monte Carlo simulations for specific room design is time consuming and not very cost effective PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 26 – Computational models are useful at this stage H 0 ( E p ,θ ) r 2 d exp − λθ g (θ ) Computational Models d H( Ep, θ, d/λg(θ))H=0 ( E p ,θ ) exp − 2 r λθ g (θ ) Where: H is the dose equivalent at the outside the shield, H0 is source term at an angle θ with respect to the incident beam, and is assumed to be geometry independent r is the distance between the target and the point at which the dose equivalent is scored, d is the thickness of the shield d/g(θ) is the slant thickness of the shield at an angle θ λθ is the attenuation length at an angle θ g(θ) is cosθ for forward shielding g(θ) is sinθ for lateral shielding g(θ) = 1 for spherical geometry PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 27 Dose From 430 MeV/u Carbon Ion Incident On 30 cm ICRU Tissue Sphere Dose Per Carbon ion @ 1 m: 0 to 10 degrees Vacuum pSv-m2/ion 1.E+02 Concrete 1.E+00 30 cm Fe +Concrete 1.E-02 60 cm Fe + Concrete 1.E-04 90 cm Fe + Concrete 1.E-06 15 75 135 195 255 315 375 435 495 120 cm Fe + Concrete Shielding Thickness (cm) N.E. Ipe and A. Fasso, SATIF8, 2006 PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 28 Computational Models for Composite Shield (Iron + Concrete) Thickness > 1.35 m 430 MeV/u Carbon on Tissue Iron (cm) 0-10° 0 H0 (pSvm2/ion) 3.02±.04 30 1.25±0.02 60 6.05±0.03 x x1.E-01 90 2.77±0.09 x1.E-01 1.33±0.05 x 1.E-01 120 10-30° λ (g/cm2) H0 λ (g/cm2) (pSvm2/ion) 123.81±0.48 4.81±0.06 133.09±0.7 4 x1.E-01 123.12±0.38 2.44±0.03 129.64±0.3 6 x1.E-01 120.32±0.46 1.11±0.04 128.66±0.7 0 E-01 119.58±1.25 5.27±0.29 126.09±0.8 0 x1.E-02 117.68±0.91 2.48±0.24 124.29±0.9 4 x1.E-02 PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Ipe & Fasso, SATIF8, 2006 40-60° H0 (pSvm2/ion) 4.71±0.21 x1.E-01 1.91±0.08 x1.E-01 8.29±0.66 x1.E-02 3.29±0.69 x1.E-02 1.34±0.68 x1.E-02 λ (g/cm2) 117.64±1.32 119.38±0.48 118.5±0.80 119.14±1.34 118.83±2.89 29 Total Dose Equivalent Transmission Curves For 430 MeV/u Carbon Ion Incident 0n Tissue 0 to 10 degrees Concrete 30 cm Iron + Concrete Transmission 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 60 cm Iron + Conrete 90 cm Iron + Concrete 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 120 cm Iron + Concrete 4.65 m concrete 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 0 3.3 m + 165 cm concrete Proshield 300 100 200 ProShield Ledite 300 Ledite 293 120 cm iron 1.0E-06 1.0E-07 Iron 300 400 Ledite 247 500 Shielding Thickness (cm) N.E. Ipe, ICRS11, 2008 PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 30 Shielding Design Considerations • Accelerator Type – Synchrotron – Cyclotron – Self shielding effects of beam line components • Type of Shielding Material – Composition – Density – Water content • Facility Layout – Adjacent occupancies – Type of Area (Controlled, Public, etc.) – Above ground, underground.. • Country/State Specific Regulatory Dose Limit Shielding design is facility dependent! PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 31 Shielding Design Considerations • Treatment – Particle type (proton, carbon ion, …) – Energies – Current or intensity at each energy – Beam shaping and delivery (scanning vs. scattering, etc.) – No. of patients/year – No. of fractions/patient at each energy – Dose delivered per fraction – Beam-on time – Beam losses and locations – Target materials and dimensions Treatment parameters vary from facility to facility PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 32 Fixed Beam Room Shielding Considerations • • am Be • l ica rt Ve • ° • 45 • Horizontal and 45 ° vertical beams Use Factor = 1/2 for each beam, or 2/3 and 1/3 Neutrons from carbon ions dominate shielding in forward direction Neutrons from protons dominate at large angles and at maze entrance when proton intensity is higher No shielded door at maze entrance Consider contributions from adjacent areas Horizontal Be am Courtesy of Siemens Medical Solutions U.S.A, Inc. PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 33 Gantry Room Shielding Considerations • Beam rotates around patient • Beam stopper is asymmetric and rotates with beam • Ceiling, lateral walls and floor see forward radiation • Walls in forward direction thinner than Fixed Beam Room because of lower Use Factor (1/4) Courtesy of Siemens Medical Solutions U.S.A, Inc. PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 34 Skyshine and Groundshine (PTCOG Report 1) PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 35 Ducts/Penetrations (PTGOG Report 1) Extension of Duct Length Curved Bend One Bend Two Bends PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Shadow Mask Shield 36 Shielding Thicknesses For Particle Therapy Facilities (PTCOG Report 1) CNAO, Italy Gunma, PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe Japan NCC, Korea PSI, Switzerland 37 Architect’s 3-D Rendition of an SRS Monarch 250 Single-Room Facility PTCOG EWAn 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 38 Courtesy of The Benham Companies, SAIC Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma CONCLUSIONS “One Size Fits All” Approach to Shielding DOES NOT WORK NCCHPS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2005 Shielding is facility specific PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 39 PTCOG EW 2010, Nisy E. Ipe 40