living in italy - Comune di Montebelluna
living in italy - Comune di Montebelluna
M TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O REGIONE del VENETO R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O PROVINCIA di TREVISO LIVING IN ITALY A GUIDE FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS ENTRY AND STAY FAMILY WORK HEALTH EDUCATION HOME CITIZENSHIP This guide was awarded the “Quality Prize” at the “National show of public communication and services to the citizen” (COM. PA) of Bologna of the 19th of September 2002, because of the “innovativeness of such a means of communication”. This second edition of “Living in Italy”, that is a guide which addresses mainly to foreign nationals who decided to stay in Italy, has been renewed according to the new dispositions introduced by the law no.189 of 30 July 2002. This year’s edition of the volume, realized within the scope of a special provincial-regional scheme for Immigration and Reentry, comprises an important novelty: it has been published in eight languages, that is, besides Italian, French, English, Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, Russian, Chinese. With this tool we aim at approaching and make ourselves understood by the aliens who live among us, helping them to obtain accurate information about Italian laws, administrative procedures and social organization which are different from those of their countries of origin. The guide is also a precious tool for Italian nationals, who increasingly deal with immigration issues and therefore ask for advice on the relative regulations. In fact, we must not forget that the majority of those who apply to Information Centres for Foreigners are in fact Italian nationals. Advice is being given on the most common problem areas of the alien’s daily life: entry and stay, family, work, home, health and education. The guide is designed to give basic information without presuming to be exhaustive about the complex regulations on immigration and on the alien’s status. The final section of the guidebook is dedicated to useful addresses of institutional seats, information services, schools and training centres, socio-medical districts, embassies and consulates, as well as associations and organizations providing services within the area of our Province. With this publication we hope we are granting a first and essential reception service, which is a fundamental prerequisite for mutual respect and integration. L’Assessore alle Politiche Sociali (the Councillor for social policies) Paolo Speranzon Il Presidente della Provincia di Treviso (the Chairman of the Province of Treviso) Luca Zaia 3 M Index TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O INDEX 1. Entry and stay .................................................................. pag. 9 1.1. Entry Visa ......................................................................... pag. 10 1.2. Illegal Immigration .............................................................. pag. 12 1.3. Residence Permit ............................................................... pag. 13 1.3.1. Duration of the residence permit........................................... pag. 14 1.3.2. Contract of stay................................................................... pag. 15 1.3.3 Renewal of the residence permit .......................................... pag. 15 1.3.4. Conversion of residence permits.......................................... pag. 17 1.3.5. Refusal and revocation of a residence permit or of its renewal pag. 17 1.4. Stay Card .......................................................................... pag. 18 1.5. Stay Of Eu Citizens............................................................. pag. 19 1.6. Administrative Expulsion...................................................... pag. 21 1.7. Personal Registration/Residence.......................................... pag. 22 1.8. Identity Card....................................................................... pag. 23 1.9. Driving Licence................................................................... pag. 23 2. Family............................................................................... pag. 24 2.1. Family re-union and residence permits for family reasons ...... pag. 24 2.1.1. Family re-union................................................................... pag. 24 2.1.2. Entry of an accompanying relative........................................ pag. 25 2.2. Dispositions in favour of foreign minors................................. pag. 26 3. Work ................................................................................ pag. 27 3.1. Employment ....................................................................... pag. 27 3.1.1. Issuing of residence permits for employment to aliens living abroad .............................................................................. pag. 27 3.1.2. Codice fiscale (tax identification number) ............................. pag. 29 3.1.3. Libretto di lavoro (employment card) - abrogation ................. pag. 30 3.1.4. Registration in the unemployment lists.................................. pag. 31 5 M TI N A O NI ON Index TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 3.1.5. Protection of maternity and paternity in the place of work ....... pag. 31 3.1.6. Welfare and social security contributions in case of homecoming....................................................................... pag. 33 3.2. Seasonal employment......................................................... pag. 33 3.2.1. Issuing of residence permits for seasonal employment to aliens living abroad.......................................................... pag. 33 3.3. Self-employment................................................................. pag. 34 3.3.1. Conversion of a residence permit into a permit for self-employment.................................................................. pag. 35 3.4. Self-certification and declaration substituting the affidavit........ pag. 36 3.4.1. Self-certification .................................................................. pag. 36 3.4.2. Declaration substituting the affidavit...................................... pag. 37 4. Health ............................................................................... pag. 38 4.1. Registration in the national health service ............................. pag. 38 4.1.1. Compulsory registration....................................................... pag. 38 4.1.2. Voluntary registration........................................................... pag. 39 4.2. Medical care provided to aliens not registered in the national health service........................................................................ pag. 40 4.3. Entry into italy for health reasons ......................................... pag. 42 4.3.1. Entry visa for receiving medical treatments ........................... pag. 42 4.3.2. Entry into Italy for medical treatments under humanitarian programmes ................................................... pag. 42 4.3.3. Entry into Italy for medical treatments under regional humanitarian programmes ................................................... pag. 43 4.4. Family advisory bureaus...................................................... pag. 43 5. Education ......................................................................... pag. 44 5.1. Access of foreign minors to italian schools............................ pag. 44 5.2. Admission to university........................................................ pag. 45 5.3. Equivalence of certificates obtained abroad........................... pag. 46 5.4. Equivalence of certificates which qualify as professionals....... pag. 47 5.5. Special dispositions for the practise of medicine.................... pag. 47 6 M Index TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 6. Home ............................................................................... pag. 48 6.1. Tenancy agreements (lease contracts) ................................. pag. 48 6.2. Registration of the contract.................................................. pag. 49 6.3. Duties of the tenant................................................................... pag. 50 6.4. Relationship with the landlord................................................... pag. 50 6.5. Sublease .............................................................................. pag. 51 6.6. Renewal of the contract............................................................ pag. 51 6.7. Eviction.............................................................................. pag. 51 6.8. Public housing...................................................................... pag. 52 6.9. Reception centres................................................................. pag. 52 7. Citizenship ....................................................................... pag. 54 7.1. Procedure for the recogition fo italian citizenship by right of birth (iure sanguinis) ............................................................. pag. 54 7.2. Permit for people waiting for the acquisition of italian citizenship................................................................................. pag. 56 7.3. Citizenship for marriage....................................................... pag. 57 7.4. Citizenship for naturalization..................................................... pag. 57 Appendix A) Useful addresses - Reception and information.................................................... - Work................................................................................... - Education and training.......................................................... - Home.................................................................................. - Institutions........................................................................... - Car and driving licence......................................................... - Health................................................................................. - Informagiovani..................................................................... pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. 59 61 62 63 63 64 64 65 B) Embassies and Consulates................................................... pag. 65 C) Associations......................................................................... pag. 67 D) Table of Services.................................................................. pag. 69 7 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 1. ENTRY AND STAY The immigration laws, which are mainly contained in the Consolidating Act (Decree Law no. 286 of 25 July 1998 and succeeding modifications1) and in its Implementation Rules (Decree of the President of the Republic- no. 394 of 31 August 1999), apply to stateless people and to the citizens of the States that don’t belong to the European Union – hereinafter referred to as aliens – and to the citizens of the European Union Member States only if these provisions are more favourable. Moreover, citizens from countries participating in the Schengen Agreement implementation are considered in the same way as EU citizens. The Schengen Agreement regulates the circulation of aliens within the so-called “Schengen Area”, which includes all the countries which signed the relative implementation Convention.2 This agreement, executed in Italy in 1997, sets the application of a common policy by European countries with respect to asylum and immigration, control of the borders, regulation of entry visas and judicial cooperation among the police forces of the different countries as for criminal procedures and extradition. Entry into Italy shall be granted to the alien coming from outside the Schengen Area only if he/she: a) presents himself/herself at an authorized border check point; b) bears a valid passport or other equivalent identity papers; c) can produce documents explaining the purpose and the conditions of his/her stay along with the availability of sufficient means of subsistence for the length of the stay and, except for permits of stay for work, also for returning to the country of origin or to a third transit country; d) bears a valid entry visa, except for extraordinary circumstances expressly regulated by law;3 1 - The Immigration Consolidating Act has been recently modified by the “Bossi-Fini” act no. 189 of 2002: the reform shall be completed only after the enactment of the relative implementation rules. 2 - Belgium, Netherlands, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland and Sweden. 3 - People from the following countries are under obligation to obtain a visa: Afghanistan, Albany, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Byelorussia, Burma, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Capo Verde, Central African Republic, Ciad, China, Columbia Comoros, Congo, Congo (Democratic Republic), North Korea, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, ex-Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, Fiji, Philippines, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Jamaica, Gibuti, Jordan, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizstan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Morocco, Marshall, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Papua-New Guinea, Peru, Qatar, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Ruanda, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadine, Solomon, West Samoa, São Tomé e Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Syria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Sudan, Surinam, Swaziland, Tagikistan, Taiwan (unofficial territorial entity), Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. 9 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O e) is not reported for refusal of entry or non admission; f) is not considered dangerous for law and order and security of the Italian State; g) has not been condemned for any of the crimes provided for by art. 380, Subsections 1 and 2 of the Code of criminal procedure, that is for crimes related to narcotics, sexual act in public place, aiding and abetting illegal immigration to Italy and emigration from Italy to other countries, crimes aiming at recruiting people for prostitution or minors for illegal activities. If the alien does not satisfy all the conditions, he/she shall be refused entry at the border, even if he/she owns a valid entry permit. At the Italian border the alien goes through a customs inspection of transported goods and cash. If the inspection has a positive result, the customs authorities stamp the passport specifying the place and date of the transit. If the alien crosses a border on a means of transport which is not his/her property, the people responsible for that means are under obligation to check if the transported person has the required documents to entry into Italy and, in case, they must inform the border police about the presence on board of illegal aliens. Any infringement of these rules shall be punished with an administrative fine from € 516,46 to € 2.582,28 for each transported alien. Aliens who have applied for asylum, who have been granted the refugee status or for whom temporary protection measures have been adopted for humanitarian grounds, cannot be repelled even if they are not in possession of the documents or the necessary requirements to entry into Italy. 1.1. ENTRY VISA The entry visa shall be issued within 90 days as of the application, by the Italian diplomatic missions or consulates in the alien’s country of origin or of permanent residence. 10 M Entry and stay TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O In emergencies the border police may be authorized to issue: - entry visas valid for no longer than 10 days; - transit visas valid for no longer than 5 days. When issuing the entry visa, the Italian diplomatic or consular authority shall, at the same time, provide the alien with a notice written in a language known to him/her, listing the rights and duties of the alien in relation to entry into Italy and stay. No entry visa shall be issued to the alien who has been previously expelled from the Country - or from any country of the Schengen Area – or who is deemed to represent a threat to public order and security in Italy or in other countries of the European Union, as stated by international agreements or conventions. The entry visa can possibly be refused: in such cases the interested party shall be informed in Italian or in a language known to him/her, but the reasons for the refusal must be given only in some specific cases.4 If the alien presents fake or forged documentation or false declarations, he/she must assume the relative criminal liability and his/her application shall be cancelled. When asking for an entry visa, it is necessary to give information about: - one’s personal details and those of any accompanying family member; - the details of one’s passport or equivalent document; - the place of destination; - the reasons and length of the stay. The following items must be enclosed to any request for an entry visa: - the required documentation according to the kind of visa that has been asked for;5 4 - Petition according to the articles 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36 and 39 of the Consolidating Act. 5 - Kinds of visas: adoption, business, medical treatments, accompanying relatives, sport competitions, invitation, self-employment, employment, mission, religious reasons, re-entry, elective residence, family re-union, study, airport transit, transit, tourism, transport, work-holiday. 11 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O - the passport or an equivalent document; the documentation about the purposes of the stay; the documentation about the means of transport that shall be used; the documentation about the availability of means of subsistence enough for the travel, the stay and, except for permits for work reasons, for the homeward journey for the interested person and for any dependent member of the family following the applicant; - the documentation about the conditions of the journey. As for visas concerning the alien’s family, the alien must produce: - the documentation mentioned above; - a document certifying the family relationship, minority, inability to work or living together, issued by the authorities of the country of origin – or the country where the alien has a permanent residence – and translated and validated by the Italian diplomatic and consular authority; - the authorization by the Questura (top police agency at provincial level), which verifies the existence of an accommodation and of means of subsistence. 1.2. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Anyone who facilitates the illegal entry of an alien into Italy, or into any country of which the person has not the citizenship or where he/she has not a permanent residence, shall be punished with up to 3 years’ imprisonment and a financial penalty amounting to up to € 15.000 for each person illegally let in. The penalty shall be increased adding from 4 to 12 years’ imprisonment and € 15.000 financial penalty for each people if the fact, unless it is a more serious offence, was committed to one’s own profit, even indirectly, or if it was committed in concert with two or more people or using international means of transport or forged, fake or illegally issued documents. In case of living on earnings of prostitution or recruitment of minors for illegal activities, the minimum penalty is 5 years’ imprisonment to a maximum of 15 years and € 25.000 financial penalty for each person illegally let in. In this cases people must be arrested in the act of committing the offence, the means of transport that has been used 12 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O shall be seized and the law provides for summary proceedings, unless special investigations are needed. Anyone who helps illegal aliens to stay in Italy for illegal activities or in order to wrongfully benefit from such an illegal stay, shall also be punished with up to four years’ imprisonment and € 15.493,70 financial penalty. 1.3. RESIDENCE PERMIT Once the alien has entered Italy, he/she must make an application for a residence permit to the Questura of the place in which he/she is going to reside. Anyone who hires or gives accommodation or hospitality to an alien (including family and inlaws) is under obligation to give written notice of that to the police force, that is to the Questura or Comune (local authority at town level) within 48 hours. Failure to give notification will result in a fine from € 160 to € 1100. The residence permit can be requested for the same reasons for which the entry visa was issued. The interested party must show (excluding people asking for asylum and people staying for social protection or humanitarian reasons): - his/her passport or an equivalent document attesting nationality, place and date of birth, complete with entry visa;6 - the documentation certifying that adequate means of subsistence are at the alien’s disposal; - the documentation certifying the alien’s residence or domicile. Any foreigner who is asking for a residence permit shall be photographed and fingerprinted. The applicant shall receive a receipt which is a valid temporary document and which he/she will have to show in order to collect his/her residence permit. 6 - Except for citizens coming for tourism from countries for which visas are not compulsory, according to special agreements or conventions. 13 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The receipt comprises: - the applicant’s photo; - the office’s stamp by the department that received the application; - the date of submission of the application and a signature by the receiver of the application; - the estimated day when the residence permit shall be issued; - a notice warning that the residence permit can be taken out only on production of the receipt attesting the alien’s registration in the National Health Service. The permit shall be issued within 20 days as of the date of the application. The alien must show his/her residence permit every time he/she is ordered to do so by public officials or policemen. If he/she refuses to do so, he/she shall be punished with up to 6 months’ imprisonment and a financial penalty amounting to up to € 413.16. 1.3.1. DURATION OF THE RESIDENCE PERMIT The period of validity of the residence permit is that of the entry visa, except for permits for work reasons. In any case, the duration cannot exceed: - 3 months for visits, business or tourism; - 6 months, possibly renewable up to one year, for reasons of social protection; - 1 year in relation to the attendance of an educational course duly certified; the permit can however be yearly renewed in case of courses lasting more years; - from 20 days up to 9 months for seasonal employment in the sectors that require such an extension; - 2 years for family re-union; - 2 years for self-employment; - the period of validity of the “contract of stay” (see the following paragraph), and in any case 1 year for employment under fixedterm contracts or 2 years for employment for an indefinite period; - a period set according to substantiated requirements, as for other cases provided for by the law. 14 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 1.3.2. CONTRACT OF STAY (when both employment and accommodation are provided by contract) A residence permit for employment can be issued after the foreign worker and an Italian employer (or a foreign employer with a valid residence permit) have entered into a “contract of stay”. The contract must be signed, within 8 days from the alien’s entry, in the immigration office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione 7) at the Prefettura (prefectural offices) of the Province where the employer resides, where the employer’s registered office is, or where the place of work is. The “contract of stay” does not entitle to a residence permit unless it includes: - a statement made by the employer, who guarantees an accommodation in compliance with the rules of public housing; - a statement made by the employer, who guarantees the payment of travel expenses for the alien’s homecoming in case he/she must be compulsorily accompanied to the border (as in the event of expulsion). 1.3.3. RENEWAL OF THE RESIDENCE PERMIT The alien shall apply for the renewal of his/her permit of stay to the Questore of the province where he/she lives, at least: - 90 days before the expiration date if it is a permit for employment under a fixed-term contract; - 60 days before the expiration date if it is a permit for employment under an open-end contract; - 30 days before the expiration date in all other cases. The renewal shall be granted only if all the required conditions are satisfied. It is standard practice for the Questura of Treviso – or the delegated local inquiry offices – to make an appointment and give a receipt with the fixed date for the application for renewal. 7 - During this transient phase, before the passing of the Implementation Rules for act n.189 of 2002 (Bossi-Fini), the functions that the new law assigned to the Sportello Unico shall still be performed by the Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro (employment centres at provincial level). 15 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The receipt, which bears the date of the appointment, substitutes temporarily the residence permit during the period from its expiration until the day when the alien will lodge his/her request for renewal with the Questura. With the receipt the alien is allowed to work, to take out or renew his/her health card and to take out his/her codice fiscale (tax identification number).8 When asking for a renewal, it is necessary to give documentary evidence of: - the means of subsistence in relation to the reason why the residence permit should be renewed (a statement by the employer or by who supports the alien); - the residence or domicile (the residence certificate or a statement by who gives hospitality to the alien). The residence permit shall be renewed within 20 days as of the date of the application. The applicant shall receive a receipt bearing a date-stamp by the Immigration Department and a signature by the receiver of the application. The residence permit cannot be renewed or extended if the alien has interrupted his/her stay in Italy for a continual period of over six months or, for residence permits granted for at least two years, if the continual period exceeds half the validity period of the residence permit, with the exclusion of interruption due to military service or other serious and well grounded reasons. After 60 days from the expiration of the residence permit the alien, unless he/she has already made a request for renewal, shall be expelled from the country. The loss of one’s job does not imply that the residence permit shall not be renewed. 8 - See the Appendix, table of the functions of the local inquiry offices which are allowed to make appointments with the Immigration Department of the Questura of Treviso, divided into town districts. 16 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 1.3.4. CONVERSION OF RESIDENCE PERMITS The residence permit for employment allows self-employment in case the person has been given authorization or has obtained the necessary requirements defined by the law. The residence permit for self-employment allows employment too. The residence permit for seasonal work can be converted into a residence permit for employment, but only after the end of the second year of work, if the alien currently works as an employee and however within the fixed maximum number of granted permits. The residence permit for social protection can be converted into a permit for study and for employment if the alien currently works as an employee. The residence permit for family reasons allows to work and it can be converted in a permit for work reasons. 1.3.5. REFUSAL AND REVOCATION OF A RESIDENCE PERMIT OR OF ITS RENEWAL When a residence permit is refused or annulled, the Questore informs the alien and invites him to present him/herself to the indicated border police, within no more than 15 working days, to leave the Italian territory. If the alien fails to do so, he/she will be expelled from the country. In case of refusal or revocation of a residence permit, the foreign citizen may petition the competent regional administrative tribunal (T.A.R.), that is the administrative tribunal of the same region of the police department that refused or annulled the permit. The petition must be lodged within 60 days from the date of the notice of the measure. 17 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 1.4. STAY CARD The stay card is the requirement which allows the alien to stay in Italy for an indefinite period. Aliens may ask for a stay card, for themselves and their cohabiting children under 18, if they satisfy the following conditions: - they have been regularly staying in Italy for at least 6 years; - they have a residence permit for reasons which allow renewal for an indeterminate number of times, that is: for self-employment, for employment under an open-end contract, for family necessity; - their yearly income derived from a licit work is no less than the annual amount of the welfare payments for each family member; - they live in rented accommodation or own a property which is in compliance with the regional rules of public housing; - they are not prosecuted for criminal offences or convicted for particularly serious offences.9 The stay card may be also asked for by the foreign spouse, by foreign children under 18 or foreign parents who lives with an Italian citizen. In these cases the interested party must satisfy the above-stated conditions with the exclusion of the first one. The request must be lodged with the local police headquarters using a special application form. The stay card must be stamped within 10 years from the date of its issue on the applicant’s request, and it is valid as a personal identification document for 5 years from the date of its issue or renewal. The holder of the stay card is allowed to: - enter and leave Italy without any visa; - carry on any legal business or do any legal work provided that it is neither expressly forbidden to aliens nor allowed only to Italian citizens. 9 - those provided for by the code of criminal procedure, articles n.380 – burglary, extortion, receiving stolen goods, drug pushing, ... – and 381 – bodily harm, theft, mischief, ... –. 18 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O - avail him/herself of the services supplied by the public administration; - take a part in the local public life and be entitled to vote and stand for election when provided for by the law. The stay card cannot be issued – or it must be annulled – if a criminal case is in progress or if a sentence, even if it is not a final judgement, was pronounced for serious offences. If the stay card is annulled, the alien will be expelled. In case of refusal or revocation of a stay card, the alien may petition the competent regional administrative tribunal (T.A.R.) within 60 days. 1.5. STAY OF EU CITIZENS According to the European Community Charter, later completed by the Amsterdam Treaty, “any citizen of a member country of the European Union is a EU citizen too”.10 A fundamental right of European citizens is the freedom of movement and the freedom of stay within the countries of the European Union.11 As for stays longer than 3 months in the Italian territory, EC citizens must nevertheless ask for the stay card for EU citizens. The stay card shall be issued by the police headquarters, it is valid for 5 years and may be extended on simple request. The application for a stay card for EU citizens must be submitted to the local Questura (police headquarters) within three months from the applicant’s entry into Italy. The right to stay in Italy shall also be conceded, irrespective of his/her citizenship, to the EU citizen’s dependent husband or wife, children under 18, dependent relatives in ascending or descending 10 - Countries of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain and Sweden. 11 - The reference law on the EU citizen’s legal status is the Decree of the President of the Republic (D.P.R.) n. 54 of 18 January 2002 (Consolidating act of statutory provisions and regulations about the circulation and stay of citizens of member countries of the European Union). 19 M Entry and stay TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O line (and his/her spouse’s dependent relative) and to any other dependent or cohabiting member of his/her family in the country of origin. The degree of kinship has to be attested by means of the appropriate documentation translated and validated by the Italian diplomatic mission or consulate in the EU citizen’s country of origin. The following people are entitled to stay in Italy without any stay card: a) employees under a fixed-term contract lasting no longer than three months. The document that was used to enter the country, together with the employer’s statement indicating the set period of work, are valid qualifications for the stay; b) seasonal workers who have a contract validated by the diplomatic or consular representative or by an official mission of employee recruitment in the member country. Frontier workers who reside in another EU member state, to which they usually go back every day or at least once per week, shall be given a special card which is valid for 5 years and is automatically renewed. EU citizens are not subject to the rules on repulsion and expulsion provided for by the Consolidating act on Immigration. Denial of entry or expulsion can be ordered only for reasons of law and order or security or public health. Such measures can not be issued just because of convictions for criminal offences. The identity card is a valid document for emigrating, even for work reasons, to EU states and to non-EU countries that signed special international agreements. The EU citizen can apply to the town council (Comune) for voter registration in the additional lists in order to vote in the local elections, and he can be voted in as town councillor (but not as mayor). 20 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The alien regularly living in a member state of the European Union can freely move within the Schengen Area and stay in another EU country as a tourist for no longer than three months, but he is under obligation to inform the local police authorities of his presence, according to the procedures and the law of that nation. A long-term residence permit issued by a member country of the European Union is not a sufficient condition in order to work in Italy. 1.6. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPULSION Expulsion may be ordered by the Home Secretary (Minister of the Interior) in case of danger for law and order and security of the Italian State. It is ordered by the Prefect of police in case the alien: - trespassed on the country’s territory, escaping customs examinations; - remained in the Italian territory without applying for the residence permit within the fixed term (unless the delay was caused by reasons beyond his/her control), or the residence permit was suspended or annulled, or it expired more than 60 days before and he/she hasn’t yet asked for its renewal; - engages in criminal activities. The expulsion is always executed by the Questore and the alien is accompanied to the border, excluding the case of a residence permit expired for more than 60 days with no request for renewal, unless the Prefect of police establishes that the alien is likely dodge the measure. The expulsion is ordered with a grounded ordinance that is immediately enforceable, even if it has been impugned by the alien. Against this decision it is possible to petition the Tribunal relative to the authority that ordered the expulsion, within 60 days from the date of the ordinance. 21 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 1.7. PERSONAL REGISTRATION/RESIDENCE Aliens must register at the registry office of the town where they take up residence. In order to register, the alien must show his/her passport and stay card. The expiration date of the stay card must be registered in the personal information file. The alien must apply to the Registry Office of the Municipality where he/she lives and fill in the special form with his/her personal details, place of origin (Italian or foreign town), actual address in the district (where he/she has a permanent residence). He/she must also declare what type of Italian driving licence he/she possibly holds. - The residence shall be registered only after the usual address has been checked by the local police headquarters. - Within 60 days from the renewal of his/her residence permit (or stay card), the alien must apply to the register office to declare again his/her actual address in the town, showing the residence permit itself (or the stay card). The actual address may also be, and is considered a valid actual address, a reception centre which has been offering hospitality to the alien for more than three months (proving that this is documented). The registry office must inform the local police department within 15 days about all registrations, modifications and cancellations of personal information. In the event of a change of residence, the new address must be registered in the driving licence and in the Italian vehicle registration document. The alien’s personal information card is cancelled, in addition to the reasons applicable to Italian citizens, in case of: - untraceability verified by a general population census or by repeated inspections; - failure of confirming one’s actual address after 60 days from the expiration date of one’s residence permit or stay card (on notification by the registry office which invites the interested person to attend to it within 30 days). 22 M TI N A O NI ON Entry and stay TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The removal from the files of the registry office is communicated to the competent police headquarters within 15 days. The alien may petition the competent regional administrative tribunal (T.A.R.) against measures concerning the management of personal data by the register office. 1.8. IDENTITY CARD An Identity Card can be issued to aliens and to stateless persons who live in an Italian town. It is a document which is valid of five years, cannot be used to leave the country and cannot serve as a residence permit. It must be requested to the local Registry Office enclosing: - 3 passport photographs; - one’s valid passport or equivalent document; - a special application form, that is available at the registry office. The Identity Card must be handed back in case the residence permit has expired and cannot be renewed. 1.9. DRIVING LICENCE Driving a car in Italy is allowed only with a valid Italian driving licence, which can be obtained passing a theoretical examination and getting through a driving test. It is also possible to convert the driving licence issued by some nonEU countries, that are specified in a special list at the licence registration authority.12 To convert one’s licence, the alien must apply to his/her diplomatic and consular authority or to the provincial licence registration authorities. 12 - Countries which signed international agreements that allow the conversion of the driving licence: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Philippines, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Lebanon, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Hungary. 23 M TI N A O NI ON Family TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 2. FAMILY 2.1. FAMILY RE-UNION AND RESIDENCE PERMITS FOR FAMILY REASONS The Italian State recognizes the alien’s right to reunite his/her own family. The alien may ask for a permit for re-union for the following family members: - spouse, unless he/she is officially separated; - dependent children under the age of 18, even if they were born outside marriage, if they are only the spouse’s children, if they are children of unmarried or officially separated parents, provided that the spouse – when existing – has given his/her permission; - dependent children under the age of 18, if they are objectively not able to provide for their own keep because of their condition of total invalidity; - dependent parents but only if they don’t have any other child in the country of origin, or parents above 65 years of age if they have other children who – for serious health reasons – are however not able to provide for their keep. The alien asking for the re-union must produce: - documents certifying the availability of an accommodation in compliance with the law;13 - documents certifying the availability of a licit yearly income not lower than the annual amount of the welfare payments for each family member. 2.1.1. FAMILY RE-UNION In order to obtain the family re-union, the alien must ask for the authorization at the immigration office (Sportello Unico – U.T.G.) of 13 - The requirements for Veneto are set by the Regional Act no. 10 of 1996: a) 46 sq metres for one person; b) 60 sq metres for two people; c) 70 sq metres for three people; d) 85 sq metres for four people; e) 95 sq metres for five people; f) over 110 sq metres for more than five people. 24 M TI N A O NI ON Family TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O the competent local Prefettura. The go-ahead must be communicated by the alien to his/her family member, who shall lodge a request for an entry visa for family re-union with the diplomatic and consular authority of his/her country of origin, producing: the authorization, the passport and the documentation certifying the family relationship, marriage, minority or inability to work authenticated by the consular Italian authority. 2.1.2. ENTRY OF AN ACCOMPANYING RELATIVE The entry in order to accompany a member of the family is allowed providing that the accompanying alien has obtained a visa, which can be requested for: 1) foreign relatives of an Italian national or of a citizen of a European Union Member State 2) foreign relatives of an alien who holds a stay card or an entry visa for employment under a contract lasting at least one year, for continual self-employment, for study or for religious reasons. Once he /she entered Italy, the relative must apply to the competent local Questura for a residence permit for family reasons within 8 days as of his/her entry. The period of validity of the residence permit for family reasons is that of the permit or card of stay of the family member whom the alien is rejoining. The bearer of a residence permit for family reasons is allowed to: - avail him/herself of the services supplied by the National Health Service; - apply for educational courses or professional formation; - be registered in the unemployment list; - work as an employee or a self-employed person, within the limits of minimum age fixed by the law. Foreign parents (whether they are biological parents or not) of an Italian minor living in Italy may be granted a residence permit for family reasons even if they don’t have any valid requisite for the stay, providing that they have not been deprived of their parental authority according to the Italian law. 25 M TI N A O NI ON Family TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The alien who reunites with an Italian citizen or a citizen of a Member country of the European Union or an alien who has a valid stay card, may apply for the stay card. In case of refusal of the authorization for the family re-union and for the residence permit, and against other measures related to the right to reunite the family, it is possible to appeal to the monocratic tribunal of the place of residence. If the appeal is upheld, the relative disposition may allow the release of a visa even without the abovementioned authorization. 2.2. DISPOSITIONS IN FAVOUR OF FOREIGN MINORS Children under 14 years of age must be registered in the residence permit of their cohabiting parent (or parents) regularly staying in Italy. Minors fostered by a foreign regularly staying are also registered in his/her residence permit or stay card and are considered as having his/her same legal status, if this is more favourable. After turning 14 years, minors who are registered in their parent’s or foster parent’s residence permit (or stay card) shall be issued with a residence permit for family reasons or a stay card. After the alien has turned 18, his/her residence permit may be converted into a permit of stay for employment or self-employment, irrespective of the limits of the fixed entry quotas. Aliens under 18 years of age cannot be expelled, but they are allowed to follow their expelled parent or foster parent. An expulsion measure may possibly be taken only by the Children’s Court at the request of the Questore. 26 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 3. WORK The entry for employment, even if it is a seasonal work, and for selfemployment is allowed within the fixed quotas yearly established by one or more decrees issued by the Prime Minister. Foreign workers bearing a valid residence permit for work can sign any employment contract and have the right to work under the same conditions as nationals as concerns salary, social security contributions and benefits as provided by national collective agreements for Italian workers. 3.1. EMPLOYMENT 3.1.1. ISSUING OF RESIDENCE PERMITS FOR EMPLOYMENT TO ALIENS LIVING ABROAD The Italian employer – or foreign employer regularly staying in Italywho intends to hire an alien residing abroad must apply for the relative authorization (specifying the name of the alien) to the immigration office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) at the Prefettura – U.T.G. (prefectural offices) in the province where he/she resides, or where the registered office of the firm is, or where the work itself shall take place. It is possible to apply for an authorization to hire alien workers both for fixed-term and for open-end contracts. The application must comprise: - appropriate documents about the accommodation for the alien; - the draft of the “contract of stay” (see paragraph 1.3.2.) with the employer’s declaration that he will pay the travel expenses for the alien’s home-coming; - the employer’s promise to inform of any changes in the working relationship. Any employer who does not inform the immigration office of any changes in the working relationship with the alien shall be punished with a fine from € 500 to € 2500. 27 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Within 40 days as of the date of the application the immigration office, after verifying with the competent local employment bureaus (Centri per l’Impiego) that there are no other Italian or EU citizens available, and after seeking the opinion of the Questore, shall give its temporary authorization which is necessary for issuing the entry visa. Then, under the employer’s request, the immigration office forwards the documents to the consular authorities, who issue the entry visa for employment and the codice fiscale (tax identification number) that was communicated by the immigration office itself. Within 8 days as of his/her entry into Italy, the alien must: - present him/herself at the immigration office at the Prefettura – U.T.G. that issued the authorization to work, for signing his/her “contract of stay”. - apply for a residence permit to the Immigration Department of the Questura of the province where he/she is staying; if he/she fails to do so, he/she shall be expelled from the territory of the State. The residence permit for employment cannot be revoked if the work relationship ceases; in that case the alien can register in the unemployment list at the employment bureaus for the rest of the period of validity of his/her permit, and in any case for no less than 6 months. Any employer who hires a foreign worker bearing no residence permit for work reasons, or whose permit has expired (unless the alien has already applied for its renewal) or has been revoked or cancelled, shall be punished with 3 to 12 months’ imprisonment and a with a € 5000 financial penalty for each hired worker. If the employer does not personally know any alien, he may ask for a certain number of aliens registered in the special lists of foreign workers whose countries have signed relevant agreements with Italy. The lists can be found at the Italian diplomatic authority and are communicated to the Department of Employment and of Social Security. The lists of foreign workers are made and updated annually and are divided into three categories: fixed-term contracts, open-end contracts and seasonal work. 28 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The interested alien may ask for being included in the lists by filling in the special registration form created by the Department of Employment and of Social Security, specifying: - his/her country of origin; - the progressive number assigned to his/her application; - his/her full personal details; - the kind of contract he/she wishes to sign in Italy; - his/her professional qualifications; - his/her knowledge of languages; - his/her work experiences. A registered alien has the right to know what his/her position in the list is. According to the recent reform of the Consolidating Act, the authorization to work as professional nurses that is required for the entry of aliens residing abroad and who are going to be hired by public and private hospitals, may be asked for independently of the annual quotas fixed by the Italian government. 3.1.2. CODICE FISCALE (TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) The codice fiscale is an alphanumeric code, that is a code made up of letters and numbers, which allows the Ministry of Finance to identify a citizen for tax purposes. For aliens entering Italy thanks to an individual request by their employer, the codice fiscale is assigned by the Immigration Office of the Prefettura – U.T.G. – when the entry visa is issued. In all the other circumstances it is necessary to ask for it to the Ministry of Finance – Revenue Department (Income Tax Office), or to its decentralized offices. The codice fiscale is necessary for: - registering in the National Health Service; - being hired as an employee; - starting up in business as a self-employed; - signing any contract (for example lease or sale contracts); - opening a current account with a bank. 29 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O In order to obtain the codice fiscale it is necessary to show the following documents: - a valid residence permit and a photocopy of the passport. Or, if the applicant has no residence permit: - an identity certificate (with photo) issued by the appropriate consular authority; - a photocopy of the passport In place of these documents it is possible to show: - a photocopy of the receipt of the residence permit; - the employment contract; - a photocopy of the employer’s identity papers and a statement on headed paper signed by the employer; - a photocopy of the passport 3.1.3. EMPLOYMENT CARD (LIBRETTO DI LAVORO) abrogation If an alien enters Italy for the first time with a visa for employment, in order to be hired he/she shall no longer need any employment card. In consequence of a regulatory reform,14 the Direzioni Provinciali del Lavoro (employment centres at provincial level) don’t issue this document any more, even in case of loss. In order for the alien to start working, the employer just needs to sign the contract of employment and communicate the hiring (Mod. C/ASS) to the competent employment bureau within five days. If, instead, an alien who is hired for the first time has already a residence permit which allows him to work, the employer just needs to communicates the hiring (Mod. C/ASS) to the competent employment bureau within five days. 14 - The government decree issued under parliamentary delegation (D.Lgs.) no. 297 of 2002 has abolished, among others, act no. 112 of 10/01/1935 about the employment card (libretto di lavoro). 30 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 3.1.4. REGISTRATION IN THE UNEMPLOYMENT LISTS Aliens regularly staying in Italy are entitled to be registered in the unemployment lists. The applications must be submitted to the employment bureaus, showing the residence permit and the libretto di lavoro, if the alien has already one. In case of dismissal or resignation, the employer must inform the competent employment bureau within 5 days. The worker who was dismissed or resigned his/her job may ask for being registered in the unemployment lists in order to avail him/herself of the services for the reinstatement in the labour market, as: 1) interviews with careers advisers 2) initiatives for the reinstatement through training and retraining programmes. The alien regularly staying who holds a long-term residence permit and has been declared invalid can be registered in the lists of protected workers by lodging a request – with the competent employment bureau – enclosing the documents attesting his/her inability (certificate issued by the competent medical board,* Mod. A/San and requirements envisaged by Act no. 68 of 1999). 3.1.5. PROTECTION OF MATERNITY AND PATERNITY IN THE PLACE OF WORK Any employed woman who is pregnant is compelled to stop working 2 months before the estimated date of the childbirth until 3 months after the childbirth. Alternatively it is possible to work until 1 month before the estimated date of the childbirth, providing that the pregnancy is normal and the working conditions are not dangerous. The employed woman who is on maternity leave receives 80% of her usual salary, unless the relative collective agreement provides that the whole amount shall be paid. * Commissione medica di prima istanza 31 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The self-employed woman, artisan, trader, dirt farmer or farmer, can take advantage of the maternity leave from 2 months before to 3 months after the childbirth and shall receive a daily benefit payment equivalent to 80% of her normal salary. The benefit payments shall be paid out directly by the national social security department (INPS – Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale). The employed father has the right not to work, with the same benefits granted to the employed mother, in case of death or serious ailment of the mother, child abandonment by the mother, exclusive foster care by the father or recognition only by one parent. The mother or the father are allowed not to work (parental leave) for no longer than 6 months during the child’s first 8 years of life, by applying to the national social security department (INPS) and to the employer. He/she shall receive a benefit payment equivalent to 30% of his/her normal salary for no longer than 6 months during the first 3 years of life of the child. Adoptive or foster parents have the same rights and are entitled to the same benefits as regards the above mentioned leaves. The parents of disabled children are allowed to extend the parental leave until the end of the child’s third year of life or, alternatively, they may avail themselves of a paid 2 hours daily leave (1 hour if the daily working hours are less than 6). Foreign mothers are entitled to the maternity benefits paid out by the social security department (INPS) only if they hold a residence permit. The application must be made to the town of residence (Comune) within 6 months from the child’s birth or adoption or fostering (waiting for the adoption). 32 M Work TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 3.1.6. WELFARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS IN CASE OF HOMECOMING The foreign worker who goes back to his country of origin after stopping working in Italy, maintains his/her welfare and social security entitlements of which he/she shall benefit as soon as he/she satisfies the conditions established by the legislation in force, that is after he/she has reached 65 years of age, even departing from the minimum contribution requirements specified by article 1 subsection 20 of act 335/95. The interested party must submit a special application to the social security department (INPS) and give back his/her residence permit at the border post, keeping a photocopy where it is stated that the original permit has been given back. Through the Questura, the INPS is informed of the alien’s homecoming and shall therefore pay out the amounts due by paying them into the worker’s current account in a bank of his/her country of origin or of regular residence. 3.2. SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT 3.2.1. ISSUING OF RESIDENCE PERMITS FOR SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT TO ALIENS LIVING ABROAD The authorization for seasonal employment is issued by the immigration office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) at the Prefettura - U.T.G. - after an application for hiring the alien for a seasonal work was submitted by: - an employer; - a fraternity or an association that submits an application on behalf of several employers The competent immigration office allowed to issue the authorization is that of the province where the employer resides, or where the registered office of the firm is, or where the work itself shall take place. If the employer does not personally know any alien, he may ask for a certain number of aliens registered in the special lists of foreign 33 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O workers which can be found at the Italian diplomatic authorities, according to the same procedure that must be followed for requests of authorizations to hire foreign employees under fixed-tem or openend contracts. The residence permit for seasonal employment is valid for no less than 20 days to no longer than 6 or 9 months for the sectors that require such an extension. Seasonal workers who returned to their countries after their residence permit expired shall be given priority, in case they wish to come back to Italy for seasonal employment in the following year, over other aliens from the same country who have never officially entered Italy for work reasons. When the second residence permit for seasonal employment expires, it will be possible to convert the permit into a residence permit for employment, under a fixed-term or an open-end contract, provided that there are available quotas for employment. 3.3. SELF-EMPLOYMENT The alien may work in Italy as a self-employed person (unless it is an occasional activity), form companies or partnerships, carry out a company mandate and form cooperative societies, provided that those activities are not exclusively allowed to Italian nationals or to citizens from a member country of the European Union. The alien who wishes to work as a self-employed must apply for an entry visa for self-employment, which presupposes a provisional authorization by the Questura of the province where he/she planned to work, demonstrating that he/she: • owns a certificate issued by the competent authority stating that there is no obstacle for him/her to obtain the prescribed qualification or authorisation for that kind of self employment; 34 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O • meets the necessary requirements envisaged by the legislation in force in order to carry out that self employment (in most cases it is necessary to have joined a Roll or a Register); • has at his/her disposal sufficient financial resources to carry on that profession or business, according to the financial parameters set by the Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato ed Agricoltura (chamber of commerce, industry, craft and agriculture) or by the competent professional association; • can avail him/herself of a suitable accommodation and of a yearly income higher than the income threshold that allows exemption from contributions to the national health service. The entry visa for self-employment is issued by the Italian diplomatic Authorities in the country of origin of the alien on production of the above mentioned documents and after receiving the authorization by the Questura. 3.3.1. CONVERSION OF A RESIDENCE PERMIT INTO A PERMIT FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT If an alien owns a valid residence permit for reasons different from work, he/she may apply for its conversion into a residence permit for self-employment to the Questura of the place where he/she wishes to work, by submitting a special application enclosing: - a certificate issued by the competent authority stating that there is no obstacle for him/her to obtain the prescribed qualification or authorisation for that kind of self employment; - a document issued by the Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato ed Agricoltura (chamber of commerce, industry, craft and agriculture) or by the competent professional association about the financial availability required to carry out that self employment; - a document issued by the Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro (employment centre at provincial level), stating that there are available quotas for entry for self-employment. 35 M Work TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O 3.4. R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O SELF-CERTIFICATION AND DECLARATION SUBSTITUTING THE AFFIDAVIT 3.4.1. SELF-CERTIFICATION A self-certification is a declaration written and signed by the interested party stating facts and personal details, which can be used – by aliens too – when dealing with the civil service and with public offices. The interested party, with his/her self-certification, declares that what he/she is stating is true and takes civil and criminal liability for that. The self-certifications may be used instead of the traditional certificates. Private organizations may accept self-certifications but they are not compelled to do so. Self-certification is allowed to attest: - one’s residence; - one’s marital status (married or widowed), if the marriage took place in Italy; - the composition of one’s family if it is verifiable by the Italian authorities; - one’s condition of being alive; - the birth of one’s child, relationships in ascending or descending line if verifiable by the Italian authorities; - one’s membership of rolls, registers or special lists kept by the Italian civil service; - one’s educational qualifications obtained in Italy; - one’s professional qualifications obtained in Italy; the professional formation or training courses followed in Italy; - one’s membership of Italian professional associations; - one’s annual income, except for applications for a stay card or for family re-union; - the payment of taxes or contributions and the relative amounts; - one’s tax number and VAT registration number; - any information included in the files of the Italian tax registry; - that one is unemployed or retired and the amount of the pension; 36 M TI N A O NI ON Work TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O - that one is a student attending an Italian institute; - that one acts as a representative of natural or juridical persons, as a tutor or guardian; - one’s membership of social associations; - that one has never been convicted for criminal offences in Italy, nor he/she has been the object of initiatives for crime prevention, of legal measures or penalties registered in the criminal records under the existing laws; - that, as far as one knows, no proceedings have been instituted against him/herself; - one’s condition of being dependant; - the information included in the Italian register of births, marriages and deaths; - that one has not gone bankrupt or into liquidation, nor he/she has applied for a composition with creditors; - the documents required by the licence registration authority. 3.4.2. DECLARATION SUBSTITUTING THE AFFIDAVIT All the personal conditions, qualities and facts that the interested party knows directly and which cannot be certified by a selfcertification, may be attested by a declaration which substitutes the affidavit, excluding the exceptions provided for by the law. The loss of identity papers or of documents attesting personal qualities and conditions must be proved by the interested party by means of a request for a copy through a declaration substituting the affidavit, except for the cases in which the law provides for a denunciation to the criminal police authorities in order to start the procedure for issuing the copies. 37 M Health TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 4. HEALTH 4.1. REGISTRATION IN THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE 4.1.1. COMPULSORY REGISTRATION Article 32 of the Italian Constitution acknowledges health as a fundamental right of the individual and a concern of the society, and it ensures free medical care to the poor. Aliens are obliged to register in the National Heath Service, and are equated with Italian citizens, if: a) they have a valid residence permit and are either regularly working as employees or self-employed persons or are registered in the unemployment list; b) they have a valid residence permit or have applied for a residence permit for work reasons (employee or self-employed), for family reasons, for political asylum, for humanitarian reasons, for request for refugee status, for expected adoption, for foster care, for acquiring Italian citizenship. Medical care provided to people whose registration is compulsory is also extended to their dependent family members with regular residence permit, as well as to children under 18 right from birth. To be registered, the alien must apply to the Local Health Authority (U.S.L.) where he/she officially resides or where he/she actually lives, with the following documents: - valid residence permit; - employment card (which has been abolished since 31.01.03); - certificate of residence or statement of hospitality. If an alien is currently unemployed, he/she must present to the appropriate local health authority his/her: - valid residence permit; - codice fiscale (tax number); - certificate of residence or statement of hospitality; - personal card issued by an employment bureau (Centro per l’Impiego), that states that he/she is registered as a worker in search of employment. 38 M TI N A O NI ON Health TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 4.1.2. VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION Aliens who have a residence permit valid for more than three months, but who are not included in the categories subject to compulsory registration, may voluntarily register in the National Health Service. This category of people includes: - aliens staying in Italy for study; - aliens regularly staying in Italy as “au pair”, according to the European agreement of Strasbourg ratified and executed under the Act no. 304 of 18 May 1973; - aliens staying in Italy but not belonging to the categories subject to compulsory registration; - aliens with a residence permit for religious reasons. An exception to the above mentioned rule is made for the au pair student or person, who may ask for registration although he/she has a residence permit valid for less than three months; in this case, however, his/her entitlement to medical care is not extended to any relative. The alien is registered, together with his/her dependent relatives, in the lists of the Local Health Authority which is closer to the place where he/she officially resides or where he/she actually lives (the address written in the residence permit). If voluntary registration is allowed, the alien must pay the relative fee, take out a special card with his/her own photo from the Questura (top police agency at provincial level) as provided by the Ministry of the Interior (article 7 of the Implementation Rules) and give it to the Local Health Authority, which shall temporarily register him/her issuing him/her a document that certifies such a registration. This registration is valid – and medical care shall be given – only if a valid residence permit has been shown to the local health authorities. Temporary registration ensures cover of urgent and basic hospital treatments during that period of time. In case an alien is not even voluntarily registered, he/she is under obligation to take out a health, accident and maternity insurance policy with an Italian or a foreign insurance company. The registration in the National Health Service is valid for a period of time equivalent to the residence permit, therefore it is no longer valid after the expiration of the residence permit, unless the alien can 39 M TI N A O NI ON Health TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O exhibit a document showing he/she has already applied for its renewal. The registration is no longer valid in case of revocation or cancellation of the residence permit or in case of expulsion. The appropriate local health authority must be informed of these measures by the police headquarters, but the alien is still entitled to medical care if he/she lodges an appeal against those measures and provides evidence for that. After registering in the National Health Service, the alien will be given a health card (tessera sanitaria) which is valid for a period of time equivalent to the residence permit. The registration gives right to: - the choice of one’s family doctor or children’s doctor; - specialist examinations (only on prescription by the family doctor or children’s doctor) except for the following fields: dentistry, obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics and ophthalmology. Specialist examination require the payment of an appropriate charge (ticket); - free hospitalization in public or accredited private hospitals; - support for purchasing medicines. The following categories are exempt from the payment of specialist examinations and charges, and are required to pay only a small fee: - unemployed aliens, aliens in search of employment or with dependent relatives; - children under 6 years of age; - aliens who receive a non-contributory pension and their dependent relatives; - aliens who have inadequate economic resources, according to set income brackets. 4.2. MEDICAL CARE PROVIDED TO ALIENS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE A) Aliens regularly staying in the Italian territory Aliens can avail themselves of medical care provided by the National 40 M TI N A O NI ON Health TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Health Service against payment of the relative fees which are set by each Region, except for different provisions of international bilateral or multilateral agreements signed by Italy and the alien’s country of origin. Available medical care comprises: 1. urgent hospital treatments, which must be paid before being discharged from hospital; 2. special medical care, against payment of the relative fees. Therefore, upon payment of the set fees, it is now possible to avail oneself of any kind of medical care, not only of urgent treatments. B) Aliens who are in breach of the laws regulating entry and residence permits Aliens who don’t have a valid residence permit are entitled to the following medical care in public and accredited private medical centres: 1. urgent or essential hospital and out-patient treatments for accident or illness, including continual treatments; 2. preventive medicine and preventive treatments, that is: a) protection of pregnancy and maternity; b) protection of minors’ health; c) vaccinations envisaged by health regulations and in case of special preventive treatments authorized by the Regions; d) international programmes of prophylaxis; e) prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and, if necessary, wiping out of focuses of infection; Illegal aliens receive free treatments if they have inadequate economic resources. Indigent aliens who are in breach of the laws regulating entry and residence permits are exempt from the payment of any fees – as Italian citizens are – as regards basic medical treatments, urgent treatments, pregnancy, diseases which are exempt from payment, old age or serious crippling diseases, disability. Access to medical facilities by aliens who have no valid residence permit does not imply any kind of notification to Italian authorities, except for special cases which require compulsory notification (compulsory medical report). 41 M Health TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O As these people have no residence permits it is practically difficult to identify them and to know, each time, what kind of medical treatment they have already received. In order to overcome this difficulty it has been created a regional identification code for aliens temporarily staying in Italy (STP, Straniero Temporaneamente Presente) which consists of 16 characters and enables the identification of regions and medical facilities right from the first treatment. This code is valid and recognized in the whole nation and it also allows health institutes to render the account for claiming expenses to the appropriate Local Health Authority or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in case the illegal alien who needs medical treatment is indigent. 4.3. ENTRY INTO ITALY FOR HEALTH REASONS 4.3.1. ENTRY VISA FOR RECEIVING MEDICAL TREATMENTS In order to obtain the entry visa from the local diplomatic mission or consulate, the interested party must present the following documents: a) a certificate from the chosen medical centre stating the type of treatment, its beginning date and its presumable length; b) a receipt certifying that a deposit equivalent to 30% of the overall presumable costs of the treatments has been paid to the chosen medical centre; c) documentation (even by a guarantor) attesting that the alien has at his/her disposal enough economic resources in Italy to pay all the expenses for medical treatments, board and lodging outside the medical centre and for the homecoming for himself/herself and for who will possibly accompany him/her. 4.3.2. ENTRY INTO ITALY FOR MEDICAL TREATMENTS UNDER HUMANITARIAN PROGRAMMES Aliens who live in countries lacking suitable and qualified medical facilities may be authorized to entry Italy for medical treatments by the Ministry of Health in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 42 M TI N A O NI ON Health TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The Ministry of Health, on the basis of the received documentation, finds out what medical centres can offer the needed medical treatments, and it refunds the relative costs directly to those centres. Travelling expenses and expenses for board and lodging outside the medical centre cannot be refunded. 4.3.3. ENTRY INTO ITALY FOR MEDICAL TREATMENTS UNDER REGIONAL HUMANITARIAN PROGRAMMES Italian regional authorities may authorize Local Health Authorities and hospitals to provide highly specialized treatments under humanitarian programmes approved by the Regions in favour of: a) non-EU nationals coming from countries where there is neither specialized medical care (or it is not easily available) for the treatment of serious and specific pathologies, nor any reciprocal agreement concerning health services; b) aliens coming from countries where the specific situation – for political, military or other reasons – blocks the implementation of the existing agreements on health care provided by the National Health Service. 4.4. FAMILY ADVISORY BUREAUS Family advisory bureaus are public facilities which provide free assistance to women and minors and organize activities for individuals, couples and groups, aiming at the well-being of families. They deal in particular with: - assistance to pregnant women; - assistance to women who decided to abort; - basic gynaecological assistance for pathologies related to sexuality, sterility and infertility; - prophylaxis and diagnosis of women’s tumours; - assistance and advice for psychological and other problems concerning relations within the family and the couple. 43 M TI N A O NI ON Education TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 5. EDUCATION 5.1. ACCESS OF FOREIGN MINORS TO ITALIAN SCHOOLS Foreign minors who are staying in the Italian territory are entitled to education as Italian citizens are, irrespective of their regular or irregular position. The enrolment at compulsory schooling is subject to the same conditions and rules regulating the enrolment of Italian minors and it can be requested at any time of the school year. If the interested party doesn’t have a valid residence permit, he/she must enrol all the same with reservation and can nevertheless obtain the relative final certificate. Compulsory schooling in Italy is divided into five years of primary education (elementary school - scuola elementare) and three years of secondary education (middle school - scuola media). At the end of the fifth year of elementary school and of the third year of middle school, children must take an examination to obtain the primary school or middle school certificate respectively. The middle school certificate is necessary to: - enrol at high school; - take competitive state examinations. When applying for enrolment, the following documents have to be presented: - the applicant’s personal data; - the applicant’s scholastic-education level and working status; - a certified copy of the applicant’s residence permit (if he/she has one). The minor shall be assigned to the most suitable class according to his/her age, unless the teaching staff decides to put him/her in a different class considering: - the school system of the applicant’s country of origin; - the pupil’s skills and knowledge; - the pupil’s course of studies and educational qualifications. 44 M TI N A O NI ON Education TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O The school-leaving certificate (diploma di maturità) obtained at the end of high school entitles to admission to university. Aliens of age can attend training courses organized by the “Centri Territoriali Permanenti”,15 that group together all the local services and the local education and training activities for adults and promote education and professional retraining. 5.2. ADMISSION TO UNIVERSITY Admission to university is granted to aliens, providing that: a) they have been staying in Italy for at least one year with a temporary or regular residence permit; and b) they obtained a school-leaving certificate (in Italy or at Italian schools abroad, or at foreign or international schools – in Italy or abroad – regulated by bilateral agreements or special rules for the equivalence of certificates) which meets the general conditions for admission to university. By the 31st of December of every year, Italian universities set the number of foreign students who can be admitted to the university courses of the following academic year. Foreign nationals living abroad must submit a special application form for early enrolment to the Italian consulate of their country, which shall establish if the applicant has verifiable financial means (earnings or yearly income from grants, subsidies, bank guarantees, etc.) not lower than the set income bracket that entitles to benefit payments. If his/her request is granted, the student must ask for an entry visa to the Italian consulate of his/her country enclosing the above-stated documentation attesting his/her financial means and insurance cover for any medical and hospital expenses. 15 - Ministerial decree no. 445 of 29/08/1997. 45 M TI N A O NI ON Education TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Within 8 days from his/her entry into Italy, the alien must apply to the local Questura for a residence permit for study reasons. Then he/she shall have to take any entry exam at the chosen University. A compulsory Italian exam must be passed in order to be admitted to university courses. The residence permit for study reasons can be renewed, but no longer than 3 years after the standard length of the course of study, if the student can prove that: 1) he has adequate financial means; 2) he passed at least one exam during the first year and two exams (or just one, in case of serious health reasons) during each of the following years. 5.3. EQUIVALENCE OF CERTIFICATES OBTAINED ABROAD There are two possible ways to ask for the equivalence of certificates obtained abroad: 1) if the interested party is an Italian citizen, he/she can ask for a certificate of equivalence by the Local Education Authority, that is a declaration by the Italian authority stating that the certificate obtained abroad is considered for all practical purposes as if it was obtained in Italy, on the basis of a detailed curriculum translated and validated by the Italian embassy of the country where the certificate was obtained. 2) if the interested party is an alien, he/she can ask for a certificate of equivalence by the Italian Department for Education, that is a document certifying the scholastic education received abroad. In this case too it is necessary to provide a detailed curriculum which can be taken out from the Italian embassy of the country where the certificate was obtained. 46 M TI N A O NI ON Education TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 5.4. EQUIVALENCE OF CERTIFICATIONS WHICH QUALIFY AS PROFESSIONALS If an alien is a certified professional in a non-EU country and is regularly staying in Italy and willing to join brotherhoods or professional associations or being entered in special registers, he/she can ask for the equivalence of his/her certification to the appropriate Ministry in order to be able to practise his/her profession in Italy as a self-employed or an employee, within the limits of the set quotas. The interested party must present the documents that have to be recognized, enclosing an Italian translation validated by the Italian embassy of the country of origin. 5.5. SPECIAL DISPOSITIONS FOR THE PRACTISE OF MEDICINE Foreign nationals are allowed to practise medicine only if they obtained a certificate which qualifies them as professionals in the country of origin and is also recognized in Italy by the Ministry of Health, according to a special regulation. Every year the Ministry publishes the special lists containing the names of the qualified aliens who have been authorized to practise medicine. Those citizens must join the medical fraternity or the appropriate professional association or, failing that, they must be entered in the special register kept by the Ministry of Health. State Registered Nurses and radiology technicians may either submit their application directly to the Ministry of Health or alternatively, if they reside or are going to work in Veneto, apply to an authorized corporation.16 The corporation shall petition the Region of Veneto17 which in its turn shall transmit it to the Ministry of Health. 16 - D.G.R. 2229 del 9/08/2002 – D.G.R. 237 del 7/02/2003. 17 - For information apply to: Direzione risorse socio sanitarie, Servizio per le risorse umane e la formazione Palazzo Molin – San Polo, 2513 – 30125 Venezia - Tel. 041/2793444-45-46-47 - Fax 041/2793440 47 M TI N A O NI ON Home TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 6. HOME The alien can rent or buy a house with the same rights and under the same obligations as Italian citizens. There are emergency reception centres managed by municipalities or by other voluntary organizations or private social services. The law establishes that only aliens holding a stay or residence permit for reasons different from tourism can be hosted by those centres. 6.1. TENANCY AGREEMENTS (LEASE CONTRACTS) The Act no. 431 of 9 December 1998 has modified the regulation of lease. There are three different types of tenancy agreements: - it is possible to stipulate a contract lasting no less than eight years (four years automatically renewable for four more years) fixing a rent in agreement with the landlord. On expiration of the agreement, both the tenant and the landlord can ask for the contract to be renewed under new conditions or they can renounce informing the other party about that by a registered letter that must be sent at least six months before the expiration date (if no such a letter is sent, the contract shall be automatically renewed at the same conditions). The party who receives such a letter must reply –again with a registered letter- to reach a new agreement; if no agreement is being reached or if no reply is being sent, the contract shall expire when the original tenancy agreement ceases, that is after the first eight years; - it is also possible to stipulate a lease contract according to the “standard contracts” drawn by the associations of landlords and of tenants, available at the Comune (municipal offices). The rent and the life of the contract have to be fixed by the parties in obedience to what is stated in the standard contract; the term cannot be shorter than five years (three years automatically renewable for two more years). At the end of the first five years, both the tenant and 48 M TI N A O NI ON Home TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O the landlord can ask to renew the contract under new conditions or to terminate it, informing the other party by a registered letter that must be sent at least six months before the expiration date. If no such a letter is sent, the contract shall be automatically renewed at the same conditions. Both in the first and in the second possibility, the tenant, after the first four years and after the first three years respectively, can avail him/herself of the right to refuse the automatic renewal only in specific cases which are explicitly provided for by the law 431/1998. - It is possible to stipulate a so-called “temporary lease contract” with a term which can be even shorter than that of the above-mentioned agreements, and according to the terms and conditions provided for by a special ministerial decree. There are also tenancy agreements designed for university students according to different “standard contracts” prepared by certain Comuni hosting universities or detached university courses, according to the guidelines defined by the law. If a contract was stipulated before the 30th of December 1998 it is subject, for its whole life, to the regulations existing before that date. It is standard practice to use the so-called “contratto ad uso foresteria”, which consists in a lease contract stipulated by a company, a firm or an individual with VAT registration number, in order to offer an accommodation to its own employees residing far from the company’s seat. 6.2. REGISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT From the 30th of December 1998 lease contracts are valid only if they are written. The contract must be registered by the owner of the property (who is called locatore) at the registry office. The registration fee must be 49 M TI N A O NI ON Home TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O shared equally between the owner and the tenant (conduttore). The registration is compulsory for tax purposes and it is also convenient because, if necessary, a registered contract can be opposed to third parties, that is the registration protects the tenant against other people who may claim rights over the property. 6.3. DUTIES OF THE TENANT The contract obliges the tenant to make correct and civil use of the house, providing for the current maintenance only (whitewashing, repairs of possible damages as leaking water taps, doors or windows that don’t close properly, broken locks or switches) and not for the extraordinary repairs (maintenance and repair of the building). Moreover, the tenant is responsible for any – even unintentional – damages caused to neighbouring properties if the cause is inside the leased property (for example a water leak). Lastly, he is responsible for anybody is inside the house for whatever reason. 6.4. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LANDLORD The tenant must pay the rent to the landlord and has the right to claim the relative receipt (which the landlord is under obligation to issue) attesting the payment of the whole amount. Anyway, especially if the landlord refuses to issue the receipt, it is advisable always to pay by post office money order or by a cheque made out to him/her, or in front of witnesses. The landlord can increase the rent for two reasons exclusively: for extraordinary expenses already borne (but the increase cannot exceed 10% of that expenses) or for the yearly cost-of living adjustment as determined by the ISTAT (an index published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale). 50 M TI N A O NI ON Home TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 6.5. SUBLEASE The lease contract usually includes a clause that forbids the tenant to lease the rented property to others (“total sublease”). If the contract includes no such a prohibition, the tenant can lease the house to others but he/she is advised to ask for the landlord’s written consent before doing so. In that case the fee for the sublease cannot be higher than the rent, and the tenant is personally responsible for the actions of the person who is renting the property. This means that, for example, if the subtenant doesn’t pay the rent, the landlord who wants to recover the back rents due to him can take legal action against the tenant (besides the subtenant). Moreover, if it is not expressly forbidden by contract, the tenant can temporarily give hospitality to a person who pays a money contribution (“partial sublease”) and must inform the landlord by a registered letter; in this case too the tenant takes all responsibility for the accommodated person. 6.6. RENEWAL OF THE CONTRACT (FOR CONTRACTS STIPULATED BEFORE THE 30TH OF DECEMBER 1998) Contracts with fair rent are automatically renewable for further 4 years, if neither of the parties gives notice of termination to the other by registered letter at least six months before the expiration. If, instead, the contract was stipulated for temporary requirements, it must be expressly renewed on expiry (however if such an agreement, as it often happens, is just an expedient to evade fair rent strict rules, because in reality the tenant regularly lives in the rented property, the contract is void and falls automatically within the ambit of application of the law on fair rent). 6.7. EVICTION The landlord can evict the tenant for default (because he/she has not been paying the fees when due) or for ending of the lease after 4 51 M TI N A O NI ON Home TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O years (or what has been agreed upon) if the contract has not been renewed. In these cases the landlord follows a special procedure fixed by the court, while the tenant, if he/she believes he/she can object to the landlord’s decision, can oppose the resolution personally or with the aid of a lawyer, starting a regular trial. 6.8. PUBLIC HOUSING Aliens holding stay cards or residence permits valid for at least two years and regularly working as employees or self-employed people are entitled to win access to public housing (council houses) under the same conditions as nationals. Aliens who apply for being included in housing lists are subject to the same conditions as nationals. The application must be submitted in September to the Comune (municipal offices) of the town where one resides or works. The application, if necessary, must be made again every year (if the person fails to do so, he/she will be cancelled by the list). The application must be submitted filling in a special form created by the Comune and available at the municipal Ufficio-Casa (housing sector) or at the Ufficio Tecnico (technical department). A special committee creates the lists scoring the applicants on the basis of several personal conditions (composition of the household group, presence of aged members and of disabled persons, numerous family, single-parent family, etc.) and objective situations (eviction, house in multiple occupation, overcrowded house, etc.) Citizens in the Province of Treviso may apply to: - Municipal offices where they reside or work; - ATER (territorial enterprise for public housing). 6.9. RECEPTION CENTRES Aliens regularly staying in Italy for reasons different from tourism, who are temporarily not able to fend for themselves as for lodging and 52 M TI N A O NI ON Home TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O subsistence, can be hosted by reception centres organized by the Regions in cooperation with local authorities and with voluntary organizations or private social services. These centres are open to Italian nationals or citizens of member countries of the European Union. These reception centres not only offer lodging and sustenance but they may also, in order to facilitate hosted people’s self-sufficiency, placement and socialization, organize Italian courses and professional training and offer socio-medical assistance. Each Region defines the structural requirements and the administration of its reception centres and allows private financial support and conventions. 53 M TI N A O NI ON Citizenship TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 7. CITIZENSHIP Italian citizenship may be acquired mainly by virtue of:18 1) birth; 2) marriage; 3) concession by law; 4) naturalization. In particular, the child of an Italian parent (mother or father) is an Italian citizen even if he/she was born abroad, provided that the birth certificate is registered in an Italian town. Italian citizenship by right of birth (iure sanguinis) can be transferred from parents to children regardless of whether they were born in Italy or abroad. Therefore, the descendant of an Italian citizen born abroad can be recognized as an Italian citizen, providing that his/her own ascendants (parents, grandparents, great-grandfathers...) have never officially renounced their Italian citizenship. 7.1. PROCEDURE FOR THE RECOGNITION OF ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP BY RIGHT OF BIRTH (IURE SANGUINIS) Competent body for the recognition of Italian citizenship: a) the Italian consulate in the country of origin, if the applicant resides abroad; b) the registry office of the Comune where the applicant lives, if he/she regularly resides in Italy. In both cases the recognition of Italian citizenship shall be effective after one’s birth certificate has been recorded at the register office. Documents required a) First-generation natives (children of an Italian mother/father): 1) birth certificate; 2) marriage certificate;19 18 - Law 91/92 of 16/08/1992. 19 - If Italian citizenship is to be acquired thanks to one’s mother married to an alien, only people born after the 1st of January 1948 can obtain it (law 123/1983). 54 M TI N A O NI ON Citizenship TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 3) death certificate (if deceased); 4) birth certificate of one’s child; 5) certificate issued by the country of origin, stating that one’s father/mother has never been naturalized. b) 1) 2) 3) Second (or succeeding)-generation natives: birth certificate; marriage certificate; death certificate (if deceased). The above-mentioned documents must be presented for each member of the family tree from the Italian progenitor to the member applying for Italian citizenship (who just needs to produce his/her own birth certificate). The certificate stating that one has never been naturalized is needed only for the progenitor. In order to be able to use these documents in Italy, it is necessary to have them authenticated by the Italian diplomatic or consular authority in the country of origin or through the Apostille if this is a signatory country to the Hague Agreement dated 5/10/1961.20 The Apostille can be written in French (language of the Convention) or in the official language of the authority that issues it. In all cases the title of the authenticating certificate must be written in the French version “Apostille” and its content must correspond to that envisaged by the Convention. Therefore, the Apostille must be issued by a public office of the signatory country. 20 - Signatory states: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Yugoslavia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belize, Brunei, Cyprus, El Salvador, Russia, Israel, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Malawi, Malta, Mexico, Niue, Panama, Czech Republic, Romania, Saint Christopher and Nevis, San Marino, Seychelles, United States of America, South Africa, Hungary, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bielorussia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Croatia, Figi, Lesotho, Macedonia, Mauritius, Slovenia, Swaziland, Surinam, Tonga. 55 M TI N A O NI ON Citizenship TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 7.2. PERMIT FOR PEOPLE WAITING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP The Consolidation Act on Immigration21 envisages the possibility to issue a residence permit to people waiting for the acquisition of Italian citizenship which is valid for one-year, can be renewed and allows to apply for taking up residence in the same Comune which holds the original documents and shall bring to an end the necessary procedure to grant Italian citizenship. Procedure to be followed: - a “declaration of hospitality” - in favour of the person applying for Italian citizenship - must be presented to the Comune by a national or an alien regularly residing in Italy; - by means of a special application form, that must be filled in at the register office of the town where the applicant resides, the interested party applies for Italian citizenship by virtue of his/her Italian origins attested by the required original documents already translated and validated; - the Comune issues a letter, addressed to the Questura of Treviso, giving its authorization to recognize Italian citizenship jure sanguinis, enclosing the “letter of hospitality” and the copies of the mentioned documents. - the applicant must hand the letter and the enclosed documents to the Questura, in order to obtain his/her residence permit; - after obtaining the permit, the interested party must ask for being registered in the files of the registry office of the town where he/she is domiciled, in order to enable the office itself to bring to an end the necessary procedure to grant Italian citizenship (the office sends a letter to the competent Italian consulate asking for confirmation of the fact that no one of the family has ever renounced Italian citizenship and, after receiving such a confirmation -which is recorded in the minutes-, it issues the identity card. 21 - Article 5 of the Consolidation Act no. 286/98 and article 11 of the Implementation Rules 56 M TI N A O NI ON Citizenship TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 7.3. CITIZENSHIP FOR MARRIAGE The foreign spouse of a national can acquire Italian citizenship if he/she has been officially living in Italy for at least six months and he/she has been married for at least three years, unless the marriage has been dissolved or annulled or civilly invalidated or if a legal separation occurred. The competent office to which the application must be submitted is the Prefettura (prefectural offices) of the town where the citizen resides. The alien must enclose to his/her request his/her certificate of birth and of pending suits, which are issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin and must have been already translated and validated. The decision to grant Italian citizenship is taken by the Ministry of the Interior within two years from the lodging of the request and is then communicated to the appropriate Prefettura and to the applicant. 7.4. CITIZENSHIP FOR NATURALIZATION Italian citizenship may be granted by a decree of the President of the Republic, after consulting with the Council of State, following the suggestion of the Ministry of the Interior, to the alien who has been officially residing in the Italian territory for at least ten years. The competent office to which the application must be submitted is the Prefettura of the town where the citizen resides. Required documents: a) Foreign documents (translated and validated): - birth certificate including all personal information; - police record of the country of origin and of any other country of residence reporting criminal record. b) Documents which can be replaced by a self-certification: - certificate of residence including previous places of residence - composition of the family; - declarations of income of the last three years. 57 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Living in Italy A guide for foreign nationals Useful addresses RECEPTION AND INFORMATION Caritas, Casa Toniolo, settore immigrati Via Longhin, 7 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 576811-15 operator Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.30 and Mon/Fri 15.00-17.00 Caritas, Casa Accoglienza Donne Immigrate Via Papa Leone III, 4 – Sant’Angelo 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 405513 Services: reception centre for women in difficulties Hours: every day 8.30-16.30 Caritas, Centro di Ascolto Via San Nicolò, 46 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 410675 Services: listening, basic necessities (food, clothes, furniture, shower), information (work, housing, documents), psycho-social assistance, guidance to local facilities and services. Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Caritas, Centro di Ascolto e di Prima Accoglienza Via Dante Alighieri, 159 31029 Vittorio Veneto Tel.0438 555205 Services: first reception (for men only) Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat 9.00-12.00; Tue/Thu 15.00-18.00 Caritas, Centro di Ascolto Via Del Girone, 20 31045 Motta di Livenza Tel. 0422 861417 Services: listening, first reception. Caritas, Centro di Ascolto C/o Parrocchia Duomo Piazza Duomo 4 33077 Sacile Tel. 0434 733125 Services: listening, first reception. Hours: Wednesday and Friday 16.00-18.00 Caritas, Centro di Ascolto (c/o Canonica) Piazza Due Giugno, 1 31050 Miane - Tel. 0438 893114 Services: listening, first reception. Hours: Saturday 15.30-17.30 Caritas, Centro di Accoglienza Immigrati Via Monsignor Agnoletti, 3 31040 Giavera del Montello - Tel. 0422 776134 Services: housing, centre for intercultural education Centro di Carità e solidarietà Via San Pio X, 15 31033 Castelfranco Veneto - Tel. 0423 492643 Services: listening, guidance and charitable services Hours: from Monday to Saturday 10.30-12.00 Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Town Hall of Castelfranco Tel. 0423/7354 Hours: Wednesday 15.00-18.00 Services: information and making of appointments with the Immigration Dept. of the Questura Caritas, Centro di Ascolto Amico/ Sportello Immigrati Via Garibaldi, 31/B 31046 Oderzo - Tel. 0422 712212 Services: listening, information on Italian regulations, basic assistance, making of appointments with the Immigration Dept. of the Questura. Hours: Friday 20.00-21.30 immigration office: information and making of appointments with the Immigration Dept. of the Questura; only for information, Tuesday 16.00-18.00 Caritas Diocesiana, Centro di Ascolto / Sportello Immigrati Piazza San Francesco, 6 31029 Vittorio Veneto Tel. 0438 550702 Fax: 0438 554929 Services: listening, first reception (for women), information and making of appointments with the Immigration Dept. of the Questura; doctor’s surgery. Hours: Monday 15.00-18.00 and Thursday 9.00-12.00 immigration office; Wed./Fri. 9.00-12.00 women reception; Tuesday 10.00-12.00 solidarity health centre (see the paragraph on HEALTH) 59 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Centro di Ascolto Caritas / Sportello Immigrati – Casa dello Studente Via Torricelli, 1 31015 Conegliano - Tel. 0438 60781 Services: listening, first reception, information about available places in reception centres, help to prepare documents/ submit applications for one’s stay. Hours: Thursday 20.30-22.00 immigration office, Saturday for information 9.00-11.00 Servizio Informazioni Stranieri Via Carlo Alberto, 6 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 541255 Services: information on Italian regulations, making of appointments with the Immigration Dept. of the Questura. Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 15.00-19.00, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8.30-12.30 (Saturday only for information) Caritas, Centro di Ascolto/ Sportello Immigrati Via S. Martino, 47 31053 Pieve di Soligo - Tel. 0438 842882 Services: listening, first reception, help to prepare documents/ submit applications for one’s stay. Hours: Wednesday 20.00-22.00, Saturday 15.00-17.00 immigration office Cooperativa Una Casa Per l’Uomo Corso Mazzini, 211 31044 Montebelluna Tel. 0423 615252 - 606619 Services: information and basic assistance, first and second reception, advice on how to rent a house, buy furniture, apply for being assigned a council house, legal assistance for problems occurring when buying or renting a house, help to integrate into schools, intercultural and linguistic mediation. Sportello Informazioni Immigrati della Coop. Una Casa per l’Uomo Corso Mazzini, 211 31044 Montebelluna Tel. 0423 615252 Fax: 0423 615252 Services: assistance and advice on any documentation required for one’s stay in Italy, help to fill in the forms. Hours: Montebelluna (Piazza Monsignor Furlan c/o Duomo) Monday 16.30-19.30, Saturday 9.30-12.30 (only for information) tel. 335/7513622 Asolo: (at the former furnace of Asolo, via Strada Muson 2/b) Thursday 14.00-18.00 tel. 335/7513622 Crespano del Grappa: (Town Hall, saletta est) Friday 17.30-19.30 (bookings on Friday 11.00-13.00 at the tel. no. 347 616271) Loria: (c/o Centro Polifunzionale, via Roma, 32 – in front of the Town Hall) Tuesday 17.00-19.00 - tel.335/7513622 Resana: Town Hall of Resana Thursday 10.30-12.30 - tel.0423/717311 San Zenone degli Ezzelini: (at the Town Hall of San Zenone – Via Roma, 1) Monday 10.30-12.30 – tel. 0423/968478 Giavera del Montello: (at the Town Hall) Friday 10.30-12.30 - tel. 0422/775711 Nervesa della Battaglia: (at the Town Hall) Tuesday 10.30-12.30 - tel. 0422/8863 Vedelago: (Informagiovani di Vedelago, Via Mattara 9) Wednesday 9.00-12.00 tel. 335/1513622 Segusino: Via Italia 46 Saturday 9.00-11.00 60 Sportello Immigrati del Comune di Conegliano Via Carpenè 2 31015 Conegliano - Tel. 0438 35699 Hours: Mon/Tue/Fri 9.00-12.00 Saturday 9.00-12.30 (legal advice) Services: information on Italian regulations, intercultural and linguistic mediation, legal advice. Cooperativa Pace e Sviluppo Via Montello, 4 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 301424 - Fax:0422 316060 Sito internet: Services: help to integrate into schools, intercultural activities, bookshop specialized on intercultural matters and on teaching Italian as a second language. Società San Vincenzo De Paoli Via Barberia, 30 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 583904 (seat of the association) Services: information and basic assistance, help to find an accommodation. Emporium where it possible to find furniture, equipment, fittings, etc. Emporium: Viale Bartolomeo D’Alviano, Treviso - Tel. 0422 419560 La Nostra Famiglia Treviso Via Ellero, 17 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O Tel. 0422 420752 Conegliano Via Costa Alta, 37 Tel. 0438 4141 Oderzo Via don Luigi Monza 1 Tel. 0422 712349 Services: rehabilitation of disabled minors Caritas - Docce Via Castello d’Amore, 4 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 302837 Services: showers Hours: from Monday to Thursday morning Mensa Chiesa Votiva Via Venier, 34 31100 Treviso Services: soup-kitchen Hours: every day at 12.00 Comune, Servizi Sociali, Mensa della Solidarietà Borgo Mestre, 13 - 31100 Treviso Services: soup-kitchen Hours: every day at 12.00 Comune, Dormitorio Via Monterumici 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422-436318 Services: beds WORK CAAF CGIL Via Tre Cime di Lavaredo, 23 31050 Villorba - Tel. 0422 928107 Services: fiscal advice Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 / 15.00-18.00 CAAF CISL Via Cacciatori del Sile, 24 - 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 575811 Services: fiscal advice Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30 / 14.30-18.30 CAAF UIL Via Battaglione Feltre, 2 - 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 432885 Services: fiscal advice Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30 / 15.00-18.30 CGIL Via Dandolo, 2/D R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 4091 operator e-mail: [email protected] web site: CISL Via Cacciatori del Sile, 23 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 412720 Hours: Friday 15.00-19.00 UIL Via Battaglione Feltre, 2 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 432885 (main provincial seat) Treviso centro Viale Trento Trieste -Tel.0422 549921 Castelfranco Veneto Via Borgo Pieve 88 – Tel.0423 491916 Conegliano Via Pittoni 26 – Tel.0438 35629 Montebelluna Via Pastro 9 – Tel.0423 23574 Mogliano Veneto Piazza dei Caduti 26 – Tel.041 5902102 Confartigianato Marca Trevigiana Via Bastia, 40 31100 Treviso - Tel.0422 433300 Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro/Ispettorato del Lavoro (Ufficio Stranieri) Via Fonderia, 55 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 695111 Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30, Monday and Wednesday 15.00-17.00 Services: issuing of the libretto di lavoro (employment card) INPS Via Trento e Trieste, 6 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 581111 Services: social-security and pension papers Patronato ACLI Treviso Via San Nicolò, 42 - Tel. 0422 543640 Services: advice on pension matters and social assistance to employees. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30-12.30, Wednesday 14.30-17.30, Saturday 8.30-11.30 Conegliano Via Verdi 25 Tel. 0438 22193 Oderzo Via Campiello del Duomo 7/2 Tel. 0422 710178 61 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O Patronato INAS CISL Piazza Pinelli, 23 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 545611 Patronato INCA CGIL Via Dandolo, 2 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 4091 Patronato ITAL UIL Via Battaglione Feltre, 2 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 262424 Servizi per l’Impiego – Servizio Informazioni Stranieri Viale della Repubblica, 193 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 694411 Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30, Monday and Wednesday 15.00-17.00 Services: information on Italian regulations Centri per l’Impiego (ex uffici di collocamento): 31033 Castelfranco, Via Verdi 3 - Tel. 0423-495305 31015 Conegliano, Via Veneto 46 – Tel. 0438-411055 31044 Montebelluna, Via Vivaldi 8 – Tel. 0423-22091 31046 Oderzo, Via Murialdo 5 – Tel. 0422-710666 31053 Pieve di Soligo, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele I – Tel. 0438-82002 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Via G.Galilei 32 – Tel. 0438-53552 Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30, Monday and Wednesday 15.00-17.00 EDUCATION and TRAINING Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Istituto Comprensivo Viale Brigata Cesare Battisti 6 31033 Castelfranco Veneto Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0423 494312 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Direzione Didattica I° Circolo Via Toniolo 12 31015 Conegliano Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0438 61661 62 R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Direzione Didattica 2° Circolo Via Contea, 74 31044 Montebelluna Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0423 22459 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Scuola Media Statale “Stefanini” Viale 3° Armata 35 31100 Treviso Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0422 582385 - 546395 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Scuola Media Statale “Coletti” Via Abruzzo 1 – San Liberale 31100 Treviso Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0422 230913 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Direzione Didattica 2° Circolo Via Faretti,14 31021 Mogliano Veneto Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 041 453951 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Istituto Comprensivo Scuola Media “Torretti” Via Forestuzzo 50 31011 Asolo Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0423 952700 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Scuola Media Statale Via dello Stadio 5 31029 Vittorio Veneto Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0438 553867 Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o Direzione Didattica Via Roma 66 31020 San Polo di Piave Services: schooling, evening classes Tel. 0422 855062 Formazione Unindustria Treviso Via Libertà , 4/a 31050 Carità di Villorba (TV) Tel. 0422 91640/41 Services: professional training and retraining, job search, help to comply with the procedures of regularization of one’s position in Italy, information on Italian regulations. M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O Extrapoint di Formazione Unindustria Treviso Via dei Mille, 22 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 541498 Fax 0422 541505 Hours: Tuesday 09.00-13.00/14.00-18.00, Thursday 09.00-13.00/14.00-18.00, Saturday 09.00-13.00 Services: guidance to professional formation and retraining courses, job search, help to comply with the procedures of regularization of one’s position in Italy, information on Italian regulations. HOME ATER – Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale Via D’Annunzio, 6 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 296411 Services: assistance to apply for a council house Hours: Mon./Wed./Fri. 8.30-11.30; Tue./Thu. 15.30-16.30 R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Uffici Giudiziari, Sevizio Sociale Minori Via Mura San Teonisto, 8 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 549902 COMUNI (municipal corporations) Comune, Assistenza Sociale Via Alzaia, 121 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 412057 Comune, Ufficio Nuove Emergenze Sociali Piazza Duomo (former court-house) 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 66581 - operator 0422/658335 Hours: Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri 11.00-13.00 Comune, Centro di Accoglienza Cà Tron c/o Servizi Sociali Via Roma, 53 31056 Roncade - Tel. 0422 841048 Comune, Ufficio Asili Nido Via Isola Di Mezzo, 1 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 410840 Prefettura di Treviso Piazza Signori, 22 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 592411 Comune, Ufficio Immigrati Via Ronzinella, 176 31021 Mogliano Veneto Tel. 041 5902875 operator Services: information and basic assistance, help to fulfil the bureaucratic requirements for one’s stay. Prefettura di Treviso – Sportello Polifunzionale per l’Immigrazione C/o Villa Sogliani Via Cal di Breda, 112 - 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 592487 Fax 0422 592495 Agenzia delle Entrate Via Canova, 17 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 570311 Services: issuing of one’s tax number (codice fiscale). Questura di Treviso Via Carlo Alberto, 37 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 577111 operator Agenzia delle Entrate Via Dino Buzzati, 18 31044 Montebelluna - Tel. 0423 286000 Services: issuing of one’s tax number (codice fiscale). INSTITUTIONS Questura di Treviso - Ufficio Immigrazione Via Commenda, 1 31100 Treviso Tel. Call Center 0422 577254 (hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.30 – 12.30) Commissariato di Polizia di Conegliano – Sportello Immigrati Via Maggiore Piovesana, 13 31015 Conegliano Tel. 0438 377811 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 09.00-13.00 and Mon. 15.00-17.00 Comune, Agenzia delle Entrate Piazza della Serenissima, 2/E 31033 Castelfranco - Tel. 0423 722584 Services: issuing of one’s tax number (codice fiscale). Comune, Agenzia delle Entrate Via Piovesana Maggiore Giovanni, 13 31015 Conegliano - Tel. 0438 368511 Services: issuing of one’s tax number (codice fiscale). 63 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O CAR AND DRIVING LICENCE ACI Piazza S.Pio X, 6 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 55164 Services: car documents Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30 / 15.30-19.00 Motorizzazione Civile Treviso Via Castellana Tel. 0422 235606 Hours: every day 8.30-13.00; overhauls Mon/Wed/Thu. Conegliano Via F. Filzi, 26 - Tel. 043821832 Hours: every day 8.30-13.00; overhauls Tuesday and Friday Services: driving tests and car overhauls. People wishing to renew their driving licence must go for a medical examination at the competent local health authority. For information tel. 0422/323607. HEALTH U.L.S.S. N.9 TREVISO SOCIO-MEDICAL DISTRICTS N. 1 31100 Treviso - Isola di Mezzo, 37 (0422-323328) Advisory bureau (by appointment only) Via del Montello, 4 – Treviso (0422-301745) Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Mon./Wed./Fri. 15.00-17.00 N. 2 31038 Padernello, Paese - Via La Motta, 4 (0422-451544) Advisory bureau: same address (by appointment only) Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Mon./ Wed./Fri. 15.00-17.00 N. 3 31050 Villorba - P. Umberto I, 1 (0422-918734) Advisory bureau (by appointment only) Arcade, Spresiano - Via Leonardo Murialdo, 10 (0422-880251) Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Mon./Wed./Fri. 15.00-17.00 64 R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O N. 4 31046 Oderzo - Via Manin (0422-715662) Advisory bureau / Social worker (by appointment only) Via Manin (0422-715661) Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-13.00; Mon/Tue/Thu 14.30-18.30 N. 5 31056 Roncade - Via S. Rocco 8 (0422-708389) Advisory bureau: same address (by appointment only) Hours: from Monday to Thursday morning N. 6 31021 Mogliano Veneto - P. Donatori Sangue, (041-590301) Advisory bureau: same address (041-5902690) Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Mon./Wed./Fri. 15.00-17.00 U.L.S.S. N.8 ASOLO SOCIO-MEDICAL DISTRICTS Hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Mon./Wed./Fri. 15.00-17.00 N. 1 31011 Asolo - Via Forestuzzo 41 (0423-526334) Advisory bureau: Same address (0423-526421) N. 2 31049 Valdobbiadene - Via Roma 38 (0423-977240) Advisory bureau: Same address (0423-977270) N. 3 31044 Montebelluna - Via Dante Alighieri 12 (0423-611780) Advisory bureau: Same address (0423-611777) N. 4 31033 Castelfranco - Via Ospedale 18 (0423-732747) Advisory bureau: Via Cazzaro (0423-732733) U.L.S.S. N.7 PIEVE DI SOLIGO SOCIO-MEDICAL DISTRICTS N. 1 Direzione 31015 Conegliano Via Maset, 1 (0438-415350) Advisory bureau 31015 Conegliano Via Einaudi,124 - Centro Marusia (0438-657910) M TI N A O NI ON Appendix TARVISIUM P.O N. 2 Direzione 31053 Pieve di Soligo Via Lubin, 22 (0438-838366) Advisory bureau 31053 Pieve di Soligo Via Lubin, 22 (0438-838374) N. 3 Direzione 31029 Vittorio Veneto Via Rizzera, 370 ( 0438-53295) Advisory bureau 31029 Vittorio Veneto Via Rizzera, 370 (0438-57023) Ambulatorio per Immigrati Via Castellana, 2 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 323831 Services: doctor’s surgery for illegal aliens Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30-9.30 Ambulatorio di Solidarietà c/o Caritas Diocesana in cooperation with the seat of FederSPeV (federation of retired doctors) of Treviso and the ULSS n. 7 Via Piazza San Francesco, 6 31029 Vittorio Veneto Tel. 0438 550702 Services: doctor’s surgery for legal and illegal aliens; information, medical examinations, access to the services supplied by the National Health Service Hours: Tuesday 10.00-12.00 INFORMAGIOVANI CONEGLIANO Piazzale San Martino, 17 31015 Conegliano Tel. 0438 410505 Hours: from Monday to Saturday 9.00-12.00, Wed/Thu/Fri 16.00-18.00 TREVISO Duomo 19 311100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 658540 Hours: Tuesday/Saturday 9.00-12.30, Wed/Thu/Fri 15.00-18.00 VITTORIO VENETO Via Divisione Nannetti, 2 31029 Vittorio Veneto Tel. 0438 940371 Hours: Mon/Thu/Sat 9.30-12.30, Wed/Thu/Fri 15.00-18.30 R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O CASTELFRANCO VENETO Via Borgo Treviso 21 31033 Castelfranco - Tel. 0423 491235 Hours: Tuesday 16.00-20.00, Wed/Fri 15.00-19.00, Sat 9.30-12.30 MOGLIANO VENETO Via Ronzinella 176 31021 Mogliano - Tel. 041 5903617 Hours: from Monday to Friday 15.30-18.30, Saturday 10.00-13.00 MONTEBELLUNA Via Tintoretto 19 31044 Montebelluna - Tel.0423 24063 Hours: Mon/Thu/Sat 16.00-19.00, Wed 9.0012.30/16.00-19.00 EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES IN ITALY ALBANIA Cancelleria Via Asmara 3-5 - 00199 Roma Tel. - Fax 0686216005 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Asmara, 9 - 00199 Roma Tel. 0686218214/0686214475 Fax 0686216005 ALGERIA Repubblica Algerina Democratica e Popolare Cancelleria Via Barnaba Oriani, 26 00197 Roma Tel. 068084141/0680687620 Fax 068083436 Telex 624171 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Barnaba Oriani, 26 - 00197 Roma Tel. 068084141/0680687620 Fax 068083436 Telex 624171 ARGENTINA Repubblica Argentina Cancelleria Piazza dell’Esquilino 2, p2° 00185 Roma Tel. 064742551-2-3-4-5 Fax 064744756 Telex 610386 Sezione Consolare Piazzale delle Belle Arti 8 - 00196 Roma Tel. 063226909 Fax 063226902 BANGLADESH Cancelleria Via Antonio Bertoloni 14 00197 Roma Tel. 068083595/068078541 Fax 068084853 Telex 620595 BADOOTI 65 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O Sezione Consolare: presso Ambasciata Via Antonio Bertoloni 14 00197 Roma - Tel. 068083595/068078541 Fax 068084853 - Telex 620595 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Repubblica di Cancelleria Via G. Bazzoni 3/3 - 00195 Roma Tel. 063728509/063728548 Fax 063728526 BRASIL Repubblica Federativa del Cancelleria Piazza Navona 14 - 00186 Roma Tel. 06683981 Fax 066867858 BURKINA – FASO Cancelleria Via Alessandria, 26 - 00198 Roma Tel. 0644250052/0644249725 Fax 0644250042 Telex 624815 ABF RI CAMERUN Repubblica del Cancelleria Via Siracusa 4/6 - 00161 Roma Tel. 0644291285 Fax 0644291323 Telex 626873 AMBACAM I Sezione Consolare: presso Ambasciata Via Siracusa 4/6 00161 Roma - Tel. 0644291285 Fax 0644291323 - Telex 626873 AMBACAM I CHINA (P.R.) Repubblica Popolare Cinese Cancelleria Via Bruxelles 56 - 00198 Roma Tel. 068848186/068413458 Fax 0685352891 Telex 622051 CINA I Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Bruxelles 56 - 00198 Roma Tel. 0685350118 Fax 068413467 COLOMBIA Repubblica di Cancelleria Via G. Pisanelli 4 - 00196 Roma Tel. 063612131/063614348/063202405 Fax 063225798 IVORY COAST Repubblica della Cancelleria Via Guglielmo Saliceto 8 00161 Roma Tel. 0644231129/0644260911 Fax 0644292531 COSTA RICA Repubblica di Cancelleria Via B. Eustachio 22 - 00161 Roma Tel. 0644251042 - 6 Fax 0644251048 CROATIA Repubblica di Cancelleria Via L. Bodio 74/76 - 00191 Roma 66 R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Tel. 0636307650/0636307300 Fax 0636303405 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via L. Bodio 74/76 - 00191 Roma Tel. 0636304630 Fax 0636303269 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Cancelleria Via Domenico Chelini 10 00197 Roma Tel. 068074665 Fax 068074791 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Domenico Chelini 10 00197 Roma Tel. 068074665 Fax 068074791 ECUADOR Repubblica dell’ Cancelleria Via G. d’Arezzo 14 - 00198 Roma Tel. 068541784/068546185 Fax 0685354434 Telex 613256 ECUADR I GHANA Repubblica del Cancelleria Via Ostriana, 4 - 00199 Roma Tel. 0686215691/0686217191/0686219307 Fax 0686325762 - Telex 610270 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Ostriana, 4 - 00199 Roma Tel. 0686215691/0686217191/0686219307 Fax 0686325762 Telex 610270 INDIA Cancelleria Via XX Settembre, 5 00187 Roma Tel. 064884642-3-4-5 Fax 064819539 Telex 611274 INDEB I Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via XX Settembre, 5 00187 Roma Tel. 064884642-3-4-5- Fax 064819539 Telex 611274 INDEB I YUGOSLAVIA Repubblica Federale di Cancelleria Via dei Monti Parioli, 20 00197 Roma Tel. 063200805-796-848 Fax 063200868 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via dei Monti Parioli, 20 00197 Roma Tel. 063200805-796-848 Fax 063200868 MOROCCO Regno del Cancelleria Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 8/10 00161 Roma Tel. 064402524-587-506-458 Fax 064402695 Telex 620854 AMAROC I M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O NIGERIA Repubblica federale della Cancelleria Via Orazio, 14/18 - 00193 Roma Tel. 066896243-9/066896231/066896672 Fax 066832528 Telex 610666 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Orazio, 14/18 - 00193 Roma Tel. 066896243-9/066896231/066896672 Fax 066832528 Telex 610666 ROMANIA Cancelleria Via Nicolò Tartaglia, 36 00197 Roma - Tel. 068084529/068068777 Fax 068084995 - Telex 612304 LUSO I Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Nicolò Tartaglia, 36 00197 Roma - Tel. 068084423 RUSSIA Federazione Cancelleria Via Gaeta 5 - 00185 Roma Tel. 064941680/064941681/064941649 Fax 06491031 Sezione Consolare Via Nomentana 116 00161 Roma Tel. 0644235625/0644234149 SENEGAL Repubblica del Cancelleria Via Giulia, 66 - 00186 Roma Tel. 066872381 Fax 066865212 Sezione Consolare Lungotevere di Sangallo, 3 - 00186 Roma Tel. 066865212 Fax 066865212 SLOVENIA Repubblica di Cancelleria Via Leonardo Pisano, 10 - 00197 Roma Tel. 068081075/068081272 Fax 068081471 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Leonardo Pisano, 10 - 00197 Roma Tel. 068081075/068081272 Fax 068081471 SRI LANKA Repubblica Democratica Socialista di Cancelleria Via Adige, 2 - 00198 Roma Tel. 068554560/068840801 Fax 0684241670 Sezione Consolare presso Ambasciata Via Adige, 2 - 00198 Roma Tel. 068554560/068840801 Fax 0684241670 TUNISIA Repubblica Tunisina Cancelleria Via Asmara, 7 - 00199 Roma Tel. 068603060-8 Fax 0686218204 R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O UKRAINE Cancelleria Via Guido d’Arezzo, 9 - 00198 Roma Tel. 068413345/068412630 Fax 068547539 Sezione Consolare Via Palestro, 30 - 00185 Roma Tel. 0644700172/0644700174 Fax 0644700181 Telex 620826 PUSUKR ASSOCIATIONS Associazione “ACIS” Via Einaudi, 10, 17 31015 Conegliano Tel. 0438/62894 ARAO – Association des Resortissants de l’Afrique de l’Ouest c/o Wekouri Albako Paul Bernard Via San Vito, 31 31050 Miane (TV) Tel. 0438 960184 cell.333 2809322 Asociacion Argentina del Veneto - Onlus Dorsoduro 2312 30123 Venezia - Tel. 041 715175 Services: social assistance and promotion of the knowledge of the Argentinean culture, for a higher integration of the Argentinean community in Italy. AIA Treviso - Associazione Italo Argentina Treviso Tel. 0422-731026 / 0422-480988 Fax. 0422-480988 E-mail: [email protected] Services: social assistance and development of the knowledge of the Argentinean culture and tourism. Organization of meetings for the development of the integration in Italy. Associazione “ATLAS” Via Brigata Cadore 1/c 31100 Treviso - Tel. 320 0623847 Activities: it promotes the knowledge of Moroccan culture within the province, through meetings in schools, city halls and at other institutions. Associazione “Avoriani” Via Rossi, 3 - 31052 Maserada sul Piave (TV) Tel. 347 6684853 Activities: it promotes the integration of citizens from the Ivory Coast into the provincial territory. 67 M Appendix TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O Associazione “Club Marocain 99” Via Monte Lungo,12 - 31100 Treviso Tel. 347 7931781 Fax 0422 262363 Activities: cultural integration through meeting, debates, parties, presentation of information through various documentation. Centro Culturale Towanda Via Puccini, 5/a 31033 Castelfranco Veneto Tel. 0423 720337 Activities: managing of a few flats; phone centre; cultural, music and sport meetings. Associazione “Donne Immigrate nel Veneto” Via Rossi, 3 - 31052 Maserada sul Piave (TV) Tel. 347 6684853 Activities: charitable voluntary work. Circolo Interculturale “Feferon” Borgo D. Capriolo, 8 31100 Treviso Tel. 340 5370029 Activities: intercultural and linguistic mediation, interpreting. Associazione “Donne Senza Confini” Via Everest, 17 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 433802 Activities: socio-cultural voluntary work Associazione delle Istituzioni Culturali Via Vicinale delle Corti 9 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 306327 Associazione “Mig Mag Salam” Via Dandolo, 2 - 31100 Treviso Tel. 339 3216326 or 347 1190822 Activities: assistance to help finding an accommodation and preparing documents for various purposes (visas, staying and residence permits, etc.) Associazione “Mondo Insieme” Via Carpenè, 2 31015 Conegliano - Tel. 0438 35699 Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri. 9.00-12.00 Saturday 9.00-12.00 / 16.00-19.00 Activities: help to prepare the required documents, Italian courses, job search, intercultural and linguistic mediation. Associazione Nocuda (association promoting the culture and development of the North-West area of Camerun) Via XXV Aprile, 6 31010 Moriago della Battaglia (TV) Tel.0438 892086 Activities: basic assistance, Italian language and culture courses, education to healthy living, cultural events and parties aiming to preserve the culture of the country of origin Associazione “Togolese” di Treviso Via Capodistria, 23 31100 Treviso - Tel. 0422 210158 Activities: it promotes the integration of Togolese into the provincial territory and supports projects of development in Togo. 68 Coordinamento Fratelli d’Italia c/o CGIL Via Dandolo, 2/D 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422 409245 Filipino Pastoral Community (FPC) Rif. Sig.ra Elisminda Escalona Via D.Manin, 55 31100 Treviso Tel. 0422/967114 O.G.I. (Osservatorio Giuridico sull’Immigrazione) Viale della Repubblica n.205 31100 Treviso e-mail: [email protected] Activities: discussion about the regulations on immigration and on the alien’s condition through meetings, conferences, seminars, courses and publications. Unione delle Associazioni Marocchine di Treviso President/Referent point: El Falaki Abdellatif Viale Monte Grappa, 32/A 31100 Treviso Tel. 335/5996750 TABLE OF SERVICES M Table of Services TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O COMUNE R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O SERVIZIO DI RIFERIMENTO Altivole, Breda di Piave, Carbonera, Casale sul Sile, Casier, Istrana, Mogliano, Monastier, Morgano, Paese, Ponzano, Preganziol, Quinto di Treviso, Riese Pio X, Roncade, San Biagio di Callalta, Silea, Trevignano, Treviso, Villorba, Zenson di Piave, Zero Branco Servizio Informazioni Stranieri Via Carlo Alberto, 6 Treviso Tel. 0422.541255 Fax 0422.548041 lun.mer.ven.15,00-19,00 mar.gio.sab. 8,30-12,30 Sabato solo informazioni Arcade, Caerano S. Marco, Conegliano, Maser, Maserada, Povegliano, Spresiano,Volpago del Montello Commissariato di Polizia Via Maggiore Piovesana, 13 Conegliano Tel. 0438.377811 lun-ven 9,00-13,00; lun 15,00-17,00 Castelfranco Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Municipio di Castelfranco Tel. 0423.7354 mercoledì 15,00-18,00 Resana Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Municipio di Resana Tel. 0423.717311 giovedì 10,30-12,30 Montebelluna Sportello Informazione Immigrati Piazza Mons. Furlan - Montebelluna lunedì 16,30-19,30; Solo informazioni: sabato 9,30-12,30 Tel. 335.7513622 Vedelago Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Informagiovani di Vedelago Via Mattara, 9 mer. 9,00-12,00 Tel. 335.7513622 Asolo, Fonte, San Zenone Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Municipio S. Zenone - Via Roma, 1 Tel. 0423.968478 lunedì 10,30-12,30 Asolo, Fonte, S. Zenone degli Ezzelini. Borso del Grappa, Castelcucco, Crespano del Grappa, Paderno, Possagno, Pederobba, Monfumo, Cavaso del Tomba Sportello Informazione Immigrati Ex Fornace di Asolo, via Strada Muson, 2/b Tel. 335.7513622 giovedì 14,00-18,00 70 M Table of Services TI N A O NI ON TARVISIUM P.O COMUNE R NI QU E M USO . N TO D. O M IN O SERVIZIO DI RIFERIMENTO Loria, Castello di Godego Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Centro Polifunzionale di Loria Via Roma, 32 Tel. 335.7513622 martedì 17.00-19,00 Cison di Valmarino, Farra di Soligo, Follina, Miane, Moriago, Pieve di Soligo, Refrontolo, Sernaglia, Vidor Centro di Ascolto Caritas Via San Martino, 47 Pieve di Soligo Tel. e Fax 0438.842882 sabato 15,00-17,0 Solo informazioni: mercoledì 20,00-22,00 Codognè, Gaiarine, Mareno di Piave, S. Fior, S. Vendemiano, S. Lucia di Piave, Susegana, Vazzola Centro di Ascolto Caritas Casa dello Studente Via Torricelli, 1 Conegliano Tel e Fax 0438.60781 giovedì 20,30-22,00 Solo informazioni: sab. 9,00-11,00 Cessalto, Chiarano, Cimadolmo, Fontanelle, Gorgo al Monticano, Mansuè, Meduna di L., Motta di L., Oderzo, Ormelle, Ponte di Piave, Portobuffolè, Salgareda, S. Polo Centro di Ascolto "Amico" Caritas Via Garibaldi 31/b Oderzo Tel. e Fax 0422.712212 venerdì 20,00-21,30 Solo informazioni martedì 16,00-18,00 Cappella Maggiore, Colle Umberto, Cordignano, Fregona, Godega S. Urbano, Orsago, Revine Lago, S. Pietro di Feletto, Sarmede, Tarzo, Vittorio Sportello Immigrati Caritas Piazza S. Francesco, 6 Vittorio Veneto Tel. 0438.550702 Fax 0438.554929 lunedì 15,00-18,00; giovedì 9,00-12,00 Crocetta del Montello, Cornuda, Segusino, Sportello Immigrazione Valdobbiadene Viale Italia 46 - Segusino (TV) Tel. 339.8748917 Sabato 9,00-11,00 Giavera del Montello e Nervesa della Battaglia Sportello Informazione Immigrati c/o Municipio di Nervesa della Battaglia Tel. 0422.8863 martedì 10,30-12,30 c/o Municipio di Giavera del Montello Tel. 0422.775711 venerdì 10,30-12,30 71 72