Fall 2011 - Archbishop Curley Notre Dame


Fall 2011 - Archbishop Curley Notre Dame
Psalm 40: Here am I Lord. I have come to do Your will, here and now.
Advisory Council
Enrollment Committee
Dear Alums and Friends of ACND,
The front and back cover of our Fall 2011 publication bring
history into the here and now. Two ACND sophomores share
the delight and enthusiasm of a group of Notre Dame
Academy and Archbishop Curley High School alums.
The students of the ‘60’s had gathered to celebrate the
privilege of being the first secondary school students in
Florida to embrace the gift of diversity.
We welcome as new alums the graduates of 2011, celebrate
a three generation Curley family, and acknowledge the
participation and gifts of alums and friends. We are blest.
The calendar for the year suggests ways of engaging in the
life of the school community.
Enjoy and please plan how you will be participating this year
in the life giving experience of ACND.
Warm regards,
Ricardo Briz, Maria Chelala ’81,
Br. James DePiro (Chair),
Angela M. Scott
Events Committee
Dr. Marion Colas-Lacombe ’95, Lesia Hanson,
Francine Holland (Co-Chair), Tom Romanik,
Diane Stead ’70 (Chair), Kimberly Topping Morris ‘92
Facilities Committee
Joseph Ortiz ’67, George Oyarzun ’76, Dr. Edgar
Pierre ’82, Arturo Salow ’80, Marc Stead ’69 (Chair)
Grants and Foundations Committee
Kathylynn Pierre-Griff ’99 (Chair), David Smith ’78,
Henry Thompson ‘91
Finance Committee
Robert ‘Chris’ Frazier ’93, Jerome Hurtak ’76 (Chair),
Christopher Kelley ’68, John Longman ’86,
Norman Powell ’83, John Zavertnik
ACND Advancement Team
Brother Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC, Ph.D.
Vice Principal for Advancement
Douglas Romanik
305.751.8367 ext. 28
[email protected]
Alumni Relations
& Events Coordinator
Amanda J. Gonzalez ‘99
305.751.8367 ext. 19
[email protected]
Advancement Assistant
Julie Martinez-Araujo
305.751.8367 ext. 22
[email protected]
Public Relations
Lisa Morales
305.751.8367 ext. 22
[email protected]
ACND Prep publication is produced by the Office of
Advancement as an information service to alums,
parents, and friends of ACND Prep. Readers are
encouraged to submit text for publication to the
Office of Advancement in care of Lisa Morales or
[email protected]
The office reserves the right to edit all copies. Items and
pictures for the newsletter should include names and class
years (if applicable).
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame High School
A changing neighborhood enhances the educational
opportunities of the verdant ACND fourteen acre campus. Come see what is new.
The ACND publication is produced by
Al Esper Advertising & Design 954.434.2759
The front and back covers of this edition are the work of
Tom Salyer, professional photographer and parent of an
alum. Each is also featured in History Detectives, a documentary, soon to be released, concerning the historic role
of Notre Dame Academy and Archbishop Curley High
School in promoting diversity in education. The original
material is now part of the collection at the HistoryMiami
Archives and Research Center.
Tom Salyer Photography, Inc.
311 NE 94th St., Miami Shores, FL 33138 305.757.4557
Welcome New Alums
Responsible, Compassionate Citizens of A Global Society
On Saturday, May 21st, ACND faculty, administra5on, friends
and families gathered at Corpus Chris5 Church to celebrate the
2011 gradua5on class. The ACND family congratulates these students who reached their total poten5al through school achievements and service to the community. The ‘fruit of their labor’
is visible in an impressive college acceptance list that includes:
American University, University of Pennsylvania, Emory University, Boston College, Tu&s University, Northeastern University, Villanova, Goucher College, Muhlenberg College, Drew
University, Northwestern University, Wagner College, Simmons
College, Suffolk University, Valencia College, Dean College, St.
John University, Iona College, Barry University, St. Thomas University, University of Miami, Nova University, Florida Ins5tute
of Technology, Stetson University, Miami Interna5onal University of Art & Design, Full Sail University, University of Florida,
Florida Atlan5c University, University of Central Florida, Florida
Memorial, University of South Florida, Florida Gulf Coast, Florida
State University, and University of North Florida.
Graduates Cum Laude were: Chrisopher Etienne, Jefferson
Lopez, Shuli Mishali, Katherine Robertson, Marilyn Garate,
Chelsi Gaskin, Whitney Saint-Fleur. Graduates Magna Cum
Laude were: Jenvieve Wright, Sylvia Salyer, Sophia Anilus,
Lachae Smith, Vanessa Aristide, Jose Nino Domond, Shannon
Macourek, and Anne-Christie Gedeon.
This year scholarships, awards, and grants were abundant and
Jose Nino Domond received a full scholarship to the pres5gious
University of Pennsylvania where he is studying pre-med.
The Brother Rice Honors Academy held its first middle school
gradua5on ceremony on June 9th in the ACND chapel.
Valentina Sophia Charris loves foreign languages and this
year further developed skills in Spanish (her na5ve language)
as well as French and Arabic. She played violin for the
Troubadours, was a starter on the JV volleyball and soccer
teams, and hurdler on the high school track team.
Sam Echavarria was a quarterback for the JV football team,
played JV basketball, and part of the track team specializing in
shot-put and disk. He received top grades in all subjects and his
favorite subject is math. He played double bass for the
Troubadours. Naika Aurelie Ronyde Imbert excelled in
the study of Arabic and received cer5ficates in Math and
English. She played violin for the Troubadours and was a
member of the soccer and track teams. Bryan Amando Llerandi
played both trombone and tuba for the Troubadours, played
on the JV basketball team and, as a member of the track team,
ran the 200 meter dash, 300 hundred hurdles and the relay.
Class Valedictorian Sohan Desai graduated with a 5.11 GPA
and is currently studying engineering at the University of Florida.
He is a recipient of the Presiden5al Academic Excellence Award,
Presidential Volunteer Silver Service Award, and 4 Year
Highest Honors in Mathema5cs. Sohan was also the recipient of
a handful of scholarship awards including the Ford Salute to
Educa5on, the Dickerson Scholarship, and is a finalist in the
USA Funds Access to Educa5on. He was a member of the
soccer team, Ecology Club, and Na5onal Honor Society.
All Academy students hold daily assemblies and each one,
coordinated by elected student leaders, allows them to shape
ini5a5ves and share community responsibili5es. Sam served
as President, Valen5na as Secretary, Accountant and Vice
President, and Bryan guided the assembly in the development
of the cons5tu5ons, the establishment of the various service
posi5ons, and accoun5ng system.
Salutatorian Michael Greene graduated with a 5.09 GPA and
is currently studying engineering at the University of Miami.
He is a recipient of the Presiden5al Academic Excellence Award,
Presiden5al Volunteer Bronze Service Award, and 4 Year
Highest Honors in Science and Language. Michael was a four
year le6er earner and awarded Male Scholar Athlete compe5ng
in tennis and cross-country. He was a member of the Ecology
Club, Edmund Rice Community, and Na5onal Honor Society.
ACND is a 6 to 12 Prep.
Please share this news with your
friends and family. For more informa5on about admissions,
visit www.acnd.net, email [email protected],
or call (305) 751-8367 *22.
Curley ’54, Curley ’77, Curley ’79, ACND ’83, ACND ’11
United In Three Generations of ACND pride
Jennifer Orlandi ’11 represents the family as the third
genera5on ACND graduate. High School allowed Jenny an
opportunity to overcome her shyness. She recently received the
Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce ‘Outstanding Student
Award.’ She played so&ball for four years, cross-country and
soccer for three years, and in her senior year was captain of both
the soccer and so&ball teams. Jenny received many
academic awards and par5cipated in community service
projects at St. Rose, Miami Jewish Health Systems, and ACND
such as HungerFest.
How many people in the ACND family would be touched by
a single memory if just the gradua5on year was men5oned?
Through photos and yearbooks, the memories are sealed
and then by way of a phone call, dinner party, or class
reunion, old memories are carried forward and transformed into
new ones.
Each member of the
family emphasized that
ACND helped reinforce
their faith and values
and Eugene Senior,
in speaking about this
subject, stated: “I feel
Catholic school is important because, as Catholic
parents, we introduce
our children (pre-school)
to the basics of our faith
in simple form and by
example. Upon entering
the Catholic school
system, their learning
of the Faith becomes
more structured in an
academic manner by
assis5ng in substan5ating the principles of our beliefs, and the student being instructed
to prac5ce the lessons learned in their daily lives.”
Eugene Yagle Senior ‘54 is a re5red VP for City Na5onal Bank
of Florida and his wife Joanne (now deceased) worked in the
library and a6endance office at Notre Dame Academy and at
ACND following the merger. He can easily recall his school days.
His favorite teacher was Fr. Louis Robert and he remembers
how he and 13 other members of the school choir travelled to
St. Augus5ne for the ordina5on of Priests (the Archdiocese of
Miami had yet to be formed.) He says, “I was in the first
gradua5ng class - the school opened in September,1953.
The students came from all parts of the County, and the school
was staffed by Parish Priests, and several "Lay" people, total
of 11, plus Fr. George Cummings, Principal. We had 39 students
in the senior class.”
And choosing ACND was the only choice for the Orlandi
family. “Although there were only a handful [of St. Rose
graduates] that decided to a6end Curley, we told Jenny that
Curley is a very good school with a lot of history and it is in our
own back yard. We also told her that she would feel more at
home if she went there rather than a big school,” said Mary Beth
who felt that a smaller school offered more opportuni5es.
She concluded, “Why drive to Broward when you have an
excellent school right here?”
Eugene Yagle Junior ’77 is the Director of Photography for
the Tampa/St. Petersburg CBS television sta5on. He recalls doing
radio announcements on WQAM about Curley sports, game
schedules and school ac5vi5es. One year, he and two other students made a movie that documented a school year of ac5vi5es, sports, club, and other daily school life. Produc5on costs
were covered by students who donated $1.00 and in
return would be guaranteed an appearance in the movie.
Whether it’s telling others that ACND is the school of choice,
volunteering your 5me at a variety of school and alumni
events, or making a dona5on, you are needed ‘here and now.’
As you look through this magazine, please consider how you
can help secure the
legacy of memories
and give us a call.
Andrew Yagle ’79 is a re5red Marine Sergeant/Major and is
currently an instructor for the Marine Corps ROTC program in
South Carolina. He remembers his favorite teacher Mr.
Guimento and valued the guidance and mentorship.
He enjoyed playing footba ll and baseball.
Mary Orlandi ’83 (nee Yagle) is married to Mark Orlandi ’83
and works for the FBI Miami Division. She recalls that her
gradua5ng class was over 200 students. Notre Dame Academy
offered many sports that included water polo and swimming,
and clubs such as Key, Girls Service, Pep, Art and Interna5onal.
She remembers how the homecoming commi6ee constructed
floats for the Homecoming Parade.
Celebrating Achievements
world by students and theirteachers looking for innova5ve
ways to understand the concept. The academy students baked
tarts while learning about the art of French cuisine with deli
owners Claude Postel, Corentin Finot, and Chef LyonelDoteau.
On April 2nd, El Nuevo
Herald reporter Melissa
Sanchez wrote a feature
ar5cle covering Judge
Cecilia Altonaga’s (NDA
’80) visit to ACND for the
annual Red Mass and Law
Symposium. Judge Altonaga told the reporter that
Notre Dame Academy
taught her the meaning
of tolerance. She states,
“This was a place that exCourtesy Photo: Alexia Fodere,
El Nuevo Herald
hibited all these different
racial/ethnic groups coexis5ng, working together, overcoming
differences,” said Altonaga. “There is this percep5on that all
Catholic girls’ schools are eli5st or homogenous or they exclude
people. This was quite the opposite, one of the most diverse
groups of young women working together.”
Speech and Debate Team Captain Taylor Altidor swept the
Oral and Interpreta5on division placing first in all four rounds
at the Florida Forensic League’s (FFL) ‘Art Deco’ Regional
Tournament Championship.
The Edmund Rice Community raised over $4,000.00 at the 15th
annual HungerFest and packed and distributed over 3,200
lunches to Miami’s homeless. The group broke last year’s record
by about 400 more lunches. Monies raised benefi6ed: St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank at St. Patrick’s, the Housing
Assistance Center, the Salvation Army, the Miami Rescue
Mission and the Women’s House, Camillus House, and Safe
Space. Monies raised are sent to Abrigot, St. Louis du Nord in
the Diocese of Port De Paix, Haiti, ACND’s sister school.
David Marcillo ‘03, author of “Terror to All Who Belong
To This World” returned to interact with the current
honors students of his former English teacher, Brother John
Corcoran. The project began last December with students
studying, discussion and wri5ng about each of the works. The
project ended recently with students producing similar-themed
but original poems, art work, or short-video based on Hiroshima,
Dresden, Bhopal, Chernobyl, 9/11, or any similar human-caused
Nine new members were inducted into the ACND Na5onal
Honor Society. In addition, fifteen students were accepted
into the English Honor Society and eight into the Spanish Honor
Society. The ceremony began with gree5ngs in six languages:
English, Creole, Tagalot, Italian, French, and Spanish and a musical presenta5on by the Italian Saxophone Quartet added musical elegance to the pres5gious moment. The inductees are:
Celetsyn Angot, Megan Romanik, Khalil Saieh, Nicholas Salow,
Kevin Granda, Jamie Mejia, Melissa Metcalf, Ena Urbina,
Lachae Smith.
David Monaco, History, Government, and Economics Teacher
was selected to represent ACND and the State of Florida in the
2011 Presiden5al Academy for American History and Civics. The
Academy leads teachers in a a careful study of three turning
points in American history: The American Revolu5on, the Civil
War, and the Civil Rights Movement. Mr. Monaco stated, “Being
able to be in the places where these three pivotal eras in our
country’s forma5on took place as well as be able to speak with
world renowned historians and some of our leaders gives you a
perspec5ve that can be shared by our students,” says Monaco.
The Brother Rice Honors
Academy students visited the
Buena Vista Deli on March 14
as part of a day the included
in-class and field lessons
on Pi/3.14. March 14th,
International P i D ay, i s c e l e b ra te d a ro u n d t h e
5on (FBA) Solo Adjudica5ons held at Ransom Everglades School
last November.
Athle5c Director, Greg Magner recognized ACND students for
their athle5c achievements at an awards banquet: Michael
Greene, Male Scholar Athlete who competed in cross-country
and tennis; Sophia Anilus, Female Scholar Athlete - crosscountry, basketball, and track and field as well as a member of
the cheerleading team; Ronald Pierre, Outstanding Male
Athlete - football, basketball, and track; Danielle Bostick,
Outstanding Female Athlete - basketball and so&ball; Jefferson
Lopez, Male Sportsmanship - cross-country, soccer, baseball;
and Jennifer Orlandi - cross-country, soccer, and so&ball.
Over thirty students performed Elton John and Tim Rice’s ‘AIDA’
to a sold-out crowd. The 2011 sponsorships were: Miami
Jewish Health Systems, Masseus Cooling Inc., Julio’s Natural
Food Emporium, Alma R. Sanjur, D.O., Go to Sushi Japanese
Food, Salsa Central Dance Studio, Biscayne Veterinary Center,
Cynthia Lamy Musical Anima5on, LA Tans & Aesthe5c
Center, Mac Access, Wullich Audio and Video, and Daphne
Dominique, Vocalist for All Occasions. The Knigh5ngales also
performed some of the songs from ‘AIDA’ at the Spring Concert.
The Troubadours presented Stravinsky’s ‘The Firebird’ and the
musical story was narrated by Helen Aguirre-Ferre ’75.
The following students made the Miami Herald All-Dade Teams
and were recognized at an awards ceremony: Cross Country –
Sanjay Singh Third Team; Michael Greene, Jose Domond, Jared
Scholl, and Michael Smith, Silvia Bacchelli, Jennifer Lamy, Emily
Vasquez, and Alexis Santandreu, all Honorable Men5on.
Football – Mike Henry First Team, Ronald Pierre, Jeffrey Jeanty,
George Silvestre, Giovanni Pierre, Mac Harry Alexis, and
Ed Richmond, all Honorable Men5on. Golf - Irvin and Ryan
Martinez, both Honorable Men5on.
On June 4th, Br. Jason Ford, CFC,
ACND’s Coordinator of Campus
Ministry, renewed his vows at
the ACND chapel. At the ceremony,
Brother Ford was surrounded by his
family of Chris5an Brothers, Curley
Notre Dame faculty, friends, and
students who par5cipate in the
Edmund Rice Community. In the
ini5al forma5on process of the
Edmund Rice Chris5an Brothers, a
brother must renew his vows each year for six years before
becoming eligible to profess his final vows. This year marked the
beginning of Brother Ford’s sixth year under vows.
Students enrolled in the Summer Knights Performing Arts Camp
presented ‘Bye Bye Birdie’ in July. The camp was led by Mr. Ray
Lee Johanson, ACND Band Director and Robin Alexander of
Stage Left Productions. “There’s lots of grumbling, but
[the students] also waltz through the corridors humming songs
they’d never have heard. You can’t compare a Charles Strouse
number to what they listen to today,” explains Ms. Alexander
who stresses that students reap great rewards from the
experience. “They get to experience that big things don’t come
from five minutes of effort. It’s team work, it’s discipline, it’s
self-esteem. Win, win, win.” An athle5cs camp, ‘Club Pre-Med,’
and tradi5onal academic summer school are also offered each
year. Registra5on for next summer will begin March, 2012.
Visit acnd.net for details.
The Troubadours had five instrumentalists qualify for the Florida
Bandmasters Associa5on’s (FBA) State solo evalua5ons and each
one received an ‘Excellent’ ra5ng. They were Carlos Diaz, Kevin
Granda, Alphonso Jaime, Christopher Myers, and Luis Zepeda.
The en5re group received a ‘Superior’ trophy at the FBA annual
adjudica5on and performed at “Give Kids the World” Village –
an organiza5on that benefits terminally ill children. Br. Rice Honors Academy students Christian Masseus and Kevin Valladares
received a Superior Ra5ng at the Florida Bandmaster Associa-
We invite alumni to volunteer their time or help sponsor various
school events and teams. Events such as alumni breakfasts and
the Red Mass/Law Symposium are opportunities for alumni to
share their professional experiences with ACND students.
Call the Advancement Office today to find out how to
become involved!
The ACND Gallery of Art
The ACND Gallery of Art is offered as an expression of
solidarity with neighbors in the historic Buena Vista, Brentwood
and Li6le Hai5 sec5ons of the upper east side of Miami
including the recently developed areas surrounding the Arsht
Center for the Performing Arts and the Design District.
Yunier Cervino Oliver of Br. Rice Honors Academy at ACND – Yunier earned
his BFA in Illustra5on from the Ringling
College of Art in Sarasota, FL. His professional work ranges from comics,
medical and architectural illustra5ons,
graphic design, and pain5ngs. His most
recent body of work is a series of
pain5ng 5tled, “Netherlands Inspira5on.”
Each exhibit is designed to provide an opportunity for educa5onal enrichment through the promo5on of thought and
discussion. The opening of each exhibit has become a gathering
moment for alums and parents. All are welcome.
Catherine Wichmann of St. Anthony’s,
Fort Lauderdale - Catherine is a graduate
of Cooper Union in New York, holding
a Bachelor of Fine Arts in pain5ng and art
history. She has taken advanced studies
in art and educa5on at both Florida Atlan5c University and Florida Interna5onal
“Teaching Artists – A Catholic Tradition”
A showcase of artwork by professional artists teaching in
Archdiocese of Miami elementary and middle schools
Opens September 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
From the mosaics of Byzantium where art
was for the glorification of God and a
means of expressing spiritual realities,
through to the late Renaissance where art
is didactic and theatrical in form such as
Caravaggio’s “The Conversion of St.
Paul,” art and architecture are part of our
Catholic tradition.
Don Clerveaux of St. Mary’s, Miami – Don is a physical educa5on
and teaches sketching to a group of St. Mary’s students. Although he is not a professional ar5st or formally trained, his
sketches demonstrate an affinity towards ar5s5c expression. He
was first taught art and how to draw by Irene Henshaw at St.
Rose of Lima in Miami Shores. She showed him how to express
himself through art and how relaxing it was.
This exhibit intends to demonstrate the talent of those who
teach about art and the passion and dedica5on that they
inspire. The purpose of this exhibi5on is to showcase the
importance of art within our Catholic school tradi5on and
its power to be used as a teaching tool.
Future Exhibits
Opens November 5/11
Tom Salyer’s “Chinese Stories” - Tradi5onal photographic prints
and mul5media presenta5on with field recorded sound.
The exhibit’s purpose is to create domes5c and global understanding of Chinese culture through different lenses of the arts.
T h e ex h i b i t i s c u ra te d b y Stefano
Campanini, owner of Etra Fine Art in the
Design District and Wine by the Bay,
founder of the non-profit organiza5on Casa
de La Mujer de las Americas, and board
member for Arts For Learning. Assistant
Curator is Daniela Blanco, a FIU art
major and ACND Gallery Intern.
Guest Speaker: Inez Suen, Founder of Interna5onal Chinese
Fine Arts Council
Opens January 31/12
Catholic Middle School Art Festival
Opens February 25/12
The Photography of Benjamin Rusnak - Photographic studies
of famine areas of the Western Hemisphere presented in
conjunc5on with the ACND annual HUNGERFEST
Meet the Artists
Kerry Ware of St. Patrick’s, Miami Beach – Kerry was born in
Southern California and received his BFA in sculpture from California State University. In 1993, he relocated to Miami and
earned his MFA from the University of Miami. His works have
been exhibited at the Dorsch and Aurora Galleries in Miami
Beach, and in California at the Center and Exit Galleries. In his
ar5st statement he writes, “My influence and inspira5on include
the tradi5on of Modernism and an a6empt to con5nue in this
path of discovery through my own sensibility to the materials
with which I am working.”
Opens April 21/12
Photographs of Haiti by Haitian Student Photographers
Coordinated by Carl Juste
Guest Speaker: Eveline Pierre, Founder Hai5an Heritage
The ACND Gallery Advisory Council
Vivian Macia of St. Agnes Academy, Key Biscayne – Vivian holds
a degree in interior design from the Art Ins5tute in Fort
Lauderdale and a B.S. Art Educa5on from Florida Interna5onal
University. She began pain5ng under the guidance of renowned
FIU Professor David Chang. With a classical approach, she has
developed an impressionis5c style in her artwork. Some of her
work was recently commissioned by Carnival Cruise Lines and
her work sought by private collectors in South Florida, Naples,
and Virginia.
Vivian Donnell Rodriguez, NDA’70: Arts Consultant Ret.
Miami Dade College
Mercedes Abascal Quiroga, NDA’71: Broward College,
Campus President
Silvia Lizama Gillis, NDA ‘75: Chair Arts Department
Barry University
Carl Juste, ACND ‘81, Photographer Miami Herald
Fr. David Russell: Ar5st ( and renowned homilist)
Stefano Campanini: Gallery Owner
Gloria Ruiz: Director, Ins5tute for Communica5on,
Entertainment and Media at St. Thomas University
Bernice Steinbaum: Gallery Owner
Douglas Romanik ’84 is
ACND’s new Vice Principal
for Advancement. Doug
earned an A.B. degree at
Harvard College, a Doctorate
in Law from the University of
Miami and a Masters in
Educa5onal Administra5on
from Barry University.
Vladimir Henry ‘90 returns to ACND as Dean of Students.
He recently returned to Miami a&er working in Georgia as
Court Appointed Special Advocate Volunteer Supervisor at the
Clayton County Juvenile Court and prior to this posi5on, Social
Service Specialist for the Georgia Department of Families and
Children Services. Mr. Henry holds a BA in Psychology and
a Masters of Educa5on in Counselor Educa5on from Florida
A&M University.
He brings to his new posi5on
a unique set of professional
experiences. After prac5cing law for several years, he
assumed responsibility for
the administra5on of a
family business, Cloverleaf
Lanes, un5l he joined ACND faculty as a senior teacher of
Economics and Government.
Kaven Jean-Charles ’06 is ACND’s new Registrar. He holds a BA
in Computer Informa5on Systems with a Minor in Journalism.
Mr. Jean-Charles has worked for various clients in the area of
web development, PC hardware and so&ware support and
consul5ng services
Br. Tim Granzotto, CFC joins ACND as
Guidance Counselor and College Advisor.
He holds a MA in School Counseling from
the University of Detroit Mercy, Professional
Educa5on Cer5ficate, MA in Business
Administra5on, and Bachelor of Science in
Finance. Br. Granzo6o has most recently
worked as a School Counselor for the
Brother Rice High School in Chicago. This past summer, he
helped out as high school camp counselor and, then, as teacherranger at Palo Alto Na5onal Historic Park. He hopes to share his
summer experiences along with a unique understanding
of the Mexican-American War with ACND students this year.
The Romanik name is well known at ACND. Doug, his siblings,
cousins, and nieces and nephews have all graduated from the
school. His sister, Beth Romanik Love, is a member of the
faculty. His father, Mr. Tom Romanik, a long 5me benefactor,
was inducted into the Archbishop Curley Notre Dame High
School Hall of Fame in April of 2005.
A resident of Miami Shores, Mr. Romanik, his
wife Haydee and children Megan, a junior at
ACND, Rhian, a freshman at ACND, and
Grace, entering the 5th grade at St. Rose of
Lima School, are ac5ve members of St.
Rose of Lima Parish.
“The Call To Educate”
Heritage Day 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Help keep the tradi5on of your alma mater alive by making a
tax-deduc5ble dona5on. Online dona5ons are quick and
easy using the secure credit card transac5on via PayPal. You
can decide when and how you want to donate. Just click on
‘Make a Gi& to ACND Today’ located on the homepage of
An opportunity for Archbishop Curley, Notre Dame, and ACND
alumni who have chosen educa5on as a profession to gather
together and share their experiences with current ACND
students. Guest alums will share a breakfast with the current
faculty and then be divided into panels that go to each
homeroom for group interviews conducted by student leaders.
A&er two interview sessions, there will be a school wide
assembly recognizing the guests, listening to brief presenta5ons
by selected representa5ves of the decades, and culminate
with a Mass of Thanksgiving.
Any alumni interested in planning, assis5ng, or par5cipa5ng in
this event may call the Office for Advancement for more
informa5on 305.751.8367 * 28 or [email protected].
Year At A Glance
Parent Mixer/Art Exhibit 1
“Teaching Ar5sts – A Catholic Tradi5on”
Save the Date
21st Annual Golf Tournament
Alum Social All Years 7:00 p.m. at ACND
Homecoming Game 2:00 p.m.
Reunion Groups: 61, ’71, ’76,’81, ’91, ‘01
2001 Reunion
Golf Tournament
Academic Olympics
Open House 9:30am-1:00pm
October 21, 2011
Miami Shores
Country Club
To play, sponsor, or
advertise, please contact
the Office of Advancement
(305) 751-8367 *19
[email protected]
All Saints/All Souls Day Mass for the Deceased Alums
and members of the ACND community
Parent Mixer/Art Exhibit 2 “Chinese Stories”
by Tom Salyer
Middle School Leadership Workshop
Middle School Basketball Tournament
ACND Wants to Host
An Alumni Gathering
In Your Town!
Christmas Concert
January 2012
Middle School Speech and Debate Event
High School Entrance Exam
Middle School Art Fes5val
Don't be surprised if you hear that ACND is coming to town!
Throughout the year, the Advancement Office will schedule
Alumni Gatherings in varying ci5es across the U.S.
Heritage Day – Educators from NDA, ACHS, and ACND
3rd Annual Soccer Tournament
24-25 HungerFest
The Photography of Benjamin Rusnak,
Photojournalist Food for the Poor
Summer Camp Registra5on Begins
(no registra5on fee for alumni)
Parent Mixer/Art Exhibit 3 (?)
Red Mass/Law Seminar
Reunion Groups: ’62, ’72, ’77, ’82, ’92, ‘02
Hall of Fame
Carl Juste Presents An Exhibit of
Hai5an Student Photography
Passion Play
Spring Musical
Volunteer Your Time!
ACND needs you! We have a variety of ways
you can give back, help students, and connect
with fellow alumni based on your interests
and your availability.
From working directly with students to speaking
at events to serving on commi6ees to helping us
raise funds, you can get involved at ACND.
Thanks to all of our current volunteers and those
of you considering addi5onal or new ways of
serving your alma mater.
Contact Doug Romanik (305) 751-8367 *28
or email [email protected] if you are interested
volunteering your 5me at ACND or hos5ng an
ACND Alumni Gathering in your town.
Summer Programs and Camps Begin
For up to date informa5on
on all ACND events,
visit www.acnd.net
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep gratefully acknowledges the gifts of time, talent and treasure
that underwrite this labor of love. The faithful generosity of alums, parents, friends and benefactors,
assures, for current and future students, a formation grounded in faith and family values while
promoting the diverse expressions of their individual and collective talents.
Together WE ARE ACND.
Principal’s Club
$1,999 - $1,000
Francine Holland TA, SP
Monsignor Vincent Kelly TA
Mary Pamela Olarte UNR
John and Gabriella Quirino UNR
Fr. David Russell UNR
Beatriz Rodriguez TA
Tom Romanik TA and UNR
Carol Stobs UNR
Frank Tro6a UNR
Armand Vari TA
Florida Marlins Community
Founda5on ATH
Hurtak Family Partnership, Ltd. SP
Knights of Columbus Council #3274 UNR
Mathon Investments Corp.UNR
Miami Jewish Health System SP and TA
Miami Lakes Sports Shop ATH
Sister Emmanuel Hospital
for Con5nuing Care TA
Stobs Brothers Construc5on Co. UNR
The Rotary Club of Miami Shores
UNR and TA
Laurence Danese `59 UNR
Thomas Hyde `61 UNR
Thomas Miller `61 TA
Brian O'Connor `93 UNR
George Oyarzun `76 TA and UNR
Frances Sevilla-Sacasa `74 TA
Richard Skelly `77 TA
Douglas Stokesberry `77 UNR
Mark Sweeney `93 UNR
John Topper `63 UNR
Thomas Valerius `58 UNR
George Yao `77 UNR
Frederick Zorovich `58 TA
Knight Club - $999-$500
Daniel Baumgard TA
Bernard and Margaret Boyd UNR and TA
Joseph Burns TA
Jackie Butler UNR
Ronald Butler TA
Maria Diaz UNR
Richard Doyle TA
David French UNR
Richard Gonzalez UNR
Jon Guben UNR
Fr. Daniel Kent TA
Robert Longman TA
Lara O'Donnell TA
Cristobal Orran5a UNR
Alma Sanjur UNR
Karen Sco6 TA
50 State Security Service, Inc. UNR
Catapult Learning, LLC UNR
Congrega5on of Chris5an Brothers UNR
Leadership Gifts
BlueCross BlueShield of Florida
The Batchelor Founda5on, Inc.
Blessed Edmund Rice Club
$9,999 - $5,000
Catholic Community Founda5on
Chris5an Brothers Community ACND
John Kane
Thomas Mark
Guy Brickman `56 UNR
Swanee DiMare `65 UNR
Clement Duru 99 TA
Larry Hofmann 59 UNR
John Hurtak `81 UNR
Jerome Hurtak 76 UNR
Founder’s Club
$4,999 - $2,000
Guy Brickman `56 UNR
Elisabeth Corcoran TA
John Hoffee UNR and TA
Roger Holsing ATH
Neil and Alyce Robertson UNR, ATH and TA
Octavio Verdeja TA
Allen Founda5on, Inc. UNR
Moody ElectricUNR
Guy Brickman `56 UNR
William Brickman `58 TA and UNR
Steven Buffone `76 TA
Classes of `69, `70 and `71 UNR
Russell Fredrikson `55 UNR
James Heistand `70 UNR
Thomas and Joy Jackson `63 UNR
Dirk Peterson `80 UNR
Thomas Shannon `61 UNR
Mary Weber `67 TA
Knight Club - $999-$500 Continued)
Con5nental Uniform Inc. UNR
Dade Community Founda5on UNR
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden UNR
General Caulking and Coa5ngs
Company, Inc. UNR
Greater Miami Caterers, Inc. UNR
Haggard Law Firm, P.A.UNR
Jorden Burt LLP UNR
Miami Project to Cure Paralysis UNR
Roll Giving & Paramount Community Giving ATH
St. Agnes Academy UNR
The College of Westchester UNR
John Butler `02 UNR and TA
James Casey `64 TA
Class of `90 UNR
Marion Colas-Lacombe `95 TA
Mariano Fernandez `57 UNR
Alexander Grau `96 ATH and TA
Carol Griffin `61 UNR
John Harkness `62 UNR
Charles Hayek `64 TA and UNR
William Heffernan `69 TA
Cyrus Jollive6e `64 TA
Brian Kindelan `77 UNR
Tom Knieriem `77 UNR
C. Mar5n Mennes `64 UNR
John Moody `70 TA, UNR
Barney Moody `76 TA
Linda Moon `86 UNR
Thomas Mulligan `87 UNR
Barbara Pickard `65 TA
Edgar Pierre `82 TA
Mark Piper `76 UNR
Arturo Salow `80 TA, UNR
Nicholas Silverio `61 UNR
David Smith `78 TA, UNR
Marc Stead `69 UNR, SP
Kimberly Topping Morris `92 UNR
Catherine Veinovic `03 UNR
Diane White `64 UNR
Brian Zorovich ‘93
Laureate Club $499-$250
C. Ricardo Briz TA
Teresa Buonicon5 TA
Msgr. George Cummings UNR
Julio A. De La Cruz UNR
Phyllis Duval TA and UNR
Robert Escobio TA
Michael Fusco TA
Allen Fusco TA
Don Hanson TA, ATH
William Hecht TA
John Hicks UNR
Ansy Joseph ATH
Daniel LeVasser UNR
Alysha Mangham UNR
Honor Roll of Donors
Laureate Club $499-$250
Fr. William Mason TA
Bruce Orosz UNR and TA
William Randolph TA
Carlos Rosell TA
Mark Siegfriedt UNR
Alan Spies SP
Albert Surprenant TA
Mary Toomey TA
Mary Veinovic TA
James Walls TA
Kirk Zeppi TA
American Red Cross/ Tiffany Circle UNR
Barry University UNR
Dorta and Ortega PA UNR
Iona College UNR
Jacobs, Nones & Carney, CPAs UNR
Memorial Healthcare System UNR
Na5vity Parish School Fund UNR
Pediatric Emergency Consultants Inc. UNR
South Florida Firefighters Calendar, Inc. UNR
St. Rose of Lima Parish UNR
St. Rose of Lima School UNR
Target UNR
University of Miami UNR
Richard Adams`63 UNR
Patricia Alsfelt-Santos `60 TA
Linda Bla6 UNR and TA
Richard Brickman `64 TA
John Brickman `58 TA
Sebas5an Cannata `99 UNR
William Castellano `75 UNR
Gennaro Chiocca `64 UNR
Michael Curran `76 TA
William Daley `76 TA
Karen Edwards `69 UNR
Denise Fort `60 UNR
Thomas Garrigan `76 TA
David Gerrits `78 TA
Arthur Heffernan `76 TA
Patrick Heffernan `65 UNR
Dan Hurtak `67 UNR
Amelia Jaime `82 SP
Richard Jean `88 TA
Christopher Kelley `68 TA, UNR
Allan Kelley `73 UNR
Ramez Khawly `65 UNR
Michael McCarron `65 TA
Yvonne Moody `82 TA
Barbara Mora `79 TA
Sonia O’Donnell `70 TA
Ramon Oyarzun `69 TA
Bernade6e Poi5er `73 TA
Antonio Salum `76 TA
Veronica Serra `66 TA
Arthur Sweeney `92 UNR
Kathleen Touby `61 TA
Carlos Ur5aga `76 TA
Lawrence Zigmont `61 TA
Century Club $249-$100
Helene Aguilar UNR
Mark Alexander TA
Steven Arcieri UNR
Joan Armstrong TA
Michael Barbier TA
Maria Beguiristain TA
Joe Bologna TA
Edwin Boyle TA
Alba Canero TA
Cathy Carrasquillo TA
Barbara Carey- Shuler UNR
Andrea Corn TA
Katherine Clarke-Keffer TA
San Juanita De La Cruz TA
Nigel De Sales UNR
Timothy Del Rosal UNR
Richard DeMaria TA
Historian Dr. Paul George ‘60; Dr. Eugene Simko, President of ICIE; Professor Maureen Sheehan Paparella
‘76; Br. Patrick Sean Moffe6, Ph.D.; and the Honorable Kenneth M. Donohue, former HUD Inspector General and Reznick Government Principal were among an interna5onal delega5on at the 29th Annual Conference of the Interna5onal Council for Innova5on in Higher Educa5on (ICIE) held at Archbishop Curley
Notre Dame 6 to 12 Prep, St. Thomas University, and Miami Dade College.
Michael Dominguez UNR
Frank Don UNR
Patrick Donohue TA
Bob Do6erweich TA
Elizabeth Esper UNR
Marcell Felipe TA
Robert Galt UNR
Janet Garfinkel ATH
Rita Greenberg UNR
Marion Halberg TA
Michael Hannau TA
Martha Hartley TA
Herta Holly TA
Lou Imburgia SP
Jacques Jourdan ATH
Thomas McNabola TA
Ernest Menze TA
Caroline Miller TA
John Mulqueen TA
Br. Eugene O'Brien UNR
Kathleen Parkerson TA
Marlene Prezeau ATH
Jay Rand TA
Jan Rayburn UNR
Luis Rovegno UNR
Hope Sadowski TA
Rosa Salgado UNR
Kathleen Savor TA
Sam Scarnecchia TA
Martha Silverio Booth TA
Brian Sco6 UNR
Joan Secchia TA
Ritu Singh UNR
Mark Soyka ATH
Bill Stacey TA
Eustaquio Velasco UNR
Jennie Weiss Block TA
William Wyler TA
Bishop Hendricken High School UNR
Catholic Diocese of Savannah UNR
Chris5an Brothers of Massachuse6s UNR
Christopher Columbus High School UNR
Diocese of Saint Augus5ne UNR
Downtown Towing Company UNR
Duffy Realty UNR
Florida Catholic Conference UNR
Gomez Construc5on Company TA
Good Shepherd Catholic School UNR
Iona Prep Community UNR
Jeb Bush & Associates, LLC UNR
Mary Help of Chris5ans School UNR
Miami Beach Property Holdings, LLC UNR
Monsignor Edward Pace High School UNR
St. Bonaventure Catholic School UNR
St. John Neumann Catholic School UNR
St. Patrick's Church UNR
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School UNR
The New Miami Shores Plumbing, Inc. UNR
Verdeja De Armas UNR
Zigland, Inc. UNR
Donald Alpaugh `61 TA
John Anderson `70 UNR
Richard Arnell`72 UNR
Sarita Baigorri `86 UNR
John Barke6 `68 UNR
Gerald Barnard `61 TA
Carlos Barquin `67 UNR
Orlando Barreto `65 UNR
Richard Bates `55 UNR
Luis Blanco `82 UNR
Michael Brickman `61 TA
Patrick Brickman `60 UNR
Jerome Bryda `63 UNR
Ann Burke `71 UNR
John Camp `76TA
Donna Cappucio `89 UNR
Mary Capraro `67 UNR
Albert Childress `73 UNR
Richard Confessore `60 TA
Garry Connell `77 UNR
Anne Cormey `63 UNR
Thomas Courtney `88 UNR
Francis Curci `56 UNR
Valerie Curry `76 TA
Leon De Leon `76 TA
Patricia Dervishi `65 TA
Fanny Diaz `75 UNR
Barry Douce6e `55 UNR
Theresa Downey `64 SP
Jerrold Dumas `00 TA
Frank Falestra `76 TA
Guillermo Fernandez `72 UNR
Dennis Fetscher `60 UNR
William Figueredo `65 UNR
Robert Frazier `93 UNR
Manuel Fuentes `70 TA
Manuel Garcia `81 UNR
Jennifer Geimer `90 UNR
Paul George `60 UNR
Lorraine Gimenez `76 TA
John Heffernan `66 UNR
Javier Hernandez `77 UNR
Mary Ann Holewinski `59 TA
Ralph James `64 UNR
Tom Jennings `77 UNR
Lorraine Jimenez `76 TA
Bruce Keller `68 UNR
Jeff Kelly `62 TA
James Keys `71 UNR
Jose6e Kippenhan `59 UNR
Theodore Koper `58 TA
Joseph Krupp `56 UNR
Frank LaPietra `60 UNR
James Lawson `77 UNR
Daniel Longman `93 TA
John Longman `86 UNR
Glenn Lopez `76 TA
Antonio Lopez `66 UNR
Raymond Magaldi `60 UNR
Irene Manning `56 UNR
Andres Manrara `70 UNR
Becky Mar5nez `71 UNR
Michael McFadden `67 SP
J. McHugh `64 UNR
Ronald Mi6enzwei `56 UNR
John O'Neil `73 UNR
Liam O'Neil `86 UNR
William Opperman `61 TA
John Owens `56 UNR
Carol Pawley `76 TA
Edward Peloquin `60 TA
Armando Perdomo `57 UNR
Alejandro Perez `74 UNR
Theodore Peterson `70 UNR
Rick Piccolo `77 UNR
David Pilger `55 UNR
Michelle Powell `84 UNR
Robert Quinn `59 UNR
Albert Edward Quinton `76 UNR
Peggy Ryan `77 UNR
Stanley Saran `60 UNR
Joseph Shikany `58 UNR
Joseph Sullivan `60 UNR
Rodrick Tavares `85 UNR
Ronald Thomson `77 UNR
Jason Trahey `88 UNR
Kathleen Vazquez `64 UNR
Joseph Wagner `66 UNR
Edward Walton `76 TA
David Wessel `57 UNR
Andrew Winston `06 UNR
Maureen Woodard `65 TA
Eugene Yagle `54 UNR
John Yao `78 UNR
Ronald Zabko `56 UNR
Lois Ziemba `62 TA
David Zighelboim `77 UNR
Claudia Zorovich `79 UNR
Patron Club $99-$1
Lourdes Balauat UNR
David Booth TA
Albert Brunwasser UNR
Marilyn Charles UNR
Elaine Cunnane UNR
Kenneth Decina TA
Br. James DePiro UNR
Louise DePiro TA
Teresa Donohue TA
Maria Exama UNR
Rose Faulhaber UNR
Joseph Marion Gallagher UNR
James Kane TA
Gerald Kane TA
Joseph Luckmann SP
Joan Lu6on SP
Ellen Mahon TA
Natasha Marks TA
Mary Monteleone TA
Richard Palladino TA
Marta Prado UNR
Ronald Radloff UNR
Teresita Sorrels TA
Barbara Twedt UNR
Chris5an Brothers Ins5tute TA
JP Morgan Chase Bank UNR
A & A Village Treasures UNR
Mandolin Aegean Bistro SP
Adams Veterinary Clinic UNR
Chris5an Brothers CFC
All Saints Community UNR
Chris5an Brothers Residence--Bergen Catholic
High School UNR
Chris5an Brothers Trinity Community TA
Football Sandwich Shops, Inc. UNR
Imburgia Construc5on Services, Inc. UNR
Imburgia Realty, Inc. UNR
Joe Blair Garden Supply, Inc. UNR
Park Shore Pharmacy Services UNR
St. Joseph's Residence TA
Tradewinds Power Corp. UNR
Timeplus Payroll Services UNR
St. Jean's Residence TA
U.S.A.A. Total RewardsUNR
St. Michael the Archangel Church TA
Albert Alfano `60 UNR
Julio Aranton `70 UNR
Chris5ne Canton `67 SP
Jose Cas5llo `66 UNR
Patrice Dawson `79 UNR
Robert Doyle `60 UNR
Eloisa Echazabal `66 UNR
Edward Eicher `77 UNR
Marie Gerber `57 UNR
Marcia Gill `58 UNR
Charlene Ginste `63 UNR
Loraine Godinez `83 TA
Amanda Gonzalez `99 UNR
Wayne Grammes `76 TA
David Holewinski `57 UNR
Donna Holt `66 UNR
Gregory Hyde `84 UNR
Richard Keller `62 TA
Margaret (Peggy) Moody `72 TA
Bill Murphy `79 UNR
Axel Perez `09 UNR
Elizabeth Piazza `70 UNR
Bennet Pumo `92 TA
Adela Ramos `94 TA
Mary Ranieri `64 SP
Patricia Riehm `54 UNR
Jose Rodriguez `70 UNR
Justo Rodriguez `70 UNR
Celes5no Rodriguez `66 UNR
Merrill Romanik `83 UNR
Selena Samios Smith `90 UNR
Peter Schmi6 `76 UNR
Patrick Snay `62 UNR
Jesus Velasco `70 UNR
Paul Zilioli `65 UNR
ASM: Arturo Salow, Sr. Memorial
ATH: Athle5cs
CAM: Colleen Ahern Memorial
CSM: Colleen Skelly Memorial
E: Endowment
ERM: Emily Romanik Memorial
JZM: Joseph Zavertnick, Sr. Memorial
KFL: Knights For Life Trip
MG: Matching Gi&
PEB: Physical Educa5on Building
SP: Special Project
TA: Tui5on Assistance
UNR: Unrestricted
*While every a6empt has been made to
ensure the donor lists in this report
are complete, some mistakes are inevitable.
If your name was omi6ed or improperly listed,
please accept our apologies. If you have
detected an error, please no5fy the
Advancement office at 305.751.8367 ex. 28
Hall of Fame
John and Gabriella Quirino
Br. Richard DeMaria, CFC
Rosemary Kelly Parnell `65
Barney Moody `76
Nick Silverio `61
Sonia Escobio O'Donnell `70
William Brickman `58
Dinner Chair
Swanee DiMare `65
Committee Chair
Diane Stead `70
Zoe Doble
Katherine Doble `02
Amanda Gonzalez `99
Lesia Hanson
Francine Holland
Jerome Hurtak `76
Tom Knieriem `77
Danielle Moody `03
Kathryn Orosz
Peter Sahwell
Marc Stead `69
Catherine Veinovic `03
The Batchelor Founda5on
Swanee DiMare `65
Tom Shannon `61
Vantares, Inc.
Platinum Knights
William `58 and Sandra Brickman
Gold Knights
Peterson's Harley Davidson of Miami
Miami Jewish Health Systems
Peterson's Harley Davidson of Miami
Sr. Emmanuel Hospital
for Con5nuing Care
Full Page Color
Allstate, Miami Shores Agency
Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden
Joe and Karen Sco6
Jordan Burt, LLP
Marion Colas-LaCombe, MD
Miller Construc5on Company
Robert, Lara, Richie and
Richard Anthony
Sandra Brickman
Swanee DiMare `65
The Heffernan Family
The Hurtak Family
The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
The Moody Family
The Ya-Yas
Full Page
Barry University
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
Catapult Learning
Dorta and Ortega, PA
Friends of Rosemary Kelly Parnell
Investment Management
Associates, Inc.
Iona College
Memorial Hospital Miramar
Na5vity School and Parish
Ramon `69 and Ana `72 Oyarzun
St. Agnes Parish and Academy
St. Rose of Lima Church and School
The Buonicon5 Family
The College of Westchester
The Conch House
The Longman Family
The Or5z Family
Tiffany Circle, Society of
Women Leaders
University of Miami
Yvonne and Danielle Moody
Half Page
Christopher Columbus High School
Christopher P. Kelley, PA `68
Edgard J. Pierre Founda5on
Florida Catholic Conference
Frances and Eugenio Sevilla-Sacasa
Gerrits Construc5on, Inc.
Jennie Weiss Block
Joe Bologna and Renee Taylor
JP Quirino and Quirino
Construc5on Company
Kathleen Savor
Maria J. Beguristain
Memorial Healthcare System
Priority Lending Corp.
Mike and Ronnie Serra
Rotary Club of Miami Shores
Security Alliance, LLC
St. Patrick Parish School
The Brickman Family
The Chris5an Brothers Community
of Miami, FL
The Chris5an Brothers of Catholic
Memorial, Boston
The Pickard Family
The Romanik Family
The Smith Family
Tom's NFL American Sports Bar
and Grill
Vantares, Inc.
Verdejas de Armas, CPAS
Quarter Page
Accord Produc5ons
ACND Parent Council 2010-2011
Andrea Corn, Psy.D.
Bill Murphy `79 and Greg Murphy
Carlos Ur5aga, CPA `76,
Insight Accoun5ng
Christ the King Church
Department of Chris5an Forma5on
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Jeb Bush
Kay Clarke-Keffer
Leslie Eisenberg `70 and
Alan Eisenberg `74
Lithgow, Benne6, Philbrick Funeral
Home and Knights of Colombus
Marion Council
Mary Help of Chris5ans Catholic School
Monsignor Edward Pace High School
Parkshore Pharmacy
Phyllis Duval
Rose Silverio
The Sadowski Family and
Prieto Families
South Florida Firefighters Calendar
St. Bonaventure Catholic Church
and School
St. Rose of Lima School
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School
The DeMaria Family
The Stacy Family
The Stead Family
US Storage Centers
Business Card
A & A Village Treasures
Adams Veterinary Clinic
Art and Tina Heffernan
Bow to Stern Maintenance, Inc.
Catherine Veinovic `03, Bri6any
Cus5n `03, Kris5na Holland `03
and Angela Reyes `03
Duffy Realty
Edward J. Peloquin, MS, APM
Football Sandwich Shops
General Caulking and
Coa5ngs Company, Inc.
Hurricane Jumpers
Imburgia Construc5on Services, Inc.
Imburgia Realty, Inc.
Jacobs, Nones & Carney, CPA's
Joe Blair Garden Supply
Martha Booth
Moody Accoun5ng Services, Inc.
Pumo Enterprises, Ltd.
Richard and Chris Keller,
Tranquility Vaca5on Rental
Robert Escobio, Southern Trust
Securi5es, Inc.
Sebas5an Cannata `99
Tradewinds Power Corp.
Jose Alcaraz `76
Barbara Alcaraz
Donald Alpaugh `61
Barbara Annis Pickard `65
Br. Thomas Armstrong
Deborah Bagierek
Gerald Barnard `61
John Batchelor
Nancy Batchelor
Daniel Baumgard
Lori Baumgard
Elma Benjamin
Al Boyd
Edwin Boyle `76
William Brickman `58
Sandra Brickman
Jeannie Brickman `60
Jack Brickman
Linda Brickman
Ashley Brickman
Guy Brickman `56
Elizabeth Brickman
Br. Michael Brickman `61
Richard Brickman `64
Mary Pat Briggs `72
Bill Briggs
Billy Briggs `00
Ricardo Briz
Elena Briz `72
Steve Buffone `76
Kristen Buffone Hughes `70
Derek Bush
John Butler `02
Ma6 Cameron
Davecia Cameron
John Camp `76
Sebas5an Cannata `99
Spero Canton
Guy Carboneau `59
Florence Carboneau `60
Cathy Carrasquillo
Jim Casey `64
Dr. Steve Chavous5e and Guest
Albert Childress `73
Ki6y Childress
Barney Conway
Michael Curran
Linda Curran
Valerie Curry
Bri6any Cus5n `03
Bill Daley `76
Juanita De la Cruz
Tony DeFilippo `66
Carol DeFilippo
Leon DeLeon`76
Br. James DePiro
Daniel Depkin
Clarice Depkin
Patricia Dervishi `65
Swanee DiMare`65
Paul DiMare
Katherine Doble `02
Zoe Doble
Vivian Donnell Rodriguez `70
Richard Doyle
Michelle Doyle
Faith Doyle
Richard Doyle, Sr.
Jerry Dumas `00
Michael Engelke `76
Monica Ennen
Robert Escobio
Susan Escobio
Luis Espinosa
George Evans
Julie Evans
Frank Falestra `76
Rory Fioren5ni `00
Joan Fleishman
Br. Jason Ford
Tina Furlow
Marixa Fusco
Allen Fusco
Maria Garcia `76
Thomas Garrigan `76
Jennifer Geimer `90
Jeff Geimer
Lorraine Gimenez
Amanda Gonzalez `99
Gioanna Grieco ` 80
Lara Grillo
Richard Grillo
Don Hanson
Lesia Hanson
Martha Hartley
Mary Pat Hartley
Charlie Hayek `64
Kathy Hayek
Caroline Heck Miller
Art Heffernan `76
Tina Heffernan
Larry Hofmann `59
Ramona Hofmann
Linda Hofmann `85
Francine Holland
Sam Holland
Kris5na Holland `03
Jerome Hurtak `76
Donna Hurtak
Cris5na Imburgia- Butler `02
Richard Jean `88
Christopher Kelley `68
Jeff Kelly
Rosemary Kelly Parnell `65
Fr. Daniel Kent
Pa6y Kinnard
Tom Knieriem `77
Ted Koper `58
Daniel LeVasser
Lynn Lewis
Richard Libu7
John Lomastro
Bob Longman
Sue Longman
Glenn Lopez
Beth Love `78
Greg Magner
Ana Magner
Ted Mannelli `63
Fr. William Mason
Phyllis McClaney
Bill McCue
Mike McDearmaid `59
Jennifer McGlinchey
Dr. and Mrs. Medina
Jerry Mehlich `58
Emilio Mendoza
Marina Mendoza
Marty Mennes `64
Jim Mennes `65
Thomas Miller `61
Ginny Miller
Br. Patrick Sean Moffe6
Barney Moody `76
Yvonne Moody `82
Danielle Moody `03
John Moody `70
Peggy Moody `72
Jennifer Moody `94
Jacqueline Moody
Julie Moody
Maggie Moody `82
Michael Moody `75
Roxanne Moody
Shauna Moody
Joshua Moody
John Moody, JR
Maria Moreno
Ma6 Murphy
Sonia O’Donnell `70
Robert O'Donnell
Cristobal Orran5a
Maureen Orran5a
Joe Or5z `67
Rita Or5z
George Oyarzun `76
Nancy Oyarzun
Br. Angelo Palmieri
Kathleen Parkerson
Kelly Parnell
Veronica Parnell Serra `66
Rita Patnick `76
John Patnick `76
Carol Pawley `76
Phil Peterson
Charlo6e Peterson
Dirk Peterson `80
Lisa Peterson `78
Dan Peterson `76
Chris5na Peterson
Robyn Peterson `65
Lisa Petrillo McCue `81
Brent Pickard
Edgar Pierre `82
Linda Pierre
Jean Pierre `87
Mark Piper `76
Kendall Purdy
Edwin Quinton `76
John Quirino
Gabriella Quirino
Anthony Quirino
Jennifer Quirino
JP Quirino `98
Jose Ramirez
Felipe Ramirez
William Randolph
Lynda Randolph
Joseph Rhoden
Michele Rhoden
Ivan Rodriguez
Tom Romanik
Doug Romanik `84
Maria Romero
Carlos Rosell
Suzanne Rosell
Carmen Rossmore `70
Alan Rossmore
Hope Sadowski
George Sadowski
Art Salow `80
Ka5e Salow
Tony Salum
Rosa Salum
Angelo Salvemini
Marijka Salvemini
Ed Santos
Pat Santos
Ferdo Sarson
Madeline Sarson
Kathleen Savor
Margaux Savor
William Savor
Sam Scarnecchia
Deborah Schulz
Francis Sevilla Secasa
Gene Sevilla Secasa
Br. Edmund Sheehan
Nick Silverio `61
Dave Smith `78
Nancy Smith `82
Carole Springer
Diane Stead `70
Marc Stead `69
Kaila Stephens
Albert Suprenant
Debbie Su6on
Pat Termine
Carl Termine
Aja Terrell
Richard Terrell
Alyson Thele
Angela Tirella Reyes `03
Mary Toomey
Pat Toomey
Kathleen Touby-Woodward `61
Carlos Ur5aga `76
S5tch Vari
Jacqui Vari
Catherine Veinovic `03
Mary Veinovic
Hugh Watkins `58
Larry Wilson `58
Zac Winnerling
Ernie Woodard
Maureen Woodard Shannon `65
Joseph Woodward
Kirk Zeppi
Larry Zigmont `61
Celine Zigmont
Fred Zorovich `58
Welcome Hall Of Fame 2011 Inductees
On April 16th, William Brickman ’58, Nick Silverio ’61, Rosemary Kelly Parnell ’65, Sonia
Escobio O’Donnell ’70, Barney Moody ’76, Br. Richard DeMaria, CFC, and John and
Gabrielle Quirino were inducted into the school’s 2011 Hall of Fame held at The Surf
Club in Miami Beach.
Bill has been the Senior Real Estate Manager of Pizza Hut of America for the past
22 years;
Nick formed ‘A Safe Haven for Newborns’ in memory of his late wife Gloria. This past
June, the organiza5on was recognized on WSVN news;
Rosemary has worked for the American Red Cross as Director of Logis5cs in Washington
D.C. and since 2010 has been sta5oned in Hai5 managing logis5cs for the Interna5onal
Federa5on of the Red Cross’ earthquake and cholera opera5ons.
Sonia is a Partner in the Miami office of Jorden Burt LLP. She has also worked as Assistant U.S. A6orney for the Southern District of Florida, Execu5ve Assistant U.S. A6orney
and Special Counsel to the U.S. A6orney. Sonia’s two children are Harvard law
Barney is one of ten children, all ACND graduates. His wife Yvonne ’82 and their daughter Danielle ’03 are also ACND graduates. He established Moody Electric with his brother
John ’70 and is founder of The Moody Manor Founda5on which operates a residence for
women who have sustained a trauma5c brain injury;
Br. DeMaria recently celebrated his year marks 50th anniversary as a member of the
Congrega5on of Chris5an Brothers. He is a former ACND principal and this year re5red
as Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Miami and Execu5ve Director of
Chris5an Forma5on;
John and Gabriela are the founders of Quirino Construc5on Company which they run
with their son Johnpaul ’98. Since Johnpaul was an ACND student, both John and
Gabriella have con5nuously given 5me, talent, and financial support towards various
school projects.
The event was led by masters of ceremony Spero Canton and Lisa Petrillo ’81.
Thanks to the many people and organiza5ons who contributed towards this successful
event. The commi6ee was: Swanee DiMare ’65, Dinner Chair; Diane Stead ’70,
Commi6ee Chair; Amanda Gonzalez ’99; Danielle Moody ’03; Catherine Veinovic ’03;
Jerome Hurtak ’76; Marc Stead ’69; Lesia Hanson; Tom Knieriem ’77; Francine
Holland; Kathryn Orosz, Katherine Doble ’02; and Zoe Doble.
To see more photos, visit www.acnd.net.
2012 Hall of Fame – Saturday, March 31, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
The Surf Club, Miami Beach
Alum Spotlight
Congratulations to our first ‘Take
your ACND alumni magazine with
you’ contest winner!
Becky Stead-Schulze `98 has worked
as an interna5onal teacher for the
last 4 years in Germany, Dominican
Republic, and Nairobi, Kenya. Becky
is currently fulfilling a two year contract as an Informa5on Technology
middle school teacher at the Interna5onal School of Kenya.
(Photo Credit:
Scott McGonagle,
UM Head Trainer)
school history with her 1.80m (5-10.75) leap at the Hurricane
Alumni Invita5onal in the high jump. This year, she graduated
with a B.A. in Interna5onal Studies and Criminology.
Submit your photo in jpeg format
no later than January 15, 2012
to [email protected]
Omar Yemini ‘05 is Intern Coordinator
with the Miami Heat
Lauren Usher ’04 has begun graduate
school at the University of Miami this fall
in a Ph.D. program in Developmental
Psychology. She is also a Clinical Research Associate, Au5sm Gene5cs Study
at UM’s Miller School of Medicine.
Arthur Estopinan ’83 received an Outstanding Service Award
from the Fundacion Azteca and Congressional Hispanic Leadership Ins5tute (CHLI.) Arthur is Chief of Staff of the office of
Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. "Arthur is not only my
Chief of Staff, but also a friend and trusted counselor. His many
years working on the Hill have shown me that his dedica5on,
commitment and love of community are unmatched," said
Congresswoman Ros-Leh5nen. "Through his 5reless work and
advocacy of issues, he is advancing an agenda for South Florida
that will benefit the cons5tuents I so proudly represent.
I congratulate him for this award because he has not only earned
it but he embodies it through his work."
Ben Temeyer ’04 is entering his second year teaching at the
Miami Arts Charter.
Frantz Placide ’06 was recently interviewed by Fox News
Channel’s Sean Hannity in a feature program documen5ng
Jeb Bush’s support of the voucher program. Frantz will
graduate from Wagner College in New York with a major in
sociology. He plans on becoming a teacher. To watch this show,
visit: h6p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3VrtPTxxGk&
Joanie Hurtak ‘09
and Katie Stibens ’09
a6ended the Dong
Fang Foreign Language
School in Nanning,
China. They are
pictured at a na5onal
celebra5on of women
Ed Holly ‘88 was hired as football coach for Coral Shores High
School in Key Largo. In a press release, Coral Shores Athle5c Director said, "Ed quickly rose to the top of the list. He is the 'total
package.’ He is a man of great character who is philosophically
in line with our vision for this program and our student athletes.
He has great people skills and he is vested in our community."
If I didn’t attend Archbishop Curley, I don’t think I would have
(not that I wouldn’t have gone to college) but I might not have
been as excited about it or as enthusiastic about making that
next step. – Frantz Placide ‘06
Archbishop Curley [is] a student-centered school.
- Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida
Megan Novinger ’07, earned All-ACC honors at the conference
championships with a third place finish in the high jump
(1.68m). In 2010, Megan reached the second-best mark in
ACND is now a 6 to 12 college preparatory school.
Make it your family’s school of choice!
Alum Notes
Kayla Elizabeth Stead was
born on February 12, 2011.
She weighed 6.5 oz and was
18 1/2 inches long. She is a
wonderful addi5on to the
Stead family and her
parents, Katie and Marc ‘94
couldn't be prouder.
Jessica Velasco ’10 recently
spoke, on behalf of her Iona
College Freshman Class, at a
banquet honoring Br. James
A. Liguori, CFC who this year
ended his tenure as college
Alessandra Mancuso `04
and Kenneth Norman Velsor, Jr. were married in Fort
Lauderdale on August 21st.
Alessandra graduated Cumma
Sum Laude with a Bachelor
in Broadcast Communica5on
and is currently working as
an intern with ‘4Kids of
South Florida.’ Kenny graduated in culinary arts from the Art
Ins5tute of South Florida and currently works as Chef de Cuisine
at the Grill at Calvary Chapel.
Please send Alum Notes to [email protected]
Golf Tournament
Bruce Keller
Committee Members
Bri6any Cus5n `03
Billy Davis `85
Amanda Gonzalez `99
Lesia Hanson
Jerome Hurtak ‘76
Tom Knieriem `77
Danielle Moody `03
Gabriella Quirino
Peter Sahwell
Alma Sanjur
Catherine Veinovic `03
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Phil Peterson’s Harley Davidson of Miami
Bar Sponsors
The Haggard Law Firm, PA
George Oyarzun `76
- Miami Shores Agency
Title Sports Drinks
Cart Sponsor
Moody Electric, Inc.
50 State Security
Julio De La Cruz
Downtown Towing Co.
General Caulking & Coa5ng, Inc.
Greater Miami Caterers, Inc.
InSource Insurance, Inc.
Dan Hurtak Racing Stable
Jerome Hurtak Esq. `76
Tom Knieriem `77
Lines Unlimited, Inc.
Magnolia Outdoor Media
Miami Shores Plumbing
Nuts about Florida, Co.
Purdy Lounge
Quirino Construc5on, Co.
SLA Management
Stobs’ Brothers Construc5on, Co.
The Guben Family
Jose and Julia Blanco
Tee Sign Sponsors
19th Hole Tees
50 State Security
Capt. Jim's Restaurant
Dan Hurtak Racing Stable
Downtown Towing
Dr. Douglas Stokesberry `77 DDS
Dr. Barbara M. Carey- Shuler
General Caulking and
Coa5ng Company, Inc.
Miami Shores Plumbing
Moody Electric
Peterson's Harley Davidson of Miami
Purdy Lounge
Quirino Construc5on
Stobs Construc5on
The Guben Family
Jerome Hurtak, Esq `76
Dan Longman `93
- Priority Lending Corp.
Catherine Veinovic, Bri6any Cus5n,
Kris5na Holland, Danielle Moody
and Angela Tirella
Michael McLaney- MBP Beach
Property Holdings, LLC.
Auc5on, Gi&s and Raffle Sponsors
Krave Art, Daniel Fila
Miami Interna5onal Links Foursome
from Jay Miller
Football Subs
Costa Greens Golf Club
Tom Salyer
The Conch House
Café Bustelo
Jack Rengstyl
Don Baily Carpets
Andiamo! Brick Oven Pizza
Farm Fresh Miami
Benihana Restaurant
Terry Barrow
David Bradley
Vincenzo Bruno`02
John Butler `02
Sco6 Carlson `84
Al Childress `73
Brian Chris5anson
Garry Connell `77
Bill Davis `85
Jim Davis
Luciano Delgado `76
Brother James DePiro
Geoff Dorney
Tab Doyle `79
Jerry Dumas `00
Ike Eicher `77
Mike Engelke `76
Jose Erazo
Frank Falestra `76
Brother Jason Ford
Chris Frazier `93
Dave French
Jennifer Geimer `90
Chris Gren5ner
Bill Griffith
Larry Grubbs
Sco6 Gunter
Richard Gu5errez
Manny Haddad
Jus5n Hill
Dan Hurtak `67
Jerome Hurtak`76
Elena Briz ’03 and George C.
Smith were married on Saturday,
June 25th at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Elena recently graduated
with a M.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of
Illinois and George, a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan.
Javier Briz ’06 graduated this
past May with a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from the
University of Florida. He is
currently employed by Malcolm
Pirnie which is now the Water Division of ARCADIS.
On March 7, 2011, Charles Francis Magill ’57 passed away
from cancer. He is survived by his wife Alice Sefik Magill ’62
of 47 years, his two daughters Kim and Cheryl,
and four grandchildren.
Dolores Martinez passed away on Sunday, July 18th.
She is lovingly remembered by her daughter Julie Martinez,
ACND’s Assistant for the Office of Advancement,
and Julie’s family, friends, and parish.
Greg Hyde `84
Tom Jennings `77
Chris Kelley `68
Tom Knieriem `77
Jim Lawson `77
Daniel LeVasser
Mike Llopis
Beth Love `78
Ryan Mar5nez
Irvin Matu5na `12
Jeff McGovern
Wilson Munoz
Bill Murphy `79
Tommy O'Donnell
George Oyarzun `76
Fernando Oyarzun `79
John Patnik `76
Peter Picard
Rick Piccolo `77
Mark Piper `76
Mark Pumo
Ed Quinton `76
Dave Romanik `89
Brian Sco6
Mark Siegfriedt
Will Skelly `82
Greg Sluyer
Terry Smith
Doug Stokesberry `77
Larry Sweeney `92
Mark Sweeney `93
Ron Thomson `77
Tanya Track
Jason Trahey `88
Tom Trinkle
Mark Trouba
Jerry Upthegrove
Vincent Vaccarella
Jayson Yao `83
George Yao `77
John Yao `78
Jeff Yao `79
Sam Zigheboim `79
Dave Zigheboim `77
Dinner Attendees
Art Salow `80
Ka5e Salow
Timothy Del Rosal
Dagmar Del Rosal
Jerome Hurtak `76
John Quirino
Gabriella Quirino
Richard Gonzalez
Olga Carde
Don Bailey
Donna Bailey
Cristobal Orran5a
Maureen Orran5a
Br. Thomas Armstrong, CFC
Nancy Smith `82
David Smith `78
Diane Stead `70
Marc Stead `69
Jerome Yeash
Alayne Yeash
Mike Dominguez
Alma Sanjur
Ki6y Childress
Albert Childress `73
Al Davis
Chester Morris
Caitlin Ebener `07
Rachel Ebener `04
Lisa Tanner `04
Beth Ann Stobs
Karen Kaaney `92
Candice Franco
Tom Seigel
Mary Siegel
Danny Siegel
Mary Joe Stasko `76
Mary Toomey
Ruth Mar5nez
Eva Mar5nez
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame
High School of the Archdiocese of Miami
4949 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33137
Notre Dame Academy and Archbishop Curley HS alums of the 60’s celebrate
the fiftieth anniversary of their privileged role in the history of desegregation.
Invest in the mission of ACND and share your gifts.Become a class captain, reach out to fellow alums to get
them involved. Support us with your gifts: Donations, Matching Gifts, Gifts in Kind, Stocks or Securities,
Property, Retirement Plan Assets, Life Insurance, Bequests/Wills, Beneficiary Designations, Trusts and Annuities.
For information, please contact Douglas Romanik, Vice Principal for Advancement, 305.751.8367 *28, [email protected]
ACND news and event updates can be found on Facebook “Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep”
or follow us on Twitter “ACND PREP.”
Subscribe to the ACND’s new website and update your alumni
contact information by visiting www.acnd.net.