HCPL Strategic Plan - Hernando County Public Library


HCPL Strategic Plan - Hernando County Public Library
Strategic Plan
for the
Hernando County
Public Library System
Executive Summary
Environmental Scan
Planning Process
Focus on the Community
Adapt & Innovate
Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Make Discovery Perpetual
Operate Cost Effectively
The Hernando County Public Library System is an innovative center for lifelong community
enrichment, education, and entertainment providing quality resources and services in a
welcoming, customer friendly environment.
The Hernando County Public Library System will be the dynamic, constantly evolving center
of our community by embracing the wisdom of the past, the technologies of the future, and
the needs and contributions of our customers.
Executive Summary
Public libraries in the United States are a time-honored institution providing valuable access
to information, entertainment, and culture. From promotion of early literacy to being the
“people’s university,” public libraries provide a hub of enrichment and critical services for
their communities.
But the needs of communities and individuals change, rapidly. What people need to learn,
how they learn, and the resources they need have all evolved. The services offered by
libraries even as recently as five years ago are not adequate to meet the needs of the
community today, or tomorrow. Libraries must evolve along with their communities to meet
those needs and be prepared for the needs of tomorrow.
This strategic plan was developed over a period of ten months with broad input from the
community. It will help guide the library system through improvements, revitalization of
services, and preparations to remain current and responsive to meet the needs of Hernando
County, today and tomorrow.
“Visiting the library is always a pleasure for me. Thank you!”
Survey Response
Environmental Scan
Being an integral part of the community requires that we know the community and its needs.
The library has become more richly involved in the activities and events of Hernando County
through a formalized outreach program. With this service, the library has forged many new
connections throughout Hernando County which have helped to identify key needs and
opportunities the library can fulfil.
Library staff were involved at all levels of the strategic planning process. All staff were given a
survey to gauge their perceptions and elicit feedback on community needs, service areas, and
customer service.
To reach a broader audience for feedback, the library initiated a communitywide survey in
paper and electronic format. A focus group session was conducted for group feedback and
discussion. Several individual interviews were also conducted with stakeholders from the
community including representatives from education, law enforcement, business
development, and community service and enrichment.
The input received through all this information gathering revealed several specific community
needs, and the following have become a focus for revitalizing library services:
Youth need more opportunities to learn and be social in a safe setting
The community desires expanded library services
The community’s information and resource needs include a variety of topics including
economic, career and employment, cultural, health and wellness, local community and
history, technology, and entertainment – in print and other formats
Demand for digital resources continues to grow
Print materials are still in high demand
Acquiring digital skills is critical for everyone
Job seekers need assistance with specific skills and preparation including; job searching,
networking, and promoting themselves
People are starved for local cultural opportunities
Hernando County is looking for a sense of community
Goals and Objectives: an Overview
The following Goals and Objectives were identified as a result of analysis of the data collected via staff
survey, public survey, and focused sessions and interviews with stakeholders.
Goal: Focus on the Community
 Community Involvement
 Community Improvement Linked to
human needs
 Collections Meet Community Needs
 Children and Youth
 Partners and Synergy
Goal: Adapt and Innovate
 Outward Focus
 Innovative Culture
 Digital Inclusion
Goal: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
 Customer Experience Design
 Lives are Changed
Goal: Make Discovery Perpetual
 Customers Never Stop Learning
 Staff Never Stop Learning
 Employability Skills – Finding, Keeping,
and Advancing your Job
 Celebrate Achievements
Goal: Operate Cost Effectively
 Good Stewards
 Value Proposition
Focus on the Community
One of the most striking findings from the input stage was the widely held opinion that
Hernando County lacks a sense of identity or direction.
Yet several key identifiers for the community emerged. These include:
the desire for lifelong learning
an eagerness to learn and use new technologies
a desire to connect to those with similar ideas and interest
concern about the local economy and the community’s future
a desire to maintain library services
There is a strong desire to find local reason for optimism, and to instil this optimism in the
“I cannot imagine
our community
without it!”
Survey Response
Community Involvement
Libraries continue to be a community hub, linking people to needed resources, ideas, experts
and other people with similar interests. Our libraries have offered numerous programs to
bring people together, and we will continue to offer such programs on a larger and more
diverse scale. Programs for youth, with more emphasis on teens and school age children, will
expand and introduce new topics of interest. Adult programs will continue to grow and offer
more focused interest based on community needs.
Community center for intellectual activity and sharing:
 Form local groups for collaboration
 Support local groups already in existence
Public involvement with Library programs:
 The public will be invited to actively engage, create, contribute, and take pride and
ownership in accomplishments at the library
 Volunteers will also add to the commitment and sense of community
Youth will receive more opportunities to grow intellectually and socially:
 Special interest groups for teens
 Expanded activities for school age children
Libraries in Hernando County will become a more inviting arena where people can engage
and form community.
Community Improvement Linked to Human Needs
Activities conducted by the Library must meet the needs of the community. To better
understand specific needs and motivations, more input will be sought from daily statistics,
focus groups, annual surveys and class evaluations .
Collections Meet Community Needs
Increasingly, new media are more accessible, and popular – but there will be a continuing
need for print materials. The Library will balance purchasing of materials to include print, ebooks, and other mediums currently in demand and on the horizon.
The Library currently uses proven techniques for selecting titles and content that match
public demand. Other factors that will continue to influence our collection include:
recommendations from staff and the public in person or online
our continuing environmental scan, in which the Library will have a more informed idea
about collection needs.
a rejuvenation of readers’ services
interactive tools on our website to provide the public with recommendations, as well as
providing the Library with an idea of trends and interests.
“How can I help the
library? It does so
much for me!”
Survey Response
Children and Youth
As one community member expressed, young people are our future but in Hernando County,
“what is there for them?” Beyond school, youth have limited options for growth, social
interaction, and forming their own relationships and community.
What will the library do to address these needs?
Offer more activities and programs for youth. Special large-scale events will allow them to
learn teamwork, new skill sets, and to work with cutting edge technology.
Teens will have volunteer opportunities, which will support them in scholarship
opportunities. This can also be used to create cross-generational opportunities such as
teens helping seniors learn about technology.
Focusing on literacy practice, integrating more into our story time curriculums and
providing help for parents and caregivers in learning these skills and developing young
Providing additional materials and aids on early literacy. Appropriate use of technology for
early literacy development will also be integrated using special computers, tablets, and
other emerging tools.
“When I brought a friend
to the children’s
programs this summer I
enjoyed them as much
as she did.”
Survey Response
Partners and Synergy
Libraries can accomplish much more with the help and collaboration of other agencies than
they can alone, and libraries have much to offer as partners and collaborators.
Outreach efforts continue to identify these entities and goals in the local community.
Networking and collaboration with civic groups such as the Kiwanis, Rotary and the YMCA as
well as local businesses and schools have led to fruitful discussions and continue to open
doors for cooperative involvement, highlighting library resources and further promoting the
value of libraries in Hernando County. The library system will continue to seek out and foster
these partnerships.
For example, library classes on technology have been promoted and taught in the local YMCA.
Training can also be offered at other facilities such as the Chamber of Commerce, local
businesses, and other governmental agencies. The more these entities understand and avail
themselves of library training, and the more the library elicits positive experiences in the
community, everyone benefits.
“I think the programs,
especially, go beyond the
traditional ‘library’
functions to greatly help
and support the
community, especially
families and elderly
Survey Response
Adapt and Innovate
Outward Focus
In order to stay flexible and responsive to changing needs, libraries need to keep an
outward focus. This will be accomplished by the following:
 Statistics and evaluation will be used to focus on library improvement
 Library staff will stay plugged into the larger professional arenas, learning successful and
best practices
 Personnel will be encouraged to participate in library associations and cooperatives, the
statewide leadership institute, professional conferences, and attend virtual workshops
and networking opportunities
We will evaluate the usefulness of innovative practices in our community by:
 Continued efforts in our outreach and local partnering
 Regular focus groups
 Annual survey
Innovative Culture
Good ideas can come from anywhere, and anyone. All library personnel will be able to make
suggestions and present ideas that could lead to improvements in service. To implement
worthwhile ideas, personnel also will be empowered to act and use their own judgment.
HCPLS will recognize and celebrate innovative ideas, allow staff the freedom to try, fail and
learn from mistakes, and encourage continued growth and learning across the organization.
“I don’t think a lot of
people know what the
library can offer… you’ve
got to be redefining
what the library is, and
letting people know
what you do.”
Interview Response
Digital Inclusion
In our increasingly digital economy, there is still a divide between those who can and do use
online resources and those who do not. With more services going to an online only model,
this puts a large part of our audience at risk of being left further behind.
The Hernando County Public Library System has dedicated resources to making online access
something everyone can obtain. The use of these resources has been popular, even
overwhelming. The libraries will continue to expand this access by adding new equipment and
increasing the capacity for connectedness.
The digital landscape continues to shift, and demand for new technologies and capabilities
is growing. To meet that demand, we will:
 Introduce capabilities and tools for creating and engineering digital content including
 Introduce new mobile tools and e-reading systems for public use
 Incorporate mobile computing in our workflows to create greater efficiencies
 Increase the number and quality of training and learning opportunities
 Topics of training will also diversify and grow, from the very basics of using computers to
more advanced techniques and devices
 Library personnel will receive training online learning opportunities
 Provide classes and tools outside the library, both in the community and virtually
Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Customer Experience Design
The services libraries provide, the materials we make available, even the facilities we
maintain are all driven by one overarching principle: Serving the customer. That principle is
where our design and decision-making should begin and end.
The library’s physical environment should create inviting and usable space. The public needs
access, service and amenities that are aesthetic and user-friendly while minimizing
confusion. The library experience should be welcoming, intuitive, and successful. As the
individual leaves, they should look forward to coming back.
Our libraries will undergo renovations to make them more inviting and usable.
 Service desks will be combined to offer single points of service
 More self-checkout machines to streamline user experience
 Comfortable study and collaboration areas
 Establish dedicated teen space
In addition to the physical environment, our website will undergo a redesign that will
incorporate usability testing, ensuring it meets the needs of end users in a logical and usable
At the individual level, one-on-one assistance will be designed and implemented with
exceptional customer service as the goal.
Lives Are Changed
Great programs and activities aren’t really successful unless they meet the needs of those
who attend. Program design will incorporate outcomes that meet real and practical needs.
Current indicated needs are job preparation skills and health and wellness issues. Learning
and experiential opportunities will be introduced on these and other topics as determined by
community need.
A primary goal in offering classes and programs is to empower people, giving them a boost in
being successful and thus helping them feel better about themselves. Teachable moments,
planned or otherwise, lead to increased self-reliance, and as people feel better about
themselves and their future, that optimism spreads in the community.
This optimism positively impacts community morale, which has been identified as a problem
in our community. Our libraries will focus on benefits and uniqueness of the county,
highlighting local attractions and amenities, local history, and focusing on local and Florida
themes in programs and book discussions.
“It is one of the most
helpful and enjoyable
resources that the
community has.”
Survey Response
Make Discovery Perpetual
Customers Never Stop Learning
Nowhere is lifelong learning more evident, and supported, than in public libraries. From the
very young to those with the most life experience, libraries provide materials, opportunities,
collaborative facilities and encouragement to better oneself through learning.
Offer more formal learning experiences while increasing the quality of these
Develop more spontaneous learning opportunities
Evaluate and improve our print and digital collection based on community needs
Highlight and promote our resources and help the public find and navigate resources
Staff Never Stop Learning
To offer more individual customer assistance, library personnel will need continuous
training, improvement opportunities, and motivation to be active members of the HCPLS
learning organization.
More in-house training incorporating instructional design principles and best practices
Opportunities for online training will be shared and encouraged for staff
Train-the-trainer opportunities and responsibilities, so each staff member has the chance
to train others
Encouragement to apply newly learned skills and knowledge; supervisors will be charged
with “catching staff in the act” of using new skills and knowledge.
Employability Skills – Finding, Keeping, and Advancing your Job
Special emphasis on job skills and employability training has been prominently noted as a
critical, current, and continuing need. As noted, more real world practical tools and learning
opportunities will be developed including classes on resume writing, basic computer skills, job
searching, and dressing for the workplace. The library will develop some of these tools while
some will be offered through partnerships with local agencies such as Career Central, SCORE,
Chamber of Commerce and local businesses.
Celebrate Achievements
Success breeds success, and small accomplishments will motivate individuals to achieve more.
Starting with small milestones and recognitions will provide a more concrete sense of
In technical and professional training offerings, the library system will issue certificates of
attendance. These are positive and tangible motivators that make participants feel better
about their progress and potential. They can also become documents that indicate motivation
and a will to learn to potential employers.
HCPLS will encourage staff and the public to share their stories of success and achievements.
These anecdotes will become part of the larger HCPLS success story.
Operate Cost Effectively
Good Stewards
Providing materials and services requires funding, and the majority of funds for public
libraries come from the communities they serve. HCPLS has streamlined implemented
efficiencies to reduce operating costs. We recognize the trust the community puts in the
library system to spend provided funds wisely in offering materials and services that benefit
all. We will continue to search for ways to maximize the value received for every dollar spent.
Value Proposition
In order to get the best return on investment, our libraries need to critically evaluate what we
do and how we do it. Just offering a service or item does not make it valuable, or the best use
of that resource. The cost of an item or service needs to be weighed against the realized
benefit of providing it, with the benefit tipping the scale.
As services are rendered, measurements and indicators will be collected and assessed. To
remain transparent, our findings will be included in an annual report.
“The library is the best use of our tax dollars—keep it up!”
Survey Response
Thanks to the following for their input and contributions to the
process of developing the Hernando County Public Library
System’s Strategic Plan:
Strategic Plan Taskforce
Adam Brooks, Library Services Manager
Paul Alford, Library Experience Coordinator
Amelia Anderson, Outreach Services Librarian
Anthony Adams, Learning Services Librarian
Sean McGarvey, Systems Librarian
Lauren Rouhana, Collection Development Coordinator
Mary Soto, Administrative Assistant
The Staff of the Hernando County Public Library System
Community members who contributed input through surveys,
interviews and focus groups, including:
Library Advisory Committee
Friends of the Hernando County Public Library System
Hernando County Government
Hernando County Sheriff’s Department
Hernando County Planning Department
City of Brooksville
YMCA of the Suncoast-Hernando County Branch
Hernando County Office of Business Development
Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce
Hernando County Tourism Department
Communities in Schools of Hernando County
Our strategic planning process was facilitated by Charlie Parker,
Executive Director for the Tampa Bay Library Consortium.
approved by Hernando County Board of County Commissioners 1/22/2013