Registering a blog account form Xanga Xanga blog, url~ http://www


Registering a blog account form Xanga Xanga blog, url~ http://www
Registering a blog account form Xanga
Xanga blog, url~
1. Front page of xanga:
2. Fill in your information:
You may choose the
language you want to
display on the blog
3. You may invite your friends to read your blog by login your email account.
4. Choose the type and the theme of blog:
Choose the type of blog.
Choose the theme you like.
5. Weblog entry:
Type the title and the content of the blog.
Type the tags if needed. Use ‘comma’ to
separate the multiple tags.
Click “Save changes” to
publish your blog.
6. Know more about the private page.
You may post your blog and make any adaptation on this private page.
Edit the template and the
setting of the blog by clicking
“edit” icon.
You may change the language by clicking the ‘langauge’ icon at the bottom of the private
7. Change the theme and setting of your blog by clicking “edit theme”.
Creating your own blog
1. Writing new article by choosing “New Weblog Entry”
You may use html to
modify your article.
2. Adding photos, videos and audio on your blog.
3. Photo Manager.
Choose your photos here.
Upload the photos.
4. Video Manager
Choose your video here.
Upload the video.
Join the blogring. (Private page)
Join the blogring in two ways:
a. Go to the “Blogring” page and search the blogring you
want to join.
b. Go to the definite weblog e.g. ,
click the blogrings and ‘join this blogring’.
* Sometimes you may have to fill in an application form.
Fill in the information and click “Summit Application”. You have to wait for the blogring leader to
approve your application.
But sometime you become the member immediately without filling in the application form.
Create your blogring. (Private page)
1. Choose the category.
2. Type the blog name and write the description.
3. Click “create blogring”
5.3 Manage your blogring.
Click ‘no’~ more secure. Since all the
applications will be approved or
rejected by the blogring leader.
6. Add comments.
You may give eProps, comments or
both to the writer.
*Add your comments here.
Then click “submit” to publish your comment.
7. Post message on the chatboard.
Type your message here.
Then press ‘submit’.
8. Subscription