PDF - Crotched Mountain


PDF - Crotched Mountain
Annual Report 2013
Partnerships For a Lifetime
As of June 30, 2013
Bedford, New Hampshire
Manchester, New Hampshire
Jaffrey, New Hampshire
Investing in the Future
Starts Today
Bedford, New Hampshire
Amherst, New Hampshire
Shrewsbury, New Hampshire
Peterborough, New Hampshire
Concord, New Hampshire
Keene, New Hampshire
quickly when you’re
During our 60th year, the future is
busy getting things done.
foremost on our minds as we undertake an
I know this because, even as
initiative to invest and strengthen our pro-
Crotched Mountain celebrates
grams. Our strategic plan, just completed,
Amherst, New Hampshire
its 60th anniversary this year, we look
identifies ways to ensure a balanced and
ahead to ensure we continue to provide
sustainable future for Crotched Mountain.
effective and meaningful supports to the
Here’s how we see Crotched Mountain
individuals and families served through our
continuing to carry out its mission
constellation of services for people with
through our programs and services.
Manchester, New Hampshire
Manchester, New Hampshire
Manchester, New Hampshire
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Peterborough, New Hampshire
From the start, Crotched Mountain’s
founders and subsequent leaders thought
Our school, serving both residential and
outside the box. Harry Gregg was the first
day students, is a valued and vital
in New Hampshire to see a need for a
resource to students with complex educa-
Merrimack, New Hampshire
state-of-the-art clinic for children with
tional and health challenges, their families
polio, and then a school for the deaf. As
and the school districts with which we
people’s needs changed, our organization
partner. Education at Crotched Mountain
responded with a brain injury rehabilitation
involves more than reading, writing and
hospital, a school for students with disabili-
arithmetic. Our students require
ties and an array of community services
advanced clinical and therapeutic inter-
designed to support people where they live.
ventions as part of their normal school
From opening the outdoors to everyone
routine. With increasing numbers of stu-
Rollinsford, New Hampshire
through adaptive recreation, to assistive
dents with autism and severe emotional
Concord, New Hampshire
technology that makes learning and living
and behavioral disorders, we ensure our
Nashua, New Hampshire
environments accessible, to service expan-
staff possess skills that reflect best
sions that include a ventilator program and
practices for supporting and educating
education for children with autism and
students with these and other learning
emotional and behavioral disorders, we
challenges. At Crotched Mountain
have kept our focus trained on the emerg-
School, education means addressing the
ing needs of people wherever they live,
whole child—medically, therapeutically
work and learn.
and academically—which demands
Greenfield, New Hampshire
Lebanon, New Hampshire
Peterborough, New Hampshire
New London, New Hampshire
Concord, New Hampshire
Marlborough, New Hampshire
West Newbury, Massachusetts
New London, New Hampshire
New London, New Hampshire
Concord, New Hampshire
New Boston, New Hampshire
Hopkinton, New Hampshire
Sudbury, Massachusetts
Concord, New Hampshire
Etna, New Hampshire
Bennington, New Hampshire
On the Cover
Crotched Mountain Accessible Recreation and Sports (CMARS) paddler Will Cochran takes the lead with tandem
partner Jeff Burnett, CMARS assistant program coordinator. CMARS volunteer Noel Gillis follows behind.
Vice Chair
Amherst, New Hampshire
* Board of Directors
Photography by Robin Boyd, Joan Crooker, Geoff Forester, Molly Hajjar, Michael Havey, Al Karevy, Liz LaRose.
Printed on Monadnock Astrolite Silk, donated by Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., Bennington, NH
Jeremy uses a ventilator to assist his breathing. Crotched Mountain Specialty Hospital's ventilator management program was started in 2011.
excellent people, methods and tools within learning envi-
living in communities throughout New England. Our
ronments that support each student’s educational needs.
accessible technology and health supports are unequaled
in the region, providing access to learning and living envi-
ronments that are safe and welcoming. Our commitment
Some hospitals treat diagnoses. At Crotched Mountain
to accessible recreation makes Crotched Mountain a
Specialty Hospital, we treat people. From hospital to
leader in this emerging service sector, and our two-plus
home, we partner with our patients and their families to
miles of accessible trails, pool complex and diverse out-
ensure the highest quality care and support throughout
door recreation programming are just the beginning.
their stay and beyond. Our medical, therapeutic and social
Crotched Mountain’s capacity to provide excellent
service professionals are highly qualified to treat people
health and rehabilitation services requires constant atten-
with a diverse array of health and rehabilitation needs
tion to quality in our people, programs and physical plant.
including brain and spinal cord injuries, ventilator manage-
Right now, continued excellence means making capital
ment and weaning and other complex health conditions.
improvements and upgrades that support our strategic
Major regional hospitals in New England look to us to pro-
and operational goals. As we make these improvements a
vide their patients with the right care at the right time in
reality, the support of everyone will be vital.
their healing process. We also work closely with state pub-
We will continue to share information with you as
lic health officials to respond to areas of under-service and
plans move forward, and we’ll be sure to let you know how
to match our unique specialties to the health needs of the
you can help.
people in our communities. As always, we continue to
The stories and timelines that follow in this report
develop our capacity through staff training and skill devel-
provide details on how the past informs Crotched Moun-
opment, equipment and infrastructure improvements and
tain’s current programs and services and will guide our
the latest in medical and rehabilitation supports.
priorities into the future.
Our reach goes far beyond a beautiful mountainside setting in Greenfield, New Hampshire. Community services
that include accessible and supportive housing and care
management supports serve many hundreds of people
The First Decade: Rehabilitation
In 1953, after years of effort on the part of founder Harry Gregg, Dr. Ezra Jones, Sceva Speare and many advisors and
donors, Crotched Mountain Children’s Center opened. Later renamed Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, the
40-bed clinic, built to provide rehabilitation and treatment to children with polio was quickly filled to capacity, serving
159 children in its first two years of operation. The center, which also served children with muscular dystrophy and
cerebral palsy, quickly earned the respect of national leaders in the rehabilitation field including renowned pediatric
rehabilitation expert, Dr. George Deaver, who held monthly clinics at Crotched Mountain.
Gladi Hartford was born with Familiar
Myelitis, a hereditary walking disorder, and
was an occasional patient at Crotched
Mountain from 1958 to 1968.
1958, my mom brought
me to Crotched Mountain to
meet with a room full of doctors.
I was immediately placed in full
length braces from the waist down
and I was put in a wheelchair. I took
off exploring in the chair and had
never before experienced such freedom. I went down the corridor and
saw my mom was sitting on a bench
waiting for me to return. I am sure
Gladi cherishes the childhood memories she made as a patient at Crotched Mountain.
she could see that I was having a
great time. She told me she was leav-
some school vacations, too. I had a
times, I’d lie down with the younger
ing, but that I was going to stay so I
best friend there named Glee Lyford.
children in the evening until they
could learn to walk. I said okay and
We had great times together.
went to sleep.
No matter what we did during
left. It was very fun until bedtime
and then I missed my mom and the
the day, I never liked nap time. I’d
Visiting now, it’s a totally different place. The hospital, swimming
tears came, but everyone was won-
complain I wasn’t tired, but would be
pools and auditorium—so many
derful with me. The next morning I
asleep the minute my head hit the
things, but it still gives me a special
felt like I had been there forever.
pillow. I liked to help out, too. I
feeling to go there. I loved home,
learned sign language from the chil-
but I loved Crotched Mountain just
I was at Crotched Mountain on
and off over the next ten years.
dren at the School for the Deaf and
as much!
I would spend summers there and
would interpret for them. Other
1954 Carter
Memorial Meeeting
House built
1961 Adult Center opens, offering
vocational and residential services
1955 School
for the Deaf
1963 School of Special Education
opens, serving children with multiple disabilities as well as learning disorders, and an
audiology clinic
1953 CMRC opens its 40-bed Children’s
Center, initially serving local children with
polio and other debilitating conditions
1956 Gymnasium is added to CMRC,
initiating therapeutic recreation activities.
Clinical program for nurses begins
The Second Decade: Education
In 1963, Crotched Mountain Foundation opened its School for Special Education, which extended our capacity to provide
education for children. The School for the Deaf, first on the scene, opened in 1955. Teachers, clinicians and other staff
members of the school and clinic were familiar with the treatment and rehabilitation of children with disabilities, and
expanding the student body to include students with other, more complex physical and learning challenges made
perfect sense. Students were provided with rehabilitation and education in one setting, which proved to be a revolutionary idea. What would later in the decade emerge as the field of special education had already been standard
practice at Crotched Mountain. In 2013, Crotched Mountain School continues to educate and support children with
disabilities with an emerging focus on autism, emotional and behavioral disorders and complex health conditions.
Ready, Set, Connect!, our Applied Behavioral Analysis treatment program for young children with autism spectrum disorder,
extends the work of Crotched Mountain to younger ages, where early intervention can make all the difference.
Luke Taylor attended Crotched Mountain
School from 2000 to 2010. His parents,
Ed Taylor and Susan Fennelly share their
thoughts about Luke’s experience.
LUKE, arrived at
Crotched Mountain School
at age 12 and transitioned
from there at age 22 in 2010.
He arrived with significant emotional and behavioral instability and
with impaired communication and
developmental skills. He also suffered
with undiagnosed and severe head
pain, which we now successfully treat
with seizure medication.
Crotched Mountain was far and
away the least restrictive and most
therapeutic environment of every
As a student at CMS, Luke won gold in the
100 meter Snowshoe event at the Special
Olympics. Today, Luke is successful at his
job in the community. He was awarded the
Certificate of Achievement for Exemplifying
the Ideals of Self-Determination by the NH
Department of Developmental Services
after being nominated by his workplace.
place that we considered—and there
on him for his delivery routine!
were many. Today, our son lives con-
Crotched Mountain and its dedicated
tentedly in a group home, and he has
staff are certainly woven into Luke’s
a very productive vocational program.
remarkable success storey.
It thrills us to say that people depend
1970 Mobile Vocational
Assessment Laboratory
brings evaluation services to
communities throughout NH
1965 CM hosts first New
England Wheelchair Games
1964 Boston television meteorologist Don Kent begins featuring
Crotched Mountain students on
his broadcasts
1971 Ailsa Mellon Bruce
medical wing, The Cedars staff
residence and the Clark
Grandchildren Playgrounds
1966 Driver Education
and Early Intervention
programs begin
1972 Our founder,
Harry Alan Gregg,
dies at age 88
1972 School for the Deaf and
School of Special Education unified
as Crotched Mountain School
The Third Decade: Accessible Living
In 1982, Crotched Mountain opened the first of five accessible apartment complexes—Courtyard Apartments
located in Manchester, New Hampshire. Each of the twenty-four units was designed for optimal accessibility with
wheelchair accessible counters, stovetops, appliances, pantry and storage closets and some with roll-in showers. The
complex has a central courtyard and community room with laundry, kitchen and mailboxes. Later, Crotched Mountain
opened additional accessible apartments in New Hampshire, Maine and New York. A focus on accessible and
supportive living continued with the development of staffed community residences for adults and on-campus
residential options for CMS students, including the Specialty Hospital for students with complex medical needs.
The proximity to services is a
plus for me in many ways. Catholic
Medical Center is right down the
street, easily and quickly accessible to
residents here. A few years ago, I
started going there evenings for dinner in the cafeteria. Now I get
together with some of the hospital
volunteers every Tuesday night for
dinner and a visit.
I’ve made a lot of friends. Some
residents have been here even longer
Mary enjoys tending the flowers that line the walkways at Courtyard Apartments.
Mary Giordano has lived at Courtyard
Apartments since 1984.
than me, so we know each other well.
With the help of one of my neigh-
When I first moved in, I didn’t have
bors, we recently got things moving
the help of aides, and I had to learn
to hire an activities coordinator.
to do things for myself. My mother
Now we meet weekly to bowl with
I use a wheelchair for mobility.
taught me to cook, shop, do laundry
a Wii program that was donated to
I lived at home with my parents
and basically manage on my own.
the complex.
spina bifida and
until I was 24. It was then I decided
I was able to master these skills
that the move from home was now or
because my living space allowed me
gardening day to plant the accessible
never and placed my name on a list
to undertake such tasks easily. My
raised beds and afterwards we had a
for an accessible apartment. The wait
mom died a few years after I moved
BBQ. We have themed potlucks every
was supposed to be two years, but an
here. She was my life, my rock and
month, movie nights and coffee hours.
apartment at Courtyard became
I’m grateful she taught me how to be
available in six months.
strong and independent.
This past spring, we had a
We’re definitely a community!
1982 Courtyard Apartments
open in Manchester, NH
1981 First electricty-producing
wind farm in the country opens, built
on Crotched Mountain
1976 Horticultural Center is
built, featuring a wheelchair accessible
1978 On-site dental clinic opens
1984 CM Residential
Services opens in Derry, NH,
supporting adults with disabilities
The Fourth Decade: Community Life
In the 1980s, the State of New Hampshire adopted the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver program (now
known as Choices for Independence) to enable an array of supports and services to people in their homes and
communities, making care more affordable and enhancing the quality of life of people who would otherwise have to
enter a residential care facility. Crotched Mountain Community Care (CMCC) was established in 1986 to manage the
many needs of people living in their homes with chronic illness and disabilities. This statewide program, today serving
over 900 individuals, provides coordination of medical services and supplies, and homecare personnel and products to
maintain the safety, health and independence of our clients. Our care managers often look to the expertise of the
therapists and technicians at ATECH Services, a program of Crotched Mountain, to provide such technical supports as
home evaluations, wheelchairs, custom seating systems, lifts, communication devices, computer access and other
assistive technology to make life at home possible.
safely. Right now, she’s looking
Donna Cook has been served by
CMCC since 2009. CMCC care
manager Bonnie Konopka works with
Donna to manage her many medical
and home-based services and needs.
Donna currently lives with her daughter
on the New Hampshire coast.
into getting me an air conditioner, and she has helped
arrange it so that my granddaughter can be one of my caregivers through the Personal Care
Services Program. Finally, it’s
with dia-
getting crowded at my daughter’s
betes in 1978. It has pro-
house, so we’re looking for a new
gressed to the point where
apartment. Of course, Bonnie’s
my kidneys are failing and I
helping us look. Best of all,
receive insulin through a pump.
CCMC chooses a client every
I’ve also had a number of heart
year to receive volunteer yard
attacks, as well as arthritis and
work. My husband was unable to
degenerative disc disease. Even
though I have a lot of health
Donna and Bonnie have worked together through
life’s challenges and joys.
work in the yard one year due to
a medical condition, so Bonnie
issues, I don’t want to live in a nurs-
helped me with arrangements and
ing home.
worked with the town to get financial
funds to plant my flower garden and
assistance for his funeral expenses.
do other yard work as well! I was
I’ve worked with a number of
and her colleagues used donated
people over the years, but I like Bon-
Before I moved in with my
nie best. She’s my angel. She’s always
daughter, I couldn’t climb steps at my
I don’t know how I’d make it
been there for me. When my husband
home. Bonnie got me a ramp so that
without CMCC and Bonnie. I couldn’t
died last year, she was a comfort. She
I could get in and out of my house
ask for better care. --DONNA COOK
1985 Adult Acquired Brain
Injury program established
1987 CMCC extends into
northern NH as co-sponsor of
the North Country
Alzheimer’s Partnership
1985 Foster Grandparent
Program affiliates with Crotched
1991 Diesel co-generator
installed, significantly reducing
the cost of electricity and the
risk of power outages
1990 Fox Meadow Apartments, which support
the transition of students to their home communities,
and the James E. Chandler Pool Complex,
featuring lap and therapy pools, are dedicated
1986 Crotched Mountain
Community Care (CMCC)
opens in Portsmouth, NH
Peabody Road Apartments
1993 Fully accessible library and
media center opens, making possible
barrier-free access to information
The Fifth Decade: Treatment and Recovery
With new opportunities for community living emerging in the 1990s, the Brain Injury Center of the Crotched
Mountain Specialty Hospital became a source for excellence in brain injury rehabilitation, providing the needed bridge
between acute care and home as it helped patients restore skills and functions. In the past decade, the Specialty
Hospital has expanded its services to include treatment of complex medical conditions with a comprehensive
continuum of care for both pediatric and adult populations. For all our patients, our goal is to prepare them to return
to their homes and communities with the health, skills and supports to live full, productive lives.
Kelly Brigham was a patient in our Brain
Injury Unit following a serious car accident.
February of my senior year in
high school. I was in a coma and
hospitalized at UMass Medical Center, then went to Spaulding Rehab for
a short time, and then to Crotched
Mountain, which is local to my family. It was the first hospital where my
mom felt comfortable leaving me
Kelly looks out over the perimeter road where she first walked without assistance.
because the staff was so respectful
wheelchair named Jill. It was such a
with veterans recovering from trau-
and caring.
pleasure to walk and talk with them.
matic brain injuries and PTSD. My
Abbey always listened to my ideas
occupational therapist helped me
Mountain, I didn’t retain the memory
and questions and helped me think
relearn many of the things I needed
of my car accident. There were times
things through. The view was so
to be independent, like use a
When I first came to Crotched
before I understood what had hap-
beautiful. I enjoyed everything I did
microwave and cook a meal. I still
pened when I wasn’t very nice to the
at Crotched Mountain.
use strategies I learned there.
staff, but they were always kind to
The therapists were wonderful,
When I was admitted to
especially my speech-language pathol-
Crotched Mountain, the estimate
as a caring, loving place where I felt
ogist, David Hajjar. He helped me
was I’d be there for up to a year.
very supported.
make a decision to work in Human
Turns out after all our hard work,
Services, which made sense since I
I was discharged in just seven weeks!
when I walked around the perimeter
had volunteered to help people with
Finally, having a traumatic brain
road on the campus to prove I didn’t
disabilities for years. I’m happy to say
injury and PTSD seems to be a bless-
need my wheelchair anymore. I
I just received my associate’s degree
ing, redirecting me to a career that
walked with a LNA named Abbey
in Human Services and hope to get
I have always had a passion for.
and another patient who used a
my master’s degree. I want to work
me. I remember Crotched Mountain
One of my best memories was
1994 CMCC extends services
to Maine for a three-year period
1996 Sunday Morning News
Hour debuts on WNHQ-FM, one of
the few radio reading services in the
country broadcast over a commercial
Crotched Mountain Community
Options begins home-based services
for NH adults with acquired brain
1997 McIntyre School
Apartments open in
Whitefield, NH
1995 Forest Avenue Apartments open in Portland, ME
School Partnership Program begins supporting
special education professionals in local public schools
Crotched Mountain Foundation launches web site
Crotched Mountain
Community Partnership
begins home-based services for
adults with acquired brain
injuries living in the Albany, NY
The Sixth Decade: Recreation
Harry Gregg’s vision was to create a place for people to heal that was beautiful, inspiring and reflected the value he
placed on a life well-lived. A few years ago, the people at Crotched Mountain ran with that idea as they planned a
network of hiking trails built to universal design and US Forest Service accessibility standards, making them accessible
to everyone—from people in wheelchairs, to parents with toddlers and strollers, to older adults needing a user-friendly
surface. After years of fundraising and designing and building, the trails opened to the public in the spring of 20ll.
They’ve been a big hit, receiving many positive reviews from users, trail designers, health advocates and therapeutic
recreation professionals. As the longest accessible trails in a mountainside environment in the United States, the Gregg
and Dutton Brook trails combine unique hardpack pathways, boardwalks, moderate grades, switchbacks and rest stops
to create a natural, yet accessible, hiking experience for people of all abilities. The trails complement the accessible
outdoor activities offered through Crotched Mountain Accessible Recreation and Sports (CMARS) program that
include kayaking, skiing, snowshoeing, rock climbing and, of course, hiking!
Laura Clark and Jennifer Crowell are
hiking buddies. Both have spinal cord
injuries and use motorized wheelchairs for
mobility. They hike the trails a couple of
times a month during prime hiking season,
June through October. Laura and Jennifer
are also the founders of Wheelchair
Health in Motion (WHIM), an exercise
and health promotion program for people
in wheelchairs offered at various sites
across New Hampshire.
spinal cord
injuries, we both loved to hike.
With paralysis, hiking and
experiencing the joy of being deep in
nature was one more thing we had to
let go of. New Hampshire is known
Hiking buddies head for the summit side-by-side.
for its amazing wilderness, and if you
live here, you’re likely a hiker. It was
planning to build accessible trails, we
something about being in nature
depressing to accept we wouldn’t
were so excited! And when they
that’s therapeutic for the mind.
experience the woods again. When
opened, we couldn’t believe how
we heard Crotched Mountain was
beautiful they turned out. There is
We hike the Gregg Trail more
continued on next page
1999 The 62-Bed Specialty Hospital is
transformed into a home away from home for
children and adults with disabilities
1998 Greenbush Apartments
opens in East Greenbush, NY
2003 Crotched Mountain celebrates
50th anniversary
2001 Outpatient Services and Video
Conference Center grand opening
2002 Don Shumway
succeeds Major Wheelock
as president of Crotched
2000 Fully Accessible Playground dedicated
Employees adopt Workplace Values statement
A great memory I have
of the Crotched Mountain trails
is the first time I brought my
continued from previous page
mom, sister and one-year-old
often because we love the mountain-
nephew up the Gregg Trail.
top views, blueberries, fields, hawks
It was a comfortable hike
and sunshine. We enjoy the Dutton
for all of us.
Brook Trail, too. Having the ability to
experience the wetlands is amazing.
It’s more wooded than the Gregg
Trail and a great hike on hotter days.
We love that the trail is wide
enough so that we can hike side-byside, and we especially love that
the trajectory of
Crotched Mountain’s work
over the years, two themes
stand out. The first is our consistent
We each had different
barriers when it came to
traditional hiking—my sister
had a stroller to push and
I was using a wheelchair.
But the Crotched Mountain trails
commitment to support the
independence and quality of life of
people with disabilities. We began
with a clinic on a mountaintop and
moved outward into the greater
community with services that, today,
touch many people in many settings
when we’re at the top—we’re really
gave us the opportunity to
on the top of a mountain! Needless
create this unique memory.
listen to the ideas, dreams and needs
to say, we always leave the Crotched
We took lots of great pictures.
of people who seek our support and
I’ll never forget it.
respond with creative solutions that
Mountain trails with a smile.
in myriad ways. We will continue to
embody respect, compassion and
The second is the consistent
dedication, skill and talent of the
many employees who have devoted
some, or much, of their lives to
Crotched Mountain’s lifelong alliance
with people with disabilities. These
are the people who, day-in and dayout, manifest our mission in the
world. As I think about the future,
I can be certain of one thing: our
employees are our most valuable
asset, and the one that will carry us
through the next sixty years and
Laura and Jennifer enjoy the big view from the top of the Gregg Trail.
2004 First wheelchairaccessible treehouse in NH
2007 NH-ATECH, the largest and
most comprehensive provider of
assistive technology services in NH,
merges with CM
2006 Open Source home grand
2007 Campus Skills Center
opens, providing vocational education,
work exposure and career development
for students at Crotched Mountain
2005 Campus master plan
completed, detailing strategies
for building communities of
mutual support
2011 CM opens nations’s first
wheelchair-accessible hiking
trails in a mountainside environment
Ventilator Unit opens in the
Specialty Hospital, providing vent
management, vent weaning and
respite services
Crotched Mountain Accessible
Recreation and Sports joins the
CM family of services
2009 Cedar’s Point, a residential
treatment model for youth with severe
emotional and behavioral challenges,
Ready, Set, Connect!, an
Applied Behavioral Analysis treatment program for preschoolers
and young children, is launched
Horses Are Teachers at CM
Seating Clinics Empower People
CMS student Joe shares carrots with Breezie
C OLLABORATIVE , in partnership with
UpReach Therapeutic Riding Center,
brought the equine experience back
to Crotched Mountain students and
clients for the second year. The program
offers clients, patients and students
therapeutic horse experiences such as
petting, grooming, leading and riding.
Classroom sessions are also offered
where students take part in animalassisted learning with horses BREEZIE
and VADER. Last year the horses
helped students learn about biology,
history, geography, teamwork and
more through the lens of cowboy
culture. Breezie and Vader will make
their return appearances—both stars
in the eyes of everyone who meets
from ATECH
Services traveled to Peru last
spring to participate in
wheelchair seating clinics for children through the nonprofit organization Eleanore’s Project
T. SAMMIE WAKEFIELD, an occupational therapist, returned for her
seventh time and physical therapist
KIM DAVIS made her second trip,
where they served over 100 children
in 14 days at three locations. Partner
multiservice organizations in Peru
send referral information to volunteer seating specialists in the US
who evaluate the data and select
appropriate chairs and equipment
provided through Eleanore’s Project.
Equipment is shipped and project
seating specialists follow-up in
person with the more complex
cases. “I think of the clinics as
demonstration clinics because, as
Trails Video Wins Award
CM’s network of fully accessible
mountainside trails is the subject of a
video that won the Short Documentary
Film Award at the Somewhat North
of Boston (SNOB) Film Festival in
November. The documentary was filmed
Central Park Jogger Shares Story
Crotched Mountain and the Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention
teamed up to host TRISHA MEILI,
author of the book, I Am the Central
of Hancock, NH, and narrated by
JANET ZELLER, US Forest Service
National Accessibility Program Manager.
Left to right: Sammie, Andres and Tamara,
the Director of EPI in Arequipa. Andres
received his first EPI chair six years ago.
Andres credits the postural support as key
to living independently and finishing school.
we fit the chairs and equipment to
the children, the parents and local
practitioners are learning new skills.
We’re empowering Peruvians to
help Peruvians,” said Sammie.
Park Jogger, which tells the story of
her journey of physical, emotional
and spiritual recovery following a
traumatic brain injury and sexual
assault in the spring of 1989. Meili’s
presentation, The Power of Possibilities,
dramatically recounted her story and
shared the steps she took to enable
her remarkable recovery. “My message
is one of hope and possibility; it’s
one of finding the resilience that
each one of us has that gives us the
ability to come back from any challenge,” she said. “We have the ability
to do more than we ever thought
possible, but we don’t realize it until
we are tested.”
Awards and Honors
CMARS Turns to Cycling
dozens of people
of all abilities tried out a variety of hand-cycles, recumbent
bikes and other specialty bikes in
adaptive cycling clinics hosted by
PASSAGE. The clinics were held
at the bike path in Peterborough,
where participants were able to take
short and long (almost 2 hours!)
Recreation therapist Sarah Graham guides cyclist
treks on the bikes.
Mary Beth Carrier on her maiden voyage.
Superlative Hikes, Choice Trails
Crotched Mountain’s G REGG T RAIL
was recognized as a 2013 “Editors’
Choice” winner in Yankee Magazine’s
Travel Guide to New England. This
designation is awarded by Yankee’s
editors and contributors, who
name select
lodgings and
attractions in
New England to
the exclusive list. In addition, both
Dutton Brook and Gregg Trails were
recognized by New Hampshire Magazine as Best of NH 2013 Adventure
for best wheelchair-accessible trails.
“These recognitions speak
volumes about the
value of ensuring
that wilderness
experiences are
available to everyone,”
said Don Shumway.
Master’s degrees in Education;
LIZ LAROSE was named Ethics Officer
for the Public Relations Society of
America’s Yankee Chapter; TOM
ZUBRICKI was promoted to chief
financial officer of Crotched Mountain
Foundation; KIM TURK completed an
Associate’s degree program for speechlanguage assistant; LESLEY HILL,
SHANNON completed their clinical
fellowship year to obtain National
Problem Solving
Certificates of Clinical Competence in
Social Interaction
Dressing (Upper)
Stair Locomotion
certification was awarded to kitchen
LEE completed the Direct Support
Provider certificate training; ServSafe
Walk, Wheelchair
Speech-Language Pathology; WENDY
Dressing (Lower)
Tub, Shower
Bed, Chair, Wheelchair
FIM Certifications Noted
completed the American Hippotherapy
Crotched Mountain is now certified
as a FIM-PAI Phase I facility. The
Functional Independence Measure,
or FIM Chart, measures an individual’s
functional independence across
eighteen physical and cognitive
categories, allowing patients and
treatment teams to track progress
over time. Congratulations to all who
passed the certification test:
Association’s Level I Equine Skills
The Sweetness of Spring
Students, patients and staff enjoyed a real FARM SCHOOL
treat this spring—vanilla ice cream with warm maple
syrup. More than 45 students taking part in Farm School
activities helped to tap trees at Crotched Mountain and
boil down the sap to make gallons of delicious syrup.
Several students and staff were on hand to help dish out
the tasty afternoon treat. The Farm School uses this and
other farm-related activities to expose students to sustainable agricultural practices while teaching chemistry, math,
biology and more!
class and the Level I Equine Treatment
Principles class. JILL THOMPSON,
OTR/L, completed the Level I
Treatment Principles class; ASHLEIGH
BAKAIAN earned Certification from
the National Council for Therapeutic
Recreation Certification as a Certified
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist;
appointed to the Advisory Board of
the University of New Hampshire’s
Department of Recreation Management
and Policy.
Philanthropy and Financial Report
July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
we welcomed many new and returning
friends to our Annual Fund fold. Thanks to the
thoughtful generosity from the individuals, families and
organizations listed here, we are pleased to report that, for the
fourth consecutive year, Crotched Mountain has exceeded its
budgeted goal by raising just over $2.15 million. This support
represents our Margin of Excellence—the resources added to our
existing budgets that sustain excellence in all our programs
and services.
This past year, our Board completed its long-range
strategic plan that ensures Crotched Mountain remains the
region’s highest quality, most efficient provider of educational,
post-acute medical, rehabilitative and residential services.
Three key areas were identified for which philanthropic
investment will be sought, largely to improve our client service
environments and the supports directly available to them. Once
complete, Crotched Mountain School, Specialty Hospital and
recreational facilities will be well-equipped to serve the needs of
future generations. The Board also recognized the need for the
ongoing professional development of our staff through the
creation of professional development funds. With these critical
investments, Crotched Mountain will be well prepared to maintain
its high-quality programs, while we place the needs of our
students, patients and residents at the forefront of all we do.
No report of giving would be complete without mentioning
the valuable gifts of time made by the volunteers recognized
here. Their contributions to this organization go beyond time
spent with our students, patients and other important work.
Their efforts are a tangible expression of the value they place on
the mission and work of this organization.
Fiscal year 2013 also saw an increase in funded grant
proposals that underwrote the purchase of necessary equipment,
services and programs not covered by traditional revenue
sources. Whether maintaining our universally-accessible trails,
purchasing the latest in communication devices, or supporting
emerging programs, our foundation partners played an important
role to improve quality and advance uncompromising excellence.
Now in our 60th year, we pause to recognize the role
philanthropy has played in the life of Crotched Mountain. Since
our beginnings in 1953, Crotched Mountain has looked to the
generosity of those who care deeply about our work and the
children and adults we serve. From the visionary businessman
and philanthropist Harry Alan Gregg, to the more than 1,800
individuals, foundations and organizations listed within these
pages, we have each of you to thank for our ability to offer hope
and restore lives in our life-long alliance with people living
with disabilities.
Crotched Mountain Honor Roll
Contributors, July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
$25,000 +
Janet and Dr. Thomas Bolland
Charles A. and Jessie M. Brooks Trust
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
Constance O. Putnam Foundation
Cooke and Currie Fund
Beatrice J. Ellison Trust
Mary and William Kiernan
David W. Kiley, Jr.
Lillian E. Morrison Estate
Roger Nash II Irrevocable Trust
Harry K. and Frances D. Noyes
Memorial Fund
Rowland Foundation
Frontier Capital Management
Company, LLC
Michael Gallen
Terry and Charles Giacopelli
Rober t Giordano
Ernest O. Guer tin Trust
Wendy and Mitch Hankin
Kevin A. Har te
Pearl and Harry Haymes
Janet L. Holland
John A. and Carol A. Hubbard
Charitable Foundation
Siobhan and Michael Hullinger
Helen C. Jarvis
Kate and Steven Kelly
Kingsbury Fund
Leola Stacy Hubbard Fund
Liber ty Mutual
Loretta and Rober t Locatelli
F. Cameron Ludwig
Dede and Charlton MacVeagh, Jr.
Manchester Central Key Club
Rober t Maresca
Marsh & McLennan Agency
David C. Marshall
Michael T. Sherman Foundation
Gail and John Mintken
Mosse & Mosse Associates, Inc.
Florence B. Mudgett Trust
New Boston Pizza
NH State Council on the Ar ts
Nor thern Container Corporation
Eunice and Edward Ordman
Anne and Thomas O'Reilly
James A. Parison
The Paul and Edith Babson
Public Consulting Group
Rachel and Marshall Rowe
Barbara and Gordon Russell
Miriam and Donald Shumway
Samantha E. Skove
Catherine and John Sommers
Elizabeth Coolidge & Jeffrey Stolz
Howard and Dr. Carol Stoner
Story Land
Susan A. and Donald P. Babson
Charitable Foundation
James W. Varnum
Westfield Capital Management
Workplace Systems, Inc.
Cynthia and William Yuknewicz
Mildred W. and Charles P. Page Fund
Putnam Foundation
Rachel D. Melanson Estate
RBC Foundation - USA
Elizabeth Steele
Ruth Wilson
John H. Adams
All Metals Industries, Inc.
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
BAE Systems Employee Community
Fund, Inc.
Bank of New Hampshire
William H. Bearden
Christine L. Beck Trust
FOUNDER’S CIRCLE $10,000 + Amedine and Rev. Igor Bella
Frank W. Bar tlett Trust
Bonnie B. Bennett
Cogswell Benevolent Trust
Raymond Benoit
Sarah Cogswell Irrevocable Trust
Bethesda Lodge #30 I.O.O.F.
Helen Goodwin Crathern
Edith Bowen
Amy and Andrew Glover
Pauline Brine
Janet Green
Joan and Dick Carr
Fred D. Hemenway Trust
Elizabeth Gillan Caulo and
Nancy J. Katin
Peter Caulo
Josephine and William Monbouquette James and Christine Chandler
RBC Wealth Management
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Alber t E. and Clara F. Chorley Fund
ES Riders
Clark & Lavey Benefits Solutions
Susan M. Fennelly and Edward Taylor Jack Danahy
TD Charitable Foundation
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Mary E. Tuttle
Delta Pilots Charitable Fund, Inc.
USI New England
Liz LaRose and Mike Dionne
Dorothy and Richard Verney
Nanette and Brian Donovan
Gilber t Verney Charitable Foundation Ar thur H. Dyer
Elizabeth Whittemore Charitable Trust Eckhardt & Johnson, Inc.
Nancy and Joseph Fermano
CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE $5,000 + Colleen P Finegan
The Blanche Hyslop Fund at
The Boston Foundation
Boston Bruins Foundation
Bruins Alumni Classic
C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc.
Dr. Seddon Savage and Dr. Carl Cooley
Devine Millimet & Branch
Ellen A. and Gordon M. Tiffany Fund
of the NHC
Granite United Way
Hampshire 100
Carole and Alber t Loening
McGuirk Children
Pediatric rehabilitation expert
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Dr. George Deaver meets with an
New Hampshire Council on
early patient of Crotched Mountain.
Developmental Disabilities
Sherry and David Ahearn
AIM Mutual Insurance Company
Michael Anderson
Louise and Jacques Aquillon
BAE Systems Employees’ Matching
Gifts Program
David Barnes
Richard C. Beeman
Belletetes, Inc.
Mary Boucher
Denise and John W. Byrne
Jocelyn and Craig Cain
Adrienne and Wayne Colsia
Ann and Christopher Conway
Carol and Mark Correa
Corrections Corporation of America
June L. Critchley
Geneva D. DaPrato
Philip DeCarolis
Nancy Desjardins
Christine and Eric Falkenham
Lisa and George Foote
Alice and Dr. Gilber t Fuld
Gretchen and Thomas Gaul
Elizabeth and Rt. Rev. Donald Har t
Linda and Joseph Har t
Marilynne and Dr. David Hedstrom
Marilyn and Michael Hickey
Hillary Holian
Deanna S. Howard
Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust
Income Research & Management
Marilyn Priscilla Johnson
Dr. Lawrence and Ruth Kane
Leslie and Dr. Robin Kenney
Mark D. Leo
Susan D. Licsak
MassMutual Financial Group
Mary and John McMahon
Robin and Lucas Merrow
Monadnock Community Hospital
Richard K. Murphy
Nor theast Delta Dental
Elaine and Rober t Patzwall
Louis F. Petroni
Philanthropic Lodge F. & A.M.
Susan Reeves
Joseph H. Reiser t, Jr.
Rober t J. Devereaux Corp.
Rocky’s Rangers
Lorrie A. Rudis
Lois and Lawrence Scammon
Janet U. Schaefer
Alan D. Schlemmer
Catherwood Pool, the therapy
pool prior to the installation of
the Chandler Pool Complex.
Pauline Shea
John F. Shepard
Laura and Judson Sieber t
Susan M. Slaff
Mildred Slater
Stabile Family Foundation
Stettenheim Foundation, Inc.
Sun Life Financial
TD Bank
Sara R. Timmons
Alvan A. Traffie
Jeanne and Philip Tulley
Underwood Engineers, Inc.
Nancy J. VanVranken, M.D.
Mary B. Waldo
Linda and John Wesley
Danette and Stephen Wineberg
Thomas Zubricki
Adam Von Dette Carpentry
Bette and Thomas Adams
Affinity Human Resources
Michael J. Alber t
Marion and Frank Almeida
American Legion Aux. #31
Anicci's Italian Pizza
Joseph K. Arnold
Renate and Stanley Arnold
Aubuchon Hardware
Nancy August
Theodore S. Bacon, Jr.
Hilde Baer t
Capt. F. K. Bajowski, Jr.
Baldwin & Clarke
Charles H. Baldwin
Katy and Chris Barnes
G. Ann Beane
Sharon and Mar tin Beaver
Susan J. Beeman-Hollins and
Rober t J. Hollins
2 0 1 2
Bernier Insurance, Inc.
Polly N. Berry
Elinor A. Bettencour t
Wesley A Bigney
Madeline Blidberg
Dale F. Bloemen
Dorothy and Richard Bohan, Jr.
Sean Boissonnault
Patricia and Rober t Boyd
Vickie L. Brock
Helen and Richard Brockelman
Agneta and Dr. Neal Brown
Mary and Kenneth Brown
Monique and Gary Brown
Grove W. Bryant
Grace M. Bulkeley
David Burgess
Archie C. Burnett, III
Rita M. Calkins
Pam and Brian Canty
Capital Investing & Adjusting LLC
Carlisle Wide Plank Floors
Susan and Dr. Dennis Carlson
Marjorie Car ter
Audrey Carvalho
Dino Casali
Clifford Caseley
Candice L. Cenate
Jean and Arnold Cernota
Joann and D. Richard Chamberlain
Drs. Susan and Rocco Chiappini
Kur t Christensen
Christian Par ty Rental
Thomas F. Cleary
Kathleen Y. Coffey
Sharon and Ronald Cole
Bernard E. Colgan
David Conley
Linda Connell
Gregory Connors
Conval Ice Hockey Boosters
Linda Cook
Mar tha and William Cooper
Mar tha and Bernard Corson
David A. Couturier
Lance Cramer
Mary and Brian Crathern
Patricia and Richard Cravedi
Lucilla H. Crocker
Crowe Fence & Deck Supply
Kimberly and Christopher Curran
A. B. Cur tis
Beth and Jefferson Davis
Nancy and Roy Davis
Nancy and Dr. Henry Dawes
Laura Dawes
2 0 1 3
Paul Deeley
Thomas DeLacey
Patricia Delaney and Irwin Blau
Denmar Kitchen & Bath Design LLC
Cynthia and Dennis Desmond
Sylvia and David Detscher
Elizabeth and David Dickey
Paula Dickinson
Victoria Walgreen Dilling
Lynn and Neal Dini
Antonia and John Dinkel
Joan and Dennis Donegan
Donna Donovan
Phyllis and Frank Donovan
Diane and John Donovan
Douglass C. Heinmuller Estate
Alan G. Dow, Jr.
Linda W. Dresser
Dunkin Donuts
Donna and Andy Dunn
Virginia L. Dutton
June and Bruce Edwards
Diane and Geno Eriquezzo
Kathleen and Michael Etzel
Donna B. Evans
Tom Ewing
John T. Fallace
Anne Fallows
Rober t R. Farbotko
James Farnswor th
Dr. Charles S. Faulkner, II
Lewis Feldstein
Tim and Mary Feltz
S. Jean Fernandez
Henry H. Ferrell, III
Robyn and Rober t Fields
Findings, Inc.
R. John Firmin
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
Christine and Woodbury Fogg
Daniel S. Foley
Jane and Allen Forbes
Holle and Allen Forbes
Paula Forrest
Wendy Fragala
Cheryl and Stanley Fry
Donna and Rober t Galli
John F. Galvin
Anthony Gamboli
Jane and Michael Gamboli
Anne and Edmond Garfinkle
Geoffrey Garfinkle
Mary and Francis Gaul, Jr.
Marlene and Larry Gavens
Carol and Benjamin Gayman
Laura and Fred Gehrung
Claudette Gelfand
Gethsemane Demolay
Commandery #7, Knights
Anna and Daniel Giacopelli
John Gikas
Mary J. Gilber t
Linda and Zaven Giragosian
Claire Gnazzo
Pamela and L. Taylor Goode
E. M. and Rober t E. Grady
Beth and Kenneth Graf
Gragil Associates
Greenland Veterans, Inc.
Patricia and David Gregg
Sasha and Christopher Grimes
Ruth Guernsey
Shirley S. Haddock
David D. Hall
Maryann and George Hall, Jr.
Jacqueline P. Hamilton
Elfriede G. Hanley
Jean Harding
Hardy Healthcare, PLLC
Jeffrey Hargreaves
Arlene Heidel
Sandra Henderson
Max Hermann
Mary Beth and Fred Her tel
Caroline and G. Clay Hollister
Holloway Motor Cars of Manchester
Madeleine Houle
Elsie J. Howard
Bea and David Howe
Nancy and Ray Howell
Carol and John Hubbard
Susan and Jerry Hunter
Louise W. Huntoon
Nancy G. Hurlin
Marilyn and John Hutchinson
Hutter Construction
IBM Employee Services Center
Paul Incognito
Joseph Jabonaski
Ann and Carl Jacobs
Yoonseon Jang
Douglas M. Jenkins
Nancye J. Jenkins
Norma and James Jerry
Joe Boutin, Jr. & Son Logging
Kathleen and Ned Johnson
Lois and William Jones
Diane S. Juliar
Charles F. Kane, M.D.
David B. Karrick, Jr.
Marlene G. Katz
Carol A. Keating
Carolyn Keith
Marcia and Richard Keller
Kelley Bros.
Diana C. Kelley
Marie and Walter Kelly
The Keough Fund
Elizabeth and Dennis Kilduff
Patricia K. Kiley
Mary and Bruce P. King
Paul A. King, Jr.
Dorothy and Walter Kirsch
Richard Klepper
Jacqueline B. Klose
Mark T. Knights
Knights of Columbus #7572
Peg Alzmann and Paul Koning
Sally and Giff Kriebel
Kristina and Dr. Gregory Kriebel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Krook
Kyle Lamerand
David M. Lang
Louise P. Langley
Mark V. LaPor te
Allen Larrabee
Mary Frances and Don Lawler
Ernestine and Kent Lawrence
Jeannette LeClerc and
Michael LeClerc-Spier
Janice and James Lecolst
Mark Leger
Christina and David Lewis
Liber ty Mutual
Elizabeth Licht
Hon. Stephen Limon
Eileen and Ralph Lombardi
Jean and John Longa
Linda and Lawrence Lopez
Linda and Anthony LoProto
Timothy J. Lord
Kris and Harold D. Losey, Jr.
Mary and Camille Lynch
Daniel Lyons
June and Andrew Mackey
Gerard MacLellan
Donald Mahoney
Mar tha A. Maltais
Katherine and Richard Mandeville
Manhattan East
Carole L. Mapes
Dorothy E. Marcus
Patricia and Gary Marcus
Diana and David Mattoon
Sandra and Edmond Maurice
William E. McCabe
Dr. Maureen E. McCanty and
Dr. Dennis J. Card
Philip McCarron
William McColgan
Daniel McDermott
Deirdre and John McElhatton
Victoria E. Mellon
Merrimack Mor tgage Co
Mar tha and Andrew Michaud
Linda Michelsen
Agnes and Edward Miner
Janetta and Ken Mohler
Monadnock Flooring and
Decorating Co., Inc.
Alber ta R. Mooney
Nancy Morris
Hwasoon and Michael Mullaney
Kathleen Murphy
Nault’s House of Wheels
R.L. Nepomuceno
New England Utility Constructors, Inc.
NH Association of Fire Chiefs
Beverly and David Nor ton
Susan and Thomas O’Connor
Olea Salon
Michael O’Neil
O’Reilly Trucking and Excavation LLC
Anne Page
William Pananos
Joanne and George Pappas
John P. Paquette
Ann M. Parziale
Carolyn and Rodney Patenaude
Patsy’s Inc.
Maggie and Christopher Paul
Paul The Plumber
Laura G. Payne
Bill and Sandie Peabody
Ute M. Peaslee
Janet I. Pendlebury
Jeanette and Francis Penney
Nancy Jo and William Perry
Barbara and Allan Peskin
Dorothy D. Peterson
Augusta and Amb. Joseph C. Petrone
Jamie C. Pickering
Gail and Ben Plummer
Phyllis E. Por ter
Barbara Post
Dr. Norma Powell
Elaine and Richard Pratt
Elaine and Daniel Priestley
Heidi and John Provencal
Michael Przybyla
The Ken & Rona Purdy Family Fund
Betty Putnam
Joyce Pyne
Gloria and Donald Quigley
Mary Quinton-Barry
Jeff Radin
Cynthia, Robert, Joe and Katie Ramsay
Margaret Rand
Michael M. Ransmeier
Jacqueline J. Ray
Peter R. Raymond
Suzanne and Peter Read
Laura and Michael Redmond
Gordon E. Reed
Ruth A. Reider
Linda and Dr. Ted Renna
Rick & Diane’s Restaurant
Andrea and Paul Riviere
Peter Robar t
Rev. Alice Rober ts
Patricia C. Roody
Lyn E. Rosoff
David Ross
James W. Rowse, Jr.
David Ruedig
Marie K. Ryder
Sanel Auto Par ts
Arpiar G. Saunders, Jr.
Lucille C. Savage
Ms. Savaria
Savings Bank Of Walpole
Elizabeth J. Scarchilli
Tim Schloemer
John B. Schulte
Richard C. Schwabe
Diane and Mark Scott
SDE, Inc.
Second Wind Water Systems
M.P. and J.B. Sellers
Edmund and Rober ta Shaw
Elaine and Vincent Shea
Herber t Shumway
Shutter and Boogie
Margaret and Francesco Siega
John F. Simione
Karen E. Simms
Juanita Violet Sivik
E. Florence Smith Estate
Frederick Smith, Jr.
Donna and Jeffrey Smith
Dr. Theresa C. Smith
Amelia Borman and John Smitka
Margaret B. Soleau
Mary Jane and Rober t Solomon
Marilyn and Bruce Soper
Truda Bloom and Rober t Speigelman
James St. Jean
Major George M. Stare, Ret.
Pauline and Gus Stathis
Therese and Stephen Stepenuck
Mary Leadbeater and Michael Strack
Judith Streeter
Laura R. Studen
Jeannette Sturrock
Elizabeth and David Sullivan
Beverly W. Sutherland
Virginia and Richard Swahnberg
Jean and David Sweeney
Hon. Rober t Taft
Dixie and Cameron Tease
Sharon S. Thagard
Alexa Thayer
Beulah L. Thayer
Sylvia L. Thayer
Alfred L. Thurlow
Donald O. Tilton, Jr.
Jesseca and Rober t Timmons
Theodore C. Tocci
Todd Land Use Consultants, LLC
Trends of Fashion
Kathryn and Alber t Trudeau
Paul Tuminowski
Dorothy and Bruce Ullrich
Doris and Jerome Underwood
Ernest R. Underwood
Linda and Frank Underwood
Uptack Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Carolyn A. Valley
Michelle Vander Heyden and
Gunnar Blix
Lisa Vible
Karen and Richard Vinson
Susie and Alexander Vogel
Nancy and Irwin Wakcher
George E. Wall
Han Wang
Stephen Westerlind
Sandra and Howard Weston
Westside Animal Hospital, PLLC
Major W. Wheelock
In 1952, famed illustrator
Elizabeth Orton Jones painted
seasonal murals for the
dormitories, now displayed
at the school for all to enjoy.
Whit and Closey Dickey Fund of
NHCF Upper Valley
Frederick E. Whitcher
James W. Whitney
Patricia Whitney
Pamela A. Wiggin and
Carol A. Barker
Nancy and John Wilbur
Laurel and Daniel Will
Hazel L. Wood
Kay M. Woods
Stephen Yakovakis
Ye Goodie Shoppe
Joyce and Gary Young
A&M Auto Repair & Ins.
Linda and Bruce Adams
Betty and Gary Adams
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Cour tney Ahearn
Virginia Albro
Sylvia J. Alden
Laura Allain
Dennis R. Allard
Mary W. Allen
Gloria and Joseph Allis
All-Star Cuts & Design
Edward Alt
Alexander R. Amell
American Legion Aux. #34
American Legion Aux. #23
Elizabeth and Brewster Ames, Jr.
AMVETS Post No. 147
Kenneth Anderson
Elizabeth and Stephen Anderson
Helen and Gerald Antippas
Antrim Lumber Co., Inc.
Marion and Thomas Arkell
Mary K. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Normand L. Arsenault
Deborah and Thomas Atkinson
Lucille M. Atkinson
Leo Aubin
Ernestina and James Aubry
Linda R. Aucella
Robin and John Ayotte
Margaret Backus
Laura Bacon
Tom Badgley
Rober t E. Bagshaw
Barbara Baker
Beverly A. Barney
Doris M. Baron
Mary and James Barrows
Joyce E. Barry
Michael Barry
E. Bar th
Joan and Joseph Bar tley
Dave Bar ton
Paul F. Bastardi
Sharon and Rober t Batchelder, Sr.
Diane Bati
Calliope Bavelas
Shanon Bean and Family
Mary Ann and Roderick Beaton
Ron Beaulieu
Richard Beauvais
Pauline M. Bell
Charlotte and Reynold Belletete
Patricia and Leo Belleville
Bellows-Nichols Agency
Paul R. Belyea
Jonna and Lorenzo Benet, Jr.
Jane and James Benn
Mary and Ralph Bennett
Bennington Garage
Beverly L. Benoit
Mary D. Bens
Marilyn and Rober t Bergevin
Catherine L. Berhard
Sr. Henri Ber trand
Paul Beswick and Siang Beswick
Big D Professional Meat Cutting, LLC
Lucille Bineau
Reinie and Huber t Bittner
Paul W. Blackford
Sandra and Milton Blackington
Paul Blais
Mrs. Aldona V. Blaisdell
Jacqueline and John Bland
Linda and Carl Blicker
Blue Water Sailing Club
Simone and Rodney Blunt
Doris and Ralph Bodette
Ms. Phyllis S. Bodnar
James F. Bogue
Jeannine M. Bohi
Nancy and Normand Boisver t
Ruth A. Bolduc
Wallace W. Bordeau
Leo Boucher
Rosemarie and Donald Boudrot
Henry M. Boulette
Helen and Harland Boulton
Jonathan F. Bourne
2 0 1 2
Chong Im Bowe
Peter Bowman
Kenneth Braccio
Brady’s Bar & Grill, Inc.
Mimi D. Bravar
Dorothy Brawley
Polly Brendle
Eleanor and David Brewster
Carl P Brigada, Jr.
Frederick Briggs
Mary C. Brigham
Sherry Brink
Carol and Ronald Brodeur
Carolyn A. Brown
Helen and Herber t Brown
Kathleen G. Brown
Lawrence A. Brown
Mr. Lee S. Brucks
Kathleen and Joseph Buckley
Katherine M. Bullard
Diane L. Burdick
Edward Bureau
Karen Burgon
Richard A. Burns, Jr.
Horace Burrington
James E. Bur tner
Christopher Byrnes
Patricia and Rober t Cabral
Lelier C. Cabrera-Rivero
David Cadorette
David Caglarcan
Dorothy Cain
Allison Calderera
Pauline L. Calderwood
Judith and Peter Caliri
Barbara A. Cameron
Joanna R. Cameron Bull
Mary Ellin Cameron
Christina D. Campbell
Colinette P. Campbell
Elsie S. Campbell
Jacqueline Campbell
Roger Campbell
Maria P. Candito
Richard A. Cansler
Rober t E. Carbon
Carbones Window & Awning, LLC
Rober t F. Carey
Sanford K. Carlisle
Henry R. Caron
Eva L. Carr
Josephine and Frank Carrara
Ar thur A. Car ter, Jr.
Nancy and Richard Carvill
Ida T. Caveney
Tama Chabet
William H. Chabot, Jr.
June Chandler
Eva M Charles
Jeff Charron
Barbara H. Chase
Dorothy E. Chase
Or trud Chase
Michael Chasse
Ruth E. Cherrette
Janine and Henry Chiampa
G. Steve Chirigotis, Col. USAF (Ret.)
Jean and Richard Chisholm
Dr. Stanwood B. Churchill
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Clapper
2 0 1 3
Joan B. Clark
Lauraette H. Clark
Peter Clark
Sheila Clause
Bonita and Clint Clay
Barbara E. Clifford
Leon A. Cloutier
William E. Cohane, Jr.
Ann and Melvin Cohen
Sharon L. Colbroth
Stacey W. Cole
Linda M. Coles
Tamera Z. Colgate
Helen W. Collings
Benard Jeffrey Collins
Charles H. Collins
Betty and David Collins
Rober t E. Collins
Julie Colman
Wendie and Garnet Colpitts
Kimberly L. Colson
Ann and Richard Condon
Marion L. Conley
Betty M. Connor
Richard P. Connor
Ann Marie and Thomas Connors
Jeanette I. Cook
June and Gardner D. Cook
Jeremy Cooper
Coos County Extension Ed
David E. Corbit
Mrs. Wilma C. Corrigan
Fern and Roy Cota, Sr.
Sr. Marie M. Couture
Doris J. Covey
Bradford E. Cox
Linda Cox
Wile E. Coyote
Holly and John Cratsley
Peter H. Crawford
Susan and George Cressey
Mildred R. Cronin
James R. Cross
Nancy and Lawrence Cross
Matt and Ashlee Crouthamel
Esther M. Crowley
Nancy Crystal
Pam Cullen
Mildred L. Cummings
Eleanor and Edward Cunningham
Fannie L. Currier
Ann Cur tis
Avis and Irving Cushing
Christo Dadasis
Jeanne and Rober t Daigle
Ida D. Daley
Denis Dancoes
Edna A. Dancy
Guy A. Daniello
Edward C. Danielson
Eugene M. Darling, Jr.
Arlene A. Dar t
Frank A. Davis
Irene and Milton Davis
Nancy P. Day
Alice De Lucia
James E. De Vito
William D. Dean
Marjorie and R. Peter Decato
Carol M. Decker
Yamilla Defazio
Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. deGrasse
Phyllis DeLaurier
Ralph A. D’Elia
Lorraine M. DeLucia
Chris Demers
Cynthia and David Demers
Joan M. Demonceau
Jean G. Demorest
Gary R. Dennison
Jeannine and Roger Denoncour t
Rev. Rober t J. Densmore
Gregory H. Derderian
Jeanne Derome
Charles E. Des Ruisseaux
Richard Desbiens
Rita Descoteaux
Shirley A. Despres
Richard V. Desrosiers
Caralene and Royal Desrosiers
Rober t J. Devaney, Jr.
Jean and Richard DeVincentis
Janet and George DeVito, Jr.
Sam W. Di Francesco
Janet Diamantis
Salvatore Diberardinis Jr.
Colleen Dichard
Louis W. Diegoli
Felda and Dominic Digilio
Josephine and Richard Digilio
Margaret Dileo
Lorraine and Ar thur Dion
Rachel and Wilbrod Dion
Marjorie Dishmon
Beth A. Dixon
Rachel Dohanian
Marianne C. Doher ty
Virginia Doher ty
Mary Louise Donovan
Thomas Dorman
Lorraine and Normand Doucet
Maria and Ar thur Douglas
Sherman N. Douglass
Ann D. Doyle
Kathleen and Richard Doyle
Janet P. Driscoll
Thomas Driscoll
Betty Drouin
Joan and Laurent Drouin
Sandra and Fred Dube
Irene C. Dubois
Barbara Dubray
Mary Duffey
Stephanie and James Dufoe
Donald C. Dunbar
Terry Dundon
William L. Dunfey Charitable
Remainder Trust
Donna V. Dunlop and Andrew Spahr
Joan and William Dunn
Lawrence J. Dupont, Jr.
Chester Duprey
Norman Duquette
Luther P. Durgin
Marybeth Durkin
Virginia B. Durost
Lorraine Duval
Gail and Rodney Dyer
Cecile E. Dyszczyk
Bernadette Eastman
Esther D. Eastman
Paul R. Eastman
Jane and Frank Ecker t
Edmunds Hardware Store
Lorraine and Richard Edmunds
David Effron
Joel L. Ekstrom
Coby Elsing
Marcelle and Harold Emery
Emily Woods Hogue , Costume
Audrey and Harry Ericson
Sharon and Brad Ernest
Rober t E. Esdon
Donna Esposito
Jane and Donald Estes
Dr. Donald M. Ettelson
Carol and William Eva
Adrienne Evans and Family
Gladys and Jerrold Evans
F.K. Bassett & Sons Plumbing &
Heating, LLC
Dante Fabbri
Christine and Neil Falcone
Mary and Dr. Elwin Falkenham
Jane Cooper Fall
Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo P. Fallace
Eleanor B. Fallon
Audrey and Stephen Fan
Dr. Edward J. Farmlett
James F. Farquhar
Judith and Michael Farrar
Yvonne Farrow
Brian Faughnan
Irene Favreau
Susanna Favreau
Rober t H. Fay
Steven Feeney
Rose Fernald
Nancy and Wayne Fernald
Gladys E. Ferris
Leona S. Fickinger
Hollis E. Field, Jr.
Dana Finch
Beverly R. Finigian
Lynn C. Fir th
Florence V. Fischbach
Iva G. Fisher
Richard Fisk
Ann M. Fitzgerald
William D. Fitzgibbon
Fogar ty Family
Andrea M. Foisy
Rev. Leonard R. Foisy
George Foley
Mary Ann Foley
Barbara J. Foran
Kenneth Foraste
Betty and Dale Forbes
Mar tha For tier
Karen For tin
Rober t W. For tnam
Diane and Thorstein Fossnes
Glenna L. Foster
Jeffrey A. Foster
Ann and Stephen Foster
Lorraine E. Fougere
Shirley and William Franchi
The Frank Massin Agency, Inc.
Franklin & Worcester Pomona #4
Anne S. Frantz Revocable Trust
Margaret F. Franz
Philip F. Frazier
Rev. Leo L. Frechette
Helen W. Fryer
George A. Fuller, Jr.
Mary Alice Fuller ton
Justin Furbay
Ber the Gagnon
Bronislawa Garant
Jonathan Garbarino
Faye Gardner
Garland Tree Service & Landscaping
Mr. Gerald A. Garrity
Louise T. Gath
James Gauron
Sherry and Ross Gauthier
Aurelia and Italo Gavazzi
Teresa and David Geaney
Thomas W. Gegan
Elizabeth and Mark Gelarderes
Anne and Dennis Gerber
Valerie and Edward Ger tz
Carolyn and Rober t Gibbons
Thelma and Kenneth Gibbs
Prudence and John Giffin
Linda C. Gill
Louise I. Gillis
Theresa Gilman
B. Joyce Gilmore
Give with Liber ty
Cynthia J. Glover
Darrell C. Gobel
Eleanor and Walter Goddard
Norma M. Godin
Priscilla and Richard Goff
Carl L. Goldknopf
Cindy and Philip Goldstein
Mark L. Goldthwaite
Mrs. Ethlyne Golub
Jory Goodman
Sharon and Edward Goolbis
Rober t N. Gordon
Richard F. Gor ton
Joanne Goss
Shirley and Wayne Gould
G. June C. Goulson
Gouverneur Savings and Loan Assoc.
Crystal Grace
Lorraine and Leo Graciano
Marguerite A. Graham
Judith and Ar thur Graichen
Peter Grandmaison
Eleni Granias
Helen and Clarence Grant
Doloris and Ar thur Gregoire
Roger Gregoire
Clara M. Gregory
Leopold J. Grenon
Margaret A. Groetz
Maryanne and Michael Grondin
Margaret H. Gross
Linda Grucel
Carol and Jerome Guerrin
Helen M. Guiheen
Jacqueline and Raymond Guillemette
Joanne and Roland Guimond
Pavel I. Gult
Nancy Haas
Halestown Grange #287
Alene and Creighton Hall
Nancy and Doug Hall
Ann and William Hallahan
James Haller
Rober t E. Hallock, Jr.
Claire L. Hamel
Gillian and Thomas Hamilton
Lorraine and Richard Hancock
Annette Handy
John C. Hanes, Jr.
Hanke Electrical
Rober t F. Hanratty
Harding Plumbing and Heating
Richard R. Harding
Patrick Hardy
Virginia and Rick Harnden
Joanne L. Harpel
Janet and Richard Harring
Gail and Joseph Harrington, Jr.
Edith and David Harris
Ruth C. Harwood
Judith and Douglas Hatfield
Michael Havey
Alma A. Healey
Jeanne E. Heath
Daniel Heber t
Judith E. Heck
Muriel and Edmund Henault
Ronald C. Hendricks
Kathleen M. Hennessy
Leona Herber t
Luz M. Hernandez
Norma H Heroux
Philip B. Herr
Rober t A. Herron
Ruth Heuss
Peter M. Hewitt
Linda and William Hickmott
Jean and George Hieken
Beverly Hill
Charlotte H. Hill
Eleanor Hill
Judy and Guild Hill
Miriam T. Hill
Nick Hill
Peter G. Hindle
Diane Hirst
HMP Fence Services
Ann D. Hoagland
Marjorie G. Hockmuth
Joseph W. Hogan
Frank Hogg
Timothy E. Hogue
Katharyn and Dr. Roland Hok
Nancy and Rober t Holland
Ruth Hollis
Phoebe B. Honig
Susan A. Hood
Alton M. Hopkins
Patricia and Theodore Hopkins
Yvonne M. Hopkins
Donna and Stephen Hor ton
Louise Houde
Catherine M. Houlne
Donna L. Howland
Pam and Dean Hoyt
Debra and David Huffman
Russell O. Hughes
Rober t Hull
Rober t A. Hunter
Ray P. Hutchinson
Aggie Hyman
I.O.O.F. Chocorua Lodge #51
Judith E. Ierlan
Mildred and Paul Ilsley
Patricia and Carl Ingelstrom
Chester E. Ireland
Kirsten M. Ireland
Richard Isakson
Tibor Ivanyi
Evelyn R. Izbicki
Glorie Jacob
Donat Jacques
Patricia James
George Janetos
Shari and James Jankowski
Linda and Basil Janosz
Dorothy Janvrin
Leslie A. Jasper
C. Jenkins
Patricia and Rober t Jenkins
Marilyn P. Jewett
Bruce E. Johanson
The Johns Hopkins University
Adrienne M. Johnson
Bernice Johnson
Shirley and Edward Jones
Joanna E. Jones
Karen Jones
Maura Jones
Natalie O. Jones
Nancy and Edward Juranty
Jeanne I. Kaczynski
Catherine and Gregory Kageleiry
Jennifer and Chester Kaminski, Jr.
Helem and George Karakantas
Elaine Kaufmann
Paul W. Kearney
Kearsarge Lodge #23 I.O.O.F.
Thomas J. Keaveney
Donald B. Keefe
Richard P. Keefe, III
Cheryl A. Keegan
Howard W. Keegan
Keene Physical Therapy and Spor ts
Sarah Keene
Carol and Ronald Keenhold
Lillian Kelley
Edmond Kelly
Judith Kenison
Eileen A. Kennedy
Miriam Kent
Marlin R. Keshishian
Kenneth C. Keyser
Joyce Khederian Chiulli and
David J. Chiulli
Beverly Kibby
Evelyn and John Kiernan
Dorothy A. Kimball
Lawrence P. Kimball
Helen C. Kingsley
James H. Kirsch
Jane and David Kittredge
Debora and Rober t Kizik
Marguerite and Kenneth Knight
Helen E. Koehler
Judith E. Kolada
Margret H. Kolbjornsen
Theodore J. Kopanski
2 0 1 2
At CM, art plays an important role in healing.
Patients and students take part in regular photography classes.
Scott Koskela
Michael Kotel
Helen and Gregorios Koutrelakos
David Kraft
Gene A. Kuczewski
Betty A. La Grassa
Christine Labombard
Claudia and Joe Labrecque
Gerard A. Lachance
Laconia Emblem Club #80
Ms. Winona P. Lacoss
Mr. Norm Lafond, Sr.
Jane M. LaFrance
Theresa and Authur Lamber t
Charles Lambros
Diana LaMontagne
Jeanne and Ovide LaMontagne
Katherine and Rober t LaMontagne
Ber tha A. Landry
Guy G. Landry
Hannah P. Landsman
Gail Landy
Jacqueline and Alber t Lang
Sylvia M. Langer
Alyssa Lappen
Jeannette R. P. LaPrad
Ann K. Larrabee
Shirley and George Lasky
Barbara and Gerald Latour
Nathalie J. Latulippe
Gerd Laudien
Pearl Lavalley
Scott D. Lavalley, CLU
Pauline E. Lavoie
Anita and Michael Lawler
David W. Lawrence
Mary A. Lawson
Joanne M. Lazinsky
Doris Le Baron
Lebanon Emblem Club #358
Raymond A. LeBoeuf
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lebrecque
Beatrice LeClerc
Edouard W. LeClerc
David Lee
James R. Leighton
Barbara and Rober t Lemay
Mary Ann and John Lemieux
Aleathea Leonard
Paul Leonard
Leon’s Auto Center
Jean and Richard Leopold
Ger trude G. Lepine
Paul G. Lessard
Faith Levesque
Elaine and Norber t Levesque
Pierrette R. Levesque
Marguerite and Thomas Levesque
Caroline and George Lewis
Jane Liamos
Elaine F. Libby
Raymond F. Libby, Sr.
Alcide G. Light
Alyce M. Lindahl
Wylma and George Lindberg
Christine Emma Linderman
Katherine N. Linehan
Faranicki and Nick Liolis
Lorraine and Dr. Rober t Liscio
Carolyn W. Lockhar t
Elena Lombardi
Jeanne A Lombardi
Cheryl and Terry Longwell
June C. Loud
Susan and David Lougee
Judith and Howard Lovering
Enid Lubarsky
Irene Lucik
Rich Lurvey
Ruth and Clement Lyon
Jami Macar ty
Mary Maccarone
Maria and J. Neil MacDonald
Justin Mace
A. W. MacKenzie
Erica and Rev. Alan MacKillop
Elisabeth and Rober t MacLean
The Madigan Family
Maryann and Peter Magoun
Louise and W. David Malcolm, Jr.
Marion and Alan Malkasian
Lynne and Paul Maloney
Susan and Nicholas Mandravelis
Edward Manning
Joan Manning
Douglas A. Marden
Frances and Alfred Markey
Pauline and Richard Marquis
Arline and Nicholas C. Marro, Sr.
Marilyn J. Marshall
Lorraine T. Mar tin
Persis C. Mar tin
David S. Mar tinez
Roseann Mar toccia
Jason and Jennifer Maslowski
Maureen and Father Keith Mason
Mary and Joseph Massa
Mary Ann and Frank Mastro
Nancy and Roger Mathes
Padma R. Mathur, M.D.
Joan Mathurin
Beryl A. Matson
Timothy C. May
Philip B. Mays
2 0 1 3
Angie Mazarakis
Rosemary and John Mazzone
Frederick M. McCann
John D. McCarron
Gina McConnell
Charles N. McCormack
Catherine and Alexander McDonald
Eugenia McDonald
Annie McDonough
Christine and Cur t McGee
Jeanne and Peter McGillen
Mary M. McGoldrick
John D. McGonagle
Marilene McHugh
Maureen and John McInnis
Priscilla H. McKuskie
Heidi McLennan
Dorothy F. McLoughlin
Pat and David McMahon
Irene and Thomas McManus
Clifford J. Mead
John F. Melita
Kathleen and James Melitus
Louis Memolo
Alex Menard
Ellen and Charles Mercer
Esther L. Merrill
Melissa Merrill
Gail and Donald Merseles
Harvey J. Michaels
Elizabeth Miesfeldt
Cathy Miller
Mary Miller
Richard F. Miller
Eleanor T. Milliken
Marilyn and Ralph Minichiello
Richard Mitropoulos
Esther and George Mitton
Darla Barss Monbouquette
Monroe United Methodist Women
Raymond E. Monty, Sr.
Carol Moody
Mary T. Moore-Young
Abraham Moreno
Jeffrey J. Morgan
Barbara and Joseph Moriar ty
Daniel E. Morin
Davi Lyn Morse and Gregory
George P. Morse, Jr.
Bonita and Walter Morse
Judith E. Moskevich
Kathleen M. Moyer
Sandra and Richard Moynahan
Elizabeth R. Moynihan
Dianne Mrak
Betty Jean Munschy
John J. Murphy
Rita Murphy
Eva and Rose Naroian
Valerie and Carl Narsasian
Nashua Emblem Club #170
Pamela Nation
Joanne Naughton
Cynthia and Russell Neumann
Susan and Jeffrey Newcomer
Diane L. Newton and
Andrew F. Newton
Leslie Nicola
Cynthia Nielsen
Nieskens and Yoe Family Dentistry
Joan Nigro
NKM Electric, LLC
Pauline and Stephen Noble
Joan Nordstrom
Ariadne Nougias
Mar tha Novak
Carol and Dale Ober
Jane and George O’Brien
Geraldine and Thomas O’Brien
Mr. William I. O’Connell, Ed.D
Richard O’Dell
Lisa O’Grady
Carol O’Leary
Therese Oliver
Julia and Ar thur Olson, Jr.
Winifred and Dr. Charles O’Neil
Tessie and William O’Neill
Kathleen and Rev. Daniel F. Osgood
Winifred and Richard O’Shaughnessy
Linda and Willis Ottery
Paul Ouellet
Bettie Ouellette
Marion G. Owen
Michael Packard
Elaine E. Packer
Anthony L. Papoulias
Lena Pappas
Rachel B. Paquette and
Gerard A. Paquette
Marie A. Paquette
Barbara Pardus
Mary J. Parker
Phyllis J. Parker
Scott Parker
Stephen A. Parks
Barbara and Dr. Barrie Paster
Joan M. Patterson and The Jakubiak
Peter Patti
Muriel and Claude Pelletier
Paul Pepin
Joanne Perkins
Ivan M. Perron
Wilfred E. Perron
Barbara and Walter Perry
Rose and William Perry
Dorothy G. Pesaresi
Peterborough Music Company, LLC
Nancy and Richard Peterson
Yvonne Petit
Fran Habib and Steven Petlock
Paula Petricone
Daniel Petrini
Tyler B. Phillips, Sr.
Karen Pick
Brian B. Pierce
Teresa Pine
Heather H. Plante
James D. Platt
Marian Pleakas
Yvette and Stanley Plodzik, Jr.
James T. Plumb
Rober t E. Poehlman
Deborah L. Pollman
Amy L. Pollock
Sally and Charles Popowski
Maureen Por ter
Gloria and Rev. John Post
Philip G. Post, Sr.
Mary N. Pothier
Frederick L. Pratt
James Price
Susan and Bernard Prindiville
Darlene and Royce Prive
Richard Proulx
Ralph K. Putnam
Sarah and Jon Pyne
John A. Raczka
William R. Randle
Lorraine and Charles Rayno
Deborah and Richard Reed
George P. Reed, III
Rose Reed
Scott G. Reed
Norma and Rober t Reich
John P. Reid
Diane and John Reil
Vienna and Edwin Reini
Kathryn Renzi
Mark B. Richard, M.D.
Rene P. Richard
Col. Anne Richards, Ret.
Mabel C. Richardson
Karolyn and Bruce Ricker
Carol and Vincent Riel
Maureen O. Ripple
Pearl J. Rivard
Riverdale Farm, LLC
Robblee Tree Services, LLC
Dennis Rober ts
Karen E. Rober ts
Noella Robichaud
Marsha E. Robinson
Thomas J. Rocco
Michel B. Rodrigue
Ann M. Romanson
John R. Romanson
Sylvia and H. Rome
Bob Rooney
Barbara Rose
Arlyne and William Rosenberg
Julene and Alan Rosenman
Marilyn and Edwards Ross
Beatrice Rossi
Christine A. Rossiter
Julie and David Rothmund
Ber tha and Edmond Rousseau
George Rowe, Jr.
Irene and Eugene Rudolph
Gwen Rumburg
Vangie Ruskowski
Eleanor C. Russell
Megan and Joshua Rutstein
Elizabeth M. Ryan
Jacqueline and Thomas Rzasa
Deborah K. Sack
Colin Sacksteder
Paul R. Sahler
Muriel and William Sakellson
Mary A. Salter
Darlene Sampaio
Mary E. Sanders
Alber t Santerre
Rondi and E. A. Saporetti
Donald H. Sargent
Theodore Sawyer
Jane C. Scanlon
Dennis Schafer
Geraldine and John Scharf
Kin Schilling
Ruth and John Schmid
Shirley Schneider
Sally and Brian Schofield
Norma and Joseph Schults
Patricia and Richard Schuren
Walter Schwarz
Ernestine and Karl Scott
Elizabeth M. Seales
Ann Marie Sennott
Kathleen and Donald Severance
Paul T. Shannon
Jeannette and Edmund Sharron
Tammy and Matthew Shea
Harold A. Shedd
Kathleen Sheehan
Betty and Alfred Shipley
Frances J. Shippee
Deborah F. Showalter
Elsa and Stanley Sidel
Kelly and Bjarni Sigurdsson
Rober ta R. Silberberg
Michael Sisitsky
John Skeffington
Marion Skinner
Mary M. Skoby
Mary F. Sluder
Michelle Small
Shirley R. Small
Peggy Small-Por ter and Nate Por ter
Amira and Marinko Smaric
Cur tis R. Smith
G. Christopher Smith
Gladys R. Smith
Rober ta C. Smith
Sharon L. Smith
Shawn M. Smith
Frances R. Snook
Harold W. Solomon
Vasilike Sotiriou
Joline and Paul Soucy
Roland C. Soucy
Virginia W. Soule
Lorette Sousa
Donald R. Spalding
John J. Spanks, Jr.
Elizabeth and Werner Splettstoesser
Lois and Warren Sponsler
Marcella Spor tum
Rita and R. David Springs
Marguerite H. St. Cyr
Janet and Rober t St. Jean
David G. Stahl, D.M.D.
Rudi K. Standke
Bernadine E.D. Stanton
Linda and William Starace
Mary and James Starke
State Farm Insurance
Daniel H. Stearns
Russell Stearns
Rober t S. Steiner t
Catherine M Stetson
Bradley M. Stevens
Richard S. Stevens
Diane Steward
Barbara U. Stewar t
Diana Stewar t
Nita and James Stewar t
Kristina Stewar t
Kathryn and Henry Stober, Jr.
Arnold C. Stock
Jean Stockfleth
Dr. Janis Stoklosa
Linda Stone
Wilma Strachan
Angel Stracqualursi
Kelly J. Strang-Richard
Herman C. Streitburger
Barbara Strohm
Marjorie and Philip Struhsacker
Jeanne M. Sullivan
Sullivan Lodge #12
Delphine and Mitchell Sullivan
Walter A. Sullivan
Pia Sunderland
Andrew Supplee
Sheryl Sweet
Francis A. Swiech
Leo J. Sylvain
Michael J. Szelog
Felix J. Szymcik
Eva Taber
Eileen C. Taft
Monsignor Roland Tancrede
Lourdes and Bruce Tangarone
Ann Y. Taylor
Theresa and Frank Taylor
Ellie and Jess Taylor
Marion V. Taylor
Ruth P. Taylor
T-Bird Mini Market
TD Bank
Sean M. Teague
Maria and Dr. Kimball Temple
Peter D. TenBroeck
Heidi and Leighton Terwilliger
Rober t Therrien, Jr.
Alba Thomas
Patricia Thomas
Connie Thompson
Jill Thompson
Kenneth Thompson
Ruth M. Thompson
Dolores A. Thorng
A. Dorothy Thorp
Joanne and John Tierney
Timberlane-Sanborn Reg. R.T.A.
Ginny Timmons
Richard M. Tinglof
Geetha and Siram Todd
Lianne C. Tonry
Adrienne Topliffe
Mary Torrisi
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Helen and Joseph Tracey
Evelyn C. Trageser
Constance C. Tremblay
Arline and George Trudel, Jr.
Faith Mansell Trueax
Helen P. Tucker
Marylee and E. Philip Turcotte
Turnpike Auto Par ts
Ruth C. Tuttle
Helen and Stephen Ulicny
United Methodist Women
Ryan Urhar t
James C. Van Dongen
Janet and George Van Dyke
Geraldine and Vernon Van Grevenhof
Rober t L. Van Tichelt
Kathleen and Bruce Varney
James W. Varrill
Mar tin Vasmanis
Carolyn Vavreck
Shirley Vezina
VFW Auxiliary Post #799
Roland P. Vigneault
Helen and Kenneth Volk
Dorothy D. Walker
Marguerite and Earle Walker
Sheila and Raymond Walker
Rober t P. Walker
Stephen R. Walker
Jane and William Walsh
Paula Wanzer
Barbara and Alfred Ward
Jane W. Waterhouse
Jane R. Watson
John Webb
Margaret and Carl Weber
Peter Weber
Christine Webster
Kathleen and William Weibel
Gail Rae Welch
Alice D. Welcher
Judith A. Wells
Waneta A. Wells
Hannah Lacy West
Wilfred W. West
Ms. Bonnie S. Westfall
Patricia and James Wheeler
Maita A. Whipple
Ruth B. Whipple
Helen Whitcher
Nancy and Peter Whitcomb
Nancy J. White
Sandra and Kevin Whitney
Suzanne A. Whitney
Patricia R. Wickstrom
Ann and John Wilcox, Jr.
Barbara and Gerald Wilkins
Richard F. Willey
SMSGT. Ryan Willey and Family
Sandra H. Willey
Gloria and Thomas Willey
Richard C. Willgoose
Thomas E. Williams
William F. Wilmoth, Jr.
Carl Wilson
Douglas Wilson
Doreen and Ralph Wilson
Sharon and Richard Wilson
Eleanor and Allen Winecour
Frieda Winter
Madelaine and Frank Wiscarva
Marie Witham
Marilyn and Walter Wiwczar
Thomas F. Wolf
Gretchen A. Wolosz
Mark Wolosz
Faustina D. Wood
Marjorie P. Wood
Kathryn and Lon Woods
Patricia and Raymond Woolson
Ann M. Wright
Nancy and Philip Yeaton
Dorothy M. Zanni
Patricia and Rober t Zeamans
2 0 1 2
2 0 1 3
A Celebration of Life and Love
Contributors, July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
ACH YEAR , gifts are
made by friends of
Crotched Mountain
who wish to remember
someone special. These gifts
are in memory of, in honor of,
or in celebration of the lives of
family members, friends and
others who have touched the
donors’ lives in some way.
Crotched Mountain is pleased
to recognize the following
individuals whose lives we
celebrated over the past year.
John Barnes
Mary B. Waldo
Colleen Bedard
Father Keith and Maureen Mason
Richard C. Beeman
Susan J. Beeman-Hollins and
Rober t J. Hollins
Helen Brown
Helen and Herber t Brown
Richard “Clint” Burt
Nancy and Roy Davis
Mary Beth Carrier
Mary M. McGoldrick
Bessie Cuming
Victoria E. Mellon
Andrew Donovan
Phyllis and Frank Donovan
Arthur Dyer
David Burgess
Maria Drescher
Joseph H. Reiser t, Jr.
Elizabeth A. Fisk
Richard Fisk
Caitlin Gamboli
Anthony Gamboli
Elaine and Rober t Patzwall
Thomas Gaul
Dave Bar ton
Monique and Gary Brown
Donna Donovan
Thomas Driscoll
Terry Dundon
Justin Furbay
Richard Klepper
Kathleen Murphy
Nor thern Container Corporation
Peter Patti
Diana Stewar t
Kristina Stewar t
Stephen Westerlind
Lorraine Gill
Linda C. Gill
Sherri Hard
Patricia Thomas
Ted Heslam
Lance Cramer
Annie Hickmott
Linda and William Hickmott
Garrett Kelly
Kate and Steven Kelly
Elizabeth Kenney
Lyn E. Rosoff
Joseph Klucinec
Carol and Mark Correa
Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo P. Fallace
John T. Fallace
Our Daughter Leah and
Son-in-Law Brian
Marcia and Richard Keller
Christopher Limon, Recent Graduate
Holly and John Cratsley
Charlie and Diana MacVeagh
David Ruedig
Susan K. Mansfield
Margret H. Kolbjornsen
Elliot Mattheson
Pamela A. Wiggin and
Carol A. Barker
William C. Monbouquette
Darla Barss Monbouquette
Joseph Paladino
Scott Koskela
Jeffrey A. Robinson
Marsha E. Robinson
Kaitlin Rooney
Bette and Thomas Adams
Alexander M. Taft
Eileen C. Taft
Victims of Terror and Violence
Rev. Leonard R. Foisy
Animals have much to teach us.
A Farm School student welcomes
a newly hatched poult.
Edward Alikonis
Carol A. Keating
All Moms and Dads
Richard Proulx
Allison Amell
Alexander R. Amell
Elizabeth and Jack Van Arsdell
Sandra Henderson
Therese Auger
C. Jenkins
Kelly J. Strang-Richard
Scott Bartlett
Marion Skinner
Charlie Bates
Kenneth Foraste
Andrew Bavelas
Calliope Bavelas
James D. Bell
Pauline M. Bell
George Bellevue
Patricia and Rober t Jenkins
Jeffrey Bouchard
Jacqueline and Alber t Lang
Lucille A. Bevins
Jane and Allen Forbes
Carolyn Vavreck
Alice E. Brown
Virginia B. Durost
Debra Burrows
Althea Burrows
Paul R. Calkins
Rita M. Calkins
Garrett E. Cannon
Carol A. Keating
Marjorie M. Clark
Barbara Strohm
Doris L. Clay Kopanski
Theodore J. Kopanski
Jack Coakley
Carol A. Keating
Richard Colman
Julie Colman
Cote and Caveney Families
Ida T. Caveney
Alfred and Lucille Couturier
David A. Couturier
Rachel Crocker
Eva Taber
Robert Crossman
Jane R. Watson
Harold Davis
Bernadine E.D. Stanton
Louis Defazio
Yamilla Defazio
Juanita Violet Sivik
Dorothy “Dottie” K. DeFranzo
Valerie and Edward Ger tz
Sandra DeLuca
Pauline and Gus Stathis
Melissa Denning
Margaret Backus
Brian R. Dickey
Elizabeth and David Dickey
Judith N. Dow
Mary and James Barrows
Susan and George Cressey
Thomas DeLacey
B. Joyce Gilmore
Nancy and Rober t Holland
Gail and John Mintken
Joyce Pyne
Sarah and Jon Pyne
Richard Dubray
Barbara Dubray
Priscilla Edwards
Joel L. Ekstrom
Frances English
Henry H. Ferrell, III
Laura L. Estes
Jane and Donald Estes
Beth Fabbri
Dante Fabbri
Rosemary “Meme” Farnsworth
James Farnswor th
Al Fernald
Rose Fernald
Patricia Fitzgerald
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
Shirley E. Fogg
Christine and Woodbury Fogg
Marion Fortnam
Rober t W. For tnam
Eleanor D. Graichen
Judith and Ar thur Graichen
Norman F. Graichen
Judith and Ar thur Graichen
Grandma Rosa and Gigi
Jory Goodman
Harry A. Gregg
Katy and Chris Barnes
Dorothea B. Hall
Nancy August
Loretta Hammar
Faith Levesque
John C. Hanes III
John C. Hanes
Marion Hartwell
Sandra H. Willey
Jean E. Heath
Jeanne E. Heath
George P. Hicks
Nathalie J. Latulippe
Clint Hilliard
Jeanne E. Heath
Lillian I. Hogan
Joseph W. Hogan
William “Bill” Horan
Laura Allain
Endla and William Jackowski
McGuirk Children
Helen M. Johnson
Adrienne M. Johnson
Grover and Grace Joudrey
Ann and John Wilcox, Jr.
Ray Kaligian
Louise I. Gillis
Charlene Kamitian
Diane Bati
Ruth Kamitian
Diane Bati
June W. Kane
Charles F. Kane, M.D.
Eleanor Keefe
Richard P. Keefe, III
Don Kent
Beverly R. Finigian
Roger W. Kent
Blue Water Sailing Club
Gouverneur Savings and Loan
Miriam Kent
Sandra and Edmond Maurice
Grace Keshishian
Marlin R. Keshishian
Barbara Kizik
Debora and Rober t Kizik
Hannah Krom
Catherine M. Houlne
Arline and Adrien Lafond
Norm Lafond
Paul F. LaMontagne
Diana LaMontagne
Therese and Stephen Stepenuck
Rita A. Landry
Guy G. Landry
Henry S. Lawler
Mary Frances and Don Lawler
Mary P. Lawrence
Ernestine and Kent Lawrence
Richard Lawrence
Ernestine and Kent Lawrence
Diane and Andrew Newton
Flora L. LeClerc
Nancy and Normand Boisver t
Stephanie and James Dufoe
Nancy Haas
Jeannette LeClerc and
Michael LeClerc-Spier
Jean and John Longa
Susan and David Lougee
Barbara and Gordon Russell
Cur tis R. Smith
Kathryn and Lon Woods
Cynthia and William Yuknewicz
Thomas Zubricki
Kevin J. Lewis
Beverly L. Benoit
Basil S. Liamos
Jane Liamos
Carmen L. Light
Alcide G. Light
Joseph A. Lombardi
Jeanne A Lombardi
Daniel Mackey
June and Andrew Mackey
Richard D. MacQuiston
Pauline and Gus Stathis
Jill Matsumoto
Hon. Stephen Limon
Jeannette E. McCabe
William E. McCabe
Eleanor and James McGuirk
McGuirk Children
Jon Memolo
Louis Memolo
Jessie Merritt
Donna and Jeffrey Smith
John Merwin
Michael M. Ransmeier
Frank R. Milliken
Eleanor T. Milliken
Angelo V. Montrone
Donna and Jeffrey Smith
Howard V. Mooney
Alber ta R. Mooney
Alice A. Morris
Nancy Morris
Nathan Mountain
Dennis Schafer
Jennifer Munos
Norma and James Jerry
Farm School students get acquainted with a gentle goat.
My Family
Marcella Spor tum
My Mother
Ger trude G. Lepine
My Mother and Father
Thomas J. Keaveney
My Sister with Downs
Judith E. Ierlan
Newtown, CT, Kids and Teachers
Barbara Pardus
John O’Keefe
Mildred R. Cronin
Karen Pendleton
Christine Emma Linderman
“Pepper” the Cat
Clifford Mead
Kim Perron
Wilfred Perron
Peter and Alexandra Pleakas
Marian Pleakas
Virginia Pitts
Pam Cullen
Loretta Platt
James Platt
Stephen Popowski
Sally and Charles Popowski
Howard E. Pratt
Mary Leadbeater and
Michael Strack
Christina and David Lewis
James W. Pratt
Bernier Insurance, Inc.
Wesley A. Bigney
The Johns Hopkins University
Elaine and Richard Pratt
Tammy and Matthew Shea
Al Presto
William D. Fitzgibbon
Helen M. Guiheen
Mary Miller
Tessie and William O’Neill
Kathleen Sheehan
Kenneth Price
Jeannette R. P. LaPrad
Jacqueline and Thomas Rzasa
Janice Prive
Darlene and Royce Prive
Anthony J. Renzzulla
Theresa Gilman
Roland A. Rivard
Pearl J. Rivard
Muriel Russell
Janice and James Lecolst
Marie K. Ryder
Bob & Vera Sanecchiaro
Beatrice Rossi
Joan Seigars
Roseann Mar toccia
Daniel Sheldon
Kimberly L. Colson
Frankie Siega
Margaret and Francesco Siega
Dimitra Sklavounos
Allen Larrabee
Ann K. Larrabee
Eugene Slusser
Jon Slusser
John Smart
Bonita and Clint Clay
Maryanne and Michael Grondin
Daniel E. Morin
Mar tha Novak
Albert H. Smith
Rober ta C. Smith
Catherine H. Smith
Rober ta C. Smith
Reg Smith
Paul A. King, Jr.
Steve Smith
Debra and David Huffman
Catherine M. Stetson
Libert Sousa
Lorette Sousa
Robert W. Stevens
Mary Ann and Roderick Beaton
Carolyn A. Brown
Lynne and Paul Maloney
Beryl A. Matson
Gail and Ben Plummer
Elizabeth M. Ryan
Ruth B. Stewart
Barbara U. Stewar t
John G. Stowell
Sharon and Ronald Cole
Jacqueline Streitburger
Herman C. Streitburger
Edward J. Szewczyk
Kathryn and Alber t Trudeau
Dean Thorp
A. Dorothy Thorp
Treatment Given to All Youth
Ann M. Romanson
Edward and Dorothy Trudeau
Kathryn and Alber t Trudeau
William Turner
Rosemary and John Mazzone
Hendrika Van Dongen
James C. Van Dongen
Esther F. Warren
Hillary Holian
Kenneth P. Warren
Carol and William Eva
Hillary Holian
Patricia and Carl Ingelstrom
Verlie J. Washburn
Elizabeth and David Dickey
Winifred Welch
Frances R. Snook
Lauren E. Whitney
James W. Whitney
Gloria P. Willey
SMSGT. Ryan Willey and Family
Barbara Wilson
Carl Wilson
Gertrud Z. Wolf
Thomas F. Wolf
Eleanor B. Wolosz
Mary C. Brigham
Mildred L. Cummings
Ann D. Doyle
Judith and Michael Farrar
Gerald A. Garrity
Chester E. Ireland
Kirsten M. Ireland
Michael Kotel
Barbara and Gerald Latour
Wylma and George Lindberg
Dorothy F. McLoughlin
Michael Packard
Diane and John Reil
Ms. Savaria
Joanne and John Tierney
Patricia R. Wickstrom
Mark Wolosz
Laura Wolosz
Gretchen A. Wolosz
Paul Wolosz
Dr. Janis Stoklosa
Gretchen A. Wolosz
Donald Wood
Hazel L. Wood
Dale R. Wordelman
Pamela Nation
Zanga and Carrara Families
Josephine and Frank Carrara
2 0 1 2
2 0 1 3
Fred D. Hemenway Trust
Community Action Program
Harry K. and Frances D. Noyes
Community Services Council
Memorial Fund
John H. Adams
Helen Cooper
Ar thur Adler
The Keough Fund
Tristin and Nate Craigue
Theodore S. Bacon, Jr.
Mr. David W. Kiley, Jr.
Crotched Mountain Ski & Ride
Janet and Dr. Thomas Bolland
Lillian E. Morrison Estate
Marlene and Michael Damery
Edith Bowen
McGuirk Children
Bob Davie
Lorraine and Alan Cleland
Mildred W. and Charles P. Page Fund
Devine Millimet & Branch
Stanley D. Coombs
Rachel D. Melanson Estate
Disney Worldwide Outreach
Helen Goodwin Crathern
Roger Nash II Irrevocable Trust
Patricia Donahue
Joey Czernicki
Sarah Cogswell Irrevocable Trust
Jonetta Dunn
Elizabeth and David Dickey
Miss Mary E. Tuttle
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durban
Priscilla and Richard Goff
William L. Dunfey Charitable
Jana Dyer
Remainder Trust
Rober t W. Hall
Eastman Community Assoc.
Carol Erickson
Susan B. Isbell
Brian Jervis
Marilyn Priscilla Johnson
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Jonathan Eriquezzo
Marcia Kayser
BAE Systems Employees’ Matching
Kim Estes
Gifts Program
Mary and William Kiernan
Kathleen and Michael Etzel
Diane Eugair
David W. Kiley, Jr.
BAE Systems Land & Armaments
Rober t Kingston
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Feld Enter tainment
Carole and Alber t Loening
Fidelity Foundation
Diane and Richard Fink
Paul McGuirk
GE Foundation
Linda Flewelling
Mary and John McMahon
Give with Liber ty
Holle and Allen Forbes
Dorothy and Arnold Messenger
IBM Employee Services Center
Rachel French
David Miller
Intel Foundation
Sally Frizzell
Alber ta R. Mooney
Markem-Imaje Corporation
Ellen Frontira
Frederick K. Nichols
Microsoft Corporation
Claire Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Por t
Pew Charitable Trusts
Gardener’s Supply
Ronald M. Ramsey
Raytheon Company
Gretchen and Thomas Gaul
Rev. Alice Rober ts
Sun Life Financial
Sheri Gauthier
Lorene Gendron
Ralph T. Sayles
Donna and Jeffrey Smith
Sal Genualdo
Rober ta C. Smith
Giorgio’s Ristorante
Marilyn and Bruce Soper
Atkinson Police Depar tment
Diane Goddu
Howard and Dr. Carol Stoner
Bruce Auerbach
Callum Grant
Mary E. Tuttle
Hilde Baer t
Great New Hampshire Restaurants
Ruth B. Whipple
Jeannette and Lee Baker
Janet Green
Patricia Whitney
Valerie Barnes
Tobi Greim
Hilde Bear t
Bedford Village Inn
Philip Grisafi
Anne S. Frantz Revocable Trust
Bluegreen Corporation
John Gunn
Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust
Gail A. Bonski
Monica Hagelberg
Beatrice J. Ellison Trust
Michael A. Bonski
Marion Hamblett
The Blanche Hyslop Fund at
Boston Red Sox
George Hamsley
Larry Brigden
Laura Hatch
Charles A. and Jessie M. Brooks Trust
Althea Burrows
Marilyn Heath
Christine L. Beck Trust
Celebrities for Charity Foundation, Inc.
Wendy Jewitt
Cooke and Currie Fund
Leonard Cheney
Kathy Blake Dance Studios
Helen G. Crathern
Christian Par ty Rental
Bob Kelly
Douglass C. Heinmuller Estate
Shawntee Fugat and Randall Clark
Peggy Knight
E. Florence Smith Estate
The Common Man
The Boston Foundation
Elizabeth Whittemore Charitable Trust
Knit for a Cause
The Knitting Connection, Inc.
Frank W. Bar tlett Trust
James Labelle
Ernest O. Guer tin Trust
Linda and Roger LaDouceur
Florence B. Mudgett Trust
Patricia Langley
Alyssa Lappen
CM's accessible trails exercise the body, mind and spirit.
Gail Landy
Rober t Langis
Catherine Leaver
Meg Lanphear
Mark D. Leo
Allen Larrabee
Karen Maksymowych
Liz LaRose
Manchester Monarchs
Mark Leger
David C. Marshall
Debra and Mark Leo
Lillian P. Maynard
Jared Lewis
Judy Merkley
Joy Lewis
Rick Middleton
Linda Mikkola
Kathy Morrison
Terri Lombardi
Janet Zeller, U.S. Forest Service national accessibility manager, studies
a map of the eastern horizon on the Gregg Trail.
Beverly Munnis
Joan Crooker
Melvin Neary
Steve Crooker
S. Alice Pickett
Walk the halls and pathways of the
Crotched Mountain campus and you
will likely spot a number of people
wearing orange and blue lanyards with
badges that say “Volunteer.” Volunteers
play a big role in the lives of our
patients and students in so many ways.
Their service is an inspiration to us all.
We sincerely thank our volunteers for
their generous gifts of time, energy and
talent, and for their commitment to our
mission and the people we serve.
Patricia and James Piet
Janet Ackerman
Ann Prehemo
John Adams
Mike Egan
Ken Radick
Edith Allynn
Owen Ellerkamp
Carol Rawson
Iryna Aksyonova
Carole Ferguson
River of Life Church
Charles Auth
William Ferguson
Jeannette Rose
Laurel Auth
Casey Finner ty
Gwen Rumberg
Tom Badgley
Dan Fotter
Luciante and Dominic Salce
David Barnes
Tom Gaul
Terry Scott
Bonnie Bennett
Geoff Garfinkel
David Senechal
Heather Bierschenk
Charles Giacopelli
Janice Sheehan
Bruce Birenbaum
Terry Giacopelli
Jon Slusser
John Boardman
Noel Gillis
Camden Bock
Rob Gillis
Shylah Bogle
Rory Goff
Bianca Bonniwell
Phil Grisafi
New England Patriots Charitable
New Hampshire Fisher Cats
Norman Nickerson
Robin Norris
Pats Peak, Inc.
Elizabeth Peterson
Karen Smith
Southwest Airlines Co.
Richard Spear
Starlight Children’s Foundation of
Cindy Davenpor t
Linda and Paul Davis
Lyndsay Davis
Marcia Davis
Brian and Nan Donovan
Max Dorman
Tim Dutton
June Edwards
Sarah Ellis
Andrew Boule
Kim Grant
Doreen Boutin
Kyle Grant-Neary
Lerisa Bravo
Tara Greenblatt
Diane Brown
Kathy Guy-Van Guilder
Keith Brown
Molly Hajjar
Mick Brown
Alber t Harvey
Abigail Brusco
Michael Havey
Lisa Yell
Laurie Bryant
Nellia Hickerson
Yasvin Communications
Erica Bullock
Ethan Henderson
Jeff Burnett
Tim Hogue
Jenny Civitella
David Holmes
Faith Clasby
Donovan Hoy
Debbie Colpitts
Sarah Kangas
Bill Cossaboon
Leslie Kenney
Katie Cousins
Hyo-in Kim
Don Crooker
Bruce King
New England
Sun Life Financial
The Union Leader Corp.
Daniel W. Ward
Mark Wentwor th
Michael Whittaker
Virginia and James Wright
Christine Long
Reuben Lyons
Rober t Naughton
Sherrie Neilson
Catherine Long
Jeanne Kaczynski
Lukas Labedzki
Richard Mandeville
Margaret Manning
Tina Mappus
Lorna Marshall
Maija Massey
Karen McCormick
Brian McDonagh
Janet McEwen
Donna McKernan
Paul McKernan
Gary McRae
Cindal Menard
John and Gail Mintken
Alison Meltzer
John Miller
Jan Miller
Carol Moore
Marlana Mueller
Oliver Mutch
Dan Nelson
Stan Newsham
Michael Orr
Harry Payne
Carla Palmer
Brent Patterson
Tony Parisi
Dee Pelkey
Amanda Pierce
William Powell
Jeff Radin
Joan and Rick Raiche
Kit Rautio
Laura Redmond
Will Redmond
Sam Renaud
Colin Richi
Pam Richi
Donald Risley
Ellen Risley
Tyler Rodgers
Kevin Roux
Emilie Rudis
Lee Stefanik
People from businesses and organizations
throughout New Hampshire and
beyond provide Crotched Mountain
with their gifts of time to support our
people and programs. Students from
as far away as Michigan and as close
as Keene, NH dedicate a portion of
their breaks to support the children
and adults we ser ve. For the generous
commitments and the ser vice they
provide to Crotched Mountain, we thank
each and ever y person, as well as the
businesses and organizations who
make volunteerism a corporate value.
Mary Stefanik
Dublin School
Lorrie Rudis
Kin Schilling
Marcia Schwar tz
Alena Shellenbean
Joshua Sipe
Connor Smith
Dan Sousa
Peter Spain
Alex Stack
Kenny Stock
Phoebe Bride, Lillian Campbell,
Peggy Stokes
Caley Dempsey, Mylisha Drayton,
Chris Stroshine
Grant Holliday, Tymira Holman,
Bill Sweeney
Katharine Houde, Riley Jacobs,
Noah Taylor
Lizzie O’Rourke, Reef Rogers,
Dan Thompson
Erin Tourgee, Major Wheelock,
Scott Tucker
Lindsey Warren
Cristina Cerrone, Karishma Chopra,
Sarah Washburn
Jillian Hagenbush, Andrew Kuhlman,
Richard Welch
Justine Markey, Lisa Mar tin,
Marie-Claire Wheeler
Brianna McCullough,
Parker Wheeler
Christian Roehmer, Colleen Victor,
Pat Whitney
Sara Wyman
Cindy Yuknewicz
Luis Aranzabel, Chuck Bent,
Dan Geddes, Alison Gilroy,
Andrea Gott, Dayna Guldhauge,
Andres Tourgee, Lauren Paquette,
Joe Greenwood, Michael Haynes,
Erin Pirkey, Douglas Younie
Josh Hoaglund, Peter Hock,
Public Service of New Hampshire
Nancy Lockhar t, James Mitchell,
Bob Allen, Laurie Allen, Katie Dowling,
Randi Moriar ty, Stan Newshaw,
John King, Sue-Ellen Maher,
Scott Pratt, Diane Rideout,
Amy Miller, William Monty,
Tanya Robinson, Amy Scanlon,
Chester Sadoski
Amanda Schafer, Bob Sears,
St Mary’s Day of Caring
Kelsey Brenner, Olivia Deflumeri,
Brian Donovan, John Donovan,
Matt Donovan, Nan Donovan,
Nancy Willis
Vanderbilt University
Kristen Adams, Ilana Baron,
Molly Cowan, Ayana Lowry,
Vivian Perng, Adina Rosenberg,
Wesley Sun, Emily Tsoy,
Sydney Waitz-Kudla, Jimmy Wang
Jacob Dubois, Michelle Mancini,
Luke Warner, Mary Warner
University of Kansas
TD Bank
Carolina Gahn, Brieanna Harmer,
Lauren Arney, Madeline Dickerson,
Jacquelyn Blasik, Melanie Boisver t,
Cheryl Breton, Judith Coyne,
Grace Krause, Lacey McAlfee,
Allison Young
Tracy Dalessio, Diane DiCicco,
Stacey Donlon, Maureen Donovan,
Faith Duguas, Pam Gori, Heidi Gregory,
Tammy Griffin, Lorna Healey,
Paula HuIser, Brian Lefor t,
Melissa Maheu, Jennifer Morris,
Isadora Castros, Richard Delay,
Kim Paquette, Maura Pellissier,
Elise DeMichael, Susan Deschenes,
Michael Robinson, Janet Taft,
Dona Eatoxi, Julie Fister, Sabrina Fox,
Ben Wheeler, Theresa Wieszeck
Stephen Fox, Bryan Higgs,
Animals play a real and important role
in the life of Crotched Mountain’s
students, clients and patients in their
ability to bridge various therapies and
provide comfort. The following therapy
animals are valued members of the
Crotched Mountain Community.
Certified Therapy Horses
Linda Hughes, Jonathan Manley,
Rutgers University
Greg Massey, Grady McPhee,
Ginna Arora, Enrico Cabredo,
Jim McPhee, Owen McPhee,
Mar ty Miller, Stephen Miller,
Pat Nelson, Les Norman,
Jane Norman, Cameron Oliver,
Cammie Opre, Pierina Pacheco,
Marlene Paulsen, Maria E. Perez,
Doreen Rober tson, Terry Ann
Saint Towers, Zachary Silverman,
The summit of the Gregg Trail
offers views of three states.
Trevor Hanley, Ben Lee,
Jack McGovern, Barrett Nor ton,
Tanner Brolsma, Sarah Corapi,
Megan Wolf
National Day of Service
Gail Davis, Michael Di Russo,
Casey Linden, Samuel Mar tin
Monadnock Quilters’ Guild
Dennis Wright
Victoria Barnard, Kimberly Centorino,
Chris Fletcher, Kyler Hanley,
Elise Homan, Eric Kaxton,
Janet Wilcox
Tracy Wood
Krystal Avery, Dan Baker,
Clayton Coons, Jake Dunlap,
Anthony Crampi, Staci Herman,
Molly Witten, Owen Wood
Michigan State University
Serve With Liberty Mutual
Delaney Beaudois, Evan Boyd,
Dianna Sheridan, Josh Tuliano,
Miski Villalobos
Susanne Vogel
Peterborough Recreation Dept.
St. Anselm College Jazz Band
Mekenzie Mattheson, Kendall Naredo,
Jesseca Timmons
Rick Kanto, Ar thur Knight,
Harry Flores, Hope Fowler,
Mary Surprenant
Max Sturges, David Weber,
Amy Chen, Megan Doorly,
Certified Therapy Dogs
Katelin Fir th, Marlene Garzona,
Drummer Allyn
Michael Jetter, Merz Lim, Tiffany Lou,
Macy Meltzer
Gabriella Slomicz, Jennifer Stefanik,
Monk Stefanik
Betty Tran
Toven Stefanik
Saginaw State University
The Chickens and Roosters
Esha Howe, Rachel Janek,
of Fort Cluck
Krysta Livingston, Kayla Rudy,
Frank Welton, Joyce Welton
Jania Schank, Scarlett Simancek,
Shannon Smith, Crystal Swanson,
Rebecca Tomesek, Carrie Younkin
endowed funds have played
real and important roles in
the life of Crotched Mountain. They
provide a permanent revenue stream
that has sustained uncompromising
excellence in Crotched Mountain’s
people, programs and facilities. Over
time, as the endowment funds grow,
they provide an ever-increasing source
of income for designated programs
and services. Crotched Mountain is
truly grateful to those individuals and
families who have made these
extraordinary gifts that continue to
work to preserve our future.
Frederick Allen Arts and Craft Fund
Established in 1992 with a gift of $74,460 for
ar ts and crafts programs for students and
Edith Y. Babson Endowment
Established in 1982 through annual gifts from
a charitable lead trust to establish an
unrestricted endowment in support of
Lloyd G. Balfour Trust
Established in 1993 with a gift of $500,000
to endow a chair for Rehabilitative Medicine.
Elizabeth Griffin Bergh and
Norman Bergh Fund
Established in 1990 with a gift of $5,000 to
help patients and students celebrate holidays.
Lillian C.M. Bunker Fund
Established in 1997 with a bequest of $10,000
for the purchase of equipment for, or the
treatment of, children with hearing difficulties.
Albert E. and Clara F. Chorley Fund
Established in 1993 with a gift of $39,000
for Crotched Mountain’s dental clinic on the
Greenfield campus.
Clark Campus Maintenance Fund
Established in 1972 through a gift of
$529,000 from the Edna McConnell Clark
Foundation to endow the maintenance
needs of staff housing.
Harold and Mildred Gates Fund
Established in 1992 with a gift of $250,000
to be used for Crotched Mountain
Rehabilitation Center, including maintenance
and repair.
Given Fund
Established in 1968 with a gift of $500,000
to provide training in the disciplines and
techniques for the physical rehabilitation of
children with disabilities, with recipients to
be known as Given Graduates in
Christine Hall Fund
Established in 1980 for ongoing plant
maintenance and equipment acquisition
At CMS, experience is a
powerful teacher.
continues to need your help to
make our outstanding services
and programs available to the thousands
of children and adults we serve each
year. If you would like to make a gift to
help individuals with disabilities achieve
their goals, we would be most grateful.
Many companies will match their
employees’ gifts to a charitable
organization, thereby increasing your
gift to Crotched Mountain. If you are
interested, please see your human
resources office for further information.
For more information about the
various ways to make a gift, including a
personal illustration of the many
Farm School students collect sap each
year to make maple syrup.
favorable charitable tax advantages,
please contact:
Robert Heidel Trust
Established in 1983 with a bequest of
$88,000 for ongoing plant maintenance and
equipment acquisition.
Edith E. Hill Fund
Established in 1999 with a gift of $272,878
for the treatment, rehabilitation or education
of New England residents with a focus on
older students and elderly patients.
Austin I. and Winona V. Hubbard Fund
Established in 1997 with a gift of $1,926,241
to create a capital fund to be used as
Crotched Mountain designates.
Joseph E. Hudsick Fund
Established in 2005 through a $65,000
bequest to provide unrestricted suppor t for
programs and general operating expenses.
Great care has been taken to ensure
the accuracy of this report of
donations made to Crotched
Mountain during the fiscal year
July 2012 through June 2013. Please
report any errors or omissions to us
at 800.394.3311, as we would like the
opportunity to apologize and correct
our records.
Jane’s Trust Endowment
Established in 2007 with a gift of $40,000 to
provide funds for the Healing Ar ts programs
to benefit students and patients.
Lawler–Donahue Book Fund
Provides scholarships for books for nursing
education at an accredited school of nursing.
Dana and Ruth Merrill Memorial Fund
Established in the 1970s to provide funds for
the prompt purchase or repair of eyeglasses,
hearing aids or other personal needs of
young patients who lack funds to acquire
necessary items.
Lillian E. Morrison Fund
Established in 1989 through a bequest of
$300,000, the income of which is to be used
for equipment acquisition.
Rita Roy Memorial Fund
Established in 2008 with a gift of $46,117 to
suppor t low-income elderly persons in the
greater Manchester area through Crotched
Mountain Community Care and other similar
Students often take to the trails to
study natural systems.
2 0 1 2
2 0 1 3
Financial Statements
JULY 1, 2012 - JUNE 30, 2013 (unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
(in thousands)
Fiscal Year Ending June 30
Consolidated Statements of Operations—Unrestricted
(in thousands)
Cash and Other Current Assets
Net Accounts Receivable
Property, Plant and Equipment
Unrestricted Investments
at Fair Market Value
By Donors, Permanent Endowment
Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust
Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap
Charitable Gift Annuity Liability
Current Liabilities
Long-Term Liabilities
Other Long-Term Obligations:
Capital Advance Notes Due HUD
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets
Donor Restricted Funds:
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Care Management/Program Service
Special Services, Net
Rental Income, Net
Grant Revenue
Other Operating Revenue
Total Revenue, Gains, Other Support
Salaries and Benefits
Contracted Services
Depreciation and Interest
Total Expenses
Loss From Operations
( $3,947)
( $3,622)
Non-Operating Income (Expense)
Contributions and Bequests
Development Expenses
Complete audited financial statements are available upon request.
Investment Income
Net Realized Gains on Investments
Change in Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap
Other Non-Operating Income (Expense)
The Foundation is the beneficiary of several irrevocable charitable perpetual
trusts administered by others. In accordance with Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and
Contributions Made, the Foundation has recorded as an asset the fair
market value of its interest in the trusts as of June 30, 2013, of $8.1 million
and $8.5 million as of June 30, 2012.
( $143)
( $3,765)
Change in Net Unrealized Gains or (Losses)
on Investments
Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets
Net Assets: Unrestricted net assets represent sources that are currently
available for support of the operations of the Foundation and affiliates.
Temporarily restricted net assets represent resources that may be expended
by the Foundation based upon donor restrictions. Permanently restricted
net assets represent funds restricted by the donor to be maintained by the
Foundation in perpetuity.
Income from Outside Trusts
Net Assets Released from Operations
Guide to Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Excess of Revenues Over Expenses
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Supplies and Other
Total Non-Operating Income (Expense)
Total Net Assets
Room and Board, Tuition,
Satisfaction of Donor Restrictions
Investments at Fair Market Value:
Total Assets
Net Assets Released Due to
Donor Restricted Assets
By Donors, Specific Purposes
Fiscal Year Ending June 30
( $4,700)
Note: In addition to the unrestricted amounts above, the Foundation received and
expended restricted funds in fiscal 2013 as listed below.
Restricted Fund Activity (in thousands)
Contributions and Bequests
Investment Income
Net Realized Gains on Investments
Change in Net Unrealized Gains or
Losses on Investments
Net Assets Released for Operations
Net Assets Released for Capital Expenditures
Excess of Revenues Over
Expenses (Restricted)
( $885)
crotchedmountain.org 603.547.3311
[email protected]

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