
"One of the greatest achievements
of our time in the history of science."
— PROFESSOR MAX H. FISCH, University of Illinois
Professor of Histology and Embryology,
Cornell University
HIS monumental study, the product of twenty years of research, focuses on the life and work of Marcello Malpighi,
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history of biology. The core of the book is the first English translation of Malpighi's two revolutionary dissertations on the development of the chick. Supplementing the translation are
twenty-eight excursuses which trace major developments in
embryological research up to the time modern concepts began to
emerge. The excursuses include long excerpts —in the original language and in English translation — from the classic works of such
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Wolff, and Carl Ernst von Baer. The book also contains the first
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language since 1847.
As a chief resource in the study of the history of science, and as
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more than one and a half
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• 4 full-page portraits
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• 137-page analytical index
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2,000 titles)
• 4 appendixes
$200.00 the set
Cornell University Press ITHACA,NEWYORK
/ . Embryol. exp. Morph. 16, 2
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Spemann, H. & Mangold, H. (1924). Ober Induktion von Embryonalanlagen durch Implantation
artfremder Organisatoren. Arch, mikr. Anat. 100, 599-683.
Dalcq, A. (1941). L'Œuf et son dynamisme organisateur. Paris: Albin Michel.
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