2015 wholesale pricebook - Star Spangled Novelties
2015 wholesale pricebook - Star Spangled Novelties
2015 WHOLESALE PRICEBOOK 995 S. Parkview Circle, Mosinee WI 54455 Phone: 715.693.1200 Fax: 715.693.1207 StarSpangledNovelties.com [email protected] ry r a C e W the Y L N O NDS A R B T S E B ks! r o w e r i F of AND MORE!! ! !! ! 995!S.!Parkview!Circle!! !!Mosinee,!WI!54455! ! [email protected]! ! ! www.StarSpangledNovelties.com!! _____________________________________________________________________________________! NO MINIMUM ORDER CUSTOMER PICK-UP WELCOME APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED ! PRICE!STRUCTURE:! !!!! Discount)1)rate!is!for!purchases!of!more!than!$1,000!or!25!cases.!!! Discount)2)rate!is!for!customers!purchasing!less!than!$1,000!or!fewer!than!25!cases.!!Once!$1,000!or! 25!cases!is!reached,!the!balance!of!the!calendar!year!will!be!at!discount!rate!one.! ! ORDERS!AND!SHIPPING:! Have!your!fireworks!shipped!directly!to!your!location.!!Star!Spangled!Novelties!ships!nationwide!via! common!carrier.!!Fireworks!are!not!allowed!to!ship!via!USPS!or!UPS.!!!All!shipments!ship!common! carrier!with!regional!service!as!soon!as!next!day!with!most!states!1V5!shipping!days!depending!on! distance.!!Please!call!or!email!for!an!estimate!of!shipping!time.!!Please!include!your!zip!code.!! Shipping!costs!vary!by!order!weight,!number!of!pallets!included!in!order!and!zip!code.!!Residential! delivery!and!special!delivery!instructions!will!add!to!shipping!costs.!!Check!you!order!in!carefully!as! all!shorts!and!damages!are!the!responsibility!of!the!carrier,!not!Star!Spangled!Novelties.! ! TERM!OF!SALE:! All!items!are!sold!on!a!first!come!first!served!basis.!!No!items!will!be!held!without!full!payment.!!No! item(s)!will!be!shipped!without!full!payment!(including!shipping!costs).!!We!accept!cash,!credit!card,! checks!(with!approval),!cashier’s!check,!money!order,!electronic!fund!transfer.!! NO!PRODUCT!RETURNS.!!NO!REFUNDS.! IMPORTANT:! This!merchandise!is!sold!and!shipped!on!the!representation!of!the!buyer!that!the!same!will!be!used! strictly!in!accordance!with!the!laws!of!the!state,!county,!and!city!of!destination.!!This!merchandise!is! sold!upon!the!condition!that!the!seller!shall!not!be!liable!in!any!civil!action!for!accident!or!injury! occasioned!during!the!transportation,!handling,!storage!or!use!of!the!merchandise.! ! ! INVENTORY!SUBJECT!TO!CHANGE.!!ITEMS!WILL!SELL!OUT.! FO R BEST SELECTIO N O RDER EARLY ) ON-LINE STOCK LIST UPDATE REGULARLY _____________________________________________________________________________________! PhoneV715V693V1200,!FaxV715V693V1207! Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty 79.64 72.00 59.25 59.76 62.44 63.40 49.08 48.00 45.68 55.88 62.60 72.60 72.60 72.60 72.92 68.08 50.48 57.96 68.96 81.04 56.32 51.60 66.32 83.52 69.56 39.08 97.84 63.80 69.20 60.36 67.32 80.54 62.40 86.16 69.76 64.64 65.08 60.12 65.76 39.65 60.96 62.92 59.48 41.31 58.48 57.64 50.52 66.68 53.94 79.28 76.60 67.98 74.08 19.91 18.00 19.75 14.94 15.61 15.85 12.27 24.00 11.42 13.97 15.65 18.15 18.15 18.15 18.23 17.02 12.62 14.49 17.24 20.26 7.04 17.20 16.58 20.88 17.39 19.54 24.46 15.95 17.30 15.09 16.83 40.27 7.80 21.54 17.44 16.16 16.27 20.04 21.92 39.65 15.24 15.73 14.87 13.77 14.62 14.41 8.42 16.67 8.99 19.82 19.15 22.66 18.52 Item Description 13087 13127 BM15107 BM15123 CD15073 CE10022 CE11025 CE15651 CE15671 CE15681 CE15691 CE15711 CE15721 CE15731 CE15751 CE15811 CE16061 CE16071 CE16111 CE16151 CE16181 CE16191 CE16201 CE16202 CE16203 CE16204 CE16207 CE8243 CE834SM KM-835 KM-850 KM-851 KM13435 KM15035 KM15114 KM15137 KM15147 KM15150 KM15156 KM15159 KM15204 KM15262 KM15266 KM15305 KM15306 KM15315 KM15405 KM15420 KM15439 KM15464 KM15465 KM8802 MWC15081 500 GRAMS 4 One Bad Mother/Really 16 Shot 4/1 4 Extreme Machine/Big Time 36 Shot 4/1 3 King of the Road 3/1 4 American Intensity 4/1 4 Sexy Rider 4/1 4 CE90 4/1 4 Gunsmoke 4/1 2 Legends & Killers 2/1 4 Unleash the Power 4/1 4 Patriotism 4/1 4 United We Stand 4/1 4 Captain Pyro 4/1 4 Final Cut 4/1 4 Safety Rules 4/1 4 Get Some 4/1 4 Boy of Summer 4/1 4 Last Stand 4/1 4 Holy Cow 25 shot 4/1 4 USA 500g 41 shot 4/1 4 Frozen Stare 21 shot 4/1 8 No Replacement Found 8/1 NEW 3 Unnecessary B.S. 3/1 NEW 4 Melt Down 4/1 NEW 4 CE DC 4/1 NEW 4 Nuclear Disaster 4/1 NEW 2 Nuke Active 2/1 NEW 4 Independence Day 4/1 NEW 4 Pyro Power 4/1 4 Rain Maker 4/1 4 Not in My Yard 16 Shot 4/1 4 The in Laws/One Bad Mother In Law 4/1 2 Peacock 2/1 8 Angry Beaver 8/1 NEW 4 Too Damn Good 4/1 4 Chicken on a Chain 4/1 4 Fighting Rooster 4/1 4 Gorilla Warfare 4/1 NEW 3 Legend 3/1 3 Get Out of Here 3/1 1 Black Dynamite 1/1 4 Pyro Panther 4/1 4 Loud and Legal 4/1 4 Dead Man's Voyage 4/1 3 Captain Jake 3/1 NEW 4 High Def 4/1 NEW 4 Fast Food 4/1 NEW 6 Courtesy of The Red, White and Blue 6/1 NEW 4 ORK Skull 4/1 NEW 6 Future Warrior 6/1 NEW 4 Dangerous Minds 4/1 NEW 4 Kill Bill 4/1 NEW 3 Loyal to None/Skulls & Crossbones 3/1 4 Midnight Sunburn 4/1 88.52 80.00 65.85 66.40 69.40 70.48 54.56 53.34 50.76 62.12 69.56 80.68 80.68 80.68 81.04 75.68 56.12 64.40 76.64 90.08 62.64 57.36 73.72 92.80 77.32 43.44 108.72 70.92 76.92 67.08 74.80 89.50 69.36 95.76 77.52 71.84 72.32 66.81 73.08 44.06 67.76 69.92 66.12 45.90 65.00 64.08 56.16 74.12 59.94 88.12 85.12 75.54 82.32 22.13 20.00 21.95 16.60 17.35 17.62 13.64 26.67 12.69 15.53 17.39 20.17 20.17 20.17 20.26 18.92 14.03 16.10 19.16 22.52 7.83 19.12 18.43 23.20 19.33 21.72 27.18 17.73 19.23 16.77 18.70 44.75 8.67 23.94 19.38 17.96 18.08 22.27 24.36 44.06 16.94 17.48 16.53 15.30 16.25 16.02 9.36 18.53 9.99 22.03 21.28 25.18 20.58 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 1 62.00 56.00 62.00 47.00 49.00 50.00 39.00 75.00 36.00 44.00 49.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 53.00 40.00 45.00 54.00 63.00 22.00 54.00 52.00 65.00 54.00 61.00 76.00 50.00 54.00 47.00 53.00 125.00 25.00 67.00 55.00 51.00 51.00 63.00 68.00 123.00 48.00 49.00 47.00 43.00 46.00 45.00 27.00 52.00 28.00 62.00 60.00 71.00 58.00 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty 64.60 74.36 75.85 85.98 74.22 77.76 62.08 67.48 77.32 69.40 72.56 73.96 68.52 86.28 55.44 74.64 86.88 68.16 73.16 73.16 56.04 55.74 76.38 65.85 82.40 82.40 73.20 69.64 79.59 53.96 55.36 56.04 55.90 54.72 63.20 72.68 63.20 63.20 63.20 71.20 73.44 65.40 68.94 77.92 73.26 44.50 81.84 48.14 61.36 79.68 71.04 51.30 64.44 55.72 66.84 70.76 48.80 16.15 18.59 25.28 14.33 12.37 19.44 15.52 16.87 19.33 17.35 18.14 18.49 17.13 21.57 13.86 9.33 10.86 17.04 9.15 9.15 14.01 27.87 12.73 21.95 20.60 20.60 18.30 17.41 19.90 13.49 13.84 14.01 13.98 13.68 15.80 18.17 15.80 15.80 15.80 11.87 9.18 16.35 11.49 9.74 12.21 22.25 20.46 48.14 15.34 9.96 35.52 12.83 10.74 13.93 22.28 17.69 48.80 Item Description MWC15083 WC15058 WC15059 BC6268 BC6292 BC6295 BC6322 BC6323 BC6324 BP2046 BP2049 BP2071 BP2192 BP2279 BP2381 BP2384 BP2385 BP2401 BP2450 BP2451 BP2457 BP2464 BP2478 BP2479 BP2485 BP2486 BP2497 BP2507P BP2511 BP2554 BP2526 BP2458 BP2587 BP2597 BP2975 BP2985 BPA013-1 BPA013-2 BPA013-3 SS9902 FS208 FS536 FS5402 FS5403 FS5409 FS5509 FS5526 FS583 FS588 FSD07 LBM-29 LBM-85 LBM-J16 LBM-J19 LBM128 LBM130 LC0601 500 GRAMS 4 Asian Sensation 4/1 4 American's Celebration /The Great One 4/1 3 Pure Seduction 3/1 6 Bangin' Hard 6/1 6 Competitor Beware 6/1 4 Breaking Out 4/1 4 BC Heavy Metal 4/1 4 BC Street Fight 4/1 4 BC Big Pimpin' 4/1 4 Baby Boomer 4/1 4 Oktoberfest 36 Shot 4/1 4 Firefly 4/1 4 High and Mighty 4/1 4 Airboss 4/1 4 Feud 4/1 8 Dino DoDo 8/1 8 Firedrake 8/1 4 Star Chamber 4/1 8 Current Events 8/1 NEW 8 Irish Legend 8/1 NEW 4 High Falutin' 4/1 2 Psych O Delic 2/1 6 Hoopla 6/1 3 Rabble Rouser 3/1 4 Boombastic 4/1 4 Mastermind 4/1 4 Juggernaut 4/1 4 Out Of The Park 4/1 4 Western Sky 4/1 NEW 4 Peak Performance 12 Shots 4/1 NEW 4 Speed Trap 13 Shots 4/1 NEW 4 Hit the Road, Jack 49 Shots 4/1 NEW 4 Night Flight 4/1 NEW 4 Hustle Bustle 4/1 NEW 4 Blond Joke 4/1 4 Parrot's Prattle 4/1 4 Atom Bomb 36 Shot 4/1 4 Hydrogen Bomb 36 Shot 4/1 4 Neutron Bomb 36 Shot 4/1 6 Get'n Busy 6/1 NEW 8 Maximum Combustion 8/1 NEW 4 Shiner 4/1 NEW 6 Boom Box 6/1 NEW 8 Lady Luck 8/1 NEW 6 Smokin' Hot 6/1 NEW 2 Rock It 2/1 NEW 4 Loud and Proud 4/1 NEW 1 183 Degrees 1/1 NEW 4 Fierce 4/1 NEW 8 Cosmic Boom 8/1 NEW 2 750 Saturn 2/1 4 Right Choice 4/1 6 Above and Beyond 6/1 NEW 4 On the Prowl 4/1 NEW 3 Big Rack Club 3/1 4 Intensity 4/1 1 Delta Army 1/1 71.80 82.64 84.30 95.58 82.50 86.40 69.00 75.00 85.92 77.12 80.64 82.20 76.16 95.88 61.60 82.96 96.56 75.76 81.36 81.36 62.28 61.94 84.90 73.17 91.56 91.56 81.36 77.40 88.44 59.96 61.52 62.28 62.12 60.80 70.24 80.76 70.24 70.24 70.24 79.14 81.60 72.68 76.62 86.64 81.42 49.46 90.96 53.49 68.20 88.56 78.94 57.00 71.64 61.92 74.28 78.64 54.23 17.95 20.66 28.10 15.93 13.75 21.60 17.25 18.75 21.48 19.28 20.16 20.55 19.04 23.97 15.40 10.37 12.07 18.94 10.17 10.17 15.57 30.97 14.15 24.39 22.89 22.89 20.34 19.35 22.11 14.99 15.38 15.57 15.53 15.20 17.56 20.19 17.56 17.56 17.56 13.19 10.20 18.17 12.77 10.83 13.57 24.73 22.74 53.49 17.05 11.07 39.47 14.25 11.94 15.48 24.76 19.66 54.23 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 2 51.00 58.00 79.00 45.00 39.00 61.00 49.00 53.00 60.00 54.00 57.00 58.00 54.00 67.00 43.00 29.00 34.00 53.00 29.00 29.00 44.00 87.00 40.00 69.00 64.00 64.00 57.00 54.00 62.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 44.00 43.00 49.00 57.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 37.00 29.00 51.00 36.00 31.00 38.00 69.00 64.00 150.00 48.00 31.00 111.00 40.00 34.00 44.00 70.00 55.00 152.00 Item LC0604 LC0667 LC3504 LC9510 LC9532 LC9536 LC9540 LC9556 MEZ0002 P5317 P5331 P5345 P5346 P5350 P5356 P5359 P5361 P5364 P5390 P5391 P5395 P5396 P5399 P5400 P5413 P5415 P5420 P5426 P5433 P5441 P5442 P5443 P5445 P5450 P5452 P5453 P5454 P5455 P5458 P5460 P5462 P5463 P5465 P5466 P5467 PS58060 PS58073A PV231 PYK6104 PYK6108 PYK6110 PYK6114 PYK6119 Description American Pride 1/1 Iceland Warrior 16 Shot 8/1 Bad Ass 6/1 No Bool Sheet 4/1 Command Operation 4/1 Hell, It's About Time 4/1 What's Up DAWG 4/1 Field of Screams 4/1 Special Forces 4/1 220 Amazing Ballet 1/1 Road to America 1/1 USA Conqueror 192 shot 1/1 Jester's Revenge 1/1 Super Stunt 4/1 Super Kung Fu 4/1 Jumping Skier 4/1 Defender 2/1 Mr. Power 2/1 Swamp Gator 4/1 Wishing Star 2/1 Tuff Stuff 3/1 War Stopper 2/1 Jail Bait 4/1 Thump Junkie 4/1 Big Mother Clucker 3/1 Pyro Heaven 2/1 Super Bad 2/1 Get 'ur Motor Runnin' 4/1 To The Extreme 4/1 The Heat Is On 4/1 Pretty Pretty 4/1 Daring Debra 3/1 Game On 3/1 Country Crazy 4/1 NEW Neon Bang 500g 4/1 Steal The Show 4/1 Sky Beauty 4/1 NEW Dominator 4/1 Thunder Canyon 2/1 Pyro Idol 4/1 Rock The Night 4/1 NEW Fat Lady 4/1 NEW Triple Treat 4/1 NEW Big Papi 2/1 NEW Can't Touch This 4/1 NEW Tantrum 4/1 NEW Get Lucky 4/1 NEW Pro Pac #3 4/1 Abnormal Normal 4/1 Breaking Point Finale 8/1 Classic Cool #2 4/1 Demo Special #1 4/1 Classic Cool #6 6/1 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty 48.00 64.72 54.18 69.04 51.56 61.16 56.28 57.00 91.80 47.64 47.09 67.98 81.63 77.76 78.76 69.92 49.94 71.56 61.72 48.86 71.76 58.38 86.84 84.00 64.26 46.88 67.64 57.20 54.04 63.00 75.08 68.25 73.02 70.32 92.12 81.28 76.08 81.28 55.94 82.28 82.88 82.08 84.60 84.70 67.56 83.48 53.92 82.05 83.20 85.10 75.05 63.60 90.10 48.00 8.09 9.03 17.26 12.89 15.29 14.07 14.25 22.95 47.64 47.09 67.98 81.63 19.44 19.69 17.48 24.97 35.78 15.43 24.43 23.92 29.19 21.71 21.00 21.42 23.44 33.82 14.30 13.51 15.75 18.77 22.75 24.34 17.58 23.03 20.32 19.02 20.32 27.97 20.57 20.72 20.52 21.15 42.35 16.89 20.87 13.48 20.51 20.80 10.64 18.76 15.90 15.02 500 GRAMS 1 8 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 4 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 6 53.34 71.92 60.24 76.72 57.32 67.96 62.56 63.36 102.00 52.94 52.33 75.54 90.70 86.40 87.52 77.72 55.50 79.52 68.60 54.30 79.74 64.88 96.52 93.36 71.40 52.10 75.16 63.56 60.08 70.00 83.44 75.84 81.15 78.16 102.36 90.32 84.56 90.32 62.16 91.44 92.12 91.20 94.00 94.12 75.08 92.76 59.92 91.20 92.48 94.56 83.40 70.68 100.14 53.34 8.99 10.04 19.18 14.33 16.99 15.64 15.84 25.50 52.94 52.33 75.54 90.70 21.60 21.88 19.43 27.75 39.76 17.15 27.15 26.58 32.44 24.13 23.34 23.80 26.05 37.58 15.89 15.02 17.50 20.86 25.28 27.05 19.54 25.59 22.58 21.14 22.58 31.08 22.86 23.03 22.80 23.50 47.06 18.77 23.19 14.98 22.80 23.12 11.82 20.85 17.67 16.69 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 3 149.00 26.00 28.00 54.00 40.00 48.00 44.00 45.00 72.00 148.00 146.00 211.00 254.00 61.00 62.00 55.00 78.00 111.00 48.00 76.00 75.00 91.00 68.00 66.00 67.00 73.00 105.00 45.00 42.00 49.00 59.00 71.00 76.00 55.00 72.00 63.00 59.00 63.00 87.00 64.00 65.00 64.00 66.00 132.00 53.00 65.00 42.00 64.00 65.00 33.00 59.00 50.00 47.00 Item Description Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 2 Price Retail Qty PYK625 PYK623 PYK627 PYK633 PYK656 PYK658 PYK670 PYK695 WH5073 Y63-034 Y63-074-2 Y63-074-3 Y63-173 Y63-174 ZF-2001 Major Riot 16 Shot 4/1 Pyro Overdrive 4/1 Gold Fever 49 Shot 4/1 Thirsty Thursday 33 shot fan 4/1 Scatterbrain 4/1 Party Like a Rock Star 24 shot 3/1 Nice Rack 12 Shot 3/1 Hot to Trot 12 Shot 4/1 It's Good 4/1 NEW Titan's Fury 18 shot 6/1 Thunder Driver 16 Shot 6/1 Super Suplex 16 Shot 6/1 Silent Killer 6/1 NEW Collector Edition 8/1 NEW B.S. 1 8/1 500 GRAMS 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 CE907 J100 J101 J102 J103 J104 J105 KM14018 MWC0054 MWC0118 BC6238 BC6315 BC6329 MEBC5801 0008-12 BF905 BP2442 BP2919 BPA036 LS206 LS515-12 LS611 LS618 LS8008 LS802 LS821 LS9008 MEJP-926 MEJP-928 MEWP-651 P-0008-6 P5084 P8003 P8023 P8025 P8027 P8029 PV300 PV310 PYK712 Hard Core Pyro 2/60 NEW WC Trilogy 6/12 Goliath 4/36 Excalibur 6/24 United We Stand 3/48 Sir Lancelot 16/6 King Arthur 8/12 Backyard Hero 2/84 NEW Critical Acclaim 8/10 The Instigator 84 shot 1/1 Sky Ink 12/8 BC Diablo 6/24 BC Diablo 4/4/6 Magnum W/Tail 12/12 Small Festival Balls 15/12 Pro Shells 4/24 Up Roar 12/6 American Chief 12/12 Smoke & Mirrors 4/3/6 American Trip 8/1 NEW Jackpot 6/12 Assorted Artillery Battlefield 2/1 The Truly Cool 2/1 Small Festival Balls 15/6 Excelsior 4/36 Taste My Venom 12/6 Balls of Fire 12/12 Black Knight Reload 6/20 Commando 4 3/30 Black Mamba 6/20 Small Festival Balls 15/6 Top Five Single Tubes 16/5 NEW Super Bomb Shells 6/12 Outclass Shell 6/12 Depth Alone 8/8 Absolute Power 12/6 Echo in the Ear 12/6 Artillery Shells 15/12 Shotgun Shells 12/12 Maximum Exposure 12/12 ARTILLERY 2 6 4 6 3 16 8 2 8 1 12 6 4 12 15 4 12 12 4 8 6 2 2 15 4 12 12 6 3 6 15 16 6 6 8 12 12 15 12 12 1 Price 77.15 78.48 95.35 85.02 83.96 67.05 91.02 60.98 53.92 70.62 76.44 75.06 75.90 78.08 75.52 19.29 19.62 23.84 21.26 20.99 22.35 30.34 15.25 13.48 11.77 12.74 12.51 12.65 9.76 9.44 85.76 87.20 105.96 94.48 93.32 74.52 101.16 67.76 59.92 78.48 84.96 83.40 84.36 86.80 83.92 21.44 21.80 26.49 23.62 23.33 24.84 33.72 16.94 14.98 13.08 14.16 13.90 14.06 10.85 10.49 60.00 61.00 74.00 66.00 66.00 70.00 95.00 48.00 42.00 37.00 40.00 39.00 40.00 31.00 30.00 168.52 142.14 163.28 178.00 178.68 148.22 147.10 201.16 99.52 152.35 113.76 195.96 140.56 149.28 54.60 124.00 108.36 84.72 103.80 87.28 45.00 166.86 498.00 45.60 151.08 86.28 48.48 158.70 159.36 174.36 47.70 125.92 60.96 60.78 74.88 69.24 124.08 82.89 93.12 128.00 84.26 23.69 40.82 29.67 59.56 9.26 18.39 100.58 12.44 152.35 9.48 32.66 35.14 12.44 3.64 31.00 9.03 7.06 25.95 10.91 7.50 83.43 249.00 3.04 37.77 7.19 4.04 26.45 53.12 29.06 3.18 7.87 10.16 10.13 9.36 5.77 10.34 5.53 7.76 10.67 187.26 157.98 181.44 197.82 198.54 164.80 163.52 223.52 110.64 169.28 126.48 217.74 156.20 165.96 60.75 137.80 120.48 94.20 115.36 97.04 50.04 185.40 553.34 50.70 167.88 95.88 53.88 176.34 177.09 193.74 53.10 140.00 67.74 67.56 83.20 77.04 137.88 92.10 103.56 142.32 93.63 26.33 45.36 32.97 66.18 10.30 20.44 111.76 13.83 169.28 10.54 36.29 39.05 13.83 4.05 34.45 10.04 7.85 28.84 12.13 8.34 92.70 276.67 3.38 41.97 7.99 4.49 29.39 59.03 32.29 3.54 8.75 11.29 11.26 10.40 6.42 11.49 6.14 8.63 11.86 262.00 74.00 127.00 92.00 185.00 29.00 58.00 312.00 39.00 473.00 30.00 102.00 109.00 39.00 12.00 97.00 28.00 22.00 81.00 34.00 24.00 259.00 772.00 10.00 118.00 23.00 13.00 82.00 165.00 91.00 10.00 25.00 32.00 32.00 30.00 18.00 33.00 18.00 25.00 34.00 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 4 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty Item Description PYK723 SW522 SW821 SW824 SW830 W515B W515M W518A W520 Y70-037 ARTILLERY 2 Blaster Shells 2/48 12 Carnival Artillery Shells 12/12 6 Zillionaire 6/2/6 6 Sword of Damascus 6/12 12 Fix'n To Fire 12/12 12 Assorted Artillery Shell 12/6 4 Mixed USA Artillery 4/3 *W515B, W515A, W520 12 Crackling Artillery 12/6 12 Whistling Buster Artillery 12/6 6 The Strafe 6/12 NEW CE900 CE901 KM401 KM402 KM810AST KMA12SS KMA13 KMA19 KMA21 KMA22 ATBBPP6S ATBC029 ATBCNGT BPA046 P0017 P0022 P0026 P0030 P0031 PV105 PV110 PV121 PV122 PV123 PV124 PV125 PV143 PV217 PV219 PV220C PYK152 Bone Shaker 1/1 Incinerator 1/1 King Assortment 4/1 USA Assortment Tray 4/1 Armageddon 1/1 Downtown Dazzle 2/1 NEW Stars & Stripes 6/1 Laying Down The Law 2/1 More For Your Money 8/1 Killer Value 8/1 Party Pack #6 S & S 4/1 Pyro #3 S & S 8/1 Night Display 1/1 Brothers Container Load 1/1 Flying Space 6/1 Mars Attack Assorted 1/1 Proud Adam 12/1 Rock the Boat 4/1 High & Dry 2/1 Firework Pail 16/1 SNS Blast Bucket Lg Asst. 6/1 SNS Fireworks Asst. #1 Tray 18/1 SNS Fireworks Asst #2 tray 12/1 SNS Fireworks Asst. #3 Tray 9/1 SNS Fireworks Asst. #4 Tray 6/1 SNS Fireworks Asst. #5 Tray 4/1 SNS Valu Asst. Poly Bag 18/1 SNS Roman Candle Assortment 10/1/12 Poly Bag Weekender Assortment 8/1 Pro Pack #1 Asst 1/12 Pyro Pack #6 12/1 box KM1305 BC503 BC504 BC505 BC512 BB-T6515 BP3049 BP3094 LR1118 P0018 PYK405 Roman Candle Asst 12/12 Kaleidescope Kandle 54/4 The Handful Roman Candle 36/5 Gatlin Pack 8/9 Mini Pearl Candle 40/10 Bad Boy Candles 24/6 Crazy Aces 24/4 Pyro Paint Ball 21/10 Legends Assortment Roman Candle 24/4 Roman Candle Poly Pack 10/1 Hot & Wild 24/4 ASSORTMENTS 1 1 4 4 1 2 6 2 8 8 4 8 1 1 6 1 12 4 2 16 6 18 12 9 6 4 18 10 8 1 12 CANDLE 12 54 36 8 40 24 24 21 24 10 24 152.00 69.48 100.38 101.22 134.16 43.08 43.08 45.00 45.00 118.56 76.00 5.79 16.73 16.87 11.18 3.59 10.77 3.75 3.75 19.76 168.90 77.28 111.54 112.50 149.16 47.88 47.88 50.04 50.04 131.76 84.45 6.44 18.59 18.75 12.43 3.99 11.97 4.17 4.17 21.96 236.00 18.00 52.00 53.00 35.00 12.00 34.00 12.00 12.00 62.00 330.04 123.25 169.24 134.88 135.87 75.22 120.48 169.56 95.44 77.36 168.88 168.80 86.65 219.00 102.48 103.37 61.32 86.28 63.40 93.20 74.64 134.35 120.15 113.60 94.90 102.10 94.05 52.10 91.25 61.20 79.40 330.04 123.25 42.31 33.72 135.87 37.61 20.08 84.78 11.93 9.67 42.22 21.10 86.65 219.00 17.08 103.37 5.11 21.57 31.70 5.83 12.44 7.46 10.01 12.62 15.82 25.53 5.23 5.21 11.41 61.20 6.62 366.72 136.95 188.08 149.88 150.97 83.58 133.92 188.40 106.08 86.00 187.68 187.60 96.28 243.34 113.88 114.86 68.16 95.88 70.46 103.68 82.98 149.40 133.56 126.27 105.48 113.48 104.58 57.90 101.44 68.00 88.32 366.72 136.95 47.02 37.47 150.97 41.79 22.32 94.20 13.26 10.75 46.92 23.45 96.28 243.34 18.98 114.86 5.68 23.97 35.23 6.48 13.83 8.30 11.13 14.03 17.58 28.37 5.81 5.79 12.68 68.00 7.36 1,024.00 383.00 132.00 105.00 422.00 117.00 63.00 263.00 37.00 30.00 131.00 66.00 269.00 679.00 53.00 321.00 16.00 67.00 99.00 19.00 39.00 24.00 32.00 40.00 50.00 80.00 17.00 17.00 36.00 190.00 21.00 48.92 99.36 85.32 68.96 66.00 24.89 77.28 86.73 88.23 77.90 74.24 4.08 1.84 2.37 8.62 1.65 1.04 3.22 4.13 3.68 7.79 3.09 54.36 110.70 95.04 76.64 73.60 27.84 85.92 96.39 98.16 86.60 82.56 4.53 2.05 2.64 9.58 1.84 1.16 3.58 4.59 4.09 8.66 3.44 13.00 6.00 8.00 27.00 6.00 4.00 10.00 13.00 12.00 25.00 10.00 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 5 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty Item Description SCR400 SMC140 SMC141 SRC612 SVR33 SVR34 T6515 CANDLE 10 Shogun Power Candle Asst. 10/6 12 Shogun Cyber Candle 140 shot w/spike 12/1 8 Mega Cyber Candle 8/1 24 Cherry Bombards 24/4 20 Shogun Rocket Candle Pack Asst. 20/1 10 Shogun Rocket & Roman Candle Asst 10/1 24 10 Ball Roman Candle 24/6 CE0062-10 CE0662-8 CE7201ABC BC269 P3049 P3051 Helena Volcano #10 36/2 St. Helena Volcano 20/4 Cone Fountain No. 4 24/3 Glitter Cones 18/4 Asst. USA #3 Conic Cone 144/1 USA #5 Conic Cone Spring Blossom 96/1 54.80 53.52 73.20 79.44 79.80 97.00 25.44 5.48 4.46 9.15 3.31 3.99 9.70 1.06 60.90 59.52 81.36 88.32 88.80 107.80 28.32 6.09 4.96 10.17 3.68 4.44 10.78 1.18 17.00 14.00 29.00 11.00 13.00 31.00 4.00 82.08 73.80 50.88 75.84 64.82 76.80 2.28 3.69 2.12 4.21 0.45 0.80 91.44 82.00 56.64 84.42 73.44 85.44 2.54 4.10 2.36 4.69 0.51 0.89 8.00 12.00 7.00 14.00 2.00 3.00 FIRECRACKERS 32 8 32 12 24 8 8 36 100 40 24 12 40 24 100 48 80 100 100 40 78.72 39.68 42.56 68.35 68.35 62.35 63.85 72.72 61.00 66.40 78.24 48.72 40.40 48.72 51.20 56.16 68.80 45.00 45.00 47.80 2.46 4.96 1.33 5.70 2.85 7.79 7.98 2.02 0.61 1.66 3.26 4.06 1.01 2.03 0.51 1.17 0.86 0.45 0.45 1.20 87.68 44.16 47.36 75.96 76.08 69.28 70.96 81.00 68.00 74.00 87.12 54.24 45.20 54.24 57.00 62.40 76.80 50.00 50.00 53.20 2.74 5.52 1.48 6.33 3.17 8.66 8.87 2.25 0.68 1.85 3.63 4.52 1.13 2.26 0.57 1.30 0.96 0.50 0.50 1.33 8.00 16.00 5.00 18.00 9.00 25.00 25.00 7.00 2.00 6.00 11.00 13.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 FOUNTAINS 4 9 40 4 4 36 12 18 40 40 40 12 12 4 16 73.12 55.44 65.60 54.80 63.60 40.68 66.12 97.02 37.20 37.20 37.20 41.28 37.60 46.60 50.24 18.28 6.16 1.64 13.70 15.90 1.13 5.51 5.39 0.93 0.93 0.93 3.44 3.13 11.65 3.14 81.28 61.65 73.20 60.92 70.68 45.36 73.56 107.82 41.60 41.60 41.60 45.96 41.88 51.80 55.84 20.32 6.85 1.83 15.23 17.67 1.26 6.13 5.99 1.04 1.04 1.04 3.83 3.49 12.95 3.49 57.00 20.00 6.00 43.00 50.00 4.00 18.00 17.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 11.00 10.00 37.00 10.00 CONES CE6532 Lady Crackers 32/40/40 NEW KM-101 Dyno Mighty Mite 8/7 KM539 Class Cracker 32/488 BC101-12/80/1 Flashlight Firecrackers 12/80/16 BC101-24/40/1 Flashlight Firecrackers 24/40/16 BC101-8/10/20 Black Cat 8/10/200 BC101-8/20/10 Flashlight Firecrackers 8/20/100 BC104 1/2 Stick Smoking Cracker 36/12 BC105 Little Dynamite 100/100 BC114 Black Cat Mega Salute 40/36 BC115 BC String of Fire 24/500 LA1280B Uncle Sam's Legend Cracker 12/80/16 LA150B Silver Cracker, M-150 40/36 LA640B Uncle Sam's Legend Cracker 24/40/16 P1002 Tornado Cracker 100/100 P1010 Handle Tuff Cracker 48/3 PM700C M-Bullet Boy 80/18 SWB100 Water Bomb 100/100 SWB100A Bad Boy Cracker 100/100 Y15-023A M-88 Silver Cracker 40/36 BM11345 BM3001 CE11416 CE11731 CE11741 CE11821 CE11831 CE12055 CE708 CE709 CE710 CE712 CE718 CE732 JM11350 One Big Fountain 4/1 Majestic 9/1 Taste The Rainbow 40/1 NEW Amazing 4/1 Dream Catcher 4/1 Prepare For Takeoff 36/1 Bare Knuckle Fighting 12/1 Reaper 18/1 NEW Night Owl Fountain 40/1 Bull Whip Fountain 40/1 Armadillo Fountain 40/1 High Ball Fountain 12/1 Ship Wrecked 12/6 Celestial Fountain 4/1 Frosty Mug 'O Beer 16/1 36 20 24 18 144 96 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 6 Item KM11302 KM12053 KM3002 KM3004 KM708 KM7101 KM735 MWC0024 MWC0040 MWC056 MWC062 MWC18 MWC360 MWC400 MWFTN11383 BC2006 BC2008 BC2009 BC201 BC2014 BC2015 BC2040 BC2045 BC2100 BC2123 BC2129 BC214 BC2153 BC2161 BC2173 BC2174 BC2175 BC2176 BC2177 BC2178 BC2180 BC2186 BC2195 BC2196 BC2197 BC2202-72 BC2202-36 BC2203 BC2205 BC2206 BC2207 BC230 BC255 BC313-04 BP4260 BP4264 BP4268 BP4277 Description Frisky Star Burst Fountain 36/1 Nightmare 6/1 NEW Most Wanted 12/1 Bigger Than Life Fountain 8/1 On The Fritz 36/1 Pip Squeak 40/1 Fish Out Of Water 12/1 Girl Power 30/1 Tsunami 24/1 One Unbelievable Fountain 4/1 Never Ending Fountain 24/1 Behemoth 9/1 Lemon Lime Delight 12/1 World Strongest Fountain 18/1 Tropical Fantasy 18/1 Super Soldier 16/4 Pot of Gold 36/1 Pop Goes the Fountain 36/1 BC 7" Assorted Fountains 24/6 Cuckoo 36/4 Killer Bees 24/4 Mini Pyro Fountain 60/1 Four Assorted 9" Fountains 18/4 The Great Barrier Reef 8/4 Storm Warning 72/5 The Silver Streak 36/1 Assorted 9" Fountain 18/4 Moonshine 2/15 Tiki Mon 24/1 Ammo Clip 36/6 Fountastic 40/1 Cybertron 60/1 Highway to Hell 12/1 1.21 Gigawatt Fountain 24/1 Little Big Show 32/1 Brooklyn Bridge 4/1 That's Toxic 6/1 Margarita 36/1 Kaboodle 36/1 Hot Sauce 40/1 Gamma 72/1 Gamma 36/1 Quiet 24/1 Cat Fight 24/1 Neon Lights 6/1 Tropical Thunder 6/1 Mammouth Fountain 24/1 Ratta Tat Tat 36/1 XLG California Candle 24/4 Krazy Klock 12/1 Pure Fantasy 36/1 Dark Science 6/1 Big Foot 12/1 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty FOUNTAINS 36 6 12 8 36 40 12 30 24 4 24 9 12 18 18 16 36 36 24 36 24 60 18 8 72 36 18 2 24 36 40 60 12 24 32 4 6 36 36 40 72 36 24 24 6 6 24 36 24 12 36 6 12 39.96 65.34 66.84 78.88 54.72 37.20 56.76 63.90 77.04 83.32 83.72 79.29 62.64 80.28 69.66 76.00 74.16 76.15 80.00 63.00 52.56 60.00 82.08 85.44 76.32 72.00 87.48 67.24 104.88 120.60 62.80 148.20 75.84 100.32 118.72 61.88 68.76 61.20 55.44 64.40 71.28 40.68 61.20 69.36 61.14 53.40 79.20 73.44 77.28 77.52 79.20 63.54 58.92 1.11 10.89 5.57 9.86 1.52 0.93 4.73 2.13 3.21 20.83 3.49 8.81 5.22 4.46 3.87 4.75 2.06 2.12 3.33 1.75 2.19 1.00 4.56 10.68 1.06 2.00 4.86 33.62 4.37 3.35 1.57 2.47 6.32 4.18 3.71 15.47 11.46 1.70 1.54 1.61 0.99 1.13 2.55 2.89 10.19 8.90 3.30 2.04 3.22 6.46 2.20 10.59 4.91 44.64 72.60 74.28 87.68 60.84 41.60 63.12 71.10 85.68 92.60 93.12 88.11 69.60 89.28 77.40 84.48 82.44 84.96 89.04 70.20 58.56 67.20 91.26 94.96 84.96 80.28 97.20 74.72 116.64 134.28 70.00 165.00 84.36 111.60 132.16 68.76 76.44 68.04 61.92 71.60 79.20 45.36 68.16 77.28 67.98 59.34 88.08 81.72 85.92 86.16 88.20 70.62 65.52 1.24 12.10 6.19 10.96 1.69 1.04 5.26 2.37 3.57 23.15 3.88 9.79 5.80 4.96 4.30 5.28 2.29 2.36 3.71 1.95 2.44 1.12 5.07 11.87 1.18 2.23 5.40 37.36 4.86 3.73 1.75 2.75 7.03 4.65 4.13 17.19 12.74 1.89 1.72 1.79 1.10 1.26 2.84 3.22 11.33 9.89 3.67 2.27 3.58 7.18 2.45 11.77 5.46 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 7 4.00 34.00 18.00 31.00 5.00 3.00 15.00 7.00 10.00 65.00 11.00 28.00 17.00 14.00 12.00 15.00 7.00 7.00 11.00 6.00 7.00 4.00 15.00 34.00 4.00 7.00 16.00 105.00 14.00 11.00 5.00 8.00 20.00 13.00 12.00 48.00 36.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 9.00 32.00 28.00 11.00 7.00 10.00 21.00 7.00 33.00 16.00 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty 50.04 47.88 64.80 56.52 54.00 56.88 50.88 44.14 58.50 75.60 41.22 48.12 80.10 50.40 53.24 54.24 45.72 48.24 43.80 72.18 57.12 49.95 84.60 57.60 66.96 60.48 84.84 63.48 55.36 74.28 63.00 46.80 81.18 93.12 55.92 48.60 40.50 48.69 58.08 48.00 51.84 4.17 3.99 5.40 1.57 2.25 1.58 2.12 11.04 3.25 1.26 2.29 4.01 4.45 1.05 13.31 1.13 1.27 1.34 3.65 4.01 2.38 5.55 2.35 2.40 5.58 2.52 7.07 10.58 13.84 6.19 5.25 2.60 4.51 3.88 2.33 4.05 2.25 2.71 2.42 2.00 4.32 55.68 53.28 72.00 63.00 60.00 63.36 56.64 49.08 65.16 84.00 45.90 53.52 89.10 56.16 59.16 60.48 51.12 53.64 48.72 80.28 63.60 55.53 94.32 64.08 74.40 67.20 94.32 70.56 61.52 82.56 70.08 52.02 90.36 103.68 62.16 54.00 45.00 54.18 64.56 53.52 57.60 4.64 4.44 6.00 1.75 2.50 1.76 2.36 12.27 3.62 1.40 2.55 4.46 4.95 1.17 14.79 1.26 1.42 1.49 4.06 4.46 2.65 6.17 2.62 2.67 6.20 2.80 7.86 11.76 15.38 6.88 5.84 2.89 5.02 4.32 2.59 4.50 2.50 3.01 2.69 2.23 4.80 13.00 13.00 17.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 35.00 11.00 4.00 8.00 13.00 14.00 4.00 42.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 12.00 13.00 8.00 18.00 8.00 8.00 18.00 8.00 22.00 33.00 43.00 20.00 17.00 9.00 14.00 13.00 8.00 13.00 7.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 14.00 66.72 50.40 102.72 127.76 86.94 92.40 2.78 0.84 25.68 10.65 4.83 7.70 74.16 56.40 114.16 141.96 96.66 102.72 3.09 0.94 28.54 11.83 5.37 8.56 9.00 3.00 80.00 34.00 15.00 24.00 56.76 58.20 58.20 58.20 60.84 44.80 4.73 1.94 1.94 1.94 5.07 5.60 63.12 64.80 64.80 64.80 67.68 49.84 5.26 2.16 2.16 2.16 5.64 6.23 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 16.00 18.00 Item Description BP4290 BP4291 BP4292 BP4293 BP4294 BP4295 BP4298 BP4510 FH29 LF8022 P3012 P3021 P3039 P3042 P3044 P3045 P3046 P3047 P3050 P3061 P3066 P3067 P3070 P3073 P3081 P3084 P3085 P3104 P3105 P4001 PYK809 SF60X SF700 SF827 SF882 SF884 SFHN89X SFHN90X W427 WB4011 Y22-195 FOUNTAINS 12 Little John 12/1 12 Smithereens 12/1 12 Buzz Saw 12/1 36 Highballin' 36/1 24 Krakatoa 24/1 36 Hurly-Burly 36/1 24 Extra Zesty 24/1 4 Party Pyrometer 4/1 18 Mega California Torch Candle 18/1 60 Sword from Hell 60/1 18 Wave Maker 18/1 12 Heavy Rhinoceros 12/1 18 Cityview Fountain 18/4 48 Brilliant Shower 48/1 4 Palm Party 4/3 48 Dream Flower 48/1 36 Wonderland Fountain 36/1 36 Bouquet Fountain 36/1 12 Assorted 3 X 8 Fountain 12/3 18 Backyard Painter 18/1 24 Ground Bloom Fountain 24/1 9 Happy Panda 9/1 36 Noisy Boys 36/6 24 Dancing With Ghost 24/1 12 Blue on Blue 12/1 24 Bad Boys 24/1 NEW 12 Ballerina's Ball 12/1 NEW 6 Fire Fighter 6/1 4 Acrobatic Monkey 4/1 12 Fire Explosion 12/3 12 Take Me Home 12/1 18 Shogun Asst. 6" Fnt. HN60 18/4 18 Extreme Weather Fountain 18/4 24 Jumping Jelly Bean 24/1 24 Bigger, Badder, Brighter, Better 24/4 12 Loud and Clear Fountain 12/1 18 Shogun Asst. 7" Fountain (full power) 18/4 18 Shogun Asst. 9" Fountain (full power) 18/4 24 Space Lamp 24/4 24 Skyscraper Fountain 24/1 12 Party Animal 12/1 NEW KM1508 KM1519 MWC1517 MSZ200 MS406 Y21-026 Sidewinder Missile 24/1 Strike Missile 60/1 10" Star Shooter Missile 4/4/6 10" Thor W/Report 12/12 X-Wing Missile 6" 18/12 12" XXI Missile 12/6 MISSILES 24 60 4 12 18 12 BM13266 BM133036 BM133041 BM133045 BM13309 CE14831 Boiling Point 12/1 NEW Check it Out 30/1 Sudden Exposure 30/1 Power Up 30/1 All In 12/1 Hear This 8/1 MULTISHOTS 12 30 30 30 12 8 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 8 Item CE14841 CE14851 CE14861 CE14871 CE14931 CE14941 CE14951 CE14961 CE14991 CE15001 CE15011 CE8127 CE8228 CE8231 CE8235 CEK1130C400 CET2507-48 CET2521 KM13343 KM13391 KM13404 KM13417 KM13418 KM13419 KM13423 KM13432 KM13515 KM812AST KMB858861 MWC0060 MWC0119 BC6030 BC6248 BC6269 BC6279 BC6317 BC6321 BC665 0057-19 0530B 0530L 0704-19 BP2001 BP2002 BP2098 BP2115 BP2120 BP2132 BP2154 BP2181 BP2183 BP2190 BP2240 Description Power Zone 8/1 Deadly Ground 8/1 Back Off 16/1 Dawg Tired 16/1 Lion Soul 16 shot 16/1 Truck Yeah 16/1 Keep Digging 16/1 Joy Ride 18/1 INFAMY 12/1 Happy Clown Bomb 12/1 Drain Bamaged 12/1 NEW Live Wire 8/1 Vertical Limit 12/1 Making History 12/1 Plum Crazy 6/1 Invasion 8/1 400 Shots 48 Shot Color Pearl Flower 80/1 96 Shot Color Pearl 40/1 Money Box 8/1 NEW Red Star 12/1 NEW Honey Badger 8/1 NEW Mama's Boy - Skull Camo 6/2 NEW Just Hangin 12/1 NEW The Cowboy 12/1 NEW Think Twice 16/1 NEW Bite Your Tushy 12/1 NEW Road Trip 12/1 NEW Boomer 6 Assortment 16 shot 3/6 Brew Crew 6/4 Crazy Exciting 12/1 Motor Mouth 12/1 Willow 10's 16/1 Assorted 16's Comet Cake 12/5 Maximum Impact 8/1 Going Haywire 12/1 Walkin' Dead 20/1 Bloody Hell 8/1 Atom Splitter 9 Shot 16/1 Festival Ball 19 Shot 12/1 LG Twitter Glitter 18/4 XL Twitter Glitter 18/1 Coconut Grove Song 12/1 Martin Bomber 24/1 Super Stallion 24/1 Bling, Bling 12/1 Daffodil 24/1 Luck 'O the Irish 12/1 Night Vision 12/1 Killer Alligator 8/1 Super Stock Car 12/1 Matrix Pyro 12/1 Welder 24/1 Instant Replay 12/1 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty MULTISHOTS 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 18 12 12 12 8 12 12 6 8 80 40 8 12 8 6 12 12 16 12 12 3 6 12 12 16 12 8 12 20 8 16 12 18 18 12 24 24 12 24 12 12 8 12 12 24 12 50.32 47.28 63.25 63.25 58.24 57.76 59.20 75.96 61.56 61.56 64.56 45.36 46.08 41.64 49.56 49.20 44.20 45.60 54.72 65.52 73.84 73.62 66.84 66.84 54.72 81.72 67.20 80.90 39.48 92.52 66.00 86.24 101.89 63.92 84.48 86.20 60.80 64.00 63.00 51.48 46.98 60.46 74.88 74.88 66.96 74.88 65.52 98.16 63.44 76.32 87.96 81.36 65.88 6.29 5.91 3.95 3.95 3.64 3.61 3.70 4.22 5.13 5.13 5.38 5.67 3.84 3.47 8.26 6.15 0.55 1.14 6.84 5.46 9.23 12.27 5.57 5.57 3.42 6.81 5.60 26.97 6.58 7.71 5.50 5.39 8.49 7.99 7.04 4.31 7.60 4.00 5.25 2.86 2.61 5.04 3.12 3.12 5.58 3.12 5.46 8.18 7.93 6.36 7.33 3.39 5.49 55.92 52.56 70.40 70.40 64.80 64.32 65.92 84.42 68.40 68.40 71.76 50.40 51.24 46.32 55.08 54.72 49.60 50.80 60.80 72.84 82.08 81.84 74.28 74.28 60.80 90.84 74.76 89.91 43.92 102.84 73.44 95.84 113.28 71.04 93.96 95.80 67.60 71.20 70.08 57.24 52.20 67.20 83.28 83.28 74.40 83.28 72.84 109.08 70.56 84.84 97.80 90.48 73.20 6.99 6.57 4.40 4.40 4.05 4.02 4.12 4.69 5.70 5.70 5.98 6.30 4.27 3.86 9.18 6.84 0.62 1.27 7.60 6.07 10.26 13.64 6.19 6.19 3.80 7.57 6.23 29.97 7.32 8.57 6.12 5.99 9.44 8.88 7.83 4.79 8.45 4.45 5.84 3.18 2.90 5.60 3.47 3.47 6.20 3.47 6.07 9.09 8.82 7.07 8.15 3.77 6.10 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 9 20.00 19.00 13.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 12.00 11.00 26.00 20.00 2.00 4.00 22.00 17.00 29.00 39.00 18.00 18.00 11.00 22.00 18.00 84.00 21.00 24.00 18.00 17.00 27.00 25.00 22.00 14.00 24.00 13.00 17.00 9.00 9.00 16.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00 17.00 26.00 25.00 20.00 23.00 11.00 18.00 Item BP2339-16 BP2378 BP2392 BP2422 BP2423 BP2427 BP2434 BP2460 BP2774 BP2815/U BP2838/U BP2905 BP2924 BPA020 FS2401 FS2402 FS2506 G-T2516 LC1609 LC3201 LC3202 LC3203 LC3204 LC7238 LC901 MEWP-634 P5010 P5011 P5012 P5098 P5107 P5108 P5109 P5111 P5118 P5120 P5121 P5122 P5123 P5125 P5126 P5127 P5129 P5133 P5134 P5135 P5138 P5139 P5142 P5147 P5153 P5607 PS29036 Description Denver 12/1 AF One 24/1 Grand Canyon 24/1 Magic Carpet 12/1 All Jazzed Up 12/1 Clowning Around 8/1 Tough Stuff 12/1 Stop N Go 12/1 Call From Outerspace 18/1 Magnificent Festival 12/1 Mechanical Bug 8/1 Red White Blue Salute 12/1 Wild West 12/1 All Star Action 2/4 Super Duper 12/1 NEW Cloud 9 12/1 NEW No Bull 12/1 NEW Magical Barrage 10/4 Legend Super 4 Pack 9/4 Hit Team 24/1 Key Break 24/1 Heavy Metal 24/1 Good Ride 24/1 Pryo Front 8/1 NEW Garden in Spring 40/1 Fireworks Fiesta 12/1 Mercurial Bee 24/1 Bump Bear 24/1 Dragon Chrome 24/1 Fascinating Cake 12/1 Angels Rising 18/1 Broken Heart 8 Shot 24/1 Great Expectation 24/1 Cracking Mine 18/2 Strong Man 12/1 Out of Control 8/1 Pure Pleasure 8/1 Eye Candy 8/1 Straight Shooter 12/1 Cherry Bomber 10 shot 12/1 Big N Bad 8/1 Bull Ride 8/1 Flash Baby 16 shot 8/1 16's Caution Cool Effect 3/3 Home Run 12/1 Super Duper 12/1 Avalanche 12/1 Moody Blue 12/1 Simon Summon 10/1 Thermal Blast 12/1 Winter Blast 12/1 NEW Creature Revenge 12/1 Sweet Spot 12/1 NEW Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty 50.28 73.20 71.76 70.44 70.44 61.28 64.68 68.64 78.66 65.64 68.64 72.48 69.36 59.88 73.44 77.64 40.50 59.20 76.86 62.52 62.52 62.52 62.52 48.40 45.60 88.09 66.24 68.88 64.32 63.36 52.38 60.48 65.52 51.12 58.44 52.24 48.56 45.28 62.04 55.92 50.32 45.04 56.00 66.51 73.56 66.36 60.72 70.08 57.70 60.12 54.48 61.56 79.92 4.19 3.05 2.99 5.87 5.87 7.66 5.39 5.72 4.37 5.47 8.58 6.04 5.78 29.94 6.12 6.47 3.38 5.92 8.54 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 6.05 1.14 7.34 2.76 2.87 2.68 5.28 2.91 2.52 2.73 2.84 4.87 6.53 6.07 5.66 5.17 4.66 6.29 5.63 7.00 22.17 6.13 5.53 5.06 5.84 5.77 5.01 4.54 5.13 6.66 MULTISHOTS 12 24 24 12 12 8 12 12 18 12 8 12 12 2 12 12 12 10 9 24 24 24 24 8 40 12 24 24 24 12 18 24 24 18 12 8 8 8 12 12 8 8 8 3 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 55.92 81.36 79.92 78.36 78.36 68.16 71.88 76.32 87.48 72.96 76.32 80.64 77.16 66.54 81.60 86.28 45.00 65.80 85.41 69.60 69.60 69.60 69.60 53.84 50.80 97.92 73.68 76.56 71.52 70.44 58.32 67.20 72.96 56.88 65.04 58.08 54.00 50.32 69.00 62.16 55.92 50.08 62.24 73.92 81.84 73.80 67.56 77.88 64.20 66.84 60.60 68.40 88.80 4.66 3.39 3.33 6.53 6.53 8.52 5.99 6.36 4.86 6.08 9.54 6.72 6.43 33.27 6.80 7.19 3.75 6.58 9.49 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 6.73 1.27 8.16 3.07 3.19 2.98 5.87 3.24 2.80 3.04 3.16 5.42 7.26 6.75 6.29 5.75 5.18 6.99 6.26 7.78 24.64 6.82 6.15 5.63 6.49 6.42 5.57 5.05 5.70 7.40 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 10 13.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 19.00 24.00 17.00 18.00 14.00 17.00 27.00 19.00 18.00 93.00 19.00 21.00 11.00 19.00 27.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 19.00 4.00 23.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 17.00 10.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 16.00 21.00 19.00 18.00 17.00 15.00 20.00 18.00 22.00 69.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 19.00 18.00 16.00 15.00 16.00 21.00 Item Description Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty MULTISHOTS 12 PYK601 Crashing Rainbow 25 Shot 12/1 12 PYK603 Hot, Hot, Hot 36 shot 12/1 12 PYK604 Coconut Tree 12/1 12 PYK605 Super Crackling Rainbow 12/1 12 PYK607 Pyro Alert 12/1 24 PYK609 Wild Stallion 16 Shot 24/1 18 PYK612 Saturn Missile 200 Sot 18/1 12 PYK6131 Turn It Loose 12/1 12 PYK614 Saturn Missile 300 Shot 12/1 10 PYK6140 In The Mood 10/1 12 PYK615 City Crasher 12/1 8 PYK621 Gold Brocade Bash 12 shot 8/1 12 PYK622 F-16 12/1 24 PYK638 Cosmic Raider 24/1 12 PYK644 Buck Fever 25 Shot 12/1 12 PYK686 Buck Hunter 12/1 NEW 24 PYK694 Armored 16 shot 24/1 18 SM2015 Star & Stripes 18/1 36 SSM0958 Autumn Drizzle 19 shot 36/1 30 SSM1130-100 Saturn Missile Battery 30/1 18 SSM1130-200C Crackling Saturn Missile Battery 200 shot 18/1 30 SSM1130-25 Saturn Missile Battery 30/4 12 SSM1130-300C Crackling Saturn Missile 300 Shot 12/1 30 SSM1130L-24 Jumbo Saturn Missile 30/1 8 SSM172 Blue Me Up 200g 8/1 8 SSM175 Airforce One 8/1 24 SSM2006 Mighty Cobra 24/1 6 SSM217 Top It Off 200g 6/1 18 SSM221 Get Crackin 18/1 NEW 18 SSM222 Alter Ego 18/1 NEW 36 SSM5058 Animal Dancing Shell 36/1 36 SSM912 Thunder Storm 36/1 40 SSM930 Desert at Night 40/1 12 WH2104 Pandora's Box 12/1 NEW 80 Y23-170 Color Pearl 48 shot 80/1 50 Y23-172 Kaleidoscope 9 shot 50/1 10 Y23-173 Color Pearl 96 shot 10/4 8 Y23-203 Exotic Mash 19 Shot 8/1 BF115 BF219 BF222 BF25 BF7002 BM16023 BM16058 BM16059 BM1611 BM1632 BM1633 BM2227 KM1653 KM65432 BC213 BC302 Iraq Attack 24/1 Rover 36/1 Firecracker One 48/1 Big Spender 48/1 Normandy Landing Craft 54/1 Jumbo Crackling Ball 12/12/6 Hen House 60/4 Chicken Blowing Balloon 24/12 Climbing Panda 24/6 Tank with Report 40/12 Tank W/Stars 40/12 Poopy Puppy 2/144 Crackling Balls 16/12/6 Sky Lanterns 36/1 Flashing Signal 12/24/6 Attack Vehicles 60/4 NOVELTIES 24 36 48 48 54 12 60 24 24 40 40 2 16 36 12 60 76.56 74.90 86.24 72.52 85.08 82.16 71.12 94.00 71.45 63.10 71.45 61.10 74.10 87.84 79.99 71.64 76.80 68.15 79.20 54.90 65.52 56.70 64.08 54.00 57.92 67.60 51.84 55.98 122.76 125.85 51.12 61.20 47.20 78.60 44.90 44.50 45.80 63.92 6.38 6.24 7.19 6.04 7.09 3.42 3.95 7.83 5.95 6.31 5.95 7.64 6.18 3.66 6.67 5.97 3.20 3.79 2.20 1.83 3.64 1.89 5.34 1.80 7.24 8.45 2.16 9.33 6.82 6.99 1.42 1.70 1.18 6.55 0.56 0.89 4.58 7.99 85.08 83.28 95.88 80.64 94.56 91.44 79.20 104.52 79.44 70.20 79.44 67.92 82.44 97.68 88.92 79.68 85.44 75.78 88.20 61.20 72.90 63.00 71.28 60.00 64.40 75.12 57.60 62.22 136.44 139.86 56.88 68.04 52.80 87.36 50.40 49.50 50.90 71.04 7.09 6.94 7.99 6.72 7.88 3.81 4.40 8.71 6.62 7.02 6.62 8.49 6.87 4.07 7.41 6.64 3.56 4.21 2.45 2.04 4.05 2.10 5.94 2.00 8.05 9.39 2.40 10.37 7.58 7.77 1.58 1.89 1.32 7.28 0.63 0.99 5.09 8.88 20.00 20.00 23.00 19.00 22.00 11.00 13.00 25.00 19.00 20.00 19.00 24.00 20.00 12.00 21.00 19.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 17.00 6.00 23.00 27.00 7.00 29.00 22.00 22.00 5.00 6.00 4.00 21.00 2.00 3.00 15.00 25.00 96.24 58.56 89.76 81.12 113.80 70.08 34.80 56.88 51.84 90.40 87.60 107.04 37.44 44.64 86.64 72.60 4.01 1.63 1.87 1.69 2.11 5.84 0.58 2.37 2.16 2.26 2.19 53.52 2.34 1.24 7.22 1.21 107.04 65.16 99.84 90.24 126.90 77.88 39.00 63.36 57.60 100.80 97.60 118.94 41.60 49.68 96.36 81.00 4.46 1.81 2.08 1.88 2.35 6.49 0.65 2.64 2.40 2.52 2.44 59.47 2.60 1.38 8.03 1.35 13.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 19.00 2.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 166.00 8.00 4.00 23.00 4.00 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 11 Item Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty Description BC305 BC310L BC318 BC333 BC344 BC383 BC390 0205A BP7122 CF1001Z FU30-2 LCF6301 LN6010 LN6026 LN6027 LN6028 LN6029 LN6030 LNK1131 SLFBW SNOV11 ST8500 T8500 W604 W701 W702 WBVCT20 WLA101 WLA101A WLE501 Y32-006 Y32-007 Y32-023 Y32-063 Tortoise 48/2 Fun Snaps 6/50/40 Speedway Racer 48/2 Desert Racer 36/2 Assorted Snakes 144/6/6 Strike Fighter 36/1 Cat Tails 60/6 Crackling Balls 16/12/6 Call to Arms 36/1 NEW Colorful Fire 48/1 Green Fuse (full Case 20') 48/1 Confetti Champange Packing 30/1 Tank 40/12 Hot Racer 72/2 Stock Cars 48/2 Crusher 48/2 Train 48/2 Fire Dragon 48/4 Black Snakes 15/48/6 Sky Lantern Lg. White 24/1 Asst. Snakes 120/6/6 Pop Pop Snappers 6/50/50 Generic Snap 6/50/50 Happy Lamp, LG 72/1 Hens Laying Eggs 24/24 Cocks Crowing at Dawn 24/24 Fiberglass Tubes No Base 1/1 Wish Lantern 100/1 LG Wish Sky Lantern Color Asst. 36/1 Bigger Size Sky Lantern 100/1 Black Snakes Premium 15/48/6 Champagne Party Popper 20/72 Happy Lamp Lg. 72/1 Jumbo Crackling Ball 30/4 BM1702 CE8101 BM1706 BP2228 G0247 LB8306 P5083 SNP160 SNP252 SNP5502 SSD14 SSD5072 SSD5507 SSM0060 Y23-268 Victory Celebration ' Chute 37 shot 12/1 Airborne 8/1 Double Day Parachute 48/6 Captain America 6/1 Parachute with 7 Lanterns 18/6 Sky Trooper 18/4 Military Parachute 24/2 Night Parachute Batallion 12/1 3 Night Parachute W/ Flare 18/4 Double Night Parachutes 48/6 Air Commandoes 96 shots 6/1 Double Nite 48/6 Double Day Parachute 48/6 Colorful Parachute 12/1 Airborn Trooper 18/6 PK4 Thick Punk 50/60 NOVELTIES 48 6 48 36 144 36 60 16 36 48 48 30 40 72 48 48 48 48 15 24 120 6 6 72 24 24 1 100 36 100 15 20 72 30 53.28 60.18 96.00 96.12 76.32 109.44 135.00 46.08 59.40 48.92 63.15 133.40 79.20 74.16 62.88 62.40 97.92 88.80 40.20 34.80 48.00 33.75 30.00 79.60 58.80 64.08 2.50 113.00 50.04 121.00 42.45 58.20 79.20 64.20 1.11 10.03 2.00 2.67 0.53 3.04 2.25 2.88 1.65 1.02 1.32 4.45 1.98 1.03 1.31 1.30 2.04 1.85 2.68 1.45 0.40 5.63 5.00 1.11 2.45 2.67 2.50 1.13 1.39 1.21 2.83 2.91 1.10 2.14 59.52 66.90 107.04 106.92 84.96 121.68 150.00 51.20 66.24 54.72 70.56 148.50 88.00 82.80 70.08 69.60 108.96 98.88 44.70 38.88 54.00 37.50 33.36 88.56 65.52 71.28 2.78 126.00 55.80 135.00 47.25 64.80 88.56 71.40 1.24 11.15 2.23 2.97 0.59 3.38 2.50 3.20 1.84 1.14 1.47 4.95 2.20 1.15 1.46 1.45 2.27 2.06 2.98 1.62 0.45 6.25 5.56 1.23 2.73 2.97 2.78 1.26 1.55 1.35 3.15 3.24 1.23 2.38 4.00 32.00 7.00 9.00 2.00 10.00 7.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 14.00 7.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 18.00 16.00 4.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 10.00 4.00 7.00 PARACHUTES 12 8 48 6 18 18 24 12 18 48 6 48 48 12 18 64.80 55.68 79.92 89.58 77.76 57.06 112.08 64.94 66.42 75.84 78.66 77.76 79.92 101.52 74.16 5.40 6.96 1.67 14.93 4.32 3.17 4.67 5.41 3.69 1.58 13.11 1.62 1.67 8.46 4.12 72.00 61.92 88.80 99.54 86.40 63.54 124.56 72.24 73.80 84.48 87.42 86.40 88.80 112.80 82.44 6.00 7.74 1.85 16.59 4.80 3.53 5.19 6.02 4.10 1.76 14.57 1.80 1.85 9.40 4.58 17.00 22.00 6.00 47.00 14.00 10.00 15.00 17.00 12.00 5.00 41.00 6.00 6.00 27.00 13.00 60.00 1.20 67.00 1.34 4.00 PUNK 50 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 12 Item Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 69.14 67.34 71.68 84.35 76.86 77.52 67.10 78.52 68.10 79.20 87.56 55.30 71.68 75.80 72.90 65.22 65.92 70.42 71.54 71.54 62.00 74.20 74.20 88.54 83.52 74.68 46.42 62.00 34.57 33.67 35.84 42.18 38.43 38.76 16.78 39.26 34.05 39.60 43.78 27.65 17.92 37.90 36.45 32.61 32.96 35.21 23.85 23.85 31.00 37.10 37.10 44.27 41.76 18.67 23.21 31.00 76.84 74.84 79.66 93.74 85.40 86.14 74.56 87.26 75.68 88.00 97.30 61.46 79.68 84.24 81.00 72.48 73.26 78.26 79.50 79.50 68.90 82.46 82.46 98.38 92.80 83.00 51.58 68.90 38.42 37.42 39.83 46.87 42.70 43.07 18.64 43.63 37.84 44.00 48.65 30.73 19.92 42.12 40.50 36.24 36.63 39.13 26.50 26.50 34.45 41.23 41.23 49.19 46.40 20.75 25.79 34.45 108.00 105.00 112.00 131.00 120.00 121.00 53.00 122.00 106.00 123.00 136.00 86.00 56.00 118.00 113.00 102.00 103.00 110.00 74.00 74.00 97.00 116.00 116.00 138.00 130.00 58.00 72.00 97.00 ROCKETS 71 36 36 72 36 20 25 25 36 36 36 24 12 12 36 25 20 24 72 24 10 20 10 10 62.64 56.88 70.56 65.52 73.80 90.00 68.75 91.00 91.44 99.00 105.84 69.12 91.20 104.40 66.91 41.50 43.20 46.12 115.20 109.68 109.40 60.40 75.70 95.50 0.88 1.58 1.96 0.91 2.05 4.50 2.75 3.64 2.54 2.75 2.94 2.88 7.60 8.70 1.86 1.66 2.16 1.92 1.60 4.57 10.94 3.02 7.57 9.55 70.29 63.36 78.48 73.44 82.08 100.00 76.50 101.25 101.88 110.16 117.72 76.80 101.40 116.04 74.52 46.25 48.00 51.36 128.16 121.92 121.60 67.20 84.20 106.20 0.99 1.76 2.18 1.02 2.28 5.00 3.06 4.05 2.83 3.06 3.27 3.20 8.45 9.67 2.07 1.85 2.40 2.14 1.78 5.08 12.16 3.36 8.42 10.62 3.00 5.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 14.00 9.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 24.00 27.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 15.00 34.00 10.00 24.00 30.00 Description RACKS CE11037 CE16131 CE16141 KM0902 KM12901 KM15061 KM15153 KM15160 KM15161 KM15300 KM2907 BP2340 BP2435 BP2501 LC0609 LC7501 LC8501 LC9501 LC9559 LC9560 P5371 P5374 P5375 P5379 P5410 P5418 P5419 PYK6123 Big Breaking 2/1 Honor 2/1 Tornado Strike 2/1 Fanaticon 2/1 One Bad Mother 3" 2/1 Big Unit (Armed & Ready, Reeking Havoc) 2/1 NASCAR STAR 4/1 Poison 2/1 Ignite the Night 2/1 Battle Cry 2/1 Fist Bump Fireworks 2/1 Shell Shocked 2/1 Royal Salute 4/1 Whacky Tobacky 2/1 NEW Magnificent America 2/1 Our Salute to Liberty 2/1 Finding Carribean/Captian Jack 2/1 Conquer and Command 2/1 Captain America 3/1 Bad Boy 12 shot 3/1 Shoot the Moon 2/1 Pyro Candy 2/1 Texas Hold'em 2/1 Hot Damn 2/1 Ring! Ring! 2/1 LOL 4/1 Wild Cargo 2/1 Classic Cool #8 2/1 BM1009 CE404 CE408 CE4104 KM4100 MWC155 BC401 BC403 BC410 BC411 BC419 BC448 BC476 BRBC469A CRBC468 0440S 445 495 BP1152 BP1216 LAF130 LB6101 LB6115 LN6116 Texas Pop Rocket 71/12 4 oz. Rocket 36/12 8 oz Rocket 36/12 Flame Thrower Rocket 72/6 The Disappearing Act 36/24 Smiling From Ear to Ear 20/5 Black Cat Rocket w/Report 25/12/12 Silver Fox 25/12/12 NO. 4 Rocket 36/12 NO. 6 Rocket 36/12 Three Peat Rocket W/3 Report 36/24 Pound Rocket 24/4 Big N Bad 12/6 Assorted Rockets Neon Master Missle 12/20/10 Assorted Rockets 36/12 Moon Traveler Bottle Rocket 25/12/12 Whistling Bottle Rocket 20/12/12 Moon Traveler XL 24/6/12 Screaming Cracklers Rocket 72/12 Banzai Rocket 24/6 Jumbo Rocket Pack 10/1 Sky Buster Rocket 20/4 Colourful Sky Rocket 10/15 Multi Star 10/18 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 13 Item Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty Description ROCKETS 20 72 72 48 24 20 16 20 6 10 24 72 18 20 12 PSR027 SR508 SR510 SR512 SR682 SR683 SR684 SR685 SRA5 SVR46 Y21-029 Y21-033B Y21-068 Y21-071 Y21-075 AOW WOW Rocket 20/4 NEW Cluster Bee Rocket 72/6 Butterfly 72/6 Wild Geese 48/6 Bang Bang Rocket 24/4 Rocket Boom 20/5 Big Burst Ballistics 16/6 Rip Roaring Rockets 20/5 Over The Top 6/1 Power Rocket Pack 10/1 Pin Ball Rocket 24/6 Texas Pop Rockets 72/12 Tomahawk Flash 18/5 Explosion Sparks 20/5 Mortal Rocket 12/9 BCFLAG BCP20 BCSACK 3DUNIT-J BCBUNTING BUNTING SIGN-320W SIGN-320Y BC Flag 3 X 5" Black Cat Pennants 20' string 1/1 BC Retail Sacks 1000/1 3D Glasses 100/1 BC Bunting Red/Yellow 100yds. Patriotic Bunting 300" Fireworks Vinyl Banner White 3.5' X 20' 1/1 Fireworks Vinyl Banner Yellow 3.5' x 20' 1/1 0860A LSM061 LSM062 LSM069 LSM073 LSM076 LSM091 LSM092 SNOV03 SNOV2060 SSB3000A SSK16 Y16-003C R.L. Color Smoke Ball 20/6/12 Screening Smoke 18/4 Enchanting Smoke 18/4 Smoke Grenade 24/12/2 Mammoth Smoke 24/6 Magic Smoke Ball 20/6/12 Giant Grenade 12/6/2 M-7 Smoke 36/4 Smoke in a Can 18/4 12 Color Smoke Ball 20/6/12 Jumbo Color Smoke Ball 8/12/3 Smoke Crackers 12/80/16 Cannon Color Mammoth Smoke 24/6 BC313-06 BC313-27 SKBC313-15 LSPW1011 SEB10A SEB20 SSP0981 SSP0981-36C Morning Glory 30/18/4 Morning Glory 15/24/6 Neon Sparkler 2/75 Legend #10 Color Sparkler 24/12/8 #10 Bamboo Color Sparklers 24/12/8 #20 Bamboo Sparkler 24/12 14" Morning Glory Sparkler 15/24/6 36" Morning Glory - Poly 96/6 BC825 BC810 BC843 902 SGW3500-12 T3500 Y24-009G Ground Bloom Flower 20/12/6 Tasmanian Devil 48/3 Dizzy Spell 60/8 Dancing Butterfly 36/6 Shogun Jumping Jacks 20/48/12 Jumping Jacks 20/48/12 Whistling Chaser W/R 10/12/12 77.40 47.52 46.08 33.60 74.88 98.20 77.60 105.60 94.68 155.40 102.00 71.28 67.32 92.60 88.68 3.87 0.66 0.64 0.70 3.12 4.91 4.85 5.28 15.78 15.54 4.25 0.99 3.74 4.63 7.39 86.00 53.28 51.84 37.44 83.28 109.20 86.24 117.40 105.24 172.70 113.52 79.20 74.88 103.00 98.64 4.30 0.74 0.72 0.78 3.47 5.46 5.39 5.87 17.54 17.27 4.73 1.10 4.16 5.15 8.22 12.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 10.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 49.00 49.00 14.00 4.00 12.00 15.00 23.00 11.00 11.00 54.00 26.00 50.00 49.00 37.00 37.00 11.00 11.00 0.05 0.26 50.00 49.00 37.00 37.00 12.23 12.23 60.00 29.00 55.56 54.45 41.12 41.12 12.23 12.23 0.06 0.29 55.56 54.45 41.12 41.12 35.00 35.00 1.00 1.00 155.00 152.00 115.00 115.00 20 18 18 24 24 20 12 36 18 20 8 12 24 50.00 59.04 59.40 54.96 71.76 50.00 66.72 79.92 85.90 59.60 63.04 53.64 85.50 2.50 3.28 3.30 2.29 2.99 2.50 5.56 2.22 4.77 2.98 7.88 4.47 3.56 55.60 65.70 66.06 61.20 79.92 55.60 74.16 88.92 95.58 66.40 70.08 59.64 95.04 2.78 3.65 3.67 2.55 3.33 2.78 6.18 2.47 5.31 3.32 8.76 4.97 3.96 8.00 11.00 11.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 18.00 7.00 15.00 10.00 25.00 14.00 12.00 SPARKLERS 30 15 2 24 24 24 15 96 64.80 64.80 127.60 66.96 57.12 31.68 44.25 77.76 2.16 4.32 63.80 2.79 2.38 1.32 2.95 0.81 72.00 72.00 141.78 74.40 63.60 35.28 49.20 86.40 2.40 4.80 70.89 3.10 2.65 1.47 3.28 0.90 7.00 14.00 198.00 9.00 8.00 5.00 10.00 3.00 SPINNERS 20 48 60 36 20 20 10 56.80 72.96 79.20 50.40 55.80 45.00 44.40 2.84 1.52 1.32 1.40 2.79 2.25 4.44 63.20 81.12 88.20 56.16 62.00 50.00 49.40 3.16 1.69 1.47 1.56 3.10 2.50 4.94 9.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 9.00 7.00 14.00 SIGNS 1 1 1000 100 1 1 1 1 SMOKE Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 14 Item Description BC817 PW25 SPW04 Wailing Wheel 18/6 Wheel of Fortune 72/1 Tri Rotating Color Wheel 72/1 CE0428 BP5028 BP5035 BP5037 HW428 LA6208 LA6211 LA622-12 LA6235 P6009 Artificial Satellite 10/12/12 Magic Crystal 36/4 Lady Bugs 60/3 Pyro Gyro 24/3 Artificial Satellite 15/8/12 B-3 Bomber N Plane 72/6 Two Color Spaceship 36/6 Cool Jet 80/3 Zippers 20/20/6 Crop Circles 60/3 Case Discount Piece Discount Piece Sugg Order Qty 1 Price 2 Price Retail Qty WHEELS 18 72 72 133.20 90.00 58.23 7.40 1.25 0.81 148.14 100.08 64.80 8.23 1.39 0.90 23.00 4.00 3.00 58.90 88.44 110.88 44.64 68.40 45.60 59.40 57.60 103.40 88.20 5.89 2.46 1.85 1.86 4.56 0.63 1.65 0.72 5.17 1.47 65.50 98.28 123.60 49.68 76.05 51.12 66.24 64.00 115.00 98.40 6.55 2.73 2.06 2.07 5.07 0.71 1.84 0.80 5.75 1.64 19.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 17.00 5.00 WINGS 10 36 60 24 15 72 36 80 20 60 Discount 1 rate is for purchases of more than $1,000 or 25 cases. Discount 2 rate is for customers purchasing less than $1,000 or fewer than 25 cases. Once $1,000 or 25 cases are reached, balance of calendar year will be at discount 1 rate. 15 FIND US ONLINE! OME, VISITORS ALWAYS WELC ERRED APPOINTMENTS PREF From the North Hwy 39 South to Hwy 153 East From the South Hwy 39 North to Hwy 153 East From the East Hwy 29 West to Hwy 39 South to Hwy 153 East From the West Hwy 29 East to Hwy 39 South to Hwy 153 East 153 East, Left on E. View Dr, Right on Park View Cir. View Circle 995 S. Park I 54455 Mosinee, W .693.1200 Phone: 715 3.1207 Fax: 715.69 .com dNovelties le g n a p S r ta S ovelties.com N d le g n a p S Sales@Star
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