Established 1878
Established 1878
Established Vol. L~lA No. 35 1878 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSEfTS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 PROMENADE, BIG- SOCIAL EVENT OF WINTER TERM TONIGHT-IN'BORDEN GYM Calendar For Coming Week Friday, February 21 2. "Arcadians"' are EntertainersHighly Praised By All J0-sual :00 classes. PHILO HOLDS SIXTH DEBATE OF THE YEAR Ngtv 8S30-Gran ac begins SeirPo.TePiipnsin Saturday, February 22 ~~~~~8.54-Regular morning chapel GRAND MARCH AT 8:30 10:30-Breakfast Dance in Breakfst Tomrrow Dane Mrning Peabody House. Breawast 2:00-iterseholasti Dane Tomorrwmoning Track In Peabody House! Starts at 2 O-neshlsi rc 10:30 Sharp Meet in Case Memorial Cage. After much elaborate preparation,~ 8: :00--Richard Dix in "Redunderofthe thesupervision cornskin".States mittee headed by Leeds Mitchell and Tuesday, February 25 8:15 - Lecture by Captain composed of R. Brown, G. S. Hayes, Noel in George Washington and C. Wliamon, the Senior Hall. j Am e Wednesday, Febrtuary 26 2 :00-Swimming with Huntington School Basketball with Brown Freshmen (at Providence). oee CUSH-MAN AND CHADWICK REBUT -4-Smoking - Prom will take place this evening in the -Gymnasium commencing at eight-thirty o'clock. So that the Grand March can be properly conducted, special promptness is requested. And in order that the boys Ppinast o Inability Of The Natives To Govern Themselves is Main Point of The inners h inr The sixthi debate of the season, like its predecessor a national questin'Rsleta h nte grant immediate freedom to the Philippine Islands", took place latWdeayngta Peabody lasednmaisdowntairgortoathe Ho. hield that te United States was morally bound to free the Philippines and quoted many promises to that effect. He stated that the Filipinos for years had sent ambasdr to the United States to Rules For Prom 1-Flwr r ott ewr. 2-Girls are requested' not to LINES when they are not dancing, and they are not to stand in the entrance way. 7-Cutting in is allowed only after the first encore. CATI ILask for freedom and even went ~Brookline, such an extent that certain days ANOE t U A1 SHOW UNUSUAL FIIJ4 were set apart to pray for it. HJ~AJVAJ IN ROLY BLUEW The buffet supper, provided by the shield given each year to the school scoring the largest number of points promises to be keener than -ever. Handsome medals are awarded to first, second, and third place winners in each event. This year last season~s winner, is out frhrscn rup nsc cession with Newton, Lawrence, Cushman, the first speaker for thle negative, denied that the Fili- Races To Be Feature Events pinos desire freedom. He said that \Qf Interscholastic 93 per cent are almost totally unMeet educated and influenced by the othe 7 per cent, that America BROACA NEW ALTERNATE Name Mountain of "Greatest Photographer" trical display. SIXTH ANNUAL MEET FOR HIGH SCHOOLS WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY 3-Everyone must remain with- Brookline Hopes to Repeat its lighted region of gymasiSplendid Victory of a umn during the dance. Year Ago for men is permitted in the downstairs corridor MORIN WILL PROBABLY STAR and in the drying rooms.-NO SMOKNG IN THENeOtonew Lawreawrecanda MedfdfrrdAll MKN NTELC-Have Excellent Chance of ER ROOMS OR OUTWinning SIDE. -elw ut acmay The Sixth Andover Interscholchaperon when taking girls astic Track meet will be held tohome after dance, morrow in the Case Memorial 6-Stags re requested to re- Cage. About twenty-five of the largest high schools of this section mcneayifthnratvdlo wtirs THE SntG are entered, and the competition for who attend the Prom may be excused from chapel Saturday morn-NE ing they must be sure to present their tickets upon admission. The decorations in the Gynmna- Famous For His Two Trips Up 'sium. were supervised by Farley of Mt. Everest-Here Next Lawrence, who executed an unusual Tuesday scheme of vani-colored bunting within the Gym'nasium, besides LECTURES ON THE EXPEDITION decorating the circular driveway Hi im aeEre o I outside the building with an elecNasFimseo "Gres ountin the Ten Cents and MNedford the chief opponents to this objective. In the recent B. A. A. Schoolboy meet, Lawrence finished ahead of the other high schools and her chances are excellent. Newton and Medford are about even, both very strong. (Continued on Page 6 Kollmieyer, Exeter 29, Harvard's I n the 40-yard dash, Satchebell ~~Strength-Wright and French, of Brighton the favorite. This P. A. '29, to Run For Eli s aeirdnhl h optt IDADDPIEbO WMnnhsbae lltecmeiin ilULI.~~The same fast relay team that around Boston and is a most conset the school record at the B. A. A. sistent runner. Dineen of Law-- Weigel of Lawrence, will be served The noted explorer and mountain DU between eleven and twelve o'e'lock. climber, Capt. John Noel, famous The menu will include ice cream, for his part in the last two Mt. Evsandwiches, cake and ices. Punch erest Expeditions, will give an il- Byington, D. K. Brown, and willbe srvedthroghou theeve-lustrated lecture here Tuesday eveCowee Win Falls in 15-14 nling. The customary breakfast ning on the subject "Kashmir".AnoeVitr dance will follow the Prom, begin- Capt. Noel, an Englishman, was te ning at 10.30 o'clock on Saturday official photographer of the ill-fated The Andover wrestling team demorning on the main floor of Pea- expeditions to conquer Mt. Everest, feated the Yale freshmen fifteen to body He Frtoewohv and the films he took there have fourteen in the lbest and losest manaet or hse htieabeak a gined for him the title of the match of the season. Byington in illbed trseddws in t e hmbgreatest mountain photographe: the 145-lb. class. Blrowvn in the 155, Grill at a cost of seventy-five cents alive. He has just returned from and Cowee in the 165-lb. class all per person. an expedition into the Vale of wvon their matches by falls. In the lower classes, as uisual, the college All those planning to attend either -(Continued on Page 6) ini were a lot older 'and strotiger. dance certainly owe much appreciaand the Blue grapplers deserve- OVER YALE FRESHMEN n -aeatwekihthdiin__c tion to the committee for their efforts to make this year's Senior -Prom a united success;--and without doubt the- week-end will be an exceptional one for all those boys ,who are going to the dances, and for the girls whom they bring with them, POLO A RECOGNIZED SPORT AT ANDOVER BUILDING PLAN UNDER PROGRESS IMMENSE much credit for holding then: to decisions. of Broaca as a possible alternate, will meet the Harvard and Yale Freshmantem atheIerco lastics, which are to be held in the Case Memorial Cage. The iwo opponents will give the Blue runners a fast race, both of them having unusually strong teams this year. The Crimson track men are appreciably strengthened by Kollmeyer, who appears prominent in the (Continued on Page 6) GROUP IS'ITS BOSTON MUSEUM OF F ARTS Captain McGatiley o "" Yale won a decision over Duiftcn in the 135-Il). class ut hie had to work Infirmary, Chapel, and Additions hard to retaiii his top position. Trip Made in Connection With To Gym Now Decided Ili the 115-lb. class Roland of Work Being Done in Ancient Upon Yale won a verv hard fought battle History at Academy from Shallenbz,'rger wvith a time adThe Isham Infirmary has served vantage of two minuttes and twenlty On Wednesday afternoon a ___ Mrno avdPot will press him to the limit. Donahue of Medford, Holmes and Irwin of Newton, and Condon of Brockton are well up in the leaders. The best in the hurdles seem to b Lew of Lawrence, Greene and Hall of Newton and Panzecca of Medford. The 300-yard run will see some fine fights. Mouser and Hall of Newton, Sproul and La Franchise of Brockton, Gow of Brookline, Bowdren and Jackson of Medford, and Dineen of Lawrence seem to be the leaders. The time sho-ild be around thirty-five seconds. The 600 will see Smith of Lawrence, Stiles of Lynn Classical, and Jeannotte of Lowell among the first men. Pearson of Lowell should do well in the 1000. n the high jump, Sandler (ontinued on Page 6) for a number of years as the school seconds. group of approximately twenty DR. A. H. BRADFORD TO hospital, and, as demonstrated by The fastest iugh. c the afternoi: students went into Bostoil with Mr. BE CHAPEL SPEAKER SPORT AT ANDOVER the 1929 epidemic of German mea- w~as, lperlalps, ti-e ne between PhilAdvioryBopr Sprt a Aprove Re sle, is caaciy isnotlarg enughlips of Andover and Gropper. The centryBr Meetrngem WSpEne ortae semergncapcie s net as eng latter won ut with a very close adcentEnte eetig-Tea foremerencie; lince Wil i faghtenVery Tournament in Nw York vantage. Thisfih was not dede~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cidedthtteeetoofanwcll until te last fewv moments - Leith and Mr. Roth for the purpose of making a visit to the Boston Dr. Bradford, Famed CongregationMuseum of Fine Arts. In connecalsanYleTutAwy' Popular Here tion with the work being done- in the Ancient History classes, this Thspaeatbhcaele- 1-isoyth Boad culimared no -undr wayto comeas atoett ::iohrec a'viila netke osplmn vices Sunday will be Dr. Arthur H. \isor teBoad cuin~-now maked -nderway o comencethenad tl:oicmi nowing holl. the study of Greek and Roman art.Brdod fPovenRhe nation of a movement which has construction of this necessity, and McGatflcy and Dufton foueli. Upon arriving at the museum,. slnd.Dr Bradford goiecRde been in progress at Phillips its site will-be on the plot of round fromlale in. B905fand obtanedi Acadey forsome ime. t wassome distance behind Samuel Phil- fast and fulrioLi-hi,7 but the the group was introduced to a r Yl n10 adotie i Acaemyf tme.It o soeas ipsHal. Te itenionis o gt'$got the top pocilion and retained guide, who proceeded to conduct aD..derefo Milbuyn voted that Polo be made a varsity lpHa.Thinetoisogtlit for most of the match even syrstematic survey of the - different D.D erefobideuyi SPOA. awayPrevious insofar toas this, is possible the sport fro 1916, He became the pastor of the Sport Preious o ths, th spoth -ov ntiofarla istiioi earo though iDufton niade a valiant C[- departments most closel~-Issociated CnrlCnrgtoa hrho had been carried on in a rather tecnetoa nttto da fort from time to time to shake off with Ancient History. A short Ceta Cnrgtinlchrho halfhartdheartedutduin mannervethenebutldnduring- the ats newrs home- hs vceidk ggiveile athent ibuildingovdece nas18 el last fall polo made a tremendous like an atmosphere as is feasible hiantonistIN c-ik e rspipsfo tie assp a t ficrt ivie wingfti sto pt hepeet r improvment, A fied -wa pro-for those who are there recuperatyinto o h assaddcoaiewrko Bratefisdonf i orition u tousteo pr ent.Dr improvement. field -was proA ~Andover when lie thirewv Yailneck, the Cretan period, a very importantBrdrdiatuseofYlUvided, to be sure, not one which igfo lns.Tecpct w ~o h relpresentedl te Freshmen i object of interest being the smallvrst.adiwelkonoAwould take any prizes for excel.. be from 45 to 65 boys, and the old this class. The Anidover man threwv ivory and gold snake goddess which dover as an excellent speaker and lence, but one which can well take infirmary will be kept in operation, his opponent t te mat and ap- the museum possesses. From this n las bstusam- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of great interest ~~~~~~~sage and help. _________________________________ (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 6) PAGE TWO THE PHaLLIPIAN,, TuHE Hi LL i PIA N cuse he is told that he cannot get rather than national or inte'lnational THE PHILLIPI8N away o Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Friday unless he plans to topics. Recently, in the discussion -isit his immnediate family. In the case of a uncle, or a grandfather, e fi st wait until Saturday, mornicmg after chapel. To those xwhose parents are at a great distance, this ruling seems to both euity and justification. A boy whose mother and father live ilaCaloriafo instance, arranges BOARD OF DIRECTORS RICHARD JOHN WALSH, J, SATURI)AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 - '29 - JOSEPH T. LAMBIE, '29 AMOR giHOWERdFtor, 30 Assignment Editorlack CHARLES P. WILLIAMSON, '30 LEShMnTCHELLo CirElaio MIT gEr. 3 of the Soviet government, some of the finest speakers spoke and es-' pecially one outstanding man of all those wvho have debated this year, but the audience was not as much interested as in previous debates not as well put. One cannot expect the students here to appreciate the nieisOf ,international situations iEC0l5 H to spend his week-ends wvith an aunt even wvhen they are as well given as KING HOWARD, '31 in Boston. O the Prom week-end last week's debate. More of the Associate Editors stawaitalSaturdayu auieemc D. C. Coiny, '30 J. D. HECEMAN, '31 lemswatover until Str audiencestothanarusualprwalked outnk B. M.GELSER,'30 L. HOWARD, '31 morning until he can leave the dturing the intermission, and theOU T. A. HELLMAN, '30 J. P. LARDNER, '31 schoofatnto o oeo W.K. DODD, '31 A. M. PRESTON, shol, while the boy whose Boston lako teto osm f the J. B3.ELLIOTT, '31 H. TowNEND, '31 relatives happen to be his parents speakers was almost discourteous, J. C. Funss, '31 S. G. WOLF, '31 hslnsicarveho . In subjects concerning school Make-up Editorhalo '30 Assistnt JOHN F. TAYLOR, '31 Assistant Circulation Manager FRANK H. PLATT, Business Board G. C. BURKE, '30 T. D. PRATT,* '30 J. E. DRICIC, '30 L. THURBER, '30 G. S. HAYES, '30 W. B, WING, '30 JR.NEWELL., '30 R. E. GNADr, '31 3 _______ scearvdhm.tos Th Complaint is certainly warranted life the listeners feel a personal inBuinessManagr amog thoe whopass heir veek-terest and the announcement usualends. say, in New York. The boy ly brings a large nuluber of the b 3il '31 woaedrcl whbsjiighsprnsteecnwoaedr~l novdi 6 ieqetosar In the case of relatives orsieqstosaehenmru f riends, the long clay-trip must h liveries when you will". HO I)OVER~c TI stitcs fon ok o pece. aualyA Saturday, landing the fro boks r Published every Wednesday and Satur- stud(en~t i New~York between five quoting anotherpeehesINturllyBY man's words inday during the school year. an ee ocokta vn. cessantly adds neither to the quality THE PHILLIPIAN invites communications, but does not assume responsibility for the sentiments expressed therein. All cornmunications must be signed, although the name of the author will be withheld from o h eaenrt h neeto ofnheae o oteneeto sideri ng the requisite early hour ofthauiceInulolsbjtLwrcvleNwYk18Boday publication if a student to e so desires, NOTICE T ADVERTISERS and ' i beenclo LIANGRCK1( 10 MAIN ,./TREET- ANDOVER. MVAZXO~ mcktaeg, ,hoertedaesaeabeo rettlri to Adover on Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Williams, Andover, Exeter Sunayforaydiscuss their lpoints from their ownCiao-2Mch make any trip beyond experience, and thus to improve Chcg-2 ihgan Blvd. __________________________________ Boston on the Prom week-end, un- their debating through using their To insure change of advertisement, copy ls must be received not later than noon, o e sgigt6 h oeo i own words and ideas. day preceding publication, parents. W\~hy should the advanAfealth minproe f Terms: $3.50 per year; $1.50 per term. tage of the night trip to Newv York Philo is to train its debaters for Entered at the Andover Post Office as be wi thheldl, since the boy is allowed second-class matter. in any case to spend Saturday night with relative or friend? WhNlat has the time of arrival in New York-7 Prom editorials comne as re- A. M. or 6 P. Mr.-to do with the ul1arlv as clockwork, or as editorialk question of destination? In all oil walking on the grass. Most of cases the boy produces written evithem warn the boys in solemin Puri- dence concerning the destination,tan undertones to e careful, anl evidence accepted as satisfactory not to besmirch Andover's reputai- by the school. There is no dis- Annual Prom Editorial tion-whether b t e copeesoigmkshste tenmru quotations, oiniolis,an made o e n ideal time to secure Spring clothes hand-tailored by LANGROCK-to individual measure - "de- novdi h take a night train from Boston, giv- matter i hand. Perhaps the chief in i hewoeo Satrdy treasons for the monotony of out- homne. o Cutm dpretpesnsSrn woolens from abroad in bright refreshing designs, original weaves and new clrcmia ticolhoomltrsoig ae thminth ,,1 RICHARD Ji. STERN, v future experience when they will need to speak clearly a logically onl subjects which th-ey understand, not o subjects which they have to look tip and o which they give other Ileople's opinions. With this in view it is suggested that for the adlvancement of debating ability and interest in Philo the debaters keep strictly to school topics. many of PHO TO GR APHER Lots of Photographic Work must be done this termWhy delay? If you are a- Senior, push it along by getting your part done- now. Sittings for Seniors-Upper Middlers-Lower MiddlersJuniors--Sub. Juniors by appointment. Bu-E smoking in the tinction between father or uncle which are interesting and highlyAN BUY Dine at the O ER L NCH locker-roomis or by driving auto- 'when it is a sile matter of spend- debata, sucNasthedisincio mobiles aroundl town not- eilig ing Saturday night ' away from between major- and minor sports, JUST WONDERFUL FOOD AND QUICK SERVICE, specified. And enough of theml school. W~hen the opportunity a- tile managerial elections-squad or Teeon8531ManSre have been written to curb all mlis- rises for leaving Friday, why school, the adoption of more senior (lelieanorq for the next twenty does the school draw a line between privileges or a smoking room in the years. failyv nd non-famnily households? library. Other Prom articles, such as the _______ oda, Confectionery, Sandwiches,' one two years ago. rave insaniely Scholarship Awards Magazines, Circulating Library about the Invasion of th6 Fairer"THE WARWICK',-Rooms and Dining Room. Food "'As You Like Sex into Andover's Drab Existence, iI.R5t'FRS GRD It." Tel. 81186-81286 "Tonight nearl a nndred fellows_________________________ Awarded to those who have no will forget their troubles, and en(dtrsnt: Ti emw mark belowv eighty a(l half their David C. Jenney - Nantucket, This adv. and 5c good for one joy for a few fleeting houirs the husnnt raoe as tinglig preence f ther beatifulhave received two communications John H. Batten-Racinle, Wcon- WVilliam E. Keeney - Somersville, IECEMSD sin friends ... With a wild clash of tle objecting to the sbjects chosen for IECEMSD Conn. Philo debates. Te first cast invec- \niory -TH. Bradford-Providence. W\alter S. Kimnball-Sistersville, V cymbals. the musicians will breakSTCYSDU SOR into and anoher tun glorous An.tive at the narrowness of the point R. T. ~~~of view which chooses only affairs Delavan C. Cs-New York, N. Y. Josel ~ Lamnbie ahntn dover is Prom on, ~of school interest for discusso, MnXacdbonald Demina-Newv YorkFeik Pa.irneeel whoopee and oo-la-la. A~ll eole reee tstos ide opicinY . a AL O who publicly feel that way hould prfeenelolhsewiertoic. Fredric-P.eawrnce Neell CALwFO herded together in the swvim- trohla Thbsecon, rit beow, ton, Mass. \%ilaN. M o-W ePlis CALL'S ICE CREAM mning pool, rocks tied around their trl h seod.pite\elw Tillianm S. Gordon, Jr.-New York. N.Y denouiices, in more STIRATFOR DuSHOP _____________ - COMMIJNCAIO S - -Va.into . ,, -be consoling terms - N. Dexter Newton-Westboro, Mass. necs, hepoo nd us(]forjusi-the choice of internatioinal questions William J. flull-H-icksville Ohiio Jarnes L. Noyes-Cleveland. Ohio liable murder, ~~~~~rather than matters of greater in- Phillip) P. Johnto- Janiaica, CetR . PaeR rviec terest around Andover. We mnerely N. Y. Emmnett -. Roorhach-Camnirdbe, So. remaining quite rational anIws t emn Frank R. Mfiller-Ilinsdale, Illinois Wishto rmindthe a . lir-AdvrMas trite in the excitement, we print anlI especially the writer school of the first Barclay Mnrro-ovranfrd ass .Tevtht i. endrsea ensblecomuncatoncommunication, that the official N J. N. Y.' objecting to te restrictions; on fPiohsnti .Y ItilF 1 hlpPte-ceetdweek-ends at te timne of te winter boa ohn gfPio to dPii otrShncad.X .JTn \\arVnen-ta, F- lia. Prom. ~~~with the choice of themes. MNr. Charles H-. Rose. Jrr.-ManilaOhioE Frn W.Vcet Wilkinison, offers a list of moot Lymnan Spitzer, Jr.-Toledo. Ohio P.R Hoinafr. bete wekedlc oints, for the convenience of those Richard J. Stern-Kansas City. for next yer we predict that either who have no idea what thev want Missouiri four, five, or five andl one-half \illiani F. Taylor-West Newtonl. copl, wllmssthi trni teto talk about : ut ay,, one can get M.\ass. I Complescwill Grandtheirctunite into fight o the street, and then Richard J. Walsh. r.-Pelham, hose ho attended the B.A.A. and we herewih retie for he dayargue it out before Philo, whatever N. Y. Gamnes last Saturday enjoyed seeand we therewith retire for tile dav the point at iss-ue.)lSIoASti'SCN ing the following former Andover ~c .N ) RD ~RD ______________S__I0,A~lT1 Wk-Ends Week-nds On certain rare occasions, notably Philo Subjects warded to those who have men comlpete: Fobes of Harvard, ~~mm-k below sevenity and a average P. A. '28 in the half-mnile relay, ofezt-icoraoe a student has Philo is one of the major school Dona . Ale acetr his, last lass of the week on Fri- activities of the winter tern, and Tallies B. Book, T-Detroit, Mich. dlay afternoon, If hie is not'planning one in whichia great deal of interest Tamles P. Butler-New Orleans. La. to attend the Prom, lie looks for- is aroused among the student body. Dlichard Dorr-Larcaster, Mass. ward to a week-end-extraordinary There is but one major criticism rh1arles H. Duifton - Andover that him woud to eave pernii Au-which ca be appled to ths de- Sevniour B. Dunn - Cortlandl, clover on Friday afternoon. Apply- bating society. This is that local Frederick R.N. ~~~~~~~ ~relav, Haigh-T.awrelice, ing at the office for a absence x- subjects; oughlt to be adhered to: Mass. vrP.A -1 2 f, P . 26 of Yale in the high jump, arres, P A. 28 in the 600-yard run, .'2 nth 0 yard dlash, J. B. H-awes, P. A. '28 of Harvard i the 40-yard clash, . WV.Smith, P. A. '26 of Yale in he and R. O'Kane of New Hampshire Freshien in the ray.4 __________________ ER M E 0ox L A'We Whnyou wish to make a armall in. homLPJAeeyouv itbetofte litolae ifksa home.LLyouAwAexpensivesgif thpltlealse to at you present a box - of CRAYOLA Wax Crayon. Kiddies love to color and you will ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~find various assortments of CRAYOLA at any of the leading stationers and chain stores. NO. 8 CRAYOLA eight sticks of the stand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ard colors for coloring outline draw. ings, ps, e. Contains C nO. liant les 24wCRty-osikAorl ... for Mothier,5Sister and t lisnhrtgP ndepother flow'nis n frcstl yonr andt pirlton deoatfacshGet fo your den-StencilVng nstruc,tions on request. SiEAeSay. N NEY 41S & SM T. ITH NEW CO. YORK'- PAGE THREE t7HEi FHIILLIPIAN DRAET(CCIJ WMK 1RRDZ PREENTATION L1~T~PW To Contain One of the Finest GRAND MARCH 'WILL EGIN AT&3O P. -,M. Group 1Tafder Direttion of Mr. Collections of American n the World '1WflcinsonistPerfeefing "Tonw.1f'oney" NAEGCArt [The Drrmtic. Clubt is- to' bercolgxwklatedf.ont-the: rapid progress it has'tbeienvuikking- recently. A the 'vaziousdivsion'iha~beivwokin god--shape, fmr rprcsentation March I15th. Duemto'the fact-that 6te-actors are- rehearsing three imnes a wtek;fallithreesaftsnhave-been completely~menorized. Mr. Wiilkinson viill devotette -remining-timre to polishing 'iup the "different ators'7 'and to '-perfecting;,their: interpre~ tationvef~ithe rohms-they areto"play, Guy,'Eayes, Nat. Ciark,:and Stewart Wolf seem to be the most taiwied and have thethree pricipal prts. WiMich .'progress -1wa also bean made in the more'- technical phases'iofirtfieipesentation of Tons .of ',tMeny. .The work on the sceiley!is, well-began, and, the-costunsrenbeing bought. Everyone is':hard. at work, and if-thie-'sccess is measured-by the amnount --of effort, expended this ihould,beione of- the' best plays that thelaranntic. Glub has ever present- ed. STEANSON -IuMi'i lLW - ANICIL The new Addison Gallery of 'COMMITE Mrs. Fuess Leeds 'Mitchell, Jr. Marian Marshall Elene Gordon Mrs. Page Guy Hayes Mrs. Page Joan 'Ranson ' Charles Williamson hacd~~~~tandttheplay~~~~~~~~will~~~~-be, ready-in ~~~~~~~-made Mrs. Barss Charlotte Hopkins J. NV. Morse Mrs. L. C. Newton Josephine Lawless WV. H. Peterson Mrs. French Claire-Hoyle Richard' Wengren Mrs. Richardson ~jeanne Bachrach H. P. Brayton -Dorothy Reinhart Mrs. Brightwell H-. P. Briglitwell Doreas Jencks 'Mrs. F. A., Page C. H. Page S. Neill Jane-'Bogardus .Mrs. Paradise Mary Walton Waltontharofurwncnry Grover Churchill 'Mrs. Goodehild Barbara Griffin H. M. Goodchild Mrs. Par~adise 'T. 0. Gordon Elizabeth Knode dMirs. Kidder Mary Morrison George Crosby Margaret Broomnell Mrs. Lambie 'Joseph 'Lathbie ,Mrs. Richardson Jean Wilson G. C. Cushman Jean Day Mrs. Lainbie i'Robert Ca-se Mrs. Paradise Mary Gardner Edward-Boaley Melissa' Jones Mrs. - L.. C. Newton Garl. Lindenberg Mrxs., L. C., Newton Jane Ladds Harry -Royal Emily MacCold 'Mrs. Dake John Wing Mrs., Dake Dorothy Young A. H. Bradford Gertrude Gray -Mrs.'-Weaver Lawrence Weaver 'ABBOT Dorothy Hunt E. Clark Jane Goodell Horton Schoellkopf -.Mrs. ory James Byington Ruth James Irene Allen Mrs., Fuess John Fuess BRADFORD J. Chadwick Elizabeth Chadwick Elizabeth Stout ABBOT William Townsend Mrs. Taylor Fanny Taylor Donaldl Ellis Calkins Mrs. Fuess oburn Starr Fowler James Vipond Virginia Thayer Mrs. Paradise Stuart Hotchkiss Mrs. Paradise Walter Lineberger ;'Elizabeth Lineberger Hortense Diunbar ABBOT Robert Milbank ROGERS Katherine Young 'Joseph Woodward Mrs. Dake Peggy Leavenworth ~~~~~~~~A. R. Stebbins' -ABBOT Nelson Coffin Helen Simpson Peggy -Wyman Mrs. Gory Kernethramcett Mrs. Gory Davis Gory June Sawtelle Mrs. Gory W-illiam Keesling -Elizabeth Terry -Mrs. Whrittemore -H. S. Foster Mariette Whittemore Mrs. Wentworth Carol Wentworth N. Beach Janet Lumb Mrs. L. C. Newton Richard-Kimball Miriam Ferris Mrs. Kidder Arthur Kappelman -Mrs. Neville .Edward Batchelder Marguerite Neville BRADFORD Arthur Jackson 'Roberta Todd ~Mrs. -Page Priscilla Page Pierce -Ha'rriet Mosely Mrs. Kidder Nathaniel Clark ABBOT E'enita Cowee George Cowee Barbara Reynolds -ROGERS Kenneth Holden Loretta Young Mrs. Young Walter Kimball Page -Mrs. Page Henry Gardner 'Mrs. Richardson George-T~dd Helen Ripley Mrs. Trowbridge Priscilla Trowbridge -'S.' Bicknell Ruth Abbott Mrs. Abbott James Kettle Janet Quimby ABBOT Russell NCeff and many stags - - - -Mrs. - -ABBOT - - VWM1'S .lkI7Charles OOKU Tells of Northward Trend of -Civilization From Ancient -Times to Present - '-Gertrude -ROGERS ..The-.large majority of the Phil' lips Academy students who ex'. hibited such great interest and enthusiasmn at the visit and lecture of the emii'tent Arctic explorer Stef ansson,-ii'ill be pleased to note the recentaddition to the library of one of .his latest books, "The. Northern Movement of the Empire"~. In agreement with his usual theme, this work attempts to bring out the practicality of more and thicker settlements of the- so-called "frozen northi". In this volume . the, distinguished explorer continues to expel popular inhibitions concerning the terrors'-of the' farm-orth,.and he carries onr-his revelations'about the -pleasantness of the climate, beauty and~mildness of 'the country,, and the possibilities of a new and -greater civilization-growing up in the vast wilderness of which mnan-now stands S4KETCH CLUB SHOWS ~NEW BOOKPLATE Stefansson shows the in awe. -two ' - 'On -Frank -center -Penelope .SAXONS, BEAT ROMA-NS MD V RS RGF O D E 'erous, alumnus, 'Will be devoted- exclusively to American art. Am-. erica has a background of culture and of beauty that few people realize, and it is the-purpose of this Art Gallery to bring us closer to Te ehiartiof, ouroeewniount ot The exiitiono howeveranwi lltube lmied bt pilnain andiulture anyebtills contineeingdtonmaethinse, a interetco s and letnd ofsilver ass shpewters tad pssil aoet ofahid moel ta i o en ae The museum will be of the familiar Georgian architecture an'l will harmonize with the other build'. ings on the campus. Similar to the new Library, it will have a portico and four pillars, but owing to the irregular lay of the land a large :flight of steps will lead up to the main entrance. Also there will e no windows in the facade, d to the.natture of the building. Architecturally this will be one of the best in Andover, and should be a great addition to the campus. There will be fifteen exhibition halls,, in all, in 'the museum. Since in a big room a large number of paintings is apt to be confusing, all but three of these halls will be corn' paratively small. There will also be work rooms for students who wish to paint or sculpture. In a library will be kept many books on Art and probably several files of etchings. The library will have a comfortable reading room somewhat similar to the one in the new Oliver Wendell Holmes Library. entering the building by the main entrance, one will pass direct. ly through a vestibule into an octagonal exhibition room. In the of this will be a beautiful statue by Paul Manship, and on the walls some of the best paintings the Academy possesses will be hung. There will be a few more exhibition rooms on the first floor, but most of them will be on the second, reached by a stairway in the rear of the building. The i-. A L UTG EK situated in the basement. d-WShw Skill in Shudio-Atop Mr.' Travis 'Creates-Au Exce tionnIly MWednesday's Tilts Prove Thrlllers"AsA mnthpatigadsaue on exhibit will be the works of Baketeers Run Up High Scores Beautiful Plate Em9h 'T* Be Library-Mr. Trowbridge rin some of the greatest artists in AmL Signed By Donor In Borden Gymnasiunm ChOargoof-Club depictng itsgradua northard morve, since the little world- in and about- 'the Tigris-Euphrates valley, up-Ahrough Rome, to.-England, and finaly Norh t Ameica, fter which 'he develops. his theories of the, practicality f extensive comnmercial -reindeer-farming, and- further transformiAtion of -the -,great natural resources of the Arctic, which now, lies idle. Several of the chapters of this book have prviously appeared in the National Geographic-YMagazine and World's Th'e latest wvork of, Mr. Travis, Activities of the sketchi cltb art. progressing rapidly, and the prog- the distinguished artist whose map Tells made thus far-s -ery~gratffy- graces the reading room. of the ing. 'ilegun -as.-an- experitnit.',Mr. library, is the designng of the new Trowbridge;- with a keen desire t and artistic bookplate which will be put- the"-ventiire across, has ude- ~used for all gift volumesdonated to the library in the future. The nbyprvntaitspoiletocenter of the (lesign is the evertake- boys with 'little previous artis- pleasing seal of Phillips Academy, tic skill or show of talent, and in a surrounded by an attractive flower The Gauls nosed out the Greeks, 14-10, and the Saxons took the measure of the Romans,,20-6-in the club basketball-games'-Wednesday. The Saxons have been traveling 'very fast of late, and their stock soars up as a result of this victory over their chief rivals. The Gaul-Greek fracas was a thriller, In spite of the great im'. erica, such as Stuart, Sully, Thayer, Whistler, and Manship, and many others. A large fund has been provided for new acquisitions, and it is very probable that within the next few years the Addison Gallery of Art will be one of the best museums of American art in the country. Plans are now being made for the new chapel, and[ work wvill be Work, and -the- story bears an extremely attractive introduction by Dr.-Edward W. Nelson, chief of the tU S.-Biological 'Survey. Both be'. cause of his- prominence, and also because of the .great advance of business and even civilization which such a - step asSiefarisson plans would cause, bis- volume should be of epecil ineres to verystuent of the school. :short time by an easy course of trainingto inculcate in tbenmLanrappreciation and. love ofart never beCombined ..wvitb 'fore exhibited. this, those under his guidance.have 'so far shown excellent talentin the 'line of drawing, a fact which- will :easily be. made evident by a visit to the fine charcoal sketches no. 'on exhibition on the top. floor of -the new library, border. At the bottom of the plate is a snail shell, hacked by a scroll on which are inscribed the words "Per am'pliora ad altiora". Above and below the seal respectively are the words "4 Phillips Academy" and "Oliver Wendell Holmes Library". 'Below the design is a place for the name of the donor to be written. The plate is printed in sepia on lantique finish bond paper. -provement shown by the Green team, the Gauls finally wvon Out. Lang, at center, showed tip well for the winners, while Laird starred in the back court for the Gauls. The Saxons clearly outclassed the Romans throughout, the score at half-time standing, 14-2. Robinson was the high scorer for the Saxons; Jacobson and Potter played w~ell for the losers., started on this sometime next year. As soon as it is finished the old chapel will be torn down. WVheni the present building program i~ completed, when the Art -Mtisetiin Dining Hall, Chapel, in, an] Toifirmary are in use, Phillips \cad(emy will have perhaps the ljeqt prep'.school campus in America. afwCOT and srasdyon leges. - S A E TF Art, now under construction, wvill be ready for inspection early in *1931. This beautiful museum, the gift of a gen- and the work rooms will be '.brary northward trend of the empire, "PLANS FOR INTERIOR ART GALEY 'OFEEAD - PAGE FOUR ,_ T-T ANDOVER NATIONAL BANK GOOD TIMES MADE IN STUDENT ACCOUNTS Honor List For SWIMMING PRACTICE 4 ANDOVER ANDOVER TTHErPHILLIPIAN MASS~~~~ King Cuts MASS. ISeconds H. E. Crawford-History, Latin,LIR 'MOST INTERESTING IGrekGemery WinerRain.R followving men received Latin in all of their subjects-F I .- ail-Chenistry, French,Reod ScolHsoyn-it ~ F- -ReodsSholHitryi -o Spitzer, (19)-English, Algebra, Algebra, Solid Geometry Unusual and Entertaining French, Latin, Physics G. A- Hill-Fren~ich, Geometry, Mne in undredL. Two Someof the best-yqcords of the yvear were the results of the swim- WV. S. Emerson (19)-Englisb, Lati ing time trials which Coach. Dake American History, Physics, J. T'. Lanmbie-Latin, German, AmMAIN STREET ANDOVER, heldI last WAedncsdlay..Teot Algebra, German erican H-istory - eentof stndig te ateroonwasD. G. Allen (18)-English, French, K. C. Ogden-Physics, Drawing, King' unoflcialschoo recod for Greek, Phy'sics, Solid GeomAmerican hiistory, Philosophy 'T-ie etry D. V. Sprankle-Geomnetry, French, made he J. -I. Batten 1)Egih em Latin Imfigan Pbarmnarp the 200 varlliswini.owhe Slirlasse thep~cvius mrk b the etry, History, Physics T). E7. V~arner-English, French, unusually wide i.irgin of three andj B. Book (18)-English, AmLatin, Science Page & Shaw four-fifths seconds. The remainder erican History. Latin, Physics Thel, following inen' received A. BASSO, Proprietor CHOICE FRUITS Although the giter part of the students at Phillips Academy have insm'ane rother made -i naty inspection o te fienw niap'recently installed in the library' if is doubtful if they have takeii the time to examine in detail some of - th tem soeItpams A. H. Bradford (18)-Latin, equally as well. Young did his best Greek2, Greek3, Physics thisfresason M.Deming(ff)-E-lish i the fifty-ard AlgeUsed at-our Soda Fountain ti esni h it-adfe-M lmn ()Egih le Istylec race, competing against al-bra, French, Science, Latin most the entire group of dash men R. G. Dorr (18)-Algebra, Latin, on the squad. Breed lowered his Scieii~e, English, Greek L X KIV backsroke reord insome vry ex C -. Dufton (18)-Englishi, AmJeweler and cletsimnwieSvl' erican T-istory,. Latin, Solid Optometrist showing wvas not quite tip to the Geaer O6Man tetAdrs Masetndr h hsprvoulyst.'French, 36 Mai Andoer, Stree, his is anecletcmbc o S. B. Dni 1)-nglish, ChiemCoach Dlk' aaos adcpe istry, French, Public Speaking, SAY IT WITH FLOWERS a.s the team is by the loss of Wilson SldGoer and Khanariok throgh ielig- W.S. Kiniball (18)-Eiglishi. Telegraphe Anywhere Anytime Although the Boston news Soi emty aiEg PLAYDON jtper r rn o e h on lish H-istory Sauces ___________________________ _________________________ A..I~. - J.'I. honor grades in thirteen hours: I.S. Allis-Algebra, French, Latinpresent ain WX.G.Bte-nCsLtn oi Geometry D. C. Cs-English, Latin, Ger- deal more prevalent if the road Geometry, iveie a - it was in the days when English S. Gordon-English, Geometry;' History 'Phillips Academy was youing. In Solid 1835 horses were drawing woodenr coaches oyer if6n ails, this being T. S. Greene - English. Latin,thony easftrspttino recSineAiidover at that time. .P rfigEgih ~till, When steam tra.ins came intdi Phsc v6iucea few years later a spur track \T of the lue swimers in the F. R. Miller (18)-English, Latin. W . HuTtll-Chemistry, Latin, was put through to Andover and. loss of the two last-niamed, it apGreek, Physics Philosophy, Public Speaking later extended to Haverhill, and in Ipears that the fightimg squad is pre- WV. M. Perry (18)-Eniglish, Latin, W, MT. joy-Latin. French, Greek the same year the present Bostdm French, Science, Algebra C. B. Lainsing-French, flioiogy, tinue the excellent winningl record C. H. Rose (18)-Geomietry, Eng.Arnmerican H-istoryv ~ac %0hich it hia- carried throughu the lish, Latin. Ph',sics R. B". incolff-Trdich, Algebra. Hats Cleaned Shoes Shined: 1930 season. D. iK. Trevvett (18)-Latini, Eng ~ti18,thtVnritoraiehs his, Ageba. cieceFrechW. A. McCloy-Latin. Phsics. lis, AgeraScinc, Fenc, Solid Geometry R. T. Walsh (18)-P'ible, Chernis- C. . McLanahan-Chemistry, Aitrv, German. Science, Solid ieom~~~~~~~~try, e~rican H-istory, Solid GeomC~~~~\l ~~~ety The "'-~"~-"'~Young . J. C. Wile ()-Engish, Latin, W\T W. Miller-Phyvsics, History, VV~~3i~ JIJJ il~~len r-Iistory, Solid Geometry Solid Gedmnetry' (ANNUALLY 1911~~~ SINCE r. G. C. Cushm-ani (7)-~Erglish. T. '.\. Mtinro-Fnglisif, Greek, A Summer in the Rockies on the back rails of Gemtr'FrchPyssCoet Yello~stone Park. and the Buffalo Bil GerutvFe -* FULL SOLES FOR $2.00 VALLEY k~~~~~~cH R -'-* . - . ' . - Ph-c-h WVyomning. Country during July and August for Young Men.Aaeywsjs Sleep n a Tepee or ut under the ,tar,; Se bears, moose. o~otes. antelope, deer and elk:. camp in forests and in the age-bruth. by lakes. water. falls, hot sprtngs and gsecrs. Oser halt the Trip comprises lay-over periods from on, to our dlays long 'uth loafing, all games. track meets, mountain climbs, smmmnz contest, horse kv Montain7)-English,.Parker-Algebra, races, troutfishing and Streams. Rides between arious campip-ts by tensi ble and comfortable stages. n in grcat shape for school or college and ootball next fall. or Ro G. -haacer ~. - 70 ast45t Stee Drawing, Algebra I-~~rench, Science. -ih lgebraPhsc Ltn German 70 East boat. -.Another interesting note on, the iap tell-, of the old "horn blocks", used at the tme when Phillips etn tri tri shool sn o ~~~~~~~~The following men n rceived 1101- Ptrs' pal an -nlsh-atn "~~~~~~~ een at o schno- i pis.osthntecartrsn The following-received honors in the school history as Paul Revere twelve hours-: and Charles Bulfinch. G. N.\.Bartlett.i English, French.________ A DDT '- New York, N. Y. masters that have .pssn,Latin, Greek, Andover, and with brief biogra- in seventeen hours: Soi emtyNAUTICAL B. L~~ ATM. R. Mason-French. English, AlM.Aorrissnl English, gebra, ScienceLIRAR 45th Street it is - a.Icue given on the librarympiIcue French, atsc)ar pictures of all the, princi- .1 dining-car.Groverrom7)-Algera, Easern times, travelling by train, coach, and vAaey'asjs Pek 17-Eglsh Latin, French i e eCA-breometry X.FirnSceeAgba--. a''o 17-EnlsLtn T. A. Ritzmn avo -1 - V~lle Hadquatersors Ranc New York-Boston eivice. Then to get f rom AdoVer to New York 'one had to change conveyance three " Geometry group; the guides are real old-timgrs: e, celn od cokdb he best cooks-in thi W.est. References required. Party Limited. Write illustrated booklet giving full information: t was, in .the same year, -- A pullmans ang- and denmy. u hog t is hhisAa Di. Newtom-English;, Latin. G reek place of the more etn common I .NysG~er emaOeo hs ri ener, Phscs J L.Noe- (-oiit-,,Gri slate. Oeo hs blocks H.i.s Ttr npseso fteshoada P iawr-ence (17)-Cemistry,isr inpseinoftechladn Sience Frnh I iso, SolCt I. Crek rpeentation of clrcc slrC.T Page Piology, excellent rpe and outfit never orget. cm aielnputhogisfrt and.Mieln otesteo P,1. oliton (17)-Englishi. Frnh emtyPyIcs Each member assigned hs on horse. stock saddle Private aot iten istem o ths hr stehsoy~ h ailroad which runs from Andover to Boston. Everyone is rn ociiieis*evc oa' but from the story given on the'map the dissatisf action would be a great man H. T. Goldherger Have Your Shoes Repaired at No. MainStreet 2 pared to ]battle tese odds; and con- ill ofisi the atsi 70 f-il 60 MAIN TREET Te _____________________________ Retur the finer points of this tieasure, and -those wch contribute to both its pecuniiary' and intrinsic value. One _- Fudge and Butterscotch A Vacation Eperience you congenial . Three and Four-fifths The From School Record, hontors In Two Hundred ~~~ The Andover Frit Store ______________BOOKSTORE YMA POVS VOLUMES IR R Greek. Geometry gba cec IV 11. Aei-Aeba Latin, R TSenrnh e~n hl Fascinating Edition by C. G. Davis Alleil-Algebra, osophy, Solid Geometry Joins Collection of -Nurnerous French. English .~ IL. WVillard -- Latin. Algebra- - Those receiving honors in eleven Maritime Works ~French, English , hours were: Cupeetn headtost :1. I1I. Young-Engish, G;eomietry. QC,433. G, Day-French, Science, the collection of volumes on nautAernian, flistory "Algebra 4ical'stibjects annoutnced in a recent I lTe followving nier- receivel1~ N. H-oward-French. Greek, His- Plrlm'NN hr a been '-dhonr i fifteen hours: tory dedone of the most interesting and . '~~~N. Bleachi-Geometry, Latill, Eng11- -F. S. Jacohson-Frenqi, Science. artisti& ooks now on loan'. Thiss ~lish History Algebra -another of the, publications of the CO .\~~~~(-. . vans-Latin, Greek, Eng-.- C. enney-French, Science. Mrin Researc h Society of Salem, All, ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~Ltna wvorlk of emiinent authority; Charles LO024 CIIAIfTA. S1i1T' A~ . Potter-French, lgebra, Ei,- R. SnyderP-fglish1, renlch. atin GDaintte"Shi~ping Craft RiEW%ItAVUsN NEW Voju, li sh N-istory, Solid Geometry T 'XV7. Tolman-Frenci. American i Silhiotlette", it depicts in vivid 'eI ~~~~~~F XV\incentillfnrlisl< L-atini, HTistory, Solid Geometry ti' the dfferenttps f-bt ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i sleonmeiry,' Science The following have hionors in ten alicient and modern sailing and mio-' NEW SHADFS--NFW FABRICS ~The following are crediterd withf hours: tor vessels. Illustrated by silhonors in font-teen hotirs: C. G. Christie - Latin. Science. hoetsctb n er!h of the same preeminent character C.I \oadr-ai3 i4. Gekchara-lng black and white contrast's customarily associated with RosenoidhilGeOnietry H-. Fhirlich-English. C, History, Of this volume are quick to roumse berg importations. C B lavly-Frnch. cencc-., U'. S. History tlhe enthusiasm of the read-er, English, Latin J. W. T-ershey-Averican History. "Iamn t practically, impossible to' "R1f][trENTATIVE Y. llecrs~-,-Solid Geometry, Latin, Algebra U S. History put down the book without- having MA(~~~~~JD h~~!istory . "R. C. North-Science. French, made a thoroug inpconf all ARCHIE I P~~~~~~~~~~~ronmfield-TLatin, Ifistorv, English the grip~ping arilttleseat "The Cupboard" A.oety i IV Peck-Science. French. tweeti its covers, and with 'hha 26 Street Salem J I. Latin, Laitin anl added incentive, it should be Tuesday, 25 February ~hy'sic tl~ T. A- Sawyer-Latin, Algebra difficuilt for students- to withstand'F '-~~eriy Eliglish, t: WN.Spring-Geog raphy, Alge- the urge to make at least aone visi hrara Geometyedailya toytet library. - -' - - - - - * Itv~~~'~~/i/U6/r - - -- - ____4 -- ____ ,,T ml en yes f'bt - - -1ftitler-Geortetry, - ____________________________________________________________atiii .-. 31 E-PAGE THE PHILLIPIAN Iegan the scoring by sinking foul shots, but Trabor soon snatched NO I PR 01 the second half, but soon substitutions found Howard in for Douglas and Capt. Kellogg in for Neff. In ~~~~~~this period Tabor again threatened ~~to take the lead when the score was ~~~~~~~~~~as close as 19-18 in Andover's ~~~~~~~favor. However, as the last period progresed, the Blue team figured in a rapid bit of scoring which placed her well in the lead with a score of 28-22 the game ended. Drick DRESS SHIRTS POPULAR COLLAR HOST POPULAR COLLAR HOST and and COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES ¶g~ and 31thnoriwth Blackford shared the scoring her i e eve pint Neff (Kellogg) (Jones), rf. (Petersen),PE Wetersn), c.c., Mayer (Kidston). rg. Doga lowinig: Hw If., Blackford rd), MASS. New York W C RU ' C U PARCHMENT JosepIi Conrad, the Appreciation of Hi osbX.S.Grn Use of Lisuire, by S. Dunn "ig BOSTON. MASS. ceotatble present than a box of BASKETBALL TEAM LOSES TO WENTWORTH On Shelves oe The Rssian Intelligentsia, by C. B. MILLER'S SHOE REPAIRING Lansing Contemporary Tendenciesi te Days of Collection Modern Draina, by . S. Brom- Monday, Wednesday and Friday Shine Contract-12 Shines for $1.00 !'WHITMAN'S" ~~~Am-ong the new hooks on the Both Teams Play Raggedly in field LOWE I& COMPANY shelves in the library are two FsRuhCnet ete TeUe B3ARNARD BUILDING three-volume sets of historical import,-"Commonwealth H-Iistory of Massachusetts", by Hart, and S.Careton Carleton & Sons ~Alfred & ~~i. ~. SoflSRambaud's "istory of Russia" UantblRoug Co teKte nAue Thesship UnabletoiCmpeteeCens Faigi The Andover basketball team was fLtrr ev buse ofLt-a Lev rshi, by . Uilkner__ ieaurb .Udr cabinet hi' of the ministerof ~~~1Tf~ ~~~~~abnt fth insero pubic rough. lbut poorly played game by ~ and~~~instruction and accurate fine artsstudy in Paris his present from the Wentworth Institute by a score Fireplace Wood 3 baskets $1.00 the earliest times down through the baskets $1~~last reat revolution of Russia, Kindling Wood ~~~~~~ makes concise and stimulating readFree delivery anywhere in town. at 51 Clillat5 Park Street o Phone Andover 51-M ______________________________men ANDOVER M AU C06 General Garage Service. night. Open day and Tel. 208 Bennie's Ayon eprintis Taylor. and Sarifinie starred tor discovers a substance with which he the visitors, can blow the world to bits. His exThe game started slowly, no score citing experiences with a dis- beinog made until the first period Barber Shop anitary ti unsa areweltod Has always been the choice of The American, Maurice Hiindus, PHILLIPS ACADEMY STUDENTS has just written a fine book dlealing, Four First Class Barbers at your with the Russian attempt to overservice all the time. Tel. 1123 throw the burdens of tradition and 9 MIN Bnni TRET Vetur, Pop-custom. an~l to establish a saner wv 9 MAIN Bnnie TREET Vetura, Pop.f -living for the citizen. The S'oviet experiment, its advantages and its faults are treated tinder a keenly observant light in "Humianitv UP HANSEN,Prop. JOHNProp. C. HANSEN, rooteone, ANDOVER STUDIO 45 MAINSTREET Sittings taken at the tudio or home Ye ANDOVE.R, MANSE Tea Room LUNCHES and DINNERS BU AKTALTA BLUE ASKEBALLTEAM WINS OVER TABOR FIVE was nearly four minutes old, when Taylor rimmed one for Wentworth. He followed this up with a foul shot and a moment later repeated with another field goal to put his team out in front 5-0. Jones shot a foul cr fsoe Win of By a Somersville Mfg. Co. Hair Coatings Samples and Prices ROOM 1 JOHNSON HALL ___________________________mended ning. to make arrangements with _ _ _ __ _ _ There ae so inany intereting things to see ?;,6G-I~0 SPORTING GOODS STORE . delivery. These rehearsals .W-4J MZQ~AeAr~SE.N,.o will begin on Monday. The eight essays listed above will be delivered from memory by the students during a programn which will commente promptly at eightfifteen o'clock next Friday evening. - the judgeso thiseocsw ill baeh th smea tos womae h recent selection of eight, with Mr. Stl gon ston. ls ENUSWaIes.Al Spencer acting as chairmnan. Three titnre o. alsnton yeNSaee. Alant prizes will be awarded, the first. breakages at being a sm of twenty-five dollars FERGUSON'S STORE. 47 MAIN ST. Dr. Pfatteicher will provide music To Library POLAND ~~~BILL Scesrt Sec-essor to the period ended. In the' second Fo'c'sle period, Drick tipped in a shot after iiah 'H. Full Line of C M Skates-Skis Snow Shoes-Pucks Hockeys, etc. Developing Capt. Kel- -went in for Miller. Drick again was fine throughout, being marked b ra elo prtadta play. To e sure, the Andover team won by sheer superiority, ut even so, the visitors are to be com- logg put his teami ahead with an scored to make it 25-24 for the blue. nice one on a pas from Neff to With three minutes left, Dow`ning make the score 16-t5 at the half. won the game with a nice goal At the first of the second half, Tay- making the score 26-25. The play lor was forced ot on four personal w~as exceedingly rough from then on their good competition. fouls and A\bbot relcd himengclld Capt. Kellogg played a considerreOaelm on. fotil after foul lost Printing nagn Outfitter for all ________________ Downing scored three times inquick Andover CHASE al-TdwtrVr wvhich Sarifinie retaliated for, 13-4. Benson, A. L.-Daniel Webster Neff Angell, J. W.-The Recovery of naps rmKlog Germany Score scoredSmithaAlfredfromUpetooNow.C The latter then put ont in to ringSitAfeE.U toNw te scre t 13- forthe isitrs.Luehr-The New German Republic th scoreto I 3S for he vistors.Whitlock, Brand-La Fayette Sarifinie again roke loose to make Chinard-Thomas Jefferson, the it 15-8. After much passing Neff Apostle of Americanism scored froni id-floor and a mo- Slocombe-Paris in Profile ment later repeated to make it 15- Scheidemann-The Making of Ger12. MXayer shot a long one from mn liue to bring the score F. several chances to Pilp cdm Tyams 48 MAIN ST., ANDOVER, MASS. T MeinLcEled ' U I ablepar ofthegame to put entworth, Maewoh lyd~ell Ketleandsuccession and added 2-6 oadwn nfrKl ahead even hnethe amie tip by missing these much to their team's advantage. As211. owrwetifrKlchns 1'IARDWARE for the visitors, the general floor logg. After a time out Neff made Lineup: it 21-18 on a pass f rom M\ayer. ANDOVER WENTWORTH play of Greedy. the left gard, and Sarifinie made his foul try, and Jones, Kellogg (Capt.). If. the clever (lirection of the team by rf.. Sarifinie BOYS' HADQUARTERS FOR FishingI~icket Tackle, She~ls~ Clark, in place Mayer made a long one for 22-20. Drick.. c.. Demille Portable Phonographs, .Fihig ackeShll, P-eet Clrkinplceof Capt. Mctain. Drick evened it up at 22_22. Neff. rf. If,. DowningVitrCoubadBunwcRers Knives, ~~~etc. was very noticeable. Mayer. Ic. rg.. larkVcoClmjad rnwc eod Knve, tc ec In the first quarter Tabor saw as 'Wentworth forged ahead again on Howard. Miller. Kellogg. rg. Study Lamps, Etc. much 'of victory as she did in any Sarifinie's goal. Drick dropped inI..Tlr(Ct).Abt Final score: Wentworth-26; Andover--6 ANSRE S HO P ______foteistosthgealflo . 31 M~iN STREET Tel. 102 other period of the game. a logg wvent in for Jones just before Thomas, Lowell-The Sea Devil's tain. but neverthetess their playing almost even at I'5-14. WV . R.. HILL __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in our shop that we Are sure you would enjoy visit. him concerning rehearsals for final for Andover's first score, soon afttr dropping one more in -to raise during the evening. the Bluie score to 5-. Sarifinie shot added to fouls and Downing Recent Additions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~loopedone to make it 11-2. ,'Week End Guests Accommodated. 28 to 22 109 Andoer ain t. -Tel.8965 109 Andoey Man St. el. 895 Last Saturday, in the gyninasium, the basketball team succeeded in defeating the Tabor Academy team in a spirited game,' 28-22. Manufacturers of The Tabor team was quite handicapped by the absence of their .Cap- the center W~Aooens and Camel _ So much to interest you!I Play Fine Offensive Game to Miller went in for Howard. WnB Aet nteHl Censorship, by J. Smith For the benefit of those who re- cohsadeupet For every outdoor sport we have the proper of 26-25. The Andover defense main in the competition, Mr. WilCome and ee temneuflnvl W~as ragged, and the offense showed kinson. announces that they will be t~o l id ehv ruh rmfrg the loss of Kettle by their inability expeetedl to consult with Mr. Bas- countries. t u palresoe rw' odsnetm eoeSna v tornu ag cre rwfr oetmebfr udyee BERCROMBIE & FITCH C. ing for the student. The library has recently obtained acpoftely"igOvr the regular, guard and star defense Europe". the play by the English- man wvas out with an injury aso. Robert Nichols and M.aurice Drick and N.\eff played well offenBrowne which caused considerable sively and Maye` was outstanding excitement when produced lastwih isln sot. D nng ~season in New York by the Theatrewih isln sot.D nng 90 MAIN STREETGul he tDo. AgentionleHil SoTtDo. hill Rambaud is chief of the nosed out last Wednesday in a fast, The Uses and A-buses of Literary W OOD News Co. Anoe These Colleges of Ours, by D. G. (Harvey) AllenAn ___________________________ . 323Vest 47th St. n the basis of content were the fol- BRANCH OFICZ vrErp"A ogi "Wigs Over Euope" AmongBLUE There is-,no, better or more acThe Plays Recently Placed ANDOVER. TABOR 1g., Greedy Clark Dric Plumbing - Heating - Ventilating MAIN OPICC papers which were finally selected c. Kettle, If. rg., Ljerce MANy NEW ADDITIONSks Drick ADDITIOS Dougla,; Ig.The (Hward), NOW IN THE IBRARY Hede- Established 1885 SHPIn. and Mr. G. Sanborn, selected the_______________ eight essays which will be delivered iiext Friday evening in George The COMMUNITY CUPBOARD Washington Adtru, tu and LUNCHEONETTE brioiu, tu binging to a close the Means Essay 26 SALEM ST., ANDOVER Contest. Of the twenty essays orOpposite Brothers Field iginially submitted, thirteen were________________ chosen at the first reading, the other seven being disregarded from the standpoint of (lelivery. The eight eah. pins ~~~~ANDOVER _________________ W.,fR. WELCH COMPANY TECHAUCER HEAD In the second period Capt. KelNext Friday By logg came into the game and soon Judges the Andover scoring comnmencedwith Andover ahed 151,a h Onl Wednesday evening the group half ended. of three judges, composed of Mr. The original lineups returned for Spencer, the chairman, Mr. Barss, PATENT DRESS SHOES _________________ THEAY ~~~~~~with apretty long shot by Mayer. Three Winners Will Be ChosenBO GUN-METAL DRESS SHOES Tbe 'Rurn.5 Companp, ESSAY SELECTED FOR FINALS the lead andquarter held it-when almostAndover till te end of the TUXED OS FOR SALE AND FOR HIRE ~~jflfl~ ~tflp~~np EIGHT MEANS FIVE kettle a foul to make it 24-23. Kellogg 25 6 ANSRE 01 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 THE PHILUPIAN PAGE SIX Sixth Annual Meet Blue Grapplers Win For High Schools Will Over Yale Freshmen TakePlace Saturday (Continued from Page 1) (Continued IGroup Visits Boston Capt. Noel Will been put into its designhig, o Museum of Fine Arts Show Unusual Film that it may harmonize in every d'has (Continued from Page 1) alwt (Continued from Pa1) h es ftesho r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rangement the inn should be one from Page 1) (Coninue fro Pag 1) plied a hlead lock for a fall. Tis of Lowell is favored to rtain his match was short and 'to the point, championship, but Green of New- so to speak, with the freshmian ton, WVhitcomb of David Prouitv. always o the~!,ttomn. and doubtRoss ofD. rockton K. Bro~vn wil wo on a defaut point the early Greek statuary was Kashmir, in northwest India, where of the most agreeable places in th' taken up, and later a great contrast he took many motion pictures. His vicinity at which to stop. made with the work done just prc- former movies- are real works o ART GALLERY cerling and during te time of, and there is every reason to exThe expiration of a year will also less providle him w~ith excellent competition. Drescher of Lowell should win the shot put, and Morin of David Prouty ought to regain the championship which he won two vea rs ago in the broad jump. fromn King of Yale when in a scramble te latter dislocateci his, knee cap. Tl'is match was very good wvhile it lasted, Cowee showved a lot of strength combined with science vh,-.;: e threw Texl~r, anold Andovr mninsthnthre r r a ei l ndver lie Turning then to the Roman sec- pettatteemoercntoe e y ing oft he Aisonv tion, the guide explained how te wvill be even better. Gle~ fAt hc ilhv Roman art and sculpture was at In his lecture Capt. Noel will deal fifteen exhibition halls, and will be product of Etruscan realism and with the land around the Vale of fitted in eveiry way to meet the reGreek idealism. In this way the Kashmir. Several films will beurmnt fte col Roman masters acquired a fine skill shown, of the rocky Himalayas, grim BIRD SANCTUARYof exection, butattaineddorenandSfrbidding.Someiof tenpicbnthe,birdsanctuarybbanding r etexsion, aand srtures illustrate the vast plains oi breeding, and taming activities are secured his fall with a crotch and half nelson. ~~In the 175-lb. class Bradford of Andover lost a fall to MINunson. The Yale man appeared to hatve a greater knowledge of the game arid hd rafr atadsvitte dticed better portraits of their notenIdaenl teqan u.ging onsdsulrd theuldn ia is famous -men. Several busts of te tonis of the people there, so far binth c ode frtu-of bulin c h remoed fom cvilzatin,' earoutintewosfrheseoth later Roman emperors were studied rmvdfo cilzaon Nerstudents, and, although nothing deto illustrate this fact. the end of the lecture, an interest- finite has yet been decided, there is With the 'completion of the Ro.-n nietsitoue coern ayane taend bevain.oe man period, Mr. Roth took me sru ing the life of the famous Moumaberctd estrogteEytanomsemperor, the great Shah Tehan. TRAFFIC PROBLEM throughout the match, where the finest collection of EgypCapt. Noel lectured here three Now,. as the school authorities tian art in America is contained. years ago on his experiences 'in at- are coming every day closer to the ____________________________ - The Tradition of Relibility When Oliver Wendell Holmes was asked one day to patronize a newlyI founded grocery firm, lie replied that lie had been brought up on S. S. - - Pierce groceries and somehow didn'te'Bsestepitn know how he could get along without them. That was two generations ago. In -the intervening years the number of S. S. Pierce customers has increased greatly. Through all this timeAlou -very the confidence of customers in the eodoftmtntorahte"ooftecixofheM Andover To Run Yale Beidsthraitigmehds; tep ing tlch tenToe Harvard in Relay the Egyptians, and their inscrip-Wol"hitakwsejydb tions, the semdtftrc (Continued from Page 1) - emdt iatter of laotheg Mrafin hseet rbem. anatouhrficasoteom numtieii1s all who attended. According to Dr. sufficiently great on that thoroughus, ei n ftebs p athre toweaay whmenditewinav atatespecial atnin ush soeo mnpatoftent-eswoaseeletrdhr.Hstbeeltihiecyopevt h etsek hr He was Harvard's most Alhuhmn at fte i r h a vrlctrdhr.Hst tal seumn could not be v'isited in the illustrated talk should be not only tieallowved,th visitwa exceedinteresting timewiththeverwascintoo a high degree,-but metwthAdve.Bckngoly-eeiil ob u-vrveuainla wl.I il mneyer will be Dodge, who so far eeiil n o lu~ u-vr dctinla el twl ther trips of this kind( w~ill eol - any rate, rank asoeof the finest this season has shown tip very f a-co-aon lineup. of Co. he S briliantperfrmerinteir reliailit S. ierc ha, grown increasingly strong. Reliability! How much that word stands for-and how important it is Old in the tradition of reliability, dce nSretrbl. of the nteftr.gvnhr ilb a hni ilhv edat ihdrcltM rvn the school from beconting as so many oforin legsdvdd into numerous small islands by the teretino inn terethno inl eavy-traffic streets. Before that day arrives, however, hsya.Telcuetoei hrehp o :slto the S. 5: Pierce Co. is moidern in every rneans to supply its customers with food of quality .... with a var. iety that offers a wide opportunity vorably. If Broaca of Andover citdi h uue ie start eetiat 8.15er etr ncag form oefraslto p. m. hin George inhs the possible of a re-routing rtins, it will be his first race of the Philo Holds Sixth Washington Auditorium, Tuesday of traffic. season, although practice results Debate of the Year the 25th. for individual that have been quite encouraging. Kim-hall should keep up the fine run- ____CtiedfmPae choice .... at prices re cnsisentlymodeate. S. PIERCE S. CO. Importers and Grocers ESTABLISHED 1831 _________________________will .T _________________P ~ning which gave Andover her tenl- hears te voice of the 7 per cent PHILLIPS ANDOVER PHILLIPS ANDOVER B. ini gd St a b IeS C RIP Plan Under Progress vard lead last Saturday. and Cush- wh1o want freedoni that they might man is due to repeat his excellent hold offices and gain liersonally, (Continned from Pag 11 race. The remainder of the lineup that it was America's duty not to sthtianemrncstataySouthern is aby strngthned b Capt Mc-free- them till they were more d- aie thr vlbemetan Guire and Haas, whose abilities ucated, and that A-mnerica had won ae.haded accombemo tn are well known to all Andover. The them by the fortune of war. NeW CaAded a comain. -Boston E S R RB FRM'pM SOUTTHERN Imnmense Building Mr. Jamnes C. Sawyer Retuirns to Andover Alterlinspectionof Institutions - Mr. James C. Sawyer, the treasue ofPilp-cdm n member of the board of trustees, Andover-Harvard relay will be the Chadwick, the second for the afTh Cio ohenw cha last event of the meet, while the firmative, made the statemlent thatPeisxetdtocm neinhenteSuhw reevstdte Riding, Polo and Jumping Blue's contest with Yale will come the Philippines have the capacity cerisextedtomcrnte ptwhrD.ciesouth the in hierephe visoitedth Lessons Tel. 323 directly after the final heat of the to support theniselves. that to lib- Tea ftronhestweeDRcesof Phillpiam Annapolin, H ses on Sunday af ternoon-2.00_First 40-yard dlash. Two members of the crate theim would e economical Stears's house was frmerlv situ- Wsigo.Teproeo h Hour, $1.00 Every Hour After, noer team last year, Wrgtboth for the U. S. and the Phlp ated and will probably take about a Washingsto he pose ofhibtion Andov Wright ~ ~ ~ Philiptour was to viewuid.notedr exhibitionre and French. are the headliners pines. that America now loses $86.- yea to buildn afternthwhichithe pre-d sent one will be taken down. ofAircnatnthctesvied 'We Sell 'most Everything" at among the Yale representatives. By 000,000 annually. that the Philip. DIINST Y and to see the restoration of many ~~~~ virtue of this year's team's surpas- pine~sugar, shipped withouit tax to odpro ouesmlso hc sing of the previous record An- -this country, presents; too great isaaware.o Borden theeveryones Try our Imorted Tofee do Lur ymnasium, is quite inadequate forth scolipanngohven iny our and p5cseed Tins d l'r dover will have an even chance of competition for this country. .Veneso h col n fe the new Addison Gallery -ofArt. n ARK ST.. ANDOVER.ed MASSs out-running the Yale men. The outFuess for the negative main- th ed fteshoadatr One of the most important points . "TFIE 14IHA .8 PAK ST. ANDVER. ASS.look for the Harvard race seems to tamned that the Filipinos were not a totir of inspection last fall Itheofteriwathinpcon f trustees decided to consider plansofteriwathinpcon f be about the same. The Andover capable of taking care of them- for the building of additions, which St. John's College at Annapolis, the team, because of this last week's selves because of no previous xilPrvd osn o oelc-scn leteuainlisiu I.IC~A\. ~, practice, is in its best shape, and perience, that eight different lang- wl prvdtosigfrmreik eondolestyei eca A onttwo fine'races, if not victories, are uages nade it a great deal more erro-.adwl as itTl e derful piece of work is being done K-' i.. ~~~~assured. difficult as a good many were unable rooms for fencing, boxing, anti in the restoration of this old land*" ~~~The lineups are as follows: to communicate between themselves. wrestling. At the time, however,makudrteiecon fM. ANDOVER K. Melnerney, last speaker forthe idea of building an entirely new mr idrtedrcino r BrO.CshaHER ial c the aMIrie, eke out that gymnasium is out of the question. 'Richard Halsey, whose guesit Mr. Guire pitdPROizEs of INN Sayerws YAFRenh SWiHtN fire.Bod.Beady military standpoint. te It is hoped that construction work HE NEvER USED OLEAQUA, DON'T LET Grych Wrgt ig.By.BadlPhilippine Islands, being only a1 onl the new Phillips Inn may be TrimsTO HAPPEN "U"HARVARD FRESHMEN sotdtacfrm Japan, were a rushed, in order to complete this Oleaqua is both tonic and dressing, Abras. Davison. Dodge, Kollmeyer. real source of weakness rather than fine part of our campus to accomkeeps hair smoothly brushed aldyLvt.Webber, Werner. Wesley. R s trnghthtEhegvenmntSTORodtYte areUumer o ..- M.RT ULSE NE HI OR OTIE long. Used oly two or three times for srnt, this purpose. Oleaqua is at the same time excceelingly beneficial. Its properties Polo a Recognized as dandruff remover are exceptional. Full Sport at Andover directions accompany each bottle. WV. J. MO RS (Continued from Page 1) E SERVICE TAXI PRSTe.ApDOER MASS. STORAGE WASHING BUSSES GENERAL JOBBING and TRUCKING BAGGAGE TRANSFER - Blue anld White Barber Shop Drug Store care of thle needs of the school fot thle present. Aln ihtea-\l( "nouincement thatt Polo is now re~cog'nized as a varsity sport conies ~~~~~the announcement that Andover has been admitted into the National Polo Association as has Lawrencev.ille. This mecans that the school team will be reliresented in the indoor tournament which is to he held in the Newv York Armory' during thle Easter Vacation. This w~ill be a Igreat step toward establishingr the ~~~sport in the school and wvill serve to Musgrove Block Tel. 505 h ag ubro fti bidn ae eni h Rve oe J. P. Lardner, finishing for the. hands of Bottomly, Wagner. and ~~~negative, die tattePhilip- White. one of the finest firmns of Mr. Roth, chairman of the Hispines Nvere economically fit for in- hotel architects in the country. With tory Con-imittee of the Secondary eedne ht hntxdb 3 wi" tle dpenenc, tat wen'axe bv'U.all the fine appointments which are School Board, has recently' written S., upon whom they largely deped plneadtegetcr whc new "English History Outline they would cease to profit, that they a a a tpb wouldn't be able to compete with by Smith and Coutts. This Cuba in sugar, that they would for the sgAr interest and that booklet is a small but comprehenhave to attend to all domestic prob- moral reason is doing best for civ-~sive set of names, dates and imicoefis and that the cost of sending ilization and world. portant events from the pre-Angloconisuls. etc,, to foreign countries Chadwick. uipholdingr the affir- Saxon period as far as the present would be very great. mative rebuttal, saidl that if the ruler of Great Britain. At the end Cushman, speaking for thle iiega- Philippines were-to e liberated of each period there is a set of tive in the rebuttal, stated that thle 'Tapan would not accept them as a questions by which the student may imlirovement l the Philippiies gift, also that the Kellogg peace review the information- previously was due to American control, thztt pact forbade it, that it had been given. It describes the general atti-eiwad -lished is before te 60 ier cent of the-exports wvent to the promise of the United States ttide and feeling of the period-and body. Thie Advisory lBoard thle Tnlited States, that part of the to grant freedom to the Philippines the reigning sovereign as well. Into be congratulated onl their $86,000,000 annual loss was for the when their government should he- cluded are the Norman, Angevin, Andover Square action which is sure to increase in- navy which would have to be there Next to Stacey's Pharmacy. ndt bring its. importance FOUR EXPER n~ani~Rsstudent P. A. Students always receive special attention JOHN BELL. Prop. a ____atviiswrod Bernnie's Berber Shop Hartigan's httegvrmn stable, that 1)0th General Wood and people who will be present at Cotm~ A Comprehensive Treatment of Mr. Stimison had sai1 that the ii ecmn ex ue l etisSbet ih epu stlaectviisceeeotment-o ti uidngx have. b l een ilth Rubetiw Noespu . terest in this fine sport. anywa~', that it was advantageous comne stable. The negative won in Lancastrian-Yorkist, Tudor, Stuart, the balloting which followed. Hanoverian, and Windsor Houses.