bryan adamns
bryan adamns
ith a still at I Cochran Chapel such iello, their kenI VO.7,NME Saturday's Film Temovie this Saturday will be a full-length film 0~the 1948 Olympics, commentated by Bill Stern and Ted H using. open 7,..5, IILPA The speaker in Chapel this SudywlbeteRvrn A. Graham Baldwin, school minister. The service begins at 11:00 6'lc.IDoors LLP PHILLIPSACAIDEMY, ANDOVER, MASS. MAY 25, 1949 29P VOL. 2973, NUMBER MsHadnShaffer Triumph In Macbeth Interscholastic Track Crowns Andover King Wallace, Kimball Get Only Firsts, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Exeter Points l7'/z Leads Blue v The Blue track team last Saturday rolled up 60 points to win the tenth annual New England Prep School meet forMabtinS was second Exeter time Huntington with 4214; the ninth scored 28 to win the class B title; Moses Brown was second in class B with 22, then Hebron with 12½ Chshr/94 Chshr Dummer 8, MilGov. 8, Worcester ton 4, Monson 21/2, and Dean 1 The Blue, as usual, displayed most of its power in the field events, acquiringIn enough seconds, thirds, fourths, and fifths to win the meet easily. ~~. ~Brilliantly; Asniieadfn cafra yJh efrac sme aehgkep r'srgdyoth lighted the Dramatic Club's presentation of the play last nGegeW hnto Hal FrdyadStdynihs - Schaffer's acting, as well as that of Mrs. William Harding, played Lady Macbeth, greatly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~who 911, impressed the' comhined audience A ndover- Art Show~A RneSocia Beg o n e n oReDuleduuolyadtobl;Fr;br Out Clashing Influences On Art e N Beats L sH T o Lo The student body will have a win this event, falling down aftei his throw. Mac Beatty consistently bettered. his usual form. He threw 159 ft., 2 ins, in the trials and 162 chance to look over the works of their artist comrades next Thursday, when the student show goes on exhibit at the Addison Gallery. ft., 7 ins., in the finals. Mal Gambill placed fifth with 150 ft., 2 ins. The Blue got a slight jolt when two Exeter hammer throwers, Stone and Hjuck, threw 158 ft., 3 ins., and 152 They will not be disappointed.Ble Many of the pictures are excellenit, and the styles are interesting and varied.ittw s In fact, the paintings are WMill Hollers Appear of more than one thousand ersons S ca Sp tih uringt twho saw tprdtioxlnt S olg y2 woswteprdtonuigis b le.o bubLoe." Phlot Tr a d , Ha T ilton1, in the supporting roles and the untribute muchlowll ietor o the Mor.ib.utemuc tefdoretso, tiring Sucess Big as Pwoesknd twenty-first, the first all-junior so- towards the success of the play. 5 2 1 5 eknd og Surdatesr. Last cial event of the year took place. This was the Will Hall Tea Dance, living the role of the -Schaffer, which all present agreed was a Scottish general, portrayed wonderwonderful danced success. The couples fully the changing character of in the Will Hall dining Macbeth from a loyal servant of the room from 4:30 P.M. to 7:30 .m.kigtarelssndcutM - provided by "BarbarakigtarelssndculoCircuit Smash To Music wasBand" W ennik Slm from New Hamp- arch. At the beginning of the lay. Sa s-Knight's Macbeth is satisfied with his highx shireT &Nn 'AOvr andom konr, btpa belivin iveoctonsiiresnnposition renthcabcmekgtpstnoFor the first time this season the Andover Nine splitPrcos The girls began ar-riving at ing to accomplish his desire. Schafne wekygms inng hefrt52ateex 4:00 p.m., on Saturday and were fer put himself in the place of this h xes inn hefrt52a ae towel diversified, one might say that the of Tilton Academy, and losing the second 5-1 to the Harvard met at the door by Mr. and Mrs. degenerating soldier and pictured painters have been influenced byijFrosh. Arnold started on the mound for the Blue against Dunbar, who introduced them to the decline of his character remarkall the schools of art, in one form Tilton and was excellent, pitching no-hit ball for the first the protors who in turn found aibly well. in., respectively, to take third ft., and fourth. Bob Kimball, the standout for sanigouwhlwlk Andover, set a new meet record of or another. The academic trend isfiera classi- ing only two. No Tilton man hit the resn in ae eeclly 7 135ft. ns.inthedisus;colod seilycascd na n two other throws in the 130's prov- clr One artist makes use of ball past the infield. In the fifth, ing fuke.EricMacktookportrait. i wasno was lifted for a pinch-hitwas o tookArnold fluke. ing Erc it Mack anotheriter fourtheventesifed in this withctie,.anothrowvanpofdiintensifiedhch Wiale trway, uses fat, crisp colors, all trying to ter, and Thomson finished the ins.en 117uft., acwing three hits, walking i o hmrelsmire, 11d Mack all qu. ale for the shtexrsswa two, and striking out four, and exres wat s t thm ralim. andMac al qulifedforthesho being nicked for two runs in the Subject Determines' Style puwhich was won by Low of But the styles lean more toward Gibson Honored Mr. Gibson was re-elected Business Manager of the New England Modern Language Association at the annual meeting held May 14th at Boston Uiversity. pitch on the nose and sent a white streak over the hot corner, moving Smith to third. A wild pitch sent mvd Nash to e'mith aross ad their dates and introduced The music each other. h n :30 a bu ataot43,-nh their partners entered them to third. Sturrioz scored as Armions reached on an error. Antonelli then spanked a hit through the bx driving in Arbetter. ('riinson Triumphs Smashing out ten-hits for five runs, the Harvard Frosh pounded Lady Macbeth Hadylscovnigwthe started n il tHadyle onvincingacwth hes il and a abt fLd the re- otaa asperspectiveho x lent-wlyiner hdiwhicl wasfe Mrs. whc diin-hll aie diiclsep-akn decorated with flowesAbuftptdth which she ones in earlier and scene fourth after the served was supper the uncan and husnbeomuerng Lady dancersanwerinttaineiby danerswerenetinebytreDncaa__thsbcomkig._ad seventh. theeaseL Wins Game modern and, in many cae.Wennik 5½/ ins. Co4Captain Bass Wallacee The game was iced for Arnold wih ar ivel suied tothe ubjec. P0 % ins, gaine 50 t.,secod his best throw this year, and Gil catch the spirit of a ballet, one in the home half of the fifth whene Mlurray was fourth wvith 48 ft., 11 student uses strongly impression1- Captain Ed Smith led ff with a ell and Franklin oee ntaex- sing.le to left. irstivcoloranThe B wa wonh ins Though the jaeli Themovemnt' o both grounded out, and catcher ith apressve for. by Thoas ofMosesBrown throw of 190 ft., 11½/ins., Kimball the throwving of the hammer is Paul Nash batted a low inside and Mr. Thomas, Macbeth's character, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eight-in-oners, who yodeled. Then the Abbot girls wvent home but some others stayed on to see "Macbeth" with their dtsThteclntpaeddanywrse. enjoyably different evening for the Will ailers. as does Macbeth's, changes, but she realizes her moral downfall before her death, whereas Macbeth grows continualMrs. Harding was at first a hard and strong-willed Lady Macbeth, but at the end of the play, she______apiiablcreture ~ h lY eos i-!b die Andover soundly last Saturday. ly h in of e naniyrmre The Freshman scored in the fii'st ingleofprDuncaou n u ingonawlgud ebe.i les pretntiousl giundeout, andolThogh cwalk, inninglon a igDn e.a rhi ole.Toa etrfedrCifPresident~ a igeb rdrc Akillian. In the 3rd the Crimson Ken McDonald was elected pres- Kimball. as the drunken porter, contallied twice by virtue of a walk, two hits, and a sacrifice. Two more ident of Philo last Sunday after- tri-buted some very fine acting to came across n the fourth on threes noon in an election which conl- the play. The former spoke for hits, an error, and a fielder's spicuously lacked the sual Poii- nearly one entire scene in Act I choice. Arnold pitched shutout tics of the debating club. John and made the last important speech took second, Sam Mulligan third, caught in the sweep of strong black lines and rather jarring and Bill Flanders fourth. ExeterSecondcolors. Machinery is the subject of' a flat design which uses the device Exeter Second Although Exeter showed its usual of counter-change, or "checkerston trndin rttody.second, after which pinch-hitting M'eloing" walked, Nowaczek Arnold, ~~for vault,in the pole strength Many of the pictures show the bringing up Joe Wennik. With a winning with 12 ft., 4 ins., and Alger taking second, the Blue showed UP influence of surrealism on the stu- two-two count, Wennik smashed its 4 dreama high fast ball deep to left field wit dents wor, thi even. Budyn Lin quitewell cleared 11 ft., 4 ins., his best jump worlds, its fantasies, and its "mes- for the Andover's second circuit letlidI h er h this year, to place third, and Dick sages." Fortunately these paint- swto ball fom then on, but put on the ale fteya.TeBu andZeb Buress tid ingsare generally free from the sa Williamon I My21 .TaDneo n dultiadtobl;Frhunadcuo Dul Morgan's Pupils' Work m_,threw the hammer 170 ft., 9 ins., to Huntington with a throw of 51 ft., ~ Gov. Dunimer8, Worcester 8, Mil- Points Wallate Gets WVln after start, Bruce a slowWallace, allce sowstat, Brue afera Kimball, Mack, Witches Perform 1000 Witness Play ~~ 47 points there, while only 13 in nTeDaconM the running events. Although dover took only two first places, the ha-irand discus, the team took PRICE, 10 CENTS Elce McDonald ElceAtouhc-t Of~ en't-nMaclad Palmer. John in the play. after Macbeth had been Sherry, Michael Hannah,,andoEdwardcCuriweng killed for fourth with 11 ft. In the broad ar'tistic cliches into which this en were elected vice president, secre-RotlsPre Andover Salvages One I 'ism -so particular readily lapses. cn RoosPre Andover's only tally was in the tary, treasurer, and membership a sacrifice, and scored on GarWallacfouthon placed Jump Bass Kimball completely- captivated 6th when Wennik walked, went chairnman. dere's fly to center. Continued on Page ~ and Ed Moran was fifth. Rod Meyer The elections seemed to have the audience's enthusiasm in his to second on a ground out, and Shutout Spoiled In 7th o Polk iguring wita Altooend ocne.lleased all concerned and sur.- one scene monologue as a drunken nGreessnl crdsoe IntesvnhTlo Recitation Schedules six-way tie for third place. twice off Thomson. Emery walked, Surtzer pitched extremely well for prized many. For Philo has been porter in Macbeth's castle. Mr. Maynard announced last The Blue failed to place in the The many other supporting- roles but was forced by Sturrioz. Arbet- Harvard, spreading four hits, fan- notorious for its politicians who ew system for ad C~Captan Artweek that a nile 440,but ter, however, kept the rally alive iing eleven, while issuing only parade- around gathering votes were admir~ably carried out. Eric mnokirg out recitation schedules r utCaati iead40 before election by devious meth- Mack, as Macduff, whose -wife and by singling, sending Sturrioz to !we free passes. hs ne fet Po ~an ran a 2:06 880 to capture- isgigit ad lathisd ols Tgoingctonintobviuelfciect. Under third. Dick Collins placed second AocsThsectnwaobiulcidrnMcthadlidda plan all returning students willCo Inthe 100 with a time of 10.1 which en oabeaobasth apiin re foman theirs three'-, be oabejbsthfrcougean asmigpltc' takei aStudent teof beallowedl, in couldn't quite beat Herb Collins of Paradoxically. eral who had once been a friend of moves. strategic Blue Room finihed in 0 yerscourses. omk Huntingon there were no slpeeches about the Maobeth. but who killed him in the first and second choice of in20, buat. DHk alst o alified in necessity of cleaning up machines end. Duncan, the unfottunate king, 20, 1949 ~~~~~May in the 220, but a~~so qualified Di~~k structor. as there always have been in the was well played by Peter Gray, and The meeting was -called to order at 12:50 by President md ocewlr. sTusct didn't run in the finals. post. There were only short nomi- Bat)lto, who N~as b~etr'ayed by MaeQuint Anderson. All members were present. will be maen Thse coicue6 Trac MenHev (utstndin nating speeches during the meet- beth also. was adnimrahly acted by prebe was decided that the assembly next week would Outstandig Mn Here Trackths term on.Tune 6 ad 7. ThenIt aeNs.Nel lt h umrteshd drn outmany Saturday's meet saw oll CharlesPltJaeNs. Ing sided over by the Student Congress instead of the Council. The ules will be arranged followiir standing track men from Newv EngFaigle Cynthia When all the officers had been l33aiifiir. and Congress will give, among other items, a summary of the stustudens' prefeences as te ColAmng thesewere' land. Heb ave retiring pl'ayed the three -witches wvho first elected, the club dent government actions at P.A. in the last year. Also at this sosbehe peeecsual utdns clslt 100e andb 200; and, whomon the Ware Adamns, a vote of eave Macbeth aspirations of powassembly elections for next year's Student Council members .'Resident. uh. fuss and confusion when orcester, wh wo BenCan' of er, and Robert Thompson and thanks. will be held. With President Johnson of the Student Congress school reopens in the fall can the 880; John Parker of Hebron, eetenbee tno ae hl The remaining activityo present the Council discussed with him the tenure of office o thus be aoded ih jump, took a see the Wb0 won Lennox. amid R oss Debate Robinson is the year 11his Council the that found It was members. for Congress question schedtheir Bywhcange tied and hurdles, high 0and in the Baiekdrop' Prize. Though the cash award favors the three term system now in use. The Council wvill oule of courses over the vacafor second in the broad jump; Dave to A given be should credit M.uch iio been limve $45 there is amonunt enforcethe discuss and term this later Kemper Mr. meet with tion iiay not be able to choose Thomas of Moses Brown, who woii tedegi dtn iywo( contestants who are riot mnembem's nient of the point system and other recommendations for a any of their te achers when the javelin, setting a new meet taedsgn Philo. Dr Hasenclever is iii Herywoddti betrsuetgvrmn.oh' return. No student can n he iscslthey I'Leor, toksecnd the Stare 1Krdd. Dumrcan to and s an h oftedbtsIl incharge tesaeitrco hv course of shot; and third in the anager for the very (effective sets rb tatte ouned Movie tickets were suspended from Franklin, "A King. N consecutive for t ust -English andMello ~Xrters Bronon l h rounlds will use the title of Sin'- adlgtu.DvdLbt Kohler and Mulligan. Tim Anderson heads the dawn patrol years. Prospective Uppers who welo nite n bX(ermntondBron clair Lewis' novel. "'It Can't Halp- trician, Allen Purves. who was in next week. wish to elect Studio Art instead Brnsonwonthe I~e entoned Costume A different ciharme of wr'iiertv. aind pen Here," as a topi unitd MuishudmkRepcfly oAran lo hudeadMlo himgh -a n l Co n ivMinutestrefo P IOLLIPAN Page Two Philo, No Politics! K2'm~~~~~uuuiuiruAN ~~~~~~~Columbia We hear that for a change tics." During this past school year the Editor-in-Chief ERIC WENTWORTH Executive Editor EDWARD W. CHAPIN Managing. EioK Sports Editor G. S. ABR.AMS Assigrnment Editor E W KEYES Copy Editors R. J. RIKER SnoAdirsD. J. Sutherland PAREESE BCPhelps F-Vnagin A•M Hall W. J. Laeit By GEORGE S. ABRAMS Timotrcnvtngwas telcbody eksmay enter both hurdle races in ad- atethspstfw stuff. Photographic Editor or suffocating. Whenever we become onwee ofe sorely in need of fresh air we open a ithe thimPhionhas window and immediately swarms of the BorMNtonyhsSpliisIlwreGh Sot' stndardas Business Departmentmanocieysbutalngd . Seifer Jackson Phtgahi0or watching Stanford's ... Iron" Bryan The victory over Exeter in the win the 220 yard low hurdles. .. P.Hogap. R viT - ecetBvtigdteelctfear even fiercer attacks in the future. dition to his usual four events the officers for next a.First we'd like against great odds, and now, although the pole vault, broad jump, high to congratulate the new president and one hostile force has- been repulsed, we jup and javelin. Branson of course will be in both hurdle races L. E. Robillard his associates. Secondly we'd like to exWe must have protection n h ude.I diinh a A. C. Robinson In this war we have been faced with take a crack at the 220 yard dash. R. F. Thmpesondawstoheurinreop R. H. Ullmon thtthey will fosk l hs"political"golfrteBu.Smtwll, alternatives: fighting continuously**golfrteBu.Smtwelw tafoskalthstwo N C Louis I. Kane *6 one othei rpScolCan Lase o t frNwEgln Bill effens, throwing for the neye the retiring boardNeEnldPrpSolChm Socetyhasgottena reputationfoitfr singl pionships is a godsign for this sefa n tra maelstrom ofcm toa Bowdin freshmen, recently broke seatusraneyernlm0ecam-_but__it__in__no__wayo means a sure win for the Blue. One threwExterjavelin 195orfeet. -e bi paigning, hihpesrnand general To The PHILLIPIAN: SYDNOR aB.PENICK nae which upoar: i the moremaof th more intresofnthepemoreointrerestengveaspe1tsfeof.and * *I uporIanm whicpin heemrepm-eal to yuin depr-* singl ture lens of the pulceye sbeen none nep eapa o epr-the coiming meet will be the postain pulc hstion for aid. We have been fighting a sible entry of Jim Branson and Bob Several Andover alumni play( I tprsi h avuPn too favorable. FS Jewett P. AThi.mst PL osh P. . Tn Eck . J Kaser PssoHatensy C Pratt Smeeth Scholastic Press Association Philo conducted an election without the usual has awarded us its highest certificate ihare generally classi- ofmerit. squabblings wiho fled under the glorified name of "poliBarry C. Phelps The PHILLIPIAN is a member ot the Columbia Scholast c Press Association as well as of-the Daily Princetonian Pape Assoiaton f PepartoryiSol TOT We feel justified in the fact that the oiteimti Business any, Dpartment but long withthis Phil has winge Yale freshmen lacrosse gaTe&-la t mate Saturday. Bob Baldwin and Nid' Yost both scored two goals, whi e Ripper Lynch threw in one for Ha, - mate had:I .1 yard. "Mac" McDonald played d fense for Yale, and Aldy Warner, mate se who played midfield, registered a thet Coe Col the only Andover alumnus to scole~ lowil Speaking of last Saturday's New in the varsity game. England Prep School Champion-**** ships, we wonder why the meet PLAYER andeceiving dnameingPlayer-of-Thef-T menace Pyllopgoeszoundertsuchs OF TH-E WEEK Weekek--DoonSuthh- itoTrue, the competing teams do come slipped a long way from its rightful po- wnemnaePylhgazo from New England, but that's about elad e tredkn W and rerWai shoafir. our room. l as far as the name holds true. When acsti ek u hywl CHARLES GORDON ofshoIafis ek u hywl l Philo's debates and open-forum disGrimly we prepare fortifications. there are only two Class A teams acsti Circulation Managers GORHAM W HUSSEY ROBERT SIMONTONhaettkeabcsatoBb LI Kane Senior Advisors cussions should be a major factor in Considering a counter-attack to be the entered, along with 10 or so smaller hiavlt Ttakes bac eat to obn the meet definitely doesn'tKibl.Tsisgtngosud ~~~~~P D Levin fruaigndldngstudent oi-best dfnesoeamtmels-ihschools, L I Kane dfnesoeamtesvswthfall in the championship class. Why im-re like a Kimball booster column J A. Wexler Associats ions o mattersof scholastic, national, tennis rackets, old shoes, baseball bats, o oaltl expanding an niethan Player-of-the-Week, but there's no denying that Bob rates the G bams R.D Kpeson o international importance. Philo could lacrosse sticks, rolled-up newspapers, a few more bigger prep schools? For further information see R.M Btal L. . Lureman oraward. * * h rckatce A W Dowson, Jr P. G. Neelands very well become the "thinking cap" cigarette lighters, and various textth rc atce W M. Drake W. B. Nichols Vic Tyler, P.A. '47, hurdled for D. Penwell of the undergraduates. Why not throw books. The braver ones fight bareDR. Golden the Vale varsity against Harvard M S. Porder 0DC. Goss latStra.IAi etprom E. R. Harris C. Shaifer petty "politics" out the window and pthanded. These methods are slboth hcostlyeform P. Shombaugh puttSadamageIn L Hallman 4W furniture and ance of the year, he picked up sec~ $~ the Society back on its feet. If the con- from the daaeto L. H Kozol ihblsadfo osWfodAn'ohtehgh n os The PHILLIPIAN is Published Wednesdays during the duto*hs lcinws nidcton seily n rmls fod""Reo i Sbothanhe lhugh nlys hseeto a n niain seilylghb school year by The PHILLIPIAN board. bedthetandmhomework.oTeach-ly Entered as second class matter at the post office a~t dincomplete hoeok ec-able to take third in the 880, ranW.. Andover. Moss., under the act of March 3, 1879. they may ma ealready on eway. sleep rcr-C W___________R. rsdntralz ht tsntHIodtirLeLorYl' and ~~Address all correspondence concerning subscriptions esdntraiehti'sotalways ago hr e o aesrcr-C adadvertisement to J. A. Wexler, or C. Gordon, car'e srn ee htbig rnsu sit nocas ls bekn ierlyta.HVi of PHILLIPIAN, George Washington Hall. raigml ea em oi School subscription $3.00; Mail subscription $4.00 spigfvrta I took Harvard's only first, nrpae.Reed The PHILLIPIAN is distributed to subscribers at the hmmr.Gerg unprepared. Commons and is for sale at the Andover Inn. mk sres h peln teo isn the GAor8e polemeA. The PHILLIPIAN does not necessarily endorse the Awehre i orfrti -epl,4 A e re moesres btteApli Communications that appear in its Editorial columns. Park Office of oublicat on: The Consolidated Press, Inc., To The Editor: Fclyrgdstias onaytovault, cleared only 12 ft., 6 ins. It has always been the Policy of the Law.****God t 66-2; Business Manager JOHN SHERRYeranJeWniadBueal stoofprominence Advertising Manager .fruaigadlaigon- - .J * - HL Hr wr Hardwautwhnreeon Andover. PHILIPIAN Mass., ayto 25, be Andover. 1949 Mss., Criticizing Criticism PHILIPIAN May 2, to finncially 1949 respon-Frank Aradley -got his picture in e financialy respon- Now at last the squadrons of PhyI- this week's LIFE. Frank is shown sible for the paper from September to lophaga seem to have left us, but al-___________________________ June each year. Since all advertisement, ready numbers of the Muscidae have 1 1EPRESENTING student opinion is printing, and subscription contracts cancoettaehirpc.Werels ordinarily a perfectly acceptable be made on this basis only, any other plagued with roving members of the editorial policy, but recently we have arrangements are obviously impossible. Vespa and Hymenoptera clans. God apparntly llowe it t get ut ofhandTherefore, since the senior board is fi- help us when the masses of the Culcidae SportsGod _____________ Andover National Bank Andoyst, Mass. REGISTER CHECKS CHECKING ACCOUNTS theieroe arrive to begin their assadlt. l Our motive in allowing certain Coin- naniapreonsblldeciforsdrn Please! Let us have screens before5 munications, and Richard Boeth's tise piodvall dxecisios uringhtis THRIFTIkCHECKS time involvng expensesare theirs. these cursed bugs drive us crazy. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS When the senior editors took over Lgoso 5 column, to criticism of the Academy RCNEX ESTRV LRS HCK Leinof'0A Chapel was in the hope that if there last year, we promised as many six page AEIA XRS RVLESCEK was enough movement behind this issues as possible. In October of this Taylor, Adams, Johnson Divisions criticism, and if some constructive ideas year our printing costs went up twenty were brought out, changes and improve- percent, but the percentage of pages ments could perhaps be made, or at per issue has decreased only ten per cent. As compared with the issues of least discussed. Instead of the usual Saturday night As it turns out, however, the stu- previous boards, we have put out twenBROOKS BROTHERS ARE FAMOUS dent sentiment against the present ty-four six page issues this year as performance, this Saturday night P.A. Chapel system is held by a very small, against the thirteen, seven, and four is fortunate in having a film about the= Olympics of 1948. ExcelFOR YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES if forceful, minority. Moreover the only six-page issues of the '48, '47, and '46 l e nt photography a n d Sopn o vrtigta o edi sensibly constructive idea presented was boards. The subscription price is the o edi ~loutstanding pe r f ormSopn o vrtigta that an open meeting be called, and as same as that of last year. prep school is greatly simplified by doing While the seniors remain financially ances by the athletes far as we can see no action on that acto make this the whole job at Brooks Brothers. We -count is f orthcoming. In short, nothing responsible for the whole year, the tadth an appropriate oneknwtecsorquem good has been accomplished, several uppers take over in March, mainly fo .film knwthin cutoms weareat t condtyse people have been attacked with no experience so that the paper will run for sports-loving fans. Also some human correct tigt era h onr' visible end in view save criticism for smoothly from year to year. When this and comedy touches help make the film leading schools and colleges. Our Suits, its own sake, and the whole affair has -change occurs, it is natural that print- good. The sixty-four minute film Will Overcoats, Shirts, in fact everything that been generally regarded as being in ex- ing costs will rise slightly at first, also be accompanied by a few Walt Disgo ok neces~itating several four page issues ney cartoons and the usual newsreel. tremely poor taste. commentated by a young man wears, have the go ok The film which is Last week Boeth's column was cen- at that time until the new board beand good wearing qualities so long assosored, with his permission, and a Coin- cmsalite. Bill Stern and Ted Husing will show the ciated with Brooks Brothers.F -munication was omitted. We want to In a Communication last week two winter Olympics at St. Moritz, Switzermake one thing clear: the final decision undergraduates complained of a charge land and will feature Gretchen FrazerP in both cases was our own, not the for the Commencement issue and of a and others in skiing, and Dick Button ESTABLISHED 18S8IS Faculty's. Again this week we have dis- lack of "very desirable gag issues." and Barbara Ann Scott in the figure carded some Communications. In our The ten-page Commencement issue skating competition. judgement too much has already been covering the spring term and listing the The summer Olympics which wereYO prizes is not included in the year's sub- held in London at Wembley StadiumYo said and too little proved, Should these Reformists, if we may scription and is a special issue for stu- will feature Mel Patton, Harrison Diluse so strong a phrasing, desire to con- dents and guests at the alumni week- lard, Herb McKinley in the running tinue their attack, there's obviously end. "Gag" issues are up to the present e v e n t s, and the seventeen-year-old &444~~~~~~~~42111~~~~R R Tcombine nothing we can do to stop them, but board, not the retiring board. When champion, Bob Mathias, in the decath-AVNECR.4HSTEWYK until they can prove the legitimacy and the only such issue was printed last Ion events. There will also be action 346 worth of their arguments, and show us year, the editors thought it too immna- shots of the discus, hammer, shotput, that they have not only a sound basis ture to enter into any contest but a recognizable goal in view, they ODD1 .and 46 javelin events. In the swimmingLOANES The retiring editors have intended events there will be featured Jim Mc- can carry on without any assistance to put out the best newspaper possible lane of Andover, Joe Verdeur, Wally Ris and to run it as a business enterprise. of Iowa, and Ann Curtis. from us. 7N.Y MADISONAVNECO _________________________ 4TS.,EWYR17N.. NEWBURY STREET, BOSTON i6, MASS. SNFACSO to G E'~~~~AI~~~~U~~~b~~~lbM~~~Page ,#~~~~~ Andover Art T-enn'ls Tea m Wins 0,14 Andover Art Tennis TeamWins The Tennis Team gained two ,.By victories during the past week- the broke other over Mte M.I..aFesmn, ahtmospherme and fheelig haeseclln Dan Kingsley and "Ship". WeyLast Wednesday the team jourA cmparison to the objective a- mouth proved to be Andover's sy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ol inn orsm o h neyed to Milton and won fr stractions, which, although per- seon winnigh four-s for- he singles matches and two doubles haps pleasing to the eye, are a econThs tigehytok l tre to take the match, 6-3. Jim Sagelittle cold. A few of the paintings dy hstm hyto l he biel, Si Spengler, Peter Penick, are particularly noteworthy for of the points Andover gained and George Beatty won in the theli- interesting texture and vary- against the Dartmouth Frosh. - singles while the eams of Cap- . - SuthWa Iform-U 1II1 allE Bob mund n se T Penick (A) beat Potter (M) 6-3; 6-2. 6MlStet Sagabiel-Spengler 9N' For Good Sandwiches Sodas and Ic Ca (M) 12-10; 9, Houk (A) John H.Grecoe 6-2;6-4. WATCHMAKER (M.I.T.) M.I.T. 0 (A) RSRAIN Typewrter Srvice N S SSCI. CIL E V NT ad - l o -lo bee-Moore (M.I.T.) 12-10; Crs Publication and Commercial Work H ANDOVER f~f f•IonioidcatkEdcli P A C K~A RI 0 2392 9e2t0ELNR&SW fDTZ;j •Jn2C. AKS. NDVRTL14 TO 6-1. Packard Sales and Service 6-2. . lv ( 644 Essex 5t., Lawrence 6408 Telephone Andover SWOR Students' Furnishings ________________________ Crs Clin DO Andover Tickets R PEE SSO N L L UU- E ad*Clin Typewriter Service Beatty (A) beat Moore (M.I.T.) DELIVERED IN LAWRENCE Complete Optical Service 6-1; 6-0. Stenson-Seifer (A) beatReurdNAseoreAddE Mathews-Holden (M.I.T.) 6-1; 6-3 No Trades ReurdN ANAois de E EA B FR D Full Line of Quality Elson-Stewart (A) beat GeislerA h P*IIIRE B Schol JeelryWillet (M.I.T.) 10-8; 6-1. WoodSchool ewelryhouse-Sweeny (A) beat WetherIN CAM PIAV'FBLL I"INC._______________________~/ 48 Main Street S ~hh. D0u0 6-0: I - beat Mar (M.1 T.) R ,"~to 6-0;6-2. Penick (A) beat Wetherbe- HOG OVER NATIONAL BANK (M.I.T.) 6-0; 6-2. Brumbaugli (A) eat eckett (M.I.T.)DI:l 6_2__TeNew_949_Pakardalowa 6-1. beatler2(3) JEWELER J ~ Dance Programs Lter ELAN.95 ANDOVER TRAVEL BUREAU beat Holden (M.I.T.) Stewart * WE CALL AND DELIVER*Letr FRED E. CHEEVER, Mgr. PHONES: 775 OR 1098 Frosh ______________ I MAKE YOUR PLANE AND BERMUDA OR FLORIDA CRUISE 21 MAIN ST. AND GROUPS NPHT IIHN Picture Framing nd Repairing 2 AI T E.1 12BAIiTllTL.11 IPORTRAITS amnsi ro a 1 DAY SERVICEFO T.17 7-5; 6-4. Sat. May 21, 1949 Andover - (A) 6-2. Brumbaugh-Stenson (A) beat Florin-Rankin (M) 6-2; 6-2. Penick-Beatty (A) beat Potter-Harris ________________, - ite EMP LE S gler (A) beat Rankin (M) 6-4; 6-0. Stewart (M) beat Houk (A) Beatty (A) beat Swegert (M) 6-2;6-1. Sagabiel (A) beat Baker 7-5; 6-1. Stewart-Baker (M) beat lumn ie re's Have Us Clean and Package This Saturday ______________Mt on the Boston SIG ASSORTMENT OF ALBUMb (and the fol- (M) 6-1;6-2. Florin (M) beat AlP..'EecralNdsF Exeter). Brnumibaugh (A) 6-4; 4-6; 64 SpenAlP .. Eetia ed Wed. May 18, 1949 F Kill Those MothsFO - Andover 6, Milton 3 ~3lI\i~ IPRII R .ZVWJ~ AI~I~ TIId GVRATSUI PURITY CLEANERS .i' - sweeping the meet. the team will take College Freshmen lowing Wednesday, a bougie on this extra hole eliminated him. Walker and Epstei lost three points as Griswald's sl eete akr 75 es efeatd Walksoe ntescn oroeBl ing effects of color. ayI tainflrumbaugh and Stenson, and The works of the student today IvarlPenick and Beatty' clinched the should be some indication of tose ~-Ia t match by taking their doublesof tomorrow. Perhaps there are Nt 'd matches. On Saturday, the teanD trends of future art in the student whi e had little trouble in beating a weak Bob Kimball wins the discus with show; at any rate, the best way to Ha, M.I.T. team. Andover won all nine record-breainug heave of 135 ft. find out is to look for them yourd dmatches in straight sets, thus 7 nches. Photo by Lovejoysl!Yu Lrne r, -ed a 1 w, i 5col e ma~~~~t ~tl~~rrY Weymou, Kigly nidviulsi . n e n- BOW h Knse n birde wothowsevernteenth and eighteenth with a par ryi onovrMloAcdmtetyeSoeothshaeecle Three Points Salvage - n iderespectively.Hoer tuetaetoeofaenieulsicW far the most interesting pietue-aetoeo -- Goiters Epstein losty hiteinKlttleisnaitl lost tot Swain's's77, blue G olfers flow match on the ~~19th hole. After be- and Gordon Hammond -was elimiTo D rm uh 63ing two down at the end of seven- nated on the 17th hole, 3 to 1. Continued from Page 1 Over Milton, M. I.T. rn l~~~lue Three 01' Stored during Summer _______ ReorsVacation RecodsViCtrolas, Chairs, 4>(;>,~~~ Etc. Couches, to home or College you are to enter. 1 CS Colonial Furniture Shop R L LUCE Andover, Mass. Summer School for R ATANO ~~BOWL - Tel. 1840 Andover Recratin Ceter SERVING LUNCHEON RecreAo CeTer12 Noon to 4 p.m.JL6TOAGS30CL 34 PARK ST. AGST3 Tuesday thru SaturdayJUY6T f rom 95 up (Foot of Brtet suweI) SERVING DINNERS M. E. PECK 12 Noon to 8:30 p.m. For a K. S. MINARD from $1.50 up fre ________________you CLOSED MONDAYS THE 'South Main St. ROOn E T fre heHet Route 2 Andover, He Tel. 1860 -In Bounds _____ "Serving Prep favorite School Direct ! Take a BusI New York a ta ta lets Tuesday thru Sunday Week End in Town Always oys New England for Over Sixty Years" and CORD with Students. ESTABLISHED 1884 LEISURE underground JACKETS ~ passageway to Grand Your Central hotel of Terminal. -in the G. ~A center C Goesad Fruit ~~~~~~~~~~~~Double "G" .$15 o.I PoueCOOL Whlsl-rcr C C I~JHASPEL ii EVERYthing. MADISON - Brand -Blue SU adPouefrom Orchid Other $20.50 Jackets $20 Brand AVENUE The AT ITS 45th DenaN STREET -Telephonie. connectuing aPnTger 19-21 A HILTON HOTEL Commercial all departments, St.. LAFayette Bovston. Friendly Store For Phillips Men 5050 Mast. i -al.14a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I NCO Rt 0 RATED Page Four LacrossemenDown- and Estes took ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oover . Sailors P.A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shepard 'Smith By 15-4 Lawrence Wnsda aFevenatelsA Last alngCuwll Blue Lacrosse Teami 'came up itTe a smashing 15-4 victory over Law- reesnd r-ence Academy. Paced by Captain Don Sutherland's five goals. thteamlead took an early Andover which it never relinquished. This a Interscholastic Sailing Meet h 51 nJn naoi straighit gaies. and brought the so nldn team's record to three wins and loss to Haiiaid, and a meet with tbe ad y to wahic on Exte 1a-S. tingA onrd sailor outrd of3four Conrg' sar irs oovrstst' and Clffor Sthirt airss asn, and Coove Ducai Smith thirds. Ten days later, the Club traveled . Sailinb.A repone Conoei, and bic for Andover were Tuck Gordoii. Hank Wood. Kipper Beatty. and Timl Anderson with two goals apiece: Harry Berkowitz and Goof Giff ord each got one goal. Rod Starke played a good game in the NOWV IS THE TIME TO nets, allowing only four goals and erv of Mr. in who Kane. Louis ager absence _____________________________capable Morbse Ta Littleton. the a did Park 2 Stmet Prk 32tree - - el.Hampshire on delivery frosh on To make the debates more eedutlafwAas VOL das %el v ca ca tivelas ltsse are confident that our long experience with materials, authen- OL ' tYae e ciiaig mnrieso tmso unsigci b 6nb frihns fmjripr-ifel detocle fmjracot-ife romn bats show FIELDSTONES AplacsAppliances IBy I IT'S For placement on our mailing list, write today! Sally Bodwell 28 Andover Tel. 1996 ~Rte. 12 Miles South of P.A. I--- hittir tial. sTh sas(: one 1 Thee mu LUNCHEONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Te The ~~~~~~~ T h e LUNCHEONS six H 0 0 D'S ~DINNERScot i H00 D'S~~~~~~~~~~arianLunch Daily Hartigani ~~~~~~~~~~~Buffet P h v m a c yBuffet Suppers Sunday Milk - Ice~ream Ice P..a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y ~Open Daily, except Tuesday Milk Cream Wen 1 sical Talos neFrnshr TiosadFrihr - E S C R IP T IONS _____________________ ~ SERVEDo DINNERS:3 ~~INERSSERED264 ~~~~1ain 9 EAST 49th ST. YORK ST. Sundays and Holidays at Chestnut I_________________________ - ing o thee io The same exacting taste in style, color, pattern and workmanship inestimably inherent in our selection of these so often called ~~~~~~~~~~~are things." I/~~~~~~~~~~~~small ___________________________ * ~~~~~~~~VIt cent -UIEIyorHpperace.Du"g Hotpoint ______________________ tic styling and execution has secured the critical approval of dis- abU nce. For these item~s can greatly add to or seriously dtctf MAIN STREET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~49 ANDOVER COAL CO. gcoali ameRn f onSherry, Acnsal, JonMk test of skill, the debaters will o ai be told which side of the question ner. Jerry Gillespie, and Ware Thtoclehio and finally Sul Boys out for the prize are: Ken round. 000I r Wednesday, rea and Rt ercrmaigmnatYl next week the Blue will face New B.L.C., on Saturday, BE SURE judged topic will be chosen for the final logic. r1t1dfnduni in WitrWe Exeter the following Wednesday. * be a were improved immensely. In the Tel. 8059 therefore team.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wotto aatem speakers, two The hespaer, will s ranuferTheir passing attack and defenseFot Baggage Paul W. Collins, Prop. and lacked experience,.hyaet start. viTbr Mi "Foohss " F r in job. However, the entire team looked like a different squad fourofromecthe boys wo lostrd field, Alt. Hermon, and Dartmouth. ransfer Baggage newcomers were Continued from Page to M.I.T. for a meet with Haravhes anye tam cochedby 'an-yard, which the Crimson won, 55-50. Thews main ______________________________ sail- h ue1-6 "Out, out danined spotA Photo by Hare Essex Hobby Sh P.A.'s minutes before the arguing-is to ~~at the four losses for the season. Essexoy~~~~~~~o and 1hy PLrPimei Presdent Ji e-Tresiet win broke a losing. streak of four TAKE TO THE AIR Laub n wilb Philo firsts, Smith didn't seem to exhibit the same To Com pete ~~~~~~~~~ors form as they did at Tabor; howi will be noted that several nap li ~ ever.~~~of the participants in this meet Annapolis At a rejuvenated Wednesdav Here thirds. Don Sutherland Leads Last a second, and N~ew Haven 12 Noon to 8P.M. New Yor or O out te iem the a nii DALTON PHARMACY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~highl 'For Smoothness and Styling - 4 g~,? Cont Forever And Ever"r 0-ANWDCADST2 in Prescription Pharmacists ATCM * TASTE FtUSS. AND ME FOR OVER., "Where Pharmacy ____ - I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a Frvrtwo anr and Ever" is dance-tempt- ~~~~~~~ RsliesmohuicPaul MLNS!CMLAEOMIDg a -Profession" ~~~~~~Is PE mlciaets"Ces"Up BI0 y Snmit Sensational Buys in Famous Name Upoo: wate $37.50 All Suits .?y $26.50 Sport Coats temnp ard der-1 a recent coast-to-coast test of hunmoednet and women who smoked of men adwmnwo dreds ome Camlsandonly Camels, for 30 days, noted thratspciaissmaking weekly examinations, reported UPOULTIAthoatIn UPSTAIRS ~ N '=HThe 'Til 9:00 P. M. And. 1822-M 10.12 Park St. TO ESN L A EWr The Theo IRRITATION THROAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OF The Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings ei~~~~~ B Bat if it~~~~ MCI At sliirti~ R..Reiiok8Tob~tcco Co . inston-saicin.N. bu so T T