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rich .. N' . ALPI~~~~~~~~~ & Thl DII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ and suffy kids. (S~e Page 2) Fa F ly It Beg s Conie hdecnraztiiIse Administrative Procedures Discusses Cl Coop DsussCuster~ loIr ~~~~~~~.'Role eny' ~ F culty. discuSse f..~ ed by cting eadmas ~6isncmetdUdr . \, ' 4r to adminse icipline. He apropos 1 submitrSimeon yde con- I omn enn deetaiainoft lty tabled ity. The proposal, whic the f for fu-tf er discussion', re on m dd that thehhte mny nIns luse- asm many cio s hcasen' handles, administ tion eta such as iscipline, exc se and ttenance. evelonsi borig he displinhae ia htue difficulty transferri gout of a Adtnscipresonsne f ond he te a stue it urifair. R ins6n added 1ithin the'i-e must be. ble personnel in each cise-i hclusters are wtht adults an 'euai~i - hecluste. would be he new om uiy in whc nt f a esde ia specil ically the shol epre0 i~ muit of hec fr a 1 I ~~dents o e n for sound stu~~~~~~ ma ~ vic I ad o uin l ice,." ,udastd eouin hreisdmn s nnctione get w aanances 1 n tedacle clusters sup rvs ndP cuss.ekedinally, the re se in cluster rcmeds n u riy ot gop ol pr sent schoodi cipline rathe tath d HAaniatcn school emalso saidta ft i i bot beorr proposed the resolui phasizes th cutrtudents will t~~~~he inivll people from to choose ( 01) 'have fewe rslio more tninedFte g much for friendhps Germa i~str torJoseph rlusteriytm icfl Seniol' Dalvid Sch artz comment- administ the Rabbit Wennik, chiman d that the WeAti Quad South wide Dis ipline Committe Pond West cluster, aid that the Factilt) )sc s n.C luster ha woklre rkby' ~~~~proposed system woul hot limit a thifclydcsso go r H Acri ~~she sbeen ell in the tw 'student's choice of fri nds,because centered n t issue of dou te 5 inig erl ather ssociated with it. l'Ie added that Classes, athletic sand eqals would ealf te Are fhault activities still be heldoa sch -ielvl hc'te oitc' rbe hnm ~cf~ logcutlt clse r iceasects' ~any aciiisin allo the 1-le added With if lasi cocp s Vill aut intae.etrAcie spe t 'udent He~aded %Il0 te paic hurman indicated that once dust- cepted. Dr. 1~ dore Sizer, wo will ecome Anof school life! Wlli re amn as they are' organized 'stem." underlthe, present rmre Gr~trVari ty tudentlived clustersystem that before the scho 1organized ie stmatdn the clse mostly with mmbers of his on a clustr S cls, and ' hat studeqts meet a gre ter variety of people: Robinson eplied that the 'cluster lessens m'yivnages of vertical hou ig, adding that the. school! needs v tical, housSei rBile students dover's t elf h lleadrras~e mill become moi'e involved in act- mented, hinkthat irs develop autonomy rlse a'be n ot vities, commenting, that the Vest n er its hai'ter a s been p 7ressing. since it b gano operatdog council t~s eiscatrad ' eptember. J~' Dean of Studenitsi~ohn Richar~ds said that there most be some uty ht PA does not ntesstms become many sh(aa~ shols nist within o -, F ~~~~~~~~~~~~vv ew Board N Board ~~~~~~~AdditSp'Fo I ' it September, mk cm- a so S Szra *l nI sr cto r sA~p nI sr S r T eO 7 3 edcn ln e one acity Actinpg Dean of F 'uIt Pter Q. Ml ee recently theh'th announced the appoint ent of seven structors to the P illips Academy fclyfor e972-73 school year. The aitmnswhich will I , vacancies ptepiturnts craeb Sy Cre tes, trricul m "dr i ment ~~~~~i S eartme t James Rae Whyte re ently of the Religio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chairman ourses. The curriculum, wih ei:o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~completed plans for the 17k 7 -7 eiio will contain no required offeri iicue nses tialism ja'd philosophy, rev I pheChurc, tionnd nsiitn ic, xs- andspiriual cisis, Accordi g'to Rev. Whyte, thcRel ion and Contemporary Society sues which concern youth today, Wvill exjioe the social and i idu such as ar, race, educa aseuality and drugs. VWilliam R del, 'ment. a v nefaculty member next eaxill tahhecus.I will be a ~ aught by Rev. Whyte,-, Exisientialism and Philo py discussionA course concerned~ ihhhin~a values. Readings in the course will incl e works by Sartrc, Camu , Ka fka, Greene and Kierkegaa~d. Spanis instructor Carlos Herna dez and Religion instructor Jesse w-- Vaug! an ill teach Latin nerica R otonand the Church, ich~~will anal ze the role t tthe' 1k -~~church has played in the rev ltion______ od.in ary' proce s of the Third ra orew tdnsn'h Viffic Robinson, Next year-AI-Am officers. are: left to right): .ose aiowrn~ssa Po nIlihad the rilkwirti soFrnFaa ;ra), T) Loe Irvi;Y Henderson, Upp'er btruie Bo)d. Mliiing: Va Torrs.I . ronne Vinale'~~~~~~.' Pol * Carmen 's. loweri Phillis r-Amer Acadmy's an S iety rcentlye~ecte 'his 'ert Clauity ree elF ctd lwe S et rAmra Ph'isAaeys iritWta Another ours j, The Irvin Hendeirson as P'r ident fo the 1972-73 school year. 1lenderso F lre, an th Yongwll KP0 motpeefor ~ Crisis "pro tei initi tive and serve as a mdutnp~~~~ said 'that he will black ~ ~~IeantheYun'w ;.r~~~ race can avert c 'tehman serve as Secretary-Tren rer. Samny Redngsi will include T The society also el ect 'iCharle Boyd, Willie Robinson, and Tome he Society b3 'Eric Fromm at,d lower representatives, respectively.,Senior Pol as'seior up Zoo Stor~ by Edward Al 'W mid Carmen Vina'Ies wi Iserve s the society's Abbot representative. na goal is t mobilize~ the society Henderson commente,'M di by the shool for its merits, into an organization ~eo ie attempting through, the society achievements and mebes.W efor black people to live. With the to make Andover a btepa economic and racial problems, society dealing with c tilsca, the black student at-A oewibebetter equipped to make it through Idents.'l the community." r dmtr-lcTjef taiz ion prosl es eygo I . sfcly nld srcosi ta iztios must feel a 'vcad oI cutisa is n e teilgFecmteais~p c~r ztoad sense; a chob our sz ~4 to 0m m i futths mear's fc adrtrfe oodblr ite mak verya it. iro-thasts Bigiondeparments be worke out, however.1 a ree wit Mr. Hyde lIOiayAtr ' should establipl ti*e rin ies first." i- tha N instructors, cKee has selec ed two biolo Mr. Speakingnh que~tion of sci'ounity, Dr. Sizer Glen astion and Johi Burnap. Aormer actor lie n tl es wud ad Mn~ ig pouto n te Boda h perd' hl mb tes struc ting, diigadaheis Iver Militar3' Celetration," Mr. Bast n attended ' .I oud handle socia prdb lems." the clustr with yand Cornell U iversity. He 'tinued IAcade FSfgars fjrnd n niest ' grad t work at the illiam Graham Dean ofSl~en s. Associ~t nSan atne ernational Universityo teIn I t' ing, Pag 3) '(F in the study g eog ii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~receivin I ili~~~~~~~~tit~~~~~~~tijit Spanish. Mr. ~~~~~~~~~~~of gen e tic a I f-AmlEl csH nderso n ctsGrayR f io fl I o insn To BodRo Boyd, in~Of I .,. Upper Bil 1972- hlipAcd i Student-AitmeigoA Academy's Cooperative' met last '~ Friday to discuss a resolution from, Acting Headmaster irneon Hyde concerning, the decentralization of the Andover community. The resolution, presently under consideration by the-f ulty, would the kSterS assign to, the responsibility for m ny functionscutes presently carried on by thesho sch~ool's central admi istratioh. Phillips ~Faut * I ~pri'l26, t~oeM ssachuset. Phillips Acd~-y Volume 96, Number 21l "We' Rev. Wyte comment have!bee~ the pioneer de rtmf'nt.Caaina in coordination of worshi, clq5s.' Th now room, an Teill.success 91 this latest en elgo e studepehd onl the response o tauthevriu Hei-t ~~~~~~~~ vateo shas Hewitt includi he' gisthepresently hools, wre chairman of ' the ment. Mr. n -ft urmap, an all Americanla cosepar n the 1971 NCAA ch alsodastendediCorh Bachelor of Scieq teatinf ponship team, enletreceiving irBiology. He is. pre ently winftowards his Fnhci Heny Frnch eopren ck will tach in th F nch departrs ted - ext year. M~ ed t e Williath jPnn Charter ege,,.where CaliC Schoo a he receivedaAir French. He did galuat wk'adthe Universt'fPnslanadrcie his M in French! Pjresently, Mr. Herbs is working' to ard a Ph.D Fr nich. Mr. Dicks atten~Larne yl adBwntnersiywhr he completed his gaduate work and rceived a A. He acquired and is now M at Ml ddlbu at Intowards his working H Ph.D has taught diana Unv~i~ rouho th eeiamtyscodis nJhILarce cildne . Schbel elgo dersil eac cho~in Nmw Mr. Rydel, a native drduteoS.Mi chaels Coill~ge, Toro to, received eology from hiq n MA in the Uiver4ity of Toitonto and the Unive.-sity f Windsor, respectively. (NIJTeachers, age 4) next year. eatetCa James Rae Whyte c rence, depart- -- iTHE Page 2 The _r I The DAVD IPIAN E ant Presi Presilent Business Manager ~ RICHARD PIFFORD RICHARD PITNICK Executive Editor i T ILA I - I ,-'1~~~~' lower Ciuster I. arit has become Ovef>, the past few 0 a colo 'increasingly evident!V t students ~~~~~~~~ anytieya'~ stdnscannot fncc so al, ~ei'etd thing but a highly m machine.' Because ofi s ce ralized Ia'ture, the ~~~~~~~~~~~Iadults to rrentl te sy the diciplinry currentlysctends disciplinary syste ,,,~~~~ ,~~~ at- "It's too late o exhange program.tesediay ae rges ob fr n inte axfraypogstobmd. freshmen, so hmores, and ~~~~~~Talktte commented. Li~werda junirste oee oneru alHn sue thatn body in, Andover Junior 'High added that cared bout PA either. like. ut wh t PA is;Slreally t raesm iheu High and PA betweentepAndover at Morasco day student Low' ~ i' ~ ~ occurred from 1966-69, when several program of exch; nge. some sort e hi h-s ore girl neoed, 'i think favorec hblreore reintscolhole oac btswsvrllmttm' ithbehi deany poPl's pins then r to finance a course in Chinese on the Morascod u eeralTh itow ns cte-jao u yo Asmeutomo is PA campus. History instructor Harrison igtedu on cm te,"Th Ro ce, the PA manager of te venture, la islil~e for the stuffy kids ho ljve ev r, there are few outward paying si'hce PA really has its, first e e. cors explained that although ~~~~~~t tdns h that erle a few Andover don't obia s 'o igSofthis simply because eas eventually evnulyde Howev rnt I'm sure did because offisfiin insufficien s might be inter sted in more Hwe gh o~ hatnio uport, other courses like this should Sp htm be pursued. The Rabbit Pond Adult SeI era exnamedooweverthatnhetHih kwd eigtheotws oudint be Evening Study Program alsq began in su ents re v ry concious of P because etnies seerighteous cools Ay shouln' t asrpbtt n eadd Isral telate sixties. In this progrim, several 0~ bouti A e n. fttha te eryoeri ad for op1 ( to be living wit nblocks uppers and seniors from PXI met with Ju o ihnyafwppeintdd diflive intwo f her and stillhefcu and students from downtown and Anoe oA-" getdin. In fat t. ytAn dssedahbgito to o ern yrdsEvntefclyaAthe so-called "drugl problem" ' ... .,of -~~~~~~~~~ 'pstr that they would like to study PA' initiate c det ent siasm in its programs, 'cluster ~~~~~~~~~Icurriculum beoe considering an not in a a oaeaP hti h or'ludershpra ilterlie notearly ter cefor and exchanges. Oneso more ex~~~~~~~~~~~~~course course,I he would not' limit his choice *of the c ster chair Iman p y a large oe in ~~~~solely to those 'courses not offered at AdvrHgbtwudpsbytae determinipgl the success of ach cluster Since the same courselat both scho Is in order directl3~ affected y the stu'dents are lives they are to compare the way in jiew powetr inetdi h lutrs.et taught and the mnaterial offerred' in both ~f the th~ selection a parr have in should courses.co t in th; tsel ectio L 4 sh~uld a parl: have ', ake clsters cluster chairmen. In orde r¶t toithe needs of the student, more responsive e chosen by direct must chaii-men cluster re ustb~ cosn y 'clstr harmn faculty and ktudentl elections. n'temby bility for ' ' the ch~~~~~~~~~~~sen clusteY isthe, the admlnistrabers of the cluster not a: ber ofthecluteranid no y the ad." cluster members tion, many Iussed."a'btcewill hesitate to tionmanyc devote all! their energies to the cluster,' Several student-government members suggested the creation of a committee to look into the possibility of making an exhange between the two schools.n ohn le I n ilntd an PA.'~~~~~~~On irthnkoth Ide ou dein itely wold at least exchange prograi I * anex I I " ' I ' I 1 ~~~~9,inenp ,~~~ ':. I 'I '~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ AlfrAdv 'nt~~~~i vone ' The Marx Brthers aire usiness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(1'931) on an ocean Iiner.~ Groucho, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~towawatys Chico, and Zippo deliveri their arpo, I Fake oe ing Increasingly,th student n a position n which he, isehi convictions in" n within the tated limits he school c,munity. A oato, omt hel cano tc tol anything ted from do geightbewee campus d monstrations the ar in Vietn m. It is their nsti~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P thAmrcsofalge' ~~~~Iilariour ,j thaui's erormances are a~ odas those e roadway cast. ''I c er I ~~~~~~~~ot I ''-"""~~~~~~ '' hS. hidste',an hei Odd April29 in GW I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~StraAr Saturday, h ocr. i i padthi terocr."Te resi ent up ,ort ciities to this end '~~~~~~~~~~~~Cul 1968' stars Jack Leio as the texpne S '1Iga th y r a o ~~~Mahu a Felix Uniger and Walter cnt nuaion of constructive,; f te Matata the sloppy sports joiurnalnd other scholarly acduc ion I Felix is forced out istadssoar Iplace iviti S. of his home by his wife, andI moves in Thy addd tht whie t e supprted a cidhod fr nd 'T~e dsca, i~'~i Iwit orin beal e fort of those whol es for he contras two ma fcdi'tsymahicoteIrfw mands Mat-~~~~~~~~~~~"" Lhemtwon Y'. L betweert com~~~~edy. the 1 -' I HRISTOPHER AGEE TI e at st e-uption of prote'st over the otes e-caa n ftewri th eucina udesos Ai die ma mpl cit in the recent demonsta on tminyclgecmusafind hinef o tpo mu oand rdetol~~ema rndue o0 to~nel su stdnte 0i but is p h ib ' s tih n er o nsr rDe A of~all aes' th, nonviolent, "Amricas constructive JNGLE nv ciO CELLUOID tofind ~~~~~~~~~~~eed ~~~~ CELLULOID JUNGLE utie s fo-the expression f their views, A I' b 'I <r' r m a of by ng Renew ed Sc o01 s f/x t-.r eS, ol tempora ry issues, choose not to attend their csses.'"M.Gro xrse a desire to allow for the i ividual within the exi ting educational structure. He stressed that h syaction'i designed to h wo e iporta tings iur uninter pted ontinuance of Abbot's n 'ntttoa egulr aaei op erati, ns, and the i prance of w tdns niiul rset conscie ces ad their- wi h to in some way r gister feeling." hils, it seems stdntadthioitnncoheiGordon has strack a balance that Mr. th hoe 'ihtIvy stuioaa Thf~pesid nts of thel profit fr~om an exchange progam bk some In pst yea'rs, PA has responded inand t he ienix~ersities L e ag u student deely anid belatedly totecmu aIah etIniueoTchlgy 0iTeenon- adequa Th'msocpin poetaciiisdn ad h aogaion hofsheonts Iownsfr reusigte 'mad the problem, to solve tly dempted rece students of both schools have 61sokcreataneclange poram. ~ `ft dents mrtade no attempt to find. Ithe system." is Th co ng t Mr. Wenr ik, "To start s po h .i hI e oP This program faced severall difficulties I deal Wih"rim'es" rlalh rha invdul. otscaexchange, P sjudtake ill" K d a kids wherever they are. partly because of the toiich~ nature of In areas, brbader stu e t-?aculty relationin tiativefj without eenemtfelhateardfAkd the 'subject. I ogsg offer decnn.Thobiut o hers, but that i just not the er nt ~m by res ritdcontact Fim sisare'Jimited obtha ito h ruaeteacis also schools! have~~~~Although the twor("ar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the s r.opt os' haveIsc enk is utrJsp n Gra n epersnsdilseuignetayW~ asly itie thpproxtr co mu school iiestathhigh some contact on the athletic ly estoftbl150experienced o -time resi ent of Andover, reiterated Sem ina swould also )e very' n ceritain~ courses at PA, none of these brin~s~revousy Aech ized proc dures ded,, "It terestinj r. Silv rmai's point. He ati!e mpts have been of much br Pgs prvoul Mr. ichrds added, ' When we set es t me that for many ears, PA sinfcne down to a personal basis nd allows geater out tso vnt~ som in likathis,on nthe hgh schoolh o ow e edt~ m Nisgpivings and Iisconceptions the contact between students u dfaculty Houghr, t efso wd no se t any eimianingo t th hih so ndi studas At this point, a seriousi exchange cluster. nwwhtwaepann itbfrw nI sse gro pgaoftrihanos Helnaoweer pormbetween Andover High and PA n doin . I obvious t at something eln mn gltra n es of Itemany rsnbecadus~ .ata ai o Ysonly a Yet custitr. autonmy hAve to start out on this woull of a like have less studeits. They givings about such a 'progvam,- and ithe PA ~~~~mis a small basis imply beciuse we don'ts~as en e of being social elitists and more ftete solution to the pro =dm of making clusters have th( facilities to cope ith any large ofch a se se of having so ething in mnyoeo l-Isconceptionst h ir. more than pae grus The sme holds true for our students of both schodl aeaou ah c mon ith he Andover Higi student." On y'one f the clusters presen~~rP~r tiger. groupwse."ofth oth~r. QuadSouth ters resenly 1hoperation, I~p!fo wvwokn ex that the feel PA students ~~Many ess in I ree de of suc f sol 'o e topee has exhibited and1r e ree-pstricetda okn e i tpufo hudo peeo t cetda with be onelsided, program wol ~~~~~~~~~~change I into a ng-for tten and certainly imcon sion. 'and mistrust betwe n the stuP enft nodrc establishing aesel~o clter uiyIta'e student deni s''-of And ver High ad PA. One portant atter. sirec"M dismi benft fo~ PA. fte blt nte ci not send me to e aai,"yprnsdid 1 ch evefint SI AN PA to go to pblic high schools!" ManyEW oshare with stdnsrcluster' chairma high school sturdents' noted that they sponsibility for governing the cluster and knew very littlel abou't PA curses, and I 'cFim I se jarq would be leav rig in a few because of our preoccupation with Abbot t e cluster and now coordination Acting Headmaster ime iHyde, i his todcetaliiz muc of the g vernproposal todeen0contact ing pow~r of the admi'sration to the cse portance qf giving level, recognizes the ndeemnn o the clusters greater f in .dtermning their social tructure.! 'These becaus itiwas' against tht ules." One igh-school senior no ed that since PA Dean of Students John Richards add-motthywrnt ed, I think it would be a g6od idea to 'osb'iitie investiat th es fosome b te thesortoss investi' of tie betweenpthel sclhools, his is an a~~irea hat has been sadly neglected GFFkind notec, ' ei was prosm bably tuden mall loy.Ihi gIrotip of peo ewown '~,up to PA to 1!Iok for tr uble sirtiply erald H.. Silverman. assistant principal ssoci te Sports Editor . tfelgsote High sno Advr that sonjething like progranm has not of both sol exch a n ge PANoure"cmmneAdvrHihthe Sparts Editor ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~by ADAM LERNER 'In he past, neither PAnrAdor tq make,in sort of It is the extensive exchange ~~~~~~~~~program an 1 ILA Aill 26, 1972 II4 sought Hgh havepexch etensive AYORfault AH S STEPHEN SULLIVAN Editor Managing Eio ARTHUR WINTER ~ PHIL oneLliners , as they complete one' u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~niest~ Most hilarious escapades. At f ~~~~their ~~~~~~~ne~ point'I the four attempi to imersonate Mauirice Chevalier In orier to as- thoughicustomns. ~~~~~~~~~cern iews or co municate their feelings to fficiiils, they pprocnreg ernment iidap seig imoe co action y inone "~~~~~~~~~~~coercive In ngudIent vcin rcnen. the cal for a New. strike against the o no a 90 Atdnsdmn strated and struck for sxidays before Headmaster John M. K mper called a poeti ne-da~ moratorium on asses nd the shdl o id fcly'apoe plans. yven then, these accon'iidations were Ii ited in'scope ani flexitbilty due to 'a s, t, rigid guidelines admihistering 0 qnst.s h tI Aaprnl protest in the t al educational experie ce, it has crea ed some proto ex ress theircn visions hn.nodrtfor student! eevpriint over the renewed b mbing of Indostudent must demonstration, attend first haie Mr. Hyde's ap royal and then the pla Wi tocm mak6 rrangements Wi tmns Mr. Graham Ter Ihis system is consti ctive_ in - that it acconiodates for the in ividuafi~'tudent. Nevertjeless the fact that the permis- sions ocess emains nduly restrictn of North Vietnam, icreas o ie diae theicolrsyttocm tDonald Gordon anbot in school has- yet to acdctsthe iv usperld any ha ewould ounc cept political expression s a part of'the mie ts ft r "those stu ents who, for easos of c nscience r arding con- educatio al'process. J M IBOi I ~ 1~ ~ ~ IO DEV ~~~~~~~IPT ': I Abbot Acad emy the gynnasiu~n last Concern,I ~~~~~~~~organized the~ progr from the Massachu~ LaAu~~~~~tion ies Silent ~for'Social *.~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 o nres I eld Politi a ~ activiti s in Thi rsday, AEb 's Committe ead d y seo ynn Graham, m, Fifth whic on i lu d candidates tts resional D istrict ion will conduct a silent ips Benevolentie ociety Phillps Acdeny'sLadies Acae auction on Thursday, May from 10:30 to :30 p.m.inPaoyHuem Tesocie'ty Will se the unds rom the action to drea ge, deepen and atives for~ several ~Presidenti I an idates. Abbot rsokR bbit Pond. Principal ad I G rdo can eIle )asses for the rstuden shavedt"deel ofn addition, biology instructor George anborn and a sall group day. Ipersonal o dren, hv raised over 100 dollars bruhaplaint sale or the l iZ I drdig while Andover 9cology-Actio wIldnt the proceeds from PhlipAle.Ele 1Ion Procc ure' drive to th~~~~~~~~~~ project.ipAllntwic a statSntr, and now its recent paper;sea The sod iey is collectin~ articlesrnigfo lamps and linens Pe In of to Iandiworif * ~~~~~~~~ C f~ ut es eee toantiquds and, which almi aetfaculty add towns-~~~~I toexwns-t the political speake ,Pn residential people are donat ng. Acq6rding tobooyinstructor Thomas Cone, primrary Ind elet n rcd e. iliam Saltonthe pond has be ~ome so shallowadnry as a esult of storms stall, a Massachs tssaeea poke briefly drainage hat it an bare y suppor a e qatic plants and stunted On legislation ad'l nrdci the Senate, catfish. . Iand devoted the reane stm to answering Abbot Go 5~3 frey Lab lay -~ Rh toiic in P j'lcs I oici P rams~ ~ y niots or S ndy feywill drec Israel Horovitz's play, The Speakers icluded the Head of e am Veterans Indian Wants thelj Bronx op Thursdayan Friday, April 27 and 28 at Against the War, Jo n Kerry, nrd oner Lawrence 6:45 p.m. in Phillips Academy's Drama Lab. PA senilor Tad Sullivan mayor DahieflKiley both of hon~r seeking the and, uppers Dannyi Horwi~z and Russell Selby wll pay he roles of Democratic nmina ion for ongri in the Fifth Joey, -Murphy, and an East Indian, respectively. District. Statel Repr gen ative aul nin, the only ,also spoke. if~Dst ic:r Republican in, the According to Godfrey, he play coqsists~ of a series of emotional "games" cIarryed& on' by wo deliquents, Joey and Murphy, with an The three candidat s discuss d ~ lyent in East Indian 'gentleman they meet at haNew York bus stop. Godfrey this area, Vieltnar etoric i'oicsand the said that te ganfes eventuaplly become so~involved that the participants need for constructiv( re uits. cannot escape. 'Iard G~' er Ru .sTRT Godfrey stated that T1he Indian Wnts~the Bronx "is ,not one of I PA histpry instructor Donal Gane ean his Horovitz's best p ays." She added, ow ver, "If it is played very talk by voicing his s pp rt for bout at Sntor staigt ee suefalvl, its Iipc hul tiede George McGoyern. tvtha he was into the heart, as it shows frightened people dealing with other strangq tired of talking of oth r peoble's main and and frightened pe ple." ' mentioned hisl own candidacy for t eortic lnt~~~rsc~~io~astic Chess 1 ~~~Reform Contenders Co m i i dor.Cet Exeter's~~~ Int'j olati Paues IsHuetHmhe.'ID.TodrSzr Eee'!chess temdE'fetdAdvrStan Gotni Joy was the 6epresenta ive f r ieoaSntor the annual Chess Tournament held her last Saturday. The Andover teani place c seco~i in th match, receiving six points out of 18, one I shy of Eeter's score. S. Paul's andGlon ' a boar 1 scored interestAeIrani thi~a s Associate Dean of Stud nts Carroll' Bail y will hold a fouir school * ' rcijP7 T '- 46 M ain Si. dov r K. _____ 'I EESI .LLL. OLD]E ANDOTER VILLAGE BOSTONERASS.-1OP' i1\ Phillips Academy's Board o Trustees will reet here this week to ear reports b3 trustees committees on different school operations, and to discuss the state of the sch ol in general. mong the topics to be considered will be*anAs ps r a portrait of the tfthedaer late John Kemp r and 'he fo I appointment of yT h li,;A e ______ Open 7 Days CF~ 6 7 nd Eve nings. ________________ return. nsideTa far Cus epsi-Cola taste-taste that co e alv iIhcl.Ol noteesaneIigt t '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,ea H. Brine Co. M EETING~ ealvi ' IlI. od.Oi b' " Trr~~~T I* LJJi owthr'anwrngoi! no rViag Od noe ilg An over, M's 9______I__________ ~W P I CRITIN T N NC C~LT EVC PRINTIN .7 '' SERVIC Offset 'Letteroress r;' 47-26 0t t the oth r ' MARY NN'SW. CARD & YA~RN SHOP or feibe' N V~ least until, rthei prolonged discussion of the matter is used to silenceco any efforts to rtive mov0ements towards ceducation), it is time for , il l 'A Now that the i sue' of coeducation At And ver is virtually dead (at 'I i -~~~'Ii~~~~~gttgr ~~~~~Cool idea* IC Col In Pull-Open cans! f~~~~~ratta sapt o -j st lftand Cans chill'quicker, sta6k V. gban h re you go tnd theyre no-deposit, no: everyone at PA t examine the status of the 'institution in which manyOle of us have lived r will l{ave lived for four years of our lives. Making the assumption' that Phillips Academy can. continue to beL a bstonofprog essive education without inc~uding girls is unrealistic. There are severa things which substantiate this statement. First,Mas of course, is the tudy rnade by last S'ear's committee on oeducation. :~IAlso, classes ths year which were REASONABLY coeducational seemed to foster etter attitude;' one which was not as conducive to tlock-watching cutng and sleep. This is ot tosuggest in any way that pseudo-coed 'atonWith Abbot is! a s tisfactory solution. The third reason; wh ch prompted this letter, wals he differing reactions on the' part of Jthe Andover nd Exeter students to the girls in Washington. On tpie whole,, Exeter students responded to the National Cathedral School girls in a far more maturel manner, while some of the students fronm PA seemed to have been hust into a completely unfamIiliar enviro'nment. I feel we are bein icedibly naive if we believe that- thd piresent situation' t A ovris' realistic and noressive. I AnEove ln light of thei recent drop in-applications, pehaps PA ought to begin I~ plt move much faster to make the Andover 'experience" not only provide the' excellent educational facilities (Which it already does), 1 but also to inclu~le a, little social education along with it. Obviousl9, coeducation is NOT NEARLY the entire solution needed to prevent the decline in applications and the forced acceptance of less qualified students. Yet itA is a beginning. And if PA claims to provide a\ prog ton t oldbetmet relize that the issue fr4502 many institutions! in America is not pogres4 but survival; maybe it's that way for us, too. Sincerely, GrgHtn'7ta He aded, "If discipline" ilemr lxbe n though the present sstemn can be more objective." English instru. tor David' Cotb, chairman of the "sAbbotpot t ndwolddBoaotmoeen lgtf lsesi yespooa "Svr motn n ht ol r oaltmr n involve more bo s." Biology instructor Jack Harris commented tha clusters shoalx d have complete power over living conditions, and "shouldn't be doubled checkec by GW." . SenioroAndy ontact With Fa ulty Sequestions.Thurman, an disory Cominittee 'member who w s present at' i faculty meeting, comne,"h an advaag ofth clsr system is its inc ease in educat*on value. In effect, under the cluster~system'studen s have more contact with faculty amr res sibility. Dormitory poedures, rule - 'and day to day life outside the ',classroom woul-d be cntrolled y the clusters, much as the West Qua( North cluster s doif~g now." 4 7[9 *'Es n~~ To The Edi o fhHLIIN "is still in the dorm." is on the cut eei C lor IiN A wo points on the, second'pitboard, nandh upper IPAl hidI , inedfo ;PeOe) \ commented that the proposal "'makes sense", btit that should be tak n to maintain; the schoolsafeguards c6mmuit unPb English instructorH. Kent Allen, ,____________ ibetree poin'ts. In other performances, th ins nigh Boto Saturday. From 8: 00 ao 1: 00 p.m. Gunga and the Dns,ostogroup, will play for a dance in the old gym. 'A CoffeeI House in Cooley1- ouse will began at 8:30,p.mf. 'I -Mr. Bail~ey als~ plans two films for Saturday evening. The Odd Couple, a omedy about the life of two indompatible bachelors will be ~~~~shown in GW, wile Monk~ey Business, a M~arx Brothers comedy, will be shown i'i Kemper Aud~torium. In additioln, cartoons are planned in White Auditoriun'. Students from Beaver County Day Sshool, and Abbot, Phi lips, ricd Win sor Academies. swill attend. . (C eie ~E " won four points and Chess club president D vid Hsieh tied Exeter's first board, taking tw nd one-half oi r 'FacltyIA1- e t d 26 Essex Street . Pepsi Andlo er, Massachusetts AIJDOVE0 INN , ' ~THE Page 4 '1\Hyde Names .Seven IP4 New Instructors . Srto, ~a gaduteof Princeton, will Edwrd come o PAas aPhysics teacher next year. Mr. Saron wo i aso4ualified to teach mathematics a~astronomy, hod~ both a BA in erospace and VIinaeronautics' from the University of outhern California.' Tecigin France under the auspicbe of the One)ieh from 3. Page ~~otii~~Cad Edward School Year Abroad program,, Nathan Batps will remain a faculty member for only one year. Mr. Bates, who holds a Mastet of Arts in mathematics, attended Colby College. He is presently chairman ofthe mathematics department at Belmont Hill School. 'finalists, P April\ 26, 1972 ILL- PIAN ainlAArtWmnnrs med e, eetyn ras adBrc Seniors Douglas ricl as recipients of National., Meritj Scholars ips. Critchlow and K uss oe anaad~on eie Krauss, iho plans' to attend arad st NMC.Te by the National Merit Scholar'ship oprto He Mining and Manufacturing Company sponsored Critchlow 's anr also plans to attend Harvard nexti fall.SUK Ixelecc Al run I Ac ording to D irector of C'ollege Placerrignt Robert Hulburd, N SC chose award recipients for excellence on est sreextra-curri ular wie Stl soanSrie prsoalitrwere~ and rcie andrpersonalityyties, acti of d in te f dmns with the National Merit Sicholarship Tes September N SC ir.I 1970 to approximately 655,000 higi schoo published a list of 15,000 semifinalistsicuig2 PA seir.at the term, National Merit 'announced thirte Advrfnalists. Jro . NMSC chose 3,000 winners. 'If KENNETH1P. IA I SUPPLIES- O~~~hiJON, SEIJL&CK : HAWARE P -adically, vrtig Andover WEYERHAE Andover an Stree 45 nOf .\A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lt S L R O TYPEWRITER'O SC ephone 47 3000 32 Pork St eet -SCHOOL iee -5mr TAX 2 ' 'Tho mlpso nl. , ~SER ODu S v SALES and SERVICE 77 MAIN STREET' HERBERT EENNETT ANDOVER, MASS~~~~~~~ ROBERT E. CARTER Next tothe Post Ofic ~~~'"~~~~~ARTHUR A. MORSE, ~~~ONE BOSTON * Olde PLACE 'OSO Andover Villoge HOUSON ' ~~hru ~~~~ the arc. IiUMBED~ FRANCISi J.FLYNN HAROLD N CAULFIELD C. WITCHELL DRAPER. JR. KINDRY LMBE 0 106 *MASSACHUSETTS *BOSTON AREA CODE 017 723-70 E OKH EW O~kLOS Iand BILDING.' ANGELESI Yard & Offi a '-63 Chandl r Rd., W. Andover 4 5 I.1 IMAN CO. UFA-CTURI NG ow ilN, Madss. - I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~n 0J ~ I~ 7 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ' J- 2 PAN Prince, Avenue - JPPL ES, R IRMTDL *igifts & accessories U lrla C April 26,' 1972 THE P{I L Ba~~seball Oerco ~~~ ~ ~ - 2? '/ IIANPg es,1 Jo'~ui H lpril y e d n eI~~~A s da y , A aft er seven nd a half in ing~ the varsit' as ball team exploded for three r ns *n the bottom of the eighth to take a 64 ictory ovr Lowell 1-ligl S hool. With noodeotit anid H ~anwood ad Geg 'Cronin leading~ away from ed and hid tIallowec ba e, respecti'~ely, Rick Hall lin d singla o ri ht to tie the score. Datting in the i I position, Mie Takvorian then dove in the in ng run of t e ame with all single to center fi~which sco ed Stanwood. When he 'throw h eluded th at her,. Hall ~Iso scbred. / How Disiancc ~~~~rhe ~~~chief beeficiii of this rally was PA's sta~~~~~~~~~~~ rtin pitcher, Lew wes. thr ugh ei lo e andto r runs onlyr rus bnly initsdagrocufeigte t innings, loss urjtilPA rallied the eight~ In fact, with excption of the cn ni nLwl erupte~ for-~~ hnLwl three~~~~odini hit ndl three ns, owes practic~ lly untouchab H6 struckl ct a total'was of twelve batters in the me while also pitchin'Vell ini th lth It O-run lead Opening the nihth, ... . ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~the Howes retired the Si norder to preser e the vic- t~rY for Andover, its scond of the sea n.wt Afterl Howes setdo It the side i th~a top. half of irs, he P tiwice the bot Om of the inning to take an scre earlled C inpti uBgod -~~ Senior Croin, rep' Anovcr's Brry tartin consistently e thus far this for season. the BI first Altoug th goalisteiyfr secondbasema, -: ~ .. - has ht . to second on Afeal~tGrgCoipukot bohwlkdIn Ta eiedvth scifie fl e~andedal thletrlEoat ~apadfria b a drv tno a t~le t The in thsndubll. axTips Jr., Dean Falls To T Wednesday, 19, Andover-April Picking t~Afer victor vrsitylacrose of te earthe tea ifedr crd i Sru'se n~t ftesvn aiortirn pserco nBda thfenslte plsa wais eeelek, Theedattc Arlp Adorly cing nly one atro Dheean, deesethe PAit defensse was outtanding onteohrSadcsicnitnltCrsF-kr recovered cleared the it. ball nd ~ ~ defeted a Junor 'wek Cllee tem, 7. Clems I.ead Blue n~~ fgalaist Frakci~ i ry nnoi~d Ctonih,l -, :three pitchin of hitors ''Conno cn ndIBond. Catchet Mike Russo mveRsso eadoeotltr Go abiistrenscod'bsma' ont'k aingl te wihcrd nlpthrRusso. Coon wa theonl eredoth threat o igotile red'tAr g to rnd out. ~ or s atu r d Ap i : n do v 1 r- P ac ed b y th e h ittin g of horts Mik T koran and the pitching of Pat O'Conf r and la~ton Bond, the Andover varsity baseball earn to -is third straight victory with a 3-1 de in o rte 1 Tu s freshmen. O'Connor and Bond on~yfu hits,' while. striking out andlsix bas, respect vely. P ci4 wc'IFrtInn FoloiA an eI y f irst orOnnorAn I doeri c rew pisoved oI 'theo O'Connor, runs inve theg ed wh, trune utrst eacativerns irt eBi aw~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~op e wt nethei ubus ti Doug Ing for .T the aBlue awith nlw rppofd cabop in front of the Tufts r g t fe d r B ar ro nini then grounded a bise hit thro gh bases the id fteor le-an GregRick Cronin lading ca Cher Hall wdlked, struck out, Tak oran dril ed a singl~e into left field,' scoring both Bi oiod and a&ry Cro in. Th oyother tal y oft e game for the) Blue Canme in h'egti n. ihoeot avra singled, caL n fg his frie wo for four day at. thla etef!d r Dan Bolduc sent Takvorian t seoul~ bsei pppt h sosoi n wot nt ig'etfed~ o hee drovei Tavoriaehi don theethir bs ic Ase on nin ny iustra 1 e Tenn s~~~~~~~~~Afic Do ~n nsr mIT, 9-0,alon opickh ouplaer cond asea Trium phngl of the season wh A n o r beganal toRuso ~re Coni I uckoutpSits in te thir quare~- Sottwalkedsandga r doenh isen oafcls. h isBetoi ThnLotsl piod tch rryh mC anagnt r, oh ni as .nhit, - A n dithowo ve I sordhsnist. ofde the yeArmdy the thrug I? Rdver tenni thegn peiafe uptloeuk n te gohis wai thghe qu e e ire atoffne soing Oemnt latr ale ht proedmton be hewnig3 ~mand ~ t scoeaaneoevr ~ ~ io bu Da we igtcre goal-wit t3- aithgi two HaInt .Dan ea ing ouncedgoudut ekMTfshensqa,-0 theacs weterwonpi i etadtreo'te edesay pl Aikmnwell Anoerof wr htft.~AtogteP Al 4 r thoughu the gafe. macgedxoto ty csee tohiquinGuis Defensctoi ls fieles. th thes oredean int 2-0 caitsaliz on aete fthly, Dek heon, crdhsfis 9o yermw thogh t AvGatins teaS The p aed ttac toue als oorl, scringonquarethperidedby tbein fne vinthhh Bruce goal p gains Dea a defese. 7~~~~'~~~~ he Podeiquinwa ei es ble.o rnhteoffatr Al ngs mae stou number wionris of AlhoughZ good s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~htpovedu hand, outstanding~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~onjnthecother as it consist~~~ tana db t winren ntly Chris Fraker make tallied' he I d le was o th r eg d n 4aithoeo dWod ig~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ets, thiaetndcerte.alams a and hefurhhadfit of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S at w'ill. Chris recovered t]are Woiin, eletrey go~~Fakewitscoed hsis thr gogoalid Rlig roug thefts.Atou teP Eventhou'II seeed t domnateI pay 53 an keeinthemis ain onto thrughutthega . t-alnCu eanmange sis conisen ad-roe to nd sthes periodloith I with25ode stn aialzdo'h byoncapitalizing he de sDon thrimidseconds Wla-dethef at hI rors.enhleWo 0 A~~~~~lf ntegmea cotooheo fielders. e With the' Clemonrt ean an2firedpastete wo n hsmatchefcvey goalefsecod p~-ass fro 'goa of A ainstrn T rye 4. 'and quate aiedby~ te ine paof~ gag Brc m gsive to iy.oThe lsaiDveMcrkncusd thelseasn. Alhuh Ier d bet e o sh tatfth ly aefrmttehsITopnet66 r' _V lar numbe~ ogtea shoerdts, secound defa atoofate CrceanDvehsa 62-ownhieDgBlan " Academyteam iA o1 1 ',ertim, 10-7. Wth th scoe tied y Woa h sesnvas itfl u n it oasrrsnl t gTbrvrowrdteropnnd-pngi~tels positio,-Is goalsein fistforint the almeti a d Chrnteneinsms onel ~loIh d~ls h nnie w inthe scod toits th i goauliiesm'iteaofKapIaoandRalighwo y 1% period wi~~~~thteaoscsis ag s sinleicnrcgn as ,6-26-,dhieCNduacn. Blue a~~to nuf tbers oon ntwo ndChae Kevin pace Mc~all he Blue attack thi 1%eekscorf od rosBomilpaigi Alo ughar Ainihdo he a .52nhal tme 5lecdsh ~ vn b iec a scrs o th tid dube sp , ov -. inglacrthree in ssc's loss goalstoleft Taboh. g m a llo Tlies Pa ge 6)o C-l-eAtte n mbrtrempt p w resohiro p n ntn '~' The "B~~~~~~~ware Bet" Tae Kwo Four and goalie fired or.,his past the an PA's out of ~~~~very cketmen, clad assortent, \outfts inweek, raningfrm o days recreational sploched crduro peants to bright shirs,madras drag themselves ou toteenSacurtsay, fulfill athleic r~quirme teir Aftr a brie sessiorofnemodifieds formwher~the of tennis, object of the gameais osaie yemour eeditdeaofhe opponen he bal, mostof with tleplayer confrnt theasn a withf,1t upiigy'~n~Tbr excuses~o These\are leaveineitably r~ntethus doing ouanomytherm trying day of sports. ' Foul' daysPA out students of everyiweek, who ha e exhibited * unusual of coordinaton lack in the club baseball tr os gle i e flly fo r m n' v i a maketrek their~o ' daly "playing fied" ~in outerib eria. Wihn t a4 tWshigto *arm, backs nd caressing a lux ~rious 'sn sotat carpet t~heir of grassn ball. Ater ordel th grueli~ has eded, te play s, therTlung 1 lea togym Needlesst the h this is wherlt Itth Kevi ace N~call takth e cor-telthirgeast hl 2 afi Ee dingthreolsyin. lars' os oTbr 'Ncl U44't ~n choote so vry e sme thrtyodd ae won Do ~'opartcipntstivty. im BillSunchin ven adim o~ afterst of theymwithA' theirainalk naktmean ,rol ta taso'thent f o t he Cagig fmro spntycih atud c uirep nsth .bgret das prcs dura hesevandu agty. tetespit l r cutheda~vtwl gr~uling pheratic manyofieet Ae stdet aief sill requmied Lvnaaea'is excses in me unsa lanoter spinsart aneitbyatinwhic hs pron frutatng forl A letic the Deparn'ient paricipants. - Sa beware, lack belt dnv avin ot osy9urry.weeAndovertudentsewho.hAsealiAierican sev1 ako codnto nth lbbsb' sport inoPrihidenaecRhoderIslan, wil asis Lapenlon2occasin.ei- Choewilloive:lessonstync amt o a stud ts Hle, will alactoa a Mrcnn' aviso toChae clubwhanejudge -, prmtin llsts yoepwrdter oppon Exclle particioaioo Seniooandtourthde e lack eltISngchi Kim ' who leads this £ye~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~S rogramlaye.'commented nt thatI 'tan the majort-boost forta-KwonoDo ItePAucame as t e uto h e r n ' S d m ntai n i e r e 'y Hall sh wr i tednea c rce thge lnta C ry as e b e a on 1" unso '~;Paue wave Ade ga poges wihem slaincei oItwnb etttal scrof e ules aeprticipaedtte me 'inPae616 thepomt and terar penty in te - ne raticin Fi -' n rho,oreansaecKwon!gChampiofHee rvea sixthlast MotandveCu I degree ackThe belt currentlyck teachinge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ndov trout, geefllya e Kwn do ASags tya maecane o p oing ldn dg~ clubho, 1, naestdenso-aeosrugging 1 at teSmti A " c i sncn t a sixth dg e sevet enlprtacies sp r in P v R oeIla ,wll sit TeKoccasDonp eVChowlds gielsosoc e weektheP actudtr eig heldo an't a and dspigtem wi heticubstion rual yea long. Thecro ieopen ufegcof ncharg msoajor-bAstudentswo at D heyaAduig a uprBll lc vthrtis dded nxetyerspreieoes eveS'morerennaonguthe ruuliaeonnraton n Gorg Page 6 THE PHfLLIPIAIN 7 Andover Gl ThrdresNn Prep School~ Sunmaiy Cap Stalwart tI T - LACROSSE e t I~~~lad the~ Mt. Hrmon *attack asSp i tey scored three an tw gasj Wednesday, April 19; Andov r- In its fi t t-meet Exeter Takcs'First Victory espectively.d of the! season, and the first of a three m ch series, The Exeter lacrosse earn the Andover golf team finis d third -iind both recorded its first victory octe AalAI~ Governor' Dummer and Eet r. The B totalled year by demolishing a weakIT ' 532 strokes hile Gvrr um e dExtr *freshmen squad, 13-3. Displaying tallied! 529 and 531, respective] -- a balanced offensive attack, I the Eee Split~ ~Wlover Red scored with relative ease After dropping a,'-3 'decision to in thei nu ber one spot, C ptain Ale Kazickas against the- porous MIT defense, *entworth' in its opening game of played extre ely well on the f ont nine d finished while effectively containing the t e week, the Exet~r baseball wt 7 hbs cr fteme. e hi frosh's attack. In its second gam t am toppled the Woi~cesterva ifin 3-1 t I varth Coyer,' fifth on the ladder, fini' hed with exellent of 'the week, Exeter fell to' thd s ty, 4-3. Trailingtot-l of 85. Atnmbrtwains Dv aeha St.! Paul's varsity, 5-3.: The Score atano h Ighhinnte po oa It ubrto pe ae aehdneigt was tied at two goals aliece 4ed rallied for three runs on the Hovr ka Ingu rmteffhotidp *enteing the econd-half, bu St. s rength of four successive singles iin ' arywlsoiga 9 h it Pairli's capitalized on a rash of ed Mgike Lynch, M k Trivett, posto~ae Chlhatrueonh bckie Aaltie i th thrdp~rio t ndy Sweet, and Ro Ball. P '~pe i h tid~ toe and finished ~vt eice~oa ov1 ubr foge 4-2 lead. The teams then -c ing in relief of Ex ter starte four man senior Vi-c Crosby ad a v i off' day trddgoals the final p iod harlie Caro, Sweet then held as he carded a 101. Overall the And er team's to',close out the scoring. orcester scoreless i the ninth pefracca eaivl ob h le Deerficld'Falls I Opener trcr h e nta itr managedt stay within thre stroke! f leader, FPlaying on a sloppy, rain-s ~ d atesao.Gover nor 1D mr field, the Deerfield lacrossetem.ujmr I pered by a lack of preparaio, Epoigfroute rnsn the elGreen fell behind arly, as. Tat Itsseason opener, thl Deerf ield scor-ed one goal in the first pe iod bs eball team crushed the .J5 and three' in the second to take Wibraham-Munson v rity, 14-2. a 4L0 halftime lead. As Deerfielld's Continuing its offerisivebraelattack ontinued'its inefficiency in the Green humiliated *Loi (Continued from ge 5)I thei second half, Taft tallied thlree varsity, 11.0. Deerfield jme ~ Blue offense faltered badly he seco half. In' insurance goalst c i thnerylaso ' n the third quarter, Craig Rey ds P'l~lup PA's victory. in the first and two i the third sixth gallafter takingV aex' Ilent p s from his The Mt. Hermon'lacrosse te m th pitching of ' Bill Mg. to hold; of the Tabor n Ih~h ever, and went undefeated this week, mHoever, Deerfield is ntf as srn PA held a ',-3 lead at the end f the quart r. pr~vin its sason' recor to ~I1 as the scores may indicate, as bosh In the final period, both t offense and the -I the fi scoring, ofe Rert of its victories have c me against defense p.1.e poorly. Senior ob John on scored led Syth scrn ofRbt weak opposition, mday trough the quarter w th the a' sist going Kinfcherf and Ron Cree, defeatedI the Williston varsity, 12-5. Lacrosse (Overall Records) B-ball to Scott Clemson. Tabor- star e [its c mback less Resuming play, itsMt/ fine ~~~~~~~~~) (3.0) ~ than a minute later, howeve~ scoring our quick Resumingonce agine poved t.' (1-) Andover' 3O goals toti 'the score and snd' th Fame into Hermo agan onc proed t (e ) Exete (1-3) overtime. too strong for its opponents a it shtit out the Choate varsity, 10-0. (-) Defed '(.)Srn eod) c Kinfcherf and Cee continued to (2J1 Mt. Hermo The Blue layed what was p ba I its best quarter of Iarosse in the second pen d a tot scored Tabor 4-1. Behind, 2-1 o ng nt t e quarter, ATHLETE OF THE WEEK the Andover defense came alive, constartly forcing Taoom e soppy p a d take eak shots f~~~rom Su da Clypel Sa urday, April 29 IC% %s aboi Acadi Larsev.Bio FiIs laebllvs Ni~onHh . midfield positio s. The _______I.. - oay MiklTkvr'i ha fve ~~alI's wins this two .I weekI pii i'rcderick Qh.JIit SSI a hee nr ' 47 Rgiot, Inlstructor . 53 t .- . t IJJ~~~~~~~N 4-4566 .11:5 rpress 'Lett I]* creative Ando, er 701 Pin eIFrigt printers sitaid engoy..i'___ 0/e ~i !COKTALo L JNGE INDOOR-' OUTDOOR' SW SAUNA HOP ATH - - ~61MI PAR 3GL A ARDOV NDOVf L G POOL DING ROOM 100 BiEA TI UL GUES COURSE Phillips Academy Cha r OOMS ll Mair~ 47518K2 WELCOMES, SHERATO1~~~~~~~~~~-ROLL ~~~~~~HARTIGAN' IHERATON-ROLL NG GREEN MOTOR Vermont ____: CK]ALOUR GIFT SHOPn COFFEE ffse quality 30 Park St. - th e r s par. 1.01 pi. I'a espite .-- ;4-y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ pm chapl sterngcre i 2 I ORI~~~~~~ofi, Hosfinfosetf NtIKE TAKVORI Wednesday, April 6 RBIs in ~ ebvenuidthae aong obos teas wertae no . Duringpthe early str'okes per minuteigan the current of the Charles river and wth a aIlwind. lowever, ;at the 500 meter mark, Nrthe stern began to undethameiorsttarfokNmer whc the Blue and gdu Ily opened up a lead wihreached,'its climrba at three lengths. Nortesena a ie at43 whlAnoews lastkwit atim of4750.9e. o B~ue boat finished OdO ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Takvorian had f inlu ' Wednesday, April 11 3os 'on- The Northeastern University freshmen P w 1which has recently defeated Yale, MIT, arjd Bo ton University, easily thwarted the Andover rsiycrw The North, asrnhvy igts wr xrml elcn ditioned and proved to b toI powerful for the AndaiiaC~eeight in the final thd~sand meters of the 1500 meter race. Blue Star s S ng For the first 500 metet t, PA team managed Lttack also played we Ikeeping pressure n the Tuor goialie to pa~~~~ses'~~ throughout tie 'period. PA ieJ the sc re in the ~~~~~~~~opening intes of the quarter as c ptamn Kevin McCall e'ttei an unassisted g al. c all tallied twice mre nd Bruce Bruck ann a d d another during t ' ndtgiehe lue is three goal halftiiie'ead, 1 30 p~r 3 the oer Iese Oa s e sMall Talli s hree Ai T abor E es L~ax ULLEN CIA R April 26, 1972 EN ,SLUMNI Ch'apel Ave. 0ffRte. 28 PHARMACY /TUDENT~ NH~ 1 PARENTS, STU Tel.LANES90 '3 GAME S OF BOWLING I-. . 66 MAI N TO . ANDOV ER 'I IPEILV~90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D E R LANE 'And Use of Bowling Shoes ONEDOLLAR .
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