swimming trials today
swimming trials today
PHILLIPS ACADEMY ANDOVER, MASS. Volume XXXVL No. 13 ARVARD AND'VER. LOSES TO 5ct SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1913 ... . COLONEL SHIELDS LECTURE MR. STOTT ADDRESSES PHILO- RACE NEXT CROSS CONTR SWIMMING TRIALS TODAY in PoolToClass 4Team for from wit Aid ture Philo-Forum Last evenga to 6 o'clock The school handicap cross coun- Tril day of Stereopticon de- Gives Interesting Philo-Forum Havard3- deG Waby Ragged Last evening wing to the comparatively few try meet, which was to have been The 'Pbilip Academy soccer bate was held at the Archaeologyng to t he On Thursday evening a large held yesterday, has been postponed building. The meeting opeed at of first de tea met Ragged Gam Won. by Havard mei team- first 3-o there was an attendance of audience assembled in the Chapel eeatofthe7.5; season Wednesday afternoon at the between forty- and fifty. hands of the Harvard Varsity eleven, 3 goals to . The game titil day for the trials for the class This debate held a.more than tertaining lecture on American large number of entries have al-swimming, the trials will be conand theirserfirst interusual interest, owing to the fact Bird and Animal Life, bythe Prs- ready been received, but there is tined to-day,nhe the Preselevenn, 3'a goals toI ent of the American Sportsmen's was played on the old campus and that this i the first time in the history of the school that any un- A was so late in starting that.it was Shilds C e . efr it was finished and it official joint debate -has been held ssociaion, dark dark before it was lished ad ibetween the two societies. There Col. Shields has spent most of was impossiblefor the plyers to has been the, annual Philo-Forum his life. in studying wild.life and follow the ball. The darkness was debate, but never a smaller one consequently was able to deliver a comprehensive su mmingre directly responsible for Andover's before. single score, it being made by Read Both Pesident Winters of Fo- of so large a.subject, th at to as ell as in as on'th lae Ords aOf` on a shot from the center of the rum and President Woodford of pictruly remarkable field. It was a well-directed kick Philo presided, each introducing how some by himself and other turestaken repThe speakers. respective his byGoalhavegot would but never resentatives of the societies wre: nature lovers. toseeper ichols i he had been abie Forum-Hatch,leader;DaBeore commencing on the toison, see assistant. Timewasup athe time stereopticon - slides, the speaker or Philo-Getty, leader; Hew- told someteams the ball was caged, soalthough the plain 'facts's about' te pointor~~~~wcountedo-- ~ although; - point counted, play was not re- ett, assistant slaughter of songbirds in America,s - some facts which made everyone who heard them wonder what the future will bring if this wanton o d destruction of insect-eaters con tinues. Already, in the last twenty- The subject under debate was, umed. * A- *A .. The individual work of several Resolved, That women sould the vote." Philo upheld the ahave ied waes f t o brilliant, but the team work wase othinnegative, and, Forum the affirmaThe arguments for both nothing reocemarkableti. more playing each sides were good, the speakers on five years, about ninety.per cent of beenconcerted side would probably have scored the negative being perhaps particu- cur-natural bird life has be laly goals as there were Iany-more t chief fault was in the tendency of player there when wil not start until-next Wednes- the Aay. do so. All those wishig to enter No vote but as taken on the arment l Co . Shields and has been for a number of men," stray cats, etc. a game warden,. and has wasMr. Stott, in his talk, gave it as years, ly warden lvrddig iseeso large that oaly -is sooflarge the prin- gameinwarden can and, whooiily do thosethat a hundred oone ief talk talk on gav aa brief S~ot gave chances Stott such chances to take take such can afford afford to umand, Kingman and ciples of debating, which should be Franche and Grant were too much for him and he lost the ball several theballe tohim nhelsl atiaF times needlessly. , d p concerte mored bosteen Foster scored two of the Crimson's three goals, one in the first of profit to the speakers. He closed his talk with a interesting critique 'on the arguments and the te ihey were presented. ay in wh way which they were presented The, meeting ay be considered Both a success, and it is hoped that a and one in the last period. the ame As yet not men enough have .cneutymr uring te ready been handed in, Trials will be Erving, Prescott, Grab, Fitts, between 4 R. M. Green, W. H. Brown, Shed- n E v e y o e must dn, Dyk, Lud, Bradley, J. H. Smith, L. Merrill, Foy, Carpenter, St raned n Woods, WhittemorELM-.hilWin- Appleby,. Twombly,- Swift "Thfr Aefter Clonial-'Eie Janis in "The Shubert-"The b s 1 Girl." The Sunshine winter term. held this aterand 6 o'clock. report to Mr. have his time thet rials as Paid and aderson in to-day da- nouncedin the nxt issue of the philli foowing men The pa. acting cap- havebeen appointed of the classes: tains At the Thatres ' opinion that the arguments for himself arrested numerous law- Lady,of the Slipper." plenty of opportunity to 'do otherHe said however that wise. Captain "Tommy"ee ade o ter to every h even l nearly this mistake several times. Usual- and againstlywe Fo hunters Mr.the the number ofsaid, When wasa d~ver, debate he ~18s but on Wednesday , W e Jout to make up full class s p a soon as p teams. Everyone who is going- out nd c aps a team on the' forswimiig to be einn given, mssnter order these uegent incive a race cannot be onee-ay the nuer e e in thesm in order o mes a fair chance for eacheirn there te that the best possible material can fellow to do wll. It is hopedthe forthe Varsity squad. that even more will enterbtained have already handed in thei Also, the men who are out now and do not make the squad, will namesso as to mae te race as have first chances on the class for their that will compete t The following names have al- sso al no discussion was held. ment, before passing the ball to a brother not yet handed in their names to lips,, W. Rodman,v Barnes,- -Taber terminated by various destructive -O. till a chance forthose who havetinuedt have as meet inthe preliminary series After the debate, te question agents, such as ignorant foreign- ters; MooreheadJones, and Flynn. Andovers plenty ofl ppotunitiehs .'clock men who came out last Wednes- vonda- at 24 to hear a most interesting and'en- 194-P. B. Alen. i -E. C. Bradley. -M.S. Gould. appointed. 191er7-Not appointed. I7-Not Men should report to their class captains in the pool this afternoon Honeymoon Ex- promptly at 4 o'clock. s." cn a ge i;sot obey t ars Hh SoFrat cn Amazons." B on hebr'ugH a Tremont-"The Amazons." Col. Shields stated that if the TheCountry Boy eus At the Delta Upsilon convention astle destruction of game continues as n "sth Park-Esie ere oF Rochester, N. Y., a ii -a fewyears many 'of our Pak-Elsie Ferguson in "The reentlyheld in resolution wa passed barring from e birds'and animals Strange Woman." common will be praciclly 'extinct; as are esi Boston-"The Whip." in Delta Upsilon after Plymouth-"Let's Go A-Gar- membership in Delta Upsilon after te Canada goose the at pet s o aohr /andscons. y" erg. u" s a and the antelope, prairie chicken, many Feruson in "The Park-Esi e others. not to mention tLtional secret fraternity. The consaid that it soon will be'aaquestion Strange Woman." and the netting except Butterfield. i ention believes that in so doing Vaudevile. ith's5, 1913. -Meeting held October Carnochan made Harvard'sthird mor blow to the hayous Kei haudeille Meeting held at 2 ''clck in the of' 'every sportsman 'putting 'away and last score about the middle of system in high schools, eaternity tesralltheatres. Call Back Bay 2328, o can ea, of what Dr. Page, Advisory Board- roomn. the last half. The summary: A practical example were easy shots, the ball being di- repetition of it may occur. -hctly in front of the, oal and Board Minutes ' between him there beingoone ple being.no.onebes -Advisory- ' -eats ' HARVARD Nichols, g. ' ', . Dubly,:Muqray, Riussell, Rodman, be done -in game conservatjon was connecting five phones. football ,~wetern farmer who -. Minutes' eHarvard-Brown preset. Raymond proa ANDOVER Butterfield f e f. plo of- previous meeting approved. ' canie to a some ducks that Following were 'passed on as. tected rhb. Davison, 'Cavis paonden his farm. He 'fedther, Following wer rhb. DavisonkeCavis candidates, for assistant managers andrefused to.allow them to -chb. Haskel, Franche, chb. Grant Crane, shot. The next year they retrned, h nicotnb~e, thratfobd· ofthe soccer-team: F. G. ' G. Crane, Gra hbt Dursctnb, ,afoid Kingman, rf. Fen, lhb. Franh, hb. Jr.' W. rof Mackinlay Weld, lof. S'. Robinson, J. L. Ross, in increasing numbers, the year s, rif. Braton C' H.Scultz, W. E.-D. Stokes. seconded and cf.made, Carnochan, lif. rif. Foster game, overwhich there has been warfare ard debate in educational and leg- Soldiers. Field, to-day ats.oo p.m. islative circles for many years. The Tickets now on sale at Wright & resolution, which was passed with Ditson's and Filene's, Boston. little opposition, reads as follows: Resolved, That, if the trustee Price, $z.5o and $i.oo. concur, Article V of the constitution N amended-by adding.a new sec Archaeology Notes til now they number 2000 These - Chauncey Depew Williams of ton numbered 13, as Section'13. After hen Mill Creek, Illinois, sent the ,Dea ducks are as wild as any lof. Lee passed that-all ballots specifying , Smart, rof. ' owe tat o,` G. Sols, Fstrearrd. 3 ''vote forwo"-be .thrown out if they fly t6 other'lakes;,but'on this -partmrit the other 'day some forty 117 no person who er Goals CarnochanRead. man's farm they are as tame as' if voted for.' Time, 35 arid 30 two names are h Ryle. Referee, and cone to the dm inform domesticated, SecetaryiAthbiized . . aminute hals. ' fe se A APresideit 'of schoolf this action. Col Shield's'pictures wei' truly 'B.,::Powers called in and it R was' decided-:to make another' canand gine slie,poo TODAY vass ofbothe schol nriay night, mony to his words. They also 2.3B-Hockeyr: ,Abbot, Academ y attempting to collect thoutstand- sowed that he was a realwoods vs.Bradord Bradford at ig:eetl'ges o the-siming pool. man, to e approach the animals in their native haunts, at e Trials. 4.0-SwimftringtMeeti.ao ye e-a tfi, Rei Make '-oo-Ndp~gym~class., He advocates phoclose range. e sgym class.y 5.0oho-Make-up 'L.- -CALE 2.15-LCross Country. ,-,, 2.45-Handicap 'Cross Cross w5-l Mee., o 6.45i-ndon -' Cl Country '2. er -Iet eh rsal. ydas n ember the fraternity. the aborigines obtained material for the manufa.ture of largerjint. cn is r believed gSlF.ustees the objectssthan are foundtelsewhere. , .Cssed the following r. The collections found in Maine coentipassed the following rethe past summerr are now on ex- ccimendatier, to the Pan-Hellenic ' "Resoved that th that the n entio t rfraternity conference an tc o il rect its'deleg tes thereto to pto Doctr Peabody is expected po. and advocate-at its next, meetNovember 8, prgtthe above approved resolutiA-"home lfrom Europeti -rs sell, Rodman andt Raymondg.pres- a nt exhibit. Chapel Spaker Country Page, Duby, Imerkins,'wett,- Rus - -becom and constitute a large and import- - Chapel.' Dr. Meeting held' afte aU 'his"'hoe. At Mill "Creek are lo-' e.trance,,s his talk by-urging hunters to sub- scuth end' of the exhibition hall. Meeting held October 22, is a member lrge flint spades and hoes, or ag- o a'secret fraternity at any high ricultural implements. They -are school, prparatory school or other fouiid 'coiisiderable niiibersnear istitution preparing ..for college tography 'very. strongly;:and closed hibition in the two cases at the counci:nveni S. RAYMOND, O.15- Games Football s 2..-Class Football Gaer follows: September I 11 j *^ ? t e; ^te^* (^ eeK~d9ay a class ingof '^'^^ad omembere. archa ill eethis high school rternity 'conference passed the followmentioned 12. He o*logy s B.T.M we . o o as caidates for ascit on» Bam.i5--incalss;Football 'n ta ies ob resolit: 's:ef'had ~vn -athsseason 6as su'November rii~mncfa;:ssful verys:yery S,Marshall o' ~ · ~2.1'-Cross:Cutj .,Reolved: Tat the representaplored the gravels in a certain o~tmboth services. 'svinm g ' mna~rs,6f l Coundry. sorttmea fraternities and llves o in-eae Southern France and took B Eddy, bth ser-'lcality if -lwod, B Em- Dec. ;7 I. Beharde, 'R M'.i5-L~irosse.. 2.i-S-Class SoccerD.c declare.Their large collection amti .eom iassmbted aouite.a pterefrom Frtest, Poe erson, 'G. P' 'Fljn1 lu Reesl an K4ig . Cane -' `M' " '. aslecture th uthsd : cnlumn to. the g th saying:~~~~~ ers are~itf~d ' not t · e `oo- t' . hie hhost Fiolaes. and theoearl tstbe repfusentd o aale ohef a grs, ob" iiMaln o m a ' idatews elose, ,Read. mber nu fa bcb~,',,passed e Sareo. ftperst, 7 wta blosspeiat teotheraysome` ist rltti th the pthy , .e: ....,,.... I * . ss" ~Carnohan,Goals, Foster. euess and s.or.Res'andd, ha anUESidAY T.com, D.iftfe^SiMS~i! sma Dean ent. -" " -'e 4orlOt uscm'ra l r. vass off th n 'i -:~ ih. 'ie'. 'so.Tenxyar ~e ':~ :· PieH.e'hyr'etr school ogh, · - THE PHILLIPIAN PAGE TWO Tbe pbiltpian ________eftMexicoCity.____:_____ BOARD OF At the City of Mexico the inhabitants seem inclined to sneer at the threat of intervention by the ^ n our our United^ States. g ^ 'They . y think country will not dare to do it, and if it should dare, Mexico would have an easy victory. For in that ignorant country there is very little understanding of the greatness and day afternoon at 2 o'clock. '14 RoBERT F. DALY, '14 B. PowERs.'14 WRESTLING MANAGER ^ wrest^ ^ ^ been ^ made ^ for A call has is position This Hoo manager. av 4P. ling and Sat- open to members of the Senior class. - Names must be handed in to Jack S. Raymond, Carter House, before Tuesday noon. AD, '14 P.^^ ^^ ^ '14 COOK., ALAN -A. LUDWxG Published every Wednesday urday during the school year. To insure change of advertisements, copy must be reecived for Wednesday not later than Tuesday noon; for Saturday not later than Friday noon. All The ESS This issue in charge ______ex_______Th otwo , 1913 November There Unit seven now seven United are now There are be battleships in th harbor of States Hall, Vera Cruz. Germany has two, and ot the more are on the way. Mexican the of of the perils least morin pre te at serludeThe prelude at the maorning a vice will be Bach's "Alle Menschen situation is, The elections for manager of next year's football team will come at the beginning of the week. most important Smce this is thestudents crl give, office'th e athletic es ca give, beieth The i think twice.bemanevery is vote. in- should foe etras In every telection for a managerelectionfor managerin every hip there are certain things to be hconsidered.- First, in the prelicandidate which competition,ked inary the hardest las wor welthe wel-I for hardest for ..as worked Second, which fare of the team. E. '"ptla SEALS dovr, M . RECORDS ICTO NEW atat W HIT IN G ad ilr a present is at The "ontinent" CTO Agecy for machine and a s e ere is no suf- Recyrds at, a lae i no suf- Records at, ALLE1I' isuA. As yet there guess.proof. aficient s twoe Russian steamers, FleR which are ice-brseamers, did not a leur de Lis did not w hic h ice-breakers, are come through the Arctic ocean from the Atlantic, as at first re- PENNANTS and BANERS schools made to order ported. They started from Vladi-e M nd r Siof side eastern the on tok, on heavys o bosyok, ed An St. ria, intending to reach the mouth 41 M of the Yenisei, by way of Bering Strait. - When on the northwest coast of -Siberia they seafound- them-i elves blocked by ice too heavy to RKET PAGE CAIERIN OCO: Lo W ll, northThey then turned asss The choir will clash with Germany, a country that break. miissen sterben." J- A it is "as large as Greenland" is also Phillips e 15 FRANK BROS. SHOES take ory ofaway by Russian navigat o---isovery. Another call is made for men see Powers, l navigPHILLPS What they are much more afraid from the Senior class to compete positions of Senior forof theepositions of is that the United States may E Senior Editors recognize Gen. Carranza's "rebel" and also -Porri, AU Alumni communications should be o the ' htTh i u o 6 men in thle Middle class for the Editor,. addressed to the Managing sisatBuiesConstitutionalisds. They admit that ~AnCotg,aso noer Iposition of Assistant Business would be a serious thing for the Andover Cottage, Andover, Mass. Manager. There is-a splendid op- Huerta government and might reTerms: $ yer Year. single Copies. cts. portunity offered for getting these sut in the surrender of the City All men interested of Mexico Entered at the Andover siege. after aa siege. Mexico after mattr. Post Office as positions. codedassmal "should THE ANDOVER Outfitter, ATHLETIC GOQDS _: · and more' Later acL ater and more ~particular accounts of the "Arctic Continent," said to have been discovered lately dressed to the Business Manager, Edwin A. Henn, Phillips 20, Andover, Mass. _____________________ adem The Phillips Aca em Only a power of our republic. small fraction of the people can POT-POURRI t l I , Advisory Board is asked to will refuse to recognize any of- its. Taior or not. Tailor and , report at Sherman's Studio Mon- acts, whether legal '14 WOOLLEY, B MNacts L-DwI, K. MOO I I having no national existence, and ADVISORY BOARD b \'left One of the latest plans uder at is, to W at Washington onsideration Mackinlay, Andover , w ill have powers that hereafter thetifyvthe United States will 'treat Mexico as next issue. ,e LAaRY B dressed Andover Minhavitheir CClothlBes Made ELERSi · LLhveconsidration Business Manager AsiA. Edito '14The MACKINAY, Mexico City. B O TpHILLU'IAN Managing Editor JOHN B. Ias Wlll and our special representative NOTICES _______________________________'- DITORS NHEMIA'I B . JOHN OHE. _ _ ward, hoping to find a passage sinf Mendelssohn's "Beati mortui has never recognized the Monroe longitude This as in throeugh. w Tu iasin an5 dr in Domino morientes." At Ves- Doctrine. he is t; , d egrees There are numerous American about per the s prelude will be' Bach's r e Or all barrier ice The i Chelyuskin. Cape pots is-£a Mexican northward'for forced them northward' for a disgunboats at other "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her," For Sale and to Pent them forced the choir singing Niigelis "The the miles from about 6o miles tance of about the choir singing N geli's The on the east and west coasts. The rance been-or has Chester , over,_ - H. ciiiser scout H.IQIMBY, ! DoverN. E. N is they stumbled E. tere BRO Kinggof-ove my Shepherd and &M Cuz. Vera dered to mainland, -ip TYE the "continent." upon FR W -have missed navigators -Generations ef Russian it only because they closely hugged Cut fireplace lengths. the mainland. A. H. FANn HAM, the The explorers landed, raised ...... As Mass. ndg MAndover, A North C to Gen. Huerta, suggesting that he work of a New York engineer RussianNotflag and took possession 17 Talor Hall, AET resign as Provisional President of named Webster. The route makes of the whole island, or continent, H.M. ARLY isdmnwab Plans for an artificial waterway between Siberia and European Russia have been accepted by the Our government has sent a'note Russian government. .... They are the CURRENT EVENTS' man has been in school the long- Mexico.. This is the chief news use of various rivers and lakes, in the name of.the Czar of all the in the Mexican situnote also said that must not leave as his lieutenant of his who est and has already received ath letic honors which the other has i not. The Phillipian believes that honors should be distributed as evenly of the week ation. The Gen. Huerta sucessor any the essential point, still it should Set b sette government must be in. temporary enter which are to be connected by ca- Russias. And 'they naied it for PARK STREET STABLES T. F. MORRISSEY, Poprietor nals. The whole. plan is of im- the present Czar, "Nicholas II Canlages and Haks for Recep tons Land." and Russia, to importance mense Depot Wor a Specialt They found the land to be mounthe cost will be .almost as great as ___st ________e e A. 6. SPALDING & BROS. C up until such time as a fair and HEAUAR TERS FOR Popularity should not enter into free election can be held. spender" does not necessarily fit newspapers an "ultimatum." It is shou thot really an ultimatum, because it PIN Ires further leaves the door op en ftrRaSUP p int nor, b Catalogue sent f upn reest An ultimatum is the last short, casting his bal- talk Inbefore ataltIO I lot, let every fellow make up his word. ENGL1SH Spalding M Bros's G. this demand A. STANmanianheresin . haon.s e aused honestly be- o JAHuerta which mind W.n 141 Federal St. Boston,ass. lieves would be the best one to CLLIS manage Andover. The biggest lobster ever seen at Boston was caught last week. He E i'e Crowly ST., Three thousand surgeons ar E I E on from' all parts of North America. OF t nnek 'T 'idhte 25 CHARLES STREET w. T. JOHNSON PROVIDENCE, - n W. STATON. Vice-President aereus Broadw ayatm54t h Street < ,op e from *-f *n Rates -o Tair ric T MA 7 'i' Main St. .9- LADES' CENTS, ard MISSES' - and- tes o'Sch Special TOMAS GUER' Ressoble with baL and up. -Proprietor. Ten minutes walk to'thitytheatres ' i Pilor BarberShiop White 9.~Main Si. -·'Andbvr IoARiiy P. s BdN Famrly ieth HItlr WAY,AT or '& 'th jt STREET 'Andover .ANOKA SPCIAL SHAES TO MATCH EVENING GOWNS A SPEALTY. I"PATENTEES OF THE TRIPLE WET LOCK STITH 1405E. - ' ~" '~ _______________________ YORK OFFICE"' NEW-~--rs°lg -' *.New , and Fireproof PHILLIPS INN J.M.STEWART J. A. STATON,'GeieralManagerl D rand ass the or. Clubs and Societies .. fo' Students H'adqte ;OWN A d SLO Elevated C Y A COLLEGE MAN .oo Rates Syear.-Rates Open throughout the year. per day- Banquets served to TELEPHONE-UNION 2981-R MANUFACTURERS OF C U M BER H O T A" ' A P. WEIGHTMAn. Sec'y ad Tas. President . " St. SuHwa eot repenta CAPS ee ___ i OPPOSITE CAMPUS e r nom~any H a B sor o Washington St., _______________________________ -Slk Hosiery 0 hat - Co WORKSHOP o LNto , . JlE EPT TiE flr ,In CO. oS s AND CLOTH1 COATS eAND"i .StsttA Your Choice for $30.00 holding a convention in Chicago EACH SUIT A PRODUCT 'oOF OUR Fopera this week. More thand20 kove t wlpyot tions will be performed in the presIt will pay youato ook over ur stack ence ofthe -h- aoNE U some of the best foreign and domestic output originally for $35, $40 and $45. NG *d pertjudges say he is fifty years old. .*of t-*- delegates, l - Overstock of 200 to 300'plain and fancy Suitings of weighs twenty-seven pounds. Ex- -.. ' the team and represent ___ArN AND L N CO RA A D CT OF ciFAot This demand was called by the an election. Just because a man or a "good is a "good mixer I'I 'u 1206 CROISIC BUILDING, 220 FIFTH 'AVENU?4ML a Coeste, ?.s~bodp I,. M-kz lihfl '~'KAS-f KtY. Sr8N: a. · i·-' * *. . Three B URO'T Q' SH OP E LI PHILLIPIAN _THE C 9 CUIIMAI uA u -and Stefansson MacMillan, RIGH M-l Shop Partirularmen, wholike classand finish to their appear-. C-_ drift-voyage in the "Fram" about twenty years ago. Probably it is a very long and rather narrow and Furniture Dealers -Upholsterers 10 PARK STREET, Stndent,' Trade ANDOVER a pelsdty. EW DRUG MAIN 3 ST:." P-- * RenHselaer Polytechnic, Institute cnv CLhon ' Xof _ ^^^» ---- ~---,.,.,.H TROY, bentraaogua We make our own Ice Cream. ^-- * rNERALCIENCE cuum $1.00 a day andp. lan.os ,J.n Hi. PLAYDON ic FoRTY-sEVtH Bldg. I and Supplies all day today, tomorrow, :: roveA Tpo t gV/A[ : . v on0'' easier ^ 4Z C-ti It makes study seem It brightens teeth, sharpens appetite, i rAgNDf e ri "' - mLR E is kept moist and cmse, ^ia^ao K&iA ,he'~ ~. S^. HJ> ~ Eae '"qI5,~5'4~' 5. 55554"'." 5. ~ 54"- 55,.4'th5"" .,5 s'S"'. d ) r e Tir -'your lips.are kept > r FOR CCWEEK-END VISITS OOR and Boylston Streets. Rrt^T~lM^ * $p BOWSTO^--N _ -'ed f o all Aotelh -Touraines and loves, -fur n wool, Robe- ~-Cases ' ' R. - WHIPPE COMPANY .·L wel. ! . -. Ulsten Fur and .l:ined-Coats -Shetland Sweaters, Atuuers-"a bstu'vThermos 5.· ^^ A t ldg. Ton H -so-that ?. c Tronit Hw c C^-y^^^4 and Tremont Streets CRAOur "~STO'~ ''-~ - ,- o ss loner can chew. !tt"'lzce ur r-y yu breatheproperly than de.a uyre1, NEW YORK CITY e Court Street and Court Square you are exercising and enjoying the e 'of fresh crushed iBSchool ^ tfiOi 44IFOS ~PItsB;;; v&'t .f~f~i t1o G '-~'rt;^~' - lomo Builders of Garniynts storting and strengthens digestion. MAIN !T:- Telephone 08 telP. SMART COLLEGE FOOTWEAR nr Keer a package of " The Beneficial Pastime" always in your pocket. Andove ain St., 224 Fifth Avenue and ana Spor pu G-oods Bepairin ^*«iXI. DAN 90 n Tee Buchau g Gnn Here's a Refreshing Aid to Study h Pngr Avenue Boot Shop noeltlies IWoolen Sp Tea served 3 to 5 p~Tm., Orer SUPPUES SUPP - FRANK BROTHERS For Young Men B ANDOVR rs o Of ~Fifth J Room e EPAIRS STOAe CARACE HINTON'S ICE CREAM FARM oti MILLS STORAtE REPAIRS KNITTING aoo Fifth Ave, New York You can't chew out that fascinating flavor of the freshmint leaves. Itlal d art ^f y LYS First Class Barber FuraL. LNE Frishing ov.. FIMeLs Andover, Mass. St. ________ro:.______ Chew it over Andover, Andover t a^ joS. BOULEAU 30rst Class B arber TakeBoston. ii Main d7 ' cMillan & Van Neste DP BUDN 101 EON sE PMOK , MIycrs0oogh Chewt aday.oayersc tBOSTON Bg^S^tTH*CHK ro COh e YaveT-ln OLBSMTHLRKA COIIPA - OPEN UNDAY open end scarves in club colors Vf» An PICTURE FRAMING Tea LUNCH LANDRS Andover - RENTING CARS A SPECIALTY 5ano7vPe«ngr THE BAY TREE GIFT SHOP and . * . TEA ROOM HIDDEN ROAD 'Main Sheet, near Morton AStdent Work a Specialty CRAVATS LUCHES TAUT .^^^^Knitted f E.A.HENN, 20 Phillips Hall. AGENT. -M organizations. Special rates for Students' Portraits. marsof distinction of the well dressed man ^^SRANKLIN DQUAR-- T ERB^.,~~ &»**. We have group pictures of all P. A. --- Main St. Andover Park Street Andover T. c . ^^soThe HEA-- & CO. HW . COLEMAa RADE MPHOTOGRAPHS BENJ. BROWN hs CENTFASHIONKNIT STORE ----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ STORE ever for turning out ALL OCCASIONS -__ than Is better equipped HIGH *FOR TRAYS A^^~~H CIGAR LOWE'S-- DRU-G DRUiO ~LOWE"S . ^ o The hermian Studio AND FLORAL DECORATIONS BOOKSTORERepair AT THE -- ^| ANDOVER, MASS. ARCOLD. U1~ "LGFZIST . s Outfitter for all PA. eams- ----- - - CHASE stantlyclan NY TODAY ERS It is the best you: ever ate ANDOVER 35 MAwN ST. ,-CO.~~~~~~~~~ _Arco POST Home Made Candy Fresh DaiUy ' and Yhotadcold ,% ENGINERNm.Gepton CML MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL and CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, and '* Andover Candy Kitchen n Stu F H is 5 STORE * A. 20-oz comfort & had been of continental size Nansen must have encountered it. ANDOVER noe i e'd newlyfUrnIshed island. For the Fram drifted between it and the pole; and it 4~& CO. ~CROWLEY ingl r'h ,e t ome ohf i s rodtfniea de Warren, in. yetfr famous u w -CROWLEV~~~ ^FLOWERS ~~~~~~~~~ E rg THEmnEW DRUG STOoREf THE COTTACE c a _SO__LDS__1_ r m e __s_ hARVES 842, 44, 846 Broadwao 82NE VGen. ffice Avenue, ae ncloe F:o o t b a II CHISHOLM AUERBACH MAKER tinent is proved by examination of BUCHAN & FRANCIS-. _ LOUIS .d E ____________ oAvenue. NDOVE acThecentres Whann Lcies I have the right idea, for I represent Peck & Peck.-New York's only exclusive ly Hosiers, Four Shops on Fift o chocolate Whitma stpandard.naosed in 20szz ' .beaurullyacpaage 1-oz. sizes. .and ance, should call on me and get the right London idea about Hosiery and Cravats. W. C Clothes Pressedfaiedforand Cles - Andover Chocolates match, announced by me two weeks ago far to the west; and of Nansen's Milk fi n e S ilk H o sie r y t o ,First Class Workmen supplies. From where they first saw land they could see the coas route ine Those exceptionally Sho rbe Barber from where they ceased to explore REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Barnard Blooh Andover they could still see it stretching See JIM REILLY at the GRILL far to the northeast. That is the g bas toothe claim that they JOEHN STEWART have discovered a continent. ---- HNThat this land cannot be a con- Post HI SH H0L M -By ploring and go to Alaska for new the LD N FROM LONDON And Now Displayed NOTICE ward, apparently for a distance of and the refinement that AcadThis is the place to have your reabout 200 miles only. That is emy men demand. When you pretty small proof of a "continent" pairing dne. Work called for and go .to the football games this or even of "an island as large as delivered. with your new be Fall, ready 1HE CURTIS SHOE SHOP Finding, that the Greenland." heavy-weight suit and overin a somewhat coat]9oat.coast then turned a n d b e 6etind Park St Andover at northerlydirection, ing sh o r t Shuman -BOSTON of coal, they decided to cease ex- P. A. SBOE STORE ;. P~~~~a. SHstretching - the Russian, 'explorers can hardly fllY~s.T that it is not as many million years ld as some other parts of the SHUMAN CLOTHING HAS 3 , ,s ."SNAP" eth' ^ l rfe The explorers then sailed eastIt has the style, the smartness, j. P. WYLLIE & CO. PAGE THREE F IHT are now in the Far North searching pedition said that it was "of recent geologic formation'"-which means Corner . explorers, Amundsen .and' for CONN. the supposed continent, but NEW HAVEN, | /|ENC-|M-^*-*<^e-<s' -*' '* much further east than, Nicholas MEN'~ '_oEs_ II Land. Their, chance for glory is by ',no means lost. There may TMOSE SPOES OR TrM BIGi (SAMbe a continent north of Bering Sea; butthe land just found by mq 3 NOW 6ORDaR T 1AT r^UTNTL . - O fV' "fi A OPNSU *~'~~' ', ' PAGE FOUR ' ' ,,' , -: ' - - ., ' , _' THE PHILLIPIAN *- . MANY I TOO WE'11 PAY YOU $1,00 O;i " THAT WILL BEL !WORTH ||FOR IMMEDIATEL '' *'ON REDUCED PRICES. FOR YOUR Fountaiu Pen Fountain OVER -:;i , 'HAND THWL WLATHL R -HAS BEEN AGAINST US -~/(^|B Old Old ' : ,, WHILE,; ORDERS., - BURKE & CO., Incorp. Tailors, Any Day up to Dec. , Harvard Square, CAMBRIDGE ANDOVER, MASS. roded You Buy HANOVER, N. H. . 18 School St., and 843 Washington St. BOSTON ' INK-TITE " Fountain Pen, here A resolution to pay no taxes under an Irish Home Rule Parlia,Only one Pen taken in exchange ment, and' to make government for each newpen purchased.) under its rule impossible by unT.. <*,flinching If and continuous obstrucThe new perfected tion of the law, was adopted re"Ink-Tite' is the-only cently at a demonstration of 6000 self-filling, non-leaking Ulster business men, including reppen ever offered. resentatives of leading firms with ar aggregate capital of $650,000,Every Crocker "Inkooo. Tite" Pen is guaranteed _ to be a far better pen than The entire Unionist party in you have ever known. _ Great Britain-what there -is left of it-will support Ulster, even to the extent of forcible'resistance to Home Rule. This pledge was given by the Opposition leader in the House of Commons. He contended that before' "plunging the country in civil war," the Liberal l Ministry was bound to appeal to the country in a general election on the Home Rule question, as if that had not been done several times already. . ^/dy.17I/df KEISER . " ' '/SPECIALTIBS I 'r. CRAVATS A NATIONAL STANDAlD BROAD SILK \ [' KNED C/V l c/ 2tO9RAT CRAVATS / 'I, \RE EE I B.BARA IA? t i oe.,oO P/AIN ',dt * ' 'S ^ ,l For terms see- Qook o.*» You Can 'Write Andover_Arndo7r BookL St Store "Forest Mills" Underwear and "GORDON DYE" HOSIERY for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN any Place wvith _^. HO6E Proprietor fMaculIar -- OO Phillips 20 a ny A E. A. HENN,Shoe Stor Way any Time and in f A(dter h Shoe Store Keiser Cravats ... Bear this Trade At | PakG B N Ready to wear and to measure. The best in style, fabric, anil fit. Made in workshops on the pres-. Repair Work Une xelled R eO ises.S Special attention given to the reclothing and furnishing goods. STETSON firv byHATS O-Vn . - M THB ll the very best materials, I oseahberg Co. e Exclusively Soft and Stitage, t Try this pen at any of the best storelasses W, STAxFORD PREPARATORY in e are limiteds. m an who wants the correct in dress.ADADS MAKRS OF SMART CLTES SCH O O L Mr. Harrison At CIELLS -Stamford, :dividual instruction isd-re=t -NConecticut ASK YOUR GARAGE MAN FQR ThIS PRE AND t . TLR rBd every Saturday. . iae A school for boys on IT.) the cottage plan, fifty minutes from New York City. - As only five aboys re re- ceives in each cottage, ao 5 45th. tAve the n and the classes are limth to -- LL . .oun] man who rame Colle~e Certificate' privi- t) lege. 0.. ' for catalogue addrthingfessoro F. V str land AveNew EnYork yt tn AUU Colleians Wear Sp I~ao ~rt&t 'a 2rGood Pragr T Sh Wengs l 000tD HaberdasherM Have Them E FfhAe New orkwhose aVnr less. than hae h a, ol . , BOYS' SUITS AND COATS. l ,-,arer. A.aReducdon,.f 20% O r' P P,- i~ This means that we shall consistently t s ege , education.' Sporting Goods too. - Clothing fBoys at- 20 less, than the*prce usually asked for the same, goods here and elsewhere.` Good Things ROGERS Right PAYArices ' 87 and 89 Causeway St. am74 Friend PEETi * ROERS : · St. Three (Near North Station) ,he. i I ~at Warren St.itmn COMPANI - · , er 20Fifth Ave, r New Ytores Cobb Botos & Yer' go. MASS., the p cea.usuallg adin order t stimu- . style to appeal to smart young. men , fo, tastes 0~.. Thisdepartment isunder new,-Ti offr, throughout seasonof Fine : o ing Goods to & v at 2n ALFREDuirmoun C.ROBJENT Headmaster. Ne n othe orrect - BOSTON Excsnhh wants the in dress e the number, iae e thell giveoo F R N Y. City ;f' I, r ~ ' '' PES, j I * FT MAK5- SoBroadoreeso e . attt:a N·).·"~...:::~1 E Ye. t 34,,,St.. . 4.t , .'