dents and professors, has been so i-: u we thai 1ihtfullj ~u ci 0.-LUU -W o ourselves B Bk C 0 ' Houe. - _ s Work. Fst Work. First;Class, . w m 3 a 0 RIOHARDSON--AND--GERTS, -co o TIAL -EN'SrOT1rfIREAND uILORS, pire Q _) _ t (Opposite Revere House.) (~irtee am O For : SQUARE, B.OWDOIN > I houses that-call themselves cheap. Z Poor goods we will not knowingly olyei~ keep. Any student with satisfac- S credit desired. l ) this country and Europe affords, having our own representatives in ' Paris and Vienna, and one of our C I firm going abroad every year, we also have low-priced, honest, serviceable goods cheaper than most -- 05 . While we keep the richest goods - TILORS, | | Academy Outfitters. 0 - 0 Q 0 Moderate Prices. O Special Style for Students. 385 Washington Street, e t 11 Rue du Faubourg P'olssonnicre, PARIS I Gauennaingasnse 4, VIEN'A. & Fall W, River Line, SHREVE, CRUMP,- Low, 432 Washingtou FOR New York, South, & West, , Boston, New Iron Steanier THAYERF McNEIL, & HODGKINS, Diamonds, W atches, IorPOlTEIS AND DEALEJBS I B131l1ibsOL & PROVIDENCE. Only Line running every day in the week, Sundays Jewelry, Brie SHREHE ~~~~~ ~,a Brac. BOOTS and SHOES. t Agents for the celebrated Gorham Plated . I OanWare. . M E N. NG 0 YOU . ENGRAVERS AXD STATIONERS, MonoCallin- cairds executed quicklyv. grams, CQrests and Addresses stamped and Specialties for connection by, Annex" boat. Special Express leaves Boston from Old Colony Station 80 minutesith one oftheoin Tickets, state-rooms, and bertb secured at office of the Line,R3 OLD STATE HOUSE, and at Old Colony Station. J. . KENDRICK, Gen. Manager. GEO. L. CONNOR, .G. P. A., New York. L. H. PAMER, Agent. 3 OLD STATE HOUSE, ce. Moderate m .oderate Price. / plete variety of New and Second-hand -u' ostsa Iue.rt . & W o DE D rnu~tUN 310 NW T time to select when the stock most complete. ' *'ir ; ,-. - : Temple i-c, , [ Pio ni Chais, Piano Stools, and Piano Music-Rack Pno recolrrd. BOBT h CO., BOSTON. GROLIVER tIT8oN i49& v oo't-eet. ~ lin 4' Scai 1 Wai ' te mu cWulaa t - . . . Have nlabysperior .advantages over all others. Letter F, in cut, shows the Patented Suspensory Goe, Thewrap wi est protector-openng in front-has a n aret handlgee at Short Notice. Pia os Tuned ',': rainurns, wo GLAND. J. & C. Fischer, Chickering, Weber, Steinway, Briggs, Lyon & Healey. and many other makers. Each and every Piano is warranted. Persons not familiar with pianos can depend upon full value recelved. Now ithe B O ,, - 8 Pianos for sale, for cash or upon the Instalment plan. lae Temple t Five ifo.''/adjusteetnat, 1 Among them may be found the Pianos of 7 -7n , :ao UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS {n BOSTON. - Patented August 8, 181. PIANOS TO RENT. and Durable, and ery Stylish _mpledt erI -- Iub _ ,illumii-ated. - "Wraps" and 3hrawers. The On hand for rent at very moderate prices the most com- · , IoRI and the well-known Steamers ott osely. Extreme protection to Muscular and Climnatsc hge T "Hub" Shirt Emporium, 888 WheNA8 SrB p Roin Sint EGTON l S, EomnjO.. As . h Upt&Iip, a .h x. A. HOWE, Opp, Franklin, St. 8 - BOSTON, AST. essenger Bros. & Jones, t and IMPORTERS, '. TAILORiS No. 388 Washington Street, Boston. We make a specialty of being constantly informed in regard to the lates European changes, anit'orders for any of the-newer styles as produced in London or Paris will be faithfully executed. Inspection solicited. LATEST STYLES, FINEST GOODS, A FPRICES MODERAT. All Goods Warranted for Excellence of Make and Superiority of Colors. PARIS: 30 Rue Vivienne. LONDON: 20 Cork St., Burlington Gardens, W. __"_~ COLU1s- & FAIRBANKS, Successors to D. P. Ilslev & Co., 4lrB- Leather Hat Boxes, Umbrellas, Fur Caps, Wallig Sticb. SL Opera Crush Hats, Silk Hats, Felt and Cloth Hats, . Agents for Heath's, White's and Lincoln Bennett & Co.'s London Hats. 381 Washington St., Boston.Club Hats and Caps made to order. , PHOTOGRAPHERi Ptilitps LASS PGRTRAITS, CLASS PS1TGGRAPHY Academyn, v I E w s G R OUP S. 1887. to BRIN'E JW · J. W . BRINE, _ _ 22 Winter St., Boston. New French Shirtings. SPECIALTIS - ___ _.. SPECIALTY, and ANDOVER, 1879 ; __ l-' - '' English Cheviots, English and French Flannels, Silk and Wool and Pure Silk Shirtings, for ntennis, steamer, travelling, hunting, and fishing, railway and yachting, always in stock or made special measure, at Noyes Bros.' Mackintosh coats for ladies and gen- ~| · for YOUNG MEN. CLOTEING IlininnnI fu~ nHTrFITT~rn .l . I I I I~Ito 11n[I I !* IEnglish OTn | FRuM OUR nH1ARVAH1~~~ OUFITTR -I L-- Tennis Rackets, . .. LARGE STOCK OF tlemen, at Noyes Bros.' FROKUOUR LARGE STOCK OF 2.U7.M*o nm Wmi S *iSTrri WLL iM' -UBAnAL WD Fine silk umbrellas and canes for gentlemen, $2.75 to $50.00, in gold, silver, and natural wood handles, at Noyes Bros.' Pajamas and long flannel night-shirts, tnglish underwear and hosiery, in medium and smr weights, in pure wool, silk, and balbriggaf at Noyes Bros.' Glovesoqevery description, for dr,street, driving, storm gloves, and the famous London GARMENTS FOR Tennis Balls, Nets, Jersey Pants, Hose and Shoes, Foot-ball Jackets, and English Rugby Balls. >` ---- ples ;S-am -f"&t n "eckwear * f 1 Camples Su-itng& < * -1-NNA BEF GBENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Selections can be made of Suits at S.86, atNoyes Bros.' and Overcoats. that are. tasty tan,Dress shirts, for weddings, "-4 for receptions, for and dressy in appearance, stylish in dinner.parties, with collars, cuffs, and cravats in the latest Englisi styles. Plain French bosoms, fit, and of durable qualities, at a fine embroidered spots, figures, and. cords, carefully and elegantly made by Noyes Bros.' .... 1 English flannel, blankets, and shawl wraps, for sving from custom price. SH TLMAN the sickroom, forateamerandrailway travelling, & ar fortetatr.tou I~ MANP^ACTURING R TALTTERS, us4 lthe.a reindispens- $S.75.tojQl.0,4at-Noyes-Bros ' ------------------I ^able, English tennis coats, flannel shirts, caps, and tennis sahe,at Npyesr}os.' 440 WASHINGTON STEET, TO BE FOUND AT _ T.-.6pIRp,.*Or ^UM1BaSTE2T,.!.:. *T. N OSew EnB »** , IeckeS -N ROSp. - * The Phillipian. - e i The Phillipia will be devoted to the interests of the Academy. Members of the school, past and -present, are ivited to contrut to i columns. Graduates are requested to furnish pefifonal items. Matter for publication must be accompanied by writer's full name and address, and must be received not later than noon on the day before it is intended to appear. For the convenience of members of the Academy who desire to contribute, a box Is placed in the '-. _,- 54 / ' .-, -" ; Men' dozen of M en thity-tw i p '. . .d r garm *. ithe .. e sureot ent. / _ Aadow M w. _a_ VItoUl serve and lost his own Y. CUlelP I. too much for -Exeter. * ~_~~~. ~ a strong game was evident to all. ~returning .___~ Exieter Men-dtd- not" like the ,sd (. -. way the "Kid" played. e see this buying, v D_____ first three games then won McClung's aking score, 4-1 UOIIIOApUlUtU J. for McClung. Farwell then won a game IC , on McClung's serve again, and the next . . after, a close contest making the score three times. After this each man il.l I ndPtnsn AUoUI. anr dI alwAUA -p deuce got his serve until the set was finised, m .6-4 for,~~ uc for Exeter. That each man played AN uw~pu to $15 Corner West and Washington Streets, Boston. ~r ViPtnro andi r * Shirts and Drawers, A .k-Box 4B. llnoY PPtld s 3 ii o styles, from $1 Communications should be addressed to An -.nil d it doen . _. * i main hall, inwhich all matter may be dropedefore . * E f shouting was naturally the order of the day and Andover miay coiigratulate her---self on her ability to cheer. Notwithstanding the excitement, the utmost good feeling was exhibited by both schools. The Exeter delegates conducted themselves as gentlemen, and in cheering showed that their old time skill was not forgotten. McClung's game seemed to be more in The presence of the Fer. Selms. added swiftly than in placing, while not a little to the pleasure of the -afterhe showed great skill in getting som3 of noon, and we hope to see them hereafter -the placed alls in his court; at one time at all our tennis tournaments with- Ex. _»'-"*sending the ball back five timles in sue- eter. '- cession although placed on opposite sides i As everybody knows of course we won of the court at almost every return. a cup for doubles, and Exeter one for Farwell did some pretty work in getting We thought he did very well some of McClung's lobs. He only put Ourselves. one lob into the net throughout the whole ______ _ ____ afternoon.- ------- After an intermission during which Th."IfI" ml! k!!,ibmae it0««0«i.rU ,.the spectators vainly tried to thaw out, the doubles were opened with Duaine conbl to the expectklons of some Exter men. and Lockett representing Exeter, and Afiderson and Farwell for Andover. Andover again won the choice of sides, At no time previous to the tournament giving Exeter north side and serve. had Andover men any hopes of victory Duaine served first and won the game. in either singles or doubles because our The next game was Andover's with men were not chosen until the last Anderson as server. Each side won its moment, consequently giving them serve in te following two games, mnakscarcely any time to practise, and our- ing score -2. Andover then won the selves no opportunity of judging, espe- four following games closing set in her cially in doubles, of what kind of agame favor 6-2. Each side won its respective we could play, For not until Monday serves in the next set until the score was niglt was it a certainty that Anderson 4-4. Then with Duaine serving. a very and Farwell were to he our represent- close and exciting game was played the atives. Therefore it was not with over- scores being even at every other time expectancy that we saw the Exeter men until the close, and running from 15-15, take their position at the south end of 15-30, 30-30, etc. up to 80-80, when the court and that we took our own on Exeter won two straight points, closing the north side, vith the Fem. Sems. in game at 100-80. Exeter finished next full force on the west side. but rather game in her favor, making set 6-4. The with the feeling that there was nothing next set which was to decide was opened to lose and everything to gain. with Exeter serving on the upper side. Farwell having won the toss chose the When games were 2-2 each 'idelad upper side. giving McCung the first gained and lost a serve, then Andover serve. Both men lost their serves in the felt the necessity of doing her utmost to first two games, as did also McClung in win the set, and finished the next four in third game. The next two games games in her favor. The scores of the were won, each by the server, making three.sets are, 6-2, 4-6;6-2.'.himself set, -fliiFarwell's"_vpr. Farwell losAnderson and Farwell cannot be too ing his serve and McClung winning bis highly commended for the manner in for four games, the set closed 6-3 in which they played together when the favor of Exeter. shortness of their time of practice toThe next set was opened with' Farwell gether is taken into consideration. Throughout the afternoon cheering and serving-froinm the lower':-side. ;:He lost, it L--aft singles, but how, and for how long these are-furnished are questiois often asked. Every year Andover .and-Exeter each furnisi-cnpu;--Either-tjecomes~tlc~-profpuz i erty of that school which wins it in two tournaments out of three. The next time which will be in the spring, we go to Exeter and both cups may be finally won then, --Exeter the cup for singles. and Andover that for doubles, otherwise another tournament will be necessar : Prize Cheers. _ On Wednesday the naILes ft* thIos.o who had won the prizes offered for the best cheers were posted on the :nlletin board. Eddy and Russell secured the first prize of eight dollars; Bogart the second of five dollars; and Googins the third of three dollars. We understand that about thirty cheers were handed in. We consider this a very small number in view of the lileral prizes offeredd by the committee. We are informed by a member of the committee however that the most of the contributions possessed considerable merit, and that some difficulty was experienced in deciding upon the award of the prizes. New cheers should give a new life to our cheering. It was in view of this fact that the prizes were offered, and we hope that the fellows will each make........ thoroulghly familiar with the new cheers in order that they may be practised together. Last Wednesday we listened to the firstreally good cheering that we have heard this year, and we hope. to hear a repetition of it at today's game and all succeeding ones. of-;8 Ad -no 'God' am-<.,,'>g >-t+.>*i- - " m y m The Phillipian. - - !m* _:^ m.* -.- m,' 't · Foot-Ball, him to be present and Tend his encour- agement to the eleven, for it is very ei-, Published on Wednesdays and Saturdays of dent that there is ..a great amount of the sch--61-year eencouragement needed. Annual Subscription, By Mail, Iaytle strittly ,in,..,,,c. There i H;.-'^, H* { every MEBING OF-THEDqSORY Co--FFCOMMITTKE. - $28.0 prospect that for the first time during On Saturday evening Oct. 22, the $2-. the season the regular eleven will be put members of the Graduate Advisory Comrn. in the field, and that fact alone should neittee, W.-C. Camp, Yale; John C Bell, Singl copies, five cents. On sale at Andver call out every fellow in tile school. U. of Pa.: Frank D. Batt, Wesleyan, Book Store and at the Academy. of Pa.: Frank D. Beattys, Wesleyan, Don't discourage the eleven by a lack U. and J. A'. oge EDITORS. H. McK. E. c. A. E. AD, LANDON', BARTLETT, '90. E. H. BuAINAR,. W. couragement yet. Three weeks more remain before we meet Exeter. Wonders may be accomplished in that time. Managing Editor. Business Manager. J. T. CAi, 88. . C. UPON. '8O . s e-A-Ofi-c. AYDOVER PRESS. PRINTERS. championship games. The'nameds of the .entlemen are: Harvard s. Wesleyan, sent of Miss McKeen for the attendance Entered as Second-clwas Matter at Andover Post-Office. THE it referees and mpire s for the championship games and umpires of the p The management has secured the cn- referee, J. A; odge,. Jr. umpire, W. C. A. F. SHAw, 88. ne , rinceton; met at There is no need for dis- the Fifth Avenue Hotel, N. Y.: and ap of interest. - _, .- od other attraction than a foot-ball game to ee ; umpire, A. Baker, or L Riggs. Yale vs. U; of Pa.. referee. W. 1'. Hiarvey; umpire, A. Baker. Yale s. leyan, referee,--; umpire, A. Baker, or T. Harris. Harvard vs. U. of Pa., referee,--; umpire, W. B. Douglass or , Bremner. Wesleya, . U. of Pa., referee, . C. Camp; umpire, J. A. eodge, Jr. Princeton vs. Harvard, referee, W. C. Camp; umpire, Terry, or Twombly. Princeton vs. Yale, referee, W. A. Brooks; umpire. Frank Houston, or F. Fisk. and the num')er who entered the tourna- made under the able management of Mr. . __.._. mentle small, in comparison with the Richardson to organize.thoroughly an entries i former tournaments. Iu ad- orchestra which will be a credit to the dition to-this, the weather has been such school. The eleven meets the Harvard Freshman eleven on the Field this afternoon. This game is one of th*e most important of the season, and we trust that the attendance will be large. Every fellow This addition to the other mu- Mr. Riddle works of the architect Richardson, and has established an enviable reputation for himself as a reader, having very few equals in his line. The entertainment will certainly be W-very enjoyable, one, and one which very few of -the students will desire to miss. We give this notice early, in order that those who wish to attend may secure desirable seats. The price of reserved seats is. fifty cents, and they can now be secured at the Andover " feel ----- - that *'- -it ~is -* . "upon - book-store. *-»»*--_ should"-incumbent '"I' E l e v e n. The seccnd eleven held a meeting sical organizations of tle, school will prove a source of much pleasure to every yesterday noon, and elected Mr. Lakefellow_andespeecially to the lovers of man captain. Mr. Lakeman.hauas shown m"usic among us. There is every pros- himself in every way qualified for this peet that the enterprise will e an un- responsible position by his work in footqualified success, as tle material already ball, both last fall and this. We do niot tlink a wiser choice could have been at work is exceptionally good. The school this year is blessed with au .made. --A- thoroughly organized second u""sual number of good musicians, and eleven-and there is plenty of inaterial with the glee club, orchestra and banjo in tle school to organize such--can do there is no reason why we more for Andover's football prospects quartette t should not look forward -with pleasure to than any other cue thing. We think the winter tcrl n. We understand that that every one is sufficiently impressed various musical orginazations intend to with the. necessity for hard -work, and unite in giving an entertainment which under Mr.aiLgkeman's direction -we hope may possibly take tihe form of negro to see the second eleven rise to that neIminstrelsy. We think that a musical cessity. entertainment given by the stdents would be an unqualified success, an-Alumnorum. trust that our musicians will persevere in their intention. he.First Baptist .church in Boston does not own the beautiful tower of Mr. Riddle's Reading. their edifice on Commonwealth Avenue. We wish to call the attention of the When Mr. J. Montgomery Sears, P.A. students to the reading which Mr. George '69, who bought it, sold the church to the Riddle has been induced to give in the present owners, lie reserved the tower Town Hall on the evening of Nov. 4. and deeded it in trust to the Memorial Mr'. Riddle is. a graduate of Harvard Society to be preserved forever as a pubUniversity, and was for some time in- lic monument. It is one of the early gratulated on their efforts in this dircc- structor in elocution there. tion. If such work is kept up until the Exeter game, Exeter will never again be able to sayv that she outcheered Andover. Prhce---- of the young ladies at, this game. If ton efere-e; umpire, mpire, ton os.TU vs. rU.. ofof 1. a.. free,-; there are any in the school who need. W. Bradford. YIl vs. Hn'ivard,-ref- --- them to the field, we doubt not but draw -itis-always-a pleasure to announce a t is nnonccure-their vicqry;- but it is doubly so to announce attendance. such a oue as. that won in tennis last Wednesday, with all the attendant cirThe weather will soon preclude -the cumstances. The interest in tennis here possibility of foot-ball and all out of door has not been what it ought to be for sports, and already our minds are turnseveral years. This is, in a measure, we ing to the question of how our leisure think, due to the constant defeats which time will be spent during the long wilour representatives in this branch of ter months. It is pleasing then to learn athletics have met. This fall the lack that a movement is on foot among our of interest has been painfully evident, musicians, and that all efforts are being as to discourage tennis. It seemed as though defeat was inevitalhle, and we think that on the part of the majority-it was expected. Consequently, the victory in the doubles was a most agreeable surprise, as well as one which excited a great deal of enthusiasm. We think that such a victory was what was needed to awakerf-6 new interest in tennis, and we expect to see the fruits of it next spring. For our representatives we hare nothing but commendation. It was unfortunate that we should have lost the singles; but we hope to see even this loss. retrieved in tie spring tournament. In Anderson the school has a remarkable young player, and it cannot but be a matter of great congratulation tllhat lie will be in the Academy for some time yet. His playing Wednesday was a revelation, and the coolness that lie displayed throughout thle match remarkable in so young a player. ' One of the most enjoyable features of the day was the cheering of thle school. We cannot remember the time when we have heard uch vim and snap in thie cheering. The fellows are to 6I. con- -.- Hodge »,«. .^ ^ , ^^ ^ ^^^.^^ the frieze.of colonal reliefs by Bartholdi,' the sculptor of Liberty. At the election of -Class-day officers at Harvard last-Thursday, F. B. Lund, P.A. '84, was elected secretary, the-office of most importance. He has also been---elected Captain of this year's Harvard Mott Haven team. RP t..rBe .A. '61; spent -last' ^ ~ aS i~ g^" :.. S , ' ..... , -"~' ,-".? '5' '.'u.,i -r .' Inquiry. '' ",r g,, '' , ., : ' Thle buildings. grounds, etc. of the In accor e wh a c m esta In accordance wth a custom---i ile last few years the socities of Exetrnd Andoverristian shave scit, ec' falxe and p ring, repr sena tivesto vis each other. sp Messrs g, Kr arl and Bates, of the Christian Fraternity of of Exeter, Exeter, are. are. epected expcted to-day. to-day. They will remain over Sunday, and we hope that the members of Inquiry will all be preselt .to-morrow. evening to welcome tlese representatives of our sister academy. _T , . a .'L The class of ''0 at Yale is still sevcral nineteen New England colleges are valued-at--$,64 7-,5 0 0 .lw hil e-t hlose of-theniuety-seven Southern colleges are valued at 8 8,016,750. The New England states pay per capia ficollege buildings and endowments 5.51, and tlle Southern states $1.91 per capita for poses.-ExchaiWe. fo the same pu hundred dollars in delt for the expense of-their-foot-ball team.- A-nuni imer-f-----men have refused to pay their subsciptions on account of the poor success of the team last fall. The Lasell Leaves is out in a new dress, something similar to -nran. the Yale -rant... Tle $385,000 received by University -Cornell, being established under the College from the late Dr. Richard Quain Land Grant act, receives $15,000 ans to be devoted to the promotion of sually from tho.Governinent.the study of modern languages and Captain Keyes, of the Harvard 'Var____natural history.-Exchange, sity crew, has been spending.the summer Intercoliegiate - News. -- Th-Wnllii-mfTa-clty-have prohibited ii looking up- poiit? among English the foot-ball team from using the gym- oarsmen with a v:ew of strengthening The members of last year's Yale Mott nlasium bath and drersinc-room,'oinithle Harvard'sform inextT aso-Ydl .INews Haven team tendered A. B.. Cox, a re- ground that tlley make too dirty. 'Te ainual cricket matchl between _ceptiJn last week. A up which is tlhe for the use of the other men.-Crinson. Oxfordd anCambridge resultedil_avic.-inaturO o . the Motft aven cup was Morrisofi, the new candidate for cen- tory for Oxford by several wickets. It presented to. him in return for is faitl- tre-rusher on the Harvard'Varsity eleven was played at Lords, July. 3, 4, 5, and ful sen ice to the team. Ire-rusher on the tar.ard'Varsityeleven ful service to the team. weighs two hundred and ten pounds. was witnessed by a large number of peoweigs hunred tw tn nd ponds. ple. Of played, l p l O f te fifty-three matches ma Of eighteen, ch allenges which the A university, with a foundation of two Camb. yp ed b Princeton Freslunn eleven sent out, blht million dollars, is to be erected at Wichrd , twen s io twenty-sin dan x Oone has been accepted. ita. tie new and growing town of Kan- o r d t t The proposition of sending an eight sas, in honor of President Garfield. Tere is a leak in the gastank in t o ro from Yale tto row I^"' ^ale ~ wagainst agai °*,t tthe tair he Cambridge CrunbridgTherePrinceton has pledged $1500 each rear of le the admits is Academy, a ak i thewhich' gabtank ithell anld Oxford crews is being discussed year fo' supportintg her own missionaries, to the gas, consequently making the light among boating men. Seven of-last year's in the foreign field.din.and uncertain. victorious crew. i-mii-college again this i c-at-iitiTs avictriou a!nds pewr~o ba lea again thistr Thle entering class-at-Cornell "Bill" Crofton has beeir'playing a year d t is probable that a very strong year numbers close upon fou- hundred, very good game in the rush-line since lie eight will represellt Yale on tlle ater this ear. "Bob" Cook favors tle andhe entire nivrsity has in this te recently tok his place there. scheame. twventiethllyear of its existence, one thou. Accidentally the report of the foot-ball sand students. game between the elevens of the Clleever Cornell's one hundred and twel tyThe trustees of Cornell University and Carter Houses asleft out-ofou r all filled-fo -tl l I ';i t sl~lioFiasiie ae r c- this w eek created a new professorship of. last issue. Tle Ca:ter House team was first time. horticulture in the department of agri- victorious, the score being 4 to 0 in their The candidates for the Harvard base- culture. The 165.000 whic is received favor. The rush-line of the CarterTHouse Iall nine practise batting and fielding annually under the Land Grant act will team did excellent service and tlhe rushevery day under thle supervision of Cal be expeneded in making improvements ing of Bliss, '90. was tle feature of th - tain-Henshwla-. tirtla-ir--e. ame. -.Clhapel attendan!le at Collubia is At the Freslnnan class atlletic meetYou make a ni.talke if ouoi do not call voluntary this vear. ing at Harvard this week te university ami see'thle very large asortlIent ,ind . .......... ~ two-mile bicycle recold was lowered from very low prices for good Underwear at Cornell ha-s over one hundred fale -n. 28s-to 6-il. 17 . Rys Cor-W'. st(ll ____ students. Tihe compositio lerst cla of picture of the Am- a xatkeness SE S O Nect IGuiteau.-Ex. Compulsory attendence at college cxSend a $1.00 Bill to i ^ ^a 1il~lUl( I51U w ercises has been abolished at Cornell. * - " · 1 1 i r ,ena Att tre-fall-meeting of the-- Yalc Ath-^ IN letic Association last Saturday, F. R. lal11N . W Dana, of Hanrard, won tle open alfulile handicap for all amnatcu- in the United Uniteld States, States. in in two two minutesatnd Iminutes an~d one one second. There were eight entries from Harvard, and the first four men were all Halvaird meln. 5 86 586 Esse Essex Street, Street, Tle corner stone of Clak Uversly ieit at Worcester was laid last Saturday. TAT *,.A a Til Pincetoniar publisles a list of Plrinceton graduates who have served in the United States Senate. There are in ton has three graduates in that body at preset, present!'The U. of P.-eleven'is said to be play- .. . , .**.'i. ... - iNT' ,ro ge - t a Pack of Beautfully Written -all-six hundred--and-.fifty-one.--Prince- ... - ,,^^ -"':u ^^!, WRE utuAW L '} .RENCE, The Williams eleven are allowed ten cents · each. clltS IW .COMMERCIAL COLLEGE l ^Harvard me. C To the T LE. -A--R--i--S E -.h- tudents of P.A. ts Of Another schlol year,.has occd: and the questiol ill lic askedt il'inanv nic the qestion will lie asked iy mn:v nw students. Where can I have a fir-t-class slit In a d c at a rea sonable plicc. Now I would respectfully infoInm the young men that llave a l of m c nt goods. selected r c ference to students wear, make up i te very l'test low prices. large assortwith special which I will f.ullio at' y stock colnrisc! all te latest foreign novelties; and I would solicit anll eark inspection of te same, ith te feeling that I can offer special inducements to the Academy trade. full linc-of gents furnishin constantly on hland. p i a done at sholt nctice. ....- P. J.---H AN T AA I L Bevel Edges, $1.50 per pack. .. the ci)( c NON , R, Carter's Block, MAIN--STREE-T,;-ADOVER -» DQ .TCARsO -. - T' . U.T^-.;^ -.. - - ..-- '. · BRA . . . , ~', w _.' . [ '. Y, . . .' . ' ,. . _. -*J. M. BRABLEY,--- TAELO and-GENBTS'-FURNISHER. COMPLETE LINE OF 4'~, ~--- 7'',->' .;,,-'y ,, .BOOKS - AND . 7, T~~SZ "~ STATIONERY. SCHOO I -BOOKS USED ALL For Fall Trade. IN THE ACADEMIES. Famous "BOSTON" Brand of ELEGANT NOVELTIES INNECKWEAR. ELEGANT The Latest Styles of Stiff and Crush Hats. 10-years experience in-the Student Trade of Andover.- f '?~ ';*--'~;o-~ ~,'t .i'P2 - S-. ; HE ANDOVER BOOK-SEOR E. Foreign andiDomestic Woolens STATIONERY, IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. . - FOOTBALL AND flMNASIUM OOD8 OF ALL KINDS. .:~ r,* -E .~. J H E JOHN N. - C68 . . 7 8SUCCESSOR TO W. F. DRAPER. Agent for Scripture's Laundry. STATIONERY. MAIN STREET, ANDOVER. *XBulletin 'Qi FANCY GOODS. COMMONS Board. COMMONS All advertisements inserted in tis column must be paid for.previous to isertion. Te charge is 5 cents per line f or every issue. DINING- HA Open to students of Phillips ANTEf Academy from September to July. WANTED.-A-copy. of tdi f' issue of last--year's --PHILIPIAN. Address L; B. _ Perm st Board, 3 Week. C .- .,.r-.- ARTIST-?HOTOGRAPHER, 493 Washington Street, 45. BOSTON. Ray's. & SON, Jewellers Silversmiths, eweller and and lversmths, 444 Washington Street, -Boston. Next door to Jordan, Marshl &Co. ---. ...__ for - PrescuriuptUllon Prsrifo hf----Piiat eC*tyu'- No. 259 Essex St., cor. Pemberton, LAWRENCE, MASS. -- Establid 1 . F. W - ': G. N. g F. .W . SC.AAAKE, F iFine" e T ailoring, ailor i . P. 0. Block, Lawrence. SON, HENRY GUILD& SON fitting house in Boston. Credit given to GEORG reliable students. . RE, G.y Manufacturers of ............... SOCIETY BADGES AND MEDALS, Do you wait your ' Photo" Boating, Athletics, and Mlitary also fine stock P^t " taken? taken of Diamonds, and FinePrizes; Jewellry. on If so, call McCormick, 22 Winter St. 33 Wahigton Street. Boston. Cor. Winter Street. Fancy flannel shirts for boating and tennis-wear, cor. West and Washington iAnsed AEstab e. - WOOD & and one at $100. All oods mared n plain fgures. and Gerts, .the largest out- GEORGE H. GREER, PhG., lWenpiti r, -Richardson __-__ ._ ropr. SON, MeSelngerl Bros. aild Jones, English 444 Wahngton St., Boston, ors and importers, hae in stock conJWELLES & 8IVEESMITH, tailors and importers, ave in stock conJWE M8 & ILVElsITH8, stantly a colnplete line of l1gant E Ie ditingsf or nan yere made an especia point to se r ouinuFL';E oosatAmerica watches for gentlemen's use, Free for yore men. dom and Presentation watchesone at 150, one at $75. a finearticleof ClaR ings and Pins to order, with any design or monograi. W0D , Fall ad winter weight unii wear at So0d 1 old and Solid Silver headed Canes, a patterns; aso fine Silk Umbrellas, with Gold, Silver, pIvory, and natnal wood handles. Also we manufactnre N. G. WM MATAI Streets, Boston. .ntret. Ray's. P. H. Hamnon, tailor to Phillips Academy, will be pleased to see all interested in fall suiting. Repairing done with BRADLEY neatness and despatch. Late styles in collars and cuffs at S1:EAM JOB PR 'OIHG. ' A. s'. SJ~rrAMOBPR9~4J~r Ray's, Shuman and c. Co., the.,-iELEGANT leading readymade clothiers of New England. IN read our advertisement. THE NEATEST STYLE, /- " 'AT THE OFFICE O THE SaiNGS Please FO K Fisk, Clark, and Flagg's neckwear and walking gloves at Ray's, cor. West and Washington Streets, Boston. FALL T RADE. Remember when you want any repairing done bring or send it down to J. M. AA NN D OV ER , P PRE ES SS S ^^Z^SCRIPTURE'S Bradley's, where it will be done promptly DO VE workmen. (LIMITED), JOHN-N-f I O byfirst-class E M __- UUILgpay, .... _ - ... OFFICE: Andover Book-Store. Thayer, McNeil. and Hodgkins. importers and dealrs in boots and shoes, esp ial attention to their young men's LaUndrv AgenCy. epartment. The J. W. Brine agency, at L.C. 2, 2, has just, received a new and elegant line of neckwear. - - / y - '**- -* ' ;.., rv" -- -c-~----- "' A I f~f~f^^l A Hk ' P-, -!P, P. A. A. SPECIAL. . k. DUN'NE, TAiLOR AND: IMPORTER, 338 Was ingm;on Street, ' Boston. A large variety of the CHOICEST LONDON NOVEL-- TIES just received.: Tailor to the HARVARD CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. The Largest Student Trade of any House in the United States. Phillipiana. T SPQ IS A~rCE THIS I n the fall meeting of the Yale AthAssociation, Walcott, P.A. '87, won .letic SPACE Will be- occupied during this year the handicap pole vault, vaulting 8 ft. 4 in. Shearman the college champion, by. vaulted 8 ft. 5 1-2 in., but was unable to BICKNELL BRO'S., f Iarne. ~ overcome the handicap given his oppc- nent.^ Kennedy & Sylvester Sylvester Kennedy & Have a Large Assortment of First Class Carter P.S. '85, coummelnced playing Manufacturing Retailers of Gents' with the Yale eleven Monday taking his Wearing Apparel, also old place in the rush-line. oatitter en tuddc ~ t GPQTI+C.' Gents'Outfitters. Exeter is to havc-a-cinder-pafh.--- - n pessio lows. of Andpvr BROWN'S . Andover and Boston Express. INGSTON STREET. PH0I . The Exeter fellows who witnessed the masterful playing of the first eleven a- .' ear s. Exeter's cheeing was not as good as Nearly opposite Temple Place. ARTIST'S MATERIALS. DT..TN RAB HER , 181 Essex Street, Lawrence. & ADAMS --The delight of the felbl-s after the -FROST · ,, „ · , , i -nr-i .q-i37 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Boataloue, nd andss.ention ornhillstted Catalogue, winning of the doubles on Wednesday this mention this Send for 7illustrated was certainly very emphatically ex- paler. pressed. Special rates to Teachem and Academies. P E. J, BACIGA.jUPO [ Both English and Latin Commons Lamps, A game between the two is being discussed. main Steet, Andover, Na. -L-THover1 as. -- THE Arrangements have been meals at the Marland House.. TAdesire is espressed, on the part of 7 Boston. colleges, to have two umpires for No. 16 Corhil,'several A UStIAlYf PWBOSSI every foot-ball game, one for tchnicalites and the other for fair play. rBY PHOTO PROCESS. ' A . )P.1B}, B E irnia,.tion Blanks, ai2tT''/A"i4 r=_6»^^^,Jl^ ," aine..,e:_.~ ..- ,^ -r T t^ t P E1 283 Essex St., Lawrence. Students of Phillips Academy will find it more convenient and less expenslve t come here for Photo. tt bunto oto EDRI J. Haskell was- elected Captain of the.foot-ball team at a meeting- of the team held last Tuesday afternoon. Gooins, '89, is out after quite a p toves, Etc.. Oil CEO. H. LECK, P? vu £. NGBBWiGS . E, Park St., Andover. made by which the foot-ballteam can talke-their LEWIS ENGRAVING G., C DEALER I anufacturer of Confectionerynd Deler have invested innewfoot-balls. in Foreign and Domestic Fruits. ::,3. D Drawing Materials, Mathematical Instruments, Deco. Lund and Odlin, both P.A. '86, were town Wednesd ay. a erative Art Novelties, and Studies in great variety, &c. PhotgraphaandFerrotypesofallStyles. I, TT AJA.-, 488 Washington St., . usual last Wednesday.____ C. A. LAWRENCE, Tin W ERR I& CM0.,P R S. B BrE W w on the Exeter fel- Exeter, and to have returned with heavy ___________________ 6.J. 256 Essex St., Lawrence. are said to have lost all hope of victory for 34 COURT SQUARE, and Banjos, Guitars and Small Musical KENNEDY & SYLVESTER. gainst the second on Wednesday OFFICES: PIAOS and OfiNS. They also have a Large Stock of Sheet Music, Merchandise- Our sisters from Abbot favored us with their presence Wednesday. and no doiiubt helped to procure a favorable im- ~~______~~___ 77 It was feared e tlatlie would decide not to play this fall. l. ntaViolins, Spl t & to clas CLOSSON, tbEDRICK& CLOSSON, Dealers i Furniture & Carpets, - nd House P shia Good eny. $,^s,<'e,. :- . HARRINGTON, anufcturer and Dcs.gner, of Window Shades, etc., UIaTsi Private patterns from the leading mporter M en~' Ynuv Straw Mattings, , BOSTO., SCHOOZL SST. . Carpets, Rugs, asi 2 liH pr- Vics : - SILK HATS, CRUSH HATS, for parties, etc., DEtRBY HATS, for very young men, - ±f"fl7, fl..~/( On - - - Ca.7'l].(/(onrl. - - - _ _ (LOVES, etc. ES, tc. c,:LO'(tUTLETS, .-- on 'application. Students" patronage solicited, to whom we shall be pleased to give special terms. Ifade, , _t- W0EPJ CORNELL O RNELL shall call DEALER IN' W OOlHO Coal, Wo, a, .I[ C on We you during October with a full line of choicest se- 14 SCHOOL ST., BOSTON. wl.1faclritiesforHati or Caps to Order, inchu-i the Oxford Academic Cap, furnished to Tufts College. Willi.nos College, etc., tile past year. Samples mailed Winter Woollens. B -BS TO O N. ing BOSTON. Latest importations of Fall and 44 (New) WASHINGTON STREET, TS - a St H4S OXFORD CAPS, SMOKIN(i CAPS, -UB CAI' 17 Court Street, IKLIN CROSBY, FRA SOIT HATS and CLOTH HATS, (AUNTLETS, TAILORS. Special discount to students. 1RESS FUR CAP, successora to W. HAPOOOD, manufacturers lower than the usual prices. & SWETT, RICHARDSON 6iw al Strfaw. lections. tio CARTER'S BLOCK, Fine Silk Umbrellas,, Elegant Walking-Sticks. MAIN STREET, ANDOVER. MAINE A BOSTON AND-MAINE BOSTON O.CHAPAN, DIN NG --Frut, Confectionicry, RAILROAD TRAINS. OOMSO lan k II(Hk. Stntiotiery Inks, Co t,,,.,o,,,, Fruite,',,,., ,,,,ocr, n. Rero;enc Oi', :,nl Launll.. I.arge Stock Canned GooL. 8.33, .47, 11.10 A..; 7.4, s.0, Andover to Boston, 6.So; Sluday 3.18,45, 2.09,1220, ,12.a .12, 1, A..M.; '.M. 6.53, 7.,.03 83,9.33r.M. 4.32, B.; 7.49,8.33 Bostou to Andover, (t.0O,7.:3, 930,10.25 A.M.; 12.00 t.; o = ... ., w, .:,, , 2A.1.t 5.00, 2.00,. . ,, ,, 1.0 .... Suy,.oo 7, 8.' , 8.5 8, 10.:4, 10.24, a4o 0.t5, .- 5.45, 6.47_7.31-7.3, 25 r.M. 1, 9A A.t.; 1.14,6., Andover . to Lawrellce. 7.3, nBan <;.«i.. 1la:>se HENRY P. NOYES, ~ - _--~------. Everylling purtniuing to a Student's Outlit. ---- . --11.30 A.).;-12.2, 1.23, n.45 1'.i. .unliay, S s.,, 8.2, 9.:3. 0.40, ;Lircuec to Andover, (.40, 7.w, 10.2), 11.00 A.M.; 12.15, 12.17, 2.00, 2.50, 3.15, 4.15. .40, 9.30, · i~o?,C;* , .8'~1. ';ul8.t .ld. TO N, imt. H .W.EA H. EATON Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairintr ep iri With Arthur Bliss, Druggist. C.oing Northi, o.14 31.bulltl', ro. 7.40, * From Soutil 4.15 A.3 ; 12.10. 8.23, 9.00 A.M.; 12.52, 5.4,5 .. l. Suliday, .M.. .47 CAPETS, FURNITUE,- OARPTS, BEDDI G, 'ETC,, i..,O*., ,- FUSnyNITUR, i ST.' AT TIIE O Park Street, _ - : _ .._ _ - , D, Andover. WRIGHT, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, * P AND OER, MASS. Main Street, Repairs promptly 6.47 r... When you visit Andover stop at the attended to. oRD, FImEDERIC an ntrer MIan urer anCIETY, REAIIrter REGALIA, SOCIETY, MILITARY, A.l Ms. Dr rdove, Mass. Draper's Andover,Blck, MANSION HOUSE, "ON THE HILL."' Notice. Those needing the services of a CHARLES L. Hairdresser will please call on CARTER, Prop, Terns, $2.50 per day. - THEATRICAL GOODS, 104 TREMONT M. T. WALSH, Dealer in Stoves, Tin-ware, etc. Essex St., Andover. J. E. WHITING, Watclhmaker ani Jeweller 187M [ESTABLISHED _IES~TABLIHKU IB Andover, Mass. Mn S , Main Street, STREET, BOSTON. C. F. APPLETON, Gentlemen' Shoes, Coui't Str at 13 BOSTON. L. C. 2-1. E. A. BIRD, OitDER P.M. CHAS. H. GILBERT, Dentist, [ & gjtlsteliWo TO H Silc. Going East, 8.23, S,8 A.M.; 12.52, 4.C6, 5.4, Sunday, 04., aiRet M. H. HANNON, Public Carriae Srvice Andover, Mass. & SON, G. WOOD N.JEWELLIRS BILVRaSMITHS, Bwo.sto.n next to Jordan, Marsh, and Co., SILVE Keep constantly on hand a full line of STZnLEBr GooDs, uch Spoons, Forks,Teaset, and anextenstve assortment of Siver Goods in Cases for Wedding Gifts. We also manfacture to order anything anted in our line AUlgods marked in plain figures. ............ . SMITH & MANNING,CC. C LYLE. BEAsT, Js-- H A IR G TTE R TOWN HALL BUILDING. J. H. CHANDLER, mm wOM wmm ss.z| 1'poprietor of Dealer in Periodicals, Stationery, Confectionery, and Foreign and Domestic Frults te Town i Opposite Town H-al, ND R. T.A. HOLT& CO. EALERS IXDKANEI. aId Greeries, Choice Confectionery, DryGoodsandGroceries. r G Dds roekeres, 'ed ra-is i Anrdover, Mass.; A r""^.d .Mi^.. - "A~- 7 ; ^ ^;*> -. Carter'aqd ao -j--:-... ; entral treet, to, . ABS-as .zOaa. ' " Ca'„ al4 o Bptt Ch .:~a4,vhr,x. *.,m ,entr ·